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Please PRINT OUT Lab report #7 and use it as evidence.The Most Important Document:Lab Report #7 Ron Angell am the International Liaison for Carolyn Palit is my Program Director This information can be Used as evidence and distributed freely as I have been given permission by my Program Director Carolyn Palit. Please SPREAD THE WORD FAR AND WIDE!!!The Most Important Document:- Lab Report #7 Nanotube formation Nano wire formation in Human Body (Morgellon's Disease)Millions of Victims of advanced nano biologic materials, contamination from aerial seeding operations and neurological weapons torture CANNOT exhaust domestic remedies due to being homeless, brain damaged, forced drugging, being physically disabled, wrongfully institutionalized in prisons or psychiatric institutions, raped, and murdered. The Judicial, Legislative, and Executive Branches of the United States Government of America have ignored/marginalized their pleas for relief since the MK ultra hearings of 1977. There are two million known victims of morgellon's (Intra-body Network) at this time in the USA. Overall global saturation of the human species with these Intra-body networks is estimated to be around 98% of the population. The is a possibility of reversal IF the aerial seedings operations were stopped immediately. Therefore, because no domestic remedies are available to victims, it is imperative that international bodies like th United Nations, The International Red Cross, and the organization of American States use their emergency procedures to force the end to this madness. Furthermore, Special Rapporteur on torture from the United Nations and special weapons teams with mass spectrometers as well as Electro-megnetic measuring devices and data loggers must be sent into all countries to gather evidence. Chemtrails combined with the H1N1 Vaccine equals a binary weapon because there are substances in the aerial spray (Chemtrails) that copy germs.The Most Important Document:Lab Report #7 these fibers serve as implants for the transmissions from
psychotronic, resonance weapons or as a communications network is not
known, but the fibers can be classed definitely as an exotic weapon and
fibers like these are used for intra-body networks. has been referring to these fibers as "signal
fibers," and we think this is somewhat of an accurate though limited
term for them. They may epitomize the state of the art of genetic
warfare and disease-frequency warfare. The nano-machines can
copy DNA. DNA restrictor enzymes have been found in the chemtrail

A communicable nanotechnology invasion of human tissues in the form of self-assembling, self-replicating nanotubes, nanowires, nanoarrays with sensors, and other nano configurations, some carrying genetically-altered and spliced DNA/RNA. These nano machines thrive in extreme alkaline ph conditions and use the body's bio-electric energy and other (unidentified) elements for power. (People should *not* strive for an acidic ph - they should work for a normal pH of 7.5 +/-). There is some evidence these tiny
machines possess their own internal batteries. They are also believed
to be able to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF signals and
information. ("Morgellons Defined,",
April 5, 2007) Phone Number of Carolyn 432 294-3131Address of Exoticwarfare Carolyn Palit Program Director of, 1208 Sanderson Street, Alpine Texas 79830Rense Morgellons Radio Specials

Download MP3 Files From Links Below

Cliff Mickelson/Gwen Simmons
WhatHappened To CDC Morgellon's Investigation?
(MP3 Audio File)

Carnicom On Morgellon's
Morgellon's Research
(MP3 Audio File)

Carnicom On Morgellon's
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)

Dr. Amy Withington & Cindy Casey
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)

Cliff Mickelson
Morgellon's Update
(MP3 Audio File)

Cliff Mickelson and Maryanne:
A Health Professional Describes The Spread Of Morgellons
(MP3 Audio File)

Clifford Carnicom
Carnicom Morgellons Research

(MP3 Audio File)

Clifford Carnicom
Aerosol Spraying Over America
First Observations From Clifford Carnicom

Blood Testing: Lasers, Morgellons & Fungus(?)
(MP3 Audio File)

Cliff Mickelson
Link Between GMO Crops & Morgellons?
(MP3 Audio File)
The CDC Morgellons 'Research' Project
Jan Smith & Cliff Mickelson
Morgellons Disease - Living With A Nightmare
CDC/Kaiser 'Groundbreaking' Morgellons Study A Fraud!

(MP3 Audio File)
Texas Chemtrail Samples Compared To Samples From Venice Italy
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Dr. R. Michael Castle
(MP3 Audio File)
Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Dr. R. Michael Castle
Jan Smith and 'Anonymous' from the Midwest

(MP3 Audio File)
Special Update Program
(MP3 Audio File)
Psych, Emotional, Personality And Relationship
Impacts - Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith & Guests
May 10, 2007
Inspiring Letter About Morgellons Special #8
(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim
Morgellons Identified - World Exclusive!
Shocking Research - Nanotech Machines
Running Wild In The Human Body
March 29, 2007
Morgellons #7 Documentation
Project FMM - Fibers, Meteorite, Morgellons
(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Rahim Karjoo, M.D., F.A.S.C.P./F.C.A.P.
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim
Shocking Breakthroughs!
November 9, 2006
Morgellons Specimen Photos in Sequence - Special No. 6

(MP3 Audio File)
Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1
Rahim Karjoo, M.D., F.A.S.C.P./F.C.A.P.
Jan Smith, Morgellons Victim,
Stunning Data, Solid Evidence
October 24, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith,
Gillian Penkethman from Melbourne, Australia
Morgellons Victims
August 18, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith, Cindy Casey, RN and Charles Holman,
Greg Smith, MD & Judy Smith, RN
Morgellons Victims
July 17, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith, Cindy Casey, RN and Charles Holman
Morgellons Victims
June 27, 2006
(MP3 Audio File)
Cliff Mickelson & Jan Smith
Morgellons Victims
June 22, 2006
(MP3 Audio File) I Ron Angell am the international Liaison for and this information can be distributed 1-888-444-8340hotline
formerly: (based on HR 2977) linked here for historical & educational reasons
ExoticWarfare is a program of the International Humanities Center a 501 [c] (3) public charity tax-exempt under the IRS code.

taken with an infrared-light-sensitive camera
-- how to make a camera like that

Site was hacked (again), working on fixing it up. Sigh . . .

Are our brains WiFi-ed? Are our all our thoughts and feelings really self-generated? Why is the whole world breathing microwave, radio, EMF, and ELF transmitters and receivers? When barium powders are sprayed on us and we breathe these powders in, do we glow like a beacon when they look into our bedrooms with 3D from any angle satellite video that is " capable of day and night observation, which can 'see' through weather, smoke, sand storms, forest canopies, most buildings and underground tunnels, with extremely fine spatial and spectral resolution . . . ."

no spray/no zap

"The Air Force Wants Your LOV:
Aerial Seeding of Biological Implants into Food, Water, & Air"

"LOV" is Air Force for "locus of values." The implants are referred to as "biosensors."

You do know you are being sprayed with a weapon, don't you? Lookup;watch the skies. I have noticed the constant spray planessince 1997.

Electricity moving thru a gas plasma will form a twisted, Birkeland current.
Alpine, Tx. 2006

COMING SOON: DATABASE -- We Need Statistics on These Crimes:
Illegal Domestic Surveillance and Bugging, Morgellons Nanotech Syndrome, Psychotronic/Directed Energy Attacks, Germ Fallout, Chemtrail Flu-Like Sickness, Depleted Uranium, Non-Consensual Implants, Chemtrail Heavy Metal Poisoning, Genetic Tampering, and Illegal Drugging, Medical, Vaccine, or Psychiatric Experiments. We also are taking data on weather modification incidents that may have caused drought, flood, hurricanes, earthquakes or other disasters.

The Gallery
-- slideshow of American Torture
Download the free E-Book or Stand Alone Slideshow
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Audiocasts are coming in the near future!

Are you being harassed or wrongfully diagnosed when you try to report DE attacks, illegal surveillance, or non-consensual experiments to the police? We provide advocacy for people with law enforcement, mental health professionals, and family crisis/rape/abuse centers. We can educate these people on the issues. * We can provide workshops for your community. Write to: Your calls are confidential.

People are now testing positive for "synthetic hair." Theirhair has been replaced by man made hair. What else is in usis being replaced? We are being disappeared right before oureyes.

Sick of breathing these THINGS?

These are all over your home, car, office, and on your body.Now growing in people, animals, plants, and insects. Nanowires foundall over a home in Texas. Collected and put into ajar. Visible with a magnifying glass and UV blacklight,Palit, Spring, 2008

Can you say: "intra-body network"?Not only can some of these things electronically communicate and becommunicated with, they can put ANYTHING inside of them:germs, genetic materials, nerve gas, drugs, etc. We Are Change takes onnew meaning.

Are we breathing DNA-copying nano-receivers? Can thesereceivers be used as biowarfare weapons, disease frequency weapons,genetic weapons, or for mind control? Allof the above? Are the ideas that chemtrails are solely weather controlor only a global warming sunscreen just a bit too convenient?Were these nano-warfare machines purposefully released or just a big,boo-boo? Now, it appears that the Dept. of Defense "is poised" to beginopen-air testing of germs over America (again) right when theenvironment is covered with machines that can copy those germs theywill be spraying. How many people who run the Pentagon ownstocks in pharmaceutical companies? Rumfield and Tamiflu isone example. Hmmmm.

Shocking vid of biological cocktail coming down at night. Don't miss this one. Click the red box in the right hand corner of the video screen to enlarge the video.

courtesy of Lynnskywatch at

Join our public interest lawyer search -- the higher numbers of people who sign on the better choices we will have in lawyers. Make sure you join the correct lawsuit.

Class Action: Contamination with Biological Implants (nanotech), Heavy Metals, and Germs -- Sue for Contamination from Chemtrail Fallout

Permanent Injunction to Stop Directed Energy Attacks on Americans -- Stop DE/Psychotronic Attacks

Permanent Injunction to Stop Aerial Releases of Nanotechnology, Microsensors, Heavy Metals, Germs, Chemicals, and Other Harmful Substances -- Stop Chemtrail Spraying

There is an environmental disease on the horizon that will affect more humans and the environment than any one person will know. Its environmental impact will be far greater than DDT, PCBs and asbestos have ever been. It is called Morgellon's: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. It has many names fiber disease, mystery disease, delusional parasitosis and unknown dermatological skin disorder, to name a few. It is silent, smart, glistening powered by its own transitional metal battery. And when it strikes its victim it feels like a piece of burning broken glass as it pierces the skin. Smaller than any of the 150 pieces of a virus (known as virons), it is invisible to the naked eye. So silent is it, only the one who has been invaded knows its true nature. Marked with the seal of man-made, self-assembling nano-size materials they can be used in forming drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, biomaterials, artificial nerves, artificial brains, pseudo skin and molecular electronics. Yes, it was patterned after nature's many wonders, but it is still one hundred percent man-made. The nano-brew has been let loose from itsscientific flask casting its woes upon an unsuspectinginnocence. (Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1, IntegrativeHealth Systems, LLC,415 3/4th N. Larchmont Blvd, LA, CA 90004,323-466-2599 323-466-2774 (fax), copyright 2007Hildegarde Staninger, 9-17-7,

Check out this amazing video.This guy shaved his head, and he scrubbed himself in shower reallywell. He has two days growth of hair on his head and a bunch of glowingfibers in his scalp.

courtesy of Ivanhole at

Like Charlie Frost says, "Makes you yearn for the good old days when all you had to worry about was nuclear holocaust or a giant comet hitting the earth."


DevilVision: The World's NewWireless Grid
Bill Gallagher explains HAARP, Chemtrails,Weather Modification & Mind Control

The ultimate goal of the chemtrail fiber infestation of humans? Mind control and genetically created biowarfare. The chemtrail/Morgellons fibers copy the DNA of bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. that may be present in your body. The Idaho Observer found all kinds of germs (and sedatives) in the fallout from some recent chemtrails, including uranium and anthrax.

6 bacteria, including anthrax and pneumonia

9 chemicals including acetylcholine chloride

26 heavy metals including arsenic, gold, lead,mercury, silver, uranium and zinc

4 molds and fungi

7 viruses

2 cancers

2 vaccines

2 sedatives

Listen to the latest audio interview #11of Dr. Staninger and Dr. Castle at where they confirm thatthe ultimate purpose of chemtrails is mind control and geneticbiowarfare and that possibly one million to 20 million people may haveMorgellons fibers in their bodies. LINK tointerview #11 (scroll down to "Chemtrail/Morgellons" section)and latest results from the comparision of chemtrail fibers from Texasand Italy (yeah, they match). Finally, the researchon chemtrails, Morgellons, and directed energy attacks on people cometogether. HERE a famous scientist talksabout how the application of spider-web-like nanowires in the brainwould work and the time the NSA came by to see his research.

"One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction...Thus, it may be possible to 'talk' to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them."

Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Defense Viewpoint, December 1, 1998

Special Broadcasts #7 & #11have some of the best data:
Morgellons/Chemtrail Fibers Are Nanomachines
& Receive/Transmit Microwave, Radio, ELF, etc.

mp3 ( Lab Report for Broadcast #7 (Bestlabs in the country!)

Morgellons Broadcast #12 with JanSmith and Cliff Mickelson

"Morgellons Disease -- Living with aNightmare"
by Jan Smith
with incredible photos of fibers & other Morgellons
oddities that are growing in people

See These Vids of Mystery Nanomachines that Came from the Body of a Morgellon's Victim -- is this a hydroxyapatite crystal and fluorescent minerals? It has the 6-sided shape of a hydroxyapatite. Your bones have a hydroxyapatite as part of their makeup.

This vid shows the scale of the nano machine.


