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My daily prayer

My daily prayerI rebuke satan, the beast, the false prophet, all the fallen angels, all the demons, all the evil spirits, all the satanic aliens, all the reprobates, all the psychopaths, all the beasts/monsters, all forms of abomination around the world in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to send Holy Angels from second heaven to arrest all the demons throughout the entire universe and send them to our Heavenly Father's vinepress of wrath for uncreation or to the place where YAHUSHUA designated until their time of judgment to be tormented by the Angels of the most High in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I command all fallen angels, demons, evil spirits and satanic aliens attacking the true believers around the world and the Holy Angels throughout the entire universe to go to the place where YAHUSHUA designated until their time of judgment to be tormented by the Angels of the most High in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I plead the shed blood of YAHUSHUA to all the warriors around the world fighting against satan for their spiritual covering, including all the members of the Amightywind ministry and the YDS, mind, body, spirit and soul in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I return all the curses and the demons targeting against us true believers around the world and the Holy Angels throughout the entire universe seven hundred and seventy seven triple trillion trillion trillion fold mixed with spiritual fire and poison to the senders, I bind the demons to our enemy by the Blood of YAHUSHUA, let them wear the curses like second skin in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray for the wealth transfer from the hands of the wicked to the hands of the righteous all over the world to be used for the Glory of YAHUSHUA alone in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to send the saints to take over the important positions of the society worldwide to steer the world into a better future in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that the Spirit of Righteousness to rule the entire universe including planet earth in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to totally disrupt all the internal communications, criminal operations, all terrorist operations, all the subversive activities, all the secret researches, satanic rituals and satanic sacrifices of the entire secret satanic network around the world in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to cause malfunction of all the stolen UFOs, USOs pilot by the satanic elite aliens throughout the entire universe in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I cast down all witchcraft flying thrones throughout the entire universe in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to frustrate the plans of the wicked against the ,righteous and protect the righteous all over the world in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Momma Wisdom will comfort all the fatherless, widows, broken hearted, handicapped, those who are in poverty and those who are suffering from various diseases whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life around the world. Please bring them healing and love in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH will raise up all the fallen warriors of YAH, those who have given up. May You never forsake them in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray for wisdom for all the true believers around the world in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Momma Wisdom will guide all the non believers whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life to the feet of our Beloved Saviour YAHUSHUA, so that they will become true believers and have their salvation secured in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that all the Holy desires and dreams of all the true believers will be fulfilled and will be manifested in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I thank the Holy Father YAHUVAH for our health, food, needs being met daily, faith, growth in holiness, sanctification, protection from the attacks from the evil one and our spiritual gifts in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to take vengeance on the seed of satan for attacking the saints worldwide and for the evil deeds that they have done on the planet earth in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that the attacks and curses that the saints endure from the enemy will follow them to hell and then the Lake of fire for all eternity in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray for complete victory of all the saints doing battle with the satanic forces in this world in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray for divine health and absolute faith for the saints during the tribulation, for they need them to survive the harsh condition in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray for a secret commercial bartering system to be setup for the saints during the tribulation period in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Momma Wisdom will guide the believers who are struggling with all kinds of sin to realise the truth that we need to be Holy in order to go to Heaven, so that they will strive to obey all the commandments of YAH and I pray that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH our Beloved Redeemer will give them a new heart, so that they will be able to overcome all sorts of sin and desire only things that are Holy in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that our Beloved Saviour YAHUSHUA will provide homes for the homeless worldwide in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that our Beloved Saviour YAHUSHUA will send legions of Holy Warring Angels to protect the true believers worldwide from the attacks of the evil one in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I bind and rebuke away the evil spirits that insert evil thoughts into the minds of the true believers around the world in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to eliminate all the torturers using remote technology at the same time all at once to save the TIs worldwide in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to disable any satanic machines that send curses to all the true believers around the world and the Holy Angels throughout the entire universe in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that Heavenly Father YAHUVAH to send Holy Angels to round up all the artificial life forms that attack the true believers around the world and the Holy Angels in the universe for uncreation in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I bind and rebuke away the evil spirits or entities that cause my skin to itch in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that the itch attacks on me to stop in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that YAHUSHUA will heal my skin in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray that our Heavenly Father YAHUVAH will protect all the true believers from being attacked by the evil one while they are sleeping in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.I pray for the divine protection and safety for all the warriors engaging battles with criminal organisations and terrorist organisations around the world in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.Fear God and keep His commandments, for that is the whole duty of man.
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Nanoparticle Torture on January 24, 2014

