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北大教授造出解梦机 脑电波能“读”梦类型
点击数:101 次  录入时间:2011-5-12 15:05:00  编辑:walter-75



































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][\/][ Facebook16/01/2008][\/][
][\/][ La CIA dietro Facebook?][\/][

][\/][ Facebook: la CIA usa il social network per le sue indagini (25/03/2010)][\/][

][\/][ Facebook sotto accusa. Un uomo rivendica l'84% della proprietà. E il giudice blocca la vendita di asset (13/07/2010)][\/][

ENG) FACEBOOK experiments with RFID chips and your user PROFILE !!!

][\/][ Facebook? Alla larga, c'è dietro la Cia. (25/11/2008)][\/][






][\/][ The Netherlands are beating the New World Order! ][\/][

ENG) Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP part 6

ITA) Sul lavaggio del cervello e controllo mentale con relativi squilibri psichici.
Ecco il BREVETTO 6,470,214 DATATO 22 OTTOBRE 2002.

Visto che roba già nei primi minuti del documentario.

Far giungere al cervello FRASI di senso compiuto.
Non serve un BIOCHIP nel cervello per farlo,anche se quello aggiunge altre possiilità per piegare una cavia uomo/donna/bambino/animale.
Praticamente le famose "voci" e potrebbero farlo anche a te.


ITA) Guerre stellari in Iraq (STAR WARS)
►VIDEO ###

ITA) Controllo della mente e Progetto MK Ultra (MARIO ROSSI.NET)


ITA) Ilaria Alpi - Il più crudele dei giorni

ENG) CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (1 of 2)
ENG) CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (2 of 2)
ENG) Science Channel Admits Microwaves Used in Mind Control


H.A.A.R.P. = High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

ITA) "ARMI NON CONVENZIONALI, le guerre sporche", i video su YouTUBE di REBUS



ENG) Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - HAARP part 6

ITA) H.A.A.R.P. ed il controllo mentale delle masse - Tanker Enemy Canale Video

ITA) haarp e il controllo mentale (by Cristina OpenEyes)

ENG) Drugs in Drinking Water Mind Control and Others Must Watch (by Irene R.)




Controllo della mente e Progetto MK Ultra

►ILLUMINATI : Tremonti Confessa la Massoneria

Annozero 06/03/08 tremonti illuminati - part 02

Big Brother NW Microchip Brainwashing Cashless Tyranny 2/3 - Big, Brother, NW, Microchip, Brainwash

ENG) MK ULTRA Ewen Cameron

SITO - Il chip sottocutaneo sbarca in Messico




][\/][ ITA) tg2 Biochip e virus-28 maggio 2010.3gp ][\/][

][\/][ ITA)Virus PC infetta uomo: è la prima volta ][\/][



][\/][ ITA) tg2 biochip e warwick-27 maggio 2010.3gp A ROVERETO prov. TRENTO ][\/][

][\/][ ITA) Preparazione ai Chip Corporei: Voyager 11 maggio 2010 ][\/][


][\/][ ITA) Warwick e i suoi studi sull ibridazione tra uomo e macchina. (MAGGIO 2010) ][\/][

][\/][ ITA) Nasce il robot con un cervello biologico 2008 ][\/][

][\/][ ITA) mondex scenario futuro ][\/][

][\/][ ITA) Un chip sottocutaneo per controllare la popolazione ][\/][

][\/][ ITA) Microchip entro il 2010 ][\/][

][\/][ ENG) NWO-Rfid e Impronte Digitali? ][\/][

][\/][ ENG) WARNING - Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months Under New Health Bill (02/04/2010)

][\/][ ITA) Morgellons: scie chimiche e nanotecnologie (Articolo di Zephyr Faegen)



][\/][ DEU) Das HAARP Projekt - Löcher im Himmel - 01/06 08 febbraio 2008 ][\/][

DEU) Das HAARP Projekt - Löcher im Himmel - 01/06 08 febbraio 2008 ][\/][
Buchi nel cielo (compare anche la città di ARCO - TRIENT)
Ich habe vergesst die DEUTSCHE SPRACHE aber ...
si parla della ionosfera,delle solite scie chimiche e dei danni inflitti.

