watching (1)

Whenever someone is shocked or frightened they are unable to think critically or rationally.
While they are in that state of shock or fear the required programming is inserted into their minds and they accept it without critically analysing it.
President John F Kennedy could have been murdered in a way that would make his murder look like an accident. However, he was murdered in a very public manner while television cameras were focused on him so as to deliberately traumatise the American people so that they could immediately be programmed with false information while they were still in a state of shock. The same scenario applies to 9/11.
At present we can be programmed by the use of traumatic imaging combined with traumatic story lines while watching the main stream media news on television. The news readers are all now required to read the news in a panic stricken voice so as to entrain the brains of the listeners into a state of panic. I deliberately avoid listening to all main stream media news because of this type of trickery. The fast picture change rate and the flicker rate on the television screen are other means which are currently being used to program the listener into believing the falsehoods which they hear on the television news. The aforementioned flicker rate can be used as a carrier to carry subliminal information into the human brain without the knowledge of the television viewer.
I no longer own a television and I have not owned one for many years.

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