This is a fax I sent to Sen. John McCain. Is he a war hero or did he just get shot down? Does he care about us.
This is a fax I sent to Sen. John McCain. Is he a war hero or did he just get shot down? Does he care about us.
Mental health handler/gangstalker, it starts in shops because something i nearly did in 1996 which after opening another store in different shopping center I visted they spread this about shops then I changed label in 2001 which set it off as it did with me then I ,left a work placement and they started roomers on what was said from the shops then they made allegations to the police then ex - boyfriend made allegations to police on hearsay then the police moved in over the road and had me followed every where I went. I reacted badly to whatever was being said as they made me ill and I couldn't work and I ended up on new deal I wont go into all the ins and outs but I ended up at the mental system in state and they misused my family information against me and referred me to early intervention then I was sectioned on section 2 followed by 3 "the investigating officer is corrupt and sets house Robbie's up for investigation's purposes i know this as I was a witness to criminals' bragging that they had been paid by the investigating officer for committing house robberies they then blame the target for this" the investigating officer does an investigation all data that corresponds to target then he tells the public that he/her finances are from Robbie's when you took your own property back to the shops. I have herd this for last 30 years of my life they also use disinformation against you!
What we do know the care plan is for 15 years and as long as they wish by means of having you followed its 3months for directed surveillance and covert human intelligence source that means a lot of house robberies by the investigating officer who pays criminals to do this, im not sure about intrusive surveillance!
As any one tried to do any about the continued use of surveillance as its corrupt as its going on all over the world the freemasons are behind it !!!!!? Then in 2009 use of mind control and the continued use of non lethal weapons
to torture you!!!!
from PROVERBS 2 reminder of all victim and all people in the world to seek out the answer about mind weapon.
PROVERBS 2:3-4 and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding , and if you look for it as for silier and search for it as for hidden treasure .
PROVERBS 2:22 but the wick will be cut off from the land and the unfaithful will be torn from it
from PROVERBS 2 reminder of all victim and all people in the world to seek out the answer about mind weapon.
PROVERBS 2:3-4 and if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understandin
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure .
PROVERBS 2:22 but the wick will be cut off from the land
and the unfaithful will be torn from it
I highly recommend that you all view the documentary "Programming The Nation".
The on-line version is
Please sign this and share, even if you are not in California. This is an attempt to inform State government about this problem. Most efforts thus far have been directed at Federal government, so this is a new approach. Thank You!
good people please remember that uk hit with un real police laws and power been introduced and given to them even though they are more corrupt than ever before,they use dead kids names in undercover work and protect drug lords,
also wrongfully sentencing innocent ppl as come out they wrongfully put them in prison stitched up~
now given new laws in a town centre in uk any kid under 16 can be removed from the city centre aint that so weird as they seem great at corruption so why more powers even over the media now and can claim anything so its not posted wonder why?
its power and control and believe me it will get worse too as the evidence is put together to end this terrible torture on humans..
the evidence is there and will shine more out with even technology bringing it out too and all futuire technology will be through thoughts and even cars will be.
so is it that far in the future?
no as germany already testing it as we speak and germans are classy dont forget aston martins engines and other parts inc suspension is made there
the few seconds they can save btw saying stop and thinking it will save lives
thats already like i said been tested
we will end it on humans torture and they wont get away with it at all..
the torture has been upped on targets on purpose to kill off as many as possible and since the start of this yr its through the roof.
all to make ppl take suicide as then when it comes out there are not many left to tell their stories.
so whether it is 20% of police its unsure as dont forget they take orders aswell
keep the faith and keep that mind focused on something
love and light to all
with ur stories on ur torture