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发布时间:2007-11-04 21:46



























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发布时间:2007-11-04 21:42




2007/07/11 21:14







2007/07/21 22:15





2007/07/22 21:54








2007/07/26 20:49



2007/07/27 13:47

















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发布时间:2007-11-04 21:39


















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我支持世界性运动, "制止远距离操纵身体和大脑控制(精神控制)武器对平民的虐待"。我是一个电子骚扰/大脑控制/定向能武器/有组织跟踪,和酷刑虐







“电子邮件团队”成立后的第一次组织的世界性的受害者运动. 是在比利时召开的全世界受害者会议。“电子邮件团队”(Mailteam)已经受到了大量的支持信(Support letters), email:

Monika Stoces和其他人一起努力工作,准备召开Antwerpen新闻发布会,8月9日晚7时,地点:zeemanshuis /Antwerpen酒店会议。距payoke , leguit 4约500 m)


一文(5)Patsy Sorensen,前欧洲议会的议员,邀请所有的受害者于周四8月9日下午会谈)


Here is the invitation letters which written by Monika Stoces

这里是由Monika Stoces写的一封邀请信(荷兰语)

Slachtoffers van elektronische terreur vragen aandacht en willen dringend een internationaal onderzoek duizenden mensen vragen dat deze extreem onderbelichte problematiek de aandacht zou krijgen die het verdient.

Daarom wordt een wereldwijde campage gevoerd, tegen het misbruik van technologie, door slachtoffers zelf, totaal zonder enig legaal of feitelijk verweer, verspreid over alle continenten, (vandaar dat hun enige wapen email is, om aandacht te vragen in de media, voor iets ongelooflijks belangrijks...).

De persconferentie op donderdag 9 augustus 2007, in het zeemanshuis, om 19 u , Antwerpen, kadert in deze wereldwijde campagne.

Ik steun ten volle deze wereldwijde campagne tegen electronische terreur, Directed Energy weapons/ Mindcontrol/ Misbruik van manipulatie technolgie ik vraag een internationaal onderzoek naar misdaden tegen de mensheid.

Slachtoffers van elektronische terreur vragen aandacht en willen dringend een internationaal onderzoek

Antwerpen, maandag 6 augustus 2007

Wereldwijd vragen duidenden mensen dringend een internationaal onderzoek, naar de grove mensenrechtenschendingen die in alle stilte plaatsvinden. Sinds een drietal jaar neemt deze golf van mensenrechtenschendingen en alarmkreten sterk toe.

Deze wapens werken op afstand, zijn niet zichtbaar en evenmin gebonden aan grenzen; men misbruikt deze hoog technologische wapens (" directed energy weapons") tegen een nietsvermoedende en weerloze burgerbevolking.

Door het grote aantal slachtoffers wereldwijd, is er spontaan een heel actieve internationale beweging van mensen ontstaan die geco?rdineerd actie voeren over het internet.

In januari 2007 publiceerde de Washington Post onder de titel " Mind Games" een voorpagina- artikel van enkele Amerikaanse slachtoffers en hun organisatie 'Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance'. De auteur was niemand minder dan journaliste en schrijfster Sharon Weinberger. (

Op donderdag 9 augustus 2007 om 19.00u is er een Europees treffen van deze slachtoffers in de vergaderzaal van Internationaal Zeemanshuis Falconrui 21 te 2000 Antwerpen. De pers is van harte welkom.


The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly, they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged at local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored.


It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real.

The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation.


Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of activists.




Monika Stoces (B) MCVE

Tel 03/2888320 GSM 0497/480131


Jean Verstraeten "Verontruste Burgers"

Vredestraat 65 2540 Hove (Belgium,比利时)

03/ 455 77 63

Danny Admin "Federation against mindcontrol"

Tel 03 / 295 87 55 (B)



1 Cotswold Court , Albert Street, Fleet, Hants GU51 3XZ (U.K.,英国)

00 44 (0)7930/519793

email :

Ton Hogeboom (NL,荷兰) Violation of Humanrights: Psychotronics

Tel 00 31(0)3560 18562

e-mail :

Waldemar Lotz

Rabensteiner-Str. 40, 12689 BERLIN (D)

