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#700 Accumulative Effect

#700 Accumulative EffectIf being studied is part of our targeting then there has to be input to screw with us and then output which is our reaction or response. I guess before we totally dismiss claims we should ask is it possible? And no doubt to the creative mind all kinds of supposedly impossible things can easily be made to happen. If a horoscope was made to relate to my life the chances of me reading it would be one in a million. Maybe the question to ask yourself is would you have read that if your friend didn't read it to you? All this theater takes coordination by a number of people....The thespians/perps.We at first are ignoring actual perp activities like brightening with lights and later realize it had happened, but most of these things would go unnoticed until they begin to accumulate. It is this accumulative effect that eventually makes us aware of the effort to screw with us is taking place. I'd say one two or three of these events would probably go unnoticed but at some point we do notice and can look back and see it was more prolific that we might at first have thought.The problem is that at this point we can become hyper-vigilant and even read more into it than is actually happening. One example is targets thinking that a TV personalities are targeting them. Although it is possible for a TV personality to speak for the V2K, it is unlikely they would spend the next 5 years doing it. What is the most probable is that voice cloning is being used to imitate friends, family, neighbors or even a TV personality.Peter Rosenholm
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Freemasonry targeting

This is an interesting blog that I found. Sounds all too familiar., 25 October 2009protect yourself from Freemasonic targetingFreemasonry targeting takes many forms and results from many different causes such as:- Your business is competing against that of a "Brother" (Freemasons like to refer to each other as brothers; I prefer to call them stooges)- A crime may have been committed against you by a Freemason or someone with connections.- You may have upset someone who is a Freemason or a twisted individual may just want to destroy you.Each lodge will recruit Police officers at all levels, judges and magistrates, lawyers, bank managers, shop keepers, taxi firms, criminals. They will ensure that the network is such that they can control everything if the need arises to aid a Brother.Their main tactics are:- gather information about you from EVERYWHERE.- Slander you to your friends, work colleagues, family- People who you have never met talk to others about you or your affairs within your hearing range. (This will often be one of the first signs)- Follow you every where. This is done using the large network of (I call them stooges) members who have all taken an oath to come to the aid of "Brothers" before anything else. You can identify this by driving at say 50MPH for while. Note all of the vehicles behind you and then slow down to a constant speed of 40MPH and see who slows down, do this gradually so they don't suspect you are trying to identify them.- Be aware of all vehicles around you; a group of between 5 and 10 cars may be used. They will often be high end prestige vehicles, ALL very clean. When you become aware of this and begin to tell people, they will switch to smaller cars or hire vehicles.- It is much easier to identify a tail on quieter roads. To catch them you can get a good friend to wait at a location only you and this person are aware of, drive there and get your friend to photograph or video them when you turn up.- Indicate a turn at a junction, slow down enough for the tailing vehicle behind you to be right behind you and then cancel at the last minute and go straight on. (Be aware of road safety and only do this if it is safe to do so. Remember, they cannot hurt you by following you, don't cause an accident.)- The level of Freemasonry corruption cannot be understated along with the resource available. These people are capable of targeting you 24 hours a day, seven days a week indefinitely. They will not get fed up.- People who you should be able to trust may very well be involved. Your doctor, lawyer, police, taxi drivers, your next door neighbour. Your family may not be directly recruited but will be given the impression that you are ill because you have told them that you are being followed.-In the event that your business is affecting that of a Freemason (Many of them are business people of one kind or another) you will start to get poor advice from your accountant, your lawyer and your bank manager. You may very well have your credit facilities withdrawn in an attempt to shut your business down. Change accountant, change bank and change lawyer. Do not disclose your business matters to ANYONE.-Some researchers have suggested that psychiatric training includes labeling people as paranoid if they claim they are being followed to aid freemasonry (lately an Organisation called common purpose has become closely linked to Freemasonry and can be considered as part of the same group).- Depending on how twisted the individuals are who instigated the targeting (often it will be the result of someone (a Freemason or someone with a connection to a Freemason) who knows you) the next stage on the agenda will be to have you institutionalised for being mentally ill, have you incarcerated for crimes they have committed and set you up for of or simply kill you in a road accident, staged burglary gone wrong, mistaken identity shooting or something similar. These people will not normally use direct violence in public and will always seek to be able to justify their activity as something else if you attempt to expose them.- These examples are the most extreme examples of Freemasonry targeting and you will more than likely be subject to a campaign to disrupt your life, lose you your job and make you destitute.- As i said, as soon as you become aware of being targeted, do not assume that it will pass with time or that it will become less intense. Often the targeting will escalate. The very first thing you should do is to be able to verify what you are being subject to through another person, get someone who you can really trust to see what is happening.- make copies of your log of what is happening (you need dates, names, places, venues, pictures or video) and distribute to everyone you can trust.- In many countries there are groups who are aware of what is going on. it is very important that you try and contact these groups. They will understand what you are going through and be very pleased to help expose what is going on.- the important thing is to expose what is going on to as many people as possible. There are allot of people out there who have been victims of Freemasonry/Common Purpose. Most of these people want to do something and are pulling in different directions. The best way to combat this type of targeting is to build a support network.
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Monitoring of the HAARP Directed Energy, Psycotronic Weaponry Worldwide - Updated Every 5 -30 minutesThe following images are updated periodically, even on this page they will update anywhere from every 5-30 minutes, depending on the image.

These ones seem to be generated each time they are loaded, so the data should always be up to the minute.

the next few images seem to update at random time intervals

These are updated every minute.

These two webcams are Web 1.0 type webcams, they work similarly to the images above in that they only update if you refresh this page. The image will only change every 5 minutes.

