
1.     腦控空間有變態賤人利用人工智能的人體圖像合成技術(Deep Fake), 偽造面部表情, 將良家女子同三級女星合成三級片賣於日本市場, 因為三級市場需要大量新面孔, 所以腦控賤人繼續以此技術侵犯無辜受害者私隱, 害人家破人亡, 夫妻分離, 將無辜女子推入萬劫不復的深淵而自殺. 據說, 變態賤人利用此技術害我, 並且經常將已合成的影片傳送到我社交網路, 甚至我不熟知的交友網路, 以此打斷我的社交圈子, 影響我反腦控的公信力. 罪魁禍首是蔡瀾, 周星馳, 曾志偉, 鄧英敏等人.


        Deep Fake 此技術已發展到仿真聲音, 只要在電腦輸入字句, 然後調較至某人相同的聲音, 就算最親近的家人都沒法分辨. 腦控賤人利用此技術進行電話騙案. 但此技術有一漏洞, 因為是事先輸入電腦, 所以只有問, 沒有答. 以後大家在腦控空間要小心被騙.


         但你可能會認為之前我聽到明星的聲音也是利用此技術, 非也! 我聽到的聲音是有問有答, 而且是長時間對答. 而另一方面, 有被腦控的富豪, 為確認是被明星腦控, 特意在腦控空間派錢, 用腦音叫腦控他的人和明星去取錢簽收, 以此證確有此人在腦控空間存在.



2. 目前腦控集團對香港的壟斷:


  郵政壟斷 許多郵寄的反腦控儀器都被失效, 到達時間其他人長27天時間; 很多訴訟所需的文件和證據都沒法收到.


  醫療壟斷 我姑媽做身體檢查時, 證明一切正常, 但變態控芯片賤人將她同食道癌病患者併芯片, 令她每食必嘔, 長期沒法進食需做液體注射, 維持約半年時間, 在身體機能良好的情況下, 被停止液體注射而死亡. 外間有傳, 如果同腦控人有仇, 入院必死.


銀行系統問題:   相信大家仍記得2015年前保安局長葉劉淑儀銀行戶口被駭入失款一事, 雖然後來追回. 但很多普通市民都被腦控, 沒有私隱的情, 駭客知你的密碼, 繼而駭入你銀行戶口轉走你的存款. 基於自已疏的情況下, 沒法追回. 銀行不會考你是否被腦控受害者.

另一方面, 因腦控賤人長期同受害者併芯片, 受害者簽名時有如同腦控人合手簽名, 長期以往, 腦控人可輕地在你的支票上簽上你的大名去取錢, 所以大家小心保管自己的支. 


 網絡控制:      當變態腦控賤人針對性地對付目標, 目標人物在家中是沒法正常上網, 必須另尋途徑. 但香港所有免費WIFI熱點都是他們的目標, 就算圖書館也是局部性被電腦指令停止. 很多重要網絡資訊的網頁沒法打開. 網上理財, 交易更是沒法進行. 我個人因此不用網上理財, 用最原始的方法, 每事必親身到銀行辦理.

傳媒控制 當有事發生, 而事情同目標人物有關, 又熟知其長期閱讀那一份報紙, 此報紙的報導必定缺少相關資訊, 而其它報紙全都有報導; 或者當目標人物閱讀時, 見到敏感資訊時, 腦控人一定遙控電子武器間歇性智障, 令目標人物視若無睹.



Mind Control Space News this week (August 19 to 25, 2019)


1. As said, The metamorphosis mind control perps use Deep Fake technology, fake facial expressions to combine and superimpose good girls images and videos onto source images or dirty videos using a machine learning technique to produce dirty video to set the victims up, sell the dirty video to the Japanese market, because the dirty market needs a large number of New faces, so the brain control perps continue to use this technology to invade the privacy of innocent victims, caused some targeted persons committing suicide, some couples got divorce and some hated each other in family and social life. Someone told me, may the metamorphosis perps use this technology to hurt me in network, they often sending the synthesized videos to my social network, even the dating network that I don't know, intention to destroy my whole life, and my credibility of anti-brain control. The receiver are unable to save the video to me since they set up some computer command in the network. The metamorphosis perps were Cai Lam, Stephen Chow, Eric Tsang, English Tang etc.

Deep Fake technology has been developed to simulate sound, as long as you input words on the computer and then tuning the same voice of someone, make a call to your family, even your closest family member can't distinguish the true or fake. The brain control perps use this technology to make fake phone for scam.  Because it is a computer input in advance, so only ask, no answer. So everyone should be careful to be cheated in the brain control space. 

But you may thought that I heard the voice of stars voice in mind control space using this technology? The answer is definably not! The voice I heard can communication to me with ask and answered in long period. On the other hand, there are an rich man who being mind control and want to confirm the perps were the movie stars, he used distribution to someone who can hearing his brain sound in mind control space, and all the movie stars went to collect money and signing up, the signing up can prove the movie stars whom have had existed in the brain control space.