Tel. 00 49 (0)30 22150912

E-Mail (Russia,俄罗斯)

Moscow committee of ecology of dwelling

Mojmir Babacek (CZ,捷克) International Movement for the Ban

of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means

Derrick Robinson (USA,美国 )

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance

USA 513-337-9632 3925

FINCH John, 5/8 Kemp Street,

THORNBURY, VIC, 3071 (Australia,澳洲)

phone +61 0424009627

email :


HOSNY Mostafa

53 Conway Dr., LONDON , Ontario N6E H4 (Canada,加拿大)

tel. 001 (519) 697 7461

email :

Soleilmavis (China,中国)


A story of struggling for Freedom and Human Rights

Note: I have joined American Chronicle as a Writer, Please come to read my articles

Eleanor White (Canada,加拿大) Mind Control Forums

Cheryl Welsh (USA,美国)

Citizens against Human Rights Abuses

Harlan Girard (USA Philadelphia,美国费城)

International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons

And many many others.....



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4- 25- 08


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#1115a Recent Gains in Activism

#1115a Recent Gains in Activism

    If you tell just enough information about,"Mind Control",to peak someones interest they may listen more intently the next time they hear about it. Alternately if someone comes up after you mention it speaking negatively on the subject it may make this person not believe you. Like the old, "Conspiracy nut", tactic. Mention this to someone who cares about you and  it will hurt them through vicarious trauma. They don't want to believe this could be possible. Better that they learn else where.
    Now when a hundred thousand people drive by a, "Billboard",.............that is just enough to peak there interest and make them listen the next time they hear talk about, "mind control", or,"Big Brother Tactics". To help us are
all the TV shows touching on the issue.
    When we go in front of the bioethics Commission they either know of it or have heard rumors. They have been prepared for what we are telling them and they already know it is happening. They know 40 people don't just walk into a commission from all over the country with testimony of,"Mind Control", for nothing.
    Now if a hundred or two hundred people walk in next time then what? Then there is the last meeting in Europe. If a hundred or to show up there what does this say about, "Mind Control", being a world wide epidemic?
   You also can't tell me that by going on the record officially isn't a form of protection as well. Stay hidden, isolated and impoverished in some hole and tell me that doesn't make you the ideal target for these attacks. Save your money and make it to one of these next commissions. It may be another ten years till they do this again like
this one was.......ten years after the one commissioned before it. By then I will old, or dead or worst.
    I'm not a psychologist but that is how I see it. I do have quite a bit of experience from this side of the fence. You and I both know that means torture, so what do we have to loose?
    I don't know if it is true but someone thought the next one was in New York. The Presidents Bioethics Commission website hasn't disclosed the location so no comfirmation as of yet.
                                                                            Peter Rosenholm
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Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Hunting For The Signal News Type: Event — Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:39 PM, radio, nsa, spies, ai, microwave, nlp, airforce, mri, fmri, sis, intelligence-gathering, bci, gchq, brain-computer-interface, interfaces, transcranial-magnetic-stimulation, artifical-intelligence, nmr, synthetic-telepathy, terrahertz, sentience By Deep_Thought A grid? advertisement Well, the inevitable has happened. With all this analysis showing that human perception can be controlled by ELF radio signals, I decided to create a setup to analyze signals in this portion of the spectrum. So, what did I find? The Setup Examining ELF radio is relatively simple. An analogue microphone socket on a soundcard can convert the radio waves into a sound signal. Using a program such as Spectrum Lab, we can convert this signal into a picture which shows each frequency as a column. So, a transmission on a single frequency will create a straight line. As a general rule, the thinner and straighter the line, the more complex the transmitter must be. You need a very good sound card for this. The sensitivity of the majority of sound cards is about -50db. That is, you will not "hear" signals that are weaker than this. The signals presented in this article are very weak and tend to begin around -85db. They were recorded on a Creative Labs card with a sensitivity of -130db. The antenna was nothing fancy, in fact quite the opposite. A two meter twisted pair cable attached to a standard microphone jack. The last meter was untwisted and the two cables separated by 90 degrees. Other than that, it is just laying on the floor with a standard +20db gain enabled. The idea was to determine an initial view of the noise by minimizing the amplification provided by a tuned antenna. I also increased the FFT length to create a long exposure. This is similar to photography, in that short lived events are faded and long term repetitive patterns become apparent. If you think of photos of traffic where all you can see are trails or streaks of the lights, it is a similar principle. Such techniques are used to reveal the behavior of slow moving systems, such as the motion of stars. Another effect is that the resolution becomes enhanced. Rather than seeing frequencies as columns with a width of a hertz or more, we can analyze the spectrum to tenth of a hertz. So, we end up with a picture that is anywhere between 10-15 times more detailed in terms of frequency separation. Settings for Spectrum Lab are here: 1. Set audio input device to the driver (not ASIO). 