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Prayers Please

I do not know what God has in mind to culminate all these but however the curtains fall, only with your prayers and with God beside me will I be able to face it.

The people behind this organized harassment are GOLIATHS. This isn't but about electronic harassment, this is about global economic control and I have DIRECT connection to the people behind the curtain.

I will still make a stand for what is right. My God is bigger than all of them combined.

Whatever happens, I want to say this...

To my kid:

Whatever happens  to me, know that I am doing this because I love you. I will do everything to at least make even a teeny weeny bit of change to make the world you will live in a bit better than it would be if I do not do anything at all.

Whatever happens to me, please know that I am moving with the faith that God will fight this battle for us both.

The battle is God's , I am just making a stand with Him.

For Him. For you.

I love you, my baby.

To the child I once was:

I am sorry if I did not know any better.

I am sorry nobody cared enough to show you the way, to open your eyes, to tell you the truth.

I am sorry if some people thought the way to help you is to play a game that will hurt and harm you further.

I can not change the past but I will try to do what I can with God's help to show you the future is not gone yet.

Know that however late, somebody else will still fight for you.

God has and still will.

I, too, will.

To those who tried to help me the best way they can:

Thanks for taking the risk.

Thanks for helping out.

May I be candid though? If you happen to see somebody else in the same plight as I am, can you just tell the person straight or can you find a way for the incontrovertible evidence to be in his hands because playing the sick game whatever your intention is will just push a person to death.

I am thankful that God has carried me through but I know how such a situation can push a person to just quit or to self-destruct.

Please know that playing the game by giving tips does not help the victim: it makes the victim not trust people, it makes the victim question the very foundation of human goodness, it shows the victim his life is but a game for the ones who choose to play mental chess on him.

To the real victims, those who are being harassed and being eliminated as I am:

I do not know if I can even make a difference knowing the Goliaths that control our homes, our gadgets, our connections, our lives. 

All I know is our God is bigger than all of them combined.

I will not sell my soul.

I will make a stand.

For God.

For the kid that I once was.

For my kid.

For you.

Know that somebody else still cares enough to make a stand for you.

God loves you.

God loves us.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

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How to become a targeted individual.

   My case started with a visit with attorney DAVID MOYLES of the Boccardo Law Firm in San Jose.A workers comp lyerr. lawyer.I underwent an achillies tendon reattachment surgery from work.He assures me everything is straight forward,call when things get better.A Year an half plus two other reattachment surgeries,two rights and a left,no shit relaying the prognosis...reasons unknown I really meant.Attorney Moyles then arranges a meeting with a psychiatrist the following Monday in San Francisco.Soon after the evaluation electronic harassment attacks became a partner of mine...1980   part 1

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Are the people who were permanent fixtures there well-versed with Ruby on Rails?

Check the Ruby on Rails jargon. You will discover that the words being used on Electronic Harassment (EH) victims are used by this group.

Please also filter the words being used here with the jargon the perps are using - ARG.

EH, being used to refer to Electronic Harassment actually stands for EHome, the exploit being used to monitor victim's online PC activities remotely.

ARM refers to Automatic Remote Management.

It can also refer to ARC - Automatic Remote Control

or RC - Remote Control

Always be vigilant.

Know that the wolves will always be where the sheeps are. Filter. Pray. Filter.

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The app that can read your mind

The app that can read your mind: iPhone brainwave detector arrives (it was  only a matter of time)

It's a device that would be more at home on the set of a Star Wars movie than  the streets of Britain.

But an iPhone application has been developed that can read minds.

The XWave allows users to control on-screen objects with their minds as well  as train their brains to control attention spans and relaxation levels.

Scroll down  for video

No-brainer: The XWave allows users to control on-screen objects with their minds as well as train their brains to control attention spans and relaxation levels

No-brainer: The XWave allows users to control on-screen  objects with their minds as well as train their brains to control attention  spans and relaxation levels

The device - that could confuse Luke  Skywalker himself - is the latest in  the field of emerging  mind-controlled games and devices and works via a headset  strapped  around the user's forehead, plugging into the iPhone jack.