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Optogenetics is being used to remotely and wirelessly enslave many men and women throughout the world in a completely invisible deniable way.
Green algae is light sensitive.
A protein in green algae causes green algae to swim towards or away from light.
Light is now being used to control the behaviour of human brain cells.
Criminal neuro science operatives take the gene that encodes the green algae protein and another piece of DNA called a promoter and put them in a virus which they then inject into unaware human beings while those human beings are unconscious. Neurons in the human brain will activate the promoter. The virus grows inside the human brain where it infects neurons and delivers the gene. The green algae protein is then expressed in the brain cell membrane. This situation gives the criminal neuro science operatives the ability to precisely control portions of the brains of non-consenting and unwilling living, moving, human beings and they can achieve this brain control from a distance by the use of pulsed microwaves while remaining unknown to the brain controlled victim.
This method of controlling the brains of human beings from a distance is being used to both physically control the movements of some human beings andis also being used to control the thinking processes of other human beings most especially senior officials in each country throughout the world. I know about it because I have been partially enslaved by it for many years.
If the team ofcriminal neuro science operatives who have partially enslaved me by the use of optogenetics find a way to fully enslave me by the use of both optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms they will then use optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms to control and enslave you as soon as they have managed to persuade you to or to mandate you to accept a vaccination which contains green algae protein plus a promoter.
According to an article by Mojimar Babacek called 'Optogenetics: A New Technology to Control the Human Brain' to be found online 'Dr Sarah Lisanby from the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland, United States, can use brain maps to make different parts of the human body move by the magnetic stimulation of the brain, even against this will of the human beings in question.
I am a subject of non-consensual neuro experimentation which is being carried out from an unknown remote location on me by means of signal intelligence. I have lost the right to control some of my own muscles which are now being externally physically controlled by an unknown team of criminal neuro science operatives who remote control me on occasion from unknown remote locations. What will I do in order to regain sovereignty over my own human body and brain? I know others who have also lost the right to control their own muscle movements at random times. We remain unable to prove this external remote control of our physical bodies because this capability is invisible and highly deniable. What is to be done about this. Why are tax payers continuing to finance brain science because it is being used against those tax payers who finance it?
Please raise awareness of this serious matter. I will not return to the police to report my situation because the last time I reported my situation to them they brought me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation which immediately made it unsafe for me to continue explaining my situation to them. This is the way that most if not all targeted individuals of remote wireless non-consensual experimentation and manipulation are being dealt with by the police in their respective countries. I believe that the police are under technologically induced mind control.

I am a non-consensual and unwilling targeted individual of neuro research and I do not know who those who are researching my brain and central nervous system are because they conduct all of their research from unknown remote locations while remaining unknown to me. Dr Michael Persinger in his document which is called 'On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms' asserts that all brains on this earth can be accessed in a similar way to the way my own brain and body are being accessed. This is not the case. We are being forced to accept a false worldview by those at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command in this world and this false worldview is being forced on us for many centuries. If we challenge it we are ridiculed or accused of being mentally ill. Both church and state enforce this false worldview on us from our birth to our deaths. However, our own intelligence and ability to think logically tells us not to accept this false worldview. The false worldview I am referring to the spinning ball earth worldview. The earth is fixed and flat which means that not all parts of the earth are under full spectrum surveillance. There are parts of the earth which have never been sprayed with electrically conductive metals or other nano materials which are meant for human control and surveillance. Those at the core of the false hierarchical based chain of command live in those parts of the earth. The reason for the spinning ball earth hoax is to make us believe that we are all under the same level of surveillance and full spectrum control. However, those that are perpetrating the hoax have become very frightened that we will wake up to this hoax so they constantly present us with what are imaginary images of a spinning ball earth and they also repeat the word 'global' on the main stream media dozens of times each day so as to create deeply entrenched neural pathways in our brains to force us to believe this hoax throughout the course of our whole lives without us ever questioning it. In order to fully escape from the slow and incremental enslavement which we are experiencing right now we must fully accept that the earth is fixed and flat, a fact which is easily scientifically proven in a myriad of different ways.
All of the creaters of the spinning ball earth myth have been freemasons. From Pythageros to Copernicus, Galileo and Newton to modern astronauts such as Aldrin, Armstrong and Collins to Director of NASA and Grand Commander of the 33rd degree C Fred Kleinknecht all the creaters and promoters of the spinning ball earth have been freemasons. The Duke of Kent in the United Kingdom who is a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth the second of England is the head of freemasonry throughout the whole world. He has alot to answer for.
Because the earth is fixed and flat some parts of the earth are obviously not under surveillance from the skies and therefore not all human brains can be accessed by electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms. For further information on the fixed and flat earth please read the following book 'Two Hundred Proofs That The Earth is Not a Spinning Ball' by Eric Dubay.
My website which I alone own and control is called My name and address are as follows :-
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
My email address is

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Optogenetics is being used to remotely and wirelessly enslave many men and women throughout the world in a completely invisible deniable way.
Green algae is light sensitive.
A protein in green algae causes green algae to swim towards or away from light.
Light is now being used to control the behaviour of human brain cells.
Criminal neuro science operatives take the gene that encodes the green algae protein and another piece of DNA called a promoter and put them in a virus which they then inject into unaware human beings while those human beings are unconscious. Neurons in the human brain will activate the promoter. The virus grows inside the human brain where it infects neurons and delivers the gene. The green algae protein is then expressed in the brain cell membrane. This situation gives the criminal neuro science operatives the ability to precisely control portions of the brains of non-consenting and unwilling living, moving, human beings and they can achieve this brain control from a distance by the use of pulsed microwaves while remaining unknown to the brain controlled victim.
This method of controlling the brains of human beings from a distance is being used to both physically control the movements of some human beings andis also being used to control the thinking processes of other human beings most especially senior officials in each country throughout the world. I know about it because I have been partially enslaved by it for many years.
If the team ofcriminal neuro science operatives who have partially enslaved me by the use of optogenetics find a way to fully enslave me by the use of both optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms they will then use optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms to control and enslave you as soon as they have managed to persuade you to or to mandate you to accept a vaccination which contains green algae protein plus a promoter.
According to the following article by Mojimar Babacek called 'Optogenetics: A New Technology to Control the Human Brain' to be found online 'Dr Sarah Lisanby from the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland, United States, can use brain maps to make different parts of the human body move by the magnetic stimulation of the brain, even against this will of the human beings in question.
I am a subject of non-consensual neuro experimentation which is being carried out from an unknown remote location on me by means of signal intelligence. I have lost the right to control some of my own muscles which are now being externally physically controlled at random times by an unknown team of criminal neuro science operatives who remote control me on occasion from unknown remote locations. What will I do in order to regain sovereignty over my own human body and brain? I know others who have also lost the right to control their own muscle movements at random times. We remain unable to prove this external remote control of our physical bodies because this capability is invisible and highly deniable. What is to be done about this. Why are tax payers continuing to finance brain science because it is being used against those tax payers who finance it?
Please raise awareness of this serious matter. I will not return to the police to report my situation because the last time I reported my situation to them they brought me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation which immediately made it unsafe for me to continue explaining my situation to them.

