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I have been studying thought processes and how they lend themselves to communication. Being that we all have such different experiences,  and the way that we process those experiences is also different,  we come up with different conclusions. How we view our differences can expose our motive. ...but motuve us another discussion altogether. 

Herd is an article discussing the difference between linear and non linear thinking. It is deep, but its worth the read!

Do we think differently? Linear vs. Non-linear thinking

Wondering why communication is so hard? Or how two, intelligent, educated people can come to such different conclusions on any given topic? I suggest it’s because we don’t all use the same processes to think. Dive in and comment below – there’s a great debate and we want your opinion!

I was tasked at work to blog on the difference between Linear and Non-Linear thinking, and how it relates to business. Not being an expert in the subject (but not feeling limited in expressing my opinion either) I dove in. Please feel free to comment – I love hearing your opinion.

Logic and Creativity

Some of us pride ourselves on being logical. We think through ideas with the efficiency of a well-oiled machine. We enjoy structured thought and evidence-based conclusions. I’m sure you know the type – we plan out every step of a process, follow the Gantt chart to the “t”, and ensure results within schedules and deadlines.

Others of us pride ourselves on being creative. We rejoice in the big ideas, in the new discoveries, and in the satisfaction of creation. We are always coming up with new ways to solve problems, love the questions “what if?” and don’t mind jumping ahead in a conversation to tell you what we just thought of.

I suggest that these two characteristics of humans (logic and creativity) are often correlated with two different, but not disconnected types of thought processes: Linear and non-Linear thinking. Rather than argue that one is more important than the other, I suggest that they are both integral to success in business and, on the grander scale, life.

The Linearity of Logic

“Linear Thinking” is defined as:

a process of thought following known cycles or step-by-step progression where a response to a step must be elicited before another step is taken.

If a = b, and b = c, then a = c. The application of linear thinking can be found in the well knownSocratic Method:

a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answering questions to stimulate rational thinking and to illuminate ideas

Jan Helfeld (pronounced Iain), a rather infamous libertarian reporter, provides an amusing (or infuriating – depending on who’s side you’re on) application of the Socratic method to our political representatives. It’s all very logical, and for those who don’t build their policies or opinions on logic, it’s a game that raises tempers with captivating efficiency. After watching, I tend to wonder if any of our policy makers think through their political conclusions logically. Logic seems lost from our world, like an ancient language that’s spoken only by tribes of some distant jungle.

More important to this blog’s argument however, is that Jan’s use of the Socratic method is also extremely linear. As much as the person in the hot seat wants to jump around and evade, Jan forces them to answer one question before they move on to the next. The videos remind me of walking a puppy – when they want to walk every direction but the one you’re traveling. You rein them in every time before moving forward.

Though you may doubt it after watching Jan Helfeld’s videos, much of our world is indeed structured upon the concept of logic (very basic logic at least). We learn math, deductive reasoning, and tend to apply these logical processes to our everyday life. Our drive to do so comes from our inherent need, as cognitive humans, to categorize our experiences in our minds and make projections about what the outcome of an action will be. We compare our expectations with our experience, weigh the similarity, and adjust our thought processes as needed.

Linear thinkers are very much the same. They start at step one and usually do a good and efficient job of completing the task before moving on to step two. They are driven, focused, and don’t easily get off topic. Does this sound like you? Perhaps. Or maybe it sounds like the person in the office you have a tough time working with?

The Dangers of Logic

There’s a danger in relying too heavily on logic. The danger is in the determination of the starting point. Once a starting point is chosen, there are a limited number of logical conclusions to a problem. For example, imagine a store owner who believes that he must raise his revenues to increase his profits. He tries multiple methods including advertising, increasing inventory, and product bundling to make every possible sale to his customers. But he forgot that he could also reduce his costs to increase profits, and in doing so missed what could have been much less expensive, less demanding options.

This example is simplistic, but it underscores the point that for any logical process, there must be a decided-upon truth as a starting point. And the beauty of logic, is that it allows us to reach an answer from a given starting point. It’s easy, however, to rely upon starting points simply because they’re what we’ve used all our lives – starting points that either may be false, or that limit us from finding a much better answer.

Non-Linear Thinking

Non-linear thinking, a relatively new term, is vague enough (perhaps naturally so) that a simple google search will yield more beatings-around-the-bushes than formal definitions for the phrase. I think of it as follows:

Human thought characterized by expansion in multiple directions, rather than in one direction, and based on the concept that there are multiple starting points from which one can apply logic to a problem.

Non-linear thinking is less constrictive – letting the creative side of you run rampant because of its inherent lack of structure. It’s kind of like letting a puppy run wild on a walk up a mountain – anything of interest will be thoroughly investigated (and perhaps peed on) before jumping to the next, possibly non-related subject! It’s very much like brainstorming – allowing thought to flow, unhindered, in attempts to arrive upon something special in the process.

Non-linear thought increases possible outcomes by not being so certain about the starting point for any logic process. Non-linear thinkers tend to jump forward, and from side to side through the steps of a project, in an effort to see the big picture and tackle those areas where they have the most interest. Where non-linear thinking falters is in finally carrying out the required action, because as a thought process it often encourages a user to agonize incessantly over where to start (that agreed upon truth, from which logic can be applied and action can be taken).

A new form of digital presentation created by the folks at is a great example of non-linear and linear thinking in action. Why? Because rather than a linear slide show, it’s ultimately a picture, into which you can zoom in and out, infinitely. It allows you to present a product, concept, or argument in a logically by moving from location to location what is essentially group of images, but at any point you can zoom out and suddenly, “See the big picture” takes on a whole new meaning – Check it out!

In Conclusion

Again, as in my introduction, I stress the importance of both processes. And what I mean by this is maybe it’s important to have both types of thinkers on a team. Use non-linear thought to reexamine starting points and increase the possibility of finding the best option, and use linear thinkers and their efficient logic-based reasoning, once a starting point has been established, to get the job done in a timely manner. Whatever mixture of these two processes you prefer, take responsibility for your choices and learn from your mistakes, and I’ll bet on your success.

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5 Tips to Achieve Your Goals Despite the Odds!

“Excellence can be obtained if you care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible.” ~Unknown

After several excruciatingly painful and profoundly frightening years of undiagnosed symptoms, I was diagnosed with a “progressive and incurable” neurological disease, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS), which is characterized by unrelenting pain that is disproportionate to the inciting event, usually an injury or trauma.

As luck would have it, I was diagnosed and, shortly after, hospitalized for the first of three times just as I was accepted into a Master’s program for clinical social work.

I always saw myself obtaining a Master’s Degree and a Ph.D., but how would I accomplish these grueling and seemingly impossible tasks if I could barely stand up long enough to brush my teeth on a cocktail of the most potent narcotics available?

I didn’t have the answer to this question, and a flood of fear and doubt rose up within me like a tsunami crashing onto the shore, drowning hope and destroying all of the life in its path.

I pushed onward despite overwhelming feelings of fear, and medical professionals suggesting that I should quit graduate school and go on disability.

That was three years ago, and now, I have a Master’s Degree in clinical social work (MSW) and a professional license to boot (LSW). Not to mention, I no longer take any medication for the RSD/CRPS thanks to coffee enemas, a vegan diet (heavy on the fresh, organic fruit and vegetable juices), and a will and desperation to be healthy.*

At best, my traditional doctors predicted a life full of yearly or bi-yearly week-long hospitalizations where I would receive a continuous I.V. drip of the powerful anesthetic, ketamine (better known by its street name, “special K”), which can temporarily control the pain for some individuals.

I couldn’t accept that portrait of my future, so I decided to paint my own. In my version, colors and health were vibrant and smiles and possibilities were endless. “Can’t” changed to “heck yes, I can” and “incurable and progressive” weren’t part of the vocabulary, no matter what they said.

Was obtaining my Master’s Degree the biggest challenge of my young life thus far? Absolutely. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat.

In fact, my continuously improving health moves that Ph.D. out on the horizon closer and closer to the palm of my hand, and victory never tastes as sweet as when it is achieved with the odds against you.

Below are my five tips on how to succeed despite the odds.

1. Die to the past.

Forget what you know. Forget what everyone has told you. Die to the past, and while you’re at it, remember: the present is not a means to get to the future. If you think of it that way, you will be perpetually unfulfilled.

Be mindful of the present moment because the past is over, and the future doesn’t exist. The only moment is now.

Take a moment to allow yourself to be in awe of the wonders of the world and the divine intelligence that helps those ordinary miracles unfold. Your miracle is unfolding right now, and you’ll miss it if you continue to live without awareness.

2. Surrender to the unknown.

Surrendering has never been my forte because I have a tendency to want to control my environments, which means I can end up living in the future, not in the present moment. Worrying is wasted energy, and no amount of those toxic thoughts will ever change the outcome.

I believe a higher power has a plan for me, and as I look back on my life so far, I realize I have always been put in the places I needed to be to personally and professionally grow and develop. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, trust that you will never come up against more than you can handle.

Relax, and let life flow through you.

3. Dare to dream.

The limitations we perceive are put in place by us and only us. Take some time to sit in stillness and tap into your innate intuitive abilities.

Silencing the critical voices of others and that critical voice within you will allow you to get in touch with your desires and the possibilities of achieving them. It is the “impossible” that stretches you, shows you what you can become, and aids in the formation of who you are meant to be.

