SCORE (14)

A conversation between Dr Andrew Kaulman and Dr Carrie Madej at the following online link as follows:-
Dr Carrie Madej attended a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia where all cell phone signals were jammed during the meeting.
The attendees were told the following by those who held the meeting:-
Your smart phone will read information from your brain and body from embedded bio-sensors. If the owner of the smart phone tells a lie while speaking on the phone, her smart phone will light up and will inform the owner that she is lying.
The smart phone of the owner will be able to inform that the owner is lying by many and various means such as a polygraph test from the owners electrodermal analysis, also from the voice inflection application which is built into some smart phones, The smart phone will also take readings of the owners blood alcohol content and will have a record of her G.P.S. location.

If the owner was known to tell lies they could eventually have points deducted from their social credit score.

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I have been informed via direct communication military technology that if I don't show up at Unislim I will be deprived of fifty points from my social credit score system.   Many individuals wrongly believe that the worldwide social credit score system is only being used in China at the moment but that is not the case for a selection of individuals who are being subjected to non-consensual wirelessly enabled neuro experimentation of whom I am one. 

A social credit score system is in widespread use across parts of China at this time.  Chinese people are automatically awarded points for paying their taxes on time, for working, for keeping themselves trim,  for paying money to charity, for doing some voluntary work and for a wide variety of other reasons.   They are deducted points for challenging government dictates, for littering, for forgetting to return library books,  for being rude to government staff,  for being overweight and for a wide variety of other similar reasons.  Millions of Chinese citizens have already been blacklisted for losing too many points from their social credit score system to the extent that many of them are no longer allowed to use public transport or allowed to use public buildings.  The worldwide social credit score system has already become active in two or three cities within the United States and Canada. 

Who is responsible for setting up this social credit score system in parts of the world and why are they being allowed to set up what is an enslavement system for the people of this world?

I am a targeted individual of non-consensual wireless experimentation for seventeen years.  Up to a million people throughout all parts of the world are wirelessly connected to a non-consensual  monitoring, manipulation and control system similar to the one I am non-consensually attached to.   The reason that it is not being stopped is primarily because the flicker rate of smart phones is being used to send subliminal messages of apathy into the minds of those who use them.  Government staff are all under similar mind control because they are officially required to use smart phones during working hours.  

Any Irish politicians who claim the 750 Euro mobile phone allowance every eighteen months are under serious mind control if said mobile phone is a smart engineered phone and those politicians should not be allowed into public office.

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I am  connected to the illegal worldwide human control system  by wireless means from implants which I illegally received without my consent.  I  recently received the instruction from the voice command centre by wireless means to join a slimming assistance group called Unislim and I was informed that if I did not join Unislim I would have fifty points deducted from my social credit score.  I am aware that if too many points are deducted from my social credit score I would then be blacklisted to the extent that I might no longer be allowed to have a pass port or use public transport or use a public library or I might be given a variety of other punishments.  

Why is Unislim which is  a privately owned business allowed to profit financially from a worldwide social credit score scheme.  That would in fact be illegal.  The social credit score system is illegal because it was installed in my life without my consent.  The fact that I am wirelessly connected from my brain and central nervous system to a human control centre is also illegal.   Anyone who supports this system is supporting a worldwide criminal network and therefore they are deemed to be a criminal.  I have been wirelessly and non-consensually connected to this illegal system for many years and I know of what appears to be hundreds of thousands of other individuals who are also connected to it.   The whole story is being covered up by the main stream media which is now mostly privately owned by the same criminals who own and run the worldwide human control system and who govern what type of information is given to psychiatrists while they are students.

Those at the top of the worldwide hierarchy of power are unelected corrupt individuals who are using their false power to abuse those underneath them in the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command in many ways, especially through financial irregularities. What can we do to change all of these situation?

