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I am a carnivore because the human brain and body much prefers fat based fuel to glucose based fuel and a carnivore diet can cure all chronic illnesses provided those chronic illnesses are not being caused by poison or undue stress. I love animals and I deeply empathise with them. I cry inside when I see a sick or hurting animal. Yet I eat lamb or beef almost every day. I have not reconciled the fact that animals feel pain while they are being slaughtered so that I might eat them so I am going to outline my thoughts on the topic here below:-
I wish to continue to eat animal products as my own food for the rest of my life and I wish to abstain from all plants because by doing so I am ensuring that I enjoy good health. I also believe that the whole human race should only and ever eat animal products if they wish to enjoy excellent health and I also believe that vegetarianism leads to chronic illness and does not sustain life long term. We as a whole human race can easily eat animal products only without hurting our fellow animals and without ever suffering from famine as follows:-
1. Chickens can be kept in suburban back gardens provided that their fence is embedded at least one food deep in the soil so as to hinder foxes and other wild animals from burrowing under the fence to kill them. In this way we would be self-sufficient in eggs.
2. A hydrophonic system of raising fish would easily fit in each suburban back garden. The fish are raised in chambers which also grow plants. The plants are fertilized by the fish droppings and the fish in turn are fed by the plants. This system is self-sustaining.
3. The people of France eat snails as a delicacy. We could possibly investigate the idea of keeping our own snail farms in order to help us become self-sufficient in food, especially now that there is a danger that the under the U.N. Agenda 21 protocol for sustainable development the United Nations wish to centralize and control the food supply of the whole world and they wish to ban meat the eating of because they claim that it is unsustainable.
4. Animals can easily be killed in meat factories by means of frequency weapons without be made to feel any pain what so ever. First of all, the frequencies of their brains are entrained in such a way that they can be made comatose. When they are comatose they can then be killed without ever having to suffer. Why hasnt this system of killing animals been implemented in meat factories throughout the world by now? No animal needs to suffer in behalf of those who eat meat.
We must return to becoming self-sufficient with food because those who own, control and run the United Nations do not have our best interest at heart.

(Switch to eating mostly foods which come from animals rather than foods which come from plants.)

"I was blown away by a study by the Californian neurologist, Professor Dale Bredersen. He took ten patinets with Alzheimers disease and cured nine out of ten of them with a Paleo Ketogenic diet (mostly animal products) plus other simple nutritional interventions. (The one failure was a lady who could not stick to the diet.)
The above is a Quote from the PK COOKBOOK by Dr Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson.

Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, author of a book called "The Alzheimers Antidote" has written in her book that Alzheimers Disease is largely a problem of brain fuel metabolish. She further wrote that the brain is an energy-hungry organ and that anything that interferes with fuel delivery or processing in the brain will have dramatic effects on memory, emotions, behaviour and cognition. The human brain becomes unable to metabolize glucose efficiently . At its core, Alzheimers disease is the deterioration and death of brain cells via starvation.
Dr Amy Berger went on to say that glucose uptake and utilization are impaired in the Alzheimer's brain and she further said that a Canadian Research Team led by Stephen Cunnane, PhD, has proven that brain ketone (fat) uptake and metabolism are not impaired in Alzheimers Disease. Results show that fats are actually the preferred energy substrate for the brain because they enter the brain in proportion to their plasma concentration irrespective of glucose availability: if the energy needed by the brain are being met by fats, then glucose uptake decreases accordingly.
Fats are sometimes interchangeably called ketones because ketones are produced as a by-product of the breakdown of fats.
When you switch to a low-carbohydrate diet for a prolonged period your body eventually uses up all of its glucose and glycogen stores. Once you run out of glucose, your body starts to use an alternative source of fuel and in the case of the low carbohydrate ketogenic diet ⁠— it’s mostly fat.
People following a ketogenic fat based diet specifically reduce their carbohydrate intake (which is plant food) to a very low level in order to force their body to use fat for its primary fuel for energy. The human brain, even an aged Alzheimers ravaged brain can fuel itself with fats efficiently, leading to a full recovery from Alzheimers in nearly all cases.
Both a ketogenic (fat based) diet and a carnivore diet (also fat based) will cure Alzheimers.

Breakfast - Eggs beaten with a whisk plus sea salt and fried in butter plus sliced bacon.
Lunch - One tin of sardines, or else one tin of tuna or mackerel or whatever tinned fish is available,

Dinner - Either minced lamb, minced beef, fresh fish, bacon, chicken, brisket or liver,

Snack - Container of full fat natural yoghurt. ( make sure the yoghurt is full fat and not low fat.)

