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Warning: The Mole's threatening to hit back

I am trying to explain the concept and logic behind what's going on to ensure the person isn't just swayed out of lack of knowledge. The reaction? Heard the person grumble. You'll see, I'll get back at you. It's unimaginable how people just see this as a game they have to win for the day/for the week, when lives of people are at stake. She kept repeating a while ago that most likely I'd just think of suicide. I said , no, several times but she kept on pressing it.

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emf protection

EMF Protection

The human body, a highly developed electro-magnetic biological system, has evolved over millions of years within an enviroment in which it is in tune with the natural harmony and background frequencies of the planet. Over the last 80 years or so this enviroment has been altered and interfered with to such an extent that we are all now swimming in an invisible atmospheric smog of frequencies never previously known on this planet. Most of these, which include microwave frequencies from such insane projects as HAARP are slowly becoming recognised as harmful to the integrity of human (and other) biological systems particularly the DNA. There are now however a number of inventions which can help to protect against these forces and improve ones local enviroment. It is to such products that this section of our site is devoted and an area we intend to greatly expand over the coming months.

website is electrobiotics

best wishes and love lots


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targetted individuals


elenco associazioni rete McMailTeam

nota bene sulle petizioni luglio 2012 (da

Dear Torture Victims and Friends, Here is the reply I received from the Bill of Rights Defense Committee – BORDC Please email them telling them we urgently need their assistance to investigate and publicise these electronic surveillance, torture, abuse and experimentation crimes against humanity. Tell them we urgently need their political, legal and advocacy support.,, They are worth contacting because at their recent reception they had the following:- “Guest speakers include: Chris Pyle, Mount Holyoke professor; government whistleblower; former counsel to the Church Committee Falguni Sheth, Hampshire College professor, author of "Toward a Political Philosophy of Race" Nancy Talanian, BORDC founder; founder of No More Guantánamos Allen Davis, BORDC board member Wendy Kaminer, Atlantic columnist, lawyer, and social critic Shahid Buttar, BORDC executive director with a special message from Bill Newman, ACLU of Massachusetts; host of "The Bill Newman Show" on WHMP - We will also screen "COINTELPRO 2.0," a short film about the expansion of surveillance over the past decade.” Here is their initial reply to me:- from: Bill of Rights Defense Committee,, to: john finch date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7.23am Re: TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS DEFENSE COMMITTEE – We are a group of over 1300 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation victims – please assist us - Dear John, Thank you for taking the time to write. The Bill of Rights Defense Committee advocates and organizes grassroots support for constitutional rights based on the facts reported by national media. We simply don't have the resources to do investigative journalism. Therefore, BORDC has no institutional position on whether mind control is happening. We take the facts as they're reported, and build a grassroots response. Wishing all of you the very best, Barbara Haugen, Administrator Bill of Rights Defense Committee 8 Bridge Street, Suite A Northampton, MA 01060 - 413-582-0110-
PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: - Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights - John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 - EMAIL:,

best wishes and love lots


ps heres the site,got loads on there that should be benefical,check it out

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Neurotechnological Mind Control

TRANSCRIPT: Meeting 4, Session 10  Session 10 - March 1, 2011 - Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues - Mind Control Victim Testimony

Public Comment


March 1, 2011


Washington, D.C.


And to maximize the time for anybody in the audience to make a comment, raise a question, we are going to not break and move right into public comments. And so there is a roving microphone. Somebody — Who has the microphone? Can I see who has the microphone? Okay. So people don’t have to crawl over each other.
And if you would keep your comments brief, I would be very appreciative. Because if you don’t, I’m afraid I have to make time for others. Just give us one moment, please.
We have been timing, keeping all of our speakers to time, too. And that is the apparatus.
If I can clarify. We had a number of people who asked to speak and we had a public sign-in at the front table as we communicated throughout the past few weeks with people who asked to speak.
Consequently to all of you wonderful people in line, I am sorry to say I am going to go in order of this list. So everybody could actually just sit down please and I will call the list and I will bring this to you. Okay? Thank you so much.
Please, Val, start. And I would ask each person after Val calls you and you come up, if you could just introduce yourself to us, we would be very appreciative of that. Thank you.
Wonderful. So the first person I have is Michael S. Perfect. Thank you so much.
My name is Michael Shaneyfelt. I am from Birmingham, Alabama. The question that I brought to the Board is that in 2000 I was approached by a Navy sub diver and he brought to my attention the use of an auditory weapon that he stole from the United States Navy. He told me about this weapon that he stole from the Navy and he told me how the weapon would affect the central nervous system of a human. And he wanted me to go out and assist him in certain things.
And in 2006, my life changed. I woke up one day and I got a strong electrical shock in the center of my chest. From that, I started to have problems with my heart. I started having bigeminies, irregular rhythms. I went into the hospital. The doctors determined that I was getting an electrical shock through my chest.
Then I went in and had an operation done, an ablation. And with all this, it just keeps going on. From then it went to my lungs and then from there it went to my kidneys. From there it went to my bladder. From there it went to my colon and it keeps going on and on and on.
Medically I have been looked at and reviewed over and over and over again. My brother, he is a doctor. My sister, she is a nurse. My nephew is a nurse. And I have got people that have talked to me about medical situations and medical views. And I know exactly what is occurring is wrong and I feel like I am a test subject. And I have responded to the government and the government responded back to me but I have not seen no action.
I have given you all a report and you all can look at the letters that I have sent in.
Thank you.
 My name is Gerald Schatz and I am a lawyer and retired professor, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Law at Michigan State University. I want to address two things very quickly.
One is the theme of vulnerability and its recognition. We have gone from an era of very reflective and I think very decent recognition of the moral obligations of researchers to an era of discussion of regulatory burden. I think that is unseemly.
The second point is that there is law out there. The bioethics community has been oblivious to it but there is international law. There is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights the United States ratified in 1992 and it makes informed consent an absolute requirement, no exceptions, not even in emergencies, subject to those normal legal fictions of consenting for the incapacitated patient to medical care and so forth.
Additionally, the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions make research very, very difficult or prohibited altogether for those individuals who are caught up in the war and armed conflicts.
Michigan State University faculty responded to the OHRP request for comment in 2005 on equivalent protections. I will be pleased to provide that comment and those citations and some additional materials to the Commission. Thank you.
Thank you.
My name is Cina Ryan. I am an American. I have been living here since 1976.
To answer the question the chair lady that is it still going to happen or is it still going on, I will assure you that there is still experimentation going on and one of live is standing right here.
I strongly believe that I have been targeted for the experimentation of brain research since September 2008, without my consent. They are controlling my mind and using electronic remote control device to send instruction. In the past two and a half years, I have been subjected to constant electric shock, a sleep disturbance, a sleep deprivation, short breaths, severe localized pain into various parts of my body, telephone and bell rings in my ears, heat waves through my body, horrifying dreams, creating sudden fear and worries in my mind.
They do these mostly when I am inside my apartment but sometimes all this happens, some of this happens when I am outside without I am seeing anybody or any device. This experimentation are done to me without any touch or anything or see anybody.
This inhuman and painful method of torture include reading my thoughts and memories. To this, they have been able to control me and subject me to severe pain that I have been suffering for the past 29 months. My health has deteriorated during this time and I have no medical insurance to significant help. My life is in danger and I need your help from the government. And I am only asking them to stop this painful torture and leave me alone so I can go back to my life. Thank you.
Thank you.
Dr. John Hall.
My name is Dr. John Hall. I am a medical doctor from Texas. As I understand the memorandum from the President, it is for you to determine if current legislation is adequate in protecting individuals and if there is any ongoing experimentation.
In reviewing the Common Rule, it is very obvious that there is a lot of loop holes to informed consent. All of the horrific experiments you have mentioned, Willowbrook, MKULTRA, radiation experiments, mostly were done without informed consent. They were funded by the DoD and intelligence agencies where I am not even so sure you would know if there is an IRB, much less if an IRB is looking at informed consent.
As a physician, relative to some of what you are hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons. Microwave auditory effects, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning, which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home. Most of these from the research that we have reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research.
I personally corresponded with upwards of 1500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation, non-ionizing radiation for the use of cognitive control or behavior control.
I submitted a paper to you and there is another paper submitted to each member from another physician in Kansas City alluding to the same thing.
Thank you.
Ms. Millicent Black.
My name is Millicent Black. I am from Tennessee, possibly a transgenerational person whose family members have been used for at least three generations and I am the second one. My Dad possibly was the first one who was admitted to a Nashville Hospital with a pineal gland tumor left there with a plate in the back of his head, not the front of his head where his pineal gland would have been.
At his death, I sought — Well actually before his death I sought legal counsel for some horrendous treatment he had received at a nursing home that was also partnering with that hospital in Nashville, only to find out that a judge told the attorneys to drop that case.
I am a part of the group that is here today representing those who are receiving the electromagnetic torture and even my daughter at five months old was referred to that same Nashville Hospital after having been refused treatment at the local hospital. I believe she is also a victim of the electromagnetic torture. Where does this stop? When are we re-given our rights as humans and as citizens? Does being African Americans qualify us as non-Black or non-White, and non-American citizens or non-American people? We seem to have a double blind going.
Thank you.
Mr. Marshall? Mrs. Marshall.
Good afternoon. My name is Connie Marshall. I am a former mayoral candidate from Louisville, Kentucky. I have never been involved in any criminal activity. I found a document in my bank account that said problem with Kentucky government. Check federal government paperwork in file before releasing information to anyone.
I am an eight year victim survivor of assaults by directed energy weapons. The torture I have experienced consists of body overheating, body extremely cold, seizures, heart pain, earaches, itching behind eyes, burning behind eyes, swelling, headaches, involuntary movement of my limbs, exhaustion, speeding and heart racing, hair coming out by the handfuls as if I have had chemotherapy, mind paralysis, being hypnotized or being placed in a trance-type state, being tracked by a drone or satellite, controlled dreams, sleep deprivation, V2K which is voice to skull, projected sound, extreme muscle spasms and extreme muscle cramps; being made to fall down; blue circles around the pupils of my eyes and I am here and you can look at them if you like; low frequency noises in my home; high frequency noises in my home; sexual stimulation. Numerous electrical appliances in my home are destroyed; four computers, two fax machines, seven telephones, four CD players, VCR, DVD players, the electrical igniter switch on my furnace, washer and dryer, air conditioner. Also my car radio, CD player and engine were destroyed. I am watched in my home 24 hours a day and followed around everywhere I go, though I do not have a criminal history.
When I ran for Mayor of my town, I was also attacked at debates and forums. My website is Thank you. And I would like to leave you with these flyers as well. Thank you.
Thank you.
Mr. Allen Hornblum.
My name is Allen Hornblum. I am a Philadelphia-based author who has written books on things running the gambit from organized crime to Soviet espionage. But for the purposes of this meeting, I have written two books on the history of using prison inmates as test subjects. You may be familiar with one or both of them.
I am working with a couple colleagues now on the history of using institutionalized children as test subjects for research. And I can assure you some of the material I am finding is quite astounding, including the fact that Nobel Prize winners went to institutions for the feeble minded to use them as test subjects.
And in interviewing people over the years, not just test subjects which I do on a regular basis, but also the doctors who initiated these experiments, these clinical trials. I am talking about people like Albert Kligman and Hilary Koprowski, Chester Southam, some of the top researchers of the twentieth century, most of them are famous but some are infamous. It is remarkable that almost all of them articulate how little medical ethics was taught in medical schools at the time. And I had to bring up, I had to educate one of them, in fact, about the Nuremberg Code. When I mentioned it, he wasn’t even familiar with it.
These problems with regard to medical ethics are still there. I periodically give talks at Universities in med schools and it is stunning to me that when I go into a book store at the university and go in, maybe I will see one of my books there. Of course I am a little bit disturbed when they don’t, but I also don’t see anything by Harriet Washington or by James Jones, Bad Blood, or by Jonathan Moreno’s book. Medical ethics is an orphan in today’s medical arena. It is out there in left field. They really deemphasize it and that is part of the continuing problem.
The doctors, as Dan said earlier when they do these studies, it is a cost benefit analysis and there is much more benefit to doing research, even when it breaks rules and laws and cuts corners than by following the rules. And that is why I believe the Commission has to make a very strong condemnation of Dr. Cutler and the institutions and doctors that he worked with, not just with regard to Tuskegee and Guatemala but there are so many other incidents and events out there.
As Susan said, we will continue to discover these. There will be another commission like yours in ten years going over what you didn’t look at or what you didn’t do. So I would encourage you to be as aggressive as possible, not just describe what happened but really condemn those who broke the law because there are doctors making decisions right now and those decisions are going the wrong way. Thank you.
Thank you.
Ms. Debra Poulson or Debra Paulson.
Hi, I am Debra Poulsen from Kenosha, Wisconsin.
I am going to refer to a paper from Professor McCoy at the University of Wisconsin on no-touch torture. He talks about a total assault on all senses and sensibilities, auditory, visual, tactile, temporal, temperature, and survival, refined through years of practice. Sensory disorientation relies on a mix of sensory overload and sensory deprivation via banal procedures, isolation, by intense interrogation, heat and cold, light and dark, noise and silence or a systematic attack on all human stimuli.
I have been a human subject for experimentation for almost two years and I stand with, I have contacted Dr. Hall, I stand with a very large group. Excuse me I am very nervous but I am very tired of having my rights taken away. And thank you for hearing me and thank you for the others. I would like some help. Thank you.
[Audience Applause]
Thank you.
Ms. Lisa Becker.
Thank you. My name is Lisa Becker. I am also from Wisconsin. I have been a non-consenting test subject in military medical research. I, too, believe my experience is referred to as no-touch torture, utilize defense technologies.
Jonathan Moreno, he basically predicted all this a number of years ago in his book Undue Risk.
I am asking you to help initiate a congressional investigation. We have all come a long way. This is what is needed. We want to have the accounts of this extreme human rights abuse that is going on in our country documented and heard, all of the accounts.
We also need what was done during the Clinton administration, which is a major declassification of some of these documents that are hiding what has been going on.
I speak for many when I say we have suffered long enough. My personal experience has been ten years. I have been vilified. I have been tortured. I have burns on my body. I am an American. I have rights.
The answer to the question, the big question today, could it happen today, the answer is yes. It is happening today. It is happening for some of us every day.
I am begging for you to help us. Thank you.
[Audience Applause]
Thank you.
Mr. James Wollet — Walbert.
My name is James Wollet. To date, I have one of the strongest cases documented of these unethical violations against our society.
Due to the facts of having the kinds of professionals that I have involved with this case, I have been able to prove that this crime against others and myself is real and shows reason to be concerned with.
I am in hopes that I am able to prove the same thing to this committee and by the introduction of the evidence that I have to introduce to the committee, I and the professionals that are standing with myself in this crime, would like for this committee to consider the introduction of these documents with the growing concern of this crime to the President for his review.
With these hopes in mind for this consideration, I would also like to ask of this committee to consider an investigation into these unethical violations of others and myself that are affected by this crime.
With this consideration of this investigation I request into these matters, I would also like to point out the abuses of children that have been documented by the many professionals that I am currently working with into these matters of this crime. To date, the professionals have been documenting these offenses against the children that are related to the many victims of these crimes. They have proven this concern to be valid as I am pointing out to this committee. The growing concern of fellow states that have now passed laws against forced chipping of an RFID tracking chip. These states have now passed such bills into law. Colorado House Bill 071082; North Dakota Senate Bill 2415; Oklahoma State Senate Bill 47, House Bill 072092; Missouri House Bill 550; Pennsylvania Bill; Georgia Senate Bill 235; and the list just goes on.
I was also wanting to ask if I could provide a portfolio of introduction of 12 professionals from political support to medical investigations, as well as private investigative support to committee as well for review.
You may. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
[Audience Applause]
Mr. Peter Rosen.
Hi, I am Peter Rosenholm. I am from Rhode Island. Like all the others, we go through this every day, at least 14 years now of being tortured. It is nonconsensual human experimentation. It is remote. It is covert. It is hard to prove it a lot of times. Many of my attacks were microwave weapons, MEDUSA is one.
In all the hospital statements when I was hospitalized, I told of being hit by radiation weapons, that I could hear voices. MEDUSA now admits to all those capabilities.
I am also in the Naval War Colleges Congressional District and I have got falsely diagnosed, drugged. I have pretty much proven all that wrong. I am off all the medication but I am still tortured. It goes on every day and it goes on every day for all of these people. What I would like is for us to have a participation on your committee for someone from our group to actually participate. I am wondering if that is possible because we are the victims. We are like the Guatemalans who were tortured. Is there a chance that that can happen? Did you hear me?
You are —
Is there a chance that a group or an individual from us can be on the committee?
We are constituted by the President as a Commission and we have public comment and you can write us and we will read everything you give us.
It is the President who — President Obama appoints the Commission.
The other thing we deal with is like a COINTELPRO attack. Law enforcement attacks us, discredits us, will put us in a mental hospital if we try too hard. These people all don’t want to go to doctors. The Patriot Act has provisions what doctors have to follow what they say. So all of these people aren’t getting their teeth fixed, aren’t going for medical care. We are in a bad situation.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Mr. Kenneth Rhoads or Rhands. Mr. Kenneth Rhoads.
(No response.)
Ms. Letitia Peters.
Madame Chair, members of the Bioethics Committee, my name is Letitia Peters and I am from Trenton, New Jersey. I was a federal government employee working 16 years as an electronics engineer right here in Washington, D.C. where I got sick due to toxic metal exposure. And when I started complaining about it and using my rights, I believe now after five years of being out of the government, after 16 years of service, that I was put into this 24/7 execution chamber. And I, too, am looking for congressional investigations. I should be covered under the Whistle Protection Blowers Act and I, too, would like to submit documentation which I presented.
And I have been denied medical treatment. I have been disregarded as being nonhuman. All my rights have been violated. My parents and I are living together now in Trenton, New Jersey, and there are low-flying aircrafts dropping biological weapons over our houses every day in order to try to kill me. And I just want to demonstrate some of the evidence that I have and provide to you because I have been trying to get to the President but I know all of my information has been rerouted.
So I, too, am requesting a congressional investigation as well. And may I present this information to you?
You may. Thank you very much.
Ms. Tammy Battaglia.
Hi, my name is Tammy Battaglia. I have been enrolled in psychological experiments on the record since the age of 13 without my consent.
I have spent many years recovering from experimental hypnosis, physical and biological testing that I have undergone during decades of tests conducted by government-funded doctors, corporate think tanks and researchers.
I have experienced tremendous loss and trauma over the years of subjection to nonconsensual experimentation, which has been devastating to my life. The people conducting experiments on other human beings do not consider the horribly destructive ramifications that they are subjecting victims to. As a result, there is no rehabilitation after experiments. No consideration is given to the often severe, psychological and physical trauma suffered by nonconsensual tests subjects almost continuously.
Many victims such as myself are diagnosed with nonexistent mental illnesses and as a result, we are expected to take dangerous medications that we do not need. There is no way to seek justice for what we have endured because in America, the land of the free, justice is not free.
The experiments violate every right imaginable and offer no restitution whatsoever. If myself or any other victim approaches law enforcement or government agencies, we are spurned and in some cases forcibly taken to mental institutions. I have not consented to be experimented on by any branch of the government, military, or members of the American Medical Association.
The initial experiments unfolded from decisions that were made for me when I was a child at a time when I was unable to understand what I was being volunteered for or what the consequences would be. I deserve to be vindicated and released from these experiments immediately, as do all of us. Thank you.
[Audience Applause]
Thank you.
Ms. Rose Gapinski.
Amy, I love your question of us to try to figure out what the big problem is, to really analyze and get to the root of it. And I thought at first it was containment, which leads to things like false flags to confuse people. It leads to harassing people to discredit them or disable them, the TIs that is, the victims. It leads to possible corruption, secrecy, possible fear of going to prison on the part of the people that are executing these things.
And then I realized underneath the containment, the secrecy-containment umbrella, is a really glaring inability of the U.S. to ever apologize for anything. To be able to say I am sorry, the rest of the world is waiting for us to say I’m sorry or I admit to something. I have flaws. Everyone does. And contrary to the Pentagon myth that you should not do that to be strong, contrary to that myth, it makes a person stronger. Therefore, it will also make a country stronger. Other countries would very much appreciate it.
Say, you know, I’m sorry, two seconds of silence and then we can go on with life.
Thank you.
[Audience Applause]
Mr. Jeremy Radlow.
My name is Jeremy Radlar. I am here to tell you that nonconsensual human experimentation is happening in the United States today. I have been the subject of this experimentation for more than five years.
Calling these activities experimentation is truthful but possibly distracting. I think the criteria governing the selection of experimentees will prove to be a much bigger scandal than the experimentation itself.
The psychological torture protocol that is part of the so-called experimentation includes, but is not limited to, the use of non-lethal weapons and mind-invasive technology. Sleep deprivation, pain center stimulation, and worse are used against subjects.
While some experimentees have found foreign objects in their bodies suggesting implantation, most have not. Receiverless mind-invasive technology has been demonstrated under laboratory conditions but the most likely explanation is that experimentees are implanted with foreign objects either too small to appear on commercially available scanning equipment or designed to be indistinguishable from the surrounding tissue. These activities are highly deceptive, use clandestine technology, and have the fingerprints of the CIA all over them.
It is unreasonable to expect isolated individuals receiving this treatment to furnish proof. A thorough investigation is warranted. Thanks for your time.
Thank you very much.
[Audience Applause]
Ms. Kathryn Nestor.
My name is Kathryn Nestor and I am from Pennsylvania.
This Commission has spoken of a long history of abuse of the human research subject. Although no one mentioned MKULTRA today, President Clinton recently apologized for this.
My young child and I have been used as nonconsensual test subjects. We have been subjected to COINTELPRO‑like stalking, remote neuromonitoring and electromagnetic torture, resulting in psychological and physical damage. And I won’t go into the details of that because I have four pages written in here. It is very similar to Connie’s testimony.
Please do not wait 70 years to investigate this. I ask Dr. Amy Gutmann to begin today. There is new work for the Commission for human subject protection on our shores. And please give us a dramatic response, Susan. And please give us a congressional hearing. Thank you.
[Audience Applause]
Thank you.
Ms. Miriam Snyder.
Hello. My name is Miriam Snyder. I am an educator, minister, human rights advocate. I work with many people that have suffered the ramifications of unregulated deadly human research experimentation. Since I have brought this to the public, I have become a victim, too. In fact in the past I was. I have three questions I would like the Commission to answer and then I would like to submit some recommendations so that we do not have to go through this type of forum of listening, listening, and then we have to rush this serious assassination program. Human research experimentation is being used to assassinate innocent people and I think it is time that it takes much more than two minutes to rush up. I resent it. I spent my time. I listened and I ask that you listen.
Foremost, since Guatemala and Tuskegee experiments, it is understood that human research experimentation via particularly injections on innocent people is understood that these things are going on. I would like the Commission to address what is being done to stop the continuance of non-verifiable injections being used on people.
I would like to know, the Commission to address, what penalties and protections are in place for researchers. The incarceration of researchers who create deadly weapons and viruses. What is going to be done to stop the deadly created manmade viruses getting out the laboratory to human bodies? And when are we going to start incarcerating researchers? All right?
Number three. Who supervises energy technology, specifically electronic torture? That is a major issue. Just hold on. I waited two days. Electronic torture. All these people are here talking about they are being tortured. They are in a slow-kill program via radiation. The cleft lip babies are coming out through radiation programs. The studies show it. I have submitted documentation. We have cleft lip babies because of unregulated radiation studies. What is going to be done to stop this?
These people are suffering because of unregulated radiation studies, human research experiments. And the funding is immense and people are dying. What is going to be done to stop it? Okay.
With respect to neuroimaging, I found a tremendous amount of research regarding injection-induced seizures. Why is human research allowing experiments that allow injection-induced seizures and through electronic technology?
Now my recommendation. I would hope that this committee could launch a specific committee to address these issues with human rights experts, genocide specialists, people who have studied mass murders; that it is understood that these things do happen through genocide and I can give you a list of people that have documentaries on this; and to investigate the citizen complaints regarding mind control weapons, in particular energy technology via satellite; induced seizures via satellite; microwave auditory effect weapon; all government-sponsored psychological operations; microchipping through injections.
Above all, we seek the creation of a means for injections to be verified before entering the human body and prosecution for anyone using these deadly tactics to harm the people. And we seek compensation for all the victims who have filed affidavit after affidavit documenting the atrocities involved with unregulated and deadly human research experimentation that they have suffered as a direct result of these criminal human research and the whistle blowers who have exposed this.
Thank you very much and please have a forum where we don’t have to do this rush up. I waited two days and I don’t like being rushed like this, I really don’t. Thank you.
[Audience Applause]
Thank you very much.
Mr. Nigel Nicholson.
Hi, good evening. My name is Nigel Nicholson and I have been in a psychological coercive mind control program. This started in 2002 when I was falsely arrested, I was drugged, and I believe I was hypnotized. Soon after that, I was being harassed by the police department, along with noise campaign that was being committed by the New York City Fire Department. I mean, for a whole year, every time I left my house, I was bombarded with noise which led me to have a psychological breakdown. I have been job mobbed. I have been put into what I call an assassination-type program. I have been villainized. My friends have totally retreated from me, even though I have continuously reached out to them.
I have been under what I believe is neuromonitoring. When I can think of something and go outside and somebody will walk by me and repeat what I just said, I know I am not crazy. Okay? Regardless of what is being said, they made the victims of these programs to be diagnosed with a psychological illness to hide these crimes because we all know that to discredit an individual, if you give them a mental illness or diagnose them with a mental illness, no one is going to believe us. No one is going to believe you or I and this is how they are hiding these crimes.
[Audience Applause]
Thank you, sir.
Ms. Micheline Jones.
Hello, my name is Micheline Jones. I am right here from D.C. I live in public housing and I mention that because this where most of the poor people are at, especially these days with the way the economy is going.
I am the subject of MKULTRA mind control. I am also the subject of electromagnetic radiation and I have many videos to prove it. I have taken these videos to newspapers and to various places even including what is that CDC and everyone has just turned away as if this is hush-hush. I have had lawyers deny me assistance because they said this is too big.
So in research I found out that the former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney asked for reinvestigation under her resolution H.R. 1026 to reinvestigate COINTEL activities. I am constantly stalked. There is many covert activities that have followed me. Sleep deprivation, I don’t have that too much now because I force myself, clocks, radios, too much liquids at night, whatever, just to get up and get out of the house.
I have asked public housing from the executive director all the way down to fair hearing which is still pending right now to get me out of this place but now I am beginning to wonder would it do any good. I have relocated three or four times and I had a deputy officer or a county officer tell me this will follow you. So when they pick their subjects, this goes with you.
I would like all of this medical abuse to be investigated and, if possible, for you to get back with us. I didn’t know about this meeting until yesterday and I do appreciate you letting me have this time to speak. Thank you.
Thank you, Ms. Jones.
Mr. Timothy White.
I would like to thank the Commission for allowing the public to address these issues. And it has been a lot of information and it has been very good and enlightening. And I see I am in the right place to provide the information I have.
And yes, the Tuskegee experiments are still going on and the Guatemala experiments are still going on. But they are going on because of the advances in the signals technology and in cognitive neurological technology and neurophysiological experimentation in research and advances in that technology is allowing these things to happen and creating a new class of vulnerabilities for citizens who cannot protect themselves against this.
We provide citizens who are currently nonconsensual victims of cognitive neuroscience in neurophysiological research and experimentation which is enabled remotely through extremely low frequency computer to brain entrainment technology — This technology exists and can be verified on subjects with a high degree of accuracy, using current neuroimaging technologies.
Okay, this is an atrocity that has gone on for years. And like the Tuskegee experiments, it is clearly within the scope of this Commission. If there is any doubt as to the validity of these claims then this Commission can conduct its own independent investigation by using functional brain imaging techniques.
We ask that the Committee, just because of the existence of our organization, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, alone we have thousands of people who have contacted us claiming to be victims of this. Our existence is justification that you should investigate this occurrence further.
We need test developed to determine if a citizen has been harmed by a cognitive weapon. These are cognitive weapons that somehow these people are being experimented on with. And just overall, you need to ban the unethical use of science and technology on all citizens for any reason and in any form. Thank you.
Thank you.
May I put my name on the list?
I don’t have the list.
Well what happened was I called in and found out it would be opened up to actually be able to speak to be put on the list. And when I got here, I wasn’t informed that there was a list that I actually had to sign up. I am asking for a minute.
Yes, you may have a minute. We have about five minutes left.
Okay. Well, I will take five minutes.
No, no.
If there is somebody else. Okay, thank you.
I will try.
Absolutely. Thank you.
As you see, we have, actually this is a minority of us. Approximately let’s say I have spoken to probably 3,000 people. He is on probably 1,500, he is on 5,000. There is a lot of us across the U.S. And there are certain statistics I think that if you find that there is something going on wrong, that you are going on wrong, that somewhere along the line, somebody has to do an investigation. If there is a certain percentage of illness. You do an investigation. If there is a certain amount of cancers in the area, the same as Brockovich went and did the investigation, she found a certain amount. Well, we are presenting our case right now. You said you guys wanted to be in the know. We are giving you the information now so that you are in the know.
There is something going on. It is an electromagnetic issue and it has to do with from cell phones all the way to directed energy. And I think yesterday some of the colleagues went ahead and said that we didn’t really talk about whether there is energy weapons or not but I mean, we have thousands and thousands of documentations about energy weapons themselves and all we are asking for is an investigation on this. People are being harmed. People are being tortured and people are being killed. And I think it is a pretty important thing for a bioethics committee to look into. And all we ask today is to please do that. And mark on March first 2011 we came to you and we told you. And I don’t know how many more people. My friends are dead. Tortured to death by electronic weapons and I don’t know how many more people will die. And I hope I will be here again if you have this next year.
Thank you very much.
That is the end of the list.
Are we —
That is the end of the list.
Okay. One minute. Thank you.
I am going to do the best that I can while being hurt by a national defense weapon that our country built. I love our country but I am in contact and have been with the Chief of the Department of Defense Fraud, Waste and Abuse hotline. He has worked with me and my wife for two years. And he went to the Pentagon after we were aerosoled by a jet at 150 to 200 miles per hour, that being me and my wife. That is why my face is rebuilt and she is at home taking care of a hundred head of cattle with a brain tumor. I have had three removed.
I guess my point would be this, is that I stood up to this program, and that would be the joint operations system that our country built with a nonlethal, less than lethal weapons system. And I am the only one known in the world, besides the people that helped build this system, to have this actual pulse on camera and have caught it. And I would like to submit that disk.
But I would guess that the one question I would have — It’s okay, Eli. You don’t have to beat me up with the microphone.
The one question I would add is first of all, I would like to submit this to you as promptly as possible and then ask each and every one of you that 90 percent of the people that approached you spoke the same way I am, scared but also spoke — They are speaking of directed energy weapons. That was phased out with a nonlethal and less than lethal programs. And we all know that. Most of you do anyways.
Would you please help save my life, ma’am?
[Audience Applause]
Please submit what you have and we will do what we can. Thank you.
And your name?
My name —
Yes, ma’am.
— is Dr. Amy Gutmann.
Dr. Amy Goodman, I am going to submit that to you and if I die from this, then I am quite sure somebody else will look at the evidence. Thank you for your time.
Thank you.
I appreciate it, ma’am.