DEU) Haarp Weapon (Deutsch)


][\/][ ITA) ZERO il film inchiesta sull' 11 settembre (parte 1) ][\/][!v=RkOZoLe9AyQ

][\/][ NWO e NEW AGE: Serie 1 - Infiltrazioni nel Truth Movement - Sub Ita 1/9 ][\/][

][\/][ITA) Fall Of The Republic 1/14.La presidenza Barack Obama ][\/][!v=Q002YVIB1lI

][\/][ L'Inganno di Obama, di Alex Jones - Sub Ita 1/12 ][\/][!v=36siys9crfI

][\/][ Endgame 1/14 Ita Sub (Alex Jones) ][\/][!v=G7J5AqdoCY0

][\/][ The Georgia Guidestones - I Dieci Comandamenti ][\/][

][\/][ Illuminati - Massoneria - Nwo - Elite - Poteri Occulti by menphis75 ][\/][

][\/][ La Caduta della Repubblica sub ita free download full version ][\/][



][\/][ Airport Screening: The Science and Risks of Backscatter Imaging ][\/][
With David J. Brenner, Columbia University.

][\/][ source video : GROUP All Facebook Against Airport Full Body Scanners ][\/][




][\/][ ► THIS MULTILINGUAL BLOG (English, français, deutsch, español, italiano, ελληνικά)
Rudy2's Multilingual Blog ][\/][

][\/][ ► Rudy2's Multilingual Blog - ARMI EMF e di controllo mentale (ITALIANO) ][\/][


WHAT'S UP IN THE SKY? Military satellites

][\/][ 2) ITA) Il progetto MK ULTRA ovvero la scienza come crimine ][\/][

][\/][ 3) ITA) Ecco chi comanda il mondo ][\/][

][\/][ 4) ITA) ECHELON 1 ][\/][

][\/][ 5) ITA) Test sulla popolazione e collegamento test nucleari e terremoti ][\/][

][\/][ 6) ITA) Gli Illuminati e il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ][\/][




CZ) Czechoslovak Military LSD experiment














Microwave Warfare - Barrie Trower(kiitos Annie)












ESP) Abduction - Addotto - Analisi impianto microchip alieno
RISONANZA MAGNETICA che è ANTIQUATA se il BIOCHIP è inferiore al mezzo millimetro di SPESSORE.


ITA) Straordinario documento: rapito dagli ufo dopo 40 anni analizza e opera un microchip. Scienziati studiano con contatore geiger ed altri strumenti questo oggetto che pare emanare onde elettromagnetiche (senza avere batterie). Nel video oltra al notissimo Maussan anche il  
Dr. Roger Leir esperto di impianti.




ESP) Abductions_Ron Noel_Estrazione chirurgica microchip alieno

ITA: Dopo 40 anni opera un microchip in una exeresi documentata. Si tratta del "Caso Ron Noel".
Dopo che i tecnici hanno analizzato il fenomeno dall'esterno: un microchip sconosciutuo sotto la pelle di Ron Noel che emana onde elettromagnetiche senza batterie da 40 anni.Nel video oltra al notissimo Maussan anche il Dr. Roger Leir esperto di impianti alieni.

Il problema delle adduzioni o abduzioni (abductions in inglese) è conosciuto dagli ufologi da tanto tempo, soltanto oggi grazie all'illustre Prof. Corrado Malanga e ad altri coraggiosi ricercatori possiamo affermare che non solo vi è una documentazione scientifica al riguardo, ma che la scuola italiana di Malanga è già avanti, a cercare soluzioni che diano uno strumento utile all'addotto per aiutarsi da solo.

Tanti, purtroppo, gli sfortunati rapiti dagli alieni raccontano esperienze che stanno tra questa dimensione e altre dimensioni, dove il presente, il futuro e il passato coesistono, dove dall'alieno si arriva alla natura dell'uomo e all'essenza del suo percorso evolutivo (inteso come monade).

L'unica arma che ha anima è la consapevolezza individuale: con questa l'alieno non può nulla, in quanto sebbene sia evoluto a livello di intelligenza tecnologica (questo video ne è una prova) non può nulla contro un'anima consapevole. Diamoci da fare.



ESP) Benjamin Fulford denuncia HAARP


][\/][ ESP) Haarp video musicale ][\/][

][\/][ ESP) HAARP at work? ][\/][

][\/][ ESP) Rusos afirman que EUA causó Terremoto en Haiti Ensayando P. ][\/][

][\/][ ESP sub in ENG) Haarp ][\/][
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Dangerous TI

I have been labeled one of the most dangerous TI's on Earth.  I have been a target for many, many years.  I  am the hardest of the hard targets.  I have been brilliant with my tactics.  At one point the supreme council was so intent on preventing me from drinking coffee that they deployed gangstalkers at every store for about a 20 by 50 mile basis.  1000 square miles of rural area sticking out like a sore thumb.  


They spend up to $50,000 per hour using jet aircraft and military aircraft. 


I used a backpack, a lack of cell phone, a tent, and a blanket and drove the TI budget through the roof. 


If I pick up the phone to call another lawyer, doctor, or other organization...The whole gang cringes....



I'm so bad....They tried to brainwash me with car accidents....


