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That's 3 states now that acknowledge "Electronic Weapons" or " Directed Energy Weapons"

Michigan, Massachusetts and Maine.

I still have not found any laws for Canada.



Located here :


First Special Session of the 122nd


H.P. 868 - L.D. 1271

An Act Regarding Criminal Use of an Electronic Weapon

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §1004 is enacted to read:

§1004. Criminal use of electronic weapon

1. Except as provided in subsection 4, a person is guilty of criminal use of an electronic weapon if the person intentionally, knowingly or recklessly uses an electronic weapon upon any other person.

2. As used in this section, "electronic weapon" means a portable device or weapon from which an electrical current, impulse, wave or beam may be directed, which current, impulse, wave or beam is designed to have a disabling effect upon human beings.

3. Criminal use of an electronic weapon is a Class D crime.

4. This section does not apply to the use of an electronic weapon by:

A. A law enforcement officer, corrections officer or corrections supervisor engaged in the performance of the law enforcement officer's, corrections officer's or corrections supervisor's public duty if the officer's or corrections supervisor's appointing authority has authorized such use of an electronic weapon; or

B. A person using deadly force when that use is for the purpose of:

(1) Defending that person or a 3rd person as authorized under section 108, subsection 2; or

(2) Defending that person's dwelling place as authorized under section 104, subsections 3 and 4.

Effective September 17, 2005.


 Scary stuff.

Gerry Duffett

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I will not be silenced

My mom was visiting my apt this morning at 1504 Steelwood Ln Apt 1 Reno,NV when she told me that my son told her that someone held a handgun to his head and threatened his life yesterday on Patton Street here in Reno,Nv. My mom then tells me that my son told her that he won't call the police or give out the mans name to her or the police because the man said if he does give out his name h...e or call the police on him that he will kill him with the gun that he had pointed at his head. My mom then tells me that my son won't even tell her why the guy held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him on patton street here in reno,Nv. So I called the Reno police dept. When the Reno Police officers arrived I told them that my mother told me that my son told her yesterday that someone threatened to shoot him with a gun in his head and that he was to afraid to make a police report or give our his name. The police officers asked me where does your son live ,so I gave them my sons address and then they sent another police officer to my sons address to talk to him. After that the officer then tells me that my son will not make out a police report about what happened to him and that they can't do anything further. I then tell the police officers that I think that these people who threatened to shoot my son in the head with a gun are the same people who are threatened my life, the officer then tells me still we can't do anything if your son will not file a police report and besides that your case is different then your sons. I then tell the police officer how so if I filed police reports and tpo orders here in Reno,NV because someone threatened my life and my family members life. I also told them that I believe that this man who threatened to kill my son with a gun is the same person who has been tampering with my car trying to cause me a car accident. The officer then tells me again your case is different then your sons and as long as he won't file a police report we can't do nothing. I then tell the police officer that I have been trying to get help from the police here in Reno,NV for two years because these people threatened me and my familys life the officers then asked me who, I then said the people living nextstore to me. They have threatened my life and my family members life. The police officer then asked me how? I then said they have been using electronic guns on my apt. And they also are using a microchip against me that was implanted in me, the officer then asks me how? I then tell the officer my ex-boyfriend implanted a microchip in my head five years ago without my consent. The officer then tells me why don't you have it removed then I then tell him because the doctors won't confirm it, but my sons wife a radiologist tech confirmed that there is a foreign object in my head. The officer then tells me well I have a lot of foreign objects in me so what are you telling me I have microchips in me it just happens people just get foreign objects in them for no reason. The officer then tells me you just get foreign objects in you just like I have them in me so what that don't mean nothing. I then tell the officer well I have mri photos of my head to prove that there is a microchip in my head if you don't believe me I can show you my mri photos of my head. Then the officer says that's ok I don't need to see them. I then tell the officers that I not only have evidence on my mri photos but also through my gps tracking device because I have been picking up trails on my gps tracking device map that shows trails going through my walls from my neighbors apt nextstore to me downstairs. After all I can't walk through walls with my gps tracking device and it is suppose to show a trail of where I have been on a map. I then tell the officer that the reason I believe that I was able to pick this up with my gps tracking device is because microchip have gps in them to. The officer then tells me some do, I then tell him that this one does or else I wouldn't have been able to pick up trails on my gps map going through my walls of my apt from my neighbors apt. The officer then asks me where my tracking device is I tell him its in my bedroom. Then the police offcer tries to twist the conversation and then tells me don't you think you need help you know you said you could walk through walls with your gps tracking device. I then tell him I never told you that I was simply telling you that my gps tracking device picked up a trail on my map that goes through my my bedroom walls from my neighbors apt. I also told the officer that I don't like the way this system is run because I was misdiagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia the day after my brother died while I was depressed and that I don't like how the system works it because it works against people like myself. He then tells me are you taking your medications I then tell the officer it is none of your business. The Officer then asks me asks me the same questions a couple of times after that I then tell him the same thing. The officer then tells me well don't call us back for help then if you need our help if your are not going to tell tell me if you are taking your medications or not. I then tell the officer well fine if my sons dies from someone shooting him in the head with a gun I am holding you guys responsible then.
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Lets create some forum rules!!


