Lawsuits of mind control victims

Three ways for mind control victims to seek justice.

(1) One route is to appeal, which is a administrative procedure,and that is exactly a way one lawyer does not dare and does not have the energy.

Write appeal letters to government departments, senators, representatives, to urge government to investigate such horrible crime, sentence torturers according to law, and help victims.

(2) Another route is to seek public support.

With enought supporting voices from public and with evidences, government must answer our appeals.

(3) File lawsuits to sue government who do not take their responsibilities to investigae such horrible crimes, and help victims.


Some victims have received letters from ICC. You can write your own case to ICC, and you also can support these victims with their Ref No. A letter from ICC about "How to submitt information to ICC" are attached below.  how_to_submit_to_ICC.DOC

International Criminal Court
Head of Information & Evidence Unit
Office of The Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
Boîte postale 19519, 2500 CM La Haye, Pays Bas
Telephone / Téléphone: + 31 70 5158515 • Facsimile / Télécopie: + 31 70 5158555 •


John Finch

Reference: OTP-CR-70/07   EM_T08_OTP-CR-70_07_002.pdf

A letter to ICC by John Finch

Soleilmavis (China)
Ref No. EM_T01_OTP-CR-00122_07  EM_T01_OTP-CR-00122_07.pdf,  
James Yue Gee
Ref No. EM_Ack_OTP-CR-742_09  EM_Ack_OTP-CR-742_09.pdf


Liu Wei, China



European Ombudsman

1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman

CS 30403, F - 67001 Strasbourg Cedex

T. + 33 (0)3 88 17 23 13

F. + 33 (0)3 88 17 90 62

Directorate A


Acknowledgement of receipt

for Soleilmavis’ ( ) Complaint

Registration number: 1191/2012/MF (S2012-156875)

for John Finch COMPLAINT: O497/2012/MF


Some lawyers suggestions on how to file a court case :

Here are some responses and replies from Government and Public

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis 

David Larson's case


Please go to LAST PAGE OF "Replies to this Discussion" to read NEWEST Information

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  • Legal tips to Ti's as follows:
    The coming end to your imprisonment is at hand!

    1.) Our complaint was given a hearing date.

    2.) The complaint was similar to the complaint entered in 2006 that was dismissed with prejudice by affirmation of the appeals court, it was some 90 pages long with 1100 pages of exhibits.

    3.) The current complaint was entered on the 23 of March and the defendants federal government asked for dismissal citing the previous complaint as similar and included an exhibit of the previous complaint dismissal.

    4.) The court refused the dismissal request of federal government defendants.

    5.) The complaint is 140 pages long with 1100 pages of exhibits.

    6.) The case will win. The defendants will loose as a result their allowance to weight what they have done to all of us as unconstitutional.

    7.) Never take for granted a person whom claims they are an authority in anything. Those who continue and try to right wrongs will find they can accomplish what they have be told was impossible.

    8.) Before you attempt to try this on your own, remember I went to the school of hard knocks for 9 years and it took all of that time and 1/2 a million dollars to learn what technique would effect the goal many said was impossible of attaining a hearing in the case. We have a more work ahead but the issue is that we will overcome those obstacles too.

    9.) In a week or so on we will put up some information explaining the process of how our circumstance was used formulate a complaint and how that as a matter of theory can be used in all future complaints. It is assumed that there will be a need for a complaint to be filed by all of those affected, despite the anticipation that the laws will change after our complaint wins. That would be cause there are so many laws we have found that could be active either alone or together on a person. It is likely as government has in the past make new other sinister laws to allow the psychotic few who admire such ill use of their official post to do such as we have experienced in this nightmare.

    10.) As the exposure and defeat of unconstitutional actions comes about; I would ask that even when this is brought to a complete stop that you endeavor to increase your activism and actions in exposing abuse and warn the world such as this generation has experienced should never be allowed to occur again.

    11.) There is a lot of work to do, we will in the near future in say 2 weeks begin a workshop to indicate from experience the summation of the methods and strategies needed to bring your nightmare to an end too.

    Yours Truly
    John and Debbie
  • A possible lawsuit
    From Lynn Weed
    Hard evidence from Nanaimo man, Jerry Rose:

    A local man who was written up in our Nanaimo paper 18 months ago got press three times in the Nanaimo paper because of his lawsuit against the RCMP and others..This man's name is Jerry Rose and he has finally got in touch with me. Ultimately that case was dismissed 18 months ago and since then the RCMP assaulted him and broke his neck..As they were breaking his neck, the RCMP told him they were not happy with his attempt to take the RCMP to court. Fortunately for him, he is still walking..Anyways the RCMP would not take him to hospital as I am sure they were afraid that the human implant (RFID) they put into his head would show up in the Xray..After the police assaulted him and then released him from custody, Jerry went to the hospital and had an Xray done..His neck was broken in 2 places..That was just over a year ago..So he has this medical claim against the RCMP (which is a seperate claim) and then Jerry subsequently went to a private clinic in Vancouver and paid for a CAT scan and paid for a MRI..Well low and behold both the MRI and CAT scan show the implant behind his ear.
    I have a photo-copy of the CAT scan and I saw the implant.