I am the meanest TI in the whole illegal program....


I can do 300 situps and even the meanest trolls won't approach me alone.



I will teach you how to win.


H. R.

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A person wth no criminal history


, "no record" when he reddresses his problems to the government in detail, and receives no answers at all other than one response that was rediculously inacurate to what i inquired for help for ,why? maybe those who thought that i was an "ambiguity" using the civil justice reform by either protecting a personel interest ,"family member or organization" by using the" discredit and slander" campaign with a complete disreguard of the actual truth,in which the gatherings at local bases were good local citizens who are loyal to this country  are having thier heads  pumped full of completely falsified inacurate information by these figures of authority of me  which is literally designed to be a "top secret matter for the security of our counrty" so these innocent people literally believe this crap and endure this operation with a very agressive stance in no concideration of the truth. The use of fascist group gatherings and "enviromental organizations for disaster management"  are used to disseminate information throughout the community by fabricating events and or information to continue the tyrade against myself, and my family, They push a campaign that presses me so far back that it is mearly impossible to vindicate my character . The devices that have been installed in various locations including on the telephone poles across from my home, and the "RINGS" installed up in the trees,and i do know what they do, and the filters on my internet connections the tampering with my families and my cell phones.  the stupid imaging projections,I do know exactly were every single device is,and who is participating "documented and photographed". This is all denied of course,  denied because it is illegal and the powers that be are saving grace by keeping thier false flag designed investigation of me" under the carpet" The Ongoing.vandalization , dew assault,mail tampering ,conspiracy,invasion of privacy by using the patriot act, ect, this is all being done due to illegal acts taken against me  from my former 15 year carreer employer.This entire matter is well designed to discredit me by making me look mentally incapable , A threat assesment is being used by labeling me with no evidence a"threat and  dangerous person" by using my appearance in a stereotypical way .This entire tyrade stems from my illegal termination from my former 15 year carreer in which i have complete and clear evidence of,,that is why this ongoing  outrageous obstruction is presently going on  . its like "they actually believe their own lies about me"
  It blows my mind how my "civil liberties" as a law abiding citizen and a victim  have been circumvented by the ones whom are supposed to protect them,i am not comfortable posting things as i presently am,but as a man that is a very hard worker that has been completely loyal and honest , that has been shafted out of his 15 year carreer,by abuses ,and bias fabricated decisions and then to be subjected to this "patriotic campaign "were the victim "me" is targeted and brutalized regardless of the truth and the facts of the former events. This "False Flag" campaign will not stop because of "innacurate decisions" made against me wich were completely wrong and the "hitman" " take him out , hes easy ,hell get mad and will catch him" technique has failed so there last resort is to use the "see something say something" technique to run to the committee with bullshit and using a proffesional ranking all because of not "facing failure" to were frustration of not getting me to bite on the stupid antics "which i have on video" inevitably there will be planting of something as a last resort to save the grace of their mission and out of this frustration of failure the decision makers make this a "personal thing with me" and direct this with anger towards me,"what do they think,? i am a man with many responsibilities and people who depend on me like my ""CHILDREN"do they think i will just lay down in a coffin and ill just go away? I DONT THINK SO!!!!  I have done  absolutely nothing wrong, I cannot prove  who they are ,i know my former employer does not have these capabilities or authority to initiate this technology and antics ,So i say this because i know that all the things that have been done to me -,property damage,vandalization,asault ,the "make me look crazy"and mamy others things. They will not stop because of "its in way to deep and too far gone " for them to stop so i have to continuosly display myself openly,i have never been questioned by anyone ,watsoever,so anything i show that may reveal things is not my fault,they are using the "prove it" tactic in which i cannot until i get a private investigator or figure a way to prove it. I dont have the first idea how to deal with this ,if i do and i know i will stop talking openly of it.  It is a very displacing uncomfortable  feeling when the law is being outright broken against you and the duties of law enforcement are a questionable source of protection for me ,"what is a man supposed to do?",  A man such as me who has no legal expieriences never even knew what a "tort" actually was untill the idiot i had represent me he filed a "tort" in my name without my knowledge of it untill after he filed it and when he told me he basically told me like i was his law firm partner or something, definatelly this smells"FISHY" His tort  could easily be used to  label me as a" financial terrorist" if i have no legal representation.This has affected my family ,my friends  which i love and now i have none  due to this  The bottom line is that my real issue is a civil matter with the former employer and its only going to take one tiny little finger to point me in the right direction and i will with not a swingle doubt vindicate this entire situation.,I will never submit to dishonesty that has been bestowed against me,i will never ,it is my natural god given trait ,as well as forgiveness which i do forgive the initial individuals who used to be best friends of mine that  have subjected me to this i really do forgive them  from the bottom of my heart!!!
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RF hearing effect and more

I was checking out someone's page and a video they posted caught my eye, about the RF hearing effect.

