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The undetectable crime of placing random individuals under wireless neural control by linking these random individuals to computer networks from electrodes which have become embedded inside their brains and spines  is not yet common place but is spreading rapidly throughout most of the world.   Because the individuals who are informing the general public of this crime are outside the general sphere of influence of people in power nothing gets done to stop its continuance.  It is my belief that government staff who are generally mandated to use smart phones are under electronic mind control to the extent that they do not accept information which does not conform  to government group think.   In fact, it is widely believed that inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is now being used against individuals who are in charge of government departments, as well as judges, lawyers, university staff and journalists.   They believe that collectivism is the way forward.   We are now being led to believe that the whole world is being prepared to be governed as one large communist state in the future.   I know this because I have been placed under wireless neural control for many years and standard inculcation methods are being used on me every day by the use of voice to skull direct communication.

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