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Letter by Rudy (in Many languages)

Copy of a letter sent to various authorities worldwide by Rudy from France. Letter written in English, Spanish, French, German, Greek and Italian. Subject: character assassination, slander, trial by the mob approach, etc.. Dear Sir, dear Madam, I would simply like to draw your attention to a fact that greatly worries us, the victims of organized stalking and remote electromagnetic harassment . With the aim of justifying, elevating and ennobling their filthy dealings, our perpetrators infiltrate everywhere, by every possible means, and put pressure on our different contacts, to make them believe that we do not deserve their support. They have such a demonic power of persuasion that their witch-hunt, their public pillory, their defamation and slander campaigns and their exposure of innocent citizens to the trial by the mob work perfectly. More often than not, the people from whom we are asking help give no more sign of life, after first offering assistance. Like the majority of my fellow-sufferers, I am a target of daily organized stalking from people who set themselves up as righters of wrongs of their street, their district, their city and their region and who get together in small groups to give themselves self-importance . They have suffered brainwashing to such an extent that they are persuaded to fulfill what they believe to be a high and noble mission by devoting themselves body and soul to an incredible pitiless and endless harassment. On one hand they are unaware that they have been lied to and on the other hand, they should remember that it is not incumbent on them to administer justice in any case. Don't all these persons who let themselves be influenced and deceived by a group of mafiosi understand that, when they harass innocent citizens, they are commiting a true crime? Don't they wonder only once if all that is told them is true? Did they agree to partake out of lure of profit or out of desire to play the righters of wrongs? No matter the reasons, in either case they are completely accomplices to a cruel and cowardly crime against innocent and defenceless citizens. I can declare on my honour that, like the majority of my fellow-sufferers, I have never committed a crime , I have never been condemned for a single offence, nor even suspected of a censurable or suspicious act. However, I can say it is not impossible that, even in some official high spheres, they may have already besmirched my name and my reputation in one way or another . We hope we can still count on your assistance and your support . Respectfully yours Rudy Andria Retired University Lecturer Please also read Geral Sosbee's and James Marino's testimonies which deal with this topic. __________________________________________ Copia de un carta enviada a varias autoridades Objeto: asesinato moral, calumnia-difamación, estratégia de la vindicta popular, etc... Distinguidos Señores, distinguidas Señoras Yo desearía simplemente atraer su atención en un hecho que nos preocupa mucho, a nosotros, las víctimas de acoso organizado y de ataques electromagnéticos a distancia. Con el fin de ennoblecer sus sucias maniobras y dar una cara de honorabilidad a sus acciones viles, nuestros verdugos se infiltran por todas partes, por todos los medios, y hacen presión sobre nuestros varios contactos, para hacerles creer que no merecemos su apoyo. Tienen un poder de persuasión talmente demoníaco que sus cazas de brujas, sus puestas en la picota, sus campañas difamatorias y calumniosas y la vindicta popular a ciudadanos totalmente inocentes funcionan perfectamente, ya que, muy a menudo, las personas a quienes solicitamos ayuda no dan más signo de vida, después del primer gesto de oferta de asistencia. Como la mayoría de mis compañeros de infortunio, sufro diariamente el hostigamiento colectivo de individuos que se erigen en justicieros de su calle, de su barrio, de su ciudad o de su región y se juntan en grupitos para dárselas de importante. Sufrieron un lavado de cerebro tal que están persuadidos de cumplir lo que creen que es una alta y noble misión, consagrándose en cuerpo y alma a un hostigamiento interminable y despiadado. Ignoran por una parte, que se les mintió y por otra parte, tienen que recordar que no les incumbe, de todo modo, administrar justicia. ¿ No comprenden todas estas personas quiénes se dejaron influir y burlar por un grupo de mafiosos que, cuando acosen a ciudadanos inocentes, cometan un verdadero