website)*Website* contact at top of page and go to the page to fill out the contactform on the website)*Fax*(202) 456-6021*Free Fax Services**Telephone*(202) 456-7116*General Contact*Office of Science and Technology PolicyExecutive Office of the President725 17th Street, Room 5228Washington, DC 20502People, we are being murdered we need help from Washington today, we may notsee tomorrow. For more information regarding Contact John Holdren the Monthof November 2011, please see my website www.justiceforallcitizens.comSincerely,Connie Marshall(502) 322-3449
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website)*Website* contact at top of page and go to the page to fill out the contactform on the website)*Fax*(202) 456-6021*Free Fax Services**Telephone*(202) 456-7116*General Contact*Office of Science and Technology PolicyExecutive Office of the President725 17th Street, Room 5228Washington, DC 20502People, we are being murdered we need help from Washington today, we may notsee tomorrow. For more information regarding Contact John Holdren the Monthof November 2011, please see my website www.justiceforallcitizens.comSincerely,Connie Marshall(502) 322-3449
Don't reject of inpulse because u.f.o rekated, the ammach is giving a voice to people willing to share, so embracing the cause. ENGLAND RISE !!Enjoy and trace you path. LOVE.
On this powerful tool called web there are several groups of energy weapons and mind control victims which are crying for attention, Darrim Daoud was screaming too.. Like all victims of this unjust society he deserve acknowledgment..and above all justice !! Just like all the movements that are occupying the squares and working towards solutions, targeted individuals have the need to gather and proceed. Don’t need to stress that for those they have endured torture and harassment for many years, the programmed chaos has reached a level that requires a structured upsurge. I read from Astrid that in December BBC involvement is planned. I’m happy to hear from anybody here, seriously willing to campaigns to build the first big U.K march, sitting, workshop and so on in London. Anyone that comes in peace and has absolute control in this area should propose..share and help us build it. For those that cannot endure the negative energy blocking the process, don’t worry, act fast !! ask !?We will be there for each other. GET IN TOUCH. JUST ACCESSED
Judyth Piazza interviews Soleilmavis Liu About Mind Control Technologies
10 Oct 2011
1-Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China, who was first attacked in December, 2001 when I was studying for a Master`s Degree in Australia. At the time I was unfamiliar with mind control technologies. Eventually, I came to learn of these technologies that are being secretly used or covered up by governments worldwide to control and harass the populace.
Since 2002, I traveled to many places to try to escape from the remote torture and harassment of mind control and voice to skull technologies. I had been to Hong Kong, Thailand, China, New Zealand; I was kidnapped by mind control technologies and sent to USA Embassy in Hong Kong on Apr 2002. On Apr 2003, I went to China and still live there today.
2- When did you first know that this kind of work was your passion?
I reported these crimes to the police when I was in Australia in January and February, 2002. I wrote letters to the United Nations after I left Australia on Apr 2002.
Since 2005, I have written letters to the United Nations, researched the Internet about mind control weapons and acquired lots of good information. I have found many victims all over the world who were going through the same nightmarish life as me.
After 2006, I more intensely researched mind control and directed-energy weapons. I kept in touch with other victims and exposed mind control and directed-energy technologies torturing and harassing me through many channels worldwide. I and others in my network have written countless letters to government departments, social communities, human rights organizations, the media and the general public. But they did not get any help to stop the alleged human rights violation.
I have also sent letters to and wishes to file lawsuits against the government who has covered up mind control weapons abuses and tortures.
I and other victims have started a concerted campaign against secret mind control weapons/directed energy weapons abuse and torture. We are demanding an international investigation into these crimes which constitute immense violations of the United Nations` Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
3- Who are some of your mentors that have help you along the way?
I found helpers on the internet since 2006, at first, few of them, later, hundreds of them. I could only write about a few of them here:
4- What Key quality do you believe that all successful people share?
Uphold the truth and justice. (Let God led your direction)
A goal, never give up for your goal, Sharing and cooperating
5- Tell us about some of the projects you are working on now?
We work together to urge government to investigate the covert use of mind control technologies all over the world.
We work together to file everyone`s lawsuit with European Court of Human Rights.
We work together to bring evidences to International Criminal Court, and urge United Nations to investigate such horrible crimes.
We educate the public about the abuses and tortures of mind control technologies.
6- Tell us a little bit more about Mind control technologies?
Mind control technologies are weapons which use drugs, electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual`s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.
The development of mind control methods and technologies has a long history.
Nazi researchers used concentration camp inmates to test a cocaine-based "wonder drug" they hoped would enhance the performance of German troops.
There is an overwhelming body of evidence that confirms the existence of Mk-ultra, America`s Central Intelligence Agency mind control project.
Many Researchers, using nanotechnologies have developed implantable electronic chips that establish new nerve connections in the parts of the brain that control movement or even alter emotion and thought.
In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of Voice to Skull is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports. Many mind control victims also have claimed to be harassed by Voice to Skull technologies.
It is possible nowadays to read someone`s mind by remotely measuring their brain activity, researchers have shown. This technique can even extract information from individuals that they are unaware of themselves.
It is sometimes hard for victims to find evidence of microwave or electromagnetic mind control technology. However, some news articles are starting to report the development of government mind control weapons.
Microwave or electromagnetic mind control technology, even can attack you through satellites; or through TV, Mobile transmission Towers. Patents also indicate the existence of mind control technologies.
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7- What is the most important lesson you`ve learned from your career?
Being a victim of mind control technologies, under horrible nightmare every day, the most important lesson I have learned is that:
If your thoughts are controlled, you still can act right. The Bible teaches us how to act right, the laws teach us how to act right.
If your emotion and your behavior are controlled, you still can have faith.
8-If you could change one thing in world, what would it be?
God gave us freedom. We do what is right and just and fair.
9- What advice do you have for a young person who wants to follow in your footsteps?
Have faith/belief, and never give up following your steps.
10-What is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to you?
Keeping faith in God, I finally found that God has a big plan to me.
God let me learn how to be a good soldier during the hard times, and to fight against evil abuses and tortures of mind control technologies.
12- How can people find out more about you and Mind control technologies?
I have created, it is a community of diversity and is open to receive new members from all cultural backgrounds. All members are free to give their own opinions; all opinions are respected and appreciated.
I also can be reached at email: or
Soleilmavis Liu fights against mind control weapons
by Sofia Smith
22 Oct 2011
Soleilmavis Liu’s life story is a sad but inspiring one. It’s an inspiration for all those victims of “mind control weapons’ abuses who are suffering in silence. Soleilmavis Liu suffered and tormented under the fascists groups who used mind control weapons to harass her in the cruelest way possible. Liu suffered from many kinds of terrible diseases for which she was unable to sleep and breathe properly. Her thinking was even imprisoned and taken under control for which she was powerless to think properly. Every possible attempt was made to insult her dignity and crush her personality. Even though she tried to raise her voice against this persecution however she could not find any helping hand which could take her out from the ongoing torture.
In her trying times, God gave her the strength to overlook the darkness, see the most beautiful things and made her feel that He is nearby. His presence was felt by her in the most beautiful way when once she was sitting by the window with a heavy heart. The clear sky was all of a sudden filled with cloud and rain. At that time she realized that God is with her in her times of distress. When she was crying, God was also crying. At another time, she was sitting on the sea-shore and her eyes fall on a half-dried rose. She prayed to God for want of that rose. Her prayer was answered and it rained the whole evening. The next morning she saw the dried-rose blooming and two crystal-clear raindrops on its leaf. It shows that God’s blessings are always with us even though we may not realize it at times. As Liu is rewarded with highest blessings when she kept her patience and indulges in good things.
Soleilmavis Liu spent more time amidst nature taking a lot of pictures of flowers and insects. This widened her knowledge regarding these creatures and she discovered some amazing facts about these miniature creatures. She planted all kinds of vegetables and seeds in the garden and watched them grow and beautifully cover the entire garden.Liu also encountered with many kind persons during her upsetting days that helped her in every possible ways, who tried their best to expose the tormenters. They stand with her in days of distress and encourage her to go on with her work.
However, one pillar of strength that was always by her side no matter whatever the situation is her mother. Her mom was her Angel. Her Mom and Dad both looked after her and did their best to protect her from any kind of harm. Liu’s Mom played the role of a physician, nurse, butler, nutritionist, chef, psychological doctor and welfare agency, in her life and did her utmost to give her child comfort and love. Nevertheless, Mom and Dad were unaware of the fact that Liu was a victim of mind control weapons. Her Mom supported her when she decided to do business and encouraged her with all the positive vibes.
Soleilmavis Liu has finally decided to raise her voice against the torturers. A lot of ‘mind control weapon” victims have died without getting justice. However their justice will be delivered when Soleilmavis Liu’s fight against these torturers will see the light of the day. Liu has filed her lawsuit against these abusers and waiting for the day when righteousness will prevail.
An interview with Soleilmavis Liu,
A Radio interview with Soleilmavis Liu
Stories about Soleilmavis Liu
The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:
I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong
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Life of Soleilmavis in Brief Summary
Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures
I wish to file my lawsuits to against government who covered such horrible mind control weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons) abuses and tortures.
Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.
The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, is a strong and well-reasoned piece to demonstrate whom the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of detailed historical data and facts. It lets the readers understand where the Ends of the Earth are, how the Queen of the South comes from the Ends of the Earth, how she can be greater than Solomon, and what the judgment is etc. Readers will understand God’s big plan about the Queen of the South by answering all these questions.
More information about the book, please visit:
If we really want to go on the offensive, i suggest we gather our strength and numbers and focus our attacks on the "Neighborhood Watch" because those guys are our main adversaries and they are the ones doing the grunt work and harassment.
We gotta find a way and means to bring to the public eye and into the limelight of the REAL PURPOSE of the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH which is to mess with people on a black list.
I notice there are a lot of perps on this site spamming people and people that are disinformants. oh well . . .
In order to figure out what they really believe in, we have to chart the current standing of society and the morals that it operates by as well as where it's going by these morals.
We can then infer what their morals are, their agenda and what they believe in.
I know this may not interest the majority of you, but some of you are probably trying to figure out how to fight them to survive.
Beck loves to say that we don't know, but he's only one ideology set.
Nano Augmentation: A Reality!
A cyberbrain is a set of implants which wire one’s brains directly with a computer network.
A human brain is made out of hundreds of billions of brain cells and hundreds of trillions of connections between them.
A single cell, a ‘neuron’, has threads connecting it to other neurons, enabling electrical impulses to travel through. ‘Dendrites’ are the threads which are usually accepting the impulses, and the long ‘axon’ usually forwards them.
Depending on the chemical transmitters present, the signal is altered – each connection has a ‘weight’ by which it modifies the strength of the impulse.
Human intelligence emerges from the grand dance of impulses in the human brain. It also shows a kind of persistency, memories formed by the ‘weights’ of the connections.
(As of yet, this is only a single level of operation in the human brain. The complexity of the human brain eludes formal science.)
This level (the neural network level) can be simulated by mathematical formulae and their application in computer technology.
From here on, it doesn’t require too much a stretch of imagination to envision an interface between the network of the human brain and artificially created computer networks.
What will be the implications of such an interface?
The experience of “Artificial Telepathy” is really not that extraordinary. It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.
Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.
Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as “artificial telepathy”.
Now, if artificial telepathy were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the room from one other, it might be kind of cool. One could talk back and forth with one’s friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one’s voice or mouth. It’s a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.
The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.
When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon…
Nano Augmentation: A Reality!
Complete Introduction in Establishing Augmentation & Communication Process Through Artificial Nano Implant Digital Circuit Interface
One great scientific innovation lies in two of the most happening branches of Science, Nanotechnology and Augmentation Technology. Augmentation means connecting the physical world with the digital one in real time. However, the ongoing problem with the augmentation world is that no real time interface exists that can effectively bridge the gap between the physical world and the digital world. The current interface are mostly bulky (head mounts) or destructible (Ipad). They also don’t allow complete freedom of manipulation of the physical data and has considerable time lag in the digital world. To address this, Nano Technology comes into picture. Nano Technology allows us to create new sub atomic materials by manipulating matter the size of 1-100 nm. What is proposed here is implantation of Nano Augmentation, digital hardware the size of nanometers, manufactured with the help of Nano Technology. With Quantum mechanics at play, Nano Particles serve as perfect interface between the physical and the digital worlds. These Nano Implants can be then hardwired directly into human brain or nerve cells, hence forth making the time lag negligible. With advancement in laser surgery, it’s plausible to think of nano surgeries. Furthermore, with instructions hard coded into the nano implants, these nano augmentations can ease up significant number of human needs. A brain augmented person, for example, can have perfect memory retentive capacity, the ability to share information on the fly and the ability to process the physical world in cybernetic conception. Information exchange would increase significantly, as all people would be connected in the digital world. Concluding, we can say that even with the sheer risks involved, the endless possibilities poised by Nano Augmentation as an interface cant be ignored. It would completely change the standard of living, with the profound information exchange making the global village even smaller.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~A. Clarke
Mr. Clarke was perhaps very right in these words. We live in a world where magic exists, thanks to the ongoing technological revolution. One such technological innovation lies in perhaps two of the most happening branches of Science, The Nanotechnology and the Augmentation Technology.
Augmentation here has broad meaning, but processing the word in the scientific sense, it means modulating the Physical world with which we interact and moulding it with cyber interface. Speaking more specifically, augmenting means connecting the physical world and the digital world real time. Augmentation is generally achieved by Interfaces, such as head mounted displays, to connect the digital world and the physical world.
Nanotechnology is defined as the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale (on the size of 1 to 100 nm). Broader sense again, we can actually manufacture hardwares the size of nanometers by manipulation of atoms and electrons. With Quantum mechanics at play, the implications of Nano Tech is huge. We can create new atomic level materials that can have effect on every conceivable genre of Science and Technology, especially medicines. But perhaps the most exciting aspect about nano technology is that it can help us bridge the gap between biology and hardware, as nano hardware can easily act as implants due to it’s sheer small size.
