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Understanding psychotic experiences


Psychotic experiences, such as hearing voices or experiencing delusions, are surprisingly common, but can also lead to diagnoses such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.This booklet explains what the experiences are like, what might cause them, available treatments and what family and friends can do to help.

What does ‘psychotic’ mean?

The word ‘psychotic’ relates to ‘psychosis’, which is a psychiatric term, and describes experiences, such as hearing or seeing things or holding unusual beliefs, which other people don’t experience or share. For many people, these experiences can be highly distressing and disruptive, interfering with everyday life, conversations, relationships, and finding or keeping a job.

One theory is that when you experience psychosis, your brain is in the same state as it is when you are dreaming. When we are dreaming, all sorts of strange and sometimes frightening things can happen to us, and while we are asleep we believe that they are really happening. Psychotic experiences can be just like ‘waking dreams’, feeling as real and intense.


Psychiatrists regard these types of experiences as symptoms of a mental illness, and, depending on other factors, they will base a diagnosis on them. The diagnosis could be ‘psychotic illness’, or ‘psychotic episode’, or it could be:

  • severe depression
  • schizophrenia
  • bipolar disorder (manic depression)
  • paranoia
  • schizoaffective disorder
  • puerperal psychosis (a very severe form of postnatal depression).

(For more information about these diagnoses, see Mind’s Understanding booklets.)

Apart from puerperal psychosis, these diagnoses are not straightforward, and people who have repeated episodes of psychosis may receive different diagnoses at different times and from different doctors.

One sign of psychosis, in the view of many psychiatrists, is that you lack insight into your own state of mind. In diagnosing you, they will want to know how you see and understand what is happening, and whether you are aware of being different from usual. Your view of the world will be influenced by your cultural background and personal experiences. If these are not understood or shared by your doctors, you may feel that they lack insight, too.

Alternative approaches

These types of experiences are not necessarily symptoms of a psychotic illness. A large number of people have heard voices, or hold beliefs that others might consider unusual, but are not distressed by them. This usually means that other people remain unaware of them and these people do not need help from mental health services.

The general view in Europe and North America is that psychotic experiences are caused by mental illness and must be treated by doctors. Other societies may have very different interpretations of these experiences and different ways of dealing with them, such as relating them to past lives, or ancestral spirits. They may help people through them using ceremonies and rituals.

What sort of experiences are they?

  • hallucinations – hearing, seeing or smelling things that aren’t there
  • delusions and disturbed thoughts – a feeling of being watched, or monitored in some way or that thoughts are being put into your mind from outside, and that you have no control over them
  • flight of ideas – making strange connections between words and ideas in your head.

Many people think these perceptions are not ‘real’, when actually they are very real to you if you are experiencing them and often very difficult to ignore.


Hearing voices

I was hearing people talk but hearing totally different words to what they were actually saying; and voices when people weren’t there – I even heard the voice of God. It was distressing and disorientating – I couldn’t say what was real and what wasn’t.

You may or may not recognise any voices you hear. There may be one or many of them talking to, or about, you. They might be present occasionally, or all the time, interfering with ordinary life, making concentration and conversation difficult. The voices may be positive and helpful, or hostile and nasty.

If you hear only positive voices, you may not regard them as a problem, but may even feel them to be a helpful, guiding light.

If you hear only negative voices, ridiculing you, or issuing threats and commands which you feel you must obey, you are likely to feel very threatened and fearful. This may make you very distrustful of other people and appear aggressive or threatening. You may harm yourself or behave in ways which put you or other people at risk of harm.

Other hallucinations You may see things – images and visions – or the things you are looking at may appear distorted, or may appear to move when normally they would not. Or you may experience tastes, smells and sensations, which have no apparent cause, such as a sensation of insects crawling on your skin.


A delusion means a belief that other people would regard as unfounded. For example, you might believe that you are closely related to the Queen, although you actually share no relatives. You may be quite untroubled by any apparent contradictions of your beliefs. You may see nothing unusual in a member of the royal family serving drinks in a pub, for instance.

Sometimes, people also have delusions of grandeur, thinking they are very rich and powerful, perhaps controlling the stock markets or even the weather.

I withdraw into an alternative reality where I believe I can solve everybody’s problems; then something changes and that reality becomes a nightmare in which I am going to be viciously punished.

Some delusional ideas can be extremely frightening. For example, you may feel that something or someone is trying to control or kill you. These ideas are called paranoid delusions. Separate episodes can also be connected and carry on from one another a bit like a soap opera – making it more believable. You may start avoiding certain situations, or try to protect yourself in some other way. You may come to believe you must deserve to be punished, or you may feel very angry and resentful.

Flight of ideas

You may see links between ideas that others don’t, because these links are so personal. You may find that, in trying to express these ideas, you lose control of your words. You may link words together in ways that may have more to do with their sound than their meaning; and, although the connections may seem very clear to you, others will probably not follow your thoughts clearly. Doctors may call these experiences ‘flight of ideas’, or ‘word salad’, or even ‘thought disorder’.

What causes psychotic experiences?

Almost anyone can have a brief psychotic episode. There are different ideas about why psychotic experiences develop. But it’s generally thought that:

  • some people are more vulnerable to them than others
  • very stressful or traumatic events make them more likely to occur.

Your own attitude to the experience, as well as the attitude of those around you, also plays a part.

Psychotic experiences may be caused by:

  • physical causes, such as illness
  • drug use
  • changes in brain chemistry
  • inherited vulnerability
  • traumatic events such as abuse.

Physical causes

Psychotic experiences may result from a lack of sleep (through severe jet lag, perhaps), through illnesses and high fevers (including malaria, pneumonia, other viral infections). They can also be a result of damage to the brain or dementia, lead and mercury poisoning, or changes in blood sugar levels.

Drug use

They may be caused by alcohol or drug use. Both street drugs and prescription medication (including steroids) can produce extraordinary sensations and/or side effects, and sometimes these may continue after the drug has worn off.

Changes in brain chemistry

Psychotic experiences may involve biological changes in brain structure or brain chemistry. It’s not clear though whether these changes are the cause or the effect of the psychotic experience.

Inherited vulnerability

Research into whether there’s an inherited vulnerability to psychotic experiences is inconclusive. If one member of your family is diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, then there seems to be more chance of another family member being similarly diagnosed. No single gene has been found to be responsible, though, and the majority of people who have these experiences have no known family history.

Traumatic experiences

Many people who have psychotic experiences have been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused, and feel a need to push their feelings and memories away, because they are so painful. Psychotic experiences may be an expression of these overwhelming feelings and forbidden thoughts, and a way of coping with trauma.

If you have been abused and then have a psychotic experience, it may be particularly frightening and disturbing. For instance, if you hear voices, you may think you are being bugged. You may become afraid that someone is persecuting you, and interpret everything you see as supporting this view. You may start to avoid certain places and activities, or refuse to go outside at all. Feeling threatened and on constant alert can be very frightening and tiring. It may interfere with sleep and daily life, and make it very hard to trust anyone.

Will I get over it?

Many people will have just one psychotic episode in their lives; others have fairly short episodes throughout their lives; some people live with ongoing psychosis as a long-term problem. People in these last two groups are more likely to be given a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder. (See Mind’s booklets Understanding schizophrenia, Understanding bipolar disorder, and Understanding schizoaffective disorder.)

In some cases, you may be able to understand the causes of your psychotic experiences, through psychotherapy or arts therapies, and be able to put them behind you so that you are not troubled by them again (see below).

However serious the difficulties, and whatever the diagnosis, there are treatments and coping strategies that reduce the disruption and enable you to lead a fulfilling life and to achieve your ambitions.

What sort of treatment can I get?

Mental health workers and other professionals should look at all aspects of your problem, taking into account your environment, and provide you with information and give you a choice about treatment.

It’s increasingly recognised that many people are experts in their own condition, and learn the ways of coping with it which work best for them. The more involved you can be in your own treatment and in looking after yourself, the better.

The treatment you are offered is likely to be a combination of medication, a talking treatment, and other social support. You should be able to decide for yourself what forms of treatment are most helpful for you.

Talking treatments

Talking treatments, such as counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and psychodynamic psychotherapy can reduce distress, and the intensity and frequency of psychotic experiences. They aim to help you understand your experiences, to develop coping strategies, and to improve your relationships and quality of life. Talking treatments can also help to tackle depression and anxiety that may result from having psychotic experiences.

  • Counselling allows you to talk about your experiences and ways of coming to terms with them.
  • CBT aims to put your experiences in context, help you to understand them, and test your beliefs about them. You may be asked to keep a diary of your experiences and try out different strategies for dealing with them.
  • Psychodynamic psychotherapy looks in more depth to try and identify unconscious and subconscious reasons behind your experiences.

If you can relate your present experiences to events that have occurred in your past, this may help you make sense of them and help make them less troubling. You may then feel able to take control of them rather than feeling that you must let them control you. Once you feel more in control, these symptoms may diminish in intensity and frequency.

Similarly, a therapist may help you to challenge paranoid feelings, such as the belief that people are looking at you, or controlling your thoughts. (See Mind’s booklets, Understanding talking treatments and Making sense of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)).

Arts therapies

Art and music therapies may help you to express how you are feeling, especially if you are having difficulty talking about this. Drama therapy may help you to come to terms with traumatic events that you may have experienced in the past and which may contribute to your psychotic experiences. Some people have been able to make a complete recovery through such therapies. (See Mind’s online factsheet Arts therapies.)


At least initially, most people diagnosed with a psychotic illness will be offered antipsychotic medication (also called neuroleptics or major tranquillisers). In all circumstances, the aim of drug treatment should be to help reduce psychotic symptoms by using the lowest possible dose for the shortest possible time.

Medication may not stop you experiencing the symptoms of psychosis, but it may make you feel calmer and less troubled by them. If this is the case, you may find the medication helpful at times, but as you learn more about your condition, you may find other ways of coping. Even if you do not wish or need to take it continuously, if you find a drug that is helpful you may want to keep some with you to use if the symptoms recur.

You may find that taking a drug continuously is the best way of keeping your symptoms under control. If you have been very disturbed during a psychotic episode, possibly endangering yourself and others, and have been admitted to hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983 (see below), you may find that you have no choice about taking medication. In these circumstances, you may be expected to continue to taking medication when you are discharged from hospital too.

If your psychosis is associated with severe depression, you are likely to be treated with antidepressants, and if your diagnosis is bipolar disorder you may be given a mood stabilising drug. Both of these types of medication may be combined with an antipsychotic.

There is some evidence that using psychological and social treatments without medication in the early stages of psychosis produces better long-term outcomes than using medication first, and that once you have started on medication it may be difficult for your doctors to let you stop, because they are afraid you will relapse.

Some things to consider Antipsychotic medication can often have unwelcome side effects including lethargy, weight gain, uncontrollable movements, and sexual problems. Some of these can be reduced with the help of other medication. Medical staff should discuss the intended benefits and the possible harms of these drugs with you, before you start to take them, to help you decide whether to try them.

If you do decide to try medication, you should also have the chance to talk about:

  • whether it is helpful
  • whether you would like to try a different drug
  • how much to take
  • how to manage withdrawal
  • whether to take it regularly, as a preventive, or only under certain circumstances.

For more information about medication, see Mind’s booklets, Making sense of antipsychotics, Making sense of antidepressants, Making sense of lithium and other mood stabilisers and Making sense of coming off psychiatric drugs.

Community care

Everyone who has been referred to psychiatric services in England should have their needs assessed through the Care Programme Approach. These services aim to support recovery by treating existing problems, and by working on strategies to help prevent problems from coming back. You may be referred to the service by your GP or by a community mental health team if you have been in contact with services before. You may be seen by a variety of health professionals, including psychiatrists, mental health nurses and psychologists. You should be allocated a named care coordinator, and have a written care plan, which should be regularly reviewed. A similar system applies in Wales. For more information, see Mind’s ‘Community care’ pages.

Early intervention in psychosis services

Early intervention services have been set up in some areas for people aged 14-35 who are showing signs of experiencing a first psychotic episode. There is some evidence that treating symptoms as soon as possible can prevent psychotic illness from developing. Early treatment may also help to prevent some of the worse consequences of psychosis, such as periods of unemployment, misuse of drugs or alcohol, getting into trouble with the police or becoming depressed.

Hospital admission

If you become very distressed during an episode of psychosis, you may be admitted to hospital, either as a voluntary patient or under the terms of the Mental Health Act 1983, often known as being ‘sectioned’. If you are admitted to hospital, this gives medical staff a chance to assess your needs and decide how to help.

A psychiatric ward can be a distressing environment, with not much to do and little privacy, but meeting other patients with similar problems, in similar circumstances, can also be very helpful and comforting.

For more information, see Mind’s booklets How to cope with hospital admission and Rights guide 1: civil admission to hospital.

Crisis services

Crisis services exist in some areas as an alternative to hospital. They may offer accommodation, or support in your own home. For more information on crisis services, contact the Mind infoline.

Family work

Family work recognises that when you are having psychotic experiences, the rest of the household may also need support. The aim of family work is to help the whole family to understand what you are going through, and to identify what is helpful and unhelpful for you.

The work does not just focus on what is happening to you, but explores how your experience of psychosis affects the rest of the household, and the ways that their responses may help or make matters worse for each other as well as for you. For example, if you are unwell and your family members are very worried about you, they may unintentionally focus too much attention on you, making you feel more distressed.

Therapeutic communities

Therapeutic communities provide a supportive, live-in environment for people with mental health problems. They usually hold regular meetings with all residents. You may benefit from the insights that others with similar problems may offer, and learn to live successfully in a group. The length of stay is usually limited to a set period of time.


Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to:

  • express their views and concerns
  • access information and services
  • defend and promote their rights and responsibilities
  • explore choices and options.

Medical professionals in contact with you while you are in a crisis may not take what you have to say seriously. They may say you lack insight into your condition, without appreciating that perhaps they do, too. It can be very helpful to have the services of an advocate to help put forward your views, and to negotiate treatment and care that you can accept. For more information, see The Mind guide to advocacy.

How can I help myself?

... a support network has helped me... learning to trust people who want to help, and accepting that help... determination to lead a normal life, keeping busy and knowing when things go wrong, or change dramatically, that I need to be particularly careful and, most importantly, to get a good night’s sleep.

Share your experience

Talking to other people who also have psychotic experiences can provide reassurance and hope, increase self-esteem and reduce isolation. Various organisations run self-help groups, which encourage members to share their experiences and help them to come to terms with them.

Self-help groups can help you:

  • recognise underlying patterns in your experiences
  • develop and discuss strategies
  • identify early signs of crisis
  • take active steps to manage your situation.

People who are experienced at this often train others.

For organisations that can put you in touch with self-help groups, see ‘Useful contacts’. You might be able to get similar support from self-help books containing the same information.


Relaxation is important to maintaining your good mental health. Relaxation exercises, yoga, and other physical activity can help. For some people, massage, aromatherapy or reflexology can be a benefit; for others, touch can bring on powerful or intense feelings that may cause distress.

Doing practical things, like gardening, cooking, or making things may also be relaxing, and, may help you stay connected to reality in a purposeful way.

You may also find it relaxing to have and maintain a structured daily routine for yourself.

Recognise your triggers

If you have repeated episodes of psychosis, it may be helpful to keep a diary, recording life events, your mood, your diet and sleep. You may be able to spot patterns which help you to identify triggers, situations or even particular foods or drinks to avoid and those which have been helpful. It is also important to share these things with your close family or friends so they can help.

If the voices you hear are of people you know, you could consider talking to those people at times when you are well, to find out if what you have heard is true. This can help you to challenge the voice if it comes again.

Create a crisis plan

During a crisis, you may not be able to tell people what helps you. While you are well, it may be a good idea to discuss with someone you trust what you would like to happen, or not to happen, when you are in a crisis.

You can also make what is known as an ‘advance decision’ (or ‘living will’), which states this in writing and is legally binding as long as it meets certain conditions. (For more information, see the booklet Mind rights guide 3: consent to medical treatment and the online Mind legal briefing 1: overview and key provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.)

What can family and friends do to help?

This section is for friends and family who want to support someone they know who has psychotic experiences.

It may be difficult to communicate with a friend or relative who is having a psychotic experience, and to understand their behaviour or what they are saying. But you may be able to understand and sympathise with feelings, such as anxiety, that they are going through. This doesn’t mean you have to confirm or deny their delusions. However, if you can accept their experiences, you can be more supportive, which can make their life easier, and improve their confidence in social situations.

Acknowledge it when you can see truth in what they say. For instance, someone who feels that people are talking about them behind their back may be quite correct: worried friends and family may be doing just that.

If you feel your friend or relative’s health is deteriorating rapidly, you might suggest that they:

  • use their crisis plan
  • seek help from their GP
  • seek help from the duty psychiatrist in a hospital Accident and Emergency unit.

If the person doesn’t seek help, and you think they are putting themselves or others at risk, their ‘nearest relative’ (as defined under the Mental Health Act 1983 [MHA])] can ask for a mental health assessment to be carried out. Under the MHA, they can be compulsorily detained in hospital for further assessment and treatment, if necessary. You may wish to discuss the consequences of taking this action with other family members, first (see Mind Rights guide 1: civil admission to hospital).