A state-of-the-art sensor within the device can then read the user's  brainwaves through the skull, converting them into  digital signals before  displaying them in various colours on the iPhone screen.

State of the art: A sensor within the device can then read the user's brainwaves through the skull, converting them into digital signals before displaying them in various colours on the iPhone screen

State of the art: A sensor within the device can then  read the user's brainwaves through the skull, converting them into digital  signals before displaying them in various colours on the iPhone screen

And as the mind focuses on a particular task the graphics change, indicating  the user's level of concentration or relaxation.

The high-tech sensor was developed by innovations giant PLX Devices using  technology that has for years been used by doctors to treat epilepsy and seizures in patients.

Brain train: As the mind focuses on a particular task the graphics change, indicating the user's level of concentration or relaxation

Brain train: As the mind focuses on a particular task  the graphics change, indicating the user's level of concentration or  relaxation

But PLX Devices founder and CEO Paul Lowchareonkul said it was a matter of  time before such contraptions entered the mainstream.

He said: 'The human brain is the most powerful, complex thing in the  universe, and for the first time, we're able to harness its amazing  power and  connect it to everyday technology.

'With the development of 3rd party apps, the potential for innovation is  limitless.'

Brain-training exercises include levitating an on-screen ball for a certain  amount of  time or changing a colour by relaxing the brain in a bid to maximise  the brain's attention span.

And designers say it won't stop there.

Incredibly, another app, called XWave Tunes allow users to connect with  each  other through the type of music that most stimulates their  brainwaves.

The company says it is working on other ways in which  the futuristic  technology can be applied such as playing games through  the mind, controlling  the lights at home and even choosing what music to listen to on an iPod  depending on the user's mood.

Its designers claim the possibilities are endless, whether it is for  relaxation, brain training, entertainment, games, social networking, sports or  sleep.

best wishes n love lots



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Gang Rape beside my friend's house

I remember my classmate telling me about a rape that happened beside their house. She said a girl was brought there by the guy who lived there (a guy whose name starts with the letter J. ) and was gang-raped.

That house turned out to be the house where the wife of our neighbor is now living in.

The brother of that wife looked very much alike the guy who drove the trike which my father's mistress took when she waited outside for me.

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They are taunting now about their big wins

They are talking loudly now. Only I and my child are at home with the workers.

They are talking about their winnings.

Just discovered, the husband of the trustee here is the one getting the bets for "jueteng". He hails from the town where my major perps are, where the military school/roots is.

They said that one of the employees here won 20k each day, 3 days in a row.

They said the highest bettor and the TOP WINNER  is the father of a schoolmate, a core member of the flying horses - the group of my bully's sister.

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Controlling your Windows PC with your brain is possible (and  the hardware is already on the shelves)

  • Headsets  which can probe your brain for commands hit the shelves
  • Researchers  expect technology to take off as inventors and enthusiasts find new ways to use  kit
  • Prepare to  control your house, computer and phone with nothing more than your brain (and a  headset)

  By Eddie Wrenn


The future is here: The Emotiv Systems mind-control device is already in the shops

The future is here: The Emotiv Systems mind-control  device is already in the shops

First we had the keyboard and  mouse.

Then smartphones popularised the touchscreen  movement, and then hardware like the Xbox's Kinect system made gesture controls  feel like  second-nature.

Now we are getting ready to enter the world  of thought-control, with headsets that can read our minds now available for as  little as £300, and the software to turn our dreams into actions starting to  take shape.

Kevin Brown, senior inventor at IBM, works to  bridge the gap between emerging technology and the practical applications they  can offer society.

Already he is working hard to make everyday  tasks easier through mind control, using headsets such as the  commercially-available Emotiv Systems headset.

The Emotiv headset retails for $299 and can  simply be plugged into any recent Windows machine to begin working, with apps  and games - including Angry Birds - being adapted by enthusiasts to run with  simple mind controls.

Kevin, who has been at IBM for 16 years,  said: 'The current headsets can already pick up a range of sensory input from  our brains, and this will only improve over time.

'The Emotiv Systems set can pick up a range  of emotions - currently whether we are bored or excited, and if we are  concentrating on a task or if we are relaxed.

