I've determined by trial and error, by experimenting, that there are not DEW's everywhere.
The reason you're directed to not be alone is so the gang stalkers can use the auditory weapons that they have on their cell phones. The auditory weapons make a high pitched ringing in your ears, and these sounds carry subliminal messages (neurolinguistic programing, and post hypnotic suggestions) that are there to break down your will and increase your fear. This fear is what is breaking down your will and causing illness. I won't call it V2K. That implies that you can hear the actual words that are being spoken and I just don't believe that happens. I believe that those who purport to have only V2K are perps. Real targets have lost almost everything and LOOK bad, LOOK ill and worn down.
I'm not saying that they aren't interfering in your life and making everything difficult. I know that's true, because it happens to me every day.
I do believe that there are some people that have microwave weapons, but it's not on the scale that targets are led to believe. For example, when I lived with a sister, I know I felt the effects of a microwave weapon. And this paved the way for the mind messing to get me to believe they were EVERYWHERE! You are right when you have the thought that it would be too expensive to target all the people that are claiming they are targets. But cell phones are cheap. And gang stalkers are everywhere. The reason you are directed to never be alone is because they need these cell phone auditory weapons to keep you in fear and anxiety. This is terrible advice. Be alone as much as you need to be. Empaths NEED to be alone because so much of everyone elses negative energy is taken in. If you are an empath you can't stand too much noise or activity. Often a target is forced to live with family that may be participating in it. Watch it, notice what happens when you are around them. I know from trial and error that when one of my family members
I wrote about empaths and psychic vampires. Don't just read my post. Go online and search, and you will find so much information about both. Look into chakra work, auras, meditation, and narcissism. It's not hard to do these things if you are an empath. With me, it comes naturally, and I was astonished how easy it was! The power of the mind is unlimited.
The auditory weapons ARE real, I experience them everyday, almost all the time. And I've also noticed that the effects are not as strong when I'm at peace, when my stress is low or gone. Certain people I live with try to get me to stay around them in the house, and when I have, I hear a loud 'ping' noise, and my left ear starts to hurt and ring.
For me, knowing that I am an empath means that I have a spiritual journey to start. That all the stuff, the bad feelings I've had are not all me!