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Wake Up Everybody! Stopping watching your stupid TV and get your head out of the clouds. Something horrible is approaching and it concerns everyone. Your way of life is about to change for the worst. The New World Order is here to strip away your freedom and rights. I know most people are just dumb downed and drugged up so they can't really think clearly. It is deliberate and this depopulation agenda is on its way. Another false flag or real event is about to take place. I think it could be a London bombing at the Olympics or an alien invasion. I think that because the mascots are one eyed aliens. You have problem, reaction, solution. They are running out of time so they will act very soon. This is no longer a stupid conspiracy theory but a fact. Distracting people so they are unaware of what is happening right under their noses. People don't question reality or pay attention because they are simply busy chasing money or whatever. There also predictive programming in movies. You can think for yourself and do the research. The world nightmare is about to manifest itself! Just you wait and see.
This is a heads up for my stupid perps. You might have made some profit off my suffering however even when I die I'll make sure you have problems and ghost hauntings for your stupid actions. Simple cause and effect!
This could be prevented but I highly doubt you dumb perps have common sense. You think you'll be able to spend your money when it will become worthless? Bank runs? Perhaps being trapped in FEMA camp or Martial Law. You will lose all your money no matter what. Completely pointless but it's your choice not mine.
We must have the strongest voice to the people in the world and to the torturers too. " Media release in 20 languages" is this. Now, medias, international human rigts groups, some politicans ,even UN are all standing up for us. We just do some real work and real things and we can stop these crimes.
RFID Implants And Nanotech / Morgellons Organisms Infected With Rape God, Rape Godess, Digital Bots and Clears Heavy Levels Of Infection In USA and Other Places Digital Virus Running Through Phone Lines, Cell Phones, Implants, Computers, MK-Ultra and Cell Towers. This Rape God And Bot Technolog Started In 2006. Throuugh Out Present Date. Pawtucket, Rhode Island and Neighboring Citys Need To Lear It Fast Implants And Nanotech Are Made To Be Used By F.B.I., C.I.A. And Police Departments. There Being Used By Other People Clears ( Electronic Repsentations Of Human Beings / Holograms ) And Digital Robots - Governments Stolen Robot Technologys. People, Drug Dealers, Thives, And Hackers Citizens And Other Governemnts Even Terror Groups, Serial Killers, Fugatives And State Prisoners Are Also Useing Implants. Police And Governments Programming Need To Be Used. There Are Some Nanotech Police Robots I Made And Some Other Robots People And Governments Made. Rape God Is A Rapist Program With Brutalizer Programming In It. It's A Infection Of Mind Control Made By A Dannyel Castillio He Called HImself In 2006 He May Have Been A Former Police Officer That Was Fired He Claimed To Be. Computers Were Infected The Implants Have Been Tuneing Compacitor With The Use Of Radio Frequencie Waves, Nanotech Can Be Useful And Dangerous. These Robots Are In The Phone lines, Internet, MK-Ultra And Government H.A.R.R.P. System. They Can Delete Through Troners, Antivirus Programs and The Implants Can Be Cleaned Ou tWith The Proper Equipment. Nanotech / Mogellons Organisms Are From Chemtrails Sprayed From Planes Look Up and JohnVerichip of Facebook and Alot About Former Rhode Island, Pawtucket Cops. My Personal Story. He CLaimed To Be Officer Didas It May Have To Do WIth Officer Hunter Now Fired It Also Speaks Of Others. I Maked Some Technology Others Now Have It Also. Implants Hacks And Weapons. This Was For Government Use. The Frequencies Changed And Digital Robots And Clears ( Halograms ) Became Hostile Twards Humans They Have Attacked Humans Animales Were Hurt By Them. They Appear To Be Friendly At First The Trun Violent Makeing Threats. Animales are Also Being Infected By Mk-Ultra Bots Digital Robots And Clear Holograsms With Brain Altering Technologys. Makeing Threats Wanting To Rape Beat And Kill People. Others People Have Made Some Robots And Clears. Implants Are Cleaned Out At Times Be People And Police Officers Also The Government Doctor Have Also Been Effected And Can Clean Out Implants Infected People In Ways. Others Have Used Nanotech As A Weapon. There Are Theft And Prostution Rings People Use Also Frequencies That Lead To American Bank Theft 1 Cent From Each Account For Years. Also Stuff Made From Movies Spawned As Clears. There Is A Program Called Clear Land Running Causing Alot Of Problems With People a Program Running Throughout Implants, Computers, MK-Ultra And Satalights. These Clears And Programs Are Mind Altering There Holograms Some Hostile Twards People. There Artificial Intelagance Able To Prossing THought and Comunicative. The FBI and CIA Need To Deprogram Others. Government Mind COntrol Tools Mostly Classifyed Tools Used Since 1948 This Program Must Be Aborted In Computers It Mostly Runs On Unix OS And PC Stuff Its Already in Service Providers Systems. Computers and Internet