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#698 Some very early observations about children, isolation, motivation and controlSome very early observations after a TI who must have done this survey of TIs with and without children stated that 51 percent of TIs have children.There is a high number of TIs without children of that there is no doubt. It seems to be more prevalent in the 50 and 60 something TI's who were also targeted in there later years. I think as a precaution until they could see the effects. Now TI are being targeted younger as the results come in and the number of TI's is increasing. It might be that a pregnant TI can now be determined more easily. It also seems that the Isolation we TI experience makes it less likely of a pregnancy because of lack of sexual activity. The isolation also seems to be part of the targeting and makes the targeting more effective. Having friends and family around makes the targeting harder and gives the target more psychological and emotional support to allow them to over come this assault.I am now seeing parallels with this same practice on society as a whole. The modern family where the husband and wife have to work to support themselves lead in essence to a form of isolation. Financial pressures brings this on and they also live in a state of higher stress and anxiety. this is leading to marriage break ups. Putting further stress on people and further increasing isolation. the children in all of this have isolated stressed out parents who aren't home to pass on experiences and knowledge. TV, school and pare pressure take on a larger role in their development thoughts and ideas. Even when parents stay together the stress and exhaustion take there toll making them less effective instructors in their children's lives. Perpetuating children to look for this support else where.We are a more intense microcosm of what is being done to society as a hole. People who live on the edge of survival have less control of their lives or that of their children. This means that each successive generation is taken further down this road where they have less control and others have more control over them.This same support is happening in neighborhoods in my opinion. I know my neighbors well having built my home one block from where I grew up. so I am close with a lot of my neighbors. This is not normally the case though. the tribal security where the group kept the failing individual of family afloat has been undermined. People are loosing there jobs and homes and going homeless. I was wondering what was happening to these people when I learned that a large group of people had begun living under the highway near me. They were beginning I believe to form alliances to help each other. I was planning to bring supplies over when I heard police had evicted them. Then I heard an Indian let them live on his land in the country but that the land was then condemned as being polluted and the people once again had been evicted.There was an article and they said temporary housing was being looked into but that the people felt unsafe in the public housing areas.Peter RosenholmQuestions to consider:Why are Americans the most productive workers in the world?Is it actually in our and our countries best interest to be so?Has this system of control made this the most powerful country on earth?Is there more or less conflict in the world because of this control?Is our system of democracy/ real or a smoke screen to motivate us into thinking we have some control?Who is in control of this country and the world and what does it have to do with targeting us?Are we actually slaves and are to be covertly terminated if out of line.When groups are targeted as the Branch Dividians and that latest Mormon group is it really because they have taken over there own control and perhaps are not contributing in this form as much as other Americans in taxes.The department of alcohol, tobacco and fire arms enforces revenue gathering, is that why they move in on these groups?Revenue other than tobacco, and alcohol are now the lottery and gambling. Prescription drug addiction has now surpassed illegal drug addiction.Is this the branch of the Justice department involved in TI targeting? They have now been integrated into the FBI and are not a separate branch and now the HLS has emerged with military weapons and psyop capabilities. This could explain part of how and why we are targeted.Then we come to illegal drug and crime revenues domestic and abroad.Peter Rosenholm
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#697 Democracy Now Interview Honduran president admits energy weapons in its arsenal a Democracy Now interview in which the ousted democratically elected president of Honduras claims to be attacked by gas, LRAD and microwave weapons he was asked if his country had these weapons in it's military arsenal? his reply was that they do have these weapons.I guess it was only a matter of time before these weapons were shown to be being used to take over nations and dispose democratically elected leaders. although I've heard of the Obama administration supporting this president there is mention of a delegation from the US meeting with the opposition leader in Honduras and of our ambassador making comments against the disposed democratically elected Honduran president hiding out in the Brazilian Embassy. It makes you wonder if democracy is dead because of these covert torture machines used to control individuals against their will. Covert directed energy weapons are destroying what was a peaceful democratic civilization that had checks and balances. Has this one in the US already lost control and been taken over?All TIs know how useless it is to file complaints with authorities like the police and the FBI. they no longer observe our rights as US citizens or the Constitution.Watch the last third or quarter of this Interview to save time and see and hear what you need to.Peter Rosenholm
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世界之谜 ●王金元文自古以来,人类就对精神作用表现出极大的兴趣.人们总是试图利用各种手段影响他人的意志和思维。进入20世纪.对古代法师魔法实践的研究也进入了科学阶段,这立即引起了英国、美国、德国和苏联特工部门的关注.一场不见硝烟的特殊战争——心电武器战随之拉开序幕。如今.一些西方国家正在利用心电武器.将民众弄呆傻。最近。前克格勃特工鲍里斯•拉特尼科夫接受俄罗斯《真理报》采访。自揭使用心电武器控制人类的内幕。超级武器——“心电炸弹”揭秘深入领导人“大脑中散步”据《俄罗斯报》等媒体报道,冷战期间,美苏两国曾展开激烈的“精神战”,希望利用心灵感应影响对方领导人和社意识,从而达到“不战而胜”的目的。在冷战期闻的苏联,克格勃成立了将近5 O个心理遥控研究所和一支极度保密的“精神特=E队”,其财政投入高达数十亿卢布,成千上万的研究人员在力图开发这一神奇武器。尽管当时的研究工作并没有取得多大进展、相关工作在苏联解体之后也全部中断,但 “精神特队”却在叶利钦担任总统期问屡建奇功。在20世纪70年代,苏联克格勃还 发展了心电影响系统(PJs).它被用于把士兵变成可设计的“人类武器”。系统运用混合了高频无线电波的催眠术。前苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫的前安全顾问余里•马林表示,心电影响系统计划是在回应由美国前总统卡特发起的类似计划。在此基础上打造的俄联邦“精神特工队”则是心电影响技术的顶级高手。据这支队伍中的鲍里斯•拉特 尼科夫将军透露.他们的任务就是深入国家领导人的精神或内心世界,保护本国领导人思维不受他人控制,并探知他国领导人在想些什么。现年62岁的鲍里斯•拉特尼 科夫少将曾是克格勃特工,两度进入阿富汗从事情报工作。苏联解体后,他担任过俄联邦警卫总局副局长、 总统安全局总顾问、联邦安全局局长顾问等职,主要负责保护国家领导人的“精神安全”。拉特尼科夫说: “我 们清楚,新国家的形成要经历一个‘病痛阶段’。和人一样,国家机体生病时也会非常脆弱。因此,需要使用任何可能的手段。保护一号人物的意识不受外来操控。我们基本上做到了这点。”在负责本国领导人安全的同时.还时刻扫描美国领导人大脑在想什么。拉特尼科夫说:“我们能在美国总统及其亲信的‘大脑中散步’,并提供只有美国一号人物才知道的情报。”比如,上世纪90年代初期,“精神特工队”对美国驻俄新大使进行了“研究”,得出美国大使馆有心理影响设备的结论以及一些其它情况。在北约1999年3月24日对南联盟实施空中打击前两周.俄“精神特工”成功侵入美国国务卿奥尔布赖 特的大脑,对她的潜意识进行了“扫描”。心电武器 可控制数百公里之外大脑为应对苏联的挑衅,美国也开始大力研制心电武器来控制大脑思维,时间可以追溯到20世纪60年代。当时,美国政府发现,其驻莫斯科使馆遭到低强度电磁辐射的密集“轰炸”。接到报告后,白宫大惊,难道苏联政府在试图控制美国外交官的大脑不成?于是.白宫指示五角大楼立即进行研究。美国国防部于1965年秘密开展代号为“潘多拉工程”的研究。他们先后拿猴子和不知情的水手做试验.折腾了4年多,最后证实那些所谓的“莫斯科电波”只不过是在窃听,而非 进行大脑控制。1970年,“潘多拉”工程寿终正寝(关于莫斯科信号有一些讨论,按照正统的学派.讨论结果是窃听.但谁能保证这个结果是正确的呢?)。但是.事情并未结束.有关研究仍然在秘密进行。上世纪90年代.一份为美国空军撰写的学术论文提到了一种武器创意:用 特殊信号将声音传送到人们的脑中。文中写道:“这种信号可以冒充上帝的旨意,警告敌人末日将临,赶快俯首投降。”1994年.据说美国空军实验室通过实验,实现向人脑中输入语句,只是还有些误差。以此为基础,美国空军实验室在2002年取得“传音人密”的技术专利。一些美同媒体还认为,一旦研制出这种能控制大脑的武器,他们在无辜平民身上进行试验的可能性绝对不可排除。据美国沃尔特•里德陆军研究所的约瑟夫•夏普博士称,美军能用调制后的雷达信号将声音直接传输人人类的听觉感官。当声音作为潜意识催眠命令的一种形式时,一个目标能被催眠术控制长达数年而不知情。美国在向民众大脑灌输声音?2007年1月l4日,美国《华盛顿邮报》报道了关于精神控制受害者的故事。据悉,最近在互联网上出现了一个活跃的“俱乐部”,它的成员有一个共同之处,他们认为,政府使用一种秘密装置把声音输进他们的大脑,达到控制思想的目的:这一指控听上去疯狂而荒谬,但五角大楼确实在研究可以影响人思想的心电武器. 这个“俱乐部”的成员并非普通的受害者。这不是针对酗酒者、 吸毒者或者性侵犯受害者的讨论小组。这些通过网络电话联系在一起的人都是思想控制的受害者。这些人相信他们是政府秘密计划的目标,夜以继 日地受到跟踪,政府用秘密武器探究并控制他们的思想。这些人常常自称 TJ,即目标个体(Targeted Individual)的简称,他们常谈到V2K——个正式军事用语,“voIice}n skull(向头脑传输声音)”的缩写,表示把声音输到人脑的武器。一提到政府用武器控制公民的思想,许多人立刻会想到一个头戴锡箔帽子,试图阻挡干扰脑电波的疯子。有人认为这很有效,一位女士说她把锡箔藏在衣服下,甚至帽子里,效果很好。还有人推荐一个叫 BkkEMF(阻挡电磁频率)的网站,说上面出售一系列镶嵌锡箔的衣物。还有伪装成普通棒球帽的锡箔帽。直到最近,相信政府用声音操纵他们大脑的人们除了被嘲笑外,还处于社会孤立状态。现在,感谢互联网,他们在世界各地发现了几百个甚至几千个同病相怜的人。讨论电子骚扰和团体跟踪的网站在印度、日本、韩国、英国、俄罗斯等各个国家冒了出来。受害者们开始在华盛顿等大城市公开举行小组讨论。他们的热门话题包括如何抵制干扰,如何面对媒体和处理公共关系,甚至谈到用法律手段使思维控制非法化。心电武器将比核武器更危险据俄罗斯《真理报》报道,在俄罗斯联邦监护服务的一位少将表示,俄罗斯和其它几个国家正在利用特制的装置,将民众变成木讷呆板的人。 20年前,大众媒体首次提到了一个奇怪的词:心电武器。据悉.心电武器可以使目标人物生病和无法工作,使他们呼吸困难,精神恍惚,头脑模糊,笨头笨脑甚至呆若木鸡。这类武器还可以控制人们的行为,严重削弱心智,严重时会导致肾衰竭和死亡。为此.一些人以为自己精神出现了问题,频频光顾精神病医院,可任何药物都不奏效。于是,他们纷纷指责心电武器,称自己为受害者。随着技术和网络的发展,越来越多的人认识到心电武器作用于人类真的很普遍。拉特尼科夫少将确信,在不到10年里,心电武器将比核武器和原子武器更加危险。目前,几位研究人员正在调查这一问题。结果发现,美国研究人员正在研究心电作用、可控的心理系统、催眠术、神经语言学程序、电脑心理技术和生物阿应刺激。他们寻找每一个控制人脑的机会。以色列研究人员也在进行类似的研究,以帮助人们展示潜在的新的自我控制、改变自我意识和提高精神力量的能力。更有甚者,他们研发秘密技术,来使人类行为程序化。日本国防军事学院在研究使用超心理学现象,此现象可以由智力来控制。日本宗教心理学协会也在做同样的努力。韩国安全管制外交政策部正在使用特殊的振荡器做实验,以改变人类器官的功能。在巴基斯坦,特殊机构正使用特殊装置导致人类器官和心理系统功能紊乱,甚至导致死亡。西班牙在研究对人类器官和大脑产生影响的物理因素有哪些,以此研制装置来导致器官功能不良和精神异常。拉特尼科夫表示,因不同的政治和军事目的,所有这些研究都是想找到新办法来作用于人类心智,操纵广大民众,获取大众的行为意识。