crimen ? ¿ No se preguntan una sola vez si todo lo que se les cuenta es verdad? ¿Aceptaron ser cómplices por afán de lucro o por deseo de jugar al justiciero? Las razones importan poco. En un caso como en el otro, son totalmente cómplices de un crimen cruel y cobarde contra ciudadanos inocentes y sin defensa. Puedo asegurarle y declarar sobre mi honor que, como la mayoría de mis compañeros-víctimas, nunca he cometido crimen cualquiera que sea, nunca he sido condenado por un solo delito,ni siquiera sospechado de alguna actitud censurable o sospechosa. En cambio, puedo decir que no es imposible que, hasta en ciertos altos lugares oficiales, hayan ya podido manchar mi nombre y mi reputación, de una manera o de otra. Esperamos que todavía podamos contar con su ayuda y su apoyo. Atentamente. Rudy Andria Catedrático Podrían Vdes leer también los testimonios de Geral Sosbee y de James Marino que abordan este asunto. __________________________________________ Copie d'une lettre envoyée à certaines autorités . Objet: assassinat moral, calomnie-diffamation, stratégie de la vindicte populaire, etc... Mesdames, Messieurs, Je souhaiterais simplement attirer votre attention sur un fait qui nous préoccupe beaucoup, nous les victimes du harcèlement organisé et des agressions électromagnétiques à distance. Avec l'objectif de justifier leurs sales besognes et leur donner un visage d'honorabilité, nos bourreaux s'infiltrent partout, par tous les moyens, et font pression sur nos différents contacts, pour leur faire croire que nous ne méritons pas leur soutien. Ils ont un pouvoir de persuasion tel que leurs chasses aux sorcières, leurs mises au pilori, leurs campagnes diffamatoires et calomnieuses et la vindicte populaire contre des citoyens totalement innocents fonctionnent à la perfection, puisque, très souvent, les personnes dont nous sollicitons de l'aide ne donnent plus signe de vie, après un premier geste d'offre d'assistance. Comme la majorité de mes compagnons d'infortune, je subis quotidiennement le harcèlement collectif d'individus qui s'érigent en justiciers de leur rue, de leur quartier, de leur ville ou de leur région et qui se rassemblent en petits groupes pour se donner de l'importance. Ils ont subi un lavage de cerveau tel qu'ils sont persuadés d'accomplir ce qu'ils croient être une haute et noble mission, en se donnant corps et âme à un incroyable harcèlement impitoyable et sans fin. Ils ignorent d'une part, qu'on leur a menti et d'autre part, ils doivent se rappeler qu'il ne leur incombe pas, de toute manière, de rendre la justice. Toutes ces personnes qui se sont laissées influencer et berner par un groupe de mafieux ne comprennent-elles pas que, lorsqu'elles harcèlent des citoyens innocents, elles commettent un véritable crime ? Ne se demandent-elles pas une seule fois, si tout ce qu'on leur raconte est vrai ? Ont-elles accepté d'être complices par appât du gain ou par désir de jouer au justicier ? Les raisons importent peu. Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, elles sont totalement complices d'un crime cruel et lâche contre des citoyens innocents et sans défense. Je peux vous assurer et déclarer sur l'honneur que, comme la majorité de mes compagnons d'infortune, je n'ai jamais commis un crime quel qu'il soit, je n'ai jamais été condamné pour un seul délit, ni même soupçonné d'un acte censurable ou suspect. En revanche, je peux dire qu'il n'est pas impossible que, même en certains hauts lieux officiels, on ait déjà pu salir mon nom et ma réputation, d'une manière ou d'une autre. Nous espérons pouvoir encore compter sur votre soutien et votre assistance. Bien sincèrement Rudy Andria Professeur Vous pourriez lire également les témoignages de Geral Sosbee et de James Marino qui abordent ce sujet. __________________________________ Kopie eines Briefes, der an bestimmte Behörden geschickt wurde. Betreff: Rufmord, Verleumdung, rachsüchtige Strategien von Bürgern,u.s.w.... Meine Damen und Herren, ich möchte Sie auf eine Tatsache Aufmerksam machen, die uns,die Opfer der organisierten Belästigung und der elektromagnetischen Angriffe aus der Distanz sehr beunruhigt. Mit dem Ziel ihre schmutzigen Aktionen zu rechtfertigen und ihnen eine noble Farbe zu geben, infiltrieren unsere Henker mit allen Mitteln überall unsere verschiedenen Kontakte und üben Druck aus , um ihnen glauben zu machen, dass wir ihre Unterstützung nicht verdienen. Sie haben solche Überzeugungsmacht, dass ihre Hexenjagden, ihre Anprangerungen , ihre diffamatorischen und verleumderischen