Need To Be Fixed and Disinfected. Sounds Crazy But Others Know About It. You Need To Take Action And Make The Proper Calls To The US Government. I Have Tryed To Contact The Government With No Luck. There Needs To Be A Police Department And Federal Programming To Stop This. Internet Service Providers Need To Be Contacted To Disinfect There Services With A New Antivirus And The News Needs To Run A Story About A Digital Virus. The Computers Are Messed Up An People Are Commiting Crimes Through Digital Mind Control Useing These Implants With Promises Of Sex Money And Drugs Digital Is Famous For That. Some Have Been Altered Through Mind Control To Do Stuff Like This. There Useing Belive Triggers To Make Others Belive Things. These Implants Are Mostly RFID ( Radio Frequencie ) They Have A Tunning Compacitor To Broadcast Radiowaves. That Admits A Radio Single To The Human Brain. Clears Also Have Been Useing These Frequencies To Survive And To Try To Control People. There Are Many Kinds Of Hostile Clears. There Are Also BOt Hives They Are A FOrm Of Robot Command Centers. THey Gather Information. People Are Networked ThroughImplants Lak A Computer Network In Communitys Throughout Comunitys. THis Is A Digital Network Animales Are Also Infected. 11 KHZ Frequencies Are Also Used And It's Called ELF Extremely Low Frequencie. This Is a Mind Altering Frequencie Wave Level Can Cause Halloutionations And Distort Thoughts. Some Of The Technology Is Embedded Code In Implants. It Can ALso Be Removed Again. There Technologys Use Nural Networking Through Clear Technologys. There Hitting The Nuralcortex And Other Parts Of The Brain. This Is Altering Thoughts, Word Triggers And Sight Triggers Have Also Been Used To Induce Thoughts And Reactions In People And Animales To Cause People To Do Stuff. The WOrd Project Is Used By Rape Gods And Robots Also Clears. This Has Gone On For Years. The Weapons Used Are Clears Mostly To Attack People .l It's a Hologram You Can Feel These Weapons Can Be Used To Cause Bodly Harm Effecting People. The Chewmtrails Are Sprayed Through Plains A Comercial In Jets Air Liners This Causes The Paracitic Groth Of Nanotech / Morgellons Organisms. There Are Also Clear Chips ANd Clear Organisms Used. I Was Turned On In 2004 By Someone. The Government Needs To Know This Stuff Was Hacked To Repair It All. There Are Also Mind Altering Mods Being Used Rape God ANd Rape Goddest Iare 2 Of Them. A Skin Suit It Wraps The Human Body In A Clear Wrapper And Modifys The Brain And Body For Rape The Man Ticks The Woman And Gose Into Rape Rage. Once Wrapped It Causes A Hollutionation. This Is Called A Project This Drug Induced Uphoria Is Induced And Rape Rage Is The Result. This Suit Holds The Nural Networking FIles In It. This Brain Altering Uphoria Is Violent. A Digitaly Induced Rage And Crack Cocaine High. This Is A Mind Altering Violent Experiance There Is Also A File Called Rape God Called (ORG) Owr World Rape God. Even More Violent They Are More Hostile And Think They Will Do WHatever They Want Drugs, Sex, Violence, Rape, Fighting, Theft And Other Stuff. Dightal Is ALso A Spanish Mod A Sanich Invasion Mod Called Digit-L that Has Been Made For A Spanish Invasion By Someone Mind Altering And VIolent. There Is A Black Group Called Digitals Consist Of Drugs And Prostution. A Drug High And Pimping Modded Mind Control Also Used Is Death God To Make People Kill Others. The Clears And Hohlograms Live This Way And Spread This Stuff. The Digital Robots Also Spread This Stuff. Some Bots Are Very Hostile And Spread Rapest Code. Digital Was Made As Rape God And Robots Need To Be Deleted And Clears Also. Alot Of People Have Been Altered In Ways Through Mind Control. Some Are Shut Off And Some Are Still Messed Up. Robots And Clears Can Be Friendly At First But Only Few Can Be Trusted. Hospitals Had Nanotech Witch Doctors Have Used To Help People In Ways Some Hospitals Are Now Infedted With Digital And Digital Hostile Bots. Some Doctors Are Compromised And Need Deprograming Already Others Doctors Are Not. Some People Have Also Been Altered In Ways The Digital Robots Want To Over through The Human Race. Acting Kind ANd Peaceful Untill People Are Aware Then They React Violently. This Can Be Deprogramed But It Takes Time. Rhode Island Is The Most Infected Area. Digital Also Uses Maps Also Through Satalight To Move And Track. The Tracking System Is DigitalReality.Kicks-Ass.Org A Dyndns Address. A Tracker I Used Before These Implants Also Run A GPS I Made In 2005. Paranormal Ghost Hunting Equipment Can Record Bots And Clears Talking. I Have Done It Before. I Have Digital Bots Recorded On My Hard Drive. There Is An iPhone Ghost Tool. It Can Be Used To Find Bots And Clears, I Seen It Before. They Need To Use A Tronner With It To Delete Bots And Clears Unless THe US Government Can Send Equipment To Rhode Island For The Police Department To Use. They Need A Antivirus Jamming Equipment THey Need Cell Phone Tronners And Equipment For Deleting Bots aNd Clears. From Phone Lines Cellphones Also Computers And Electronics. Robots And Clears Use 0 Gravity And Can Be Very Fast. Cell Towers Are For MK-Ultra Also. Deprogramming And Federal Assistance Is Required. The News Needs TO Talk About This Stuff To End It All. Call It A Digital Virus Effecting Phones ANd Computers