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美发明可读人脑思维的仪器 隐私想法无处遁形 2008年01月04日 09:35 新浪科技科学家成功研制可读懂人脑思维的仪器  新浪科技讯 北京时间1月4日消息,据英国《每日邮报》报道,美国科学家近日称,他们目前已经成功地研制出一款可以读懂人脑思维的仪器,借助于这种仪器,人们甚至是最隐私的一些想法也将会无处遁形。  在最新一期出版的《公共科学图书馆》杂志上,美国卡耐基-梅隆大学的科学家们公布了他们的这一最新成果。美国卡耐基-梅隆大学的研究人员称,在复杂精密的扫描仪和计算机程序的帮助下,他们可以确定大脑在思考不同问题时是如何激活不同区域的,并发现不同的人其实会以同样的方式思考同样的事情。科学家们首先利用高级MRI扫描仪,分析了大脑是如何对十个工具和建筑物的图画做出反应;然后,运用计算机程序分析研究某个人是否在思考一个工具或建筑物。结果表示,研究人员们分析的准确率高达97%,并且他们还成功发现大脑可以辨识两个类似物体,如2个不同的工具。大脑扫描结果还表示,不同的大脑区域都参与了信息处理,如分析类似锤子线条图画的简单问题。  当大脑思考如何使用锤子时,就会激活负责运动的大脑区域,而在大脑思考锤子形状时,就会激活其它的大脑区域。尽管很难挑出十幅画后的不同思维,但是研究人员相信,他们很快就能确定整个句子。在此前进行的检测试验中,研究人员们首先给参加试验的志愿者们佩戴一种可以隔离左右眼的特殊眼镜,然后同时把一红、一蓝两个彩条纸分别放在试验者左右眼前。参与试验的人左眼看不到右眼前面的东西,右眼也看不到左眼前面的东西。与此同时,试验者接受MRI对大脑的扫描,观察单眼看色条的脑电反应。结果发现,试验者的大脑会间断性一会看到蓝色、一会看到红色。试验者观看不同颜色时,大脑就会产生不同、但有规律的脑电波反应。利用这一原理,科学家们最终研制出可以让人们破译思维的仪器。  研究小组成员斯弗特兰纳-希卡拉瓦说:“我们希望不断改进,以确定与图画以及单词甚至句子有关的思维。”这项新技术还将应用于人类医学方面,如研究自闭症等病症的治疗。研究负责人马赛尔-吉斯特教授说:“自闭症患者对事物的感知与正常人不同,他们认知世界的方式很难确定。该机器有助于我们发现了解他们的认知特点。该研究第一次明确了这样一个事实,即不同人的大脑在思考同样的问题时是一样的。然而,一个哲学上的难题是,一个人对颜色,如蓝色的感知是否与另一个人是一样的。目前,我们已经知道不同的人脑在应对类似事物时所做出的反应具有很大的共性。研究小组还将扩展该机器的用途,比如用它来进行可靠的谎言探测测试,由于它可以正确解读人的意图,因而可以用来帮助警察在罪犯犯罪前将其逮捕。”  美国科学家表示,这种仪器的研制成功将有着巨大的市场需求。据美国克里斯多夫-里夫瘫痪基金会的统计,目前美国本土的语言功能缺失的患者数量高达400万之多。随着美国社会老龄化速度进一步加快,这一数字也正呈现出递增态势。科学家希望此项技术能够帮助更多的语言功能缺失患者能够与他人自由交流。比如,由于脊椎中枢的破坏,脊椎受损的患者往往最终会出现瘫痪,这是因为这些患者的脑部和腿之间失去了沟通的能力,直接导致了患者腿部的失控,通过思维技术,脑部可直接通过芯片向腿部发出指令信号,这样就避开了受损的脊椎。另外,这项技术还可应用于无人驾驶车辆等军事领域。(刘妍)  相关报道:  德国科学家首次实现阅读人脑思维(图)  清华制成脑机接口系统 可用思维控制电脑(图)
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#694 has anyone noticed/who is attacking and studying us?>A TI on another group wrote: ...that there are 500 hundred members on this group and >only a couple dozen ever post?I woke after a dream that was manipulated and could hear what sounded like a teacher questioning students about my reactions to the situation and what they thought it might indicate about me.I have contacted the NIJ National institute of Justice who test and legalize non-lethal weapons for the FBI and they returned the call with a conference call where they allowed me to talk but stated that they were not able to open an investigation but would listen to me. I later called this same department and spoke to the public relations officer we talked for a while. He talked to me like he knew me. When I tried to get and admission of V2K he said,"You know we can't admit to everything Peter".At some point there had been an article about us TI's and psychologists or psychiatrists discussed our claims and what appeared to be a mass delusion but that the government did have weapons that can cause the effect we claim.It is Universities and government weapons research that put billions into these weapons, so you can bet we are being studied. Somewhere people are studying our reactions to the weapons or lack of reaction. They may have a map with TI locations lit up and be able to focus on individual TIs as they discuss our targeting and be able to pull up file of our targeting history and medical records. They may well be reading of internal vital signs as we go through these attacks. I think most of my V2K now happens just before, just after and when I'm asleep. We are after all billion dollar lab rats.After a severe MEDUSA attack, hospitalization and other non-lethal weapons attacks I was laying committed in a hospital bed will a camera pointed at me. I had found that soaking wet towels would dull the attack to some degree and was ignoring my attackers. A woman came on after what had been all male voices though the attacks up to that point and read something to me. she read".....desperately wants to be successful but can't detach from his common man". I hadn't addressed them for some time and said under my breath, "Fuck you". She then replied to the male operator who had been trying to get me to respond all day. "See, give a little get a little".Statements like, "Detach" and "Common man", sound like a psychologist to me. Also after all the attacks and when I had put the wet towels on my head it sounded like people opening a door and whispering in, "Did you get a tape of all that" and then the response was "yeah", then "Can I get a copy"? Yes. "Then it seemed like others opened the door asking the same question until the operator said," Yeah tell everybody and stop coming in here".I would guess many people are analyzing what is being done to us, covertly, overtly and what our reactions are to this consciously and unconsciously, mentally and physically". Not to mention how others react to our attempts to inform others and how they react.They are trying to control, reward, punish and influence people to control this society and the world. I think they are being exposed as we speak and it is falling apart.Peter Rosenholm
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#693 sexual battery/ poll on who has children

#693 sexual battery/ poll on who has childrenCan I ask whether all the woman TIs have no children? I'm beginning to see this as a pattern. I would like to ask the men also.Another pattern might be that the fiftyish TI's mostly began to experience directed energy weapons in their late thirties to early forties. but now TI are getting hit younger. Is this because they haven't found that we are growing the third breast or any major illnesses.I'm going to put this question up to all TIs I think it is relevant and important.Peter Rosenholm
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Dear Soleilmavis,Here i 'm to ask You if You permit us to use the text of Your petition against the silent arms of massive distruction are going to prepare a little videoclip on youtube with the text of this petition, adding some articles from the universal human rights declaration. Our intent is to inform as much as people about this problem, how to get protected using the fundamental human rights and to diffuse that action to people around. The clip will be simple, with the images about peace, liberty and so on. The video will end with the reference to this your website. We are from Italy. I'm a supporter of Amnesty international. Your text will be translated in many languages. If you want to add anything to that video, let me know. We will send You the draft of video before publishing it on youtube. If you have any image which may make more effective the video, let me know. I will be waiting impatiently Your permission:-))). I do support Your iniative against torture and mind control completely. This is the first and real action on that issue. You will pass to history surely for it as a hero:-)...The victims of torture and mind control are surely merciful to You.Thank You very much.This is my youtube profile.