2. Select Sample rate of 11025, set it to 24 bits/sample 3. Set the FFT input size to 524288 It will take about 2-3 hours to obtain a full screen of data. The Theory Quite apart from wanting to get a view of the results, the idea was to obtain a picture of the longterm strong electromagnetic signals in my area. The hope was that this information can be used to remove some of that noise from the final design of the receiver and from some post-processing to the data. Some basic analysis could also be performed on the source of a signal. A frequency with a stable reception strength would indicate a static, or non-moving, transmitter. Frequencies that faded in and out could be related to atmospheric reflection, a transmitter in motion or alternating transmitters. Some signals could be related to the reception equipment itself, however, comparative study and component replacement will reveal the source of those signals. So, with this theory in mind, I set about performing two full screen scans, 3 hours late and night and 3 hours during the day. The Results Now for the interesting bit. During the last 48 hours, I ran series of scans at different resolutions. The initial low resolution scan can be seen here, it covers a period of about 5 minutes. Some interesting things stick out straight away, a strange set of emissions under 400Hz, some narrow band carrier waves and a static hum around 1.6KHz. Two sets of high resolution scans were performed, one during the day and one at night. You can see the first time stamped image here. The first thing that really stands out is this dense layering of narrow band carrier waves. These signals will fall into three classes, noise from my hardware, noise from the local environment or relatively strong signals. A clearer picture removing the time stamps is here. In this image, we get our first clear look at this hum of static. We can see that it has drifted across the band indicating that there is some form of underlying oscillation. The source cannot be determined at this stage. In the next image, we begin to exam the sub-1000Hz range. It is within this range that firing neurons will produce weak radio signals. Again, we can see dense carrier waves at a wide range of power levels. These power levels appear to be quantized in some way, that is, carrier waves with particular frequency gaps tend to have the same power level. At 125Hz and 250Hz we can see a signal that periodically increases in strength across both bands. We can also observe vague repetitions of that same pattern at every 125Hz separation. Taking a closer look at this last signal, we can see how it repeats on a different frequency separation at a different power level. Its almost as if there were layers of carrier waves identified by spacing and accessible only to a particular receiver sensitivity. Another interesting signal that appeared was this unstable oscillation around 201Hz and this one around 875Hz. A closeup of the latter signal can be viewed here. Now we get to a very interesting image. Pay attention to the background, rather than the foreground. Do you notice the horizontal lines? That is a broad range transmission, lasting a minute or two, then a new variation of this signal is transmitted. This is what I would expect to see from dense narrow band mesh, like a ELF/VLF phased array or frequency multiplexing. At higher scan rates, this structure would be invisible and should look like random noise. So, that is it for the day time signals, now let's look at the same spectrum range during the night. Once again, here are the images of the observed spectrum, with and without a time stamp. Straight away we can observe a new set of very strong carrier waves, 1024Hz apart and very dense narrow band communication in the sub-600Hz region. What is interesting to note is that we can rule out a local source for these carrier waves, so it is not a signal or harmonic being produced by my reception equipment. Taking a closer look at this sub-600Hz region, which is the region the majority of neurons would be responsive to, we can observe a highly dense packing of narrow band carrier waves. At this resolution, determining the frequency stability can be impossible, but I am not ruling out some form of microhertz channel separation due to this closer view. Also, the grid pattern we identified during the day, is now even more apparent and we can see these broad range transmissions vary in both broadcast and separation time. The next few shots given us a closer look at this grid structure and can be viewed here, here, here and here. Regardless of the source of these signals, they are occupying a region that can interfere with human cognition. The next stage is to boost the gain of the input signal, so a proper antenna and a variable pre-amp are my next objectives.
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#1115 Recent Gains in Activism

