monitor (2)

At ten minutes and seven seconds into the above linked youtube video   a banner heading appears on the screen which says the following   "Mind Reading Technology being used to Monitor Chinese Workers Emotions".   While I was reading that heading a voice of a neuro operatives who I am now wirelessly linked to informed me that mind reading technology is now being used to monitor the emotions of all of the most senior Gardaí in the Republic of Ireland including the Chief Superintendent.   I have been non-consensually  subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation for a number of years and I am in constant contact with unknown neuro staff who transmit their voices inside my head by wireless means.

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Who are We?

WE ascertain you

the voice of a cuckoo


Who are WE?

Soliloquized me.



WE make it our business

to know your business

WE create heroes

like MLK the dead hero

recites the cuckoo.


Electric wires ignite fire in my head

The agony makes me plead to be dead

Stop!  I beg

as currents jolt my leg

You don’t play ball

with men tall

Do you want to be a dead symbol

or keep playing the cymbal?


My brain is burning

while learning

about the enigmatic WE

and the minute me

a wiggling worm in a fastidious net

long ago set.


WE oversee you

reaffirmed the cuckoo


My voice wound like a toy

by the mystic WE.


WE write the script

or rewrite the script

as WE deem the case to be

WE set the stage

WE manage the play

The role you play!

Commanded the cuckoo.


WE hold the light

that guides your path


or illusions WE create.


WE are the monkey

superior in this jungle

the cuckoo claims.



MLK—Dr. Martin Luther King (the African American Civil Rights leader in the early 1960s).


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