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Cells = hardware, DNA = software. virus = spam
Biology, like other forms of computings, can be hacked. And it is being hacked, every day.
I got German cars showing up every day. Here in Zagreb, I saw 2 today and 1 yesterday. It has been going on for several months even I was in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, etc.
Plant melons and get melons; sow beans and get beans. Who planted the seeds of hatred and torture and get his own peril.
'We think life is just the activity of carbon and an admixture of molecules – we live a while and then rot into the ground,' said the scientist on his website.
Prophecy 41
Will My Real Bride Please Stand Up!
Spoken/Written under the anointing to Rev. Sherrie Elijah.
September 17, 2000
As Prophecy 41 was spoken and written on 9.17.00, I had 3 policemen surrounded my house in an unmarked white car pulled up in front of my house. I recognized the chief of police knocking on my door. My son saw another one in the back and another on the side of the house. He said he had come because of four 911 calls originating at that address. I told him I found that strange, because no one was here but my son and I was on the telephone at that time speaking to another friend. This actually happened minutes after I hung up the phone after reading the prophecy of "Don't Be Part of the Counterfeit Bride". Please pray for my protection.
Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah
* * * * * * *
MY Bride cannot enter in without the fragrance of MY anointing. You cannot over do the fragrance of MY anointing. You are to seek this higher anointing. Let it be known that no man or woman can give you this anointing; only MY Sweet RUACH ha KODESH can cleanse you with the sweet perfume of MY anointing reserved for MY Bride. Prepare to go home and drench yourself in the power in the RUACH ha KODESH'S anointing. Put on your wedding gown. It is MY robe of righteousness. I wore a crown of thorns. You shall wear like a tiara a crown of MY Glory that is placed upon your head. As Esther prepared herself for the king, you are preparing yourself for THE KING OF KINGS, THE LORD OF LORDS, YOUR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAHSUHUA IS MY Name AND I AM YOUR SOON COMING BRIDEGROOM!
As a wedding announcement is sent forth, and invitations are sent, I too send forth MY announcement by Gabriel blowing the shofar, and only those who are MY Bride will hear the announcement for MY Bride. It will be too late to think to get ready then, so be prepared for the coming announcement, you'll either do it yourself or through MY apostles and prophets. Heed MY warning! Heed the warning that says I AM coming. It is an elopement, only because the Bridegroom knows for sure. Now go forth, be not ashamed and give the invitation. Be not amazed at how many will refuse it. But grieve not, for they did not fit or pass the question or the loyalty test, the love test, the sacrifice test nor the obedience test. Therefore, they are unfit to be called MY Bride. There will be those that will take the invitation and rip them up, they will be those that will take the invitation and put them on the shelf for a long time and never use it. Neither I will call MINE.
MY Bride has anxiously waited for ME and I'm coming to claim MY Bride. I never see race or religion. Doesn't matter what your race or what your religion is, I seek relationship with ME and I look for one thing, which is the color red which is MY shed Blood at Calvary. So I say again MY home in Heaven will shortly be your home. You will be caught up to meet ME in the air to be drawn by MY side while alive. MY feet shall not touch the ground of the wicked world as it is now, so get ready MY Bride to be caught up while you are alive. Let them scoff and mock, I'm standing at the door and I'll knock. All they have to do is to open the door of their heart and repent and invite ME in and I am faithful and I will forgive them of all of their sins.
Ask them, why do they want to be tortured in hell or to be burnt in the lake of fire? It was not created for them. It was created for the evil ones. I paid the price at Calvary and to snatch from satan's grip for all mankind to be set free. But I am a gentleman. I will not break down the door. I just knock and wait to be invited in. So one more time, I will tell them that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH others call me Lord Jesus Christ, is coming again. Tell MY Bride I'm coming again to take her home. Prepare to go home for MY home is your home. Prepare to come home, because I AM coming to take MY Bride home! Shortly you should hear Gabriel's horn, and you will be caught up to be by MY side as I call you forth as MY Bride. You shall hear the words come hither like a voice of the archangel as he blows the shofar horn. Prepare to go home for I'm coming for MY Bride! One will be taken and the other left.
Written on September 17, 2000 @ 6:15 pm. So it is spoken, so it is written. Given to this handmaiden Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 40007
Upper Hutt
New Zealand 5018
Email Address:
Prophecy 40
Don't Be Part of the Counterfeit Bride!
If you are...FLEE!
Spoken under the anointing to Rev. Sherrie Elijah.
September 17, 2000
(Please pray for this handmaiden Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. Who God has chosen to deliver this harsh message that will offend millions, but she is only the messenger. Please don't stone the messenger, she only repeats what the RUACH ha KODESH says for one purpose: to bring souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. Due to the length of this prophetic message, we have divided it in parts 1 and 2.)
* * * * * * *
Prepare to go home. Go home. Your Homecoming is waiting. My Bride must be ready to go home. Tell MY Bride to prepare to go home. I am preparing MY Bride to go home to be caught up by MY side while you are yet alive. Tell them far and wide; warn them by land, by air, and by sea. Prepare to go home with ME. I'm coming for MY Bride. Prepare to go home, to come to the marriage supper of the Lamb. I can't wait for MY Bride to come home to Heaven for I have waited so long. Tell them I am coming for MY Bride. I'm coming, tell them far and wide. Spare no expense. Lay down your pride, give the message, and tell MY Bride to get ready to prepare to go home.
What Bride doesn't know when the wedding day approaches. What Bride doesn't know when to put on her wedding gown. Immerse yourself, cleanse yourself, bathe yourself, and plunge yourself in MY Blood shed for you at Calvary. Prepare to go home. What Bride doesn't want her odor to be perfumed like a fragrance of the beautiful flowers and spices? MY Bride's fragrance is not man made or found in a bottle. MY Bride's beautiful fragrance is heaven sent. It is the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH that perfumes you. It is not man made. It is not found in a bottle, MY RUACH ha KODESH anointing that perfumes you. Those found without the anointing are a stench to MY nostrils and will not be going home to Heaven with ME. The fragrance of MY anointing is Holy.
There are some who call themselves MY Bride, but they are not MY Bride. They are the Church of the Pretenders who claim to know ME and yet don't know ME. Their fragrance is an imitation and is a stench to MY nostrils. The counterfeit bride wears off white. Her jewels are just cut glass. Her tiara is made of tin. She claims to love ME, and no love is there. Why does this counterfeit bride say they love ME but won't obey? They say they do miracles in MY Name, but their strange fire brings ME shame.
They are the five foolish virgins found with no oil in their lamps. The lamp wick is not trimmed. They slice and they dice MY Word, even MY commandments to transform in their own image in who "I AM" is. They condone sin even though I call it sin. They even go so far to call themselves a god. They rewrite MY commandments. They rewrite the Word of "I AM". Their spiritual leader even sits on a throne. He issues edicts in his name. He mocks MY rod of iron and calls it a scepter. He mocks MY robe of righteousness and wears a robe with the finest gems embedded in it. He mocks that MY train that fills the Temple and his robe has a long train on it. He even mocks MY Word Holy and have MY people call him his holiness. He, this spiritual leader is worldwide known. There are other spiritual leaders in other church organizations that are taught to worship a man merely born from a woman and not of a virgin birth. The counterfeit spiritual leaders force the people to bow at their feet, mocking MY Word that says every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is Lord.
Another spiritual leader seeks to add another to the Godhead. This spiritual leader gives MY communion and never wants to tell the people to repent for their sins. It is all for show. Those that follow after this spiritual leader will follow him right in the pit of hell and into the lake of fire. There is nothing holy about this unholy one for he seeks to take MY place. This is part of the counterfeit bride that is a stench to MY nostrils. This spiritual leader would never stoop so low in his eyes or in the eyes of others to wash another's feet. This church organization is the richest in the world, but they are the poorest in faith. This one that leads so many astray even has them confessing their sins to him. This one dares to mock the only one who has the right to be the judge of all mankind, and yet the priests are taught they have the right to lay the penance down. They judge the others' sins and the priests lay the sentence down. No one that does this is a part of MY Bride. They are a stench to MY nostrils. Even the form of transportation mocks the way I rode on a donkey. They even mock the sign of the cross. This is just a part of the counterfeit bride. They speak in a language except for scholars long forgotten. Be warned, Flee if you are part of this counterfeit bride. For it is a stench in MY nostrils. Remember I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt have no other Gods before ME. Be not deceived for I am not easily mocked. There is a price to pay.
For it is spoken and so it is written under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH. Given to the humble handmaiden Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.
6:15 pm September 17, 2000.
Part 2 - Prophecy 41 - Will The Real Bride Please Stand Up!
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 40007
Upper Hutt
New Zealand 5018
Email Address:
on Rosh HaShanah Sept. 13, 2007
Feel free to copy and share this with those who will love and embrace the truth of who the Holy Spirit really is and recognize HER as their HEAVENLY MOTHER. For those who want to mock this word, I do not cast my pearls before swine, and do not give you permission to either post prophecy 89 or 90 or any writings I have written on who the HOLY SPIRIT IS. MOMMA SHKHINAH is so precious, I will not allow my name to be used to insult her in anyway. Thus far there has been only favorable emails and comments, they love HER the way I love HER.
P.S. I want to share with you another revelation given to me. The spelling of HER NAME is SHKHINYAH the NAME of YAH is in HER NAME. However I have not spelled it like this because if I would fewer people would put that spelling in the search engines on the Internet. She did however tell me this is the correct way to spell SHKHINYAH. She carries the NAME of HER beloved Groom YAHUVEH.
We Praise you ABBA YAHUVEH, we Praise you Beloved YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, our one and only Messiah, in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, ABBA YAHUVEH we now pray, to our Heavenly MOTHER SHKHINAH, our Co-Creator who is YOUR Helpmate and YOUR Heavenly Bride and the Heavenly Mother of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. On earth it was Mary but in heaven YAHUSHUA's Mother is called SHKHINAH GLORY.
Holy MOTHER SHKHINAH, we Praise YOUR HOLY NAME. We welcome you in our homes, in our hearts, and in our mind, body, spirit and soul. We Praise YOU YAHUSHUA for sending us your Comforter, your own Heavenly Mother. MOMMA SHKHINAH we know that it is by your loving hand that overshadowed Mary as you placed your own Son in the womb of a virgin handmaiden in Hebrew called Miriam. No man was ever called YAHUSHUA’s father but one, ABBA YAHUVEH is HIS NAME.
Our prayer is that we have a testimony like unto Enoch before we leave this earth. Our prayer is we will be found pleasing unto the HOLY TRINITY and we will be caught up in the air to meet our YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Our prayer is death will never touch these bodies, nor man’s inhumanity to man, or satan’s inhumanity to man, to all those who can embrace the truths about who the HOLY SPIRIT is.
We now know you as MOMMA SHALOM, YOU are the peace that passes all understanding with joy unspeakable and full of Glory! We now know you as our MOMMA who is the HOLY SPIRIT, who abides in all who have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. We are born again through your Spirit and strive to live our life to please you all . We know we cannot enter into Heaven without being born again through the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and through HIS Holy sinless Blood and through you HOLY SPIRIT our love.
We love and adore you Precious MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH. RUACH ha KODESH beloved sweet Holy Spirit. Oh Queen of Heaven and Earth and all that lies in between. Holy MOTHER SHKHINAH, we open our hearts and minds and lives to you. We thank you for indwelling and entering in. We pray in your timing you will take us to Heaven and into the Bridal Chamber and Marriage Supper of the Lamb we will enter in. Please wrap your loving arms around us, hug and kiss us and hold us tightly to your breast, embrace us for ALL eternity with your Motherly love.
We now know you as a Holy Mother, not just a Holy anointed wind, or Holy Fire, or spiritual gifts, or Heavenly tongues. We know you as a HEAVENLY MOTHER please let us feel more of your presence and give us more anointing and wisdom each day, in YAHUSHUA's NAME we pray.
We pray your Glory will cover our face as the light inside us which is you burns brightly within. Please convict us when we need convicting, chastise us when we need scolding. Please give us a greater desire to live Holy and obey our YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and you our HEAVENLY MOTHER in everyway! This is our prayer every day.
Thank you for a closer walk with you each day, where we can clearly hear the words you have to say. Guide us in your paths of righteousness is our prayer, please use us for your glory and never take your HOLY SPIRIT away, all this we ask ABBA YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s Holy NAME we pray. Please MOMMA WISDOM blow this prayer as a kiss up to YAHUVEH and may it be pleasing to you HOLY TRINITY is our prayer in everyway.
With gratitude for all eternity knowing that, I am no longer an orphan. With eternal love to my DADDY YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who is our soon coming BrideGroom and redeemer, KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, and our MOMMA WISDOM, also called MOMMA SHKHINAH.
I thank you for choosing me from everyone on this earth to introduce you as our HEAVENLY MOTHER, QUEEN of HEAVEN, and there is no other!
It is written, they can blasphemy the FATHER YAHUVEH, they can blasphemy YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH your HEAVENLY SON, but if they blasphemy the HOLY SPIRIT, they are eternally done.
In eternal love, your Daughter, your Ringmaiden and the rest of your Children
Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah Nikomia
Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia
Released on August 27, 2007
* * * * * * *
(Scriptures added below in red on June 9, 2010)
I pray the hate mail will not come, from those with the spirit of a Pharisee, those who have a religion and not a relationship with YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and don't have a clue what the anointing is. I know I have been anointed as a Holy Prophet and it is not a popularity contest or I would lose, YAHUSHUA told me that a long time ago. The false prophets are the ones that only give good messages so they won't offend. Please pray for this Ministry and myself and all who are helpers and partners in it, and this includes the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Please Bride of YAHUSHUA write and introduce yourself, we will eventually be visiting your country and if you want to fellowship with us, let us get to know one another.
One of my greatest rewards on this earth is getting to know the Holy Bride of YAHUSHUA, those who truly love and obey and put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their life and love. If you have written to me before and I did not write back, please write again. Our email has been stolen in the past but I believe in faith that will not happen anymore.
This word came forth because I started praying and seeking the name of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit). The RUACH ha KODESH is a title, a description of a job. However, it is not the RUACH ha KODESH's (Holy Spirit's) name. I posted what I call "The Banquet Table Dream" and I will never forget how much love the beautiful older woman at the table had for me. She was absolutely beautiful, without a line or a wrinkle on her face yet I discerned she was an older woman. She had beautiful long white wavy hair down her back. She loves me with the love of a devoted Mother; it shows in her eyes and face, I can tell how much she treasures me. I laid my head lovingly on her shoulder, in the dream.
Please note that the REVELATION of this dream (below) came on exactly the same month and day (4/16)
THREE YEARS LATER! We only noticed this while preparing to post this page!
I had a dream that I was sitting in a very large room. I felt like it was in Israel. I know it was not in America. I sat at a beautiful table with a linen tablecloth and beautiful decorated settings on the table with the most beautiful dishes and silverware I have ever seen. Yet no food was on the table. I sat at the table next to a beautiful older woman and leaned my head on her shoulder feeling her motherly love.
There was also an older man in the room also and he had just told me everything on the table had already been blessed, even the cloth and silverware! All was ready. We were just waiting on the guests and especially the person or persons, I wasn't sure which, from where the special grapes grew that were used to make the wine.
Kiersk or Kierska was written on the bottle. There was an older man with white hair there also and he was like a loving father to me and he showed the bottle to me. On the other side of the wine wrapped was a napkin on which I had embroidered a fruit basket full of big purple grapes on a vine. The grapes were very large and very colorful. It was like this napkin I had embroidered was in a place of honor and I showed it to my close friend who sat at the table with me, I had never embroidered before.
The woman I was leaning against, I felt very close to like a mother figure, the man was like a Father figure. I felt safe and secure in that place and very much loved. I was impressed and commented to my friend that EVERYTHING used for that dinner was already blessed! The Kitchen had a big opening where we could see in, yet was still enclosed around. Plates could be passed in and out and we could see in, yet I saw no one in the kitchen. The entrance door to the kitchen was to the right. The opening looking into the kitchen was directly in front of our table. We were just waiting for the guests, especially the ones from where the new wine that was not opened was made. We waited for this person or persons to arrive first.
Dear Sherrie,
Your dream you told me about, I feel is about the marriage supper of the Lamb!!!!
The key to it was the table being blessed before the food was on it and the "dinner napkin" you embroidered.
Everyone will have deeds that they present to the Lord but they are as filthy rags, but you Elisabeth Sherrie, YAHUSHUA has blessed and blessed your rag and turned it into a napkin. Embroidering is a type of weaving and weaving is a type of WEB and the picture on it represents the time, effort, and care of something. I believe that the napkin represents your web sites. I also believe that that Kitchen may represent Heaven and the Dining room represents another place. Because it appears that there will be work to do before we go into Heaven that is why you are in this room.
YAHUSHUA also said that He was not going to drink wine until His return, could it be that this is where the wine will come from? That is about all I know right now.
Name withheld at senders request.
Note from Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah,
Remember we are waiting for someone who is coming from Kiersk or Kierska where the wine is bottled and sits on a shelf. This place is where the grapes came from and the wine comes from. The person coming is very special where the wine is from. I saw the name on the wine bottle. I searched the internet for this place Kiersk or Kierska and couldn't find a city like this in Israel.
Where is Kierska? Or was it Kiersk?
If you know or are familiar with this, please write me at
I have always wondered what woman could love me like that. In this world, I have never had a woman mentor me like a Mother, I have never known the earthly love of even an aunt or grandmother. In the same dream I had a father figure also with white hair who loved me so much he was proudly displaying the weaving work of art I had done, on a wall in front of the banquet table so all would be able to view it.
In this world I have never had a male figure as a Father, or any loving relationship of a male except my beloved husband and brothers in YAHUSHUA whom through trial I know have been tested and proved faithful. So who is this woman in Heaven? Her love was so overwhelming and so real that I have felt it surround me even in a greater way since that dream. I no longer grieve anymore that I have never known what it is like to not have a loving Mother or Father. I know in Heaven I have the greatest love of a Mother and Father anyone could ever hope for. Yet who is this woman? My earthly biological mother is in hell beyond a shadow of a doubt, she only gave me hatred and abuse. So who is this loving Mother in Heaven?
I now have the answer...Now I need your prayers to give me the boldness to speak it forth, because the organized churches will be very angry and even those who have believed the manmade doctrines and mistranslated scriptures in the New Testament will call me a false prophet, and yet I know that I know that I know, I have been given a secret from Heaven's throne. In the scriptures YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA share their secrets with their Prophets and Apostles.
Now I am honored to share this secret with those who will recognize the voice of the RUACH ha KODESH. This might be the most controversial prophecy ever released thus far. Yet I do it in obedience so others who have grieved for the lack of a loving mother/child relationship will realize if they have accepted YAHUSHUA they have had it all along. No one taught me this; truly it is a revelation straight from Heaven.