4. Support yourself.

A rock solid support system is essential, but you cannot overcome an obstacle if you don’t believe in yourself. Have confidence in yourself and your abilities because if you don’t, no one else will either.

The negative thoughts that you harbor about yourself will ultimately be sent out into the universe and affect how your life unfolds.

When you believe in your potential, your life will take on a whole new expression. “I can’t” turns into “I will.” Remember, you are divinity in motion, so start acting like it.

5. Go all in.

Anyone who has experienced any kind of success understands that it does not come without hard work, discipline, and dedication. When you come from behind and achieve the impossible, the triumph seems so much greater. Determination, commitment, and a burning desire to see your dreams through will help you achieve any goal your intuition guides you toward.

Now, go in the direction of your dreams, even if they seem impossible. You deserve unbounded success, and you are worthy of miracles. I have faith in you and all that you can be. Do you?

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万里、宋平联署“致退离休老同志倡议书”,倡议“六要”“六不要”  针对十八届三中全会前江泽民写给中央政治局的一封信,前人大委员长万里、前政治局常委宋平联署一封“致退离休老同志倡议书”,题为《 学习和共勉之》。倡议书有针对性地提出“六要”和“六不要”。六要:(一)要有自知之明,个人角色、作用是有限的;(二)要自我约束行为和言论,不要摆老资格;(三)要消除特权意识和特权地位;(四)要高标准、严要求;(五)要执行党的组织纪律和规则;(六)没有什么老本可吃,要以实际行动管好自己的家属、子女及身边工作人员,让他们明白没有什么可沾光的。六不要:(一)不要以老资格、老上级干涉党政工作;(二)不要对中央文件、资料作出批示;(三)不要轻率地评论党的政策、措施正确与否;(四)不要串门搞宗派活动;(五)不要向中央政治局、书记处提出意见和建议;(六)不要未经组织批准接受外界采访和写自传。
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芮成钢(安徽合肥人,1977年):央视财经主持人,利己主义者,只为江派势力代言,语言粗鲁,备受争议,高官太太小白脸,与薄公子薄瓜瓜常聚会,有消息说芮成钢不但出卖机密情报,而且已加入国外间谍组织,是特务, 性质超乎想象的严重,已写出十万多字交代材料,面临死刑。



江绮云(江绮雲,江泽民之妹):江泽民卖3百万平方公里国土给俄罗斯,叶利钦给江泽民上亿美元私人回扣,江泽民将上亿美元交江绮云转存香港汇丰银行。江泽民总贪污10万亿美元(62万亿人民币)存香港汇丰银行。2014年3月26日,江绮云 委托表姐的儿子钟棣杭(34岁香港人),吴品祥(63岁台湾籍),华立慧(60岁)等五人拿着持有人是江绮云,总金额为10万亿美元的3份【定期存款证明书】,到汇丰银行吩咐银行经理在【定期存款证明书】上加签钟棣杭等人名字,更指出该10万亿美元【定期存款证明书】的合法持有人江绮云是江泽民的妹妹,银行经理报警将5人拘捕,称文书虚假。2014年11月21日在香港法院开审钟棣杭等5人,被控管有虚假文书副本、使用虚假文书等罪名。钟棣杭指他是受江泽民妹妹江绮云所托将文件带来香港。江世雄一支
江泽群(江世雄之女):海辉软件(国际)集团公司 HR。
江磐 (江世伯之女,):
江志成(Alvin Jiang,江泽民孙子):香港博裕基金的创始合伙人,阿里巴巴老板。
王荣 (江泽民外甥,王冶坪的侄子):深圳市委书记。
俞言长(俞):上海市闵行区民政局局长、党委书记。上海市闵行区民政局七莘路680号 邮编:201100
钱志 ():上海市闵行区民政局党委副书记、纪委书记,主管福利彩票发行。

周永康(周义生周秀金长子,王淑华、贾晓烨之夫,原名周元根):前政法委书记,掌管公安、武警、国安、法院、检察等政法系统,政法帮、石油帮、四川帮、秘书帮、辽宁帮帮主,住宅326套,黄金42.85公斤,车62辆,字画10亿元,现金1.79亿元人民币,各型枪27支,子弹1万余发,1694个金融账号内资金377.336亿元,金融等证券市值513亿元,境外证券市值1.7亿元,加上用1000万从蒋洁敏处收购3000亿辽河油田,总贪污受贿盗窃4千亿元 ,发动多次政变未成,谋杀13人,2次暗杀领导性质及其严重,自爆与谷开来有私情,罪行累累。
周滨 (周永康王淑华长子,又名周斌):中旭能科前董事长,涉足水利、石油、公租房等多领域,利用父亲周永康的影响力介入司法案件,调包死囚案:买通司法系统中的警察,强用其他在押人员调包死囚,顶替死刑犯赴死,在执行死刑时,再把替死者的器官强行摘除贩卖。调包死囚的黑市价码一般在300万元上下,倒卖土地、掌控工程、操控司法,权钱交易,大发横财。2013年12月涉嫌非法经营罪,被湖北省宜昌市检察院批准逮捕。
黄婉 (黄渝生詹敏利之女,周滨之妻):持有美国籍护照中旭能科前董事长,在加拿大。
黄渝生(詹敏利之夫):中旭能科监事,在美国 。
詹敏利(黄渝生之妻):周滨白手套,在美国 。
周涵 (周永康二子,曾用名周寒):中石油北京油气调控中心党委办主任,2013年底携妻儿出走美国,目前定居休斯顿。
周峰 (周元青周玲英之子):北京宏汉董事长,鸿丰钾矿大股东。

谷丹 (谷景生三女,李小雪之妻):北京数学教师。
徐明 ():薄熙来麾下的钱袋子。

曾山 (曾庆红之父,老家江西):原特务头子,内政部长。
曾伟 (曾庆红之子,曾山孙子):将价值1,100亿山东鲁能集团改到自己名下成为曾伟私产,在悉尼以2.4亿人民币(当时合3200万澳元)购PointPiper豪宅。
蒋梅 (曾伟之妻): CCTV主持人。 。
谭晶 ():总政歌手。
赵安 ():原央视文艺部主任,经常为曾庆淮选美女。后来,赵安得罪了曾庆淮,被曾庆淮送进监狱。
甘霖 ():张德江秘书,原任广东省委副秘书长,现任四川省副省长。

赵XX (徐才厚之妻):


陈云 (1905.06.13-1995.04.10):国务院副总理,商业部部长。
陈元 (陈云长子,刘朝英之夫,1945.01,上海青浦人):国家开发银行行长,涉薄熙来案;
陈方 (陈云幼子,妻宋珍珍):广东中山实业公司经理;
潘岳 (刘华清女婿,刘超英前夫,1960年4月出生,汉族,江苏南京人):国有资产管理局副局长,环境保护部副部长。
宋勤 (宋任穷长女):中国煤炭进出口集团公司党委书记、副董事长;
宋彬彬(宋任穷次女 ,1947-- 署名宋要武,):北京师大女附中学生,要武装,不要红装,文革中打死8人,文革结束后不久,便离开中国到了美国,嫁给一名美国公民,居美波士顿。
宋米勒(宋克荒的儿子,Miller Song,1981年):

陈好 (刘铁男情妇):知名演员,有“万人迷”之称,通过倪日涛内幕交易在国中水务(600187)一夜暴富,在“ST黑龙”赚2700万。
张羽 ():央视名嘴,通过倪日涛内幕交易在“ST黑龙”上一夜暴富。





中共元老宋任窮(夫婦,前坐)與子孫1980 年合影於北京。後排左起:宋克荒、曹曉春、宋米勒( 手抱)、宋京波、宋昭昭、宋勤、宋彬彬(抱子JinYan)。














傅士卓(Joseph Fewsmith),波士頓大學的一名研究中國政治精英的教授,他引用一個中國的成語說:「他們懂得“狡兔三窟”,會讓自己的資產配置多樣化,接受高等教育,以保證在有任何意外發生時他們有條後路。」



宋彬彬在美國退休後,享有麻州每年18000 美元養老金。
2003 年回國,和張玉鳳(右3)等參與紀念毛的飲宴(右2 宋)




她把她的兒子Jin Yan送去菲利普安多弗中學,之後他去了斯坦福大學。









據三十三歲的宋米勒(Miller Song)說,宋家的家長宋任窮教導他的後代要謹慎對待他們的關係和權力。他還是個孩子的時候就被告知絕對不允許告訴別人他家的背景。如果他爺爺開車送他上學,在幾條街外他就要下車,就為了不讓別的孩子看到汽車,宋米勒如是說。


宋米勒說他到美國時十二歲,在加州上的大學。他说:「中國父母把孩子送到國外求學太正常了,因為他們相信美國可以提供更好的教育。」他從父母那裡借了一萬美元開了家公司,PatchTogether Inc。,生產塑料玩偶和個性化T恤。他說現在大部分時間都住在中國,這樣方便他和產品代工廠聯繫。