'It can also pick up on what our brain is  telling our muscles to do, so it can pick up a smile or a frown, and react  accordingly.'

From brain to screen: Direct communication can allow effortless and intuitive control of your technology

From brain to screen: Direct communication can allow  effortless and intuitive control of your technology

Mindbending: Applications are already available to download and control

Mindbending: Applications are already available to  download and control

The most clever aspect of the system is in  picking up our EEG brainwaves.  Users can quickly train the software to  understand different patterns.

He said: 'The system is not "reading our  minds", it is instead recognising certain patterns, and passing that information  to a control unit which  can then respond to that input.

For instance, we are experimenting at IBM  with the idea of the "Connected Home", where, for instance, lamps are wired into  the system.

'You can think of turning on the lamp, tell  the system that this particular thinking pattern relates to turning on the lamp,  and then whenever the headset recognises that pattern, it will send the command  to turn on the lamp.'

Soon we could be mentally instructing our  kettle to switch itself on, changing the TV channels with our brain, or  'thinking' a message to our phone to tell it to start ringing a  friend.

The applications are beyond making our lazy  lives even lazier though. The medical benefits can be life-changing. Brown  relates stories about people with locked-in syndrome, where their brains are  fine but they are unable to move their body.

The release of the Kinect two Christmases ago quickly demonstrated what hackers could do with new tools

The release of the Kinect two Christmases ago quickly  demonstrated what hackers could do with new tools

Hooked up to the headset, they they may one  day be able to interact with the world again, sending messages to loved ones and  interacting with objects once again.


Kevin Brown

Kevin Brown  (pictured) explains how mind-control technology helped a  colleague:

In March 2009, Shah, an IBM colleague, had a  stroke which left him  completely paralysed, unable to use his muscles, and  without the ability to speak.

His brain  however was working fine - a  condition called Locked-In Syndrome, which  means he can only communicate with  his eyes - looking up for yes, and  down for no.

Coincidentally, my wife happened to be his  occupational therapist and I demonstrated to her a device that I had recently  been investigating called the EPOC  from Emotiv.

The device has several sensors sitting on  your head, that actually read electrical  brain impulses. You can train the  device so that by thinking a  particular thought, an action can take place on  your computer.

So for example, using Emotiv's software, you  can see a cube on your  computer screen and think about moving it to the left,  and it will.  While I was initially interested in connecting it to email systems  and  smartphones for business users, it immediately became clear to us how  this  could help Shah.

Shah being a techie himself was open to  testing it out.

Amazingly, after only eight seconds of  training, he could move the cube at will on the computer screen.

We then connected the device to software  which could eventually allow  control of the environment. The concentration  needed whilst operating  the headset is quite a lot, however, so more  development of the  technology and more training in using the headset may be  needed to make  it entirely effective. I'm sure this will continue developing  within the next five years.

There can also be practical applications -  which, like all communication advances will likely stir up a huge amount of  privacy concerns - around monitoring people and crowds.

For instance, a concert of people each  wearing a headset would all be sending out emotions of excitement. Monitors at a  political rally would be able to see at what points a speaker engaged a crowd,  and at which point they lost their interest.

Currently, the best headsets can only learn  up to four distinct 'brainwave patterns', but this will increase as the  technology gets better and smaller.

The technology will likely remain with the  enthusiastic early-adopters - and they will be the ones who start to see the  benefit of the new control technique.

A similar example of this happening recently  was with the Microsoft Kinect gaming system. Microsoft released the sensor as an  add-on for the Xbox 360, so people could use their limbs to play  games.

The Kinect, like the Ninendo Wii before it,  was very successful - but what took Microsoft by surprise was the clever ways  people used the hardware away from the gaming world.

Within weeks, people were uploading software  to the Internet which allowed people to use the Kinect with their PC.

Before long, programs were coming out to  allow people to turn their PC into a living room media station, where waving  your hand could pause a film, or making a 'speed-up' gesture could fast-forward  through the adverts.

One piece of software called the KineRemote  turned a PC into a full-blown gesture-driven media centre, by combining popular  media browser XBMC with the Kinect to achieve precisely this aim.