This segment of a History channel show on mind control directly mentions the US Air Force as the patent holder for a "Method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effect." The patent noted is dated October 22, 2002.
Patent # 6470214.

If you start that at around 4:42 the pertinent info is right there. Previous patents show work since 1971 and 1989. The Washington Post Magazine article shows Air Force experimentation in October 1994, as cited in the video.

There's little doubt they just abandoned the effort in those 8 years between experimentation and patenting a "method and DEVICE."

Combine these things with Fusion centers (that only feed gov't files to state and local police, since that's all they admit to) that certainly wouldn't act against people, despite less than lethal weapons being transferred to the Department of Justice-- a cabinet level dept of the Executive branch (which isn't the Judicial branch) in 1992 since the military "could not use these weapons against its own citizens"-- and I'm sure we get a clear picture of exactly what's being done. Executive Branch authorities are meting out "justice" at their own discretion.
Since there are no terrorists, they essentially try to create them, or just have people suffer until your death. The combination of x-ray satellites and Iridium satellites (that operate at cell phone freqs) provides more than enough power to do whatever they would choose, with optimal frequencies across the spectrum being used for differing tasks based on transmittance through whatever medium, atmosphere or material.
You can produce a cylindrical area of effect by focusing the effect of those cell phone freqs along a small elliptical cross section of maybe slightly more than 1" that would still be about a quarter meter wavelength. Certain IR frequencies also have a high transmittance through the atmosphere, merely by avoiding absorption signatures of CO2, water, and other common molecules. 
That patent ends with noting that digital signal processing can also be used to produce this effect, so typing in words, and having them phonetically from computer typing inputs that are then transmitted isn't much of an effort, and probably presents a preferred method of attacks against targets.
A further key is shown in the recent conviction of a scientist that was trying to sell satellite technology to FBI posing as Israeli agents.
A key passage in that article:
"The cost to the U.S. government was $200 million ... to develop it all," Nozette is quoted as saying. "And then that's not including the launching of it. ... Integrating the satellites. ... that probably brings it to almost a billion dollars."
And in another article concerning this same man:
"He worked at the White House on the National Space Council in 1989 and 1990, developing a radar experiment that helped discover water on the south pole of the moon."
So that satellite integration was being pursued throughout the period of experimentation and patent, with no device having to be added, since they were already there.
Any additional satellites would be augment that capacity, and increase spectral transmissions and their effectiveness.
The 14th amendment:
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Clearly informed consent for human experimentation, which was quietly removed in the post-911 era-- I think in December of 2001-- doesn't supersede the amendment, since those rights are enumerated to the states and to the people, which is therefore guaranteed by the 10th Amendment.
So civil rights becomes the issue, with Title 18 section 242 coming into play "Deprivation of rights under color of law." The aggravated sexual assault, or even intent to do so, can carry any penalty of years, or the death penalty. Section 241 is against acts by the general populace.
To think they'll acknowledge a FOIA request and hang themselves, is ludicrous.
Apart from God acting, which is inevitable, I don't see a resolution to this. Certainly there isn't a thing that we can do, and I'm not going to break any laws or advocate anyone else doing the same. Since "the people's efforts are only fuel for the flames" (Isaiah) and "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" (Luke 12:49 NIV), it doesn't matter to me. I'll be here if they want more reward from God, which last forever for them.
God repays. I can handle this in the meantime.
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my matter

CI am a victim of extreme obstruction of civil justice by fed agencies and my community were i live, the obstruction is designned in a gangstalking way that is preventing me from exposing shadow government abuse in which i had my 15 year career illegally taken from me and the fed / state is circumventing my character to discredit me ,in which i have the highest forms of technology trying to manipulate my life , continous electronic interference with everyt hing i own ,including my vehicle while im driving it. I believe information has been falsified of my character"slander campaign" to discredit me i believe an abuse of civil justice reform is being used as a vehicle to abuse the power of authority to claim me "frivolous" on a pretext basis and to possibly have used me as a financial scapegoat for economical gains for the communityvi lice in and also fo a fed agency yearly budget. I have been attacked with EMF ,and DEW several times. This has devistated myself and family in every aspect of normal way of life.i am also targeted by many satellites 24/7 which i have documented on a sat tracker,these satellites are used in conjunction with the first responders and secure community program.i have been in search of. Legal info to disclose my evidrnce and to retaliate in a fed district civil court.i am also in groups of "TI" on facebook. I can apreciate any information i can get from sources of similiar persons subjected to the same illegal marxist fascist persecution.,and possibly. Information on how to disclose the evidence that i have in a undisclosed place. I would like to also assist and help anyone that i can within my means