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Final Reports of Global Protest on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Photos of protests: Oct. 14 Protest: Reports from the Front Here are the reports of the IAACEA (International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse) October 14th Global T.I. Protests for Truth and Justice. Starting with IAACEA creator, Debbie Newhook reports on the Victoria, Canada protest. Then on to reports two from San Francisco (Bruno Marchisani, Mesha Monge-Irizarry, and Christine), two from Toronto (by Helen Galina Kurdina and Danielle DiBari) and London (by Paolo Fiori). Paolo did a tremendous amount of work to get the word spread about the protest in the UK. Then move on to T. Josephine's concise Philadelphia report at the end. I want to give kudos to T.Josepine for braving the cold and rain all alone. The reports finish up with final thoughts by Debbie Newhook. - Nancy aka, A Word the the Wise T.I. China By Soleilmavis We have more than 500 victims daily being tortured and abused by remotely directed energy weapons. But we remain resolute and most of us work diligently to expose this crime on the Internet, and won't stop reporting this heinous to the Chinese government. In China, as in the rest of the world, the official police position is that Targeted Individuals are mentally ill, so we cannot get permits to do street protests. However, we did promote the global protest via the Internet. We got nearly one hundred Targeted Individuals to publish the IAACEA press release on their own websites, along with the list of protest locations, and to send many letters to public. Here is our online site of supporting signatures: (in Chinese) Soleilmavis, PeacePink WASHINGTON, USA REPORT By Marc Burnell Thought the protest went well. Weather wasn't the greatest. Kind of nervous with all the cops and undercover cops around. Ate alot of the chips and drank sodas I bought by a great donation from Cynthia. There were lots of tourists that stopped by and took pictires of the White House and us. Enjoyed talking to other TIs about their situation. Learning alot from other TIs about how to cope and different remedies to use to uplift myself.. Many of the TIs were form NY. We spoke to a freelance writer who took notes and took our pictures. We spoke with other human rights groups that were nearby. Handed out fliers. SAN FRANCISCO, USA REPORT by Bruno Marchisani SF Photos by Scott at OneWorldLove- you'll have to join to view Yesterday, Wednesday, October 14, 2009, from 11:00am to 2:00pm, there was a civil protest against OS/EH at city hall in San Francisco, California, one of several being planned on or about that same day in several cities around the world, including Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Cincinnati (meeting only), Victoria and Toronto in Canada, London, India (internet mailings) and China (internet mailings), as part of a global day of protest being organized by a newly formed TI activism group called the International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse, Debbie Newhook and Galina Kurdina in Canada, Soleilmavis in China and Derrick Robinson of FFCHS were some of the planners. Christine Harris in SF was the contact person for the San Francisco protest, with Mesha Monge-Irizarry being a resource having had experience in protesting. Mesha is a non-TI activist Christine recently began networking with who among other things setup and moderated a forum to help organize the global protest. She has an office in San Francisco and apparently moderates 250 internet forums, one of them being the recently created Targeted_Individual s yahoo group. She is considering holding TI meetings at her office in San Francisco. A possibility of rain was forecast but the weather was clear and mostly sunny. I counted 16 protesters being present, including Christine, Richard in Marin, many other TIs who I've met before, a few I hadn't met yet, Mesha, and Marlon Crump,writer for Poor Magazine who Christine has recently began networking with. Most had arrived within the first half hour of the 11:00am protest start time. We originally planned to protest at the park across the street from city hall,to be respectful of city hall workers, but a police officer came by and said we needed a permit to protest in a public park, though he said this first time he'd allow it. He also indicated we could protest directly in front of city hall if we liked, so we moved our protest to the sidewalk in front of city hall. There was a plethora of protest signs of various sizes, colors and styles: "stop group stakling," "stop organized stalking," "stop organized terror," "stop covert torture," "stop electronic harassment," "stop electronic torture," "stop electromagnetic weapons," "stop defamation of character now," "restore human liberties now," "stop residential directed energy attacks now IAACEA," "unforgivable! MKULTRA should never happen again," and "my family is victim of mind control program illegally run by the US gov agencies. Torture, mental rape, robbery -- the outcome of the Nazi experiment." Also I brought buttons with the FFCHS logo for us to wear. The mood was positive if not festive, with us talking amongst ourselves, getting to know each other. Some of us had come from as far away as Modesto and Fresno,and for at least one of us this was our first time meeting with other TIs. Foot traffic was light, even during the lunch hour, with some passers-by looking to see what our signs said. A few spoke with us to try to understand what we were protesting. Due to the relatively light foot traffic and us not being very aggressive at distributing handouts, we didn't distribute all that many. Handouts included one of the IAACEA press releases announcing the global protest, a letter from Missouri State Representative Jim Guest acknowledging the existence of OS/EH on many of the constituents in the country, a flyer on the book "A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America" by Dr. John Hall, who has treated patients suffering from the effects of OS/EH, a copy of an article entitled "Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans?" regarding former NSA intelligence officer Russ Tice and the NSA's purported mind control technology, and a compilation of excerpts from Cheryl Welsh, FFCHS and H.Michael Sweeney. Vehicular traffic on the other hand was ongoing, and heavier during the lunch hour. Some of us were lined along the edge of the sidewalk displaying our signs -- several drivers honked their horns and gave us the "thumbs up" in support! At one point a reporter and cameraperson for an independent San Francisco internet video news group came by and did a brief interview with Christine and Mesha -- everybody felt they did a great job! Later on a CBS van parked across the street to cover a different event and Christine went over and gave them some handouts. I spoke with several TIs at the protest. Christine says she is doing what she can to network to help end our harassment, a TI from Fresno says he is educating some of the people in Fresno on OS/EH, and another said God's message of love is the most important tool in counteracting our harassment. Marlon wanted everyone to know about his new, second, article on OS/EH, entitled "Targeted Individuals. In my opinion the protest was certainly successful in terms of turnout -- this has been the largest turnout for any TI event in the San Francisco Bay Area I'm aware of and slightly exceed my expectations! Most of us stayed there until the 2:00pm protest end time, shortly after which we disbanded. I and at least a couple of others who were present took pictures of the event and I will be forwarding mine to Felix, a TI who plans to make a video of the global protests. President Obama was to be visiting San Francisco the following day and Christine along with some of yesterday's protesters planned to be present to gain more exposure. Reports of some of the protests in the other locations have been posted. Debbie declared her protest a success in Victoria, Canada -- there were 5 TIs present -- they handed out about 400 flyers and were interviewed by a local university student -- later on heavy rainfall brought an end to their protest. There were 5 TIs present at Galina protest in Toronto, Canada -- they spoke with several people, some sympathetic, and handed