Seeing someone you care about experiencing a psychotic episode can be distressing and even frightening. You may find it helpful to discuss your feelings and concerns with someone else, such as a counsellor, or to join a support group, such as those provided by local Minds or Rethink (see ’Useful contacts’).

Useful contacts

Association of Therapeutic Communities tel. 01242 620 077 web: Produces a directory of therapeutic communities.

British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) tel. 0161 705 4304 web: Can provide details of accredited therapists.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) tel. 01455 883 300 web: For Information about counselling and therapy. See website or sister website, itsgoodtotalk, for details of local practitioners.

Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council tel: 020 3178 2199 web: Maintains a register of complementary healthcare practitioners.

Depression Alliance tel. 0845 123 2320 web: Information and support for anyone affected by depression.

Hearing Voices Network tel. 0114 271 8210 web: A support group providing nformation, support and understanding to people who hear voices and those who support them.

Bipolar UK web: tel: 020 7931 6480 Support for people with bipolar disorder (including hypomania) and their families and friends.

Rethink advice line: 0845 456 0455 web: Information and support for people affected by severe mental illness.

Samaritans 24-hour helpline: 08457 90 90 90 email: web: Emotional support for anyone feeling down or struggling to cope.

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The idea of a perfect society is a dangerous one but no less real in modern culture.  A select group of people will always take it upon themselves to exert their influence on others hoping to bring forth a model society based off of personal philosophy--as if it's limpid to the individual, but we shouldn't be overly worried.  After all, reality has to be a certain way.  A doesn't go to B without logic.  They can't use psychotronic weapons on us all or they wouldn't have a workforce.  While they're turning some of us into zombies in their epic campaign of pure stupidity, the herd will remain untouched and many of these advances will slowly yoke with society to create a better world. 


We'll get past this.  Yes, all of us.  They will advance in such a way that they'll have to fix what the others have done.  We'll get out of our closets one day, or wherever they've chased us to, and be... productive.


I'm sorry to everyone else who is suffering out there, but we're just the unlucky few.  I laugh at them these days because I know their cause is pointless, their emotional appeals meaningless and their intents ignoble.


You'd think they'd try to fix their own sordid souls first.  Most are just trying to ingratiate superiors with their petty deeds, pathetic sycophants.



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Microbes manipulate your mind


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Microbes manipulate your mind

Bacteria in your gut may be influencing your thoughts and moods, raising the possibility that probiotics could be used to treat psychiatric illnesses

microbes on your mindMicrobes Manipulate Your Mind, in the July/ August issue of Scientific American MIND

"The thought of parasites preying on your body or brain very likely sends shivers down your spine. Perhaps you imagine insectoid creatures bursting from stomachs or a malevolent force controlling your actions. These visions are not just the night terrors of science-fiction writers—the natural world is replete with such examples.

"Take Toxoplasma gondii, the single-celled parasite. When mice are infected by it, they suffer the grave misfortune of becoming attracted to cats. Once a cat inevitably consumes the doomed creature, the parasite can complete its life cycle inside its new host. Or consider Cordyceps, the parasitic fungus that can grow into the brain of an insect. The fungus can force an ant to climb a plant before consuming its brain entirely. After the insect dies, a mushroom sprouts from its head, allowing the fungus to disperse its spores as widely as possible."

That's the introduction to my feature article about how the microbes in your gut might influence your brain and behaviour, which is out now in the July/ August issue of Scientific American MIND. The article focuses mainly on the work of Jane Foster and John Bienenstock of McMaster University in Ontario and John Cryan of University College Cork, who have been collaborating on experiments designed to test how certain species of gut bacteria influence the activity of genes in the brain. Below is a story I wrote last year about some of the work from Foster's group, updated to include quotes and new research that has been published since I wrote the feature.  

Gut bacteria may influence thoughts and behaviour

The human gut contains a diverse community of bacteria that colonize the large intestine in the days following birth and vastly outnumber our own cells. These so-called gut microbiota constitute a virtual organ within an organ, and influence many bodily functions. Among other things, they aid in the uptake and metabolism of nutrients, modulate the inflammatory response to infection, and protect the gut from other, harmful micro-organisms. A study by researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario now suggests that gut bacteria may also influence behaviour and cognitive processes such as memory by exerting an effect on gene activity during brain development.

Jane Foster and her colleagues compared the performance of germ-free mice, which lack gut bacteria, with normal animals on the elevated plus maze, which is used to test anxiety-like behaviours. This consists of a plus-shaped apparatus with two open and two closed arms, with an open roof and raised up off the floor. Ordinarily, mice will avoid open spaces to minimize the risk of being seen by predators, and spend far more time in the closed than in the open arms when placed in the elevated plus maze.

This is exactly what the researchers found when they placed the normal mice into the apparatus. The animals spent far more time in the closed arms of the maze and rarely ventured into the open ones. The germ-free mice, on the other hand, behaved quite differently – they entered the open arms more often, and continued to explore them throughout the duration of the test, spending significantly more time there than in the closed arms.

The researchers then examined the animals' brains, and found that these differences in behaviour were accompanied by alterations in the expression levels of several genes in the germ-free mice. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was significantly up-regulated, and the 5HT1A serotonin receptor sub-type down-regulated, in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The gene encoding the NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor was also down-regulated in the amygdala.  

All three genes have previously been implicated in emotion and anxiety-like behaviours. BDNF is a growth factor that is essential for proper brain development, and a recent study showed that deleting the BDNF receptor TrkB alters the way in which newborn neurons integrate into hippocampal circuitry and increases anxiety-like behaviours in mice. Serotonin receptors, which are distributed widely throughout the brain, are well known to be involved in mood, and compounds that activate the 5HT1A subtype also produce anxiety-like behaviours.

The finding that the NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor down-regulated in the amygdala is particularly interesting. NMDA receptors are composed of multiple subunits, but those made up of only NR2B subunits are known to be critical for the development and function of the amygdala, which has a well established role in fear and other emotions, and in learning and memory. Drugs that block these receptors have been shown to block the formation of fearful memories and to reduce the anxiety associated with alcohol withdrawal in rodents.

The idea of cross-talk between the brain and the gut is not new. For example, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is associated with psychiatric illness, and also involves changes in the composition of the bacterial population in the gut. But this is the first study to show that the absence of gut bacteria is associated with altered behaviour. Bacteria colonize the gut in the days following birth, during a sensitive period of brain development, and apparently influence behaviour by inducing changes in the expression of certain genes.

"One of the things our data point to is that gut microbiota are very important in the first four weeks of a mouse's life, and I think the processes are translatable [to humans]," says Foster. "I'm getting a lot of attention from paediatricians who want to collaborate to test some of these connections in kids with early onset IBS. Their microbiota profile is wrong, and our results suggest that we have a window up until puberty, during which we can potentially fix this." 

Exactly how gut bacteria influence gene expression in the brain is unclear, but one possible line of communication is the autonomic branch of the peripheral nervous system, which controls functions such as digestion, breathing and heart rate. A better understanding of cross-talk within this so-called 'brain-gut axis' could lead to new approaches for dealing with the psychiatric symptoms that sometimes accompany gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS, and may also show that gut bacteria affect function of the mature brain.

More evidence that gut bacteria can influence neuronal signalling has emerged in the past few months. In June, Cryan's group reported that germ-free mice have significantly elevated levels of serotonin in the hippocampus compared to animals reared normally. This was also associated with reduced anxiety, but was reversed when the gut bacteria were restored. And at the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, also in June, researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas described experiments showing that one bacterial species found in the gut, Bifidobacteria dentium, synthesizes large amounts of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA.

SSRIs, the class of antidepressants that includes Prozac, prevent neurons from mopping up serotonin once it has been released, thus maintaining high levels of the transmitter at synapses. And benzodiazepines, a class of anti-anxiety drugs that includes diazepam, mimic the effects of GABA by binding to a distinct site on the GABA-A receptor.

All of this suggests that probiotic formulations that are enriched in specific strains of gut bacteria could one day be used to treat psychiatric disorders. "There's definitely potential on numerous levels, but I do think studies need to be done in a proper, robust manner in representative samples," says Cryan. "Even as an adjunctive therapy for anti-depressants, this could be really important, but first we'll have to figure out which species are going to be beneficial, and how they're doing it."

Microbiota researcher Rob Knight of the University of Colorado, Boulder, agrees that probiotics could potentially be useful. "I find the mouse data convincing but there's not yet direct evidence in humans," he says. "What's needed is longitudinal studies of at-risk individuals to determine whether there are systematic changes in the microbiota that correlate with psychiatric conditions, and double-blind randomized clinical trials. Research-supported, FDA-approved and effective products are likely at minimum 5-10 years off, but given the lax regulation of probiotics, I'm sure that products could be on the shelf tomorrow."

best wishes and love lots


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Soldier Andrew Garthwaite to get bionic arm controlled by mind


As the first British serviceman injured in battle to use a new bionic arm, Cpl Andrew Garthwaite's story has already been remarkable.

But this week he underwent six hours of surgery at a hospital in Austria at the start of a process to make it even more so - to prepare him to be fitted with an arm he will be able to control with his brain.

The 24-year-old, from South Tyneside, was badly injured in Helmand, Afghanistan, in September 2010 when a Taliban rocket-propelled grenade took off his right arm and killed one of his comrades.

He first had to learn how to carry out everyday tasks with one arm but was delighted to learn he would have one of the latest models of bionic arms fitted.

Soldier Andrew Garthwaite's mind-control bionic op


The soldier went to Austria for the first stage of the process to fit him with a bionic arm

As the first British serviceman injured in battle to use a new bionic arm, Cpl Andrew Garthwaite's story has already been remarkable.

But this week he underwent six hours of surgery at a hospital in Austria at the start of a process to make it even more so - to prepare him to be fitted with an arm he will be able to control with his brain.

The 24-year-old, from South Tyneside, was badly injured in Helmand, Afghanistan, in September 2010 when a Taliban rocket-propelled grenade took off his right arm and killed one of his comrades.

He first had to learn how to carry out everyday tasks with one arm but was delighted to learn he would have one of the latest models of bionic arms fitted.

He could hold a beer and do basic tasks. He could also perform his party trick - rotating his hand 360 degrees.

A technician then designed a new arm so he could ride his motorbike.

Rewire nervous system

He approached it all with a positive attitude and said his optimism was boosted by the support he had from his family, his friends and medics who saved his life.

This arm system, though, has its limitations and Cpl Garthwaite needs to flex his back or chest muscle to achieve a single, robotic movement.

Andrew Garthwaite in Afghanistan Cpl Garthwaite was badly injured in September 2010

He was then deemed eligible for some remarkable surgery. It involved flying to Vienna, to have what the medics there called Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR), the first step on the process to receiving the arm he will control with his mind.

Speaking before he went, he said: "I'm really excited at going over. A little bit nervous but I think the outcome is going to be great."

The surgeons at the hospital in the Medical University of Vienna have rewired his nervous system.

He is believed to be the first person from the UK to undergo this cutting-edge technique in the field of bionics.

Cpl Garthwaite said he had been "lost for words" when he learnt that and was "honoured" to have been chosen.

'Difficult surgery'

Surgeons at the hospital are working closely with bionics company Otto Bock, in Vienna, to create one of the most intelligent bionic systems in the world.

In an operation lasting six hours on Tuesday surgeon Prof Oskar Aszmann and his team worked out which of the mass of tiny nerves from his shoulder joint operated his arm and hand. Once they isolated those, they rewired them into his chest.

After the surgery, Prof Aszmann said: "It all went extremely well.

"It was a surprise to me because he had a shrapnel injury, there was a rocket wound, so normally you have to expect a lot of scar tissue, but it was not the case.

"It was a difficult surgery, but we could identify all the nerves that we wanted to and transfer them to the appropriate targets."

In the coming months these nerves will grow. Cpl Garthwaite's mind will work out which nerves do what, and will learn how to control those nerves.

He will then be able to control his bionic arm in such a way that it will become intuitive, unlike the slow robotic movements of his current arm.

Prof Oskar Aszmann Prof Aszmann said the surgery went "extremely well"

He will be able to think several moves and his arm and hand will react naturally. His bionic arm will be thought-controlled.

'Exciting prospect'

After his complex, remarkable surgery, Cpl Garthwaite will soon feel a hand on his chest, his own hand.

And, as the nerve endings grow he too will be able to operate his bionic limb by simply thinking about those hand and arm movements.

Prof Aszmann said: "For the first four to five months he will be very numb and not feel anything, but after around six months, he will feel his own index finger and thumb in his shoulder, so when he pinches his shoulder he will say 'oh this is my index finger or here's my thumb'.

"That's really exciting because, in the future we will have little senses in these artificial fingers and they will have direct sensory feedback."

Before the surgery, Cpl Garthwaite said he was excited at the prospect of having a more natural arm movement and being able to use it quickly rather than the slow process it can be currently and even the possibility of being able to feel hot and cold.

He said: "I still have my down days and I still have flashbacks and memories, which will never leave us, but you just learn to crack on.

"With this new target I have got to hit now, it is keeping my mind occupied.

"You just want to look into the future and just think what's actually going to happen, how much it's going to benefit me."

best wishes n love lots


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the new mental battlefield-----beam me up spock

by  Lt. Col. John B. Alexander

Military Review VOLUME LX DECEMBER 1980 NO 12

from ICOMW Website

MILITARY REVIEW is published monthly in English and Spanish and quarterly in Portuguese. Use of funds for printing this publication approved by Headquarters, Department of the Army, 25 April 1980. Controlled circulation postage paid at Leavenworth, KS 66048 and Kansas City, MO 64106. English-language subscriptions: $12.00 per year US and APO/FPO;$14.00 foreign. Single copies $1.50 US and APO-FPO; $1.75 foreign. Address all mail to Military Review, USACGSC, Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027. Telephone (913) 684-5642 or AUTOVON 552-5642.

Unless otherwise stated, the views herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Department of Defense or any element thereof. Basis of official distribution is one per general officer and one per five field grade officers of the Active Army, and one per headquarters (battalion and higher) of the Army National Guard and the US Army Reserve.
US ISSN 0026-4148
The complexity of the battlefield is constantly increasing. Introduction of new and sophisticated technology requires commanders to be fully aware of the nature of a potential threat as well as countermeasures and counter-countermeasures. In addition to more widely known technological advances, a new battlefield dimension that may defy our generally perceived concepts of time and space looms on the horizon. This field is sometimes called psychotronics or bioenergetics.



Lieutenant Colonel John B. Alexander is with the Inspector General Agency, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C. He received a BA.. from the University of Nebraska, an MA., from Pepper-dine University, a PhD. from Walden University and is a 1980 graduate of the USACGSC. He has served in Thailand and Vietnam with the Special Forces and was chief, Human Resources Division, Organizational Effectiveness Staff Office, Fort McPherson, Georgia.

PSYCHOTRONICS may be described as the interaction of mind and matter.1

While the concepts may stretch the imagination of many readers, research in this area has been underway for years, and the possibility for employment as weaponry has been explored. To be more specific, there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated.2

Two subdivisions of this field have also been investigated. Mind-altering techniques designed to impact on an opponent are well-advanced.

The procedures employed include manipulation of human behavior through use of psychological weapons effecting sight, sound, smell, temperature, electromagnetic energy or sensory deprivation.3


The other area of experimentation involves parapsychological phenomena known as the out-of-body experience (OOBE), remote viewing, extrasensory perception or bioinformation, depending on the source and technique employed. It has been demonstrated that certain persons appear to have the ability to mentally retrieve data from afar while physically remaining in a secure location.

It may sound fantastic, but consider the available unclassified data.

Soviet Research

It is generally believed that the Soviets and their allies are well in the lead in parapsychological research. This belief is supported by a number of popular books that have been on the market for the past 10 years. Not as well-known are two Defense Intelligence Agency reports that were released through the Freedom of Information Act.

The reports were prepared by the Office of the Surgeon General and are titled,

  • Controlled Offensive Behavior-USSR (Unclassified), 1972, and

  • Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychological Research (Unclassified), 1975.


Two persons (attraction)

The reality of paranormal events has been accepted by Soviet researchers, and theories have been developed to explain and study those events.

The Soviets have further developed techniques to control and actively employ their knowledge of parapsychology.4 Included in the research has been investigation into areas such as telepathy (the mental awareness of information over distance), precognition (the knowledge of future events), telekinesis (movement of matter with the mind) and the transfer of bioenergy from one body to another.

The amount of information scientifically verified by the Soviets is voluminous and beyond the scope of this article.

However, several examples will demonstrate areas in which progress has been made:

  • The transference of energy from one organism to another. The ability to heal or cause disease can be transmitted over distance, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent cause. While this has been demonstrated on lower organisms, flies and frogs, the present capacity for human death is still debated.5

  • The existence of energy emanations from the body has been repeatedly demonstrated through radiation field photography known as the Kirlian effect. This phenomenon, which has been widely replicated in the West, reflects changes in emotional condition.6

  • Telepathic behavior modification, which includes the ability to induce hypnotic states up to distances in excess of 1,000 kilometers, has been reported.7

  • The ability to mentally move objects has also been repeatedly demonstrated under scientifically controlled conditions. Movement of selected objects intermingled with others has also been accomplished.8

American Research

The extent of parapsychological research in the United States is not well-known nor is it centrally organized. The US government is reported to have funded some research projects, but these have not been published. Frequently, the data are anecdotal in nature and are not well-accepted in the scientific community.