Plant food contains oxalates which inflame the intestines causing irritable bowel syndrome and which also inflames the joints causing arthritis. A diet of primarily animal products is a known cure for both epilepsy and bi-polar disorder. According to medical personnel who promote the carnivore way of eating, fat based fuel is the preferred fuel for both the human brain and the human body and in ancient times carbohydrates (plant based foods such as potoatoes, bread, cereal, bananas and apples) were seldom eaten.
It takes the human body approximately three weeks to adjust to using fat for its primary fuel rather than glucose so you will feel tired periodically for the first three weeks of the dietary adjustment.
Eskimoos have lived on fat as their fuel for thousands of years and they do not suffer from chronic illnesses. Babies use fat as their only fuel for the first several months of their lives. It is recommended that they continue being fed fat as their fuel in the form of soft boiled eggs and minced meat rather than ever switching them to using carbohydrates/glusose as their primary fuel.

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The United Nations are waging war against humanity now. They are using an action plan called U.N. Agenda 21 to control and enslave us.
UN Agenda 21 is an action plan to inventory and control all land, water, plants, minerals, construction, means of production, food, energy, law enforcement, education , information and human beings.
UN Agenda 21 was drawn up on the assumption that our current life styles are unsustainable. The individuals who created the UN Agenda 21 action plan falsely claim that we use too much water and too much energy. They have already secretly wirelessly connected several million of us by wireless means to a computerized enslavement system where we hear voice commands coming from inside our heads informing us of how they would like us to behave and what we are allowed to think about. They claim that owning our own homes, our own vehicles and our own land is unsustainable. They claim that we must move into smart cities where we can be surveilled and controlled on a constant basis. They plan to close the post offices and schools throughout the countryside. They plan to destroy the roads through the countryside because they claim that they are unsustainable.They plan to release panthers and wolves into the countryside. In such a scenario we would never be able to return to the countryside because of the danger from those wild animals.
UN Agenda 21 is being supported by universities, foundations, business organisations and public sector agencies because the individuals who run those organisations are under the influence of electronic mind control programming which comes from the digital devices which they are mandated to carry on their persons.
The United Nations and the World Health Organisation are both owned and run by the Pilgrim Society which is a British and American secret society which wishes to enslave us through the UN Agenda 21 action plan. The Pilgrim Society see the rest of humanity as their enemies because they claim that we use up the resources of this earth simply by living our lives. The Pilgrim Society wish to become worldwide dictators. Hundreds of academics throughout the world have researched tirelessly in order to discover the names of all members of the Pilgrim Society and they have succeeded in their quest to do so. Many of the members of the Pilgrim Society are high profile men and women. They should be arrested for crimes against their fellow men, women and children of the world. We should then disassemble all infrastructure which allows wireless enslavement of men and women through physical remote control of their central nervous systems as described in patent number US 6965816 and we should also disassemble and have banned all of the infrastructure which enables electronic mind control of most of humanity.

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Dark occultists are hiding inside both the United Nations as well as the Vatican.

All dark occultists who work within the umbrella of the United Nations are now legally classified as human beings whereas all dark occultists who work outside of the umbrella of the United Nations are still being classified as people  Human beings are now regarded by the United Nations as having far more legal rights than people.

The UN Agenda 21 document which was agreed to by over 170 countries in 1992 is a well thought out document which outwardly appears to be about sustainable development as well as about the well being of all of the earths people.  However, it is primarily a document about first of all impoverishing and then enslaving all of the people of the world but not the human race who are now legally considered different than people and who conceive of themselves as slave masters while the rest of the people are now considered abject slaves who are being lied to on an unimaginable scale about most topics which concern them and they are also being electronically mind controlled to believe what they are being told by those who have categorised themselves as the rulers of the earth. 

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Agenda 21

   As I did a bit of research on "Agenda 21" this is what I found. Not much is said about the "depopulation" part. . .perhaps because its too outrageously criminal? But these sites do address the impending loss of our freedom, private property ownership and the growing fight against implementations of Agenda 21 - a deceitfully masked marshal law.

I feel proud of my birth state - New Hampshire for making a stand against Agenda 21's masked marshal law applications:
But will our refusal to "Stand Down" bring about inconspicuous man-made mass destruction to our state? I fear that this may be what some of my precognitive dreams have been forewarning. . .and that the one which showed a path up the middle of NH, may have been showing an earth quake that is technologically instigated and sets "Keene, NH completely under water...etc" I hope I am wrong.

Agenda 21 Videos
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