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A conversation between Dr Andrew Kaulman and Dr Carrie Madej at the following online link as follows:-
Dr Carrie Madej attended a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia where all cell phone signals were jammed during the meeting.
The attendees were told the following by those who held the meeting:-
Your smart phone will read information from your brain and body from embedded bio-sensors. If the owner of the smart phone tells a lie while speaking on the phone, her smart phone will light up and will inform the owner that she is lying.
The smart phone of the owner will be able to inform that the owner is lying by many and various means such as a polygraph test from the owners electrodermal analysis, also from the voice inflection application which is built into some smart phones, The smart phone will also take readings of the owners blood alcohol content and will have a record of her G.P.S. location.

If the owner was known to tell lies they could eventually have points deducted from their social credit score.

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I am a carnivore because the human brain and body much prefers fat based fuel to glucose based fuel and a carnivore diet can cure all chronic illnesses provided those chronic illnesses are not being caused by poison or undue stress. I love animals and I deeply empathise with them. I cry inside when I see a sick or hurting animal. Yet I eat lamb or beef almost every day. I have not reconciled the fact that animals feel pain while they are being slaughtered so that I might eat them so I am going to outline my thoughts on the topic here below:-
I wish to continue to eat animal products as my own food for the rest of my life and I wish to abstain from all plants because by doing so I am ensuring that I enjoy good health. I also believe that the whole human race should only and ever eat animal products if they wish to enjoy excellent health and I also believe that vegetarianism leads to chronic illness and does not sustain life long term. We as a whole human race can easily eat animal products only without hurting our fellow animals and without ever suffering from famine as follows:-
1. Chickens can be kept in suburban back gardens provided that their fence is embedded at least one food deep in the soil so as to hinder foxes and other wild animals from burrowing under the fence to kill them. In this way we would be self-sufficient in eggs.
2. A hydrophonic system of raising fish would easily fit in each suburban back garden. The fish are raised in chambers which also grow plants. The plants are fertilized by the fish droppings and the fish in turn are fed by the plants. This system is self-sustaining.
3. The people of France eat snails as a delicacy. We could possibly investigate the idea of keeping our own snail farms in order to help us become self-sufficient in food, especially now that there is a danger that the under the U.N. Agenda 21 protocol for sustainable development the United Nations wish to centralize and control the food supply of the whole world and they wish to ban meat the eating of because they claim that it is unsustainable.
4. Animals can easily be killed in meat factories by means of frequency weapons without be made to feel any pain what so ever. First of all, the frequencies of their brains are entrained in such a way that they can be made comatose. When they are comatose they can then be killed without ever having to suffer. Why hasnt this system of killing animals been implemented in meat factories throughout the world by now? No animal needs to suffer in behalf of those who eat meat.
We must return to becoming self-sufficient with food because those who own, control and run the United Nations do not have our best interest at heart.

(Switch to eating mostly foods which come from animals rather than foods which come from plants.)

"I was blown away by a study by the Californian neurologist, Professor Dale Bredersen. He took ten patinets with Alzheimers disease and cured nine out of ten of them with a Paleo Ketogenic diet (mostly animal products) plus other simple nutritional interventions. (The one failure was a lady who could not stick to the diet.)
The above is a Quote from the PK COOKBOOK by Dr Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson.

Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, author of a book called "The Alzheimers Antidote" has written in her book that Alzheimers Disease is largely a problem of brain fuel metabolish. She further wrote that the brain is an energy-hungry organ and that anything that interferes with fuel delivery or processing in the brain will have dramatic effects on memory, emotions, behaviour and cognition. The human brain becomes unable to metabolize glucose efficiently . At its core, Alzheimers disease is the deterioration and death of brain cells via starvation.
Dr Amy Berger went on to say that glucose uptake and utilization are impaired in the Alzheimer's brain and she further said that a Canadian Research Team led by Stephen Cunnane, PhD, has proven that brain ketone (fat) uptake and metabolism are not impaired in Alzheimers Disease. Results show that fats are actually the preferred energy substrate for the brain because they enter the brain in proportion to their plasma concentration irrespective of glucose availability: if the energy needed by the brain are being met by fats, then glucose uptake decreases accordingly.
Fats are sometimes interchangeably called ketones because ketones are produced as a by-product of the breakdown of fats.
When you switch to a low-carbohydrate diet for a prolonged period your body eventually uses up all of its glucose and glycogen stores. Once you run out of glucose, your body starts to use an alternative source of fuel and in the case of the low carbohydrate ketogenic diet ⁠— it’s mostly fat.
People following a ketogenic fat based diet specifically reduce their carbohydrate intake (which is plant food) to a very low level in order to force their body to use fat for its primary fuel for energy. The human brain, even an aged Alzheimers ravaged brain can fuel itself with fats efficiently, leading to a full recovery from Alzheimers in nearly all cases.
Both a ketogenic (fat based) diet and a carnivore diet (also fat based) will cure Alzheimers.