Hence forth, we can define Nano Augmentation as those nano hardwares or implants that can allow us to perceive the digital world in an augmented format. It allows us to conceive the cyber reality in real time and be digitally connected 24X7. Nano Implants blurs the boundaries between the physical and the digital world. It replaces the traditional existing interface, for example Ipad or 3D display, that is generally used for creating the cyber reality
Need: Problems with Existing Interface:
Although several attempts have been made to bridge the gap between the physical world and the digital world, it’s the interface which has always poised a problem. The existing interface has numerous problems that warrant a potential shift to nano implants.
- Bulky: The existing interface that offers a near about virtual reality experience are huge in size. Their bulkiness makes them an unnecessary factor in the augmentation experience.
- Destructible: Many such interfaces are destructive in nature, or can be easily misplaced or harmed. Their tendency to attract easy physical damage creates a problematic scenario.
- Time Delay: The existing interfaces, though offers near about complete augmentation experience, are severely limited by the delay in establishing connection between the physical and the cyber world. This delay hampers the ability of interfaces to attenuate the physical world event at exactly the same time in the cyber world, and vice versa.
- Incomplete: The interface never offers the complete augmentation experience, i.e the ability to perceive the cyber reality and the physical world, modifying it on the fly. They are limited to the simple commands.
- Complicated: The interface takes lots of time to set up the augmentation process. Additionally, they create lots of unnecessary hassles in establishing control.
- Dangerous: Current implants are mainly composed of electrodes, chiefly, 500 microns thick (5 times human hair). Additionally, they consist of several sharp electrodes, which pose the danger of brain damages. Also, even if there are no implants, the traditional interface always pose a danger, be it hardware failure or bodily harm through improper electric insulation.
The Idea: Nano Augmentation
Redefining the Nano Augmentation word, they are the nano implants that replace the existing problematic interface, and serve as the new upgraded interface with many added functionalities. Using the concept of Nano Biology, they can also act as cell replacements in the near future.
A Nano implant is generally manufactured from inorganic materials such as silicon or germanium with the help of nano technology. They consist of Power supply, Communicator module, Chemical synthesizers, Nucleus probe with sensors and mechanical effectors and a virus detector/eliminator. The functionality of the implants are hard coded into them.
These nano implants are then surgically placed into the required body parts. The bottom line here lies in establishing a clear communication link between human nerves and the implant’s communicator module. These communications are enhanced usingpartially invasive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) methods or Biosensors. Partially invasive BCI means that the implants are not inserted into the brain or the said body part, instead, the implants are just glazed into the surface of the brain or the said body part. Hence forth, it is necessary that the implant must depict an almost artificial neuron behavior, as for real time communication process it is mandatory to instigate an artificial immune & communication system. That’s because it’s our body’s immune system that acts as an interface between the human thought process and the neurons. We seek to inject this natural interface with our artificial one, so as to grasp the human thought process and transform it into digital commands via Nano Implants. Hence forth, the nano implants, at it’s basic, must depict artificial neuron behavior as far as possible.
The communication process of body and hardware would happen between the tendrils of human neurons and the implants, much like the neurons interact with other cells. Nerve signals generated by action potentials and electrical energies generated by brain cortex, or specific area of brains would be detected by Bio sensors, and then transferred to the Communication module inside the nano implants for feedback. The implants would generate a similar target signal to interact with the human body. Broadly speaking again, a similiar kind of interface would be formed between human thought and artificial implants, much as the interface that is formed between human thought and neurons.
Once the implants are in place, they are activated to connect digitally with the cyber world. Here, the communication process with the global net happens with the help ofWi-Fi, or more specifically, Radio Waves. Hence, a proper interface is established between the cyber world, the physical world and the human body.
Communication Process:
Given above is communication process that happens between Nano Implant and the VR application. The connected implant picks up the EM signatures or signals generated from the brain cortex or target dendrite. These electrical signals are then digitized, processed in real time, translated to the application signal and then finally, the signal commands are transferred to the said VR application via Wi-Fi in the form of Radio waves. The reverse happens in case we want a feedback from the VR application. The received Wi-Fi or radio wave signal is converted into the electrical form, and then fired back into the neurotic network or the targetted dendrite via Implant’s Communication Module. Henceforth, a two way connecton is established almost seamlessly.
Given above is the core circuit design for the nano Implant. The above pic is the nobel prize winning Hodgkin–Huxley model which accurately depicts the action potential of a neuron. Basically, it is a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations that approximates the electrical characteristics of excitable cells such as neurons and cardiac myocytes. The lipid bilayer is represented as a capacitance (Cm). Voltage-gated and leak ion channels are represented by nonlinear (gn) and linear (gL) conductances, respectively. The electrochemical gradients driving the flow of ions are represented bybatteries (E), and ion pumps and exchangers are represented by current sources (Ip). We can use this model as the core circuitary for the nano implants. The simplfied equations in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model would further ease the process of creating the digital nano circuit. Bottom line, Hodgkin-Huxley model acts as the partial blueprint towards creation of artificial neuron circuits in the form of nano implants. The equation would read as:
- is the membrane potential,is a recovery variable,
- is the magnitude of stimulus current.
The existing Hodgkin-Huxley model has been extended a lot since it’s inception, but we must note that at it’s core, the model would serve it’s purpose. What is meant is that by expanding and extending the Hodgin-Huxley model, we can create or recreate a suitable Nano Implant digital model. Most notable in this regard is the Cable Theory model, where the existing model is depicted as as a cylindrical structure undergoing a regular pattern of bifurcation, with total output conductance given as: Henceforth, creating the digital circuitry wont be much of a hassle.
Now we discuss the equations once the artificial implants are in place with the natural neuron circuit. For a given artificial neuron, let there be m + 1 inputs with signals x0through xm and weights w0 through wm. Usually, the x0 input is assigned the value +1, which makes it a biasinput
Hence we can see, the output behavior is analogous to a natural axon circuit of a human neuron. Its value propagates to input of the next layer, through a synapse. It may also exit the system, possibly as part of an output vector. Broadly speaking, the output of the kth neuron, in this case our artificial implant, would be analogous to the output of the kth natural neuron in the complicated dendrite circuit. Henceforth, we would take inputs from several targetted dendrites, and calculate the output of the artificial implant using the given equation, faciliating our knowledge of the output voltage generated in the Hodgin-Huxley model or the reimagined Nano Implant digital circuit.
The above pic approximately denotes the nano electrode which we would use for the partially invasive BCI process. As explained before, we wont be fitting the implants directly into human brain, as that would prove to be very dangerous to the brain in case hardware failure happens. Henceforth, we would need electrodes to extract the signals generated from the human neurons. To faciliate this process, we would need nano electrodes. The entire implant except the electrodes would be properly insulated to prevent any kind of electrical leakage. The electrodes itself would be made of gold as molecular pharmacologist Roberta Brinton has discovered that neurons adhere better to gold than to other substances.
Even after we create the nano implant, we would need the functionality hard coded into them. For that purpose, we would need an algorithm to program the digital implants in depiciting the artificial neuron behavior. The following is a simple pseudocode implementation of a single step function of a neuron. It takes boolean inputs (true or false), and returns a single boolean output when activated. An object-oriented model is used. If a purely functional model were used, the class TLU below would be replaced with a function TLU with input parameters threshold, weights, and inputs that returned a boolean value.
In quite a similiar fashion that we would apply to Hodgkin-Huxley model, we could modify this algorithm to serve our purpose in coding the functionality of the artificial nano implant. The coding itself would be done is processor language. But at the core would lie this algorithm which accurately depicts the step function of a neuron.
Advantages and New Problems:
The need to shift to new Nano Interface can be argued by the sheer number of advantages it offers. It completely rectifies the many defects of the existing bulky interfaces. Owing to their very tiny size, the bulkiness factor is immediately rectified. Secondary, with instructions hard coded into the implants, no scope of any kind of tampering arises with the implants. Since these are natural implants, they would be a medical ease to fit by, kind of similar to the establishment of prosthetic limb (which is a medical ease nowadays). Also, since these implants would be in direct synchronous with human body, no factor of any time delay can arise. They would also be superior to the traditional implants in every aspect, posing no danger to the brain or organs whatsoever due to the very tiny size of the electrodes.
However, certain problems do arise. Chief among them is the Surgical process itself. Will it survive? The answer to this rhetorical question lies in the fact that recentadvancements in Laser Surgery and their applications have simplified the process. So implantation wouldn’t be much of a hassle. Much complicated implantations have been done with Prosthesis in this regard. Critics here might circumvent to Hardware failures. But hardware failure is a thing acknowledged by all engineers as unavoidable (Murphy’s Law). We can though, reduce the damages posed. The implants can be made as such tomelt under certain set of chemicals, posing no damage. These chemicals can be artifically taken in the form of medicinal pills. Furthermore, the implants would disconnect with human body in a similar fashion as a cell dies and a switch is offed. Another thing might circumvent towards the sheer information overload due to the 24X7 connection. However, just like we choose what to see or download from the internet, we could control the information exchange in quite the same fashion. Plausible Radio Wave damages might again pose a problem. However, no solid proof has been yet known to the engineers that radio waves damages human cells. Furthermore, multiplexing technique (dividing the simultaneous frequency transmission into different spectrum range) can altogether remove the little bit of risks involved.
Typical Augmented Case Study
A brain augmented person would have revolutionary advantages over the existing humans. Perfect memory retentive capacity, the ability to store memory in another body if the current one retires and the ability to process the physical world in cybernetic conception are among some of the innovative features that could be implemented by the use of implants. Typical example of a memory augmented person would be a being who wakes up in the morning, has all his appointments and schedules flashed right before his eyes (via visual implants if need be), would download all the news or information directly into his augmented memory and everything he needs to know or remember would be flashed before his eyes in a matter of seconds. Ofcourse, his organic brain would be unharmed, as the organic brain is the receiver of all the augmented output the person perceives. Visual Augmentation yields even more possibilities, the ability to know the likes and dislikes about a person (similar to a facebook profile, only digital) in real time, the ability to download the information of, say a tourist building, in a flash, ability to see clearly in the dark with inbuilt night sensors and many others. Physical augmentation would allow a person to directly link himself with the cybernetic interface (ranging from anything like an advanced public directory or a super computer) and seek and process the information in real time. The world would change as we know it, with the boundaries between the cyber world and physical world being blurred.
Concluding on, we can say that even with the sheer risks involved, the endless possibilities poised by Nano Augmentation couldn’t be ignored. It addresses the current bulky problems posed by traditional interface, and adds much needed functionalities.Implants would communicate directly with human nerves with the help of bio sensors and direct targeting of human cortex, making it one of the fastest implants. Some problems might arise, especially in the means of Information Overflow and Hardware Control. However none of them are problems that cant be addressed.
Nano Augmentation would completely change the standard of living, with the sheer information exchange making the global village even smaller. It would connect us in unison and perhaps erase the political boundaries altogether. With Nano Technology and Digital Augmentation being the newest technological rage, it’s only imperative that the combined usage of Nano Augmentation would perhaps be the most fruitful discovery of our times.
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And :
Magnus Olsson (Sweden)
So the majority of humans seem to think that they are better than others, and this causes the crazy ones to have a leg up because humans will do stupid things to each other to prove that they are superior. It's like, you're real special kid. I'm sure you'll save humanity or make your leader give you a lollipop. Or they'll save you from the death ray this time but your whole family that you need dies.
Miss Rose -- Now I won't ever do it. :P Like I could anyway with the system. Could you make me anymore desperate, honestly?
This only lasts so long though. Hearts get broken, dreams shattered. Systems become unbalanced.
We'll eventually get a culture against the dictator. He can only steal for so long before it becomes about rough survival.
Humans are naturally social and interact with one another. This interaction causes them to need each other in ways that aren't readily apparent. Humans also have to have basic human rights to survive.
When they get desperate, they start taking these rights away and the humans wake up.
In the end, the snake eyes needs us; we don't need the snake eyes.
Other cultures have figured this out and have rules that we see as ancient, but they're there for a reason.
Stay within the word limit, think locally and don't call names.
By Katie Litvin
Every month, the typical small-town newspaper editor receives hundreds or even thousands of letters from readers.
Still, many are unprintable either because they are too long, too confusing or just plain offensive.
That means it's not that hard to get your letter published, provided you follow a few simple rules.
Here are a few tips to better your chances:
What to Do:
* Stay within the word limit. Each newspaper has a set limit on how long published letters are allowed to be, so check the limit before you start writing. The Beaverton Valley Times in Oregon, for example, asks for 300 words or fewer, while The Citizen in Auburn, New York, has a limit of 400 words.
The Pantagraph in Illinois allows even fewer words, explained opinion editor Lenore Sobota.
"We have a 250-word limit, because we don't have enough room to print all the letters we receive. [The word limit] gives more people the opportunity to get their letter published," she said.
* Think Locally. Small papers focus on local news, so you should address issues concerning residents of your town specifically.
"We want local topics. That's one mistake people make, writing about something happening in Mexico or Venezuela that doesn't really affect our readership," said Michael Dowd, the managing editor of The Citizen in Auburn, NY. "We're looking for local people writing about local topics."
It also helps if you're also local. Sobota said the Pantagraph only prints letters from people who live in the paper's circulation area.
* Sign Your Name and Number. Include your contact information for follow-up questions from the editor.
"We contact every letter writer by phone to determine to the best of our best ability if they're the person who wrote it," Dowd said.
For each letter to the editor to The Citizen, he requires a signature, the author's hometown, and phone number.
* Write about positive issues in the community from time to time. Even though they're used to getting a lot of negative mail, editors like to see a nice word from time to time.
"We also publish 'thank you' (letters) especially if they are about a non-profit organization who has done something positive for the community." said Tish Flattery, the news assistant at The Waterloo/Cedar Falls Daily Courier in Iowa.
Preparing for a News Interview
A newspaper reporter has just called you to schedule a mid-afternoon interview for tomorrow's newspaper. What do you do? Well, the information that follows will help you decide what to do and give you tips on how to do it. This fact sheet discusses strategies to help you succeed in presenting yourself in an interview for television, radio or print.