#1115 Recent Gains in Activism

     More real activism has happened in the last year than I have ever seen in over a decade. The billboards are presenting the issues to thousands of people. Some of these people may be TIs and don't even know it yet. TV shows like Jesse Ventura's, "Conspiracy theory" and the History channels, "That Impossible", are showing what new technology is really capable of.  The term Mind control, subvocal speech recognition, implants and many other scientific disciplines are being displayed now to mass media. We can thank Nick Begich and Cheryl welsh for their participation in these programs.
     Internet video and radio is taking hold of these subjects as well by people like Nick Begich, John Hall, James Walbert, Christine Harris and even Alex Jones. Something Julianne McKinney did some time ago. Also included now is the Internet news with writings like Debra Dupre's articles on the, "Examiner" along with others.
     The President's Bioethics Commission lastly is us TIs coming together in numbers and speaking about what we have been going through. This effort is putting us on record for all time. It is also an awakening many to what the government has been doing. Especially "Non-Consensual Human Experimentation", with drugs, disease, Mind control and military weapons for almost a hundred years. We can read Dr. Johnathan Moreno's books to read the history of this abuse and the many victims who are nameless and have died or been maimed. The Cointelpro tactics of law enforcement can't stop this from being exposed.
    On TV I see shows that are mostly investigative fiction and science fiction showing advanced technology in a futuristic mode to slowly awaken the population for the day when this is publicly acknowledged by our government. They haven't caved ye,t but are preparing for the inevitable.
    They are also fighting back by pulling two of Jesse Ventura's shows off the air after one airing. One was the JFK assassination and the other was on FEMA camps, government bunkers and disclosing the secret goal of the Georgia Stones of a world population of 500 million. The murals on the walls of the Denver airport with the bunkers below is a clear sign of what could be in store for many. The Mason's plaque with the inscription, "New World Airport", was also very telling at Denver Airport.
    It truly is a brave new world we are facing and Orwellian in it's tactics. TIs should feel good seeing all the progress made in the last year. If they are not, it is time to question their motives.

                                                                                  Peter Rosenholm
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Donations needed from members at PeacePink!!

Donations needed from members at PeacePink!!

To all members: If possible-Pls donate any amount that you can afford, so that PeacePink can stay alive//Annie


Since peacepink was established, there are not too much members donate money to us, but lucky, we were still able to survive.


Donation we have received

USD10 Before Oct 2010

USD35   Nov 2010

USD40   Dec 2010

USD50  Jan 2011

USD20   Feb 2011

Total Amount:  USD155


Our donation goal: USD50 x 12 mths = USD 600 per year

If we only want partial services from, we still need USD20 x 12mths = USD 240 per year.


If we can get extra money, we also can buy a domain name for, it should be or, or others.

Thank you and Best Regards!
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A concise presentation about the reality of electronic harassment and control, James Walbert

 <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


A concise presentation about the reality of electronic harassment and control.

James Walbert is the first person to have their electronic harassment recognised in a US court of law and championed by Missouri state rep. Jim Guest.

This is real, verifiable, and it affects you.

If you went to school with me, then you know Walter Bowart's children, the author mentioned at the end. This is real life, there are probably hundreds of thousands of victims whose cases have not been recognised in the US alone.

Take some time and consider the implications - how these procedures were done without anyone being aware - people who report electronic harassment and gang stalking are not the only people who are affected by the control methods this entails, they are generally the ones who obstruct it or offer the sadists behind it some other reason to enact their methods of torture.

TIs are gradually and undetectably marginalised and inflicted with physical, psychological and social injuries making thier demise a slow, faultless slide over several years. No one questions it, most people are not willing to consider that their perceptions and choices are influenced, not only by the media and society, but by physiological stimulus.

The technology is real - not only are chips implanted to electronically stimulate physical conditions, there are an array of other technologies applied locally and from satellite, eg. microwave transduced sound or "synthetic telepathy"/"voice to skull" - one form is HSS speakers which are available commerically and in many franchises such as McDonalds and Walmart.