The bathtub drainage emits the usual loud, strange, noise as I take a shower. The sound is selective; when other members of the family take a shower, it is never there. It is part of the mind control psyops at harrassment and to intensify menticide efforts. But I am used to it now so that I'm seldom conscious of it at all. I can silence this sound by merely plugging the drainage hole. The derranged torture contractor got so incensed with me doing this one day that he drove a jet of air from underneath the plug, where it bobbed up and down. I believe that the intention was to remove it from the hole so that he could deliver the harrassment noise, but the pressure of the water that had built up in the bath tub due to the closure of the drainage hole, kept the plug in place. While that is going on, the body is doused with nanoparticle in a manner that is similar to a spreader spewing bark dust on the ground. Except that the spreader is some remote torture tool belonging to the torture contractor. And the ground is my body, especially the head. I have less than an hour before I start work. So, I brush my teeth and rinse my mouth. Then do the swish. The nanoparticle swish.

The white enamel of the bathroom sink contrasts starkly with the large anthracite-black, tarry-looking blob masses that I spit out after the swish. I had read of red wine and grape juice mouth rinses that produce black precipitate matter when used as a rinse in an oral cavity that has nanoparticles. I tried these and they worked, but my mouth still felt gritty. So, based on a hunch about the active ingredient that might be responsible for binding with nanoparticles, I purchased an aged (22yrs) Italian wine vinegar. And this is what brought the blobs of pitch black matter from the cavity of my mouth. The mix was 12 oz of 50% water, 50% wine vinegar. At the end, the surface of the tongue was pitch black, but the mouth and the throat felt smooth and soft, once again in more than 4 straight years. I take pictures of the gory contents of the bathroom sink and head out the door 10 minutes later.

I look this way, and I look that way. I have rotated my head 360 and then some. If they were anywhere else except in this small cluster in the skies, I would have seen them, because there is not a single cloud in the sky to obstruct my view. And the skies would have been blue on a beautiful summer night. But it is a cold but beautiful winter night in Portland, Oregon.

The wind howls angrily as the  torture airplane, with blue-green lights, and appearing to be flying much higher up in elevation than the others, steadily tracks me in an oblique trajectory as I head for work. The twin engine torture aircraft, unlike the high-flying one, flashes lights madly at a much lower elevation, flying with the same coordinates as the first. And then there is the one with the brightest white light in the skies, the intensity of which makes it hard to determine the exact elevation at night. The rest comprise of a trio of airplanes that often fly close to each other. And of course, the helicopters. It is what I now call a squadron torture orgy, where the torture contractor demonstrates his skills at inflicting nanoparticle horrors and other pains to his "moneybaggers", as one confessed perpertrator wrote in a document to Wikileaks that revealed much of about the remote electromagnetic and scalar weapons systems torture industry.

At about midnight, the torture intensifies. The scrawling vibrations implemented with billions of the smallest nanoparticles on my head and forehead is unbearable. The torture contractor ejects some nanofibers from the interior of the body through the nasolabialis, through the left eyebrow, through the left cheek. Under the right lighting conditions like earlier today, I can actually see the fibers flying into the air from these ejections. Most are translucent and virtually invisible under ambient light conditions, but others are red. And green. Resonant frequencies. And then he punctuates that by periodically injecting fast jets of superfine nanoparticles far up in the roof of the nasal conchae, forcing an instant snorting response. The coughing fits initiated by vibrating nanoparticles on the epithelial surface of the airway, never ending. Waves of what feels like of electronic source pulsating through the entire back and left side. Multiple sharp, injection-like pain stabbing in the left leg; left foot; left upper thigh and the on the scalp.