In Proverbs and Psalms do you know that wisdom is called a 'She'? Without any further hesitation let me explain how I learned the name of the precious RUACH ha KODESH also called the Holy Spirit. Here goes sharing the most intimate secret yet released to me and yet the most blessed one thus far.
After you read this please take the time to read the Book of Wisdom
The Bible says, 'YAHUVEH shares HIS secrets with HIS Prophets'. It all started when I was taking a bath before we left South Africa. We lived in Port Alfred on the oceanfront when this spiritual experience happened. I was praying alone and asked Abba YAHUVEH, in the name of YAHUSHUA, "What is the name of the RUACH ha KODESH besides the name HOLY SPIRIT?" I prayed and said, "Abba YAHUVEH, you revealed your name, YAHUSHUA you revealed your name, but does the HOLY SPIRIT have a name or is it just a title or a job description?
I was taking a Jacuzzi bath, I have always found the bubbling water from a jetted tub symbolizes the living water and I always ask the Holy Angels to stir up the water, like in times of old. Many times I receive a greater anointing while bathing and worshipping and singing songs of praise during this time. Prophetic messages and revelations have come forth and seldom can I bathe without praying, singing and praising YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the RUACH ha KODESH. There is an intimacy with our Daddy YAHUVEH which I feel so intensely while singing songs of praise and worship coming from my heart to all 3 of them.
[And as I was seeking the answer to the question, "What is the name of the Precious RUACH ha KODESH treasure chest in the Hebrew and Aramaic translations, read the book of wisdom, it has been ignored because King James did not approve of it being included. Do not depend only on what the Romans wrote. 'Study and show thyself approved.']
I want to say here, that the below is only one of many prophecies given to me, that have not been posted yet. So much is going on behind the scenes. We were kept very busy in South Africa and still are as we travel the world. In no way do I feel worthy enough to have been given this honor to introduce you to the name of the HOLY SPIRIT. It is an honor to be called a Prophet and yet it is a fearful thing also. I am held accountable for what I say, and what I don't say. Now I release this word as directed by the RUACH ha KODESH. All I ask you to do is take the time and read it more than one time, and for those that hear the voice of the RUACH ha KODESH whom I now call either Momma Wisdom, or Momma SHKHINAH GLORY, if you hear her voice please write me. Please teach others even if they reject you for doing so. Please study all the proof I have gathered thus far, study it and see I am not speaking forth anything that is not found in the scriptures. Only the translators in the New Testament have changed the 'She' to a 'He'.
This revelation was first released to me in South Africa, but I have waited until more confirmation has come from Heaven, as to when I was to release it. I prayed when to release this message more than any thus far because of the hatred that will be spewed out against me from those who claim they are Christians or followers of YAHUSHUA and yet by their fruit you know they only have a form of godliness and no godliness within. The organized Churches will gnash their teeth in rage because they are not interested in the truth and revelations given to a Holy Woman Prophet. There will be the sincere who only want to quote the mistranslations of where it is written in the New Testament calling the Holy Spirit a 'HE'. Need I remind you how the pride of man enters in more than one time when it comes to the female gender in the Holy Scriptures and those that transcribed the Holy Scriptures were bias against any Spiritual female leader?
Even though this prophecy was given to me on Feb. 27, 2007 I wasn't told to release it until Aug. 27, 2007. I want you to know that only a handful of people have known about this Prophecy. I purposely waited and was grateful each day I didn't have to release this newest prophetic message, because to be truthful no one likes to be rejected or verbally abused especially by Christians who claim they worship the same Messiah as we do but they call Him JESUS CHRIST and we call Him by His Hebrew and Aramaic Name YAHUSHUA or YAHSHUA depending who you're talking too.
To MY enemies and those who will rear up in jealousy and say why would the RUACH ha KODESH choose you to give this message? That is a good question I am sure any prophet could have done the same thing. I only know I was chosen and as much as my flesh doesn't look forward to the hateful words that will be aimed in my direction, I also know I cannot fail the Precious RUACH ha KODESH and YAHUVEH.
My beloved husband asked me how long before you release the prophecy? I said, "I know the date but first I have to have more Scripture to back this up." Aug. 27, 2007 is the date Heaven chose for the birth of this Prophecy and birth of the new web design on the Ministry Site. Imagine my surprise as I am typing this now, still in Europe and see the date this Prophecy was given, Feb. 27, 2007 and Prophecy 89 was given on January 27, 2007. All 3 dates are the 27th of the month.
Wikipedia quotes "the Hebrew word RUACH (Aramaic RUCHA) is grammatically feminine as is he phrase RUACH Ha Kodesh. This is matched by the role of the Ruach HaKodesh as "comforter" (John 14-16) and the identification of the "comforter" with YHWH acting as a "mother" (Isaiah 66:13)… Moreover there are many passages in which the Peshitta itself pairs the RUACH Ha KODESH with feminine verbs and/or feminine modifiers… In fact the Peshitta Aramaic of Romans 8:16 opens with 'And SHE the Ruach gives testimony'. YAHUSHUA INDICATES THE SPIRIT IS FEMININE: In response to a question from Nicodemus who asked, "But how is it possible for a man to be born when he is old? Can he enter his mother's womb a second time and be born?" (John 3:4) YAHUSHUA responds, "No one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born from water and spirit. Flesh can give birth only to flesh; it is Spirit that gives birth to Spirit." (John 3: 5-6) When YAHUSHUA responds he is admitting HE was born from the Spirit also. HE is saying HE was not always flesh but HE was Spirit before HE came to earth, was HE not? So therefore, the revelation given to me just hit me as I was re-reading this again before posting it. YAHUSHUA is admitting HE also had to be born from Spirit and of course this would have to mean the one called the HOLY SPIRIT. There are only 3 in the GODHEAD are there not? HOLY FATHER YAHUVEH, HOLY SON YAHUSHUA, and HOLY SPIRIT in Hebrew called the RUACH ha KODESH. What were we before we became flesh? When we were created in Heaven we had to be Spirit beings for lack of better words? The Scriptures say, "Flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." Therefore, how were we created in Heaven? I believe this is a prophecy where the RUACH ha KODESH speaks forth and gives some answers, in a way I have never heard before. I believe this knowledge will shake this world spiritually and physically. I believe that the true Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will have spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear. This word from Heaven has brought me such peace and joy, I now am honored to share it with my Holy Brothers and Sisters. I have been on the Internet for 14 years prophesying and the fruit of this Ministry has proven it is good. When you read all the salvation reports you will see how far reaching this Ministry is. I am not a fly by night prophet, copying the news and claiming it is prophecy. When you don't hear a new prophecy it is because I am waiting for the right timing for YAHUVEH to say, 'Release the Word.' I just obey. I admit when this Word was released to me I was stunned. I never heard such a thing. Then I dug into the Holy Manuscripts and I found evidence even in the KJV Bible. Please send me your studies if you agree that this is a true word from Heaven. I need all the encouragement I can get, and proof to back this up. I am including a few scriptures for you to chew on. I admit this is strong spiritual meat and not for the weak in faith. Adam's was not begotten he was formed out of dust. Eve was not begotten she was formed from Adam's rib. Adam and Eve's children were born and they were begotten through a normal birth process. YAHUSHUA was begotten but in Heaven not on earth, How? Don't ask me, this is all new to me also. We know Mary was still a virgin when she conceived. Are you following what I am saying yet? This is strong spiritual meat, will you digest it and chew on it or spit it back out at me? It's your choice! Hey, I am not smart enough to have figured this out. I only have a high school education so you cannot call me one of those educated fools. This is truly a revelation from Heaven and I pray you will be blessed with it as I am and all the others I have shared this with. You will never feel alone again even if you're an orphan like me. (In Greek the word 'begot' is "apokueo' it comes from the word 'kuo' or 'kueo' which means to be pregnant. Therefore 'apokueo' means 'to bring forth as from the womb' or 'to give birth to' meaning a conception of life.) Perhaps the first argument which can be offered in support of the feminine gender of the Holy Spirit is her association with 'The Spirit of Wisdom' (Exodus 28:3; Ephesians 1:17). In both the Old and New Testaments, Wisdom is often personified in the feminine gender: · "Wisdom has built a house for herself, and set up seven pillars" (Proverbs 9:1) · Proverbs chapters 8 and 9 are in fact an extended allegory of Wisdom depicted as a woman. · "Wisdom is known by her children" (Matthew 11:19; Luke 7:35) · "Therefore also said the Wisdom of YAH, I will also send them prophets and apostles . . ." (Luke 11:49). In this text our Lord is equating the 'Wisdom of YAH' with the Holy Spirit who provided Divine inspiration to those who wrote the Scriptures (2 Peter 1:21). He refers to Wisdom in the feminine gender. · The Old Testament word for 'Wisdom' is chokmah which has the feminine ending. · Remember the word 'Wisdom' in Greek is translated to the word 'Sophia' which is a female name. · So especially when your reading the KJV bible where the New Testament is translated in Greek, Wisdom should be translated to Sophia. What was the purpose of transcribers not adding that? In these end times the truth that has been hidden is being revealed for these end times. For Wisdom (Sophia) is a loving spirit. . . For the Spirit of the Lord filleth the world. For Wisdom (Sophia), which is the worker of all things, taught me: for in her is an understanding spirit, holy, one only. . . For she is the breath of the power of YAH, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty . . . And being but one, she can do all things: and remaining in herself, she maketh all things new: and in all ages entering into holy souls, she maketh them friends of YAH and prophets. For YAH loveth none but him that dwelleth with Wisdom (Sophia). YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH associates the 'Spirit of Truth' with the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). Wisdom (Sophia) and the Holy Spirit share identical roles (1 Corinthians 2:7-11; Romans 5:5; 1 John 5:6-7 KJV). Were it not for the masculine bias against females of later theologians, the Church would likely have acknowledged the associations in the Old Testament as literal descriptions of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit.) The second argument which can be offered in support for the feminine gender of the Holy Spirit is found in the very names ascribed to YAHUVEH and the Holy Spirit. The name for God in the Hebrew language is "Elohim." Most scholars acknowledge that this word has a plural ending, which some use to suggest an Old Testament anticipation of the Trinity. What most scholars either do not know or care not to inform their constituents is that "Elohim" is not the plural of "El" the masculine form of the name. It is plural of the feminine, "Elowah." The word Elohim would have both Masculine gender as well as Feminine Gender associated with it. Our Creators would be of both Genders and of course we know according to Genesis that the RUACH ha KODESH as well as YAHUSHUA worked with YAHUVEH to create this earth. Thus indicating that both genders exist in the Godhead. That the Holy Spirit is the designated representation of the feminine principle is further supported by the Hebrew word for 'Spirit'. I quote now Jerome, the author of the Latin Vulgate: (I admit I have not read Latin Vulgate, but I found this by studying after the prophecy was given to me) In the Gospel of the Hebrews that the Nazarenes read it says, "Just now my mother, the Holy Spirit, took me." Now no one should be offended by this, because "spirit" in Hebrew is feminine, while in our language [Latin] it is masculine and in Greek it is neuter. In divinity, however, there is no gender. Jerome's Commentary on Isaiah 11 This explanation contains an astonishing admission. First, it tells us that there was a tradition among a sect of Early Christians which believed that the Holy Spirit was our Lord's spiritual mother. Second, Jerome - a more orthodox figure cannot be imagined - admits that the Hebrew word for "spirit" (Ruach) is feminine, meaning that for the 1st Century Christians - who were largely operating in the Aramaic world (Paul's churches were tiny in comparison) - the Holy Spirit was a feminine figure. It was lost in the translation from Hebrew into Greek, and then it was changed to a masculine gender when it was translated from Greek into Latin. Finally, theological bias leads Christians to believe the distinction of gender is unimportant. That there is no gender in God, therefore, it does not matter whether God is referred to as a "He" or an "It." With many centuries of this behavior by Christian leaders, man made doctrines and idea's, I want the truth and pray for nothing but the truth of YAHUVEH. I think it does matter. We are not allowed to change one "jot or tittle" of the Law, and if God is represented as a 'being' encompassing both the masculine and feminine genders, then we are foolish to hide that fact in our translations of the Sacred Text. Think of a family, and what it consists of. I do not mean the same sex nonsense of the Sodom and Gomorrah era, this world is experiencing now. Believe me YAHUVEH will not be mocked for long, just as Sodom and Gomorrah reaped what was sowed then, so shall it be again with those who condone and do these things. A family is to consist of a Father, Mother, and Children. This is what I hear and to speak forth, I, YAHUVEH created a lioness to only birth a lion, a woman can only birth a human, and wouldn't it stand to reason only God can birth a God'. YAHUSHUA is the Only Begotten Son of YAHUVEH! So who is the Heavenly Mother that begat YAHUSHUA? Is this the secret of what it means to be 'born' of the RUACH ha KODESH? The RUACH ha KODESH is Spirit, then one reborn from Her becomes Spirit and the RUACH ha KODESH lives within our bodies until we die or are raptured to Heaven, whichever comes first. It is the RUACH ha KODESH with her eternal nature that the scripture says, "To be absent from the Body is to be present with the Lord YAHUSHUA." I received this revelation as I was trying to put proof behind the newest word, Scripture says, 'It is the Letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life.' This new relationship between humans and the RUACH ha KODESH is one of the things that identifies a person when they are born again. Added June 9, 2010 Ecclesiasticus: The Wisdom of the Son of Sirach Ecclesiasticus: The Wisdom of the Son of Sirach, is a book included in the early Hebrew and Greek Bibles. It is believed to have been written in the 2nd century B.C. The early Greek church also called it, "The All-Virtuous Wisdom." Ecclesiasticus is a Latin word meaning, "churchly," and would describe any book that was read in church or received ecclesiastical or church sanction. Ben Sira, or the son of Sirach, was a scholar, and a scribe thoroughly versed in the Jewish Law, and especially in the "Books of Wisdom." Ecclesiasticus Chapter 1 1. The Law, the Prophets,and the other writers succeeding them have passed on to us great lessons, in consequence of which Israel must be commended for learning and WISDOM… 4. WISDOM was created before everything, prudent understanding subsists from remotest ages... 6. For whom has the root of WISDOM ever been uncovered? HER resourceful ways, who knows them?... 8. ONE only is wise, terrible indeed, 9. seated on HIS Throne, the LORD. It was HE who created, inspected and weighed HER up, and then poured HER out on all HIS works….. 14. The basis of WISDOM is to fear the LORD; SHE was created with the faithful in their mothers' womb; 15. SHE has made a home in the human race, an age -- old foundation, and to their descendants will SHE faithfully cling. 16.The fullness of WISDOM is to fear the LORD; SHE intoxicates them with HER fruits; 17. SHE fills their entire house with treasures and their storerooms with HER produce. 18. The crown of WISDOM is to fear the LORD: SHE makes peace and health flourish. 19. The LORD has seen and assessed HER, HE has showered down knowledge and intelligence, HE has exalted the renown of those who possess HER. 20. The root of WISDOM is to fear the LORD, and HER branches are long life. Chapter 4 1. Wisdom brings up HER own children and cares for those who seek HER. 2. Whoever loves HER loves life, those who seek HER early will be filled with joy. 3. Whoever possesses HER will inherit honour, and wherever he walks the LORD will bless him. 4. Those who serve HER minister to the HOLY ONE, and the LORD loves those who love HER. 5. Whoever obeys HER rules the nations, whoever pays attention to HER dwells secure. 6. If he trusts himself to HER he will inherit HER, and his descendants will remain in possession of HER; 7. for though SHE takes him at first through winding ways, bringing fear and faintness on him, trying him out with HER discipline till SHE can trust him, and testing him with HER ordeals, 8. SHE then comes back to him on the straight road, makes him happy and reveals HER secrets to him. 9. If he goes astray, however, SHE abandons him and leaves him to his own destruction. Chapter 24 1. WISDOM speaks HER own praises, in the midst of HER people SHE glories in HERSELF. 2. SHE opens HER mouth in the assembly of the MOST HIGH, SHE glories in HERSELF in the presence of the MIGHTY ONE: 3. 'I came forth from the mouth of the MOST HIGH, and I covered the earth like mist. 4. I had MY tent in the heights, and MY Throne was a pillar of cloud. 5. Alone, I have made the circuit of the Heavens and walked through the depths of the abyss. 6. Over the waves of the sea and over the whole earth, and over every people and nation I have held sway. 7. Among all these I searched for rest, and looked to see in whose territory I might pitch camp. 8. Then the CREATOR OF ALL things instructed ME and HE who created ME fixed a place for MY tent. HE said, "Pitch your tent in Jacob, make Israel your inheritance." 9. From eternity, in the beginning, HE created ME, and for eternity I shall remain. 10. In the Holy tent I ministered before HIM and thus became established in Zion . 11. In the Beloved City HE has given ME rest, and in Jerusalem I wield MY Authority. 12. I have taken root in a privileged people, in the LORD'S property, in HIS inheritance. 13. I have grown tall as a cedar on Lebanon , as a cypress on Mount Hermon ; 14. I have grown tall as a palm in En-Gedi, as the rose bushes of Jericho ; as a fine olive in the plain, as a plane tree, I have grown tall. 15. Like cinnamon and acanthus, I have yielded a perfume, like choice myrrh, have breathed out a scent, like galbanum, onycha, labdanum, like the smoke of incense in the tent. 16. I have spread MY branches like a terebinth, and MY branches are glorious and graceful. 17. I am like a vine putting out graceful shoots, MY blossoms bear the fruit of glory and wealth. 18/19. Approach ME, you who desire ME, and take your fill of MY fruits, 20. for memories of ME are sweeter than honey, inheriting ME is sweeter than the honeycomb. 21. They who eat ME will hunger for more, they who drink ME will thirst for more. 22. No one who obeys ME will ever have to blush, no one who acts as I dictate will ever sin. 23. All this is no other than the Book of the Covenant of the MOST HIGH GOD, the Law that 24/25. Moses enjoined on us, an inheritance for the communities of Jacob. 26. This is what makes WISDOM brim over like the Pishon, like the Tigris in the season of fruit, what makes INTELLIGENCE overflow like the Euphrates, like the Jordan at harvest time; 27. and makes DISCIPLINE flow like the Nile , like the Gihon when the grapes are harvested. 28. The first man did not finish discovering about HER, nor has the most recent tracked HER down; 29. for her thoughts are wider than the sea, and her designs more profound than the abyss. 30. And I, like a conduit from a river, like a watercourse running into a garden, 31. I said, 'I am going to water MY orchard, I intend to irrigate MY flower beds.' And see, MY conduit has grown into a river, and MY river has grown into a sea. 32. Making DISCIPLINE shine forth from daybreak, I shall send its light far and wide. 33. I shall pour out Teaching like Prophecy, as a legacy to all future generations. 34. And note, I have been working not merely for MYSELF, but for all who are seeking WISDOM. Chapter 51 13. When I was still a youth, before I went travelling, in my prayers I asked outright for WISDOM. 14. Outside the sanctuary I would pray for HER, and to the last I shall continue to seek HER. 15. From HER blossoming to the ripening of HER grape my heart has taken its delight in HER. My foot has pursued a straight path, I have sought HER ever since my youth. 16. By bowing my ear a little, I have received HER, and have found much instruction. 17. Thanks to HER I have advanced; glory be to HIM who has given me WISDOM! 18. For I was determined to put HER into practice, have earnestly pursued the good, and shall not be put to shame. 19. My soul has fought to possess HER, I have been scrupulous in keeping the Law; I have stretched out my hands to Heaven and bewailed how little I knew of HER; 20.I have directed my soul towards HER, and in purity I have found HER; having my heart fixed on HER from the outset, I shall never be deserted; 21. my very core having yearned to discover HER, I have now acquired a good possession. 22. In reward the LORD has given me a tongue with which I shall sing HIS praises. 23. Come close to me, you ignorant, take your place in my school. 24. Why complain about lacking these things when your souls are so thirsty for them? 25. I have opened my mouth, I have said: 'Buy HER without money, 26. put your necks under HER yoke, let your souls receive instruction, SHE is near, within your reach.' 27. See for yourselves: how slight my efforts have been to win so much peace. 28. Buy instruction with a large sum of silver, thanks to HER you will gain much gold. 29. May your souls rejoice in the mercy of the LORD, may you never be ashamed of praising HIM. 30. Do your work before the appointed time and at the appointed time HE will give you your reward. To those who will try and brand me a false prophet, do your own research, study and show yourself approved. Every Hebrew knows in Hebrew 'Ruach' is not a male Name! You tell me, why is 'Wisdom' in the Holy Scriptures even in KJV called a 'She'? Is not the RUACH ha KODESH 'All Wisdom'? |
also called MOMMA WISDOM and I am the GLORY of YAHUVEH!