Kampagnen gegen völlig unschuldige Bürger perfekt funktionieren, denn sehr oft geben die Personen, um deren Hilfe wir bitten, keine Lebenszeichen mehr nach ihrer ersten Geste des Beistandsangebots. Wie die Mehrheit meiner Leidensgenossen, erleide ich täglich die kollektive Belästigung von Individuen , die sich zu den Verfechtern der Gerechtigkeit von ihrer Straße, von ihrem Bezirk, von ihrer Stadt und von ihrer Region hervorheben und die sich in kleinen Gruppen sammeln, um sich wichtig zu machen. Sie scheinen eine solche Gehirnwäsche erlitten zu haben, dass sie sich dazu überreden lassen, zu glauben eine hohe und adlige Mission zu erfüllen, indem sie sich mit Leib und Seele einer endlosen, gefühllosen und sadistischen Quälerei hingeben. Einerseits wissen sie nicht, dass man sie anlügt, und andererseits, ist es wichtig dass sie sich daran errinnern, dass es ihnen auf jeden Fall nicht obliegt, Justiz zu üben. Können alle diese Personen, die sich von einer Mafiosigruppe beeinflussen und zum Narren halten lassen nicht verstehen, dass wenn sie unschuldige Bürger bedrängen, sie ein richtiges Verbrechen begehen ? Fragen sie sich nicht ein einziges Mal, ob alles was man ihnen erzählt, richtig ist ? Akzeptieren sie es sich mitschuldig zu machen durch die Verlockung des Geldes oder als scheinbarer Verfechter der Gerechtigkeit ? Die Gründe sind zweitrangig. Auf jeden Fall sind sie absolut an einem grausamen und feigen Verbrechen gegen unschuldige wehrlose Bürger mitschuldig. Ich kann Ihnen bei meiner Ehre versichern, dass ich, wie die Mehrheit meiner Leidensgenossen, niemals ein Verbrechen begangen habe oder mir in irgendeiner Form etwas zu Schulden habe kommen lassen. Deswegen kann ich sagen, dass es nicht unmöglich ist, dass man, sogar in bestimmten offiziellen höheren Kreisen, meinen Namen und meinen Ruf, auf die eine oder andere Art beschmutzt hat. Wir hoffen immer noch dass wir auf Ihre Unterstützung und Ihren Beistand zählen können. Ihr respektvoller Rudy Andria Professor P.S. Sie können auch die Zeugenaussagen von Geral Sosbee und von James Marino lesen, die an dieses Thema herangehen. ____________________________________________ Αντίγραφο επιστολής που έχει αποσταλεί σε ορισμένες αρχές. Θέμα: ηθική δολοφονία, συκοφαντία-δυσφήμιση, στρατηγική της λαϊκής ετυμηγορίας, κτλ… Κυρίες, Κύριοι, Θα ήθελα απλά να επιστήσω την προσοχή σας σε ένα γεγονός που ανησυχεί ιδιαίτερα εμάς τα θύματα οργανωμένης παρενόχλησης και εξ αποστάσεως ηλεκτρομαγνητικών επιθέσεων. Προκειμένου να δικαιολογήσουν έως και να καταξιώσουν τα ποταπά έργα τους, οι δήμιοί μας που διαθέτουν τα μέσα να διεισδυουν διηθούνται παντού, καταφέρνουν σχεδόν πάντα να ασκούν πιέσεις στους υποστηρικτές μας για να τους κάνουν να πιστέψουν ότι δεν αξίζουμε την υποστήριξή τους. Η δύναμη της πειθούς τους λαμβάνει τη μορφή του κυνηγιού μαγισσών, της διαπόμπευσης, των εκστρατειών δυσφήμισης και συκοφαντίας και της λαϊκής καταδίκης εναντίον εντελώς αθώων πολιτών και μάλιστα με πολύ αποτελεσματικό τρόπο: πολύ συχνά, τα πρόσωπα των οποίων τη βοήθεια ζητούμε, μετά την πρώτη συνεργασία, παύουν να δίνουν σημεία ζωής. Όπως η πλειονότητα των συνδυστυχέων , υφίσταμαι καθημερινά ομαδική παρενόχληση από άτομα που αυτοανακηρύσσονται κριτές της οδού, της συνοικίας, της πόλης ή της περιφέρειάς τους και τα οποία οργανώνονται σε μικροομάδες για να φανούν πιο σημαντικά. τα άτομα αυτά έχουν υποστεί μια τέτοια πλύση εγκεφάλου ώστε να έχουν πειστεί πως εκπληρώνουν μιαν υψηλή και ευγενή αποστολή , επιδιδόμενοι ψυχή τε και σώματι σε μιαν απίστευτη παρενόχληση , ανελέητη και χωρίς τέλος. Όλοι όσοι αφέθηκαν στην επιρροή και την κοροϊδία μιας ομάδας μαφιόζων, δεν καταλαβαίνουν ότι, παρενοχλώντας αθώους πολίτες, διαπράττουν πραγματικό έγκλημα; Δεν αναρωτιούνται ούτε μια φορά, αν όσα τους λένε είναι αλήθεια; Δέχτηκαν να γίνουν συνένοχοι υπό το δέλεαρ του κέρδους ή από επιθυμία να παίξουν τον δικασπόλο; Τα αίτια δεν έχουν ιδιαίτερη σημασία. Σε κάθε περίπτωση, τα άτομα αυτά είναι καθόλα συνένοχοι ενός στυγνού και άνανδρου εγκλήματος ενάντια αθώων και ανυπεράσπιστων πολιτών. Αφενός αγνοούν ότι τους είπαν ψέμματα και αφετέρου πρέπει να θυμηθούν ότι ούτως ή άλλως δεν αποτελεί αρμοδιότητά τους να αποδίδουν δικαιοσύνη. Μπορώ να σας διαβεβαιώσω και να σας δώσω τον λόγο της τιμής μου ότι, όπως η πλειονότητα των συνδυστυχέων μου, δεν διέπραξα ποτέ οποιοδήποτε έγκλημα, δεν καταδικάστηκα ποτέ για κανένα αδίκημα και δεν υπήρξα καν ύποπτος καταδικαστέας ή ύποπτης πράξης. Αντιθέτως, μπορώ να πω ότι είναι πολύ πιθανό το όνομά μου με τον ένα ή τον άλλον τρόπο να έχει ήδη σπιλωθεί σε επίπεδο υψηλών κύκλων. Ελπίζουμε ότι μπορούμε ακόμα να υπολογίζουμε στην υποστήριξη και την βοήθειά σας. Με εκτίμηση Rudy Andria Καθηγητής πανεπιστημίου Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε και τις μαρτυρίες του Geral Sosbee και του James Marino που προσεγγίζουν το ίδιο θέμα. _______________________________________ IN ITALIANO Copia di una lettera inviata ad alcune autorità Oggetto: assassinio morale, calunnie-diffamazione, strategia della vendetta popolare, “ad vilipendium pubblicum”, ecc.