Breakfast - Eggs beaten with a whisk plus sea salt and fried in butter plus sliced bacon.
Lunch - One tin of sardines, or else one tin of tuna or mackerel or whatever tinned fish is available,

Dinner - Either minced lamb, minced beef, fresh fish, bacon, chicken, brisket or liver,

Snack - Container of full fat natural yoghurt. ( make sure the yoghurt is full fat and not low fat.)

Plant food contains oxalates which inflame the intestines causing irritable bowel syndrome and which also inflames the joints causing arthritis. A diet of primarily animal products is a known cure for both epilepsy and bi-polar disorder. According to medical personnel who promote the carnivore way of eating, fat based fuel is the preferred fuel for both the human brain and the human body and in ancient times carbohydrates (plant based foods such as potoatoes, bread, cereal, bananas and apples) were seldom eaten.
It takes the human body approximately three weeks to adjust to using fat for its primary fuel rather than glucose so you will feel tired periodically for the first three weeks of the dietary adjustment.
Eskimoos have lived on fat as their fuel for thousands of years and they do not suffer from chronic illnesses. Babies use fat as their only fuel for the first several months of their lives. It is recommended that they continue being fed fat as their fuel in the form of soft boiled eggs and minced meat rather than ever switching them to using carbohydrates/glusose as their primary fuel.

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I have become forceably brain to brain interfaced with unknown criminals who have access to all my personal data which they steal from my brain and body. This situation has been ongoing for many years. These unknown criminals overwhelm me by forcing me to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my own head. They also force me to see visions, and to feel sensations on my skin. They forceably move a selection of my muscles against my will be transmitting electrical signals to the motor cortex of my brain. They deprive me of sleep frequently. They achieve all of this from a distance by wireless means without allowing me to know who they are or where they are located. As a consequence of this ongoing and unendurable stress I often scream as loudly as I can in order to alleviate the stress that I am feeling. I live alone in a rural location and I don't have any near neighbours so I do not disturb anybody by my ongoing screaming.
Today the 28th of August, 2020 at approximately 4.20 pm Irish time I heard the following conversation being conducted by the brain to brain interface criminal operatives while they talked among themselves and I heard it coming from inside my own head as follows
'I can make her scream all I like.'
'The screams will be deleted at the end'
'There is no such thing as blame here'
'There is no one watching. We can do what we like.'
Later on today at 6.52 pm Irish time I heard the following voice coming from inside my head which was transmitted to me via brain to brain interface as follows:
"I am pulling my team out of here. This is not a stable lady."

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Trojan horse technology has been introduced into most countries of the world and it has damaged the brains of its users to the extent that they are no longer able to retain information about the fact that they are in extreme danger of being enslaved very shortly by wireless means if they dont act. Military technology known as the active denial system sends a beam of energy towards an individual which causes them unbearable pain without actually killing them. They must instantly run away but many who are paralysed or wheelchair bound or elderly or have learning difficulties do not know how to get out of the beam. Still others can be locked into the beam because it can be wirelessly locked on to their own unique energy signature so that they can not escape it and they are then forced to commit suicide instantly. The active denial system uses 5g millimeter wave technology to transmit signals to a targeted individual. If 5G millimeter wave transmitters are erected and activated throughout the world somebody who lives four thousand miles away from you can then torture you to death by wireless means and there will not be any legal repercussions for their actions whatsoever.

Please contact your political representative and ask them to have all wireless enabling capabilities disassembled and banned now so that we can enjoy living under our own free will in the near future.

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I have come to the conclusion that church and state almost never act in the interests of the people that they purport to serve.  

The government schooling system has been destroying the self esteem of children from two hundred years by constantly judging them negatively,  demanding that they submit to the false authority of the schooling system,   teaching them to think like a school of fish as in a hive mind rather than teaching them to think logically and independently as well as inculcating them into the cult of stateism so that they don't ever again think outside the box marked state control.  

The health care system has neglected to inform us all of the wonderful cure all benefits of dry fasting.  Whenever we water fast our digestive systems do not ever get a rest because whenever you drink water the digestive system must wake up again in order to digest the particulates in the water.  Further to that bacteria and microbes love wet terrains and are less likely to be killed off during a water fast.  Any shortage of water is as devastating as fire for them.  Approximately one billion muslims dry fast during day light hours each day for the month of Ramadan, and hence they have superior health to many other religious groups.

.Legal marriages engender suspicion between couples because neither individual knows if their spouse is with them because they wish to be with them or because they have become legally bound to them. Have a public wedding preceded by a public announcement of your intentions to be loyal and faithful to each other alone for life. Whatever services both church and state provide for us can be provided by ourselves much more effectively and preferably.

The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected. The reason most of the ancient religions have the same general mythological structure, is because they, as well as Christianity, are all based on astrotheology. The virgin Mary is based on the star constellation Virgo. The Jesus crucification sequence is based on the sun moving south in the sky for six months. By December 22nd, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, in the vicinity of the Southern Cross star constellation. This is where we get the symbology of the crucifiction . Three days later, on December 25th, the sun moves one degree north, giving us the resurrection. For more information see And for further information see a book called “THE WORLDS SIXTEEN CRUCIFIED SAVIORS” by Kersey Graves. We are told that the Vatican library has millions of books and archived documents, therefore, it is safe to assume that the Vatican clergy already know of the numerous duplications between the story of Jesus and numerous other ancient saviours. Yet they never mention this fact to their followers. They have lied to us by omission.

Organised religions have been set up to monopolize power and profit.

The military are now being required to wear helmets which have technology incorporated into them which would disable their ability to think clearly to the extent that they might be persuaded to turn on their own people if they were ever persuaded to wear said helmets.