By 0200, the eyelashes drip nanofibers. The torture contractor scrolls some of these over the eyelids. And remotely guides the rest to gnaw at the margins of the eye, in a manner that simulates an insect trying to dig its way into the eye by gaining entry through the margins. I wipe off and wipe off and wipe off, but it is to no avail. The interrogation-phrases bitch on; unintelligible but bearing the unmistakable human speech signature, while the wind outside howls in a solemn weep for the nation.
When I get home in the morning, I drift off to a fitful sleep, panickingly awoken frequently by the terrible freezing and numbing of the hands as nanodevices are pumped into the body. I grab a metallic object - any metallic object - to relieve the pain, and lump back into bed again. The body is super-exhausted. But I will awake once more in less than 30 minutes.

As I "sleep", a repetitive nanoparticle-generated phrase cycles in synch with my breathing. I believe that this is an attempt to reprogram the brain against my will. When I wake up, repetitive phrases stop and do not seem to occur while in a wake state.
Delgado has been dead for a while now. Delgado is the man who wrote that man has no right to his own brain because, he believed, it belongs to the state. To prove it, he abused the trust of his patients and instead, administered series of electroshocks to them that were at electric current levels far exceeding the legal limit. The bodies, tied down in straps, writhed violently in convulsions until the brain cells, exhausted and depleted of glucose, could no longer fire. Then, he injected dosages of insulin that induced a desired state of coma. The patients lay in a deliberately induced coma for up to 3 months. During this time, he placed under their pillows, tapes that played over and over 24/7. In the end, the patients woke up with no memories. Delgado was in the employ of the CIA. Some of the victims later settled. The videos and movies are publicly available. But Delgado is back now, from the grave. He possesses the souls and minds of the men and women that now attempt to implement the same evil on me using nanoparticles.

Later in the afternoon, I head for the library to document these violent abuses as I bear witness, along with thousands of other innocent people across the United States, to what appears to be a well-funded, systematic dismantlement of the democracy and subversion of the Constitution and all that flows from it. An aircraft roars above as I write this...

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by Bill Morgan

I do not know what the statistics are but it seems that there are alot of volcanoes going off lately. An at least two very gigantic earthquakes in the past week or so. Having done agood deal of reading at scalar scientist Tom Bearden's website Cheniere.Org I cannot help but wondering if any of this earthquake and volcano activity is being cause by the new scalar electromagnetic superweapons called "Longitudinal Wave Interferometers," or "Tesla Howizters."

According to Bearden the covert development of these devices, in at least 10 countries, began decades ago, especially in Russia, whose scientists were more able than those in the West to think outside the box of conventional electromagnetic theory, a theory which is incomplete. Scalar electromagnetics restores certain equations which were thrown out along the way to "make things simpler," and announces the amazing fact that what we call the vacuum of space is actually an ocean of energy. The energy is there in incredible abundance once you know how to tap it. Energy which could change the world for good, and also energy which can be made into fantastic weapons. Weapons such as no warrier has ever dreamed of in his wildest imagination.

A longitudinal wave interferometer is easy to build. It's just two special antennae and a computer that connects them. The all-important software, the "know-how," is the only difficult thing. Where the two scalar beams cross each other is called the "interference zone," and in that zone a dazzling array of effects can be produced, so many that it boggles the mind. And these longitudinal waves can go right through the earth! So that you have pure action-at-a-distance.

Two of the things that can by done by manipulation of the wave at the interference zone are making earthquakes at a distant spot, and making volcanos erupt. A previousSecretary of Defense, William Cohen, even confirmed that these kinds of weapons were in existence. In 1997 he stated:

"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensifour [counter terrorism] efforts." - Defense Secretary William Cohen, 1997

This was 37 years after Soviet Premier Khrushchev had announced the Longitudinal Wave Interferometer to the world saying: "We have a new weapon, just within the portfolio of our scientists, so to speak, which is so powerful that, if unrestrainedly used, it could wipe out all life on earth. It is a fantastic weapon."

In fact so fantastic it can create earthquakes and make sleeping volcanos erupt. Here is an amazing description by Tom Bearden of how a Tesla Howitzer could induce an earthquake.

"Here's how you initiate a very large earthquake with such weapons. Take a convenient fault zone of set of them. Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in the "diverging" mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks on both sides, increasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect (deposit excess energy, get crystal mechanical movements).

"Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures well-above a plate slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks yield and one or both sides "slip" and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone.

"Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily penetrate right through the earth and ocean at will, and so the "interference zone" focus can be inside the earth or beneath the ocean, at will.

"Anyway, focus this thing down to where the active part of the volcano is still slumbering, down where the hole in the plate has been made. Keep increasing the deposition of energy in the magma itself, and eventually the increasing pressure from deep within that volcano, underground, will cause an eruption. Build the energy slow, and the eruption will likely be much larger."


In another mode the howitzer can create "cold explosions" where instead of causing huge energy to be released huge energy is sucked out. A number of these cold explosions have be witnessed, especially by commercial pilots, where they create a gigantic mushroom cloud of mostly water vapor rising miles into the sky.

Yugoslav Earthquake followed by Cold Explosion

Another example is the Iran Quake of 1997. It was 7.4 on the Richter scale and aftershocks of as high as 6.0 were expected but there were no aftershocks. It was also at an anomalous depth.

Bearden says that with 100% certainty certain rogue groups including the "Yakuza" (Japanese mafia) are possessing these devices have be waging a weather war on the United States, and perhaps other places, moving fronts around with their giant movable areas of heat and cold.


In the correspondence section of Cheniere.Org Bearden resonded to a reader's question "Do you have any indicators that the Yakuza (or someone else) is behind the recent spate of quakes and volcanoes, especially the quakes in Alaska?"

"No indications directly as yet. So far, just the fact that it seems to be the most powerful quake ever to hit the U.S. Also, it damaged the pipeline in Alaska (800 miles long pipeline) that carries 20% of all domestic U.S. oil. The pipeline is shut down now, and I haven't a picture yet as to whether the damage is just minor or substantial. Note we previously discussed (several times) just how vulnerable that pipeline is.

"We also know (100% certainty) that the Yakuza and Aum Shinrikyo have indeed been engineering our weather, etc. since 1990, having leased the scalar interferometers from the Russians (from the KGB, who control and use all such Russian weapons), on site in Russia at the end of 1989...

"So if it is the Yakuza and Aum Shinrikyo, one can possibly add a couple of recent volcano eruptions as possible candidates to their list.

"So a shadowy picture of possible Yakuza activities and involvement does emerge, but not yet with enough certainty to state it as such." - November 5, 2002.

If you can cause an earthquake you can also set it to, say, bring down a single buildings, of pair of buildings. It may be that the collapse of WTC twin towers was actually the first major scalar attack in world history. Because in a certain mode the waves at the interference zone can cause metal to soften, even to melt. If so, the planes crashing into them were merely a cover story to cloak the fact that the Tesla Howitzer had been used.

The existence and proliferation of these scalar weapons is an immediate world emergency. A mishap with one of these devices could wipe out all life on earth. They could disrupt the scalar wave balance between earth and sun in such a way that would cause massive solar disturbances and storms, completely frying the earth.

When they invented the Bomb, people worked hard to "Ban the Bomb", but this time the "Bomb" is held in such super secrecy that the People have no idea at all of the threats they are under and the complete vulnerability of any particular point on earth. If the Government really wanted to get people whipped up about the war on terrorism they should simply step forward and tell the People about these weapons and what they can do. They cannot do that because it would be an admission that every square inch of the country was vulnerable to these action-at-a-distance weapons, that there is no longer any such thing as National Security, and that we are all just sitting ducks now. That's a hard pill to swallow but swallow it we must.

Perhaps that's the way human history ends, a bunch of criminal gangs and rogue groups fighting it out with such weapons as even the gods would envy.

For more information on scalar technology see
Scalar Wars: The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics

and Tom Bearden's website Cheniere.Org

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It all seems too hard at times, suffice to say the inner strenght we gain is far superior than dwelling in our weak  moments, feeling sorry for ourselves  is not shameful weakness is a sign of strenght.....thousands tis are everywhere we have tried to steer the boat sometimes we sink then we manage to rise up again, even though the light doesn't show in the dark tunnel but we know we still have our TI friends there, at all times helping to pull one another out of the dark all sincere Tis keep paddling in this cruel, inhumane world until time  we shall seek our is just a test and we will be rewarded for our utmost integrity for one another and strenght  be in you all Tis.  I hope you will find the strenght to put your stories on this site. our day is near for exposing these acts......even though we grope for it to end suffice to say it is calculated and its all about the timing in this world..... So we can't give up!!!!!! Thanxs to ALL



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9143120486?profile=originalSoleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.