Unlike the Soviet research, US efforts have frequently been attacked as inconclusive. Since the phenomena being examined are frequently beyond explanation in known scientific terms, they are often discounted as nonexistent.

Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute have conducted some of the best known US experimentation on the ability to collect data from afar, or "remote viewing" as they call it. Their evidence tends to support claims that relatively accurate information can be obtained through employment of these methods.9

During experiments, the tested subject was required to mentally visit a remote area and then later draw or describe the target site in detail. This was satisfactorily accomplished on several occasions although neither the subject nor the experimenter had prior knowledge of the target.

The bulk of out-of-body data from US research is anecdotal. Literally thousands of people have reported the experience of being discretely and consciously located outside of their physical bodies and yet able to view themselves from that perspective with a total awareness of activities in that area. This phenomenon is frequently associated with life-threatening circumstances such as accidents, illness or extreme danger.

Many soldiers who have had "close calls" in combat have reported being in the OOBE state of consciousness. Many physicians have been embarrassed by patients who, after being revived from an unconscious state, were able to repeat conversations and events that had occurred while they were unconscious.


Scientific experimentation has also been conducted with OOBE.

Test subjects have induced OOBE states while being physiologically monitored and have retrieved data that was not available through normal means. Experiments frequently include identification of random numbers either placed out of sight nearby or at a more distant location.

A distinct electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern called Alphoid has been isolated during tests, thereby indicating that this state is detectable through accepted physiological monitoring methods.


Although some tests were successful, others were not, leading to the conclusion that an extremely complex phenomenon was involved.10

Another phenomenon that has attracted the attention of US researchers is that of psychokinesis (mind over matter), particularly the distortion of metal objects by mental and non-forceful physical techniques. The most common, and least practical, application probably has been the bending of forks and spoons by gentle stroking of the object. Microscopic examination of the bent of broken items has revealed a different form of fracturing than is experienced when metal items are ruptured by physical force.11

The most likely explanation for this phenomenon is that the subject is mentally generating an electromagnetic force capable of distorting or rupturing the target object. The existence of such a force has been established through the Soviet-developed means previously described as Kirlian photography.

Further testimony concerning the existence of electromagnetic emanations from the physical body may be found in the medical concepts of acupuncture. Despite common use of acupuncture in the East for thousands of years, Western medicine is only now accepting the premise that the human body can be treated for physical ailments through adjustments in "Ki," the minute electromagnetic life force that flows through us.

The ability of the mind to control our physiology is being explored medically and in other areas through the medium of biofeedback. It has been determined that the functions of the autonomic nervous system, previously thought to operate independently of the conscious mind, can be controlled. This indicates that we can internally direct our physiological systems that produce anxiety and stress. With training, a subject can learn to control fear and even bleeding. The day-to-day benefits of stress reduction in modern life have been widely touted.

A similar field, that of meditation, has also been examined. Massive amounts of data are available addressing the mental and physiological benefits that may be derived through the practice of meditation. These reports are commonly accepted and will not be discussed here. What is not as well-known is the research done on the Transcendental Meditation Sidhis Program. Though considered controversial by some, this program has produced evidence that individuals can be taught to physically levitate or "fly" and manifest other physiological phenomena.

To support this evidence, Dr. David W. Orme-Johnson has monitored brain functioning on the EEG and found high coherence of the right and left hemisphere.12 This data supports the supposition that people can be trained to employ their minds to produce physical phenomena that extend our bounds and concepts of reality.

Other areas, too numerous to mention, have also been explored. The major problem has been the lack of funding or coordinated effort.

It has been easier to ignore paranormal considerations than to address the sticky questions raised through examination.

Military Application

The intelligence-gathering capability available through remote viewing or OOBE travel is obvious.

Henry Gris and William Dick report that test subjects, targeted against strategic sites in both the USSR and the People's Republic of China, were able to penetrate secured areas to retrieve desired data via out-of-body travel. They further claim the results were verified by independent agents.13

The strategic and tactical applications are unlimited. When finally developed, this capability could ultimately allow an operator to enter an enemy headquarters at will to observe plans and dispositions. On the battlefield, one could reconnoiter an area from the physical safety of his own chosen location.

Two major problems presently exist in the implementation of this program: Only certain individuals have demonstrated innate skills of controlled OOBE, and data reliability is uncertain.

These problems can be attributed to lack of observation skills of the subject as well as the complexity of the phenomena involved.

The use of psychotronic weapons has already been mentioned.

Certainly, with development, these weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator. Range may be a present problem, but this will probably be overcome if it has not been already. Inventor Robert Pavlita claims that no special psychic ability is necessary to charge the generator. The psychotronic weapon would be silent, difficult to detect and would require only a human operator as a power source.14

Soviet researchers studying controlled behavior have also examined the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans and have applied those techniques against the US Embassy in Moscow. Researchers suggest that certain extremely-low-frequency (ELF) emissions possess psychoactive characteristics.15 These transmissions can be used to induce depression or irritability in a target population. The application of large-scale ELF behavior modification could have horrendous impact. The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious knowledge of their programming. In movie terms, the Manchurian candidate lives and does not even require a phone call.

Other mind-to-mind thought induction techniques are also being considered. If perfected, this capability could allow the direct transference of thought via telepathy from one mind, or group of minds, to a selected target audience.

The unique factor is that the recipient will not be aware that thoughts have been implanted from an external source. He or she will believe the thoughts are original.16


The impact that psychotronic weaponry and other paranormal applications will have in the future is difficult to determine at this time. It has been suggested that whoever makes the first major breakthrough in this field will have a quantum lead over his opponent, an advantage similar to sole possession of nuclear weapons.

Clearly, advances in any of the aforementioned areas will add new dimensions to the battlefield.


The Soviets and their allies have been working in this field for many years.

Their conviction that this area has military application is evident. They continue to fund this program and operate research centers such as those at Novosibirsk. If there were no perceived military advantages, it is doubtful they would provide financial and scientific backing.

Another indicator is the degree of secrecy that was invoked by the Soviet government on parapsychological research. The arrest in 1977 of American correspondent Robert Toth on charges that he had received secret parapsychological data from a Soviet scientist is indicative of the sensitivity in that area.17 There is sufficient concern about psychic intrusion to cause work to begin on countermeasures such as bioenergy detectors.

Available evidence supports the thesis that paranormal phenomena do occur and, under some circumstances, can be controlled. The military potential for such controlled resources has already been examined.

Clearly, psychotronic weapons already exist; only their capabilities are in doubt.


That is not to say that problems do not exist with the weapons and the concepts. At the present time, unpredictable systems failure and difficulty in controlling testing are major weaknesses.

The information presented here will be considered by some to be ridiculous since it does not conform to their view of reality, but some people still believe the world is flat. Other readers may view this as a conservative approach because such controversial areas as hyperspatial transmitters or Tesla wave generators have not been addressed.

The intent here is to emphasize the need for more coordinated research in the realm of the paranormal.

Additionally, there is a need to provide leaders at all levels with a basic understanding of weapons systems they may encounter in the not too distant future.

best wishes n love lots


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microwave detection



                             by Anna Keeler Reprinted from


edited by Jim Keith from BugSweeps Website

There had been an ongoing controversy over health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) for years (e.g., extremely low frequency radiation and the Navy's Project Seafarer; emissions of high power lines and video display terminals; radar and other military and industrial sources of radio frequencies and microwaves, such as plastic sealers and molders.)

Less is known of Department of Defense (DOD) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interest in anti-personnel applications of the invisible energies. The ability of certain parameters of EMF to cause health effects, including neurological and behavioral disturbances, has been part of the military and CIA arsenal for years.
Capabilities of the energies to cause predictable and exploitable effects or damages can be gleaned from discussion of health effects from environmental exposures. Interestingly, some scientists funded by the DOD or CIA to research and develop invisible electromagnetic weapons have voiced strong concern (perhaps even superior knowledge or compensatory to guilt) over potentially serious consequences of environmental exposures.
Eldon Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons, Office of Non-Lethal Weapons, was commissioned in 1981 to develop electromagnetic devices for purposes including "riot control," clandestine operations and hostage removal. In the context of a controversy over reproductive hazards to Video Display Terminal (VDT) operators, he wrote of alterations in brain function of animals exposed to low intensity fields.

Offspring of exposed animals,

"exhibited a drastic degradation of intelligence later in life... couldn't learn easy tasks... indicating a very definite and irreversible damage to the central nervous system of the fetus."

With VDT operators exposed to weak fields, there have been clusters of miscarriages and birth defects (with evidence of central nervous system damage to the fetus). Byrd also wrote of experiments where behavior of animals was controlled by exposure to weak electromagnetic fields. "At a certain frequency and power intensity, they could make the animal purr, lay down and roll over."
Notorious Jose Delgado, advocate of a psycho-civilized society through mind control, no longer implants electrodes in the brains of mental patients and prisoners; he now induces profound behavioral changes (hyper-activity, passivity, etc.) by exposing animals to precisely tuned EMFs. He has also written of genetic damage produced by weak EMF fields, similar to those emitted by VDTs. Invariably, brain tissue damage and skeletal deformation was observed in new born chicks that had been exposed. He was concerned enough to check emissions from the appliances in his kitchen.
Ross Adey induces calcium efflux in brain tissue with low power level fields (a basis for the CIA and military's "confusion weaponry") and has done behavioral experiments with radar modulated at electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythms. He is understandably concerned about environmental exposures within 1 to 30 Hz (cycles per second), either as a low frequency or an amplitude modulation on a microwave or radio frequency, as these can physiologically interact with the brain even at very low power densities.

Microwave health effects is a juncture where Department of Defense and environmental concerns collide and part ways.
Security concerns, according to Sam Koslov of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), first prompted U.S. study of health effects of low intensity (or non-thermal) microwaves. At times, up to 70-80% of the research was funded by the military.

From 1965 to 1970, a study dubbed Project Pandora was undertaken to determine the health and psychological effects of low intensity microwaves, the so-called "Moscow signal" registered at the American Embassy in Moscow.

Initially, there was confusion over whether the signal was an attempt to activate bugging devices or for some other purpose. There was suspicion that the microwave irradiation was being used as a mind control system. CIA agents asked scientists involved in microwave research whether microwaves beamed at humans from a distance could affect the brain and alter behavior.

Dr. Milton Zarat who undertook to analyze Soviet literature on microwaves for the CIA, wrote:

"For non-thermal irradiations, they believe that the electromagnetic field induced by the microwave environment affects the cell membrane, and this results in an increase of excitability or an increase in the level of excitation of nerve cells. With repeated or continued exposure, the increased excitability leads to a state of exhaustion of the cells of the cerebral cortex."

Employees first learned of the irradiation ten years after Project Pandora began. Before that, information had been parceled out on a strict "need to know" basis, which excluded most employees at the compound. Due to secrecy, and probably reports like Dr. Zaret's, Jack Anderson speculated that the CIA was trying to cover up a Soviet effort at behavior modification through irradiation of the U.S. diplomats, and that the cover up was created to protect the CIA's own mind control secrets.
Finally, an unusually large number of illnesses were reported among the residents of the compound. U.S. Ambassador Walter Stoessel developed a rare blood disease similar to leukemia; he was suffering headaches and bleeding from the eyes.

A source at the State Department informally admitted that excessive radiation had been leaking from his telephone; an American high frequency radio transmitter on the roof of the building had, when operating, induced high frequency signals well above the U.S. safety standard through the phones in the political section, as well as in lines to Stoessel's office. No doubt, National Security Agency or CIA electronic devices also contributed to the electromagnetic environment at the embassy, although values for these were never released, as they are secret.

Stoessel was reported as telling his staff that the microwaves could cause leukemia, skin cancer, cataracts and various forms of emotional illness. White blood cell counts were estimated to be as high as 40% above normal in one third of the staff, and serious chromosome damage was uncovered.
The Soviets began research on biological effects of microwaves in 1953. A special laboratory was set up at the Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences. Other labs were set up in the U.S.S.R. and in Eastern Europe that study both effects of microwaves and low frequency electromagnetic radiation.
Years ago, in the halls of science, complaints could be heard that Soviet experiments regarding bio-effects couldn't be duplicated due to insufficient details in their scientific literature, although, according to one DOD official, 75% of the U.S. papers on the subject carried insufficient parameters for duplication. Scientists even questioned, with McCarthy like sentiments, whether the Soviets were attempting to frighten or disinform with false scientific reporting of bio-effects.

It was unthinkable, according to cruder scientific theory, that non-thermal levels of microwaves could cause harm. Impetus for a study of such effects came not from concern for the public, but rather in the military and intelligence community's suspicion of the Soviets, and their equally strong interest in developing exploitable anti-personnel effects - an interest that continues unabated today.
The CIA and DOD "security" concerns metamorphosized into research and development of invisible weapons capable of impacting on health and psychological processes. In fact, due to the finding of startling effects, DARPA's security became even tighter, and a new code name - "Bizarre" - was assigned to the project.

Military Disinformation Scientist Allen Frey of Randomline, Inc. was always more interested in low intensity microwave hazards: thermal effects were known. During Project Pandora, the Navy funded such projects of his, as how to use low average power intensities, to: induce heart seizures; create leaks in the blood brain barrier, which would allow neurotoxins in the blood to cross and cause neurological damage or behavioral disorders; and how to produce auditory hallucinations or microwave hearing, during which the person can hear tones that seem to be coming from within the head or from directly behind it.
In 1976, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released a report in which they attributed the results of Dr. Frey's studies to the Soviets. According to Dr. Frey, who acknowledges that his work was misattributed, he had thought up the projects himself. The DIA, but not the CIA, is allowed to use "mirror imaging" and "net assessment" in their reports, i.e., respectively, the attribution of one's own motives and weapons capabilities to "the other side", in this case, the Soviets.

It follows, that there is nothing to prevent them from releasing a report prepared in this manner, and thus muddy the water of decision making, pervert public opinion, stoke up congressional funding or enlist the support of naive scientists to counter "the threat". There was strong concern over CIA disinformation abroad, leaking back to the home front, through the American press, but apparently the DIA, at least on some issues, can dish it up with impunity.
Dr. R.O. Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel prize for his health work in bio-electromagnetism, was more explicit in his concern over illicit government activity. He wrote of "obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with "voices."

The 1976 DIA report also credits the Soviets with other capabilities, stating,

"Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating inter-cranially can be induced by signal modulations at very low power densities."

Dr. Sharp, a Pandora researcher at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, some of whose work was so secret that he couldn't tell his boss, conducted an experiment in which the human brain has received a message carried to it by microwave transmission. Sharp was able to recognize spoken words that were modulated on a microwave carrier frequency by an "audiogram", an analog of the words' sound vibrations, and carried into his head in a chamber where he sat.
Dr. James Lin of Wayne State University has written a book entitled, Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications. It explores the possible mechanisms for the phenomenon, and discusses possibilities for the deaf, as persons with certain types of hearing loss can still hear pulsed microwaves (as tones or clicks and buzzes, if words aren't modulated on).

Lin mentions the Sharp experiment and comments,

"The capability of communicating directly with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to the field of therapeutic medicine."

What is frightening is that words, transmitted via low density microwaves or radio frequencies, or by other covert methods, might be used to create influence. For instance, according to a 1984 U.S. House of Representatives report, a large number of stores throughout the country use high frequency transmitted words (above the range of human hearing) to discourage shoplifting. Stealing is reported to be reduced by as much as 80% in some cases. Surely, the CIA and military haven't overlooked such useful technology.
Dr. Frey also did experiments on reduction of aggression. Rats who were accustomed to fighting viciously when their tails were pinched, accepted the pinching with relative passivity when irradiated with pulsed microwaves in the ultra high frequency rage (UHF) at a power density of less than 1,000 microwatts/cm2. He has also done low intensity microwave experiments degrading motor coordination and balance.

When asked about weapons applications of his work, he answered by referring to himself as "just a biological theorist", and his work for the Navy, "basic medical research."

Lies Before Congress
In 1976, George H. Heilmeier, director of Defense Advances Research Projects Agency (DARPA) responded to a mailgram to President Ford from Don Johnson of Oakland, paraphrasing Johnson's concern, and assuring him that the DARPA sponsored Army/Navy Pandora experiments were "never directed at the use of microwaves as a surveillance tool, nor in a weapons concept."

Don Johnson lingered in the memory of one DOD official who sponsored microwave research in the 1970s. Johnson was enigmatically described as,

"brilliant... schizophrenic... he knew too much... a former mental patient... buildings where work was done."

(Scientists who have disagreed with the DOD on health effects of microwaves and on the U.S. exposure standard, have received scant more respect and have had their funding cut.)

The next year, Heilmeier elaborated in a written response to an inquiry before Congress.

"...This agency [DARPA] is not aware of any research projects, classified or unclassified, conducted under the auspices of the Defense Department, now ongoing, or in the past, which would have probed possibilities of utilizing microwave radiation in a form of what is popularly known as 'mind control.'

We do not foresee the development, by DARPA of weapons using microwaves and actively being directed toward altering nervous system function or behavior. Neither are we aware of any of our own forces... developing such weapons..."

Lies Exposed
Finally, memoranda were released that rendered the goals of Pandora transparent. Richard Cesaro, initiator of Pandora and director of DARPA's Advanced Sensor program, justified the project in that,

"little or no work has been done in investigation of the subtle behavioral changes which may be evolved by a low-level electromagnetic field."