Many people assume that being interviewed is as simple as walking into an office or studio and waiting for a reporter or interviewer to ask questions. However, if you are not fully prepared, both in terms of the content of your presentation and the process -- what to expect during an interview -- being interviewed can be a frightening experience. Conversely, if you know your material and feel confident about your ability and appearance, an interview can be a rewarding and enjoyable endeavor.
General Interview Guidelines
The following recommendations are general hints that will give you the tools you need to succeed in most interviews. Going through these steps in a mock news interview setting will help you prepare for the "real thing." (A mock news interview is when someone acts as a reporter and asks you questions that a "real" reporter would ask. You may wish to videotape the mock interview so you can review and critique your performance.) The interview skills described in this section pertain to all forms of media unless otherwise noted at the end of the sentence.
Prepare two to three ideas you want to convey. These are your communication points, the three most important issues or points you hope to address and get across to the reporter during the interview.
Make alist of the questions you anticipate being asked. Anticipate issues and questions that may arise during the interview, and be prepared to use those issues to launch your communication points.
Know your subject matter well.
Have your best answers ready.
Make short, simple, and specific statements.
Explain your most important point first.
Don't stray from the topic.
Summarize and then elaborate. (Example: "We have the best organization in the area because our volunteers really care. Let me explain what I mean...")
Answering questions
Pause after complete statements. The interviewer will appreciate these breaks during the editing process (radio and TV).
When you think you've answered a question adequately, don't feel compelled to keep talking simply because the interviewer has a microphone up to your mouth. If you're satisfied with your answer, sit in silence. Rambling leads you to say the wrong thing.
Do not say the reporter's name in the middle of a sentence; do not use phrases like "as I explained earlier." Example: "We got all of our information in March 1995, John, and as I explainedearlier, this will back up our first estimates." The reporter's name and the phrase will be difficult to edit. Also, viewers may not know what you and the reporter have discussed previously, and may not understand what you are referring to (radio and TV).
Think before you speak. Avoid fillers such as uh, ah, well, yeah, and you know (radio and TV).
Respond to negative questions with positive responses.
Always tell the truth. Your credibility is crucial.
Avoid "off the record." If you say something to a reporter, expect that it will end up in print. If you don't want it printed, don't say it.
Avoid "no comment" answers. It sounds as if you have something to hide.
Try these yourself --
Determine your communication points. What three ideas do you want to get across to the reporter?
List some possible questions a reporter might ask. Be sure to prepare answers to these questions.
Ask a friend to interview you, and videotape the mock news interview. Analyze it for strengths in your presentation and areas you need to improve.
As many of you know, on Sunday morning, October 2, (and yes this is historical for our community), Gilmar left his apartment in Las Vegas heading out on foot for the Brazilian Consulate in Los Angeles hoping to raise awareness of our plight along the way. At this time he's starting to enter the Mojave Desert after having left a town called Primm, Nevada a while back, which is at the Nevada/California border.
We are hoping that some TI's in the area would be able to greet him if just for a short time. It would really mean a lot. Hopefully someone who could make sure he had water and other refreshments for the journey. What would really be great is someone with a camcorder who could interview him and upload the video to YouTube or facebook.
Generally, he's very happy and carefree, although when he gets to some of the towns along the way, there is stalking activity. Earlier today, he had planned to go by this one store he knew about to have them make him some signs. But when he got there, the guy told him he couldn't make them for him because some people were causing trouble for him. So Gilmar went on and made do with what he had.
He was also stopped by a few pairs of Highway Patrol officers, including one group who questioned him and almost kept him from entering the Mojave. They finally saw that he was a peaceful person and let him continue on his way.
The last group that stopped him didn't give him a lot of trouble, though, particularly after he showed them his sign which reads "STOP Electronic Harassment!" He explained "I'm on a peaceful journey. You can call me crazy or whatever and I know that you know what this is." The officers looked at each other and smiled. Then they told him "you are a very strong man. Continue on your way. We'll radio ahead and tell the others not to bother you." So he's on his way again. Not even to be deterred by the torrential rain he's experiencing at the moment.
If there happen to be any TI's in the vicinity - Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Barstow, Victorville - feel free to call him or come by. The extra lift and support would mean a lot.
Gilmar Vicentini
So not that anyone cares, but I was hit by cyanide. They did it a few times, and I didn't know what cyanide was, so one time I let them do it--because I had nowhere to go and ran out of money running from them, and it killed me, but I came back because luckily hydrogen cyanide really isn't a big deal. I get a little dizzy, and my brain is messed up now. It's getting better.
It's like cyanide with an orgasm. It's quite painful. He's got his machine up there on his Mellow Gold album.
They're killing useless eaters apparently, but they don't want me to get in on their good. I'm between a rock and a hard place. I want them all to suffer with me. Open up the camps. We'll see what Beck is saying then. I want to see your eyes all hopeless and stuff. I need the sky and that's about it, but I'm still a little weak for hard labor.
If they would use their knowledge properly, they could find out how to time things to where you could get the waitress to give me a packet that you planted, but they don't want to be cool. Useless eaters.
Cyanide is like the most painful way to go. Those people really suffer as they go. There are agents that are 100Xs faster and better to use on someone.
I just got back from vacation in China, Macau and Hong Kong and they are definitely NWO turf. On board the Cathay Air and the Dragon Air Airline from hong kong to beijing and back, the plane PA kept mentioning the "one world alliance"-- which is NWO?
Yeah and my perps from California followed me all the way to China and Hong Kong-- from my hometown in Southern California, probably mobilized half if not all of the neighborhood watch perps in my hometown to stalk me in China and Hong Kong! and i recognized some of them. They staged conversations to make me paranoid and the group that i take the beijing tour with were all perps on my block! California is supposed to be broke and the government is willing to pay for all my local perps to stalk and harrass me in China? Those perps can't be paying for themselves for the trip and airfare and hotel fees. My perps from california work in unison with the perps in hong kong and china to "mess" with me with stage conversations, intimidation by coughing or mentioning about triads or threats of violence via street theater or staged conversations but it didn't bother me a bit because i use critical thinking and logic which i learn from college and my collective knowledge of the neighborhood watch, gang stalking and their harrassment and mind game tactics i read online or learned from my italian elderly man neighbor perp in new york and i survived!
They would stage conversations talking about someone mental but that didn't get to me because i am not mental
Then they would talk about someone being a pervert or being old or look ugly but that didn't work on me because i am not a pervert and i am not that old and i am definitely not ugly and they were angry i was good looking, youthful and in good shape physically and mentally, heck i was still an aspiring model, musician and actor during my new york days just a year ago and i still look pretty hot and even some perps acknowledge my attractiveness! Some perps were hitting on me but i spoke up loud with a cough that i don't date ugly chinese women! and they were offended and said i was stuck up and had an attitude problem.
Near the end some perps would talk about the triads and about knowing some guy that got out of prison or about killing or mutulating someone but that didn't get to me either because i am not afriad, i am an American citizen and if i was harmed it would be on the news and my family and friends would look into this and my god brother is a fed and my relatives are upper middle class white collar people who i am very close to.
In the end this is what i realize, it is all mind games, don't let the perps or their stupid harrassment tactics get to you. they are trying to make us TIs lash out or become unstable and destroy our relations with our friends and family to isolate us and get us to commit suicide-- so don't give in! There is nothing they can do to you.
and about character defamation-- a quarter of the world (in my city too) are in the neighborhood watch and the cops involved in the neighborhood watch are in on this. neighborhood watch perps are in every profession and field. so about character defamation-- it is just staged conversation and street theater between perps in your favorite restuarant, hangout, church, etc.. to break your spirit-- because there is no character defamation! the perps are paid to mess with us and they are made to appear to talk smack about us in places we frequently visit; it is staged; kinda like preaching to the choir, so no worries :)
Keep strong, stay healthy, exercise, meditate, maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, keep good relations with your family and friends at best, and live life as best as you can because it is just mind games!
Office workplace mobbing? forget about it! it is just staged by the perps in our workplace via street theater and staged conversation and if your boss mentioned the police is investigating you, just ask you boss to come with you to the local police station and ask about it-- that'll prove it is all b.s.
53 was a number sprayed on both a poverty add and an abandoned house of a billionaire that was housing poor people that had settled in.
13 is in several TV shows on what appears to be disorganized peoples' clothing. These people are obviously disabled. They are made out to be the losers. I think one example was "The Kids Next Door" or something.
3 seems to follow along workers.
Now I know that there are hundreds of subliminal messages out there. I heard "you're right!" after a commercial for hair care where the girl said that it looked good. She wants me to agree. I can't help but think that these messages are as harmful as they are helpful. People will use them to create other ends. We begin to associate things with them. Thoughts make things.
Do you notice subliminal messages? Do they not just drive you up the wall? Do you think they target us with them? Do you ever feel like there's a 13 haunting you?
"you're wrong."
Il progetto Mk-Ultra fu ordinato dal direttore della CIA Allen Dulles il 13 aprile 1953, al fine di contrastare gli studi russi, cinesi e coreani sul cosiddetto controllo mentale (mind control), ovvero sul controllo della psiche delle persone. Questa tecnica poteva portare numerosi vantaggi per gli USA, come ad esempio la creazione di assassini inconsapevoli o il controllo di leader stranieri scomodi
(come ad esempio Fidel Castro).
MK-ULTRA: ieri ed oggi
L'MK-ULTRA, programma post-bellico anglo-americano per il controllo mentale, ebbe in Donald Ewen Cameron il suo personaggio più famoso. Addestratosi all'Ospedale Mentale Reale di Glawgow sotto la guida di Sir David Henderson, Cameron fondò la branchia canadese della Federazione Mondiale per la Salute Mentale presieduta dal suo amico Rees. Inoltre diventò presidente dell'Associazione Psichiatrica Canadese, dell'Associazione Psichiatrica Americana (APA) e dell'Associazione Psichiatrica Mondiale. Giunse improvvisamente alla notorietà quando alcuni sopravvissuti ai suoi esperimenti denunciarono la CIA, che era la finanziatrice delle attività di Cameron, la quale pagò cifre milionarie in transazioni extra-giudiziarie pur di far tacere i denuncianti, contando anche sul fatto che i sopravvissuti agli esperimenti di Cameron erano oggettivamente pochi, essendo la maggior parte deceduta a causa degli esperimenti stessi. A seguito delle indagini compiute sia dalla Commissione Senatoriale istituita nel 1975 dal presidente Gerald Ford che da reporter indipendenti, si scoprì che Cameron somministrava alle sue vittime droghe e farmaci per farle dormire per settimane intere, svegliandole giornalmente solo per sottoporle a scariche di elettroshock al cervello. Per fare ciò utilizzava il metodo di Page-Russel che consisteva nell'immobilizzare il paziente e somministrargli una scarica iniziale di un secondo, quindi da cinque a nove scariche ulteriori. Cameron, però, aumentò il voltaggio previsto e portò la batteria di scariche da una a due e perfino tre volte al giorno. I malcapitati pazienti persero la memoria, chi parzialmente chi in modo totale, alcuni persero anche la capacità di controllare le funzioni corporee e, in certi casi, la capacità di parlare. Fu accertato che almeno una paziente fu ridotta quasi allo stato vegetale, quindi Cameron le asportò chirurgicamente i centri cognitivi del cervello riuscendo a mantenerla in vita.
Programma "Monarch"
Secondo questo inquietante rapporto, coloro che sono sopravvissuti al programma "Monarch" di controllo mentale affermano di essere stati usati come schiavi ad alta tecnologia da funzionari di intelligence e politici di massimo livello.
La schiavitù ad alta tecnologia è viva e vegeta sul pianeta Terra. Sin dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale, quando il Progetto "Paperclip" del Governo degli Stati Uniti promosse la risistemazione di circa 2.000 nazisti d'alto livello sul territorio nazionale, la tecnologia di programmazione del controllo mentale è avanzata rapidamente. Fritz Springmeier e Cisco wheeler, nel loro libro "The Illuminati Formula used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave" (la formula degli Illuminati utilizzata per creare uno schiavo sotto totale controllo mentale non ndividuabile, ndt) scrivono "I tedeschi sotto il regime nazista iniziarono a svolgere delle serie ricerche sul controllo mentale indotto-da-trauma; col sostegno dell'Istituto medico Kaiser Wilhelm di Berlino, Josef Mengele condusse ricerche sul controllo mentale a scapito di migliaia di gemelli e migliaia di altre sventurate vittime."
Mengele, conosciuto col soprannome di "Angelo della Morte", era uno dei circa 900 scienziati militari e ricercatori medici fatti riparare segretamente negli Stati Uniti, dove egli proseguì la sua 'ricerca' ed addestrò altri nelle truci arti del controllo mentale. Tale lavoro sulla manipolazione del comportamento venne in seguito incorporato nei progetti della CIA bluebird e Artichoke che, nel 1953, divennero il famigerato MKULTRA . La CIA sostiene che tali programmi furono abbandonati, ma non esiste alcuna prova credibile che "la ricerca del candidato della Manciuria (Manchurian candidate, il titolo dell'esaustivo libro di John Marks) si sia mai interrotta."
1. ALPHA - This is considered "regular programming." This is actually what would be considered a "base Personality" control. The original purpose of Alpha was to program (train/condition the mind through torture) of the espionage agent to perform certain difficult tasks. This program also locks in photographic memory, improves physical strength up to 5 times, and visual acuity is radically improved to 40 times normal limits, along with a host of other super-human traits. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victim's personality, which in essence causes a left brain right brain division allowing for a programmed union of L and R through neuron pathway stimulations and you've got . a person who can now utilize both sides of his/her brain for any simple task.
2. BETA -This is a combination of Alpha ; "logic" programming and Beta primordial (primitive mind) sex programming. This programming eliminates learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instincts devoid of inhibitions. This training Program (usually for women) is for developing the "ultimate prostitute"...a sex machine. This is the most used (by the abusers knowledgeable of the Project Monarch) program. Children of knowledgeable persons are being preconditioned through incest and "sold" into the conspiracy for additional Beta conditioning to eventually satisfy the bizarre perversions of politicians, bankers, drug lords, or anyone deemed valuable to the conspiracy.