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江派势力腐败大本营  2006年9月陈良宇挪用300亿社保基金案发,周正毅、刘金宝等一批蛀虫被抓,现在江派势力腐败大本营吸取了教训,贪腐很隐秘,没有检举一般很难找出贪腐证据,事后用各种手段掩盖真相,最典型的就是国企领导利用权力给自己定月薪千万超高工资,国企领导再送礼给江派势力,这就是看似合法的贪污,别人干一辈子都没有国企领导干一个月收入多,而国企领导每天的工作内容就是陪江派势力吃喝玩乐找小姐,很少到公司去看看。  第二个特点是上海的民政部门靠垄断某些行业获取巨额利益,像殡葬业,民政部门用公权收取管理费、特许经营费,将成本十几元的骨灰盒卖十多万。  第三个特点是百般刁难领低保的家庭,困难家庭有上学的小孩,上海的民政部要求学校开出证明,证明学生是在该学校学习而不是在学校打工,像入学通知书、户口本上未成年的记录都拒绝承认,给领低保的上学小孩压力。  第四个特点是要通过送礼送钱和陪睡觉才能办理低保,这种现象外省偏远地区较严重。
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American ethnic Indian and ethnic Taiwanese, ethnic African, South American secret technical garbage: you are only helpers to Mafia tycoon Rockefeller family. Why didn't you kill yourself when you dare to cave in to Mafia tycoons? The earlier you are killed the sooner secrets of remote surgery and remote mind control being exposed. You are harmful to humankind and harmful to everyone, including yourself. You are helping to justify killing you benefits humankind by not focusing on exposing secrets, which is responsibility of every secret technical garbage. Internal problem can only be solved by internal people. It is American secret garbage’s job to expose secret, not targeted individual’s job. Targetted individuals can only provide conditions and environments. It is you- American secret technical garbage, who played deterministic role. Why didn’t you kill yourself when you dare to cave in to darkness? Why did you help the killer to justify killing you would benefit humankind, American secret technical garbage, ethnic Indian and ethnic Taiwanese, ethnic African, South American secret technical garbage?

Only evil do brain surgery secretly, only evil study and use mind control. Humanbeings protect humankind by making the whole world know what is remote surgery and what is mind control. Why didn't you kill yourself when you dare to cave in to Mafia tycoon Rockefeller family who will kill you after using you as what they did to President Johnson and many other CIA employees after killing president Kennedy?

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24 September 2014


An Announcement To The Whole World By Chinese Victims Of Electronic And Psychotronic Weapons



First of all, please permit us to introduce ourselves to you. We are some of the Chinese victims from dozens of regions and cities across China , who have been cruelly harassed tortured and persecuted in a covert way by the means of secret remote control on human body & brain. Among us, there are corporate employees, teachers, students, retirees and other intellectual workers and physical workers. Our suffering period ranges from several months till over 30 years.

Thanks to Internet that builds a bridge for us to know each other, and it is same sufferings bring us to work together.

A group of secret criminals who abuse their powers, arbitrarily use “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain”, illegally manipulate our bodies and brains covertly, and also cruelly torture and harass us psychologically and physically and persecute us days and nights so that a lot of victims live a very miserable and horrible life.

Secret criminals utilize the weapons of “secret remote control on human body & brain” and remotely influence us, and consequently our bodies suffer from “physiological diseases and physiological behaviors” caused artificially from their weapons such as aching, itching, coldness, hotness, trembling, unwell feeling and unhappiness, and so that our brains suffer harassments and tortures from “acoasma and hallucination”. Besides, criminals do all they could to shamelessly steal and indecently spread our privacy in our brains in a abnormal psychology
and crazily do all they could to intimidate and humiliate victims. All these vices do a great harm us psychologically and physically. Therefore , some innocent victims was forced to hospitals especially for being forced to accept mental treatment, some innocent victims were forced to suicide because of intolerable secret tortures and insults, and others died of “strange fatal diseases” yielded by criminals secretly in a special trap.

Such secret crimes as the wide abuse of their powers, the illegal use of “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain” and illegal violation of fundamental human rights, have resulted horribly in atrocity or the unprecedented anti-human catastrophe of human rights technically. These crimes not only challenge severely Chinese constitution and laws, but also human conscience, the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is NOT permitted by all the human beings at all!

Owing to the above-mentioned cases, Chinese victims jointly lodged  “a collective complaint to Chinese President Hu Jintao” (please see attachment 1) on 3rd Dec. 2007, and emailed it to the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, every ministries of the State Council, major news media and the legal community who we asked to deliver the complaints to Chinese President. 

Subsequently, we jointly announced " An Open Letter to the Head of Chinese Secret Institution"  on 5th May 2008.(Please see attachment 2)

Chinese Goverment has the undisputed responsibility to take an immediate investigation into the secret criminals who abuse their power, and to sternly punish them according to the clause of "the State respect and protect citizens' human rights" set out by Constitution of PRC China. However, unfortunately, so far we have not received any response on the issue.

The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UN General Assembly passed and published  Resolution 217A (III) on 10th December 1948) stipulates in the following relevant clauses that:

Article 3  Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5   No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6    Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 12     No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 19    Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

China is one of the creators of the United Nations, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a member of UN Human Right Council and one of the signers of UN Covenant on Human Rights. Therefore, China should seriously observe and enforce the relevant rules of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

At present, the quantity of victims are increasingly rising around the globe. Thousands of victims strongly demand for an investigation into the sinful Hi-tech crimes which covertly violate human rights worldwide. A large quantity of the stated facts reveal that these secret fascist criminals are the common enemies of all the human beings who use Hi-tech means to arbitrarily secretly violate human dignity and fundamental human rights. The crazy secret Hi-tech crimes heavily threat and violate the fundamental rights of human livings in the world.  

Challenged by the unprecedented worldwide catastrophe of human rights and the severe crimes of damaging human beings, we urge an immediate actions in union and bravely fight against the gangs of secret fascist criminals! We must disclose the horrible crimes which are covertly damaging human beings, and put them into the Judge Courtroom in International Criminal Court!! 

Journalist and elites worldwide have the responsibility to provide supports for victims, the lawyers worldwide have the responsibility to stand by and offer a legal aid to victims.UN Human Right Council has the responsibility to safeguard human rights and to protect thinking right, sleeping right, health right and living right of all the human beings. International Criminal Court at Hague has the responsibility to carry out an investigation into the crimes denounced by victims, and to charge these secret fascist,the criminals who severely violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime through and according to the relevant legal proceedings.

We, Chinese victims, support resolutely the global campaign of " Ban the abuse and torture of secret MIND CONTROL/PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS/Remote Human manipulation" through our practical actions. We strongly appeal for the United Nations to immediately stop the abuse of the means of the secret remote control on human body & brain which are used to cruelly harass and torture and persecute covertly common citizens.

We strongly urge the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to do his solemn duty to protect fundamental human rights of the whole world, and  hold a urgent international conference on the ban of abusing “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain" so as to protect the validity of the UN Charter and UN Declaration & Covenant on Human Rights. Also, we demand for European Commission for Human Right to immediately put Article 27 of A40005/1999 into practice.

We strongly urge global news media to stand out to support justice, and to take a deep careful investigation into the secret Hi-tech crimes, and to expose truly the sinful facts of secret fascist criminals to the global people. 

We strongly urge global legal community to stand out to offer a legal aid to all the victims and support justice based on the UN Charter and UN Declaration & Covenant on Human Rights.

We strongly urge UN Human Right Council to take an urgent investigation into these secret fascist criminals who arbitrarily use “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain” which have been crazily violating fundamental human rights.

We strongly urge International Criminal Court to take an immediate investigation into our complaints, and to charge these secret fascist criminals who heavily violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime, and to make a historic great contribution to guarantee the fundamental human rights of all the human beings!! 

With best regards

  Yours   Truly





长期以来, 一帮滥用特权的秘密罪犯,肆无忌惮地使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术”,非法秘密控制我们的身体和大脑(精神),日夜不停地实施种种惨无人道的精神骚扰和肉体折磨迫害、阴谋暗害,致使许多受害者每天生活在无比痛苦的、生不如死的恐怖状况中。

他们使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术” ,遥控制造我们受害者身体内日夜交替出现:痛、痒、冷、热、颤抖、难受等人为的“生理疾病和生理行为”痛苦;遥控制造我们受害者的大脑(精神)日夜出现所谓的“幻听、幻觉”骚扰折磨痛苦。他们还竭尽无耻、卑鄙、下流的变态伎俩,窃取传播受害者大脑思维的隐私信息,并且,疯狂地对受害者进行秘密恐吓和种种人格侮辱。所有这一切,都给我们受害者的肉体和精神带来了无与伦比的巨大创痛,身心遭到极度的摧残和伤害。其中,有一些无辜受害者被诬陷并送进“精神病院”;另一些因无法忍受秘密折磨凌辱的痛苦而“自杀”;还有一些则被他们秘密制造身体内出现各种莫名其妙的“绝症怪病”而阴谋暗害,含冤死亡。


为此,我们中国受害者于2007年12月3日,联名写了一封“致胡锦涛主席的集体控诉信” ( 见“附件一” ),并用电子邮件发送给了中共中央和中国国务院各部门,以及全国新闻媒体和法律界人士等,要求转呈给中国国家主席。

接着,在2008年5月5日,又联名发出了一封《致中国“秘密机构”头头的公开信》( 见“附件二” )。


《世界人权宣言》(联合国大会 一九四八年十二月十日 第217A(III)号决议通过并颁布) 的有关条款规定:







我们强烈要求联合国秘书长 潘基文 先生从维护“联合国宪章”及有关“人权宣言和公约”的尊严出发,履行自己维护全世界人民基本人权的神圣职责,紧急召开“禁止使用秘密遥控人体(大脑)技术武器”的国际会议。我们要求欧盟人权委员会立即开展其A40005/1999第27款的工作!