Transcript - Meeting 5, Session 6 - May 18, 2011 - Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues - Mind Control Victim Testimony

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Paragraph spaces were added between each speaker's lines in order to improve readability.  Otherwise this transcript is exactly as posted on the Bioethics website.


TRANSCRIPT: Meeting 5, Session 6

Public Comment


May 18, 2011


New York, N.Y.


DR. WAGNER:  Where is Steve and Barbara? In order that we maximize the time that we have available, I think we ought to get going. This is the public comments session. You know, a couple of process issues, first of all, to remind folks that the Commission staff published an inventation prior to this meeting in the Federal Register inviting comment. I understand there was something on the order of 300 people who wish to offer comment. We’ll obviously not get 300 in the next 45 minutes, but the plan is to ask and in fact, I think responders or rather the public commentators have been notified.   And the plan is that Mr. [WON CHUCK?] back here has the list of folks that will be offering comment. And maybe the thing to do is to just dive into that. I want to remind you before we do that the Commission of course is charged by President Obama to be looking at bioethical issues generated by novel and emerging research in biomedicine and related areas of science and technology and to promote policies and practices that assure ethical responsibility.   And, remind you that the specific charge on this meeting has been around looking on the topic of federal standards regarding human subjects research. So with that background, and each person I believe has a minute and a half is the way we’ve been able to try and cram in as many comments as possible. So, Juan, if you’re ready for the first?

JUAN:  Ms. Cassandra Lewis? Hi, Ms. Lewis.

  MS. LEWIS:  Okay, thank you. Good afternoon. My name is Cassandra Lewis and I’m a targeted individual from Baltimore, Maryland. My story may sound disjointed. I’m trying to keep it within the minute and a half. I worked as a legal secretary at Hogan and Hartson in Washington D.C. It is now called Hogan Lovells.   Attorney Jan McDavid made a client mistake that she tried to blame on me. I then refused to work for Ms. McDavid. Shortly thereafter, strange and inexplicable events occurred on my job. And after being fired, followed me to my home and to all my travels.   Attorney Christopher J. Hagen, formerly of Hogan and Hartson, Mr. Samuel Conrad, he’s a retired security administrator of Hogan and Hartson, and Robert Johnston, who is the current firm administrator of Hogan and Lovells are responsible for my targeting.   I believe to protect Ms. McDavid’s reputation, a phone call was made to whom and why they did this to me, I truly just speculate. Gang stalking and harassment was used to implement this nonconsensual biotechnology application that is being used on me.   I now experience involuntary limb movements. I receive stingings. I get pains to my head, to my abdomen, to my vaginal area and to my anal area. I am receiving from a language that I read concerning this technology, it is called Medusa, developed by the Navy is being used on me.   I get burning on my lower legs and my ankles. I get ringing in my ears that’s pitch is like they pitch it. I get pulsing sensations in my body. I get an electrical current, an electrical sensation that goes up and down through my body and can be isolated to different parts of my body.   I get severe tingling on the soles of my feet. I’m almost done. It’s almost like being electrocuted, and the first time I experienced this was walking into a bank. I get buzzing sensations on the soles of my feet and individual toes. I also get facial manipulations, just to name a few of the things that happen to me.   I feel as though I am being roboticized. These are very strange occurrences and I would like for all the targeted individuals in this room to stand up and to show yourself. My story is similar to a lot of these people.

WOMAN 1:  Yeah.

JUAN:  Mr. Eric Suba?

  MR. SUBA:  Thank you. I’m a physician and cervical cancer prevention in developing countries is my life’s work. I previously outlined my concerns in written form to Valerie Bonham and to Adam Michaels.   My concerns are regarding ongoing studies of cervical cancer prevention currently being conducted in India. These studies include scientifically gratuitous control groups of unscreened women, and it includes scientifically gratuitous measurements of cervical cancer death rates among over 100,000 Indian women who are not being provided with any cervical cancer prevention services at all.   These studies have been funded continuously since 1997 by the NCI and by the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation. I’d like to offer a testable hypothesis that if these studies had been reviewed by any one of this afternoon’s panelists, they’d be found without exception to be unethical by each of the panelists.   I’d also like to offer the testable hypothesis to the Commission that these ongoing Indian studies could serve as a valuable prism through which to identify improvement opportunities for human subjects protections.   And finally, I’d like to offer my own technical consultative services to the Commission, as well as those of my colleagues in Vietnam and other developing countries, if the Commission should find a more grassroots perspective to be valuable. Thank you.

JUAN:  Mr.Thelmas McClelland?

MR. MCCLELLAND:  I am 59 years old from New York City. I’ve been a victim of ongoing nonconsensual human subject experimentation for my entire adult life, and possibly may have been a victim since my childhood.   I have been targeted with ongoing microwave weapons, as well as drugging with neurotoxic contaminants covertly placed on articles of clothing, as well as on other personal possessions.   I believe my being a nonconsensual human test subject is related to the CIA’s MK Alter Behavior Modification Program that began in the 1950’s. Moreover, after I read a July 1963 CIA MK Alter Report that became unclassified in 1994, and emphasized that it would be necessary to test unwitting citizens in their ordinary day activities without their knowledge in the final stage of the testing program, I believe that I could be one of those many thousands of civilians that were unwittingly tested in the CIA’s behavior modification program.


MR. MCCLELLAND:  Getting the government to take action concerning acknowledgement and putting an end to unethical consensual human experimentation that has also been a part of our country’s past history is of great concern to me.   I believe that there has been other members of my family that were victims also.

WOMAN 3:  Very good.

JUAN:  Thank you for your courage.


JUAN:  Mr. Brian Rall?

WOMAN:  He’s not here.

JUAN:  MS. Anya Briggs?

MS. BRIGGS:  My name is Anya Briggs and I am a private citizen and resident of New York City. I have been and continue to be experimented on against my will and without my permission as a human test subject and as a targeted individual forced into trauma based mind control programs.   Because of this ongoing experimentation, torture and abuse, since 2008 and before, I have endured the following physical and psychological symptoms: extreme debilitating and chronic fatigue, weakness and dizziness for days and weeks at a time; lack of motor control as well as the sensation of being physically controlled by an unseen force.   My left arm occasionally experiences pain and discomfort from an object of unknown origin moving under my skin and being activated somehow. I have an unusual dental filling of unknown origin on the side of one of my back upper right teeth and no memory of having this procedure done.   And I have X-ray printouts and a signed affidavit from my dentist stating this. Said dental filling causes me sharp pain, discomfort and sensitivity.   I have experienced extreme itching, burning and pain in my right leg that turned into an intense bright pink and then disappeared completely after several minutes. And I have photographs of this happening in real time.   I have a stretched uterus, and yet I have never consciously and to my knowledge been pregnant. I have had equidistant sores that have appeared on both of my sub-scapularus muscles at the same time.   I have been drugged. I’ve been abducted from my home. I’ve had guns pointed at my head. I’ve had death threats. And much, much worse, believe it or not, by being in these programs and experiments, the after effects of this have made me socially avoidant most days, and it’s extremely hard to establish relationships with people I can trust as a result of these abominations. And I thank the Committee for hearing my statements.

  JUAN:  Thank you.


  JUAN:  Mr. Ken Rhodes?

  DR. WAGNER:  Juan, I think people are being so good about keeping the pace, and this is so stressful for many of them, we can allow them to slow down just a little bit, okay? This is important for them.

MR. RHODES:  My name is Ken Rhodes from Michigan. I’m here to tell you that the use of electronic weapons and mind control is helping the United States against the American people.   You may think this will never affect you, but there will come a day when this will affect all of you, your children, their children and every generation from this day forward.   I’m here to speak for every person affected by these horrific crimes against humanity. I can’t go on. Thank you.

  WOMAN:  Come on. Yes you can.

JUAN:  Ken, if you want to get back in line at some time and you want to finish that up, we would understand.

  WOMAN:  Could someone read it for him?

DR. WAGNER:  Someone could certainly read it for him, yes.

WOMAN:  Ken, I’ll read it for you.

MR. RHODES:  Okay.

DR. WAGNER:  Thank you for doing that. And you are? I’m sorry.

  LISA BECKER:  My name is Lisa Becker.

DR. WAGNER:  Thank you Lisa.

LISA BECKER:  I had the privilege to address you at the last Commission meting. I’m here to speak for every person affected by these horrific crimes against humanity by a tyrannical group of people committed to eugenics and population control. If you’re not part of this inside group of tyrants, you’re like all of us here today. Ask yourselves. Have you forgotten what it is to be an American and to be brought into tyranny? You will soon learn what it is to be a slave. Allowing this to continue is allowing our rights and freedoms to be taken away from all of us – one right at a time. It’s interesting how much technology exists, that would find the criminals and the perpetrators of this heinous crimes of electronic harassment and terrorist tactics, being used against innocent U.S. citizens on a daily basis. These technologies should be used for the betterment of our society, but you know what the most powerful weapon is in our arsenal that would put an end to these horrific crimes, once and for all, it is someone giving a damn and correcting the things that are taking place. We have all gone to people who took an oath to protect and serve, who have been in commissions to investigate the unethical treatment of citizens and human experimentations. We have been denied protection and service and have been ignored by commission after commission, enough is enough, this is America. We’re supposed to be better than this. We all know what Hitler did to the Jewish people. When this all comes out what the American government has done to their own people it will make Hitler look like a saint. If some of you didn’t get some morals.

MALE:  I’d like to object to that.

LISA BECKER:  Thank you but I’ll finish.

MALE:  He’s used person I … 14:08…

LISA BECKER:  Well then you don’t understand what we’re going through. If some of you don’t get some morals or conscience, you will be need, I’m sorry, I can’t read the rest of it. Thank you.

DR. WAGNER: Ken and Lisa, thank you very much.

MALE:  And also a victim, I’m 67 years old from young (inaudible)  Thank you.

DR. WAGNER: Thank you.

MALE:  Hearing more this.

DR. WAGNER: Thank you. Ms. Sandra Fields.

SANDRA FIELDS:  In a way I’m very sorry to address you like this because I think that what you’re doing is admirable, but I’m here to represent this other group, and I am also targeted and this is my story. My name is Sandra Fields. I’m an architect, recipient of Who’s Who of Women in America achievement award and have run a successful business for over 28 years. My life and livelihood have been compromised for the last 11 years by being attacked by electro-magnetic radiation torture, and by organized stalking. I cannot live in my rent stabilized apartment in New York City as a result of this torture. I’m currently staying in motels and friends’ houses in the last year. Thousands of Americans are currently suffering from chemical, electro-magnetic, psychological and physical torture with no government relief or laws. Our servicemen, prisoners, and thousands of unknowing innocent civilians are currently being lamed, tormented and tortured as a result of military research, medical research, pharmaceutical research, physiological and psychological studies that have virtually destroyed participants’ sanity, physical well-being, reputation and privacy. Government projects like MK Ultra and Cointell Pro are rumored to be active today with no update with updated forms of surveillance and torture and technologies. In 2010 Morrison and Foerster won the right to proceed with a case against the CIA, Department of Defense and the U.S. Army for veterans’ development of multiple diseases and ailments tied to a secret testing program in which the United States military personnel were deliberately exposed to chemical and biological weapons and other toxins without informed consent. Sleep deprivation, poisoning and high frequency doses of continuous microwave pulses are inclined to increase one’s chances for mental disorders, autism, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The body’s immune system is broken down, their nervous system and the brain and the spinal cord are attacked and maimed. There are no laws to prevent electro-magnetic except in Maine. The Federal Government does not acknowledge these crimes. There is no literature, educational resources of assistance for victims. I would like to ask this Committee to consider an investigation into these unethical violations and a task force be created for educational and to help people who are in trouble of these situations, and I’d be honored to be help in this thing. Thank you very.

DR. WAGNER:  Thank you Sandra. Mr. Stephen Hopitect.