    Jerry Rose has a fabulous "Statement of Claim" and has the proof of the implant and on Sept 30/09 he filed yet another claim only this time he changed venue and is having his case heard in Victoria Supreme court. He thinks the court case will be heard in the spring-summer of 2010..As many targets as possible are asked to come and watch this unfold. I have been asked by Jerry rose to act as his agent in court and I will do the job of a Lawyer and ask all the questions of him..Jerry and I think his testimony will take 2 full days in court.

    I emailed his statement of claim to the most critical TI I know so that she could give me feed back on Jerry's statement of Claim...The person who did critique Jerry's statement of claim was Julianne McKinney. She confirmed for me what I had thought and that was that Jerry has the best Statement of claim I have ever read that was written by a TI. He is a very knowledgable and credible sounding person and after hours of talking to him, I have a greater understanding of what the RCMP are doing, how they are using this technolgy and I also have the names of private citizens and their internet business who are also involved in what Jerry calls "illegal brain surveillance and mapping".

    For me to explain what I suspected the RCMP and others were doing with this technology and what Jerry confirmed for me on this email would take too long and I would rather do that on a conference call and invite Jerry Rose to this call so you can ask questions of him.

    I also want to gather up the local targets in Nanaimo and BC area and work on a class action suit..of course any of the other Canadians can join in on this class action suit.... the statement of claim that Jerry has written would be a good example of what a statement of claim should look like.
    Thank you for including me in this email list Susan...
    If you want to get fair treatment from doctors, I would suggest that you visit a private clinic. You will of course have to pay for all the services out of your own pocket. We can also gather evidence by having our bodies tested using equipment such as 'spectroscopy" Again such equipment is available to do testing and we as individuals will have to apy for this..Also there are companies in Vacnouver who will do this test..but if you are not implanted by a RFID, then chances are the perps will just stop transmitting frequencies to your body and it may be a waste of money..However, if any of you think you have been implanted with RFID, then the spectroscopy will pick up the frequency even if the perps have stopped transmitting. Yes, hard evidence is what we need to prove this is happening to us.

    From Bob Levin

    However, if you are planning a court action, I would first like to see the evidence relating to the story you sent me.

    1. Do any of you have a police report charging and naming specific members of the RMCP with a crime against Jerry Rose?

    2. Does Jerry Rose have [a.] the x-rays taken by a medical professional that show an implanted device in his body; [b.] does Jerry Rose actually have the device in his possession; and [c.] has the device been examined by an accredited laboratory that produced a written evaluation of the component?

    If the answers are no then the story might as well been a claim of someone alleging they had lunch with Elvis last week.

    Bob Levin
  • Lawsuit to International Criminal Court
    Bo Nilsson
    Ref No. OTP CR 250 03
    and The court of Human Rights in Strasbourg


  • Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!
    James Walbert Cour Case reported on

    Clandestine Weapon:
    Undeclared Chemical-Biological War Against Peaceful Population

    By Vadim V. Baranov, Tatyana A. Baranova (ne'e Spryskova)


    Russian Medical Doctor and Research Scientist in Chemistry accuse special services of covert use of "special means" against people for:
    •deliberate harming of health
    •behavior modification of unaware persons
    •killing without trace

    The first legal process initiated by us in The Court of California, USA continued more than three years and successfully ended on January 03, 2000.

    Our charges are recognized as substantiated by the judicial and governmental systems of the USA and the UK .

    A new case considering covert use of narcotics, chemical, biological and other weapons by special services started in 1998 at The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg .

