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In the high stakes world of global politics, it is common practice to procure sexual favors in the hopes to gain leverage or to gain power through blackmail. It's done all the time. The Soviets did it. The Americans do it, and many other countries as well. This following is the bizarre and very real child sexual prostitution ring involving the Republican elite of Washington. And the trail leads right up to George H. W. Bush. Read the chilling story.


KARLYN BARKER, WASHINGTON POST, JULY 24, 1990: The alleged leader of what authorities have called the largest male prostitution operation in the Washington area surrendered to federal agentsyesterday and pleaded not guilty to racketeering charges that have been filedagainst him and three alleged accomplices. Henry W. Vinson, 29, of Williamson,W.Va., a coal miner's son accused of setting up the homosexual escort service,was arraigned in U.S. District Court here yesterday afternoon after turninghimself in to Secret Service agents . . . At a news conference after thearraignment, [U.S. Attorney Jay] Stephens said the investigation into thealleged prostitution ring "is concluded" and that the indictment,which was unsealed yesterday, focused on those who allegedly set up the ringrather than on clients who reportedly patronized it. Asked about earlier reportsthat some of those clients included high-level officials in the Reagan and Bushadministrations, Stephens said the investigation had not revealed"additional conduct which suggests criminal conduct on behalf of otherpeople." . . . The Vinson case provoked additional notice after TheWashington Times published reports last summer suggesting that the allegedprostitution ring had been patronized by government officials. The Times namedas clients several low-level government employees and Craig J. Spence, aWashington lobbyist and party-giver who, the paper said, took friends andprostitutes on late-night tours of the White House. Spence was found dead in aBoston hotel room last fall, and authorities ruled his death a suicide . . . Todate, however, investigators have disclosed no evidence linking any high-levelgovernment official to the escort service.


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Republicans for rape- Franklin Cover up scandal

Below is the list of thirty legislators who were brave enough to stand up in defense of rape and vote against Senator Al Franken's anti-rape amendment to the 2009 Defense Appropriations bill. We applaud these courageous men! Roll over the portraits with your mouse to see the Senator's phone number, or click on a portrait to visit the Senator's contact page. We encourage you to send your kind words to these gentlemen!

Senators from states in which both senators voted nay get a pink background!

New! A fan-created rape support map has been added to the bottom of this page!


Jeff Sessions (R-AL)


Richard Shelby (R-AL)


Jon Kyl (R-AZ)


John McCain (R-AZ)


Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)


Johnny Isakson (R-GA)


Mike Crapo (R-ID)


James Risch (R-ID)


Sam Brownback (R-KS)


Pat Roberts (R-KS)


Jim Bunning (R-KY)


Mitch McConnell (R-KY)


David Vitter (R-LA)


Thad Cochran (R-MS)


Roger Wicker (R-MS)


Kit Bond (R-MO)


Mike Johanns (R-NE)


John Ensign (R-NV)


Judd Gregg (R-NH)


Richard Burr (R-NC)


Tom Coburn (R-OK)


Jim Inhofe (R-OK)


Jim DeMint (R-SC)


Lindsey Graham (R-SC)


John Thune (R-SD)


Lamar Alexander (R-TN)


Bob Corker (R-TN)


John Cornyn (R-TX)


John Barrasso (R-WY)


Mike Enzi (R-WY)