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2011年09月07日 11:29:53  来源: 新浪科技 【字号 留言打印关闭





  美国密歇根大学教授艾森·阿肯-阿克塔卡(Ethem Erkan Aktakka)告诉记者说:“尽管近些年在微型飞行器设计方面取得了长足的进展,但是考虑到其空气动力学表现,悬空时间,载荷能力以及微观尺寸上的节能性能,这些设计都是无法与这种‘僵尸’昆虫机器人相比的。”他说:“人类依靠现有的技术是无法挑战后者的,因为这是大自然经过千万年进化后得到的结果。”

  到目前为止,应用于昆虫体内的操纵系统仍然是靠电池供电的。但是现在-阿克塔卡和合作者一起研发出了一种节能装置,它能依靠昆虫扇动翅膀的动作发电。他们在昆虫的两个翅膀上各安装一个这样的节能装置,运用压电效应产生45 W的电量。并且研究人员们相信,一旦将发电机组与昆虫体内的运动肌肉实现直接连接,这种发电效率将得到指数级提升。

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A letter to Washington Post

Kelb, Inc.

Keep The Ethical Light Burning

Non-Profit advocacy on nonconsensual human experimentation and abuse

September 4, 2011

Washington Post
Washington, D.C.

Re: Ending/addressing the problem of U.S. nonconsensual human subject testing

Dear Washington Post:

This letter concerns the very serious issue of U.S. nonconsensual experimentation. Our organization advocates on this issue. We are transmitting our letter to you, which is also in support of a letter submitted earlier by retired California Attorney, Robert Starett, whose organization, The Coalition for A Safe World, (OH) also advocates and works on this issue.

We believe that this is an issue that can be effectively addressed by the current Bioethics Committee, appointed by President Obama, to deal specifically with experimentation, both consensual and with the question of what constitutes unethical experimentation. We believe we have much to contribute to this discussion.

Unauthorized human subject testing is not permitted in this country, or internationally. U.S. Codes and laws state that the informed consent of the human subject is necessary for any experiments on human beings. The Nuremberg Code (1947), The Wilson Directive (1953), Belmont Report (1974) and 45 CFR 46 (Common Rule), all clearly delineate this. This is an accepted, normal code of practice in this country.

In recent history, unfortunately, many times, this code has been breached. The military/intelligence community and some of the health agencies have, in fact, conducted secret experiments on U.S. citizens. One very disturbing and alarming incidence of this, is the newly revealed, Guatemalan syphilis testing on unknowing, poor Guatemalans in the 40’s - 60’s. The Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the MKUltra Project experiments, Agent Orange studies, the Holmesburg Prison experiments, military mustard gas experiments, drug experimentation at Fort Detrick, Maryland, radiation/plutonium experiments and other nonconsensual experiments, have been conducted on unwitting American citizens, since at least 1930.

This quote:
“For 40 years, the U.S. Public Health Service has conducted a study in which human guinea pigs, not given proper treatment, have died of syphilis and its side effects," Associated Press reporter Jean Heller wrote on July 25, 1972. "The study was conducted to determine from autopsies what the disease does to the human body." 1

--- illustrates one exposure of some of these unauthorized tests.

If these nonconsensual experiments had not been exposed, would they have continued? Would the ethical and moral conscience of the “testors” determined that these tests would end? It doesn’t seem to have had that effect, in our past history. Testing seems to have continued, after the Tuskegee experiments were exposed. A Brown University dissertation tells us that, “more often than not scientific research lies outside the beneficient context of the physician-patient relationship whereby the physician's primary goal is now motivated by a scientific hypothesis and not to treat the patient,” in their definition of the Nuremberg Code’s creation. 2

Tuskegee litigation determined that there were indeed serious legal violations:

“The men became unwitting subjects for a government sanctioned medical investigation, The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male. The Tuskegee Study, which lasted for 4 decades, until 1972, had nothing to do with treatment. No new drugs were tested; neither was any effort made to establish the efficacy of old forms of treatment. It was a non-therapeutic experiment, aimed at compiling data on the effects of the spontaneous evolution of syphilis on black males.

What has become clear since the story was broken by Jean Heller in 1972 was
that the Public Health Service (PHS) was interested in using Macon County and its black inhabitants as a laboratory for studying the long-term effects of untreated syphilis, not in treating this deadly disease.

The Tuskegee Study symbolizes the medical misconduct and blatant disregard for human rights that takes place in the name of science. The studies principal investigators were not mad scientists, they were government physicians, respected men of science, who published reports on the study in the leading medical journals. The subjects of the study bear witness to the premise that the burden of medical experimentation has historically been borne by those least able to protect themselves. (, "America’s Dirty Little Secret).

