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Careful, careful







Remember, the wolves will always be where the sheeps are.


And as we've always been reminded, there are wolves in sheep's clothing.








The main perps? You would never think them capable of such illegal acts.


Their demeanor? You would not think them capable of such cruelty.








God will separate the chaff from the grain.

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Hello you all, as we do not want to get stucked in miserable situations some more years (365  days a year) I just post here some suggestions about actions that could be carried on to help us expose crimes we are the victims of and get an end to this. You probably have thought already of many of them I just list some, mainly in addition to all actions already taken by TIs: -organize a comprehensive meeting or demonstration inviting all TIs plus Anonymous, could be in NY/Washington London or both. You may write to organizations like PP or FFCHS to get together and suggest a date to everyone. We would maybe get then some media coverage and we could share ideas, experiences and elaborate some further actions -for geeks: create a website allowing navigation in all mind control-TIs related webs...ites create a website dedicated to the listing of tasks that could be performed by TIs to enhance TIs situation, organize collaborative works, distribute tasks, form groups -organize donations to seek support from consulting firms to help us get mainstream -we could also write in a coordinated manner to deputies and senators to have a reopening of MK Ultra hearings (+bioethics commission) -make a paper magazine, would be nice to have a magazine made by TIs for TIs, without the need to have scientific proofs all the time -make a phone book like alumni's -actually making a website storing all documents published on this group -... Take care
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Eye 4 an Eye

9143059473?profile=originalEnter The Dragon

I believe I need to beat some sense into my perps. I'm getting unfair punishment for no apparent reason. Using me as a human guinea pig. It's time for an eye for an eye. I believe in fairness and what they have done to me is so cowardly and dishonorable that if I let it slide they will pick on someone else. Sometimes violence is the only solution. Teach a lesson on respect and courtesy. I wouldn't want my family and friends to go through the Hell I've been experiencing. Here to draw the line and if you cross my personal boundaries I will fight back! 

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James Walbert

Board of Directors at Stalking Victims Network
Wichita, Kansas Area Civic & Social Organization
Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment:

James Walbert is a victim of non-consensual RFID  implantation.  He has testified in in Washington D.C. in front of the Presidential Commission on Bioethical issues appointed by President Obahma.He is one of the few who obtained a “Protection Order” for James Walbert.

December 30, 2008 This could be the first official recognition of the need to protect citizens against electronic harassment. This is actually very impressive. Walbert persuaded the Court that the defendant was using electronic weapons against him and his family, in addition to resorting to obvious forms of stalking.

James Walbert

He substantiated his claim with DoD documentation and had the support of a security specialist, who proved that electronic frequencies were involved, and, it would appear, the support of a couple of police officers. He also made use of letters from Missouri Representative, Jim Guest.

The outcome: The defendant failed to show up in court. The defendant has to pay all legal fees. The defendant may not employ 3rd-party means of re-establishing contact with Walbert (which would constitute multiple stalking), and may not employ any form of “electronic means” in harassing Walbert.

Walbert filed his complaint on November 25, 2008. The court decided the case on December 30, 2008.

Although this will probably not protect Walbert in the long term, he has obtained the first court-based acknowledgement of the existence of electronic weapons and of electronic harassment, that I know of.


A few minutes of the  Dr. Barrie Trower Interview conducted by Lars Drudgaard was also played on the show today: 

Today it is not uncommon to hear stories in the media on how professional athletes are using performance enhancing drugs.   If an Olympian is caught “doping”, they are banned from competition and then subsequently stripped of any titles or medals they have won.   What if today, a technology existed that could remotely affect the performance of an athlete?  What if an athlete could be remotely influenced to lose or win a competition?  Could this be possible? If so how is this possible? By what methods, what means?