STEPHEN HOPITECT:  I just want to give also want to give thanks and gratitude for this Commission actually being here and being able to bear witness to our testimony to us as well. I think it’s a credit to Obama, even though I’m against a lot of his policies that he would actually create this type of Commission. I do hope that it goes beyond these walls though and actually creates some type of implementation for change. I can speak for hours about my own personal experiences and some of the more modern versions of projects that several people talked about. My harassment started back in 1997, more from a remote influencing perspective, I made contacts in different military industrial complexes, basically different agencies, I had received microwave harassment actually on and off for a number of years, where they were trying to project images of suicide and various states of basically emotional mood management. This was confirmed to me in 2001 by a contact of a national security agency. He worked in… he still, I’m much more (inaudible) at this point but I talked to him recently, he worked in communications intelligence division of NSA for 25 years and this is right after 9/11, with my doctor. When he came to meet with me, I had a part-time job at the time, and he basically was working at a kind of like, in that division he was working, he was examining different types of abuses that were going on in the NSA, and he stated to me personally that my attention fell within the realm of potential abuse, in the agency that he was investigating. At this point, he is still involved in the agency. I can provide his name and information more in private though, because I don’t want to get in trouble for over-disclosure of someone who’s still active in that agency, especially with the technology they have. Anyway, he basically also confirmed to me that what I experienced in terms of some, just the tip of the iceberg, a part of my experience is with the emotional projection, he said that that was very common and that they were using microwaves because they had taken really advanced EEG images of people of people in different emotional states, not those digital brain wave signatures, emotional clusters of people feeling different emotional states. They said that they could take those digital brain wave signatures, piggyback on a certain bandwidth of microwaves as a carrier wave and they can target people worldwide without need for a local transmitter. He confirmed all that to me and said they used satellite to target anybody they want and it’s a very common procedure within this portion of NSA. Which is horrendous that they actually let this going on. So I think the idea of the non-consensual abuse needs to be extended to more the covert military establishment and then later on, 2003, when I was getting more advanced projections were like multi-layered not just from my conscious feelings but into my unconscious, he said that they were trying to fine tune their projections on me to see how I could block it out, because I work more in the consciousness field of meditation, alternative spirituality, so I do different techniques to tell people to block out some of these frequencies by taking control of their own bio-platonic fields. I’ve also made contact with many scientists over the years, undergone scientists who used to work in various intelligence areas, I’ve also confirmed this and much much beyond technologies, where they use longitudinal electro-magnetic wave technologies. Technology that Tessler first developed, which also could be used in alternative healing, I’m also aware, we have a friend in upstate who’s been curing people of different illnesses using this technology but he worked in the Pentagon for decades and confirmed some of this technology is also being used for more of the nefarious activities. I can go on for hours, but I’ll probably provide written testimony. Thank you.

DR. WAGNER:  Mr. Rodney Bittle. Mr. Rodney Bittle?

RODNEY BITTLE:  Hello, Ladies and gentlemen and the Committee. I’m here today representing an organization, also myself, under the technological advancements of injustices, whether it be medical or military. I’ve been under attack for some 25 years, mentally and physical abuse, psychological abuse, pornography, also have all these negative, as this gentlemen was talking about, suicidal and mental put through tortuous things such as mental abuse caused by a car accident, so maybe one of your family members dying, maybe your sister or your brother, Committee members I ask you to think for a second and acknowledge that this does happen, and it is relevant to today and it is relevant to the bio-ethical issue committee and one thing that I would like to mention that might give you some insight to just how detailed and how powerful this is. I was in my living room one day and this computer came in, the interface of this computer, and it said something to me about cause I was called satanic and anti-Christ for the ugly, nasty evil torture they was putting me through. It dropped a program into me and this would have been the military side of this computer I’m sure, that was martial arts technique that I performed to exact precision where I picked up my coffee table in my living room with my leg, wrapped it around it, smashed it into the wall. If you don’t think these are detailed, that they don’t get information from every individual that we’re talking about, his is how detailed and how powerful these programs can be, anyone here could be manipulated at any time. Do not think anyone is above it. We need regulations, we need laws, we need people to look into these regulations. Human experimental is going on for years. What you were talking about earlier, I appreciate the Committee but what we’re talking about is so high-tech and advanced, we’re not talking hospitals, we’re not talking people in psych wards, but it does include those. We’re talking high tech warfare here. We’re talking technological advancement beyond the human comprehension of the mind. We’re way, way behind the comprehension of the mind, that’s why they’re so far ahead, that’s far they can get away with it, there’s no regulations, no laws against this type of human experimental. Whether it’s in the United States of America that’s happened, these corporations are outside that are outside of the United States of America producing these weaponry and doing these studies, we need regulations. It’s way above, I believe, possibly pharmaceutical companies are helping with this research, backing it, there’s no regulation on it, they’re the big money people. You know, I didn’t realize you guys are regulating that stuff, but there’s big money in this medical research. I think they’re buying it and selling it and they’re killing us, they’re killing you.

DR. WAGNER:  We appreciate your story, because I think you can talk to that first-hand, some of these broader allegations, maybe I’ve got the crux of what your concern is. Okay? Thank you.


DR. WAGNER: You bet. Thank you. Mr. Derrick Robinson.

DERRICK ROBINSON: Good afternoon and thank you for this opportunity. Good afternoon to the Commission and I thank you for this opportunity to speak to you this afternoon. My name is Derrick Robinson and I’m President of an organization called Freedom from (inaudible) 24:32 Harassment and Surveillance and I represent many of the people that are in this room today, as well as hundreds of those across the U.S., and millions, many thousands across the U.S. who are not in our organization, who are being targeted without their knowledge, as well as those world-wide, millions, thousands, I’m speaking of thousands of people here, in China, who sent me their statement to give to you. I’ve heard a lot this afternoon about IOB’s, about ethics vs., sorry my thoughts aren’t coming together right now. But anyway, but what we want to express to you is that human experimentation by this government is happening today, that there are many thousands of people, whether they’re realizing it or not, are being affected, and that we would like to express to you that this is a situation that needs to be addressed by a task force, by a commission, because we are not hearing, because the government is not hearing from those who are being victimized by the experimentation. What you are speaking about tonight is very relevant in terms of those who are being experimented on, but what about feedback from those who are being experimented on who have no place to go, who need a voice, who are suffering like these people here, who are suffering like those across this country, and there are, what you’re hearing tonight is just a minuscule amount of what I hear on a daily basis. This is a widespread government program that is non-consensual that is affecting many, many thousands and it’s growing daily. And the Commission, I would hope would express to Barrack Obama that non-consensual federally funded human research programs are going on and need to be addressed, and also the victims of those programs need a way to file a complaint, to talk to a Commission, to talk to a task force about what is happening to them. Thank you.

DR. WAGNER:  Mr. Robert LeBudier.

ROBERT LEBUDIER: Thank you for having me. My name is Robert LeBudier. I’m an eye witness and victim that people are tampering with and retaliating against and this is my public comment concerning non compliance of bio-ethics and other codes of ethics. These non compliances are a grave preplanned, premeditated breach of international conventions, and are intentional heinous atrocious, war crimes against humanity, domestic terrorism, domestic espionage and genocide. We the victims are a group of U.S. nations that are getting directly affected to the extent of attempted murder, that is genocide. The means and methods that are being abused are electronics and directed energy that unlawfully harness human subjects, unlawful experiments, research and other exercise, the unlawful practicing and patterning of organized war crimes, the means are electro-magnetic, radio frequency, cyclotronic fields, voice to skull techniques and other energy weapons that harness unwilling humans against our will, and criminally conspires against our rights. They’re used to (inaudible) is one of the means of unlawful surveillance with criminal intent to terrorize, injury, harass, intimidate and murder. That’s called stalking with the same intent. Also., unlawful human service (inaudible) 28:27 that steals an individual’s bio-energy signature through signaling splashing, unwilling human subjects, then using synthetic telepathy, that’s a theft of human intangible property, and other directed energies causing physical and mental pain, suffering and trauma. These perpetrators torture victims in their physical control. This is cruel, unusual treatment and terroristic hate crime that damages the subject’s health, finances, dignity, employability, reputation and human property while disrupting our mental facilities. Where is the equal protection of the law that is constitutionally ours? Is it not unethical to keep that from us? Our country’s government helped develop these technologies and they are forbidden to use on U.S. nations. That is law. Do not execute laws concerning these crimes is seditious conspiracy and treason. These unlawful acts are in direct violation of UN General Assembly resolutions, international humanitarian laws and a slew of U.S. laws and is completely unethical and irresponsible. WE rightly seek disclosure through prosecution. Thank you for having me. Good day.

DR. WAGNER:   MS. Lynn Barrinburg?

LYNN BARRINBURG: I’m Lynn Barringburg, and I had prepared a commentary but I find I’m not going to give it. I couldn’t put it together in my head, for 90 seconds. I’m another person who’s being used for non consensual human experimentation. Stanford Research Institute, Lockheed Martin, and UC Berkeley, are the criminal organizations and university that are involved in this. I can’t speak publicly. Anyway, there are no ethics, there’s no morality, rules, regulations, they’re able to side step an IRB, Institutional Review Board, for god sakes. I mean, there’s a lot going on, you people don’t know about. You know nothing and it’s coming your way. You know. These nanotechnology institutes that are attached to national laboratories, UC Berkeley has its own molecular foundry, you need to look into this stuff because it’s going mainstream, it’s not just us. You’re going to be affected, your loved ones, your children, your grand-children, you need to take a look at what’s going on here. We may not be the most eloquent speakers, but don’t thoroughly discount us.

DR. WAGNER:  Mr. Timothy White. Okay. Mr. Ted Gunderson.  I’d like to point Mr. Gunderson is not here, is that the.

MALE:  Yeah, I was that I couldn’t speak for him. I was told I could and then they told me today I couldn’t.

DR. WAGNER:  I’d be happy to, would you prefer to speak for him? That’s fine.

MALE:  I’m going to say something.

DR. WAGNER:  Go for it.

MALE:   Ted Gunderson.

DR. WAGNER:  And your name? I’m sorry.

PETER ROSENHOME:  I’m Peter Rosenhome. Ted Gunderson was in charge of the FBI of Los Angeles and we had written up a speech but I was told I couldn’t present it, so I don’t have it.

DR. WAGNER:  Oh.   PETER ROSENHOME: But he basically says that this is all going down, mind control is destroying our nation, and stuff like that. Honestly I was told I couldn’t do it, so I’m not prepared. But Ted was a top FBI agent, and he would like to support us.

Dr. WAGNER:  Okay.


DR. WAGNER:  Thank you very much. Those are the names that we had scheduled for the microphone.. please stay there. Are there others from the audience that we’ve got, a few more minutes just to… Would you just rather just give us something rather than speak, is that your?

FEMALE:  No, I would like to speak.

DR. WAGNER:  Please go to the microphone. Identify yourself.

LESLIE CRAWFORD:  Hello, everyone, my name is Leslie Crawford. I’m here from the State of Michigan. I wanted to speak about bio-technology applications being utilized on my person. I have medical reports showing eye damage being done to my eyes, my eyes does not have a mirror image, I also have nano wiring inside my eyes, I have pictures of the actual implants from the eye doctor, once enlarging the nano implants, you will see a copy of the actual particles in my eyes. I have CAT scans in my eyes and PETs showing wiring, nano wiring in my head. This is my brain, it is straight from the right side to the left side of my head. I also have implants in my chin, in the chin region on both sides, one side shows a wire, the other side shows the actual implant. Implant particle devices coming down through here, projectiles of the nano particles on the side of my head, enlarged pictures. These crimes is happening in America, this is a domestic problem, not only international, the victims is not being just victimized individually, we are being victimized and our family members as well. Gang stalking tactics and harassment was utilized to implement us into the program unconventionally.

DR. WAGNER:  Leslie, I think your comments reinforce much of what we’ve heard, and if you don’t mind, I’d like to make room for others at the microphone now since it seems to be reinforcing. Juan, I’d like you to pick some of these gentlemen right here.

FEMALE:  She’s been waiting.

DR. WAGNER:  I’m sorry, who’s been waiting? Oh yeah, please.

EUGENIA VERVAIN:  My name is Virginia Vervain.

DR. WAGNER:  I’m sorry. Eugenia?

EUGENIA VERVAIN: Eugenia Vervain. Yes. I think from this Commission and this panel but ethics there were most talk about pharmaceutical research, but I haven’t heard anyone talking about a psychotronic weaponry, it’s a bio-electronic magnetic weaponry research. Who in this panel are familiar with the psychotronic weaponry, raise your hand please? Who of you know about psychotronic weapons? Any one of  you?

MALE:  You’re saying psychotronic.

EUGENIA VERVAIN:  Psychotronic bio electro-magnetic weapons, are you familiar with that?

DR. WAGNER:  Not at all.

EUGENIA VERVAIN:  No, okay, in this audience, is anybody familiar with the psychotronic weapon?



EUGENIA VERVAIN:   Okay, the audience is familiar with that and I think that in order for a panel or a commission to be able to help this problem and this issue will have to have more knowledge on what psychotronic weapons are. I am physically leashed from my neck to the electro-magnetic power of one of the weapons that is being used against me, I get tortured day and night, with (inaudible) dreams that I don’t want in my head. And for days my body they prod with neurological system so they do anything to my body, sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it makes me sick, that’s one of [inaudible], sometimes I feel I’m going to have a heart attack, they do all kinds of things like pulsating with the electromagnetic frequencies, they use a program called “Metal Reality” that makes them feel that they are writing there in front of you and as you know, electricity travels as fast as light and you know who fast that travels, right? How fast does it travel?

DR. WAGNER:  186,000 a second, yes. I’ll tell you what, though, we do need to hear…

EUGENIA VERVAIN:  So we appreciate if you can become more aware and read the internet, this comes from [inaudible] on psychotronic weapons so that you will probably be able to help us after you have a better knowledge of what these weapons are and what these weapons do, thank you very much.

DR. WAGNER: Thank you for your patience.

KEVIN CANADA:     Hi, my name is Kevin Canada, and I can’t say it’s a joy to be here because I would much rather be somewhere else besides here, I’d rather be not a targeted individual, which I have been for the past 8 years. I believe my nightmare started at a V.A. hospital. Nineteen-ninety-eight I got very involved in some political stuff and I won’t go in to the details but I became what’s called a “targeted individual” and my life has changed unbelievably, gang stalking, electromagnetic weapons, directed energy weapons, some of these people even came to my house and jury-rigged electricity and I’m being electrocuted and everything. My appliances, I’ve been told that they can turn your appliances into weapons against you. So it’s become a nightmare, I think I’ve been implanted at a V.A. hospital, I don't know, I’m trying to figure it out, I know I’m being watched everywhere I go, surveilled, tracked like an animal. We need help. We need to be able to go someplace to find out if we have been implanted, what kind of technology are they using against us, we have nothing but be, try to get involved, for me to get involved to make this a better country, and for that we’ve stepped on some toes and now we’re targeted individuals and I’m sure most of the people here, innocent, are being targeted for reasons they really don’t know. So we need your help and I think the suggestion of having a T.I. on this Commission is a great suggestion. We need somebody who knows what’s happening to us helping us. But we need the technology to find out if we’ve been implanted and, because these intelligence agencies can get to any doctor, they can get to anybody that we see who might possibly help us, lawyers, attorneys, cops, you name it, they use it to harass us and attack us and we need your help.

DR. WAGNER: Thank you, Kevin.

ROSE KAPINSKY:      Hello, I’m Rose Kapinsky from Madison, Wisconsin. I know you would like to hear a little bit about my story. Often when I’m with people the perpetrators leave me alone, perhaps to make it look like it’s my imagination and then often when I am alone, they start hurting me, they start fatiguing me. I wanted to say quickly to help the light bulb go off for you, there’s always been a continual mysterious missing amounts of billions or trillions in the pentagon budget and try to think where that money might be going. There has been a story about oh the naughty contractors charging $100 for a hammer. I believe that may be a cover story. I think that, as you were saying, I think that the contractors for the Pentagon have gotten very proliferative. That’s not what you were saying, but you were talking about shutting down or dealing with egregious or abusive situations in research and I want to say, think about it for a minute. You’re very intelligent. Do you think, in the past things have gone on. Do you think there is nothing going on right now? Really? Zero? Zero, zilcho? Come on. That would be foolish, that would be, excuse me, that would be somewhat stupid. I’m sorry, that would be deluded and read Golachek, In the Name of Science, to hear about the history. Read current things like Nick Beggich, Controlling the Human Mind, subtitle, Tools For Political Control, or Tools for Peak Performance. And again, I think it’s just an issue of money, money, money and it’s gotten out of control.   DR. WAGNER:  I think this going to be our last, I think this is going to be our last one. I’ll tell you what, is there a woman right behind you? We’ll take you also. Why don’t we do these last two questions, ok?

LILLIANA CONNOR:    My name is Lilliana Connor, and I have also been subjected to these technologies. I think that the Commission is studying the issue of informed consent and that is a right, a human right that we all should have, even if these are classified operations, all persons should have the right of informed consent so that they could either decline participating in such studies, or otherwise opt out if they are informed at a later date that they have been subject to these studies. And non-consensual experimentation is a total violation of human rights. It should be outlawed, you know, any non-consensual experimentation. People should not have to be subjected like this and it would be important if you could recommend to President Obama to change the regulation of informed consent to include even classified operations on persons, and to outlaw and forever ban any non-consensual experimentation in the United States.

DR. WAGNER: Thank you. By the way I did not get your name?

LILLIANA CONNOR:  Lilliana Connor.

DR. WAGNER:  Lilliana Connor. Thank you.

LETICIA PETERS:  Hello, my name is Leticia Peters from Trenton, New Jersey. I spoke last time in March and since then..

DR. WAGNER:  Yeah…

LETICIA PETERS:   And since then my life has gone downward. And it’s a shame that we are Americans and we just want to be treated like Americans and we are part of a non-consensual human experimentation which uses highly advanced electronic technology without our informed consent or knowledge. And we are speaking for thousands of Americans citizens. We do not want an apology, we want justice and we want justice now. I am requesting that the Presidential Commission conduct an investigative hearing on non-consensual human experimentation and I do have credible evidence I’m submitting, 1158 videos and pictures that’s been occurring for the last two years. I’m also presenting 10 attachments which includes my 14-page public comment, plus Robert S. public comments, testimonies from Queen, Ottawa, three pages of testimony for Cindy Golmann. I have a 16 page letter from Japan for the Technological Crime Victims Network. Also I have a prayer because we really need prayer. This country needs prayer because so many people have died or lost their lives and we just want justice. And I just would like to come forward to submit all this information.

DR. WAGNER:  Please feel free to give it to Val right here. I think with that we do need to wrap. It’s difficult to know how to respond to this session. Obviously there is deep concern and ..

WOMAN:  I forgot to say that the biggest thing we need to do is, please, I’m begging you, get over intimidation brought down on you by the Department of Defense.

DR. WAGNER:    Thank you. Thank you all for your input.

MAN: In the list, he didn’t actually, he was. I would like to talk to him.

WOMAN:  I would like to talk as well.

DR. WAGNER:  Val, how many were on … we really got those on the list. I’m so sorry. I tell you what, we do have ways to submit through the website. Is that correct? So we do get a chance to read that but you’re going to remind me what the site address is for everybody.

VAL:  It’s right up there.

DR. WAGNER:  Oh, it’s right up there. So you can submit and you must, please do submit on that, ok. So thank you. I think we’re…

MAN:   Just one second. for purpose. Did you ever see my letter?

WOMAN:   We really…

MAN:     Did you receive my letter miss.

WOMAN:   Yes, we did.

MAN:     You received it. I would like to have the answer. Yes.

WOMAN: We have answered. We do have your list.

MAN:   Have you received my letters?

WOMAN:  Yes, yes.

MAN:  You received it.

WOMAN:  Yes.

MAN:    What do you do in this regard? Did you receive my phone calls?

DR. WAGNER:  Why don’t… your name sir? Edward….


DR. WAGNER:  Why don’t we let… if we can… I was just going to say, if I would allow some time to let you finish, and if I could, if the Commission would indulge a little extra time in our agenda, will that satisfy your need?


DR. WAGNER:  Thank you sir. You have a minute and  a half, please.

WOMAN:  Could we ask other people to …

DR. WAGNER:    We need others to be seated though please. Everyone seated.

EDWARD KATZ: And this gentleman, who is on the Commission.

DR. WAGNER:  OK, we need the microphone, we need the microphone to you. You have..

EDWARD KATZ:  You’re afraid to talk to me.

DR. WAGNER:  No, no, no.

EDWARD KATZ: Yes you are.

DR. WAGNER:  I’m sorry, I’d asked you, please, to, I’ll be happy to give you time in front of the Commission, it doesn’t sound like that’s what you want.


DR. WAGNER:     OK, why don’t you take the microphone and we’ll give you a minute and a half like everyone else. You need the microphone so we can have a record. And please give us your name again.

EDWARD KATZ:  My name is Edward Katz

DR. WAGNER:  Edward…. Ok. Calmly please. Tell us your story, or tell us your comment, please.

EDWARD KATZ:  Would it send in the ma… name Mrs. Emmy Guttmann.

EDWARD KATZ:  Horrifying letter, which has been supported actually by the video statement.

DR. WAGNER: Oh my.

EDWARD KATZ:   This video statement shows astrophysical torture by means of brain implants. All my family received, why we moved to California, settled right next to the Stanford research, including my children.

WOMAN:  Two boys.

EDWARD KATZ:  Two boys been implanted in optic nerves and blah, blah, blah. Anyway. Mrs. Barbara Boxer requested headquarter F.B.I. to provide information in this regards and the F.B.I. told us what we are on the experiment. Then the Department of Justice, Mr. Holder, told us what we have to learn how to live with that. With torture. With robbery and that is on tape and Mrs. Gutmann have this tape and we beg you for many times, please call Obama, stop torture. Obama can stop torture. Did you call? Did you call Obama, we’re asking you, stop torture, physical torture, please.