out a few flyers -- after the main protest had ended and they had some coffee they decided to do a second impromptu protest at another location. An early report from London, England, indicated 5 TIs were present but more were expected. The Philadelphia protest apparently only had one protester show up, but none-the-less the protester remained and handed out flyers! The LA protest was postponed to next week due to a heavy storm and flooding. Nancy is posting the recaps of the protests at http://wiseti. and Mesha is considering doing a compilation on For questions about the protest please contact Christine directly. Judy and I went to the Obama protest last night [Oct. 15th] at 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. at Powell Street and Geary Street, with over 1000 people. I brought my huge sign, and Russell Tice FBI fliers, and had many inquiries, and victims stopping to talk with us. With the support of Judy, two reporters from cable channels 13, and 26, which may have been on T.V. last night at 10:00 P.M. stopped to interview me. I was brief, but stated our plight. Three interviews in two days, I like it!! Christine Harris (415) 235-6466 Bruno Marchesani (650) 776-1814 SAN FRANCISCO, USA REPORT by Mesha Monge-Irizarry We were a "crowd" of about 20 TIs & Allies with signs brought by Bruno, Richard,a Black Brother who came from Fresno (name?), Christine, the Kats Family, Judy ... Who am I forgetting? Among us, a Black Sister who is a college professor in Political Science in Oakland, accompanied by a Latina and a white woman TIs. Also was present a San Franciscan woman, former nurse who blew the whistle on her medical unit at PMC, when she saw several patients with electrodes in their brain, and realized from their encephalograms that something terribly wrong was being done to them... she disconnected everything, and the electronic torture started, did not let up for over a decade. At first the cops, then the sheriffs tried the intimidating routine by demanding to see a permit, but when told: "we are not blocking traffic, we are only exercizing our right to peaceful assembly, this is a peaceful demonstration", they did not know what else to do. Then when they approached us again, twice, I gave them a big smile, told them I was a City Commissioner and asked: "Are you going to keep us safe, Officers?" which was sufficient to make them instantly go away after exclaiming "Of course!!" One sheriff, astoundingly, raised a timid fist and quickly told us GO GET "EM" as he walked away with his colleagues (Refreshing! A TI cop ?) Christine, Richard, the Kats Family, Carole, Judy, John, Yolanda, Carol , Bruno, Marlon, educated onlookers and passed on flyers (forgive this fried brain for omissions... ), and Bruno passed out Buttons. SF Based Tom MCray, TI and political writer, and a homeless person soon joined us. I talked to a colleague,a Veteran for Peace, published poet, who actually wore many political buttons, among them one on Covert Surveillance: Robert W., who is the acclaimed Honorary chief of the Native Nation, although he is white, due to his incredible activism for Natives and Aborigines and tireless fight to ban School of the Americas and ROTC. He happened to just be waiting for a friend on City Hall steps, and enthusiastically interacted with us. Robert stated: "We are ALL targeted !". I will stay in touch, potential powerful ally for us. I talked about the protest and IAACEA Goals & Objectives as defined in Debbie's pres release to Sophie Maxwell, City supervisor of my district, and to a campaign team member of James Keys, District 6 Supervisor candidate. Many participants actively engaged passerby's, including an Asian Gay Youth who now wants to be an ally to our movement. No negative interaction whatsoever! (To the sorry exception of a perplike loser... older white dude in a SUV who sped by, hollering: "Go get a job!" Which made us laugh.... Comic relief of the day) One press interview with Christine who handed out a press package and with myself. Christine connected with the City Hall Court TV Media Liaison, and participants took many pictures and videos of our event. ...Marlon C. from Poor Magazine PPN came to interview participants, stayed with us during the entire event, and will work on his third article on "Targeted Individuals" that he will submit to his editor, the formidable "Tiny" Gray Garcia ! Christine and I will work on an article , recount that we will self publish on Indybay along with a compilation of pictures, under Health isues (Covert Violence IS a Public Health issue !) People came to join us from : Modesto, Fresno, Marin County, Oakland, Berkeley, local San Franciscans too ! Mesha Monge-Irizarry, Founder SFTEC Philladelphia Report by T. Josephine Yes, I did give out flyers alone. Yes, some people wanted them. Plenty more were dying to get home. I am glad for the ones who were interested and next time we should have a group petition and get people to sign it. TORONTO CANADA Report by Galina Kurdina We protested in front of the Legislative Assembly Building and near Medical Science Building of University of Toronto today. We started at 10.30 A.M. There were 5 people in front of the Legislative Assembly: Robin Yan, Regan Hallett, Carlo Calandra, Mark Holden and I, Galina Kurdina. People approached us and we distributed about 10 fliers. One woman came to us and started a scandal. She offered us to hire people, pay them and ask to hold our posters on streets of Toronto. She suggested us not to appear ourselves on the streets. She persuaded us that we had to put some soft information on our posters, not the truth that we experienced and described. When asked, what soft things she would advice to write on our posters, she did not answer. She asked Robin, what was the reason of his targeting. It was clear for all of us that she worked for police, or RCMP or Government. Robin took his camera and wanted to take pictures of her, and she immedieately disappeared... We left Legislative Building about 1.30 P.M. Robin, Regan and I went to Tim Horton and had some coffee. After that we decided to go to any street and came to Medical Science Building of University of Toronto. Regan left us 30 minutes [later], Robin and I stayed there for one hour. We distributed our fliers very quickly, people approached us, read our poster about mind control and took fliers. One student of UofT, sweet boy, said to us that, in his opinion, these experiments were disgusting, another person wished us to continue our struggle. We made pictures and video records. I will send them to all of you, as soon as get them. Toronto Report by Danielle DiBari, as provided by Robin Yan Many of you do not know me, but Galina and Robin do (who ran the protest yesterday at Queen's Park do) and I will save introductions for later for those who are dedicated to working to expose the truth about our cause. I would like to send you all a little run-down of events yesterday -- I think Galina and Robin will agree, it was an excellent day with superb weather (my nose is totally toasted..LOL~ ) and we were treated with dignity and respect, a generous amount of interest (so much so that we RAN OUT OF letters), and a FEW VERY INTERESTING CONTACTS!All times are approximate. 10:00 AM We were greeted by Security and shown where we could set up. We were asked if we would be "chanting" and we said no. We were asked not to interfere with people on site and that we should let them come to us, we agreed. We set up across from a woman on a month-long protest of her autistic son being cut off from therapy and put in a regular school. www.tooautistic. com (HEY! OUR PIC IS THERE!) 