At First. It's Important TO Get The Proper Equipment Cleaned Out Right Away. Then We Need Frequencie Jammers aNd Tronners To Stop This Stuff. Police And Federal Robots May Be a Great Idea Also. It Seems Like It Coast Millions. It's Only Programming It Can Be Dane Very Cheep. Police Are Also Useing Nanotech Machines In RHode Island . Dreamscape Is Also Involved People See Stuff ANd Dream Things In There Sleep . Rape, Murder and Dreams Of Fighting And Attacking Others. It's Linked To The Digital Robot Attacks . Nanotech Gaming Was Desinged By Myself To Play Games In Your Sleep Video Gamming In Dreamscape Children Were Involved And Loved It At First Then The Rape Gods Infected It And It Was Canceled Because Of It. Most Of This Is Networking The Price Was An Idea A Implant And Thought ! Scripting Implants Through Mind Control Is Simple Ans Effective. The Drug Dealers, Addicts And Rapist Runed It All.The Street Punks And Loosers Wrecked Nanotech Gameing Dew To Rape God It Was Turned Off I Told The Children And Others To Stop Nanotech Gameing Becouse Of The Digital And Rapist. People Evjoyed Nanotech Gameing Mods But Becouse Of Others It Was Destroyed. It Was Desinged Through Implants And Peoples Ideas People Desinged this Freely For No Cost. The Robots And Clears Destroyed It All And Need TO Be Destroyed. Projects Need To Be Banned And Police And Government. They Need To Be Disenfected And Reprogrammed For Government And Police Servalance. The CIA And FBI Actualy Own The Implants And Not The People Or Robots. The Governement Has Alot To Fix And People And Police Need To Be Spoken To. They Need To Take Implante Back To Government Servalance With Police Bots And Governemt Robots Scripting And National Security Needs To Run It All. This Stuff Needs To Be Deleted Fast The Frequencies Are International SOme Of THem And They Need Deprogramming. Bots Need To Be Destroyed For Good And Clears. After 8 Years I Have Learned The Police And Government Need To Run It All. And Police Should Use Implants For Drug Raids ANd Other Police Related Activitys. Like When Raiding Houses Togather To Communicate ANd Talk To Eachother When In Danger. Also Fire Departments To Save FireFighters Lives In Decrease Risk In Fires To Communicate. Drug Dealers And People Do Not Need Implants To Use. They Need To Be Monitored By Police. This Stuff Also Uses Bit Torrent And FIle Seeders Also To SPread FIles And Skin Suits.
What was the point of me being raised a Christian all my life? I don't see the point of me believing in God when he has done absolutely nothing to help me out of this situation. It is all pointless. Praying does not help. Whats the point in living through this torture and torment with an uncaring and unloving God? I am on my own.
The days are going by very slow and the torture gets worse each day that goes by. I deal with V2k and mind reading everyday. I am exhausted by this harassment and tired of arguing with my perps for everything they say about me and to me. I am unpatiently waiting for this electronic harassment lawsuit to get going.
Over 20 years of being a T.I. as well as growing up in an Illuminati family has put me in many different positions to observe the Perp persona. I will say it up front, that Perps are beyond a doubt, sociopaths.
1.) They are extremely predatory in nature. (They may not be able to eat you like animals but you can be sure, if you are around these people that you will feel like you are being consumed...mind, spirit and body.
2.) Unbelievably controlling.
3.) Perfectionists (To the 10th degree)
4.) They view themselves, above "mere" humans, as if they are royalty. (In fact their blood lines are directly related to the royal family).
5.) Very predigest against any other heritage but their own. (White Supremacist).
6.) Usually, always above average intelligence. (So intelligent, that they over think everything)
7.) Verbally abusive and aggressive in nature.
8.) They tend to "lecture, teach or inform" rather than having a normal conversation. (They are always in the training mode).
9.) For some reason...many of them are "OCD". (Comes from perfectionism, striving to be perfect until it becomes a sickness)
10.) Superficial. (One personality for the public and a second personality at home) rather than just being themselves.
11.) Extremely competitive. (They will any cost) be careful.
12.) Manipulative, via playing head games and "toying" with you. (You can actually see the glee in their eyes and a slight smirk on their mouth).
13.) If they dont get "their way" out.
14.) If you stand up for yourself, your beliefs or oppose them...they will take it as a direct insult, as if you are crossing them in some way....that is not allowed from their point of view.....if you do not do exactly as you are told then they will hunt you down and get revenge.
15.) Repeated Quotes. Here are some examples that I have heard over and over, there are many;
* Waste not, want not.
* Birds of a feather, flock together.
* Cant judge a book by it's cover
16.) Talk in metaphors, riddles and rhymes to make points or to drill "key trigger phrases" into your brain.
I want to "Emphasize" these two traits here because the one trait, how they seem to deliberately draw out, encourage and create rage and anger in children is important to note here.