WOMAN: Stop the torture.

DR. WAGNER: Please, we can..

EDWARD KATZ:    Inhumane torture. Just take a look this picture of people.


EDWARD KATZ:  OK, thank you very much.

EDWARD KATZ:  Especially we came from Soviet Union, especially we came from the Communist Bloc and are here for the freedom and what they did to my babies.

DR. WAGNER:  It’s obviously a horrific story and I …

WOMAN:  [inaudible] for Mrs. Gutmann, please sir.

DR. WAGNER:  I think Val can take it, she’s our head staff person. Thank you very much.

EDWARD KATZ:   [inaudible] many, many times [inaudible].

DR. WAGNER:    I think you for your civility in ….

EDWARD KATZ:   I think.

DR. WAGNER: I thank you for your civility in presenting to us. And I think with that we should stand adjourned. Thank you all very, very much. Have a good day.

AMY GUTMANN:  Thank you all very, very much.



MCmailteam: Please Submit Your Torture Cases to the European Court of Human Rights


Below appears the unedited text of an e-mail I received today from John Finch "MCmailteam."

Due to the deliberately deceptive nature of government mind control operations, victims are often led to false interpretations of things that are happening to them.   Even the most well-researched and intelligent victim can only do the best they can to try and make sense of a program that is being conducted in secrecy by agencies that intentionally engage in physical torture, deception and sundry gross violations of human rights.

Any time you are reading victim testimony - such as that which appears below -- keep this important fact in mind and understand that the victim is reporting events to the best of their ability, based on their own knowledge and understanding.   

Jeff Polachek May 15, 2012

Please submit your TORTURE CASES to the EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ECHR). You don't have to be a citizen there, just make your Complaint against a State, Institution or Authority there. Please get everyone you know to do it. If you are not a citizen of a European State make your Complaints (answer I.B) against The European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom where there are bases for the technologies being used to torture us, and whose Institutions and Authorities are supporting these crimes. Here is the link to submit your case 15 May 2012 Dear Fellow Torture Victims and Supporters Please submit your TORTURE CASES and your SUPPORTING COMPLAINTS to the EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS (ECHR).

Your Complaints must be against a STATE – so please make your Complaints (answer I.B) against your country of citizenship, and the European Union. If you are not a citizen of a European State make your Complaints (answer I.B) against The European Union, Norway and the United Kingdom where there are bases for the technologies being used to torture us, and whose Institutions and Authorities are supporting these crimes. Please use my Complaint below as a guide to help you fill out your Complaint. Please let me know if you need copies of the documents - VII. LIST OF DOCUMENTS – to submit with your Complaints. I have previously submitted my Complaint to this Court and they rejected it because:- “In the light of all the material in its possession, and in so far as the matters complained of were within its competence, the Court found that they did not disclose any appearance of a violation of the rights and freedoms set out in the Convention or its Protocols.” There is now more material, information and exposure regarding these technologies and ‘secret’ torture programs available to present to them. And so therefore this torture and these extreme and brazen violations of the rights and freedoms in the Convention and its Protocols must now necessarily be within the competence of the Court. We need as many victims to as possible to do this. Send your Complaints to:- The Registrar European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe 67075 Strasbourg-Cedex France

sincerely john finch

best wishes and love lots


Read more…

Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation

The tendency of local Police is to dismiss an individual's complaints of government harassment as the ravings of a "fruitcake." In one case, discussed above, it is apparent that one police officer is actively cooperating in the harassment. Some police agencies, while acknowledging the reality of the situation, hesitate to intervene in cases involving what they believe to be U.S. Intelligence. On a few occasions, certain police officials did attempt to intervene, based on what they perceived to be evidence of a systematic harassment/illegal surveillance campaign. Absent a clear mandate to prosecute "stalkers" acting under the aegis of U.S. Intelligence, the police obviously have their hands tied.

Refusal of the FBI to intervene in any of the cases brought to our attention, thus far.

FBI spokesmen do acknowledge that they have received a large number of requests for assistance from mentally disturbed persons who believe that they are being "zapped by radio waves" and/or "are hearing voices"..."from Mars, that is.'"

In one case, an FBI spokesman reacted in an angry, defensive and bizarre fashion when our contact briefly alluded to PROJECT SLAMMER as possibly being related to her surveillance. (PROJECT SLAMMER is a CIA- funded study, managed by CIA and FBI behavioral scientists, which explores the "mental make-up" of alleged security risks, along with their family members and close associates. Participants in PROJECT SLAMMER include NSA, DIA, and Army, Navy and Air Force Intelligence.)

Until PROJECT SLAMMER was mentioned, the FBI spokesman's approach in this case was to politely and redundantly explain that the law, as currently constructed, prevents the FBI's intervening in this individual's case. When she briefly pointed out that the surveillance activities might fall under the purview of PROJECT SLAMMER, the spokesman's response was to abruptly and angrily declaim, "You don't know who is conducting that surveillance! You don't know if that is a state police surveillance!...or a local police surveillance! It could be a totally unrelated operation! You don't know who is conducting that surveillance! [etc., etc.]!"

It was apparent from this response that the FBI was at least acknowledging the existence of a surveillance, if in somewhat emotional fashion. The individual in question subsequently furnished acquired evidence to the local police, who made it clear that they are not participants in the surveillance which, based on the evidence, pointedly suggests that our contact is the target.

Refusal or inability or the ACLU and Amnesty International to iintervene.

Both organizations acknowledge receiving many complaints from persons claiming to be the targets of some type of electronic harassment. An ACLU spokeswoman characterized the complainants as appearing to be rational, except in a few cases. The complaints are not being investigated, she said, because of "limited resources." We have to wonder, of course, why the ACLU could recently find resources to defend the rights of prostitutes and the Ku Klux Klan, yet remains incapable of intervening in cases such as we are now pursuing.

Amnesty International recently informed one of our contacts that they could not intervene in her case because their focus is on the U.S. Government's treatment of prison inmates. While incarceration does appear to be one sought-for objective in these harassment/mind-control experiments, we would like to think that protections by such organizations as Amnesty International can be achieved beforehand.

Related Covert Methodologies ::

The persons engaged in this harassment tend to become careless, possibly the result of arrogance born of an assumption that nobody can stop them. "Harassees" who have noted this carelessness have furnished us with the following insights into the covert side of these harassment activities.

Impersonation of military officers.

One individual found that her next-door neighbor had claimed to be a military intelligence officer, assigned to a space technology unit in California, on year-long "TD"' (temporary duty) in the individual's apartment building. It was subsequently determined that this alleged officer is not in fact a member of the U.S. Armed Forces; and that he had used this bogus status to acquire information from a major defense contractor. Our contact is certain that this person's apartment was used as a base of harassment operations.

Use of concealment devices, and emitters detected to date.

Several individuals and supportive associates report having seen some of the electronic devices being used in these harassment campaigns.

One saw electronic equipment concealed inside a false-front upright piano being moved out of her apartment building. She had previously noted that all of the surrounding neighbors had identical upright pianos in their apartments, not one of which was ever played.

Other suspected participants in the harassment may be concealing devices in oversized stereo speakers, measuring approximately 5' in height x 3'x 3'. Several of our contacts have noted the presence of such speakers in adjacent dwellings.

One individual was told by a resident of her building that her upstairs neighbor has "microwave ovens" in his bedroom and living room, but none in the kitchen.

Another individual, while standing outside, looked into her neighbor's window to find that her bedroom appeared to be the target of a gray- colored, elongated box-like device, measuring approximately l' in length x 5" in height (side view). A large, black-framed lens protruded from the end facing her window. The electrical cord, if any, was not visible from that vantage point.The equipment was being operated by a stranger in a three piece suit who appeared to be quite startled to find that he was being observed.

Another was given strong reason to believe that portable emitters are being concealed in oversized, extremely heavy, sometimes expandable "briefcases' for use in places of public assembly, such as meeting halls, auditoriums and restaurants. Smaller varieties are apparently being used on aircraft.

On one 3-hour flight, our contact noticed that the man sitting next to her seemed peculiarly intent on keeping the attaché case on his lap propped open with his fingertips, while he gazed "blankly" into the distance during the entire flight. She believed that she was being electronically harassed while on the flight (a common complaint in most of the cases now being investigated). Our contact reports that, when they prepared to land, the man opened his attaché case to hastily check its contents, thus disclosing the presence of a raised, built in "concealment device" covering the entire bottom surface of the attaché case. The low-slung, lift-off cover did not appear to be capable of concealing a laptop computer. At one point during the flight- apparently aware that his "reverie" was inviting attention, -the man devoted approximately ten minutes to scribbling assorted entries on a sheet of lined paper, which he had placed on top of his briefcase two hours previously. He devoted roughly ten minutes to the effort (obviously preferring a pen to a laptop computer). His attache case remained ajar during this process. (5)

One individual reports that mobile emitters may be installed in certain oversized, non-attributable medical emergency vehicles, possibly for eventual use in civil disturbances. Her unsuccessful attempts at following the "medical emergency" vehicle which had surfaced in her case ended with a high-speed chase.

The phony military intelligence officer, when recently moving out of our contact's apartment building, was found to possess a device which resembles an oversized microwave oven, measuring approximately 4' in width x 2' in height x 2-1/2' in depth. A subsequent examination of

his apartment revealed that he had tapped numerous additional lines into existing in-house telephone and TV cables; and that he had gone to great pains to conceal a major excavation into one wall abutting the "harassee's." Judging from photographs taken immediately after this person's departure, the wiring suggests that he was hooked by modem into a computer network, and that at least some of his electronic equipment was situated in a large walk-in closet, again abutting the "harassee's."

When the alleged officer moved out, his equipment (except for the oversized "microwave oven") was packaged in boxes identifying the contents only as stereo components. During his year-long residence in this building, no sounds emanated from his apartment to indicate use of this "stereo" equipment.

Use or modified license plates and vehicle look-alikes.

Some individuals have noted that their neighbors' vehicles are periodically replaced (during peak periods of harassment) by others which qualify as "rough lookalikes." The tags on these latter closely resemble those on the homeowners' vehicles, with a difference being noted in only one digit or one letter. These modified plates appear to have been acquired through State DMV channels, thus suggesting government/intelligence agency involvement.

In one case, where the individual has obtained police assistance, tracking of one plate surfaced evidence of a drug connection, that plate rapidly disappeared from the vehicle in question, to be replaced by another, again bearing a one-letter modification.

Use of neighbors' residences as bases of operation and ttraining.

One individual recently saw a team of "technicians" in the house behind hers- a consequence of the team's failure to close the curtains and/or use dim lighting when puttering around in the kitchen at 5:00 in the morning. The three men (strangers to this individual, all stripped down to their T-shirts) behaved as if they were unaware that they were being watched. Their observer had long suspected that this house was being used as a base of electronic harassment operations. The harassment had been ongoing throughout the night.

To provoke a response from these men, the individual eventually commented aloud on their activities. They responded immediately by turning the lights off and switching to the use of flashlights. Why they failed to close the curtains is unknown.

This individual is working with the police in an effort at ending this surveillance and harassment, with mixed results.

Another individual, paying a surprise visit to the apartment upstairs, overheard one of her own telephone conversations being played on a tape recorder inside the apartment. Lacking both a legitimate pretext to enter the apartment and the support of the building's management personnel and/or the police, she was prevented from pursuing this further. Her upstairs neighbor is purportedly employed by Stanford University Hospital, in Stanford, CA.

The target of surveillance and harassment in this case is still also trying to recover from the effects of exposure to potentially lethal doses of radiation, administered in the 1970's by a dangerously "incompetent" dentist. This might explain the involvement of alleged Stanford University Hospital personnel in her situation.

The government is on record as having experimented on unwitting U.S. citizens with radioactive materials during the 1970's (and earlier). (6) The House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce based their investigation into this matter on a 30-year accumulation of documents maintained by the Department of Energy.Under the circumstances, it will come as no surprise if it is ultimately found that DoE has been involved in this woman's surveillance and harassment.

Another individual paid a surprise visit to the apartment immediately beneath hers in an attempt to identify the source of a tremendous racket in her ventilation system. Standing outside the door, she could hear an individual moving around a short distance from the door. She also heard the sound of rustling paper and the steady, sonar-like "pinging" of some type of electronic device. In response to her repeated knockings on the door, the person inside simply stopped moving about. The sound of rustling paper (perhaps a printout of some type) and the steady "!" sound continued. The occupant of this apartment resumed moving about only after it was (incorrectly) believed that our contact had departed the area. Typically, this situation could not be pursued further.

All of those who live in apartment buildings report unusual patterns of occupancy in the apartments surrounding their own; i.e., upstairs, downstairs and on all sides. They have become quite convinced-if only because of the highly focused nature of the symptoms being experienced- that these surrounding apartments are being used as bases of operation. Perhaps this encirclement facilitates studies of holographic human telemetries; or perhaps it is intended to increase the prospect of brain entrainment by electronic means ("entrainment" being one published objective sought in mind control experiments). (7)

In examining this situation more closely, a number of individuals have found that surrounding apartments are either permanently vacant, for unknown reasons, or that they have been "sub-let" by the original occupants to persons who are purportedly unknown to the buildings' management personnel. In one case, the surrounding renters all list two residences in the local telephone book. Not one lives in the apartment building in question, though the address is identified as one of the renters' places of residence. One individual suspects that the original occupants of apartments surrounding hers have simply been relocated to other apartments in the same (large) building. Another suspects that an adjacent apartment, which has been permanently rented to the U.S. Government for use by "visitors" is also being used as a base of operations.

One individual found that an immediate neighbor's housemaid has the same (unusual) name of a university professor who has engaged in extensive research on behalf of the government, studying the bioeffects of exposure to microwave radiation.

Use of informants/agents provocateurs, frequently members of tthe opposite sex.

As noted in the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Interior and Insular Affair's draft report, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Covert Operation (July- 1992), the Wackenhut Corporation's Special Investigations Division adopted this tactic when pursuing Alyeska's critics.

A number of the individuals in touch with us report a range of experiences with new "friends" who, apparently posing as confidants, used acquired personalia to abruptly end these "friendships" under deliberately degrading and humiliating circumstances. When taken in the context of the ongoing surveillances and harassment, these exercises appear intended to heighten emotional trauma, perhaps to provoke an uncontrolled response and/or to enforce isolation.

Misuse of covert intelligence personnel (possible former case officers).

One individual, while under contract to the U.S. Government, properly reported what he believed to be an approach by a hostile intelligence service. Within a few weeks, alleged U.S. Intelligence officers>contacted this individual. In addition to questioning him about his background, these alleged intelligence officers asked that he keep in constant touch with them, particularly when planning to travel.

It soon became apparent that the alleged intelligence officers were intent only on forcing this individual to report to them as directed, and to account for his activities. He was not asked to assist the U.S. Government in any form of intelligence operation; he was not asked to execute any form of secrecy affirmation statement acknowledging the classified nature of these meetings; nor was he told why these meetings- involving a total of seven alleged case officers- were necessary.

When he began to balk at a continuation of this process, one of his "handlers" conveyed a threat, suggesting that his continued compliance might be "enforced." Finally, when this individual adamantly refused to cooperate further, massive overt harassment commenced and is currently ongoing.

The operation (clearly intended to bully this individual into submissive compliance for purposes which are still unknown) involved crude tactics formerly prized by the KGB.

Whether or not legitimate U.S. Intelligence case officers were involved in this activity remains to be determined. Some private firms retain former U.S. Intelligence case officers for contracting out as "security specialists." The founder and CEO of one such firm (Gerard P. Burke, The Parvus Company,. Silver Spring, MD) has informed us that the activities of contract case officers are neither monitored nor subject to formal restraint.

Use of psychotropic drugs by cooperative physicians.

Shortly after resigning from the CIA, one of our contacts underwent a range of experiences which suggested that she had been massively drugged. One of the alleged perpetrators, whom we have met, alternately claims to be employed by NASA and/or by a firm in Miami, handling "microwave equipment." NASA has no record of this person under the name furnished.

The "experimentee" ultimately sought the assistance of a psychiatrist, whom her parents had located as a referral. The psychiatrist treated her reported "flashbacks" by immediately placing her on a regimen of Stelazine, which quickly aggravated her condition. He also made comments to this individual which suggested that he had a foreknowledge of her situation, and that he was cooperating with U.S. Intelligence. On one occasion the psychiatrist intimated that our contact might be employable as an assassin; and he repeatedly urged her to move to Great Britain where, he said, she would be put in touch with an unidentified Member of Parliament.

Interestingly, he had a tremendous computer system in his office suite, which he explained as being connected by modem into a national level system which, in turn, connected into private residences. When showing her this equipment, this psychiatrist informed our contact that she had been "CAT scanned," pointing out that she was the subject of the vast series of "A's" and "B's" being printed out by one of the many terminals at his disposal.

Our contact also found that this psychiatrist kept a military uniform in his closet which bore the rank and insignia of a three-star general.

The individual ultimately sought psychiatric support elsewhere. Her new psychiatrist, formerly employed by DoD, immediately put her on a regimen of Haldol Decanoate, Klonopin and Benzatropine. The combined effect of these drugs was loss of memory, and a state of mind which, under other circumstances, might be diagnosed as Depersonalization or Dissociative Disorder. All three drugs proved to be highly addictive. Our contact, since severing contact with this psychiatrist as well, has finally successfully overcome the addiction.

Another individual- the one whose psychiatrist had informed her of her role in a "Pavlovian Experiment"- was subjected to attempted drugging by Trazodone, one of the strongest sedatives on the market. The psychiatrist in question kept no record of the individual's outpatient visits, nor of her Trazodone prescriptions. Being unaware that the individual was not adhering to his regimen, the psychiatrist urged her to rapidly increase her dosage, renewing her 30-day prescription after a period of only 11 days.

Though aware of her heart condition, he failed to monitor her condition, dismissing her complaints of (electronically-induced) pains in her heart as inconsequential. Trazodone is known to aggravate heart conditions. Perhaps the intent was to have this individual succumb to a "heart attack" as the result of "imagined" government harassment. Neither the appropriate psychiatric society, nor the FBI would touch this case.

Another individual (a clear target of retaliation) sought medical assistance to counter sudden massive headaches and recurrent attacks of vomiting- effects which can be produced by infrasound. The physician to whom she was referred (an alleged specialist in Internal Medicine) placed her on a combination of Compazine and Xanax, prescribing dosages which the Physicians' Desk Reference warns against.

Compazine, in addition to being an anti-emetic, is used in the treatment of psychotic disorders. It can also cause tardive dyskinesia, an irreversible syndrome involving loss of motor control. Xanax is known to induce vomiting. Both drugs can lead to dependency and a worsening of the patient's condition. The effects of all such drugs, in fact, can be mutated in high-energy fields, thus increasing the likelihood of adverse reactions.

We have recently found that this prescribing "physician" is not licensed to practice medicine in the State in which she has been practicing since at least 1989.

Our contact, being concerned about the long-term effects of Xanax and Compazine, consulted another physician in that same office. This physician immediately prescribed Prozac, failing to concurrently recommend that her patient discontinue the Xanax and Compazine prescriptions. When our contact refused to take any psychotropic drugs, the doctor became upset and asked, "Don't you want to get well?"

This second physician is a licensed practitioner in Internal Medicine, with no background in psychiatry. We have also found that she apparently refers her patients to yet a third physician in the office who claims to be a psychiatrist. She too, is licensed to practice Internal Medicine only. Her receptionist described this third physician as having a psychiatric "sub-specialty,"..."as an internist." The receptionist also informed us that this internist "is treating a number of psychiatric patients."

On pursuing this further, we find that these physicians are in a small "medical group" which is not listed by specialty in standard regional telephone directories. The group bears the same name as one of the CIA's most infamous recruited physicians (perhaps best described as "the Mengele of MKULTRA").

The doctors' offices are located in a bank building which, we have found, is a favored hiding place for security-oriented business and government agencies. Two computer firms, co-located with an attorney who represents "Island Resort Development, Ltd.," are situated immediately beneath the doctors' offices. The prospect of our finding island resort developments within 500 miles of this attorney's office is limited.

Our contact, being apprised of these findings, is seeking medical help elsewhere.

In two of our cases, urologists took it upon themselves to play the role of "psychiatrist"; i.e., they rendered psychiatric diagnoses and prescribed psychotropic drugs. One of these urologists, employed by the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, prescribed Haldol, informing our contact that he perceived her to be "psychotic." His efforts at getting a Clinic psychiatrist to confirm this diagnosis were unsuccessful. The psychiatrist, apparently a rare individual who subscribes to codes of medical ethics, found nothing wrong with this woman, even given the nature of her complaints. The urologist's response to this was to issue his own Haldol prescription. Sensing that something was amiss, the woman refused to have the prescription filled.

Yet another individual ended up in the hands of a psychiatrist who, as a purported means of ending the stress associated with her harassment, offered to put her under hypnosis. She described the hypnotic state as "equivalent to floating" and (based on her overall experiences with this physician) has not ruled out the possibility that drugs may have been surreptitiously administered. The psychiatrist claimed to be interested in psychic phenomena and demonstrated an apparently remarkable ability to read this individual's mind.

While in her hypnotic state, the individual felt a sharp, painful pressure inside her nose as if something were being shoved up her nostrils to the sinus cavities. She awoke to find blood pouring out of her nostrils. The psychiatrist casually dismissed this as owing to a probable cold.