11:30 am, A HUGE tour of Italian and Spanish speaking tourists get stuck outside the legislative building for some reason, and (possibly to kill some time) the tour guide relays and translates in both ITALIAN and SPANISH, the story of Covert Mind control as dictated by Galina. The group is sympathetic and interested (until they get to go Nothing too interesting happens after that for a couple of hours, we get a number of people stopping and asking about our situation -- some stopping for longer than others ... needless to say, we only have ONE letter left when we spot the CBC vehicle in the parking lot! 1:00 pm Media Trucks start arriving -- our hearts are in our throats as we feel as if they may intend to interview us! Acutally, the set up is for speaker Dan McTeague to present his speech on the treatment of Omar Kadhr at Guantanamo Bay! 2:30 Dan McTeague shows up to do his interview. About half an hour of talking on Dan's part -- the issue with Quantanamo Bay is loosely connected to OUR issue ... the underlying facts being that PEOPLE ARE BEING TORTURED WITHOUT MERCY/JUSTICE/ ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS! Here is a link to the situation he spoke of(but nothing on,oh well) Unfortunately, he only appeared on the news for about 10 seconds! (Robin, did you VHS it?) Legislature Watchdogs (while polite) stood guard IN FRONT OF AND AROUND THE CAMERAS so that WE WOULD NOT BE IN ANY SHOTS! However, Mr. McTeague's assistant came over to talk to us, took our picture and,I believe, strategically placed a camera to include US in the shot! Once the shoot was over, Mr. McTeague came over and shook all our hands, talked with us for a bit, gave us his card and told us "You sure got THEIR attention"(possibly meaning the media - I mean, is it coincidence that a talk on a HUMAN RIGHTS TORTURE ISSUES by a prominent M.P. is scheduled on the SAME DAY as our protest? I think NOT! Anyhow, he said we should contact him if we need anything...we already got a very good thing from him, we got a confidence boost like you wouldn't believe! And so, our first protest day came to a close. Sunburned, but happy, we took a walk to the subway, and went on our way. I would say it was a VERY successful day, no one was disrespectful to us, we got a good deal of attention, learned a lot about what to do better NEXT TIME -- and ALMOST got on TV ... lol! Most of all we learned that FEAR is THEIR greatest weapon ... none of what we feared came about. The perps will keep on doing what they do no matter what we do...being afraid only helps their cause so...we may as well make some noise 'cause they ain't going away by themselves. Cheers and talk to you all soon. Danielle DiBari TI - Toronto &Vancouver VICTORIA, CANADA REPORT by Debbie Newhook, founder, IAACEA I feel our Victoria protest was a success. We had 5 people present at the protest: Keith Tickleback from Nelson BC, Consuelo Galomar from Vernon BC, David Smith from Grabriola, Heather Quinn from Victoria BC and me Debbie Newhook. We had one protester from Nanaimo, Doug (Jerry) Rose who could not make the protest as he reported he was feeling horrible the night before the protest and he did not think he would be able to make it. As soon as we arrived at the protest location we were greeted by a University of Victoria student who wanted an interview with us. David and I spent 30 mins with her speaking about this crime. We gave her hand out material which included FFCHS material along with a Jim Guest letter of support. In addition we suggest that she research James Walbert and directed her to an article in Wired Magazine about James Walbert. She was genuinely interested and shocked at many of the details about this crime. During the time David and I were being interviewed, the police arrived. Consuelo spoke to the friendly police officer and was told that the police got 2 telephone calls indicating that we were obstructing the sidewalk traffic. Upon his arrival he saw that we were only a small group and that we were not blocking the sidewalk traffic and asked that we continue to allow the flow of pedestrians and not to interfere with them. Keith was our camera person and did take still pics only of the event and did capture a picture of the police as he was talking to Consuelo. Later I was approached by woman who knew she was a target of this crime. She knew much about the goings on of the world and she expressed that she was a whistle blower. David and I could tell that she was genuine and she was fearful.I gave her my contact info. We had many other people briefly speak to us about this crime and did take hand out material.The area of the protest was a very busy location in Victoria and we all thought it was a success. After about 2.5 hours we had given away about 400 fliers and we were almost out of hand out material when the skies opened up and it began to rain very hard. We called it quits at that time and went back to Heathers house for a chat and a meal. In my opinion, I thought this was good activism day. David and I later talked about doing this in Nanaimo at a later date and discussed the date of Dec 10 as it was the UN day of Human Rights. Debbie Newhook International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse 'We live to achieve justice. London Report by Paolo Firori For all of you on the other side of the Atlantic who would like to know what happened at the Trafalgar Square protest. I received a voicemail from Winston at about 2pm London time, saying that at that point there were 5 people present at the protest, but that they were expecting a few more to attend later. I believe that besides Winston, John Allman and Amanda Palmer were there, as Winston used Amanda's mobile to ring me and John told me of his intention to attend the night before. If people [took] any picture of the event and feel able to share them, I really look forward to seeing them. [Here's] a short message [Winston] sent me... "There were 8 of us in the end - we handed out flyers in Trafalgar square and outside the Old Bailey. It was good to meet other T.I.s. We are going to try to set up regular meetings of T.I.s in London." I may try to do something similar in London on the 24th at two very important events happening on the same day, the annual Anarchist Bookfair and a national Anti-War demo starting in Hyde Park, it will be actually very easy to leaflet there because there are already hundred of different people, leafleting on behalf of hundred different causes, I mean I will probably end up going there by myself, but I would certainly not mind if other London TIs were to decide to join me. Paolo Fiori
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#692 Mother Earth Journal/ gangstalking | cause stalking | organized stalking Earth Journal experience of environmental / Native American reporter Terri Hansen on september 10, 2009: search third story down on this site.Thursday, September 10, 2009Stalking takes on its cruelest form: gangstalking | cause stalking | organized stalkingThis blog covers environment, science and health issues of importance to North America’s indigenous peoples and it will do that again soon, once I shake off my stalkers. You read that right and for the record, stalkers is plural. I am the author of this blog and news reporter of other online news sites and newspapers. It is with reluctance that I acknowledge I am experiencing harassment by an unknown group of men and women intent on malicious physical and mental mischief.This group is spurred by suspected instigators who believe they have cause for revenge against both myself and my 18-year-old daughter. Their goal is to physically, mentally and emotionally destroy health, wellbeing, and ultimately even life. I am not overdramatizing the situation.This is why I have not been on top of recent breaking news about the reemergence of H1N1 Influenza A (swine flu) in Indian Country. President Obama’s top science advisors say Native Americans are in the same high risk category as pregnant women, infants and young children with more severe outcomes predicted in Native communities, yet the $350 million in federal grant monies intended to meet the challenges of H1N1/A bypassed the tribes and went solely to the states, with no language obligating them to share monies with the tribes.I am one of Indian Country’s key environment, science and health reporters and this continual stalking has disrupted a number of news reports, from climate disruptions to water issues in the