Researchers had long ago established that direct stimulus of the brain could alter behavior. The question raised by radio frequencies - microwaves or radio frequencies of the UHF or VHF band - was whether the electromagnetic could have a similar effect at very low levels. Pandora's initial goal: to discover whether a carefully constructed microwave signal could control the mind. In the context of long term, low-level effects: Cesaro felt that central nervous system effects could be important, and urged their study "for potential weapons applications."

After testing a low-level modulated microwave signal on a chimpanzee, and within approximately a week causing stark performance decrements and behavioral disorganization.

Cesaro wrote,

"the potential of exerting a degree of control on human behavior by low-level microwaves seems to exist."

On the basis of the primate study, extensive discussions took place and plans were made to extend the studies to humans.
According to a former DOD security analyst, one such microwave experiment with human subjects took place at Lorton Prison in the early 1970s. He said that such research (in a weapons context) has occurred on behavioral effects of microwaves since 1976.

He also asked,

"Why are you so concerned about then? What about now? They can call anyone a terrorist. Who are they using it on now?"

Behavioral Effects
In June, 1970, a government think tank, Rand Corporation, published a report by R.J. MacGregor, entitled "A Brief Survey of Literature Relating to Influence of Low Intensity Microwaves on Nervous Function." After noting that the U.S. microwave guideline in effect in 1970 for the public, 10,000 microwatts/^2 (now the industrial and military "guideline"), is proscribed from consideration of the rate that thermal effects are dissipated, the author, a specialist in modeling neural networks, states that scientific studies have consistently shown that humans exhibit behavioral disturbances when subjected to non-thermal levels of microwaves, well below this level.

The symptoms that MacGregor lists for those humans exposed more or less regularly at work or in the living environment are insomnia, irritability, loss of memory, fatigue, headache, tremor, hallucination, autonomic disorders and disturbed sensory functioning. He reports that swelling and distention of nerve cells have been produced at intensities as low as 1,000 microwatts/cm2 (the current U.S. guideline for the public).
In a companion Rand paper, June, 1970, entitled "A Direct Mechanism for the Direct Influence of Microwave Radiation on Neuroelectric Function," MacGregor sets forth the idea that the electrical component of microwave radiation induces transmembrane potentials in nerve cells and thereby disturbs nervous function and behavior.
Microwaves penetrate and are absorbed more deeply so that they can produce a direct effect on the central nervous system. With smaller wave lengths the principal absorption occurs near the body surface and causes peripheral or "lower" nervous system effects.
Dr. Milton Zaret who analyzed neurological effects for the CIA during Project Pandora (he is now one of the few doctors willing to take the government on by testifying on behalf of plaintiffs filing claims for microwave health damage), wrote that,

"receptors of the brain are susceptible and react to extremely low intensities of microwave irradiation if this is delivered in accordance with appropriate "coding." Coding is reported to be influenced by the character of the signal so as to be a function, for example, of the shape and amplitude of the pulse or waveform."

Remotely Reinforcing Specific Brain Rhythms Dr. Ross Adey, formerly of the Brain Research Center at University of Southern California, Los Angeles, now at Loma Linda University Medical School, Loma Linda, California, was among the first of the Pandora researchers. His work is more precise in inducing specific behavior, rather than merely causing disorganization or decrements in performance -that is, apart from his studies on inducing calcium efflux in brain tissue, which causes interference with the functioning of the brain and is one basis of "confusion weaponry."
More specifically, Adey's thesis is that if the electroencephalogram (EEG) has informational significance, one can induce behavioral changes if one imposes environmental fields that look like EEG. During Adey's career, he has correlated a wide variety of behavioral states with EEG, including emotional states (e.g., stress in hostile questioning), increments of decision making and conditioning, correct versus incorrect performance, etc., and he has imposed electromagnetic fields that look like EEG, which has resulted in altered EEG and behavior.
In published accounts of Adey's work, he has shown that it is possible to apply low biologic frequencies by using a radio frequency carrier modulated at specific brain frequencies. He demonstrated that if the biological modulation on the carrier frequency is close to frequencies in the natural EEG of the subject, it will reinforce or increase the number of manifestations of the imposed rhythms, and modulate behavior.
The conditioning paradigm: animals were trained through aversion to produce specific brain wave rhythms; animals trained in a field with the same rhythm amplitude modulated on it, differed significantly from control animals in both accuracy and resistance to extinction (at least 50 days versus 10 in the controls). When the fields were used on untrained animals, occurrence of the applied rhythm increased in the animals' EEG.
Dr. Adey is an accomplished scientist, which leads one to believe the significance of this experiment goes beyond mere reinforcement of the animal's brain waves. Did the rhythms that he chose to apply have special significance with relation to information processing or conditioning? The 4.5 theta rhythm that he applied was the natural reoccurring frequency that he had measured in the hippocampus during a phase of avoidance learning.

The hippocampus, as Adey wrote in an earlier paper,

"...involves neural processes connected with consolidation of memory traces. It relates closely to the need for focusing attention, and the degree to which recapitulation of past experience is imposed."

One might add, to ensure survival.
Does it follow that an EEG modulated carrier frequency can be used to enhance human avoidance learning? You bet, provided the same careful procedures are followed with humans as were with animals, the same result would accrue. Recall again the goals of Pandora - to discover whether a carefully constructed electromagnetic signal could direct the mind.
The obvious question becomes, how many and with how much accuracy can behavioral states or "frames of mind" be intentionally imposed, that is, apart from the certain technological capability to promote disorganization and degradation of perception and performance through use of the fields.
In fact, many components of learning or conditioning including affect (i.e., "feeling" or emotional states) can be imposed through use of the fields from a distance. E.g., behavioral arousal, orienting reflex, subliminal stress (alarm reaction without realization of the contextual significance), so-called levels of consciousness, inhibition of cerebral functions, which would render one more susceptible to suggestion or influence, and so on.

All components necessary to produce behavioral conditioning, including ways to provide contextual significance, can be applied from a distance (i.e., without direct brain contact, as was necessary in older behavior modification experiments.)

The end of Project Pandora may have signified the end of research into the cause of effects of the varying frequencies registered at the American embassy in Moscow - some known to be due to CIA and National Security Agency equipment, but interest in microwave and biological frequency weapons did not wane.

Indeed, there are indications of applications. As we have seen, research that began in response to a security concern, transformed almost overnight into a search for weapons applications, while cloaked in disinformation about the Soviets.

What types of weapons?
There Are Three Possibilities:

(1) that microwaves, perhaps modulated with low biological frequencies, are used from a distance to cause performance decrements and disorganization by interfering with neuro-electric function; or by causing central nervous system effects, subjective feelings of ill health, or health syndrome associated with periodic exposures at intensities below 10,000 microwatts/cm2;
(2) that microwaves are used to create organ specific effects, e.g., tissues with less blood circulation, like the gall bladder, lens of the eye, etc., can compensate less to increased heating; heart dysfunctions can be caused; lesions or necrosis of internal tissues can be induced without a subject necessarily feeling heat, and symptoms might manifest later, at certain frequencies, slight heating or "hot spots" can be created at the center of the head; there is an ongoing Navy contract to find parameters to disrupt human metabolic functions; or
(3) that they are used in an interdisciplinary approach to remote conditioning by creating information processing effects, as Dr. Adey's work shows, or to induce "feeling" or "emotional" elements of cognition, such as excitatory reactions, subliminal stress, behavioral arousal, enhanced suggestibility by inhibition of higher functions, or various other EEG or behavioral effects.

There are strong indications that microwaves have been used to cause the decrements. There is no question but that the U.S. military and the CIA know the behavioral or psycho-active significance of applied biological rhythms and other frequencies, as this was part of the thrust of their work during Pandora.

Inducing emotion or feelings through use of electromagnetic fields, and then synchronizing the feelings with words (symbolic of ideas) would be an effective way to induce preferences or attitude change, because it would mirror natural thought processes.

The question seems less whether conditioning through use of covert technology is possible, than whether there has been a policy choice to use it. If the results of their research are used as part of a system that can condition behavioral responses from a distance, it is a secret that they hold close like a baby.
Richard Helms wrote of such a system in the mid-1960s while he was CIA Plans Director. He spoke of,

"sophisticated approaches to the 'coding' of information for transmittal to population targets in the 'battle for the minds of men'..." and of "an approach integrating biological, social and physical-mathematical research in attempts... to control behavior."

He found particularly notable,

"use of modern information theory, automata theory, and feedback concepts... for a technology for controlling behavior... using information inputs as causative agents."

Due to Project Pandora, it is now known that applied biological (and other) frequencies can also be used as direct "information inputs" (e.g., of feeling or emotion) and to reinforce brain rhythms associated with conditioning and information processing. One way to get such a signal into a human may be through use of a high frequency carrier frequency.

Results of research into information processing, unconscious processes, decision making, memory processes and evoked brain potentials would likely be exploited or integrated in an interdisciplinary system.
Covert technological influence is not so foreign to the American way of life as one may think. It was reported in a 1984 U.S. House of Representatives hearing that high frequency audio transmissions are applied, for instance, in some department stores to prevent theft (one East Coast department store chain was reported to have saved $600,000 over a nine-month period), and in some grocery stores with the result that employee induced cash shortages significantly decreased and employees are better mannered.

In other words, as Helms wrote of, verbal messages are delivered at frequencies above human hearing. Technology for commercial applications is relatively sophisticated (one studio uses a "layered" approach and 31 channels in preparing tapes; some employ a "dual coding" approach, integrating scientific knowledge of information processing modes of the two brain hemispheres, and others use techniques where a consumer is spoken to as a three year old child.)

There is no U.S. law specifically regulating these types of transmission (over radio and TV a Federal Communication Commission "catch all" provision might apply). If industry uses undetectable audio transmissions to meet security concerns, it seems that the military and CIA would exploit the same technology and would have developed much more sophisticated technology for applications. The public's conception of "subliminals" is naive compared to capabilities.
It seems reasonable to conclude that to the extent that such an approach exists to manipulate behavior, "defensive" applications would consist of applying it wherever a potential threat exists or to counter a threat. For instance, Central America is an area where those in officialdom keenly feel the "threat of Soviet domination."

If there is technology available that could conceivably influence Central Americans toward the Soviets, then the U.S. would use the same kind of technology to "even the score." The same is true within the U.S.; if covert technological influence might be had against Americans, the same feared technology would be applied to counter the threat.

Special security risks might include peace groups, whom are felt to be threatened by Soviet influence (a big security concern in Western Europe and in the U.S.), progressives, or any group or individual felt to pose a challenge to U.S. goals subsumed under the rubric of "national security interest."
Given the nature and dubious goals of lumbering military inertia, and circuitous CIA "mirror logic", leads one to the conclusion that "defending" against possible or actual attempts to manipulate behavior means moving to the offensive, and perhaps, having the "edge" with applications. Possible or actual threats, according to tenets of military and intelligence craft, means "the other side" has the technology if the United States does.

Also, it would be too difficult to monitor behavior altering transmissions and to defend against them. Short of exposing such technology there would be no way to defend except by having one's own "system" (of behavioral patterns consisting of a set of signals signifying "yes" and "no," or "good" feeling and "bad" feeling that can be linked to ideas).

Recall that apart from Project Pandora, the CIA spent decades during MKULTRA and related projects, devising operational techniques to surreptitiously influence and affect behavior. Workable invisible weapons are too useful for arms control talks, and don't readily lend themselves to proofs of use or "verification" processes. Additionally, the importance of finding ways to circumvent dissent may have been one of the most significant lessons of Vietnam.
Over the counter audio aside, the military has studied and considered for usefulness in a warfare and psychological warfare context a wide range of biologicals or pharmacological substances. In the memo referred to above, Helms wrote that the U.S. is five years ahead of the Soviets in pharmacological agents producing behavioral effects. Some of these substances would increase susceptibility to influence if incorporated in the multidisciplinary approach he wrote of.

For difficult subscribers, perhaps in foreign parts, there are substances that have psychological or psychobiological effects ranging from subtle through devastating, and that cause increased susceptibility to conditioning. Some of these substances are similar to ones which are recognized by neuro-toxicologists or behavioral toxicologists as occupational hazards; some are variations of substances used experimentally in laboratories to produce selective damage in certain neuronal tracts.

Many substances needn't be injected or orally ingested, as they may be inhaled or applied with "skin transferal agents," i.e. chemicals like the popular industrial solvent, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), which can, in fact, enhance the applied substance's effect. For instance, some compounds cause damage that produces increased sensitivity to stimulus, distraction (or flooding of thought associations), and enhance susceptibility to influence. I.e., a state where automatic parallel information processing, which usually takes place outside of awareness, and interferes with conscious or more intentional limited channel processing.

While causing acute mental symptoms wouldn't be the goal in groups, producing mild distraction, an ego weakened blurring between the sense of "I" and "you", would enhance some kinds of conditioning and promote suggestibility; then, perhaps transmitted "thought associations," "the voice of God", "lucky advice" or whatever, can more easily get through and have an effect.

A side effect of lowered resistance to sub-threshold stimulus might be that some would become aware of illicit influence (even under normal circumstances there is a wide variation in sensitivity among individuals to sub-threshold stimulus; normal individuals whom psychology terms "reducers" are much more sensitive in this way; actually, most schizophrenics are extreme reducers, and therefore, much more aware of stimulus that others aren't cognizant of).

Convenient to the agencies involved in covert influence, is that among primary symptoms of schizophrenia or mental illness are ideas that one is being influenced by "transmissions" (e.g. radio frequencies), "voices" or even telepathy; unless complaints about covert psychological weapons are well organized, they would tend to be discounted as indicative of mental imbalance.
There are many ways to create temporary or permanent states that increase receptivity to suggestion and/or conditioning. It is interesting to note that scientific studies have correlated exposure to electromagnetic fields alone with mental hospital admissions and worsening of symptoms of mental patients, even as an etiological factor in the onset of mental illness. (A marker disease for exposure to microwaves is damage behind the lens of the eye; a disproportionate number of persons so damaged also suffer from mental disease or neurological impairment.)
The CIA is also interested in neuropeptides; these have profound effects when administered within a conditioning paradigm.

Specific Targets Weapons against whom?

Safe to say, in order to enlist the aid of scientists, the military and CIA would act true to form, that is, to motivate and overcome reluctance due to dictates of conscience, they would evoke a serious security risk, like the Soviets, during initial phases of development. In fact, on the "unclassified" face of it, a number of reports have openly suggested use of "microwaves" against "terrorists".
Los Alamos National Laboratory, now under supervision of University of California, prepared a report for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) setting forth that use of microwave radiation on terrorists could kill them, stun them or at least modify their behavior by changing their "perceptions."

At this point the cloak is donned, and the report continues:

"There are reports of Eurasian communist countries performing research with combined fields of signals from several different microwave frequencies to produce at least perceptual distortions in humans."

Cable News Network recently aired a report on electromagnetic weapons and showed an official document that was a contingency plan to use electromagnetic weapons against terrorists. It wasn't made clear who the terrorists were or what the contingency was. Prior to the news show, however, reports had surfaced, the source a DOD medical engineer, that in the content of conditioning, microwaves and other modalities had regularly been used against Palestinians.
It makes sense that the Palestinians would be targeted as a group for experimental purposes and to meet strategic goals.

For instance, to exacerbate discord between political factions, a "bad feeling" (biologically uncomfortable or threatening) would simply be associated through use of sound with the idea of the "other" faction. It is an easy psychological trick to induce negative attribution (where a "bad feeling" is caused to be misattributed to something in our environment): feeling, followed close in time with information input will color a thought, and become a conditioned emotional response (CER) if repeated.

An excitatory autonomic reaction requires a cognitive appraisal or "labeling" of the inducing cause. Both the autonomic reaction and the labeling can be transmitted from a distance using electromagnetic fields, like radio frequencies or microwaves and "sound."
Specific frequencies at low intensities can predictably influence sensory processes. Feeling: pleasantness - unpleasantness, strain - relaxation, and excitement - quiescence, can be created with the fields. Negative feelings and avoidance are strong biological phenomena and relate to survival. Feelings are the true basis of much "decision-making" and often occur as sub-threshold impressions.

Anger and other negative feelings are easy to cause to be displaced, and most people believe in the "trueness" of their feelings. Ideas including names can be synchronized with the the feelings that the fields can induce.

Greenham Common Rather than belabor the obvious, for when DOD develops a weapon it can be said with certainty that it will be tested and, if possible, where it would be useful to meet their goals; another example will put motives and, at least, one type of application in more realistic perspective.
Women peace activists have kept an ongoing vigil at the periphery of the U.S. Air Force base at Greenham in England since 1981. They are protesting build-up of nuclear weapons. The U.S. Cruise missiles, which are nuclear warheads small enough to be mounted on the back of a truck called a launcher vehicle, arrived at the base in March, 1984.

Since then the women in the encampment and members of the Cuisewatch network have insured that when the launcher vehicle and its convoy are taken out into the British countryside, the "dispersal exercises" aren't as secret as the military intended them to be. The women of the network, non-violent activists, have been subjected to intense harassment in an effort to be rid of their presence.
In the Fall of 1984, things changed dramatically; many, if not most of the women began suffering illness; and, simultaneously, the massive police and military presence at the base virtually disappeared, and new and different antenna were installed at the base.