Ive come across some issues that many of you all notice. Blogs are being created tgat target peacepink members. Often it is in the guise of blowing the whistle on someone the poster claims is a perp or troll. There is no objective argument given, just personal accusations, often based on personal differences.  This is extremely destructive.  When its repetitive,  it becomes stalking by definition.  It shou u not be allowed. I propose that we discuss petitioning the moderators to post and enforce rules,  such as posting a blog with the intention of belittling,  harassing, or accusing, another member incures a one month ban.

Another rule could be a 3-7 day ban for calling names, or cussing at each other. This includes callling ankther perp, or troll. This should be basic to adult communication,  and disability should be no excuse for namecalling.

I understand that some are into labeling others as perps, they think its saving the flock from invaders. The problem is that those who take part in this labeling are often doing so on subjective grojnds, and thus are wrong. Vigilante ideas are not productive. There are moderators.  We need a rule that members are not to be singked out by a group unless that group is made up of official moderators.  Any attempt to create a bully environment by creating a group to gangstalk anothef peacepink member should be perminently banned.

 If we create rules to help govern productive communication, we will have a much better chance at freedom because we will be more focused!!!

Lets discuss some rules!

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Mental Health and the Targeted Individual

When talking about the realities faced by a Targeted Individual, we must face the truth that the perpetrators will accomplish their objective of making your life, and your mind insane. Prolonged torture, both psychological and physical, cause lasting mental and physical conditions that may need treatment of some sort. Whether it be a prescription painkiller to treat the physical assault, or it be a prescription to help balance the offset of chemicals that the mind uses due to ongoing psychological onslaught many of us face, we have to decide to weigh the pros and cons in order to make those decisions.

Now imagine that you were born with a disability—a mental or psychological diagnosis. Having the challenge of facing life with impairment would be difficult at times. Now imagine that as a person you, without your knowledge or consent, have had some unethical--often illegal—and defiantly dangerous treatment administered to you or your children. AS a TI you may say that you understand what mistreatment is like, but for someone who already has a mental or psychological diagnosis, the difficulties to face in life multiply. We at times hear of those who give in to despair because the strain of both is just too much to take.

There are many of us who face this dual challenge directly due to the fact that we have a psychological or mental diagnosis--we are chosen because of it. Below are a few examples of human experimentation and torture on those who have a mental or psychological diagnosis by organizations and agencies that wield power of one form or another. These examples reflect the attitudes of the perpetrators of these crimes and they also provide a model for the mindset of those who attack Targeted Individuals.