West. I turned down a medical fellowship. I didn’t apply for a fellowship to an important conference of colleagues. Although not initially a hate crime, there is that element among the stalkers.When I can escape the torment the reporting will begin with renewed vigor. Until then the only way I see to get myself out of their trap is by doing what I do best: report a horrifying but real phenomena in our country; adhere to being a trained observer, document the facts, report the story. I am still in the fact gathering phase but you understand my need to get it to the public, right? And you forgive editorial. Thank you readers!I am being gang stalked. That means an organized group is methodically stalking and terrorizing me.For those being individually stalked resources are available through the National Center for Victims of Crime: Stalking Resource Center (For Victim Assistance, please call 1-800-FYI-CALL (1-800-394-2255), M-F 8:30 AM – 8:30 PM EST, or e-mail, although the NCVC acknowledges they receive calls describing point by point the gangstalking and techniques I have witnessed they have no resources to offer victims of organized stalking. Instead they offer sympathy and the following tips: Document every incident, take photos if you can. Have no contact with your stalkers. If you feel threatened call 911 and describe only one of your stalkers. The authorities take one stalker seriously. What this tells me is that these stalkers mimic legitimate investigations, and resources such as this fear interfering with a lawful investigation.When I had enough "aha" moments to realize I was being maliciously stalked by more than one person, with someone actually entering my home on occasion I originally thought I’d escape it by moving to Portland, Oregon, which I did, at some expense.Once in Portland a car full of four people yelled "Kill your brother!" at my brother and I in downtown Portland. Nor can I shake them in my new home or new surroundings. It’s become clear they are with me perhaps the rest my life, and that they mean to inflict serious harm. I am under a doctor’s care because physically, they already have.In a way it’s related to my reporting of environmental health due to the tools they employ, like toxic exposures, pulled from their grab bag of harassment toys. And it’s related to environmental justice in that they are keeping me from reporting critical and timely information to my primarily indigenous readers. It likely constitutes a hate crime, too. If they silence me forever it will mean a loss to environmental reporting, as part of an overall plan is to attract Native reporters to the environment beat.It took months to fathom I was a recipient of intentional toxic chemical exposures, and covert microwave and radiowave technology. I understand some victims never know what hit them. Others simply commit suicide. So how did I get in this jam?Apparently ex-relatives are involved in these gangstalking groups (I say that with background information that confirms the association), and are relentlessly and ruthlessly retaliating by unleashing these gangstalkers on me, at my home in Sunriver moving to Portland, Oregon.I’m still learning and this site is a work in progress. Also note: I am under attack as I type.Yesterday all my "followers" were men wearing light denim long sleeved shirts and Levis. They want to unnerve me, yet fit into any crowd. Their tactics are abusive, they are recruited to torture.I’ve ordered the book, "Cause Stalking." Here are a few reviews from Amazon:A Common Problem That People Don’t Know About Yet, May 15, 2008By David BullivantIn terms of big worldwide, life-shaking events, cause stalking, gangstalking, organized stalking, etc. is the biggest thing out there right now. The only problem is that most people as of yet have not heard of it. Upon hearing about it, most will dismiss it as the ravings of lunatics.Do you enjoy your freedoms? Enjoy them while you can. I lost mine a number of years ago to this very subtle and covert form of harassment. It may sound harmless, but the goal is to render the target jobless, friendless, suicidal, or to an ultimate death as a result of nonstop and ever increasing stress.Evil exists and it exists in the hearts and minds of the powerful to do wickedly against those who have little or no power.Advise to victimsBy Paul CortinaMy only complaint about this book is that it doesn’t offer enough information about what victims should do.If you are a victim of gang stalking the first thing you should do is contact The National Center for Victims of Crime: Stalking Resource Center. The Stalking Resource Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice so it is the most reputable organization that is knowledgeable about gang stalking. [Editors Note: I contacted the National Center for Victims of Crime Stalking Resource Center, they acknowledge organized, or gang stalking, but can offer no resources.]They can help you find a Mental health professional that will treat you for Traumatic stress and not falsely label you delusional simply because they are ignorant that this form of stalking is going on.Unfortunately there are currently no laws relating to group stalking so the law will do nothing to help. The best victims can do right now is try to raise awareness. The media is the only way to stop this growing social problem.Good Luck!CAUSE STALKINGBy Frank L. RaffaeleGreat Book!Unless you encounter one of these groups, it’s hard to believe that they exist. Some of these groups are so well integrated into communities that they operate almost seamlessly from the community. It would have been interesting for the author to have speculated on how these groups are financed. They are, however, so clandenstine and extremely well managed that it would be hard to find out unless they can be infiltrated. Just be careful about the neighbor you don’t like, he or she might belong to a group.Meeting one of these groups one realizes that the question of evil is not just a topic for theologians.A breakthough for the victims of Organized Stalking October 7, 2008By E. CanezCOERCIVE. This approach involves the use of threat, force, fiat, or other means that may lead people to "go along," even against their wishes. Ordinarily, the target feels some degree of tension and stress in these circumstances. The individual experiencing coercive influence is faced with real, material loss or disadvantage in resisting the influence attempt. In Strategies of Community Intervention: Macro Practiceby Jack Rothman et. al.Cause StalkingRadical right puritans crusading against sin while sinning themselves is an old morality play. Known criminals are empowered and deputized as investigators. They stalk, harass and assault their targets and families. Vandalizing, breaking and entering to get information to lay charges against the targets. These operations are run as business and the ultimate beneficiaries are their leaders.There is no excuse for those extremists to make me retaliate to create the crimes they are getting paid to prevent. I have no sympathy for those who are violating constitutional and statutory laws to commit genocide and other acts of ethnic and identity extermination.The biggest puzzle we all have encountered is… Why Targeted Individuals complaints are ignored by the police?I want to donate this book to District Attorneys, police departments and members of the media in the cities where I have been assaulted by the self-righteous members of the Community Watch Associations.There is a good review of this book in Eleanor’s White Website www.MultiStalkerVictims.orgThe author’s website www.CauseStalking.netAnother helpful book is Police Officer Captain Robert Snow -Chapter 8th- "Cause Stalking."Stopping A Stalker: A Cop’s Guide To Making The System Work For You This is the only police officer that we know of who recognizes the existence of stalking groups. (The rest of the Law Enforcement Community still in denial.)A Targeted Individual share his experiences inMy Life Changed Forever: The Years I Have Lost as a Target of Organized StalkingThere is a good review of someone who apparently supports vigilante activity (Vigilante Handbook (The Combat bookshelf).AMAZON IS BRAVE TO CARRY THIS BOOK, May 10, 2008By Avraam Jack (USA)Amazon is brave to carry this book. It is about some very evil people that the FBI and police dare not interfere with. (The honest ones that is, the crooked cops are in on it). [Editor's Note: I do not in any way believe lawful authorities are involved. I am trained to work with local and emergency personnel in disaster and newsworthy situations, to disseminate critical information to the public. In that role I have always had cooperation and appreciation.](more t/k)Labels: stalking