3. DELTA - This program was originally designed to train special agents and espionage agents' minds for becoming fearless terrorists devoid of fear and basic self preservation instincts capable of incredible feats of physical endurance and murder. The new revised edition of Delta has pulled from the Delta program information on training the new breed of man - one who kills and, if caught, self-destructs. This program is now applied to some Beta prostitutes who double as drug protect the identity of their owners if they are caught, they die -of "natural causes."
4. THETA - Psychic programming ...the "exotic one". But not to be confused with the paranormal phenomenon of fortune telling or future forecasting. Those are examples of a magician's craft - while Theta psychic programming was and is the exploration of an unpredictable fact of human science. The initial results of Theta programmed subjects were inconsistent that the Theta project was virtually abandoned before its research completion date. Duke University, North Carolina, among other prominent "institutions", devoted many years to this project with what equated to poor results. It seems that the region of the brain able of transmitting and/or receiving "mental messages" has not yet evolved to a level for dependable communication with any predictable, reliable consistency. The Soviets, however, invested billions of dollars into their version of psychic research and claimed/proved remarkable successes. With the advances in directed energy research. Theta "psychic driving" is obsolete.
But the Theta program "head" was not dead yet. Theta couldn't die because of the Soviet's reported evolved into bio-medical human telemetry and directed target energy involving lasers and/or electromagnetics...the results of which were referred to as "electronic possession". The ultimate challenge for the 21st century exorcist... providing he worked a day job-as a skilled CIA supported Neurosurgeon.
A few years ago, this programming technique involved the surgical implantation of sodium/lithium powered high frequency receiver/ transducers coupled to a multi-range discharge capacitor that when signaled by remote control would electronically stimulate designated parts of the brain to signal the victim to respond according to his/her program. These experiments were only partially successful with a high mortality and paralysis rate. However, the technical mind control equipment evolution would advance to levels well beyond the grasp of any reader. Now it seems that "implants" will eventually become as common in numbers as are the victims of trauma based psychological mind control...but non implanted ,non programmed victims will hold the largest majority...the 1990's version of mind control requires neither implant or program...just computer driven directed energy using microwave anybody can become a target.
La programmazione Monarch è un metodo per il controllo mentale utilizzato da numerose organizzazioni per scopi segreti. Si tratta della prosecuzione del progetto MK-ULTRA, un programma di controllo mentale sviluppato dalla CIA, e testato su militari e civili. I metodi sono incredibilmente sadici (lo scopo principale è quello di traumatizzare la vittima), ed i risultati sono raccapriccianti: la creazione di una schiavo mentalmente controllato, che può essere attivato in qualsiasi momento per eseguire qualsiasi azione richiesta dal gestore (handler).
Mentre i mass media ignorano il problema, oltre 2 milioni di americani hanno subito gli orrori di questa programmazione. Questo articolo esamina le origini della programmazione Monarch, alcuni dei suoi metodi e il simbolismo.
Il MIND KONTROL (MK-ULTRA) e le GANGSTALKING (stalking organizzato) ,non sono altro che una forma di perversione,che demarcano una scienza senza coscienza che tradiscono il vero scopo della scienza e offendono anche il buon senso di Nikola Tesla che in eredità ci ha lasciato la seguente sua massima: «La scienza non è nient'altro che una perversione se non ha come suo fine ultimo il miglioramento delle condizioni dell'umanità.»
Chi mette in atto opere delinquenziali, con tali sistemi su cavie umane ed animali, non è vero scienziato,ma un falso scienziato che và contro una sana onesta e pura ideologia scientifica e rispecchia la psicologia dello scienziato pazzo con un Hýbris sadomasochista e con una psiche deviata e pericolosa.
Essi sono socialmente pericolosi e non socialmente utili al fine ultimo del miglioramento delle condizioni dell'umanità come sostenne Nikola Tesla
La loro utilità e di far divenire inutili, persone socialmente utili con il loro modus operandi socialmente pericoloso.
"Tutti i cittadini devono contribuire al bisogno materiale e/o spirituale della società secondo le proprie possibilità" recita l'articolo 2 della Costituzione italiana, eppure essi attuano tutto il contrario e non permettono a diversi cittadini di mettere in pratica tale articolo e offendono - oltre a Tesla - anche i fondatori della Costituzione italiana.
Questa branca di scienziati fa divenire inutili, persone che nella società moderna sarebbero state molto utili e sono essi stessi degli esseri inutili perchè il loro fine ultimo e atteggiarsi ad esser Dio in Terra e violano deliberatamente la Convenzione di Norimberga.
Persone sveglie,intelligenti e brillanti, che non potevano certo cambiare il mondo,ma migliorarlo a differenza loro.
Scienziati pazzi,attenti a voi,perchè nell'universo,nel macrocosmo e nel microcosmo,siete solo dei granelli di senapa o di sabbia anche se vi paragonate a un Dio. Se il vostro potere è la vostra forza e la vostra forza è il vostro potere,il potere vi ha dato alla testa.Se il vostro volere è avere potere,il vostro potere,non vi farà comprendere di non essere in grado di intendere e di volere.
Nel video che segue a queste mie considerazioni, il Presidente U.S.A. Bill Clinton confessa all'opinione pubblica il progetto mk-ultra e chiede scusa alle vittime,alle famiglie e agli americani.Nella parte finale una donna usata come cavia da laboratorio per tali esperimenti di controllo mentale.La parte finale è terrificante,ma mostra la dura e crusa realtà con immagini registrate dalla stessa equipe di scienziati pazzi che vìolvano la bioetica e la Convenzione di Norimberga che era stata costituita nel 1946 cioè dopo la scoperta di ciò che combinavano i tedeschi nazisti. Gli americani,i russi e altre fazioni hanno deliberatamente vìolato tale Convenzione e tutt'oggi gli esperimenti di controllo mentale proseguono nella totale segretezza. Molte vittime chiamano tale progetto MIND KONTROL 2000, perchè esso è molto più elaborato,artificioso e macchiavellico del prototipo degli anni 50/60.
Gli esprimenti non si sono mai conclusi è questa community non si chiama a caso peacepink Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs.
'Peacepink è un sito web|sito di social networking che si rivolge soprattutto alle vittime globali di gangstalking ossia stalking organizzato,vittime anche di armi ad energia diretta,armi neurologiche,armi elettromagnetiche,armi psicotroniche,armi per fungono per il controllo mentale e che sono un'evoluzione sistematica del Progetto MKULTRA.Ci sono documenti che si trovano nelle librerie e su internet che accennano a queste armi sofisticatissime che vengono usate per la manipolazione del corpo e della mente,armi che vengono anche definite "non letali" e che vengono impiegate contro ignari civili sparsi su tutto il globo,alcuni dei quali,hanno microchip sottocutanei innestati in maniera fraudolenta e che in molti casi,presenziano prove radiologiche di tali dispositivi che funzionano con radiofrequenza.
L'etimologia del nome,prende spunto da dal nome di una sorta di Rosa di colore rosa e che significa pace, amore e cura.L'obiettivo della creazione di peacepink è stato quello di sostenere la campagna mondiale per fermare l'abuso e la tortura di tecnologie di controllo mentale e armi ad energia diretta, di portare le vittime insieme e nell'aiutarsi a vicenda, per esporre tale orrendo crimine al pubblico, a ricercare il sostegno dell'opinione pubblica nel sensibilizzarla, per fermare gli abusi e le torture segrete di queste tecnologie e per divulgare al mondo questi crimini molto elaborati che sono per lo più ignorati o deliberatamente insabbiati dagli organi federali.Essa offre ai suoi utenti registrati, la possibilità di collegarsi con persone a livello locale e globale,condividere foto,video,creare eventi e note,postare blog, e unirsi a gruppi.
Peacepink è stato creato da Soleilmavis Liu, che è una cittadina cinese, nata e cresciuta in Cina, e che fu attaccata nel dicembre 2001, dalle tecnologie di controllo mentale quando lei stava studiando per un master in Australia.
Al momento, lei non aveva familiarità con queste tecnologie di controllo mentale.In seguito, venne a conoscenza di queste tecnologie che sono usate segretamente o coperte dai governi di tutto il mondo per controllare e vessare la popolazione.
Dal 2002, ha viaggiato in molti luoghi per cercare di sfuggire alle torture e molestie a distanza di controllo della mente e tecnologie "voci nel cranio" conosciute con l'acronimo V2K che significa Voice to skull.Ella era stata a Hong Kong,in Thailandia,Nuova Zelanda e fu rapita da tecnologie di controllo mentale e inviata all'ambasciata USA ad Hong Kong nell'aprile del 2002.Nell'aprile del 2003,tornò definitivamente in Cina e ancora oggi lì vi abita.
Peacepink incoraggia tutti i membri a diventare volontari nelle loro aree di supporto e di "networking".I gestori di Peacepink non guadagnano nulla per il loro lavoro alla gestione della community e neanche i migliaia di volontari di altri autori ed editori.
2) V2 (Aggregat 4) [1958]
3) Progetto MKULTRA and Rockfeller Commission [1977]
4) Nuovo Ordine Mondiale (2006)
(quali il controllo della mente e i genocidi)
1.Il consenso volontario del soggetto umano è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona in questione deve avere capacità legale di dare consenso, deve essere in grado di esercitare il libero arbitrio senza l'intervento di alcun elemento coercitivo, inganno, costrizione, falsità o altre forme di imposizione o violenza; deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi della situazione in cui è coinvolto, tali da metterlo in posizione di prendere una decisione cosciente e illuminata. Quest'ultima condizione richiede che prima di accettare una decisione affermativa da parte del soggetto dell'esperimento lo si debba portare a conoscenza della natura, della durata e dello scopo dell'esperimento stesso; del metodo e dei mezzi con i quali sarà condotto; di tutte le complicazioni e rischi che si possono aspettare e degli effetti sulla salute o la persona che gli possono derivare dal sottoporsi dell'esperimento. Il dovere e la responsabilità di constatare la validità del consenso pesano su chiunque inizia, dirige o è implicato nell'esperimento. E' un dovere e una responsabilità che possono essere impunemente delegati ad altri.
2.L'esperimento dovrà essere tale da fornire risultati utili al bene della società, e non altrimenti ricavabili con mezzi o metodi di studio; la natura dell'esperimento non dovrà essere né è casuale né senza scopo.
3.L'esperimento dovrà essere impostato e basato sui risultati della sperimentazioni su animali e sulla conoscenza della storia naturale del morbo o di altri problemi allo studio, cosicché risultati antecedenti giustifichino lo svolgersi dell'esperimento.
4.L'esperimento dovrà essere condotto in modo tale da evitare ogni sofferenza o lesione fisica o mentale che non sia necessaria.
5.Non si dovranno condurre esperimenti ove vi sia già a priori ragione di credere che possa sopravvenire la morte o un'infermità invalidante, eccetto forse quegli esperimenti in cui il medico sperimentatore si presta come soggetto.
6.Il grado di rischio da correre non dovrà oltrepassare quello determinato dalla rilevanza umanitaria del problema che l'esperimento dovrebbe risolvere.
7.Si dovrà effettuare una preparazione particolare, e particolari attenzioni dovranno essere usate al fine di mettere al riparo il soggetto dell'esperimento da possibilità anche remote di lesione, invalidità o morte.
8.L'esperimento dovrà essere condotto solo da persone scientificamente qualificate. Sarà richiesto il più alto grado di capacità e attenzione in tutte le fasi dell'esperimento a coloro che lo conducono o vi sono comunque coinvolti.
9.Nel corso dell'esperimento il soggetto umano dovrà avere la libera facoltà di porre fine ad esso se ha raggiunto uno stato fisico o mentale per cui gli sembra impossibile continuarlo.
10.Durante l'esperimento lo scienziato responsabile deve essere pronto a interromperlo in qualunque momento se è indotto a credere in buona fede , dopo una ponderata riflessione con tutte le sue facoltà, che la continuazione dell'esperimento comporterebbe probabilmente lesioni, invalidità o morte per il soggetto umano.
(dal greco antico ἔθος (o ήθος)[1], "èthos", comportamento, costume, consuetudine e βίος, bìos = "vita") è una disciplina che si occupa delle questioni morali collegate alla ricerca biologica e alla medicina.
Nella bioetica sono coinvolte varie discipline fra le quali Filosofia, Medicina, Biologia, Genetica, Diritto, così come le problematiche collegate alle varie visioni morali religiose ed all'esercizio del potere politico sul corpo dei cittadini (biopolitica).
Chi tratta del tema della bioetica sono quindi specialisti in varie discipline, come filosofi, giuristi, sociologi che vengono chiamati con il termine di "bioeticisti", o più comunemente "bioetici".
Lo scienziato pazzo
è un personaggio stereotipato della narrativa popolare e delle opere di fiction. Sia esso malvagio oppure buono, ma sbandato, folle, eccentrico o semplicemente maldestro, lo scienziato pazzo lavora spesso con tecnologia del tutto immaginaria allo scopo di portare avanti i suoi piani più o meno perversi o, in alternativa, non nota l'immoralità che deriva dall'hýbris, l'arroganza di "giocare a essere un dio".
L'equipe di scienziati pazzi sadici e il loro aspetto psicologico:
Il termine sadismo deriva dal nome del marchese De Sade di cui si conoscono le gesta come autore di certi giochi crudeli tanto da finire in un ricovero proprio per i suoi comportamenti.
E' una condizione psichica per la quale un individuo trae piacere dal dolore, fisico e morale, inflitto ad altri. E’ una perversione e quindi và letteralmente contro ogni aspetto scientifico e ovviamente contro Tesla e il suo modo di essere scienziato.
Le fantasie e gli atti sadici possono comportare un’ attività che indica un controllo e dominio sulla vittima come imprigionare, bendare, fustigare, mutilare e procurare ferite fino alla morte. Come affermato da Fromm (in Gullotta, Merzagora, 2005), il costringere qualcuno a sopportare pene e mutilazioni è un modo per manifestare un controllo e dominio, che non sfocia mai nella distruzione dell’altro. Le attività di tipo sadico esordiscono nella fanciullezza e i criteri diagnostici per classificare il sadismo sono:
a) durante il periodo di sei mesi, sono presenti fantasie, impulsi intensamente eccitanti da punto di vista sessuale, che comportano azioni in cui la sofferenza psicologica e fisica della vittima è sessualmente stimolante per il soggetto;
b) le fantasie, gli impulsi causano disagi gravi e significativi nell’area sociale, lavorativa.