Chemtrail fibers submitted by Dr. Mike Castle, a high density polyethylene expert, were determined to be the same nanowire machines submitted by Morgellons sufferers to Dr. Staninger, an environmental toxicologist. MIT was one of the labs that identified these fibers as nanowires. According to Dr. Castle, they spray in every country except China and sub-Sahara Africa. But, it is known that China has Morgellons victims.

Morgellons sufferers report that one might not feel these implants until they are "switched on," i.e.. remotely accessed. The fibers copy DNA. Sufferers are reporting that "their hair is not their hair." A sample of hair was sent to these labs; it was determined to be pseudo hair. I know of two women who have tested positive for synthetic hair. These fibers are copying us. How much of us is being replaced with synthetic cells is not completely known at this time. The fiber material can create chimeric, pseudo-life forms that are often insect-like. Someof these fibers may receive and broadcast frequencies to create theselife forms and possibly disease.

Whether these fibers serve as implants for the transmissions frompsychotronic, resonance weapons or as a communications network is notknown, but the fibers can be classed definitely as an exotic weapon andfibers like these are used for intra-body has been referring to these fibers as "signalfibers," and we think this is somewhat of an accurate though limitedterm for them. They may epitomize the state of the art of geneticwarfare and disease-frequency warfare. The nano-machines cancopy DNA. DNA restrictor enzymes have been found in the chemtrailfallout.

A communicable nanotechnology invasion of human tissues in the form of self-assembling, self-replicating nanotubes, nanowires, nanoarrays with sensors, and other nano configurations, some carrying genetically-altered and spliced DNA/RNA. These nano machines thrive in extreme alkaline ph conditions and use the body's bio-electric energy and other (unidentified) elements for power. (People should *not* strive for an acidic ph - they should work for a normal pH of 7.5 +/-). There is some evidence these tiny machines possess their own internal batteries. They are also believed to be able to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF signals and information. ("Morgellons Defined,", April 5, 2007)

The fibers that were tested self-assemble, self-generate, and are self-motile. They can operate as a network. The fibers can communicate with each other. It is not clear how much of the movement seen in these fibers is due to resonance from electromagnetic energies. Many people who are victims of electromagnetic torture are also suffering from the Morgellons syndrome. Even people with no outward manifestation of Morgellons skin problems, can have the nano-machines in their bodies. Some of the major symptoms are sensations of pinpricks, crawling things under the skin, or feelings of being bitten by many bugs.

Morgellons seems to infest people more easily when their immune systems are not strong. Do you think the immune systems of people living on today's, toxic earth are compromised?

Bees navigate due to radio energies. Are the Morgellonsnanowire receivers that are in the environment interfering with thenavigation abilities of the bees? Or, maybe they are dyingfrom a fungus that is in the spray. Could they just get loopy from thesedatives in the spray and forget their way home? Do you still remember your wayhome?

ExoticWarfare is asking a lot of valid questions, and wants you to think for yourselves.

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*ExoticWarfare is committed to resolving the exotic weapons issuelawfully and non-violently.

** We are not mental health professionals and cannot providediagnosis or treatment for true mental health problems nor counselingfor PTSD from DE torture or unwarranted, domesticsurveillance. But, we can BE there for you and makeauthorities understand that these are very, real issues.
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Claire Dungan in Oak Park Illinois for a visit from Ireland just before she died- her age 37. Also in memory of all those who were murdered in Oak Park Illinois from 9/11/2001 until even today. We may never know the true number dead because people came into Oak Park and assumed their identity. The two men were my neighbors- living only about three blocks from my home in Oak Park Illinois.Dr. Douglas James Passaro, age 43- From Oak Park Illinois (I lived 5 blocks from him)Professor Peter D'Agostino was murdered June 23, 2005 (I lived 3 blocks from him)In memory of Claire Dungan- Tortured to death in Ireland for being free. Strong, intelligent Celtic Women are not allowed in the New World Order.Claire Dungan was pro peace pro freedom, anti nuclear. She is in Heaven- working for Good and GodHer targeting began in the US state of Minnesota when someone broke into her home and stole her purse and ID perhaps in the year 1995 or 1996She spoke her mind about oppression and lived free and was a strong Celtic Spirit- one that is helping us now from heaven above I am sure.Time to awake - we all are here for a reasonElectromagnetic Effects on the Immune System Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu VaccinesPart III: ‘It’s the vaccines, Stupid!by F. William Engdahl.Global Research, September 13, 2009Email this article to a friendPrint this articleStumbleUpon SubmitVaccines which have been approved by the responsible government authorities for vaccination against the alleged H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu have been found to contain nano particles. Vaccine makers have been experimenting with nanoparticles as a way to “turbo charge” vaccines for several years. Now it has come out that the vaccines approved for use in Germany and other European countries contain nanoparticles in a form that reportedly attacks healthy cells and can be deadly.In 2007 researchers at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) announced in an article in the journal, Nature Biotechnology, that they had developed a “nanoparticle that can deliver vaccines more effectively, with fewer side effects, and at a fraction of the cost of current vaccine technologies.” The article went on to describe the effects of their breakthrough: “At a mere 25 nanometers, these particles are so tiny that once injected, they flow through the skin’s extracellular matrix, making a beeline to the lymph nodes. Within minutes, they’ve reached a concentration of DCs thousands of times greater than in the skin. The immune response can then be extremely strong and effective.” 1There is only one small problem with vaccines containing nanoparticles—they can be deadly and at the least cause severe irreparable health damage.Nanoparticles, promoted in the mass media as the new wonder revolution of science, are particles that have been produced vastly smaller than deadly asbestos particles which caused severe lung damage and death before being outlawed. Particles at a nano size, (nm = 0,000000001 Meter) fuse together with the membranes of our body cell membranes and, according to recent studies in China and Japan, continuously destroy cells once introduced into the body. Once they interact with the body’s cellular structure, they cannot be removed. Modern medicine euphemistically terms the phenomenon, a continuing infectious reaction.Since the asbestos scandal, it has been established that particles in size a millionth of a meter, because of their enormous attractive force, penetrate all cells, destroying all those they come into contact with. Nanoparticles are far smaller than asbestos fibers.Beijing Tests confirm deadly effects on humansThe fact that WHO, the European Medicines Evaluation Agency, the German Robert Koch Institute and other health bodies today would permit the population to be injected with largely untested novel vaccines containing nanoparticles says more about the powerful pharma lobby in Euiropean politics than it does about the sanity or moral integrity of the civil servants responsible for health of the general public.The September 2009 issue of the respected European Respiratory Journal, made public on 19 August, and available since 21 August online, contains a peer-reviewed article with the title, “Exposure to nanoparticles is related to pleural effusion, pulmonary fibrosis and granuloma.”The article describes tests carried out in 2008 at the elite Beijing Chaoyang Hospital on seven young women. All seven, ages 18-47 had been exposed to nanoparticles for 5–13 months in their common workplace. All were admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath and pleural effusions, or excessive fluids surrounding the lungs, inhibiting breathing. None of the seven had ever smoked and none were in any special risk group. Doctors carefully tested for every possibility and confirmed that the lung problems had a common origin—regular inhalation of nanoparticles in their factory. They had been exposed to Polyacrylat nanoparticles.The tests confirmed the nanoparticles had set off a “super-meltdown” reaction in the patients. Despite all heroic efforts of doctors, two of the seven died from the lung complications. 2In their report, the scientists concluded something so alarming it is necessary to quote at length:“Immunological tests, examinations of bacteriology, virology and tumour markers, bronchoscopy, internal thoracoscopy and video-assisted thoracic surgery were performed. Surveys of the workplace, clinical observations and examinations of the patients were conducted. Polyacrylate, consisting of nanoparticles, was confirmed in the workplace. Pathological examinations of patients' lung tissue displayed nonspecific pulmonary inflammation, pulmonary fibrosis and foreign-body granulomas of pleura. Using transmission electron microscopy, nanoparticles were observed to lodge in the cytoplasm and caryoplasm of pulmonary epithelial and mesothelial cells, but are also located in the chest fluid. These cases arouse concern that long-term exposure to some nanoparticles without protective measures may be related to serious damage to human lungs.“3To date Animal studies and in vitro experiments show that nanoparticles can result in lung damage and other toxicity in animals, but no reports on the clinical toxicity in humans due to nanoparticles prior to the Beijing study had been made.The Beijing Chaoyang Hospital study has now conclusively confirmed that nanoparticles cause lung damage and other toxicity in humans as well. At this point in time, when two of the approved vaccines planned to be mass distributed in Germany and elsewhere contain nanoparticles, failure of the relevant responsible public health and epidemiology officials to order an immediate emergency freeze on distribution of any vaccine containing nanoparticles can only be considered tantamount to criminal negligence. Hopefully the responsible authorities will react in time to avert a possible human health catastrophe orders of magnitude worse than the worst case of Swine Flu reported to date.F. William Engdahl is author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order. He may be reached via his website, www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.netNotes:We now know how these scientists died as well as millions of other Americans and people worldwide
Find more photos like this on Butterfly Poems
Dr. Douglas James Passaro, age 43. Died April 18, 2005 in OAK PARK ILLINOIS of UNKNOWN Causes.#75:

world news List of Dead Scientists

Dr. Douglas James Passaro, age 43. Died April 18, 2005 from unknown cause in Oak Park, Illinois. Dr. Passaro was a brilliant epidemiologist who wanted to unlock the secrets of a spiral-shaped bacteria that causes stomach disease. He was a professor who challenged his students with real-life exercises in bioterrorism. He was married to Dr. Sherry Nordstrom..

Doug_Obit4.jpgProfessor Peter D'Agostino-

UIC Professor's Murder Unsolved One Year Later

Widow, Police Offer Reward To Find Peter D'Agostino's Killer

by Jim Williams
OAK PARK, Ill. (CBS) ―It has been almost a year since a University of Illinois at Chicago professor was slain in Oak Park.

CBS 2's Jim Williams reports the widow of Peter D'Agostino and Oak Park police are offering a reward for information leading to the capture of his killer.

"He was a kind and gentle man, and he deserves justice," an emotional Mary Mapes said.

For Mary Mapes, justice would be an arrest in the murder of her husband, UIC professor Peter D'Agostino.

Last June, the 42-year-old was struck in the head just blocks from his home in Oak Park. Police have investigated hundreds of tips, but the homicide is still unsolved.

The last year has been very difficult for his widow and 2-year-old daughter.

world news List of Dead Scientists

Wallace L. Pannier, 81. Died Aug. 6, of respiratory failure and other natural causes. Pannier, a germ warfare scientist whose top-secret projects included a mock attack on the New York subway with powdered bacteria in 1966. Mr. Pannier worked at Fort Detrick, a US Army installation in Frederick that tested biological weapons during the Cold War and is now a center for biodefense research. He worked in the Special Operations Division, a secretive unit operating there from 1949 to 1969, according to family members and published reports. The unit developed and tested delivery systems for deadly agents such as anthrax and smallpox.


world news List of Dead Scientists

August “Gus” Watanabe, 67. Died June 9, found dead outside a cabin in Brown County. Friends discovered the body, a .38-caliber handgun and a three-page note at the scene. They said he had been depressed following the death last month of his daughter Nan Reiko Watanabe Lewis. She died at age 44 while recovering from elective surgery. Watanabe was one of the five highest-paid officers of Indianapolis pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly and Co. when he retired in 2003.

world news List of Dead Scientists

Caroline Coffey, 28. Died June 3, from massive cuts to her throat. Hikers found the body of the Cornell Univ. post-doctoral bio-medicine researcher along a wooded trail in the park, just outside Ithaca, N.Y., where the Ivy League school is located. Her husband was hospitalized under guard after a police chase and their apartment set on fire.

Died 2008

#83 & 84

world news List of Dead Scientists

Laurent Bonomo and Gabriel Ferez, both 23. Died July 3, after being bound, gagged, stabbed and set alight. Laurent, a student in the proteins that cause infectious disease, had been stabbed 196 times with half of them being administered to his back after he was dead. Gabriel, who hoped to become an expert in ecofriendly fuels, suffered 47 separate injuries.
Died 2007

world news List of Dead Scientists

Yongsheng Li, age 29. Died: sometime after 4 p.m. on March 10, when he was last seen as a result of unknown causes. He was found in a pond between the Women’s Sports Complex and State Botanical Gardens on South Milledge Avenue Sunday and had been missing 16 days. Li was a doctoral student from China who studied receptor cells in Regents Professor David Puett’s biochemistry and molecular biology laboratory.

world news List of Dead Scientists

Dr. Mario Alberto Vargas Olvera, age 52. Died: Oct. 6, 2007 as a result of several blunt-force injuries to his head and neck. Ruled as murder. Found in his home. He was a nationally and internationally recognized biologist.
Died 2006


world news List of Dead Scientists

Lee Jong-woo, age 61. Died: May 22, 2006 after suffering a blood clot on the brain. Lee was spearheading the organization’s fight against global threats from bird flu, AIDS and other infectious diseases. WHO director-general since 2003, Lee was his country’s top international official. The affable South Korean, who liked to lighten his press conferences with jokes, was a keen sportsman with no history of ill-health, according to officials.
Died 2005

#79: Leonid Strachunsky. Died: June 8, 2005 after being hit on the head with a champagne bottle. Strachunsky specialized in creating microbes resistant to biological weapons. Strachunsky was found dead in his hotel room in Moscow, where hed come from Smolensk en route to the United States. Investigators are looking for a connection between the murder of this leading bio weapons researcher and the hepatitis outbreak in Tver, Russia.


world news List of Dead Scientists

Robert J. Lull, age 66. Died: May 19, 2005 of multiple stab wounds. Despite his missing car and apparent credit card theft, homicide Inspector Holly Pera said investigators aren’t convinced that robbery was the sole motive for Lull’s killing. She said a robber would typically have taken more valuables from Lull’s home than what the killer left with. Lull had been chief of nuclear medicine at San Francisco General Hospital since 1990 and served as a radiology professor at UCSF. He was past president of the American College of Nuclear Physicians and the San Francisco Medical Society and served as editor of the medical society’s journal, San Francisco Medicine, from 1997 to 1999. Lee Lull said her former husband was a proponent of nuclear power and loved to debate his political positions with others.