The prevelance of diagnosed targets indicates that we need to address the challenges faced by those with these dual diagnosis situations as a group. Please read and comment on the following;

Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April, 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes, "people who could not fight back", as one agency officer put it.[31] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.--a b Tim Weiner (10 Mar 1999). "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.". New York Times.—Wikipedia

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[40] His treatments resulted in victims' incontinenceamnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[41] His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[42] 40-Marks 1979: pp 140–150.^ 41-Turbide, Diane (1997-04-21). "Dr. Cameron’s Casualties". Retrieved 2007-09-09.^42- Collins, Anne ([1988] 1998). In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. pp. 39, 42–3, 13--Wikipedia

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, in research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.[39] From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.[40][41]-39-^ Frederick Adolf Paola, Robert Walker, Lois Lacivita Nixon, ed. (2009). Medical Ethics and Humanities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 185–186. ISBN 978-0-7637-6063-2.-40-^ Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing", Harvard Journal of Legislation, Vol. 40—41-^ Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-300-12605-1.--


The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.


From 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, in an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation, 73 mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested". The children were not told that they were being fed radioactive chemicals and were told by hospital staff and researchers that they were joining a "science club".[65][67][68][69]-65- a b LeBaron, Wayne D. (1998). America's nuclear legacy. Nova Publishers. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-56072-556-5.-67-^ Goliszek, 2003: p. 139-68-^ "America's Deep, Dark Secret"CBS News. April 29, 2004. Retrieved February 18, 2010.-69-^ a b Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech--


In another study at the Walter E. Fernald State School, in 1956, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive calcium orally and intravenously. They also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then pushed needles through their skulls, into their brains, through their necks, and into their spines to collect cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.[69][75]-69-Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech. -75-Goliszek, 2003: p. 253 --


In 1957, Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University performed experiments on schizophrenic patients, which were funded by the U.S. Army. In the studies, he dosed them with high levels of LSD, and then implanted "deep electrodes" in their brains to take EEG readings.[126] Mohr, Clarence L.; Joseph E. Gordon (2001). Tulane: the emergence of a modern university, 1945–1980. LSU Press. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8071-2553-3.,


Bender would sometimes shock schizophrenic children (some less than 3 years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[149] Whitaker, Robert (2010). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. p. 315. ISBN 978-0-465-02014-0. ,


At Willowbrook State School for the mentally retarded in Staten Island, NY, a highly controversial medical study was carried out there between 1963 and 1966 by medical researchers Saul Krugman and Robert W. McCollum. Healthy children who were mentally retarded, were secretly intentionally inoculated, orally and by injection, with a virus that causes the hepatitis, then monitored to gauge the effects of gamma globulin in combating the resultant disease.[3] A public outcry forced the study to be discontinued after it was exposed and condemned by Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[150]


1969-Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

1991-While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony La Madrid commits suicide (Sharav).

1993-Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics -- 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers -- a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D."


1994-In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").

1994-Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.")


1996-n a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


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A Transhumanists appreciation of a Poem

Read If You’d Love To

A few years ago, I began replacing “can you [please] _____?” with “would you love to _____?” I don’t remember what prompted the shift. I do remember feeling awkward, but determined.

I knew that I wanted to live in a world where every move is made in love. It felt vulnerable and exhilarating to claim that. It felt even more vulnerable and exhilarating to practice it. It still does.

Last fall, I went to a gathering. As the music waned and drowsiness descended, I asked a new friend if he’d love to give me a ride home. “I wouldn’t love to, but I will.”

It was late. I was tired and feeling sick. It was too cold and too far to walk. I felt pressured by friends to accept the ride, and the thought of explaining myself to my new friend was exhausting. Can I maintain this “only if you would love to” mentality even when it’s inconvenient? I felt challenged and frustrated when the peppy, “what a great time to practice!” thought fist pumped through my weariness. I thanked him for his honesty and declined the ride.

He grew irritated.

“But I said I would take you.”
I shrugged, felt soft and strong.
“Everything can’t be done in love!”
“I’m going to try my best.”
“It’s impossible.”
“I need to try.”
“How will you get home?”
I shrugged, felt soft and strong.

He walked away, exasperated. A few minutes later, he returned.

“I would love to take you home.”

The ride back was quiet. About two weeks later, I received a message from him:

“Would love to hear more about the practice of loving everything you do.”

- See more at:

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They programmed me to commit suicide... or began to

email: cubicle227 at yahoo . ca - you can send me an email any time for any reason.

They are probably in the process of programming me for suicide, very slowly.