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According to Wilhelm Reich, in his book "The Invasion of Compulsory Sex Morality " he writes that neurosis stems from sexual repression and that sexual suppression is one of the cardinal ideological means by which the ruling class subjugate the working population. He also writes that sexual repression impairs bio-energetic agility in many people, making them inhibited and paralysing their power to rebel against social evil. In other words, suppression of human sexuality of the masses of individuals tends to make them subservient and amienable to being controlled. That is the main reason that whenever a new regieme takes over a country they begin by initiating social changes which involve over regulating the social and sexual life of those people as well as sometimes introducing legislation on sexual matters. In the past Christianity employed countless procedures to make us detest our bodies in order to inhibit our sexuality leading to a state of neurosis which make us inhibited and thereby controllable.
Because we now appear to be transitioning from a period of human freedom to human wireless technological enslavement new rules and regulations are being introduced pertaining to our sexual behaviour. I have been placed on a long term non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation program and I have been on this program for nearly seventeen years. All of the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body on a continual basis is being transmitted to a network of computers where it is being analysed and automatically translated into everything I think, say and do. I have been informed by unknown neuro operatives who speak to me by wireless means via voice to skull that in future years we will live in a type of theocracy where sins and crimes will be regarded as one. If we commit an act which is deemed inappropriate but does not harm anybody, under the social credit score system we will have points deducted off our social credit score which would result in a punishment such as being banned from the local library or being denied the right to use public transport. One of the acts which is deemed inappropriate under the new regieme is the act of masturbation.

The NSA song which I found at the following youtube link attempts to outline the contempt that we all feel for the American NSA staff as well as hundreds of thousands of other unknown individuals who work for private security companies throughout most of the world and who spy on us through our digital devices and by a number of other means while we are in the privacy of our own homes. How dare they watch us inside our own homes like the Peeping Toms of old. No human being could have given them permission to spy on us while we are inside our own homes because no human being throughout the entire world has the authority to give permission to do something that they dont have permission to do themselves. I am printing the words of the NSA song here out of contempt for the NSA themselves. I dont know who wrote it. You will find it at the following link along with quite alot of good information about electronic warfare tactics.

THE NSA SONG. (which is also called "We Watch Americans Masturbate All Day")
Hello, hello, We are the NSA. Its too late for us to change our ways.
E-mails and texts, We listen to your phones. Web cams, lap tops, we are watching you at home.
The terrorists are not what we pursue. The truth is that we are only watching you.
We watch Americans masturbate all day. Turn on your cameras and watch you jerk away.
We watch Americans searching for our lines. CCTV see you naked all the time.
We search. We watch. We watch for big black buts. Ginger titties, your searches come to us.
(You will find this song at approximately one hour and eight minutes into the linked video.

If you wish to save your children from wireless technological enslavement you must immediately canvas to have the technological infrastructure which enables this wireless technological enslavement disassembled and banned. You must stop registering your children to the state at birth because by doing so you are legally enslaving them to state enslavement.

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Posted on August 27, 2019 by gretta fahey
A group of psychopathic and sadistic individuals have decided to enslave their fellow human beings by first of all setting up a social credit score system where we would be awarded high scores if we grovelled to them and were subserviently obedient to them as well as being obedient to all of their many and varied rules. They would also punish anyone who dared to disobey them and they punishment would be administered wirelessly and from a remote location. First of all they plan to wirelessly link each and everyone of us to a pre-programmed computerized human control system if they are allowed to have the large bandwidth that they need in order to achieve this universal wireless enslavement through making fifth generation wireless technology mandatory in all countries throughout the world.
We already may have the necessary nano particulates inside our bodies because it was sprayed on us from the air. Further to this other necessary implants are thought to have been injected into us in the disposable needles which are being used to vaccinate us. The nano material may have spread around the human body via the blood stream because of the fungus like material which was also deliberately sprayed on us in order to facilitate this. However, the nano particulates may or may then leave the human body if it is not pushed further into the muscles of that human body by neuro operatives who are employed to target certain individuals and to push the nano particulates from the human blood stream into the human musculature in order to be able to take eventual external control of the musculature of those pre-selected targeted individuals of which I am one. I have been targeted from total external control which is also known as human bio-robotization. The unknown neuro operatives whose computer network I am wirelessly linked to can now move my facial and neck muscles against my will. My right hand is now taking on a life of its own. Many other targeted individuals whose names I have recorded have voiced similar complaints online.
If we dared to question the right of the slave masters to enslave us and if we continued to disobey their rules they would then make an example of the targeted individuals that they have already partially prepared for human bio-robotization so that nobody else would dare question them ever again. Please disassemble and ban all wirelessly enabling capabilities across the world right now. Science and technology have been taken too far and we are on the edge of a nightmare. Please act now. My whole story is to be found at my website which is called Psychiatrists are under psychological control. They have been inculcated into the cult of psychiatry which has no basis in science whatsoever. It is being used to over ride the legal process in order to place good will human beings on a psychiatric hold whenever they wish to warn the public of the danger we are all in at this pivotal time in the history of the human race.