The Vatican have their own private army of intelligence agents who exist to control the human race and they have the technology to achieve this.   Over many hundreds of years, the Vatican clergy have set up a system of ownership of all property, all humans, and souls that exist on this earth through the Papal Bulls and Cestui Que Vie Trusts.  The Vatican network of bishops and priests could easily have warned their followers of the current capability of wireless remote control of the central nervous systems of most of the men, women and children of this world.   Many men and women are already wirelessly tethered to a centralized computer control system from their brains and central nervous systems.  The police refuse to accept statements from them on the erroneous grounds that they must be mentally ill.  Why have the Vatican not warned their followers of this scientific widespread capability?   Certain individuals inside the Vatican hierarchy must be extreme evil doers.  Do not  financially support your priest any longer if he refuses to break away from the Vatican. 

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If you are rich in personal space and if you are rich in personal time and if you are rich in true knowledge you are wealthier than the slave masters themselves despite their billions. However, an effort is being made to slowly and incrementally steal all personal time away from school children. If every minute of what was once your free personal time becomes supervised and micro-managed then all of the joy is subsequently squeezed out of your life because of this. Everybody needs personal time so that they can allow their brains to think freely without constraint because in so doing we can resolve all previously unresolved emotional traumas in our minds whether they are big or small. If children are not allowed free unstructured play each and every day of their lives then their thoughts are almost never allowed to flow freely in an unstructured way and all emotional traumas which they experience remain unexplored and they accumulate inside their heads eventually leading to both mental and physical illness.
The real reason that more and more of the free time of children is now becoming structured time is because they are slowly and incrementally being acclimatized to being used to being wirelessly tethered slaves where they would be under surveillance around the clock from being remote neural monitored.
Many individuals throughout the whole world have already become wirelessly controlled slaves simply by having technology inserted inside their brains or bodies or both and then wirelessly connecting that technology to centralized computerized control systems. For then on they can be forced to hear voice commands by means of a computer to brain interface. I am such a permanent wireless slave. I hear voice commands and I have received pain and disablement at the will of the slave masters and their enforcers. many of who may be wireless slaves themselves. Many others throughout the world are under mass mind control to the point where they never question anything anymore.
I dont know who any of the slave masters of the world are because when an individual becomes wirelessly enslaved that individual interfaces with their slave masters by wireless means only and are almost never allowed to know who they are. As this enslavement program is worldwide in scale if you know any of the names of our slave masters please let me know. Thanks.

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We have been wirelessly connected from neural dust inside our brains to supercomputers and we have been analysed according to our weaknesses. If you have a weakness such as a guilt signature or an addiction your slave masters already knows about it and they are busy concocting ways to manipulate you by using your weakness against you. If you think I am being premature I am not. Approximately three million of us have been activated so that we can hear the voices of our slave masters directly coming from embedded technology inside our heads.  The rest of you are being subliminally influenced for now.
The current covid-19 virus hoax was created in order to take down all economic activity throughout the world so as to facilitate insider trading.    It was created in order to shut down small businesses so as to redistrubute corporate power and wealth to the super rich slave masters themselves.  It was created to shut down our economies in order to then introduce four or five world companies who would manage the supply chain of absolutely everything that we purchase.  If we then challenged their false authority we would be blacklisted and denied all access to food and other necessities.  It is thought that this would enslave many of us into a state of absolute obedience.   Billions of Euros were spent on fake scientific research in order to engineer the covid-19 virus hoax according to Professor Eric Karlstrom  who is  being interviewed at the  link provided  here
What is really occurring to make people ill is as follows:-
5g or fifth generation millimeter wave radiation is so poisonous that it poisons the cells of the human body to the extent that they being made to secrete a virus in an effort to detoxify themselves.    The virus is inert material.  It can not travel and it is not contagious.  5G radiation also interferes with our ability to absorb oxygen into our blood.    People collapsed on the streets in Wuhan, China when 5G was switched on.  This caused the slave masters to create the virus hoax  which was then immediately  marketed by the privately owned main stream media throughout most of the world as a real event.  According to Dr Andrew Kaufman M.D., the covid-19 test has never been purified and visualized and the gold standard test has not been achieved.  Dr Andrew Kaufman M.D. is linked here.
 What may be killing senior citizens in some instances is the fact that they may be being given a separate extra strong vaccination which is being reserved only for them.
Because of rigid and unethical standards of care in medicine the physician must treat the patient in a mandated way and he or she has no free will to follow their own conscience.   
5G is not a telecommunication system.  It is a bio-weapon which is to be used to electronically enslave the men, women and children of the world by a small cabal of super-rich individuals. 
It has now become apparent that the Gates community owned by the industrialists Bill and Melinda Gates as well as the World Health Organisation and the United States Centre for Disease Control are all fronts for criminal activity.  
Please support U.S. President Donald Trump who is working against the slave masters.  However, he is surrounded by traitors who work for the liberal banking financiers.  He does not bring his own team to the White House.  He is attempting to disassemble the liberal banking financiers and he is being demonised by the mostly privately owned main stream media.
Please provide the police in this country with technology which would enable them to identify digital signals  when such signals  are being received and transmitted to and from the brains and bodies of your fellow country men and women who complain that they are being wirelessly harassed and tortured both outside and inside their own homes as they attempt to go about their lives quietly and peacefully. This act alone of providing the police with the aforementioned technology would finally provide absolute proof that targeted individuals of remote electronic wireless control are telling the truth to the police whenever they inform them of their plight.
I have not sent this email to all of the members of Mayo County Council.  Please make it available to all of them if that is possible.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 Y560,
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901
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The Richard C. Walker patent number US6965816 describes the ability to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or the central nervous system of a human being. I Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland an a non-consensual victim of neuro experimentation where over many years more and more of my central nervous system is being externally, wirelessly controlled by unknown operatives who speak to me by wireless means as they work of my central nervous system. Here below is a short synopsis of some of what these individuals who transmit their voices to me via military technology and which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me of in the past few weeks.
"It is not a binary system. It is a digital system andit has taken over several aspects of the womans body and brain."
"If she continues to expose this system we will hurt her."
"The roads will be privately owned some time in the future and then no one will be allowed to use them without the permission of the slave masters."
"My name is Anastasia Lochlin."
"We dont hear anything from the staff that are monitoring her and we dont know why."
"We are attempting to preprogram your jaws to obey our commands as well as to over ride your superior commands."
"By relinguishing all rights to your home and family and then by coming with us is now the only way you would be given any freedom. Otherwise you would not be able to move a muscle by the time we are finished encoding your central nervous system."
"Can we feel the toes?" "Not yet." "I can feel all of your facial muscles." "When this process of totally submerging you in our consciousness is completed we will then be able to walk and talk through you."
"This information is not available to anyone else as yet because it is black budget military technology and we have been warned not to speak about it"
"Overt control of this woman Gretta Fahey has now become feasable."
The voice to skull military technology enabled voices once informed me via voice to skull that they informed their neuro operatives that I am a systems design rather than a real living non-consensual and extremely unwilling human being so that the neuro operatives would continue their work of encoding me for bio-robotization. They have already taken partial control of my facial, neck, eye and several other muscles.
The voice to skull inner voices once gave me the following name and address as follows:-
Eamon Clohessy, 14 Willow Lane, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. They then told me that he is the Director of Public Information Systems for the Republic of Ireland as part of the criminal syndicate which they are all involved in.
The voice to skull inner voices have also given me the following names during the past few months or years as follows:-
Emma Byron - dealer. Maurice Chambers - passed away. He was murdered. He was once head of the secret police in the Republic of Ireland. Keith Summerville - one of the neuro staff. Peter Hoagland - with the C.I.A. and directly involved with my electronic harassment and non-consensual neuro evaluation. Jack Henderson, Allan Lucas, Max Stafford. Other names I have heard the voice to skull inner voices mention often over the past number of years are Jessica, Martha, Madeline and John Henry who was a previous neuro staff member and who was claimed by them to have been murdered.