The government doctors who participated in the study failed to obtain informed consent from the subjects in a study of disease with a known risk to human life. . . .

By failing to obtain informed consent and offering incentives for participation, the PHS doctors were performing unethical and immoral experiments on human subjects. From the moment the experiment begun, the immorality of the experiment was blatantly apparent.” 3
In a latter day nonconsensual experimentation, claimant Strom (Strom v. Boeing Case Wash SuperCt King County No. 88-2-10752-1) and his fellow claimants received a large cash award because of the unwitting experimentation they experienced, incurred by the Boeing defense contractor, in Washington State. Boeing had experimented on Mr. Strom and others, with a pulsed electromagnetic device.

In his claim, Mr. Strom alleged he was assigned to test a piece of equipment called a “pulser”, which generates high levels of electromagnetic pulses, (EMP) as part of a program to develop an electromagnetic gun for the federal government’s Stratetic Defense Initiative. What Mr. Strom didn’t know at that time, was that he too, not only the “pulser”, was being tested for his reactions to the EMP and for epidemiological data on the effects of the radiation. This data was shared in medical references and never revealed to the workers. Mr. Strom developed chronic leukemia and
later died.

Exposures to radiation are deemed harmful. The American Medical Association has just released an article that documents the harm that radiation can do to human beings. 4.

In this era of changing and lightening-swift scientific/technological developments and research, when data is transmitted with the speed of the blink of an eye, we need to make sure ethics, works side by side with these scientific advances and all experimentation, including that done for such governmental agencies as the Strategic Defense Initiative are consensual. To do less, is to potentially harm and deny basic, constitutional guarantees, to American citizens. This Committee exists to ensure that ethics, ethical principals and specifically consensual, as opposed to nonconsensual experimenation, is at work in

in all biological and scientific endeavors. We support that goal and aim of this Committee and ask that you work to ensure, that these goals become an important reality.

We write in support of unwitting test subjects and the very pressing issue of nonconsensual experimentation by rogue governmental agencies and others. Our 60 + members, join with us, in support of this letter, and an earlier letter on this issue, by California attorney, Robert Starrett and his organization, and other like minded groups in seeking exposure and help.

We seek your support, press exposure and ask that you with us, as you can, towards identifying, and stopping illegal, unauthorized human subject testing in the U. S. We ask that you make this a priority, determine that it is vitally important and needs immediate action and investigation. We thank you for informative, very timely articles and for your attention to this crucial matter.


Lynn Weed,
New York, New York
2680 Frederick Douglas Blvd #12B
New York, New York 10030
NYC Paralegal
Co-Director, Kelb, Inc.
Keep The Ethical Light Burning
Non-profit organization dedicated to advocacy on nonconsensual
experimentation and abuse
60 + Nationwide Members in Support
And they send their support
1. Tuskegee Syphilis Study, by Tuskegee Legacy Committee Chair Dr. Vanessa Gamble.
2. From:
3. From:

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This article at the link below was welcome news when announced a few days ago.  Apparently Amy Gutmann is calling for compensation for victims who have been harmed by governmental research programs.  And according to Peter she stated that this would include military experiments as well.  After hearing this, I was reminded of the one point I made in my speech to the commission requesting a similar system of redress for TI's.  So maybe the commission listened to us after all!  Well, I believe that it would not have happened at all if we had not gone and spoken up to them about this.  I believe this to be a positive result for our efforts!  Congratulations to all who participated in this process!

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i was wondering

Why are we such a weak network ? It seems that the electronic info rolls out in posts all the time but where is the human contact? We need each other , for many of us we're all each other has. Why aren't we communicating more on how we are getting by, keeping in touch, giving advice and support in the blogs section. I would love for us to have more personal blogs we can support each other with.

For me lately its just been coming to terms with how many people are involved in this harassment. Mine is huge. It seems a large number of people in society have sold their souls to the devil or something. Alot of the general public and officials are involved. This is mind-blowing to me. I couldnt do this to my worst enemy - them!!!

Please keep up the contact so we can support each other and share stories.