In a report prepared by Rosalie Bertell, commissioner for International Commission of Health Professionals for Human Rights, a non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, the unusual patterns of illness ranged from "severe headaches, drowsiness, menstrual bleeding at abnormal times or post-menopausal, to bouts of temporary paralysis, faulty speech coordination and in one case apparent circulatory failure requiring hospitalization."
Other symptoms documented by peace activist Kim Bealy, who coordinates investigations into reports of illness at specific places around the base, included; vertigo, retinal bleeding, burnt face (even at night), nausea, sleep disturbances and palpitations. Psychobiological symptoms included lack of concentration, disorientation, loss of memory, irritability and a sense of panic in non-panic situations. The symptoms have virtually all been associated in medical literature with exposure to microwaves and most listed can be induced through low intensity or non-thermal exposures.
Measurements were taken around the base by members of Electronics for Peace and by others. Strong signals, up to one hundred times the normal background level were detected on a number of occasions. In fact, signals ten times stronger than those felt to be emanating from normal base transmitting systems were found.
The strongest signals generally appeared in the areas where the women said that they suffered ill effects. For instance, they were found to cover the women's encampment near the "green gate" (gates to the base are designated by color), but stopped abruptly at the edge of the road leading to the gate.

The strength of the signals were also found to reflect the activity of the women: e.g., they increased rapidly when the women started a demonstration. Visitors to the encampment, both men and women, reported experiencing the same types of symptoms and the same pattern of variation as the Greenham women. It may be revealing that British personnel who guard the perimeter of the base work very short shifts (two hours at a time) and only for two weeks.
What else has been used against the women of Greenham Commons?

If high frequency verbal transmissions are used in U.S. department stores and have a significant effect in meeting their security goals, it seems likely that the military would also exploit the same technology.

What would such a message tell the women?

"There is something wrong with this place, 'I' want to get out of here, 'I' don't like it here..."

Perhaps auditory transmissions would be simultaneous with the transmissions that were making them feel unwell.
In a review prepared by National Bureau of Standards, Law Enforcement Standards Laboratory, for Nuclear Defense Agency, Intelligence and Security Directorate, use of low intensity microwaves was considered for application as a "psychological deterrent."

The report stated,

"...microwave radiation has frequently been cited as being responsible for non-thermal effects in integrated central nervous system activity. The behavioral consequences most frequently reported have been disability, listlessness and increased irritability."

The report fails to mention just as frequently cited low intensity microwave health effects as chromosome damage; congenital birth defects; autonomic nervous system disregulation, including disruption of bio-cycles; impaired immune function; brain damage and other neurological abnormalities, including leaks in the blood brain barrier and depletion of some neurotransmitters; among a host of other health impairments not to be taken lightly.
A reckless form of biological and psychological control has been perpetuated whether the source of the symptoms of the Greenham Commons is radar surveillance aimed at the women, or if there is conscious application of the microwaves as a "deterrent" or a means to drive the women away.

Calculated efforts were also directed at preventing or eroding community support. In the summer of 1985, women planning to visit the camp had to be notified that long term health effects might ensue for women who were pregnant or intended to be.

As activist Kim Bealy put it,

"It would now appear that we are protecting the missiles by killing people slowly."

Health complaints similar to those of the women at Greenham Common are being made by women peace activists at Seneca, New York, and from activists at other locations. The symptoms at Greenham seem to occur on an occasional basis now, perhaps due to the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, which applies to the missiles housed there, or due to somewhat increased public or congressional awareness.
It is not necessary that the transmission take place from equipment in the vicinity of a target (although the Greenham women seemed to be suffering from transmissions made from within the base.) Propagation of microwaves has been very well studied and is very sophisticated, e.g., a two inch beam can be sent from a satellite, point to point, to a receiving dish on earth; and, it was reported in 1978, that the CIA had a program called Operation Pique, which included bouncing radio signals or microwaves off of the ionosphere to affect the mental functions of people in selected areas, including Eastern European nuclear installations.
In the U.S. the military has intentionally obfuscated discussion of environmental health effects. With their ally "industry" they have won, at least for the time being, the right to perpetuate their interests, to the detriment of the public's best interests. Scientists who have spoken up on the environmental impact of military microwave or electromagnetic systems have been treated as security risks, and have had their funds cut, so great is the military's concern in protecting their communications systems by ensuring themselves unlimited use of radio frequencies or microwaves.
The upshot is that in the U.S. at this time, there is no legally enforceable microwave standard. There never has been an enforceable standard for the public or the workplace. Microwaves at intensities within the suggested "guideline" have finally been shown, even by U.S. research, to cause health damage.
Worse, some industrial exposures are extraordinarily high. For instance, plastic sealers, a low income group comprised mainly of women within childbearing years, use equipment that exposes them to over 10,000 microwatts of microwaves or radio frequencies throughout an eight hour day, and in some case, to hundreds of milliwatts. As energy absorbed from their equipment flows to ground, so much heat has been felt in the ankles of some workers that they have learned to do their tasks with their feet elevated on plastic. They are not provided metal shielding as workers are in more health conscious countries.
While most of the public are only exposed to very low levels of microwaves and radio frequencies, a considerable number (between one and two percent) live or work near emitters, such as radio and television transmitters, military and airport radar, and industrial tools utilizing these frequencies.

Therefore, it is likely that they are exposed to levels that have been proven to be unhealthful or downright dangerous.

best wishes n love lots


Read more…

a brain implant victim

  by Robert Naeslund

extracted from from Paranoia Magazine - Issue 19 - Winter 1999 from MindControlForums Website

Spanish version


This is an account of the Swedish Security Police (SÄPO) and the use of humans for medical research, but it could well be from Nazi Germany, where state abuse was a natural part of the system. There are many similarities in the methods and routine of brutality between the Gestapo and SÄPO. Moreover, SÄPO is exploiting a new kind of computer technique to enable them to control human thoughts and behavior.

Pictured above left, is an X-ray of an object located in my skull directly anterior to the frontal bone. The object was forcibly implanted in 1967 at a hospital where I was awaiting an operation.

SÄPO had forced the surgeon to participate in their scheme, preventing him from performing the original surgery.
After violently sedating me, they made a 5 cm long incision in my frontal bone, in which they placed the object: a radio-transmitter which has been transmitting a high frequency electromagnetic beam through my brain 24 hours a day ever since. The dimensions of the device are a mere 7x4 mm.
The process of miniaturization has already passed the stage of the injectable transponder, a tiny ampoule capable of storing data and acting as a sender and a receiver.

Jan Freese - The Despotic Incompetence
The reason for SÄPO’s action was that I constituted a threat to the secret of state mind-control projects.

This covert operation of coupling people’s brains to computers has been going on for decades, and not only SÄPO is involved. Transmitters are being implanted in people’s heads during routine hospital surgery. Most commonly, these are inserted through the nostrils, from where they operate using two-way radio communication.

After penetrating the brain, the radio-wave is processed in a system that connects the neurological functions to a computer. Afterwards, mental activity, biological processes, sensory function, in fact the entire life of the individual, are laid bare for state inspection and control.
In his report, the eminent professor Peter Lindström calls the technique “radio-hypnotic intracerebral control.” This speaks a lot about a science which is also known as bio-medical telemetry, mind control or brain-computer interaction. He writes that there is a risk of meningitis and chronic infections with such implantations. I have, in fact, had constant sinus infections since the early 1970s, something which is most probably connected with the implanted objects.
In the late 1960s, the potential and areas of application of telemetry were already being discussed by J.M. Delgado in his book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society:

We are advancing rapidly in the pattern recognition of electronic correlates of behavior and in the method for two-way radio communication between brain and computers.

This has been going on much longer than most people can imagine. It was, in fact, one of the first applications of computer technology, forty years ago, to link the human biological system with a computer.

Thirty years ago, in 1968, Dr. Stuart Mackay published his Bio-Medical Telemetry, in which he outlined the potential of this latest science:

Among the many telemetry instruments being used today are miniature radio transmitters that can be swallowed or surgically implanted in man or animals ... The scope of observation is too broad to more than hint at with a few examples...

They permit the simultaneous study of behavior or physiological functioning... In cases such as the monitoring of the welfare of a diver in the ocean or an astronaut in orbit, a continuous flow of physiologic information is essential.

X-rays of my head show three implanted transmitters, of which one has been completely embedded in the frontal lobe.

All were implanted on different occasions during the 1970s by the Swedish Criminal Police while I was under arrest in Stockholm and Nacka. A paper published in 1975 at Yale University by an international team of six researchers as part of a joint project between Yale and the Medical University of Madrid entitled “Two-way Communication with the Brain” describes how communication can be achieved with deep-brain processes using tiny transmitters, thereby also being able to suppress EEG patterns. They also state that because both energy and data is supplied by radio-waves, these transmitters last for life.
Two-way communication with the depth of the brain makes it possible to send and to receive information to and from the brain. The technique eliminates the need to restrain the experimental subject, permitting free behavioral expression and social relations.

Instrumentation, including the radio links, is small and light and does not interfere with mobility...

Our experiment demonstrated the suppression of a specific EEG pattern by repeated feed-back radio stimulation of a specific intracerebral point ... As no batteries are used, the life of the instrument is indefinite. Power and information are supplied by radio frequencies.
It has been almost thirty years since the first transmitter was implanted in my head at Söder Hospital; the issue is in fact much bigger and even more shocking, since surgeons have also been placing these transmitters in the heads of patients under anesthetic on the operating table. This is what happened to me at the end of the 1960s when I underwent surgery at Söder Hospital. Prior to that time, I had been a completely normal member of society.

I had never committed a crime nor had any contact with psychiatry, and I was employed. In fact, there was nothing about my life which could warrant the taking of special measures to observe me. The only reasonable conclusion is that certain surgeons at the hospital were and may be continuing to implant transmitters during normal operations on a regular basis.

There is no reason whatever to believe that I was an exception.

Thirty-three years ago, in 1965, a researcher at the Defense Research Institution department for information technology named P.M. Persson published an article on biomedical telemetry in which he wrote:

Telemetry, i.e. the radio-transmission of data, is applied primarily when it is difficult or impossible to supply the parameters by any other method ... the word Telemetry is derived from the Greek “tele” meaning “to measure”.

In Swedish, telemetry would therefore be called “fjarrmatning” (long-distance measuring)... A significant part of biotelemetry is conducted principally with the use of implanted transmitters, the development of which has come a long way in medical research.

What had actually been well developed in medical research was of course the abuse of patients in whose heads the surgeons were implanting transmitters.

A Journey Into Madness
For the years following the implantation of the transmitter at Söder Hospital, I was actually quite unaware that anything had happened.

All I was mindful of was a weak radio signal of unidentifiable origin inside my head. It was only after a few years that I became wise to something having been put inside my head during the operation. This time was to be a period of great and inexplicable change and, when I turned thirty, I decided to tread a criminal path.

It is hard to claim with any certainty that this was a result of what was happening to me, but it was, in any case, after the implantation of the transmitter which linked my brain to a computer so scientists could use me for their own wicked designs, that my conceptions and feelings were radically altered.
In America, the same year as the implant of the transmitter at Söder Hospital (1967), the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University published a report entitled “Man’s Intervention in Intracerebral Functions.”

The authors wrote:

Techniques are being developed for the investigation and manipulation of man. Two-way communication with the depth of the brain makes it possible to send and receive information to and from the brain... We can start, stop or modify a variety of autonomic, somatic, behavioral, and mental manifestations.

We can experiment with intracerebral mechanisms responsible for the onset and maintenance of specific behavioral and mental functions... As no batteries are used, the life of the transmitter is indefinite. Power and information are supplied by radio frequencies.

The report of a Parliamentary Committee chaired by Alva Myrdal, SOU 1972:59 entitled “To Choose the Future” addressed this technique:

Research into the field of cerebral function and behavior has as its primary aim to identify the type and degree of changes that can be effected with these new methods, thereby providing information on new possibilities for easing human suffering as well as the risks of control and modification of behavior against the people’s will.

The state report SOU 1987:74 also mentions the technique, discussing the ability to see through the eyes of another person:

It is inevitable that covert personal surveillance brings with it a significant infringement of individual integrity. A person’s private and public doings can be registered and documented to a high degree. This also includes any encounters the individual has with other people.

Letters and other such written communications which the individual receives, for example, at home or in the office, can be monitored during surveillance.

It was on my first occasion with the police, on March 10, 1972, that I was put to sleep without my consent and when I awoke a few hours later it was to a whole new kind of life.

The first thing I was aware of was a deeply disturbing radio signal in my head. The electromagnetic wave which was penetrating my skull was brainwashing, and had a detrimental effect on my memory functions, habits and behavior. Slowly but surely I was being changed into a different person with greatly impaired faculties. As can be seen from the X-ray photograph shown, this transmitter had been inserted through the left nostril.
The experiment which then began went on daily, unchanging, for the following 3.5 years. It inhibited the capacity of my left cerebral hemisphere, and after a short while I lost such basic skills as sequentiality, turning the alphabet, for example, into a swarm of irretrievably disordered letters.

My capacity for logical thought was impaired and due to the brainwashing I had great mnemonic problems which created daily chaos. Dr. Lindström’s reference in his second letter to this process as “the electronic dissolution of memory” is a fitting description of what was happening to me.
Gordon Thomas, the well-known author and BBC producer, wrote in the introduction to his book Journey Into Madness, that:

Since the 1950s, doctors in both east and west have ignored the sacred oaths of their profession and helped in governments-sponsored research into methods of medical torture and mind control.

A detail of one X-ray of my head shows the nasal passages and the area behind the forehead.

Two shaded parts indicate the position of the transmitters that were surgically removed at private hospitals overseas. One was inserted at Söder Hospital, while another was the one I received in police custody in 1978.

A third object on the X-ray is the first transmitter that the police put in me on March 10, 1972, while a fourth was implanted either at Stockholm’s detention center or in custody at Vasteras in 1973. The last transmitter shown in the X-ray was inserted under sedation on November 26, 1975 at the Nacka Police custody center.
Nine years went by before I tried to do something about the increasing torment. In 1976, I wrote to Bror Rexed, the general director of the Board of Health and Welfare, and explained what was happening to me and how it had all begun.

What I failed to understand then, however, was that there were unwritten routines to bury as swiftly as possible any reports concerning the existence of these barbaric practices. Instead of answering my letter, Mr. Rexed passed it on to the department responsible for psychiatric care, who contacted me with a warning that I could be taken in if I continued to make these claims.

A document entitled “The Breaking of Bodies and Minds,” published by The American Association for the Advancement of Science, states:

...The state, with the aid of psychiatrists, can effectively silence people who oppose its policies, state manipulation of psychiatry for political ends is a reality in many countries.

On a trip to Athens in the summer of 1977, I took the opportunity to have an X-ray examination.

There the radiologist was able to identify two foreign objects in the extension of the nasal passages, adjacent to the frontal lobe. On my return to Sweden, I handed over the X-rays to the Board of Health and Welfare to confirm my previous claims. They, in turn, passed them on for examination by their own radiological consultant, Dr. Kjell Bergström of Uppsala’s Academic Hospital, who promised to produce a report.

After several attempts to contact Dr. Bergström, it became evident that he was not prepared to make a report at all. After much correspondence both by letter and phone, he finally submitted a report. It came as no surprise that his report was entirely misleading. He denied the existence of any foreign objects in my head and claimed that my cranial X-rays were perfectly normal.
I was forced then to do something about my enslaved life. I traveled back to Athens in February of 1978 and met a radiologist who then put me in contact with a surgeon who was prepared to operate to remove the object.

The transmitter that had been implanted in my head at Söder Hospital was finally removed on March 13, 1978 after having been in operation for eleven long years. It had been only a month since Dr. Bergström’s report denied the existence of any foreign objects in my head.

My life improved measurably after the removal of four transmitters which had been transmitting electromagnetic waves through my brain.

A Criminal Collusion Exposed
Dr. Gregorius promised to perform the next operation a couple of months later.

In July of 1978, a week before I was due to return to Athens, I was arrested by the police for a crime that had been committed some months earlier. After a few days in custody, Dr. Annmari Jonsson from the Board of Health and Welfare came in for a chat. Dr. Jonsson is the psychiatrist who had contacted me the previous year in connection with my correspondence with Rexed.

She had previously threatened me with psychiatric confinement if I persisted in making claims about a transmitter having been implanted in my head at Söder Hospital. She was now getting serious and was prepared to use her position to silence me in a criminal collusion between doctors and the police.
Our talk lasted no longer than a few minutes, after which she was ready to prepare the report which was to pave the way for the coming psychiatric diagnosis which the Board of Health and Welfare could then, following the routine, use as a weapon for concealing the illegal activity of the state.

Her report was based on the obvious fact that anyone who claims that they are being used for scientific research into telemetry is mentally ill. I was also threatening to expose something of an extremely classified nature. This was justification enough to brand me as a chronically paranoid individual.
Annmari Jonsson’s report of August 1978 included the following note:

“He fiercely maintains everything that he wrote to the General Director. He becomes indignant and clearly offended if anyone questions the reality of his medical history. In doing so, he displays clear delusions and is also paranoid. He is psychotic, in need of hospitalization and there is every reason for forensic-psychiatric examination.”

Until a certain point in my life, I had never had any psychiatric problems, never had any contact with mental care or displayed any inhumane traits or used violence.