#77: Todd Kauppila, age 41. Died: May 8, 2005 of hemorrhagic pancreatitis at the Los Alamos hospital, according to the state medical examiner’s office. Picture of him was not available to due secret nature of his work. This is his funeral picture. His death came two days after Kauppila publicly rejoiced over news that the lab’s director was leaving. Kauppila was fired by director Pete Nanos on Sept. 23, 2004 following a security scandal. Kauppila said he was fired because he did not immediately return from a family vacation during a lab investigation into two classified computer disks that were thought to be missing. The apparent security breach forced Nanos to shut down the lab for several weeks. Kauppila claimed he was made a scapegoat over the disks, which investigators concluded never existed. The mistake was blamed on a clerical error. After he was fired, Kauppila accepted a job as a contractor at Bechtel Nevada Corp., a research company that works with Los Alamos and other national laboratories. He was also working on a new Scatter Reduction Grids in Megavolt Radiography focused on metal plates or crossed grids to act to stop the scattered radiation while allowing the unscattered or direct rays to pass through with other scientists: Scott Watson (LANL, DX-3), Chuck Lebeda (LANL, XTA), Alan Tubb (LANL, DX-8), and Mike Appleby (Tecomet Thermo Electron Corp.)


world news List of Dead Scientists

David Banks, age 55. Died: May 8, 2005. Banks, based in North Queensland, died in an airplane crash, along with 14 others. He was known as an Agro Genius inventing the mosquito trap used for cattle. Banks was the principal scientist with quarantine authority, Biosecurity Australia, and heavily involved in protecting Australians from unwanted diseases and pests. Most of Dr Banks’ work involved preventing potentially devastating diseases making their way into Australia. He had been through Indonesia looking at the potential for foot and mouth disease to spread through the archipelago and into Australia. Other diseases he had fought to keep out of Australian livestock herds and fruit orchards include classical swine fever, Nipah virus and Japanese encephalitis.


world news List of Dead Scientists

Dr. Douglas James Passaro, age 43. Died April 18, 2005 from unknown cause in Oak Park, Illinois. Dr. Passaro was a brilliant epidemiologist who wanted to unlock the secrets of a spiral-shaped bacteria that causes stomach disease. He was a professor who challenged his students with real-life exercises in bioterrorism. He was married to Dr. Sherry Nordstrom..


world news List of Dead Scientists

Geetha Angara, age 43. Died: February 8, 2005. This formerly missing chemist was found in a Totowa, New Jersey water treatment plant’s tank. Angara, 43, of Holmdel, was last seen on the night of Feb. 8 doing water quality tests at the Passaic Valley Water Commission plant in Totowa, where she worked for 12 years. Divers found her body in a 35-foot-deep sump opening at the bottom of one of the emptied tanks. Investigators are treating Angara’s death as a possible homicide. Angara, a senior chemist with a doctorate from New York University, was married and mother of three.


world news List of Dead Scientists

Jeong H. Im, age 72. Died: January 7, 2005. Korean Jeong H. Im, died of multiple stab wounds to the chest before firefighters found in his body in the trunk of a burning car on the third level of the Maryland Avenue Garage. A retired research assistant professor at the University of Missouri – Columbia and primarily a protein chemist, MUPD with the assistance of the Columbia Police Department and Columbia Fire Department are conducting a death investigation of the incident. A “person of interest” described as a male 6′–6′2″ wearing some type of mask possible a painters mask or drywall type mask was seen in the area of the Maryland Avenue Garage. Dr. Im was primarily a protein chemist and he was a researcher in the field.
Died in 2004


world news List of Dead Scientists

Darwin Kenneth Vest, born April 22, 1951, was an internationally renowned entomologist, expert on hobo spiders and other poisonous spiders and snakes. Darwin disappeared in the early morning hours of June 3, 1999 while walking in downtown Idaho Falls, Idaho (USA). The family believes foul play was involved in his disappearance. A celebration of Darwin’s life was held in Idaho Falls and Moscow on the one-year anniversary of his disappearance. The services included displays of Darwin’s work and thank you letters from school children and teachers. Memories of Darwin were shared by at least a dozen speakers from around the world and concluded with the placing of roses and a memorial wreath in the Snake River. A candlelight vigil was also held that evening on the banks of the Snake River.

Darwin was declared legally dead the first week of March 2004 and now the family is in the process of obtaining restraining orders against several companies who saw fit to use his name and photos without permission. His brother David is legal conservator of the estate and his sister Rebecca is handling issues related to Eagle Rock Research and ongoing research projects.

Media help in locating Darwin is welcome. Continuing efforts to solve this mystery include recent DNA sampling. Stories about his disappearance continue to appear throughout the world. Issues surrounding missing adult investigations have received new attention following the tragedies of 911.

world news List of Dead Scientists

Tom Thorne, age 64; Beth Williams, age 53; Died: December 29, 2004. Two wild life scientists, Husband-and-wife wildlife veterinarians who were nationally prominent experts on chronic wasting disease and brucellosis were killed in a snowy-weather crash on U.S. 287 in northern Colorado.

world news List of Dead Scientists

Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher. Died: December 21, 2004. Iraqi nuclear scientist was shot dead north of Baghdad by unknown gunmen. He was on his way to work at Diyala University when armed men opened fire on his car as it was crossing a bridge in Baqouba, 57 km northeast of Baghdad. The vehicle swerved off the bridge and fell into the Khrisan river. Al-Daher, who was a professor at the local university, was removed from the submerged car and rushed to Baqouba hospital where he was pronounced dead.


world news List of Dead Scientists

John R. La Montagne, age 61. Died: November 2, 2004. Died while in Mexico, no cause stated, later disclosed as pulmonary embolism. PhD, Head of US Infectious Diseases unit under Tommie Thompson. Was NIAID Deputy Director. Expert in AIDS Program work and Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

#67: Matthew Allison, age 32. Died: October 13, 2004. Fatal explosion of a car parked at an Osceola County, Fla., Wal-Mart store. It was no accident, Local 6 News has learned. Found inside a burned car. Witnesses said the man left the store at about 11 p.m. and entered his Ford Taurus car when it exploded. Investigators said they found a Duraflame log and propane canisters on the front passenger’s seat. Allison had a college degree in molecular biology and biotechnology.

#66: Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani, age 40. Died: September 5, 2004: Iraqi nuclear scientist was shot dead in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad. He was a practicing nuclear physicist since 1984.

#65: Professor John Clark, Age 52, Died: August 12, 2004. Found hanged in his holiday home. An expert in animal science and biotechnology where he developed techniques for the genetic modification of livestock; this work paved the way for the birth, in 1996, of Dolly the sheep, the first animal to have been cloned from an adult. Head of the science lab which created Dolly the sheep. Prof Clark led the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, one of the world s leading animal biotechnology research centers. He played a crucial role in creating the transgenic sheep that earned the institute worldwide fame. He was put in charge of a project to produce human proteins (which could be used in the treatment of human diseases) in sheep’s milk. Clark and his team focused their study on the production of the alpha-I-antitryps in protein, which is used for treatment of cystic fibrosis. Prof Clark also founded three spin-out firms from Roslin – PPL Therapeutics, Rosgen and Roslin BioMed.


world news List of Dead Scientists

Dr. John Badwey, age 54. Died: July 21, 2004. Scientist and accidental politician when he opposed disposal of sewage waste program of exposing humans to sludge. Suddenly developed pneumonia like symptoms then died in two weeks. Biochemist at Harvard Medical School specializing in infectious diseases.

#63: Dr. Bassem al-Mudares. Died: July 21, 2004. Mutilated body was found in the city of Samarra, Iraq*. He was a Phd. chemist and had been tortured before being killed. He was a drug company worker who had a chemistry doctorate.

world news List of Dead Scientists

Professor Stephen Tabet, age 42. Died on July 6, 2004 from an unknown illness. He was an associate professor and epidemiologist at the University of Washington. A world-renowned HIV doctor and researcher who worked with HIV patients in a vaccine clinical trial for the HIV Vaccine Trials Network

#61: Dr. Larry Bustard, age 53. Died July 2, 2004 from unknown causes. He was a Sandia scientist in the Department of Energy who helped develop a foam spray to clean up congressional buildings and media sites during the anthrax scare in 2001. He worked at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque. As an expert in bioterrorism, his team came up with a new technology used against biological and chemical agents.


world news List of Dead Scientists

Edward Hoffman, age 62. Died July 1, 2004 from unknown causes. Hoffman was a professor and a scientist who also held leadership positions within the UCLA medical community. He worked to develop the first human PET scanner in 1973 at Washington University in St. Louis.


world news List of Dead Scientists

John Mullen, age 67. Died: June 29, 2004. A Nuclear physicist poisoned with a huge dose of arsenic. A nuclear research scientist with McDonnell Douglas. Police investigating will not say how Mullen was exposed to the arsenic or where it came from. At the time of his death he was doing contract work for Boeing.

#58: Dr. Paul Norman, age 52. Died: June 27, 2004. From Salisbury Wiltshire. Killed when the single-engine Cessna 206 he was piloting crashed in Devon. Expert in chemical and biological weapons. He traveled the world lecturing on defending against the scourge of weapons of mass destruction. He was married with a 14-year-old son and a 20-year-old daughter, and was the chief scientist for chemical and biological defense at the Ministry of Defense’s laboratory at Porton Down, Wiltshire. The crash site was examined by officials from the Air Accidents Investigation Branch and the wreckage of the aircraft was removed from the site to the AAIB base at Farnborough.


world news List of Dead Scientists

Dr. Assefa Tulu, age 45. Died: June 24, 2004. Dr. Tulu joined the health department in 1997 and served for five years as the county’s lone epidemiologist. He was charged with trackcing the health of the county, including the spread of diseases, such as syphilis, AIDS and measles. He also designed a system for detecting a bioterrorism attack involving viruses or bacterial agents. Tulu often coordinated efforts to address major health concerns in Dallas County, such as the West Nile virus outbreaks of the past few years, and worked with the media to inform the public. Found face down, dead in his office. The Dallas County Epidemiologist died of a hemorrhagic stroke.


world news List of Dead Scientists

Thomas Gold, age 84. Died: June 22, 2004. Austrian born Thomas Gold famous over the years for a variety of bold theories that flout conventional wisdom and reported in his 1998 book, “The Deep Hot Biosphere,” the idea challenges the accepted wisdom of how oil and natural gas are formed and, along the way, proposes a new theory of the beginnings of life on Earth and potentially on other planets. Long term battle with heart failure. Gold’s theory of the deep hot biosphere holds important ramifications for the possibility of life on other planets, including seemingly inhospitable planets within our own solar system. He was Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at Cornell University and was the founder (and for 20 years director) of Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research. He was also involved in air accident investigations.

#55: Antonina Presnyakova, age 46. Died: May 25, 2004. A Russian scientist at a former Soviet biological weapons laboratory in Siberia died after an accident with a needle laced with ebola. Scientists and officials said the accident had raised concerns about safety and secrecy at the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, known as Vector, which in Soviet times specialized in turning deadly viruses into biological weapons. Vector has been a leading recipient of aid in an American program.


world news List of Dead Scientists

Dr. Eugene Mallove, age 56. Died: May 14, 2004. Autopsy confirmed Mallove died as a result of several blunt-force injuries to his head and neck. Ruled as murder. Found at the end of his driveway. Alt. Energy Expert who was working on viable energy alternative program and announcement. Norwich Free Academy graduate.Beaten to death during an alleged robbery. Mallove was well respected for his knowledge of cold fusion. He had just published an “open letter” outlining the results of and reasons for his last 15 years in the field of “new energy research.” Dr. Mallove was convinced it was only a matter of months before the world would actually see a free energy device.

#53: William T. McGuire, age 39. Found May 5, 2004, last seen late April 2004. Body found in three suitcases floating in Chesapeake Bay. He was NJ University Professor and Senior programmer analyst and adjunct professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark. He emerged as one of the world’s leading microbiologists and an expert in developing and overseeing multiple levels of biocontainment facilities.

#52: Ilsley Ingram, age 84. Died on April 12, 2004 from unknown causes. Ingram was Director of the Supraregional Haemophilia Reference Centre and the Supraregional Centre for the Diagnosis of Bleeding Disorders at the St. Thomas Hospital in London. Although his age is most likely the reason for his death, why wasn’t this confirmed by the family in the news media?

#51: Mohammed Munim al-Izmerly, Died: April 2004. This distinguished Iraqi chemistry professor died in American custody from a sudden hit to the back of his head caused by blunt trauma. It was uncertain exactly how he died, but someone had hit him from behind, possibly with a bar or a pistol. His battered corpse turned up at Baghdad’s morgue and the cause of death was initially recorded as “brainstem compression”. It was discovered that US doctors had made a 20cm incision in his skull.

