Non consensual experiments on humans dates back to the early 1800's and has continued unabated well into the 2,000's (Government admitted to and or documents attained via the freedom of information act, proven beyond any doubts). The documentation on human experiments, after the early 2,000's, seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, even though human experimentation's are currently going on today, the media, the military, the world is quiet. The documentation will come after hundreds of thousands are dead, only then will the rabbit come out of it's hole. Here is the United States timeline on illegal human experimentation;
Currently, people across the world are crying out for help to be protected from the newest and latest of human experiments. They are being used as Ginny pigs for testing the new military grade weapons known as "Direct Energy Weapons", targeted in their natural living environment, their own homes, for the best experimental affect. Direct Energy Weapons consist of Microwaves, Particle Beams, Lasers and Kinetic Energy Weapons, any of which will make you very ill, leading to your ultimate death.
Nielsen's Manual on Direct Energy Weapons below;
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; Effects of Directed Energy Weapons, 1944, by Philip E. Nielsen, a physics professor at Air Force Institute of Technology, National Defense University (NDU).
Philip E. Nielsen was a physics professor at the Air Force Institute of Technology and worked at the National Defense University (NDU) where he first learned that Direct Energy Weapons had been developed for military use. Philip wrote the instruction manual on how to use these Direct Energy Weapons for best effect, what the biological effects were from these new weapons and the variables involved in target lethality, for military use.
Link to Nielsen's book below;
Here is but one recent investigation, not too long ago during the Clinton era, into similar experiments used and tested on non consensual humans. Radiation experiments were conducted secretly on humans across the United States during the eighties and nineties leaving them stricken with radiation poisoning, undefined illnesses and disabled, if not dead. Read below;
On January 15, 1994, President Bill Clinton formed the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE). This committee was created to investigate and report the use of human beings as test subjects in experiments involving the effects of ionizing radiation in federally funded research. The committee attempted to determine the causes of the experiments, and reasons why the proper oversight did not exist, and made several recommendations to help prevent future occurrences of similar events.[161] (Wiki, Human Experimentation). See Clinton's ACHRE below;
"The ACHRE Experiments Database"
By Cabinet directive on January 19, 1994, federal agencies were ordered to "establish forthwith an initial procedure for locating records of human radiation experiments conducted by the Agency or under a contract or grant of the Agency." The agencies most closely associated with these activities--the DOD, DOE, DHHS, NASA, CIA, and VA (and later the NRC), (
Contact the ACHRE;
Sign Now! Before you or your family are put on the governments human experiment list! Women and even children are being used as test subjects right now as you read this, targeted by Direct Energy Weapons via Satellite technology, and by hand held Microwave Particle Beam Weapons in their own homes! You don't want to be next!
LINK to Sign;
by Tammy Sauve~