A social credit score system has already been set up in China and is due to become mandatory in 2020. Even though human intervention is necessary at the moment to aid in the running of this social credit score system, eventually it can be run by computer calculated algorithms alone.

Each human being is given a social credit score number and a permanent record. You are then monitored via your work record, your social spending, your driving record, your computer habits, your health records, and many other records which are being kept on everybody. You are awarded bonus points for every single act you do which helps the fascist government run control system throughout the world. You are given certain privelages based on the number of points you accumulate.

Your social credit score is debited if you jump a queue, if you buy too many video games, if you make a mistake while driving a vehicle or if you post what is deemed to be fake news online or if you jay walk, or if you smoke cigarettes while on trains, among scores of other actions. Your score can change in real time depending on what you place in your shopping trolley. If you place alcohol in your shopping trolley your score would immediately be reduced. If your social credit score drops significantly your internet speed can be lowered significantly and this can be achieved by algorithms without much significant intervention of human beings if it becomes mainstream in the future .

This social credit score system has been programmed by people who use algorithms which were based on satanic mind set protocols. These programs make no allowance for human emotions. They have been programmed to demand perfection from us all. They have a robot mind set. They expect us to get up at an early hour every morning. They can ascertain what time we get up and if we have taken a morning shower by the electrical use in our homes. Everything will be connected to everything else in your home based on the internet of things concept. They can ascertain if our clothes are clean based on nano technology being currently built into the fabric of all clothing. Nano technology is also being blended with laundry detergent in order to wirelessly ascertain if our clothing is clean.

Many people throughout the world are still unaware of the phenomenon known as remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. A large selection of individuals throughout most of the world have been wirelessly linked via a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to computer networks via nano technology which has come to be inside their brains and bodies through chemtrailing of the skies over our heads. These people have come to be known as targeted individuals. All of the electrical activity in their brains can be downloaded and analysed by neuro operatives. They can then be awarded bonus points for the type of food they have eaten based on analysis of their stomach contents because of nano technology which has been blended into some processed foods. This remote neural monitoring capability is so advanced that they could be paralysed or they could have pain signals sent to their bodies if their social credit score dropped too low. Many domestic and wild animals have also been wirelessly linked to computer networks and are currently being studied in debth similar to human targeted individuals.

If your personal social credit score system drops too low you would be blacklisted. Your bank account would then be deleted and you would no longer be allowed to use public transport or to enter public buildings. You would be deemed unable to function in society. The local police would be automatically informed via computer generated message to arrest you and place you inside a smart city prison. The current social credit score system in China is so severe and demanding that up to one million Chinese people are being blacklisted every month. If this continued along these lines, everybody in the world other than the would be enslavers of the human race would eventually be locked inside smart city prisons.

In future, if this human social credit score system is allowed to continue and expand unhindered, national governments would no longer be consulted about anything. World dictators with the help of computer calculated algorithms would make all decisions across the board for the whole of human kind. These world dictators have been working towards total world dominion for many centuries, some say even thousands of years. They are a multi-national, multi-generational criminal cabal who run the world through secret societies. They are now known to most people who have been researching what is happening behind the scenes in our world today.

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