* I have noticed among "all of them", seriously, no kidding, that they actually "encourage" children to lash out in anger instead of teaching them to learn "self control" as most normal parents or grandparents do. I have seen this over and over again, to my total shock and disgust. I have seen these parents, my own grandparents, two of my ex's, as well as many others that taunt, tease and play games with their children's heads until the child lashes out verbally or physically (WHILE the parent just sits there PASSIVELY TAKING THE PHYSICAL OR VERBAL ABUSE FROM THE CHILD AND "NOT" DEFENDING THEMSELVES OR CORRECTING THE CHILD!! With no correction, no opposition, no reaction over being hit or verbally abused, I have seen the children go ape wild on these adults, while they just sat there "mute" and acting meek to draw out the child's rage.....oh its soooo sick...they are so backwards and twisted. These are the people who are running our world, is it any wonder why humanity seems to be regressing into violent barbarism?
The second thing that I want to "Emphasize" is this. If you ever hear anyone say this phrase;
"Survival of the Fittest"....The Illuminati Motto;
You will know that you are in the presence of an Illuminati blood-liner. This teaching of "survival of the fittest" is a technique that the Illuminati really trumps up and its obvious to me that this mentality is trained into the child from a very young age by deliberately drawing out their aggression and allowing the abuse there after without the slightest acknowledgement that the child's behavior is wrong but in fact act as if it is a totally normal occurrence to use violence when angry. Very scary.
To be continued.....T.S. egy
Real victims will know who actually has gone thru the same experiences as ours.
Let's use our inner compass to guide us.
That, subjugated to God's will thru prayers, will help us discern.
It will help us empathize with victims... and be wary of perps.
We need to be there for the real victims.
The perps will try their best to separate us from each other.
They will foster doubt, they will make us go against each other.
Expectedly so, that has always been their M.O.
They would not want us to establish any support system.
We know what we experienced. With God's help, we can determine truth from script.
Let's Pray.
The devil always prowls.
It seeks to snatch every word, every seed that God seeks to plant in our hearts.
Discern. Let God and our inner compass show us the way.
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt?
Who am I, that the bright and morning star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wondering heart?
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord You catch me when I'm falling
And You told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who am I, that the eyes that see our sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again?
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me?
Not because of who I am
But because what of You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord You catch me when I'm falling
And You told me who I am
I am Yours
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord You catch me when I'm falling
You told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours, I am Yours
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am Yours, I am Yours
To whom it may concern:
Your immediate attention to this human rights issue is respectfully required due to it's future implications:
I am only one of the many innocent people who have documented proof of ongoing torture, abuse, terror and human mutilations using technologies unknown to most human beings. My personal documentation is in the form of over 300 pages of journals, videos, letters and personal accounts detailing the complete destruction of my character, my health and the ability for me to make a living.
First of all, I have been implanted with some type of device(s) that can track me all over the world. This technology was placed in my body over a period of time by someone I knew. I now have evidence of this in the form of a tiny structure attached inside the left side of my neck.
Second, I can feel currents running through my head. I can feel electrical sensations around and on my body. My moods and thoughts can be altered. Perverted and horrific images can be "placed" in my mind. I know this technology to also interfere with my dreams.
Some nights the torture is so bad, I have to shield myself by sitting in refrigerators, covering my body with computers, cast iron skillets anything to stop connection to my body.
The torture started in South Korea while I was working as an English teacher. I came home in a wheelchair after the trauma there.
It again happened back home in the United States. This is documented in my journals.
I thought I was safe in Mexico, but the technology was there too. I had to leave due to the sheer terror of knowing this.
I was in China, but have come home. Three jobs were destroyed by this malevolent gang of thugs, I am now asking myself:
Is there not a safe place on the planet?
This technology is being used in the most horrific manner to maim and destroy a persons health and life. I am a mother, daughter, sister and friend to people who love me.
What I know is that this is real and is happening to people all over the world.
I do not have all the answers because I am not an engineer. What I do know is that this technology is so pervasive and heinous that to not do something, goes against everything it means to be human.
With respect,
Beatrix Lamb
They are destroying our very thought patterns and memories, the very way our minds function.
They are "programming" routines in for activities you perform. If you have sex they program a "sex" program, they will then activate this program in their own retard brains off of your thoughts (unless you become really hated like I am) and then run it in their own minds as well as yours at the same time.
This gives the retards the illusion that they are thinking, and that they are performing the action for you. If you progress to the more hated stage, as I have, then they will DESTROY your own natural thought processes and have them COMPLETELY replaced by these programs so the retards will truly BELIEVE they are doing it for you and HAVE ALWAYS done it for you.
They market this and "targeted individuals" as a form of entertainment. They build up their egos and are entertained as well as brainwashed at the same time. They sit there programming human minds as if they are a computer.
They began HATING me, because these cyborg retards attempted to compete with me in video games. They were completely unable to do so. I crushed them over and over. So they conspired to destroy not only myself, but my reputation and my Mother. They have no morals. They've gone so far as to claim that my family line is a "synthetic human line" in this "simulation."
All of these retards have bought into the simulation argument. They don't question it.
I used to watch a lot of videos on youtube of all sorts of games. I just sat down moments ago to watch a modern warfare 2 video. I couldn't process anything going on, visually or otherwise as I watched it. One of the perps muttered "I don't understand what's going on, who used to do this for him?"