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I am wirelessly non-consensually linked to a human control and enslavement system where I am being judged as part of a social credit score system in the Republic of Ireland. I visited Tesco in Ballinrobe, County Mayo today and I purchased one item and I checked it out at the customer operated checkout myself. I was in the store less than five minutes. I did not interact with anyone while I was there. I have now been informed by wireless direct communication that I am no longer allowed to shop in any Tesco store whatsoever. Why is this?

My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.  My website is called   My landline home phone number is 0949360901

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I am a targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.   I am non-consensually linked by wireless means to a supercomputer which is operated by unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown remote location.   Because of the fact that I am non-consensually linked to the super-computer  I hear the voices of neuro operatives coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission on a constant basis throughout each and every day.

Today I attempted to book the purchase of an internet radio online so that I  could collected it  at a local store tomorrow.  I was unable to place my order for reasons which were unknown to me at the time.   I then heard the voice of one of the neuro operatives coming from inside my head informing me of a new policy within Ireland pertaining to targeted individuals of neuro weapon research.  Here is what the unknown inner voice was heard by me to say   "If the potential customer is deemed not worthy of the goods the staff of all corporate owned stores are not allowed to give it to them.  This instruction is given across the board in all corporate merchandisers.  All privately owned stores will cease to exist within ten years. This might be our new credit score system in operation in Ireland now."

A few minutes after I heard this message coming from inside my head I then received another similar message which said.  "You are jumping the gun a bit.  You may be given an internet radio if you ask for one.  We are not sure if this system is up and running in Ireland yet."

I myself strongly believe that by simply disassembling and banning all transmitters which enable frequency weapons and which enable wireless tethering of human beings from implants to supercomputers and which also enable wireless murder and wireless burning down of homes and wireless electronic mind control we can regain our freedom in short order.  Many people are not yet aware that some of their fellow country men and women are being psychologically and physically harassed and even tortured inside their own homes throughout most of the world.  The unaware section of society may be being subjected to wirelessly delivered brain frequencies which lull them into a false since of security and apathy.