    Born 1946, Russian.
    Medical Doctor.
    Degree: Ivanovo State Medical Institute, 1968-1974, city of Ivanovo , USSR . Medical Doctor and military rank of lieutenant of medical service of reserve.
    Specialities: Clinical Oncology (First Qualification Category), Endoscopy, General Surgery, Pediatry.
    Postgraduate education and specialization for doctors (including military medicine courses): 1975 Internatura; 1976 General surgery, city of Ivanovo; 1977 Endoscopy, city of Ivanovo; 1980 Clinical Oncology, city of Kazan; 1987 Clinical Oncology, Moscow; 1990 Clinical Oncology, Moscow; 1992 Clinical Oncology, Moscow; 1994 Cryosurgery in Cancer Treatment, Moscow; 1996 Clinical Oncology, Moscow; 2005 Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow. Professional certification and post graduation course in oncology.
    Registered with General Medical Council of the United Kingdom : #5195924.
    Occupation: Head of District Oncology Department, Lead Specialist (Oncologist) of Kievsky District of Moscow (1985-1996). Doctor Oncologist at the 2-nd Moscow Oncological Dispensary (Clinic), city of Moscow (October 2002 - December 31, 2003; October 2006 – the present time).
    Since October 4, 2004 until November 9, 2005 worked as Doctor Oncologist, in the Central Administrative District of the city of Moscow.
    Degree: Political Science, Ivanovo University M/L, 1979-1981, city of Ivanovo , USSR .
    Religion: Christian.
    Permanent resident of the UK .

    Moscow/London/ Los Angeles

    Born 1947, Russian.
    Degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences (PhD) at Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology, city of Ivanovo , USSR , 1976. Post Graduate Education.
    Degree: Chemical Engeneer. Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology, city of Ivanovo , USSR , 1971.
    Speciality: Organic Chemistry.
    Occupation: Up to 1996 worked as a Researcher in Academic Institutes and Scientific Research Laboratories of the cities of Ivanovo and Moscow . October 2002 to September 2003 - Scientific Researcher at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow . Retired since 2003.
    Religion: Christian.
    Permanent resident of the UK .

    Moscow/London/ Los Angeles

    Born 1973, Russian.
    Education: high school #1234 with broad study of English, Bol’shaya Molchanovka Str., Moscow , Russia , graduated 1990.
    Degree: of Electrical Engineer (MSEE), Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation ( Technical University ), 1990-1996, Moscow , Russia .
    Postgraduate Education: 1996 Aspirantura, Moscow , Russia ; Software Engineering courses (1997 - 2001) at San Francisco State University, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, University of California Los Angeles Extension , USA .
    Speciality: Software Engineer.
    Since 1996 lives in the USA .
    Permanent Resident of the USA .

    Moscow/London/ Los Angeles


    By Vadim V. Baranov, Tatyana A. Baranova (ne'e Spryskova), Sergei V. Baranov.

    In the end of the 1970s, as we became the objects of close attention of the KGB/MVD, we suspected that we were subjected to application of substances impairing our health. The clinical picture coincided with that of chemical weapons applied in non lethal doses. This our assumption could be regarded as an extremely wild if it had not been confirmed by unofficial information received from the Ivanovo KGB and MVD officers: lieutenant-colonel Melnik Vadim Nikolaevich and junior lieutenant of the interior service Kolbashova (Kolchugina) Natalya Nikolaevna and others in the end of 1970-s and beginning of 1980-s regarding the use of chemical weapons against individuals.
    This information served as a stimulus for a prolonged professional medical monitoring. The picture of this monitoring for the period of 1981-1996 showed that the scale in which special services apply substances that impair human health surpassed the worst expectations. It correlates with a demographic situation of Russian Federation (Genocide of Russian Population).
    The results of these prolonged observations gave us possibility to conduct analysis and make some generalizations.
    The material represented in this article is based, first of all, on our personal experience as persecuted victims, on our observations and also on information from open sources.
    As to special services, their own destructive activity is regarded by themselves as top-secret.


    In a democratic society, or a society that has a democratic appearance, the spectrum of traditional methods of pressure on the members of the society is inevitably narrowed, giving way to clandestine means of individual terror known as (Rus: "sistema vnesudebnogo presledovaniya") "the system of outlawed persecution".

    As it follows from the open publications, the most powerful weapons of this system, so called "special means", were and continue to be the weapons developed since the time of Vladimir Lenin in the notorious "Special Office" (Rus: "Spetsialny Kabinet"), which later transformed into top secret toxicological "Laboratory X" of professor Mairanovsky, bacteriological laboratory of academician Muromtsev and so on... Subsequently the weapons were elevated by the modern followers to the qualitatively new level opening a possibility to organize an individual terror on a massive scale.