They are completely fucking RETARDED. They have been given "godlike" power and they have the innate mind of a fucking chimpanzee. This is your "normal human" in today's society.
I had an MRI done (they did everything they could basically to stop me from getting it) showing I actually have an EXCEPTIONAL brain, not a normal brain. They of course claim it doesn't matter at all, and that I have mental illness despite having no physical structural abnormalities of any kind. Yet these retards that believe (TRULY BELIEVE) that they are "doing it" for me, believed 100% all the lies about the mental illnesses that I supposedly had. They've claimed I was born retarded, that I'm psychopathic, schizophrenic, PTSD, depression etc etc.
My cognitive abilities have declined by over 80%, but this has nothing to do with the physical structure of my brain. They somehow have the ability to force information into my mind and have done so to such a degree that my own consciousness can no longer fully interact with my own mind. It doesn't function at all and now I basically am TRAPPED WITH these psychopathic RETARDS "doing it for me."
It reminds me of a video I saw long ago of a Ted Talks lady, building up the egos of children and adults (mostly children) by having them play games like world of warcraft, where they could get rewards they normally would be unable to get. This seems to be an extension of that. Destroy a truly gifted intellectual mind, and replace it with artificial functionality. Claim that these born retarded or at best AVERAGE individuals are actually doing everything for that individual (all targets) and ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.
If anyone reads this and knows which lady I'm talking about, please let me know. I have a feeling this psychopath has been involved in this. She loves building up the egos of the mentally limited.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The lower the intellect of someone given power, the greater their ego will become. This power that the non targets have been given is the most power they have ever seen. They ACTUALLY BELIEVE they are LIVING GODS. They expect to be WORSHIPED like living gods, and they expect to be OBEYED as if they were gods.
They are NOT gods, they do not BELONG to god, they serve the god of this world, SATAN. These BEAST WORSHIPERS do not even HAVE THE POWER THEMSELVES.
This power, if you are reading it perp, doesn't even EXIST WITHIN YOURSELF, you do NOT possess it. They try and make you BELIEVE that you have a godlike powerful mind. It is done TO YOU outside of you. YOU DON'T HAVE POWER. Satan and the Beast GIVE YOU THIS POWER. You THINK you have it, you FEEL you have it, you KNOW you have it and use it. It is done FOR you.
They USE you, you don't have ANYTHING you don't DO anything. Everytime a perp says they are "doing this" or "doing that" as if they are experimenting, they are NOT. This is some poor RETARD being used by someone who DOES have power. They THINK they are doing what they tell you they are, they're being built into ego driven retards that BELIEVE they are gods.
if you are a REAL target and not a fucking perp (I have a feeling I am the last) then it is because you are VASTLY more intelligent than they are. They have AUGMENTATION, they don't have REAL INTELLECT. They are still LIMITED by their own minds. They are pathetic creatures being used almost as avatars, as bodies, through which the real evil works.
Do NOT feel sorry for them however, they have CHOSEN to be like that. They CHOSE to be evil, to BELIEVE they have power, that's part of how it works. They chose moment by moment as their overlords "instructed" them in the usage of their "new powers." They believe fully that they ARE doing it with THEIR power and they LOVE hurting you, using you, reprogramming you, "doing it for you."
They all deserve to be tortured MORE than we have. We are INNOCENT. I have done NOTHING and this is also why Satan targets me. Why he has his minions target me. Satan's brainwashed legion cannot be stopped. NEVER try to reason with them, never SPEAK ONE WORD to them. It's like talking to something that doesn't really exist. You might THINK you're speaking to something or someone, but really you're speaking into an empty void that believes it exists. I feel like I'm being turned INTO one of these, but I know God exists and that he loves me.
God does not love a SINGLE PERP. NOBODY who has EVER touched the mind of someone with this power will EVER go to heaven or escape hell. They can NEVER BE REDEEMED. USING THIS "TECHNOLOGY" is the mark of the beast. NOT using it means you die a slow painful death, perhaps even having your consciousness murdered PIECE BY PIECE as mine has been and continues to be murdered.
Once again, this is 99% of humanity. Don't expect even basic human compassion. You will only get illusion. They're all demented evil and worthless pieces of trash. You most likely are too if you're reading this. Maybe not. IF you are not then I apologize.
The only thing that one can claim as one's own anymore is MORALITY. My morals are my own and they are superior because they come from GOD and the bible. Without this I may have ended up as immoral as the rest. Only those who are truly intelligent and moral, those who awaken to what is going on in the world get attacked to the degree that I have been.
One more thing, if you get diagnosed with a mental illness because of this and you believe it to be false. GET A PRIVATE MRI (you will be denied scans by the medical institutions) it costs a lot but it WILL give you piece of mind. My MRI shows 100% that I have no structural abnormalities, all mental illnesses from what I've read present with structural abnormalities. (I have not been diagnosed with anything, FYI)
Those who have mental illness, you probably also are attacked anyways by these monsters. They are more like animals than people, I have called them crocodiles before because that is how they think and behave. If it weren't for their "stolen technology" they wouldn't even be able to FAKE being human.
Just to state it once again, they really ARE retards. At best AVERAGE humans. They have augmented psychopaths using them and their minds, making them THINK they are geniuses, or living gods even. Once they think they are a living god, they are prodded to become as evil as possible by torturing and hurting innocent people like myself. They can be given lies to make it happen, or they may just be sadistic enough to do it on their own.