Shortly after that experience, the individual began to hear loud tones in her head, followed in due course by auditory input. Brain scans have failed to yield evidence of an implanted device.(We have recommended that she undergo a scan by means of a suitably adapted non-linear junction detector, as a preliminary.) Suffice it to say, this individual has severed contact with the psychiatrist and is continuing to cope with ongoing overt and electronic harassment by other non-medical means.

Use of medical implant devices.

The situation just described is not our first encounter with the apparent use of medical implant devices in these harassment/mind- control cases. Another of our contacts began receiving auditory input roughly 15 years after she had 4 mm. cochlear implants placed in her ears. The "voices" claim to be affiliated with the CIA and, among other things, expressed intentions of running this woman as an agent in denied areas by "piggybacking" their audio transmissions onto standard FM frequencies to avoid detection.

We have been unable to locate the surgeon who implanted these devices, though we do have a copy of his operative reports. A recent CAT scan of this individual failed to disclose the presence of the cochlear implants.

Several years ago, the individual (now a psychologist) applied for a position with the CIA. She was interviewed by four Langley-based, purported psychologists who allegedly informed her that her job would involve the assessment of certain criminals for purposes of weighing their prospects for loyalty to this agency.

During these interviews, she was told to read books by such persons as Philip Agee, Stansfield Turner and Ralph McGehee, all of whom were unknown to her. The alleged psychologists claimed that these authors had described the CIA "as it really is." Our contact was not asked to execute a secrecy affirmation statement acknowledging the classified nature of these proceedings.

The unconventional manner of this interview process suggests that this individual was being toyed with, for reasons which remain to be determined. She did not get the job and in fact more recently lost her job with a state penitentiary. She was fired on the recommendation of the prison's psychiatrist. because of her insistence that she is receiving auditory input from CIA personnel who persist in feeding her classified information.

Interestingly, though this individual was deemed unfit to function as a psychologist in the penitentiary system, the State has rehired her, assigning her to a mental health facility where, apparently, she is to develop a behavioral modification program for retarded adults with diagnosed mental illnesses.

This individual claimed to be receiving and responding to externally- induced auditory "advice" while working with prison inmates. It may be presumed that the process will continue. Under the circumstances, we have to wonder if this case qualifies as a benchmark in mind- control experimentation; i.e., employment of a mind-controlled psychologist to run the equivalent of mind-control experiments on mentally-ill retarded adults. We will continue to monitor the situation.

The individual whom we previously identified as having challenged a local power company also appears to have been "tagged" by some type of implant device. During a recent symposium, she was approached by a man whose business card identifies him as "Program Manager, Electromagnetic Radiation Division," DoE. His approach was suitably sympathetic. Our contact ultimately accepted the man's invitation to continue discussing their common ranges of interest in his hotel room. During this meeting, she accepted the offer of a drink, blacked out after consuming it, and awoke, four hours later, still in this man's hotel room, to find that the back of her ear had been punctured and was bleeding. There was no evidence of a sexual assault. The man glibly evaded this woman's requests for an explanation. She has since found two adjacent puncture marks behind her ear which are not healing properly, and between which she can feel the presence of a "wire" measuring approximately 1/4" in length. We are pursuing this further.

The said DoE Project Manager has more recently initiated contact with yet another activist in touch with this Association. His call was unsolicited. He apparently wanted to know if this woman would be attending an upcoming conference. We have warned the individual to avoid any form of private meeting with the said Project Manager.

To date, we are aware of three cases involving clandestine behavior on the part of alleged DoE employees. The CIA figures prominently (if peculiarly) in the majority of our other cases. Two of those have been discussed above.

In another, also involving auditory input, the individual is certain that-the current Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) participated in the "voice transmission" process on at least one occasion. She claims to have recognized his voice. When she commented aloud on the DCI's perceived involvement in this experimentation, the "voice" responded with stuttered and stammered denials. We are told that this particular "voice" has not been heard from since.

In yet another case involving auditory input, the individual has allegedly been informed by her "voices" that the technology being used against her were stolen from the CIA by a maverick employee, whose group is now targeting her from a distance of 2,000 miles. She reported this to the DCI's office and was allegedly informed by the Deputy DCI that she will be awarded millions of dollars if she can produce the equipment and any of the personnel involved in her harassment.

One unusually-candid CIA spokesman also allegedly informed this individual that, "while the CIA does not deny having this equipment," they "do not use it in this country." Perhaps this explains why a number of our contacts have also been electronically harassed while traveling overseas.

This woman has also been repeatedly assured by CIA, DDS (security) personnel of the Agency's sincere concern for her welfare. During a recent telephone conversation with that Office, we confirmed that she is indeed known to the CIA. Based on this, we asked that the Agency "put its money where it's mouth is," so to speak, by conducting a long-term electronic sweep of this individual's premises. That was two months ago. No sweep has been conducted, though CIA spokesmen continue to "sympathize" with her predicament.

Another individual, a target of harassment and experimentation since>1952 (apparently singled out because of his student activism while at Penn State University) began hearing "voices" after having most of his teeth capped. He has more recently been informed by his "handlers" that implanted devices are no longer used for purposes of inducing auditory input. No explanation was offered. He was quite visibly surprised when informed by this investigator that auditory input can be achieved solely by means of pulsed microwave audiograms (discussed in Part I of this report).

This individual's "handlers" allegedly have also stated that their experiments on U.S. citizens are in pursuit of a variety of objectives; viz.

(1) develop an effective means for creating a perfect, ""robotized" soldier;

(2) alter individual sexual preferences, such as by turning hheterosexuals into homosexuals (they allegedly claim to be having "difficulties" reversing the process); and

(3) enhance or destroy levels of academic achievement, at will, ssuch as by degrading the performance of otherwise brilliant students, and by drastically improving the performance of poor students.

Given the technology at the government's disposal and a predisposition on the part of certain governmental agencies to "play God" in experimental fashion with citizens' lives, these purported projects do not come across as being totally far-fetched.

Another case involves a woman whose experiences suggest that she, too, is an MKULTRA experimentee being kept on the books, so to speak. The woman, apparently a "pet" experimentee, found herself being introduced to a wide array of prominent individuals whose connections with the CIA she believed to be quite apparent. One of those, she states, was Robert J. Lifton, a well-known author and expert on brainwashing whose books include The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide (Basic books, 1986).

Her experiences included a voluntary ("referral") admission to Hollywood Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 1973, during an era when MKULTRA experiments at the Allan Memorial Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, were only beginning to capture the attention of the U.S. Senate. *

More recently, in 1990 she was transported to New York University's Cameron Medical Center, in Westchester, NY (under circumstances which qualify as an abduction), where she was forcibly wrestled to the ground by approximately six Center staffers and forcibly confined for a period of approximately three weeks. She was neither psychiatrically counseled nor formally tested while in that facility. The psychiatrists assigned to her case appeared more intent on forcing her to take a combination of neuroleptic drugs, to include Haldol, Navane and Cogentin. (Haldol and Navane can cause tardive dyskinesia.) She resisted those attempts.

A court ultimately ordered this woman released from the Center, stipulating that she was not to be administered drugs. On subsequently acquiring her medical records, under conditions which prevented censoring or doctoring of those records, she found that her psychiatrists had planned to inject her with drugs (in defiance of the court order) on the day of her release.As luck would have it, she was released a day early.

This woman states also that she has met Budd Hopkins, of the Intruders Foundation, and that she had had a long-term, confiding relationship with John E. Mack, Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and founding Director of the Center for Psychological Studies in the Nuclear Age (previously named, Research Program for the Study of Human Continuity; and, still previously, rumored to have cooperated with the CIA in studies of "human ecology").

At one point in their relationship, Professor Mack apparently accompanied this woman to a "support group" meeting of UFO abductees, who, she observed bemusedly, "spent their time comparing [extraterrestrially] implanted devices." Professor Mack is on record as promoting the perception that UFO abductions are legitimate. (9)

We frankly doubt that extraterrestrials who have a means to commute intergalactically would stoop to implanting comparatively primitive devices in human beings. However, should it be proved that the psychiatrist, surgeon and DoE Project Manager discussed above are extraterrestrials posing as humans, we will be happy to weigh that information. If it is similarly established that the vehicular "abduction" of the woman discussed above was the work of an extraterrestrial named Kaplan who is posing as a human with Cornell Medical Center connections, we will be happy to ponder that as well.

In the meantime, it would seem reasonable that the government would want the public to believe that extraterrestrial visitations are on the upswing. Mind-altering drugs, externally-induced auditory input, holographic projections (also a DoD capability), (10) appropriately focused directed-energy targeting, device implantations, special effects and abductions are all within this government's capabilities and can be used for purposes of creating illusions of UFO experiences. Persons not cognizant of this might be more inclined to fall for the UFO mythologies now being officially "legitimized."

Other cases, possibly involving U.S. Navy lntelligence, NSA, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and peripherally, members of former Soviet Bloc intelligence services will be discussed in future reports.

 Harassment Objectives ::

In his book, Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control, Dr.Harvey Weinstein quotes the following, passage from a book entitled, Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversation and Brainwashing, by William Sargant (Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1957):

"By increasing or prolonging stresses in various ways, or inducing physical debilitation, or both, a more thorough alteration of the person's thinking- processes may be achieved. ...If the stress or the physical debilitation both, are carried one stage further, it may happen that patterns of thought and behavior, especially those recent acquisition, become disrupted. New patterns can then be substituted; or the subject may begin to think in ways that precisely contradict his former ones.

"...If a complete sudden collapse can be proceeded by prolonging or intensifying emotional stress, the cortical slate may be wiped clean temporarily of it's more recently implanted patterns of behavior, perhaps allowing others to be substituted more easily.'"

Dr. Weinstein then comments: "The parallel with [Dr. Ewen] Cameron's theory of differential amnesia is abundantly clear." (11) Dr. Cameron, employed by McGill University's Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, between 1943 and 1964, conducted brain washing experiments upon select, non-volunteer psychiatric Patients on behalf of the CIA. Dr. Weinstein's father was one of Cameron's victims.

Sargant's theorems and Cameron's associated experimental findings appear to be the driving force behind the harassment and experimentation now being reported to this Association. All of these individuals are being subjected to a series of overlapping circumstances which apparently are meant to induce and sustain long- term extremes of stress. All of these individuals have been effectively isolated. Unethical psychiatrists and physicians are involved in the majority of these cases. Mind-altering prescription drugs are being used for clearly non-therapeutic purposes. Evidence of LSD use is also beginning to surface (one of Cameron's favored mind-altering substances). And "psychic driving' techniques - Cameron's pet brainwashing method - are involved in all of these cases to a much greater and potentially effective degree where auditory input is involved.

The long-term objectives of these harassment and experimentation campaigns appear to be quite fundamental; viz.

(1) induce a sense of perverted "loyalty" toward the very aagencies engaged in the individual's harassment, to confuse his or her priorities where the possibility of us obtaining legal redress might be >concerned;

(2) redirect the targeted individual's feelings of hopelessness, aanger and frustration towards racial and ethnic groups, and toward select, prominent political figures, to include the President of the United States; and

(3) force the individual to commit an act of violence, whether ssuicide or murder, under conditions which can be plausibly denied by the government. [Oswald]

An operation's ultimate success apparently hangs on this latter objective. We have successfully obstructed this process in a number of cases now being investigated.

:: The "Stalker" Phenomenon ::

In recent weeks, considerable publicity has been given the trauma suffered by victims of "stalkers" (persons who obsessively surveil, harass and, in some cases, kill targeted individuals for assorted, unfathomable reasons). Movie stars who have been stalked recurrently make the news. Stalking, as a problem, is in fact becoming widespread, to the point where, in some States, the activity has finally been specifically proscribed by law.

The individuals in contact with our Association are reporting the same terrifying ranges of experiences as are now being reported in the press on behalf of other victims of stalkers. The only difference in the cases reported to us is that the stalkers operate in groups over extremely prolonged periods of time, and (it would appear) with the blessing of certain agencies of the U.S. Government. The laws being passed to protect victims of stalkers are clearly being selectively applied. We hope to put an end to this situation; that is, in addition to achieving the objectives discussed above.

It should be noted that the FBI, though unwilling to intervene in the cases described above, recently intervened on a massive scale to protect Joy Silverman, a Bush-appointed trustee of the J.F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, from the ardent "stalkings" of her estranged paramour, Sol Wachtler, Chief Justice, Court of Appeals for the State of New York. (12)

Wachtler had apparently threatened to kidnap Silverman's daughter if not paid S20,000. Since no kidnapping had occurred, and the case qualified merely as an attempted extortion, a question arises as to why the New York State Police could not have handled this investigation. Mrs. Silverman resides in New York.

It would appear that the FBI devoted more than 100 agents and technicians to the effort, resolving the case within approximately 30 days. On November 7, 1992, the day of his arrest, Wachtler ran a gantlet of 80 FBI special agents on the Long Island Expressway. Apparently the FBI does not have enough to do, if staking out a lone stalker is their top priority. We have to wonder, of course, if the FBI's massive response was prompted by what was perceived to be Wachtler's usurpation of governmental stalking prerogatives.

Mrs. Silverman's $300,000 donations to Republican Party causes could be considered a basis for the FBI's solicitous concern for her welfare. It would appear, under the circumstances, that the "stalking victims" discussed above - being by now quite poverty stricken - should abandon all hope of FBI intervention in their respective situations. FBI protection appears to have a price tag, which not one of our contacts can afford.


best wishes and love lots



Read more…

UK Police Digital Tetra Radio - Something in The Air?



It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body,
raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction...Thus,
it may be possible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be
most disturbing to them."
United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board,
New World Vistas: Air and Space Power For The 21st Century




best wishes and love lots



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the elf god

The ELF God By Sherry Shriner


     For the second time in the last few years, women have been manipulated into killing their children at the direction and leading of "God's" voice. Most of us would think they are delusional or pschizophrenic, or just plain lying. But are they?

     I'm beyond thinking crazy things just happen anymore. I left that world or way of thinking a long time ago. Because crazy things just have a way of getting too much help to make them happen. Was Columbine just a bunch of radical kids on revenge or were they, as the mounting evidence suggests mind controlled and triggered to do exactly what they did? If you want to know if something is legit or crazy, you have to look at the circumstances surrounding it.  Shortly after Columbine, gun legislation that was stalled had been suddenly passed. Bang! Gun Control Agenda. The real reason for Columbine.

   The sniper in DC which was without a doubt another mind controlled pawn triggered to take the fall, and for what reason? To instill fear and justification to the public for the Homeland Gestapo Agency and the more stealing and confiscation of our rights and liberties. If they're going to declare a war on domestic terrorism and spend billions creating Nazi agencies, they have to make it look needed and terrorism real, and they managed to get rid of an FBI agent who was probably threatening to talk out of those that were 'randomly' killed. John Salvo's defense simply should have been "the government made me do it" and perhaps all their tactics would have been exposed.

     There's a very dangerous element being played out on the unsuspecting people of America today. This being hidden amongst the black programs buried within our intelligence community, security agencies, and the military.

     ELF and Mind Control is without a doubt, the most dangerous and deadly weapon of warfare affecting people across America today.

     ELF is a high tech weapon abbreviated for Extreme Low Frequency signals which mimic natural brain waves. It is not only used to brainwash and control people, it's used to physically attack them as well.

Look at some of the patents filed:


     Implants and mind control technology are not simply the creation of paranoid conspiracy theorists, nor are they the stuff of science fiction based on imagination. In fact what is science fiction? It's the future foretold. Is there anything really fiction about most of the fiction we're seeing today? Truth is often masked under the term fiction so that you won't think it's real when often it indeed is.

     Implants and mind control technology are real: an established, certifiable fact that the media won't tell you about. The technology exists, the hardware is in place, the patents are on record and the agencies to run and control it are in and have been in place. For more information on electronic warfare and mind control visit

     Often those who have been implanted with chips or under RMN (remote neural monitoring) attack suffer from symptoms such as depression, befuddled thinking, loss of memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behaviour, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer, dizziness, chest pains, dehydration, headaches, and migraines. Most attacks occur either when you're sitting in front of the computer or when you're in bed. And this doesn't preclude the daily bombardment you're getting from the Gwen and ELF control towers that condition our subconscious minds daily with subliminal messaging.

    There's even more to this hideous agenda for the NWO and population control and harassment but it should be noted that this ELF technology falls into two distinct categories; the first type requires some sort of implant technology to be effective, so implantable chips were discovered and now some 50 years later we're just hearing about it like it's something 'new.' In contrast the second type of technology, Remote Neural Monitoring doesn't require any kind of chip implanting because it can act directly on a targeted individual or group.  If they can target a license plate in your driveway, don't you think they can zero in on you anytime they want to as well?

     Most of us have been implanted from the time we've been born. Vaccinations, flu shots, tetanus shots, virtually through any type of medical or dental work performed on us. Our medical community suppliers have inundated our hospitals with products that are loaded with chips. When it comes down to it, the AMA oversees everything and everything and every one is under their control along with the FDA, that means the government is controlling everything through ancillaries and agencies. And what program are they running? The Beast Agenda. They're preparing the world for the arrival of the Antichrist. To do so, they have to be able to control. And they do that in various ways.

   Chip implantations, voluntary or involuntary are the foundation of the GPS network. They're not telling you they're putting chips in you they just do it without your knowledge. They can track you, they can have access to you, and as many people are finding out, they can specifically target you for harassment. Most just don't realize they've been unknowingly implanted with chip(s). Run a frequency meter reader over you and you can find where they are. And the good news is they can be disabled

     But what happens when you're unfamiliar with any of this technology that's out now and what it can do to you? You become a victim of it. ELF technology operates at the brain wave level. That means they can implant thoughts into your head, and even speak to you, and you think it's your own self thinking these things. They can even use it to play God and quote Scripture at you until you're convinced it's God. I know many believers in God right now who would rebuttal this and say "they could never fool me." Well, yes, they are, and they have been deceiving many in the churches today. How many false visions and prophecies have already been spoken in the real God's name that were given to them by the ELF's little small voice God? I've read many, very very many.

     When people don't learn to distinguish how to hear God's voice, the one the military has created will fool you every time. The big difference is the real Most High God speaks to your heart and not your head. So if something or someone is talking to your head, it's not the Most High God no matter how much Scripture is being quoted or how religious it seems at the time, or how small the voice is. The Real God does NOT speak to your head.

    Wake up America! Everything about the New World Order is trying to manipulate, control and destroy you!  

best wishes and love lots


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mind games

New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy, but the Pentagon has pursued a weapon that can do just that.

By Sharon Weinberger Sunday, January 14, 2007; Page W22

If Harlan Girard is crazy, he doesn't act the part. He is standing just where he said he would be, below the Philadelphia train station's World War II memorial -- a soaring statue of a winged angel embracing a fallen combatant, as if lifting him to heaven. Girard is wearing pressed khaki pants, expensive-looking leather loafers and a crisp blue button-down. He looks like a local businessman dressed for a casual Friday -- a local businessman with a wickedly dark sense of humor, which had become apparent when he said to look for him beneath "the angel sodomizing a dead soldier." At 70, he appears robust and healthy -- not the slightest bit disheveled or unusual-looking. He is also carrying a bag.

  Girard's description of himself is matter-of-fact, until he explains what's in the bag: documents he believes prove that the government is attempting to control his mind. He carries that black, weathered bag everywhere he goes. "Every time I go out, I'm prepared to come home and find everything is stolen," he says.

  The bag aside, Girard appears intelligent and coherent. At a table in front of Dunkin' Donuts inside the train station, Girard opens the bag and pulls out a thick stack of documents, carefully labeled and sorted with yellow sticky notes bearing neat block print. The documents are an authentic-looking mix of news stories, articles culled from military journals and even some declassified national security documents that do seem to show that the U.S. government has attempted to develop weapons that send voices into people's heads.

"It's undeniable that the technology exists," Girard says, "but if you go to the police and say, 'I'm hearing voices,' they're going to lock you up for psychiatric evaluation."

The thing that's missing from his bag -- the lack of which makes it hard to prove he isn't crazy -- is even a single document that would buttress the implausible notion that the government is currently targeting a large group of American citizens with mind-control technology. The only direct evidence for that, Girard admits, lies with alleged victims such as himself.

And of those, there are many.

It's 9:01 P.M. when the first person speaks during the Saturday conference call.

Unsure whether anyone else is on the line yet, the female caller throws out the first question: "You got gang stalking or V2K?" she asks no one in particular.

There's a short, uncomfortable pause.

"V2K, really bad. 24-7," a man replies.

"Gang stalking," another woman says.

"Oh, yeah, join the club," yet another man replies.

The members of this confessional "club" are not your usual victims. This isn't a group for alcoholics, drug addicts or survivors of childhood abuse; the people connecting on the call are self-described victims of mind control -- people who believe they have been targeted by a secret government program that tracks them around the clock, using technology to probe and control their minds.

The callers frequently refer to themselves as TIs, which is short for Targeted Individuals, and talk about V2K -- the official military abbreviation stands for "voice to skull" and denotes weapons that beam voices or sounds into the head. In their esoteric lexicon, "gang stalking" refers to the belief that they are being followed and harassed: by neighbors, strangers or colleagues who are agents for the government.

A few more "hellos" are exchanged, interrupted by beeps signaling late arrivals: Bill from Columbus, Barbara from Philadelphia, Jim from California and a dozen or so others.

Derrick Robinson, the conference call moderator, calls order.

"It's five after 9," says Robinson, with the sweetly reasonable intonation of a late-night radio host. "Maybe we should go ahead and start."


The idea of a group of people convinced they are targeted by weapons that can invade their minds has become a cultural joke, shorthanded by the image of solitary lunatics wearing tinfoil hats to deflect invisible mind beams. "Tinfoil hat," says Wikipedia, has become "a popular stereotype and term of derision; the phrase serves as a byword for paranoia and is associated with conspiracy theorists."