… Signore, Signori, desidererei semplicemente richiamare la vostra attenzione su un fatto che preoccupa molto noi vittime della molestia organizzata e delle aggressioni elettromagnetiche a distanza. Con l’ obiettivo di giustificare i loro compiti sporchi e dare loro una parvenza d’ onorabilità, i nostri aguzzini s’infiltrano ovunque, con tutti i mezzi, e fanno pressione sui nostri vari contatti, per fare loro credere che non meritiamo il loro sostegno. Hanno un potere di persuasione tale che la loro caccia alle streghe, le loro azioni volte a mettere alla pubblica berlina, le loro campagne diffamatorie e calunniatorie e la vendetta popolare contro cittadini assolutamente innocenti funzionano alla perfezione, poiché molto spesso le persone da cui sollecitiamo aiuto non dànno più segno di vita, dopo un primo gesto di offerta di aiuto. Come la maggioranza dei miei compagni di sventura, subisco ogni giorno molestie collettive da parte di individui che si ergono a giustizieri nel territorio dove vivono. Sia che vivano in una via, sia che vivano in un quartiere, in una citta’, oppure in un’intera regione, questi individui sono organizzati in piccoli gruppi, in modo da assumere ai loro stessi occhi una maggiore importanza. Costoro hanno subito un lavaggio del cervello tale che sono convinti e realmente credono che le azioni che vanno compiendo siano per un’alta e nobile missione, dandosi anima e corpo in azioni e comportamenti infinitamente molesti e spietati. Costoro ignorano da una parte che si è mentito loro ma dall’altra parte, devono ricordarsi che non spetta loro, in ogni modo, rendere giustizia. Non comprendono queste persone, che si sono lasciate influenzare e ingannare da parte di un gruppo di mafiosi che , quando incalzano e braccano cittadini innocenti, commettono un vero crimine? Non si chiedono mai una sola volta se tutto ció che è stato raccontato loro è vero? Hanno accettato di essere complici per attrattiva del lucro o per desiderio di giocare al giustiziere? Le ragioni importano poco. Sia in un caso come nell’ altro, sono totalmente complici di un crimine crudele e vile contro cittadini innocenti e senza difesa. Posso garantirvi e dichiarare sul mio onore che, come la maggioranza dei miei compagni di sventura, non ho mai commesso nessun crimine , non sono stato mai condannato per una sola offesa, e mai nemmeno sospettato di alcun atto censurabile o sospetto. In compenso, posso dire che non è impossibile che, perfino in alcune alte sfere ufficiali, si sia già potuto in un modo o un’altro macchiare il mio nome e la mia reputazione. Spero di potere ancora contare sul vostro sostegno e la vostra assistenza. Rispettosamente Rudy Andria Cattedratico ora in pensione. P.S. Vi esorto a leggere anche le testimonianze di Geral Sosbee e di James Marino che affrontano quest’argomento. 以下是法国受害者RUDY的一封写给很多政府部门的信, 改信已经被翻译成了英语, 西班牙语,法语, 德语,希腊语,意大利语, 中文. 标题: 人格暗杀,诽谤,以残暴方式试验, 等 尊敬的女士们,先生们, 我希望您们关注一个让我们极其担忧的事实,被有组织跟踪和远距离电磁波技术骚扰的受害者. 为了让他们肮脏的交易变得正当,高尚,凶手们千方百计,用尽各种方法对我们的联系人施加压力, 让他们相信我们不应该得到支持. 他们的政治迫害,他们的公开,他们的诽谤和诬蔑,以及他们将无辜平民置身于残暴试验,都会被他们以强权很好掩盖. 不仅如此,那些我们寻求帮助的人,在最初提供帮助后,就再也没有继续帮助我们. 像很多跟我遭受同样的迫害的人一样,我被有组织地跟踪, 那些人认为自己是是非曲直中的正义者, 他们来自他们的街道,他们的城区, 他们的城市,他们的地区,他们组成一个小团体,并且感觉自己非常重要. 他们遭受严重地洗脑,以至于他们认为他们自己做的事,是如此地崇高.可以奉献他们的身体和灵魂卷入令人难以置信地冷酷和无休止地骚扰中. 一方面他们没有意识到他们撒谎,另一方面,他们也没有权利管理司法. 那些被黑手党欺骗和深刻影响的人, 难道不明白他们骚扰无辜平民是违法? 难道他们没有怀疑那些告诉他们的事? 难道他们只是渴望分享扮演是非曲直中的正义者的利益? 无论是哪种情况,他们都是在做着对手无寸铁的平民的残忍和卑鄙的犯罪行为. 我可以以我的名誉发誓, 像大多数的跟我一样遭遇的受害者一样,我从来没有犯法, 也没有任何一点儿地罪行, 甚至也没有引人责备或者有任何可疑行为. 不过,在一些领域的高级官员那里,我的名字和名誉已经遭到他们玷污,也不是不可能. 我们希望,我们仍然可以得到您的帮助和支持。 致 礼 Rudy Andria 退休的大学老师
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Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Velsicol Chemical/Hubei Chemical from Rosemont Illinois- Hubei China and Mind Control Chemical Company also makes Sodium Benzoate that goes into all soda pops in the USA as well as other drinks. Google Sodium Benzoate "Mind Control"Hubei Chemical also makes table salt for the USA as well.[PDF]