Quando il disturbo è grave ed è associato al disturbo antisociale di personalità, questi soggetti possono ferire gravemente o uccidere le loro vittime.
Il sadico non vuole che la vittima gli offra la sua dedizione, anzi vuole che si opponga fortemente in modo da poterla depersonalizzare e trattarla alla stregua di un oggetto.
<<il desiderio di infliggere dolore non è l’essenza del sadismo. un impulso essenziale: avere completo dominio su un’altra persona.
L’obiettivo più radicale è farla soffrire perché non c’è potere più grande su un’altra persona che quello di infliggere dolore…>>
<<le persone che hanno bisogno di fantasie o azioni sadiche per raggiungere una gratificazione sessuale stanno cercando di capovolgere scenari infantili nei quali sono stati vittime di abuso fisico o sessuale. Infliggendo ad altri quello che accade a loro quando erano bambini ottengono nello stesso tempo vendetta e un senso di padronanza sulle esperienze infantili di abuso>>. Pertanto, l’atto aggressivo serve a contenere la rabbia e l’ostilità di questi soggetti che sono guidati da un forte desiderio di dominare ed umiliare gli altri e nello steso tempo di voglia di riscatto e vendetta.
“Tre D”: dread (Paura), dependency (dipendenza) e degradetion (degradazione) - ( in Keppel, 1997).
Il sadico non prova brivido per la morte della vittima, ma solo per un prolungato processo di tortura e di sofferenza su di una vittima cosciente. La morte della vittima è dovuta alla violenza del crimine commesso dal sadico, la cui opera si completa non appena i suoi bisogni sono stati soddisfatti.
*a) sadismo criminale, che è proprio di un individuo, che spinti da un sentimento di violenza, torturano la vittima fino ad ucciderla. Il comportamento di questi soggetti sembra essere collegato più ad una forte impulsività e malvagità che a tendenze sessuali;
*b) sadismo pervertito che consiste in una serie di torture o giochi pervertiti con lo scopo di avere un’eccitazione sessuale. A questa categoria appartiene il marchese De Sade. Gli individui che rientrano in questa categoria possono agire sia su soggetti dello stesso sesso, su bambini, animali e perfino su oggetti;
*c) sadismo nevrotico caratterizzato dal forme di perversioni collegate a sintomi nevrotici come angoscia, ossessioni, fobie.
Analizzando il fenomeno da un punto di vista criminologico-investigativo notiamo che molti studiosi ritengono che certi comportamenti sono sempre riconducibili al sadismo.
Il disturbo sadico di personalità come l’uso di crudeltà o violenza fisica per stabilire dominanza, l’umiliare o sminuire le persone in presenza di altri, dura disciplina su bambini, il piacere per sofferenza altrui, limitare l’autonomia degli altri, fascino per le armi, torture e ferite.
La coercizione (è dimostrato scientificamente) involve sia chi la subisce,sia chi la inflegge. Essa và a danno di entrambi.
Essa è inflitta da persone che sono malate e a differenza di chi la subisce,è inflitta da persone socialmente inutili che mascherano la lora cattiveria per nascondere la loro inettitudine nel comprendere lo scopo della vita.
La psicologia spiega come e perchè agisce lo stupratore.
Una ricerca ISTAT pubblicata alla fine del 2004 attesta che ogni giorno in Italia sette donne in media subiscono una violenza sessuale. I dati si riferiscono ovviamente ai casi che vengono denunciati alle autorità; alcuni studi stabiliscono che questi rappresentano soltanto l’8% degli episodi effettivi di violenza sessuale. Il restante 92% delle vittime, dunque, decide per motivi diversi (vergogna o “copertura” del molestatore, soprattutto se all’interno del contesto familiare) di non denunciare la violenza subita alla polizia o ai carabinieri.
Nel corso dell’estate 2005, una serie di episodi conosciuti che si sono susseguiti in pochi giorni hanno dato l’impressione che il fenomeno degli stupri sia in crescita. Tale impressione potrebbe avere origine solo da una maggiore attenzione che i media stanno riservando al fenomeno, ma potrebbe anche essere il segnale di un malessere sociale crescente che si trasforma in violenza ed aggressività.
Dalla lettura dei dati riportati nella citata ricerca dell’ISTAT si scopre che solo nell’8,6% dei casi la violenza sessuale viene praticata in un luogo pubblico. Più spesso gli stupri avvengono nella propria abitazione (31,2%), in automobile (25,4%) o nella casa dell’aggressore (10%). Da tali dati si evince che nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi l’aggressore è una persona ben conosciuta dalla vittima, che può essere il marito o convivente (20,2% dei casi), un amico (23,8%), il fidanzato (17,4%), un conoscente (12,3%); solo il 3,5% dei violentatori non ha mai visto la sua vittima prima dello stupro. Secondo alcuni analisti, tali dati confuterebbero la tesi per la quale l’aumento degli stupri è da collegare alla crescente presenza extracomunitaria nel nostro Paese.
In un articolo pubblicato alla fine di giugno 2005 sul sito (“Stupri. Fenomeno realmente in crescita e non mediatico”), la Dott.ssa Maria Cristina Butti dell’Associazione di Ricerca di Psicologia Analitica intravede nella crescita dei fenomeno degli stupri “un malessere che si coglie dal punto di vista del singolo e che si riflette anche a livello collettivo come la manifestazione di un disagio, di un bisogno di potere che nasconde un’impotenza sempre maggiore che sta diventando sia psicologica sia fisica”.
Perché agisce lo stupratore
Le motivazioni psicologiche che sono alla base delle azioni degli stupratori possono essere diverse, pur conducendo tutte a manifestazioni di violenza che possono avere esiti drammatici.
Uno stupratore può agire:
#per rabbia
Nell’atto dello stupro, l’agente manifesta e scarica impulsivamente sensazioni di rabbia e frustrazione che possono avere origine da rapporti problematici con donne diverse da quelle della vittima effettiva (la madre, la moglie, la compagna). In questi casi, difficilmente lo stupratore prova un vero e proprio piacere sessuale compiendo lo stupro, ma riesce a liberare la rabbia repressa attraverso un atto di violenza la cui intensità può essere persino superiore al necessario.
#per dominazione
I sentimenti di vulnerabilità e di impotenza dello stupratore vengono compensati da un atto di sottomissione della vittima, che viene messa in condizione di essere totalmente alla sua mercé, senza alcuna possibilità di ribellarsi. Al contrario di quanto accade nello stupro motivato da sentimenti di rabbia, in questi casi gli stupri sono perlopiù premeditati dall’aggressore.
#per sadismo
Sia la rabbia che la dominazione vengono ”liberati” attraverso il piacere sessuale che prova l’aggressore nel brutalizzare, quasi sempre premeditatamente, la sua vittima.
#per opportunità
L’aggressore, che in ogni caso cova uno dei sentimenti sopradescritti, agisce in conseguenza delle opportunità che gli vengono profilate, ad esempio durante una rapina o un furto.
Come agisce lo stupratore
Sia che egli abbia scelto la sua vittima e quindi premeditato l’atto di violenza, o che si trovi a compiere l’atto in una circostanza occasionale, lo stupratore farà sempre in modo che la vittima sia isolata e incapace di reagire o di attirare l’attenzione di altri su di sé.
Dopo aver individuato la sua vittima, egli cercherà di entrare in contatto con lei, conquistare la sua fiducia per poi agire “a sorpresa”, in situazioni di isolamento e di vulnerabilità che consenta di sopraffarla fisicamente.
Al termine dello stupro vero e proprio, l’uomo potrà scegliere se accanirsi ulteriormente sulla vittima o se eliminarla fisicamente.
Come difendersi
Individuare il profilo psicologico dello stupratore, ovvero riconoscerne le motivazioni e prevenirne le mosse rappresenta di per sé un buon punto di partenza per una strategia difensiva. Le possibilità, da parte della vittima, di scongiurare l’atto di violenza o limitarne le conseguenze dipenderà anche dalle circostanze in cui esso avviene, dalle opportunità che si profileranno rispetto ad una azione difensiva e le capacità personali.
Da diversi anni, in tutta Italia, si organizzano corsi di autodifesa che all’insegnamento di tecniche attive (come l’uso delle arti marziali) affiancano strumenti cognitivi che permettono di riconoscere la tipologia del molestatore e di tentare difese (specialmente se impossibilitati ad agire fisicamente) di tipo psicologico, attraverso l’apprendimento di tecniche di dissuasione.
Queste ultime rappresentano il miglior esempio di resistenza “passiva” che si aggiungono, rispetto ai comportamenti da adottare in caso di aggressione fisica, a quelli di resistenza “attiva” (affrontare fisicamente l’aggressore, o tentare di fuggire) e alla sottomissione, finalizzata alla sopravvivenza soprattutto di fronte ad una situazione che non presenta alcuna via di uscita.
Il volume analizza in modo esaustivo e aprofondito il fenomeno dei "sexual offender" sotto ogni prospettiva: l'evoluzione storico-giuridica del reato di stupro, le teorie sociologiche e psicologiche che interpretano il fenomeno della violenza sessuale, i "miti" dello stupro, le tecniche di interrogatorio al sospetto stupratore, le modalità per condurre le interviste alla vittima di aggressione sessuale, il criminal profiling, moderno strumento di investigazione, l'indagine medico-legale, la terapia degli aggressori sessuali e la valutatone del rischio di recidiva. Un testo per operatori delle Forze dell'Ordine, avvocati, giudici, psicologi, e per chiunque desideri approfondire questa fenomenologia criminale che rappresenta una crescente emergenza e allarme sociale nel nostro Paese.
Alcune vittime di violenza carnale sono maschi. Lo stupro degli uomini non è limitato a quelli detenuti nelle prigioni. È più probabile che la vittima maschile presenti dei traumi fisici rispetto alle donne, che sia vittima di diversi assalitori e che sia meno disposta a denunciare il crimine. Negli ultimi anni sono stati riportati alcuni casi di violenza carnale su uomini eseguiti da donne.
Per entrambi i sessi, comunque, la violenza sessuale è un'espressione di aggressione, di collera o del bisogno di potere; rappresenta più un atto di violenza che non un atto sessuale.
Source :
Gli effetti a lungo termine della violenza carnale comprendono il rivivere le sensazioni dell'aggressione (flashback), l'avversione per il sesso, l'ansia, le fobie, la diffidenza, la depressione, gli incubi e i disturbi del sonno, i sintomi somatici e l'isolamento sociale. Alcune donne diventano disordinate e agiscono in modo difforme dal loro carattere. I sensi di colpa e la vergogna compaiono allorquando le pazienti ritengono, generalmente in modo irrazionale, di essere state in qualche modo responsabili dell'episodio o che avrebbero potuto evitare l'aggressione o che la violenza subita rappresenti una punizione per qualche immaginaria trasgressione commessa.
Il rapporto medico può includere un breve racconto dell'episodio di violenza, descritto con le parole riferite dalla paziente stessa, e una relazione sulle lesioni riportate e sul tipo di rapporto sessuale. Non è necessario attestare se vi sia stata o meno violenza carnale, in quanto ciò rientra nella competenza medico-legale, ma occorre riportare una diagnosi comprensiva di tutti i problemi probabili o possibili sia fisici che psichici.
Molti sono gli stereotipi relativi alla violenza sessuale: riportiamo e confutiamo quelli più comuni.
"La donna non và violentata,ma và a poco a poco conquistata e l'uomo non và ammaliatato per poi esser solo sfruttato,ma come la donna và amato". (aforisma by AtlantiTeo)
"Per me, fare l'AMORE significa completare una fusione tra
2 persone che si sentono un tutto
1 e molte volte si ritrovano in
3 per continuare l'evoluzione".
♀ YIN ♀ e ♂ YANG ♂
♂ MARS ♂ und ♀ VENUS ♀
(aforisma by AtlantiTeo)
Fare sesso NON è come fare l'amore, ma piuttosto che fare la guerra,forse è meglio fare sesso o fare l'amore. Attenzione alle malattie veneree e alla sovrappopolazione; BUM BUM batte forte il cuore siamo milioni di case e colori + di 6 MILIARDI di persone,pertanto attenzione ad abusare con le pillole ; forse è meglio la precauzione (preservativo).
That's the goal.
The gay perp has managed to trick the air force into letting him fly with them. I bet he gets all worked up for men in uniform. Maybe they'll push him out of the plane.
Des milliers d'individus demandent que soit faite une investigation internationale d'énormes violations des droits de l'homme qui sévissent actuellement dans le monde entier, dans le plus grand silence.
Ces dernières années, le nombre de ces crimes contre l'humanité s'est accru à tel point que nous pouvons visiblement parler d'agression de la population civile.
Cette agression est commise avec une technologie qui agit, à distance, dans l'ombre,au-delà des limites des frontières, et qui est utilisée contre des civils sans défense et qui ne se doutent de rien.
Il y a une pression continuelle de la part des victimes pour dénoncer ces crimes auprès des hauts fonctionnaires de l'état, des organisations pour les droits de l'homme, des dirigeants internationaux et à la presse. La plupart du temps, elles n'obtiennent pas de réponse en raison d'une méconnaissance généralisée de cette technologie. D'après les diagnostics des établissements psychiatriques, les victimes ont des hallucinations. De plus, les plaintes déposées dans les commissariats de police locaux sont souvent considérées comme des problèmes psychologiques ou sont tout simplement passées sous silence.
Cela risque de prendre plusieurs années avant que "l'holocauste silencieux" ne soit connu du public. Pour les victimes, cette comparaison est tout à fait juste.
L'ampleur des crimes dénoncés et la gravité des accusations justifient une investigation internationale urgente.