I thought it would be good for me to write an article about how they programmed me for suicide, at sunnybrook hospital. I am tired, but I will try my best.

Firstly, I believe I was probably triggered to come extremely close to it (knife on my skin) before I was taken to sunnybrook hospital. Once there, I was continuously forced not to resist psychological torture until I began to imagine running into a large food heater, sometimes trying to commit suicide, sometimes trying to escape the hospital. I was made to become secretly attracted to the idea of turning myself into liquid. I would go toward the source of fetishized suffering related to this when I drank alcohol later on.

In the hospital, a staff member often clicked a pen and I was programmed to become more and more triggered by this, to commit suicide. Then the idea of having my body forcefully moved toward the electrical socket became a problem. I imagined my distance from the socket to happen in "steps" related to disobedience.

Continuously, I was forced to imagine things like pouring acid on myself, putting myself into the heater, electrocuting myself or gouging my eyes. They made me insane and blamed it on my psychosis.

Love, Daniel

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Could your brain be reprogrammed to work better?

August 6, 2014
University of Western Australia
Scientists from Australia and France have shown that electromagnetic stimulation can alter brain organization, which may make your brain work better. In a new study, the researchers demonstrated that weak sequential electromagnetic pulses (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation -- or rTMS) on mice can shift abnormal neural connections to more normal locations.

Brain (stock illustration). A new study in mice shows that electromagnetic stimulation can alter brain organization.
Credit: © Robert Voight / Fotolia
Brain (stock illustration). A new study in mice shows that electromagnetic stimulation can alter brain organization.
Credit: © Robert Voight / Fotolia

Researchers from The University of Western Australia have shown that electromagnetic stimulation can alter brain organisation, which may make your brain work better.

In results from a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers from The University of Western Australia and the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in France demonstrated that weak sequential electromagnetic pulses (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation -- or rTMS) on mice can shift abnormal neural connections to more normal locations.

The discovery has important implications for treatment of many nervous system disorders related to abnormal brain organisation such as depression, epilepsy and tinnitus.

To better understand what magnetic stimulation does to the brain Research Associate Professor Jennifer Rodger from UWA's School of Animal Biology and her colleagues tested a low-intensity version of the therapy -- known as low-intensity repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (LI-rTMS) -- on mice born with abnormal brain organisation.

Lead author, PhD candidate Kalina Makowiecki, said the research demonstrated that even at low intensities, pulsed magnetic stimulation could reduce abnormally located neural connections, shifting them towards their correct locations in the brain.

"This reorganisation is associated with changes in a specific brain chemical, and occurred in several brain regions, across a whole network. Importantly, this structural reorganisation was not seen in the healthy brain or the appropriate connections in the abnormal mice, suggesting that the therapy could have minimal side effects in humans.

"Our findings greatly increase our understanding of the specific cellular and molecular events that occur in the brain during this therapy and have implications for how best to use it in humans to treat disease and improve brain function," Ms Makowiecki said.

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided by University of Western Australia. Note: Materials may be edited for content and

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A portrait of the most evil criminal

A portrait of the most evil criminalDo all things that offend YAH.Worships Satan.Will do anything for his insatiable greed and the lust of power.Most probably a bisexual or a homosexual.Has probably practiced deception like an art.A skillful liar.A murderer.Will always attempt to destroy all evidence and witnesses of his crimes.Will plant false evidence to destroy righteous people.Will control people through blackmail and extortion.Originally dated August 6, 2014 at 23:19.Updated on September 11, 2014 at 12:38.
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Ok here is another Tie iv found.. David Larson is a person whom I found in the early 1990's we shared information and during this same time I had my EYE implant at Stanford one of the people working on the technology was Alfred E. Mann, retinal 16 electrode implant.... I was told I was only one of a few who received such technology at Stanford.. To this day myself and family are electronically tortured (call it surveillance if you want) for choices I made when I was a young man thinking I was going to see better ( Lied too).