EPA/Hexachlorocyclopentadiene; Response to the Interagency Testing ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -" onmousedown="return rwt(this,'','','html','3','AFQjCNES91W9P4AA0B4C0t9eCQ8v5r26yQ','')">View as HTML
Mutagencity of hexachlorocyclopentadiene in the mouse dominant lethal assay. LBI Project. No. 20862. Submitted by Velsicol Chemical. Corporation. ..
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The future of electricity

"Smart grids are networked, like the Internet. They will find what you need on the energy web and route it to you along the most efficient pathways. They’ll adjust demand to match clean, renewable supply, not only in your home, but across neighborhoods.”Sounds like another form of surveillance to me.
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Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Velsicol Chemical/Hubei Chemical from Rosemont Illinois- Hubei China and Mind Control Chemical Company also makes Sodium Benzoate that goes into all soda pops in the USA as well as other drinks. Google Sodium Benzoate "Mind Control"Hubei Chemical also makes table salt for the USA as well.[PDF]

EPA/Hexachlorocyclopentadiene; Response to the Interagency Testing ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -" onmousedown="return rwt(this,'','','html','3','AFQjCNES91W9P4AA0B4C0t9eCQ8v5r26yQ','')">View as HTML
Mutagencity of hexachlorocyclopentadiene in the mouse dominant lethal assay. LBI Project. No. 20862. Submitted by Velsicol Chemical. Corporation. ..
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10. They know what I'm talking about but they don't know me, have never seen me or tapped into the surveillance.9. They know me, but they have other things to do.8. They don't think the proof they offer will help me in any way.7. They have been told not to.6. They are waiting for a bigger name to come to my aid.5. They fear they will lose their job if they get involved.4. They are bought and sold just like everyone else.3. They don't get involved in legal suits.2. They will be followed and stalked.1. They will be electronically tortured.
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Why us?

