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It also makes you wonder how many cases of diagnosed schizophrenia are truly illnesses.

Its very interesting that this dates back to nearly 200 yrs ago. Sounds familiar.

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[VIDEO] - DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS in use 40 years ago... used in warfare, riot and crowd control, and with specific targeting of people in cities. THIS is the video we've been waiting for.

[Click here:]

SHARE with those friends and family who just don't seem to 'get it.' At about time stamp [39:49]-- talks about the US's weather modification programs... used as a weapon. Or for any other purpose to tell you the truth. Hummmmm... I'm thinking about snow in Egypt now! At about time stamp [9:20]-- talks about the use of microwave directed energy as a weapon for riot and crowd control. ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady) Florida, USA~

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[VIDEO] - DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS in use 40 years ago... used in warfare, riot and crowd control, and with specific targeting of people in cities. THIS is the video we've been waiting for.

[Click here:]

SHARE with those friends and family who just don't seem to 'get it.' At about time stamp [39:49]-- talks about the US's weather modification programs... used as a weapon. Or for any other purpose to tell you the truth. Hummmmm... I'm thinking about snow in Egypt now! At about time stamp [9:20]-- talks about the use of microwave directed energy as a weapon for riot and crowd control. ~Debra (djgTheMediaLady) Florida, USA~

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Just sometimes, I wonder if I am actually in heaven because it feels like I am having the best science fiction adventure there could be. The things I know and the mission I have in this life makes me feel like a main character of the best possible science fiction novel. I actually feel sorry for all the so-called normal people of the world because their reality seems so mundane. Us TIs reality seems much more fun doesn’t it. It’s even more fun when you believe what I believe…if you don’t know what I am talking about; read my other posts….some might say, how can I think I am in heaven when there are so many people suffering and dying in this world…..I will explain.  As far as suffering, It is just a temporary thing that will pass and also serves to spice up happiness and joy. As for death; when if death is just an illusion? When if all is just your own illusion? After all can you be absolutely sure that all things that you think exist which are not within the range of your vision really exist? Are you sure that I really exist? Maybe I am just part of your personal simulation game called life…….If death do not exist; and suffering is just a device to spice up this game of life. Maybe we are really in heaven playing a game. I think the heaven I am currently in is much more fun and joyful then the picture of heaven portrayed by the Christian church….playing harp continually singing and praising God for eternity cannot compare with the heaven I am in now. Now I am fighting against a high tech evil perps to save the world from destruction. I even see the possibility that all diseases could be potentially wiped out.  Funny how all of the things I want to accomplish aligns with what is written in the Bible prophecy…J below is my explanation why death cannot really exist. Death is just a necessary illusion to make me think that I don’t have another quarter for the game and I am down to my last life. That’s when the game gets really exciting right?

We know that it is a fact that our minds are capable of receiving thoughts from external sources via technological machines. In non technical terms; these thoughts could be regarded as spirits. I am the one who believes that humanity’s minds have been invaded by external forces for thousands of years. This means that all of the people who exist in this world never experienced what it really is like to totally be free from external thought invasion. We also know that our bodies can and is manipulated by externally induced feelings. I wonder what it will be like to be totally free from all artificially inputted thoughts and feelings. ….All of our technology is an artificial imitation of what occurs naturally. I wonder if our own natural spirit which is not artificial can exist without a physical body. I think it is highly likely that it can exist without our body because I believe our body is merely like a radio receiver which receives the radio signal. Maybe our true self is in the form of a radio wave.  Maybe we are a purely spiritual being that temporarily is received by the radio known as our physical body. When the radio breaks down, it does not mean that the broadcast also dies. It keeps broad casting. This broad cast is eventually received by another radio that tunes in. This is a real possibility that we are eternal being. The next question is: where is the broadcast station located? I believe that is where God lives. Maybe it is everywhere…..I think death is just a device to make us play as hard and long as possible in the physical vehicle we call our body. Hence there is no death. Oh death where art thou sting? You have no power over me because I have seen the light of truth! If you don’t understand what I am saying; it’s my fault for lacking the power to express my thoughts articulately….sorry, 

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Check out the below sites or just google: black knight mystery satellite

I believe this is another supporting information that support my theory that the perps has been influencing humanity for thousands of years to cause us to destroy ourselves via their mind control technology. They used their superior tech to pose as gods to our ancestors and enticed them into killing each other. That is why our world is a graveyard of collapsed civilizations. 