“ICAACT.ORG had the honor and privilege to interview Dr. Barry Trower.  Today we will hear disturbing testimony by one of the world’s premiere experts in Micro-Wave Technologies and Micro Wave frequencies.   We will hear details on how his expertise was solicited by a government of a country because its politicians and Olympic team were being targeted with this type of technology.  Dr. Barry Trower is a retired military scientist and physicist who has made it his mission to educate and warn the public on the dangers that are affecting unsuspecting victims on a daily basis.  He will further detail what horrible effects we will succumb to if we do not band together and stop these atrocities.”

~Lars Drudgaard

Dr. Barrie Trower

To listen to the entire Barrie Trower Olympic  Interview conducted  by Lars Drudgaard, click here:


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

Lars Drudgaard

Mr. Jesse Beltran


Please contact either Mr. Jesse Beltran or Lars Drudgaard if you have any questions about your own personal saftey.


International CenterAgainst Abuse of Covert Technologies

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 The rights went from the Creator, to the People, to the founding documents, to their government.  But today, they seem to think that rights come from their government, and that their government can grant or take away rights on a whim.  Never mind that it encroaches on those rights willy-nilly, because repeated treason can never make it lawful even when it becomes commonplace.

United States is the supreme law of the land, and any statue, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail.


A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one.

An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law.

Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby."

- Sixteenth American Jurisprudence, Second Edition, Section 177

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution, are null and void."

- Chief Justice Marshall, Marbury v. Madison

"The State cannot diminish rights of the people." - Hurtado v. California

"Our Bill of Rights curbs all three branches of government. It subjects all departments of government to a rule of law and sets boundaries beyond which no official may go. It emphasizes that in this country man walks with dignity and without fear, that he need not grovel before an all powerful government."

- Justice William O. Douglas, U.S. Supreme Court.

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Is it really a conspiracy or not?


Is the Illuminati real? Is our world really run by the so called Elites? Their ultimate goal of depopulation and microchipped population? I honestly think so and here is my reasoning for this. They flouridate our water supplies, all the food is contaminated, the chemtrails in the air is another sign. The Fukushima disaster was deliberate in thinning out the population. They keep people distracted and busy by the mass media and deliberately dumb downing society so they don't question their reality. I feel like that movie called "They Live"

You gotta ask smart questions and do some critical thinking. They are crashing economies and getting geared up for World War 3. Striking Iran or whatever to trigger global death and destruction. They are running out of time and they know it. Why are there seed vaults? What about these so called Deep Underground Military Bases ? Fema camps and coffins. I swear to God it just doesn't add up. Think for yourself and do your own research. Plenty of experts out there that knows what they are talking about.


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The new psychopathic reality.

I cannot think.  I cannot remember.  I cannot choose. I cannot feel.

These things have been taken from me.  This is not life anymore.

What reason could someone possibly have to go on in such a state?

I can find none.

The world is filled with psychopaths united in a hivemind.  They destroy and control my mind for their amusement.  I cannot endure this.  They mock God and Jesus, the only hope in my life.

The Beast is here, Satan is ruling,  this tribulation is like nothing I could have ever expected.  My will to live has failed already multiple times, suicide attempts, constant thoughts of suicide before my ability to think and remember was taken from me.

Can you comprehend the horror of waking up each day not knowing who or where you are?  I have to have them "update" me on who I am and where I am all while they taunt me. 

Who could possibly enjoy this psychopathic reality?  Only a psychopath.  I am not a psychopath.  So what am I to do?

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Learn From My Mistakes

When I first got attacked mentally I didn't know what to do. My brain was on fire and body hacked and I had to go see my doctor who introduced me to a psychiatrist. That was the first mistake I made. Now since I have a mental health issue everyone dismisses me as crazy. The psychiatrist and doctors cannot help you and all they can do is feed you drugs to make you into a zombie. If I saw a specialist in the field of T.I.'s right from the beginnning then I would have a different story. Checking for implants, or whatever the Hell is wrong with my brain and body. Oh well if you are reading this then learn from my mistakes. Do not repeat what I went through because it's been 8 years of zombie hell from these so called professionals. The doctors these days just aren't into helping patients because they work directly for the big pharmacies. They are nothing more than legit drug dealers. I would become a specialist in medicine and help out T.I.'s however I can't because my brain hurts physically and mentally. The perps have completely disabled me. 

