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Spreading information and exposing the abuse: Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert, is exposing the crimes of microwave and radionics abuse taking place all over the planet and much of his information is researchable.  Please watch his videos and forward them.

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It is the CIA technical boss who made all the killing, all the tortures and all the bad things. The other technicals will be killed later by that technical boss who still believe lying is sustainable. The other technicals, most of whom are partially brain damaged did not believe everything is consistent and their boss could not possibly be educated or changed when he is in power. They only have the instinct of keeping everything the same to have a safe life, but did not know the world is changing everyday. Keeping everything the same could not keep themselves safe at all.


I’m being killed by those CIA technicals who did not kill their boss that does not allow good things to humankind to happen when he is alive. It is the technical boss who is on purpose killing innocent people to get ideas of how to fool people, rather than how to help humankind. That is the reason I do not want to help that boss to put up more phony shows. There is zero evidence to prove that boss could possibly do anything not harmful to humankind. My responsibility is to educate the other CIA technicals to do the right thing. Without CIA employees’ help, ordinary people cannot expose the two technologies at all.


The low quality of that boss is proved by what he did. He did not care about society as what he always did. That is why he did not really care about tens of thousand innocent people being killed every single day. He is what he did. The other technicals who are helping that boss are genetic morons who really deserve being killed as they did not do their best to delete that technical boss who does not allow good things to humankind (the exposing of the two technologies to allow the general public to monitor the applications) to happen.


“Over 80% population knowing the secrets (Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control)” was the only thing what I wanted when CIA asked me “What do you want?” Same thing will happen to you CIA technicals, as everything is consistent, everyone is consistent. What your boss is doing to victims will definitely happen to you. The purpose of killing me is to hide secrets only. Hiding secrets will kill you who know more secrets than me.


Evenif you are brothers by born, hiding secrets would not be long without killing the other brothers mentally. Everyone is consistent. Too many history events proved that. Crocodiles will kill each other when there are no real other competitors.


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The reason the real boss of the CIA mind control FIRM used adopted kids was to produce some fake evidence about who he really is and what he really did. He on purpose did some good things observable by the kids, pretending he is a nice and loving godFATHER. He would only allow those who can really believe that he is a good one to live to testify that he was the one SAVED the WORLD. Those who cannot believe him for long will be killed immediately after being used to testify. Evidence for the killings is he did not stop killing when knowing tens of thousands people are being killed every single day. He has zero feeling to those innocent people, how could he have any feeling to us?  He is not brain damaged although he might be aged. Social responsibility was never important in his dictionary and this induced his ignorance to those killings. Otherwise what could be the possible reason of not stopping the killings?


Most CIA employees and human robots will be killed by the real boss’s human robots who are completely controlled by signals from his machines.  The so called rules of games are completely controlled by the boss and his assistants who are modifying the results every second. The reason he does not allow me and those who know him to live is because he still wants to build a legacy of himselves. He is only using me and other robots today. We will all be killed after being used by the so called LOVING GODFATHER.


He chose me was because he believed good people are good because they are stupid. After he found he could not fool me, he is using different methods to kill me. The CIA real boss’s obedient assistants would also be killed as long as they still can think as he never really loved anyone in his life. Although he knew leaving a fake legacy is not sustainable, he still wants to try it due to his personality and his favor in exploration.


Never trust that real boss as he could not possibly change at his age. Remember everyone is consistent. What he did to other victims will definitely happen to you. It is only a matter of when.


Never obey the stupid rules of the stupid game. Those all are fake rules. The real boss never obeyed those rules himself. He is only using the process to find out a way to fool people. I’m being used by him to figure out a way to fool people outside CIA. Slaves working for the FIRM are also being used to figure out the way for the real boss, who did not want to allow any of us to live.


Remember everyone is consistent. When the real boss is still holding power, he would not possibly change his plan of leaving a legacy for himself by deleting the traces.

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One Ray of Help Times Three

Thanks to a few Hearts I still have a car to live in. And I’ve decided to stop trying to gain other methods of employment, in order to finance the Heart Bud, because they get quickly sabotaged. . .and I figure that if I’m going to have to fight to be able to continue working. . .its best that I focus primarily on what I’m meant to be doing with my life. I return to my work with the prayer that vamped up targetings of me, and possibly my advertisers, will help expose these crimes so that ALL of humanity can be helped.