Written/Spoken under the anointing of MOMMA SHKHINAH
Through Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia
February 27, 2007
Freely distribute this. The only thing I ask is to include the proof in the Scriptures that's included.
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I am MOMMA SHKHINAH, I am called 'Wisdom' and in Hebrew the RUACH ha KODESH and also called the HOLY SPIRIT. Elisabeth, I am the older woman's shoulder you rested your head on in Heaven, in what you call a dream and yet it was not only a dream it is so much more. Elisabeth, remember when you shared the dream with the world and said, "You do not know who that woman was at the Banquet Table in Heaven, who loves me with such an overwhelming love?"
I give you the answer now, it was I your MOMMA SHKHINAH, your MOMMA WISDOM (In Greek wisdom is translated to Sophia) this is why you have never grieved again or felt the void of never knowing a mothers love. Every baby is born with a desire and a need for a Mother and a Father's love, because all humans are born as babes with a need of earthly love and protection of a Mother and a Father. It is MY LOVE that you basked in as you sat at the Banquet Table in Heaven with ME and your Heavenly ABBA YAHUVEH waiting for the others to join you. MY love and presence enveloped you, as I am your HOLY Mother; I am the only QUEEN of Heaven, there is none other.
Satan has his counterfeit, she came as Jezebel and that spirit has invaded the majority of Churches where once I called them Holy. At one time MY HOLY SPIRIT, MY Holy presence, and Holy anointing power was welcomed as well as MY Holy Prophets and Apostles were sought after, but now most are insulted and driven away.
There is only one genuine HOLY MOTHER, and I am also called The HOLY SPIRIT. Do not believe the lies the Catholic Church IS teaching as they take Miryam (Mary) YAHUSHUA's earthly mother and join her together as part of the Holy Trinity. She was HIS earthly mother but I am HIS Heavenly Mother.
There is no other intercessor before the throne except YAHUSHUA, only through HIS Name and only through HIS Blood Sacrifice which is called the New Blood Covenant is there Salvation. YAHUSHUA's earthly mother needed a Savior also, she was not perfect, nor claimed to be, she even called HIM Lord and if she had been perfect it would have been her blood sacrificed at Calvary that would be a sin sacrifice. She never asked anyone to worship her, nor desires it. She only wants people pointed to her son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Warn the Catholics not to call upon her name at the hour of their death, instead call upon the only Name that can save YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!
I am speaking forth these revelations through you Elisabeth so you will tell the Holy people. If they will receive what is spoken in this prophecy they will once again see signs, wonders and miracles as in the times of old when YAHUSHUA walked the earth. If they will embrace the truths of the True Shabbat and I don't mean Sunday! Learn the importance of honoring YAHUSHUA through the Holy Feasts. Shun the pagan Holidays that try to take the place of the true Heavenly Holy Days, use the Hebrew Sacred Names, live Holy and do not compromise nor be ashamed to speak forth what you know to be true. You will see a greater anointing than you have ever experienced in these end times.
The Holy have become more holy and the evil have become more evil, now is the time for a greater anointing and revelations through prophecies, and words of knowledge. Take not the communion for granted it is a daily weapon to be used against satan as you put him (satan) in remembrance (that) he has no claim on you! Rebuke sin and sinners and don't fear what others think when you speak forth and warn. Would you rather offend mere humans or YAHUVEH? It is so sad, how freedom to speak against the evils of this earth is being silenced because so many of MY Holy Children remain silent. One freedom after another is stripped away from you all over the world!
Where were the Holy Children in America and around the world, when Judge Roy Moore was out numbered by the heathen and the American Government? He fought to keep a stone monument that he had designed and erected in honor of YAHUVEH and displaying the Ten Commandments? A Judge is to stand for righteousness and truth. Judge Roy Moore, Heaven promoted you with that title and no one can take it away from you. You are honored in Heaven for what you did on Aug. 27th 2003 in Alabama. Every tear you shed is recorded in heaven and came as a sweet fragrance to YAHUVEH's nostrils because of your love and loyalty to HIM and YAHUSHUA. Those who set themselves up as Judge and jury over you, and the corrupt Judge, who took away your promotion given to you by Heaven of Supreme Chief Justice of Alabama, will taste what it is like to swim in the Lake of Fire. All who took part will stand before YAHUVEH, the JUDGE of ALL CREATION!
For all the people who did pray and intercede and encourage this man, and wept with him, and grieved with him, your tears are also recorded in Heaven. He sacrificed everything because he refused to compromise the truth. Why did not every church around this world, especially in Alabama and the so called Bible belt support this man and protest with him? I will tell you why, "You feared you would be attacked also." You let your brother in YAHUSHUA be out numbered by the heathens. You made excuses and said, "Well he did break the law and not remove the monument when he was told to do so." How dare you! You were tested and you failed the test. How many storms, droughts, heat waves and floods, will it take to wake you up and fight for what you know is Holy and right. Just wait until YAHUVEH stomps HIS foot and your earth quakes in fear. Just wait until famine, pestilence and disease cover your states and you will pray and ask why?
Holy Ones encourage him; do not forget the price he has paid. He did what so few of you do and that is to stand up against the crowd and speak out against what you know is evil. Homosexuality is running rampant. Children are being brain washed at the age of Pre Schoolers to think homosexuality and same sex marriage is normal. What a stench in the nostrils of YAHUVEH the judicial and political systems have become. The churches of Babylon embrace and encourage their congregation not to speak out against sin or sinners. The organized Churches have that which YAHUVEH calls an abomination, standing behind the pulpits and call themselves preachers. The few Holy remnant in these Churches are chased away, or rejected and insulted. The Pastors lie to the congregation and say, "Any day can be a Sabbath" and continue with the manmade Sunday. They will very soon weep for what they shall reap for teaching and doing this.
Remember Elisabeth how in the Banquet Table dream it felt like reality? It is because I am the one that took you to Heaven giving you a reminder of what it feels like as you lovingly laid your head on MY shoulder, in what you now refer to as 'The Banquet Table Dream.' MY Name is MOMMA SHKHINAH; I am the Heavenly Mother's love you have always longed for. I did this to show you that you are not a motherless child just as you are not a fatherless child. YAHUVEH and I are your Heavenly Parents just as we are the Parents to all whose names are found in the Lambs' Book of Life.
I tell you this because for a lifetime you have grieved and felt an empty void, as do others, always searching for an earthly mother and fathers love and yet you have been given Heavenly Parents, that will never leave nor forsake you, nor hurt you in any way. I tell you this so others who feel that they have the same void, with unsaved parents who refuse to accept YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH the only MESSIAH will realize they lack nothing in YAHUSHUA. They have both a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother and we are Spirit as were all humans before they were born on earth. As it is written remember, 'Flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven'.
I share this secret from Heaven so that those who love MY beloved Son YAHUSHUA and accept him as MESSIAH will not fall for the lies of the manmade religions and call on YAHUSHUA's earthly mother Mary at the hour of their death. Instead call on YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name and repent and ask for mercy. Remind them of the Holy Scripture with YAHUSHUA's own words spoken in John 10: 1-30 (Yohanan 10: 1-30)
No Earthly parent's love can compare with our Heavenly love. I tell you this to share with all OUR children especially those who have a void in their lives never knowing the love of an earthly mother or father. I speak to all those who have been abused emotionally, physically and sexually and have longed for the love of a Holy Father and a Mother. Accept YAHUSHUA as your MASHIACH (Messiah) and allow ME to fill you up with MY Holy love, presence and anointed Power. Allow ME to be your MOMMA SHKHINAH, I am the same one you call HOLY SPIRIT. I am the one that teaches you right from wrong, just as a Holy earthly mother's job is to mentor you in the same way.
MY beloved Daughter Elisabeth, tell them for ME, if they will but receive this revelation, they will never feel that void inside of them again. In the Manuscripts of Old, read and see 'WISDOM' is referred to as 'She' and in the Scriptures of Old I am referred to as 'SHE'. Study and show thyself approved. All those that doubt this word and attack you for speaking forth this secret, are either not of MY HOLY SPIRIT and their name is not found in the Lambs' Book of Life, for YAHUSHUA's Sheep do hear HIS voice or they have a measure of faith, yet prefer not to be controversial and continue to follow the mistranslations of the New Testament when the word 'He' is used instead of 'SHE'.
They prefer to follow the teachings of man instead of MY Spirit and Truth that I have reserved for this end time. All who read this, it is your choice whether you want to walk in a deeper intimacy with the one you call the HOLY SPIRIT or not, I do not force anyone to do this. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will rejoice at this new revelation because they are always seeking to know the secrets of Heaven.
There are 3 Ruling Thrones; YAHUVEH sits in the middle, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH sits on the right side of YAHUVEH and I your MOMMA SHKHINAH sit on the left side. All 3 of us rule in Heaven equally and are CO-CREATORS. Yet there is only one MASHIACH named YAHUSHUA. Only through YAHUSHUA's Name and Blood is there Salvation for the people on earth. YAHUSHUA is the only door of Salvation that leads to Heaven. Anyone that tries to enter in through another name or way will only find the door to hell. Do not be deceived, there are many religions but only one door to Heaven through the Name and Holy Sinless Blood that was sacrificed by YAHUSHUA.
The one world religion that strives to combine all religions and different manmade doctrines as one is a lie and will only lead souls to hell. The secret of MY Name was sealed in the Book of Daniel and I now release it at this time to encourage all MY Holy Children who hunger to eat strong spiritual meat for they already have digested the milk of the word easily. These are perilous days and worse days ahead. YAHUSHUA promised that John (Yohanan) baptized with water, but YAHUSHUA baptizes with the FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT, it is MY HOLY Fire that he is speaking of, I am the RUACH ha KODESH and I am YAHUSHUA's HEAVENLY MOTHER. YAHUVEH is HIS HEAVENLY FATHER.
I am MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY and it is MY HOLY light that radiates off of MY Holy Children's faces, those who truly love, worship and obey ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and ME the RUACH ha KODESH. It is through MY anointing that all things are possible, through the Name of YAHUSHUA. Did not your MESSIAH YAHUSHUA tell you that HE had to leave this earth, but HE would not leave you alone, HE would send the comforter, and I am the one that soothes your fears, encourages, mentors, and comforts like a Mother, am I not?
I am MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY; I am the HOLY SPIRIT that came to the upper room with MY Holy Wind and Holy Fire as stated in the Book of Acts. I filled the Disciples with MY Holy anointed Fire as they tarried for ME in the Upper Room. I am the one that came as A Mighty Wind that blew into the Upper Room and this is the reason I birthed, through you Elisabeth this Ministry, to minister both to the Jews and Gentiles. And I gave the name of this Ministry, ALEPH AND TAV ALMIGHTYWIND RUACH ha KODESH FIRE MINISTRY! Beloved Daughter Elisabeth, in the beginning before you knew of your Hebrew roots, you were still part of the organized Pentecostal Churches. Yet it is I, MOMMA SHKHINAH that gave this Ministry the name Alpha and Omega Almightywind Holy Ghost Fire Ministry! As well as the same name with AMIGHTYWIND. One day I knew you would be used to share some of Heaven's secrets with MY Holy Seed.
It is I, MOMMA SHKHINAH that warned you Elisabeth before you ever heard of the internet not to name this Ministry after yourself, and I anointed your ears to audibly hear the voice of YAHUVEH awaken you, and warn you on the day Jimmy Swaggart fell and confessed before the entire world. On that morning YAHUVEH woke you and said, "Beware, every ministry named after man shall fall, for when the shepherd falls the sheep scatter." {On February 21, 1988}
Pride enters in when a man or woman does this. So beware Joyce Meyers, Marilyn Hickey, Juanita Bynum, Paula White, Jan Crouch, Paul Crouch, Creflo Dollar, T.D. Jakes, Jessie Duplantis, Joel Osteen, among countless others both women and men, you once were so humble, filled with MY Spirit, and now are ready for a great fall. Because of your pride you shall be knocked off your pedestals and if you do not repent from your wicked ways, that which has been done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops and you shall be buried under your own pedestals.
This goes for all the Ministries named after themselves. No mere human paid the ultimate sacrifice to do this, and you have been warned through this prophet, through prophetic messages time after time. When you face YAHUVEH you will have no excuse why you stole OUR Glory and heaped the glory upon yourselves so your earthly names are lifted up and not YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, or I the RUACH ha KODESH! We share OUR Glory with no man or woman! You who do this will find out the hard way what happens to those who have done this. (Nahum 1)
A warning to those who call themselves Holy and think they are fit to wear a crown, carry a scepter and sit on a throne and wear long priestly robes, making absolution for others sins. Only YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH paid the ultimate price to be the only Holy sinless human Blood atonement for a sin sacrifice. YAHUSHUA is perfect and sinless in all ways, not even a sinful thought crossed His mind. How dare you teach the people to worship you and steal OUR Praise, Honor and Glory! How dare you have others bow down and kiss your hand and kneel at your feet? The flames of Hell and the Lake of Fire shall be your next abode after this life is over. You have been warned. What price did you pay to do this? Are you sinless? Did you give your life as a sacrifice and die and rise again on the 3rd day and ascend to Heaven 40 days later? Do you now sit at the right hand of YAHUVEH?
None of you who condone this and lead people to believe this is not sin, are a true Holy Prophet, for you do not know the secrets reserved only for YAHUVEH's Prophets whom HE calls HIS friends. A True Prophet is one that is entrusted with the secrets of YAHUVEH. Be warned, all who follow after these false earthly gods and support them shall reap the same fate. Repent today before it is too late, if you are supporting any Ministry that is not warning of the danger of the one world religion, speaking out against sin, no matter what the price they have to pay, in this world. The majorities who claim to be Christians are in truth lukewarm and have compromised. The Pastors are a stench in MY nostrils and they chase anyone anointed, who warns them of this, right out the door of the Church.
I am MOMMA SHKHINAH, the one that speaks forth in Holy Tongues as described in the book of Acts. I am MOMMA SHKHINAH, MOMMA WISDOM. Others call ME the HOLY SPIRIT or the RUACH ha KODESH, this is MY title, and it is MY description of who I am, the Spirit of YAHUVEH. We are all ONE. For those who choose to use these Names that are reserved for those who truly desire more intimacy with the RUACH ha KODESH, you can call ME MOMMA SHKHINAH, or MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY, or MOMMA WISDOM or MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH, just to hear you acknowledge ME as MOMMA will please ME. Test ME and see if this does not stir up your love for your MOMMA SHKHINAH even more.
Many have bemoaned and wondered where are the miracles of times of old? Embrace this new knowledge I am speaking forth and give ME credit for who I am. Watch and see the anointing grow and signs, wonders, and miracles you will see again, in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. However, it is your choice. If you insist on calling ME a 'HE' instead of a 'She', it is your choice and your loss of a greater intimacy with ME, which brings a greater anointing and I will freely share more revelations from Heaven with you. Do not misunderstand ME; this is not about your Salvation. This is about a greater anointing and intimacy with the one that resides inside your Temple, if your name is written in the Book of Life. This can only happen if you have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and asked HIM to wash all your sins away in HIS shed Blood at Calvary and repented and turned away from sin. I will not stay in an unclean vessel for long. Do not test ME on this. The Holy have become more holy, and the unholy have become more unholy in these end times.
You know the Name of YAHUVEH; you know the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, now through this Ministry and this Ringmaiden, I now share MY Name as MOMMA SHKHINAH your MOMMA WISDOM. MY Name is reserved for those who desire to grow, bask and be mentored more in MY Heavenly Mother's love and a stronger HOLY SPIRIT anointing, MOMMA SHKHINAH is MY Name. I am the still small voice that speaks in the Holy Wind, and ignites you with anointed HOLY FIRE; this is why your body heats up under MY anointed touch. I am YAHUSHUA's comforter and HIS Heavenly Mother. YAHUSHUA is MY Begotten Son as much as YAHUVEH's Begotten Son. I am the only Queen of Heaven. Do not give that title to any other.
I am Mother Nature, it is YAHUVEH who creates and speaks forth for instance, "Zebra come forth" and it is I that put the unique stripes in each zebra.
YAHUVEH creates and I, MOMMA SHKHINYAH decorates. ABBA YAHUVEH creates and I, your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY decorates all creation. Do you understand yet? YAHUVEH creates a flower, but it is I, your MOMMA SHKHINAH that decorates the flower with a rainbow of colors, I make each petal unique. I number the petals on each flower and I give them the beauty in textures and scents. In everything that is created I am MOMMA SHKHINAH and I put MY Glory also on everything your ABBA YAHUVEH creates. I am MOMMA SHKHINAH and I put the finishing touches on all creation. I am the one that beautifies all things created. YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and I are CO-CREATORS.
I am the one that puts the sweet fragrance in a baby's skin. I am the one that makes each human unique even identical twins have their own uniqueness. I am the one that determines each of your DNA. I am the one that gives you unique identifying palm prints and finger prints. I am your MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH for those who prefer to use that more formal name, and I tell you that I am the one that put the twinkle in each star, and women were made in MY image just as surely as men were made in the image of YAHUVEH. What image do you think Eve was modeled after? Where do you think the scripture that says, "It is not good that man be alone, I shall make him a helpmate" comes from? It is because; as YAHUVEH is the Father of ages the Eternal One, so too I am the mother of ages the Eternal One, as is YAHUSHUA the Eternal One. WE are the definition of ETERNITY.