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As you know missile once launched , after that it take signal from Base station for its position & any control . it is a definite area comunnication method , otherwise any one can disrupt that communication & missile can be fall in its own country . Mean the signal does not spread in all area but in definite area & other party can not disturb it .

Thats why an individual get tortured . if you can come to know more in detail . pl

I saw on discovery channel where frequency selector + amplifier + directional antenna were used in safari to Know where the elephants are as they start truimphitating when they put directional antenna in that direction .

it is done by USA people only by satellite method . If you think that other country do it . ask them to do it on USA people . they have 500000 US dolalr insurance , long term disability insurance ( for 9 months , 75% of  salary if you are sick ) , in other country they make them insane , break their marriage , ruputured their relation .

waiting for your comemnts


rajesh Mangal

cell ph :0091 8875370229

cell ph :0091 8446493403

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The following material can not be verified. It is third-party information which has been collected from supposed
Dulce personnel, construction workers who were employed there, inner-Earth researchers and former abductees.


Located almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico is an installation classified so secret, its existence is one of the least known in the world. Here is Earth's first and main joint United States Government/alien biogenetics laboratory. Others exist in Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona.

The multi-level facility at Dulce goes down for at least seven known levels, and is reported to have a central HUB which is controlled by base security. The level of security required to access different sections rises as one goes further down the facility. There are over 3000 real-timevideo cameras throughout the complex at high-security locations (entrances and exits). There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the south around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrith. Deep sections of the complexconnect into natural cavern systems.

The Grey Species

Most of the aliens reside on sub-levels 5, 6, and 7 with alien housing on level 5. The alien species which control the majority of the complex are the Greys, a devious race, now considered an enemy of the New World Order. In the Fifties, the Greys began taking large numbers of humans for experiments. By the Sixties, the rate was speeded up and they began getting careless and self-involved. By the Seventies, their true intentions became very obvious, but the "Special Group" of the Government still kept covering up for them. By the Eighties, the Government realized there was no defense against the Greys. So,programs were enacted to prepare the public for open contact with non-human ET beings.

Perhaps a possible ally, the Reptoids are an enemy species of the Greys, and their relationship is in a state of tension. The Greys only known enemy is the Reptillian Race, and they are on their way to Earth.

A man named Thomas C., famous for stealing the so-called "Dulce Papers", says that there are over 18,000 short "greys" at the Dulce facility. He also has stated how a colleague of his had come face-to-face with a 6-foot tall Reptoid which had materialised in his house. The Reptoid showed a great interest in research maps of New Mexico and Colorado which were on the wall. The maps were full of colored push-pins and markers to indicate sites of animal mutilations, caverns, locations of high UFO activity, repeated flight paths, abduction sites, ancient ruins, and suspected alien underground bases.

Some forces in the Government want the public to be aware of what is happening. Other forces (The Collaborators) want to continue making "whatever deals are necessary" for an Elite few to survive the conflicts.

Cloning Humans (by Humans) for Slave Hybrids

The Secret Government cloned humans by a process perfected in the world's largest and most advanced bio-genetic research facility, Los Alamos. The elite humans now have their own disposable slave-race. Like the alien Greys, the US Government secretly impregnated females, then removed the hybrid fetus after a three month time period, before accelerating their growth in laboratories. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is then instilled - they are implanted and controlled at a distance through RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions.

Many Humans are also being implanted with brain tranceivers. These act as telepathic communication "channels" and telemetric brain manipulation devices. This network was developed and initiated by DARPA. Two of the procedures were RHIC (Radio-Hypnotic Intercerebral Control) and EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory).

They also developed ELF and EM wave propagation equipment which affect the nerves and can cause nausea, fatigue, irritability, even death. This research into biodynamic relationships within organisms has produced a technology that can change the genetic structure and heal.