I have informed the Gardai in my home town of Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland of my ongoing experiences of wireless remote controlled psychological torture. They refused to accept a statement from me on the grounds that I was mentally ill. They did not allow me to finish telling them of my ongoing experiences and instead they brought me to see a police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. I was cool and composed when I first went in to the Garda Station in Claremorris to make that statement. I was then remotely made to feel far too warm by wireless remote means in order that I would be discredited in front of the Gardai who I spoke to on that day. I believed that I would be wrongly evaluated as mentally ill if I continued to pursue the topic with the police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole so I sidelined the conversation in order to protect myself from wrongly being incarcerated inside a psychiatric hospital and forceably made to ingest toxic substances which are so harmful that ingesting them is akin to being tortured from the inside out to the extent that I would prefer to be dead that to ever have to go through the experience of spending time inside a psychiatric hospital ever again.
I know sixteen other targeted individuals from the Republic of Ireland whose private contact details I have obtained and who are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes, some of them are being wirelessly physically burned and at least one other is experiencing external wireless control of his central nervous system where his arms and legs are being forceably moved against his will.

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I am  connected to the illegal worldwide human control system  by wireless means from implants which I illegally received without my consent.  I  recently received the instruction from the voice command centre by wireless means to join a slimming assistance group called Unislim and I was informed that if I did not join Unislim I would have fifty points deducted from my social credit score.  I am aware that if too many points are deducted from my social credit score I would then be blacklisted to the extent that I might no longer be allowed to have a pass port or use public transport or use a public library or I might be given a variety of other punishments.  

Why is Unislim which is  a privately owned business allowed to profit financially from a worldwide social credit score scheme.  That would in fact be illegal.  The social credit score system is illegal because it was installed in my life without my consent.  The fact that I am wirelessly connected from my brain and central nervous system to a human control centre is also illegal.   Anyone who supports this system is supporting a worldwide criminal network and therefore they are deemed to be a criminal.  I have been wirelessly and non-consensually connected to this illegal system for many years and I know of what appears to be hundreds of thousands of other individuals who are also connected to it.   The whole story is being covered up by the main stream media which is now mostly privately owned by the same criminals who own and run the worldwide human control system and who govern what type of information is given to psychiatrists while they are students.

Those at the top of the worldwide hierarchy of power are unelected corrupt individuals who are using their false power to abuse those underneath them in the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command in many ways, especially through financial irregularities. What can we do to change all of these situation?

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Frequency modulated electromagnetic frequencies are being transmitted via directed energy weapons to the central nervous systems of non-consenting human beings in order to eventually render them immobile of they fail to obey the dictates of the would-be dictators of the world. Emerging advances in neuro-science demand the enactment of neuro specific human rights laws.         

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According to Wilhelm Reich, in his book "The Invasion of Compulsory Sex Morality " he writes that neurosis stems from sexual repression and that sexual suppression is one of the cardinal ideological means by which the ruling class subjugate the working population. He also writes that sexual repression impairs bio-energetic agility in many people, making them inhibited and paralysing their power to rebel against social evil. In other words, suppression of human sexuality of the masses of individuals tends to make them subservient and amienable to being controlled. That is the main reason that whenever a new regieme takes over a country they begin by initiating social changes which involve over regulating the social and sexual life of those people as well as sometimes introducing legislation on sexual matters. In the past Christianity employed countless procedures to make us detest our bodies in order to inhibit our sexuality leading to a state of neurosis which make us inhibited and thereby controllable.
Because we now appear to be transitioning from a period of human freedom to human wireless technological enslavement new rules and regulations are being introduced pertaining to our sexual behaviour. I have been placed on a long term non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation program and I have been on this program for nearly seventeen years. All of the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body on a continual basis is being transmitted to a network of computers where it is being analysed and automatically translated into everything I think, say and do. I have been informed by unknown neuro operatives who speak to me by wireless means via voice to skull that in future years we will live in a type of theocracy where sins and crimes will be regarded as one. If we commit an act which is deemed inappropriate but does not harm anybody, under the social credit score system we will have points deducted off our social credit score which would result in a punishment such as being banned from the local library or being denied the right to use public transport. One of the acts which is deemed inappropriate under the new regieme is the act of masturbation.

