OK, no names this time. I shall call my perp(The Dumb Ass) omaha, ne usa. He got angry last night when I said(thought) that I Hated him for what he did to my Mother with this equip in 2000. Must have been angry with her? He turned it up all night and BAM, pnuemonia took her even with me begging him to stop.
I've noticed a powerful presence of static electricity in my home. it makes my arm hair stand up 4 inches from wall, along with powerful sparks. He got angry when I thought about what he did to My Mother. Suddenly when I thought of this, the glass light fixture went snap and fell to the floor with a loud bang and shattered glass all over. And a battery powered toy cat across the room came on. Either a concussion or static turned it on across the room. it sounded like a gun shot. This equipment is in bad hands with children and intoxicated people.