Etant donné le nombre considérable de victimes à l'échelle planétaire, qui a engendré un mouvement mondial coordonné par le biais de l'internet, seuls les plus zélés et les plus consciencieux parmi les victimes dénoncent ce crime, le nombre réel de victimes étant, de loin, plus important que ce groupe d'activistes.
En janvier 2007, la journaliste Sharon Weinberger a publié dans le "Washington Post", l'article intitulé "Mind Games" sur les victimes américaines et l'organisation militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Droit de vivre sans surveillance ni harcèlement occulte).
Entre-temps, de nouvelles victimes de plus en plus nombreuses se font connaître des quatre coins du monde. Elles demandent que ces crimes soient rendus publics, elles insistent pour qu'une investigation soit faite sur ce problème et entament une campagne contre le harcèlement par les Armes à Energie Dirigée (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) et contre le harcèlement collectif -
Thousands of people, are asking for an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment.
In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being under attack.
This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a distance, beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens.
The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly, they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged a t local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored.
It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real.
The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation.
Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of activists.
Sunday 14 January 2007 , the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.
Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. And starting a collective campaign against DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS (DEW) TORTURE AND ABUSE.
Some of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.
3. Обращение к средствам массовой информации:
Как специалист в области работы психики человека я обращаюсь с просьбой, к средствам массовой информации (газеты, журналы, радио, телевидение). Одна надежда на Вас, потому что только Вы можете поднять всю мировую общественность и остановить тех, кто не думая о наших детях и внуках, создают и испытывают оружие, уничтожающее человека как личность. Недопустимо чтобы сегодня, когда человечество достигло такого технического прогресса, люди возомнившие себя Богами над людьми, управляли разумом человека через вмешательство в человеческую психику делая из человека послушного робота. Не останьтесь равнодушны к моей просьбе, пожалуйста, и помогите донести знания всем людям земли для защиты от зомбирования теми, кто пользуется человеческой слепотой в духовности. Ни одна религия или атеизм не способны защитить душу человека - жизнь человека от так называемого психогинератора, который был создан Гитлером и Сталиным в годы Второй Мировой войны и в настоящее время продолжаются официально подобные исследования над человеческим разумом. Прямое назначение такого оружия - это подчинение воли человека и создание послушных рабов.Об этих разработках сегодня в очередной раз заявила официально газета "Взгляд".
C уважением Светлана Ясиновер
Geheime geophysische Waffen. Folterung und Missbrauch mit gerichteter Energie und psychisch-neurologischen Waffen.
Viele tausend Menschen fordern eine internationale Untersuchung der ungeheueren Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die gegenwärtig weltweit geräuschlos grassieren.
In den letzten Jahren haben diese Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit derart zugenommen, dass wir offen von einem Angriff auf die gesamte Zivilbevölkerung sprechen können.
Dieser Angriff wird mit einer Technologie verübt, die unsichtbar auf Distanz jenseits aller Grenzen und Begrenzungen funktioniert und die in diesem Augenblick gegen wehr- und ahnungslose Bürger eingesetzt wird.
Die Opfer betreiben fortwährend Lobbyarbeit, um diese Verbrechen an verantwortliche Regierungsvertreter, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, internationale Führungskräfte und die Presse heranzutragen. Meistens erhalten sie keine Antwort wegen des allgemeinen Mangels an Wissen
über diese Technologie. Psychiatrische Einrichtungen diagnostizieren die Opfer häufig als psychotisch.
Und Anzeigen, die bei den örtlichen Polizeirevieren erstattet werden, werden oft als psychische Probleme behandelt oder ignoriert. Es mag einige Jahre dauern bis der „stille Holocaust“ öffentlich bekannt wird. Für die Opfer ist dieser Vergleich sehr real!
Das Ausmaß der beklagten Verbrechen und die Schwere der Beschuldigungen rechtfertigen eine dringende internationale Untersuchung.
Während es weltweit so viele Opfer gibt, die sich mit Hilfe des Internets zu einer global koordinierten Bewegung vernetzen, sind nur die eifrigsten und bewusstesten in der Lage, über diese Verbrechen zu berichten; die tatsächliche Zahl der Opfer ist um ein Vielfaches größer als diese Gruppe von Aktivisten.
Im Januar 2007 erschien der Artikel „Mind Games“ („Psycho-Spiele“) in der „Washington Post“, geschrieben von dem Journalisten Sharon Weinberger, über die Opfer und die Selbsthilfeorganisation "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Recht, ohne heimliche Folter und Überwachung zu leben).
Seitdem treten überall auf der Welt neue Opfer immer zahlreicher in die Öffentlichkeit. Sie fordern, dass diese Verbrechen publik gemacht werden, bestehen auf einer internationalen Untersuchung und initiieren eine gemeinsame Kampagne gegen organisiertes Stalking und Folterung und Missbrauch mit gerichteter Energie und psychisch-neurologischen Waffen (DEW: Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons). Aufruf an die Medien
Als Fachmann auf dem Gebiet der Psychiatrie wende ich mich mit der Bitte an die Medien (Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Radio und TV- Sendungen). Ich hoffe, dass Sie bei diesem Problem helfen können, weil nur Sie die Weltöffentlichkeit aufrütteln können und diejenigen stoppen, die weder an unsere Kinder noch Enkelkinder denkend eine Waffe produzieren und testen, die den Menschen als Persönlichkeit zerstört. Es ist nicht hinnehmbar, dass heute nachdem die Menschheit einen solchen technischen Fortschritt erreichte sich bestimmte Leute als Götter über die Menschen erheben, indem sie das Bewusstsein der Menschen durch Eindringen in die menschliche Psyche steuern, um aus ihnen gehorsame Roboter zu machen. Bleiben Sie meiner Bitte gegenüber nicht gleichgültig und helfen Sie, das Wissen darüber allen Menschen der Erde nahe zu bringen als Schutz vor der Programmierung der Menschen. Wehren Sie sich gegen diejenigen, die die menschliche Blindheit geistig ausnutzen. Weder irgendeine Religion noch der Atheismus sind fähig, die Seele und das Leben des Menschen vor dem Psychogenerator zu schützen, der von Hitler und Stalin während des Zweiten Weltkriegs geschaffen wurde. Und auch gegenwärtig werden die Forschungen am menschlichen Bewusstsein offiziell fortgesetzt. Der tatsächliche Zweck dieser Waffe ist das Beherrschen des menschlichen Willens und die Schaffung gehorsamer Sklaven. Die Zeitung „Ansicht“ berichtete über die gegenwärtigen Forschungen offiziell noch einmal.
Mit freundlichem Gruß Svetlana Yasinover
同时,来自全世界各地数量很多的受害者。他们要求将这一罪行进行公开,并坚持就这一问题进行国际调查。并且正在就大脑控制技术和定向能武器 (DEW) 酷刑虐待和骚扰和有组织的跟踪. 展开一项世界性的集体运动。(DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ) 中国受害者也已经努力多年,要求政府立法禁止这些技术的滥用和酷刑。
Migliaia di persone chiedono che sia fatta un' indagine internazionale su enormi violazioni dei diritti dell'uomo che imperversano attualmente nel mondo intero, nel più grande silenzio.
In quest'ultimi anni, il numero di questi crimini contro l'umanità è aumentato a tal punto che possiamo apertamente parlare di aggressione alla popolazione civile.
Quest'aggressione è commessa con una tecnologia che agisce a distanza, nell'ombra, oltre i limiti delle frontiere, ed è utilizzata contro civili ignari e senza difesa.
C'è una richiesta continua da parte delle Vittime di denunciare questi crimini presso gli alti funzionari dello stato, le organizzazioni per i diritti dell'uomo, i dirigenti internazionali e la stampa. Di solito non ottengono risposte a causa di un'ignoranza generalizzata su questa tecnologia. Secondo le diagnosi degli istituti psichiatrici, le vittime hanno allucinazioni. Inoltre, i reclami depositati nei commissariati di polizia locali sono spesso considerati come problemi psicologici o sono semplicemente passati sotto silenzio.
E tutto ciò nonostante le ammissioni, l' 8 ottobre 1995, del Presidente degli Stati Uniti in materia, e nonostante numerosi testi di militari e specialisti, pubblicati e conosciuti, circolino in internet e nelle librerie, senza alcun commento particolare da parte dei partiti politici di governo dei paesi occidentali e dell'Italia in particolare. Ricordiamo che in Italia sono stanziate circa 120 basi militari americane, alcune delle quali di migliaia di uomini e donne in armi.
Ciò rischia di far passare molti anni prima che "l'Olocausto silenzioso" sia conosciuto dal pubblico. E per le Vittime, questo raffronto con l'Olocausto è completamente giusto.
L'ampiezza dei crimini denunciati e la gravità dei carichi giustificano un'indagine internazionale urgente.
Dato il numero considerevole di Vittime su scala planetaria, che ha generato un movimento mondiale coordinato tramite l'Internet, solo i più zelanti ed i più coscienziosi fra le Vittime denunciano questo crimine, essendo il numero reale di Vittime di gran lunga più importante di questo gruppo di attivisti.
Nel gennaio 2007, la giornalista Sharon Weinberger ha pubblicato nel "Washington post", l'articolo intitolato "Mind Games" sulle vittime americane e l'organizzazione militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and surveillance" (Diritto di Vivere senza Sorveglianza e Molestie Occulte).
Nel frattempo, nuove Vittime sempre più numerose si fanno conoscere dai quattro angoli del mondo. Chiedono che questi crimini siano resi pubblici, insistono affinchè sia fatta un'indagine internazionale su questo problema. Ed iniziano una campagna contro LA TORTURA E L'ABUSO CON ARMI AD ENERGIA DIRETTA (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ) E NEUROLOGICHE.
Millares de personas piden que se haga una investigación internacional de enormes violaciones de los derechos humanos que prevalecen actualmente en todo el mundo, en el mayor silencio.
Estos últimos años, el número de estos crímenes contra la humanidad ha aumentado tanto que podemos obviamente hablar de agresión contra la población civil.
Esta agresión se comete con una tecnología que actúa, a distancia, en la sombra, más allá de los límites de las fronteras, y que se utiliza contra civiles sin defensa y donde no se duda de nada.
Hay una presión continua por parte de las víctimas para denunciar estos crímenes a los altos funcionarios del estado, a las organizaciones para los derechos humanos, a los dirigentes internacionales y en la prensa. La mayor parte del tiempo, no obtienen respuesta, debido a una ignorancia generalizada de esta tecnología. Según los diagnósticos de los establecimientos psiquiátricos, las víctimas tienen alucinaciones. Además, las denuncias presentadas en las comisarías de policía locales a menudo se consideran como problemas psicológicos o se han silenciado simplemente.
Se corre el riesgo de tardar varios años antes de que "el holocausto silencioso" sea conocido del público. Para las víctimas, esta comparación es totalmente justa.
La amplitud de los crímenes denunciados y la gravedad de las acusaciones justifican una investigación internacional urgente.
Dado el número considerable de víctimas a escala planetaria, que ha generado un movimiento mundial coordinado por medio de Internet, solamente los más afanosos y los más concienzudos entre las víctimas denuncian este crimen, el número real de víctimas sigue siendo, con mucho, más importante que este grupo de activistas.
En enero de 2007, la periodista Sharon Weinberger publicó en el "Washington post", el artículo titulado "Mind Games" sobre las víctimas americanas y la organización militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Derecho a vivir sin vigilancia ni acoso
Mientras tanto, nuevas numerosas víctimas cada vez más se hacen conocer de las cuatro esquinas del mundo. Piden que estos crímenes se hagan públicos, insisten para que una investigación se haga
sobre este problema y empiezan una campaña contra el acoso por las Armas a Energía Dirigida (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) y contra el acoso colectivo.
8. COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA (em português):
Nestes últimos anos, o número destes crimes contra a humanidade aumentou tanto que se pode obviamente falar de agressões contra a população.
Estas agressões são cometidas com uma tecnologia que actua à distância, e na "sombra", para além dos limites fronteiriços, e que é utilizada sobre cidadão indefesos, que não desconfiam de nada.
Existe uma pressão contínua, por parte das vítimas, para denunciar estes crimes a altos dirigentes do estado, nacionais e internacionais, a organizações para defesa dos direitos humanos e também à imprensa. Na maior parte das vezes, sem obter resposta, devido à falta de conhecimento generalizada sobre esta tecnologia. Segundo os diagnósticos apresentados por várias instituições psiquiátricas, as vítimas têem alucinações. Para além disso, as denúncias apresentadas nas esquadras de polícia são frequentemente tratadas como problemas psicológicos ou simplesmente ignoradas.
Podem passar alguns anos, até que o "holocausto silencioso" se torne do conhecimento público. E, para as vítimas, a comparação é bem real.
A escala dos crimes que são denunciados, e a gravidade das acusações justificam uma investigação internacional urgente.
Porque existe um número tão grande de vítimas à escala planetária, que gerou um movimento mundial coordenado através da Internet, apenas as as vítimas mais conscienciosas, denunciam este tipo de crime, sendo o número de vítimas muito superior ao deste grupo de activistas.
Em Janeiro de 2007, o artigo "Mind Games", da autoria da jornalista Sharon Weinberger, foi impresso no "The Washington Post", retratando as vítimas americanas e a organização activista "Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Liberdade de Viver sem Assédio Oculto nem Vigilância).
Entretanto, de toda a parte do mundo, novas vítimas estão a aparecer em número cada vez maior, pedindo que estes crimes sejam tornados do conhecimento público e insistindo numa investigação internacional deste problema e começando uma campanha colectiva contra o abuso com Armas de Energia Dirigida (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS)
Χιλιάδες άτομα ζητούν τη διεξαγωγή διεθνούς έρευνας σχετικά με τεράστιες παραβιάσεις ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων που λαμβάνουν χώρα σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο, με κάθε μυστικότητα.
Τα τελευταία χρονια, ο αριθμός αυτών των εγκλημάτων κατά της ανθρωπότητας αυξήθηκε σε τέτοιο βαθμό ώστε να μπορούμε καταφανώς να μιλάμε για επίθεση κατά αμάχων.