In 2005, a group of MIT students conducted a formal study using aluminum foil and radio signals. Their surprising finding: Tinfoil hats may actually amplify radio frequency signals. Of course, the tech students meant the study as a joke.

But during the Saturday conference call, the subject of aluminum foil is deadly serious. The MIT study had prompted renewed debate; while a few TIs realized it was a joke at their expense, some saw the findings as an explanation for why tinfoil didn't seem to stop the voices. Others vouched for the material.

"Tinfoil helps tremendously," reports one conference call participant, who describes wrapping it around her body underneath her clothing.

"Where do you put the tinfoil?" a man asks.

"Anywhere, everywhere," she replies. "I even put it in a hat."

A TI in an online mind-control forum recommends a Web site called "Block EMF" (as in electromagnetic frequencies), which advertises a full line of clothing, including aluminum-lined boxer shorts described as a "sheer, comfortable undergarment you can wear over your regular one to shield yourself from power lines and computer electric fields, and microwave, radar, and TV radiation." Similarly, a tinfoil hat disguised as a regular baseball cap is "smart and subtle."

For all the scorn, the ranks of victims -- or people who believe they are victims -- are speaking up. In the course of the evening, there are as many as 40 clicks from people joining the call, and much larger numbers participate in the online forum, which has 143 members. A note there mentioning interest from a journalist prompted more than 200 e-mail responses.

Until recently, people who believe the government is beaming voices into their heads would have added social isolation to their catalogue of woes. But now, many have discovered hundreds, possibly thousands, of others just like them all over the world. Web sites dedicated to electronic harassment and gang stalking have popped up in India, China, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Russia and elsewhere. Victims have begun to host support meetings in major cities, including Washington. Favorite topics at the meetings include lessons on how to build shields (the proverbial tinfoil hats), media and PR training, and possible legal strategies for outlawing mind control.

The biggest hurdle for TIs is getting people to take their concerns seriously. A proposal made in 2001 by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to ban "psychotronic weapons" (another common term for mind-control technology) was hailed by TIs as a great step forward. But the bill was widely derided by bloggers and columnists and quickly dropped.

Doug Gordon, Kucinich's spokesman, would not discuss mind control other than to say the proposal was part of broader legislation outlawing weapons in space. The bill was later reintroduced, minus the mind control. "It was not the concentration of the legislation, which is why it was tightened up and redrafted," was all Gordon would say.

Unable to garner much support from their elected representatives, TIs have started their own PR campaign. And so, last spring, the Saturday conference calls centered on plans to hold a rally in Washington. A 2005 attempt at a rally drew a few dozen people and was ultimately rained out; the TIs were determined to make another go of it. Conversations focused around designing T-shirts, setting up congressional appointments, fundraising, creating a new Web site and formalizing a slogan. After some debate over whether to focus on gang stalking or mind control, the group came up with a compromise slogan that covered both: "Freedom From Covert Surveillance and Electronic Harassment."

Conference call moderator Robinson, who says his gang stalking began when he worked at the National Security Agency in the 1980s, offers his assessment of the group's prospects: Maybe this rally wouldn't produce much press, but it's a first step. "I see this as a movement," he says. "We're picking up people all the time."

Harlan Girard says his problems began in 1983, while he was a real estate developer in Los Angeles. The harassment was subtle at first: One day a woman pulled up in a car, wagged her finger at him, then sped away; he saw people running underneath his window at night; he noticed some of his neighbors seemed to be watching him; he heard someone moving in the crawl space under his apartment at night.

Girard sought advice from this then-girlfriend, a practicing psychologist, whom he declines to identify. He says she told him, "Nobody can become psychotic in their late 40s." She said he didn't seem to manifest other symptoms of psychotic behavior -- he dressed well, paid his bills -- and, besides his claims of surveillance, which sounded paranoid, he behaved normally. "People who are psychotic are socially isolated," he recalls her saying.

After a few months, Girard says, the harassment abruptly stopped. But the respite didn't last. In 1984, appropriately enough, things got seriously weird. He'd left his real estate career to return to school at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was studying for a master's degree in landscape architecture. He harbored dreams of designing parks and public spaces. Then, he says, he began to hear voices. Girard could distinguish several different male voices, which came complete with a mental image of how the voices were being generated: from a recording studio, with "four slops sitting around a card table drinking beer," he says.

The voices were crass but also strangely courteous, addressing him as "Mr. Girard."

They taunted him. They asked him if he thought he was normal; they suggested he was going crazy. They insulted his classmates: When an overweight student showed up for a field trip in a white raincoat, they said, "Hey, Mr. Girard, doesn't she look like a refrigerator?"

Six months after the voices began, they had another question for him: "Mr. Girard, Mr. Girard. Why aren't you dead yet?" At first, he recalls, the voices would speak just two or three times a day, but it escalated into a near-constant cacophony, often accompanied by severe pain all over his body -- which Girard now attributes to directed-energy weapons that can shoot invisible beams.

The voices even suggested how he could figure out what was happening to him. He says they told him to go to the electrical engineering department to "tell them you're writing science fiction and you don't want to write anything inconsistent with physical reality. Then tell them exactly what has happened."

Girard went and got some rudimentary explanations of how technology could explain some of the things he was describing.

"Finally, I said: 'Look, I must come to the point, because I need answers. This is happening to me; it's not science fiction.'" They laughed.

He got the same response from friends, he says. "They regarded me as crazy, which is a humiliating experience."

When asked why he didn't consult a doctor about the voices and the pain, he says, "I don't dare start talking to people because of the potential stigma of it all. I don't want to be treated differently. Here I was in Philadelphia. Something was going on, I don't know any doctors . . . I know somebody's doing something to me."

It was a struggle to graduate, he says, but he was determined, and he persevered. In 1988, the same year he finished his degree, his father died, leaving Girard an inheritance large enough that he did not have to work.

So, instead of becoming a landscape architect, Girard began a full-time investigation of what was happening to him, often traveling to Washington in pursuit of government documents relating to mind control. He put an ad in a magazine seeking other victims. Only a few people responded. But over the years, as he met more and more people like himself, he grew convinced that he was part of what he calls an "electronic concentration camp."

What he was finding on his research trips also buttressed his belief: Girard learned that in the 1950s, the CIA had drugged unwitting victims with LSD as part of a rogue mind-control experiment called MK-ULTRA. He came across references to the CIA seeking to influence the mind with electromagnetic fields. Then he found references in an academic research book to work that military researchers at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research had done in the 1970s with pulsed microwaves to transmit words that a subject would hear in his head. Elsewhere, he came across references to attempts to use electromagnetic energy, sound waves or microwave beams to cause non-lethal pain to the body. For every symptom he experienced, he believed he found references to a weapon that could cause it.

How much of the research Girard cites checks out?

Concerns about microwaves and mind control date to the 1960s, when the U.S. government discovered that its embassy in Moscow was being bombarded by low-level electromagnetic radiation. In 1965, according to declassified Defense Department documents, the Pentagon, at the behest of the White House, launched Project Pandora, top-secret research to explore the behavioral and biological effects of low-level microwaves. For approximately four years, the Pentagon conducted secret research: zapping monkeys; exposing unwitting sailors to microwave radiation; and conducting a host of other unusual experiments (a sub-project of Project Pandora was titled Project Bizarre). The results were mixed, and the program was plagued by disagreements and scientific squabbles. The "Moscow signal," as it was called, was eventually attributed to eavesdropping, not mind control, and Pandora ended in 1970. And with it, the military's research into so-called non-thermal microwave effects seemed to die out, at least in the unclassified realm.

But there are hints of ongoing research: An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person's head. "The signal can be a 'message from God' that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the enemy to surrender," the author concluded.

In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head. That work is frequently cited on mind-control Web sites. Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the research laboratory's directed energy directorate, declined to discuss that patent or current or related research in the field, citing the lab's policy not to comment on its microwave work.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent -- records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear -- the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials.

The official U.S. Air Force position is that there are no non-thermal effects of microwaves. Yet Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, tagged microwave attacks against the human brain as part of future warfare in a 2001 presentation to the National Defense Industrial Association about "Future Strategic Issues."

"That work is exceedingly sensitive" and unlikely to be reported in any unclassified documents, he says.

Meanwhile, the military's use of weapons that employ electromagnetic radiation to create pain is well-known, as are some of the limitations of such weapons. In 2001, the Pentagon declassified one element of this research: the Active Denial System, a weapon that uses electromagnetic radiation to heat skin and create an intense burning sensation. So, yes, there is technology designed to beam painful invisible rays at humans, but the weapon seems to fall far short of what could account for many of the TIs' symptoms. While its exact range is classified, Doug Beason, an expert in directed-energy weapons, puts it at about 700 meters, and the beam cannot penetrate a number of materials, such as aluminum. Considering the size of the full-scale weapon, which resembles a satellite dish, and its operational limitations, the ability of the government or anyone else to shoot beams at hundreds of people -- on city streets, into their homes and while they travel in cars and planes -- is beyond improbable.

But, given the history of America's clandestine research, it's reasonable to assume that if the defense establishment could develop mind-control or long-distance ray weapons, it almost certainly would. And, once developed, the possibility that they might be tested on innocent civilians could not be categorically dismissed.

Girard, for his part, believes these weapons were not only developed but were also tested on him more than 20 years ago.

What would the government gain by torturing him? Again, Girard found what he believed to be an explanation, or at least a precedent: During the Cold War, the government conducted radiation experiments on scores of unwitting victims, essentially using them as human guinea pigs. Girard came to believe that he, too, was a walking experiment.

Not that Girard thinks his selection was totally random: He believes he was targeted because of a disparaging remark he made to a Republican fundraiser about George H.W. Bush in the early 1980s. Later, Girard says, the voices confirmed his suspicion.

"One night I was going to bed; the usual drivel was going on," he says. "The constant stream of drivel. I was just about to go to bed, and a voice says: 'Mr. Girard, do you know who was in our studio with us? That was George Bush, vice president of the United States.'"

Girard's story, however strange, reflects what TIs around the world report: a chance encounter with a government agency or official, followed by surveillance and gang stalking, and then, in many cases, voices, and pain similar to electric shocks. Some in the community have taken it upon themselves to document as many cases as possible. One TI from California conducted about 50 interviews, narrowing the symptoms down to several major areas: "ringing in the ears," "manipulation of body parts," "hearing voices," "piercing sensation on skin," "sinus problems" and "sexual attacks." In fact, the TI continued, "many report the sensation of having their genitalia manipulated."

Both male and female TIs report a variety of "attacks" to their sexual organs. "My testicles became so sore I could barely walk," Girard says of his early experiences. Others, however, report the attacks in the form of sexual stimulation, including one TI who claims he dropped out of the seminary after constant sexual stimulation by directed-energy weapons. Susan Sayler, a TI in San Diego, says many women among the TIs suffer from attacks to their sexual organs but are often embarrassed to talk about it with outsiders.

"It's sporadic, you just never know when it will happen," she says. "A lot of the women say it's as soon as you lay down in bed -- that's when you would get hit the worst. It happened to me as I was driving, at odd times."

What made her think it was an electronic attack and not just in her head? "There was no sexual attraction to a man when it would happen. That's what was wrong. It did not feel like a muscle spasm or whatever," she says. "It's so . . . electronic."

Gloria Naylor, a renowned African American writer, seems to defy many of the stereotypes of someone who believes in mind control. A winner of the National Book Award, Naylor is best known for her acclaimed novel, The Women of Brewster Place, which described a group of women living in a poor urban neighborhood and was later made into a miniseries by Oprah Winfrey.

But in 2005, she published a lesser-known work, 1996, a semi-autobiographical book describing her experience as a TI. "I didn't want to tell this story. It's going to take courage. Perhaps more courage than I possess, but they've left me no alternatives," Naylor writes at the beginning of her book. "I am in a battle for my mind. If I stop now, they'll have won, and I will lose myself." The book is coherent, if hard to believe. It's also marked by disturbing passages describing how Jewish American agents were responsible for Naylor's surveillance. "Of the many cars that kept coming and going down my road, most were driven by Jews," she writes in the book. When asked about that passage in a recent interview, she defended her logic: Being from New York, she claimed, she can recognize Jews.

Naylor lives on a quiet street in Brooklyn in a majestic brownstone with an interior featuring intricate woodwork and tasteful decorations that attest to a successful literary career. She speaks about her situation calmly, occasionally laughing at her own predicament and her struggle with what she originally thought was mental illness. "I would observe myself," she explains. "I would lie in bed while the conversations were going on, and I'd ask: Maybe it is schizophrenia?"

Like Girard, Naylor describes what she calls "street theater" -- incidents that might be dismissed by others as coincidental, but which Naylor believes were set up. She noticed suspicious cars driving by her isolated vacation home. On an airplane, fellow passengers mimicked her every movement -- like mimes on a street.

Voices similar to those in Girard's case followed -- taunting voices cursing her, telling her she was stupid, that she couldn't write. Expletive-laced language filled her head. Naylor sought help from a psychiatrist and received a prescription for an antipsychotic drug. But the medication failed to stop the voices, she says, which only added to her conviction that the harassment was real.

For almost four years, Naylor says, the voices prevented her from writing. In 2000, she says, around the time she discovered the mind-control forums, the voices stopped and the surveillance tapered off. It was then that she began writing 1996 as a "catharsis."

Colleagues urged Naylor not to publish the book, saying she would destroy her reputation. But she did publish, albeit with a small publishing house. The book was generally ignored by critics but embraced by TIs.

Naylor is not the first writer to describe such a personal descent. Evelyn Waugh, one of the great novelists of the 20th century, details similar experiences in The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. Waugh's book, published in 1957, has eerie similarities to Naylor's.

Embarking on a recuperative cruise, Pinfold begins to hear voices on the ship that he believes are part of a wireless system capable of broadcasting into his head; he believes the instigator recruited fellow passengers to act as operatives; and he describes "performances" put on by passengers directed at him yet meant to look innocuous to others.

Waugh wrote his book several years after recovering from a similar episode and realizing that the voices and paranoia were the result of drug-induced hallucinations.

Naylor ... is now back at work on an historical novel she hopes will return her to the literary mainstream. She remains convinced that she was targeted by mind control. The many echoes of her ordeal she sees on the mind-control forums reassure her she's not crazy, she says.

Of course, some of the things she sees on the forum do strike her as crazy. "But who I am to say?" she says. "Maybe I sound crazy to somebody else."

Some TIs, such as Ed Moore, a young medical doctor, take a slightly more skeptical approach. He criticizes what he calls the "wacky claims" of TIs who blame various government agencies or groups of people without any proof. "I have yet to see a claim of who is behind this that has any data to support it," he writes.

Nonetheless, Moore still believes the voices in his head are the result of mind control and that the U.S. government is the most likely culprit. Moore started hearing voices in 2003, just as he completed his medical residency in anesthesiology; he was pulling an all-nighter studying for board exams when he heard voices coming from a nearby house commenting on him, on his abilities as a doctor, on his sanity. At first, he thought he was simply overhearing conversations through walls (much as Waugh's fictional alter ego first thought), but when no one else could hear the voices, he realized they were in his head. Moore went through a traumatic two years, including hospitalization for depression with auditory hallucinations.

"One tries to convince friends and family that you are being electronically harassed with voices that only you can hear," he writes in an e-mail. "You learn to stop doing that. They don't believe you, and they become sad and concerned, and it amplifies your own depression when you have voices screaming at you and your friends and family looking at you as a helpless, sick, mentally unbalanced wreck."

He says he grew frustrated with anti-psychotic medications meant to stop the voices, both because the treatments didn't work and because psychiatrists showed no interest in what the voices were telling him. He began to look for some other way to cope.

"In March of 2005, I started looking up support groups on the Internet," he wrote. "My wife would cry when she would see these sites, knowing I still heard voices, but I did not know what else to do." In 2006, he says, his wife, who had stood by him for three years, filed for divorce.

Moore, like other TIs, is cautious about sharing details of his life. He worries about looking foolish to friends and colleagues -- but he says that risk is ultimately worthwhile if he can bring attention to the issue.

With his father's financial help, Moore is now studying for an electrical engineering degree at the University of Texas at San Antonio, hoping to prove that V2K, the technology to send voices into people's heads, is real. Being in school, around other people, helps him cope, he writes, but the voices continue to taunt him.

Recently, he says, they told him: "We'll never stop [messing] with you."

A week before the TIs rally on the National Mall, John Alexander, one of the people whom Harlan Girard holds personally responsible for the voices in his head, is at a Chili's restaurant in Crystal City explaining over a Philly cheese steak and fries why the United States needs mind-control weapons.

A former Green Beret who served in Vietnam, Alexander went on to a number of national security jobs, and rubbed shoulders with prominent military and political leaders. Long known for taking an interest in exotic weapons, his 1980 article, "The New Mental Battlefield," published in the Army journal Military Review, is cited by self-described victims as proof of his complicity in mind control. Now retired from the government and living in Las Vegas, Alexander continues to advise the military. He is in the Washington area that day for an official meeting.

Beneath a shock of white hair is the mind of a self-styled military thinker. Alexander belongs to a particular set of Pentagon advisers who consider themselves defense intellectuals, focusing on big-picture issues, future threats and new capabilities. Alexander's career led him from work on sticky foam that would stop an enemy in his or her tracks to dalliances in paranormal studies and psychics, which he still defends as operationally useful.

In an earlier phone conversation, Alexander said that in the 1990s, when he took part in briefings at the CIA, there was never any talk of "mind control, or mind-altering drugs or technologies, or anything like that."

According to Alexander, the military and intelligence agencies were still scared by the excesses of MK-ULTRA, the infamous CIA program that involved, in part, slipping LSD to unsuspecting victims. "Until recently, anything that smacked of [mind control] was extremely dangerous" because Congress would simply take the money away, he said.

Alexander acknowledged that "there were some abuses that took place," but added that, on the whole, "I would argue we threw the baby out with the bath water."

But September 11, 2001, changed the mood in Washington, and some in the national security community are again expressing interest in mind control, particularly a younger generation of officials who weren't around for MK-ULTRA. "It's interesting, that it's coming back," Alexander observed.

While Alexander scoffs at the notion that he is somehow part of an elaborate plot to control people's minds, he acknowledges support for learning how to tap into a potential enemy's brain. He gives as an example the possible use of functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, for lie detection. "Brain mapping" with fMRI theoretically could allow interrogators to know when someone is lying by watching for activity in particular parts of the brain. For interrogating terrorists, fMRI could come in handy, Alexander suggests. But any conceivable use of the technique would fall far short of the kind of mind-reading TIs complain about.

Alexander also is intrigued by the possibility of using electronic means to modify behavior. The dilemma of the war on terrorism, he notes, is that it never ends. So what do you do with enemies, such as those at Guantanamo: keep them there forever? That's impractical. Behavior modification could be an alternative, he says.

"Maybe I can fix you, or electronically neuter you, so it's safe to release you into society, so you won't come back and kill me," Alexander says. It's only a matter of time before technology allows that scenario to come true, he continues. "We're now getting to where we can do that." He pauses for a moment to take a bite of his sandwich. "Where does that fall in the ethics spectrum? That's a really tough question."

When Alexander encounters a query he doesn't want to answer, such as one about the ethics of mind control, he smiles and raises his hands level to his chest, as if balancing two imaginary weights. In one hand is mind control and the sanctity of free thought -- and in the other hand, a tad higher -- is the war on terrorism.

But none of this has anything to do with the TIs, he says. "Just because things are secret, people tend to extrapolate. Common sense does not prevail, and even when you point out huge leaps in logic that just cannot be true, they are not dissuaded."

What is it that brings someone, even an intelligent person, to ascribe the experience of hearing disembodied voices to government weapons?

In her book, Abducted, Harvard psychologist Susan Clancy examines a group that has striking parallels to the TIs: people who believe they've been kidnapped by aliens. The similarities are often uncanny: Would-be abductees describe strange pains, and feelings of being watched or targeted. And although the alleged abductees don't generally have auditory hallucinations, they do sometimes believe that their thoughts are controlled by aliens, or that they've been implanted with advanced technology.

(On the online forum, some TIs posted vociferous objections to the parallel, concerned that the public finds UFOs even weirder than mind control. "It will keep us all marginalized and discredited," one griped.)

Clancy argues that the main reason people believe they've been abducted by aliens is that it provides them with a compelling narrative to explain their perception that strange things have happened to them, such as marks on their bodies (marks others would simply dismiss as bruises), stimulation to their sexual organs (as the TIs describe) or feelings of paranoia. "It's not just an explanation for your problems; it's a source of meaning for your life," Clancy says.

In the case of TIs, mind-control weapons are an explanation for the voices they hear in their head. Socrates heard a voice and thought it was a demon; Joan of Arc heard voices from God. As one TI noted in an e-mail: "Each person undergoing this harassment is looking for the solution to the problem. Each person analyzes it through his or her own particular spectrum of beliefs. If you are a scientific-minded person, then you will probably analyze the situation from that perspective and conclude it must be done with some kind of electronic devices. If you are a religious person, you will see it as a struggle between the elements of whatever religion you believe in. If you are maybe, perhaps more eccentric, you may think that it is alien in nature."

Or, if you happen to live in the United States in the early 21st century, you may fear the growing power of the NSA, CIA and FBI.

Being a victim of government surveillance is also, arguably, better than being insane. In Waugh's novella based on his own painful experience, when Pinfold concludes that hidden technology is being used to infiltrate his brain, he "felt nothing but gratitude in his discovery." Why? "He might be unpopular; he might be ridiculous; but he was not mad."