   我们是一些被“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术” 折磨迫害的受害者。网络使我们相识,受害的遭遇让我们走到了一起。




    这种秘密“遥控技术手段” 包括:制造我们身体内日夜交替出现:痛、痒、冷、热、颤抖、难受等人为的“生理疾病和生理行为”痛苦;制造我们的大脑(精神)日夜出现被遥控的所谓“幻听、幻觉”的骚扰折磨痛苦。他们还竭尽无耻、卑鄙、下流的变态伎俩,窃取传播受害者大脑思维的隐私信息,并且,疯狂地对受害者进行秘密恐吓和种种人格侮辱。所有这一切,都给受害者的肉体和精神带来了无与伦比的巨大创痛!














     据悉,在当今世界上,俄罗斯、美国以及欧盟等许多国家和地区,都不同程度地制订和正在制订一些具体的决议或法规,明确制止这种“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术武器”对普通平民实施秘密酷刑虐待折磨迫害。如俄罗斯议会的“决议” 就是一例。


    这种滥用”特权”的无法无天秘密恐怖罪行,是疯狂的秘密“违反宪法和法律的行为”!我们强烈要求国家从“尊重和保障公民人权”的法律出发, 坚决“必须予以追究”这帮秘密犯罪分子的刑事责任,挖除这些“秘密毒瘤”,将他们绳之以法!为建立一个法治的和谐社会铺平道路!! 




脑控常常涉及微小芯片植入到大脑和身体的其它部位,常常用电磁波作为激发的能量,是RFID和晶振技术的充分应用,不需要传统电池。部分只做控制试验的受害者们身体里没有芯片。脑控涉及定向能(Directed Energy),例如X-射线、微波信号和穿墙高能微波。定向能试验的方式非常隐蔽,可能会产生致命的效果。静态造影如MRI和CT可以造假。



“Lida”技术:脉冲射频发射器,可以导致严重的疲劳和昏睡,或者失眠。可以穿墙瞄准目标发射.  LIDA技术在1950年代由苏联发明,后来在各国得到了发展。声音直达大脑(Voice to skull)技术:可以传送说话声和其它声音,直达目标的头部,旁边的人听不到,可以穿过墙壁发射。该技术可以在没有脑控芯片的情况下实现。(该技术的美国军方代号是“V2K”。) 


意念传输:(Thoughts  Transmission) 通过无线传输特定的脑控波曲线到受害者的大脑,实现意念的传输,一般需要有脑控微芯片植入在受害者的大脑。意念传输也叫潜意识(subliminal)传输,例如“受辱感”,能破坏人际关系。默念传输:(Subvocal Transmission) 通过电磁波传输来影响受害者的说话器官和抑制思维器官,来影响受害者说话。这种话不经过大脑的思考说出,特别细心的受害者能够发现。这种传输可以通过脑控激励芯片(又叫脑控钉)或不用脑控激励芯片进行。受害者的主要特点是说话不经过思考或者说错话。武器化的微波技术:可以导致一系列的身体的伤害反应,可以悄悄地,穿过墙壁进行。穿墙雷达扫描技术(例如机场安检。)高级无线计算机控制技术:通过探测主板的特定的电磁辐射和向特定的线路端子发射X波段电磁脉冲,实现输出和输入。相当于别人的计算机通过串口连到了你的计算机。在没有无线网卡的情况下就能够实现无线遥控计算机。潜意识“无声的声音”(Subliminal “Silent Sound”) 设备:可以传送催眠式建议到受害者,但受害者耳朵听不到,声波的频率介于超声波和人可听声波之间。

(二)受害者们总结的常见的身体症状和经验:(在读取和破解脑波阶段,受害者们通常没有严重的症状,但是他们至少有一颗芯片在身体里面,部分只做控制试验的受害者们身体里没有芯片。)• 头皮发麻。头晕, 头痛。

• 无理由的极度疲劳,腿肌及关节的酸痛。

• 梦境制造和操纵,剥夺睡眠。

• 电击感以及肌肉的振动和抽动。

• 不通过思考的说话 (subvocal transmission),语言能力受到影响,经常结结巴巴。

• 没有道理的出现心跳过速和过缓。• 记忆力减退,记忆消失 。

• 强迫肌肉收缩和舒张,由调制神经信号所引起,会导致身体和四肢移动。/模拟脑波产生情绪突变。

• 烧灼皮肤,身体的不同部位出现烧灼感或出现不明切口。

• 脸色变暗,头发变稀。 (与信号发射有关)• 与声音交谈,听见声音(Voice to skull, 美国军方代号V2K。)


• 物体振动,如门、窗户、床和椅子(由声波脉冲或芯片模拟所引起。)。• 电子产品的被控制现象,包括计算机、电视机、汽车和家用电器。(例如电视机自动打开或关闭,由电磁脉冲波所引起)

 With best regards
Yours   Truly

南京 忻中庆  13776686557
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 上海 余灵波  13321981271

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Nanjing Xin Zhongqing 13776686557 (
Yunnan Wang Ronghai     15008719951
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Hubei Liu Wei                13597878369

Shanghai Yu Lingbo       13321981271

Shandong Qi Changling    15154602071

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Hunan Guo Ruquan       15974413876

Jiangsu Sun Wei            13917698052

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Zhejiang Cao Shijie       0576-86814070

Fujian Gan Zhiheng     05962302076

Liaoning Shi Yu                  0410-2828530

Hebei Li Guanping        0310-2326981

Zhengzhou Zhao Feng    13903863768

Hunan Fan Li               13646218013

Guangxi Qiu Yongjin      0778-2565332

Zhuhai Zhang Lu           15812708601

Yantai Sun Bo               15064528015

Anqing Zhou Lianhong    13685568645

Jiangxi Lai Qixing           13712207193

Zhumadian Yuan Yuan    13525333332

Sicuan Chen Xiaoyi       15982732725

Hubei Long Wei          13469765313

Xuzhou Pei Weichuan     13033539006

Heilongjiang sky            13634601784

Nanning  Huang Shanbing                          

Germany Wenxiu Zhou  +49 162 7550 955

Jingzhou Zhang Sihai      15927724461

Yichang Wang Yang       13307203797

Qinhuangdao Ma Xinlan    13230383403

Jiangxi Xiong Lu     0795-7032879/7585069

Xuzhou Bai Lu                     13685161290  

Fujian Lin Zhen                             

Li Xuanwang                       

Kunming Ma Chao                                        

Anhui Peng Yishan          13275779355

Nanjing Chen Shiwei       13211355448

Shanghai Liu Huamingzhi   13818051167

Hubei Zhang Chengzhu      13545372812

Hunan Zhu Zhuoxiong       13187326593

Guizhou Xin Yu                               

Hubei Ren Danting           13872825547

Hebei Di Manqi                              

Gilin Wang Iacing  13894726370         
Liaoning Liu Wei       13842729284
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Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627



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We are victims of spiritual the usufruct of our electron "usufruct (Latin usus fructus, 'use of the fruit.').'s A real enjoyment or enjoyment of an alien thing The holder of the usufruct person is the owner of the thing but not its owner. has possession of the thing, but not the property. can use and enjoy it, that is, get your fruits or income, whether in kind or in-cash, but can not dispose of it by not holding the right of ownership over the same. "
In World War II, the Nazis possessed and owned prisoners to force them to be victims of medical experiments and psychiatry. They were his slaves, because a national Semitism was created, and Germany was the dominant country in Europe.
Today no war in the civilized world. No concentration camps like the Nazis to legally experiment with humans. But there is something else, a substitute that is an invisible prison: the electromagnetic aura.
The people running the world is very intelligent, and has created a scientific-spiritual mobimiento preaches peace and obedience due to Karma. The ideal breeding ground for involution to be a citizen to defend their civil rights outgrower.

The aura is a stabilized balloon biogas because it is a gas noble.Forma a morphic field in our tissues and creates a sounding board that promotes sound reverberation in operational quadrature. Through it we usufruct as Jewish prisoners, but with the difference that we are outwardly saying with great luminaries such as the Dalai Lama: YOU ARE FREE LAW OF KARMA WE RULE!INTERIOR SILENCE! UNIVERSE IS INTELLIGENT! PACIFIC IS!
They have replaced the Catholic Church to make us feel guilty for Western materialism at the expense of religion or spirituality.
With non-lethal weapons such as bioresonance quantified, are stealing and altering our electrons to get through "neuroimaging techniques" direct real time knowledge of our brain.
The electron is a particle, and organic matter that belongs to us.
A part of this theme are using the biological material as a source of bioluminescence from the chemical and external radiation.
We are the invisible victims usufruct, we are human-livestock
And as a result a range of pathologies psiquaitricas are destroying a civilization destined to transcend reptilian animal behavior to the behavior of the human person in the image and likeness of God.
Psychotronic and quantified bioresonance are creating "demon possessed" reduced by the psychiatric pharmacopoeia. A part of the full range of senile dementia caused by the killing of healthy neurons.