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#687 Don't kill yourself and don't give them justification to do so If I'm going to go this involved I am going to make my reply for all to read I hope that is OK. You are right about one part at least and that is that they are putting you under surveillance. While you are under surveillance they are abusing the surveillance tools. If V2K is used to coordinate law enforcement operatives covertly and millimeter wave surveillance whether active or passive is used to monitor you and your activities for illegal behavior then the stalking is just clumsy detectives, deputies, or deputized citizen policing groups or criminal informants.These attacks are all under the guise of being a criminal investigation. If you become freaked by constant threats and psychological torment and pick up a weapon in fear of your life they will show up because they are watching you and they will be forced in the interest of public safety to shoot you around a dozen times. They may tackle you to the ground and cuff you and then continue to beat you until you stop breathing and your heart stops. If they have made you appear deranged and have used their authority to have you locked up in a mental institution then that will further bolster there claim that you were a threat to society and they had no choice but to beat you, kick you. stomp on your face, taser you and then unfortunately shot you dead. All in the name of protecting public safety of course.They will state as they always do that they responded to a call and found you out of control and that unfortunately in the attempt to stop you from hurting others or yourself they had to stop you from living. There have been three cases of this in my state in the last year. One happened in my town of East Providence RI. There are probably more but these are such unfortunate accidents that they don't normally get the publicity they deserve. I also live in the very small state Rhode Island. To add to the unjust horror of these crimes the young man in each crime has been diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.In the third one the parents were said to be trying to take him to a mental hospital so his status was never actually declaired. Those that have already been attacked with V2K and given a false diagnosis have been drugged and in at least two of the three cases weighs in excess of three hundred pounds. In each case the parents called the police because their son was acting erratic and had picked up a weapon to defend themselves. In my town police disarmed, cuffed and beat the young man to death even after he was cuffed and on the ground my police had been ordered to contact the State police and attorney General should another unfortunate death occur since there has been so many as of late. the police felt though that they hadn't actually arrested the dead young man yet so didn't comply with the order. Of course they were very remorseful and would increase training so this wouldn't happen again. To add insult to injury I just read about a TI committed who was being force injected as his torture on MindFree until he committed suicide. I read some of the many letters he wrote pleading for it to stop and that the Attorney General has the right to have this done to someone deamed a danger to others or themselves. I can't help wonder if this is what happened to me all very secret and silent with no representation, no chance to state your case, no ability to face your accuser and no trial.It is probably just a coincidence that police raced in on me just less than an hour before this killing of a three hundred lb man diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenic who has been hearing voices threatening to attack him. I guess it is also a coincidence that I am a 300 lb plus man also attacked and given that false diagnosis. To add to the coincidence I had been riding around the back roads and had turned into a historic grave yard with someone I was talking with when police raced in and rushed me out of the grave yard past another parked police car. I still can't explain how they always know where I am. A month earlier another 300 lb paranoid schizophrenic man was in his yard the next town over in Pawtucket with a samurai sword trying to defend himself against unknown attackers and in his yard when he was shot to death. I only recently found that another young man in North Kingstown was in his own home and in his bed room with a knife when police tasered him and then shot him about ten times. In these cases the parents that called police are so traumatized that they can't speak about the crime and after seeing their son killed and hauled away dead they are PTSD.Remember this, anyone who picks up a weapon in an attempt to defend themselves no matter how bad the psychological attack is going to be executed. As long as V2K is not acknowledged to exist this will be considered a necessary action, even though it was on the Army's list of acronyms for weapons or non lethal weapon and happened to be taken off after just a week or two after I mentioned this to the FBI in a conversation. My guess is that they don't want to kill me but that they are using the same old tactic of intimidation to silence me. Perhaps because of all the evidence I have like being hospitalized by a weapon that seems likely to be MEDUSA, being involuntarily committed and surviving torture and a forced suicide attempt where I had to listen to my nine year old daughter(Armies voice cloning) be kidnapped and attacked by the same people had just attacked me and put me in the hospital. As she was calling to me to save her they were telling me to jump out the window and to hang myself. I to was traumatized and couldn't speak about it for about five years.That is how I know why the family members of these unofficial hits/assassinations or law enforcement practice kills have so much trouble talking about and confronting the murder of their children.My mental health records that I obtained state that I was hospitalized by police and that my home was searched