Overt and Covert Research

U.S. Energy Secretary John Herrington named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory to house new advanced genetic research centers as part of a project to decipher the human genome. The genome holds the genetically coded instructions that guide the transformation of a single cell, a fertilized egg, into a biological organism.

"The Human Genome Project may well have the greatest direct impact on humanity of any scientific initiative before us today", said David Shirley, Director of the Berkeley Laboratory.

Covertly, this research has been going on for years at the Dulce bio-genetics labs. Level 6 is hauntingly known by employees as "Nightmare Hall". It holds the genetic labs at Dulce. Reports from workers who have seen bizarre experimentation, are as follows:

"I have seen multi-legged 'humans' that look like half-human/half-octopus. Also reptilian-humans, and furry creatures that have hands like humans and cries like a baby, it mimics human words... also huge mixture of lizard-humans in cages. There are fish, seals, birds and mice that can barely be considered those species. There are several cages (and vats) of winged-humanoids, grotesque bat-like creatures...but 3 1/2 to 7 feet tall. Gargoyle-like beings and Draco-Reptoids."

"Level 7 is worse, row after row of thousands of humans and human mixtures in cold storage. Here too are embryo storage vats of humanoids in various stages of development. I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told to never try to speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed that story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. It began the Dulce Wars".

When the truth was evident that humans were being produced from abducted females, impregnated against there will, a secret resistance group formed. This did little though, over time they were assassinated or "died under mysterious circumstances".

As previously stated, there are over 18,000 "aliens" at the Dulce complex. In late 1979, there was a confrontation, primarily over weaponry and the majority of human scientists and military personnel were killed. The facility was closed for a while, but is currently active.

Human and animal abductions slowed in the mid-1980s, when the Livermore Berkeley Labs began production of artificial blood for Dulce. William Cooper states: "A clash occurred where in 66 people, of our people, from the National Recon Group, the DELTA group, which is responsible for security of all alien connected projects, were killed."

The DELTA Group (within Intelligence Support Activity) have been seen with badges which have a black Triangle on a red background. DELTA is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. It has the form of a triangle, and figures prominently in certain Masonic Signs. EACH base HAS ITS OWN SYMBOL. The Dulce base symbol is a triangle with the Greek letter "Tau" (T) within it and then the symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down.


  • The Insignia of "a triangle and 3 laterial lines" has been seen on "Saucer (transport) Craft", The Tri-Laterial Symbol.

  • Other symbols mark landing sights and alien craft.

Inside the Dulce Complex

Security Officers wear jumpsuits, with the Dulce Symbol on the front upper left side. The standard hand weapon at Dulce is a "Flash Gun", which is good against humans and aliens. The ID card (used in cardslots, for the doors and elevators) has the Dulce Symbol above the ID photo. "Government Honchos" use cards with the Great Seal of the U.S. on it, stating the words New World Order in latin.

After the second Level, everyone is weighed in the nude, then given a uniform. Visitors are given an 'off white' uniform. In front of ALL sensitive areas are scales built under the doorway, by the door control. The persons card must match with the weight and code or the door won't open. Any discrepancy in weight (any change over three pounds) will summon security. No one is allowed to carry anything into or out of sensitive areas. All supplies are put through a security conveyor system. The Alien Symbol language appears alot at the Facility.

During the construction of the facility (which was done in stages, over many years) the aliens assisted in the design and construction materials. Many of the things assembled by the workers were of a technology they could not understand, yet it would function when fully put together. Example: The elevators have no cables. They are controlled magnetically. The magnetic system is inside the walls.

There are no conventional electrical controls. All is controlled by advanced magnetics. That includes a magnetically induced ( phosphorescent ) illumination system. There are no regular light bulbs. All exits are magnetically controlled. It has been reported that, "If you place a large magnet on a entrance, it will affect an immediate interruption. They will have to come out and reset the system."

Mind Manipulation Experiments

Dulce has studied mind control implants, Bio-Psi Units, ELF devices capable of mood, sleep and heartbeat control.