The reason why it was so important for the psychiatrists to diagnose me as mentally ill was that the use of brain-computer systems involves the infringement of the basic human right to life. Anyone who constitutes a threat to this secret shall be silenced at any price. It is also important for them to create an illusion that those who claim they are being subjected to such abuse have mental problems.
Dr. Janes Jez, the psychiatrist who conducted my forensic-psychiatric examination and who is ultimately responsible for my psychiatric diagnosis wrote in his notes:

“Robert Naeslund ought to be considered dangerous if his system of delusions can not be cured and he starts to doubt his conceptions and obtain insight into his illness.”

I was, of course, dangerous to nobody other than the state criminals who I believe collaborated in the abuse, like Dr. Curt Strand, Dr. Annmari Jonsson or Dr. Janes Jez.
By the time the X-ray was taken in 1984, I had undergone two operations:

  1. the first was the transmitter that was implanted and had been removed

  2. the second involved the one which had been inserted in my right nostril on my last detainment in police custody in 1978

Dr. Lindström has documented that my cranial X-ray clearly exhibits a number of implanted transmitters, one of which is in my brain.

When I was able to obtain the verification of Dr. Lindström and several other doctors some years later, I submitted a letter containing the correct X-ray reports to both the Board of Health and Welfare and the named doctors for comment.
They reacted just like criminals. They will do anything to bury the truth when they are finally exposed, and so they refuse to answer my letters and to admit that they ever received them, despite the fact that I have sent letters on a number of occasions. There is, of course, nothing that they can add.

It has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that psychiatry is used as a weapon against me to conceal the brutality of the state in its implantation of transmitters in my head and my subsequent exploitation in a continual, perpetual scientific experiment.
Some years ago, there was a media scare concerning the use of psychiatric incarceration in the Soviet Union as a political weapon against dissidents. The situation is not so different in Sweden, as my case shows. I was simply trying to free myself from the experiment from which I had suffered for the previous eleven years and to retrieve the human rights I was entitled to, the right to not be enslaved by institutional experiments and research.
Dr. Tord Svahn of Huddinge Hospital is one of those doctors whom I believe Dr. Jez involved in the plot against me to legitimize his diagnosis.

During the forensic psychiatric examination I demanded that a radiological study be made of my skull, since I knew that these objects would show up on the X-rays. But my request was denied and I had to fight for three months before he gave in to my requests.

The radiological examination was conducted by Dr. Svahn, who also undersigned the reports confirming their normal status. A couple of years later, I was able to expose Dr. Svahn’s deliberately fallacious report when the X-rays were requisitioned from Huddinge for further study by other medical practitioners. All the doctors who have seen these pictures have been able to identify the implanted foreign objects, something which they have also confirmed in reports.
With the help of several electronics companies in Stockholm which supplied me with both the means and the know-how, I was able to ascertain the frequencies of the electromagnetic waves which were traveling through my head to these transmitters.

The frequencies entering my head have been analyzed to be between 17 and 24 kHz. About twenty years ago (1976), researchers Eskil Block and Per Scharestrom published their book Man and Technology in the Society of the Future.

The book addresses the following technique:

The study of electronic communication has given us a much greater opportunity to understand vital aspects of the human nervous system and sensory organs.

Out of this technology then grew a more abstract and general science, cybernetics, the study of communication and control ... advancements in science and technology show us again and again that we must be prepared to adjust our view of the world and reassess the limits of what is possible.

When the state commits a serious crime, it is ensured that none of their own will reveal the secret. In that case, all would be lost from the start.

For that reason among others, the radiologists at the different hospitals deny the existence of foreign objects in my head, as we can see from the reports of Drs. Bergström and Svahn.

There are, however, many other radiologists who use their position to deny the truth in one huge collective fabrication, so that no information about the abuses threatens to leak out. It was, therefore, critical when Dr. Lindström produced an entirely contradictory report concerning the X-rays that the Swedish doctors had declared normal. It was, therefore, also in the nature of things that the Swedish doctors tried to make Dr. Lindström retract his report.
Doctors at both Karolinska Hospital and the Karolinska Institute, who actually had absolutely nothing to do with my case, wrote to Dr. Lindström in California insisting that he conduct himself properly and not make that kind of report, and asked if it would be possible for him to reconsider his statements. Others took a tougher line, saying he was not competent to examine X-rays and that he ought to change his mind.

There was not a single person acting out of any other motive than that of concealing his own or his colleague’s malpractice. The psychiatric clinic at Karolinska Hospital is another example. Failing to find out the facts, an easy enough task considering that Dr. Lindström’s name and address are on the letters, they contacted the Board of Health and Welfare with the incredible story that the reports I had submitted were my own fabrications.
Instead of making him toe their line, the Swedish doctors’ behavior had the opposite effect on Dr. Lindström.

He felt, quite naturally, indignant that they had tried to force him to conform to the corrupt Swedish model, and as a result he passed on certain of my X-rays to some of his colleagues at the University of California Medical Center in San Diego, asking them to write down exactly what they could see without first giving them any prior information.

Professor Wickbom produced one such report. Wickbom had previously been chief clinician of the radiological department at Sahlgrenska Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden.
The contradictory reports of the Swedish doctors and their overseas colleagues gives a clear picture of the methods that the Swedish state uses to ensure that nothing concerning this mind control harassment leaks out. It is not just isolated radiologists, psychiatrists or surgeons who are participating in the crimes.

In that case, they would have been exposed long ago. It ought to be an inalienable human right to not be victimized by the implantation of transmitters in the head by surgeons during operations. One should also naturally expect to receive accurate radiological reports untainted by the need to conceal the crimes of the state.
All this concerns the abuse of a technique so terrifying that the state will go to any lengths to ensure that it is kept from the general public. This is the real reason why psychiatrists regularly diagnose as mentally ill anyone who tries to claim that they are an experimental victim of this technique.

The psychiatrists explain that the technique does not exist and that it is simply a symptom of schizophrenia or paranoia to imagine that such a thing is happening. The truth is that thousands of books and medical and scientific reports testify to the existence of this technique.

The following quotes will provide a survey of these reports:

  1. Electronic systems that can be totally implanted within the body have progressed in the last twenty years from single transistor devices to complex multifunction devices that can also incorporate memory and microprocessor logic functions.

    (“Survey of Implantable Telemetry,” Tomas B. Fryer, NASA, 1974.)

  2. The technique of telemetric control of human beings offers the possibility of regulating behavior with precision on a subconscious level.

    (“Electronics in the Observation and Control,” Crime and Justice, 1972.)

  3. The purpose of biomedical telemetry is to monitor or study animals and humans with minimal disturbance to their normal activity, during sleeping, loving, working, eating, lecturing and diving, etc.

    (Telemetry is Coming of Age, Dr. Stuart Mackay, 1983)

  4. This technique would also lend itself to the restriction and control of people’s private lives and social behavior on a national level. There would be the unfettered violation of personal integrity and the suppression of social and political activity, enough to make Orwell’s terrifying robotized state a reality.

    (The Information Society, Yoneji Masuda, 1980)

It is possible not only to thoroughly monitor every dimension of a person’s life, but also to manipulate them.

I became aware at a very early stage that they were able to register my thoughts, vision, emotions and intentions. The police never prevented me from acting unlawfully, despite knowing my plans in advance. Instead, they stimulated my criminal behavior and since I knew that they knew what I was doing, they were clearly safeguarding my criminal activity.

The question is whether all this has also happened to other people in custody.
Swedish scientists write in their research papers that people’s thoughts are observed and that,

“experimental data from the nervous system, at an undiminished rate, continues to flow into the computers.”

This statement was made by Professor Jens Allwood in Framtider (Futures), published by the Institute of Future Studies in Stockholm.

In the same issue, assistant professor Erland Hjelmquist argued that, in most cases,

“researchers have intended their theories to deal with just what happens in the heads of people when they make decisions or form opinions, or when they remember something... and so on.”

Peter Westerholm, senior lecturer and medical researcher, suggested in a speech at a Department of Justice conference in 1986 that:

We must also find out how people are experiencing what’s happening, maybe even their opinions, their evaluations. And it’s quite clear that this will bring us into some not entirely legitimate territory.

The fact hat data from the nervous system continues to flow into the computers at an increasing rate is due to the fact that more and more people are being hooked up to the system.

The growing rate of hospital, SÄPO, and Criminal Police abuse is built upon the mind-control system which has been highly developed within medical research.

Generating Diseases To provide an idea of the kind of experiments I was being subjected to, consider the following aspect of these systems. During the years 1979-1984, I suffered from their power to generate disease in a person. This is something which has been well documented by medical researchers.

In Bio-Medical Telemetry (1968), Dr. Mackay wrote that,

“there are certainly more elaborate and immediate methods for accelerating human and animal subjects into a state of motion sickness.”

His chilling claims that immediate and accelerating morbid states can be induced through two-way radio communication with the brain also reveals his own attitudes concerning the possible areas of application for these methods.
Beginning in 1972, when the police implanted their first transmitter in my head, the predominant effect was powerful radio signals in my head. These signals continuously intensified and oscillated over the years between loud bass notes and piercing high-frequency signals, with the entire intervening sound spectrum at varying volumes. This changed my life and altered my moods; it often induced insomnia, an inability to concentrate, irritation and impaired thinking.

But there were also changes to my behavior, which sometimes meant that I ended up unusually out of my depth, or did things completely out of my character. The symptoms which the scientists had begun to induce at the time of my residence at Sidsjon’s special psychiatric clinic in 1978-79 were exact reproductions of earlier illnesses, like the throat infections which kept me in a recurring state of cold and fever for several years.
This technique makes it possible to control all cerebral functions and biological processes.

During the first three years of the 1980s, my brain’s thermo-regulator was made to malfunction, producing temperature swings between extreme heat and cold for several hours. Between 1981-83, this technique also controlled my heart with such precision that they could bring it almost to a stop.

This also went on for hours at a time, at least every night, after which they would hyperactivate it.

The pattern was so systematic that it must have been produced by a computer program. From August 1978, when I was put to sleep in custody for the last time, and from when the transmitter inserted into my right nostril began its four year operation, I suffered from cramps in my legs, feet, hands and arms for hours every day until the transmitter was removed in Athens in 1982.
Only a year after Dr. Lindström and others made accurate statements concerning my X-rays, the brain experiment which had intensified continuously since 1972 finally leveled off. When the electronics companies gave me the opportunity to demonstrate the different frequencies of the waves that were passing through my head, the effect lessened.

After the Red Cross in Stockholm spoke to Dr. Lindström to discuss possible surgery in the USA, for which he intended to assist with necessary travel costs, the terror from which I had suffered for twelve years finally stopped altogether.

The operation came to nothing, however, since for the first time ever I was refused an entry visa into the United States.

Frankenstein Techniques In 1987, an assault took place at St. Carolus Hospital in Djakarta, Indonesia, where I was awaiting an operation to, once and for all, remove the transmitters implanted in my brain.

The assault began as I was being wheeled into the operating theatre. Standing outside was the surgeon, a professor of neurosurgery named Dr. Hendayo. He informed me that he was unable to go forward with the operation which had been scheduled a week previously. He told me that we would have to postpone it, explaining that he could not reveal the reasons why.

I tried to persuade him to keep his side of the agreement, and after a short discussion he changed his mind and I was wheeled into the operating room. What was known to him, and what I realized the moment I entered the room, was that there were two plain-clothes men waiting for me. I tried to free myself from these frightening Frankenstein techniques.

They grabbed my arms and injected me with something, and I lost consciousness.
When I came around, I was right in the middle of the operation, and I felt a sharp pain in my head. My arms and legs were strapped down and the doctor was holding my head, while one of the two in plain clothes wielded an object similar to a branding iron used to mark animals.

He pushed the heated instrument down into my opened head. It felt as though my skull would explode, and I screamed in agony before I lost consciousness. Eighteen hours later I awoke. As soon as I was able, I went directly to the X-ray department to report what happened.

From the X-ray they took, the radiologist thought that it looked like a burn into which some sort of foreign object had been placed. Afterward, I went to the head of the hospital to tell him what had taken place. I was informed that Dr. Hendayo was not due back for a couple of days. When I later made contact with him, he explained that what happened was not of his doing.

He explained that I should have understood when he tried to back out, and that he had been unable to act because my country’s security police were involved. The presence of both the burn and the implanted object has been confirmed by a number of radiological reports.

A hospital in Stockholm writes,

“To the left in the margosupraorbitalis is a deep groove, 2 cm in diameter and 0.5 cm in depth.”

Another hospital overseas writes:

“X-ray skull lateral view shows a radioluscent defect just behind the frontal sinus. An umbrella-shaped foreign body is seen in relation to the defect just above the right orbital roof.”

These events at St. Carolus Hospital in Djakarta in August 1987 reveal another side to the difficulties experienced when trying to free oneself from computer mind-control.

Dr. Hendayo realized he could not operate on me or do anything about my situation when the security police, possibly along with their colleagues in the CIA, forbade him from operating on me and took over the surgical department of St. Carolus Hospital in order to implant another transmitter. The mushroom-shaped transmitter lies adjacent to the right frontal lobe, which it paralyses.

The transmitter now affects the left side of my body. It is particularly noticeable in the face where the left eyebrow now droops as a sign of cerebral impairment.
The radiation produced by this implant has an effect different than that produced by the other transmitters, since it operates with high frequency radio-waves which lie just before the microwave part of the frequency spectrum. Right from the start, I could feel how the temperature of my brain rises, the consequences of which change my life and influence my abilities, energy and alertness.

This radiation is also very dangerous and known to induce cancer and leukemia. As a completely normal symptom of a paralyzed right hemisphere, I have lost all emotions including sexual feelings. Medical certificates confirm the continual and untreatable infections caused by the painful dehydrating effects of radio-waves produced by the implanted object, as well as greatly impaired vision and astigmatism.

The continual deterioration of my vision has led to my needing glasses and a magnifying glass in order to read normal letters.
There exists an illustration from the medical company Dow-Corning’s advertisement for their new electrode for implantation into people’s heads. It was published in Neurology and Biomedical Engineering (1990), with the following text:

A new electrode design for the extradural recording of brain activity... Epidural peg electrodes are implantable mushroom-shaped composites of Silastic elastomer...

Recording cerebral activity from the extradural space is not a new concept... Extradural strip electrodes have a low risk of infection, are well tolerated by patients, and have excellent recording characteristics.

A Modern Slave
Like all such radio devices, this electrode transmits data from a person’s inner life, his mental functions, biological and neurological processes, all of which can be combined to yield more information about someone’s life than even that person knows about himself.

The implants can be used to “brainwash”: to manipulate inner processes, modify or destroy emotions and thoughts, and, as one of the earlier research papers said, control behavior in detail.

It is the most fantastic, and the most frightening technique that has ever been developed, and consequently one of the biggest secrets ever to be held by the state. The new transmitter was intended to brainwash me to a much greater extent than any of the previous ones. It is clear how far doctors, psychiatrists, and SÄPO are prepared to go to prevent any leaks from revealing the secret of the technique and the extent of the brutal experiments and life-long abuse of the people involved in them.
The fact that the Criminal Police are using the technique and anaesthetizing people who are under arrest in order to implant transmitters should paint a whole new picture of what these authorities actually represent. It is also not difficult to see that this technique can only be employed as long as the public knows nothing about it.

Having been used as an experimental subject for various state projects for about the past thirty years has meant that I have had to live my life without the normal freedoms and personal security necessary to plan and choose my own destiny.
One can say that I have had to live like a modern slave. I have never been able to escape the continual experiment in my brain and have had to bear complete observation by medical/police research and their intrusion into my life as an invisible party to everything I do. The high frequency radiation is destroying my health and I am living with the constant threat of lethal injury.
I have been deprived of human rights and integrity, and have been stripped, studied, exploited, raped and threatened with my life. I need to find a doctor who is able to operate, first and foremost, to remove SÄPO’s transmitter in the face of SÄPO’s power. These people are the face of Nazism in our society.

They are backed up by the entire political system, and there is no court in Sweden that will convict one of them.

There is no psychiatrist who will risk their job by revealing their own, their colleague’s and society’s crimes. Nor is there any surgeon answerable for the implantation of radio-transmitters in the brains of patients during surgery. Radiologists who produce false reports to protect state institutional abuses are likewise exempt from punishment.
If we in Sweden wish to live in a society where the authorities have to take responsibility for their actions, these people must be arrested. This is the only way we will find out what is happening behind SÄPO’s high wall of secrecy, and how far this mind control experimentation has gone. There are people responsible for the kind of life I have had to suffer and the torture I have endured, and I have named them all.

Everyone at some time in their lives needs to go to the hospital for an operation, but who would enter a hospital if it could mean becoming part of a secretive medical research program which can proceed for the remainder of their lives? It can no longer be granted that he who lives his own life also has rights over it.
Anyone wishing to help Robert Naeslund find an ethical neurosurgeon may contact him in care of Gruppen, Box 136, Stockholm 11479, Sweden, Fax: 08-668-6066.

Robert Naeslund Story

New Delhi

Ever since an operation at Soder Hospital in Stockholm at the end of the 1960's, I have been used in a medical experiment which has meant a lot of suffering and been very painful.