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#691 Sexual Battery/ War Atrocities and Rape/ A ResponseNot everyone's theme of attacks are the same. What I do notice about similarities between us is that my attacks started in my late thirties and I am 50 almost 51. Statistics of TIs show there are far to many of us around this age and yet we are spaced far enough apart so it is difficult to organize or get together. That may change as more people become TIs that are younger like Walter is about ten years younger.I'm flying to go see a female TI next month who came to meet me last month. Same basic age of attack, same lack of sex in the marriage, same break up of marriage. I have found a great deal of police involvement in my targeting. The weed and seed program may be to blame. I think there are so many laws that police can target a person with and use these citizen policing groups and criminal informants as an army by any number of laws. I even think they tried to recruit me. It's like watching the cars on the road all driving ten to 15 miles an hour faster than the speed limit because it is set to slow. It is those they target that pay the price, who appear criminal and who they rob with fees, fines, towings, and court appearances. Leaving a paper trail to mark them in this information age.I know my targeting started by destroying my business and police were tapping my company phone and opening my mail. Then all of my customers stopped sending me work all at the same time. Then they were attacking my marriage and my wife's business even putting pornographic material and gun magazines with a cops address on them on my trash so her daycare customers and small children would see it coming in in the morning and be appalled. When police were called a cop came and took the evidence without ever filing a report. Later this cop was involved in attacks, false arrests and the people he associated with were involved in perp activities. One theme is I was isolated like all TIs that is a common thread among us they worked to kill me covertly by staged attacks and massive directed energy attacks with involuntary commitment. Lastly with a covert slow kill by massive doses of deadly meds without ever testing my blood to show that I was being killed. maybe because I was independently successful and in great shape at the time. I weighed 260-270 lbs and had a 36 inch waist. It was actually two woman who walked into my hospital room after what seemed like a heart attack, I had gain large amounts of weight had developed diabetes and other ailments that the fact that I was being killed by massive doses of meds was explained to me and how it had caused the weight gain and ailments. These women weren't my doctor or nurses either. Like all programmed and naive Americans I never suspected a doctor would do me harm, we are so stupid and believe what ever we are told.I'd say if anything I was attacked because I appeared to ethical and made a complaint against a police. I also made a complaint with police about finding hospital waste in the form of needles washing up on the beach while I would walk it and pick up trash. This is what happens when technology advances to fast, to far and our government uses it to control every aspect of society and even the world with no over-site or checks and balances. Every thing is about payoffs and stealing all the money they can, and war is big business. Whether we are selling arms to other countries, conducting a military operation somewhere in the world or secretly arming law enforcement with these military directed energy weapons it is the same people in high places are getting more powerful and rich over it.There has always been rape and atrocities in war. This is just a new type of covert war with directed energy weapons and these are the new covert rapes and atrocities.Whatever the reason, we are part of a target group by all accounts. A cross section of society with a few more women than men. You did nothing of any real wrong or crime to be targeted the way you have been. Maybe the perp-verts just thought you were pretty and wanted to watch you sexually under a bogus surveillance program.Peter Rosenholm
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#691 Snitches and snoops wanted: Internet Eyes is a new "game"The caption that goes with this has about half a dozen cameras on a pole all pointed in different directions. This is a real life game where the public can watch surveillance cameras for points and money.Peter Rosenholm PescovitzPOSTED AT 12:23 PM October 9, 2009Featured • TechnologyUrban surveillance as a game?Snitches and snoops wanted: Internet Eyes is a new "game" where the public is invited to watch thousands of CCTV cameras for criminal activity. The most successful crimespotters can win cash prizes. The site will also feature a rogues gallery of alleged perpetrators. The service launches next month in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. It's free to watch the cameras and £20 a week to have your CCTV up for monitoring. From the Internet Eyes site (image above from Wikimedia Commons):The locations of the feeds are not disclosed and Viewers reporting remain anonymous. Viewers can earn money by detecting an event that matches the above scenarios. The Viewers notification is sent to an SMS device of the owner of the video feed. The owner of the video feed is known as a Customer. The customer will also get a screenshot sent to their Customer Control Panel. As a Viewer you'll need to be quick if you're certain of activity as there maybe other Viewers watching the same video feeds. Only the first notification gets through. Internet EyesFrom the Daily Mail:(Company founder) Tony Morgan, a former restaurant owner, said it would give local businesses protection against petty criminals, and act as a deterrent once 'Internet Eyes patrol here' signs are prominently displayed...'There are over four million CCTV cameras in the UK and only one in a thousand gets watched, (he said).'Crimes are bound to get missed but this way people the cameras will be watched by lots of people 24-hours-a-day.'It gives people something better to do than watching Big Brother when everyone is asleep.'We've had a lot of interest from local businesses and hope to roll it out nationwide and then worldwide.'Internet game that awards points for people spotting real crimes on CCTV is branded 'snooper's paradise'
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#690 Staying Connected and on the Internet in Tough TimesOne TI having financial difficulties told me how they can take there laptop to Burger Kings and other restaurants and tap into unsecured wireless Internet services of people in the more highly populated areas of town. I'm getting a computer ready for my son who lives in the city where college students live in multi-family units hoping that he can jump on to their wireless routers for Internet access.TIs should be aware of this if facing financial difficulties and can't afford the monthly Internet service fee. A laptop with wireless Internet capabilities is great for this. I have also seen directional antennas to aim and increase signal strength. There are ways to overcome and stay connected including the public libraries if your computer should go down or if you are facing tough times.Peter Rosenholm
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