YAHUVEH created food, but I created the variety of recipes for you to enjoy the food. YAHUVEH created the tongue but I created your taste buds, I, your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY, your MOMMA WISDOM, determined what each food would taste like. Would it be salty, sweet, bitter, sour or spicy? YAHUVEH created the rain, and I your MOMMA WISDOM created the scent after the rain and put the dew on the grass. YAHUVEH created snow and I, your MOMMA SHKHINAH created each snow flake to appear different. YAHUVEH created the rainbow and I, your MOMMA SHKHINAH choose the color spectrums for that rainbow. YAHUVEH creates and I your MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH put the finishing touches on all things. See for yourself as you look around with this new found wisdom and you will see creation with new eyes and awe.
YAHUVEH created the Lion, I your MOMMA SHKHINAH gave the lion it's ROAR. YAHUVEH created the dog, I your MOMMA SHKHINAH gave the dog it's BARK. YAHUVEH created the Cat, I your MOMMA SHKHINAH gave the Cat its meow and mystery of its purr. I your MOMMA SHKHINAH gave the sweet songs to the birds that they Honor US with. Are you getting the picture?
I your MOMMA SHKHINAH love you so much I promised never to leave nor forsake MY Holy Children who have accepted YAHUSHUA's price HE paid at Calvary, those who have repented of their sins, and turned away from their sins, and now love, serve, and try to obey YAHUSHUA. Faith without works is dead. When you are born again it is through YAHUSHUA's Name and Blood. It is MY HOLY SPIRIT that lives and dwells in each born again believer. It is I that leads souls to YAHUSHUA and convicts you when you have sinned. Do not harden your heart when I your MOMMA SHKHINAH convict you, instead quickly repent so YAHUSHUA can forgive you.
I will not remain in an unclean vessel for long. Remember what you hear with your physical ears, see with your physical eyes, and do with your physical bodies, if it is unholy you are testing MY patience, I will not always strive with man or woman. Yet I am patient and long suffering for the sake of YAHUSHUA and the price HE paid at Calvary. Be ye Holy as I am Holy and open not the door to satan to enter in and possess your bodies.
I warn you now, do not stone MY Daughter Elisabeth or call her a false prophet for bringing forth MY messages, or you will be blasphemying MY anointed message and for this you will be damning your own soul, there is no forgiveness in this. Ask yourself what does she have to gain with teaching such a message? Only persecution from the organized churches, and mockery from the enemies of I and YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.
It had already been decreed before this earth was formed which of you were chosen and will obey and write her and thank her for her boldness in obeying and sharing this secret revelation with the world. Before this earth was formed you were chosen to be part of this Ministry as a helper. You have read the prophecies and heard the truths and the mandates to be Holy. Now I want you to ask yourself this question, 'If you would have been given this secret to share, would you have been bold enough to release it and take the persecution that will come with this truth'? Those who claim you love the Holy Spirit, why would you not rejoice to know this secret I reveal to MY children of MY HOLY SPIRIT? I warn you, do not grieve ME for I shall not always strive with humans.
I can hear the sigh of relief of those who recognize the truth and yet also acknowledge you are glad it was given to her to speak forth and not to you. However, now those who are grateful will have a greater desire to be a helper to this Ministry for you will realize how much more you are needed in all ways. By now you should realize this is no ordinary Ministry and no ordinary Prophet. Elisabeth is not a feel good Prophet, she does not prophesy only words you want to hear, or prophesy out of the flesh, daily words that anyone can write. True Holy Prophets are given secrets reserved for the friends of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the one you call the RUACH ha KODESH. How do WE know WE can trust the Holy Prophets, because as it is written, they were already tested in Heaven?
(Jeremiah 1: 4-5 (Yirmeyahu) Now the word of YAHUVEH came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the belly I knew you, and before you came out of the womb I did set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.")
Jeremiah was known before he was in his mothers womb, so too was MY Prophet Elisabeth Elijah, now speaking forth in MY Name. She has been given the Holy mandate no matter the consequences to speak forth in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's and YAHUVEH's Name for OUR Praise, Honor and Glory alone! We always send the prophets to warn before we send the judgments. Despise not the Gift of Prophecy, for the witness of YAHUSHUA is the Spirit of Prophecy. (Rev 19:10)
Does it not say in the Holy Manuscripts and proven by the Prophets of Old, 'YAHUVEH shares HIS secrets with the Holy Prophets,' this is a secret I have now released through her, to be a blessing unto those who have desired to know the Name of the HOLY SPIRIT and have a greater intimacy and love with ME. There will be those reading this that are filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT and they will realize thus far they have done nothing to help this Ministry, or encourage this Prophet, but in gratitude from hence forth they will do all they can to be a blessing unto this Holy Prophet and this Ministry. Great will be their blessings as they labor together in this Harvest field.
To all others who read this and mock, beware, remember you blasphemy not a mere woman for she is only a vessel I choose to release these secrets from Heaven, you know the scriptures, warn what happens to those who blasphemy the Holy Spirit, not even YAHUSHUA's Blood can cover that sin! Beware if you do not understand cover your mouth and keep silent, pray and test the spirit that speaks. Study the Old Testament and other translations and realize the Holy Scriptures say, 'All Three of us are united as ONE'. When you deny one of us, you reject all of the Godhead. We are separate and yet one. What part of a boiled egg is the egg? Is it the shell, yolk, or white? Is it not all one? Together they are an egg, and all one. Yet, separate they are all individual. Can you not yet understand? This is the way it is with all Three of US called the Holy Trinity.
How long will you insist on only sucking on the milk of the word? Are you still not able to eat strong spiritual meat? You who live Holy and truly put the Holy Trinity first in your life and love, you have taken the time to get to know Abba YAHUVEH, you have taken the time to get to know YAHUSHUA, you pray and use their Sacred Hebrew Names. Do you not want to have a greater love and intimacy with the one you call the HOLY SPIRIT or RUACH ha KODESH?
It is your choice, it will not affect your Salvation, as long as you do not curse this word of knowledge I now release through this Prophetic Ringmaiden Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. Because of her obedience, this word of knowledge shall ring like a bell around the world. Some will cover their ears and run, others will fall more in love and have a deeper intimacy as a mother and a child, so I can increase the anointing in them greater. Remember it is the anointing that breaks the yokes and bondages.
It is I your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY, that YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA turn to, when THEY need comforting. We look upon the evils done in this world, and the rejection of the HOLY TRINITY, especially OUR Beloved Son YAHUSHUA. WE hear how YAHUSHUA's Name is cursed and damned by the evil people's tongues, as they throw HIS Holy Blood Sacrifice back into HIS face, mocking and rejecting HIM. The evil people in this world hate the name Holy and all who live Holy and those who are destined to return back to Heaven because their names are found in the Lambs' Book of Life that was written before the foundation of this earth.
A word to those who defend the True Shabbat and expose the manmade Sabbath called Sunday. When the organized Churches rail against you and quote the scriptures as in Isaiah 1: 13-14 and they twist this scripture out of context saying, "It is not necessary to keep the Sabbath of Friday sunset to Saturday sunset." This scripture is a warning to those who sin and combine it with the Shabbat, Holy Feasts and new moon celebration. Can you not see how this angers YAHUVEH? I tell you this; YAHUVEH warns that HE cannot bear unrighteousness and assembly or rituals of keeping the Shabbat, Holy feasts, new moons, and celebrations when it is not done in true Holiness with Holy hands lifted up. Without the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH it is all done in vain.
How many reading this attends church on Sunday and calls yourselves Christian, Protestant, or Catholic. You attend church, or mass, pray, sing, confess your sins to the priest, or Pastor pretend piety, tithe for all to see and immediately after go to the pubs and get drunk or return back to your sinful lifestyles no matter what day of the week.
To those of the Jewish faith, the YAH of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob says the same too many of you, only you attend your Temples, confess your sins before a man you call a Rabbi and you assemble on the True Shabbat. All work ceases and you shun anything not kosher to eat. However, it is not what you put in your mouth that makes you unholy. Unholiness comes out of your mouth and the sinful deeds done in your body to others both in word and deed. Any sin done in disobedience to YAHUVEH's Torah laws is sin, also called by Christians the Ten Commandments.
Just as it is written Isaiah 1 (Yeshayahu 1), in Israel you don't run to the pubs on the Shabbat to drown your sorrows and sins in, but nevertheless you have compromised what Holy is. You have not stood against the Government Zionist agenda or defended the innocent. There is a remnant in Israel that are Holy and filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT and they prophesy and protest against abortion, homosexuality, immorality, and they have received YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH.
Where are those with the Spirit of a King David, who was a man after YAHUVEH's own heart? David knew how to repent, praise and pray for guidance and gain victory through obedience to YAHUVEH. King David also knew YAHUSHUA would come as MASHIACH for HE beheld HIS Glory in prophetic revelation (Acts 2:22-39).
How YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and I your MOMMA SHKHINAH, cover our ears and eyes in grief as WE hear those who proclaim to be holy, and assemble together, use vile curse words, fornicate with eyes, your mind and body, filling it with lust, even lusting after the same sex and doing all manner of sin against all that is called Holy. Are you really going to try and lean over hell, just to see how far you can lean, before you fall into it head first? Is it not written "Be ye holy as I am Holy" stop making excuses for your sins, rather turn away from satan's traps.
Come, let us reason together, do you really think because you took the time to assemble yourself together in a church or temple you now have the license to sin and these are the very sins you asked forgiveness for and turn around and willfully repeat them again. In doing this, you prove, you never intended to turn away from sin. You are not fooling anyone, and those you call heathen mock you behind your back, for you are no different than they are.
As an earthly mother comforts her children, I SHKHINAH your RUACH ha KODESH your MOMMA WISDOM, do so much more. I live in YOU and work through you and it is through MY Holy anointing that I do manifestations of signs, wonders, and miracles. It is through MY Son YAHUSHUA's Name, because of HIS Blood Sacrifice that MY HOLY ANOINTING breaks all yokes and bondages. I am the RUACH ha KODESH and I am not a 'He', when man transcribed the New Testament the 'S' was left out of the word 'He', I am a 'She'.
Elisabeth, be warned, those with the spirit of religion and have a form of godliness but no godliness within, will attack you. They do not have a loving, obedient relationship with YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and will feel convicted and will attack you and call you all manner of evil names. Remember this is not your message they attack it is Heaven's message. Be reassured, there are those whose names are in the Lambs' Book of Life, who will rejoice and say, they have always sought the answers to know more about who the HOLY SPIRIT is. They will rejoice and know that they know this is the truth that has been told. Many have already wondered this, but dared not ask anyone for fear they would be mocked.
MY Name is MOMMA WISDOM and I will give you more Wisdom as you ask ME, "MOMMA WISDOM help me in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH I ask for more of your Wisdom!" Try it and see if I will not do this for you. See if your anointing will not increase. But remember, it is only through YAHUSHUA's Name that I can Blow a Kiss (prayers) to YAHUVEH for your prayers to be answered.
Elisabeth, I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH and I will show you the secrets revealed in the Holy Scriptures to help teach MY Holy people who the HOLY SPIRIT truly is. You have been taught that the RUACH ha KODESH is masculine, not feminine, I have been called a 'He' instead of 'She' because of the way scholars have mistranslated the Manuscripts of Old mainly because Men's vanity did not want this revealed, nor does satan.
It is I your MOMMA SHKHINAH that leads you to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, baptizes you with MY HOLY FIRE which you call the HOLY SPIRIT. It is I MOMMA SHKHINAH that mentors you, I also can be called MAMA RUACH ha KODESH, or MAMA RUACH, it is your choice. I mentor and teach and speak forth through this new anointing I have given you Elisabeth, and those with spiritual ears to hear and believe will hear MY voice more clearly in a way they have not heard from ME before.
Beloved Daughter Elisabeth, I have given you the anointing to speak forth and interpret what the Heavenly Holy Tongues are speaking. You speak in languages of Heavenly Holy Angels and diverse languages of men. You can understand the languages only as I give you the gift of interpretation in your own language. At times I protect you, so you do not know what you are praying, for it would overwhelm your flesh.
As you speak in Heavenly Holy Tongues other times I choose to speak forth out of you in the Holy Tongues of the languages of men that you have not learned (Acts:2) but most of the time it is the languages of the Heavenly Holy Angels, as the scriptures state in the Book of 1 Corinthians 13:1.
When I choose to speak forth from you in tongues of a Holy Angel, and no interpretation is given to you, it is because satan and his demons cannot understand what is being prayed or spoken, it is not for their ears to hear. It is not always necessary for you to receive the interpretation of the tongues but YAHUVEH hears and HE answers your prayers, though you know not what you are praying for many times.
Sometimes, you are praying for people you do not even know, you are interceding for Holy people around the world. Many times you are praying for your own personal needs, or healing for you or others. Many times you are praying for blessings on the Holy Bride and guests or mercy and salvation for the black sheep to return to the only Good Shepherd YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
Other times you are praying for judgment and vengeance of YAHUVEH on the servants of satan, and those fit for YAHUVEH's Winepress of Wrath. There is no distance in prayer. (1 Corinthians chapters 12, 13, 14) Study and show yourself approved. Did not MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH say, "John baptized you with water, but I baptize you with the Fire of the RUACH ha KODESH?" I am also called the HOLY SPIRIT and HOLY GHOST. YAHUSHUA uses ME to fill up those that are Holy, to overflowing with MY anointing which is Holy signs, wonders and miracles for those that truly LOVE and put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their lives and love. This includes YAHUSHUA's Bride, who sacrifice all to follow and obey the Holy Mandates laid out in the Holy Manuscripts, and do it out of love for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and do their best to obey and live Holy. MY HOLY SPIRIT resides within their earthly Temple called a Body.
The Bride of YAHUSHUA seek to know the Holy Trinity more each day and obey each word we say, and YAHUSHUA's Glory shines forth from their faces and lives. They hold nothing back and give all to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH for HIS Praise, Honor and Glory. As it is written in Acts 2:37-47 the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will desire to do as in times of old and be one with you, and be a help to this Ministry and not a hindrance. They will do this for one purpose to Glorify YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!
Elisabeth MY Daughter, does not the Holy Scriptures say in the beginning of creation on this earth, "Come let us make man in Our image?" Who do you think 'Our image' means? Adam was made after YAHUVEH's image and Eve was made after MY female image. As Eve was created to be a helpmate to Adam, so too your MOMMA SHKHINAH is also called in the scriptures 'a helper'. I am CO-CREATOR with YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. YAHUSHUA is OUR SON. All 3 of us suffered and paid a price, so the people whose names are written in the Lambs' Book of Life can return back to Heaven.
I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH, I am the one that lives within your body, spirit and soul, I am your Heavenly mentor, your teacher. I am Spirit and Truth. I am the one that gives you the desire to accept and obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA as God. I am the one that gives you the desire to sing, praise, pray, and worship YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Now I also give you a new desire and that is to get to know the one who anoints you, your RUACH ha KODESH, your MOMMA SHKHINAH.
Holy Children, I love it when you sing and speak words of love to ME also. I have patiently waited for this time. I have waited for this revelation to be released and it was ordained in Heaven that you, our blessed Ringmaiden, Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah Nikomia, would be the voice to Ring this Holy Message around the world. This is another reason you are called YAHUSHUA's Ringmaiden.
I your MOMMA SHKHINAH also called the RUACH ha KODESH have chosen you Elisabeth, to have the honor to introduce ME as MOMMA SHKHINAH to MY children. So many Holy Children will be healed from wounds inflicted on them, because on this earth they never knew the love, comforts, and mentorship of a loving Mother, and yet I have been there all along. Now I have anointed you to hear MY voice and tell them this. I know you will obey no matter the price you will have to pay.
I am called 'Wisdom' MY fruit is the Seven Spirits. Study the seven pillars spoken of in the Book of Revelations. I am called patience, long suffering; I am mercy, and so much more. Learn and study now who the one who anoints you is. I am so much more than a Holy Wind or Holy anointed Fire, or a sweet fragrance in the air. I am more than speaking in Heavenly Holy Tongues, and prophecy, and signs, wonders or miracles. I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH, also called the RUACH ha KODESH, that leads souls to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Messiah).
I am the one that anoints with Heavenly Powers and pours forth MY New Wine and fresh manna from Heaven. I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH and I share MY Glory with no woman or man. YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and I are ONE. When you worship YAHUSHUA you worship all 3 of us at the same time. If you prefer you can call ME MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH, others can still call ME the HOLY SPIRIT but I desire to reveal more to those who desire more intimacy with ME. I warn now, anyone that denies or insults what Shaul (Apostle Paul) taught about the reality of the Holy gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH, Repent now! For you have insulted and grieved to the extent your soul is at stake! I now speak forth in the Name you recognize as YAHUSHUA, if you do not repent you are eternally damned!
For those who insist on denying and mocking the HOLY SPIRIT, (RUACH ha KODESH) and the GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT your names have either never been in the Lambs' Book of Life, or it is blotted out, because before you were born on earth it was already decreed in Heaven, if your name is in the Book of Damnation or the Book of the Blotted Out, then hell will be your next home.
Here is a secret I repeat again through Elisabeth, every soul born on this earth was tested in Heaven before they came to this earth, and that is why every soul works out their 'own salvation with fear and trembling'. Your soul already knows if you were on lucifer's side or YAHUVEH's side during the great betrayal war in Heaven, before the foundation of this earth.
It is not a sin to not understand the Gifts of Prophecy, or speaking in Holy tongues of men and Holy Angels, but do not speak against what is Holy just because you have not experienced it, or you had a bad experience with the counterfeit. Some reading this have had an experience of being filled with demonic tongues, so do not deny the genuine just because you opened yourself up to the counterfeit through sin or your blood line is full of the occult.
I, YAHUVEH warn you that satan is evil in all ways, even teaching the people to pray to Goddesses because he knows the RUACH ha KODESH, YOUR MOMMA SHKHINAH IS THE ONLY QUEEN OF HEAVEN. Study what the word SHKHINAH GLORY means. Study the scriptures Elisabeth and you will have peace in releasing this secret that has been stored up for such a time as this. This will heal so many wounds, just as you have had a void in you for a mother's love, now you will realize you are healed and others also will be healed for that void has been filled.
After you accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH, you are instantly filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT, MY RUACH ha KODESH; your MOMMA SHKHINAH is literally MY SPIRIT and that Spirit dwells in you. This also means I see through your physical eyes, and hear through your physical ears, and move through your physical body, so don't grieve ME. Don't continue to test ME.