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Jumlah Harga Smartphone Terbaru dan Terbaik ASUS ZenFone Yang Murah, dibandingkan dengan 18,8 juta pada tahun 1980 Mengingat yang cepat pertumbuhan rata-rata tingkat-1,5 persen per tahun dibandingkan dengan 1,2 persen di Maroko dan 1,08 persen pada populasi Tunisia-Aljazair diperkirakan akan melebihi 40 juta pada tahun 2020, dengan mereka yang kurang dari tiga puluh empat tahun yang mewakili 68 persen dari total populasi population.5 Aljazair juga telah tumbuh lebih terdidik, dengan rata-rata tujuh tahun sekolah sekarang naik dari kurang dari dua tahun pada tahun 1980, 6 dan menjadi lebih urban, dengan 72 persen dari Aljazair yang tinggal di kota-kota dibandingkan dengan 44 persen pada awal 1980-an. Faktor-faktor ini meningkatkan harapan untuk pekerjaan dan perumahan yang layak dan bisa memicu ketidak-puasan yang mungkin akan menyebabkan Jumlah Harga Smartphone Terbaru dan Terbaik ASUS ZenFone Yang Murah.

Generasi baru Smartphone, yang menyumbang hampir dua pertiga dari total penduduk, lahir setelah kemerdekaan pada tahun 1962 dan tidak secara langsung mengalami kehadiran kolonial Perancis. Namun, semua presiden Aljazair sejak kemerdekaan telah diturunkan sebagian besar legitimasi mereka dari perjuangan melawan Perancis. Anggota tantangan generasi baru ini sumber ini legitimasi dan menunjukkan kegagalan pemimpin mereka lebih mudah daripada orang tua mereka lakukan. Sebagian besar pemuda di bawah tiga puluh tahun pemilihan yang diboikot lama dan benar-benar tidak percaya pada sistem politik. Selain itu, sebagai orang-orang yang tidak memiliki kenangan pribadi Harga Smartphone mencapai masa dewasa, beberapa rem psikologis saat ini pada konfrontasi langsung dengan pemerintah akan melemah.

Many Algerian youth compare themselves to the young people in neighboring countries who have been the vanguards of change. Globalization and exposure to worldwide media have increased their expectations regarding individual liberties, dignity, and social justice. As in the rest of the region, Algerian youth suffer more than adults from high unemployment rates and the absence of economic opportunities. Unemployment in 2010 among recent university graduates was as high as 30 percent, and youth account for three-quarters of unemployed Algerians. Tapi Smartphone Android kerja saja ada jaminan kepuasan. Sebuah survei terbaru oleh National Office Aljazair Statistik mengungkapkan bahwa sepertiga dari orang yang bekerja mencari pekerjaan lain baik karena pekerjaan mereka saat ini tidak stabil (enam dari sepuluh kasus) atau kurang dibayar (tiga dari sepuluh kasus). Pengangguran dan kualitas pekerjaan yang buruk merupakan salah satu aspek dari marginalisasi dan keputusasaan yang dirasakan oleh berbagai petak pemuda Aljazair.

Telah ada penurunan ASUS ZenFone Smartphone Android Terbaik pengangguran dalam dekade terakhir, tetapi telah berjalan seiring dengan dominan tumbuh setengah pengangguran, pekerjaan sementara, dan kegiatan informal sektor. Sebagai tingkat pengangguran resmi turun dari 30 sampai sekitar 10 persen selama dekade terakhir, pangsa pekerjaan sementara meningkat. Lima puluh persen dari pekerjaan yang diciptakan selama periode 2005-2010 bersifat sementara, dibandingkan dengan 30 persen dari pekerjaan yang diciptakan pada tahun 1990an dan 20 persen sebelum tahun 1990-an (lihat gambar 1). Dua faktor membantu menjelaskan perkembangan ini. Yang pertama adalah munculnya sejumlah besar usaha mikro dan kecil (dengan kurang dari sepuluh karyawan). Yang kedua adalah peran pemerintah menurun dalam penciptaan lapangan kerja. Sektor publik Aljazair (pemerintah dan badan usaha milik negara) menyediakan dua pertiga dari total lapangan kerja hingga awal 1980-an. Ketika angka ini menurun sebagai akibat dari pergeseran ke arah ekonomi berorientasi pasar dan pengecilan pekerjaan sektor publik, sejumlah besar pencari kerja harus menciptakan lapangan kerja sendiri atau menerima posisi sementara di sektor informal.

Smartphone Murah sering mengalami pengucilan politik, dan negara tidak memiliki sistem politik yang terbuka atau organisasi masyarakat sipil yang efektif yang akan menyalurkan keluhan masyarakat. Aljazair secara resmi mengadopsi sistem multipartai pada akhir 1980-an. Menurut mantan perdana menteri, namun, sistem ini hanya façade karena itu tidak mengakhiri dengan keunggulan tentara atau memungkinkan untuk rotasi kekuasaan melalui elections.7 Meskipun ada beberapa 66,000 asosiasi masyarakat sipil di awal 2000-an -among yang lebih dari 900 memiliki masyarakat lingkup-sipil nasional memiliki sedikit ruang untuk manuver, menderita kurangnya otonomi, dan terkena tekanan politik melalui pendanaan selektif dan intimidasi. Hari ini, organisasi masyarakat sipil yang paling kuat adalah perpanjangan dari party.8 FLN dominan asosiasi Akar Rumput yang lemah dan gagal untuk mengerahkan dampak pada debat publik atau proses pengambilan keputusan. Dua fenomena menggambarkan kehilangan akut anak muda iman di masa depan negara dan masa depan mereka sendiri di dalamnya: bakar diri dan migrasi klandestin.

source : Smartphone Terbaik, Smartphones, Android Phone, Smartphone Terbaru, Best Android Phone, Android Smartphone.

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P.O. Box 9022 : Cincinnati, Ohio 45209

Email: : Voicemail: 1-800-571-5618

Fax: 1-866-433-4170


International Protest Against Mind and Body-Invasive Technologies

On Wednesday, October 14, a global alliance of those covertly targeted by covert mind and body

manipulation technologies believed to be emanating from intelligence agency sources, are holding a

worldwide protest against the use of these devices on non-consenting individuals. The technologies

used are capable of remotely accessing and adversely affecting the human brain and body functions so

therefore raise serious privacy issues for all who value freedoms in modern society.

Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) October 12, 2009 -- On Wednesday, October 14, IAACEA, the

International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse is staging a worldwide protest against the use of

electronic technologies that assault and harass members of the unsuspecting public. This coalition

unites concerned professionals and victim groups, in: Canada - Nanaimo, British Columbia and

Toronto, Ontario, the U.S. - San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA, Cincinnati, OH, Philadelphia, PA, and

Washington, DC, England - London, India, China and other countries.

IAACEA claims that many people are suffering from the effects of various advanced technologies that

remotely target the human mind and body. Many conventional means of redress are expensive and in

some cases, exhausted. Members have organized and report their readiness to stage worldwide civil

protests on this vital issue. "This is a historic event...I believe we must win (back) something that

belongs to us", says Robin Yan one of the event organizers in Toronto, Canada.

Through these civil protests, IAACEA intends to educate the public, gain media attention and mobilize

national policy changes in the involved countries. Long-term goals include: creating laws to protect

citizens from electromagnetic arms and prosecuting offenders who commit the crimes of electronic

harassment and organized stalking, which often occurs, when these crimes are committed.

IAACEA's stated goal is to ban the use of electromagnetic weapons that remotely interfere with the

human body and mind and make it a criminal offense to possess and use such weapons.

Electromagnetic (EM) frequencies powering these devices are microwave, infrared, extremely low

frequency (ELF) and others. All EM energy is radiation. Members explain that this form of harassment

is invasive. They believe that long-term exposures to EM can destroy the health of those targeted, and

has caused deaths to occur.

Electromagnetic weapons that remotely "tetanize" or contract muscles are one type of these devices.

The patent abstract explains what occurs when this weapon is used on an unsuspecting target: "because

the electrical current is a close replication of the physiological neuroelectric impulses which control

striated muscle tissue, it tetanizes the subject's skeletal muscles without causing any perceptible

sensation." (U.S.. Patent 5675103 Inventors:Herr; Jan Eric (San Diego, CA) 1996).

Other devices can painfully target the human brain, send a microwave audio signal that only one person

in a crowd can hear, vibrate internal organs, and send shocks to targeted areas of the body. All of these

devices exist in miniaturized, cell phone -like form. They can be activated remotely and covertly,

relatively easily, according to private investigator reports and member accounts.

The military has defined these devices. Captain Paul Tyler writes: "The potential applications of

artificial electromagnetic fields are wide ranging .. In all of these cases the EM systems would be used

to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation.". ("Low

Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology " by Lt. Col Dean, June 1986. This section written by Capt.

Paul Tyler).

Unwitting EM assault victims report frightening, and sometimes traumatizing experiences. Once

targeted by these rogue elements, assault experiences continue for years without end. IAACEA

members explain that this is an insidious crime which is silent, unseen and covert in character. They

believe there are horrible debilitating effects, because the entire body is targeted.

Dr. Nick Begich, BBC documentary producer and expert speaker at the European Parliament urges

that, "the new science of applying subtly modulated energy to manipulate brain activity or in order to

alter other physiological functions should be investigated again across all agencies and departments of

the government." ("Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace" by Nick Begich,

publisher Earthpulse Press, Alaska, U.S., 2000 ISBN 1-890693-43-X)

U.N. speaker and described non-lethal weapons specialist, Cheryl Welsh, Davis, CA, has documented

stories of victims of advanced electromagnetic warfare technology. This CNN News Network

documentary producer, urges that, "all non-consensual experimentation needs to stop".

IAACEA states that these illegally transmitted directed energy signals violate the targeted person's civil

and human rights. (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 1948-2009). Protesters and civil rights

activists intend that their work will restore human rights to individuals targeted by these assaults.