    The methods elaborated by special services for the limited purposes of "special operations" are on massive scale transferred to peaceful population in order to create artificial unhealthiness with the aim of:

    •behavior modification;
    •reduction of social and political activity of competitors and opponents;
    •suppression of any non sanctioned initiative in any sphere of life beginning from a domestic one;
    •and more often merely against unwanted persons.
    The "artificial unhealthiness" of targeted victims is achieved by clandestine application of the widest spectrum of chemical or biological substances - "special means" which cause deterioration of mental or physical health (or both) of various degree and duration. It should be emphasized that such sort of actions in any case cause artificial decline of life quality, accelerate biological aging, artificially shorten life expectancy. The same practice extended to it's lethal extreme makes it possible to carry out mass purges camouflaging them under social and economic difficulties.


    In order to create "artificial mental unhealthiness" special services covertly use a wide spectrum of narcotics, CNS (central nervous system) stimulants, psychomimetics, hallucinogens, etc. This range of substances makes it possible to change behavior of a victim in a wide range: from deepest depression leading to a suicide (masked murder) to heavy psychomotor excitement causing complications and death due to acute cardiovascular collapse (shock), arrhythmia, fibrillation, or cardiac arrest ("seemingly natural death"); from psychomotor stupor and catatonia to extreme rage and aggression. The latter enables to match with ease the behavior of an individual to criminal one and then treat him as a criminal (criminalization of victim).

    In any case, the use of the mentioned above "special means" causes an abnormal and embarrassing behavior of a victim enabling special services to isolate the "object" from the rest of the society by creating around him social vacuum.

    In order to discredit an unwanted rival, witness, opponent, etc., the "ordinary" narcotics are covertly used as well. This enables special services in collaboration with the medicine to officially register the presence of narcotic substances in the blood and urine on an unaware victim. Besides that, technique of artificial addicting to drugs is also in the arsenal of special services. The same methods are used for dehumanization of a victim in the eyes of the society which acts as a precursor to further physical liquidation.


    In order to create "artificial physical unhealthiness" various means are used, beginning from those that came from the depth of history and ending with modern achievements of genetic engineering. The spectrum is practically unlimited as all substances if applied in overdoses are toxic for humans. However, according to our observations and information from open sources, the most widely used "special means" include military poisoning substances (Rus: tabel'nye otravlyayushchie veshchestva) in various dilutions and products of special laboratories and institutes of special services.
    Here are only several examples of such agents:

    •arsenic compounds;
    •derivatives of vitamin K (cause blood clotting);
    •derivatives of decumarine (cause internal bleeding);
    •wide range of incapacitants (cause sharp deterioration of physical and mental activity);
    •various poisons and toxins (for example: ricin, mycotoxin, myelin toxin);
    •binary poisoning substances;
    •radioactive substances (for instance, Polonium-210 destroys biochemical systems of the body on the molecular level and causes clinical picture similar to immune deficiency disorders; radioactive Iodine-131 causes thyroid disorders including thyroid cancer);
    •various mixtures - multicomponent toxic mixtures (the brand handwriting of Russian special services is the use of poisons, specially created for а certain victim - taking into account the state of its health and physical parameters);
    •poisoning by narcotic substances are disguised as epilepsy, stroke, etc., poisonings by metal compounds – as gastroenteritis, peritonitis, etc.

    During the recent years the use of genetically modified human saprophytes, such as "Escherichia coli" has been noticed. When in human body they are able to become deadly toxic at any moment having been activated with chemical substances applied on skin, or by any other methods.

    The new achievements in biochemistry (for example in the field of bioregulators and pheromones) make it possible to induce a wide range of effects from non motivated rage to uncontrolled sexual attraction. This makes a victim an easy target for blackmailing or discrediting. Biological agents causing sharp unpleasant smell from a human body are also used in order to dehumanize and isolate the victim. Furthermore, the developments in the field of bioregulators (regulatory peptides) make it possible to use substances produced naturally by human body. Those toxins cause dramatic emotional and psychological changes, heart attacks, strokes, heart palpitation, arrhythmia, disruption of transmission of nerve impulses and so on. This opens an unprecedented possibility to use toxic substances that could not be traced in human body. In each case a clandestine application of such substances can lead to death - "killing without trace".

    During the later Soviet period the special services, first of all the KGB, used the data of medical checkups and physical examinations for active revealing of latent, chronic diseases of a victim with the purpose of their amplification by special means in order to gradually finish off a victim labeling it as death from the natural causes. More often - from the pathology of the cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary systems as the most vulnerable to poisons and weaponized microorganisms and bacteria.

    It is necessary to mention here biological substances used by special services that cause skeletal diseases depriving a victim of ability to move. As a result, the respiratory function of a human body and then the heart vessel function are damaged. An accidental or deliberately arranged contact with a respiratory infection (flu, pneumonia) kills the victim without a trace of violence.

    "Novichok" ("newcomer") belongs to a range of substances that cause dramatic artificial biological aging of a human body and a catastrophic shortening of life expectancy.