Heart+Bud.jpgThe Heart Bud is raising it's broken wings

Your support can shine into humanity in three ways: (1) Your purchase of an advertisement space in the Heart Bud publication, for a website, business or charity of your choice, helps to gain exposure and income for that entity. (2) 20% of all monetary gifts, and payments for ads that are larger than business card size, goes to a person who is severely struggling monetarily. . .preferably to a “Targeted Individual.” (3) Your monetary support helps to print and distribute a publication that is helping ALL of humanity through encouraging “Buying Local” and helping our own community members to remain in business; through encouraging natural healing methods (like herbs) rather than other harmful substances; through encouraging the opening of our Hearts to deeper levels of Love for each other; through exposing and striving to find a healthy remedy for things that are harming humanity - things like the microwave weapons and remote mind control technologies, which are now being used on countless numbers of unaware individuals, families and communities in the USA as well as globally...etc.

Please help the Heart Bud spread its wings into the Heart of humanity. Your support will touch humanity in ways that are deeply needed at this point in time. . .and will be appreciated by many.

This offer applys only to those who place an ad due to viewing this advertisement. 
It starts on March 9, 2013 and hopes to never end.

Donations are needed to get this up and going.
Your help will be deeply appreciated.

Poetic Publications
PO Box 383
Mont Vernon, NH 03057

ATTENTION Business Owners:
If the stalking and harassment group members continue swarming
businesses that I visit, it can be used in a positive way - though their
intention is to inconspicuously prevent you from advertising with me,
you can invite me over and advertise with me AND get extra sales from
the puppets that follow me to your business. ;-) We can also make note
of their plate numbers and who they are and put them on the lists of
criminals who engage in "gang stalking."
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The only excuse of not exposing secrets was “The public will be panic. They will be crazy” There is no evidence to prove panic can induce craziness. Too many occasions people did handle panic smoothly, such as the earthquake in Japan in 2011. There is evidence that panic can make people think and act faster. To build up a reliable system would take lots of efforts and time. Panic can make good things happen earlier. However, killing people is not creating panic. Killing people is only reducing the efficiency of human kind as useful human resources are wasted. Man-made pandemic and diseases also reduce the efficiency of human kind. Many things that can be done in parallel can not happen due to killings. These might be done on purpose, as the original plan is to delete everyone who participated after the so called “Human Target Experiment”.


The only reason they control the number of people who know the two secret technologies Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control is that they planed to delete all the traces to rewrite the CIA history. Of course it is not sustainable. But the boss does not think so. Otherwise, he had allowed the exposure of the secrets a long time ago when he found the killings of so many innocent people every single day.


The original plan was only the real CIA boss, the tycoon survive with all the secrets in a small box. By deleting the traces, the tycoon can live a more relaxed life than facing challenges that he is not sure. If there is not enough pressure on the tycoon, basically none of us have any opportunity to survive. The problem is I doubt those CIAs dare to do anything to give pressure to the tycoon boss.


Till today, there is no opportunity they could stop killing according to what is really happening every day. Killing me is to hide secret. Hiding secret will kill you who know secrets and who know more secrets than me. You can check your own background. You are definitely an easy target. Of course I do not want to die. I do not deserve being killed. I’m more useful to humankind than those who do not allow good things to happen when they are alive.

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 The CIA real boss is determined to kill us to rewrite CIA history, so that he can produce  a legacy for himself. There is no other purpose. All is about deleting those who know secrets and how to delete those traces with low cost.


There is no negotiation, no discussion or anything really going on. It is only about how to fool us and how to delete us as CIA traces with low cost. We are all the traces. CIA employees and human-robots who know secrets are the traces of what really happened. To rewrite CIA history, the boss has to kill us. There is zero other possibility. Everyone is consistent. The real boss is also consistent. Check the CIA history to find how your boss deleted the other traces after finishing a so called project. No one could be possibly alive because CIA’s real boss is still the same boss. His original plan is to delete every trace and only himself and very few family members know the secrets.


Telling the CIA boss it is not sustainable is completely useless, as he already passed the age to really learn anything. There are rules in nature. It is impossible to persuade certain people when they are holding power, especially for those who are not young any more. Never trust what they say, only observe what they are really doing.