DARPA is using these technologies to manipulate people. They establish 'The Projects', set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the many participants in these undertakings. Related projects are studied at Sandia base by "The Jason Group" (of 55 scientists). They have secretly harnessed the dark side of technology and hidden the beneficial technology from the public.

Other projects take place at the Groom Lake installation in Nevada, also known as Area 51. ELMINT (Electro-Magnetic Intelligence), Code Empire, Code Eva, Program His (Hybrid Intelligence System), BW/CW, IRIS (Infrared Intruder System), BI-PASS, REP-TILES.

The studies on Level 4 at Dulce includes Human-Aura research, as well as all aspects of dreams, hypnosisand telepathy. They know how to manipulate the bioplasmic body of humans. They can lower your heart beat, with deep sleep-inducing delta waves, induce a static shock, then re-program via a neurological-computer link. They can introduce data and programmed reactions into your mind (information impregnation - the "Dream Library").

We are entering an era of the technologicalization of psychic powers. The development of techniques to enhance man/machine communications, nanotechnology, bio-technological micro-machines, PSI-War, E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory), R.H.I.C. (Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control) and various forms of behavior control (by chemical agents, ultra-sonics, optical and other forms of EM radiation). The physics of "Consciousness." 

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Again, I mentioned this in the main chat room and I thought it would be useful for TI to recognise many common computer troubles everyone faces.

1) Peacepink chat room message not sent/day.  

I have had serious problems using Internet Explorer 9 with peachpink chat room, I had the similar problem of message not posted or serious delay in main room up date.

The solution is to use firefox or google chrome.

2) Mouse pointer moving on its own or responses wildly.  Some low quality optical mouse has serious problems on certain surfaces. often you will find that using a mouse mat will help. 

Old fashion ball mouse uses optical sensors to pick up the movement. It works fine until the sunlight shine through the case and makes the optical sensor malfuction.

3) Most USB hubs are rubbish.  If your keyboard and mouse is connected to a USB hub you may experience random keys repeating, random mouse movement jumping etc.  

Solution would be to plug the mouse and keyboard directly to the computer.

4) Computer suddenly running slow.  It could be your virus scanner started scheduled computer scan. By default most  virus scanner is set to scan your computer weekly. If you have not got a virus protection program then you are a fool, not the computer.

Another reason the computer suddenly run slow may be due to lacking of RAM and/or too many programs running at the same time.

5) You should always have WPA/WPA2 security on. The older WEP is very easy to crack. If you have your home wifi network unprotected then you are a fool.

Also WiFi signal drops dramatically over distance and obstacles. Even when it shows it is connected the data rate could be so slow it becomes unusable.

6) Computer making strange clicking noise inside.  If you are using a mechanical hard drive (99% of people) the clicking noise is normal. It is the read/write head moving very fast inside the hard drive. SSD drives don't have mechanical part so they don't make clicking noise.

7) Heat and dusts.  The main processor and your graphic processor generate a lot of heat in most systems.  Fans inside computer pass air through the heat sinks to cool it down.  Over time dusts will started to block air vents, fan blades and heat sink.  If you are living in a warm country the heat will cause many problems to your PC, like random shut downs, processing power drops etc.

If you know some PC hardware, you can try open up the computer and use a pastry bush to clean some fans, heatsink. Try not to use plastic pastry brush because it may introduce static electricity and fry some components. If not you can make sure the fan grill and other air vents are clear of dusts. In either case, make sure you grounded yourself first and not wearing material that is known to cause static discharge.