Microsoft quickly engaged with the hacker and  enthusiast community, releasing drivers to get the Kinect working well on  Windows.

Similarly, Brown said that mind-control would  take off when the right application came along.

He said: 'Over time, people will work out  different applications for this technology, and at some point a "killer app"  will come out which makes our lives easier, and the technology will move from  early adopters and into the mainstream.

'But I do many demos of the technology with  people and it's a wonderful moment when they first use the headset.

'Within about eight seconds, they have  figured out how to move a cube around on a screen, and it's very exciting for  them. As the technology emerges into the mainstream, it will bring new changes  into our everyday lives.'

And emerging it is - even on the IBM blog  pages about mind-control, people are  discussing how best to reverse-engineer the software so that they can play with  their own thoughts.

best wishes and love lots



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September 13, 2012 · 22:18

Justice for the 96! Hillsborough & exposing British police corruption!

It’s taken 23 long hard years for the families of the 96 that died at Hillsborough to get a glimpse of justice, 23 long years of successive British governments lying and colluding with a corrupt police force and media, finally yesterday the truth was revealed and the mass cover up exposed.

A couple of years ago I blogged on the ongoing “Justice for the 96″ campaign started by Liverpool Football Club supporters and how Rupert Murdoch’s The Scum newspaper deliberately lied and how that web of lies was upheld by one of Murdoch’s key lieutenants – Kelvin McKenzie.

Today’s front page of The Scum newspaper sadly doesn’t look like the one above, in reality it looks like:

The carefully choreographed words of “deeply ashamed and profoundly sorry” were said by the Prime Minister David Cameron, The Scum editor Dominic Mohan and Norman Bettison Chief Constable of West Yorkshire police.

It’s been proved that there certainly was a conspiracy to ensure that the truth of Hillsborough would be covered up, my original post came well before Rupert Murdoch was shown to have the British political elite in his back pocket.

It’s no conspiracy theory that the “King-Maker” role played by the Zionist Rupert Murdoch owned media has supported successive Labour-Conservative governments in recent decades.

It’s no conspiracy theory to state that Rupert Murdoch has a pervasive and damaging effect on British democracy through his ownership of printed & television media channels.

If it’s not Rupert Murdoch, then it’s his zionist cohort Richard “the pornographer” Desmond who also has an equally troubling choke hold on British mainstream media.

Once in control of the media, the ideological warfare begins. This shows how the right wing zionist media owned by the likes of Rupert Murdoch & Richard Desmond promote the hatred of Muslims and Islam to sell newspapers.

I suppose it would be one conspiracy too many to suggest that Sean Hoare the News Of The World whistle blower was murdered because he knew too much?

I suppose it would be one conspiracy too many to suggest that our British government is the true enemy of free speech and a well and truly free press that is free to criticise?

Hell….you can have a plethora of sex channels on British television, you can even have a gay sex channel on British television and that’s no problem for David Cameron’s media regulator, OFCOM.

You can be Rupert Murdoch at the head of a media corporation which stands accused of rampaging through practically every law in the book and yet you are deemed to be a fit and proper person to operate a television station in London.

But report anything that contravenes the pro war actions of the government run media and there’s hell to pay!

When it comes to events such as Hillsborough, the London Tube bombings, the Lockerbie bombing can we trust the police and justice system?

The Independent newspaper stated the explosives used in the 7/7 bombs ‘was of military origin’

A former Scottish police chief, gave lawyers a signed statement stating that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

‘The retired officer – of assistant chief constable rank or higher – has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.’

Mark Duggan, the Tottenham man who was executed by the police, who’s murder sparked last year’s riots was said to have had a gun, there have been multiple claims against the police during the IPCC investigation for planting a gun at the scene to cover up for their own crime.

In a world that has been flooded by news, there is usually nothing that rises far above the smouldering lava of sensation — that which consumes all truth and absorbs all lies mixing them into a fiery lake or stew of bubbling nonsense. So much so, that to discover glanced over facts, to question people of importance within government or the machine itself leads to the branding of one as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Not all people who doubt the official version of the story are raving lunatics. Some, like myself, have an honest distrust of their own government.