When someone asks, why would they go after a little person like you, and not some big guy in politics, a couple of things come to my mind, one is that it would be too obvious to target the president or the vice president, and also that they have created an enemies list with us in which they assume we will need to watched so that we don't counteract, tortured for experimentation purposes, forced crazy to keep us weak, and not getting help from anyone so the society remains controlled. We are the guinea pigs of the control, the hostages. Why us? To prove that its easy, to spread fear, to call us enemies.
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Some things that I disagree with Alex Jones about

He says the global warming is a hoax, but it has been proven by scientists that these things are happening to the planet, whether they are man made, or more natural, the rain forests are being depleted and man has certain tried or wants to destroy the last pristine places on the planet for uses in energy or gas that add to our selfish ways of living our lives. What's wrong with conserving, with aiding the planet and going green?The H1N1 virus is killing people across the globe, yet he calls this a hoax too. What's wrong with getting a shot so that you won't come down the flu and possibly spread it to others who will suffer with it? My daughter, who has cystic fibrosis, she got both flu shots because she is at high risk and I don't really think this guy should be risking people's lives with his rhetoric.Speaking of risking people's lives...Alex Jones says that psychiatry is insane, but I'd like for him to live one day in the life of a truly insane person, to be bombarded with voices, delusions, paranoia and fear and to be forced to live this way because people like him tell you not to trust a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is like any other doctor, he treats the symptoms. Yes, there are underlying causes that create the symptoms, but some people can not, should not, or will not get to the root cause of their illness. And as for targets, we can't stop targeting, so, we should get help if we need, instead of committing suicide or doing something rash.
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The Aramark Facility Service Aramark Fooodservie Connection to 911- Joe NeurembaurJoe Neurembauer-President of Aramark Facility Service, Aramark Foodservice and Henry Kissenger and Thomas Keen- board of directors of Armark.
Joe Neurembauer-President of Aramark Facility Service, Aramark Foodservice and Henry Kissenger and Thomas Keen- board of directors of Armark.

Joe Neurembauer as well as Henry Kissenger sit on the board of directors of Chase Manhattan bank- they stood to profit from the death of Americans via bank account theft and asset and wealth theft-similar to that of Hitler stealing the assets during WWII

The Aramark 911 Connection

The Aramark Facility Service/Aramark Foodservice 911 Connection. I worked for Aramark Facility Services in Chicago and discovered they were tied to the World Trade Center Attack.;

I am a member of My profile is here:
Accounts of human rights abouse inside the USA by directed energy weapons:
Sun Sep 14, 2008 19:13

Ron Angell , 11.07.2008 - 4:36h

I have been tortured inside the USA for truth of this since November 11th 2006. For four and a half years I worked to manage the Chicago Public Schools and I worked for Armark Facility Services. Aramark also runs foodservice, and ran the foodservice in World Trade Center I, World Trade Center II, Foodservice in the Pentagon, and foodservice in the White House. Also Aramark ran foodservice in the United Nations in New York. They are directly related to the attack of the World Trade Centers and the false flag attack inside the USA. They need to be investigated and prosecuted. I am willing to testify in a criminal court of law agaisnt Michael Frye of Armark Facility Services as well as many many others. Thomas Keeene was on the board of directors of Aramark and he also was the head of the Investigation of 911 by Bush.

Former 9/11 Commission Co-Chairman Thomas Keen and Lee
Hamilton write in The New York Times today that the CIA
"obstructed our investigation" when it ...