    2,4-Pyrolo - a substance, that causes total loss of memory - amnesia.

    Alcohol even in insignificant amounts could be deadly when organophosphates (such as sarin) are applied by special services.

    The application of biological agents and other "special means" is usually coducted under the disguise of natural factors, for example: endemic diseases, climatic or seasonal conditions, technical miscalculations and mistakes ( Sverdlovsk accident) and so on. "Weak places" are specially searched for and used for camouflage.


    As it proved to be, the most common methods of delivery of "special means" to a body of an unaware victim are the following:

    •spraying on skin;
    •spraying as an aerosol cloud for inhaling;
    •adding to food;
    •smearing the surfaces in a residence, clothes, linen, underwear, shoes, etc.
    Spray containers of various shapes and sizes from ordinary ones to micro capsules and "applicators" camouflaged under everyday objects such as umbrellas, pens, keys, cigarette lighters, screwdrivers, even built into mobile phones, fingernail sized inhaler type plastic dosers unnoticeably caught between the fingers, allow to apply poisons, toxins, biological weapons in various concentrations on skin or for inhaling. Microcapsules colored like human skin and entirely unnoticeable in hand, or scattered on the floor release toxin, poison or narcotic on crashing.

    The rapid development of nanotechnologies unlimitedly expands the opportunities of covert introduction of any substance to an organism. Micro and nanocapsules represent the ideal means of delivery of chemical and biological agents to a human body. Due to their small sizes they may be able to enter the body undetected by its immune system, and then become activated by the cells’ own mechanisms or an external trigger (for example ultrasound, electromagnetic radiation) to produce a toxin. A highly porous silicon-based nanomaterial product on entering the body (swallowed tiny capsules or tiny invisible needles applicated to skin) can release a toxin slowly over a period of time.

    As the highly toxic substances are used in insignificant amounts, a victim, even knowing of being attacked, is generally unable to detect the moment of the attack. This is even more difficult as there may be no physical contact between an attacker and a victim. As a rule, these substances are applied in crowded areas: streets, shops, public transport, but it can also be a lonely passer-by walking towards you or approaching from behind.

    Intrusions into dwelling in the absence of the residents practiced by special services, give enormous possibility for unprecedented pressure on a victim by not letting it escape to a safe place. During these intrusions "special means" are applied to surfaces in the dwelling - soft furniture, carpets as well as to clothes, linen, underwear, shoes in order to harm the health of the resisting victim. Dishes, utensils are covered with heavy metals - lead, mercury, or with thinnest synthetic polymer films exuding a toxin. Prolonged application of these substances achieved by the above mentioned techniques causes chronic poisoning with irreversible consequences.

    If there is no possibility to intrude into the dwelling, poisoning substances are usually delivered as vapor or aerosol via the ventilation system of the building, or by a special drill that can run through a residence ceiling or a wall, or by other methods. The dwelling thus turns into a "gas chamber".


    Combinations of poisonous substances (Rus: "preparats") used against a victim produce a variegated continuously changing clinical picture with a myriad of symptoms that do not fit into any known diagnosis, confusing doctors and making them send the patient to various specialists ("Syndrome of Unclear Origin"). In the beginning the deviations of health condition caused by applied substances are not irreversible, in this case a victim receives a false, non-existent diagnosis "Vegeto-Vascular Dystonia" (Rus: "vegeto-sosudistaya distoniya"), and in the case of a sudden death - the "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". In other cases (the most desirable for special services) the victim falls into the hands of psychiatrists, and from that moment on, a tandem of special services and psychiatry [Bib. 129] (which itself was a part of the internal service of the KGB) is put into action. Subsequently, such person is treated as a lunatic (mentally ill) with all consequences following from it (neutralization of a dangerous witness etc., etc.).

    If application of toxic substances causes irreversible changes in a human body, (cancer, myocardial infarction, asthma, stroke, etc.) physical elimination of the victim takes place - seemingly natural death. In other cases, under other circumstances, prolonged persecution leads to destruction of personality and as a result to the loss of a social and professional activity. It could be used for dehumanization of a victim in the eyes of society followed by further physical liquidation.
    Finally, one beloved by the special services method should be mentioned here - liquidation on the move - that is during vacations, business trips, visits, as well as during weekends (Fridays, Saturdays) and holidays.


