I really appreciate the comments and logical questions being asked by all of you. Please keep asking and commenting. As for the involvement of our own governments; I agree that there are some people who are being used as targets by the governments of the known world. But I think that the whole humanity and those of us who have been targeted by the perps in a more blatant manner as to have enabled us to become aware of the harassment and hence made most of the TIs become aware of the remote control/harassment. I think the government who are involved in remote mind control/ harassment will be the last ones who would want to create dissidents who are aware of their machinations.
Furthermore our governments will not want anybody to complain about such thing. When we critically think about how the TIs are effected; it is clear that the perps want us to blame our own governments. They are keep doing this to more and more people because in their assessment; their plan is working because there are more and more TIs that become convinced that the only possible perpetrator of this evil technology is the governments.
I believe that if there is a group of people being targeted by our own governments as guinea pigs are more likely to be unaware that they are being targeted. The whole purpose behind remote mind control is to control and influence the people’s thoughts and actions covertly without letting the targets know that they are being remotely controlled. If the targets become aware that they are being controlled; they will not be controllable anymore. The methods being used on us are not something that covert human governmental organizations would logically conduct because it is counterproductive. Why would the government of the world want to keep growing the number of people who will become so upset at the government that they will do anything to stop them by exposing them? If the human governments really at first did do the things that are currently being done to us, I am sure that they would have improved their systems and methods as to become more covert to prevent people from finding out what they are doing.
Also most TIs consider themselves to be a victim of a sick mind control experiment. I do not believe it is an experiment at all. If it was an experiment, there should be improvements and changes in the modus operandi and effectiveness of their machines over the years. If you consider the pace of technological development of the world; I am sure that the effectiveness of their equipment and their modus operandi would have evolved drastically over time. But in my own experience as well as from what I read about other TIs experiences; I have not seen any improvement in effectiveness or changes in their methodology during the last 25 years of living as a target.
I was able to see through their methods and developed counter measures which enabled me to join the army, retire after 20 years of service while at the same time getting married and having three children. I was able to accomplish this because I guess like cockroaches that become resistant to the same insecticide when repeatedly exposed to the same thing; I became less sensitive and resistant to their harassment. Even the V2K doesn’t bother me too much anymore because we fought, debated and discussed about almost anything there is to talk about. We basically ran out of things to talk about or criticize about and I only talk with them now when I initiate the conversation because I am bored
Getting back to the point; Yes, our governments are most likely conducting and/or developing Mind control machines and there are likely a very small group of people who are being targeted by our governments in a totally different covert method where the targets are not aware that they are being toyed with. The extremely large number of TIs springing up in almost all the countries of the world who are being targeted like us are not targeted by our or their governments. There is just no feasible reason for it. Why would they want to create people who will protest and complain against them and dedicate themselves to expose this evil technology? This is totally the opposite effect of those who desire to control their people. The only feasible explanation is that the hidden civilization who wants us to self destruct is doing what it is doing to create dissident groups in all the nations. They want us to get angry at our own governments and suspect each other in order to eventually bring about anarchy and chaos to cause the down fall of our civilization.
Another point I want to make is that I believe that it is possible for us to develop some type of shielding that will stop any mind control waves that are being transmitted by our own surface dwelling governments. I also believe that the targets of our own government mind control machine could move to remote areas of the world and escape the influence of the machines.
My own experience as well as that of the famous TI: Eleanor White proved that the perps who are targeting us are using a type of radio wave that cannot be shielded by any known current methods. If you are contemplating on trying to shield or capture the perps signals; I suggest you don’t waste your time, energy and money. The technology the perps are using is so advanced that even a Faraday cage will not shield their signals including their V2K!..Additionally over the past 25 years; I have lived in Hawaii, California, Louisiana, New Jersey. I also traveled and lived in the Far East (Korea & Japan), was in Afghanistan, Ireland, England, Amsterdam, Germany. No matter where I was; the seemingly same perps followed me everywhere….They did not even stop while I was flying on a plane. So if some of you are considering moving; thinking that you can get away from the perps; it will not work. I even went deep inside the caverns without being able to shake them loose……the word of hope I have for you is that if you have a strong character and do not harbor hatred towards your neighbors etc….You will be able to learn to live a normal life despite it all. I will post some of the techniques I used to live with it sometime later…….Also; I am working on another long post which is a continuation of my first post to expose’ the true identity of the hidden perps and perhaps how we can eventually overcome it and bring about a world where there is no wars, conflicts, and diseases. Stay tuned people.