There are tons of information attesting to the fact that our forgotten ancient past had periods of high technology. We as TIs must understand that if there were high tech periods in the earths history; Mind control tech would have also been developed in the past. Is it too far fetched to believe there is a ancient mind control machine that was programmed to harass humanity and ultimately make us self destruct is still operating or are being operated by the elites who went underground to escape the nuclear wars they started. If there is another global nuclear war; there will be elites of our society who will go into their underground bases stocked with alll the technology they will need to survive and thrive while the remnants of humanity will suffer and die away in a nuclear wasteland...If we (TIs) overcome the lie perpetrated by the perps that it is our governments and our neighbors who are stalking and harassing via mind control machines; We can prevent humanity from being trapped in the revolution of rising and falling of our civilizations. We can be the harbingers of the evolution of humanity. I trust that the billions or trillions of dollars being funneled to super secret black ops are actually being used to prepare humanity’s defense and ultimate victory against the evil hidden civilization who are scheming day and night to divide and destroy us…..

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I really appreciate the comments and logical questions being asked by all of you. Please keep asking and commenting. As for the involvement of our own governments; I agree that there are some people who are being used as targets by the governments of the known world. But I think that the whole humanity and those of us who have been targeted by the perps in a more blatant manner as to have enabled us to become aware of the harassment and hence made most of the TIs become aware of the remote control/harassment. I think the government who are involved in remote mind control/ harassment will be the last ones who would want to create dissidents who are aware of their machinations.

 Furthermore our governments will not want anybody to complain about such thing.  When we critically think about how the TIs are effected; it is clear that the perps want us to blame our own governments. They are keep doing this to more and more people because in their assessment; their plan is working because there are more and more TIs that become convinced that the only possible perpetrator of this evil technology is the governments.

I believe that if there is a group of people being targeted by our own governments as guinea pigs are more likely to be unaware that they are being targeted. The whole purpose behind remote mind control is to control and influence the people’s thoughts and actions covertly without letting the targets know that they are being remotely controlled. If the targets become aware that they are being controlled; they will not be controllable anymore. The methods being used on us are not something that covert human governmental organizations would logically conduct because it is counterproductive. Why would the government of the world want to keep growing the number of people who will become so upset at the government that they will do anything to stop them by exposing them? If the human governments really at first did do the things that are currently being done to us, I am sure that they would have improved their systems and methods as to become more covert to prevent people from finding out what they are doing.

Also most TIs consider themselves to be a victim of a sick mind control experiment. I do not believe it is an experiment at all. If it was an experiment, there should be improvements and changes in the modus operandi and effectiveness of their machines over the years. If you consider the pace of technological development of the world; I am sure that the effectiveness of their equipment and their modus operandi would have evolved drastically over time. But in my own experience as well as from what I read about other TIs experiences; I have not seen any improvement in effectiveness or changes in their methodology during the last 25 years of living as a  target.

I was able to see through their methods and developed counter measures which enabled me to join the army, retire after 20 years of service while at the same time getting married and having three children. I was able to accomplish this because I guess like cockroaches that become resistant to the same insecticide when repeatedly exposed to the same thing; I became less sensitive and resistant to their harassment. Even the V2K doesn’t bother me too much anymore because we fought, debated and discussed about almost anything there is to talk about. We basically ran out of things to talk about or criticize about and I only talk with them now when I initiate the conversation because I am bored

Getting back to the point; Yes, our governments are most likely conducting and/or developing Mind control machines and there are likely a very small group of people who are being targeted by our governments in a totally different covert method where the targets are not aware that they are being toyed with. The extremely large number of TIs springing up in almost all the countries of the world who are being targeted like us are not targeted by our or their governments. There is just no feasible reason for it. Why would they want to create people who will protest and complain against them and dedicate themselves to expose this evil technology? This is totally the opposite effect of those who desire to control their people. The only feasible explanation is that the hidden civilization who wants us to self destruct is doing what it is doing to create dissident groups in all the nations. They want us to get angry at our own governments and suspect each other in order to eventually bring about anarchy and chaos to cause the down fall of our civilization.  

Another point I want to make is that I believe that it is possible for us to develop some type of shielding that will stop any mind control waves that are being transmitted by our own surface dwelling governments. I also believe that the targets of our own government mind control machine could move to remote areas of the world and escape the influence of the machines.