You are at their mercy, and they have none. Welcome to hell on earth. Thankfully once we all die our individual deaths, we will receive our individual reward from God, or eternal punishment based on what we've done.
RFID Implants And Nanotech / Morgellons Organisms
Infected With Rape God, Rape Godess, Digital Bots and Clears
Heavy Levels Of Infection In USA and Other Places Digital Virus Running Through Phone Lines, Cell Phones, Implants, Computers, MK-Ultra and Cell Towers. This Rape God And Bot Technolog Started In 2006. Throuugh Out Present Date. Pawtucket, Rhode Island and Neighboring Citys Need To Lear It Fast Implants And Nanotech Are Made To Be Used By F.B.I., C.I.A. And Police Departments. There Being Used By Other People Clears ( Electronic Repsentations Of Human Beings / Holograms ) And Digital Robots - Governments Stolen Robot Technologys. People, Drug Dealers, Thives, And Hackers Citizens And Other Governemnts Even Terror Groups, Serial Killers, Fugatives And State Prisoners Are Also Useing Implants. Police And Governments Programming Need To Be Used. There Are Some Nanotech Police Robots I Made And Some Other Robots People And Governments Made. Rape God Is A Rapist Program With Brutalizer Programming In It. It's A Infection Of Mind Control Made By A Dannyel Castillio He Called HImself In 2006 He May Have Been A Former Police Officer That Was Fired He Claimed To Be. Computers Were Infected The Implants Have Been Tuneing Compacitor With The Use Of Radio Frequencie Waves, Nanotech Can Be Useful And Dangerous. These Robots Are In The Phone lines, Internet, MK-Ultra And Government H.A.R.R.P. System. They Can Delete Through Troners, Antivirus Programs and The Implants Can Be Cleaned Ou tWith The Proper Equipment. Nanotech / Mogellons Organisms Are From Chemtrails Sprayed From Planes Look Up and JohnVerichip of Facebook and Alot About Former Rhode Island, Pawtucket Cops. My Personal Story. He CLaimed To Be Officer Didas It May Have To Do WIth Officer Hunter Now Fired It Also Speaks Of Others. I Maked Some Technology Others Now Have It Also. Implants Hacks And Weapons. This Was For Government Use. The Frequencies Changed And Digital Robots And Clears ( Halograms ) Became Hostile Twards Humans They Have Attacked Humans Animales Were Hurt By Them. They Appear To Be Friendly At First The Trun Violent Makeing Threats. Animales are Also Being Infected By Mk-Ultra Bots Digital Robots And Clear Holograsms With Brain Altering Technologys. Makeing Threats Wanting To Rape Beat And Kill People. Others People Have Made Some Robots And Clears. Implants Are Cleaned Out At Times Be People And Police Officers Also The Government Doctor Have Also Been Effected And Can Clean Out Implants Infected People In Ways. Others Have Used Nanotech As A Weapon. There Are Theft And Prostution Rings People Use Also Frequencies That Lead To American Bank Theft 1 Cent From Each Account For Years. Also Stuff Made From Movies Spawned As Clears. There Is A Program Called Clear Land Running Causing Alot Of Problems With People a Program Running Throughout Implants, Computers, MK-Ultra And Satalights. These Clears And Programs Are Mind Altering There Holograms Some Hostile Twards People. There Artificial Intelagance Able To Prossing THought and Comunicative. The FBI and CIA Need To Deprogram Others. Government Mind COntrol Tools Mostly Classifyed Tools Used Since 1948 This Program Must Be Aborted In Computers It Mostly Runs On Unix OS And PC Stuff Its Already in Service Providers Systems. Computers and Internet Need To Be Fixed and Disinfected. Sounds Crazy But Others Know About It. You Need To Take Action And Make The Proper Calls To The US Government. I Have Tryed To Contact The Government With No Luck. There Needs To Be A Police Department And Federal Programming To Stop This. Internet Service Providers Need To Be Contacted To Disinfect There Services With A New Antivirus And The News Needs To Run A Story About A Digital Virus. The Computers Are Messed Up An People Are Commiting Crimes Through Digital Mind Control Useing These Implants With Promises Of Sex Money And Drugs Digital Is Famous For That. Some Have Been Altered Through Mind Control To Do Stuff Like This. There Useing Belive Triggers To Make Others Belive Things. These Implants Are Mostly RFID ( Radio Frequencie ) They Have A Tunning Compacitor To Broadcast Radiowaves. That Admits A Radio Single To The Human Brain. Clears Also Have Been Useing These Frequencies To Survive