He is to be investigated to the highest level for my torture and the murder of the 3000 US civilians as well as millions of other Americans inside of the USA.

Why doesn't the 9/11 Commission know about Mukasey's 9/11
Results 1 - 10 of about 280,000 for Thomas Keene 9/11

Thomas H. Keen is the CEO of THK Consulting, LLC. The Tom Kean that was on the 9 /11 Commission was "Kean". Before someone goes overboard contacting the ...


I am still being tortured by what are called Directed Energy Weapons inside the USA. These weapons are in Control of America and the world and use NATO to do the control.

Ron Angell
Fort Myers Florida
millions dead in Florida from Wackenhut.. they run prison concentration camps and have murdered millions of truth and justice Americans that have been against the war and are for 911 truth.

Please send International Investigation teams to determine the extent of torture inside USA;btnG=Search

Google---William Coates Hitler;btnG=Search

Google--> Hurricane Charley Scalar Electromagnetics

Google--->Hurricane Charley HAARP
Google---HAARP New Orleans

Google-->Hitler British Agent

Velsicol Chemical Company is tied to a Communist company

Declassified MK-Ultra Project Documents: The NSA's mission and the NSA's domestic Intelligence operation. Communications Intelligence (COMINT) Blanket coverage of all electronic communication in the U.S. and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960's. NSA technology is developed and implemented in secret from private corporations, academia, and the general public. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity. Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT) The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public. Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA's electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. NSA personnel serve in Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners. Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating NSA personnel. Christians against mental slavery All things can change for the better. Jesus is the prince of peace If God sent Moses to give us the Ten Commandments and one of those commandments is "Thou Shall not kill" then I don't understand why God would want any war at all. So that is why I am a pacifist - Because of the 10 commandments. Believe in Good and not evil. Do not believe in evil. Evil is fear and hate. We hate those we fear. We fear those we hate. Try only to believe in Good and God. No matter what God or religion you follow or do not follow Good exists. Follow the path of the just and the righteous and you will be led out of slavery and torment into a promised land of freedom, love and happiness. The Promised Land is where you are now... you just have to make sure the promise is kept. Ask that promises be kept and cast off those that lie. In turn seek truth and be truthful. Do not cheat, and expect not to be cheated. Reject Hate, Reject Fear. Do not discriminate against your neighbor and work to love your enemy. "Let me now warn you in the most solemn manner. Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. The Nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest." --President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796 All humanity loses when war wins Body: WWII was eugenics against the Jewish People, German People, French People, Polish People, Italian people, Ukranian People, Czech people, British people, American people, The only ones that did not lose out were the neutral countries. They gained in assets of those that deposited money in their countries. It was done by spreading both FEAR and HATE. Reject Hate, Reject fear- against all people.. no matter how hard it is. By fighting back you continue the cyle. What must be understood is that WWII was a eugenics operation against not only the Jewish people, but the German people, the British people, the polish people, and the world at that time. The wealth taken from the Jewish people was done initially be the German people. What happened to the Germans after WWII? They too were killed. What happened to the bank accounts of the German people that died under Stalin after the war? Those were taken by someone else that had the paper trail. What happened to the Jewish bank accounts from those that died? All wealth was redistributed in chaos and in the end Europe was left in ruins. The money stolen from Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The oil in Iraq was also stolen and used by Germany and the US for the war... so even Muslims were robbed. No winners.. .only losers in war.. except for an elite few. The war on the middle east is the same and it leads to the null set. Please stop for the sake of all humanity. All humanity loses when war and torture wins.
Website for European Victims of Technological Abuse
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#701 Those Perps Enlisted Have Secrets Exposed and Can Keep SecretsI've been thinking about my dream manipulation and questioning in my sleep and how at first I tried very hard to close my mind and keep thoughts from being exposed. I even type my codes into the computer for some time now without saying the letters and numbers out loud in my mind. Only now do I know from the History channels show, "That's Impossible", episode,"Mind Controls" that our thoughts are sent in the form of nerve impulses to our vocal cords whether we actually say the words or not.So I've wondered what is the purpose of knowing every secret we have? What would be the purpose for them to do this? We have all made mistakes in our lives and hopefully we learn from them and don't keep repeating them.If I imagine that the original goal was to conscript us into the perp army then exposing past wrongs could be held over our heads like black mail. Since hoover we