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I am connected to the wireless internet of things which some are calling the brain net and I have been non-consensually connected it for many years. As the years go by I am finding out more and more of the current extreme capabilities of smart phones and other smart devices. One of the reasons that I may have been connected to it was because I was and still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. Half of my disability allowance is paid for by Irish tax payers and the other half is paid by tax payers from the rest of Europe. Those European tax payers have no way of knowing if those in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome are genuinely entitled to it or if they are claiming for it dishonestly so somebody or some group had me connected to the wireless internet of things against my will and without my permission.
I am informed that if you own a personal smart phone and you carry it around with you on a constant basis, the smart phone will record everything you think, say and do while you have it close to you, at least within five feet of you. Every time you think a thought you generate a unique electromagnetic frequency which is downloaded to the smart phone and it is then wirelessly transmitted to a central location where it is automatically translated into that unique thought. . All of your other thoughts, words and actions which also generate their own unique electromagnetic frequencies are stored at that central location as well. That central control centre stores unique details about you such as how long you sleep each night, how often you eat, what your moods are like and many other personal details.
I don’t carry a smart phone with me and I don’t have any digital media devices on my bicycle which is my mode of transport. I live out in a rural area and I don’t often encounter any digital media devices other than my personal computer. Because of a lack of digital media devices in my environment, the engineers who monitor me via smart engineered technology can not obtain as much detail about my daily habits as they would like and this is causing consternation among the team of bio-engineers who keep me on file with regard to my claim for irritable bowel syndrome.
Not alone are all of the electromagnetic frequencies which are generated by the brains and bodies of individuals who are wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the smart grid automatically stored at a central location and also automatically translated into everything we think, say and do but as well as that, a frequency modulator is used to send us back other electromagnetic frequencies which are made to over ride our own electromagnetic frequencies to the extent that now our arms and legs can be forced to move against our wills among many other unwanted experiences. Information is being wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years to the point that now I can be grounded at the will of the unknown bio-engineers who illegally remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate me. At this stage, my right leg can be disabled for a short space of time by wireless means at their will. When I am cycling my bicycle I can be made to come off it in a state of pain and I am unable to complete my journey until I recover, a process which can take between five and twenty minutes. This has happened to me on many occasions while said bio-engineers speak to me by live link directly to the hearing centre of my brain.
These unknown bio-engineers who I regard as criminals sometimes tell me what I should eat, what time I should get up in the morning at, what I should spend my money on, and even when I should visit the bathroom. Wireless technological capabilities now exist that can enslave human beings while it appear to their own families that they are free will human beings. Are NASA staff wirelessly enslaved because they continually lie to us about everything they inform us of?

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