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Iceland Turns Away from EU as Economy Recovers REYKJAVIK — When its banking system in 2008, Iceland applied quickly to join the European Union, thinking it could guarantee a safe future. But since then, the eurozone has gone into meltdown, and the Icelandic economy has recovered. Now opinions have changed. Four years ago, Icelanders were angry. Banks' emblems were burned in the street. People worried they would lose their houses, their savings. The country felt isolated. After 90 years of independence, Iceland applied to join the European Union. Four years later - the sun is shining on Iceland. It is the EU that seems a darker, less attractive place. Though it's still government policy to join, most citizens say they are no longer in favor. "I don't want to give our currency away because it's kind of romantic," said one woman. "We are so small." "We're a tiny country, I really want us to have the Icelandic krona, not the stupid euro," another woman said. According to one man, "I think the euro would probably benefit us because the currency situation with our currency is not so good." Iceland's economy is on a growth spurt. One site that has tourists flocking in ever greater numbers is a geysir in the hills an hour away from Reykjavik. Iceland's currency is half the value of four years ago. Tourist attractions are now generally more affordable than they were. Fishing is doing well too. Fish stocks are increasing, and boat owners benefit from selling their catch in Iceland's now much-cheaper currency. And while Iceland can currently keep the entire catch in its waters for its own boats, anti-EU campaigners like Hallur Hallson say this would change if Iceland joined the community."Fish dominates Icelandic society, it's the most important industry in this country," Hallson said. "In the European Union it's only one, two, three percent of gross national product. But in Iceland it overrides everything." Back in 2008, Iceland let its banks default on debts they could not honor. It meant the state had more financial leeway to increase pensions, jobless benefits and home loan relief to a society in shock. London-based Icelandic entrepreneur Sveinn Valfells thinks other struggling European countries could learn from Iceland's treatment of its banks. "The main lesson is let them fail and let them fail in a controlled way," Valfells said. "The government money should rather be spent on protecting basic services such as education and healthcare." Many Icelanders now view the EU and the eurozone with horror. They see countries like Greece, which are stuck with high debts, high unemployment, and economies still in recession. They see pharmacies running out of stocks. Pro-EU businessman Benedikt Johannesson admits all this is not helping his cause. "But why compare us to Greece? Why don't we compare to Denmark, to Holland, to Sweden, to Finland, to Germany, to the countries closest to us," he asked. Iceland is not the only country to be moving away from the EU. Turkey's application, already 25 years old, is slipping further away. Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro's applications all face obstacles, too. Croatia will join the 27-country club next year. But if Iceland's government decides to follow its people's will, that could be it for a very long time.

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Japan, World's Third Largest Economy

Japan, World's Third Largest Economy, Moves Closer To Recession The weak economic data that Japan posted on Monday suggests that the third largest economy in the world could see a contraction in its GDP growth in the third quarter of this year in the wake of a decline in its second-quarter growth pace and an increased reliance on government support, David Rea, a Japan economist at Capital Economics, stated in a research note on Monday. Flaccid Growth According to figures released on Monday, Japan's core machinery orders -- a leading and relatively reliable indicator of business investments and capital formation in the country -- slid 14.8 percent in May, from the previous month, to their lowest level in two years. Must Read Are These The Richest Strikers On The Planet? Norway Oil Shutdown Looms Amid Worker Dispute South China Sea Dispute Expected To Set Tone For ASEAN Meet Sponsorship Link Japan's second-quarter GDP growth is 1.2 percent -- 20 basis points above analysts' initial estimate of 1 percent. While some analysts believe that Japan turning around, many others are pessimistic about the effects of a rising Yen, a gaping trade deficit and Japan's mounting debt levels on the country's future prospects. May's fall in capital spending follows a 2.1 percent drop in non-residential investment growth in the first quarter. The stranglehold on new investments in corporate Japan would weigh down heavily on overall GDP growth. Follow us "We may not have a technical recession yet," Rea said in an interview from London. "But it is quite a bumpy ride for GDP growth in Japan." Gloomy Trade Balance Following a trade shortfall of ¥11 billion ($139 million) with the EU in April, its largest deficit with Europe in three decades, Japan's current account surplus -- the difference between the country's income from foreign sources and its non-investment-related payment obligations -- shrank 62.6 percent to ¥215.1 billion ($2.7 billion) in May from the year before. That was far below than the ¥511 billion surplus that economists were expecting, according to a report by Dow Jones Newswires. "A surplus in the current account shrank substantially due to an expansion in its trade and service deficit as well as a contraction in investment income surplus from a year earlier," the ministry said. Exports are struggling as an offshoot of a rising Yen and the ricocheting effects from the euro debt crisis. Meanwhile, mounting energy and natural gas import bills are widening the chasm in the country's trade balance. A key reason for Japan's skyrocketing energy bills is its shift from nuclear power to liquefied natural gas, following an atomic crisis at a Fukushima Daiichi plant last year. While that may be a misfortune for Japan, the U.S. might stand to gain from it, some trade experts say. "Replacing nuclear power with oil and gas may be helpful to the U.S. by increasing American demand for liquefied natural gas and creating jobs in the shell gas sector," said Robert E. Scott, director of trade and manufacturing policy research at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C. A Gaping Fiscal Famine Tokyo is encumbered with pressures to scale down Japan's burgeoning debt, which currently stands at about $14 trillion -- a level that is nearly as much as what the U.S. government records.