Soleilmavis Liu is also a sponsor and activist of Peacepink: Worldwide Campaign to stop the abuse and torture with Mind Control technologies and Directed Energy Weapons for the past ten years, to bring public awareness and to help victims seek justice.


Readers of her book have come to learn of these technologies and the crimes, which – if not exposed and publicized – in the future humanity would no longer know the meaning of physical inviolability and privacy. 


An interview with Soleilmavis Liu,


For more information about the book, please visit:

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CIA technical garbage. You are helpers of the 61 year-old Eilean Rockefeller. The same method to damage my trolly can be used to give feelings of remote surgery and remote mind control to everyone, but you did not. The earlier you are killed the sooner the secrets of all the killings and all the bad things including creating the Lesbians and Gays are exposed. Without garbage like you, Rockefellers can not kill or damage anyone remotely. CIA technical garbage, you deserve being killed, although you are killed only because you know too many secrets. You did not risk your own life to make everyone know remote surgery and remote mind control. The earlier you are killed the sooner the secrets are exposed. Whoever kills the house in charge, the British Scottish husband to Rockefeller, who deserve being remembered by humankind for thousands of years. Technical garbage is the real evil source. Without Technical garbage, Rockefellers can not kill or damage anyone remotely.

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I don't know if its just me but this website seems to have a large amount of ads and pop ups that navigate you to some products sites too frequently but I understand that this sites creator and administrator is also a TI who had quite a hard experience. That's why even if it is bothersome and irritating; I decided to stick with frequenting this site because I understand the administrator has to have a source of income to make ends meet.  But with the recent message from Ms. Mary Ager; I am having second thoughts......I hope our profile info is not being peddled out.....your thoughts....

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Who is this person? anybody tried to contact the email she left? I noticed she mass mailed the same message to most of us. What kind of a gimmick is this.....???

"Hello,Am Ms Mary Ager by Name I like your profile in Can we get in contact to know each other? I'm sorry c if i am embarrassing you, i shall explain all about myself including my more pictures. contact me through…"

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Self-Employment & PRIVACY - Linux

When I first began to have interference with my email, I made the choice to switch from Windows to Linux for accessing the internet.  Learning to use Linux was the best choice I ever made concerning my computer privacy.  And for those wanting to be self employed via internet income, I heartily recommend learning to use Linux for security.

Linux vs Windows
   Yes, there is a bit of a learning curve.  Some of the jargon is different, but they are quite similar.  There are many versions of Linux, each a little different, but they are all available free (unlike Windows).  A Linux info site:     I use PCLinuxOS.

   There are at least 2 ways to use Linux as your operating system instead of Windows.  First, you can eliminate Windows from your hard drive and install Linux.  Second, you can leave Windows as your computer's main operating system and boot to Linux on a DVD or thumb drive when you turn on your computer.  Third, you can physically remove your computer's hard drive and just use a DVD/thumbdrive, and store your pictures, documents, etc online or another thumb drive.  (Without a hard drive, there's no place for malware to install itself.)
   My choice is the second one.  Just to give a quick rundown, I boot to Linux and the OS program is temporarily placed in the computer RAM (computer memory which is cleared when computer is turned off).  This means that anything I do, the passwords I used, the cookies, the malware sites I visit and trojans I collect have NO effect because they all disappear when I turn the computer off.  The same is true if you burn Linux to a DVD and use it, no malware can implant itself on a DVD because once the DVD is burned, there is no way to access it.

   Shut down the email access port on your computer (browser) and use an online email like gmail, hotmail, hushmail, etc.  This access port is often the means via which snoop malware will transmit your private information back to the perp who installed the malware.  With the exception of a few pieces of hardware (ie: keylogger, etc), all spyware and malware are software and once installed, live somewhere on your hard drive.
   Access your online email accounts using Linux for complete privacy (at least that's been my experience for the past 8 years).

