Im still listening to scum telling my wife and others im doing one thing when i doing something else. there doing things to my wife and blameing me. if i repeat them on one frequencie they want to say im saying something on another frequencie. they try to lie to my wife about things useing her voice and others voices to lie to others. copying people voices acting like there her familey and mine trying to gain her trust and then fighting with people climing there every one i now. even if i found one of them to be someone i know i would want them dead. I do fight back and do not quit. When I first heard people they told me i didn't have the right to defend myself. so i did and still do defend my wife and myself these people are scum they need to be removed from the world most of them maybe all of them. they need a new law to give them a leathel injection. it would be the best thing they ever did for people that never wanted to have these implants. i also say people should find the places that make the organisms and destroy them.