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My enemies have been attacking my skin since my youth

My enemies have been attacking my skin since my youthI recently found out that my skin allergy has been induced. The satanists that I have been fighting, their cohorts have been attacking my skin since my youth. The objective was to destroy my self esteem. They knew I have always been a perfectionist, so whenever I get bad skin, I would lose self confidence. I have been struggling with this problem all my life. Now, they are inducing itch mercilessly 24/7. I am not scare of them, but it is getting very frustrating and tiring. You know, my enemies are totally crazy and insane. They get to the point that they hate me and God so much that they will attack me mercilessly without any fear of damnation.Originally dated September 11, 2014 at 11:05.
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Enhanced Interrogations = V2K Brain Invasions

The CIA used waterboarding at the torture facilities as a cover for the real torture & enhanced interrogation techniques, which consisted of v2k brain invasions, brain interrogations & brain experimentation (Saddam Hussein & Abu Ghraib victims both complained of electronic brain invasions). Who was the real entity that was using v2k brain invasions, was it the NSA/DOD (synthetic telepathy research), the CIA (MK-Ultra, etc), DARPA (brain to computer interfaces), or some other large research project? Was the v2k torture a joint international research project? Has the equipment been outsourced to inhumane cut-throat psychopaths that are rich enough to afford the inhumane brain torture equipment? How many of the good old boy networks like skull & bones, etc have access to this equipment? How many organizations overseas have access to this inhumane equipment?4 countries imported the immoral, unethical, & inhumane Nazi scientists into their countries in the 1940s - Russia, USA, UK, France. The inhumane ethics, attitude & standard operating procedures of these Nazi scientists must have rubbed off on many other people in the scientific & research communities, because they are now researching electronic harassment, enhanced interrogation techniques via brain invasions, and other brain research.
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telepatia desde India a Francia

Debo hacer un comentario dada mi situacion personal, respecto al articulo. NO SE PUEDE PENSAR HOLA. Solo se siente de forma animal. En el campo psiquico se es un mono. Reaccionas muy visceralmente con una conducta reptiliana de supervivencia alos pensamientos de los demas. De forma que los demas o son rivales o son amigos. Me gusta o no me gusta... Si un grupo de personas "normales" estan juntas en el astral o medio psiquico NO SE HABLA se SIENTE: AVERSION,AMOR, ODiO, RECHAZO,IRA, DESPRECIO, FURIA...solo se sienten emociones animales....Pero el cerebro comprende lo que sucede sin lenguage conceptual, porque todos somos iguales en el subcosnciente, somos monos territoriales del amor o del terreno o de la familia etc....Nos mobemos al sentirnos amenazados por los demas... NO PIENSAS LETRAS: la telepatia es emocion sexual en animales superiores. Somos animales superiores y nos guiamos por la sexualidad, es decir por la forma de interconectar con el resto de personas con nuestras habilidades comunicativas. Entonces, para que un ordenador escriba HOLA, se necesita un grupo de ingenieria del computo que translade los impulsos electromagneticos que se generan en el cerebro al conectarte con otra mente a signos informaticos que se traduzcan con letras...
Y nuestro cerebro funciona como el sistema morse con pulsos y silencios. Para que exista una comunicacion entre materia oscura como el cerebro se necesita un interfaz interno, un microchip con un transductor de pulsos,los recoge y los envia via satelite con la referencia del numero de serie al servidor oportuno. Y desde ese servidor el ser humano conectado con otro microchip recoge la señal.
Nos estan engañando con tanto aparato tecnologico, mis compañeros targeted individual y yo, no necesitamos ese computador para oir durante dia y noche la emision de voces o sonidos modulados que nos vuelven locos ...y si denunciamos nos diagnostican ESQUIZOFRENIA PARANOIDE: el aura electromagnetica es el globo aerostatico para mantener la intercomunicacion monitorizada desde puntos concretos operativos, somos servidores mobiles... Eso de hablar via telepatica no existe, solo absorves las emociones del otro y comprendes lo que desea o necesita.
Y solo se puede realizar con una previa violacion psiquica del equilibrio de phi, la divina proporcion aurea, en la que nos colocaron para que fueramos humanos y evolucionaramos con el esfuerzo, la constancia y la voluntad de mejorar...
La telepatia sin violacion de todos los derechos humanos no existe, es algo electronico. En el congreso de Bruselas del 20, de noviembre de 2014 se hablara de lo que significa ser targeted individual o victima de acoso electronico para fines varios...