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This isn't just electronic.
It's more than the SDI satellites set up to intercept missiles. It's more than a combination of all satellite emitters, including Iridium satellites that the US gov't had bought out (since the company could never provide cell phone coverage with a couple lost satellites, and no money to launch the 2 or 3 more needed). And it's more than just electronic.
The combination of wavefronts from numerous emitters coalescing at a single point would focus their energies along a cylinder that's no shorter in length than the longest wavelength used, and no smaller in radius than the shortest. There are a lot of higher energy emitters that are up there than those that are working at cell phone freqs, but that doesn't explain everything. Sure, those are tools used to augment what's being done, but that's not the whole story.
Here's a few examples that a purely electronic method would not cover....
1) One night I'm going to sleep, sitting in bed, and had a forced erection that's keeping me from sleeping. Then the 60-year woman that lives on the other side of the paper thin walls here says, quite loudly and not the usual droning voices that we're subject to, "Get on your porch. Now." I got out of bed, then just went right back to bed, but I can hear her go out her door and go outside. When she came back in, she goes, "Fine. I'll still get what I want." In disgust, I move to my couch to masturbate there. She's moved since then.
2) A few years ago I lived at an apartment in the city. I had a dream (that ties to an even 2 weeks later, in real life) where a woman backs me up to a bed, and her intentions are obvious. So I laid back on it and said, "I guess you're going to strangle me." She nods, and hops on top of me and playfully puts her hands on my neck. I look over and see a reflection on my computer monitor and it's a little flaming guy on top of me, and I was look back at her and was going to bash her. Then look back at the monitor, look at her, lay my arms flat to my sides, look back at the monitor and kick her squarely in the back of the head. The little flaming guy bounces to the floor, and spins on his butt a couple times, and dashes off.
About two weeks later, I'm sitting on my porch that directly faces the house next to me, and my extremely attractive neighbor is going to bed, closing her window. I see her and look at her, but try not to stare, and just follow the window down as she's closing it, but notice her figure the whole way down. When I look back to her eyes, she's nodding and smiling at me. A few minutes later I hear a yell, "Ow!" then hear her running to the bathroom and see the light come on, and her saying, "oow. ow." for a bit and her husband ask, "are you alright?" I can see that she's rubbing her head through the gap in the curtain and the silhouette of light.
3) An apartment that I had just nearby the one that I have now. One night the police are at the duplex across the street from my 3rd floor apartment and I'm wondering what's going on. I see the 70-year old husband in hand cuffs, and one officer keeping him outside. He's asking if he can get his wallet, told to stay right there, etc. He asks if she's okay when they said he could get his wallet, and then is escorted back outside and told not to move from that spot. The 70-year old woman comes out holding her jaw, which seems to be broken, and the guy is just frustrated.
About 2 weeks later, I have a dream where I'm walking through a locker room that has gym-style grated lockers, and there's "shocks" coming from a rabbit sitting on the top shelf inside one of the lockers, that's draining a "World of warcraft" style life bar, that's getting starting to flash red, and at that point I'm irritated. I go over to the locker, and there's a woman standing in front of it, and I push her, and then punch her 4 times. Left cross, then 3 upper cuts, two to each side of her jaw and then directly underneath her chin. In the first 3 strikes I hear bone crunching, in the last 3 I hear pops. Only 4 total punches, with crushing and popping sounds combined in two of them. (It was pretty grotesque sounding, at that). Crunch, pop, pop, pip. Kind of sickening to think about it.
I don't get approached for sex in dreams. I suspect that's their "reward" though. I'm not violent, and have refused to hit anyone in real life because I know that would be the real effect. But submitting to their "image" would affect my relationship with God, and I know that he protects from that happening.
I could mention another incident that's similar, but it doesn't really matter. 
I have described the electronics that they're using to augment what's a purely demonic effect, and I've told you what they're doing and their reward.
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Washington, June 9 : Scientists at MIT's McGovern Institute for Brain Research have developed a new computational model to describe how the human brain visually identifies objects.

The model accurately predicts human performance on certain visual-perception tasks, which suggests that it's a good indication of what actually happens in the brain, and it could also help improve computer object-recognition systems.

The model was designed to reflect neurological evidence that in the primate brain, object identification - deciding what an object is - and object location - deciding where it is - are handled separately.

"Although what and where are processed in two separate parts of the brain, they are integrated during perception to analyse the image. The model that we have tries to explain how this information is integrated," said Sharat Chikkerur, lead author on a paper

The researchers argue that the mechanism of integration is attention.

According to their model, when the brain is confronted by a scene containing a number of different objects, it can't keep track of all of them at once.

Thus, instead it creates a rough map of the scene that simply identifies some regions as being more visually interesting than others.

If it's then called upon to determine whether the scene contains an object of a particular type, it begins by searching - turning its attention toward - the regions of greatest interest.

The researchers implemented the model in software, and then tested its predictions against data from experiments with human subjects.

The subjects were asked first to simply regard a street scene depicted on a computer screen, then to count the cars in the scene, and then to count the pedestrians, while an eye-tracking system recorded their eye movements.

The software predicted with great accuracy which regions of the image the subjects would attend to during each task.