Η εν λόγω επίθεση διαπράττεται με τη βοήθεια τεχνολογίας η οποία ενεργεί εξ αποστάσεως, με μυστικό τρόπο και η οποία δεν γνωρίζει σύνορα. Η ενέργεια αυτή χρησιμοποιείται κατά άοπλων, ανυπεράσπιστων ανθρώπων οι οποίοι δεν υποψιάζονται καν την ύπαρξή της.
Τα θύματα ασκούν συνεχή πίεση για την καταγγελία των εγκλημάτων αυτών ενώπιον κρατικών αξιωματούχων, οργανισμών υπεράσπισης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, διεθνών ηγετικών προσωπικοτήτων και του τύπου. Τις περισσότερες φορές, δεν λαμβάνουν απάντηση λόγω της πλήρους άγνοιας αυτής της τεχνολογίας από τους ιθύνοντες. Με γνωματεύσεις τους, ψυχιατρικά ιδρύματα χαρακτήρισαν τα συμτώματα που παρουσιάζουν τα θύματα παραισθήσεις. Επιπλέον, τα συμβάντα που κατατίθενται από τα θύματα στις μηνύσεις τους στα κατά τόπους αστυνομικά τμήματα, αποδίδονται συχνά σε ψυχολογικά προβλήματα ή πολύ απλά αποσιωπούνται.
Η αποκάλυψη αυτού του «σιωπηλού ολοκαυτώματος» - χαρακτηρισμού ιδιαίτερα επιτυχούς για τα θύματα – στο ευρύ κοινό θα αργήσει ακόμα.
Το εύρος των καταγγελλόμενων εγλημάτων και η οξύτητα των κατηγοριών δικαιολογούν επείγουσα διεθνή έρευνα.
Παρά τον σημαντικό αριθμό τους σε πλανητική κλίμακα και το συντονισμένο παγκόσμιο διαδικτυακό κίνημα που προκάλεσε, μόνο τα πιο ένζηλα και συνειδητά θύματα προβαίνουν σε καταγγελία. Ο πραγματικός αριθμός θυμάτων είναι πολύ σημαντικότερος από αυτήν την ομάδα ακτιβιστών.
Τον Ιανουάριο του 2007, η δημοσιογράφος Sharon Weinberger δημοσίευσε στην Washington Post, το άρθρο με τίτλο «Mind Games» και με θέμα τα θύματα στις ΗΠΑ και το σωματείο Freedom From Covert harassment and surveillance (Λύτρωση από τη συγκεκαλυμμένη παρενόχληση και παρακολούθηση).
Εντωμεταξύ, όλο και περισσότερα νέα θύματα εμφανίζονται από όλα τα μέρη του κόσμου για να ζητήσουν τη δημοσιοποίηση των εν λόγω εγκλημάτων, να επιμείνουν στη διεξαγωγή σχετικής έρευνας και να συμμετάσχουν στην εκστρατεία κατά της παρενόχλησης με όπλα κατευθυνόμενης ενέργειας (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) και κατά της συλλογικής παρενόχλησης.
Tusindvis af mennesker beder om en international undersøgelse af enorme krænkelser af menneskerettighederne, der er tavst, der finder sted på verdensplan i øjeblikket.
I de seneste år er antallet af disse forbrydelser mod menneskeheden steget så meget, at vi kan tale åbent om den civile befolkning er under angreb.
Dette angreb er begået med teknologi arbejder usynligt i en afstand, ud over grænserne for grænser, og er i dette øjeblik bliver anvendt mod hjælpeløse og intetanende borgere.
Ofrene er konstant lobbyvirksomhed til at indberette disse forbrydelser til regeringens embedsmænd, menneskerettighedsorganisationer, verdens ledere og pressen. Oftest, at de ikke får svar på grund af en generel mangel på viden om teknologi. Mental institutioner kan diagnosticere ofrene som vrangforestilling. Og klager, der indgives på de lokale politistationer er ofte behandlet som psykiske problemer eller ignoreres.
Det kan tage flere år, før den "tavse holocaust" bliver offentlig viden. Og for de ofre, den sammenligning er meget reel.
Omfanget af de forbrydelser, der rapporteres, og alvoren af de anklager, berettiger til en hurtig international undersøgelse.
Fordi der er så mange ofre på verdensplan, gydende en verdensomspændende bevægelse koordineret via internettet, er det kun de mest flittige og samvittighedsfulde af ofre, som er i stand til at rapportere denne forbrydelse; det faktiske antal af ofre er mange gange større end denne gruppe af aktivister.
I januar 2007, artiklen "Mind Games" udkom i "The Washington Post", skrevet af journalist Sharon Weinberger, om de amerikanske ofre og aktivist organisationen, frihed fra Covert Chikane og overvågning.
I mellemtiden fra alle dele af verden nye ofre viser op i større tal. De beder for disse forbrydelser, der skal offentliggøres, og insisterer på en international undersøgelse af dette problem. Og starter en kollektiv bekæmpelse rettet energi våben (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) chikane.
TITKOS geofizikai fegyverek -- kínzások és kegyetlenségek idegbénitó- és közvetlen energiájú fegyverekkel.
Több ezer ember követeli, hogy induljon egy nemzetközi vizsgálat az emberi jogok súlyos megsértésének ügyében mely jelenleg a legnagyobb csendben tombol az egész világon.
Az utóbbi években, az emberiség elleni bűntettek száma annyira nőtt, hogy nyíltan beszélhetünk a polgári lakosság elleni agresszióról.
Ez egy olyan technológiával elkövetett agresszió, amely a távolból működik, a háttérben, túl a határokon, és a gyanútlan és védtelen civilek ellen használják.
Az áldozatok részéről egy folyamatos kérelem van a legmagasabb állami tisztségviselők, az emberi jogokat védő szervezetek, a nemzetközi vezetők és a sajtó felé, melyben kérik, hogy jelentsék fel ezeket a bűncselekményeket. Általában nem kapnak választ, az erről a technológiáról, széles körben elterjedt tudatlanság miatt,.
A pszichiátriai intézmények diagnózisa szerint, az áldozatok hallucinációban szenvednek. Ezenkívül, a helyi rendőrségen benyújtott panaszokat gyakran úgy tekintik mint lelki problémák, vagy egyszerűen csendbe búrkolóznak.
És mindez annak ellenére, hogy 1995 október 8-án, az Egyesült Államok elnöke beismerő nyilatkozatott tett a témával kapcsolatban, és annak ellenére, hogy több ismert katonai és szakkönyv megjelent, melyek az interneten és a könyvtárakban terjednek, a nyugati országok és különösen Olaszország kormányának a politikai párjai különösebb kommentárja nélkül. Emlékezzünk vissza, hogy Olaszországban mintegy 120 amerikai katonai bázis állomásozik, amelyek közül néhány több ezer felfegyverezett férfiból és nőből áll.
Sok évig eltarthat, mielőtt a "néma holokauszt" ismert lesz a nagyközönség előtt. És az áldozatok részéről, ez az összehasonlítás a holokauszttal teljesen igaz.
A feljelentett bűncselekmények nagyságrendje és a terhek súlyossága indokolja a sürgős nemzetközi vizsgálatot.
Tekintettel a áldozatok nagy számára globális szinten, amely egy világméretű, az interneten keresztül koordinált mozgalmat inditott el, az áldozatok közül csak a legbuzgóbb és a legtudatosabbak jelentik fel ezt bűncselekményt, mivel a tényleges áldozatok száma sokkal jelentősebb, mint ez az aktivista csoport.
2007 januárjában, Sharon Weinberger újságíró a "Washington Post"-ban közzé tett cikke címe: "Mind Games" az amerikai áldozatokról és a militáns szervezet "Freedom From Covert Harassment and surveillance " (Felügyelet- és Titkos Zaklatásmentes élethez való jog) .
Közben egyre több új áldozat jelentkezik a világ négy sarkából. Azt követelik, hogy ezek a bűncselekmények kerüljenek nyilvánosságra, ragaszkodva ahhoz, hogy nemzetközi vizsgálat induljon erről a problémáról. És hogy kampány induljon a kínzás és az idegbénitó- és a közvetlen energiájú fegyverekkel való visszaélés miatt (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS).
Thanks to EVA POLLAK for this version
Duizenden mensen vragen om een internationaal onderzoek van de enorme schendingen van de mensenrechten die op dit moment geluidloos doorgaan op wereldschaal.
De laatste jaren is het aantal dergelijke misdrijven zodanig toegenomen dat we openlijk mogen zeggen dat de gehele bevolking onder vuur ligt.
Deze aanvallen worden uitgevoerd met technologie die onzichtbaar werkt, van op afstand, over de grenzen heen, en die op dit moment wordt gebruikt tegen hulpeloze en nietsvermoedende burgers.
De slachtoffers ijveren constant om deze misdrijven te rapporteren bij de overheid, mensenrechtenorganisaties, wereldleiders en de pers. Gewoonlijk krijgen ze geen antwoord wegens het gebrek aan kennis over de technologie. Psychiatrische inrichtingen verklaren het slachtoffer gewoonlijk geestesziek. En klachten die worden ingediend bij de politie worden meestal afgedaan als psychologisch probleem of ze worden genegeerd.
Het zal nog jaren duren voordat de “stille holocaust” algemeen bekend wordt. Maar voor de slachtoffers is de vergelijking wel degelijk realiteit.
De schaal waarop de misdrijven worden gerapporteerd en de ernst van de beschuldigingen verantwoorden een dringend internationaal onderzoek.
Omdat er wereldwijd zoveel slachtoffers zijn, waardoor een wereldwijde beweging is ontstaan, gecoördineerd via internet, zijn slechts de meest ijverige en gewetensvolle slachtoffers in staat om dit misdrijf te rapporteren; het werkelijke aantal slachtoffers zou wel eens vele keren groter kunnen zijn dan deze groep activisten.
In januari 2007 verscheen het artikel "Mind Games" in "The Washington Post", geschreven door journalist Sharon Weinberger, over de Amerikaanse slachtoffers en de activistenorganisatie Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.
Ondertussen duiken er nieuwe slachtoffers op in grotere aantallen in alle uithoeken van de wereld. Ze vragen dat deze misdrijven overal bekend worden gemaakt en dringen aan op een internationaal onderzoek van dit probleem. En ze starten een collectieve campagne tegen FOLTERING, AANSLAGEN EN VERMINKING DOOR SATELLIET- EN BREINWAPENS.
Sommige van onze FOLTERINGEN, AANSLAGEN EN VERMINKINGEN DOOR SATELLIET- EN BREINWAPENS getuigen van de meest extreme en totalitaire schendingen van de mensenrechten, met inbegrip van de meest afschuwelijke psychologische folteringen, verkrachtingen, seksueel misbruik, chirurgische verminkingen, ‘mind control’, en andere psychische en fysische verminkingen
被 害者は、絶え間なくこれらの犯罪を政府関係者、人権団体、世界の指導者、報道機関に報告するロビー活動を行っています。多くの場合、彼らは一般的な技術に 関する知識不足のせいで返事を貰うことはありません。精神病関係の機関は被害者を妄想壁があると診断するかもしれません。そして、地元の警察に送られた苦 情は、心理的な問題として扱われるか、無視されます。
2007年の1月に、シャロン・ワインバーガー記者による、アメリカの被害者と「極秘のハラスメントと監視からの自由(Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance)」という活動家団体についての「マインド・ゲームズ」の記事がワシントンポスト紙上に発表されました。
Thanks to Miyoko for this version. Ariagatou Gozaimasu.
14. Comunicat de stampa Română
Mii de oameni cer o să fie făcută a anchetă internaţională cu enormi încălcări si cu violenţă drepturilor emului care să iau în tăcere în toata lumea,in cea mai mare tăcere.
În ultimii timp, număricul de aceste crime împotriva populaziei a crescut atât de mult că putem vorbi direct despre populotia civilă tinnd sub atac.
Aceast atoc a fost fŏcut cu o tehnologie care se mişcă la distanţă, în umbră, peste frontieră, şi este folosită împotriva cetăţenilor neajutoraţi şi fŏră ajutor.
Există o cerere din partea Victimelor unde denuntă aceste crimine, infracţiuni, la oficialitătile de Stat, înalt ai statului, Organizăn pentru drepturile omului,lideri si Presă. De obicei,nu se obţin răspunsuri din cauză că lipseşte o cultură su această tehnologie. După cum spun deduc analizele de instituţii psihiatrice, victimele au halucinaţii şi delirantă. Si plângerile fâcute în secţie de poliţie,sunt aproape mereu luate în calcul ca: probleme psihologice un sunt fâcute în tăcere.
Chiar dacă în 8 octombrie 1995, Presidente Stotelor Unite si cu numeroase rânduri de militari şi librărie, fără nici un coment din partea politicilor din Guvern, în ţări Occidentale si în primul rond celor din Italia.
Ne aminti, cŏ în Italia sunt aproape 120 de baze militare americane, dintre care unele milione de bărbaţi, şi femei cu arme.
Acesto poate dura mulţi ani înainte ca "Holocaustului Tăcerii", o să tie conoscut de personae publice. Şi pentru Victime comparaţie cu Holocaustul e absolut dreaptă.
Văzănd criminele raportate şi gravitatea raportată justifică o anchetă internaţională imediată .
Văzănd numărul de victime la nivelul mondial,a făcut să fie o mişcăre mondială prin intermediul internetului, numai acei harnici şi conştiincioşi a victimelor urde raporteză aceaste crime, fiind un numărul vad de Victime de lungă si important grup de activişti.
În ianuarie 2007, jurnalistul Sharon Weinberger a scris în "Washington Post" articolul creat si intitulat "Mind games" (Jocurile mintii) cu victimile americane şi organizaţia FFCHS "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.
(Libertatea de trăit fără hărţuire şi Supraveghere ascunsă).
Între timp, mai victime căt mai numeroase se arăt în patru unghiuri ai lumii. Cer ca aceste crimine să fie făcute publice, si să insistă să fie făcută a indagine internaţională. Şi înceapă o campanie directă împotriva (Abuzuri de arme cu Energie Directa şi neurologică.