   I do not access my bank or any other financial account online.  It may be a bit inconvenient, but I don't have to worry about it at all if I don't have anything set up.  I opt for a USPS stamp and pay all my bills by mail, not online.  For those few financial places I do use (Paypal, Amazon, eBay), I have NEVER had so much as one tiny problem using Linux.  Most hackers tend to focus their attention on Windows, and have left Linux pretty much alone.
   If you are considering selling online, or setting up a business website, consider using Linux.  I'm not saying it is 100% guaranteed secure, but it is probably 98 times less likely to experience the intrusive problems you will have using Windows.

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My blog for today

I have debated the angle to present this idea.  I choose a way that touches on a variety of points. Example: I could approach from Psychiatry or religion but how many people would listen. It's no secret that people from all walks of life are targeted. So I start vaguely with my experience and grow to the points  where I want to arrive. This is a long pot be patient and bear with me.

     I could go back further than this but it would be more than you need to be able  to understand. This first event I originally didn't connect to this. I got an AFFES job on base.(air force). I eventually argued with someone and walked off the job. At my husband's request I wrote a list of ten reasons why I quit and took it in to the office. I was handed a form to fill out and was told that my list wouldn't appear on my file, this form would. It was so small I had to choose the most personal answer. I chose wrong. You see the list had things for which I could have called OSHA. Like for instance being asked to lockout and work, the slippery floor, and not knowing which one was my boss.I had three. This tainted all subsequent jobs. I had never had trouble at any job before this. In fact I often was able to return to jobs I had in high school and my first summer after I started college during each vacation from college. I was in college five years. 

     So in each job after that I would experience bullying.  Eventually it started happening at church,too. Once I asked a coworker why. I asked if it was because I was childless and she said no. She wouldn't say why. She started making comments I didn't think was related. For instance, she once said "It's a wonder they haven't tried to throw you from the freedom train."  She made the significance that she didn't mean bus, she meant to say train. I though all of this strange. I know understand this phrase.  I think that was tried just after my honeymoon, where I had a freak car wreck. The man who hit me wasn't looking. His reaction in court invoked him to laughing as it was a joke. I got hit with a very large truck. If I'd not reacted the way I did, both me and my friend would have been dead. Ok back to the point, for this is not about RSA. 

      I'd been bullied off several jobs  in that particular town. In one someone threatened rape.  I changed jobs. At the last job I had in that town before I decided to work at home, which is the same one where I asked why. I began to notice that one coworker would repeat everything I said loudly to my other coworkers. I addressed this many times. I began to think it was something about my personality, that this was personal. Everything I said was broadcasted. I was a good worker I didn't let it effect my performance. When I left there I was the only one allowed to do a certain job. haha! I started looking for answers and help. I looked in all the wrong places. I don't need to say I tried the obvious thinking the problem was me. ( I eventually came out of that situation thinking the health care professionals were crazier than me). I read the bible and prayed. I started taking my lunches out in my car. Playing Christian music and reading they bible. I tried taking my co-wrkers aside and talking to them one on one. I tried many different approaches.  I missed one I think. I laughed at the self help titles in the book store. God was leading me there but I laughed at him. I eventually stopped going to church at all. It wasn't only because they way they treated me there, but also they way they treated each other. I had tried several churches too but all were the same.

   We moved so I decided to make a new start. At first I worked at home like I eventually did in the last place. I taught piano. I was called by someone who saw my add. She was someone from the air base. In another blog I mentioned something that happened when I applied. That isn't relevant here, but it is important to how I think I became a targeted individual.  I had to reference seven years of jobs. The first one  I started with had to be mentioned. I am an honest person, I wouldn't leave it off.

     At this job at an air base, I worked at the youth center teaching piano lessons. I was one of three teachers at the youth center and there were about three others at the community center. The bullying began. After a period of time the gangstalking began. They made it very difficult for me.  They fix it up where  I and another teacher had siblings as students. The other teacher would say things about me that wasn't true. That I wouldn't remember their names when they were gone, that I hated parents, etc. I wouldn't be in the job if I didn't like people. Another coworker from the other center on base that gave piano lessons wanted me to think she was my friend. We talked almost every day.  She was older and I looked up to her. I'd also talked to her about the previous problems when they were happening. I also told her about problems with the stalking when it first began. With that subject she was rude.  After some time, she wouldn't say why but she treated me very badly one day. I thought I'd worked things out with her, so I thought she was still a friend. They played on all my insecurities and fears and emotions through her.  They'd come up with several tests to see how I would react and then discussed it where I could hear them. Humiliation was common. My boss  would try to humiliate my at meetings. Nothing was off limits. All my beliefs were tested.  I began to realize they were out for my soul, this was spiritual. Eventually I resigned. Before I quit this job I moved and made the mistake of telling my boss.