This is the legacy left by lying politicians and an untrustworthy media machine.

Always question.

my heart goes out to the families and the liverpool fans as they were originally the scape goats in lies and corruption!

best wishes and love lots


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Police - or anyone with a piece of spying  software - can track everything you do on your iPhone without needing physical  access to your phone.

The software, called Phone Password Breaker,  can download all of the data from Apple's iCloud service - which backs up all of  your pictures, text messages, emails,  calendar appointments, call logs, website you have visited, and  contacts.

As iPhones sync nearly instantaneously with  iCloud, anyone who is listening will have near-instantaneous access to your  phone - without the owner noticing a thing.

Everything to the cloud: iCloud is useful in keeping your data shared between devices - but who else is listening?

Everything to the cloud: iCloud is useful in keeping  your data shared between devices - but who else is listening?

Snooping: Investigators don't need your phone to follow your life

Snooping: Investigators don't need your phone to follow  your life

ElcomSoft chief executive Vladimir Katalov  said: 'While other methods require the presence of the actual iPhone device  being analysed or at least an access to device backups, this is not the case  with iCloud.

'In a sense, Phone Password Breaker becomes  an alternative way to get access to iOS devices’ content.

'With avalid Apple ID and a password,  investigators can not only retrieve backups to seized devices, but access that  information in real-time while the phone is still in the hands of a  suspect'.

The majority of iPhone and iPad users use  iCloud to back up all of their data, apps and media - with an estimated  125million people using the software as of April.

As long as investigators or anyone with the  software has the correct email address and password for the machine they want to  crack, they can download all the information from iCloud with the user  knowing.

Steve Jobs announcing iCloud: However company ElcomSoft can download all your data, unencrypted

Steve Jobs announcing iCloud: However company ElcomSoft  can download all your data, unencrypted

And as iPhones sync with iCloud in  near-real-time, they can keep up with you where-ever you are.

The researchers at ElcomSoft studied the  communication protocol connecting iPhone users with the iCloud, and were able to  figure out the right commands to retrieve data stored on the servers.

Their job was made even easier as the data is  received in an unencrypted format.

The only way to protect yourself is to either  not back up your phone, or do local 'offline' backups on your home computer via  iTunes.



best wishes n love lots


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Namaste & Blessings

Here is valuable accompaniment material by the eminent David Wilcock

  • Guide Book for the 'The Law of One'
  • Books: Convergence Volumes I-III
    • Shift of the Ages
    • Science of Oneness
    • The Divine Cosmos
  • Videos:
    • Occupy Yourself! Personal Spiritual Development [short video]
    • The Source Field Investigations [full video]
    • Wanderer Awakening - I'm On My Way

Love & Light


Esta Lior






Study Guide compiled by Bob Childers, Ph.D. Web formatting, editing and additional compilation by David Wilcock

Dedicated to Carla Rueckert whose joyful service allowed the words of Ra to speak to humanity, despite the nearly fatal tolls and hardships endured by the physical body complex.

Ra's words, brought through in 1981, are arguably the ultimate source of accurate ET information to have emerged in modern history. This study guide gives a wonderful overview of the main philosophies, concepts and practices of the Law of One, predominantly through excerpts. Let's put it this way -- this is the ONLY work that has attempted to summarize Ra's worldview in one streamlined form. It is invaluable to all seekers of Truth, Wisdom and Compassion.




1. Section One

2. Section Two

3. Section Three

4. Section Four

5. Section Five

6. Section Six

7. Section Seven

8. Section Eight



scribd version



"you need a new lior suit!"




The Law of One - Study Guide






A New Tablet Is Being Forged!








The Shift of the Ages

David Wilcock’s heavily revised and updated “tour de force” that synthesizes scientific and metaphysical data into a comprehensive thesis of planetary transformation.