My own experience as well as that of the famous TI: Eleanor White proved that the perps who are targeting us are using a type of radio wave that cannot be shielded by any known current methods. If you are contemplating on trying to shield or capture the perps signals; I suggest you don’t waste your time, energy and money. The technology the perps are using is so advanced that even a Faraday cage will not shield their signals including their V2K!..Additionally over the past 25 years; I have lived in Hawaii, California, Louisiana, New Jersey. I also traveled and lived in the Far East (Korea & Japan), was in Afghanistan, Ireland, England, Amsterdam, Germany. No matter where I was; the seemingly same perps followed me everywhere….They did not even stop while I was flying on a plane. So if some of you are considering moving; thinking that you can get away from the perps; it will not work. I even went deep inside the caverns without being able to shake them loose……the word of hope I have for you is that if you have a strong character and do not harbor hatred towards your neighbors etc….You will be able to learn to live a normal life despite it all. I will post some of the techniques I used to live with it sometime later…….Also; I am working on another long post which is a continuation of my first post to expose’ the true identity of the hidden perps and perhaps how we can eventually overcome it and bring about a world where there is no wars, conflicts, and diseases. Stay tuned people.


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from a member of congress RE harp

January 15, 2014

Dear Mr. Griffin,


Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns with  the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). I appreciate the opportunity to respond to you on this issue.


               As you know, HAARP is a government research facility that conducts research in collaboration with the United States Air Force and the University of Alaska. The antennas at the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska were used to conduct tests in the ionosphere. It was reported by the  Alaska Dispatch  on July 17, 2013, that the HAARP facility closed and ceased operations in mid-2013. Please be assured that as the House of Representatives moves forward I will continue to monitor this situation and remember your concerns with HAARP.


Again, I appreciate your thoughts and it is an honor to serve you in Congress. Your suggestions are always welcome, and if ever I may be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.



                 Sincerely,             DR. JOE HECK           Member of Congress 

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Directed energy weapons, geophysical weapons, weather weapons is mentioned, Representative Jim Guest's letter to Congress, and a lot more. . . .  Check this out :-

They are emails from a company Global Intelligence Research called Statfor based in Texas. . . .

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ELF, VLF, LF Orgonite

Hey peops,

this will be my blog where i post my works and ideas to build an driven Orgonite.

At the moment i'm not sure how big the Orgonite gets. It is still under construction.

Im going to use different Crystals.... Amethyst, Mountain Crystal, Hämatit, Rose quartz and red Jaspis.... Hämatit and Jaspis containing an naturally high amount of Ferrum.

I will use just Iron shavings.

Further i will build it with different Copper coils and Ferrit cores, just to make it able to create different strong magnetic fields and to get different frequencys. I will build it to drive it with an mximum of 35 Watts.

I will build an Frequency generator to create different waveforms and frequencys from 1 Hz to 5 Mhz, after that i need to build an white noise generator and different LF amplifiers starting with 5 Watts.

It will take some time because it wont be that cheap, and it needs to be good overthinked. As soon as i got some procced i will post here some Pics and a little explanation.