The operation was performed by Dr. Curt Strand, who inserted a foreign object, a so-called brain transmitter, in my head through the right nasal passage.
For many years I have tried to get help from Swedish physicians and even from the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen). However, I was confronted by doctors who became my enemies and I was, among other things, declared mentally ill and placed in a mental hospital.

In 1983 I came in contact with Prof. P.A. Lindstrom at the University of California, San Diego in the United States, who examined my X-rays. Many Swedish doctors had given written opinions about these, and stated that the X-rays were completely normal, that there were no foreign object in my head.
Prof. Lindstrom wrote in one of his many statements that,

"I can only confirm that some foreign objects, most likely brain transmitters have been implanted at the base of your frontal brain and in the skull. In my opinion there is no excuse for such implantations if the patient has not been fully informed about the procedures, the purposes, the risks, the method of anesthesia, etc., and then gives a clear written consent."

I fully agree with Lincoln Lawrence who in his book on page 27 wrote:

"There are two particularly dreadful procedures which have been developed: Those working and playing with them secretly call them R.H.I.C. and E.D.O.M. -- Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronical Dissolution of Memory".

These, as well as ESB (Electronic Stimulation of the Brain) constitute what is included in Bio-medical telemetry.
After Prof. Lindstrom wrote his opinion about ten other doctors in different countries have given written statements which attest to the implanted transmitters in my head. The statements clearly show that Swedish doctors have given false reports concerning this case.

Despite the evidence which proves my case, I cannot get surgical help in Sweden to remove the many transmitters implanted in my head, which are active day and night, year after year. This was the reason why I sought help in New Delhi, but we will clearly see that physicians have strong international bonds, and are more social collegial than humane ones.
< Omitting history of search for doctor to remove transmitters. They were removed and analyzed by Hewlett-Packard technicians. >
The difficulty in finding a doctor who will operate on me is the great secret behind the use of bio-medical telemetry and doctors' international solidarity with colleagues who use people for experiments. I would like to ask everyone who reads this report for help in finding a surgeon who will perform the operation so that I may be freed from the several transmitters implanted in my skull and brain.

These transmitters have changed my life in many ways and torment me through their constant use. I can travel wherever it is necessary and would be personally responsible for all the costs which are connected to the operation.
Stockholm, Sweden

November 1991

July 27, 1983 Mr. R. Naeslund Ervallakroken 27 12443 Bandhagen SWEDEN [not current address]
In response to your most recent letter regarding the roentgen films I can only confirm that some foreign objects, most likely brain transmitters, have been implanted at the base of your frontal brain and in the skull.
The risk of such implantations is considerable and the risk of chronic infections and meningitis when the implantation has been made through the nose or the sinuses are real issues.
In my opinion, there is no excuse for such implantations if the patient has not been fully informed about the procedures, the purposes, the risks, the method of anesthesia, etc, and then gives a clear written consent.
I fully agree with Lincoln Lawrence, who in his book on page 27 wrote:

"There are two particularly dreadful procedures which have been developed. E.D.O.M. - Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory."

Many years go I had some discussions with Delgado. He asked me to apply my ultrasonic technique for his particular purpose of altering patient's behavior but I declined because we had entirely different aims and approaches. However, I found Delgado to be an intelligent but somewhat strange man.
Best wishes!
P.A. Lindstom, M.D.

Bio-Medical Telemetry Mind Control

The Technology and Its Possibilities

Bio-medical telemetry have long been thought to be impossible by the majority of people and have been relegated to science fiction. The fact is that scientists developed this technology into reality at least thirty years ago and started experiments with unwitting people.
By means of two-way radio communication, called telemetry or remote control, one can send a wavelength round trip to a brain transmitter in a person's head. The wavelength streams through the brain and returns to a computer, where all aspects of a human being's life are uncovered and analyzed.
During the 1960's, brain transmitters as small as a half of a cigarette filter made it possible for doctors to implant them into unwitting patients during operations easily and without surgery via the nostrils.
To analyze an EEG in a computer instead of a printer gives a whole new perspective on what can be concluded.

The receipt of mental manifestations as thoughts and visual impressions or feelings, behavior and psychological reactions can be continually registered. Bio-medical telemetry has made it possible for medical scientists and the state to observe the person deeper and more completely than what the individual can possibly do himself.

Through analysis and programmed computers, even affects and changes in a person's physical and mental status can be created.

"By electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures, movements can be induce by radio command, hostility may appear or disappear, social hierarchy can be modified, sexual behavior may be changed, and memory, emotions, and the thinking process may be influenced by remote control" ...

"Transmitters have no batteries, are activated by radio, and can be used for life, so that the brain can be stimulated indefinitely"...
"Physical Control of the Mind" by professor J. Delgado

"There are certainly more elaborate and immediate methods for accelerating human and animal subjects into a state of motion sickness"...

"The possibilities by bio-medical telemetry are limited only by the imagination of the investigator." "Bio-Medical Telemetry" by Dr. Stuart Mackay

"Distances were not a problem, since long wavelengths could travel globally at the speed of light. Liquid crystals which are injected directly into the bloodstream and fasten themselves to the brain have been developed in the last ten years. It works on the same principle as the usual transmitter and uses the same technology and contains the same possibilities. An essential part of biotelemetry encompasses the transmission of data. This occurs mostly with help from a surgically implanted transmitter. The technology has been developed quite extensively in medical research." P.M. Persson, Swedish Defense Research Institution, FOA, 1965

"Telemetry for the surveillance of every citizen is on the drawing boards. Mind control techniques could become standard equipment of government, prison and police departments is backed by a forceful documentation". Publishers Weekly's review of "The Mind Stealers" by Samuel Chavkin

Robert Naeslund - Photos of Psychotronic Impants
Robert Naeslund is the Swedish mind-control victim who has struggled with brain transmitter implants. The following pictures were obtained from the now defunct VERICOMM BBS:


Photo of brain implant being removed from the skull

of Robert Naeslund in Athens, Greece, 1978. mindcon29_03.jpg


Photo of implant after being removed from skull

of Robert Naeslund in Athens, Greece, 1978. mindcon29_04.jpg


Photo of x-ray showing another brain implant in the skull

of Robert Naeslund, 1987. mindcon29_05.jpg


"In this x-ray photograph taken the day following the operation,

the 1/2cm deep area of branded cortex can be identified, as can the implanted transmitter." More detail: place mouse on top of image


Photo of Robert Naesland. mindcon29_02.jpg


"The broken line shows the place where SAPO/CIA

together with Dr. Hendayo trepanated my forehead."

The above pictures are from:

"When The State Rapes: The Mind Control Papers" - Part 1 Publisher:

Mediaecco & Contact Network International

Organization for Political Research PO Box 66 8400 AB Gorredijk The Netherlands VoFax: 31-(0)5133-5567

The current address may be:

Box 136 11479 Stockholm SWEDEN

or Robert Naeslund, Slipgaten 12, 117-39, Stockholm, Sweden

best wishes and love lots


Read more…

Colorado Shooter James Holmes: A Modern MKUltra mind control victim?

james holmes 150x150 Colorado Shooter James Holmes: A Modern MKUltra mind control victim?

James Holmes: A MKUltra mind control victim?

Police Chief Dan Oates of the Aurora, Colorado police department maintains that Holmes is not part of any terrorist organization. The Right’s attempts to portray Holmes as a member of the Black Bloc Occupy movement would seem to fall under this denial. As this case continues there seem to be more questions than answers, however.

While speculation is irresponsible, as ABC News discovered when they initially claimed Holmes was a Tea Party member, the seeming refusal of authorities to answer certain questions actually creates the very speculation Chief Oates keeps trying to damp down.

All Americans are seeking to come to some understanding of the reasons for this horrendous tragedy. What is puzzling about James Eagen Holmes is how clean and non existent any record of Holmes is. There are no peers stating that he had proclivities for violence. He has no facebook or twitter accounts or any other social media contacts. His mother stated you have the right person when she found out he had been arrested but has said nothing more about this statement and he has no prior arrest record beyond a parking ticket. By all accounts Holmes is squeaky clean until his mass killing spree Friday night. So how do you explain what happened Friday night?

Note: Actually the mother did correct the media for her comment when she said “you have the right person.” I t was 5:45 AM in the morning when ABC contacted her and they asked her, “Are you Arlene Holmes and are you the mother of James Holmes?” She replied “Yes, you have the right person.” Meaning they had contacted the right person and she was indeed Arlene Holmes the mother of James Holmes. Not that they have the right person in custody. This was another example of ABC misleading the public as they so often do by misinterpreting the message. The attorney for the Holmes’s made a statement about this yesterday, July 24, to the media.

When it became apparent that the whole Occupy smear wasn’t working, some on the Right began to posit the conspiracy theory that James Eagen Holmes might be involved in some mind control experiment that has gone awry. Unfortunately for those of who don’t usually buy into Right Wing conspiracies we all know of the many and frequent hideous and barbaric experiments our government has conducted on its own citizens over the years. The Tuskeegee syphyllis experiment comes to mind right away.

When I lived in Frederick, Maryland a much more sinister story was out regarding the death of Dr. Frank Olsen, a Ft. Detrick, Maryland biological warfare specialist. The CIA has maintained for years that Olsen committed suicide while the family has always believed Dr. Olsen was killed because of what he knew and also because he asked to resign and get out of whatever he was working on.

The gist of the story is that Dr. Olsen was involved in biological weapons research. He had been assigned as a contact with the CIA’s Technical Sciences staff run by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and his deputy Robert Lashbrook. Lashbrook was also the only person with Dr. Olsen when he either jumped from a 10th floor hotel room or was pushed. At the end Dr. Olsen was involved in experiments with bio-weapons, toxins, and mind control drugs.

Dr. Olsen apparently became an experiment himself on November 18, 1953 while on a retreat with staff to Deep Creek Lake in Western, Maryland. Dr. Gottlied spiked a bottle of Cointreau with something he called serunin but which was really LSD. Dr. Olsen was unaware of the LSD and eventually began to suffer what the CIA termed depression and a nervous breakdown.

He was referred to CIA and program Psychiatrist Harold Abramson in New York, thus the fateful trip and the stay at the Hotel Statler. On the second day the CIA maintains Dr. Olsen threw himself out a 10th story window.

The project Olsen was working on was called MKUltra and was involved in finding a fool proof truth serum in case the Communist Bloc nations were able to actually place a real Manchurian candidate in our highest offices of government. This program used many different forms of behavior control and manipulation. It was undertaken by 80 institutions including 44 colleges and universities.

Knowing that these things took place during the Cold War is one reason why it is not so beyond the realm of possibility with the so called War on Terror to believe that our government isn’t back in the mind control business for interogating suspected terrorists, particularly with how unpopular and illegal waterboarding is not to mention unreliable.

That brings us back to police Chief Oates. How does a neuro-science student get thier hands on para-military gear, 6,000 rounds of ammunition, and explosive devices plus the abilities to construct highly sophisticated booby traps that require the best experts to dismantle. In our Patriot Act era, when the wrong book taken out of your local public library can cause you to be a person of interest, how does a college student buying all these things over the last few months escape everyone’s scrutiny.

Holmes record is so squeaky clean and devoid of any information, here we are two full days past the attack and still no real information about Holmes has come out. Is the whole we are protecting the prosecution of Holmes by not talking about motives for real, or a cover up while everything is cleaned up and a cover story is created to satisfy America?

No one knows for sure and idle speculation is irresponsible. The problem is that the inability and or refusal to give out information fuels the exact speculation that the authorities criticize. With all of the things that have occured in my lifetime it is not hard in moments like this to not wonder out loud is it a conspiracy?

colorado james holmes Colorado Shooter James Holmes: A Modern MKUltra mind control victim?

Colorado Theater Shooter James Holmes First Court Appearance.

James Holmes shows obvious signs of being staged.

According to news reports, this sudden violent rampage was completely out of character for James Holmes, who was described as “shy.”

The New York Times reported: Billy Kromka, a pre-med student at the University of Colorado, Boulder, worked with Mr. Holmes for three months last summer as a research assistant in a lab of at the Anschutz Medical Campus. Mr. Kromka said he was surprised to learn Mr. Holmes was the shooting suspect. “It was just shocking, because there was no way I thought he could have the capacity to do commit an atrocity like this,” he said.

There is already conjecture that James Holmes may have been involved in mind-altering neuroscience research and ended up becoming involved at a depth he never anticipated. His actions clearly show a strange detachment from reality, indicating he was not in his right mind. That can only typically be accomplished through drugs, hypnosis or trauma (and sometimes all three).

His behavior already reveals stark inconsistencies that question the mainstream explanation of events. For example, he opened fire on innocent people but then calmly surrendered to police without resistance. This is not consistent with the idea of “killing everyone.”

Furthermore, he then admitted to police that his apartment was booby-trapped with explosives. If you were really an evil-minded Joker trying to kill people (including cops), why would you warn them about the booby trap in advance? It doesn’t add up.

Holmes was clearly provided with exotic gear (and bomb-making skills)

Pictures from inside the apartment are fairly disturbing and the devices look to be sophisticated,  the booby-traps were ‘something they never seen.’ One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes’ car.

Holmes wore a gas mask, a ballistic helmet and vest as well as leg, groin and throat protectors during the shooting.

This guy was equipped with exotic gear by someone with connections to military equipment. SWAT clothing, explosives, complex booby-traps…James Holmes was selected for a mission, given equipment to carry it out, then somehow brainwashed into getting it done.


best wishes n love lots
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The British police have attacked an innocent blind man with a 50,000-volt stun gun claiming they mistook his white stick for a samurai sword.

The 61-year-old Collin Farmer, who was thrown to the ground, had his arm wrenched by the officer and was handcuffed, said the police blunder could have killed him who had suffered two strokes.

“I was terrified. Having had two strokes already, caused by stress…I collapsed on the floor, face down on the stones,” Farmer said.





He added he expected to have another stroke after facing the unjustified police violence with a “lethal weapon.”

The Lancashire Chief Police Officer Stuart William said in a statement that the officer had acted based on reports that “a man was walking through the town armed with a samurai sword.”

However, Farmer dismissed the claim that the officer had mistaken his stick for a sword saying “there’s no way he could not have seen my stick.”



The British police has a record of targeting physically disabled people for no good reason including the 20-year-old Jody McIntyre who was beaten with batons and pulled from his wheelchair and across the ground during London student protests of December 2010.

Kevin Lonergan, of the Galloway’s Society for the Blind charity, said: ‘I know Colin personally and he wouldn’t hurt a fly. How could you mistake a white walking stick for a samurai sword? I am shocked and disappointed at the police.’

Last year in the UK, Tasers were fired by police into suspects at least 1,081 times, compared with 744 in 2010 – a 45 per cent rise.

In June the Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, wrote to the Prime Minister to demand that every front-line officer have access to a Taser.

There are currently 12,000 Tasers on our streets but under the Federation plans that number would be increased to 36,000.

Mr Farmer’s ordeal began at 5.45pm last Friday when he was walking down an alleyway to meet friends at a pub in Chorley, Lancashire. Officers had received reports of a man roaming around a town centre armed with a large sword. Minutes later, they swooped on Mr Farmer, wrongly assuming he was the swordsman.

The unnamed officer claimed he shouted for Mr Farmer to stop but when he carried on walking, opened fire only to realise his mistake.

The real thing: A samurai sword of the type that Mr Farmer’s stick was mistaken

best wishes and love lots


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WAR VICTIMS Fund: Do they reach the real victims?

I was contacted by a company years ago. They said I was referred by a certain HR personnel from a previous company I worked for (who did not give me the salary due me as per contract).

I was hired as a consultant, my work to be submitted from home since I had a full-time job at that time. 

While there, the top person there asked about my grandfather (a war veteran) and who amongst us were active in the VETERAN's family group. She also told me she'll have me join the group. 

She warned me her boss is so nit-picky and may annoy me with unnecessary demands. I said I am conscientious with  my work and I will be fulfilling what needs to be fulfilled as per list we have agreed on.

I signed the contract thereafter.

In the online exchanges however, there would be questions that are really  so stupendous I was already thinking are they just fibbing so as to get services for free?

I just told them I would not continue with it anymore. It was also a decision I made just in time because I discovered I would be having a baby.

Years later though, when I discovered a pattern, I wondered what happened to the contract. It was clear to me and I already discussed it with them when there were demands that were not included in the agreement that I will not continue consulting with them anymore. They did not return the contract I signed though.

How then do I know that they are not asking for payment for me the way the other company did? The other company charged the client for my salary but they did not give it to me.

I found out when I was reading about  the rome statute that one key person had the same name as the person they said was the boss in that company (the company whose top person asked me about my WAR VET grandfather).

The latest company I worked were dropping hints  about VAW (this both applies to Violence Against Women ad Veteran Affairs Welfare. This company handles both).

It was there where I discovered I was blocked from receiving and sending communication.

I was made to believe  my comm lines are OK but being used to my pattern and quite used to the PC and my mobile functionality, I discovered my entire UI was being spoofed and my accounts phished.

They were communicating with the top honcho in my stead.

They did not allow me to receive any messages from him directly nor did they allow me to send my reports to him straight. They would request that I would create reports and output for them , then they are the ones sending it.