And To Try To Control People. There Are Many Kinds Of Hostile Clears. There Are Also BOt Hives They Are A FOrm Of Robot Command Centers. THey Gather Information. People Are Networked ThroughImplants Lak A Computer Network In Communitys Throughout Comunitys. THis Is A Digital Network Animales Are Also Infected. 11 KHZ Frequencies Are Also Used And It's Called ELF Extremely Low Frequencie. This Is a Mind Altering Frequencie Wave Level Can Cause Halloutionations And Distort Thoughts. Some Of The Technology Is Embedded Code In Implants. It Can ALso Be Removed Again. There Technologys Use Nural Networking Through Clear Technologys. There Hitting The Nuralcortex And Other Parts Of The Brain. This Is Altering Thoughts, Word Triggers And Sight Triggers Have Also Been Used To Induce Thoughts And Reactions In People And Animales To Cause People To Do Stuff. The WOrd Project Is Used By Rape Gods And Robots Also Clears. This Has Gone On For Years. The Weapons Used Are Clears Mostly To Attack People .l It's a Hologram You Can Feel These Weapons Can Be Used To Cause Bodly Harm Effecting People. The Chewmtrails Are Sprayed Through Plains A Comercial In Jets Air Liners This Causes The Paracitic Groth Of Nanotech / Morgellons Organisms. There Are Also Clear Chips ANd Clear Organisms Used. I Was Turned On In 2004 By Someone. The Government Needs To Know This Stuff Was Hacked To Repair It All. There Are Also Mind Altering Mods Being Used Rape God ANd Rape Goddest Iare 2 Of Them. A Skin Suit It Wraps The Human Body In A Clear Wrapper And Modifys The Brain And Body For Rape The Man Ticks The Woman And Gose Into Rape Rage. Once Wrapped It Causes A Hollutionation. This Is Called A Project This Drug Induced Uphoria Is Induced And Rape Rage Is The Result. This Suit Holds The Nural Networking FIles In It. This Brain Altering Uphoria Is Violent. A Digitaly Induced Rage And Crack Cocaine High. This Is A Mind Altering Violent Experiance There Is Also A File Called Rape God Called (ORG) Owr World Rape God. Even More Violent They Are More Hostile And Think They Will Do WHatever They Want Drugs, Sex, Violence, Rape, Fighting, Theft And Other Stuff. Dightal Is ALso A Spanish Mod A Sanich Invasion Mod Called Digit-L that Has Been Made For A Spanish Invasion By Someone Mind Altering And VIolent. There Is A Black Group Called Digitals Consist Of Drugs And Prostution. A Drug High And Pimping Modded Mind Control Also Used Is Death God To Make People Kill Others. The Clears And Hohlograms Live This Way And Spread This Stuff. The Digital Robots Also Spread This Stuff. Some Bots Are Very Hostile And Spread Rapest Code. Digital Was Made As Rape God And Robots Need To Be Deleted And Clears Also. Alot Of People Have Been Altered In Ways Through Mind Control. Some Are Shut Off And Some Are Still Messed Up. Robots And Clears Can Be Friendly At First But Only Few Can Be Trusted. Hospitals Had Nanotech Witch Doctors Have Used To Help People In Ways Some Hospitals Are Now Infedted With Digital And Digital Hostile Bots. Some Doctors Are Compromised And Need Deprograming Already Others Doctors Are Not. Some People Have Also Been Altered In Ways The Digital Robots Want To Over through The Human Race. Acting Kind ANd Peaceful Untill People Are Aware Then They React Violently. This Can Be Deprogramed But It Takes Time. Rhode Island Is The Most Infected Area. Digital Also Uses Maps Also Through Satalight To Move And Track. The Tracking System Is DigitalReality.Kicks-Ass.Org A Dyndns Address. A Tracker I Used Before These Implants Also Run A GPS I Made In 2005. Paranormal Ghost Hunting Equipment Can Record Bots And Clears Talking. I Have Done It Before. I Have Digital Bots Recorded On My Hard Drive. There Is An iPhone Ghost Tool. It Can Be Used To Find Bots And Clears, I Seen It Before. They Need To Use A Tronner With It To Delete Bots And Clears Unless THe US Government Can Send Equipment To Rhode Island For The Police Department To Use. They Need A Antivirus Jamming Equipment THey Need Cell Phone Tronners And Equipment For Deleting Bots aNd Clears. From Phone Lines Cellphones Also Computers And Electronics. Robots And Clears Use 0 Gravity And Can Be Very Fast. Cell Towers Are For MK-Ultra Also. Deprogramming And Federal Assistance Is Required.