    The described here barbarous system is aimed to solve quite certain tasks, which according to our observations are the following:

    •To ruin the will, to destroy the morale of the victim, etc; to make a victim guided, that is to force a person to do those things which in the normal circumstances it would have never done (recruiting - Rus: "verbovka").
    •To intimidate a victim, to force it to refuse the certain personal, social or political plans.
    •To make impossible the realization of plans deliberately inducing poor health (artificial disability).
    •To destroy the family of a victim as a main support of resistance to violence.
    •To reduce occupational, educational or personal activities, masking application of "special means" under "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome", "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", etc.
    •As a revenge, causing more or less harm to health when intimidation, recruiting or luring failed.
    •To discredit and arrange conditions for prosecution, or attach a false psychiatric diagnosis and then treat the victim as a lunatic. (As a result, to remove a dangerous witness, etc.)
    • As tortures (deprivation of sleep, muscular-skeletal pains, the hardest headaches, toothaches, etc.) and getting satisfaction from suffering caused to the victim (sadism).
    •For expulsion (from a residence, territory, motherland, etc.)
    •To dehumanize before liquidation.
    •And the last - to eliminate, to kill, to "overtreat" with special means (Rus: "urabotat' ") . That means that the aim to kill is put from the beginning arranging seemingly natural death.
    The range of it is enormously wide.


    The list of methods of individual terror described here is far from complete. We do not mention the latest military achievements, immune or ethnic weapons (it is known that different ethnic groups have different levels of certain metabolic enzymes, or differences in genetic code), etc.

    It is also important to mention here that because of the diffusion of special services and criminal organizations, some of the described here methods are as well used by criminals.


    Our first attempts to make this information public in the former USSR are dated back to 1980. Despite our efforts these attempts were absolutely unsuccessful and turned out to be deadly dangerous. During the period of so called "Perestroika" very fragmented information of unofficial and semi-official character started to appear, but still it was and continues to be a "taboo", people who know about these type of things are paralyzed by fear, nobody ever spoke about it openly.

    Finding ourselves in the West, we encountered the same. Nobody in Europe wants to discuss this problem, furthermore we are being persecuted for open discussion of it.
    The Western legal system, however, made it possible for the first time in history to have these issues discussed in Court. A legal trial which started in San Francisco , California , in 1996 successfully ended on January 3, 2000. In 1998 we initiated a new unprecedented process on this problem in the European Court of Human Rights.
    The problem raised here represents the first attempt to break through the conspiracy of silence. For the first time in history this problem is brought to the international legal level.
    We believe that from a medical as well as legal perspective any attempt of application of any substance to a person without his/her agreement is an attempt on human life and is against the basic human right - the Right to Live.

    Wide publicity of conducted lawlessness, removing "taboo" from discussion of these problems is of the first priority in fighting this evil, that is why it is necessary to draw a more complete picture of it.
    As we have never collaborated with any special services, never been members of any secret societies, all our information is based on our personal observations and taken from open sources of information.
    In order to make a more complete picture of this problem we would like to receive any information on the following subjects:

    •On the base of what orders, commands or any other documents contradicting to the Constitution and the Law the war against people is conducted?
    •What is known about such programs as "Flute" (Rus: "Fleyta"), "Bonfire" (Rus: "Koster") or other blood-curdling soviet-like eugenics?
    •Colleagues-doctors, what do you know about it?
    •The victims of Chernobyl ', from more than a hundred thousand, only several thousands are alive. Does any one suspect the covert liquidation of liquidators of the nuclear disaster?
    •Anyone who knows anything, or have learned from friends or acquaintance, or became a victim, any of your knowledge will be helpful!
    We shall accept your information with gratitude and will answer any known to us questions, give recommendations.

    We can be reached at the following e-mail address:
    Vadim V. Baranov, Tatiana A. Baranova
  • Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!
    By David Hambling July 1, 2009

    Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to stop his former business associate from blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation.

    Read More

    GREG GAMACHE, (Plaintiff )
  • Canada class action lawuits


    January 10, 2007


    Montreal woman seeks class-action approval over brainwashing experiments

    MONTREAL (CP) - Patients were put in isolation, tied down or drugged, and subjected to hours and hours of taped recordings meant to brainwash them.

    They were subjected to massive electroshocks, experimental drugs and LSD, all at the behest of the CIA, a federal court was told on Wednesday. Now it's time for the federal government to compensate the hundreds of victims whose lives were damaged, argued lawyer Alan Stein.

    Stein is seeking court approval for a class-action lawsuit on behalf of his client, Janine Huard, one of the hundreds of patients of Dr. Ewen Cameron to be subjected to the CIA experiments going back to the 1950s.

    "Madame Huard was not only subject to electroshock treatments, to experimental drugs, to psychic driving, the government of Canada has refused her compensation, " Stein told the court.