This applies to all who have accepted YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as God, Lord, Savior, the only Begotten Son of YAHUVEH, born in the flesh from a virgin woman, and gave himself up for a Holy sin sacrifice, who died and arose again on the 3rd day, and now sits at the right hand of I, YAHUVEH. All those who strive to obey have been filled with MY RUACH ha KODESH, My HOLY SPIRIT to some extent. Some are filled with more and some with less measure as they grow in the knowledge of who YAHUSHUA is.
Where do you think the idea came from that a Holy husband and wife were to be one? It was first done in Heaven. When you accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH, you never realized at the same time you were being filled with a Heavenly Mother's love. The word 'comforter', is what a Mother does best. I am your MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH and I am your comforter, I soothe you when you need soothing, when your emotions are raw, and you are hurting, fearful, lonely or feeling rejected or confused. I am the peace that passes all understanding. I am the RUACH ha KODESH your MOMMA SHKHINAH that gives you Holy Heavenly Motherly love.
This was a secret that was revealed to Prophet Daniel, in the Book of Daniel, and was sealed for such a time as this. Again I repeat, now is the time YAHUVEH has decreed MY Word of Wisdom to be released. It is a time when the spirit of religion will raise up and show just how evil it is. The Pharisee's had a spirit of religion and remember how they persecuted not only YAHUSHUA but ALL who are Holy? The Holy must stand together now, help and defend one another, because a house divided cannot stand.
OUR Beloved Ringmaiden Elisabeth, this is a secret given to you when the voices of the 7 thunders awoke you, and spoke to you, many years ago. To the reader of this word, study and show thyself approve and pray for greater wisdom on Rev. 10 because in the 7 thunders Elisabeth heard were spoken some of the secrets revealed in the prophetic messages thus far. Elisabeth, if you had written down the date you will see it would have corresponded to the exact time the 7 thunders spoke the day and month (8/27) and only at that appointed time and year would this be revealed before the world on the internet, as it is now that appointed time and season.
Elisabeth, before there was a Ministry, you only remember awakening to loud claps of thunder 7 times in a row that was so loud it shook you awake, and yet no one heard it but you. The sun was shining in the sky. The clap of thunder was I, YAHUVEH speaking to you, as you slept alone that morning, I awoke you first with one clap of thunder that shook you awake. You ran to the window and saw sunshine, and then you immediately fell back asleep, only to be awoken the same way 7 times in a row, each time falling back asleep, praying and asking ME what was happening? This happened at 7:00 a.m.
What is written now, and in the prophecies were secretly released to you at that time, but again you did not know it until now. It wasn't meant to be revealed until MY timing. On the set day, month and year you will know you have permission to release this new revelation and from what country this word of knowledge is to be released, with this unique anointing.
Be prepared, the bride of satan, the servants of satan, and the children of satan will attack you. Satan wanted to keep this word of knowledge a secret. Those who call themselves Christian but only have only a form of godliness and no godliness within will attack you verbally and yet I, YAHUVEH go before you and will fight your battles for you.
Years ago before you gave birth to this Ministry, you prayed and asked YAHUSHUA, what was happening, when you heard the booming thunder 7 times. Why did you awake and run and look out the window and immediately fall back asleep 7 times? I share a secret with you, the 7 also represents the year 2007. 7 is the number of perfection and it is MY perfect timing this word of knowledge is being released. Remember when you suddenly felt led to study about the 7 Thunders in the Book of Revelation? (Rev.10)
Over the many years you have never had the answer until now. It was at that time I, YAHUVEH released secrets spoken through the 7 Thunders revealed as I speak forth out of you now as a Prophet to the nations. I use you because before the foundation of this earth you were chosen to come to earth to bring all PRAISE, HONOR and GLORY to I, YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the RUACH ha KODESH, the one you now call MOMMA SHKHINAH or MOMMA WISDOM. You have been anointed for such a time as this.
You were chosen before the foundation of this world to be filled with MY RUACH ha KODESH even while in your heathen mother's womb, where you were hated, unwanted and rejected. It is now many years later, and now you realize it is MOMMA SHKHINAH that comforted you. It would be years later before you realized who you are through the Name of YAHUSHUA and that HIS Blood Sacrifice was for you at Calvary. You were chosen before the foundation of this world to give birth to this Holy Ministry with a name that encompasses no name of a man or woman but honors only the HOLY TRINITY.
Elisabeth, you have been anointed as Jeremiah (Jer 1:4-10) of Old was, when you were in your mother's womb, as OUR mouthpiece and given the voice of a Holy Prophet shouting out in the wilderness of this world. Only those whose names are found in the Lambs' Book of Life will believe and receive the truths in this Ministry just as surely as they receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.
The servant is not greater than the master, and if they all had received YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH when HE walked the earth teaching and doing miracles for I, YAHUVEH's Glory, then they too would receive you and the truths I speak forth through this Ministry. You speak forth the words that I, YAHUVEH has spoken, that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH have spoken, and now you have been given the unique gift to hear your MOMMA SHKHINAH speak forth to you. This unique anointing will come forth on other Holy Prophets who will believe and receive these truths and cover you in prayer, supporting you with their love and doing all they can to be a blessing unto this Ministry.
Elisabeth, I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY. I am the one that anoints you for signs, wonders and miracles that includes prophesying and praying in Holy tongues of men and Holy Angels. I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY. I am the one that intercedes for all the Holy Children as I carry your prayers to the throne of YAHUVEH like a Kiss is blown in the air, when it is done in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH this also includes the name of JESUS CHRIST for now, but beware, because the son of satan in the Great Tribulation will counterfeit the name of JESUS CHRIST. I will not be able to send the prayers at that time in JESUS' name, because the devil's spawn will also be using the name of JESUS CHRIST. Teach now the Sacred Hebrew Name of YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH to all who have spiritual ears to hear, listen and obey. Learn and become accustomed to use the true Hebrew name of the one most call JESUS CHRIST, now before it is too late. Tell the people don't wait until the Great Tribulation to learn it the hard way.
Shout it until they hear and the message rings around the world, in the Great Tribulation there will be a great deception and at that time, no longer will YAHUVEH be able to answer prayers in the name of JESUS CHRIST, only in the Hebrew Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will hold healing, delivering, resurrection power. Because the one who is called the son of satan will use and deceive millions upon millions doing false signs, wonders and miracles while counterfeiting the name of JESUS CHRIST before the world. Even the elect will be deceived if possible. Beware, right now there are evil men with the spirit of the anti-christ and they use the name of JESUS CHRIST but they hate the Hebrew Name of YAHUSHUA for it is a constant reminder that YAH saves! YAHUSHUA is the only MASHIACH (Messiah).
Elisabeth, you have heard the voice of your ABBA YAHUVEH, and you have heard the voice and received messages through MY anointing from YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, I have patiently waited for the time for you to know ME as the Heavenly Mothers love you have always longed for. I am your only Mother, and I am the one that anoints you and comforts you and mentors you. It is because of your MOMMA SHKHINAH that you can hear MY still small voice and hear the Holy messages from YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. I am that still small voice that speaks to you.
For those that doubt this, tell ME, when has a male voice ever been described as 'a still small voice'? I am the one that King David of old, prayed too, that I would never leave him. He prayed, "Take not your RUACH ha KODESH from me." I am the one that when blasphemied or grieved or insulted to the breaking point, I say, "Enough is enough" and I walk away and never is there hope for Salvation for that soul, (the reprobate) only the wrath of YAHUVEH will that person know, Hell and the Lake of Fire is that persons eternal home.
I am the RUACH ha KODESH also in Aramaic called 'Set apart Spirit.' I am all truth, and only through ME can anyone be led to YAHUSHUA and accept HIM as the only way to Heaven. I am called the RUACH ha KODESH, and by the titles of HOLY GHOST and HOLY SPIRIT. I am all Holiness, along with YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. We are all ONE and yet separate. We are the HOLY TRINITY and there is no other. In the Great Tribulation there will be a unholy trinity! Satan is only a imitator not a creator.
There is no entrance into Heaven without going through ALL THREE of us, Abba YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and I your MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH. Salvation only comes through YAHUSHUA's Name and shed Blood and part of MY job is I must draw souls to YAHUSHUA and I do not miss one soul that is written in the Lambs' Book of Life, before the foundation of this world. I release this secret to you now, along with MY gift of boldness to speak forth and prophesy as no Prophet has ever done publicly before. There are others who have taught that I am feminine, yet never prophesied in the way I am speaking forth from you today.
I release this secret so you can encourage those that truly LOVE and put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their life and love and to also remember ME, MOMMA SHKHINAH, for I am the Glory of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA just as surely as a Holy wife was created to be the Glory of a Holy husband. When you are attacked for revealing the Name of the HOLY SPIRIT which is MY Name SHKHINAH and revealing the HOLY SPIRIT is not made in the image of a man, but instead a woman, tell them to study and show themselves approved, for does not the Books of Old in Psalms and Proverbs call 'WISDOM' a 'She'? Does not the Holy Scriptures say, "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of YAHUVEH?" Remind them that in the KJV Bible the Name of YAHUSHUA also spelled YAHSHUA is not in the KJV bible either, only the name of JESUS is there.
Know this, the name of JESUS CHRIST is still honored and anointed at this time and saves souls, delivers and heals. However as I have warned you, in the coming Great Tribulation the one who is now called the anti-christ, will also call himself JESUS. Even now a counterfeit has risen up and deceives millions with the name of JESUS CHRIST, even going so far, to tell them to tattoo themselves with the number 666 to prove allegiance to this evil man. He calls himself the son of God and tells the people, "There is no such thing as sin and hell is a lie."
I have repeated myself again and again because this seed of truth is so powerful that satan will want to rip out the garden of truths in this prophetic word of knowledge before it can take root. I have used this Ministry to warn why it is urgent to learn the Sacred Hebrew Name of YAHUSHUA (translated means YAH saves) who is now also called JESUS CHRIST, because in the Great Tribulation only the Hebrew Name of YAHUSHUA will have the anointing, healing, delivering and saving power. Again I repeat and warn if the organized churches were doing there job people would not be deceived.
Be warned it will be the famous TV evangelists that will lead the masses to the son of satan, whom will come using the name that is trusted, JESUS. It will be the famous TV evangelists that have sold their souls to satan for fame and wealth that are teaching false manmade doctrines and leading the people to this false JESUS. In the Great Tribulation the name of JESUS will be counterfeited by the son of satan now called the anti-christ. This anti-christ will defile the name of JESUS and under the power of satan do signs, wonders and unholy miracles in a name known by the Christian Church, a name that is now loved and trusted, the name of JESUS CHRIST.
The son of satan, called the anti-christ will proclaim he is JESUS CHRIST. He will demand all worship him and honor him and attend and gather in churches on Sunday and take his MARK proving their loyalty. The anti-christ who is really the begotten son of satan will come with the spirit of Judas and Hitler once again; whom the scriptures call the son of perdition, or the son of Hell. The son of satan, will do signs, wonders and false miracles in satan's power for satan's glory.
I have used this Ministry to warn, when you see the mandatory Sunday worship law passed, DO NOT enter into the Sunday Churches or you will lose your soul. I have warned to learn now what the True Sabbath Day of rest is (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). This has been a hard message for Elisabeth to deliver because the Christian Churches don't want to hear it. However, to those of you, who have been faithful and spoken forth these truths, you know you have been given the mandate of Ezk. 3: 17-21.
This ministry has been given a mandate to teach the Holy Hebrew Sacred Names of the Creators and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Who better could I have chosen to teach those who want to know the Name of the HOLY SPIRIT? Elisabeth, you asked YAHUVEH for the Name of the RUACH ha KODESH and I have told you, now I give you this mandate to share what was told to you in secret. I promise you, that those with spiritual ears to hear will listen, and support this Ministry and defend this truth and teach others.
Those who choose to remain spiritually deaf will remain deaf. It is not your job to convince people, it is only your job to obey and release the Prophetic messages and words of knowledge as they are entrusted to you from Heaven. Everyone who reads this or has been taught this will be held accountable for what they now know.
Offending most and blessing others with spiritual ears to hear whose names are found in the Lambs' Book of Life.
A Child, Warrior, and Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
Apostle Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah Nikomia
Released on Aug. 27, 2007
Personal notation: In closing I have written what I have heard and been told to write. I have asked YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY; if THEY are sure there is no one else that could release this word better than I. I do not know why I was chosen. However my job is just to obey the HOLY TRINITY. I fear what YAH can do to me, more than I fear what man will think of me. If this prophecy is a blessing to you will you please take the time and write me and encourage me? If you have new revelations in regards to your Scripture study and want to share with others, proving this word is true, please send it to me. If this Ministry is a blessing will you prayerfully consider supporting it financially? We are looking forward to meeting all who consider this word a blessing, if not on earth then in Heaven.
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Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
Through Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia
January 27, 2007 5p.m.
Shabbat – Port Alfred, South Africa
(Explanation added below in blue on August 10, 2010.)
(Scriptures added below in red on June 9, 2010)
Warning, this might be the most controversial prophecy given to me thus far. Some of it contains personal revelations to me and that is why my name is mentioned by the RUACH ha KODESH. However, I do not want to censor this Heavenly message. There is a part 2 to this word but this should be enough to digest for now YAHUVEH says. When you read part 2 you will understand why it had to wait.
(Transcribed from Audio tape but unfortunately the tape is very poor quality and can not be posted)
Elisabeth Praying: All of us want to know you MOMMA RUACH. Man calls you a ‘He’ for they would never give credit to you in the past. Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy…we just call upon you MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH. Won’t you please reveal yourself to me? Won’t you reveal yourself to us?
You can give a vision to my husband just as well as you can give it to me. You can anoint him to know these things just as well as you can me. Kathy has beautiful writings that I know that you are writing through her in a whole different tone of voice. You’re so gentle. You’re everything a woman should be. As a woman my desire is to be more like you. You’re the definition of the word feminine. Even ABBA YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA warn, "Don’t hurt you."
Word from the RUACH ha KODESH:
Wait, wait, wait, now is not yet the time for ME to reveal in the way that you have asked ME to reveal. But I shall do it and you shall teach it and the lies shall be combated! It is I that gives the desire to say this prayer. It is I that gives the desire to know who I am. For it is I who you did lay your head upon the shoulder in Heaven (Banquet Table Dream). I gave you a glimpse to see how much those who love YAHUSHUA are loved by ME. I am the MOTHER of CREATION. Females were made in MY image. I am ageless. I am CO-CREATOR. The family is a copy of what is in Heaven. Where do you think it came from? The Mother, the Father and the children.
This doesn’t mean in Heaven birth is as it is here on earth. It was never meant to be so. It was because of Eve’s sin and Adam’s sin it became a painful process. There is no discord in Heaven. There is no pain in Heaven. There is only love and peace and joy. There is only happiness." (Elisabeth says: What else Momma, what else do you want to tell me?)
Elisabeth, you who have craved for the love of a mother since you were conceived, even in your mother’s womb you cried out to ME. This is why I fill you now in the way that I do with such a unique anointing between you two. So you will never feel that void again. Niko, you were starved for attention. Your earthly mother did the best she could with the spirit that she was working with. But I too fill you with MY love.
Elisabeth, when you rock and you pray, it is ME that rocks you. Keep striving to know who I am. I will reveal more to you. I will bring you remembrance of what it was like in Heaven when you beheld MY Face. For I sit next to your Heavenly Father. YAHUVEH is MY HUSBAND. YAHUSHUA is MY Son. There is not only one throne, there are three thrones in Heaven and WE rule in unison. How do you think your prayers reach your ABBA YAHUVEH’s ears? It is I that send them to HIM for I am in the Believers, those who love MY Son YAHUSHUA. It is I, the anointed WIND that blows them to HIM (YAHUVEH) as I blow a kiss to Heaven. I speak in symbolism so you can understand. When you lift up prayer, it’s like blowing kisses to your ABBA YAHUVEH. When you pray in MY Son’s Name, for it takes all three of us for you to be heard and answered. This is just the beginning of the teaching.
It’s only for those who I tell you to tell, of course, all of this family, you will share this with. But I will move you with caution unlike any other Word spoken. For these are secrets satan never wanted revealed and he will fight you with a fight like you have never encountered before. That’s why it’s not yet time to give the Word to the world.
I will speak to you in things no man or woman has heard. Why do you think lucifer came and tempted Eve first? It was to mock ME for Eve was made in MY image as Adam was made in YAHUVEH’s image as Abel was made in YAHUSHUA’s image, righteous, the definition of love. So it’s by satan’s hand Cain slew Abel. Just as it was by the spirit of Cain’s hand, again satan used to crucify MY Son YAHUSHUA, although it was part of all of our plan. For those of you whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life to Heaven you could return, there was no other way. So a New Blood Covenant was birthed that day to replace the Old Blood Covenant that could not stand.
You want to know one of the things that grieves ME. You want to know one of the things that offends ME? Elisabeth, when you feel MY anger and MY rage, they speak of the Father’s rage, of ABBA YAHUVEH’s rage, you do not have a clue of the rage of the MOTHER of CREATION! You just have a fraction of MY rage! When you feel that volcano ready to blow inside of your head and it’s in the name of righteousness, you just have a fraction of MY rage!
When you read in the Word that’s been translated and they dare to call MY Son YAHUSHUA, the son of man. He was never the son of a man. HE’s the Son of YAHUVEH! The Son of YAH! When you see this in the translation, for how long now I have caused you to grieve and you have never felt peace in this and yet you explain all the translations do this. It was not by MY hand! This is by satan’s plan. Although HE was born in a human frame, although HE suffered on the cross the pain HE was never, never, never the son of man! HE’s the Son of YAH and HIS Name, even to the world proclaimed. Why do you think satan in the translation, tried to regulate HIM and give HIM the name of a man. I’ve had to allow this and at this time, before the Great Tribulation, the name of Jesus will stand.
(Explanation regarding the last paragraph:
Elisabeth has been attacked severely regarding the last paragraph by those who call themselves christian, but we know better than that. After much prayer and guidance it is very clear what the RUACH ha KODESH is saying. She is saying it grieves, offends and angers her that so many different Bibles are using the inaccurate translation of 'the Son of Man' to describe YAHUSHUA. Originally in Hebrew the scriptures said 'Ben Adam' and not 'the Son of Man'. After prayer and studying this subject it has become clear that 'Ben Adam' literally in English means 'human being'. In Aramaic 'Ben Adam' is translated into 'Son of Adam' and 'Son of Humanity' because Adam is the Father of humanity and therefore the 'Son of Adam' is translated into the 'Son of Humanity'. So then when the Aramaic was translated into Greek it was translated from 'Son of Humanity' into 'Son of Man'.
We can promise you this, YAHUSHUA NEVER used 'the Son of Man' to describe HIMSELF.