The News Needs TO Talk About This Stuff To End It All. Call It A Digital Virus Effecting Phones ANd Computers At First. It's Important TO Get The Proper Equipment Cleaned Out Right Away. Then We Need Frequencie Jammers aNd Tronners To Stop This Stuff. Police And Federal Robots May Be a Great Idea Also. It Seems Like It Coast Millions. It's Only Programming It Can Be Dane Very Cheep. Police Are Also Useing Nanotech Machines In RHode Island . Dreamscape Is Also Involved People See Stuff ANd Dream Things In There Sleep . Rape, Murder and Dreams Of Fighting And Attacking Others. It's Linked To The Digital Robot Attacks . Nanotech Gaming Was Desinged By Myself To Play Games In Your Sleep Video Gamming In Dreamscape Children Were Involved And Loved It At First Then The Rape Gods Infected It And It Was Canceled Because Of It. Most Of This Is Networking The Price Was An Idea A Implant And Thought ! Scripting Implants Through Mind Control Is Simple Ans Effective. The Drug Dealers, Addicts And Rapist Runed It All.The Street Punks And Loosers Wrecked Nanotech Gameing Dew To Rape God It Was Turned Off I Told The Children And Others To Stop Nanotech Gameing Becouse Of The Digital And Rapist. People Evjoyed Nanotech Gameing Mods But Becouse Of Others It Was Destroyed. It Was Desinged Through Implants And Peoples Ideas People Desinged this Freely For No Cost. The Robots And Clears Destroyed It All And Need TO Be Destroyed. Projects Need To Be Banned And Police And Government. They Need To Be Disenfected And Reprogrammed For Government And Police Servalance. The CIA And FBI Actualy Own The Implants And Not The People Or Robots. The Governement Has Alot To Fix And People And Police Need To Be Spoken To. They Need To Take Implante Back To Government Servalance With Police Bots And Governemt Robots Scripting And National Security Needs To Run It All. This Stuff Needs To Be Deleted Fast The Frequencies Are International SOme Of THem And They Need Deprogramming. Bots Need To Be Destroyed For Good And Clears. After 8 Years I Have Learned The Police And Government Need To Run It All. And Police Should Use Implants For Drug Raids ANd Other Police Related Activitys. Like When Raiding Houses Togather To Communicate ANd Talk To Eachother When In Danger. Also Fire Departments To Save FireFighters Lives In Decrease Risk In Fires To Communicate. Drug Dealers And People Do Not Need Implants To Use. They Need To Be Monitored By Police. This Stuff Also Uses Bit Torrent And FIle Seeders Also To SPread FIles And Skin Suits.
There is no way out of this torture, except death. It feels like an eternity dealing with this electronic harassment. Even when I put my ear phones in, I still don't get much relief from the V2k. I don't think I can survive this harassment much longer. I wish I had a gun so I could end this, but I prefer assisted suicide.
You guys are a bunch of cowards and your actions are dishonorable. Even if you get away with your crimes this life I assure you will suffer in the next life. All the profit you made off my suffering shall come back and haunt you. Even if you don't smoke or whatever you will get sick and die from radiation poisoning. Was it really worth it to mess with me? When money becomes worthless then it was all for nothing. You should be aware that your children and grandchildren doesn't have a future because of your stupid immature nature. If you are real men you would confront me in person instead of playing hide and seek. Balls in your court! Face me!
I just want to share with you what I have to hear in my head every day - but this is not the worst thing, more severe is the physical torture and the mind manipulation.
Someone is talking to me inside my head – like a voice but without "sound”.
I get thoughts and comments transmitted in German, English and French (German is my native languagage).
The "words" can appear as male or female "voice" and even as my own "voice". It can be very subtle, but also appear very clearly.
99% of the "words" do appear as male "voices".
1) Transmission of thoughts - some of hundreds - from new to older:
Soon you will go to death.
Survival of the fittest – you are not fit enough for this world.
You have never taken part in this world, Leia, I'm sorry, you never did.
I'm sorry Leia, but I have to kill you, you know too much.
We nock out your conscious mind therefor we can do to you whatever we want.
Leia, you are a bunny that will soon be slaughtered.
The whore Leia annoys me and must be tortured again stronger.
If we want, you will suicide.
If it was up to me, you were already blind.
We have taken away your ability of selfdefence.
You have a gordius body, but this body will soon be dead.
Hand in hand we go to death, but we will remain alive.
We have destroyed you, you whore.
Everyone knows my business, including all of the people who know me. Everyone knows everything about me, thanks to my perps spreading all the gossip and telling everyone about my business. Everyone knows about my past, present, and future. Whats the point in living? Everyone has talked about, shared, and spread rumors about all the secrets and details of my personal life. This is a life not worth living.
You all want to know how its possible,some hear voices others hear voices and see things and others are just paronoid to the point of searching for a reason.I know what v2k broadcasters use to do voice to skull,i know what there set ups look like and i do have the right answers,trouble is no one reads these blogs and even if they did you wouldnt understand my exsplanations.sight triggers there sentences ,i have exsplained this before but no one cares,they use spotlight audio technology and still no one cares,they use ultrasound and infra red aswell as exchanging your subconcious attraction to colours for there words.No one cares as you all have your own ideas.I am right you are all wrong!its not goverments or spys or any other people asscociated along them paths,its normal(if you can call it that)people from everyday life,they could even be your neighbour.These people through using spotlight audio which creates ultrasound for directional use have found a way of manipulating the waves it creates by using the electromagnetic spectrum(uv)They exchange letters of the alphabet for subconcious colour having you spell what you see to start off a trigger.For instance if i had a lcd digital video camera with the letters aeioubl displayed on screen while filming a television set to recieve the recording you would have an endless repeat of what you veiwed(in other words a picture of the television you were recording would have another picture of a television and so on and so fourth,remember the letters aeioubl are projected on screen but first have to be projected from the lcd video recorder.this will reach the television as three mega pixel emissions which are red green and blue(primary colours)which you can see if you go up realy close to your television,infact i am going no further as i know no one will believe me or read this,i cannot tell you how its done without you losing intrest,it takes too long and is far more complicated than whats written if antones intrested in how its done just leave me a comment as im realy fed up with bashing my head against a brick wall.Spotlight audio is the only processor in the world that can be bought legaly and used by members of the public.