insider (2)

Subvocalisation is a process whereby when we think to ourselves we silently verbalise our thoughts allowing our brain to sends neuro signals to our mouth, jaw and throat. If the mouth, jaws and throat of a human being have been implanted with a series of electrodes or other bio-sensors or nano-sensors then said neuro signals can be gathered and sent to a processor where they are translated into words.    In many non-consensual and unwilling victims of implantation these words are then being read and replied to in real time and the sound signals from the reply are being sent to a series of sensors which are implanted in the hearing centres of the human brain.  This methodology is currently in widespread use throughout the western world where it is being used by criminal gangs to create undetectable neuro slaves.   Said criminal gangs force their voices inside the heads of unwilling victims of illegal brain and body implantation and they then read the thoughts of the victim in reply.  The criminal gangs use this illegally obtained data for many reasons, some of which are insider trading, stealing of intellectual property rights and the creation of neuro slaves.

It is being claimed that human beings throughout the western world have been inhaling and ingesting nano particulates from processed food, water and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads for the past number of years.   It is being further claimed that these  nano particles are then being implanted from the bloodstream into the brain and body of a selection of non-consensual and unwilling human beings by wireless means and from a distance, through a process known as neuro processing.  Neuro processing is being achieved by the use of energy  by a coterie of criminal neuro staff who are unknown to the victim of nano implantation.   When the brain and body of a target of neuro processing is fully implanted with nano particles, criminal gangs then have access to a myriad of implants throughout the human brain and body.  They sometimes use these implants to transmit voice commands and possible pain signals to human beings who at that stage could be considered as partial neuro slaves.   This neuro enslavement system is in widespread use throughout the whole western world and it could be used to enslave most of the human race by a small cartel of dark occultists if we neglect to outlaw microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia.  The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax.  World wide data is being transmitted using undersea fibre optic cables.

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Subvocalisation is a process whereby when we think to ourselves we silently verbalise our thoughts allowing our brain to sends neuro signals to our mouth, jaw and throat. If the mouth, jaws and throat of a human being have been implanted with a series of electrodes or other bio-sensors or nano-sensors then said neuro signals can be gathered and sent to a processor where they are translated into words.    In many non-consensual and unwilling victims of implantation these words are then being read and replied to in real time and the sound signals from the reply are being sent to a series of sensors which are implanted in the hearing centres of the human brain.  This methodology is currently in widespread use throughout the western world where it is being used by criminal gangs to create undetectable neuro slaves.   Said criminal gangs force their voices inside the heads of unwilling victims of illegal brain and body implantation and they then read the thoughts of the victim in reply.  The criminal gangs use this illegally obtained data for many reasons, some of which are insider trading, stealing of intellectual property rights and the creation of neuro slaves.

It is being claimed that human beings throughout the western world have been inhaling and ingesting nano particulates from processed food, water and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads for the past number of years.   It is being further claimed that these  nano particles are then being implanted from the bloodstream into the brain and body of a selection of non-consensual and unwilling human beings by wireless means and from a distance, through a process known as neuro processing.  Neuro processing is being achieved by the use of energy  by a coterie of criminal neuro staff who are unknown to the victim of nano implantation.   When the brain and body of a target of neuro processing is fully implanted with nano particles, criminal gangs then have access to a myriad of implants throughout the human brain and body.  They sometimes use these implants to transmit voice commands and possible pain signals to human beings who at that stage could be considered as partial neuro slaves.   This neuro enslavement system is in widespread use throughout the whole western world and it could be used to enslave most of the human race by a small cartel of dark occultists if we neglect to outlaw microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia.  The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax.  World wide data is being transmitted using undersea fibre optic cables.

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