You can purchase this technology at and use it to undetectably psychologically harass anyone unfortunate enough to be close by.

As noted in the video, there are very few accredited reports of these activities. The media doesn't cover it. Reports are routinely vandalised or falsified to appear ludicrous, eg. the dubious wikipedia entry on gang stalking is vigorously maintained so that any casual investigation is satisfied by thinking this is only someone's psychological issue.

Original article on James Walbert's case:

Recent stories on US military psy-ops against domestic targets:

Please watch this video and understand that this is real and not isolated, although there is very little proof of how widespread it is.

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Donations needed from members at PeacePink!!

Donations needed from members at PeacePink!!

To all members: If possible-Pls donate any amount that you can afford, so that PeacePink can stay alive//Annie


Since peacepink was established, there are not too much members donate money to us, but lucky, we were still able to survive.


Donation we have received

USD10 Before Oct 2010

USD35   Nov 2010

USD40   Dec 2010

USD50  Jan 2011

USD20   Feb 2011

Total Amount:  USD155


Our donation goal: USD50 x 12 mths = USD 600 per year

If we only want partial services from, we still need USD20 x 12mths = USD 240 per year.


If we can get extra money, we also can buy a domain name for, it should be or, or others.

Thank you and Best Regards!
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Computational Neuroscience (Minduploading)

(2- Videos)

 Mind uploading

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Mind uploading or whole brain emulation (sometimes called mind transfer) is the process of implant in the human, scanning and mapping a biological brain in detail and copying its state into a computer system or another computational device. The computer would have to run asimulation model so faithful to the original that it would behave in essentially the same way as the original brain, or for all practical purposes, indistinguishably.[1] The simulated mind is assumed to be part of a virtual realitysimulated world, supported by a simplified body simulation model. Alternatively, the simulated mind could be assumed to reside in a computer inside (or connected to) ahumanoid robot or a biological body, replacing its brain.

1 Overview
2 Theoretical benefits
2.1 Speedup
2.2 Immortality/Backup
2.3 Multiple/parallel existence
3 Issues
3.1 Bekenstein bound
3.2 Computational issues
3.3 Philosophical issues
3.3.1 Copying vs. moving
3.4 Legal and economical issues
4 Relevant technologies and techniques
4.1 Simulation model scale
4.2 Scanning and mapping scale of an individual
4.3 Serial sectioning
4.4 Brain imaging
4.5 Brain-computer interfaces
5 Current research
6 Mind uploading in science fiction
7 Mind uploading advocates and critics


Whole brain emulation is discussed as a “logical endpoint”[1] of the topical computational neuroscience and neuroinformatics fields, both about brain simulation for medical research purposes. It is discussed in artificial intelligenceresearch publications[2] as an approach to strong AI. Among futurists and within thetranshumanist movement it is an important proposed life extensiontechnology, originally suggested in biomedical literature in 2000.[3]It is a central conceptual feature of numerous novels and films.

Videos about Mind Control,,,



The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has announced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create “smart pill” technology.


Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL // Minduploading

The government is obliged to inform the public about the new digital communication system “telepathy”.

We want this website to create a general awareness and attention that these technologies are developed in many years, including EUROPE.


Do you know someone who is a multimedia online but do not dare talk about it?

It is easy not to be believed for a person who alleges that a paradigm shift in computer-brain integration and multimedia technology is already here.

We are aware that part of the information here may sound like science fiction, but there is already a real reality.

Read more about the future under the various tabs!


Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL!

There could be conflict between the personal freedom to use one‘s economic resources to get an implant that will enhance one‘s physical capabilities and what society at large considers desirable or ethically acceptable.“

How threatening for mankind is an Artificial Brain ?


First let me state that at this moment the biggest threat for mankind is the human specie ! ABC-weapons in wrong hands can result in extreme damaging behavior.




25-04-2010. MINDTECH seeks to establish a network of laymen and media. This group will be dealing with the social and ethical sides to research, development and the implementation of emerging technologies in our society.