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We are all aware that a social credit score system has been set up in China and is due to become mandatory in 2020. Data is being collected by electronic means on every citizen in China. Computerized algorithms award or deduct points based on every piece of data which has been collected. These include amount of hours worked each week, the amount of taxes paid to date, credentials, financial debts, financial credits, motoring penalty points, grocery purchasing history, clothing purchasing history, legal involvement, history of raising children, as well as many other pieces of data. A profile is being built on each human being who uses a smart phone, based on everything they say while in the proximity of their smart phone, and also everything they do while in the proximity of their smart phone based on electronic signals which come from their bodies and are being read by said smart phone. The smart phone also collects data on wherever they travel to and how long they remain at each location.
If the amount of points awarded to a Chinese citizen is low they are penalized in many and varied ways. They could possibly be denied access to public transport or be denied access to public buildings such as libraries or art galleries. Their credit card could cease to work if they attempted to purchase luxury items and would only work if they attempted to purchase groceries or other basic needs.
In order to set up a social credit score system which works by computerized algorithms in Ireland, this social credit score system but be first set up manually. Individuals, including myself have been selected for around the clock monitoring so that all of our words and actions can be studied in great detail in preparation for setting up a social credit score system at any time in the future. We are also being monitored in order to conduct many and varied types of research on us. I feel that I have already been partially if not fully incorporated into a manually run social credit score system already. My debit card ceases to work at inopportune moments. The individuals who speak to me via classified wireless voice to skull bio-communication methods have informed me that they deliberately wirelessly disabled my debit card so that it would not work because I have not answered them respectfully. Many other negative occurrences in my life have also been instigated by these same individuals. A social credit score system is an enslavement system. We must stop it ever being set up in Ireland. In order to stop we need to disable the technological infrastructure that supports it.
A social credit score system could possible be installed in Ireland above the heads of our senior politicians because a remote neural monitoring system combined with a remote neural manipulation system has already been instigated throughout the whole island of Ireland and our senior politicians claim to know nothing about it. Has the Irish nation lost its sovereignty?
For information about my unique experiences of being a targeted individual of directed energy weapons in Ireland, Europe please read my website which is called www.

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Artificial intelligence does not exist. What actually exists are preprogrammed computerized algorithms, nothing more. Computerized algorithms have been individually programmed by numerous computer programmers so that each individual can be tracked by many and varied means as they go about their lives. Each individual is given a permanent record. They are then tracked throughout their lives. Data analysts record each specific action of that individual and award or deduct merit points for that specific action. These preprogrammed actions are programmed into a possible situational analysis construct for each individual person.

Nano technology which now has been blended with our food, water, air, and all the products we purchase could send signals to computer networks which would allow us to be monitored inside our homes and even inside our bodies if the would-be controllers deemed it necessary.

In future years, if or when a social credit score system is rolled out throughout the world as has already happened throughout China then each of us will have tabs kept on all of our activities. This would be no better than abject enslavement. We would have no freedom.

These preprogrammed computerized algorithms have no ability to take into account such concepts as love, happiness, peace of mind, grief, the need for idleness, and many other concepts that human beings hold dear. As well as that, both the individuals who conceptualized this program and who wish to enslave their own equals in this manner and the programmers themselves appear to have a satanic mind-set of extreme cruelty and intolerance. Because of this, a million chinese people are being blacklisted because of this social credit score program each month.

If anybody ever tries to convince you that artificial intelligence now exists and has become sentient please be assured that they most likely belong to a secret society which aims to enslave their fellow human beings and they wish to misdirect the blame for the attempt at enslaving us on to a dead piece of equipment called a super-computer so that we would be distracted from seeing who our real enemy is. We must fight back by urgently disassembling and banning all wireless enabling capabilities and returning to the use of hard wired devices.. This is now our only option for future freedom in this world. Please raise awareness of this one and only solution to our problems.  We are in clear and present danger.

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The people of most countries throughout the world have been inhaling and ingesting smart dust over the past decade or more without their knowledge or consent. This dust sized technology has now dispersed widely throughout the their bodies and brains.  This smart technology  can be tuned into wirelessly and controlled remotely via a myriad of digital technologies in their homes and wider environment and it can be used to control them from the inside out. People can now be made to hear voices, see visions, and feel sensations throughout their bodies. They can be given orders that they would hear coming from inside their heads. If they refuse to obey these orders they could be made to feel pain or in some instances they could be paralysed by remote control and from a distance. All human behaviour is being studied on a forensic level and computerized algorithms are being set up to automatically award points for behaviour which falls in line with the thinking of the  new would-be controllers, and to  deduct points for behaviour which is out of line with their thinking. Everything that every human being does, thinks and says every minute of every day could be used to award or deduct points to or from  their personal credit score. This control system is now being controlled by teams of neuro operatives who themselves are already controlled for the most part by algorithms.   Many people throughout the world have already been placed on this control system. They have come to be known as targeted individuals.