    "She never knew that she was being subjected to these experiments or that she was being used by Dr. Cameron and his staff as a guinea pig."

    Cameron pioneered "psychic driving," by which he believed he could erase the memories of patients and rebuild their psyches without psychiatric defect.

    The idea intrigued the CIA, which recruited Cameron to experiment with mind control techniques beginning in 1950. The McGill experiments were jointly funded by the CIA and the Canadian government.

    The experiments were part of a larger CIA program called MK-ULTRA, which also saw LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of brothels without their knowledge, according to testimony before a 1977 U.S. Senate committee.

    The CIA eventually settled a class-action lawsuit by test subjects, including Huard, and the Canadian government ordered a judicial report into Cameron's experiments.

    Lawyers for the federal government argue it's too late to proceed with a lawsuit, more than four decades after Cameron's death and more than a decade after the claims were rejected.

    Huard, who will be 79 at the end of the month, was a patient of Cameron at McGill University's Allan Memorial Institute for more than a decade, beginning in 1951.

    She was one of nine Canadian victims who received nearly US$67,000 from the CIA in 1988 to compensate her for her suffering.

    But her claim for compensation from the federal government, which jointly funded the experiments, was rejected three times.

    In 1994, 77 patients were awarded $100,000 each from the federal government but only those who suffered "total depatterning, " meaning they were rendered to childlike state.

    More than 250 others were denied compensation because their treatment was less intense and had fewer long-term effects.

    Then, in 2004, a federal appeal court overruled that decision and awarded a former patient the $100,000.

    That decision prompted Huard's lawsuit.

    Julius Grey, another of Huard's lawyers, said Huard suffered permanent consequences from the experiments.

    She never abandoned the idea of seeking justice for what happened to her, her lawyers told the court, she simply didn't have the money to pursue legal action.

    "It's unbelievable that this took place," Stein told the court.


    Stephen Ahmann, }

    Guy Potter, Elisabeth Jane Buchanan et. al. } }

    Vs. } Case#_____________________________ }

    The United States }

    Comes now plaintiffs to bring action against the defendant for the following reasons including but not limited to:

    1) We, the plaintiffs, have been and/or are currently tortured by the defendant.

    2) Some plaintiffs are outside US; however, the 1991 Torture Victim Protection Act (U.S. Code (Title 28, Part IV, Chapter 85, and Section 1350)) allows for torture victims to bring action in the United States District Court.

    3) For most of us, beginning on or about 2001 we, the plaintiffs, became the victims of Cointelpro-style tactics and/or other government operations and these activities have continued up to the present. This includes tactics like organized psychological and physical operations.

    4) We are victims of Cointelpro-style tactics and/or other government psychological and physical operations. We all experience the same crimes. We live in different states and have moved to many different states all with the same result.
    The criminal activities cross state/national lines. Federal government agencies and employees participate; therefore, this falls under federal jurisdiction.

    5) Our right to petition the government for grievances has been violated as in that keeping records of the crimes against us that have occurred for a decade or more is obstructed. Our homes are frequently broken into and journals, logs, and other evidence is stolen.


    6) Because of the defendant(s) actions it is extremely difficult to function in society making it extremely difficult to gather and keep evidence, keep employment or business, or maintain a place to live. This violates our right to petition the government for grievances and basic rights to life and liberty.

    7)  Because the defendant’s criminal actions affects the mind and body so badly it makes it very difficult to bring lawful action. Our situation is an emergency situation. Our life, health, and well-being are always in jeopardy. It is difficult to sleep, think, work, and generally function and live.
    Therefore, all papers are filed under extreme duress. This is an emergency situation and we demand immediate relief. These activities are killing us.


    8) Our right to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has been violated as we are nearly  perpetually stalked, harassed, intimidated, interrogated, and threatened by the defendants employing an unknown communication device set at distorted volume over an extended period of time with the intent of causing physical pain and suffering, distraction, confusion, and exhaustion. It is torture. Even while sleeping. That date of occurrence would be on or about 2001 to the present for most of us.

    9) The defendants falsely accuse of breaking laws as the reasoning behind this abuse and, even if were true, would fall under our protection against cruel and unusual punishment.

    10) The defendants, employing this high tech communication device interrogate us about private and embarrassing things like our sexual behavior and past. They demand to know all kinds of private details.
    We, also, are falsely accused of sexually perverted thoughts and brow beat. Often, the defendants tell us bizarre things like that our father/mother raped us as kids all for some psychological purpose that could include trauma based mind control. This kind of interrogation and/or verbal abuse is frequent, and for most of us has occurred from 2001 to the present.