#50: Vadake Srinivasan, Died: March 13, 2004. Microbiologist crashed car into guard rail in Baton Rouge, LA. Death was ruled a stroke. He was originally from India, was one of the most-accomplished and respected industrial biologists in academia, and held two doctorate degrees.

#49: Dr. Michael Patrick Kiley, age 62. Died: January 24, 2004. Died of massive heart attack. Ebola, Mad Cow Expert, top of the line world class. It is interesting to note, he had a good heart, but it “gave out”. Dr. Shope and Dr. Kiley were working on the lab upgrade to BSL 4 at the UTMB Galvaston lab for Homeland Security. The lab would have to be secure to house some of the deadliest pathogens of tropical and emerging infectious disease as well as bioweaponized ones.


LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01

Robert Shope, age 74. Died: January 23, 2004. Virus Expert Who Warned of Epidemics, Dies died of lung transplant complications. Later purported to have died of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis which can be caused by either environmental stimulus or a VIRUS. It would not be hard to administer a drug that would cause Dr. Shope’s lung transplant to either be rejected or to cause complications from the transplant. Dr. Shope led the group of scientists who had an 11 MILLION dollar fed grant to ensure the new lab would keep in the nasty bugs. Dr. Shope also met with and worked with Dr. Mike Kiley on the UTMB Galveston lab upgrade to BSL 4. When the upgrade would be complete the lab will host the most hazardous pathogens known to man especially tropical and emerging diseases as well as bioweapons.

#47: Dr Richard Stevens, age 54. Died: January 6, 2004. He had disappeared after arriving for work on 21 July, 2003. A doctor whose disappearance sparked a national manhunt, killed himself because he could not cope with the stress of a secret affair, a coroner has ruled. He was a hematologist. (hematologists analyze the cellular composition of blood and blood producing tissues e.g. bone marrow).

Go to 2003 and prior deaths

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188 Responses to “List of Dead Scientists”

  1. Truthseeker Says:

    Why were these people murdered? The article does not mention the relationship between their murder and why this should be news!


    josh Reply:

    Why is WeAreChange attacking the black man who carried his assault rifle?

    Calling it a publicity stunt just because the media flips out everytime they see an armed slave… and because they called the police ahead of time to make sure they were going to be there to protect the bill of rights … and not take a hot dump all over it no matter what Secret Service told them…

    i like WAC but no reason to attack these guys.


    shut up and fight Reply:

    because they think he is a provocateur. wich he might be.


    Private Pile Reply:

    My theory is they are killing these guys because they know some very diabolical information and they want to keep them quiet after there work was finished. So then the “ELITE” can keep all the new technology from us slaves and keep it for themselves. As we all know dead men tell no stories.


    sundance Reply:

    They are dead because they helped to develope bio weapons, i.e., vaccines! This swine flu
    scheme is going to depolulate by way of these vaccines. The first jab will shut down your
    immune system, (white blood cells) and then 2-3 weeks later they plan on giving a second
    jab that has LIVE viruses. You won’t feel sick and probably won’t have any symptoms
    because your immune system will not be working properly and won’t know that the body is
    being over run by viruses. The third jab will kick start the immune system and by that time
    the viruses will have infested the body and the immune system will not be able to produce
    enough white cells to counteract the viruses. I have done alot of research on vaccines,
    as I have a friend whose son was paralyzed by pertusis (whooping cough) vaccine in 1987.

    I have never been to a doctor in my life and neither has my son and we are very healthy!
    My friend has a son that is mentally & physically disabled now. She & I have thrown
    ourselves into educating people about ALL vaccines for children & pets.

    Please, do not get this swine flu vaccine! We all need to be very diligent and prepared to
    refuse this! These scientists are dead because of what they knew and once they developed
    the formula for certain things, they automatically became a liability.

    Highlanderess Reply:

    Exactly Private Pile. My thoughts exactly. The elites are killing off those who know the truth.

    FreedomOfSpeech Reply:

    there’s something ELSE we should audit, and NO ONE is talking about it!!!…..3840664503

    Check it out!

    diedaily Reply:

    Sundance, almost correct. The third shot causes the cytokyne storm (or large, strong, overwhelming immune response). This is what kills you; the viruses don’t get the chance to.

    htwosofour Reply:

    this is a great amount of research but remember what happened to the curious cat


    stefan Reply:

    Investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister is preparing criminal charges against Dr Margaret Chan, the Director General of the WHO, for planning and executing genocide.

    Grad Student Reply:

    There was a young budding scientist at the University of Alabama Birmingham who, although was on the precipice of discovery committed suicide recently. A great man, had a wonderful fiance, a solid career outlook…dead. Since the day it happened it seemed there was more to Charlie Bosworth’s death than met the eye. Officially a suicide.


    stone Reply:

    if this is the same Charles Bosworth then i think he should be added to Steves list , i just did a search and i found a couple of papers he had worked on (?)

    any idea what this breakthrough was in ?? very sad for his fiancee and family .



    Shasta Reply:

    The mycoplasm! that’s why they kilt him! He was working on the mycoplasm. It’s what really causes the aids – the spooks used it to make the aids virus is what I herd. Plus I heerd its been found in the chemtrail material.

    Dale Reply:

    Mycoplasma pneumonia is the CAUSE of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RH), Lupus and other rheumatic diseases. Mycoplasma is the smallest living organism known and in the case of Arthritic patients, mycoplasma infects the joint fluid of its victims causing pain, swelling and mental depression. Like Lymes disease, which is a rheumatic disease, Arthritis can be CURED with low doses of the antibiotic Minocin / Tetracycline over long periods (2 years). The body does not build an immunity to this family of antibiotics unlike other antibiotics and so this is why the cure works. There are approximately 168 strains of mycoplasma phenumonia that have been identified using DNA techniques. It is important for everyone reading this to understand that arthritis is A BACTERIAL INFECTION caused by mycoplasma pneumonia in the joint fluid. Dr. Thomas McPherson Brown (1906-1989) was a renowned rheumatologist who, over a medical career spanning 50 years, pioneered antibiotic treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus and other collagen diseases. He used them to treat over ten thousand patients, often inducing remission in their disease. Currently, there are only four facilities in the world that successfully treat these diseases with 87% success. Google ‘Arthritis Center of Riverside’. Why don’t mainstream doctors and hospitals treat this disease with success? The answer is the pharmaceutical industry & FDA. Billions of dollars ($25 Billion) in profits per year ride on band-aid approach whereby a ‘cure’ is not in the cards; rather, pills and expensive treatments keep the investors and drug makers ‘swimming in C notes’. This is how it is today. Profit vs. Cure. Cure loses until now. Now you know are more knowledgeable than previous. Infowars is a great site.

    diedaily Reply:

    The link between mycoplasma and rheumatism is possible, but not very well supported. It is however, 100X more well supported than the non-existent link between HIV and AIDS. AIDS is definitely NOT mycoplasm related, however!

    Kevin Reply:

    For maximum death results get rid of the people that can figure out where Swine Flue came from or how to cure it. Or they were involved in its making.


    Bigger Bill Reply:

    Can we get a little more detail?
    I have no idea what the relations are here…

    I could easily say 340 8th grade teachers died from 2004 till 2009, I hate statistics…


    Mr. Mister Sr. Reply:

    The common thread here with these dead/murdered scientists is that everyone of them was an expert in being able to determine the origin of natural and manmade viruses. If a virus is released into the global population by a terrorist government like the United States of Amerika then these scientists would be the only people capable of finding the truth behind any pandemic whether natural or manmade!!!!!!! Their deaths are a precursor to what’s coming soon. BELIEVE ME!!!!!!


    roaddog6 Reply:

    mr.—the same thing happened when clinton was pres. The top ten bio scientists were either found dead or not found at all. All within something like 2 weeks.

    Jack Reply:

    Road Dogg, So what happened when they died during the Clinton administration? Don’t remember any huge pandemic , mass deaths from vaccines or any serious viruses?

    Please let me know what happen since its been over ten years since the Clinton administration…

    shut up and fight Reply:

    im playing prototype and prototype wears well its name. a prototype of whats comming yes. probably far worst.

    you know.well….reality surpasses fiction.

    zombies? nah. DRONES

    roaddog6 Reply:

    jack—-There was no pandemic at the time, but it was just a few years before the chemtrails started to appear. coincidence? I don’t have no proof either way. But it was good timing. Maybe it was for something else, like an anthrax attack? All I know for a fact is they were dead along with a lot of other herd members that were acquainted with the clintons.





    Captain Trips Reply:

    Chemtrails were around before the Clinton administration. They’ve been around since the early to mid eighties.

    Tailgunner Reply:

    It scares me that you can’t figure this out.

    It’s not rocket science… well, almost.


    Maybe more 8th grade teachers died, Reply:

    But the number of world class level scientists is far fewer than 8th grade teachers. This is clearly out of proportion. Some are reasonable, even to be expected, but others are questionable & still others are clearly murdered. Consider the # of MD’s who get murdered, or Pluimbers or any profession, then look at the %age of these people who have been clearly killed.


    Miguel Grande Reply:

    A classmate of mine, #38B: Dr. David R. Knibbs, age 49. Died: August 5, 2002. Respected pathobiologist specializing in electron microscopy. He is the type of doctor that would expose the swine flu fraud easily. He was a marathon runner and his favorite pastime was to scuba dive to deep water wrecks and photograph them. He was a rock star in his field. He died on a simple jog around his neighborhood. His obituary has been scrubbed from the archives of his hospital’s newsletter. RIP, David, You could have changed the world.

    Read what I wrote, Douchebag Reply:

    The QUALIFIER was World Class scientists. The dead ones that raise questions are not your averag science type, but world class Bio type, read man, read, & learn to comprehend the meanings of what people are saying. Else you prove yourself a dunce.

    Olive Farmer Reply:

    Though many of these are possibly natural, there is almost certainly the smell of fish to some of these inexplicable deaths.
    If the Swine flu was developed so that it mutates into a more deadly version…..
    If the vaccines are poison……
    Be ready for the end times.
    Did you know the religious nuts, mind controlled as they are…..
    Haven’t got a monopoly on phrophecy…


    diedaily Reply:

    Nor have they got a monopoly on lengthy writings with few or no specifics and facts. I visited your site. It’s not that I disagree with what the site endorses, I do agree, but read dozens and dozens of pages there and got a few sentences worth of facts and specifics.


    Tasercrimes Reply:

    Reasons unknown; However, Steve theorizes it has something to do with the Swine flu.


    sickntired Reply:

    They are removing anyone who could have a link to or the ability to help stop a major pandemic.


    shut up and fight Reply:

    then i guess im fucked.


    diedaily Reply:

    I agree with the point about suspicious nature of many of these deaths, and Quayle rocks, but seriously folks, these dead are maybe a hundredth of a percent of the brain trust, here. Let’s not get carried away! There are still tens of thousands of folks with ample skill to fight on either side of the eugenics war. Biochemists have had extremely high rates of divorce, suicide, and premature death since the 60’s. Maybe all those organic solvents go straight to their heads…


    ScrewyL Reply:

    Truthseeker is a debunker. His question is not made in earnest; infact, it’s obtuse.


    slavetothewage Reply:

    Good to see you back!


    shut up and fight Reply:

    i have been going throught prototype game a second time just to put my attention at the web of intrique. and they claim the virus is nothing compared to a flu althought it shows to have the same symptoms and as the virus as a direct link to alien ebola virus and the 1916 flu outbreak.

    wich make it appear it like a flu but it would be a powerful mutagen literally transforming the host into a mutant monster. —-> see Resident Evil. (for those who don’t know about it. ebola, sars and aids all come from the same chain of protein. and THUS IT IS NOT A FRIGIN VIRUS.

    ITS A GOD DAMN MUTAGEN.——-2 thing mutagen can do.

    1st: just cause massive internal bleeding resulting in the death of the host.
    2nd: mutate dna and cell to reprogram the brain and modify skin cells to transform the hole organism into a human monster hybrid moving body.—— by definition a zombie.

    zombies are no fucking fiction. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!


    shut up and fight Reply:

    we don’t need vacines!!! we need anti mutagen bacteria. ASAP.

    a bacteria that block your host cells dna from being altered. thats what we need.

    anti virus works agaisnt virus not against mutagens.


    cylon Reply:

    Are you for real?. You need to wake up, your clearly dellusional, where’s your proof?


    diedaily Reply:

    shut up and fight, don’t get me wrong, we’re on the same side…but it’s really hard to take when you demonstrate such a total lack of understanding of the basic science here, and then make such strong statements. “ebola, sars and aids all come from the same chain of protein”…are you f’n kidding me? Back to highschool biology for you…or else stick to what you know…many, many of your other posts are very cool. Hate to see you embarrass yourself on the basic science…


    Kystien Reply:

    Its obviouse. Look at their fields of work.
    All Biologists. working pathogens or quarantine work.
    scary crap considering how many and in such short time.


    shut up and fight Reply:

    they got murdered because they were paid to develop a monsterous mutagen virus. and those scientist had a heart and just could not keep their mouth shut. this show us how bad the virus is going to be. its going to be a virus far worst then flu. just having same basic symptoms, simply because it use the same chain of protein. but the out come is a much more powerful and imprevisible virus.”im not paid to have feelings” “if any of those virus come out of here, they could literraly wipe out matter of days”.

    but i suppose that because its a game or and a movie. it means its crap and its not real…

    remember the illuminati loves to show us what they have in store for us. and the funniset part is nobody beleive it. simply cause culture told the sheeps to not beleive what you see in games and movies…. well. know your enemy. and you will understand what im talking about.