We are now at the eleventh hour. If you wish to live in freedom in the future you must organise to have all wireless enabling capabilities disassembled and banned. We are at a pivotal point in human history. If you act now you will help to ensure that millions of future generations of human beings live in freedom on this world. All government systems have been captured and corrupted and government staff have been placed under electronic mind control due to the fact that they have been mandated to use smart engineered technology in their work places. Banking systems and all intelligence services throughout the world have been fused into one bank and one intelligence service and they are headquartered in Switzerland. The intelligence service staff are under Nazi type control.

All of the worlds money supply is slowly and incrementally being taken from the human race through extra and unfair taxes and through people unknowingly being placed under electronic mind control when they are making their wills to give their money to bogus charities, so that these too can be used by the dark new world order cartel for nefarious purposes of control and eventual enslavement of the whole human race. All centres of power have been corrupted to the extent that all power now comes from a secret hierarchical based chain of command that few are knowledgeable about.

Space based technology does not exist. It has been hoaxed. What were once believed to be satellites were in fact stationary drones which are in near earth and can easily be shot down by the people who control them. All other microwave generating technology is ground based and can easily be disassembled and eventually banned outright be the control system if it so wishes. Gun control is about taking guns from the people and giving it to agents of the dark new world order cabal so that ordinary people would then be unable to defend themselves against a fascist dictatorship. In such a dictatorship money would no longer be in use. All farm land would be owned and controlled by the world control system and nobody would be allowed to eat unless they were totally obedient to the fascist control system. If you refused to fall in line with this system and your own personal credit score dropped below a certain point, you could be selected for capture or death by computerized algorithms without any human intervention whatsoever.

The brains of most of humanity have been entrained into a state of passive indifference by the use of frequency signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers aka mobile phone masts. Most people are unable to comprehend the extreme danger that they and their families are now facing.
The dark new world order cabal wish to allow the human populace to remain asleep so that if the current world wide financial control system fails as it is being allowed to do, they will assume that it failed because of the normal vagaries of the now non-existent market. All prices are currently under the control of said computerized algorithms.
The whole worldwide control system is destined to fail by the Autumn of this year if we fail to take back our power according to sources close to me.

Please organise immediately to have gun control abolished by refusing to hand over your guns to the current military regime. 

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I am tethered by a two way wireless link from bio particulates inside my body to a computer network, where all of the electrical activity which my body and brain generate on an ongoing basis is uploaded to a data processor and stored.   This data that my brain and body have generated on an ongoing basis is analysed by computer algorithms and  translated into daily activities such as how long I have slept, what exercise I have taken, type and quantity of food I have eaten, how many times I have visited the bathroom and much other information about me.  It is planned that in the future  algorithms would be used  to award or deduct  points to a social credit score system in my name based on my general behaviour, a large part of  which would be deduced from the electrical activity gathered in this way from my brain and body.  

By injecting extra false digital information into my body and brain via the two way wireless link which I am tethered to a computer network by, , criminal neuro operatives can now make me hear their voices against my will, see visions, and have virtual reality experiences without the need to wear a virtual reality helmet.  They can force the muscles of my face and neck to move against my will, which is something they do to me on an almost daily basis.  

 In the long term, this technological enslavement system is being planned for the whole human race, except for the new world order cabal of would be enslavers who do not plan to be part of the social credit score system themselves.  They will escape this system because they have not been registered at birth.  They do not come into contact with the police because they always travel by privately hired cars, buses and airplanes.  They never drive a vehicle themselves on public roads.  It is believed that they now own and control a large percentage of all of the money and resources on the earth and they are attempting to own it all through dishonesty.  They have placed themselves above the law.

The new world order cabal are afraid of the internet because it has no central focus of control.  They have flooded it with hoaxes in order to cover extreme advances in technology which they have been using against a selection of targeted individuals.  Some of these hoaxes are the demonic possession hoax, the near death experience hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the moving statue hoax, the extra terrestrial visitation hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and a large  number of other hoaxes.