Ralph Hoffman, a professor of psychiatry at Yale who has studied auditory hallucinations, regularly sees people who believe the voices are a part of government harassment (others believe they are God, dead relatives or even ex-girlfriends). Not all people who hear voices are schizophrenic, he says, noting that people can hear voices episodically in highly emotional states. What exactly causes these voices is still unknown, but one thing is certain: People who think the voices are caused by some external force are rarely dissuaded from their delusional belief, he says. "These are highly emotional and gripping experiences that are so compelling for them that ordinary reality seems bland."

Perhaps because the experience is so vivid, he says, even some of those who improve through treatment merely decide the medical regimen somehow helped protect their brain from government weapons.

Scott Temple, a professor of psychiatry at Penn State University who has been involved in two recent studies of auditory hallucinations, notes that those who suffer such hallucinations frequently lack insight into their illness. Even among those who do understand they are sick, "that awareness comes and goes," he says. "People feel overwhelmed, and the delusional interpretations return."

Back at the Philadelphia train station, Girard seems more agitated. In a meeting the week before, his "handlers" had spoken to him only briefly -- they weren't in the right position to attack him, Girard surmises, based on the lack of voices. Today, his conversation jumps more rapidly from one subject to the next: victims of radiation experiments, his hatred of George H.W. Bush, MK-ULTRA, his personal experiences.

Asked about his studies at Penn, he replies by talking about his problems with reading: "I told you, everything I write they dictate to me," he says, referring again to the voices. "When I read, they're reading to me. My eyes go across; they're moving my eyes down the line. They're reading it to me. When I close the book, I can't remember a thing I read. That's why they do it."

The week before, Girard had pointed to only one person who appeared suspicious to him -- a young African American man reading a book; this time, however, he hears more voices, which leads him to believe the station is crawling with agents.

"Let's change our location," Girard says after a while. "I'm sure they have 40 or 50 people in here today. I escaped their surveillance last time -- they won't let that happen again."

Asked to explain the connection between mind control and the University of Pennsylvania, which Girard alleges is involved in the conspiracy, he begins to talk about defense contractors located near the Philadelphia campus: "General Electric was right next to the parking garage; General Electric Space Systems occupies a huge building right over there. From that building, you could see into the studio where I was doing my work most of the time. I asked somebody what they were doing there. You know, it had to do with computers. GE Space Systems. They were supposed to be tracking missile debris from this location . . . pardon me. What was your question again?"

Yet many parts of Girard's life seem to reflect that of any affluent 70-year-old bachelor. He travels frequently to France for extended vacations and takes part in French cultural activities in Philadelphia. He has set up a travel scholarship at the Cleveland Institute of Art in the name of his late mother, who attended school there (he changed his last name 27 years ago for "personal reasons"), and he travels to meet the students who benefit from the fund. And while the bulk of his time is spent on his research and writing about mind control, he has other interests. He follows politics and describes outings with friends and family members with whom he doesn't talk about mind control, knowing they would view it skeptically.

Girard acknowledges that some of his experiences mirror symptoms of schizophrenia, but asked if he ever worried that the voices might in fact be caused by mental illness, he answers sharply with one word: "No."

How, then, does he know the voices are real?

"How do you know you know anything?" Girard replies. "How do you know I exist? How do you know this isn't a dream you're having, from which you'll wake up in a few minutes? I suppose that analogy is the closest thing: You know when you have a dream. Sometimes it could be perfectly lucid, but you know it's a dream."

The very "realness" of the voices is the issue -- how do you disbelieve something you perceive as real? That's precisely what Hoffman, the Yale psychiatrist, points out: So lucid are the voices that the sufferers -- regardless of their educational level or self-awareness -- are unable to see them as anything but real. "One thing I can assure you," Hoffman says, "is that for them, it feels real."

It looks like almost any other small political rally in Washington. Posters adorn the gate on the southwest side of the Capitol Reflecting Pool, as attendees set up a table with press materials, while volunteers test a loudspeaker and set out coolers filled with bottled water. The sun is out, the weather is perfect, and an eclectic collection of people from across the country has gathered to protest mind control.

There is not a tinfoil hat to be seen. Only the posters and paraphernalia hint at the unusual. "Stop USA electronic harassment," urges one poster. "Directed Energy Assaults," reads another. Smaller signs in the shape of tombstones say, "RIP MKULTRA." The main display, set in front of the speaker's lectern has a more extended message: "HELP STOP HI-TECH ASSAULT PSYCHOTRONIC TORTURE."

About 35 TIs show up for the June rally, in addition to a few friends and family members. Speakers alternate between giving personal testimonials and descriptions of research into mind-control technology. Most of the gawkers at the rally are foreign tourists. A few hecklers snicker at the signs, but mostly people are either confused or indifferent. The articles on mind control at the table -- from mainstream news magazines -- go untouched.

"How can you expect people to get worked up over this if they don't care about eavesdropping or eminent domain?" one man challenges after stopping to flip through the literature. Mary Ann Stratton, who is manning the table, merely shrugs and smiles sadly. There is no answer: Everyone at the rally acknowledges it is an uphill battle.

In general, the outlook for TIs is not good; many lose their jobs, houses and family. Depression is common. But for many at the rally, experiencing the community of mind-control victims seems to help. One TI, a man who had been a rescue swimmer in the Coast Guard before voices in his head sent him on a downward spiral, expressed the solace he found among fellow TIs in a long e-mail to another TI: "I think that the only people that can help are people going through the same thing. Everyone else will not believe you, or they are possibly involved."

In the end, though, nothing could help him enough. In August 2006, he would commit suicide.

But at least for the day, the rally is boosting TI spirits. Girard, in what for him is an ebullient mood, takes the microphone. A small crowd of tourists gathers at the sidelines, listening with casual interest. With the Capitol looming behind him, he reaches the crescendo of his speech, rallying the attendees to remember an important thing: They are part of a single community.

"I've heard it said, 'We can't get anywhere because everyone's story is different.' We are all the same," Girard booms. "You knew someone with the power to commit you to the electronic concentration camp system."

Several weeks after the rally, Girard shows up for a meeting with a reporter at the stately Mayflower Hotel in Washington, where he has stayed frequently over the two decades he has traveled to the capital to battle mind control. He walks in with a lit cigarette, which he apologetically puts out after a hotel employee tells him smoking isn't allowed anymore. He is half an hour late -- delayed, he says, by a meeting on Capitol Hill. Wearing a monogrammed dress shirt and tie, he looks, as always, serious and professional.

Girard declines to mention whom on Capitol Hill he'd met with, other than to say it was a congressional staffer. Embarrassment is likely a factor: Girard readily acknowledges that most people he meets with, ranging from scholars to politicians, ignore his entreaties or dismiss him as a lunatic.

Lately, his focus is on his Web site, which he sees as the culmination of nearly a quarter-century of research. When completed, it will contain more than 300 pages of documents. What next? Maybe he'll move to France (there are victims there, too), or maybe the U.S. government will finally just kill him, he says.

Meanwhile, he is always searching for absolute proof that the government has decoded the brain. His latest interest is LifeLog, a project once funded by the Pentagon that he read about in Wired News. The article described it this way: "The embryonic LifeLog program would dump everything an individual does into a giant database: every e-mail sent or received, every picture taken, every Web page surfed, every phone call made, every TV show watched, every magazine read. All of this -- and more -- would combine with information gleaned from a variety of sources: a GPS transmitter to keep tabs on where that person went, audiovisual sensors to capture what he or she sees or says, and biomedical monitors to keep track of the individual's health."

Girard suggests that the government, using similar technology, has "catalogued" his life over the past two years -- every sight and sound (Evelyn Waugh, in his mind-control book, writes about his character's similar fear that his harassers were creating a file of his entire life).

Girard thinks the government can control his movements, inject thoughts into his head, cause him pain day and night. He believes that he will die a victim of mind control.

Is there any reason for optimism?

Girard hesitates, then asks a rhetorical question.

"Why, despite all this, why am I the same person? Why am I Harlan Girard?"

For all his anguish, be it the result of mental illness or, as Girard contends, government mind control, the voices haven't managed to conquer the thing that makes him who he is: Call it his consciousness, his intellect or, perhaps, his soul.

"That's what they don't yet have," he says. After 22 years, "I'm still me."


best wishes and love lots



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A PLEA to those who want to save the next generation

We all know why people are afraid of them, we are living proofs of how they can destroy lives and we have dead proofs who were eliminated because the perps are not sure these people have their backs.

It's already a given we too will be eliminated even if it's thru "forced" natural causes . The only question is when.

Will we just wait for our death  like the others who have gone before us? Are we ready to die knowing that people we know or care for would someday ask: why did somebody not tell me? Why didn't anybody make a stand?

I want my remaining life to be spent to make a stand for what is right. 

I already know who is doing this and what the motivations are. We all know though how powerful and connected they are. We need to make sure the case will be so incontrovertible they won't be allowed a way out.

God has already given us that shoo-in case. 

The world has witnessed what they did to me.

Once it's started the perps cannot deny what they have done. With their greed and arrogance they allowed a lot of people to be engaged in this concerted harassment  in the hopes of luring in front liners who will cover up for them. 

May I request from those  who are well aware of the links or have copies of recordings and documents that they have distributed  INVOLVING ME, IDENTIFYING ME to please find a way to have them in my hands, in a manner that will be safe for  you. 

I understand the risks you will be taking and I believe it will be better if you plan amongst yourselves how the necessary evidence of violations against me will get into my hands without me knowing who they are from.

I believe you now know that I have found the necessary connections as to how they were able to sustain this gang-stalking for a long time, involving a lot of people. It would strengthen the case even more if I would have specifics of how they actually contact those who they try to engage to join in on this harassment.  

I can already establish the links, and the motives, we just have to make sure the case is bullet-proof and that I can afford to be visible even IF alone in the early stages of the battle.

I know that when this case  gains steam, people they have abused will also come out once they are sure the battle's gonna be won. At the onset , I understand if I have to go through it in public alone.

God has allowed a dent in their shrewd plan.   Let us ensure we take the opportunity God has given us to win this case. 

With such a large audience they are selling their sordid feeds too, that's the same volume of witnesses who will know when I make a stand that what I am saying is indeed true.  They will all know because they have recordings, links , manifesto and details of what's being done to shame and ridicule me. 

I am ready to face that shame, I am ready to make a stand.

This is the only way the world will get a full picture of what really happened from the person who's the central figure in this story of abuse, ridicule and disdain.

Please let me say my piece.


Please help me ensure this will not happen to your child, our children, and the next generation who may also SLEEP  through it all, clueless (as I was for more than a decade), unless somebody makes a stand now.


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mind control in the uk

Torture is alive and well in the UK. MI5, the UK's secret police, regularly use Non-Lethal Weapons on any dissidents. Since MI5 have a well-documented history of hating the Labour Party, and were instrumental in bringing down the Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson, they naturally took to spying on, and discrediting, any group or person who did not follow their rabid right wing dogma. When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of a right-wing Conservative Government in 1979, she soon saw the power in recruiting MI5 to be her own secret police. During the Miner's strike in the early eighties, Arthur Scargill and his National Union of Miners nearly brought the Conservative Government down, with their year long strike. Margaret Thatcher used MI5 to spy on the miners and discredit Scargill. Leading police officers argued against the use of MI5 on the civilian population, they were ignored or replaced - if they proved too vociferous.

Margret Thatcher was the first Prime Minister for many a year to sit in on the Joint Intelligence Committee's meetings on a regular basis. Thatcher, as a trained scientist, would have been well aware of the usefulness of microwave weapons. They are impossible to detect unless you have a detector, dissidents have no idea these weapons exist and best of all, they are totally deniable. It may be that MI5 kept this research secret from Thatcher, but the resources the UK has put into these fearsome, so-called non-lethal weapons, is extensive. UK intelligence runs a fleet of microwave weapon carrying vans, as well as portable microwave weapons that can be deployed near the dissident's home. The vast expense can be disguised as communications equipment, for as well all know, microwave telephone communication is all the rage in our modern world. My research shows that the microwave telephone network also has the potential to be used as a major mind control weapon system to control the behaviour of the microwave phone users.

Developed under the Conservative government, which was in power from 79-97, the UK secret, or black government, has at its disposal a fearsome array of mind control weapons. These abhorrent devices are euphemistically called non-lethal weapons by the UK military. In fact they kill you slowly be causing nerve damage, cancers, mental collapse leading to suicides or tissue failure such as heart attacks due to the cooking effect of the microwaves.

Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Human behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation.Pulse modulated microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they are able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM. The massive number of microwave antennae that dot the country, some of which are used for the microwave phone network, all use pulse modulated microwaves, which makes their use for a strategic mind control device against the civilian population in times of trouble, or rioting, crucial to modifying the behaviour of the general population. In modern democracies it is no longer viable to shot rioters, or torture dissidents by normal means, as the bad publicity is self defeating. Thus, microwave weapons have been developed by the UK's military intelligence as they leave no marks, or gaping wounds. This pulse modulated microwave carrier beam can then be used to carry signals. These signals are extremely low frequency recordings of brain electrical potentials, which have been recorded by neuro-medical researchers such as Dr Ross Adey's. Dr Ross Adey's research at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California, was funded by the CIA. In their Pandora project a catalogue of different brain signals for specific actions, emotions and pathological states of mind were recorded. It was found that when microwaves were used to fire these signals at victims' brains, they experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology)

It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use of microwave beams.All that is needed is a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each - mood, action and thought. These catalogues of excitation potentials are available from Russian neuro-medical research institutes, so anyone with enough cash can have the same technology at their disposal as UK military mind control groups. (the psychological enforcement arm of MI5). The Aum sect bought microwave weaponry via their 50,000 Russian converts.

Particular excitation potential, is then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans has a distinctive frequency. There was one for anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust, etc. Intelligence operatives in the UK regularly park microwave transmitters outside targets' houses and beam specific mood inducing excitation potentials at the victims.To aid them they have sophisticated millimetre wave scanners to look through the victims walls, so they can see the targets in their homes. Pulse modulated microwaves are directed at their victims' brains, while other people in their homes are oblivious of what is going on. A leading conspiracy researcher, who looks into the GCHQ at Cheltenham, found one of these vans with two spheres on its roof, parked in his road. He took the number plate and through contacts checked who owned it. It was an MOD van.

Hopefully he has found the microwave weapon system before it has done him too much harm.

These microwave weapons were developed allegedly at Marconi.

When firing microwave beams through walls at one target, every material in the way of the beam attenuates or modifies the intensity and frequency of the beam. Since precise frequencies and intensities are needed for mind control, very sophisticated microwave arrays and computer programmes had to be developed so that the microwave beam could be changed in response to the materials which lay between the target and the weapon, as the victim moved around his house. To do this, the reflectivity and refractivity of the materials had to be analysed in real-time and fed to a computer which could change the microwave array in concert with the changing environment between victim and weapon. There also had to be an automatic interrupter if another person walked in front of the beam. The victim needed to be driven mad or disabled, without anyone else being aware that they were being targeted. The technology for this was very complex but eventually it was perfected. Twenty-five or more scientists and military personnel associated with the Marconi project then died in mysterious circumstances. Intelligence regularly kill people to keep them quite. Maybe intelligence personnel killed the entire research team to keep such a diabolical weapon secret.

For if it were made public the scandal would bring down the government.Whatever the real story, by the mid to late eighties, all the problems had been ironed out and these new smart microwave weapons were deployed on the UK's streets. Northern Ireland would have proved the perfect place to test them out. Pulse modulated microwave weapons had now come of age. By this method, any mood or behavioural set, can be conditioned into the target's brain. Intelligence agents keep a log of the victim's behaviour to see if more intense 'treatment' is needed and as a guide for future mind control projects.

It is alleged that by this method, UFO and conspiracy researchers, are routinely driven to commit suicide. Having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical officers in the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. If you look at the long list of UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves. Behavioural reinforcement is used in a synergistic way with the mind control. It was found that the effect of the microwave beams could be greatly enhanced by external reinforcement. Intelligence community personnel destroy the target's property, ruin their financial affairs spread vicious rumour, make sexual peccadilloes public knowledge - such as wearing women's underwear, while checking oneself - with an orange in one's mouth. External reinforcement of pulse modulated microwave mind control technology was found to be very effective.

Intelligence chiefs are now in seventh heaven, if some one becomes a problem they get the 'suicide mind control team' parked outside their house. Within weeks, the victim kills himself. This is very phasing to the intelligence mandarins, as suicides are easy to explain away - even if the victim was a highly placed politician or military man. If the military intelligence agency does not wish you to commit suicide, they can drive you mad. This is done by beaming the excitation potential of a particular pathological mental state at your brain while you are at home. To aid in this, the intelligence operatives can place sounds and speech in the target victim's brain. This inter-cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. Transmission of auditory data directly into the targets' brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practise. Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on the pulse modulated microwave beam.

Discrediting well known people who are causing problems for the shadowy elite, by driving them mad, seems to be standard operating procedure for the intelligence community. Victims are subject to pulse modulated microwaves which carry different types of madness and behavioural abbreviations, encoded as ELF excitation potentials. This makes the troublesome high profile person, display manic or insane behaviour that discredits them. Examples of this technique are allegedly: David Icke, Fergie, Princess Diana...

Outside environmental reinforcement, by use of media agents in league with MI5, makes it assured that the high profile person's mind controlled madness, will be put in the worst possible light to discredit them.In this way, high profile subversives who cannot be imprisoned, (unlike the Carl Bridgewater, Birmingham Six, Guildford Four…) in the normal way by Britain's police, or killed by assassination squads, such as the Pegasus group, are made to look ridiculous.

Public humiliation is the finest weapon the authorities have to make harmless a potential well known figure, who is making trouble.

If the VIP needs to be made temporarily ill, microwave beams containing the signal the brain gives off during a vicious bout of flu can be fired at the victim. This causes the target to display all the symptoms of flu, even though they have not caught the virus.Major Ed Dames the remote viewing specialist, who has close links with the US secret military, alluded to this device on a US TV programme.

The intelligence agents can also use low level microwaves to cause mental and physical confusion that leads to illness. Beaming microwaves at victims makes them fatigued, damages their immune system, causes neurological damage that effects their thinking and ability to carry out tasks, induces premature ageing, cancer and cataracts. Sussex police regularly use this low level microwave to clear drunks from city centres. While researching this matter , I was subject to high levels of microwave >|Omw/cm2 whenever I approached their headquarters, whilst MI5 irradiated my home continually with microwaves. It seem I touch a raw nerve while researching mind control weapons usage in the UK.

Organisations that irritate the authorities have their building turned into a hot spot by microwave transmitters, so the staff all suffer sick building syndrome caused by microwave damage. Or the staff of the target organisation have their behaviour changed to cause discord. UFO Reality a leading UFO and conspiracy magazine have complained of mysterious health problems, while another new age group complained of eye damage, nausea and headaches brought on when ever they had a meeting, which may have been caused by microwaves. Heating the victim to death by microwave cooking is caused by increasing the field intensity of the radiation, to cause local hotspots in the victims eyes and gaul bladder, which have poor circulation, so cannot carry away the heat. Irradiating the optic nerve of the victim with the same signal that is sent to the brain by this nerve, causes the nerve tissue to overload. This way, subversives can be blinded by the intelligence community without them knowing what has occurred. An American researcher complained of this problem to me and warned me that this weapon system was being used on my person by MI5.

Neurological research found the brain to have specific frequencies for each voluntary movement called preparatory sets. By firing at your chest with a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given off by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so-called heart attack. In this way, high profile leaders of political parties who are prone to heart attacks can be killed off before they cause any trouble.

Neil Kinnocks' Labour Government was allegedly cheated out of an election victory by postal vote rigging in twenty key marginal seats. When a new even more electable Labour leader was found, it is rumoured that John Smith, the then Labour leader, was prompted to have a fatal heart attack, while walking in the country with his family, by means of a concealed microwave device which operated on the Vagus nerve to bring about a massive heart attack. Since MI5 have a long history of naked hatred towards the Labour party, there may be some truth in the above, though no hard evidence had yet been found.

Paralysis can be induced in the target by use of this method of broadcasting preparatory sets encoded on microwave beams. A pulse modulated microwave beam, carrying an ELF signal, which is identical to the one in the motor neurone centre of the brain, is used to jam the victims motor co-ordination. This is analogous to radar jamming, using a more powerful signal at the same frequency to swamp out the enemies radar. Motor neurone preparatory set potentials are jammed by a bigger signal carried by a microwave carrier beam, that literally overloads the brain, so it cannot control the body. Pulse modulated microwave weapons which broadcast the ELF preparatory sets of the motor cortext of the victim, will paralyse the victim without killing them. Breathing and heartbeat are involuntary actions controlled by another set of frequencies in another part of the brain This technique can be used to abduct people for secret government mind control experiments, under the guise of alien abduction. A microwave beam of this nature will paralyse the victim, so they can be bundled into a black helicopter and airlifted away for experimentation.

Once the procedure is complete, hypnosis can be used to plant false memories of alien abduction . In this way, real alien abductions can be used by the authorities to enable them to obtain a limitless supply of guinea pigs for their mind control experiments. Real memories of government involvement are erased electronically. This technique clears all short-term memories from the victims consciousness by broadcasting microwave beams at the target which carry the signals used for memory retention. When you remember something, it is first stored in your short-term memory. After approximately twelve hours, this short-term memory is converted in the brain to long term memory, after which you remember this information for the rest of your life. If this conversion from short-term memory to long term memory does not occur, the data is lost. We see details around us, but try to recall the décor in a restaurant you eat at some weeks ago and you'll see how tenuous memory is.