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inShareAntaeus Orbiting Quarantine Facility

inShareAntaeus Orbiting Quarantine Facility (1978) In the summer of 1978, 16 Faculty Fellows from universities around the U.S. met at NASA’s Ames Research Center near San Francisco to spend 10 weeks designing an Earth-orbiting Mars sample quarantine facility. It was one of a series of similar Ames-hosted Summer Faculty Studies conducted since the late 1960s. At the time, NASA actively considered Mars Sample Return (MSR) as a post-Viking mission. Agency interest flagged as it became clear that no such mission would receive funding, so publication of the 1978 design study, titled Orbiting Quarantine Facility: The Antaeus Report, was delayed until 1981. Viking 2 on the rocky northern plain of Utopia Planitia, September 1976. Image: NASA The Ames Faculty Fellows noted that the biology experiments on the Viking landers had found neither organic carbon nor clear evidence of ongoing metabolic processes in the soil they tested on Mars. Furthermore, the Viking cameras had observed no obvious signs of life at the two rather bland Viking landing sites. Nevertheless, the Fellows wrote,“the limitations of automated analysis” and the fact that “the landers sampled visually only a small fraction of one percent of the planet’s surface” meant that there could be “no real certainty” about whether Mars was lifeless. This, they argued, meant that, “in the event that samples of Martian soil are returned to Earth for study, special precautions ought to be taken to safeguard them. . .the samples should be considered to be potentially hazardous to terrestrial organisms until it has been conclusively shown that they are not.” Their report listed three options for attempting to ensure that samples would not accidentally release martian organisms on Earth. The MSR spacecraft might sterilize the sample en route from Mars to Earth, perhaps by heating it. Alternately, the unsterilized sample might be quarantined in a “maximum containment” facility on Earth or in Earth orbit, outside our planet’s biosphere. The Fellows noted that each of these three options would have advantages and disadvantages; sterilizing the sample, for example, might ensure that no martian organisms could reach Earth, but would likely also damage the sample, diminishing its scientific utility. The Antaeus study emphasized the third option because it had not been studied in detail previously. The Faculty Fellows explained the significance of the name they had selected for their Orbiting Quarantine Facility (OQF) project. was a giant in Greek mythology who forced passing travelers to wrestle with him and killed them when he won. The Earth was the source of Antaeus’s power, so the hero Hercules was able to defeat the murderous giant by holding him above the ground. “Like Antaeus,” they explained, a martian organism “might thrive on contact with the terrestrial biosphere. By keeping the pathogen contained and distant, the proposed [OQF] would safeguard the Earth from possible contamination.” The OQF would comprise five 4.1-meter-diameter cylindrical modules based on European Space Agency Spacelab hardware. The Fellows assumed that the modules and many of the other components needed to assemble and operate the OQF would become available during the 1980s as the Space Shuttle Program evolved into a Space Station Program.

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