The software's analysis of an image begins with the identification of interesting features - rudimentary shapes common to a wide variety of images.

It then creates a map that depicts which features are found in which parts of the image. But thereafter, shape information and location information are processed separately, as they are in the brain.

The software creates a list of all the interesting features in the feature map, and from that, it creates another list, of all the objects that contain those features.

But it doesn't record any information about where or how frequently the features occur.

At the same time, it creates a spatial map of the image that indicates where interesting features are to be found, but not what sorts of features they are.

However, it does interpret the "interestingness" of the features probabilistically. If a feature occurs more than once, its interestingness is spread out across all the locations at which it occurs.

If another feature occurs at only one location, its interestingness is concentrated at that one location.

Mathematically, this is a natural consequence of separating information about objects' identity and location and interpreting the results probabilistically.

But it ends up predicting another aspect of human perception, a phenomenon called "pop out"-a human subject presented with an image of, say, one square and one star will attend to both objects about equally. But a human subject presented an image of one square and a dozen stars will tend to focus on the square.

Like a human asked to perform a visual-perception task, the software can adjust its object and location models on the fly.

If the software is asked to identify only the objects at a particular location in the image, it will cross off its list of possible objects any that don't contain the features found at that location.

On the same lines, if it's asked to search the image for a particular kind of object, the interestingness of features not found in that object will go to zero, and the interestingness of features found in the object will increase proportionally.

This is what allows the system to predict the eye movements of humans viewing a digital image, but it's also the aspect of the system that could aid the design of computer object-recognition systems.

The new system could limit successive searches to just those regions of the image that are likely to have features of interest.

The study was published in the journal Vision Research. (ANI)

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As you may or may not have been aware, DARPA and other organizations have been trying to make small aircraft that are modeled on insects. The problem they ran into, however, was that these little aircraft needed something to power their wings, and the weight of a power source was prohibitive. Did they give up? No. Instead, they gave real beetles mind control implants that allowed them to be remotely controlled. The problem they ran into there was that the mind control implants needed to be powered and batteries were still problematic. Of course, the next logical step researchers in Michigan took was to fit the beetles with piezoelectronics on their wings so that they power their own mind control implants through flight. Yes. This is a thing that is happening.

If you aren’t familiar, piezoelectronics allow pressure to be converted into electricity. Remember those light-up shoes? The same technology could also be used to create laptops that charge by typing, or mind controlled beetles that perpetuate their enslavement with every flap of their wings, for example.

 If all this didn’t sound sci-fi enough as it is, there is one more twist. At the moment, the researchers are affixing piezoelectric mechanisms to the beetles wings, which is providing a decent amount of energy. Where they think the future really is, however, is building the mechanisms directly into the beetle’s wings, which could increase the power output by an order of magnitude. Also, it would mean there are crazy cyborg beetles out there. It’s a toss up on how you should feel about that second part.

The potential applications for such beetles are myriad. When you inevitably connect a camera to one of these babies, you have one of the most efficient, tiniest, most maneuverable aircraft you could ever ask for. These cyborg beetles could be incredibly useful for search and rescue missions, military reconnaissance, and general exploration. While you’d be inclined to think that the big advantage to these is that they would be expendable, that probably isn’t necessarily the case. The cost of the electronics and the process of retrofitting them with all kinds of cyborg gear is probably expensive enough that you don’t want to be flying them into walls, so don’t expect to find them at your local hobby shop next to the RC helicopters any time soon. Still, remote controlled cyborg insects. I have never been so not-terrified-and-disgusted-by-the-thought-of-beetles-ew-gross

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Mimi ni mvulana na napendeal kushirikia na watu walio makini na vitu wanvyo vifanya na kutenda na wenye kujiamini ipasavyo kama inavyo takikana hivyo basi nachukua fursa hii kumkaribisha mtu yeyote anaejisikia kushirikiana na mimi katika mambo mbalimbali na tofauti tofauti kwani siku zote uwa napenda kuwa hivyo kwani hiyo ni kama mfumo wa maisha yangu ya kila siku pote ninapokuwapo, Lakini sipendelei watu wanochukuwa fursa kama hizi kupitia mitandao fotautitofauti kuendeleza ubadhilife na udanganyifu wao kwa wantu wengine walio kuwa makini kwa kila jambo wanalolitenda kama nilivyo mimi.


Hivyo basi kama wewe una jihisi ni mpweke na umetengwa na watu kam nilivyotengwa mimi basi nachukuwa fursa hii kukukaribisha tufanye majdiliano naliyo kuwa ya kimsingi na kueleweka na yenye umakini ulio sa hihi kabisa.


Wako mtiifu, Rajab R.Sanzi

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