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Since the perps have blocked pdf of file listed below.

Here is a brief look.

This is the artificial cognitive model which is programmed into these supercomputers and used everyday on millions of people to thought torture or to just control. This is also the model spoken of in the book "The Matrix Deciphered".* This teachers instructional seminar was to brainwash children and bring them up on the new age movement thinking and be made ready for the computer takeover. The takeover has taken place and the framework is now being used to torture TI's and millions that are unaware. This is written with special notes for TI's and whoever is abused for refusing the mark.

Keys to Attention Control Process 

1)Energy Control *

) Staying aware of your attention level.

) Identify the level of attention for the task at hand.

) Compare your level with that required.

*The area attacked for drowsiness is the middle of forehead and top of skull( I shield with a"hat" and metal shoe horn)(Always keeps amonia smelling salts capsules on hand).


) Bracketing worries or outside distractions.

) Looking for meaning.

*TI's are worried constantly by trauma compartments, noise, body temp and extrapolation of every form.

3)Making relevant to listener*

*Assimilate everything the poor victim sees to the extreme to produce racing thoughts and nonstop thought voice.

*the use of road landmarks to extrapolate a driver's thoughts while driving. This creates a tidy circle of delusion for peoples lives. This one is used on all of the mind controlled populous.

Keys to Deep Processing

1)Mental Pictures - Create a strong mental image*

*Visual cortex abuse by horrific images and awful nightmares and using past trauma compartment images.

2) Physical Sensations - used for tactile ques and reference for past events.*

*repeated torture and abuse of any given area of the body and struck later to create memory of abuse.

3)Emotions - create a chemically burned memory*

*perps can create anger, sadness or grief by computer or laser trauma or both via hypothalamus.

4)Thought voice - inner monitor *

*these computers do replace your thought voice and distract by V2K or subliminal torture -check out my sheiding tips for this one and others

Keys to Memory Framework

1)Slots - Compartmentalization of memory*

* stacking your thoughts like a computer file for later abuse and for desired moment and effect. This is the matrix of your mind and synapse code recorded by cerebellum laser. see IBM BLUE BRAIN


More later and May God Bless and keep us in these last days. Please repent and miss the Trial coming on all the world.

"...look for new heavens and a new earth, where in dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot,and blameless." II Peter 13-14





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Friend request from a perp.

One of the perps just tried to add me as a friend on Facebook, lol tell me he's not still thinking of me after 16 years! *takes photo for personal reference* he's trying to prove hes not chicken shit for my confrontation. Its just a wee bit obvious. He's got more then just a crush on me and hes been trying to cock block me for years through v2k and Lord only knows what else. By now he should really know where he can go and how to get there to! 

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Gang-Stalking -- Role Definitions

Gang-Stalking -- Role Definitions

Short Version:

  • Targeted Individual (TI): A TI has been Black-Listed -- often out of revenge for having spoken out -- and is regularly slandered and harassed -- in an organized protocol known as Gang-Stalking.
  • Perp: Perps ruthlessly slander, stalk, and harass TIs -- for money, expectation, or enjoyment -- they are schooled at deceiving and Gagging People (GP), then recruiting them into participating.
  • Gagged Person (GP): A GP is connected to the TI, often loosely -- GPs are Gagged by the Perp, once they hear their slander about the TI -- next the GP is recruited by the Perp to help administer vigilante justice to the TI -- which is justified by the Perp's secret slander.