Meanwhile, philosophers working alongside the researchers say it’s time to find out more about how the public feels about such bionic research, which in some cases is being used to enhance human memory, physical abilities and perception.“



Not yet published research materials in interdisciplinary brain research and development of computer-brain interface must therefore be attributed to an unknown number of defenseless experimental subjects, many with families whose lives are destroyed in a wild orgy of computer abuse.This is to copy the cognitive behaviors and human perception in the development of quantum physics.Try The items have no options or informed consent, served as on-line research materials on aging. addresses the specific issues that may arise when neural prostheses are customized to a specific patient, and when large scale neural prostheses lead to whole brain emulation: the emulation of a patient’s complete brain function in a prosthetic substrate. Site content is focused on neuroscience and computational research that is involved in an eventual progression from neural prostheses to the applied science of whole brain emulation, including the concept of “mind-transfer”.
The natural conclusion is that the perpetrators have something to gain by doing this to us. We are victims of experimentation done on humans without consent. Two areas of research are Artificial Intelligence and Non-Lethal Weapons.


It is inevitable. In the near future, someone will decide to record every moment of a human life from birth to death in digital storage. This will be more than an extreme reality TV stunt. It will mark the era of personal memory offloading, an adaptive memory technology that records and indexes every single moment of your life. Offloading personal memory begins with a personal memory device, or a PMD. The basic PMD would be no more complex than a nano chip implant in the brain that captures your every experience. A PMD could be easily fitted shortly after birth; the least invasive option would be like a Bluetooth headset worn over the ear connected wirelessly to a local device no larger than a cell phone. Once installed, the PMD would capture and upload all first-person memories to a centralized database for indexing, search, and recall.


Would the PMD remember where you parked? Always. Will it warn you when you are about to walk away and leave your hat and sunglasses on the bench behind you? Totally. Will it send you birthday reminders, schedule your meetings, remind you to pick up your dry-cleaning and let you program your DVR with voice commands? Yes. Will it find your car keys and remote control for you? Maybe. Will it record your innermost thoughts? Probably not. It won’t always be perfect, but it will greatly extend your normal range of memory, and over time it will become like an indispensable part of your brain.

External data is easy to record and index, but internal memory such as feelings, thoughts, ideas, and dreams present some engineering challenges. The PMD could be fitted with an invasive brain implant to extend functionality, but to keep things simple, let’s consider some cheap, non-invasive solutions. Biometric data such as temperature, galvanic skin response, brainwave activity, pulse, respiration rates, and perspiration levels can monitor mood, arousal, activity levels, and so on. This biometric data, no matter how spotty, can be used to generate a dynamic emotional profile for any individual as they move through their day. Speech and behavioral analysis can also track levels of focus and activity to indicate mood and engagement in reality. Facial gestures and voice pitch can be tracked to sense subtle emotional reactions to stimulus. There could be a service that monitors your diet and daily routines to see if you are acting in healthy or unhealthy ways. If environmental data capture is complete, filling in emotional data from biometric analysis would be a simple software task.

With your PMD you would be able to say, “Remember the time I did (activity) with (person) at (location)?” and your PMD would search your memory database and stream the audio, video, and emotional rendering of the experience to your cell phone. Or you could ask, “Remember that book I read on chimpanzees? Who was the author?” Multiple memories may fit your query and be returned as a basic search list with text, video, and audio links. Similar memories with substituted variables might be offered up as tangents. Your request may provide you with “links” to other activities at that same location or to other books you have read by the same author. Beyond that, you could watch yourself relive important memories, or if friends and family members had similar devices, you could share personal events and watch group memories through multiple perspectives. Human memory integrity need no longer rely on lossy neural compression and the unreliable he-said/she-said narratives that compose written history. It would all be a matter of public record stored in time-stamped relational database tables for all of history. At the very least, it may save a few arguments between married couples.