    Jimbo Reply:

    Apparently microbiology is a dangerous profession.


    FightOrFight!!! Reply:

    Let’s see: The point might be that the government use you & then kills you so you won’t disclose their secrets. Just my opinion.


    Dirty Bandito Reply:

    alot of these are ruled as murders. we all know what this news report is insinuating but is it a feasible conclusion to say the causality of these deaths is somehow linked? no of course not. however, if in some way the scientists deaths do share a motive do you think the link would be so obvious? No


    A Patriot Reply:


    We must stay vigilant on this story!


    diedaily Reply:

    Exactly! There is every possibility that SOME of these deaths are exactly what he alledges. So A Patriot is exactly right. There is not even a viable sliver of evidence suggesting the entirety of these deaths are related in any way. The soviet and middle eastern deaths are too obviously commonplace for these regions. So Dirtry Bandito is also exactly right.


    m Reply:

    The Illuminati want all us good guys dead so they can have their evil utopia.

    I bet taters to carrots they are planning another Virginia Tech but at a town hall meeting. They hate liberty and are afraid they are going to get caught.

    I’ve got news for them they are already caught and it says in the Bible “ALL will be revealed.” and we are getting closer to that time everyday.


    M C - HAMer Reply:

    Its news because they are on the verge of talking, I first heard of this on coast to coast a.m. with Art Bell go there to learn how some were found.One was said of a lady who was found with a dinner dress on hands tied behind her back & a plastic bag tied to her head in two feet of water…..And the police said it was an apparent suicide… Thats whats so important, dig and you will find bizzar murders of these people……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    powerbar2009 Reply:

    Hey Truthseeker.
    Does the term “DUH” mean anything to you?? Or do we need to spell that out for you too??

    Your name seems appropriate, because the way you are seeking you are not likely to find it.

    Schooled in the US, I guess?


    168th Reply:

    Yea hes drinkin some of the flouride and merceruy too, and supports the people who give it to him.


    The little power they have gives them the illusion that they are not the tools being used as bad as the civilians

Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; DYNACORP VideoThe Paperchase TV SERIES-Remember it?ACLU if the Russians/Chinese/North Koreans took control of the US Scalar weapons- The computer chips are outsourced to China Y????

Scalar Mind wars with directed energy and mind control weapons must end..

The truth of the mind war weapons must be exposed


Weapons Slides

SecDef Cohen

"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts." *

Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruct

Google The Dept of Defense Jason Program. The 60 or so members have formed the Mitre Corporation based out of McLean VA as well as a Fusion Center and mind control center outside of Boston.

Evidence of Torture

Evidence of Torture"Statute of Liberty"