    11) Uniformed police officers, FBI and all other government agencies that we have been in contact with participate in the Cointelpro-style activity and other physical and psychological operations... We have moved many times to different parts of the country and since this follows across state lines it, obviously, is federal, but also employs local government personnel. The tactics such as but not limited to: saying things about personal lives in public that only someone spying on us would know, gas lighting, interfering with attempts to talk with others/form relationships, interfering with normal activities such as working, sleeping, shopping, etc, street theatre, threats, intimidation, aggravated stalking, provoking, conspiracy and much more. .

    12)  Our right to petition the government for grievances has been violated. As we try to obtain the services of assistance of counsel yet all attempts made to secure counsel are blocked by cointelpro-style tactic and/or psychological operations.

    13) All forms of communication are tampered/interfered with. Including mail, email, phone calls. This has greatly interfered with our right to petition the government for grievances. As well as, untold amounts of losses.

    14) Our right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness has been violated by the defendants have used the unknown communication device to employ a hypnotist and/or some other kind of weapon(s ) to influence us. We are then made to see, believe, and forget all kinds of things over the years. Some of the things we have been hypnotized/manipulated to experience include but are not limited to: feel paranoia; believe our thoughts were being read; to fall asleep while at work, grocery shopping, and interfere with my attempts to perform necessary duties and much more. We have also felt excruciating chest pains, pain in other areas, painful dizzy spells, and a feeling of suffocation or throat closing. All of this was upon command from the defendants letting us know it was them that had the power to give us chest pains, dizzy spells, etc. while they laughed at our situation. These assaults and others like them occur multiple times per hour.

    15) Our freedom of religion has been violated as the defendants used the unknown communication device to hurt us whenever we tried to practice our religion. We have been threatened about our religion, politics, and a host of other beliefs and informed by the defendants that we had to do what they wanted or they would increase their criminal activities.

    16) Our freedom of speech has been violated by parties unknown to us as we are punished for saying or doing certain things by the defendant’s increased criminal actives and their threats to do so. This includes threats of prosecution…most recently 6-3-2011 for preparing this suit.
    I, Stephen Ahmann, was informed through an unknown communication device at about 11:00 pm that if I don’t drop this suit that the defendants would have people testify against me for made-up crimes. This is vindictive prosecution and is illegal. Threats like this have been made to me countless times over the years.

    17)  We are threatened often, making us fearful and unable to pursue life liberty or happiness.
    Some of the threats we have received include but are not limited to: threats to kill us, poisoning us, arresting us and holding in jail forever, stealing our possessions, gang-beating us up with baseball bats, shooting us, raping us, putting cameras in our home and putting compromising pictures of us on the internet, conspiring to defraud us by broadcasting this abuse and profiting from it, paying opposite sex not to sleep with us, prosecute us civilly and/or criminally, paying people to harass us, running us out of the country, conspiring to continue to stalk, harass and threaten us and never stop.

    18)  Most of us have had numerous cars and other vehicles swerve, obviously pointed right at us, in attempt to intimidate us. Many of us have been beat up and hospitalized many times. Some have had entire gangs jump us and been hospitalized. Since this was quite rare or never happened prior to this start date on or about 2001, these events coincide with the start of all the other operations and are perpetrated by the defendant.

    19)  Almost all of us are victims of slander and libel, another aspect of Cointelpro-style tactics, and/or government psychological and physical operations, to isolate us to make sure no one knows or helps us.

    20)  We are victims of the crime of provoking and conspiracy to provoke. This is perpetrated by the defendant and started for the majority of plaintiffs on or around 2001 to the present.

    21) Those of us with children, and pets, or elderly family have had to watch as the defendants inflicted the same tortures on them.

    Actual damages:

    a.) time off work 10 years time/lost wages and income @ 100,000 per year per plaintiff is 1,000,000 USD

    b.) Hospitalization  30,000 per plaintiff average over 10 year period

    c.)  Court costs


    II. Pain and suffering

    a.) physical pain suffered from torture for a ten year period is 10 billion USD per plaintiff

    b.) isolation due to libel /slander campaign for 10 years is 10 billion USD per plaintiff


    III. Punitive damages is 20.1 billion dollars per plaintiff

    Total damages are 40.2 billion dollars per plaintiff.

    So Stated under penalty of perjury on this ______________ day of ____________, 20__ _____________________________ ____________

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  • Re.ICC,

    Should be:1) class action 2) if you can not locate the target, should go to Tribunal of ICC or 3) UN,tribunal 

    I will post some sample letters to lay criminal charges against those named torturers. And,I will post some sample letters to show how icc tribunal and un tribunal intervene if the involved authorities refused to look into our allegations. 

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