  • Handler: A cowardly Handler remains unseen -- they pull strings -- using Perps and GPs to stalk, harass, and slander the TI -- each TI has a ruthless Handler that manages their targeting. << Print this Flier << Gang-Stalking Talk Show
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Medium Version:

  • Targeted Individual (TI): Many Targeted Individuals are regularly persecuted, for having spoken out. From a Gang-Stalking perspective, these TIs have been Black-Listed. This means they are slated for life-long harassment, mobbing, stalking and continual slander -- all of which is often unleashed on their family as well, children included. Each TI has a primary Handler assigned to them. More
  • Handler: A Handler has never been a Targeted Individual (TI). They orchestrate the slander and harassment activities -- against the TIs who they oversee. Handlers are never seen while doing their shameful job -- although the TI may know, but not suspect them. All Handlers share, a common, and largely rotating pool of Seasoned Perps and Green Perps. The database also includes the Gagged People (GP), that each TI is connected to, often loosely. In summary, Handlers are cowards who pull strings, and oversee the slander and harassment, onto TIs -- using Perps and GPs. More
  • Seasoned Perp: A Seasoned Perp targets Targeted Individuals (TI) -- using the ruthless techniques they learned at "Perp School" -- such as threats, harassment and character assassination. They have been hypnotized -- to feel no guilt, remorse, or compassion for the TIs they persecute. Many Seasoned Perps rose "up" from the ranks of TIs -- and they are now at the "highest"  position that they can ever be trusted at. However, those Perps, who have "never" been a TI -- "can" be trusted with more responsibility, and might someday be "promoted" to Handler. The surveillance of Perps is as rigorous, as it is for the TIs they surveil. Any stalker -- who a TI senses emotion from -- is not a Seasoned-Perp -- but rather a Green-Perp, or a Gagged Person. More
  • Green Perp: In the early stages, when a Targeted Individual (TI) accepts a bribe, threat, or both -- they become a Green-Perp or Perp-Lite -- a role which often involves targeting other TIs. Those who knew the TI, before they sold their soul -- can observe sudden disturbing changes -- as the Green-Perp, begins exhibiting previously unseen behavior, and often CRAZY talk. From this point on, anything they say is to be doubted, their integrity is gone. As justification, they sometimes dwell on the issues which led to their decision to become a Perp -- but they won't admit they are one -- and they avoid any discussion of the issue. The TI to Green-Perp conversion occurs secretly, it's an immediately effective, life long commitment. As compensation for their participation, they are subjected to less pressure on them self, reduced targeting of their family, or with favors, such as money or being allowed to work.
  • Gagged Person (GP): A Gagged Person (GP) is whispered lies and slander, by a Perp, about a Targeted Individual (TI). If the GP believes the lies, they will feel righteous in helping to administer secret vigilante justice against the TI -- and they are recruited to this "patriotic" cause by the Perp. Once they have heard the slander -- GPs are gagged -- even though the Perp usually has no legal authority to do so. After this the GP will not advise the TI -- of either the slander they have heard -- or the identity of the Perp who whispered it. GPs fear the possibility that the slander may actually be true -- or even worse -- if it is false -- they feel threatened -- that similar slander may be unleashed against them -- unless they cooperate with the vigilante justice against the TI. More
  • Troll: A Troll stirs things up, and harasses people on the Internet. They are un-paid -- and do it because they enjoy it. More
  • Truther: A Truther is someone who at their own expense, works to expose and correct an unjust issue in society. Truthers introduce hope, if they can credibly help expose Gang-Stalking. Unlike Targeted Individuals (TI), who "are" under constant surveillance -- Truthers are "not" surveilled, and they can clandestinely participate in busting Perps -- in order to provide evidence of the Gang-Stalking. More
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business with the auras of colors


This is a photo of neon. "Neon is a chemical element with atomic number 10 and symbol Ne. Noble gas is a colorless, practically inert, present in traces in the air, but very abundant in the universe, providing a tone reddish (not color) characteristic in the light of fluorescent lamps in which it is used. "The next photo is mine and has the reddish color, does that mean I have changed the aura in Neon?
If this is true, photography of auras reveals a macabre game: we manipulate the electromagnetic egg to create virtual realities according to the social behavior of the person. When I asked the expert for color and horned told me he did not know .... According to this idea, one could manipulate the chemistry of aura remotely to create a virtual show of colors and shapes and nurture magical beliefs. Just playing with noble gases, each has a color ...

LA GOSADERA is unparalleled, I'm a crazy paranormal research ...



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