Directed Energy Weapon a street in the UK

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The way to free from mind reading and influence-must test it on myself first and if I am OK and if it does not hurt me or harm me from multiple exposure allow it to be used.I believe an impusle generator with a waveguide antenna can stop the effects- if not forever temporarilyI think a 400KVolt Impulse Generator and a wave guide antenna may do it.almost three years ago I investigated this equipment as well as the model of the wave guide antenna.It may be able to free some of my family that has been tortured for 30 years. I just do not know if it will work or will not work.The equipment is in the range of 10,000 and I am not sure if it will work or notI am willing to test it on myself
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#675b fractal cell phone antennas for microwave comunications I think we need an oscilloscope or a variable Frequencies analyzer. The are pharmaceutical companies that are going out of business near me that have these items and the ones you have mentioned. They have come up for auction a few times on Ebay from the liquidators "" or "Equipnet" (Ebay store)but the price has gotten beyond what I can afford. I have bought some high tech equipment and have been able to drive to this ware house to pick the stuff up saving on shipping, check it out.Peter RosenholmQuestion from a reply:I am interested in knowing if there is a way to record the frequencies as they are happening - I have purchased a radiation recording device, and a spectrum analyzer but with the spectrum analyzer it has to be synchronized with the occurrence.
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#677a Blood Brain Barrier(BBB) and Microwave Radiation vacciniesWe might actually be killed by a small amount of toxic or poisons material that would be considered harmless to non targeted people because of damage to our Blood Brain Barrier. What made me think of this and put this together was I read something about the vaccine or some vaccines in general having nano particles in them. I was wondering if this could effect us differently than non-targeted people and I don't have a clue, so I'm broaching the subject.Peter Rosenholm
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#675a fractal cell phone antennas for microwave communicationsI'm only guessing but it would seem to be some type of fractals antenna screen room. Someone put up a reply on another site saying Roger Tolces advertises some type of screen room but that you had to stay in there for three days for it to start to work. I also read that it's effect was limited.A question comes to mind if I add this post to #677 does damaging our Blood Brain Barrier have something to do with V2K, and how long does it take for our Blood Brain Barrier to heal if the low level microwaves we are hit with stop?Peter Rosenholm Electronic security Co.Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM). Using The BEST Technology AvailableElectronic Bug sweeps to detect and eliminate electronic eavesdropping and surveillance devices. Detection of bugs, detection of wiretaps, detection of hidden cameras.any info on cell phone jammers?as to how to make ?
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#677 Blood Brain Barrier(BBB) and Microwave Radiation vaccinesA question TIs have to be concerned with is the effects of chemical, nano particle in vaccines, pollution and in medicine since we have been exposed to low level microwave radiation and our Blood Brain Barrier(BBB) is likely damaged allowing these things to effect us differently than the average person.Peter Rosenholm Effects of Microwave Radiation Combined with Stress on the Integrityof the Blood Brain Barrier5.3.1 Description of WorkThe blood-brain barrier (BBB) maintains the brain environment, controllingentry of chemicals from the blood, insulating the brain from rapid changesin the concentration of hormones, ions, peptides and other items. Itsintegrity can be altered by disease states (e.g., tumors), physiologicalinsults, (e.g., hyperthermia). Veridian employees (George Lantrip, KavitaMajahan, Patrick Mason, Alexander Salazar, Clarence Theis) nearlycompleted the first stage in an ambitious project aimed at illuminatingthe1992 findings of L. Salford, who reported low levels of RFR allowalbumin to pass through the BB into the brain and A. Friedman, in 1996who reported that physical stress allows pyridostigmine (PYR) to enter thebrain. Experimental subjects in Phase I of this program experiencedstress in the form of 30 min of restraint. This was followed by asubcutaneous injection of 0.177 mg/kg PYR (ED99 dose for 40% serumCholinesterase [ChE] inhibition) and a 30-min exposure to continuouswave 915 MHz RFR at 20 W/kg (or sham exposure). Phase I resultsfailed to indicate any effect of restraint stress or RFR on BBB leakagerelative to sham-exposed subjects.The second phase will attempt to replicate the Salford experiments,examining the effects of continuous wave and modulated 915 MHz RFRon the integrity of the BBB. Post-exposure, subjects will be anesthetized;perfused intracardiac, and the brains removed and assayed using analbumin immunohistochemistry assay. To determine the effectiveness ofassays in revealing albumin leakage, the results from theimmunohistochemistry assay will be compared to those from labelingalbumin with Evan's Blue or sodium fluorescein.5.3.2 FundingAFRL 7757 project funds.5.3.3 RelevanceIn the early 90s, work by Salford postulated that exposure to very lowlevels of RFR affected the BBB, allowing albumin to enter the brain. Inaddition, laboratory results by A. Friedman in 1996. suggested thatphysical stress allows PYR, a nerve agent prophylactic, to enter the brain.Such findings, if true, could have an impact on the RFR safe exposurestandards and for U.S. military personnel exposed to stress and/or RFR.5.3.4 ProductsMiller, S.A., Murphy, M.R., Merritt, J. H., and Mason, P.A. Effects ofmicrowave exposure combined with stress on the integrity of the blood-37--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 44brain barrier (BBB). Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans, LA,2000.Miller, S.A., Murphy, M.R., Merritt, J. H., and Mason, P.A. Blood BrainBarrier (BBB) integrity following exposure to 915 MHz microwaves andrestraint stress. Seventh Annual Michaelson Research Conference, GigHarbor, WA, 200038--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 455.4 HPM Electrophysiology Program [Ultrawideband (UWB) RFR Studies]5.4.1 Description of WorkThe general programmatic question is " Are there any hazards associatedwith exposure to ultrawideband (UWB) pulses?" The specific question forthis project is can brain or muscle be affected by exposure to UWBpulses? Work began on this project in September 2000 and hascontinued into the new contract.For the initial screening study, the classic frog gastrocnemius musclepreparation was selected. This experimentally robust preparation hasbeen used since the time of Galvani and Volta, and it has provided muchof the information on how electrically excitable tissues respond toelectrical stimulation. Thus the dependent variable is well characterized,and the novelty is in the independent variable.One classic way of describing the response of electrically excitable tissueto stimulation is the strength-duration (S-D) curve. As the duration of thepulse is decreased, the current (and voltage) required to elicit a responseis increased. Plotting the S-D curve for muscle contraction involvesdetermining a series of thresholds for elicitation of a minimal-amplitudecontraction at multiple pulse durations, starting with long-duration stimuliof about 100 msec and going as short as the available pulse source canachieve. In the conventional biomedical literature, many S-D curves formuscle or nerve have been described down to 10 usee, and somepublished data exist at 1 usee. However, the immediate goal of thisproject is to complete the S-D curve down to 1 nsec, increasing the knowndomain by a factor of 1,000.Between September 2000 and October 2001, an electrophysiologylaboratory was designed and equipped; a Review Committee wasestablished to set the approach to be used in the first year; and biologicaland engineering methods were implemented. Four different sources, (1) aconventional Grass stimulator, and pulsers produced by the (2) Avtech, (3)Bournlea and (4) Velonex companies were used; each had its own pulseduration and voltage characteristics. A computerized experimental controland data acquisition system was used, and HP function generatorsprovided control over signal timing. The isotonic contractions of anisolated gastrocnemius muscle were measured by a transducer thatconverted muscle movement into an electrical signal that could berecorded and measured by an objective mathematical criterion; there wereno judges. Over a 10-hour experimental day, more than 300 data pointscould be acquired.The project completed the voltage S-D curve down to c. 4 nsec, producinga classically shaped plot. However, when pulse duration got shorter than39--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 46about 200 nsec, the signal showed severe ringing and the instrumentationapproach could not allow measurement of current or voltage. InNovember 2001, the Review Committee found the work so promising thatthey recommended taking the additional time to improve the approachused for signal delivery and measurement and then to reacquire the S-Dcurve in terms of current, the physiologically most relevant parameter. Bythe end of February 2002 substantial progress had been made on thesetasks. Ringing had been reduced considerably, and an approach allowingcurrent measure had been implemented.The initial current S-D curve acquired with the new arrangement showed asingle UWB pulse of c. 1 nsec and c. 30 A could elicit a contraction. Thisobservation provides an experimentally determined "figure of merit" thatcould be used to set a safety standard. The Review Committee posedseveral other questions relating to determining the general mechanism forthe observed effect and for establishing that possible artifacts were notresponsible for the observed responses. In the next year, the newlyimplemented methods will be refined, more extensive data will beacquired, and additional questions will be examined.5.4.2 Funding SourceAFRL 7757 project funding.5.4.3 RelevanceThe USAF is developing sources using UWB pulses.As part of this effort, safety standards must be developed for these newsources. In the late 21st century, key general questions about safety mostfrequently have included studies of possible effects on genes and cancerand on reproduction and development. In this case the USAF also isasking about the possibility of effects on electrically excitable tissues,which include muscles and nerves.5.4.4 ProductsTo date, four extensive project reports and a major briefing have beencompleted, and a presentation of the initial work will be made in June2002, at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society.Rogers W.R., Merritt, J.H., Murphy, M.R., Barker, T., Kuhnel, C, andJohnson, L.H. Extension of the single-pulse, contact-stimulation strength-duration curve down to 5 nanoseconds. To be presented at the 24thAnnual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society. Quebec City,Quebec, Canada; June 2002.Rogers, W.R. Testing for Effects of High-Peak, Short-Pulse-WidthElectromagnetic Signals on Frog Muscle. Presentation to Review40--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 47Committee, November 15 and 16, 2001. Five hours, including lab tour;101 PowerPoint slides.Rogers, W.R. Testing for Effects of High-Peak, Short-Pulse-WidthElectromagnetic Signals on Frog Muscle. Internal USAF Report submittedNovember 11, 2001. 99 pp.Rogers, W.R. Testing for Effects of High-Peak, Short-Pulse-WidthElectromagnetic Signals on Frog Muscle. Internal USAF Report submittedAugust 3, 2001. 27 pp.Rogers, W.R. Testing for Effects of High-Peak, Short-Pulse-WidthElectromagnetic Signals on Frog Muscle. Internal USAF Report submittedJune 26, 2001. 63 ppRogers, W.R. Testing for Effects of High-Peak, Short-Pulse-WidthElectromagnetic Signals on Frog Muscle. Internal USAF Report submittedFebruary 15,21, 2001. 25 pp.41--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 485.5 Genetic Susceptibility of the Laboratory Rat {Rattus Novigicus) to aModel of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)5.5.1 Description of WorkBrain systems involved in the development of PTSD include thoseresponsible for the response to stress, and also those involved inbehavioral processes such as sensitization and fear conditioning. Littleresearch has been directed at the mechanisms underlying the possiblegenetic susceptibility for this maladaptive stress response. This might bepossible by examining stress responsivity in different strains of a givenspecies. We hypothesized that the genetic susceptibility to PTSD lies inthose brain systems and regions where the processes of behavioralplasticity (sensitization) and adaptation to stress converge. Beginning in2000, Veridian and AFRL scientists worked with colleagues at theUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) totest this hypothesis by examining genetically diverse strains of rats(Sprague Dawley, Lewis, Wistar, and Wistar Kyoto) in a fear-potentiatedstartle (FPS) paradigm. (The normal startle is a well-understood reflexiveresponse to mildly noxious stimuli, such as a burst of white noise.) TheFPS response involves classically conditioning fear to a previously non-feared stimulus (such as a light) by presenting it in conjunction with mildelectric footshock. Later, when the light is presented without the shock,the normal startle response is amplified.Data from Phases 1 and 2 have all been collected as of November 2001.Data from Phase 1 showed the appearance of FPS for some strains (e.g.,Sprague Dawley), but not others (e.g., Wistar Kyoto). Data from Phase 2,in which we tested the effect of a prior stressor (cold stressor task) on FPSin these same rat strains, yielded inconclusive results.5.5.2 FundingVeterans Administration5.5.3 RelevancePost-traumatic stress disorder may occur in individuals who experience atraumatic event. Although the incidence of PTSD among the generalpopulation is quite high (between 1% and 12%), the disorder is particularlyprevalent among veterans who have experienced war-related aggression.It is estimated that as many as 35% of Vietnam veterans have developedPTSD at some time during their lives. However, there may be a geneticcomponent to the disorder, since not all individuals subjected to a giventrauma go on to develop PTSD.5.5.4 ProductsThe results of Phase 1 were presented at the annual Society forNeurosciences meeting, November 10-15, 2001. They will also be42--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 49presented at the 3rd Forum of European Neuroscience, July 13-17, 2002,and ai 11th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral NeuroscienceSociety, June 19-23, 2002.5.6 Radial-Arm Maze Performance Of Rats Following Repeated Low LevelMicrowave Radiation5.6.1 Description Of WorkThis work sought to replicate previous studies that by H. Lai in 1987 whoreported a working memory deficit in rats exposed to low-level, 2450-MHzmicrowave (MW) irradiation when subsequently tested in a 12-arm, radial-arm maze. Lai reported an attenuation of this MW-induced learning deficitin subjects pretreated with either physostigmine or naltrexonehyrdochloride, but not with naloxone methiodide. The present replicationutilized the same exposure system (circular polarized waveguides), wholebody SAR (0.6 W/kg), pulse regimen, pretreatment drugs, exposure time,and maze configuration used by Lai. Lai employed error rate (viz., re-entry into already-visited maze arms) as their dependent measure; thepresent study analyzed both error rate and time to criterion. Veridiansupplied technician support for this study.The present study failed to replicate the data of Lai et al. Analyses of theerror rate dependent measure showed neither a drug nor an exposureeffect, but did reveal a significant effect ottime (i.e., performanceimprovement over consecutive test days). Analyses of the time-to-criterion data showed (a) no effect of exposure; (b) slower acquisition insubjects pretreated with physostigmine or naltrexone hydrochloride (ascompared to naltrexone methodide or saline); and (c) an effect of timesimilar to that found with the error rate data.5.6.2 FundingAFRL 7757 project funds5.6.3 RelevanceThe positive results of Lai et al have implications forthe adequacy of RFR safe exposure standards. Prior to consideringchanging exposure standards Lai's results need to be replicated byindependent researchers.5.6.4 ProductsN/A43--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 506.0 BIOTECHNOLOGYThis ongoing program used pharmacology, toxicology, and tissue cultureexpertise for ongoing, national defense-critical research involving bio-agentdetection, protection, and neutralization, as well as RFR bio-dosimetry. Veridianscientists evaluated the relative effectiveness of conventional high explosiveweapons and conceptual high temperature incendiary weapons against storageand production facilities containing biological agents. They developed the testprocedures and the post-test assay to measure the extent of neutralization of thebio-agent simulant. The data provided will aid the Air Force in down-selectingwhich concept(s) to develop.Veridian scientists are participated in a research program (in progress) to assessthe nature of various simulants with regard to accuracy in representing aparticular agent as well as cataloging general characteristics. A spin-off of thisprogram was the development of a new vaccine strain of Bacillus anthracis(Alls/Gifford strain). We anticipate that this strain will result in more sensitivedetection sensor technology and better vaccines to protect U.S. troops.Veridian scientists were also involved in a program to improve sensor technologyfor bio-agent detection to develop a novel approach to detect and identify a widevariety of bio-agents.Veridian scientists conducted research into the biomechanisms of the effects ofmicrowave exposure. Researchers have been searching for measurablebiomarkers for some time. The team Veridian made what seems to be abreakthrough in biomarker research. Veridian scientists are on the cutting edgeof microwave biomarker research and have published several articles in peer-reviewed journals describing this phenomenon.6.1. Biomarkers of Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) Exposure6.1.1 Description of WorkThis effort has two objectives. Objective 1 is to find relevant biomarkers ofMMW exposure. It was previously observed that levels of nitrated proteinsincrease during MMW exposure. This suggests that nitrated proteins,their precursors, or metabolites might be relevant endogenous biomarkersto determine MMW exposure in DOD and civilian personnel. Investigationof biomarker compounds in blood was performed following MMWexposure. Objective 2 is to determine how biomarker expression fromMMW exposure compares to that from other stressors (environmental andinfrared heating and hemorrhage). In developing biomarkers it is essentialto know how the levels of expression in response to MMW exposurecompare to that produced by other stressors. This will indicate if thebiomarker is unique to MMW exposure and can be used to specificallydetermine occurrence and extent of MMW exposure.44
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#675 fractal cell phone antennas for microwave comunications/V2K SheildingI had read a paper on fractal antenna designs to miniaturize cell phones. The basic idea that I could see in the image of an antenna was that it consisted of many different sized squares, some are triangles. I had always wondered why the screen I had grounded to an outlet in an attempt to protect me from the supposed MEDUSA attack did nothing.By seeing the varying sized squares, triangles and shapes in these miniature cell phone antennas I think I am beginning to see that call phones work on multiple signals to identify each user. Each different sized cut out in the antenna is meant to pick up different signals. The screen embedded in my microwave oven door has a certain size spacing in the grid to sheild us from the microwave frequency in the oven.This might be the key to V2K sheilding by having varying grids of different sizea and shapes.Peter Rosenholm loop antenna miniaturization using fractal geometryElkamchouchi, H.M. Abd El-Salam, M.N.Dept. of Electr. Eng., Alexandria Univ., Egypt;  This paper appears in: Radio Science Conference, 2003. NRSC 2003. Proceedings of the Twentieth NationalPublication Date: 18-20 March 2003On page(s): B4- 1-8ISSN:ISBN: 977-5031-75-3INSPEC Accession Number: 7913732Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/NRSC.2003.1217315Current Version Published: 2003-08-04AbstractAntenna design is a very tricky problem. Common designs are sensitive to only a narrow range of frequencies, and are not efficient if they are smaller that a quarter of the wavelength. This is a problem for small, portable antennas, such as those on cellular phones. Fractal antenna designs can overcome some of these problems. Experiments have shown that antennas built with only a small number of iterations of a fractal process can exhibit sensitivity at several frequencies. As the number of iterations increases, the lowest frequency of the antenna gets lower, and additional higher frequencies are added,Also, fractal antennas can operate efficiently at one-quarter the size of more traditional designs. Properly harnessed, these features represent real advantages. Fractals already are being used for compact, multifrequency antennas in cellular phones and military communications hardware. Fractal antennas are now used in cellular phone antenna fitting inside the body of the phone, and the multifrequency aspect of the antenna will allow GPS to be incorporated in the phone. Other applications include compact, multifrequency wireless LAN and maritime antennas. In this paper we present a miniaturization model of a square loop antenna using a non-return to zero pulse as a generator instead of the square pulse in Minkowski fractal model that allows an increase in the total electric length without occupying more space. This led to an easy matched compact loop antenna, but with a small sacrifice of the gain. Design Home / RF/Wireless DesignFractal antenna enables ultra-compact cell phonePosted: 01 Jun 2007Subscribe Add to Favorites Print VersionWhitepaper• Choosing a Primary Battery for a Wireless Device Download now!• Simplifying Xilinx and Altera Debug, Anticipate issues and learn techniques that help you deal with debugging your FPGA systemsDownload now!• Actionable Enterprise Architecture Management Download now!Top Ranked ArticlesIndia railway nets get TETRA boostMobile VoIP market to top Rs.156,539.04 crore by 2013Sanyo, TomTom tie up for in-car navigationHigh-quality ArticlesFractus S.A. has developed a miniature internal quad-band GSM antenna measuring just 40.8-by-10.74-by-7.45mm. The antenna has enabled Swedish mobile phone maker Neonode to create what it claims one of the smallest and lightest handsets measuring 47-by-77-by-14.7mm.Despite being positioned extremely close to other electronic components, the antenna does not interfere with any of these components. Traditionally, the antenna has to be isolated as much as possible from other components to avoid RF interference.The N2 handset features a 5.08cm optical touch-screen display?so it has no keypad?a 2Mpixel camera, miniSD memory expansion and a multi-media player capable of playing back MP3, AAC, WAV, MPEG4 and WMV formats as well as supporting Internet radio recording."Fractus helped Neonode to achieve great antenna integration for such a small device," said Alfonso Sanz, product manager, products and services division, Fractus. He added the antenna design evolved together with that of the device in a smooth way.Fractus pioneered the use of the space-filling and multi-level properties of fractals for use in multi-band antennas in wireless devices and its IP and designs are used by companies such as ST Microelectronics, Samsung, Sagem, Atheros Communications and CSR.Sweden-based Neonode, which specialises in small form factor handsets, is in the process of being acquired by SBE Inc., a specialist developer of storage networking devices.SBE said Tuesday (May 29) it has agreed to amend the previously announced merger agreement with Neonode that extends the date on which the companies can terminate the deal if it has not closed by September 30.In the meantime, SBE has loaned the Swedish group Rs.4.23 crore ($1 million) for working capital.- John WalkoEE Times Europe
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Nasa will bomb moon 7:30 AM10/9/09 morning from Tama FLA 5 mile deep crater will be created on the moon. What will happen to the debris from this?* Track this topic* Print story* Post commentSurreal Green werewolves launch anti-LCROSS petitionBy Lewis Page • Get more from this authorPosted in Space, 7th October 2009 13:28 GMTFree whitepaper – Dell PowerEdge server benchmarksTreehugging, possibly lycanthropic web-2.0 campaigners have launched a petition intended to "stop NASA from bombing the Moon!".The organisers of the petition claim that the space agency is turning unspoiled lunar wilderness into a "firing range" for space weapons, and that US "imperialists" intend to colonise the moon "without regard for ecosystems or indigenous peoples".The petition refers to "NASA's LRCROSS plan to bomb the dark side of the moon", but it seems clear that the authors - "the Chicago Surrealist Movement" - are on about the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission. LCROSS involves crashing a spent Centaur upper-stage rocket into the Cabeus crater at the lunar south pole this Friday; the following LCROSS sniffer-probe will then plummet through the resulting debris plume a couple of minutes later, transmitting readings back to Earth until it too crashes into the Moon.According to the Chicago Surrealist Movement, posting a petition at the "Care2" treehugger-petition Web-2.0 portal, this is actually a space-based weapons test.The excuse given is that this is an effort to find water deep under lunar surface. But it also serves as a live-fire test exercise for US war strategists with an interest in the precision of orbiting satellite weapons... in other words, the southern hemisphere of the Moon will be turned into a firing range, making this mission one giant leap for the global reach of space warfare.NASA does indeed say it is interested in the lunar antarctic craters for their possible ice deposits, which would be of great value to future Moonbases. Quite apart from drinking water, the possible polar icebergs would also furnish oxygen for breathing and ingredients for rocket fuel - potentially far more cheaply than hauling it in from Earth.But this is colonialism, according to the right-on petitioneers: and colonialism is Bad.Historically, the purpose of exploration has always been the exploitation of resources and the colonization of territory without regard for ecosystems or indigenous peoples, and clearly the Moon is the next territory coveted by imperialists. This so-called "NASA experiment" is a hostile act of aggression and a violent intrusion upon our closest and dearest celestial neighbor.It isn't clear who the indigenous people of the Moon are, and given the apparent complete lack of life there it also seems a bit of a stretch to say there's really any "ecosystem" present. But there are always the Clangers to be considered.Thus far the Care2 petition has only 560 digi-signatures, and it seems fairly clear that the surreal(ist) campaign against NASA's unprovoked Moon-missile strike isn't exactly sweeping the world. The campaigners suggest that there may be alternatives to mere protest, however. Elsewhere on the web they offer a fuller version of their lunar-loony manifesto, in which among other things they describe the Apollo moon landings as having been instigated by "a powerful syndicate of military-industrial criminals". They also suggest direct action:What can we as surrealists or lunatics or astrologers or naturalists or anarcho-primitivists or Greens or werewolves or pagans or psychics or UFO groupies or other concerned members of the general public do?We must soothe the Moon, we bandage her. We implore other celestial bodies and entities to aid her. We will not let her endure this crime or its grim aftermath alone.We need to communicate to the Moon. Talk to her in our dreams, trances, or meditations, and prepare her for this shock and wound as best we can. Hold her, send out imaginative protection to her, and put our dream bodies out there in front of the bomb. Collectively, we can sabotage the bombing or by imagining all manner of things going wrong, or encouraging the Moon to increase her own magnetic shields. Sing to her. Give her back just a tiny portion of all that she has done for us. We are all created from Moon dust.What more, indeed, could any astrologer, werewolf etc be expected to do than that?
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Main Control Center in near MARFA TEXAS-as well as location for the NWO USA\Control Center in USA is in a town called Marfa (M-A-R-F-A) TexasMarfa is a city in and the county seat of Presidio County in the high desert of far West Texas in the Southwestern United States. The population was 2,121 at the 2000 census. Its ZIP code is 79843.