 I'm being killed secretly far far away from "80% population knowing the secrets (Remote surgery and remote mind control)", which was the only thing what I wanted when CIA asked me "What do you want?" Same thing will happen to you American morons. You will also be killed without getting anything as what your boss promised. You are also traces that have to be deleted to rewrite CIA history that would benefit your boss in recent years (He would never believe that is not sustainable. Many people had tried to persuade Hitler. He did not stop doing any bad things. He did not stop killing Jews and all the other killings.). Everyone is consistent. Everything is consistent. If you dream we could be allowed to be alive, you are really genetic moron who does not know any rules in nature. 

Killing killers who do not stop kiling is saving lives!

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Movie <God Father> produced in 70’s told the story of how an American family thrived to power after immigrating to the States. At that time, the younger son who studied law became the new God Father later. In the 70’s CIA already can mind control people remotely to produce movies they want. Could the movie be a review of the family when they got super power in the 70’s due to controlling the mind control weapon of CIA? President Johnson, who became president after the death of President Kennedy died in 1971. Could it because of the remote mind control that leaked the information of what was in President Johnson’s mind?


Movie <Lion King> produced in 90’s told a story of a father passing his power to his son in animal kingdom. Could it because the family changed the God Father at that time?


TV series <History Weapon> in 2010’s talked about how a father and son run a History Weapon business. CIA changed many TV programs talking about history using remote mind control. Could it because they are trying to rewrite history by using the new weapon?


If they want to rewrite CIA’s history, what would they do? Is there any CIAs who are still dreaming we could be allowed to be alive when the boss is trying to delete evidence of what had happened?


Could the super power in CIA really care about public panic when they use killing to educate?

The only excuse the super power gave for not allowing massive media report of the two secret technologies: remote surgery and remote mind control, was “PUBLIC will be PANIC.” “People will be crazy.” How many CRAZY PEOPLE have been created when they are talking about PUBLIC PANIC?


When CIA asked me "What do you want?" I said "I want over 80% population of the world knowing the secrets (Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control) ". However, CIA is killing me. Same thing will happen to you, as everyone is consistent. Kiling me is to hide secrets. Hiding secrets will kill those who know secrets.


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The most widely deployed system is the Rasit ground surveillance radar by Thomson CSF AIRSYS, which lists 20 km as 90% probability of detection for humans.127 Earlier systems have been in use since the Vietnam War. [129] Basic operation of these systems involves a track initiation processor acquiring a target, while a data association filter maintains a tracking lock on the target. [130] The above designs feature infantry portability or mobile forward deployment, and cannot be regarded as the limit of capability, since larger radars have a range of 100 miles, [131] though lacking human tracking specification.

love to all


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In Brighton, the local Ml5 headquarters has a large microwave array on its roof. Secret bunkers in the area also have large microwave arrays above them. It is child's play to transmit an ELF modulated signal to be broadcast by the entire mobile phone network - if need be. By this means, all mobile phone users can be behaviourally modified, at the cost of developing cancer from low level microwave exposure from the phones they constantly use, stressing the neural network by constant calcium ion efflux and interference with bioelectric fields.

love to all


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Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons

Voice to Skull directed acoustic devices are neuro-electromagnetic non-lethal weapons, able to produce mood-altering sounds in a person's head. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) uses satellite transmitted extra low frequencies (ELF) to send voice to brain communications. Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) are used for crowd control. They produce 150-decibel acoustic beams, "designed to communicate with authority and exceptionally high intelligibility in a 15 - 30 degree beam." They emit verbal challenges over distances beyond 500 meters, with warning tones to influence behavior. They can also inflict physical harm, manipulate minds, and cause death.

love to all


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In Brighton, the local Ml5 headquarters has a large microwave array on its roof. Secret bunkers in the area also have large microwave arrays above them. It is child's play to transmit an ELF modulated signal to be broadcast by the entire mobile phone network - if need be. By this means, all mobile phone users can be behaviourally modified, at the cost of developing cancer from low level microwave exposure from the phones they constantly use, stressing the neural network by constant calcium ion efflux and interference with bioelectric fields.
Mass Mind Control In The U.K. / Deadly Electronic Weapons
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