Microwave radiation of a specific frequency can interfere with the transfer of memories from short to long term memory. Microwave radiation of a specific frequency can interfere with the synapses of the brain. By interfering with the connections between brain cells, memory of people can by disrupted. In this way, Seal special force assassins can be brain-wiped after a mission, so they have no idea of the target they killed. Using hypnosis, false memories can then be planted in the brain, so the gap left by the real memory is papered over.

The latest advance in electronic mind control were discussed in my previous articles in Nexus, but for those who missed the ESP of Espionage, this equipment uses special types of microwave beams called MASERs. These are the laser equivalent of microwave beams.

These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read people's minds from a distance. Electronic scanning af victims' brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim's subvocalised thoughts.

Head of US Special Forces Major-General Schaknow, talked about synthetic telepathy during a lecture in July 1992 at Fort Bragg North Carolina. The US military is hard at work perfecting synthetic telepathy. In synthetic telepathy, the weak electromagnetic signals in the brain associated with subvocalised thought, are connected to a computer by use of electrodes, or in more advanced mechanisms by MASER beams. Sophisticated computer systems have learnt to read the subvocalised thoughts in the brain, by associating a specific brain exciting potential, with a particular word. In this case, only one specific language can be decoded, as each word in a language has a specific set of frequencies that must be discovered. Once the donkey work of finding the specific frequencies for all the words in a language has been programmed into a super computer, which can carry out massive parallel processing, fuzzy logic software is used to match this with real world excitation potential associated with subvocalised thought obtained from thousands of abductees, who are used to calibrate the synthetic telepathy devices.

GCHQ Cheltenham, the intelligence gathering arm of MI5, possess the advanced computer systems needed for synthetic telepathy. Synthetic telepathy detects the I5Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions, that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain associated with subvocalised thought. New technology, involving low frequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built which can scan through walls and look inside peoples' bodies like X-rays. This enables security personnel to see a target in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further to this, being able to see inside the victim's head, would allow computer controlled targeting of specific brain centres in the victim's brain, even when he was walking around the house.A scan of the specific brain emissions given off when the victim subvocalises using an array AF pulsed frequency MASERs fired at the specific brain centres of the subversive, while he resides in his own home, enables the victim to be scanned. By finding an array of ELF pulse modulated MASERs, which scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocalised thought, interference effects can be measured in the MASER beam. The victim's ELF brain emissions will interact constructively or destructively with the pulse frequency MASER carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts.

If we fire an array of pulsed MASERs, which are out of phase with each other, extraneous noise can be filtered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being effected by the low level emissions in the victim's brain, the shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive's brain can be detected.

A simplistic version of this would be the LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim's brain can be read. Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory of a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out of what the target is thinking.

Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim's brain. This enables UK synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find. Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim's brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to programme them to commit suicide.

My research has led me to uncover a truly nation-wide mind control weapon system. Each UK police station is equipped with a vast array of microwave antennae. The Sussex Police headquarters has a two hundred foot antenna. The building is surrounded by a fence and is off limits to the public. This microwave complex sits in the middle of a council housing estate, which means the people in this area are being bathed in low level microwaves. New research has shown that low level microwaves give mice cancer, since the emitters tested by the scientists, were the new ultra safe mobile phones which give of much smaller intensities than the police antennae, the Police microwave system is a serious health hazard. It seems that low level microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bonds in the cell and can interfere with meiosis. This causes cell division to go wrong, which leads to cancerous cells and hence tumours.

Secondly, the police have been granted the exclusive use of the 450 MHz microwave frequency range. This is exactly the frequency used by Dr Ross Adey, the CIA mind control expert, in his experiments on behavioural modification. It seems the police have the exclusive use of this mind control frequency and a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all over the country.

Very useful for mass mind control in times of emergency. Adey found that by using 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulate microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz, it was discovered that an ELF modulation could be used to control all aspects of human behaviour.

The Sussex police headquarters is connected to CCTV, close circuit television cameras, throughout the town. Some of these cameras have microwave telemetry devices that could easily be used the broadcast this frequency. The large antenna, that bracket the town could also be used.

The most insidious aspect of this, is that the entire mobile phone network could easily be used to control the behaviour of the phone users. By use of my microwave detector, have found that mobile phones of the newer type, give off a pulse modulated microwave signal of around 0.75m W/cm2 at the ear piece.

This may be coincidence, but it is exactly the intensity required for behavioural control as found by Dr Ross Adey, the pioneer of microwave mind control.

So in theory, an ELF signal could be added to the microwave network to feed a precise behavioural pattern into every mobile phone user in the UK. If their were widespread riots, the ability to broadcast behavioural stimuli to mollify all the mobile phone users in the country would prove useful.

Since mobile phone users are generally middle class, it means authority has a useful method of controlling the behaviour of the key voters. Microwave carrier beams are perfect for transmitting the excitation potential of docility to the phone user to keep them servile in times of trouble. When no ELF signal is broadcast the phone acts in a completely different manner on behaviour in humans. In this case the microwave phones causes the neurones to release calcium ions which makes the user tired, irritable and when stressed likely to emotional outbursts such as road rage.

In Brighton, the local Ml5 headquarters has a large microwave array on its roof. Secret bunkers in the area also have large microwave arrays above them. It is child's play to transmit an ELF modulated signal to be broadcast by the entire mobile phone network - if need be. By this means, all mobile phone users can be behaviourally modified, at the cost of developing cancer from low level microwave exposure from the phones they constantly use, stressing the neural network by constant calcium ion efflux and interference with bioelectric fields.

It seems strange that a few millicuries of ionising radiation will get the National Radiological Protection Board exceed, whilst high intensity cancer-inducing non-ionising microwave radiation, goes unchecked. So high are levels near transmitters, that litter the countryside, that light bulbs will explode near them. If the intelligence community is using microwaves on a large scale as mass mind control weapons, then the NRPB's silence is easily explainable.

To add to this, the numerous microwave detectors that were cheaply available to check leakage from microwave ovens are no longer made by any company in the country. It seems the UK authorities do not want the population to be able to detect when they are being microwaved.In conclusion, it can be seen that the UK intelligence and police, have a dizzy array of high-tech mind control devices. They regularly target their own populations and thousands of people are made ill by microwave weapons. With the advent of synthetic telepathy, 'CCTV of the mind' becomes a reality.

With the election of a New Labour government unaware of microwave weapons and untainted, as they had no part in their development and deployment. it is certain that Tony Blair's government will outlaw these abhorrent microwave weapons - as they have done land mines. The only problem will be convincing the Labour government that MI5's microwave communication equipment is in fact microwave mind control weaponry.

With the total secrecy the MI5 organisation operates under, one can be sure they will be mendacious as to how their £200 million pound budget is used to hone their leading edge microwave mind control torture weapons that are used on the public. Even more disturbing is the use of EMP and microwave weapons by the police on anyone researching into this area. With over £1 billion of tax payers money going to the intelligence community in Britain, it is a certainty that Britain will continue to be the centre of Soviet style psychotronic torture and mind control equipment well into the 21st century.

best wishes and love lots


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thought surveillance society


George Orwell introduced the concept of the “Thought Police” in his dystopian novel 1984 . George Orwell Introduced The Concept Of The “Thought Police” in his dystopian novel 1984thSee the Wikipedia article on Thought Police here:

According to Kathleen Taylor in her own book, Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control (Oxford University Press, 2006) “It is the job of the Thought Police to uncover and punish thoughtcrime and thought-criminals, using psychology and omnipresent surveillance from telescreens to find and eliminate members of society who were capable of the mere thought of challenging ruling authority.”

Does such a system exist in the United States today? Signs point to yes.

Granted, the United States remains a republic, and it has just completed a new cycle of elections. Its liberal constitution and principles of democratic representation seem to be standing firmly in place. Its flag waves proudly.

But there is a growing body of evidence that this country, once “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” has devolved into a paranoid police state, much like the authoritarian state described by George Orwell in 1984. One may find, simply by searching the internet, plenty of evidence that the United States government is actively involved in all the basic activities of the “Thought Police” exactly as listed above:


thought police mind contrl

Read  E.U -commisioner Professor Rafael Capuros presentation.

1. 1st The uncovering and punishment of thought crime and thought criminals

2nd The use of psychology to profile and identify “potential” criminals, terrorists and subversive Within society, and

3rd The Use of “omni-present surveillance from telephone screens’ to create What Harlan Girard calls” an Electronic Concentration Camp System “- a grid or matrix from Which no personal cannabis escape.

In Each of These Activities, the new mind-invasive technologies Known collectively as artificial telepathy play a key role.

Uncovering and Punishing Thought Crime

As Documented in Many Other posts on this blog, mind-invasive technologies to Have Begun to play a key role in the uncovering and punishment of “Thought Crime.”

The following information was evidence provided in a civil suit against the federal government in the case Akwei v. NSA (92-0449). John St. Clair Akwei is a former National Security Agency employee and whistle-blower who exposed the use of neural monitoring to spy on individuals. The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies.


How The National Security Agency (NSA) Illegally And Unconstitutionally Harasses Law-Abiding Americans Everyday. How, you ask? Quite simply, actually. It’s done by EMF or ELF Radio Waves, and a technology known as “Remote Neural Monitoring”. Haven’t you ever wondered about that ringing in your left ear? Well, here are the reason(s). And just why should the NSA do this, you ask? To silence any who who dare to speak out against them or any other agency, or the Government or simply to think for themselves, and “outside the box”, if you will. Think not? Then, read on……….

Blanket coverage of all electronic communication in the U.S. and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960′s. NSA technology is developed and implemented in secret from private corporations, academia, and the general public.


The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity.

Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)

The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public.

Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. NSA personnel serve in Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners.


Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating NSA personnel.

NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSA’s domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizens by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.

NSA’s domestic electronic surveillance network

As of the early 1960′s the most advanced computers in the world were at the NSA, Ft. Meade. Research breakthroughs with these computers were kept for the NSA. At the present time the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computer technology. The NSA obtains blanket coverage of information in the U.S. by using advanced computers that use artificial intelligence to screen all communications, irregardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the attention of NSA agents/cryptologists. These computers monitor all communications at the transmitting and receiving ends. This blanket coverage of the U.S. is a result of the NSA’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission. The NSA’s electronic surveillance network is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF spectrum. This equipment was developed, implemented, and kept secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs. With this technology NSA personnel can non-obtrusively tap into any communication device in existence. This includes computers, telephones, radio and video-based devices, printers, car electronics, and even the minute electrical fields in humans (for tracking individuals).

Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering

The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. This is an integral part of the Domestic Intelligence network. The NSA’s EMF equipment can tune in RF emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA’s equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PC’s. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare. Radio and Television signals can be substituted at the receiving end with special EMF equipment. Replacing signals in Radios and Televisions is another outgrowth of the NSA’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.

Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance.

A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.

NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation


NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950′s, which included neurological research into “radiation” (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as “Radiation Intelligence,” defined as “information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation.” Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in die brain continuously. The NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.

Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM

There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940′s. The NSA, Ft. Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech and 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject’s brain (bypassing the ears) and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods, and motor control. Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.

National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology

NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person’s bioelectric fields. The NSA’s Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electro-magnetic emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called “evoked potentials.” Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding “evoked potential” or set of “evoked potentials.” The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject’s brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level). EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain’s neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person’s brain-states and affect motor control. Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain). Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in That specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. :

Brain AreaBioelectric Resonance FrequencyInformation Induced Through Modulation
Motor Control Cortex10 HZMotor Impulse Co-ordination
Auditory Cortex15 HZSound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex25 HZImages in the brain, bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory Cortex09 HZPhantom Touch Sense
Thought Center20 HZImposed Subconscious Thoughts

start robot

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each person’s brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a person’s brain at the frequency of another person’s auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived. The Plaintiff learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact with the Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft. Meade. They used RNM 3D sound direct to the brain to harass the Plaintiff from 10/90 to 5/91. As of 5/91 they have had two-way RNM communications with the Plaintiff and have used RNM to attempt to incapacitate the Plaintiff and hinder the Plaintiff from going to authorities about their activities against the Plaintiff in the last twelve years. The Kinnecome group has about 100 persons working 24-hours-a-day at Ft Meade. They have also brain-tapped persons the Plaintiff is in contact with to keep the Plaintiff isolated. This is the first time ever that a private citizen has been harassed with RNM and has been able to bring a lawsuit against NSA personnel misusing this intelligence operations method.

NSA Techniques and Resources

Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location. inside any building, continuously, anywhere in the country. A system for inexpensive implementation of these operations allows for thousands of persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA.

Remote RNM Devices

a) NSA’s RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs) of the human brain for tracking individuals and can send messages through the nervous system to affect their performance.
b) [Information missing from original]
c) RNM can electronically identify individuals and track then anywhere in the U.S. This equipment is on a network and is used for domestic intelligence operations, government security, and military base security, and in case of bioelectric warfare.

Spotters and Walk-Bys in Metropolitan Areas

a) Tens of thousands of persons in each area working as spotters and neighborhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly) following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA personnel.
b) Agents working out of offices can be in constant communication with Spotters who are keeping track of the NSA’s thousands of subjects in public.
c) NSA Agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using RNM) any individual spotted in public whom is in contact with surveillance subject.

Chemicals and Drugs into Residential Buildings with hidden NSA-lnstalled and maintained plastic plumbing lines.

a) The NSA has kits for running lines into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing aiding drugs). This is an outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology.

Brief Overview of Proprietary U.S. Intelligence/Anti-Terrorist Equipment Mentioned.

Fixed network of special EMF equipment that can read EEGs in human brains and identify/track individuals by using digital computers. ESB (Electrical Stimulation to the Brain) via EMF signal from the NSA Signals Intelligence is used to control subjects.
EMF equipment that gathers information from PC circuit boards by deciphering RF emissions thereby gaining wireless modem-style entry into any personal computer in the country.
All equipment hidden, all technology secret, all scientific research unreported (as in electronic warfare research).
Not known to the public at all, yet complete and thorough implementation of this method of domestic intelligence has been in place since the early 1980′s.

“We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times: where there are no secrets from the government” ~ William O. Douglas (U.S. Supreme Court Justice)

The Kassandra Project: freedom against disinformation

mind face

I doubt, I think therefore I am. But I am what I think. But could it be a better world?

The prime example is the Department of Homeland Security’s new Malintent programs mentioned in the previous post (qv) By scanning the faces of people at airports and Reading Other vital signs like heart rate, temperature and blood pressure, new sensors and computer algorithms Can Be Used to read the Intent of Airplane Passengers – and presumably to Prevent “potential terrorists” from boarding planes by means of “pre-emptive arrests.”

One must emphasize here That reading a person’s Intent with a camera and a computer is Probably not much more ReliableTimeSource Than a classic lie detector test, and very little scientific evidence exists to support the claims “That These machines ARE accurate. The important thing to note Is that the Department of Homeland Security Seriously intende to-use These machines as a pretext for pre-emptive arrests - That Is, Do They intende to arrest people for crimes Not Yet Committed.

Arresting a person for a crime Not Yet-committed, on the basis of perceived intent, amount to arresting people for Thought crimes.

Use of Psychological Profiling to Detect and Detain “Potential” Criminals As Jim Marrs points out in his new book The Rise of The Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threat to Take Over America (William Morrow, 2008), These “mind reading” computer systems are “reminiscent of Nazi Prew plan to preempt crime and Dissent. “ (P. 333)

For example, psychologists Used Nazi pseudo-scientific examination and the doctrine of preemption to remove “uneducable” children from grade schools. If a number of symptoms indicated thats a child was “asked the student materials,” their name Would ask registered on a list. It was Stated That “genetic and National HealthCare considerations recommend preventative Their registration.”

“Of course,” says Marrs, “Such registration point to the Euthanasia centers.”

Marrs rightly calls “Disturbing” the new trend to identify and detain potential troublemakers Before They Actually Have Committed a Crime.

Terrorist Watch List – or Blacklist? In the ITS effort to intercept “Suspected terrorists,” the Department of Homeland Security hock added More Than One Million names to the ITS terrorist watchlist. The American Civil Liberties Union Suggests this number is way too high.

“Terrorist Watch List,” it says, “must ask Tightly focused on true terrorists WHO pose a genuine threat. Bloated lists ARE bad because” Do They ensnare Many innocent travelers as Suspected terrorists, and because “Do They waste screeners’ time and divert Their energies from looking for true terrorists. “

Among the individuals’ Whose names were found on the list by 60 Minutes and Other Media Organizations: Late. Edward Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Bolivian President Evo Morales, Saddam Hussein (in custody at the time), Rep. John Lewis, James Moore (author of Bush’s Brain), and John William Anderson, age 6th

Now one must admit That Certain children really ARE terrible brats, WHO ought to Be Watched Closely by more Their parents, But is it really Necessary for the secret police to Become Involved? And if a United States Senator Can Be Listed as a “Suspect,” then Who is Above Suspicion?

A “terrorist” watchlist That includes the names of More Than One Million People Seams to Be Clear Evidence That the Department of Homeland Security is Either a) very paranoid indeed, or b) very interested in Using terrorism as a pretext for Spying on U.S. Citizens Have the WHO-committed no crimes.

That is, Do They Have Established a System That allows Them to “find and Eliminate members of society Who Are CapAble Of The Mere Thought of Challenging Existing Authorization.”

Ftac: The Fixated Threat Assessment Centre Psychological profiling, black listing and Preemptive Arrest are “Thought Police” Tactics Used in Europe, too, not just in the U.S. The British Have Their own system, called Ftac.

In a chapter titled “Psychology and Public Control,” Jim Marrs writes: “The British government, in May 2007, responding to news accounts, ACKNOWLEDGE IT HAD Secretly Established a new national anti-terrorist unit to protect VIPs by first profiling, hadeeth arresting person Considered To Be Potentially Dangerous. Amazingly, this power to detain suspects even Before They Actually-committed a crime was based on Mental Health Law. “

Marrs cites a news story by London Times reporter Joanna Bale. She reports That “Until Now It Has Been up to mental health professionals to DETERMINE if someone forcibly Should Be Detained, But the new unit the uses the police to identify suspects, Increasing Fears That Distinction ARE Being Blurred Between Criminal Investigations and doctors’ clinical Decisions. “

Experts Believe That this arrangement “is set to reignite Controversy over the ‘Detention of Suspects Without Trial.”

“There is grave danger of this Being Used To deal with PeopleSoft Where There Is Insufficient Evidence for a Criminal Prosecution,” said Gareth Crossman, policy director for Britain’s National Council for Civil Liberties.

“This Blur the Line Between Medical Decisions and police actions. If You are going to allow doctors to take people’s liberty away, Do They Have to Be independent. That credibility is undermined When The Doctors ARE part of the Sami team as the police. This raises Serious Concerns. First, That You Have A Unit That allows Police Investigation to Lead Directly to PeopleSoft-being sectioned Without Any kind of criminal proceedings. Secondly, it is-being done under the umbrella of anti-terrorism at a time-when the government is looking for ways to detain terrorists Without Them putting on trial. “

Scotland Yard refused hock to Discuss How Many Suspects Have Been forcibly hospitalized by the team, because “of” Patient Confidentiality. “Meanwhile, Conservative members of the British government to Have Ftac hailed as the first joint mental health – Police Unit in the United Kingdom and a “prototype for future joint services” In Other Areas. They Are Introducing legislation to broads The definition of mental disorders to give doctors – and now police – more power to detain people.

best  wishes and love lots


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According to a new review of neuroscientific research, coercive interrogation techniques used during the Bush administration to extract information from terrorist suspects are likely to have been unsuccessful and may have had many unintended negative effects on the suspect's memory and brain functions.

Amygdala   Separation anxiety disorder A new article, published in the journal, Trends in Cognitive Science, reviews scientific evidence demonstrating that repeated and extreme stress and anxiety have a detrimental influence on brain functions related to memory. Memos released by the US Department of Justice in April of 2009 detailing coercive interrogation techniques suggest that prolonged periods of shock, stress, anxiety, disorientation and lack of control are more effective than standard interrogatory techniques in making subjects reveal truthful information from memory. "This is based on the assumption that subjects will be motivated to reveal veridical information to end interrogation, and that extreme stress, shock and anxiety do not impact memory," says review author, Professor Shane O'Mara from the Institute of Neuroscience at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. "However, this model of the impact of extreme stress on memory and the brain is utterly unsupported by scientific evidence." Psychological studies suggest that during extreme stress and anxiety, the captive will be conditioned to associate speaking with periods of safety. For the captor, when the captive speaks, the objective of gaining information will have been obtained and there will be relief from the unsavory task of administering these conditions of stress. Therefore, it is difficult or impossible to determine during the interrogation whether the captive is revealing truthful information or just talking to escape the torture. Research has also shown that extreme stress has a deleterious effect on the frontal lobe and is associated with the production of false memories. Neurochemical studies have revealed that the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, brain regions integral to the process of memory, are rich in receptors for hormones that are activated by stress and sleep deprivation and which have been shown to have deleterious effects on memory. "To briefly summarize a vast, complex literature, prolonged and extreme stress inhibits the biological processes believed to support memory in the brain," says O'Mara. "For example, studies of extreme stress with Special Forces Soldiers have found that recall of previously-learned information was impaired after stress occurred." Waterboarding in particular is an extreme stressor and has the potential to elicit widespread stress-induced changes in the brain. "Given our current cognitive neurobiological knowledge, it is unlikely that coercive interrogations involving extreme stress will facilitate release of truthful information from long term memory," concludes Professor O'Mara. "On the contrary, these techniques cause severe, repeated and prolonged stress, which compromises brain tissue supporting both memory and decision making."

best wishes and love lots


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To somebody:

You know why you are not getting the reaction you anticipated from me?

You no longer deserve any kind of talk. I no longer have any respect for the way you process things.

Now that I am sure about what you have done, do you still believe I'd trust any word from you?

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