elle • 24 days ago
Many of the people deemed "delusional" deserve an apology it seems. Just ask Forbes via their article "Are We Ready for the Russian Zombie Gun" dated 4/4/12 AND "Russia Eyes Development of Futuristic Weaponry" dated 3/22/12 ...simply google : en dot ria dot ru military news for the military news article direct from Russia which states:
"“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020,” Serdyukov said at a meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
“We will draft the proposals for the next program by December 2012,” he said.
The Russian government has already prepared a draft bill on the establishment of an advanced military research agency, similar to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the United States, and would submit it to the parliament in the near future."
DARPA has this technology already...and whom do the blissfully ignorant propose that they have tested this technology on ? Volunteers?? No one is going to "volunteer" to be tortured, physically disabled or driven insane by the harassment and physiological effects. They don't use high dollar weapons in war without testing them first.
3 mins · Like
Daniel J Morgan elle • a month ago
Taking a realistic look: The facts are 1) There are classified/secret watch lists and reports of targeted individuals ranging from whistleblowers, journalists, tea party members and this info can be found in main stream media (including the NYT, Washington Post etc...). 2) Help wanted ads for SRP's (surveillance role players, HUMINT) can easily be found online for Lockheed Martin, Booz Allen, Macy Group which contract w/ the DoD and other agencies/corporations.....these very well may be the on foot "stasi" people are reporting about. 3) The DoD has, in fact, non-lethal and directed energy weapons and this has been reviewed by other countries and a European Council delegation years ago....this info is nothing new and the technology exists (even Google Glass operates through bone conduction for audio). This article didn't mention a very valid website on the "Intel Stalking" subject (colloquially named gang stalking) : fightgangstalking dot com.
If the public is not aware that there are COINTELPRO activities, grey and black ops and psyops that are real operations in the world then they are electing to remain blissfully ignorant of stark realities. Unfortunately they also use community watch groups just as the Stasi did in East Germany. NSA slides (revealed by Snowden, Greenwald , Binney have shown, in the NSA's own words. their training in the 4 D's (Deny, Disrupt, Deceive, Destroy) and the use of Parallel Construction, intentional gaslighting to discredit a target, and social smearing ...these are provable documented facts. Even CNN did an expose' on how the military gaslights victims of assault. Also see Jane Clift case in Britain regarding blacklisting and being labeled a pariah....it's the corrupt use of community coercive influence (like Obama's nudge groups).
2 mins · Like
Daniel J Morgan elle My 2 Cents • a month ago
Also an accurate and informative website (partially written by a Nobel winning psychiatrist) which describes many of the tactics seen in "intel stalking" aka gangstalking and supports most of the claims of targeted individuals is psychologicalharassment dot com . Spend some time reading it and you'll discover a wealth of information regarding harassment networks as well as info regarding the military's use of same (including gaslighting, slander, stalking, surveillance, psyops etc...).
Additionally, the article above mentions how TI's "see harassment" that others don't seem to see. Stratfor (a counterintelligence company mentioned on Wikileaks and who contracts for the public and private sector) mentions on their website that "targets" will notice subtle differences and will usually notice being stalked even when others don't see it. It's called sensitization or heightened awareness.
Similar to Chinese water torture, one drop is no big deal....it's all the little drops constantly over time that becomes torture. It was clearly designed that way. If certain "agencies" can take down nations just think what they can do to individuals. They're professionals at what they do...and they get naive community members to participate under the guise of "helping". All classified ofcourse. BTW, I wonder if all the docs the NSA is currently destroying includes info about intel stalking ? Booz Allen contracts with the NSA and the DoD and they hire SRP's, thus some of what may be being destroyed could include "Intel Stalking / gang stalking" evidence.
1 min · Like