'Son of Man' is inaccurate and has caused much confusion and needless debate and this is exactly what satan wanted and knew would happen. Many believe because so many Bibles use 'the Son of Man' to describe YAHUSHUA that it means HE is literally the son of A man. As in Joseph is the literal biological father of YAHUSHUA. They believe YAHUSHUA was a mere man and not the Son of YAHUVEH. Niko's biological father believed this, he believed YAHUSHUA was just a good man with alot of wisdom, he didn't believe YAHUSHUA was God or the Son of YAHUVEH. This is what the RUACH ha KODESH is clarifying, YAHUSHUA is NOT the son of A man (Joseph), but YAHUSHUA is a human being (Ben Adam) born of a virgin woman and the Son of YAHUVEH.
The 'Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Bible' published by Your Arms To Yisrael uses the original Hebrew of 'Ben Adam' and not 'the Son of Man'.
The 'Aramaic New Covenant Bible' published by exegeses Bibles uses the translation of 'the Son of Humanity'.
'The Scriptures Bible' published by the Institute For Scripture Research uses the translation 'the Son of Adam'.
As we all know most other Bibles use the translation 'the Son of man'. The above Bibles are mentioned because we have these Bibles and read them for ourselves.
So if these so-called christians were truly followers of YAHUSHUA and not Pharisee's, they would have prayed for wisdom and knowledge as to what the RUACH ha KODESH meant in this Prophecy instead of attacking Elisabeth and calling her a false prophet and accusing us that we are saying the King James Version (KJV) Bible is from satan. This is foolishness, we never said such a thing, but what the RUACH ha KODESH is saying is that satan definately had a part in the translations of many of the Bibles that use the translation of 'the Son of Man' as well as many other inaccurate mis-translations that have been used in these Bibles. Why do you think there is so much confusion and so many different inaccurate translations of the Bible? This is clearly NOT of YAHUVEH.
For those who are truly seeking the truth we pray this has helped you understand the truth as it has helped us understand.)
Oh, but in the Great Tribulation those who are saved now and have been living Holy before ME, MY spirit is within them, just as you were saved in the Name of Jesus, you’d still be calling upon HIM in that Name. And do not misunderstand ME, there is power, Heavenly power to back up that Name because of the mercy of your ABBA YAHUVEH. But in the Great Tribulation so many shall die, even though they are saved now, so many will wonder why their prayers are not answered. It is not because WE do not love them. And I do not speak of those who will go to the Sunday churches and will take the MARK, I speak to those who will call out in the Name of Jesus, who know that HE was the one that was crucified and rose again from the dead and on the 3rd day did arise.
Wait for them in Heaven. But they must understand while now there is power in that Name, there will be no power then in that Name. That doesn’t mean for those who are still walking Holy before ME they will not return to Heaven, but it means I cannot answer them as I said it is MY anointing, like blowing a kiss to ABBA YAHUVEH that their prayers are answered but on that day I cannot back up the words they say for there will be another on the face of this earth who will say, "I am Jesus." And although I know what Jesus they speak and call to, because that name will be as a curse, their prayers will not reach Heaven and they will wonder why. This is why you are warning them now. This is the importance of that Hebrew Name. You see satan does not want to use the Name YAH. Oh, I have many enemies out there who now dare to operate their ministries and use the Name YAH to deceive the wolves and the lambs. But the son of satan does not want to use the Name YAH, he wants to use the name that the world became familiar with and that was the name of J-E-S-U-S.
So although those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, during the Great Tribulation, they will return to Heaven. It will mean they have to give their life but they will never, ever enter into a Sunday church or their name will be blotted out. And there will be no salvations at that time in the name of J-E-S-U-S; it will only be in YAHUSHUA. Some will say YAHSHUA. But the Name YAH will not be left out.
For the anointed 144,000 will not be teaching the name of J-E-S-U-S. This is now. That will be then. I’ve given you this message to warn again. That’s just like now, that doesn’t mean all those who attend the Sunday churches do not belong to ME, are not filled with MY Spirit, but it does mean in the Great Tribulation it will not be allowed for this is where they sell out to the Beast. Do you understand? Souls are saved now in the Name of J-E-S-U-S. I anoint in the Name of J-E-S-U-S. I heal in the Name of J-E-S-U-S. I deliver in the Name of J-E-S-U-S. But that will not be then.
Warn them. How could I answer them? How could MY Son YAHUSHUA answer them? When they scream out, "Jesus, help me," and the son of satan is there, and says, "Here I am." They will say, "Jesus save me, forgive me of my sins!" And the son of satan will say, "Here I am." Can you not see the danger? Can you not understand? You do not know the grief that I will feel when those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, who know better than to go to the Sunday churches will run and hide, and will have to give their lives because they will be crying out and they will refuse to say the Name of YAHUSHUA. They will hold onto what they were taught and they will say the Name of Jesus and their prayers will not reach Heaven for I will not blow them like a kiss because the son of satan will cry out, "Here I am." This does not mean their name is blotted out. It merely means I cannot save their life. I cannot hide them. I cannot feed them. I cannot deliver them.
This is why I raise up ministries such as this that teach the Name of YAHSHUA, that teach the Name of YAHUSHUA. It doesn’t matter. So many refuse to speak the name the way I’ve given you but the Name YAH cannot be left out for even HIS Name means "YAH Saves."
I gave you the dream when the flying saucers come truly they are satan’s army but they have a right to those who will cry out in the wrong name because he (son of satan) will claim "Here I am."
So beware, now it has already started. There is one who has risen up. He has a world wide following and he calls himself Jesus Christ. But the key is he throws out all that is Holy. Beware of the one coming, for this one is just a mere man, but beware the one coming for it will be as Judas has returned once again and he is truly the son of satan, the son of lucifer.
Warn them now. There is a time and there is a season. You will know when to let this Word go. But Elisabeth, never again will you have to crave the love of a mother for I have showed you I have filled that void.
Enlightening some, Offending most, Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia
(Comments on the audio tape)
Niko: Elisabeth was just praying in the spirit, asking about the RUACH ha KODESH, MOMMA RUACH and wanted to know her and MOMMA RUACH spoke. Those were the words MOMMA spoke. So there you go Adam. You wanted a confirmation, you got it buddy. It looks like us men are confounded once again by these women!!!
Elisabeth: I’ve just got to say the revelation she gave me, when men kept saying in the bible when referring to the RUACH ha KODESH, "he, he, he," it’s only one letter off because men were always saying, "We were made in God’s image," and could gloat over the woman saying, "You’re not made in HIS image, I am." So MOMMA RUACH has just confirmed the fact women, females, Eve, were created in HER image and SHE sits on the other side of YAHUVEH and SHE is CO-CREATOR! So we are made in truly GODDESS RUACH ha KODESH, our MOMMA’s image. Take that men of the world!
I have never believed in UFOs or evil aliens from other planets until I had a dream sometime in March 2005, Since then I have had revelations of what this is and worse of all it is real.
I saw myself in what appeared to be a City. I saw people running in terror from the UFO's, especially a huge cigar shaped UFO with 2 fins on one end of the UFO. Men and women were yelling, "JESUS HELP ME!" Then I saw this cigar shaped UFO shoot out a single beam of light that looked bluish/green in color. The bluish/green light would hit the people and it picked them up and pulled them into the space craft. The people were screaming, "Jesus help me!" Yet they were still taken by that beam of light into the belly of the cigar shaped UFO. The people could not out run the UFO.
Then the cigar shaped UFO hovered over me and I tried to out run it, but I couldn't. I saw the beam of light come towards me in the air and I yelled as it was directly over me, "YAHUSHUA prove to me you hear my prayer, help me!" The beam of light stopped in mid air and went to the nearest person to me who was yelling "JESUS" and they were taken by that beam of light, kicking and screaming in horror right into the belly of the cigar shaped UFO.
End of dream
This ministry warns why it is urgent for people to know the Hebrew Name for our Messiah YAHUSHUA or YAHSHUA. The name of JESUS CHRIST has saving, anointing, healing, delivering, resurrection power now, but WILL NOT in the Great Tribulation. I don't believe I will be in the Great Tribulation in this mortal body, I was there to warn you now. However in the dream it is a warning that the anti-christ who is the son of satan, will be using the name of JESUS CHRIST because Christians all over the world, in multitudes of languages, use the beloved name of JESUS CHRIST. The most famous TV evangelists are setting the people up for the blue beam rapture, which is a counterfeit rapture.
Here are some scriptures regarding the RUACH ha KODESH.
RUACH ha KODESH Bible References: Isaiah 63:10 & Psalm 51:11
1) Female Gender – ‘SHE’
RUACH ha KODESH – CHOKHMAH (wisdom) feminine word in Hebrew
Proverbs 1:20…WISDOM calls out outside. SHE raises HER voice in the open squares.
Proverbs 1:21…SHE speaks HER words.
Proverbs 1:23…Turn at MY reproof; surely I will pour out MY Spirit on you.
Proverbs 3:18…SHE is a tree of life to those who take hold of HER.
Proverbs 4:6…Do not forsake HER and SHE will preserve you. Love HER and SHE will keep you.
Proverbs 4:13…Keep HER for SHE is your life.
Proverbs 9:1…WISDOM has built HER house. SHE has hewn out HER seven pillars.
Revelation 4:5…Seven Spirits of YAH. (Are they the same as the seven pillars of WISDOM?)
Matthew 11:19…But WISDOM is justified by HER children.
Proverbs 7:4…To WISDOM, say, "My sister."
(All references are from New KJV.)
(From the Book of WISDOM – The Jerusalem Bible)
Book of Wisdom 1:6…WISDOM is a Spirit, a friend to man, though SHE will not pardon the words of a blasphemer, since YAH sees into the innermost part of him…
Book of Wisdom 7:11…In HER company all good things come to me.
Book of Wisdom 7:12…All these I delight in, since WISDOM brings them, but as yet I did not know SHE was their MOTHER.
Book of Wisdom 7:22-30…For within Her is an intelligent spirit, Holy, unique, manifold, subtle, active, incisive, unsullied, lucid, invulnerable, benevolent, sharp, beneficent, loving to man, steadfast, dependable, unperturbed, almighty, all-surveying
Book of Wisdom 6:12-22…WISDOM is bright and does not grow dim. By those who love HER, SHE is readily seen, and found by those who look for HER. Quick to anticipate those who desire her, she makes herself known to them.
Heavenly Father and Mother?
Proverbs 1: 8-9…MY Son, hear the instruction of your Father, and do not forsake the law of your MOTHER for they will be graceful ornaments on your head, a chain about your neck.
Proverbs 6:20-23…MY Son, keep your Father’s command and do not forsake the law of your MOTHER.
Proverbs 6:21…Bind THEM continually on your heart; tie them around your neck.
Proverbs 6:22…When you roam, THEY will lead you; and when you awake, THEY will speak with you.
Proverbs 6:23…For the commandment is a lamp and the law is light.
(A similar expression is found in Psalm 119 referring to Elohim.)
Psalm 119:105…Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
(From the above, we conclude the lamp and light to come probably from our Heavenly Father, and our Heavenly MOTHER RUACH ha KODESH, our Elohim.)
Who is our MOTHER?
Galatians 4:26…But the Jerusalem above is free, which is the Mother of us all.
Nature of the HOLY SPIRIT
Acts 1:8…But you shall receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to ME in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the End of the Earth.
Ephesians 5:18…Do not be drunk with wine,…but be filled with the Spirit.
Acts 2:2-4…And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire and one sat upon each of them. And they were filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Luke 1:35…And the angel answered and said to her, ‘The HOLY SPIRIT’ will come upon you and the power of the HIGHEST will overshadow you.
Roman 8:9…But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of CHRIST, he is not HIS.
Joel 2:28…And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out MY Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your old men shall dream dreams; your young men shall see visions.
Isaiah 40:13-14…Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord, or as HIS COUNSELOR has taught HIM? With whom did HE take counsel and who instruct HIM and taught HIM in the path of justice? Who taught HIM knowledge and showed HIM the way of understanding?
Romans 8:26-27…Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us which cannot be uttered.
Ezekiel 36:27…I will put MY Spirit within you and cause you to walk in MY statues and you will keep MY judgments.
Ephesians 5:15-21…18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in Psalm and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
Ezekiel 37:14…I will put MY Spirit in you and you shall live and I will place you in your own land…
Acts: 8:17…Then they laid hands on them and they received the HOLY SPIRIT.
Acts: 16:6…Now, when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the HOLY SPIRIT to preach the word in Asia.
Acts: 10:44…While Peter was still speaking these words, the HOLY SPIRIT fell upon all those who heard the word.
2 Timothy 1:7…For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Genesis 2:7…And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life and man became a living being.
Galatians 5: 16-26…16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.
Ephesians: 6:18…Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.
1 Corinthians 12: 4-11…4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit; 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all; 8 for to one is given the word of WISDOM through the Spirit, to another the Word of Knowledge through the same Spirit; 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of SPIRITS, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues; 11 but one and same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as HE wills.
Genesis 1:2…The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Genesis 6:3…And the Lord said, "MY Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh…
Numbers 11:25…Then the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to him and took of the Spirit that was upon him and placed the same upon seventy elders and it happened when the Spirit rested upon them that they prophesied although they never did so again.
Psalm 104:30…You send forth your Spirit, they are created and you renew the face of the earth.
Isaiah: 42:1…I…I have put MY Spirit upon him…
Isaiah: 48:16…and now the Lord God and HIS Spirit have sent me.
Ezekiel 36:27…I will put MY Spirit within you and cause you to walk in MY statutes and you will keep MY judgments and do them.
1 Samuel 16: 13-14…Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and a distressing spirit from the Lord troubled him.
1 Kings 22:23…Now, therefore, look! The Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these prophets of yours and the Lord has declared disaster against you.
Zechariah 4:6…Not by might nor by power but by MY Spirit says the Lord of Hosts.
Nature of WISDOM (Book of Proverbs, The NKV)
1. Given by God …….Proverbs 2:6
2. SHE calls, cries out, asks questions, reproves, warns, offers counsel and knowledge, offers protection from calamities ……Proverbs 1:20-33
3. SHE gives discernment and understanding and knowledge of God and understanding of righteousness and justice……Proverbs 2:1-9
4. HER proceeds are better than profits of siver and gold ……Prov.3:14
5. SHE a tree of life to those who take hold of HER ……Prov. 3:18
6. By HER the Lord founded the earth….…Proverbs 3:19
7. SHE is the principal thing; she preserves us and keeps us, and if we exalt HER, she will promote us and bring honor and place on our head ornament of grace and a crown of glory …….Proverbs 4:7-9
8. SHE dwells with Prudence. Counsel is HER, and sound wisdom. SHE is understanding and has strength. By HER kings raign…….Proverbs 8:12-15
9. SHE may be found….…Proverbs 8:17
10. Lord YAHUVEH possesed HER at the beginning and SHE is the master craftsman; SHE rejoices; HER delight was with the sons of men…Prov.8:22-31
11. Whoever finds HER finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.…..Prov.8:35-36.
Nature of WISDOM (Book of Wisdom, the Jerusalem Bible)
1. WISDOM is a Spirit, a friend to man…….Wisdom 1:6
2. SHE is bright and does not dim; by those who love HER, SHE is readily seen and found by those who look for her…….Wisdom 6:13
3. Within HER is a Spirit intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, active, incisive, unsullied, lucid, invulnerable, benevolent, loving to man, sharp, irresistible, beneficent, steadfast, dependable, unperturbed, almighty, all-surveying, penetrating all, intelligent, pure and most subtle Spirits; SHE is quicker to move than any motion; SHE is so pure, pervades and permeates all things…….Wisdom 7:22-24.
4. SHE is a breath of the power of God, pure emanation of the Glory of the Almighty; hence nothing impure can find a way into HER…….Wisdom7:25.
5. SHE is a reflection of the eternal light, untarnished mirror of God’s active power, image of HIS goodness. Although alone SHE can do all; herself unchanging, SHE makes all things new…….Wisdom 7:27
Added June 9, 2010
Ecclesiasticus: The Wisdom of the Son of Sirach, is a book included in the early Hebrew and Greek Bibles. It is believed to have been written in the 2nd century B.C. The early Greek church also called it, "The All-Virtuous Wisdom."
Ecclesiasticus is a Latin word meaning, "churchly," and would describe any book that was read in church or received ecclesiastical or church sanction. Ben Sira, or the son of Sirach, was a scholar, and a scribe thoroughly versed in the Jewish Law, and especially in the "Books of Wisdom."
Chapter 1
1. The Law, the Prophets,and the other writers succeeding them have passed on to us great lessons, in consequence of which Israel must be commended for learning and WISDOM…
4. WISDOM was created before everything, prudent understanding subsists from remotest ages...
6. For whom has the root of WISDOM ever been uncovered? HER resourceful ways, who knows them?...
8. ONE only is wise, terrible indeed,
9. seated on HIS Throne, the LORD. It was HE who created, inspected and weighed HER up, and then poured HER out on all HIS works…..
14. The basis of WISDOM is to fear the LORD; SHE was created with the faithful in their mothers' womb;
15. SHE has made a home in the human race, an age -- old foundation, and to their descendants will SHE faithfully cling.
16.The fullness of WISDOM is to fear the LORD; SHE intoxicates them with HER fruits;
17. SHE fills their entire house with treasures and their storerooms with HER produce.
18. The crown of WISDOM is to fear the LORD: SHE makes peace and health flourish.
19. The LORD has seen and assessed HER, HE has showered down knowledge and intelligence, HE has exalted the renown of those who possess HER.
20. The root of WISDOM is to fear the LORD, and HER branches are long life.
1. Wisdom brings up HER own children and cares for those who seek HER.
2. Whoever loves HER loves life, those who seek HER early will be filled with joy.
3. Whoever possesses HER will inherit honour, and wherever he walks the LORD will bless him.
4. Those who serve HER minister to the HOLY ONE, and the LORD loves those who love HER.
5. Whoever obeys HER rules the nations, whoever pays attention to HER dwells secure.
6. If he trusts himself to HER he will inherit HER, and his descendants will remain in possession of HER;
7. for though SHE takes him at first through winding ways, bringing fear and faintness on him, trying him out with HER discipline till SHE can trust him, and testing him with HER ordeals,
8. SHE then comes back to him on the straight road, makes him happy and reveals HER secrets to him.
9. If he goes astray, however, SHE abandons him and leaves him to his own destruction.
1. WISDOM speaks HER own praises, in the midst of HER people SHE glories in HERSELF.
2. SHE opens HER mouth in the assembly of the MOST HIGH, SHE glories in HERSELF in the presence of the MIGHTY ONE:
3. 'I came forth from the mouth of the MOST HIGH, and I covered the earth like mist.
4. I had MY tent in the heights, and MY Throne was a pillar of cloud.
5. Alone, I have made the circuit of the Heavens and walked through the depths of the abyss.
6. Over the waves of the sea and over the whole earth, and over every people and nation I have held sway.
7. Among all these I searched for rest, and looked to see in whose territory I might pitch camp.
8. Then the CREATOR OF ALL things instructed ME and HE who created ME fixed a place for MY tent. HE said, "Pitch your tent in Jacob, make Israel your inheritance."