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I totally agree with Sue's blog post titled "how i believe gangstalking is carried out" its about what  the stalking as well as the possibility that the perps are not any known human government or organizations.'  What I am about to tell you now is a culmination of almost 25 years of research. I believe that anybody with a reasonable amount of intelligence will come to the same conclusion if they examine all the things and consider all the information I have. I can't possibly present all the materials I examined for the past 25 years here but I will share some of the conclusions I have come to. I also like to let you know that this is just the tip of the ice burg and it is even more fantastic and crazy. If you have a critical mind you will see the possibility. Please conduct some research before tossing this info aside. If you do, you will truly find your calling. ....When I first became targeted; for a long time I really thought there were hired stalkers stalking me. But I finally figured out that like Sue said; the perps are using other unaware people to say certain things (they are given their own feasible reasons in thought form) and/or look towards you the same time it inputs a very strong feeling and thought into the Targeted person to make them believe that those people are stalking them. It is a very strong delusion inputted by a mind control machine that could be thousands of years more advanced than anything our own governments currently possess. Google James Tilly Matthews. He is the first person to have been documented as claiming to be the target of some kind of an electronic machine. He made such a claim more than 200 years ago! He is the reason why the current field of psychology came to regard people who claim to be victims of mind control machines as lunatics. Besides, claiming to be a victim of the mind control machine; it is recorded that he was very sane in all other aspects of life.....was he crazy or was he sane? I believe that he will one day be vindicated and be celebrated as the father of truth. Perhaps we will even get to raise a statue in his honor when all of the TIs of the world become vindicated and the world finds out that we are actually pioneers who discovered a very ancient and horrible crime against humanity. Like Sue said; all humanity are victims of mind control. It’s just that the level of influence is different. Why are we so much more severely harassed? Because like Sue said; they want us to blame our own governments, neighbors and each other to divide us to create conflict among us. We are meant to become an anti government and anti social group of people. They want us to be at the forefront of destabilizing our governments and eventually the whole human society. The perps have been around for thousands of years....I don't think they are aliens though. According to my many years of research; they are part of humanity that has gone into hiding in the crevices of the earth, under the sea, and around other planets of the solar system. You see, humanity has reached high tech many times over. But eventually through natural disasters or man caused nuclear holocausts we revert back to the dark ages and outlaw technology and label it black magic because we destroyed ourselves with technology. The perps are the ones who escaped the destruction by literally going underground. That is where all the UFOs are coming from ...just look at the overwhelming amount of ufo sightings...if they are really extraterrestrial aliens; would there be so many sightings? Does what I say sounds too fantastic to be true? Just remember that our claims are not being believed for the same reason by the world. We should not make the same mistake; just because something doesn’t sound like what everyone else is aware of; it does not necessarily mean that it is not worth paying attention to. The truth is stranger than fiction. Just look at our ancient customs of amulets, the evil eye, buildings of stupas with eyes all around, totem poles to protect the person and towns from evil spirits. If you think of these customs and traditions as the remnants of trying to block the mind control waves witch through passage of time the effectiveness was lost and only the acting out remains. Just look at the custom of covering the heads. For instance, look at the Jewish skull cap. Does it have any practical function? Does it protect the wearer from the burning sun? Or does it protect the wearer from the environments....maybe it really was a functioning aluminum tin foil hat type of thing. Why would the ancient Greeks and Romans wear such a cumbersome helmets that have long bristles (did you know that wire bristles are used to scramble radar signals) to a life or death battle if it at one time did not have a practical function? look at the kings crowns. especially the old Silla dynasty Korean crowns from over a thousand years had a inner hat that was made of gold weaved into something that closely resembles microwave oven mesh......why is the devil and demons that is supposedly deep underground in hell represented in ancient paintings as having wings and fly through the air? Isn’t that a perfect way to describe a evil thought machines messages being broadcast through the air? Why was burning incense an abomination to god? Incense is a stick that is lit and the smoke rises to the air....maybe it is a way of describing that you should not transmit something through an antennae.....The bible also talks about evil doers who are hiding in the crevices of the earth doing evil in secrecy. Also, in the bible when it address the people it says many times; for those who have ears to hear on the earth, under the earth, in the sea hear me...etc to me this is because there are other human civilizations under the ground and the sea(sea could me two things. The big sea is the space) all of the ancient customs and legends, even the customs starts to make a whole lot more sense when you put the electronic mind control machine into the picture....just look at Jehowa it talked from a burning bush that does not consume the bush....the big bright search light could look like a burning bush....the glowing element in the middle that produces the light....some high tech asshole hidden civilization has been playing with humanity of the surface for thousands of years....They followed Jehowa and look where it got them? Thousands of years of persecution an they still did not get to the land of flowing honey or whatever….Did you know that another name for the V2K is known as voice of god technology? when if all the ancient people and even some people to this day is actually fooled by a high tech yielding hidden civilization? read about how the Mormon church sounds like someone was using a projector to replay the same image and also play the same recording over and over again (for three nights the vision and the voice was seen; there was not even a slightest deviation from previous visions etc.....Their goal is to infiltrate religions, ideologies, nationalism into the world to make us destroy ourselves through wars etc....I suspect that they even remotely used their high tech to modify our gnome to create physical difference of races to use it to cause conflicts. All disease in the world are also infiltrated by these assholes...Read About the black just before the disease broke out some figures were seen spraying some type of gass or mists in the grain fields near the towns. This is where we got the image of the death with the sickle.....The forbidden fruit that the bible talks about is the electroninc mind control can do anything but do not eat the tree of knowledge. you see the technology is symbolically a fruit of knowledge......Only God supposed to naturally inhabit our minds but mankind developed something that can challenge god. Hence “it will open your eyes and make you like god”. Those who are using this tech to mess with humanity are religiously the devil....remember tower of babel? when mankind became united and attained technology to build the tower to reach the heavens (symbolic way of saying that mankind was starting to explore space) something called the lord (every time something bad happens notice that it’s referred to as lord and not god it is referred to as God for the most part only in genesis. So when you read the bible; there is a reason why there is God, and Lord, etc…they are not the same entity as taught by the so-called religious scholar) the Babel story basically says "hey if we leave them alone there is nothing they will not be able to do (in mankind view this is a good thing). let us go down and f them up(confuse them and disperse them: cause division).this is no God....its the assholes who think they own everything that’s why they are referred as “lord” which basically means one who is more powerful that lords over others. The only reason they don't want to invade us and take over our surface land is because as far as they are concerned; the surface world where we live is a radioactive wasteland where peoples hair starts to fall out very early and people barely live to be 75. Their natural life span is just like what it was for the patriarch in the bible. Close to a thousand years. Because of remnants of ancient nuclear wars, there is still radiation on the surface. What our scientist consider a natural amount of radiation is actually not natural. they think it is natural because when they finally researched (notice the word re (to do again) search; because everything was already found in the past) and developed geiger counters to measure radiation; they found a certain amount of radiation everywhere and because they do not know nor believe there were ancient nuclear wars, thought it was some research you will know that everything I say is very feasible.....Don't fall for the tricks of the perps and don't dance to its tune...don't blame our governments, don’t suspect your neighbors. That’s what you want to do. Don’t be their puppet...I am pretty sure at the deepest and highest level of our government even above the president; they know this. That is why they insist that ufos are not real. We have to understand and allow our government to for the time being withhold the truth.  They have to because they know that they can't provide protection to its citizens. If all the people finds out that there are malevolent civilizations that can destroy us at anytime and our governments just do not possess the capability to defend them, their will really be a chaotic situation. I am pretty sure that at least the US knows that it is the hidden civilization that is infiltrating the minds of people through religion, nationalism, racism etc to cause conflicts in the world. All the people in the world who are currently fighting for their delusional causes are actually not dying in vain. No matter which side they are fighting for; they really are helping humanity to earn time to prepare itself against the hidden evil civilization. Because the conflicts are making the evil civilization that their scheme is effective. Guess what? If all the conflicts stop in the world and we achieve world peace; it is written in many prophecies of the world to include the bible that when the world thinks peace has finally come; there will be fire from the sky. 