Topics include hyperdimensional physics the Global Grid, harmonics, Atlantis, the true meaning of crop circle formations, the Mayan Calendar, the Great Pyramid, secret societies, hidden planetary, solar and galactic time cycles, the Hall of Records, the archeo-matrix of Carl Munck, geometric dynamic structures in the Stock Market, 12,000-year old submerged pyramids in Japan, the Martian Monuments, quotes from the Seth Material, Ra Material, Edgar Cayce, Walter Russell and the Wilcock Readings, and more.

A staggering amount of rarely seen information is beautifully tied together in 21 chapters to arrive at a provocative conclusion:

That Earth is already undergoing a dimensional shift!!!


The Science of Oneness

With the magnificent edifice of The Shift of the Ages fully constructed, we now turn our gaze ever deeper into the world of the New Physics that has emerged from this research. Ever wondered about higher dimensions, how they may be structured, and how dimensional shifts may occur?
Curious about free energy, gravity shielding and the mysteries of magnetism that allow for engineering miracles that could change our world?
We completely overturn stale scientific dogma and provide rock-solid proof that love is a tangible force of energy, creating all matter moment by moment. Anti-gravity technology is easily accomplished, and the Universe is a musical creation, vibrating in harmonic resonance of light, sound and geometry. A compelling case to illuminate the full cosmological mystery of God’s existence.


The Divine Cosmos

THE ENERGETIC TRANSFORMATION OF OUR ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM is now underway, and we are already feeling the effects. Though human pollution is certainly causing considerable damage to the Earth’s biosphere, interplanetary climate change is obviously not caused by SUVs. By delving into the fascinating world of Russian ‘torsion field’ physics, we complete and dramatically enhance the cosmology we were building in previous volumes. We demonstrate how the same energetic fields are at work on all levels of size, from the quantum to intergalactic – proving the Universe is holographic and / or fractal in its very nature. Many annoying paradoxes of science have now been resolved into one single, stable multi-dimensional cosmology – which has dazzling implications for our immediate future.

The information contained within this book has waited long enough. It keeps banging on the door, because it wants a hot meal and a warm place to sleep in your mind. Start learning what a part of you already knows… come and discover The Divine Cosmos.

























Occupy Your Self! Personal Spiritual Development


      running time 20:41


FULL VIDEO: The Source Field Investigations


  running time 1:52:19


MUSIC VIDEO: Wanderer Awakening ~ I'm On My Way




       ..I Love This Part!


  That's It!  The Lior of 101!




TEAM 101










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Good Cop, Bad Cop

So I did not know that. 


Since they messed me up, I can't bond like a normal person, so I didn't care as much.


They've made me into a criminal.  Here me ROAR! The worst thing they can do to me for my crime is prison and even that's a stretch, but they've made everything ambiguous and really tried to force me to talk to people "outside of the US" so that they could really get me.


You know, I wondered why I kept ending up in so many high profile places.  No, not physically, but me.  They're using me for their careers.

In boring land, all they do is go get my security clearance, rip it up then it's on to the next one.  Not as exciting as what the others tried, these agents.


Well, back to Mario.  I'm thinking of collaborating with the enemy again, but I just want to fuck him.  Love they enemy! Putin is hot.  Hey, I used to be attractive, before they did "this" so don't even.  Think of me when I was alive!


In schizophrenic news, and yes I have both, there was a man floating outside of my window earlier.  That means my brain is not in good shape.


Thanks guys!  You both are real pals!

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RE: Understanding Psychotic Experiences

One of the problems I've had, and I don't know if anyone else has had problems like this, is that the people attacking me feed into my delusions.  For instance, I have a recurring voice that says, "You can't even prove two lines parallel."  (Yes I can.)  Then they said, the psychotronic people, "She can do complex equations and you can't."  (I had a higher math score than her on the test, so...)  I was hearing voices pretty badly, and they could have, at any time, just done one lobotomy, but they continued to harass and stalk me, and my lobotomy was botched on top of the fact I was attacked.  How I have any brain function is a miracle.


The female who works on me is about as smart as a rock. I'm not saying I'm real bright, but she isn't a shooting star either.

The male who works on me is a psychopathic and is treating me like some pet rat found by a 12 year old boy.  The two of them are constantly fighting (I hear their relays in my sleep) about what to do.  The female is more caring and cautious and the male needs a new job.

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