development (2)

Dark occultists are hiding inside both the United Nations as well as the Vatican.

All dark occultists who work within the umbrella of the United Nations are now legally classified as human beings whereas all dark occultists who work outside of the umbrella of the United Nations are still being classified as people  Human beings are now regarded by the United Nations as having far more legal rights than people.

The UN Agenda 21 document which was agreed to by over 170 countries in 1992 is a well thought out document which outwardly appears to be about sustainable development as well as about the well being of all of the earths people.  However, it is primarily a document about first of all impoverishing and then enslaving all of the people of the world but not the human race who are now legally considered different than people and who conceive of themselves as slave masters while the rest of the people are now considered abject slaves who are being lied to on an unimaginable scale about most topics which concern them and they are also being electronically mind controlled to believe what they are being told by those who have categorised themselves as the rulers of the earth. 

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Posted on September 10, 2019 by gretta fahey
“Fully uniformed ” is a phrase which is being introduced into the business of transhumanizing a human being. When a real live and fully functioning human being is said to be “fully uniformed” it effectively means that they are then totally biorobotized and can be controlled or constrained by wireless electronics from a remote unknown location and by unknown operatives. This has happened to many individuals in the past and they have been used to carry out acts of evil. It is not known who was “fully uniformed” at the time when acts of extreme evil were carried out in the past few decades but it is strongly suspected that the use of “fully uniformed” human beings is derigueur at this time in history. Other words being used to describe the process of rendering a real live fully functioning human being to be “fully uniformed” are as follows, transhumanized, cyborgized, fully automated or biorobotized. When a human being has been fully transhumanized and when they then can be controlled by wireless electronics from an unknown remote location by unknown operatives, the way to solve this ongoing problem is to focus on how to disconnect electronic circuits inside the human body and brain by the use of circuit board knowledge”. Because “electronics” are being used to wirelessly remote control a human being, electronic circuits can be interfered with in order to stop the process. This is the only way that is known to stop this system from going viral at this point in time. This is very urgent. I have been told that this is the way to solve the problem of both constraining and remote controlling a human being by wireless electronic means. If you know how to stop this process please contact me. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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