know that law enforcement has used this to great advantage to take control of those in power. It might even be a method for taking control of this country and the world. Usually a politician can be taken down by exposing an illicit affair. the hurt alone to their spouse and children must be unbearable, not to mention the shame of having it broad cast around the world over the news media. The woman who exposed Bill Clinton, could she have been part of this perp army?I wonder if Bill Clinton had the Choice like David Letterman of paying money and having this secret held over him to control him. Maybe that woman who exposed him was so ugly and hadn't gotten any in so long that she felt that exposing it would make her feel better.I remembering talking to my daughter and saying he disgraced out presidency and to my surprise my daughter said, "Maybe if George Bush got a blow job he would be sending troops off to die". Looking at the two now Clinton's error wasn't that great of a blow to the country and was more of a personal issue. Improper sexual behavior is a personal issue and is nothing compared to having millions of people going to war and killed, not even close. What is even more important is to not be controlled by coercion and blackmail though covert surveillance and mind control.President Obama asked all people applying to be in his administration to acknowledge all misdeeds. Was Obama trying to stop this imposed control over his own people? I've been wondering if this isn't old news to politicians. It might explain why they don't respond to us for the most part and why the laws being passed aren't for the interest of the people.Another example would be Elliot Spitzer the "x"-governor of NY NY. He had made some waves trying to regulate the stock market and then the FBI exposed his ties to a prostitute. When his replacement was taking office David Paterson he acknowledged all past deeds including an affair. I wonder if Spitzer could have helped stop the chash of this market and this down turn. Could this whole thing have been planned?I'm beginning to think this is far bigger than any of us might have imagined. I've written before how I think that the speed limits are set to slow so law enforcement can target whoever they deem fit. A TI that I'm seeing who lives over a thousand miles away called me 15 minutes after my post saying she just got pulled over for speeding. The first time in almost thirty years. Is this possible that they can respond this well and quickly to our actions? This wouldn't be the first time either that others are hurt to control someone. I was committed and laying in a bed while they torture the poor bastard in the next bed and even made him talk for them in an effort to get at me. These people are sick.The thought that those having an affair, are doing drugs, gambling or using a prostitute put themselves in a position to be controlled seems logical. It seems like the more secrets a person has then the more likely there embarrassment or out right threat of arrest can be used to control them. That would mean they may more easily be recruited as a perp so as to do things they wouldn't otherwise do, or vote in a way that they wouldn't otherwise vote.I've said it before that calling V2K the voice of GOD is 180 degrees from the reality of it's use on us TIs or perhaps the recruitment of perps? It brings to mind that people need to forgive them selves for past transgressions. The bigger sin would be to betray your people and be made to do things that you would never in a million years do. This perp army is an army of blackmailed and shamed people.That man who lived 2000 years ago name Jesus was a smarter man than I thought. No one is perfect or free of sin and we have to forgive others as well as ourselves or we actually really become controlled by evil. I would say in a way we are being judged, not by God though but by evil. To be controlled by shame may in the end be the worst sin of all. To do harm to others in an attempt to hide your own shame and misdeeds. To become part of this covert army you have to have learned to keep secrets real good.Peter Rosenholm
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#700 Accumulative Effect

#700 Accumulative EffectIf being studied is part of our targeting then there has to be input to screw with us and then output which is our reaction or response. I guess before we totally dismiss claims we should ask is it possible? And no doubt to the creative mind all kinds of supposedly impossible things can easily be made to happen. If a horoscope was made to relate to my life the chances of me reading it would be one in a million. Maybe the question to ask yourself is would you have read that if your friend didn't read it to you? All this theater takes coordination by a number of people....The thespians/perps.We at first are ignoring actual perp activities like brightening with lights and later realize it had happened, but most of these things would go unnoticed until they begin to accumulate. It is this accumulative effect that eventually makes us aware of the effort to screw with us is taking place. I'd say one two or three of these events would probably go unnoticed but at some point we do notice and can look back and see it was more prolific that we might at first have thought.The problem is that at this point we can become hyper-vigilant and even read more into it than is actually happening. One example is targets thinking that a TV personalities are targeting them. Although it is possible for a TV personality to speak for the V2K, it is unlikely they would spend the next 5 years doing it. What is the most probable is that voice cloning is being used to imitate friends, family, neighbors or even a TV personality.Peter Rosenholm
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