In order to stop the new world order cabal from having you and all of the people you care about from being linked against your will, from bio particulates inside your brain and body to a network of computers by wireless means, please canvas your neighbours to forceably demolish all cell phone towers in your area without the permission of the false authority of the state which is largely controlled by the new world order cabal by indirect means.   We do not know who the new world order cabal are because they have the capability of controlling senior statesmen and women by wireless remote means.   However, they now own and control the worlds money supply.  We must gain back the worlds money supply by any means possibly.   We may be able to select senior diplomats from each country to  negotiate with the shareholders of the federal reserve bank who sit on the board of most of the privately owned central banks of each country throughout the world. Please make representation with your national politicians in order to make this happen.    Please share this information widely. 

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Advanced technology has been introduced into my body at a time when I was unaware that it was occurring.  I am now under remote analysis of most of my brain and bodily functions.    Further to that, neuro operatives constantly monitor the electrical activity and  many other types of readouts from both my brain and body.  From the electrical activity generated by my brain and body, neuro scientists can deduct information about how I spend my day.   They can tell how long I have slept, how many times I have eaten a meal, what type of food has been eaten, how many times I have visited the bathroom, if I have taken a shower, what words I have spoken throughout the day, how long I have been using my computer each day, how much exercise I have taken each day and many other types of data such as my pulse rate and my mood  throughout each day.     This  data that is collected from my brain and body is further perused by data analysts who award or deduct points based on my  behaviour throughout each and every day.     They also input unwanted signals into my brain and body.

In future, algorithms would be enabled to award or deduct points for my day to day behaviour,  which would then enable further algorithms to disable my broadband connection or to disable the electricity from my home or to delete my bank account if I did not obey certain protocols.  This system would be used in conjunction with a social credit score system which is already in evidence throughout China.

Further to all of the above, neuro scientists come to a viewing centre each and every night where they discuss what can be done to enhance the dispersal of many types of technology throughout the human body in order to enable further exploration of the human body and brain from a distance totally without the consent of the human being who is being monitored.  This process is possibly being built in order to enable enslavement of the whole human race.  We must save ourselves from worldwide enslavement  by disassembling and banning all technological infrastructures that enable this enslavement method.   Many people are now under electronic mind control and they have no awareness of the imminent danger they are in from this worldwide enslavement method which is being developed by agents of the new world order cabal.  You can now have a virtual reality experience downloaded to your brain without the need to wear a virtual reality headset.

False cover stories are being used to cover up what is really occurring behind the scenes of our lives such as the demonic possession hoax, the near death experience hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the artificial intelligence has now gone out of control hoax, and a myriad of other hoaxes.  



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The social credit system is a digital dictatorship which runs by itself based on algorhythms. Nothing can be questioned. Once a person has a social credit number all of their credit behaviour in life is recorded and can be evaluated using algorhythms. Their every action is tracked and judged. This social credit system has been up and running in China for many years on an optional basis. It is due to become operational on a mandatory basis for all Chinese citizens in 2020 The Chinese people are wrongly being led to believe that they are being recorded by the cameras which have been erected at every street corner. However, many of them are being recorded by a system called remote neural monitoring which is a system where each human being is wirelessly attached to a two way stream of electromagnetic energy from their unique brain signature. All of the electrical activity of their brains and bodies is being read on a constant basis by wireless means and then stored in computer centres for later analysis by data scientists who now work in secrecy . Their personal remote neural monitoring data is also being analysed and then used to either credit or debit their social credit record without their knowledge or consent. When you are being subjected to remote neural monitoring your thoughts are being surveilled.

What you do, say and even think is being credited or debited to your social credit score if you live in Western China. Thought surveillance is a capability that I myself have experienced on a constant basis for more than fifteen years while living in Ireland, Europe. Thought surveillance is a reality now. Your thoughts are then replied to in real time mostly by neuro staff who work in secrecy but a system of using pre-programmed voice bots is being set up to attempt to reply to human thoughts in a similar manner in the future but such a system is for the most part not up and running yet.