Information on the Protest and IAACEA can be obtained by contacting:


Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance:


Derrick Robinson


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Official confirms what thousands of victims have long known: an evil U.S. shadow government is conducting a covert, taxpayer-funded genocidal purge of American society -- while Congress and an apparently entrained Obama administration sleep.

Author's note: Former FBI official Ted Gunderson died of cancer on July 31, 2011. Was his illness induced by silent electromagnetic assault or by other nefarious means? We will never know -- and that's just the way certain entities want it.

A former senior official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation says "rogue" military intelligence and law enforcement units of the federal government oversee a nationwide network of community-based "gang stalking" harassment, intimidation and domestic terrorism directed at thousands of U.S. citizens who have been extrajudicially targeted as "dissidents" or undesirables.

Ted Gunderson, 82, who has served as the special agent in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles, Memphis and Dallas field offices, has stated in a series of public speaking appearances that he is now targeted by these same elements, and fears for his life and for the safety of his family. He reports that the windows of his home have been shot out, and he believes he has been poisoned and physically sickened by those seeking to silence him.

Since his retirement from the FBI in the 1979, Gunderson has been a Southern California- based private investigator. He is most noted for his defense work on the murder case involving former Army physician Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald.

The ex-FBI official's comments represent the most compelling testimony to date indicating that "black operations" of the federal government are dedicated to waging a covert war of terror and persecution targeting American citizens.

"Based on my thirty years' experience and research, I have determined there are thousands of victims who have been targeted by an illegal U.S. government rogue criminal enterprise -- military intelligence, probably, tied into CIA and FBI and so forth -- that is active 24 hours a day throughout the United States," Gunderson stated in an October 2008 speech posted last fall on YouTube.

NOTE: It appears that the link to the Ted Gunderson YouTube video has been sabotaged. Please search "Ted Gunderson" and "YouTube" and look for the link to his speech at the Gulf Symposium. I believe this is more blatantly illegal and malicious interference with telecommunications by operatives of Lockheed Martin, under contract to U.S. Homeland-mil-intel, or another entity representing the agencies, commands and corporations of the U.S. fusion center network.

"It is far too extensive to be controlled by private enterprise," Gunderson said. "I believe this well organized and sophisticated operation has a central command located somewhere in the United States, with multiple satellite offices scattered throughout the country."

Said Gunderson:

"It appears those who administer the program can call any location in the United States for surveillance, a telephone tap, or... harassment directed at a victim, and immediately dispense manpower to the source... This well-greased, covert operation makes the old FBI counterintelligence program (code-named "Cointelpro") look like a Sunday school class."

Gunderson also maintains that federal security and law enforcement agencies and commands have been infiltrated by members of secret societies such as the Illuminati, which he has described as a satanic criminal cult.

This correspondent has reported that Lockheed Martin, the world's largest defense contractor and the prime cyber-security and information technology supplier to the federal government, coordinates the communications and trains the "team leaders" of a nationwide Gestapo-like apparatus, which has tentacles into every security and law enforcement agency in the nation, including state and local police and 72 regional "fusion centers" administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. According to company literature, Lockheed Martin has operations in 46 of the 50 states.

Lockheed Martin also has operational command and control over a U.S. government microwave radio frequency weapon system, deployed on cell tower masts throughout the U.S., that is being used to silently torture, impair, subjugate and electronically incarcerate so-called "targeted individuals." The nexus of this American "torture matrix" appears to be Lockheed Martin's Mission and Combat Support Solutions central command center in Norristown, Montgomery County, PA., which employs several thousand workers. The defense contractor's global headquarters is in Bethesda, MD, just outside the nation's capital.

Lockheed Martin, under contract to U.S. security and intelligence agencies and commands, also conducts warrantless surveillance of the telecommunications of targeted persons, and routinely censors and tampers with the content of their communications, as this reporter has documented in a series of recent articles:

Thousands of Americans, including this veteran journalist, have publicly reported being the victims of silent electromagnetic assault and community-based home intrusions, vandalism, and even the poisoning of food, water and air. Federal and local law enforcement routinely dismiss their reports as the product of delusions or mental illness, and refuse to investigate their complaints.

These "targets" and their families have been physically harmed and financially destroyed as a result of taxpayer-funded "psychological operations," police-protected community "stalking" harassment and malicious vandalism, and other covert programs of personal destruction, including government-assisted financial sabotage. Many appear to have been targeted as a result of their politics; their activism or corporate whistle-blowing activities; their ethnic background; or as a result of score-settling vendettas by persons in positions of power -- in government and in the private sector.

The former FBI executive's remarks are only now attracting widespread exposure on this and other web sites. This correspondent believes that recent revelations of government-sponsored domestic terrorism against U.S. citizens have prompted some conscientious insiders to call attention to Gunderson's public statements.

Gunderson has said that government-sponsored gang stalking terrorism is financed "through illegal black operations," such as sales of illegal drug; gambling; prostitution; and even sexual exploitation of children. But this reporter believes it is more likely that programs of government-sponsored domestic terrorism are funded from military and security "black ops" budgets that have been illegally diverted to covert domestic programs administered and conducted primarily by defense contractors.

Late last year, The New York Times disclosed that an official of the U.S. Air Force had set up an unauthorized military intelligence spy ring in Pakistan and Afghanistan, run by Lockheed Martin and funded by defense appropriations.

This correspondent suspects that a similar arrangement could be funding government-sponsored "gang stalking" operations throughout the nation, and has urged Congress to immediately hold public hearings as part of a comprehensive investigation of military-style "black ops" targeting American citizens and their families -- a silent, slow-kill genocide motivated by ideology and hate.


Continue reading at U.S. GOV'T RUNS 'GANG STALKING' VIGILANTISM, SAYS EX-FBI OFFICIAL | NowPublic News Coverage


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3-2960 Penny Dr. Ottawa, ON 2014-3-10

My Testimony for Galina Kurdina

Dear Judge,

Project MKUltra is the code name of a U.S. government human research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans through the CIA's Scientific Intelligence Division. The CIA project was coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the Army's Chemical Corps. The program engaged in many illegal activities; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects. MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

The program began in the early 1950s, and officially halted in 1973. But according to many victims' experiences, and interview with CIA former agents Mark Philips and Dr. Robert Duncan, the experimentation was "moved from one agency to another", and continued "under new name and new budget." Nowadays many governments are doing MKUltra-like experimentation covertly, including Canada, USA, China, Russia, Japan, India, UK, Germany, etc. And all countries are co-operating. The experimentation became more secret than before and left no traceable evidence for victims to present in court.

Government secret agency chose us as test subjects without our knowledge and consent.

I have read the testimony of Galina Kurdina and known her for more than three years and I determined that Galina Kurdina is a MKUltra-like experimentation victim, same as me and many others. Victims are mostly implanted secretly. It is not possible to detect implants in hospitals as secret agents can control equipments. In a formal letter from Professor Michael Persinger in Laurentian University in Sudbury, he stated cognition (the "mind") can be controlled by external energies, such as electromagnetic fields, "Both theory and multiple experiments, starting with Frey’s original work during the 1960s and continuing with our research, indicate that complex thought experiences can be induced and modified by applied, appropriately pulsed magnetic fields generated by MHz to GHz range carriers."

Test subjects are tortured and tormented mentally and physically everyday by electromagnetic energies. Our experiences include: depression/ cramping, numbness in head/ extreme fatigue/ head pain, dizziness /dream manipulation and sleep deprivation / piercing pain in muscle /muscle cramp /electric shock feeling/ fail to concentrate / memory interruption and disappearing / stutter speaking /sudden emotion change / forced speaking / forced limb motion / vision blur / burning skin, sometimes with cuts /dark face, thin hair / diarrhea/abnormal heart beat/ hearing voices (voice to skull technologies). Under the attack of electromagnetic energies, most test subjects lost the capabilities to work. And psychiatrists labeled us as mentally ill. That is not right.

From 2008 on, I had a lot of above mentioned experiences. From late 2009 I heard voices every day. The voices could not be from myself. They include female and male voices, speaking both English and Chinese languages, talking about something I did not know. I swear what I wrote here is terribly truth.

Cheng, Qijia

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1 of 2

November 11, 2013

Dr. John R. Hall D.O.

5282 Medical Drive # 200

San Antonio, Texas 78229


Ms. Anne-Laurence Lacroix

Deputy Secretary General

OMCT International Secretariat

PO Box 21, 8, rue du Vieux-Billard

CH-1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland

Dear Ms. Lacroix,

I am writing you on the behalf of victims both in the United States and abroad. As you are aware, many revelations surrounding the National Security Agency’s extensive electronic dragnet have recently come to light through released records by the intelligence insider Mr. Edward Snowden. During the course of the LIBE Committee hearings even more first-hand testimony was heard from other former NSA insiders regarding the extent of NSA privacy invasion and lack of oversight regarding their methods of data collection. Their statements begin to come very close to an issue that those of us in the medical community in the United States and abroad have been keenly watching for several years now.