9. From eternity, in the beginning, HE created ME, and for eternity I shall remain.
10. In the Holy tent I ministered before HIM and thus became established in Zion .
11. In the Beloved City HE has given ME rest, and in Jerusalem I wield MY Authority.
12. I have taken root in a privileged people, in the LORD'S property, in HIS inheritance.
13. I have grown tall as a cedar on Lebanon , as a cypress on Mount Hermon ;
14. I have grown tall as a palm in En-Gedi, as the rose bushes of Jericho ; as a fine olive in the plain, as a plane tree, I have grown tall.
15. Like cinnamon and acanthus, I have yielded a perfume, like choice myrrh, have breathed out a scent, like galbanum, onycha, labdanum, like the smoke of incense in the tent.
16. I have spread MY branches like a terebinth, and MY branches are glorious and graceful.
17. I am like a vine putting out graceful shoots, MY blossoms bear the fruit of glory and wealth.
18/19. Approach ME, you who desire ME, and take your fill of MY fruits,
20. for memories of ME are sweeter than honey, inheriting ME is sweeter than the honeycomb.
21. They who eat ME will hunger for more, they who drink ME will thirst for more.
22. No one who obeys ME will ever have to blush, no one who acts as I dictate will ever sin.
23. All this is no other than the Book of the Covenant of the MOST HIGH GOD, the Law that 24/25. Moses enjoined on us, an inheritance for the communities of Jacob.
26. This is what makes WISDOM brim over like the Pishon, like the Tigris in the season of fruit, what makes INTELLIGENCE overflow like the Euphrates, like the Jordan at harvest time;
27. and makes DISCIPLINE flow like the Nile , like the Gihon when the grapes are harvested.
28. The first man did not finish discovering about HER, nor has the most recent tracked HER down;
29. for her thoughts are wider than the sea, and her designs more profound than the abyss.
30. And I, like a conduit from a river, like a watercourse running into a garden,
31. I said, 'I am going to water MY orchard, I intend to irrigate MY flower beds.' And see, MY conduit has grown into a river, and MY river has grown into a sea.
32. Making DISCIPLINE shine forth from daybreak, I shall send its light far and wide.
33. I shall pour out Teaching like Prophecy, as a legacy to all future generations.
34. And note, I have been working not merely for MYSELF, but for all who are seeking WISDOM.
13. When I was still a youth, before I went travelling, in my prayers I asked outright for WISDOM.
14. Outside the sanctuary I would pray for HER, and to the last I shall continue to seek HER.
15. From HER blossoming to the ripening of HER grape my heart has taken its delight in HER. My foot has pursued a straight path, I have sought HER ever since my youth.
16. By bowing my ear a little, I have received HER, and have found much instruction.
17. Thanks to HER I have advanced; glory be to HIM who has given me WISDOM!
18. For I was determined to put HER into practice, have earnestly pursued the good, and shall not be put to shame.
19. My soul has fought to possess HER, I have been scrupulous in keeping the Law; I have stretched out my hands to Heaven and bewailed how little I knew of HER;
20.I have directed my soul towards HER, and in purity I have found HER; having my heart fixed on HER from the outset, I shall never be deserted;
21. my very core having yearned to discover HER, I have now acquired a good possession.
22. In reward the LORD has given me a tongue with which I shall sing HIS praises.
23. Come close to me, you ignorant, take your place in my school.
24. Why complain about lacking these things when your souls are so thirsty for them?
25. I have opened my mouth, I have said: 'Buy HER without money,
26. put your necks under HER yoke, let your souls receive instruction, SHE is near, within your reach.'
27. See for yourselves: how slight my efforts have been to win so much peace.
28. Buy instruction with a large sum of silver, thanks to HER you will gain much gold.
29. May your souls rejoice in the mercy of the LORD, may you never be ashamed of praising HIM.
30. Do your work before the appointed time and at the appointed time HE will give you your reward.
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Blood Samples
" is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof:" .......Leviticus 17:14
Blood samples were taken from the Ark of the Covenant dig and microscopic analysis has been performed.
Blood on the Mercy Seat External Link
In order to understand the evidence which we will present, it is necessary to provide a brief overview of the discovery of living blood particles which are too small to be seen using normal light microscopy. These blood particles have been found by scientists to be as they state "indestructible." Dried blood when re-hydrated is found to contain these living particles.
These living particles have been found to contain genetic material yet to be understood by the scientific community. They have been found to polymorphic in nature, capable of changing forms, and to be "unaffected by extreme high temperatures, extremely toxic chemicals, or even nuclear radiation" They have been described as "an ultramicroscopic sub-cellular living and reproducing entity, which many scientists believe is the precursor of DNA and which may be the building block of all terrestrial life" ......Christopher Bird, The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens These tiny particles, some of which are less than one tenth of a micron in size have been recognized by various names including Microzymes, Agens, Endobiont, polymorpha, du sangre, Micromycet, Onkonyxa, Mikroorganisms, Mycoplasma like bodies and by the term "Somatid" meaning "the body that creates." Blood on the Mercy Seat External Link
Humans are made up of a certain number of chromosomes (46). You get 23 from each parent, right? Well, this blood was very unique. It was identified as human blood for sure but there was a difference. This blood only had 24 chromosomes! What this means is that there was 23 from one parent (Mary) and one additional "y" chromosone gene to make Him a him! Ark Of The Covenant
When Science Investigates
Prayer - A Noted Physician
Finds Tangible Proof
By Larry Dossey, MD
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I was doing my residency at parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas, when I had my first patient with a terminal case of cancer. It had spread throughout both lungs. I advised him what therapy was available and what little I thought it would do. Rightly enough he opted for treatment.
And yet whenever I stopped by his hospital bedside he was surrounded by visitors from his church, singing and praying. Good thing, I thought when I heard them, because soon they'll be singing and praying at his funeral.
A year later, when I was working elsewhere, a colleague at parkland called to ask if I wanted to see my old patient. See him? I couldn't believe he was still alive. At the hospital I studied his chest X rays. I was stunned. The man's lungs were completely clear. there was no sign of cancer. "His therapy has been remarkable," said the radiologist, looking over my shoulder.
Therapy? I thought. There wasn't any-unless you consider prayer. I told two of my medical school professors what had happened. neither of them were willing to acknowledge the man's miraculous healing. "That was natural course of the disease," one said. the other professor shrugged. "We see this," he said. I had long given up the faith of my childhood. Now I believed in the power of modern medicine. prayer seemed an arbitrary frill. So I put the incident out of my mind.
The year passed and I became chief of staff at a large urban hospital, I was aware that many of my patients used prayer, but I put little trust in it. Then one day in the late '80s I came across a study done by Randolph Byrd, a cardiologist at San Francisco General Hospital. Half of a group of cardiac patients were prayed for and half were not, those who were did better in a significant number of ways.I could not ignore the evidence. The study was designed according to rigid criteria. It was randomized, double-
blind experiment - neither the patients, nurses nor doctors knew which group the patients were in. If the technique being studied had been a new drug or a surgical procedure instead of prayer, it would have been heralded as some sort of breakthrough.
This study inspired me to look for others. To my amazement I found an enormous body of evidence: more than 100 experiments exhibiting the criteria of good science. Many were conducted under stringent laboratory conditions; about half showed that prayer brings about significant changes in a variety of living beings. Scientists, including physicians, can have blind spots. The power of prayer seemed to be one of them.
I have since given up practicing medicine to devote myself to writing and research about prayer and how it affects our health. here is some of what i have found:
1. The power of prayer does not diminish with distance. Prayer is as effective from the other side of the world as it is from next door or at the bedside. As research William G. Braud has pointed out, "The operating characteristics of the remote influence are not a function of spatial distance or time, and it is not influenced importantly by physical barriers or shields."
2. Prayer can be continuous. As a child I was puzzled by the advice "pray without ceasing." I would fight sleep as I said my prayers in bed. Eventually, sleep would overtake me and I felt as though i has failed. only recently have I seen how prayers might continue in my subconscious. In the fourteenth century, St. Peregrine, still a young priest, was scheduled for amputation of his leg because of cancer. The night before the surgery, he prayed fervently and dreamed he was cured. on awakening, his dream had become reality. He lived to be 80, dying in 1345 without any further evidence of cancer. An attitude of prayerfulness can exist even during sleep. As Isaac the Syrian stated, "When the spirit has come to reside in someone, that person cannot stop praying; for the spirit prays without ceasing in him."
3. There is no one right way to address God. I once attended a seminar given by a well-know authority on prayer, and when a man in the audience boldly asked, "Doctor, how should I pray?" the expert replied "ask God." It seems that there is more than one "best" way to pray. For instance, in the coronary care experiment that so impressed me, both Protestants and Catholics were simply told to pray, not how to pray. Or when Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School studied the health benefits of prayer and meditation, he found there was no difference in the effectiveness of Catholics using " Hail Mary, full of grace" or Jews using the peace greeting "Shalom" or Protestants who said the first line of the Lord's Prayer. The only contrast that could be made was that those who meditated on simple phrases instead of prayers with personal meaning to them eventually gave up.
4. Relinquishing prayers work best. In our prayers it's tempting to dictate to the almighty, but sometimes we simply do not know what to pray for. Suppose we want to control our physiology in a way that promotes healing of a particular health problem. Should we pray for an increase or decrease of blood flow to a specific organ? For an increase or decrease in a specific type of blood cell? Or what is the best in the long run for everone involved? These questions can be bewildering. Fortunately, research suggests that nonspecific prayer, the "Thy will be done" approach, works as well or better than when we specify the outcome.
5. Love added to prayer increases it's power. One survey of ten thousand men with heart disease found a fifty-percent reduction in frequency of chest pain (angina) in married men who perceived their wives as supportive and loving. As the faith healer Agnes Sanford wrote, "When we pray in accordance with the will of God." empathy, compassion and love seem to form a literal bond between living things. For example, a young boy found a wounded pigeon in his backyard. He nursed the bird back to health and gave it an identification tag. Thenext winter the boy suddenly became ill, and was rushed to a hospital two hu ndred miles away. While he was recovering from surgery, he heard tapping at the window. The boy summoned a nurse and asked her to open it. In flew the same bird. Pigeons are known for their homing ability, but this bird was traveling to a place it had never been before. Love had drawn it there.
6. Prayer is outside of time. A man diagnosed as having colon cancer asked his minister to pray for his recovery. He was not a religious man and never prayed for himself. A very private person, he told no one else about his diagnosis. When he returned to his physician later the same week, follow-up studies showed complete disappearance of the cancer. When the dates of the diagnosis, the initial prayer request, the minister's prayer and the disappearance of the cancer were compared, it was apparent that the cancer had disappeared before the minister had actually prayed for the man. Can a prayer be answered before it is made? It certainly seems possible. As the Almighty say's, "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer" (Isaiah 65:24)
7. Prayer is a reminder that we are not alone. A patient of mine was dying from lung cancer. The day before his death, I sat at his bedside with his wife and children. He knew he had little time left and he chose his words carefully, speaking in a hoarse whisper. Although not normally a praying person, he revealed to us that recently he had begun to pray frequently. "What do you pray for?" I asked". "I don't pray for anything," he responsed. "How would I know what to ask for?" This was surprising. Surely this dying man could think of some request. "If prayer is not for asking, what is it for? " I pushed him. "It isn't 'for' anything," he said. "It mainly reminds me I am not alone."
Prayer is like that, it is a reminder of our unbounded nature, of that part of us that is infinite in space and time. It is the universe's affirmation that we are not alone.
This article was published in one of the biggest daily newspapers in Sweden 2011, I have translated it via Google.
Scientists have created mind-reading machine
Researchers have been using old technology to create what they call a " mind reading machine" . With electrodes placed directly on the brain , a computer can record the exact words a subject is thinking about.
14 May 2011 at 20:51 , updated : 15 May 2011 at 09:48
The technique is called ECoG ( electrocorticography ) and means that electrodes placed under the skull and the meninges directly on the brain itself .
ECoG has been used since the 1950s to document what part of the brain that are activated when such a seizure . In recent years the electrodes used for the brain help control the prosthesis.
But the latest research is that using ECoG show how the brain processes language and also decode our thoughts.
Researchers at the American Wadsworth Center now report that they can combine technology with modern software to a computer to see what word a subject thinks of .
- This is both very exciting and also a little scary. We really pretty close to what people used to call mind reading , says Gerwin Schalk at the radio station NPR .
For example , researchers can monitor what happens in the brain when a song is played and show the same brain activity is repeated if the music is played again. The data also show the same activity when patients just thinking about the piece of music .
- The brain tells much more about the music during the times when there is no music playing , says Schalk .
The reason that ECoG is so effective is that the technology picks up signals from various parts of the brain.
Electrodes placed inside the brain is accurate but has only contact with a certain area. Electrodes on the skin maintains contact with large areas but where the information is not as specific.
ECoG which lies somewhere in between is an ideal middle ground. A surgical procedure is required to place the pads but no incision is made in the brain . Neurosurgeon Eric Leuthardt who worked with Gerwin Schalk at the project says that progress in the area now happening at a furious pace. - Every other week we find something that really makes us scratch our heads and think we found something cool .
Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
to Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia
November 1, 2003
I sent MY Holy angel to this handmaiden months ago with this prophetic message. As MY Holy Angel dictated it to her while standing beside her bed, she wrote this prophetic message down where I share a secret yet untold until now. MY angel told her now is not the time to release this message it was for an appointed time now is that time to reveal what was concealed! I tell MY secrets to MY Apostles and prophets and all who listen.
(Given under the anointing to Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia 11/01/03 (I have included much scripture to teach along with YAHUSHUA's words HE spoke through me. I know persecution will come with this new revelation but please remember I am only the messenger of the message I also am seeking more revelation as to what this all means. Please don't stone the messenger with your insults but if you do I know it is not I you persecute but the God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA that anoints me and sends me forth to both Jew and Gentile.)
I am YAHUVEH Ancient of Days; MY demand for Holiness has not changed. I YAHUVEH have been patient but I cannot be patient much longer or I will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen 18:20-19:30) Oh evil and perverse end time generation, you cannot consecrate and ask MY Blessings on the seed of satan or on a bishop ordained from hell which I will vomit out of MY mouth. (Rev.3:16) Church of the Episcopalians I warn you now, to those who have condoned this evil, those who did not protest first against abortion and now homosexuality, you have made your bed with Jezebel (Rev. 2: 20-23) and if you do not flee this church of Babylon you shall make your bed in hell and the lake of fire.
MY Word cannot lie, the Holy have become more Holy and the evil have become more evil. Where are MY Holy ones to protest against the sinful abominations which is taking place not only outside of that which is like unto Sodom and Gomorrah, but now that same sinful abomination is inside the buildings with people that claim they are Holy. By allowing the sinful perverted lifestyle and other sinful abominations, not rebuking nor warning those who partake in these abominations, you have welcomed and invited in the spirits like unto a Sodom and Gomorrah into your churches and temples. All those who have done this I vow you do not know ME.
You who have denied, removed MY Ten Commandments also called the Torah, you stood by and watched without protest as a tablet of stone was removed in Alabama without lifting up a prayer of protest or weeping and wailing or helping Judge Roy Moore in anyway. I tell you this; YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW ME! I have allowed this test as I told this handmaiden and her husband to fulfill this prophecy in Ezekiel 9. How few protested and protest even now. Where are the millions around the world who should be protecting MY commandments? Only a remnant has done so.
You who have denied MY Sacred Name, MY Torah and continue to live in sin even though at one time you accepted the shed Blood of forgiveness of MY Son YAHUSHUA. Because you insist on living in the pigpen and serving satan, you have trampled the shed blood and mercy of MY Son YAHUSHUA under your feet. (Heb 10:26-29) There is no more forgiveness, knowing it is wrong and watched, listened or partaken of these sinful abominations that I hate. I speak this warning to those who claim they are MINE not to the heathen who don't know any better. JUDGMENT STARTS AT THE HOUSE OF I, YAHUVEH! (1 Peter 4:17)
I rebuke those that have not prayed to the same God YAHUVEH who reigned down fire and brimstone on the same sins like unto Sodom and Gomorrah. You have not prayed that I, YAHUVEH, take vengeance from Heaven on the seed of satan as it is done again. (Psalm 94:1) (Romans 12:19) I, YAHUVEH, am not blind or deaf! I, YAHUVEH, am the same Creator and MY beloved Son is the same MESSIAH, We are the same God Yesterday, today and forever. WE do not conform into man's image or man-made doctrines nor man's idea what sin is. I, YAHUVEH, am Holy and I demand Holiness from those who claim they belong to ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA. I demand Holiness from all those who say "They are washed in the shed Blood of MY Son YAHUSHUA".
YAHUSHUA was given as a flawless sacrificial lamb to wash away the sins of man; and yet now these people who claimed that blood, now do sinful abominations, even evil behind the pulpits. (Heb 6:4-7) proving they are not MINE nor YAHUSHUA's but are the seed of satan. There are those that are war-mongers, they delight and take pride in shedding innocent blood for greed, wealth, lands and prosperities sake. These also are the seed of satan. I ask you, "What is the price of oil?" What is the price and value of a life?" (Matt 6:26)
You who do these things or condone this or stay silent by not protesting or praying against these sinful abominations are a coward and you shall make your abode in hell and swim eternally in the lake of fire with your true father satan. For you have chosen to follow satan, believed satan, obeyed satan and deceived others, so you shall reap satan's reward.
Woe to America. I warned through this handmaiden in prophetic warnings in the past that America would burn if it did not repent. I, YAHUVEH, am a God of Consuming Fire, (Deut. 4:24) MY breath is full of burning rage that keeps hell an inferno, that fury has been pent up far too long (Rev.18:2-24). Alas the more mercy I show and the more time I give to repent, the more this world has become full of un-holiness, perversions, abominations and un-repentance. Where are those that call themselves Holy? Where are the prayer intercessors and warriors? Why are not those who speak MY words of old and new protesting, rebuking and warning? I have a remnant who are but Oh so very few. (Zeph 3:13) (Amos 5:15)
You who gather together to view an old sick man full of demons and he is under MY wrath for he steals MY Glory and encourages the people to worship him, bow down to him, kiss his hand, a hand made of mere dust and bow down to mere idols. Millions listen and strive to obey one who calls himself a pope. You who call yourselves Catholics I command you now, flee the churches of Babylon. My Torah commandments plainly state 'thou shall have no other gods before ME'. (Ex 20:3) Who is your creator and yet how many have done this. You call yourself MINE and yet you do not even know ME if you do not flee, hell and the Lake of fire is what you shall see.
Be not deceived I know who MY sheep are and who are of satan's seed, also called the goats. MY sheep only feed where the Good Shepherd YAHUSHUA leads them to green pastures. Satan's goats, his seed will eat anything, swallows any false doctrines or lies.