When we achieve world peace despite the psychotronic influence of the evil ones; The  assholes will know that their scheme is not working and they will personally attack us.......I sure hope that there are governments of the world who are preparing for the final battle. If you are someone who is working to prepare us for the final battle and need a recruit; please take me in. I will let you know all the knowledge I have acquired. I could possibly give you information about ancient sleeping hibernation who could be lying in wait for thousands of years to help us fight these assholes. What I present here is just a tip of the ice burg…I think I have a lot more information to people thank all the sacrifices of our soldiers, the muslim fanatics, N Korean dictator, Iran, Seria, the Arabs and the Israelite conflict etc….those conflicts are keeping us from being run over….If all the TIs of the world believe what I say and don’t dance to their tune of suspecting their own neighbors, governments, and each other. That will be quite dangerous also but I am confident that will not happen because their magic, I mean tech is very strong. Only those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will hear my message. For those of you who can overcome; You will have a new name that no one but you will know. Your name will be truth; freedom fighter; Good! We shall overcome one day. Good speed! 

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What is "THe Mark of the Beast"?

"It seems there are as many interpretations of this passage as there are Christian denominations. Some believe these verses refer to a tattoo, a brand, or even a microchip implant. Theories also abound about the number 666."-see link. In my study of Christianity, I found that this statement is true. I have heard that our drivers license is the mark of the beast. I also heard that our social security number is that mark of the beast.  Now, as technology advances and threatens to take away parishioners, many say its Trans-humanism that is the mark of the beast.

Do you have your own version of the mark of the beast?

How does this fit with the bible?

How do you plan to deal personally with what you consider the mark of the beast?

I think it would be interesting to see what people think and why.

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