   I went jobless. I slept all day and stayed in bed for two weeks. I was stalked out of trying to work from home,too. I began to look for help again. I don't need to mention (again) that everyone I went to wouldn't help. When several accused me of being schizophrenic I looked it up online and took several tests for several different things. What was clear to me was that I didn't have all the symptoms listed. One peculiar thing I noticed. Being religious and singing was listed as symptoms. (I do realize they mean the extreme oddity) While I did test positive for PTSD and borderline on OCD, I did not test positive for schizophrenia. 

     I started reading every self-help book I could get my hands on including those I'd laughed at many years before. I read the I'Ching and Koran. I took an online class. ALL through this,  bible verses I'd learned as a child kept popping up in my head. I'd look online finding this site and others.  I researched intensely. I read novels such as "1984" and "Brave New World." I learned to meditate. Had an awakening.  I changed my life entirely.  I prayed and read my Bible again. I got closer to God. I even fasted for forty days ( Liquid for first week, Daniel fast, the rest, not the extreme way). I took the advice that was helpful to me. I had to weed through it. I often found there was good mixed in  with the bad. Truth mixed in with lie. 

     By this time those involved had found out who all my friends were even those who were back home that I contacted often. It had spread to my family and the people I knew growing up. I'd actually seen some of them doing it. There still were two friends unreached.  My trip home was a study in surrealism.

    During this time I took classes at the gym.  At first everything was ok. I made friends. I began to notice being followed and people in the class acting strange towards me. One friend, I talked to him and a certain subject came up. He said, point blank, "You have the gift of discernment." After that, he avoided me.

     So again we moved.  We arrived at over new place just before Christmas. Presents  I wanted to send accidentally got packed. I found that one of the movers found them and opened them. They were packed with the  torn wrapping and brown paper. Letters were opened.  Needless to say my last three friends were contacted.

    After I moved here, I started having dreams about the future. I thought the stalkers were just messing with me. One came true, but I chose to deal with it in a different way than in the dream. The others not so much. In fact, I've made different choices than in the dreams on purpose. I think one may be about to come true. This one was a threat I think. 

    Right away I noticed my landlord was stalker. I slept for days again. Then I realized this behavior didn't serve me. I kept reading and doing research. I learned a great deal and continued to change. The symptoms of PTSD faded away. At least the flashbacks, vivid memories. I did still continue to scrutinize over the past and ask questions about it. But the past is in the past---not now. I learned so many things that helped me, such as

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 I learned a great deal of history about what we are going through on the internet. At that I thought I knew world history when I moved to Europe. No, not so. 

     It was also about this time that I started making orgone  and started noticing the  same few cars circling around my house day and night. The nature of the stalking changed. I went from insults from strangers, remarks of things said inside my home, and microwave attacks, to  waking up with marks on my face that looked like they came from a taser, electronic rape, and phantom touches, including the rest. I fought to get rid of the phantom touches and protect myself at night. I made all kinds of shields  and hats that didn't work for everything. I found ways to cope. A few times the stalkers got to me and I  did things I regret. I realized they were trying to encite me to violence, so I changed my tactics. Street theater gave me the idea of my own theater. Witnessing to them. I began to sing to them and read to them. The sun would come out when I sang.  I continued to grow out of old things. I began to notice when I was being attacked. I am sensitive to sound. A family trait. I began to be able to hear the ELF attacks and counter them with my own music. I could already see flashes now and then of violet, blue, and white light. I began to notice what they put in my eyes.  I also began to be conscious  in some of my dreams and make my own decisions about how to act in them. That last thing I have trouble with again. I began to mess with them when they looked at my memories but they still got a few. (In one dream I locked them out of the "museum" as well as myself). You see I used to tell myself when I was a teenager what I wanted to dream about- flying- and some of the time I'd get it.  Other times when I was a teenager I'd dream about people in the past and it would be as if  it was I and also had more frightening dreams than now. Not sure what to make of it still. I remember coming to an impass in my teenage years and changing my ways then, too. I've done research on those dreams it,too. 