The NSA song which I found at the following youtube link attempts to outline the contempt that we all feel for the American NSA staff as well as hundreds of thousands of other unknown individuals who work for private security companies throughout most of the world and who spy on us through our digital devices and by a number of other means while we are in the privacy of our own homes. How dare they watch us inside our own homes like the Peeping Toms of old. No human being could have given them permission to spy on us while we are inside our own homes because no human being throughout the entire world has the authority to give permission to do something that they dont have permission to do themselves. I am printing the words of the NSA song here out of contempt for the NSA themselves. I dont know who wrote it. You will find it at the following link along with quite alot of good information about electronic warfare tactics.

THE NSA SONG. (which is also called "We Watch Americans Masturbate All Day")
Hello, hello, We are the NSA. Its too late for us to change our ways.
E-mails and texts, We listen to your phones. Web cams, lap tops, we are watching you at home.
The terrorists are not what we pursue. The truth is that we are only watching you.
We watch Americans masturbate all day. Turn on your cameras and watch you jerk away.
We watch Americans searching for our lines. CCTV see you naked all the time.
We search. We watch. We watch for big black buts. Ginger titties, your searches come to us.
(You will find this song at approximately one hour and eight minutes into the linked video.

If you wish to save your children from wireless technological enslavement you must immediately canvas to have the technological infrastructure which enables this wireless technological enslavement disassembled and banned. You must stop registering your children to the state at birth because by doing so you are legally enslaving them to state enslavement.

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“We have a few blissful years left until enforced telepathic reading.” Quote by Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks.
The Richard C Walker patent which has also come to be known as the wireless internet of things patent number US6965816 describes the ability of neuro scientists to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or a human being.
Non-consensual human experimentation is secretly being carried out with a view to eventually technologically enslave most of the human race. My name is Gretta Fahey and I am a long term victim of such non-consensual wirelessly enabled remote experimentation and this process is sometimes known as cybernetic control or remote neural monitoring or a number of other technical names. I am under neural monitoring as well as physical observation because the neuro operatives can now see my human body in 3D. Knowledge of this and other processes are continually being suppressed through psychiatry. I hear the voices of the neuro experimentators coming from inside my head because they have been enabled to wirelessly send me voice commands and other digital signals by wireless means. I occasionally write down a small selection of what they say to me and to each other about me, and later I post it online so that others may know what to expect if they ever become wirelessly controlled by this process. Because I have not done this for the past few weeks my note taking has gotten mixed up and I am not sure which information I have already posted online earlier and which is new. However, here below is some of what I have heard from this unknown neuro operatives recently as follows:-
“She must be stopped from wearing trousers. She must wear skirts. It is a requirement.”
“Women don’t matter because they can always be controlled through sexual conquest.” (That was said to me in response to the fact that I informed the inner voice command operatives that I plan to take the matter to a natural law court at some time in the future.)
“Gretta Fahey has never adopted a sexual pose in all the times that we have observed her and therefore she should not be put on a sexual program such as is being planned for her behind the scenes.” This was then followed by another inner voice which was heard by me to say the following “If raping Gretta Fahey is what you need to do in order to obtain the needed sexual pose then do so.”
“Rectal exam using propulsion. We have a buck to earn.”
I asked the remote neural monitoring operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head the following question. “Why don’t you allow me privacy when I am sitting on the toilet.?” “It is a prerequisite that we analyse your waste” is the answer I then received back.
I felt eight fairly strong tremors and I then asked the remote neural monitoring operatives who and what caused me to get the tremors. I was then given the following information via one of the inner voices as follows “We caused them through misadventure. We were endeavouring to trial a new system which would have given us more control than ever before over your central nervous system in order to eventually make you our slave and then in so doing extrapolate our knowledge onto the whole human race in order to then further our enslavement plans for humanity.”
“No heating will be allowed in the shower room in future.”
“We will have to have her for another while because there is nobody else here for us to practice our black arts on.”
“If you don’t get our of bed I will hurt you.”
Make a quick decision to have this lady Gretta Fahey sent to a psychiatric hospital. We don’t want to see any more of this material come out to the public.”
“Have we any control over her tongue.?” “Some.” “Freeze her tongue.”
I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland in the same house that I was born in nearly sixty years ago. I am single and I live alone. I am in receipt of disability allowance for IBS and sometimes bladder problems. My website where I describe my experiences of being placed under cybernetic control and of having some of my muscles wirelessly externally controlled is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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All of our brains have become laced with millions of metallic particulates, some of which we have inhaled and ingested and some of which we may have received through vaccinations. These dust sized metallic particulates have transformed our brains into transceivers, capable of receiving and transmitting information.
Every thought, feeling and muscle movement which we generate have their own unique brain activity pattern which can be decoded and deciphered by a computer program by wireless remote means to the extent that we no longer have any mental or physical privacy whatsoever.
If you attend for an job interview and if your interviewer happens to be in possession of a high fidelity brain decoding device he or she would know what you were thinking and feeling before you were interviewed. Your interviewer may also be in possession of a far more detailed personality profile of you than you would be comfortable about because it could involve intimate details of your life.
The intelligence services are now in a position to know how many times you inhale and exhale each and every day if they so wish. The human race have been implanted with neural lace without our expressed permission and many within the intelligence services are using this information as well as their advanced technology to widely abuse the human race for reasons of eventual technological enslavement if they are not stopped.