Marfa was founded in the early 1880s as a railroad water stop, and grew quickly through the 1920s. Marfa Army Airfield (Fort D.A. Russell) was located east of the town during World War II and trained several thousand pilots before closing in 1945 (the abandoned site is still visible ten miles east of the city). The base was also used as the training ground for many of the U.S. Army's Chemical mortar battalions.

Today Marfa is a tourist destination, located between the Davis Mountains and Big Bend National Park. Attractions include the historical architecture and classic Texas town square, modern art, soaring, and the Marfa lights.

Amateur etymologist Barry Popik has shown that Marfa is named after Marfa Strogoff, a character in the Jules Verne novel Michael Strogoff and its theatrical adaptation; the origin was reported in the Galveston Daily News on December 17, 1882, after the Marfa railroad station was established but before Marfa received a post office in 1883.

Starting Oct 1st, 2009 the city will no longer have a local police department. The Presidio County Sheriff will patrol the city which Marfa is the county seat of Presidio.

The Handbook of Texas states that the wife of a railroad executive "reportedly" suggested the name "Marfa" after a name in the Fyodor Dostoevsky novel The Brothers Karamazov, which she read.[3]



[edit] Geography

Marfa is located at 30°18′43″N 104°1′29″W / 30.31194°N 104.02472°W / 30.31194; -104.02472 (30.311863, -104.024779)[4].

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 1.6 square miles (4.1 km²), all of it land. It is a small city.

[edit] Modern Art and minimalism

In 1971, Donald Judd, the renowned minimalist artist, moved to Marfa from New York City. After renting summer houses for a couple of years he bought two large hangars, some smaller buildings and started to permanently install his art. While this started with his building in New York, the buildings in Marfa (now The Block, Judd Foundation) allowed him to install his works on a larger scale. In 1976 he bought the first of two ranches that would become his primary places of residence, continuing a long love affair with the desert landscape surrounding Marfa. Later, with assistance from the Dia Art Foundation in New York, Judd acquired decommissioned Fort D.A. Russell, and began transforming the fort's buildings into art spaces in 1979. Judd's vision was to house large collections of individual artists' work on permanent display, as a sort of anti-museum. Judd believed that the prevailing model of a museum, where art is shown for short periods of time, does not allow the viewer an understanding of the artist or their work as they intended.

Since Judd's death in 1994, two foundations have been working to maintain his legacy: the Chinati Foundation and Judd Foundation. Every year The Chinati Foundation holds an Open House event where artists, collectors, and enthusiasts come from around the world to visit Marfa's art. Since 1997 Open House has been co-sponsored by both foundations and attracts thousands of visitors from around the world.

The Chinati Foundation now occupies more than 10 buildings at the site and has on permanent exhibit work by Carl Andre, Ingólfur Arnarsson, John Chamberlain, Dan Flavin, Roni Horn, Ilya Kabakov, Richard Long, Claes Oldenberg, Coosje van Bruggen, John Wesley, and David Rabinowitch.

In recent years, a new wave of artists has moved to Marfa to live and work. As a result, new gallery spaces have opened in the downtown area. Furthermore, The Lannan Foundation has established a writers-in-residency program, a Marfa theater group has formed, and a multi-functional art space called Ballroom Marfa has begun to show art films, host musical performances, and exhibit other art installations.

[edit] Marfa lights

Official viewing platform, east of Marfa

Marfa may be most famous for the Marfa lights, visible every clear night between Marfa and the Paisano Pass when one is facing southwest (toward the Chinati Mountains). According to the Handbook of Texas Online, " times they appear colored as they twinkle in the distance. They move about, split apart, melt together, disappear, and reappear. Presidio County residents have watched the lights for over a hundred years. The first historical record of them recalls that in 1883 a young cowhand, Robert Reed Ellison, saw a flickering light while he was driving cattle through Paisano Pass and wondered if it was the campfire of Apache Indians. He was told by other settlers that they often saw the lights, but when they investigated they found no ashes or other evidence of a campsite.[5]

Presidio County has built a viewing station nine miles east of town on U.S. 67 near the site of the old air base. Each year, enthusiasts gather for the annual Marfa Lights Festival.

These objects have been featured and mentioned in various media, including the television show Unsolved Mysteries and an episode of King of the Hill ("Of Mice and Little Green Men") and in an episode of Disney Channel Original Series So Weird. A fictional book by David Morrell, 2009's "The Shimmer", is inspired by the lights.

[edit] Filming of Giant and other films

The famous 1956 Warner Bros. film Giant, starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean, Sal Mineo, Carroll Baker and Dennis Hopper, was filmed in Marfa for two months. Director George Stevens did not have a closed set and actively encouraged the townspeople to come by, either to watch the shooting, or visit with the cast and crew, or take part as extras, dialect coaches, bit players and stagehands.

In August 2006, two movie production units used locations in and around Marfa: the film There Will Be Blood, an adaptation of the Upton Sinclair novel Oil, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, and the Coen Brothers' adaptation of the Cormac McCarthy novel No Country for Old Men.[6][7]

The 1981 play (and 1982 film) Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean were set in and around Marfa; no filming was done there, however.

In 2008, Marfa held the first annual Marfa Film Festival, which lasted from May 1-5.

[edit] Travel

In a January 2009 magazine article, lifestyle publication Southern Living sent a writer to explore far west Texas and its various small and eclectic settlements. In 'Wide Open in West Texas' Taylor Bruce writes:

"Marfa, Alpine, and Marathon sit along U.S. 90 like hitching posts. On first glance, the three are all Mayberrys of another era. Marfa’s one blinking red light; the Alpine Dairy Queen and Big Bend Saddlery; Marathon’s three blocks of storefronts facing the railroad. But I visit in search of the defining quality that draws people 400 miles west of San Antonio to live and to visit. I’m looking for the real towns, what makes them so alluring and freeing."

Bruce goes on to describe an evening in gallery-rich Marfa: "The two rooms of Yard Dog glow in the pitch-black stillness of the nearly 2,000-person town. Inside, the scene teems with locals, some who look like Willie Nelson, some like Brooklyn hipsters, a stylish mix of rancher and Warhol seen all over Marfa."

[edit] Demographics

Presidio County courthouse

According to the latest U.S. census[1] of 2000, there were 2,121 people, 863 households, and 555 families residing in the city. The population density was 1,354.6 people per square mile (521.6/km²). There were 1,126 housing units at an average density of 719.1/sq mi (276.9/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 91.04% White, 0.28% African American, 0.38% Native American, 0.05% Asian, 7.50% from other races, and 0.75% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 6.87% of the population.

There were 863 households out of which 29.3% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 47.4% were married couples living together, 13.1% had a female householder with no husband present, and 35.6% were non-families. 31.4% of all households were made up of individuals and 17.3% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.35 and the average family size was 2.99.

In the city the population was spread out with 24.9% under the age of 18, 7.9% from 18 to 24, 24.2% from 25 to 44, 24.5% from 45 to 64, and 18.5% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 39 years. For every 100 females there were 101.8 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 100.9 males.

The median income for a household in the city was $24,712, and the median income for a family was $32,328. Males had a median income of $25,804 versus $18,382 for females. The per capita income for the city was $14,636. About 15.7% of families and 20.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 24.6% of those under age 18 and 26.9% of those age 65 or over.

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Emotional intimacy

When our family or friends will not accept the targeting or the abuse we have faced, they stop being emotionally or mentally available to us, they close off any emotional intimacy we have, but also, we grow accustomed to doing the same thing, since, to be in a state of emotional intimacy, a person has to be at peace with him or her self, the people around you, and the world in general, and this becomes next to impossible for us. They close us off to protect themselves and to protect us, from engaging in further ways of going deep into issues that cannot be explained or accounted for, where we might discover something too scary, too hard to handle, too upsetting.Many of us as targets, press the issue, usually with the world we live in, like with the media, the government, other outlets that we can engage with on a serious and professional level, inviting all kinds of disbelief, turning off, or just blatant anger that we may have interrupted their lives or their day with conspiracy theories. This is not the same as emotional intimacy, or one on one conversation about how we feel, how we cope, how we are doing on a day to day basis with what we face.We need these people in our lives, so its important to stay close to other targets and share what you will for greater closeness and connectedness to our own well-being, and don't close off into isolation. I've just spent the better part of 15 years trying to escape what the world has done to me and in doing so, have not been able to enjoy close, intimate relationships, something I am working on. It would have been great to get married, maybe have more kids, but I just haven't been able to. Peace everyone.
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#674 Mass Action, Concentration of Effort

#674 Mass Action, Concentration of EffortI was thinking yesterday how frustrating it is that those of us who are targeted for the most part are strong individuals compared to many of the people involved in our attacks. We are survivors in fact. We have lived with this without retaliating or giving in and ending our lives. We live with degradation and humiliation that the average person could never imagine. The fact that they can't imagine that anything so cruel would be happening is actually the worst aspect of being targeted because those we would hope would have our backs like friends, family and even honest law enforcement and public officials can't believe this is happening. Thus, the nature of covert attacks leaves the attackers with plausible denial.People would rather believe it isn't happening than risk, "Vicarious Trauma", by sharing in our trauma or belatedly, Post traumatic Stress Syndrome Disorder", (PTSD). Psychologists who treat torture victims like prisoners of was are actually susceptible to PTSD just by listening to the victims account of their torture. that is while these people would rather not believe us it isn't that they wouldn't want to it is because they are trying to save themselves from the trauma.Conversely we can only heal by talking about it and working through it. This creates that never ending cycle of destruction the CIA wrote about concerning torture victims. "As the victim reaches out to heal others are forced to withdraw to save themselves". The more the torture victim reaches out the more people withdraw and the more they are isolated leading to the spiral of destruction of the victim of the torture".The Internet allows us to find other TIs at distances that were meant to keep us apart and from healing each other so in fact we are healing. We are healing each other by sharing these posts.So the question becomes how do we expose or bring attention to this atrocity that people would rather ignore than share in the trauma, and the truth is if we were not TIs we would react the same because it is human nature to survive.I think the answer is, "Mass Action", or what might be called, "Concentrated Action". What we as a dispersed and limited number of people need to do is concentrate our effort in a way that catches other peoples attention so that they want to know why an odd event happened or that news groups will cover because there nature is to bring news events to the public for ratings and profit.It's time we work with psychology and human nature than against it.I've been imagining what we could do that wouldn't initially run the public and media off but to catch there curiosity and make them want to know more or why and event has happened. the possibilities are actually endless.One though came to me from the bible when the river turned to blood when.They went outside. Aaron struck the river with his rod and the water turned into blood. The fish died and the water was poisonous to drink. But Pharaoh’s magicians also turned water into blood. So Pharaoh refused to listen to Aaron and Moses. For seven days the river ran red and full of poison. Blood was God’s first plague on Egypt.I think a little harmless food coloring in a small water way preferably with an exposed waterfall as a display might do the trick to bring attention. Letter might have to be written and posted a day before the event to clearing tell the reason and cause we are trying to expose peacefully. This could reach the news I think? What does food coloring cost? Maybe we can all order some an send it to a TI near the capital or something.We need to align with other groups to increase our numbers and the effect. Twitter could help if people start to follow,"Mass Action". larger groups could send letters all at once to the home of a relative or a town hall. If Bright colored post cards were made up it would cost less and have a better effect with the cause written on them.People could sit at one of these town hall meetings with their phones on and others could all call at the same time for one minute as a sign that many are listening.I also say we all send flowers letters singing telegrams to the next TI that dies, or the state office where they live, or even the closest news organization.Can you imagine the bag of letters, maybe fluorescent post cards, the floral trucks lined up, the people doing the singing telegram taking turns on the steps?Shit if enough people shined lights at a dark moon they could probably make it glow. We just need to focus our small numbers in the same direction in a way that is harmless but brings attention to this cause that is of importance. Catch their attention harmlessly so people actually smile an want to know why.Peter Rosenholm
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#671 The awakening of a targetted individual