If your social credit score falls too low you will be blacklisted and banned from buying train or airplane tickets. You may be restricted from visiting golf courses, civic amenity centres or other venues. Fifteen million chinese people have already been banned from travelling because of social misdeeds. You may be banned from renting a house.

Your social credit score is debited if you jump a queue, if you buy too many video games, if you make a mistake while driving a vehicle or if you post what is deemed to be fake news online or if you jay walk, or if you smoke cigarettes while on trains, among scores of other actions. Criminal, academic and medical records all blend into your score. Your shopping habits also blend into your score. Your score can change in real time depending on what you place in your shopping trolley. If you place alcohol in your shopping trolley your score would immediately be reduced. If your social credit score drops significantly your internet speed can be lowered significantly and this can be achieved by algorhythms without much significant intervention of human beings if it becomes mainstream in the future .

There is an app on smart phones which records your steps as you walk. If you take regular exercise you will be awarded extra points.

If you marry somebody with a lower social credit score than your own social credit score you will lose points on your own social credit score.


Your are deprived of your passport on occasions.

Ten million chinese people have seen the dark side of the social credit system and they are activating against it. The job of the Chinese main stream media is to be a propaganda machine for the people who are setting up the social credit digital enslavement system. The main duty of the chinese main stream media is to indoctrinate the people and to stop them knowing the facts. If you try and expose high level corruption you will be blacklisted as dishonest or for some other reason.

If you would wish to know your social credit score at any instant it would be freely available for viewing on your smart phone. All social credit scores for everybody would be public for everyone to monitor if they wish.




Facial recognition is being used in China. The chinese government has a data base containing the facial details of everyone over eighteen years old. While you are being scanned into the facial recognition data base you are required to produce a range of facial expression

Blood samples, voice samples and fingerprint samples are being taken from people throughout most of the world. Technology is at the centre of a brutal repressive crackdown on personal freedom.

If your social credit score drops too low you are sent to an education and training centre which in reality is a concentration camp where you are obliged to study political propaganda twelve hours per day. Some people die while in the concentration camps because of poor living conditions. The social credit score system is a form of political extremism. We need to limit world political power immediately. The think tank personnel who have developed this social credit system in order to eventually enslave their fellow human beings have become dangerous extremists. They have a dark satanic and luciferian mind set.



I myself am being subjected to remote neural monitoring for more than fifteen years where my brain and spinal cord are now intertwined with a network of computers so that all electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body is being stored in data banks and then later is presented as readouts to teams of data analysts who go on to award points to my social credit score based on my daily and weekly and month long activities. Individuals who are totally unknown to me force their voices inside my head by wireless means throughout each day and even wake me up during the night to rate me as a human being. They have placed me under thought surveillance on a continual basis. They can also decipher everything I do and say all day long by reading the electrical activity coming from my brain and body which tells them how long I sleep, how often I eat, when I visit the bathroom, when I shower, what mood I am in, how long I spend using my computer , how I spend my money, how quickly I pay my bills, and a multitude of other pieces of private information about me.

They give me a number which can go up if they approve of my activities and it can go down if they disapprove of my activities.

Your number would be publicly ranked against the entire population in the future.

Some believe that under this social credit system people will be afraid to step outside the prescribed opinion set because they will be afraid to lose points in their social credit rating . If your social credit points drop you would lose the right to use public transport or to have a passport or many other birth rights. However, I have found the opposite to be true in my own case. Being subjected to remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation is so enslaving and so intrusive into my life that I have become more and more outspoken over the years because under this program life is not worth living and I dont care if somebody kills me for being outspoken or not and I dont care if I lose all my social credit points and eventually starve to death. That is how evil this system is. I am suffering constant extreme torment because of this system so I do whatever I like and I pay no heed to how I am rated. The dark luciferians who may have designed this system would not be part of the social credit system. It is a slave system for the rest of the human race other than said dark luciferians.

While details concerning the Chinese social credit system is online I believe that people of the western world are covertly having all of their online activities, shopping loyalty card history, academic credentials, medical records, illegal activity records, charity donations, work records and all other available records vacuumed up in order to have algorhythms give them a social credit score. The following five basic headings are being used in China to have each Chinese citizen assessed for a social credit score.