I have proof of how they are doing it. In one instance, I was informed I had a message from the top honcho (curious we could both not message each other when they all could, directly). The message pasted though included the source of the message.


top honcho (supposed to be):   message to me

what was pasted was:

another executive: message to me

the senders didn't jive

They could easily dupe the person for they had CCTV installed, they could tell the person that indeed I was there, when truth is, the PC apps they installed were all spoofed and the phishing apps are designed to redirect data to them first before it will be sent.  So even if the person sees me on CCTV, it doesn't mean I really am the one he's communicating with because the system DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO RECEIVE AND SEND MESSAGES. I even discovered my passwords do not work in secure browsers, ergo, the accounts I had access to were all fake. They were the only ones who had access to my real accounts.

There were also hints by some people who were afraid of them there that the salary that I was supposed to be getting was already pocketed.

The top honcho actually said he was OK with my asking rate. I do not know if he has any idea that I was being given less than half of it  (and there were deductions still).

It would be impossible to  verify if the hints were true because they have blocked all access points to the top honcho.

The only way for us to know the truth is if we talk to each other personally EXCEPT that before he arrived, the executive here designed a situation that prevented that from happening. I wrote in an entry here how he did that,

The question now is, are they continually asking for money in my stead? 

Just right before they managed to fool me into believing I had the working option they said I would have,THEY HIRED SOMEBODY WHO LOOKED A LOT LIKE ME  (in photos and CCTV - depending on the angle -  a not-so-clear photo of her would fool even people I know).

Curiously, this person had the same schedule as I did and would be there even when everyone would not be in, as long as they knew I'd be going to the office. 

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The "Elite"

There are 129,000,000 sites just on Yahoo about mind control technologies and mind control.  There are many hundreds if not more books about mind control published over the years, not to mention project papers & magazine articles. There have been internet talk shows- unnumbered about this.  Also, some, but not many tv news about stalking, Haarp , microchips and the New World Order mentioned.  Many movies in guise of sci-fi that have hinted at the tech...Not to mention Youtube and Google info......"They" WANT "Us" TO KNOW!!!!!!   They keep certain scientists; researchers; interviewers alive so we can keep knowing........  "They" are very very proud of their evil, destructive inventions...  However, people do not in general want to know, unless of course they're going through it.  So, I am trying to just, stay in touch with others going through the suffering of us humans and right, excercise, as much as you can...... and maybe ask someone to just google it, like I do.. let them think I am crazy or whatever...    ..Never, Never, Never Give Up & Take care, Carol B A TI since 1969, probably before that.....this may not stop........Try to get outside in a wooded area many trees seems to help. 

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"ICAACT is false hope."

I emailed ICAACT to ask why they chose not to address the non-invasive brain-machine interfaces and he sent the response,

"ICAACT is false hope."

Email me at and I will forward the email to you. It is very dramatic. I wonder if what I wrote moved the man to claim what he did, or if it was a pre-existing thought.

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The Law of One




Here is an interestingly layed-out summary of the 'The Law of One'

Peace & Blessings


Esta Lior



1. Introduction

2. If you feel you are a Wanderer

i. You are loved.

ii. You are not alone.

iii. You have service to perform for planet Earth.

3. The Law of One Downloadable [PDF Version]

4. The Law of One Sessions [Online Version]

44. Carla Rueckert on The Law of One [Youtube Video]

5. The Divine Cosmos Study Guide +++

6. 101 with Carla + Interview on Self Empowerment Radio

1 Techniques of the Law of One

0 Gateway to Intelligent Infinity

1 Seductive Charm of Service to Self

7. The Q'uo Channelings

8. Sister Library of Information [Books, Audio & Videos]

999. *


The Law of One

“I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.” (from session 4)

The Law of One books were channeled by L/L Research (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty) between 1981 and 1984. The books (there are five) can be freely downloaded from their library.




If you feel you are a Wanderer


1. You are loved.

January 6, 2001

“We would take a moment to step back and ask each to come with us. See yourself at this time resting upon your seats, your limbs relaxed and your minds quiet. See the beauty of the evening, the patchwork of snow and earth and tree. And see yourself lifting away from that chair and that close environment of home and friends, and drawing back in space until the Earth becomes smaller and smaller and disappears, and you are one with the stars and space and distance that is the outer appearance of the house of the Creator, the infinite creation of which you are a part. Rest in this larger identity and know that you are loved by the one infinite Creator, that you have been with that Creator since before there was time or space, without duration. without dimension. You are a citizen of eternity, a being of infinity. In your heart of hearts, in your deepest self, you have no limitations, you have no location, and you have no set personality shell as you now experience these things. Your truth, beyond all telling, lies in this oneness with the one great original Thought that has created each long before there was a planet or dimensionality or sequence.”


January 16, 2000 

“To us, each entity has already ascended. For to us the energy which is you is already perfect. We encourage each of you to seek in whatever way is helpful to you. As always, we encourage meditation. Simply lighting the candle and sitting with the candle is a life-changing habit if it be prosecuted through time. And we encourage all the other avenues of seeking as well. Most of all, we encourage you to believe in your own rightness, for that which inspires you may not inspire others. But that does not matter. That does not signify anything for you. Whatever moves you to think upon who you are, why you are here, where you are going, of these things we greatly approve. And because each entity is very much, and of necessity, alone in the seeking within, become more and more aware of the great aid you may be to each other by offering support and understanding wherever you can, by sharing honest emotion and opinion whenever you are asked, and by simply being there to give a smile to a stranger, or simply to interact as you go about your chores. Each of you with your many, many chores is all a-bustle, and we do enjoy tuning into groups such as this one and seeing all of the colors of your desires and hopes, your ambitions and your fears. Know that you are loved for who you are. We consider each of you our friends.”


January 12, 1986 

“Dwell in love and know that you are loved. Dwell in light and know that you shall be a light, and in that knowing, surrender.”


May 21, 2000

“We encourage each to look for ways to share the self beyond any concept of sharing the ideas or the supply. Look for ways to share the beingness. On a fundamental level it is as though the entire creation of nature were already sharing its beingness at a very intense level, holding nothing back, doubting and fearing nothing whatsoever but giving all of the self all of the time, all of the color, all of the bloom, all of the glory. That it will last for only a brief period of bloom matters not to the flower or to the blossom on the tree but only that it is there today to vibrate in the air, to drink in the wind and the sun, and to share its scent with all those around it. This is also your heritage and your manifest gift to offer, your odor, your special scent, that which you have created of thought, feeling and experience that is a vibration unlike anyone else’s and which makes your friends smile. How loved each of you is by the Creator who appreciates each essence and by those who appreciate each of you. Do what you can to become appreciators of all those around you. Perhaps you indicate only by your expression or your smile that you are entering fully into a moment with another, but that other senses the profundity of your gift. One thing unique to the offering of the essence of the self is that it cannot infringe. The self has no words, no requirements, and no demands. Presence is the perfect present.”


September 23, 2000

“Each of you, each of us within this group, each of those infinite sparks of the Logos, rest in unfathomable perfection drenched in a unity so profound that there is none to behold the light, but only the light. And this is your star being. This is your nature. Each of you has at the heart that fire of suns, that spark of creatorness that contains all that there is. And so, in a very important way, each of you is, beyond all changes, yourself. The you that was created before time and space, the only you that was ever you, the only you that will ever be you, you are unique. And truly are you precious and beloved to the Creator who values every distortion and seeming imperfection that has dented and banged you in the fire of learning and made you who you are. For you vibrate with a certain chord that cannot be duplicated, that is essentially you, that is most beautiful.”


2. You are not alone.

November 3, 2002

“There is a tremendous amount of power within the simple knowing that you are not alone, neither in your suffering nor in your confusion, but rather each of you is the center of concern, care, love and protection of several of those beings who dwell within your inner planes. Each entity who moves through the gates of incarnation into third-density existence has three of these presences. They may be characterized in different ways. This instrument was trained to characterize them as male, female and unified or androgynous. However, in addition to these entities which this instrument has a tendency to call “angelic,” there may be added to your panel of support any number of those who are attracted by your energy, your hopes, your ideals and faith or the lovely light and color of your appreciation of beauty or your devotion to service. These entities cannot help directly with the choosing of the first level of catalyst. These entities cannot make decisions for you concerning the setting of limits, the choosing of options, the selection of the various details of surface catalyst. However, if remembered and included, these presences are able to energize the forces around you to vibrate with information that will aid you as you seek to make the choices that the catalyst has brought out. These underlying shapes are shapes made by those who move in the ways of learning to love and to be loved.

When you are asking for the help of angels and guides, it is well to begin with thanksgiving, with praise and with confidence in yourself, in those who are helping you, and in the perfection of that which is quite apparently imperfect.”


June 21, 2002

“Each of you came here determined to make a difference. Each of you has those tools and resources that are needed. It is a matter of stepping forth in peace, in confidence, and in the sense that each is not alone.

And here we would encourage each more and more consciously to realize the strength of linking up with one’s spiritual family. It is as the anchor that truly does help those who are not particularly used to the exigencies of third density to feel more and more comfortable within the realms of your planetary sphere and the incarnation you are experiencing at this time. We are aware that each within this circle has serious difficulties in enjoying all aspects of planet Earth. There are memories, shall we say, of better times, of happier vibrations to rest in, and yet, once one begins to link in a comfortable and subconscious way with one’s spiritual family, one is able to recover a good bit of this sense of comfort, knowing that one truly is not alone on the level of intention and desire and group service. For this is a mission that can be done not by one but by a group. The one known as Jesus pointed out that, if an entity has perfect faith, it can move mountains, and that entity known to this group as Ra pointed out that, while it takes a pure entity to move a mountain, if a group attempts to move a mountain, each within the group may have an acceptable amount of distortion, and the mountain will still move. That is the power of the very deeply felt linking into one’s spiritual family. We leave this phrase very loose, because you have a very large family. And it is not simply one group that has come into this Earth to serve but, rather, you are experiencing a very complicated, interrelated bunch of groups from fourth density, from fifth density and from sixth density, from the inner planes and from other planets that all have been attracted to the Earth sphere at this time because of the stunning clarity of its passage at this time from one heaven and Earth to the next.”


May 20, 2001

“What we have to share, more than anything else, is an awareness of and a certainty in love itself and the power and rightness of that love—that is your very being and is our very being. We encourage each to be lifted up by whatever light comes into the heart to comfort it, that it reach hands willingly up to the angels that hope to help. We ask each to know that you are not alone and that there is comfort for the asking, for prayers are answered, and when help is requested presences are with you that love you and wish to safeguard you in every way. The Creator is not far off. The Creator is very, very near. This is good to remember.”


September 23, 2001

“You are not alone, my friends. There is a great company of the heavenly host which moves at this time to send its light where it is most needed according to the difficulties that various portions of your planet now experience. As your meditation groups meet and send their light it is joined by the light of many, many others and moves into those areas at this time that are in difficulty.”


3. You have service to perform for planet Earth.

June 21, 2002

“We encourage the one known as T1 to dance, to play the games, and to realize that there are no mistakes. It is perfectly well to work to share the information that it finds important, but it is just as important to share it in a way that expresses the quality of the open and flowing heart that is grounded in trust and shaped to express that love which flows through the instrument of the human body, mind and spirit in an infinite supply at all times. This is the heart of the mission shared by all those who are awakening upon planet Earth at this time. Each of you came here determined to make a difference. Each of you has those tools and resources that are needed.”


March 18, 2001

“Another aspect of being a wanderer, which is common to those from elsewhere and to those who are native to the Earth sphere, is the enormous yearning to serve. And we say to each that the main service of each of you is the service of being yourself. For when you are most truly and deeply yourself, when your heart is open and vibrating in its fullness, you become a crystal capable of receiving energy, transmuting energy and releasing energy into the Earth’s sphere. Many of you from other planets have come here specifically to do this. It is a simple process. You breathe in. You breathe out. You allow the truth to flow through you. You allow the infinite supply of energy that is the love of the Creator to flow through your energetic system and out into the Earth planes, and as you bless this process, encourage it, you intensify and enhance those vibrations that move into the Earth plane. Each of you, by being the way you are, is at this time a servant of the light, and you need do nothing more than live and love to fulfill your mission upon Earth. Naturally, each of you gave yourself gifts to share, lessons to learn and outer services to perform. And we encourage each to move along those lines of talent and gifts as you perceive them, looking for ways to share those gifts. But realize that, more than those outer doings, the inner essence is the true and central gift of the life, which you have come to offer. It is a beautiful gift. It is a gift that will take you all your life to give, and our encouragement to you is to give this gift and do this service regardless of what else you seem to be doing in your life.”


March 21, 1999

“For each, the ship upon which each finds herself is without a lodestone or rudder. But, rather, there is a sail which may be moved about by the seeker to catch the winds of spirit. Once one has been able, even for a short time, to run before the wind of spirit and to feel the sails billow, one has become able to recognize what it feels like to be in the rhythm and in the rightness of things. For truly we say to you, to the best of our knowledge, each has a destiny. Each has a mission. Each has come into incarnation with gifts to share, with a mission to fulfill, a service to do, and with learning to accomplish. The learning is always about love. The serving is always about trusting in the rightness of the moment.”


January 19, 1997 

“May we say that the conversation preceding this message was, we felt, most enlightened, for each was speaking of the being as opposed to the doing. You see, it is the love with which you do things that radiates; it is not the things that you do. Among your peoples this has been much misunderstood, for people look to see if there is some service that can be their spiritual gift to the world. They are looking for a dramatic role to play, to teach or to heal or to prophesy. And yet these things are forever secondary to the primary mission of each of you upon this particular planet in this particular density at this time. The mission before each of you is simply to address all of that which comes to you with an open heart, just that. And yet just that is the work of lifetime upon lifetime, for how can a person in a heavy illusion such as you now enjoy be fearless? It is not within the physical body to be fearless. It is not within the earthly brain, that choice-maker, to be fearless. Indeed, only the foolish are fearless, and yet the teacher known to you as Jesus the Christ has said that it is only to the foolish that the wisdom comes. It is only to those who live as little children that the kingdom is inherited.

How can a sensible, sane person, gazing upon a rather dangerous world, feel no fear? This is the crux. Here is the center. Just here, where fear shuts the door of the heart, here lies the opportunity to learn. This instrument has moved past the death experience and returned. Consequently, this instrument’s life since that experience has been relatively fearless. We bring this up to emphasize that what each fears in an archetypical sense is the cessation of being. When one feels threatened those emotions which do not have intelligence but are simply instinctual rise up to defend and protect. And it takes a great deal of care and discipline and perseverance to teach the self to lay down its arms and to be peaceful with the self. 

Each of you has the issues of all the world within you. This instrument is concerned for the peace of the world and prays for it often, and yet if this instrument prayed for peace within itself, it would be the same prayer. Indeed, it is our humble opinion that the most efficient way to bring the world to peace is to learn peace within the self, for as you think, as you are, so your universe in toto is also, for your consciousness is as a field and each bit of fear that you are able to let drop, each time that you find your heart expanding, the consciousness of your planet is being lightened. There is no lag time between the open heart of self and service to the planet, that lightening of the consciousness of planet Earth. You came among these entities of flesh and bone. You took that flesh upon yourself and buried yourself in a world of shadows because you wished to make a difference. You heard the sorrow of those who dwell with you now. And you wished to stand among them as a witness and as one who was a channel for love. This is your great chance. These are the days you hoped and prepared for, and now the time is upon you, and how quickly, my friends, it is going. Is it not?”



The Law of One has been translated, in part or in whole, into Chinese, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Turkish. Do you know of another translation? Please let me know!

   RA1  RA2  RA3  RA4  RA5


The files below are in PDF format. They will open in a new window and can be read or printed from there. The contents are identical to the printed versions of the same books.

The Law of One - PDF version

Book I: Copyright © 1984 James Allen McCarty, Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert; ISBN: 0-945007-01-9

Book II: Copyright © 1982 L/L Research; ISBN: 0-945007-02-7

Book III: Copyright © 1982 L/L Research; ISBN: 0-945007-03-5

Book IV: Copyright © 1982 L/L Research; ISBN: 0-945007-04-3

Book V: Copyright © 1998 L/L Research; ISBN: 0-924608-21-8

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission from the copyright holder.

Published by L/L Research
Box 5195
Louisville, Kentucky 40255-0195

Thank you so much for valuing our material. {..

Copyright © 2012 L/L Research




following is the Law of One Sessions of


        BONUS MATERIAL: Carla on The Law of One



Browse by Session




Browse by Category

(Number of subcategories shown in parenthesis)




The Law of One - Book One

The Law of One - Book Two

The Law of One - Book Three

The Law of One - Book Four

The Law of One - Book Five






*with added pixie dust*


Techniques of the Law of One


Gateway to Intelligent Infinity



Seductive Charm of Service to Self



Interview w/ Carla L. Rueckert ~ Self-Empowerment Radio







Other sites dedicated to the Law of One:
L/L Research, Bring 4th (L/L Research’s sister website), The Sons of the Law of One,               Law of One Society, Children of the Law of One.


"Share Your Gift With The World"



The Q'uo Channelings


  "I'm All Set."




The L/L Research Transcripts





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magnetic resonance imaging and other scans

Has anybody here had or know how to get access to a magnetic resonance imaging or other type of scans. These types of scans could show some unusual anomalies and may be used as legitimate proof for TI's. Also has anybody here had any experience with neurofeedback or biofeedback. If so how did it work and do you think any readings could be used a proof for TI's, if so how.

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Romans1:30  "Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, INVENTORS OF EVIL THINGS, disobedient to parents............

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamp round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

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