#671 The awakening of a targetted individualI know what the reaction of the average public who is unaware of this program is so we should look at this seriously. One question we have to ask is why if these weapons, attacks and stalking can be so covert and destroy the targets life would they go overt? Or in my case they went overt and then attempted the covert, slow kill.Still in many cases I didn't realize what had happened until long after it happened and almost everybody would take this approach that we are over reacting or paranoid. In fact the MEDUSA like attack where I was hospitalized and set up to be committed was to make a false diagnosis official so people could more easily believe it was in my head. That being said listen to this..........When I had first heard of brightening by another TI I had a hard time believing this. I felt at first that they were driven to hyper vigilance by real attacks. After all who would shine lights at people as a means of harassing them, right? I was also being drugged to death at the time and hadn't figured that out yet. My feet were turning black and my mind dulled so I would miss much of what had been done to me.But then I was remembering my giant 16" dobsonian telescope that had come in. On the first night that I took it out a car across the bike trail was parked halfway up there driveway with the high beams on and with the car running. That was a pain in the ass since bright light hurts your ability to see in the dark. Then I noticed the lights on the house were also pointed up in the air at my second floor deck where I had taken the 200 lb+ telescope out for viewing.Then to be completely overt there was a guy on the side of the house with a ladder in his hands that he was holding while looking at me to adjust the lights if needed. "They wanted me to know". Even so, I'm so not thinking how large and orchestrated this psyop war against individual citizens is that I just chucked them the bird. I went on and after a while they shut them off.Thinking about this a year or more later now getting off the meds that were killing me at over twice the maximum dose I realized the significance of all that had happened and how these seemingly unconnected hassles, attack, wire tapping, investigation were all tied together.Still It was only a short time ago that I realized that before building my home that I was living in another neighborhood in my town. I had been told about the neighbor next door and the neighbor across the street getting into a fight in the road before I had moved there. I had also been told that one neighbor Dickkk Bennet had been shining his house lights at the neighbor across the street. That neighbor had tried to stop it and eventually he pointed his at the perp neighbor and this all ended with a fight in the road between them.At this time my head is starting to clear and I am crunching my past life through my brain making connections of my targeting daily. I then recalled how pornography was put on my trash and how a cop named Hurley had come and was very sympathetic and at the same time took the offensive material away for me. My wife ran a daycare and if she hadn't gone out early to add to the trash the moms and there little ones would have come and walked by all of this stuff.Then I was getting my brain back and realized that this cop was allowed to hang out and drink at a gas station down the square. Most cops have to work but this one smoked pot and drank at this gas station. As I thought about it the neighbor with the lights pointed at my other neighbor also hung out at that gas station. Now I was thinking about the military weapons used on me and the brother of two cops who brought in perps to surveillance and harass me from one floor above me in my own house when he rented from me and how the police showed themselves to be involved.I would further connect the dots. When jumped by a group of people who staged and argument while I was drugged and was kicked in the face these people also hung out at this gas station down the square. It was the police who wrote up a report saying I had made it stating everything was all my fault. I spoke in front of the town council and held up a bloody shirt from that night but it was squashed by police and the FBI.My marriage had broken up and during our troubles I had filed a complaint against this cop who was a drunk. He later staged a road block, attack and false arrest that fell apart.Even now only months ago I drove by this officers house when a van that I noticed to many times was following me. I drove off and around and at a very far distance followed it until it stopped at this cops house. As I drive by I realized he lives right across the street from my brother in-law. This is how words were whispered to sabotage my marriage. Even still another cop involved in my staged road block, attack and arrest lived across the street from my in-laws and my wife's mother and the mother of this cop were such good friends they went on vacations together. My wife was in two of their daughters weddings. So open your eyes people and investigate I have discovered far more than this even.This is one sick program run by military, CIA, law enforcement all the way down to criminals , drug dealers and stooge citizen police groups.It is time to stop wondering why we have a hundred times more murders than other countries, Or why all the drugs have gone from recreational to addictive drugs like crack, meth and heroin. This group with there surveillance has been robbing unsanctioned drug dealers while they take total control of the drug trade and our military is in the cocaine capital Columbia and the opium and heroin capital Afghanistan right now. Why do you think the US is always at war? We are doing this and using these tactics around the world. Good people of good conscience and character couldn't imagine how abused, slaved and controlled they are by this criminal stasi/psyop net work that is world wide also known as the US government, military and law enforcement.Most of these good people around me would think I'm deranged when it is they that have actually been mind controlled into not seeing or believing what is really happening.Peter Rosenholm
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Defense Articles and Commerce Controlled Electronics Components to China and Conspiring to Violate U.S. Export Laws

"...Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology “conducts research for the development of, and manufactures, tactical missiles, carrier rockets, space launch vehicles, and satellites....”

Department of Justice Press Releasewhite spacerFor Immediate ReleaseOctober 5, 2009 United States Attorney's OfficeDistrict of MassachusettsContact: (617) 748-3100Three Chinese Nationals and Two Corporations Charged with Illegally Exporting Defense Articles and Commerce Controlled Electronics Components to China and Conspiring to Violate U.S. Export LawsBOSTON, MA—Three nationals of the People’s Republic of China and two corporations were charged on October 1, 2009 in federal court with conspiring over a period of ten years to illegally export defense articles, designated on the United States Munitions List, and Commerce controlled electronics components to end-users in China, including several Chinese military entities.Acting United States Attorney Michael K. Loucks; John J. McKenna, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Export Enforcement, Boston Field Office; Bruce M. Foucart, Special Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Boston Field Division; Warren T. Bamford, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Boston Field Division; and Edward Bradley, Special Agent in Charge of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Northeast Field Office announced that ZHEN ZHOU WU a/k/a ALEX WU, YUFENG WEI a/k/a ANNIE WEI, BO LI a/k/a ERIC LEE, CHITRON ELECTRONICS, INC. (“CHITRON-US”), and SHENZHEN CHITRON ELECTRONICS COMPANY LIMITED (“CHITRON-SHENZHEN”) were charged in a thirty-eight count indictment with conspiring to violate U.S. export laws (including the Arms Export Control Act and Export Administration Regulations), illegally exporting defense articles and Commerce controlled electronics to China, money laundering, and causing false Shipper’s Export Declarations to be filed with the U.S. Department of Commerce.ZHEN ZHOU WU a/k/a ALEX WU, YUFENG WEI a/k/a ANNIE WEI, CHITRON-US and CHITRON-SHENZHEN are also charged with illegally exporting electronics components to the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, an organization which is designated on the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Entity List (according to the Indictment, organizations listed on the Entity List are subject to specific license requirements due to U.S. national security interests). According to the Indictment, Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology “conducts research for the development of, and manufactures, tactical missiles, carrier rockets, space launch vehicles, and satellites.” Lastly, the Indictment charges YUFENG WEI a/k/a ANNIE WEI with immigration fraud.The Second Superseding Indictment alleges that ZHEN ZHOU WU a/k/a ALEX WU founded CHITRON-SHENZHEN in or about April 1996. In March 1998, ZHEN ZHOU WU a/k/a ALEX WU incorporated CHITRON-US, which served as CHITRON-SHENZHEN’s purchasing office in the United States. The Indictment further alleges that using CHITRON-US, ZHEN ZHOU WU a/k/a ALEX WU, YUFENG WEI a/k/a ANNIE WEI, and CHITRONSHENZHEN ordered U.S. military products and Commerce controlled electronic components from U.S. companies for end-users in mainland China. Allegedly, at the instruction of ZHEN ZHOU WU a/k/a ALEX WU and YUFENG WEI a/k/a ANNIE WEI, the U.S. companies were instructed to ship all ordered products to the CHITRON-US office located in Waltham, Massachusetts. According to the Indictment, upon receipt by CHITRON-US of the ordered products, the U.S. commodities were inspected by CHITRON-US employees and consolidated into packages, which were exported on a weekly basis to mainland China using freight forwarders in Hong Kong without obtaining the required export licenses from the Department of State and Department of Commerce. According to the Indictment, ZHEN ZHOU WU a/k/a ALEX WU promoted CHITRON on its website (shared by both CHITRON-US and CHITRONSHENZHEN) as a company that could procure military products. Thus, by “2007, according to WU, Chinese military-related institutions (including research institutes) in electronics and aerospace comprised 25% of CHITRON-SHENZHEN’s customers.”If ZHEN ZHOU WU a/k/a ALEX WU is convicted of the charges he faces in the Indictment, he faces up to 20 years imprisonment, to be followed by 3 years supervised release, and a $1,000,000 fine. If YUFENG WEI a/k/a ANNIE WEI is convicted of the charges she faces in the Indictment, she faces up to 20 years imprisonment, to be followed by 3 years supervised release, and a $1,000,000 fine. If BO LI a/k/a ERIC LEE is convicted of the charges he faces in the Indictment, he faces up to 20 years imprisonment, to be followed by 3 years supervised release, and a $1,000,000 fine. Both CHITRON-SHENZHEN and CHITRON-US face up to a $1,000,000 fine for each count in the Indictment charging them with illegal export of defense articles. They each also face up to a $500,000 fine for the remaining counts in the Indictment.The case is being investigated agents of the Department of Commerce, Office of Export Enforcement, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Defense Criminal Investigative Service. It is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys B. Stephanie Siegmann and John Capin of Loucks’ Anti- Terrorism and National Security Unit.The details contained in the Indictment are allegations. The defendants are presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
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Subject: Montana Attorney General serves American Police Force in Hardin with a CIVIL INVESTIGATIVE DEMAND
Date: Monday, October 5, 2009, 1:26 PM

MONTANA Atty General takes action in Hardin

Posted By: in_PHI_nitti
Date: Saturday, 3-Oct-2009 10:33:24

CONGRATULATIONS - the State is doing its job - must be a lot of pressure.


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Served time in prison for theft

APF head Hilton has history of legal trouble

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buy this photoAmerican Police Force's president Michael Hilton addresses the media during a press conference at the Two Rivers Authority jail Saturday, September 26, 2009.

  • Hardin jail press conference
  • Hardin jail press conference
  • Michael Hilton
  • Montana Jail

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Michael Hilton of American Police Force arrived in Hardin with promises of Mercedes police cars and expertise in operatingprisons. He delivered the cars last week, but may have learnedabout prisons following a 1993 conviction for grand theft.

Public records from police and state and federal courts in California show that Michael Anthony Hilton, using that name andmore than a dozen aliases over several years, is cited in multiplecriminal, civil and bankruptcy cases, and was sentenced in 1993 totwo years in state prison in California.

Hilton pleaded guilty in March 1993 to 14 felonies, including 10 counts of grand theft, one count of attempted grand theft and threecounts of diversion of construction funds, according to OrangeCounty court records. He was sentenced to two years in prison, butit is unclear how much time he served.

Court records in that case list his real name as Michael Hilton, but they also include the aliases Midrag Ilia Dokovitch, MidragIlia Dokovich and Michael Miodrag.

Hilton, who speaks heavily accented English, has told reporters that he is a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Montenegro, acountry bordering Serbia, and once part of the former Republic ofYugoslavia.

The same aliases and other similar ones, all with slightly different spellings, show up in many other court documents citingHilton, including a May 2003 Orange County case in which Hiltonpleaded guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol.

A booking photo from the Huntington Beach Police Department from Hilton's DUI arrest on March 14, 2003, shows him heavier, beardlessand with more hair than he has now.

It also shows the same facial features, including a distinct arched wrinkle over his left eye, along with three deep browfurrows, small, circular indentations in the center of his foreheadand a cleft tip on the nose.

Michael Hilton and his aliases are listed as defendants in various Orange County civil cases alleging fraud and breach ofwarranty, including a March 2000 case where he is accused of fraud,larceny, breach of contract and false pretenses.

Court documents in that case allege that Hilton and others solicited investments of hundreds of thousands of dollars from theplaintiff for the creation of collectible Super Bowl commemorativecoins.

The complaint alleges that Hilton and others falsely told the plaintiff that the money would be used for the design andmanufacture of the coins, and to pay for a National Football Leaguelicense to produce them.

In fact, the complaint states, no such license was ever issued by the NFL.

Court documents show that the plaintiff obtained a 2001 judgment for $200,000 against Hilton, listing his aliases of MiodragDokovich and Midrag Ilia Dokovich.

Hilton also declared Chapter 13 bankruptcy twice during a 15-month period.

He filed under his real name, citing the alias Miodrag A. Dokovich, in November 2002, listing a Stanton, Calif., home addressand a Fountain Valley, Calif., business address tied to theBelgrade Market Liquor and Deli.

In February 2004, Hilton filed under his real name, citing the alias Miodrag Dokovich, and listing a Santa Ana, Calif., homeaddress. He estimated his assets at less than $50,000, and listedas creditors only a credit union and his landlord.

Both bankruptcy filings appear to have been intended to delay eviction proceedings against him. Under federal bankruptcy law,tenants are generally protected from eviction while they reorganizetheir finances.

Anh Q.D. Nguyen, a Garden Grove attorney, said in an e-mail that he represented Hilton's landlord in an eviction case against Hiltonthat was filed in January 2004.

Nguyen said that Hilton "filed an eleventh-hour bankruptcy petition in which my office successfully obtained relief from thebankruptcy automatic stay, in order to reclaim possession of therented premises."

Hilton had also been named as a defendant in July 2002 as part of separate eviction proceedings before his bankruptcy filing thatyear.

Hilton filed both bankruptcies without an attorney, paying less than $275 in filing fees for each. Both petitions were dismissed bythe court after Hilton failed to provide necessary documentation,including a financial reorganization plan.

Chapter 13 bankruptcies generally remain on personal credit histories for seven years, and show up on standard creditchecks.

When asked on Wednesday about Hilton's business dealings before his involvement with APF, company spokeswoman Becky Shay said,"That information is not going to be made available at thispoint."

"That's his private business. He is a man who distinguishes between private and business, between personal and corporate," shesaid.

Shay said she would check with Hilton for a comment about his DUI arrest, but did not provide further details.

She did not respond to an additional call made later Wednesday seeking more information about Hilton's other past legalproblems.


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