When you are in front of your computer screen or tablet or smart phone neuro scientists can interact with your computer in such a way that it is possible for them to see and inspect if there is any nano technology inside your eyes or facial muscles or lips, jaws or tongue. If there is a substantial amount of nano technology therein you are then selected for human bio-robotization. Each nano strand inside your eyes or facial muscles is individually connected to a computer network where said nano strands are then co-ordinated by the use of a super-computer so that your eyes and other completed sets of muscles can be co-ordinated with the thought streams of the bio-robotization personnel to the extent that whenever the bio-robotization personnel are speaking your whole facial muscles will be co-ordinated to move in tandem with their words. We must discontinue all use of screen time in front of computers and smart phones combined with all other digital screens. Some of our fellow human beings have already been totally bio-robotized by this method to the extent that they are total and utter slaves without the ability to move a muscle without permission. The solution is to disassemble and destroy all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters combined with all other transmitters throughout the world urgently. I am in a unique position to know that this bio-robotization process is real because many of the muscles throughout my face and body can already be remote controlled against my will.