15. Česká tisková zpráva
16. Polska informacja prasowa
17. Саопштење за јавност
18. יהודי
agar memulakan penyiasatan antarabangsa terhadap jenayah yang senyap yang tengah berlaku di merata
tempat di seluruh dunia pada saat ini.
dan setakat ini telah mula digunakan terhadap rakyat jelata yang langsung tidak dapat lawan malah tidah
tahu dirinya telah menjadi salah seorang mangsa.
mangsa mengadu, adalah memadai supaya penyiasatan antarabangsa dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan dengan segera.
antarabangsa melawan jenayah sulit ini. Hanya mangsa-mangsa yang masih bertekad dan bersemangat
membongkar jenayah sulit ini, membuat aduan demi aduan secara persendirian. Banyak mangsa telah menjadi terlalu lemah dan patah semangat membuat sebarang aduan kepada pihak berkenaan. Banyak lagi mangsa yang langsung tidak tahu dirinya telah menjadi mangsa. Jadi bilangan sebenar mangsa-mangsa di serata tempat sedunia adalah jauh lebih banyak dari bilangan dalam kumpulan aktivis ini.
SEKRET gjeofizik ARMËT - Tortura dhe keqtrajtimi me armë të energjisë të drejtuara dhe psychoneurological
Mijëra njerëz kërkojnë që të bëhet një studim "të madh ndërkombëtar për shkeljet e të drejtave të njeriut duke ndezur të gjithë botën, me heshtje të madh.
Në vitet e fundit, numri i këtyre krimeve kundër njerëzimit është rritur aq shumë sa që ne mund të flasim hapur e sulmit ndaj civilëve.
Ky agresioni është kryer nga një teknologji që punon në një distancë, shihet, përtej kufijve të kufijve, dhe është përdorur kundër civilëve të pafajshëm dhe të pambrojtur.
Ka një kërkesë të vazhdueshme nga ana e viktimave për të raportuar këto krim në të zyrtarëve të lartë shtetëror, organizatave për të drejtat e njeriut, drejtuesit ndërkombëtarë dhe të shtypit. Unë zakonisht nuk do të marrë përgjigje për shkak të injorancës të përhapura në lidhje me teknologjinë. Sipas diagnozës së institucioneve psikiatrike, viktimat kanë halucinacione. Përveç kësaj, ankesat e paraqitura në stacionet e policisë këtu shpesh trajtohen si probleme psikologjike apo janë thjesht kaloi mbi ne heshtje.
Dhe e gjithë kjo pavarësisht nga pranimi, '8 tetor 1995, Presidenti i Shteteve të Bashkuara në këtë çështje, dhe pavarësisht nga tekstet e shumta dhe ekspertë ushtarakë, të publikuara dhe të njohura, që qarkullojnë në internet dhe në biblioteka, pa ndonjë koment të veçantë nga partitë politike Qeveria e vendeve perëndimore dhe në Itali. Kujtoj se në Itali janë të stacionuar rreth 120 bazave ushtarake të SHBA, disa prej të cilave janë mijëra burra dhe gra në krahët.
Kjo mund të jetë shumë vite para se të "holokaustit heshtur" është i njohur për publikun. Dhe për viktimat, krahasimi me e Holokaustit është plotësisht e drejtë.
Madhësinë e krimeve të raportuara dhe ashpërsia e ngarkesave të justifikuar hetim urgjent ndërkombëtar.
Duke pasur parasysh numrin e madh të viktimave në një shkallë globale, e cila gjeneroi një lëvizje të gjithë botën koordinuar nëpërmjet internetit, vetëm më të zellshëm dhe më i ndërgjegjshëm në mesin e viktimave të raportit të krimit, pasi që numri aktual i viktimave shumë më e rëndësishme se sa kjo grup aktivist.
Në janar 2007, gazetari Sharon Weinberger ka botuar në "Washington Post", artikullin me titull "Mind Games" në viktima amerikane dhe të organizatës militante Liria Nga fshehtë Ngacmimi dhe Mbikqyrjes (e drejta për të jetuar pa mbikqyrje dhe ngacmimet okult) .
Ndërkohë, një numër në rritje i viktimave të reja bëjë të njohur veten nga të katër qoshet e botës. Pretendojnë se këto krime janë bërë publike, këmbëngulin se një hetim ndërkombëtar të bëhet për këtë çështje. Dhe të fillojnë një fushatë kundër torturës dhe abuzimit me armë të energjisë drejtohet (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) dhe Neurologjisë.
خفیہ جیو فیزیکل ہتھیاروں کے ، کو ہدایت کی توانائی کے ہتھیاروں کے تشدد اور بدسلوکی اور اعصابی
ہزاروں لوگ ، بہت زیادہ انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزی اور وہ چپ چاپ اس وقت دنیا بھر میں جگہ ہو لینے کا ایک بین الاقوامی تفتیش کا مطالبہ کر رہے ہیں.
حالیہ برسوں میں جرائم کے خلاف انسانیت کی تعداد میں لوگ گلاب کے پھول اتنا کہ ہم سویلین حملے کی زد میں ہونے کی وجہ آبادی کے بارے میں کھل کر بات کر سکتے ہیں.
اس حملے کی ٹیکنالوجی کی دوری پر خفیہ سرحدوں کی حد سے بڑھ کر کام کرنے کے ساتھ مصروف عمل ہے ، اس وقت ہے اور مجبور و بے بس اور پہلے سے نہ سوچا شہریوں کے خلاف استعمال ہورہے ہیں.
متاثرین کو مسلسل یہ جرائم لابنگ حکومت کے حکام ، انسانی حقوق کی تنظیموں ، عالمی رہنماؤں اور پریس کو رپورٹ کرنے کے لئے کر رہے ہیں. زیادہ تر ، وہ کیونکہ اس ٹیکنالوجی کے بارے میں علم کی کمی کی جنرل کے جواب نہیں ملے گا. ذہنی اداروں مئی اوہام کے طور پر متاثرین کی تشخیص. اور مقامی پولیس سٹیشنوں پر شکایت اکثر نفسیاتی مسائل یا نظر انداز کے طور پر برتاؤ کر رہے ہیں.
یہ "خاموش ہولوکاسٹ" سے پہلے کئی سال لگ سکتے ہیں عوامی علم ہو جاتا ہے. اور متاثرین کے لئے ، اس کے مقابلے بہت حقیقی ہے.
ہونے کے ناطے روايت جرائم کی پیمانے پر ، اور ان الزامات کی سنگینی کا ، ایک نہایت اہم بین الاقوامی تحقیقات جواز.
کیونکہ وہاں بہت سے دنیا بھر کے متاثرین ، ایک پوری دنیا میں انٹرنیٹ کے ذریعے مربوط تحریک افزائش کرنا ہیں ، یہ صرف ہے میہنتی اور ئماندار متاثرین جو اس جرم کی ، بہت سے کارکنوں کے اس گروہ سے زیادہ بار ہونے کے متاثرین کی اصل تعداد کی رپورٹ پر قادر ہیں زیادہ تر.
Weinberger Sharonجنوری 2007 میں ، مضمون "کھیل پر توجہ" میں "دی واشنگٹن پوسٹ ، صحافی نے لکھا ہے کہ امریکہ کی آزادی کی خفیہ حاراسمینٹ اور نگرانی سے متاثرین اور کارکن تنظیم ، کے بارے میں ظاہر ہو ،.
اسی اثناء میں ، دنیا کے تمام حصوں سے نئے متاثرین گریٹر تعداد میں دکھائے جا رہے ہیں. انہوں نے یہ جرائم کی پاداش میں مطالبہ عوام کی بنا پر ہو رہے ہیں اور اس مسئلے کا ایک بین الاقوامی تحقیقات پر زور دے رہے ہیں. اور اعصابی اور یہ ہدایت کی توانائی (وس) اذیت اور غلط استعمال ہتھیاروں کے خلاف ایک اجتماعی مہم شروع.
ہماری ہدایت کی توانائی کے ہتھیاروں اور اعصابی آرگنائز کیا تھا ، اور پیچھا تشدد اور بدسلوکی کیس کی تفصیلات انتہائی بڑا ہے اور انسانی تاریخ میں انسانی حقوق کی ادنایکوادی کی خلاف ورزی کا بڑا خوفناک نفسیاتی اتیاچار ، عصمت دری ، جنسی استحصال ، جراحی ویئتیکرن ، 'من کنٹرول' سمیت بعض ، ، اور دیگر ذہنی اور جسمانی طور پر ویئتیکرن -- دیکھیں
يطالب الآلاف من البشر بإجراء تحقيق دولي في الإنتهاكات الصارخة لحقوق الإنسان والتي تحدث بصمت فيأرجاء العالم في هذه اللحظة.
لقد ارتفع في السنوات الأخيرة عدد الجرائم ضد الإنسانية تلك إلى درجة أنه يمكننا القول بأن السكان المدنيين يتعرضون لعدوان غاشم.
هذا العدوان يتم اقترافه بواسطة تكنولوجيا تعمل خـُفية وعن بعد، متجاوزة الحدود بين الدول وهي تـُستخدم في الوقت الراهن ضد مواطنين عُـزّل لا يعرفون ما يتعرضون له.
يبذل الضحايا قصارى جهدهم للإبلاغ بشكل مستمر عن هذه الجرائم إلى المسؤولين الحكوميين ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان وقادة العالم ووسائل الإعلام، إلا أنهم لا يجدون في الغالب أي استجابة نظراً لغياب الوعي بشكل عام حول هذه التكنولوجيا. ليس ذلك فحسب، بل قد تقوم المصحات العقلية بتشخيص الضحايا على أنهم مرضى توهم. ويتم التعامل مع الشكاوي المقدمة إلى أقسام الشرطة المحلية على أنها مشاكل نفسية أو يتم تجاهلها.
ربما يستغرق الأمر العديد من السنوات قبل أن يعرف الناس "المحرقة الصامتة"، وهذه ليست مبالغة فبالنسبة للضحايا، ما يحدث لهم يعد محرقة بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى. إن المدى الذي بلغته هذه الجرائم التي يتم الإبلاغ عنها وجسامة الإتهامات يحتـّمان إجراء تحقيق دولي عاجل.
نظراً لوجود عدد كبير من الضحايا حول العالم، والتي تمخضت عنها حركة عالمية منسقة عبر الإنترنت، فإن الضحايا الأكثر صبراً وثباتاً هم فقط من يقوم بالإبلاغ عن هذه الجريمة. إن العدد الفعلي للضحايا يفوق عدد أفراد هذه المجموعة من النشطاء مرات عديدة.
في شهر يناير من عام 2007م، نـُشـِر مقال في صحيفة "واشنطن بوست" بعنوان "الألعاب العقلية" للكاتبة الصحفية شارون وينبيرجر عن الضحايا الأمريكيين والمنظمة الناشطة في هذا المجال "الحرية من المضايقة والمراقبة الخفية".
في هذه الأثناء، يظهر المزيد من الضحايا في جميع المناطق حول العالم. إنهم يطالبون بالكشف عن هذه الجرائم ويلحّون على إجراء تحقيق دولي في هذه المشاكل وأطلقوا حملة جماعية لمناهضة التعذيب والإعتداء والتشويه بواسطة أسلحة الأقمار الصناعية والأسلحة الدماغية.
تمثل بعض الحالات المسجلة ضمن حملة مناهضة (التعذيب والإعتداء والتشويه بواسطة أسلحة الأقمار الصناعية والأسلحة الدماغية) أشد إنتهاكات حقوق الإنسان تطرفاً وشمولية في التاريخ البشري بما في ذلك الأساليب البشعة في التعذيب النفسي، والإغتصاب، والإستغلال الجنسي، وتشويه الأعضاء جراحياً، والسيطرة على العقول، وغيرها من التشويهات العقلية والبدنية. للإطلاع يمكنكم زيارة الروابط التالية:
Miloj da homoj, demandas por internacia esploro de enormaj homaj rajtoj kiuj silente okazas tutmonda tiumomente.
En lastaj jaroj la nombro de tiuj krimoj kontraŭ homaro leviĝis tiel ke ni povas malkaŝe parolas pri la civilan loĝantaron esti atakataj.
Ĉi tiu atako estas kompromitita kun teknologio laborante invisibly al distanco, preter la limojn de limoj, kaj estas en ĉi tiu momento esti uzata kontraŭ senhelpaj kaj konfiditaj civitanoj.
La viktimoj estas konstante cabildeo raporti tiujn krimojn al ŝtatoficistoj, homaj rajtoj organizoj, mondaj gvidantoj kaj la gazetaro. Parte, ili ne iras respondojn pro ĝenerala manko de scio pri la teknologio. Mensa institucioj povas diagnozi la viktimoj kiel delusional. Kaj plendoj tranoktis ĉe loka polico stacidomoj estas ofte traktata kiel psikologiaj problemoj aŭ ignorita.
Ĝi povas preni plurajn jarojn, antaŭ la "silenta holokaŭsto" fariĝas publika scio. Kaj por la viktimoj, la komparo estas tre reala.
La skalo de la krimoj estis raportitaj, kaj la seriozeco de la akuzoj, pravigas urĝa internacia enketo.
Ĉar estas tiom da viktimoj tutmonda, generante tutmonda movado kunordigita tra interreto, tio estas nur la plej diligenta kaj konsciaj de la viktimoj kiuj kapablas raporti ĉi krimo; la reala nombro de viktimoj esti multoble pli granda ol tiu grupo de aktivuloj.
En januaro 2007, la artikolo "Menso Ludoj" aperis en "The Washington Post", skribita de ĵurnalisto Sharon Weinberger, pri la usonaj viktimoj kaj la aktivisma organizado, Libereco De Covert persekutadas kaj viglado.
Dume, el ĉiuj partoj de la mondo novajn viktimojn montras supren en granda nombro. Ili petas tiuj krimoj oni faris publikaj kaj estas insistante en internacia esploro de ĉi tiu problemo. Kaj komencante kolektiva kampanjo kontraŭ DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS (DEW) torturo kaj misuzo.
__Our foes and enemies of "mk-ultra 2000" or project Monarch__