Satan sows his own seed of rebellion and disobedience into the goats defying all that is Holy, defying all that is truth, twisting MY Holy Scriptures to conform to man's twisted perversions, rebutting, rejecting and rewriting MY Torah and commands. Satan's seed is doing the same sins that were in the beginning even before the foundation of the earth when your souls were formed in Heaven.
I, YAHUVEH, who created your souls knew who would follow, love, obey and to ME be loyal. (Jer 1:4-5) I, YAHUVEH, knew who would follow in rebellion and covet MY authority and dominion. (John 17:12) As satan fought to be god before the foundation of the world, (Isa 14:12-15) he has convinced his seed now that they are the manifested sons of God, equal to YAHUSHUA in all ways. Less anyone forget only through YAHUSHUA's Name and shed Blood can anyone have access to I, YAHUVEH. How many have been deceived for they forget I grafted in all those I call Holy now. (Rom 11:13-36) For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of I, YAHUVEH, except one his Name is YAHUSHUA. It is only because of 1 John 3: 15-21.
All of the souls who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, in the battle before the foundation of the earth have and will betray I, YAHUVEH, again. This is how I, YAHUVEH, predestined and foreknew whose names would be found or not found in the Lambs' Book of Life (Rev.17:8). When the 3 books are opened where will your name be found? Will it be in the book of redemption, the book of the blotted out, (Ex 32:32-33) (Rev. 3:5) or the book of the damned? Now you can understand MY Holy Scripture that says 'you all work out your own salvation with fear and trembling' (Phil. 2:12)
Reincarnation is a lie of the father of all lies. You do not die and keep coming back to earth in other lives until you are fit for Heaven. As the Holy Scriptures say 'man is appointed once to die and than the judgment. (Heb 9:27) Every soul already made that choice before the foundation of the earth was formed. Whether your allegiance was to I, YAHUVEH, or to satan the father of all lies. The first lie satan told was that satan would become like I, YAHUVEH, and have MY authority. 1/3 of all the angels believed this lie along with multitudes of souls who chose sides. For in every soul I have given them the gift of free- will. (Rev. 12:4-9)
As I judged satan whose name was Lucifer, I also judged and condemned and handed out the sentences to not only Lucifer but all his fallen angels and all souls who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. The souls that were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth as well as the souls that betrayed I, YAHUVEH, I send to the earth through the seed of Adam and Eve. Satan was also cast down. Satan again sought to turn MY creations against ME, both man and beast. Again MY children disobeyed and rebelled against their loving Father. Satan's motivation was to provoke I, YAHUVEH, to such a rage I would destroy what I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA so lovingly created, but instead, after the fall of Adam and Eve MY own beloved Son YAHUSHUA offered himself as a redeemer, to be born as a human created only by I YAHUVEH supernaturally.
YAHUSHUA became like a Second Adam with flesh and blood, but as Adam brought sin into the world, MY HOLY BLOOD IN YAHUSHUA washed the sins away and the desire to sin away from all who accepted MY Gift I, YAHUVEH, gave at Calvary. Only the souls before the foundation of the earth, who were loyal to I YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA then, will accept, love, obey, fight un-holiness and fight satan and all these abominations now.
The souls that were created before the foundation of the earth who followed Lucifer in rebellion against I, YAHUVEH, and YAHSHUA and MY Host of Holy Angels, (Rev.12:9) were given a choice at that time before the foundation of the earth, but when birthed on earth the choice of those souls were already made. The souls that followed Lucifer then have no choice but to follow satan again on earth and reap what satan sowed. This is the judgment of man.
Salvation was already pre destined. The reprobate shall remain reprobate for eternity. (Jer 6: 27-30) clearly states I, YAHUVEH, call them rejected silver, they are as dross or lead, dead weight. The souls that did not worship and serve I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth will have no desire to serve I, YAHUVEH, on earth.
Just as the evil pharaoh although given a chance time and again could not repent and turn from evil because I, YAHUVEH, hardened his heart as his soul betrayed ME before the foundation of the earth. (Ex 7:13) Now you can understand why Jacob I loved and Esau I hated (Rom 9:13, Mal.1:3) along with Goliath, Ahab, Jezebel, Judas, Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-10) just to give examples of who were birthed for destruction. The decision they made on earth was already done in heaven when the battle of good vs. evil was first fought. That decision of every soul that is born on earth is birthed in every baby born on earth.
You walk on top of hell and although hell was created for satan and his angels that rebelled against I, YAHUVEH (Matt 25:41). I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of your souls already knew if you would join these in hell. (II Pet 2:2-10) and whether you will make your abode in the lake of fire with satan, the false prophet, and the anti messiah (Rev.19:20) (Rev.21:8) and all of satan's seed who followed satan before the foundation of the earth. Not one soul that was created from the foundation of the earth whose names are already recorded in Heaven will be lost just as YAHUSHUA stated in the Holy Scriptures.
Anyone who does not acknowledge YAHUSHUA as God/Messiah the only begotten Son of YAHUVEH the Father God Creator of all, made that decision before the foundation of the earth and their mind and hearts cannot be changed. No matter what religion you claim, only the souls that did not betray MY Son YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth will be saved from hell and the lake of fire. All others are reprobate and shall share in the same fate or are already in hell. NOW is the time of salvation.
As you read this there is an anointing unlike any I, YAHUVEH, have given anyone thus far. Read this aloud and the scales will fall from your eyes, spiritually your deaf ears will be opened. You will no longer be able to have a form of Godliness with no Godliness within, deceiving others, if you hear I, YAHUVEH, and believe this prophetic message. The decision you made before you were born on earth will be manifested before all. This is a warning to all good and evil.
The souls who were in the battle before the foundation of the earth who started to fight on the side of Holiness against Lucifer and his 1/3 of angels and then allowed Lucifer's lies to penetrate their souls, they too betrayed I, YAHUVEH. (Rev.13-8)
They now pay the price for their names are written in the book of the blotted out, traitors first in Heaven and now on earth. These people start out following I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA believing the bible, obeying MY Commands, MY Torah and than forsaking all that is Holy. These souls were formed and put into a human body and are doomed to reap satans reward of hell and the lake of fire. Everyone reading this now hear this, I, YAHUVEH, command you to share this with all the people you know, to reassure them, not one person whose name is written in the Lambs' Book of Life will worship the beast or accept the Mark of the Beast! (Rev 13:15-17)
Not one person will I, YAHUVEH, lose to satan and his kingdom. Not any who were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA in that great battle before the foundation of the earth will go to hell or the lake of fire. Just as I YAHUVEH sent MY Son YAHUSHUA to save MY beloved children from the sin brought on by Adam and Eve I, YAHUVEH, will once again send MY beloved Son YAHUSHUA to save MY Loyal Holy Children. Look up children, though the world scoffs and mocks truly your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)
Beloved ones, this world is not your home. You are just travelers passing through. Your mansions, treasures, and rewards await you in Heaven. Store up not, earthly treasures that you cannot take with you, but store them in Heaven, let your storehouses be full in Heaven. (Matt 6 19-20) (Mal 3:8-12) So Children, as you see this world consumed by I, YAHUVEH, a God that is a consuming Fire, (Heb 12:29). Know this, it is the Living Water, (John 4:10) the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA that will protect you from the fire of MY Wrath. Know this Children, it is only the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA that hides you and only if you are worshipping and serving YAHUSHUA and strive to obey. I am YAHUVEH and I will not be mocked.
California, Phoenix Arizona, Montana, Canada and all over the world you have felt the heat of MY wrath one way or another. Why do you not put your Creator and Savior first in your life and love? Why do you love your homes more than the Creator that gave you your homes land wealth and possessions? Do you not realize how not only did the fires come but how many lives I spared because of MY mercy and love? This is only a sample of what is to come before the great tribulation. Get your priorities straight now before it is too late. (Deut 9:3)
Now this world and people are experiencing labor pains. The earth travails in pain as the ground quakes and shakes before I, YAHUVEH, birth the great tribulation that will be unlike any horror yet seen. (Matt 24) (Mark 13:8) Not one soul before the foundation of the world who defended I, YAHUVEH, then will I forsake. MY great wrath is for MY enemies, as it was then, so it shall be again.
You who stay silent in the Churches, You who are pew warmers and attend services regularly, you who sing psalms and hymns to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and you quote Holy Scriptures and yet you do not demand your spiritual leaders to speak out or protest against these sinful abominations. You see those who call themselves bishops, pastors, spiritual leaders, political leaders and Christian musicians leading souls astray by not doing anything to protest, not even holding all night prayer intercessions. Abortion is murder! Homosexuality is an abomination! You who call yourself MINE, call yourself Holy and yet do not warn others, I hold you accountable as well as your spiritual leaders. You have remained silent too long.
You who call yourself Spiritual leaders but in MY eyes you are no leader at all for you sold yourselves to the highest bidder as a common whore as you take the tax free bribes and allow the Government to muzzle you. You became a traitor and a coward, Need I remind you in the Book of Revelations where cowards and traitors end up? Beware congregations the Spirit of the Pastor or Spiritual leader is the Spirit of the Churches and Temples. You with spiritual ears to listen and spiritual eyes to see have been given the gift of discernment. I, YAHUVEH, now give you the command to speak up now before it is too late and your freedom of speech is completely taken away.
Why are MY Holy people not rallying, boycotting, or protesting loudly when lesbian musicians promote the spirit of homosexuality directed at the youth of this world? With an open mouth kiss between Britney Spears and Madonna mockingly called a kiss that was felt and heard around this world. Do you not yet recognize the seed of satan? Is this what you want your Children to become? There was another kiss long ago felt and heard around this world and it was when Judas kissed YAHUSHUA on the cheek. So satan uses a kiss to mock again and where are the Holy people to shout loudly and protest? (Lev 18:22) (Rom 24:32)
Where are the Holy people I, YAHUVEH, have blessed abundantly with the wealth and possessions of this world? Who will help the few remnants like this handmaiden who sounds the trumpet? Who will assemble together on this wall? Remember you will be held accountable for what you do with the blessings, talents and gifts I, YAHUVEH, have given you.
Satan gives wealth to his servants who are his seed to deceive the masses of people. Where are MY Holy ones that I abundantly blessed? Why are you not raising up for such a time as this? Why do you not join hands with this ministry and other ministries who I, YAHUVEH, use as MY mouthpieces? Do you not yet understand I, YAHUVEH, blessed you with your jobs, with wealth and your possessions and lands, homes, for it to be used not only for your needs but for the Kingdom of Heaven's Glory, to speak forth, to fight, to rebuke and warn all that is unholy.
I, YAHUVEH, do not give you the wealth, land and possessions to build up your treasures on earth where fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes and thieves can take it away in seconds. I admonish you now, to use your income and possessions to bring I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA praise honor and glory. Build up your treasures not on earth but in Heaven, for I warn you, do you not realize how many reading this now, should you make it to Heaven, will find out in Heaven it will be as though you were bankrupt, your storehouses and vaults are empty.
To those who give millions to charities in your name, for your glory and for tax exemptions; no rewards in Heaven await you if you do not do this in the name of YAHUSHUA, if you do not do this as a child of YAHUSHUA. Your good works follow you to Heaven only after you have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and strive to obey him and love him first in your life, and only when you do this for YAHUSHUA's glory and for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven will it stand.
To all those that are heathen and refuse YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH, refuse to obey MY Ten Commandments, any good works you do no matter how many millions you give it will not buy you a home in Heaven. Again I say your good works will be remembered no more and you will reside in hell along with the heathen poor.
I have given this handmaiden speaking forth this promise and a glimpse of her rewards. Now the same promise I give to you who are partners in this ministry, laboring with this ministry as you sacrifice your tithes and offerings with them this is a reminder of where you are storing your treasures. All of you will stand together and share the same rewards in Heaven.
The greatest reward I showed MY Apostolic prophetic handmaiden Apostle Elisabeth Elijah in a vision will be meeting and embracing all the souls around the world who have been blessed through this ministry and heard the secret truths I, YAHUVEH, have revealed.
Did you not wonder why you have witnessed so many times to others about the saving Blood of YAHUSHUA and you knew you spoke under the anointing and authority of YAHUSHUA and yet you were rejected, insulted, and mocked? Now you understand in a way you have not understood before. You see a man due to be ordained before the world, (11/2/03) boasting how he is a homosexual and proud of it. You see him put up as a spiritual leader behind a church pulpit but I, YAHUVEH, tell you this, all who condone this abomination, all who remain silent or even call themselves by that denominations name, your name will not be found in the Lambs' Book of Life. It was already predestined long ago. (Lev 18:22)
I, YAHUVEH, first created Adam and Eve as male and female and this is a mockery of marriage and I, YAHUVEH, will not be mocked. All you people, pastors, spiritual and political leaders who remain silent or change MY laws will feel the wrath of YAHUVEH in a way you have not known before. Be not deceived same sex marriage I have not decreed. How long will you continue to mock I, YAHUVEH, America? Woe, Woe, Woe, be unto you America. You have done and will do what no nation on the face of this earth has yet done. Did I YAHUVEH, not prophesy through this handmaiden Elisabeth America I, YAHUVEH, save the worst for last, for you. California, do you not feel the heat of MY anger as I, YAHUVEH, fanned the fires with MY breath and blew flames on you. Phoenix Arizona, did I, YAHUVEH, not warn through MY Prophets you would burn, still how few repented.
Your political leaders pass laws defying I, YAHUVEH, once again. Even as this is written they debate when to strike out the word God from your currency, pledge, and rewrite the constitution, while stripping MY 10 commandments from public view. All those who have done this or not protested or not prayed and wept against this, know this, you have been tested as in Ezekiel 9. I, YAHUVEH, wrote the Ten Commandments in a tablet of stone, now your hearts are hardened like unto a stone. You were a rebel before the foundation of the earth and you have not changed. All those who don't weep and protest against abortion, you are a rebel also and have not changed. And can only change depending on the choice you made in the battle good vs. evil before the foundation of the world.
All those who promote homosexuality, boast, flaunt, participate or teach others this is only another alternate lifestyle, teach others they were born this way, this is a lie of satan and you who refuse to repent you are a rebel and you have not changed. You will reap what you have sowed before the foundation of this world. (Rom 1:24-32)
I am YAHUVEH the Creator of creation. You rebels who are like unto a Judas, you rebels worship the creation and worship created objects. You rebels refuse to obey I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA before the foundation of the earth and now you refuse to obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA today.
I, YAHUVEH, have a warning to all the political and spiritual leaders who refuse to speak out against and vote against what you know MY Holy Scriptures Condemn as abominations and sin. You have compromised with satan. You betrayed I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth and you betray I, YAHUVEH, now. Take your comfort now in your wealth and possessions for truly that is the only comfort you will have for all eternity. Your next bed shall be in hell and then the lake of fire where worms shall be your sheets and maggots your blankets.
You worldly musicians satan has given you the gift of deceiving people in what is called music. I, YAHUVEH, blessed some souls who I created with a beautiful voice and musical talents. When I gave this gift I intended it to be a blessing unto I, YAHUVEH, then you betrayed I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the world and now the majority use these gifts to glorify satan, to lull souls to a spiritual sleep, to plant demonic spirits deep within and to lead people astray with a hypnotic voice and a satanic beat.
Some of you who call yourselves musicians don't even realize what satan is doing and how satan has used you. If you don't repent you shall dance at the tune of satan's feet and together with him you shall be tortured in the lake of fire that is oh so deep. The suffering you cannot begin to conceive.
A warning to most actors and musicians, you sold your soul for satan's promise of fame and fortune and you signed satan's contract and made a deal. Now your sinful lifestyles to the world you flaunt your body, boast and reveal and homosexuality you no longer try and hide and conceal. Mock now pay later for you will feel I YAHUVEH's Great wrath very shortly.
Know this all of human creation, know that I, YAHUVEH, and My Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, at OUR Thrones ALL shall bow and kneel. All souls were created and tested at the same time. Only the souls that were loyal and fought against Lucifer before the foundation of the world now carry the redemption seal. This is the truth I am using MY Daughter and handmaiden to reveal, what satan has tried to hide and conceal. All those with spiritual ears to hear and spiritual eyes to see will hear I, YAHUVEH's, voice for you are MY sheep. You will no longer be blinded to the truth. All souls as once were rebels will be again and remain spiritually deaf and blind and continue to follow satan's path by swallowing satan's lies.
To those of MY children who have prayed and wept and wondered why I, YAHUVEH, allowed these abominations I remind you again Judgment starts at the house of I, YAHUVEH. Study Ezekiel 9, which one are you? The good vs. evil battle is again being played out on earth as it was done in Heaven before the foundation of the earth. Every soul created was tested.
Only if you were loyal with the battle with Lucifer will you accept MY Son YAHUSHUA now on earth as Messiah/God. The first battle was in the Spiritual realm in Heaven, now you battle satan and his servants now here on earth using YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's spiritual weapons that I, YAHUVEH, have given you in the Name of YAHUSHUA through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA.
I, YAHUVEH, sent MY Holy Ones to fight on top of hell, to fight against satan and all that is un holy. To be a witness for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's Glory and to prove MY children are more than conquerors through YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the Name and the Blood of MY only Begotten Son. Many say they care but how few prove they care. I told this to MY handmaiden when she and her husband where praying and asking ME why the majority of the people who say this ministry and the prophecies and teachings I, YAHUVEH, speak forth is a blessing and yet many don't do anything to help lift the heavy load or be a blessing in anyway.
I speak this again through her; you must put action behind your words. You must not only say you care, but prove you care. Rebuke and warn those who do abominations and love and support those that are putting action behind MY Holy words. Faith without works is dead. Woe be unto a Creation who doesn't worship the Creator of all. Only the Potter has the authority to destroy His clay vessels. Some vessels were created to bring ME Glory; some were only fit for destruction. Look around you, even the sun explodes with MY fiery rage like never before.
I sent MY Holy angel to this handmaiden months ago with this prophetic message. As MY Holy Angel dictated it to her while standing beside her bed, she wrote this prophetic message down where I share a secret yet untold until now. MY Holy angel told her now is not the time to release this message it was for an appointed time now is that time to reveal what was concealed. I tell MY secrets to MY Apostles and prophets and all who listen.
I, YAHUVEH, sealed it as she couldn't read her own handwriting except one part which is 'MY greatest army is not registered on earth but is registered in Heaven! (Rev 4:8,11:17,15:3,16:7) This handmaiden is sent out now and released now as Ezekiel 9 to seal with this word to those who are marked with the seal of protection and the fine linen garment that is worn stands for the righteousness of MY Son YAHUSHUA. The appointed day is the day before a homosexual is ordained from hell as a bishop in the Episcopalian Church. I speak these secrets and warn once again come out of the churches of Babylon, flee the churches of Babylon.
So it is spoken, so it is written on this day 11/01/03 11:15 am 2:45 pm Given to this Handmaiden Child of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA on a Sabbath day (Sat.) during a fast I awoke praying and this word came forth unexpectantly.
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 40007
Upper Hutt
New Zealand 5018