     All my life,  when I met people I'd have feelings about some of uneasiness  that I couldn't explain.  I'd step back and watch how they interacted with others to see if my "gut" feelings were right. Usually they were. I didn't really think anything about this. There is one type of event that even if I am in another place far away I can sense. (about family and friends) It is a feeling of the weight of the world on my shoulders. Sometimes I even know who it is about. When I met certain people just before the gangstalking began. I ignored those feelings to give them the benefit of the doubt. That didn't help me.  In my life people have told me that they felt I could see right through them, that I could see behind their fasod. When people at work would try to argue with me about politics and religion I noticed they weren't listening to what I had to say and just said I believed them to shut them up and went on my way believing the same as before.  This  only was at the end of a long argument.  (check NLP for why you shouldn't argue with people) I never bought into all the crap people wanted to tell me. My core beliefs about God have never changed. All the books I read only shed light on what I didn't understand in the Bible.  Some even illuminated select passages directly. Others , like I said before would just pop in my head when I was reading. I went after what I wanted in life and got what I wanted  most of times, with the exception of a few up to that point. I had an idea of what I wanted for the rest of my life. When I was in college  I drew up that list and what I wanted for a husband  and those  got stolen by my mother. Now I understand that people are being attacked for their spiritual gifts.  It is a direct attack on God.  That is why so many are told that it is not personal. I also understand that many of the people in crazy houses are there to be stopped and shut up. People don't like to hear the truth about themselves, nobody does. When you see through all the lies you are told it gets you in trouble. When you work against abuse and instead try to heal it gets you in trouble. So my idea of what is crazy has changed over the years. But nowhere in the bible or any other religious text I've ever read calls anyone crazy. Instead, I notice what the texts call evildoers. My idea of what is crazy is what defines an evildoer. I also found certain similarities in all religious texts. I did not focus on the differences. Those have been overdone through the centuries. I have come to feel that the different forms of ways to call people crazy is from another place than from God. The way so called crazy people are dealt with these days are counterproductive and cause more harm. That is why many say there is no cure.  Some people say there is no cure for cancer,too. Yeah, right. Why deal with people who have been abused with more abuse, thinking no one is there to see you and deny it. My thought is we could easily come up with our own new diagnoses that describe behaviors not dealt with in our world, but what's the point( I mean the ones where people are still functional in society).   

  So in closing we are the shining ones that have been able to see through the fog. Don't let anyone take away your shine,

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Do's and dont's for TI's


Step 1: Start soon as possible to shield your sleeping place, dont make it to small, make it comfortable in size. Use HF and LF reflecting materials, use HF and LF absorbing materials, use magnetic absorbing materials.

Step 2: Try to jam their signals

Step 3: Try to locate your Perp via radio direction finding

Step 4: Place an Bounty on the head of your Perp

Step 5: Try to stay healthy, get enough vitamins and minerals


1. Dont give them any attention

2. Dont stay arround doing nothing in the hope they will stop

3. Dont talk with the wrong peoples about your experience, you dont want to get any psychiatrics

4. Dont believe what they say, it's just crap.

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I am trying to see if I can identify a certain pattern in how the perps operate when using a Voice to Skull. I would appreciate it if you can answer the following questions as best as you can

  1. Are you a male or a female:
  2. How old were you when you first heard the voice(s) talking to you?
  3. What was the voice(s) saying to you when it talked to you for the first time?
  4. Was the voice you heard seemed like; a female or a male?
  5. What was your reaction when you first heard the voice and were you able to pay attention to what it was saying in-spite of being startled?
  6. What was the voice(s) trying to pass itself off as to you? ie, dead relative, ancestor, God, Alien,  spirit, etc etc…..
  7. When the voice initiated talking to you for the first time, did it try to make you think that it was benevolent or was it malevolent from the very start?
  8. Did you notice any attempts by the voice to input and arouse a appropriate feeling (emotion) to supplement whatever it was trying to pass itself as?
  9. What was the tone of voice like? Ie; serious, businesslike, friendly, robotic, playful, sarcastic etc:
  10. Did it identify it as something particular?
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