All Posts (12221)
If I had known that the end was going to be so good, I would have started sooner
I am a 64 year old disabled veteran.
Seymour Johnson has been playing with my penis since July or August of 2008.
He has look at my penis more than I have.
I have practiced abstinence since Nov of 1979, with the exception of three days about 15 years ago. She was my last girlfriend.
So "whats up" with this guy. Is he a penis lover or a penis hater?
He has said I was gay, so for whatever reason its a hate crime.
I am a Christian and I made God a promise and he has held me to it.
I thank God for it.
I love stronger and I love deeper.
help a family being gangstalked non lethal weapons electronically harassed. tortured 20 yr. now
FOIA inquries help morgans
Lorna Tacktook Feb 11
Daniel J. Morgan 816 Mt. Ranier Way El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916)933-9658 l...
Feb 13
to me
Dear Mr. Morgan:
Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL). Under 6 U.S.C. § 345 and 42 U.S.C. § 2000ee-1, CRCL is responsible for reviewing and assessing information concerning abuses of civil rights, civil liberties, and profiling on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion, by employees and officials of DHS.
After carefully reviewing your correspondence, CRCL has determined that additional information is needed in order to determine the most appropriate manner for CRCL to handle your concerns. In order to assist us, please send us the following information: a detailed description of the specific circumstances of your concerns, including date, time, and location of any incident(s); names and contact information of any witnesses; and the name, job title, and employing component of the employee(s) alleged to have committed a violation (if available) or the relationship of the alleged violation to a DHS program. Please include a summary of other steps you have taken, if any, to resolve this complaint. We recommend that you also provide copies of paperwork related to the complaint or its circumstances. (Please send us only copies, not originals, of documents you received from others.)
To submit your information, you may use an optional CRCL complaint form available on CRCL’s website, If you prefer, you may send us a letter containing the information requested above. Please send your information to CRCL by e-mail at, by facsimile at 202-401-4708, or by standard mail at the following address:
Department of Homeland Security
Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Compliance Branch
245 Murray Lane, SW
Building 410, Mail Stop 0190
Washington, DC 20528
If you are writing on behalf of someone else and wish to receive information which relates to that individual or his complaint, you must provide express written consent from that individual authorizing DHS to share information with you about the complaint. For additional information about CRCL’s roles and responsibilities, please visit our website at or contact us by phone at 866-644-8360, 866-644-8361 (TTY).
Thank you again for contacting the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
From: Lorna Tacktook []
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 5:35 PM
Subject: help a family being gangstalked non lethal weapons electronically harassed. tortured 20 yr. now
Borror, Kristina C (HHS/OASH)
Feb 13
to me
Dear Mr. Morgan:
The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) has received your February 11, 2013 email concerning gang-stalking, non lethal weapons, electronic harassment and torture.
OHRP has responsibility for oversight of compliance with the Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations for the protection of human research subjects (see 45 CFR Part 46 at In carrying out this responsibility, OHRP evaluates, at OHRP’s discretion, substantive allegations of noncompliance involving human subject research projects conducted or supported by HHS or that are otherwise subject to the regulations (see OHRP memorandum dated October 14, 2009 at for an explanation of OHRP’s jurisdiction).
OHRP has determined that it does not have jurisdiction over the matters referenced in your letter. Therefore, OHRP will not be able to pursue this matter on your behalf.
OHRP appreciates your concern about the protection of human research subjects.
Kristina C. Borror, Ph.D.
Division of Compliance Oversight
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 9:58 AM
To: Borror, Kristina C (HHS/OASH)
Subject: FW: [MARKETING EMAIL]help a family being gang-stalked non lethal weapons electronically harassed. tortured 20 yr. now
perps still talk with me and many times they want to force me said what they want hear words .i refuse talk with them then i hear perps said "we hate you and never give up you ". i think over why perps attack me often ? may one of reason come from society lose care victim life , they never mind what feel we must be suffer and ignore ours voice about mind weapon , so this way give the perps choice to attack me or attack other victim ,perps never any punish from society .i wonder why never anyone exposure who were perps ,only very unluck story happe in the world .
Someone damaged the new soles of my shoes, so I decided to post more information to stay away from dangers and warn others about the perps. The gang stalkersa re often go with others from different countries for their covert operation. Here is one of the perp address.
Korean perp address would be:
Since Medjugorje, I got some Chinese, Korean, and Japanese perp cooperation. So, I'm making the list of Medjugorje perps and updating the perp list based on their nationality. The Japanese V2K perps might wanna kill me, so I need to update my perp database to warn others who are the insiders and the police won't catch their crimes.
I don’t want to explain why many “whys” below are important , please read it. Thanks.
Why 1.
CANADIAN CIVIL LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION twice expressed its stances with Councils of Canadian on Non Lethal Weapons
Why 2.
UN CAT expressed its serious concern over the use of non lethal weapons since 2009
“26. The Committee notes that the Corrections Act 2004 provides a more consistent approach to the use of non-lethal weapons and requires that any such weapons can be used if allowed by regulation. The Committee asks which non-lethal weapons are authorized under the Act. The Committee also seeks an explanation of the circumstances where these weapons are used and how the Minister of Corrections monitors their use to ensure that it does not breach articles 2 and 16 of the Convention.
Why 3.
CNN reported Sonic Weapons, one type of non lethal weapons can travel in air, water, and all kinds of mediums.
Why 4.
UN twice viewed non lethal weapons as mass destruction in 2002 and 2010
Why 5.
Mr. Attorney General of Canada wrote me letter ,stating as follows
Why 6.
We wrote one letter to UN Committee Against Torture dated May 11,2012