1. Credit History - Pay Bills on time.

2. A persons ability to fullfil personal obligations.

3. Personal Characteristics.

4. Behaviour and preference. - shopping habits, time spent online,

5. Interpersonal relationships. How many social credit points do your friends have which is public information.

Praise the slave masters online if you wish to earn extra social credit points.

Mentally stable individuals do not wish to control or to be controlled. They strive for self-mastery. Damaged individuals become keen to control others or to be controlled. They need to reflect off their fellow human beings and are unable to stand alone emotionally.. Authoritarians are very damaged human beings and they ruin the lives of their fellow human beings in the process. Authoritarians everywhere - learn to stand alone and like your own company without needing to give your fragile ego a boost by attempting to control and enslave your fellow human beings. Whenever you try and control one of your own equals you are revealing a great deal about yourself. You are revealing that you are insecure and you need to reflect off another to give your own ego a boost.

If someone wishes to stop corruption from being revealed then they are corrupt also under natural law which is the only law that is fixed and immutable on this planet. It is the only law that is based on observable reality. Man made laws are being built on a false reality construct. Some of them are so deranged that a human being would also have to be deranged to support them. If you are required to sign a secrecy clause never ever do so on the grounds the secrecy allows evil to flourish. Check out the background of anybody who ever asks you to keep secrets for the state or otherwise. We are currently being enslaved with the backing of state legislature.

There is a very easy solution to stop this soon to be world wide social credit rating system in its tracks. We simply aught to have all microwave transmitters disabled, disassembled, banned and outlawed. Thereafter no wirelessly enabling capabilities will exist to support this system. The existence of satellites are a well known hoax among those who have already become aware of the fact that we have been lied to on an unimaginable scale for many decades.


For further information about my unique experiences of being placed on remote neural monitoring please listen to the following youtube video where I was interviewed by award winning international online journalist and poet, Ramola D.





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A social credit score system in combination with a universal remote neural monitoring system is being rolled out throughout the world for most of the human race.     First of all humans  would be wirelessly linked to a computer network from what has been described as either neural dust or implants  inside our brains, spinal cords and various parts of our bodies.   This is being called "Remote Neural Monitoring" .    All electrical activity generated by the brain and body of each human is then sent by a wirelessly enabled  two way stream of energy to the computer network which would both store it indefinitely and analyse it for categorization into dozens of categories such as quantity and type of food eaten based on particulates in common processed foods, amount of hours slept, amount and times of  sexual intercourse, bathroom visits, amount and intensity  of daily exercise and a myriad of other actions.  Other aspects of the life of each human would also be blended into the social credit score system such as work activities, taxes paid, academic credentials, religious observance, dissident behaviour  and online comments.   I, myself, have been an unwilling subject of Remote Neural Monitoring for more than fifteen years and I have been informed via voice communication technology which I hear coming from inside my head that I am being studied on a second by second basis in order to set up a social credit score system for me based on my activities for every minute of every day which can already be discerned from said "Remote Neural Monitoring".  The neuro staff who are studying me via the electrical activity readouts of my brain and body which are automatically translated into my activities on their computer screens are using giant algorithms to help set up this absolute enslavement system for most of the human race for and on behalf of dark occultists who I am led to believe no longer classify themselves as humans.    The dark occultists are already beginning to create a hoaxed story line suggesting to their fellow human beings that the artificial intelligence network which would control the giant algorithms which would run the social credit score system for humans is in danger of going out of control and taking on a life of its own in order to cover up their extremely cruel and torturous future enslavement  plans for the rest of us so that all blame is deflected away from them.   Many other hoaxes have already been created to cover up both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation of hundreds of thousands of individuals who are now calling themselves "targeted individuals" for all walks of life, throughout most of the world.   We can instantly stop this enslavement process in its tracks by disabling, disassembling, banning and outlawing all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the whole world.  Please consider doing this.

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