Over the last decade we have seen a sharp rise in the number of people coming forward with complaints of non-consensual experimentation with electromagnetic weapons designed to target both electronic hardware and the human central nervous system. While this was typically disregarded as mental illness in the past, the total global population voicing these identical complaints has exponentially grown to numbers that can no longer be attributed to delusional disorder, schizophrenia or any other described mental illness. You may be unaware that the safeguards against experimenting on the public without their consent in the United States are very lax and are included in legislation referred to as The Common Rule which is the Federal Policy regarding human subjects protection. It is written with several loopholes for the allowance of non-consensual experimentation, mostly by intelligence agencies. Hence, we have seen the necessity for the Bioethics Commission hearings in the United States after it was brought to light that Guatemalan prisoners were experimented on with contagions by the National Institutes of Health. During the course of the Bioethics Hearings, their directive was to determine if any other non-consensual experimentation was ongoing in the United States or abroad. At each of the four meetings there was included a public forum for the committee to address concerns by the public at large. Over one hundred individuals were in attendance at each of the four meetings voicing complaints of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies. The effects of these technologies on the human body can only be described as torture. 2 of 2

Several years ago another National Security Agency insider, John St. Clair Akwei, described in detail the frequencies used by the NSA and other intelligence agencies to access and influence the human body and nervous system in his civil action against the NSA. His descriptions of technologies used to track, monitor and alter a subject’s perceptions, moods and motor control are similar to the complaints we are hearing today from victims alleging non-consensual experimentation and torture. Moreover, Vladimir Putin, in a speech in 2012, admitted that Russia is following suit in funding development of weapons that will attack the human central nervous system. His defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov, described the weapons as directed energy weapons, wave energy weapons, genetic weapons and psychotronic weapons based upon new physics principles. Obviously, Russia intends to go down the same path of directed energy weapons research that the United States has long been on. The unfortunate truth regarding this type of technology is the ease with which it can be used remotely and non-consensually on the public without the recommended safeguards of an Institutional Review Board or any appreciable ethical oversight. In the United States this research is typically done clandestinely under the guise of national security concerns just as the NSA electronic data mining was done which is currently being covered in the LIBE Committee.

Over the last decade I have consulted with thousands of people in the United States complaining of exposure and experimentation with electromagnetic weapons technologies which include, but are not limited to, complaints of mood alteration, heart palpitations, involuntary body movements, severe headaches, blurred vision, burns to the skin, non-consensual micro-chipping and neurocognitive perturbation. It is my belief, based upon former and current publically released government research documents as well as victims complaints of torture, that this technology is being used in a non-consensual manner on the global public.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for meeting with our representative from the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies and taking the time out of your busy schedule to hear these complaints and read my letter. On behalf of the whole of humanity, I sincerely hope that these technologies will eventually be addressed in the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, as the use of these currently can only be described as torture and dehumanizing.

Thank You,

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August 9, 2013

Mr. Juan E. Mendez

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Dear Sir,

We have the honor to express our highest appreciation for the responsibilities of the UN Special

Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

We have been engaged in throwing light on covert and overt harassment for fifteen years in

Japan. When we established our private group, we initially had fourteen members, who were

victims. In the meantime, this number has grown to more than 320, with more than 1,200

persons being recognized as victims in our country. In November 2007 our group became a

Specified Nonprofit Organization.

As a result of our fifteen year survey, we have been able to provide evidence that covert and

overt harassment should be declared true modern-day torture. These types of torture used many

new technologies. For example, 24-hour tracking, mental and physical attack and manipulation,

transmission of voice and images to the brain, triggering of diseases, etc. These attacks and

manipulations continue day in, day out, by invisible means within normal social life. We have 17

recognized dead victims, half of them suicides. Many victims are faced with disaster and fatal

consequences. Most of the victims are unable to hold a job because they are incapacitated by the

loud voices acting on their brains, sleep disturbance, physical pain, etc.

Attached is a copy of the petition we submitted to President Obama in which we explained the

facts of both types of harassment. The petition was submitted on May 12, 2009. The number of

victims has risen from 500 to 1,200 in the course of four years. While we know that most people

in Japan have been affected by this problem in one way or another, we are aware that it is not

limited to Japan, but is an issue for people all over the world.

Sincerely yours,


Chairman of the Board of Directors

Technological Crime Victims Network

Specified Nonprofit Organization

Tozaikanbil-honkan, room21, 2-9-6 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku,

Tokyo 102-0072, Japan Phone & fax: 03-5212-4611

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Jonathan O. Wilson, Attorney at Law

P.O. Box 1102

Morrison, Colorado 80465

Fax: (303) 697-1189

April 9, 2008

Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance

P.O. Box 9022

Cincinnati, Ohio 45209

Re: Letter explaining factual and legal background to medical providers

Dear Sir or Madam:

This law firm represents Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (“Freedom”), an

organization with several hundred members around the country and internationally who have reason to

believe they are targeted with various non-lethal weapons. Freedom is currently communicating with

legislators in order to institute hearings and investigations of the numerous abuses of citizens.

The purpose of this letter is to inform medical providers of the factual and legal background behind

many complaints of physical and psychological symptoms that patients relate to non-lethal weapons. It

has come to our attention that medical providers often dismiss these allegations as unrealistic and false

and attribute them to mental instability. It is difficult to legally prove targeting by psychotronic

weapons when the perpetrators operate from remote, unseen locations and therefore the targeting can

be dismissed as delusional. Given the wide scope of alleged targeting, there is a certain risk of

sounding too conspiratorial, however, common denominators exist, such as similar physical and

psychological claims, surveillance scenarios, and harassment techniques.

We strongly urge you to not summarily dismiss a patient’s claims of being targeted with nonlethal,

directed energy weapons for the following reasons:

1. Evidence supports the conclusion that weapons exist that could be used against individuals,

based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filings, public releases by agencies, and other

technologies that indicate the level of technological sophistication. The weapons are believed to

be based on electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves, lasers and other types of directed

energy, and were characterized as “psychotronic” in Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s draft of House

Resolution 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001.

2. Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without

permission in the past; for example, the CIA’s human experimentation discussed in Orlikow v.

U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed

in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical experimentation as

discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt.

103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994).

3. Lastly, the sheer numbers of people complaining of being targeted, including people with

post-graduate degrees and a lifetime of achievements, and the similarities in symptoms, tend to

outweigh a dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia.

Therefore, we urge you to at least consider the possibility of symptoms resulting from radiation,

electromagnetism, sonic energy, other unusual types of energy, as well as psychological symptoms

resulting from intentional harassment.

Very truly yours,

Jon Wilson

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Dear Member of the Canadian Government:  

We are writing you on behalf of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapons to ask for your help for the many constituents in Canada who are being targeted unjustly or used as human subjects in experiments without their informed consent. We, and many others, are being TORTURED AND MUTILATED IN A MIND CONTROL CONCENTRATION CAMP 24/7. We wouldn't be tortured and manipulated in a properly functioning legal system/society. 

Victims of Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) weapons detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous incidents of psychological torture, mental anguish and physical mutilations. Criminals may implant people with microchips or nanomaterials and place them under continuous surveillance, no matter where they are.  They monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images. They continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, commands, images, "dreams", and other disturbances into the brain. They directly abuse, torture and assault our bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures from remote locations.

These are some of symptoms of targeted individuals:

 1). Microwave hearing and torture with intense, loud, electronic-sounding noise.

 2). Visual distortions and hallucinations, artificial dreams.

 3). Manipulation of will, emotions, feelings, and perceptions.

 4). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands.

 5). Reading thoughts remotely, retrieving memories, implanting personalities.

 6). Debilitation of mental acuity: inability to concentrate, disruption of ability to think rationally and independently.

 7). Loss of memory and knowledge.

 8). Inadequate states, which targeted individuals have never experienced before (states of narcotic intoxication, depression, obsessive desires and so on).

  9). Control of sleep patterns: sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep

10). Cramps, seizures and spasms

11). Excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body, including heart attacks and other serious medical conditions. 

Some victims are subject to harassment and organized stalking in their communities, some victims receive intentional false psychiatric diagnoses and in addition become victims of the systems, from which they are seeking help (medical institutions and law enforcement).

We have contacted Parliament, Courts, RCMP, police, Security/Intelligence Agencies and other Government institutions over and over and over again, but have had our appeals for assistance and protection almost completely ignored or suppressed. The government “doing nothing” in this situation is a form of sanctioning these horrendous, fascist mind control experiments on innocent and defenseless people.  That is why the Canadian Government is responsible for these crimes. The government of Canada must uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law and protect Canadian citizens by these laws. Instead we see the huge disconnect between its professed principles and values and the reality.

It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes and the extreme danger that these technologies pose to democracy, human rights, privacy, mental and physical freedom, and the health of all people. These are the most horrendous weapons and crimes imaginable, and the people, using them, are mass-murdering conspirators, pursuing fascist, totalitarian, fundamentalist schemes.

Doctor Joseph Mengele and other Nazis, who started developing these techniques in concentration camps during World War II, were brought over here from Europe after the war to continue their atrocities. MKULTRA was the first of these illegal and immoral experiments with unwilling victims.  We are the latest victims.  THIS MUST STOP, and the people responsible exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity.  We demand only that our human rights are respected, and that the Canadian Government appoints a Committee to get to the bottom of this most serious matter based upon the evidence collected, intercepted, and compiled by victims for many years.

This gross violation of human rights must be investigated immediately.