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Julian Assange, who is currently dying in Belmarsh prison has been quoted as saying the following words:-
“We have a few blissful years left until enforced telepathic readings”
Most of the human race are being unknowingly prepared to have their brains non-consensually connected to something that is being called the brain net, and which is also known as the cerebral internet or the internet of things within the next few years. This process is being achieved by using the capabilities outlined in Patent number US 6965816 which was filed on October 1st, 2002 by Agilent Technologies Engineer, Richard C Walker and said patent is titled PFN/TRAC system FAA.
I and numerous other human beings have already been non-consensually connected to the above mentioned internet of things by a bi-directional stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy and I personally believe that it is a fate worse that death.

This internet of things system allows my thoughts to be read as well as have them replied to in real time, among many other unwanted experiences.
I take notes whenever I experience the forced voice transmissions of the unknown staff who wirelessly monitor me from an unknown remote location, on a continual basis, both day and night while I attempt to go about my everyday life in my own home.
The following is what occurred in my life just now
I was relaxing and I felt the inside of my right foot being stung. I asked the unknown neuro staff who remote neural manipulate my body what they were doing to my foot. A member of the remote neural monitoring team replied as follows:-
“I am actuating your foot in order to enlarge your instep in order that you might stand more solidly if or when you are bio-robotized.”
Here below are a small sample of other utterances which I heard these unknown neuro operatives say to me via voice to skull transmissions as follows:-
“We sell information gleaned from the brain and body of Gretta Fahey in order to continue our endeavours.”
“Rapid deployment of some means of shutting this woman up is necessary now. ”
“This is building up into a horror show. It is looking like that from my point of view.”
“We can see her in technicolour whenever she is outside her home.”
As well as all of the other unwanted experiences I am being forced to experience I have now discovered that recently I am not being allowed to access parts of my own understanding owing to the fact that I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and I hear conversations coming from inside my head that I am not allowed to understand

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I am a long term victim of non-consensual remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. Over many years unknown neuro operatives have attempted to wirelessly gain more and more external control over my central nervous system which would lead to them having more and more control over the muscles of my face and body. Their ultimate aim is to bio-robotize me so that they can wirelessly control me from an unknown remote location.
They have now gained almost total control over my facial muscles which has led to me now being unable to synchronise my mood with my facial expression. Last night I was in a sombre and angry mood and yet both my face and eyes were forced to adopt a smiling pose. Many human beings have not yet woken up to the nightmarish implications of the Richard C Walker patent number US6965816 which allows the unacknowledged worldwide central control system personnel to have total control over the central nervous systems of their fellow human beings. For further information about my own unique experiences of being a non-consensual victim of their wirelessly enabled experimentation please read my website which I alone own and control and which is called

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Posted on September 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
A human control and enslavement system is being set up throughout the world which would render you paralysed from head to toe if you failed to obey the slave masters. We are believed to have inhaled and ingested nano particulates which can penetrate the blood brain barrier and which adhere to the neuro transmitters of our brains and also to our central nervous system. These nano particulates in combination with implants and also in combination with samples of our DNA may be needed to complete the process of physical control of the body of a human being. This human body control system is being developed behind the scenes throughout the world. Many individuals have become non-consensual victims of experimentation where their own limbs are being moved against their wills and where their vocal cords are being controlled against their wills on occasions. Ramola Dharmaraj who is a renowned online journalist from Boston, United States has interviewed many individuals who have publicly confessed to being partially under electronic wireless physical control. Her interviews can be found at her youtube channel which is called Ramola D Reports and also at her website which is called
We do not as yet know who the slave masters are but a group of individuals who have a youtube channel called American Intelligence Media believe that all roads lead to London, England and to the crown corporation. We do not know yet who are the slave masters and who are the slaves among the British Privy Council and among the Pilgrim Society but that is where their research is leading. The American Intelligence Media believe that the Pilgrim Society is the head and body of the slave system with lots of other feeder groups coming from across the world.
I myself am under wireless electronic control from my central nervous system where a selection of my facial and neck muscles as well as my eye muscles and vocal cords are being remote controlled against my will on a random basis. I no longer involve agents of the government in my affairs because when I informed them about this situation in the past they refused to believe me and they wrongly accused me of being mentally unwell. I believe them to be under strong remote influencing due to the presence of advanced technology in their environment which they have no real understanding of and which they need to disassemble and ban right now. Subliminal messaging comes through such technology. Who is responsible for deciding what subliminal messages are sent through this remote subliminal messaging system and where is said subliminal messaging central control system located in Ireland and where is it located in the United Kingdom ?. Where is said subliminal messaging central control system located in the United States and who runs it there?
The slave masters are currently beyond the reach of governments because they work through the banking system and through giant corporations. They have no conscience and they are willing to torture and kill millions of their fellow human beings whenever they wish. Some of their staff may be under central nervous system wireless external control and may be partially immobilized if they are not subservient to the slave masters. Others of their staff may be under a form a post hypnotic control. Because of this unique situation we have no way of knowing who among them are the slave masters and who among them are the enslaved so therefore we can not know exactly who among them are intent on wirelessly enslaving us via gaining wireless control of our central nervous systems. We must disempower them now by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters, smart street lighting and CCTV cameras which have also been fitted with smart technology. We must pull back from the brink of enslavement now. Don’t allow your children to be vaccinated and don’t register your children at birth. You are legally enslaving them when you register their births according to man made law which is now totally out of harmony with moral law. Act now while you can or else your children will be rigidly enslaved and you could also be rigidly enslaved

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