The PMD sounds like science fiction, but the technology for creating it exists today. It could be an iPhone app. The engineering hurdles would be the physical disk space and CPU cycles needed for daily storage, compression, and indexing of video and audio data for every person with a PMD. Let’s assume storage and CPU cycles are solvable problems and that indexing and compression of video and speech data will only get better and faster over time. So pretty soon, for a moderate monthly fee, you could get a PMD system bundled with your cable, cell-phone, or internet bill. With a pocket or desktop unit, your daily memory will be locally stored and indexed. The relevant data points would then be uploaded to a central server for global storage and cross-indexing with other personal memories and digital records over the course of your lifetime. Like a Tivo, your PMD would be able to predict which memories you want to save, which memories your friends and family will like, and which memories are private, redundant, or expendable. It would be easy to customize these features for each individual, making indexing personal memory an intuitive task that would involve automatically setting user preferences based on daily routines; mirroring actual learning and memory networking in the brain.




Most interestingly, the PMD can be used a social memory or cloud memory device. If you select the social memory networking option, then your public memories can be shared with anyone who shares overlapping memories with you, making shared social memory (the collective consciousness) an instantly accessible reality. This raises some privacy issues, but cell phones already track our location and capture audio and video; capturing every moment of environmental data for cloud-memory rendering is merely the logical endpoint of this technology. You could jump in on a friend’s memory stream and share their experiences over the internet; you could watch a rock concert through the eyes of the guitarist, lead singer, or anyone in the crowd. Then you could replay that concert over and over from different angles. With environmental data capture from multiple PMDs, recreating any event in virtual space becomes a matter of video crunching and graphics rendering. Rendered PMD cloud data could recreate crime scenes or accidents for review in court; create virtual classrooms and training centers; or make vacation memories available to friends on Facebook. You would never again have to ask, “Remember that time…?” All you would have to do is send a link to their PMD. They will remember.


Webb: Targeted Individuals EUROPE:


Implant chip in the human brain.Synthetic telepathy is communication systems built on thoughts, not speech. Multimedia communication network is based. Brain copying is performed around the clock, largely by learning computer, copying is nothing short of serious torture. No one would voluntarily give informed consent to this serious research abuse. It takes years of learning and program development to develop the new computer-brain interfaces and multimedia language between man and computer. Subjects are now against their will has been online for five years on Man-Brain-Computer-Interface.


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Hi everybody,

Greetings fr om vincent to all, since the time i lost the job, the torture has increased further more, they are not letting me todo any work, even personnel work, and i dont have internet access home, i have to go to cyber cafe to check my mails, these perps continue to torture me further more and black mail me that they will not let me to work anywhere, they threaten me to be at home without trying for any job, until i surrender to them. they say they will make my life more miserable and horrible. 

I only have faith in god and i will surrender only to the almighty whatever may happen, they are not allowing me to teach my son with his studies, they say they will make me good for nothing, upon which they give me all sorts of torture, as i already mentioned in my previous blogs about my ear, they got my both the ears infected and some sorts of liquid keeps oozing out, and they make fun of it. they block my ear and give me head pain and also they block my vision temporarily.  They are trying all possible ways to make my life miserable and to surrender to their evil ways, for which i will not heed to their request till my last breath.

The reason for repeatedy mentioning about their torture is, these guys are devils and find all possible ways to take advantage of our weakness.  they will surely get punished for their evil deeds, its only a matter of time, 


Thanks and Regards


Vincent George


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GSS Spiritual Revival 8PM EST/5PM PST Conference Call 3202011Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Sunday Nights at 8PM EST or 5PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #We will have guest minister Juanita. The call will feature bible study, spiritual prayer and live testimonies. If you desire the word of GOD and appreciate the comfort of fellow targeted individuals, please join us. And remember, God loves you!Chris J. BrunsonInvestigatorElvira WilliamsSenior ModeratorMEHRZAD MALEKZADEH(Constitution Lost)Senior PastorJuanitaGuest PastorAmy AndersonResearcher — Thurs. Nights ModeratorPeter Perez Supportive ModeratorHomepage: http://govsponsoredstalking.infoFacebook:…Yahoo Groups: For International Callers 1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.
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Research Okie Campaign and POG (psyops). The CI's that are communicating with you are talking in a code. Your family members and the people you contact are on the same weapon without their knowledge. Stand Up and stomp your right foot three times. State- We put. You want fire there's all kinds of fire here.I'm fire and fury for real. Somebodies gonna move on you for real.- The cell towers IRIS satellites and echelons are the weapons.The Russell Tice American Chronicle article describes the weapon.V
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