Members of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapons and Targeted Individuals:

  1. 1.        Galina Kurdina,, Toronto, ON, Canada.
  2. 2.        David Smith,, Gabriola Island, BC, Canada.
  3. 3.        Susan Michael,, Fort Chipewyan, AB, Canada.
  4. 4.        Cecilia Mallon,, Massey, ON, Canada.
  5. 5.        Qijia Cheng,, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
  6. 6.        Nicole Delpeuch,, Laval, QC, Canada.
  7. 7.        Consuelo Golmar,, Vernon, BC, Canada.
  8. 8.        Jonathan Ross,, Port Moody, BC, Canada.
  9. 9.        Landry Nimpagaritse,, Gatineau, QC, Canada.
  10. 10.     Marie Joy Brooks Dyck,, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
  11. 11.     Garry Hoedl,, Grande Prairie, AB, Canada.
  12. 12.     Abbas Mohammed Bileya,, Mississauga, ON, Canada.
  13. 13.     Adrian Graham,, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
  14. 14.     Zirui Gong,, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  15. 15.     Michael Winston Schell,, Denfield, ON, Canada.
  16. 16.     Cindy Munro,, Nanaimo, BC, Canada.
  17. 17.     Carol Canning,, Montreal, QC, Canada.
  18. 18.     Jerome Mitchell,, East York, ON, Canada.
  19. 19.     Matthew James Williamson,, Cambridge, ON, Canada.
  20. 20.     Omar El-hagg,, Kitchener, ON, Canada.
  21. 21.     Randy Steven Gauthier,, Timmins, ON, Canada.
  22. 22.     Alain Belair,, Laval, QC, Canada.
  23. 23.     Yousif Ibrahim Ismaeil, ‏, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
  24. 25.     Manan Paul,, Brampton, ON, Canada.
  25. 26.     Morteza Sheshpari,, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
    1. 27.     Igor Marochkin,, Toronto, ON, Canada.
    2. 28.     Alla Rolfes,, Surrey, BC, Canada.
    3. 29.     Derrick Robinson,, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
    4. 30.     Robert W. Baird,, New Orleans, LA, USA.
    5. 31.     Stefan Keith Howard,, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
    6. 32.     Fernando Sanchez,, Redwood City, CA, USA.
    7. 33.     Millicent Black, REVMIL29@MAIL.COM Columbia, TN, USA.
    8. 34.     Penny Guglielmini,, Elma, WA, USA.
    9. 35.     Leila Gutowski,, Richmond, VA, USA.
    10. 36.     Todd Bowen,, Blissfield, MI, USA.
    11. 37.     Rianne Davis,, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
    12. 38.     James Lico,, Algona, WA, USA.
    13. 39.     John Finch,, Thornbury, Vic, Australia.
    14. 40.     Peter Sune Brandt Jensen,, Vedbæk, Rudersdal, Denmark.
    15. 41.     Ornella Cameron,, London, UK.
    16. 42.     Wojciech Julian Bartocha,, Szczecin, Poland. 
    17. 43.     Nermin Rafik Tawfik Mohamed-Salma,, Giza, Egypt.
    18. 44.     Abdellatif B. Hafnaoui Bouazizi,, Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia.
    19. 45.     Bernard Weekes,, London, UK.
    20. 46.     Mohammed Azlaf,, Oujda, Morocco.
    21. 47.     Clement Raylen Kalipa,, Yeoville, Gauteng, South Africa.

WEB Sites:,,,,,, “Against use of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapons. Testimonies of victims”, “Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory Mind Control”.

Books and articles regarding body and mind control technologies on, a search engine for MEDLINE library, service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health:

  1. 1.        Moreno JD., 2004, DARPA on your mind, Cerebrum;6(4):91-9
  2. 2.        June 2003, Silence of the neuroengineers, Nature, 423(6942):787
  3. 3.        Hoag H., June 2003, Remote control, Nature, 423(6942):796-8.
  4. 4.        Rudolph A, July 2003, Military: brain machine could benefit millions, Nature, 424(6947):369
  5. 5.        Keiper A, 2006, The age of neuroelectronics, New Atlantis,11:4-41
  6. 6.        Durand DM, 2007, Neural engineering--a new discipline for analyzing and interacting with the nervous system, Methods Inf Med, 46(2):142-6.
  7. 7.        Birmingham JT, Graham DM, Tauck DL, May 2004, Lymnaea stagnalis and the development of neuroelectronic technologies, J Neurosci Res,76(3):277-81
  8. 8.        Kawato M, June 2008, Brain controlled robot, HFSP J., 2(3):136-42. Epub 2008 May 23
  9. 9.        Glannon W., February 2006, Neuroethics, Bioethics; 20(1):37-52.
  10. 10.     Fuchs T., November 2006, Ethical issues in neuroscience, Curr Opin Psychiatry;19(6):600-7
  11. 11.     Butler D., January, 22, 1998 “Advances in Neuroscience May Threaten Human Rights”, Nature, Vol, 391, p. 316
  12. 12.     Delgado JM, Mark V, Sweet W, Ervin F, Weiss G, Bach-Y-Rita G, Hagiwara R., October,1968, Intracerebral radio stimulation and recording in completely free patients, J Nerv Ment Dis.;147(4):329-40
  13. 13.     Horgan J., October, 2005, The forgotten era of brain chips, Sci Am.;293(4):66-73
  14. 14.     Delgado JM, November, 1955, Evaluation of permanent implantation of electrodes within the brain, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 7(4):637-44.
  15. 15.     Delgado JM, June 1959, Electronic command of movement and behavior, Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences; 21:689-99.
  16. 16.     Faden RR, 1996 May, Human-subjects research today: final report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, Acad Med;71(5):482-3.
  17. 17.     Heath RG, December, 1963, Electrical self-stimulation of the brain in man, American Journal of Psychiatry, 120:571-7.
  18. 19.     Adey, W. Ross, December, 1979, Neurophysiologic Effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, V.55, #11
  19. 20.     Bawin SM, Gavalas-Medici RJ, Adey WR., 1973, Effects of Modulated Very High Frequency Fields on Specific Brain Rhythms in Cats, Brain Research, V.58.
  20. 21.     Elazar Z, Adey WR., 1967, Spectral Analysis of Low Frequency Components in the Electrical Activity of the Hippocampus during Learning, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, V.23.
  21. 22.     Frey AH, 1965, Behavioral Biophysics, Psychological Bulletin, V.65, #5.
  22. 23.     Frey AH, 1962, Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy, Journal of Applied Physiology, 17/4, pg. 689 – 692
  23. 24.     Eichert ES 3rd, Frey AH, June, 1976, Proceedings: Human auditory system response to lower power density, pulse modulated, electromagnetic energy: a search for mechanisms.
  24. 25.     Frey AH, Feld SR, Frey B., February, 1975, Neural Function and Behavior: Defining to Relationship, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, V.247
  25. 26.     Don R. Justesen, March, 1975, “Microwave and Behavior”, Journal “American Psychologist”. Demonstration of voices to skull technology in 1973 and its description.

18.     Heath RG, January 1972, Pleasure and brain activity in man. Deep and surface electroencephalograms during orgasm, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 154(1):3-18

There are 259 articles and books about brain-machine interface, 155 articles about neuroengineering, 80 articles about neural interfacing, 18 articles about neuromechanical systems, 580 articles about neuroinformatics, 20866 articles about neuroimaging, 1380 articles about neural prostheses, 26 articles about artificial and biological neural circuits, 33697 articles about neural control, 3678 articles about neural signal processing, 2658 articles about neural modeling, 2 articles about neuro-computation in MEDLINE library.

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Please petition for Cataluña.

Please I have only 3 firms extrangeras people in this petition. In Catalonia happening something very important: political change and a separation of Spain desired. In Brussels they will make the Congress November 20, 2014.
This petition will take you to the municipalities in my city and beyond where possible, in Spain there COOPERATION to unify efforts, there is only classism. If I have to take three requests'll take three requests ... nothing happens.
I am looking ayudases you create a public force to demand citizenship inform that there is this type of crime, you may become part of the world that you may be, this is for everyone. THE advantage exists in Catalonia is that the GOVERNMENT has admitted the crime to the Marquis of Vilanova i la GELTRU, there is a letter on my blog. A document. There may be one way ...

Thank you.

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 I would prefer to call them lost souls ,but you know those , who seem ready to destroy the caring, innocent,happy,
soulful peope.
 Lost souls are like zombies who thrive on darkness and cant wait to bite others.  All it takes is one bite,then they start to crave the darkness.
Love,forgiveness,peace, faith ,joy,and growth, is what keeps your soul alive and keeps you from becoming a  soulless  zombie.s
Zombie-like behavior cannot survive in the light Zombie-like behavior thrives in darknessa with a well-fed ego  ,an ego which survives on being right about having the right to be bitter, resentful, and depressed.
Forgiveness and self- love  are very important to keeping your soul alive.

These  zombies( lost souls), are very good at  not looking like a zombie ,so chances are, you have been bitten ,at one time or another.They look like normal soulful people

If bitten by one of these lost souls be sure to forgive your zombie because this releases  their poison from your system.It keeps your soul from shutting down and
you becoming  uncaring soulless lost person

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Hanging in there....

Its been a long 2 weeks, these terrorists are trying to take over our city, they might as well be suiside bombers I'm pretty sure they are so loud they have stopped up anyone who's had a life on the flip side of things. Got a few more likes on my FB page "Help Stop Gangstalking in Kitchener Ontario" no one has said anything yet about it I hope people will open up...I don't even know where to start on whats gone on its so in depth, having trouble putting words I mean I could be blunt and sound like I'm on crack but ill wait... im so exsausted...I went to visit family did my work delt with screaming in the shop vac went for a hike visited with family....tired of the whole head swarm to top it off I found a lump and I'm hoping its not cancer if it is its from them....getting it checked out ASAP.

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