for bomb making materials. I also found that false police reports were made in my name against another TI to enlist his help in an earlier staged attack and false arrest that failed when he couldn't go through with stabbing me with a screwdriver. When I was being cuffed I found a large knife had been hidden behind the railing of the truck as a back up weapon and this is also in the police report. Earlier during another attack while I was still married pornography had been put on our trash so as my wife's daycare was opening her customers and there children would walk by this material sabotaging her business. The officer who had falsely arrested me at that later incident was the one who showed up to take the porno and gun magazines that were with the obsene material and had an officers address on then. This responding officer never filed a police report though later showing me his complicity and at another later date I filed a police report against him with internal investigations for another altercation with him. I also know of acquaintances of this officer using spotlighting on his and my neighbor until the two had a fight in the middle of the road. I think it is rumoured that this officer hung at a gas station drinking and smoke weed and must have been teaching these psyop tactics to perps in training.Here is a basic rule, these attacks can be used to make you pick up a weapon to protect yourself. Don't it might get you killed. The main idea is to make it appear that you kill yourself so don't. If you are falsely involuntarily committed try to survive any attacks by V2K and what I believe to be silent MEDUSA. Put wet towels on you head to help your "sinuses" will help defend against the attack. don't tell them you are under attack by directed energy weapons you have been set up. Do your best to hide the attack and appear normal. Now while you can check to see who is listed as your emergency medical contact incase you are disabled and see that that person has your back and won't agree to having you committed in the first place. I was deamed delusional after the supposed MEDUSA attack and drugged unconscious. If you get out and later you are given drugs don't take them if you don't need them and look them up to see that they are not giving you almost three times the maximum dose to kill you as they did to me. Look up any drugs on the Internet and look for dangerous interactions. Try not to drink alcohol, a CIA hand book on covert assassinations listed all the ways they tried to kill me and giving drugs that react badly with alcohol was one way that I didn't realize until it was almost to late.Just keep in mind they are looking for a way so that you kill yourself. don't do it be intelligent, cautious and do give them any reason or justification to kill you. It is not illegal to covertly force someone to kill themselves and if it does become so we will have difficulty doing it. their next course of action is to have you assist in your own death like the attempt to kill me with massive doses. If they can't out right get away with it then they at least limit there liability. In a Justice department righting liability was the main reason for developing non-lethal torture weapons. don't put medicine in your mouth without researching it on the Internet. If you appear to be walking in a staged situation turn around and avoid it while remaining calm. they stage confrontational situations and even the witnesses many times have been positioned there and don't even know it. Many times the police showing up have been told you are dangerous as in my case and you can see the fear in there eyes. don't give them any cause to react. another problem is once one officer fires they all do, again this is a defense against liability so they don't actually know who fired first. Stay safe an be smart this program might be in danger of exposing the governments illicit activity and they may be trying to destroy the eveidence. That would be us by the way.Peter Rosenholm
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The German government elite and the armed forces will receive Celvapan, an adjuvant-free vaccine manufactured by Baxter. The German public will receive a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline with adjuvants.German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill IngredientsTags:* SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURE“Critics argue that Adjuvantien [adjuvants in the vaccine] could lead to increased inoculation reactions such as headache or fever.” The German government elite and the armed forces will receive Celvapan, an adjuvant-free vaccine manufactured by Baxter. The German public will receive a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline with adjuvants.On July 13, the World Health Organization ordered the inclusion of the deadly adjuvants in the H1N1 vaccine. WHO’s vaccine advisory panel is stacked executives from Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi. Baxter’s own scientists have stated in the New England Journal of Medicine that adjuvants do not improve antibody response.Webmaster's Commentary:Why are the German elites and military getting the adjuvant-free vaccine, while the working people of Germany are not.You have to shake your head on this one.And note that the talking heads on US corporate media are saying that there is a "swine flu vaccine shortage" in this country. What does this mean? The very real potential of the use of adjuvants in future batches of the US vaccine.As reported on 8 October 2009 in:"Vaccination Adjuvant Squalene Not In 2009 Batch, But May Be Soon""While the 2009 swine and seasonal flu vaccines don't contain squalene, an additive linked to autoimmune issues, they could at some point. The public should stay tuned.""Adjuvants are sometimes added to vaccines to elicit a long-lasting and heightened immune response in the body. Super charging the immune response allows vaccine makers to drastically reduce the amount of the viral antigen needed.""Less vaccine required per person," says leading natural health writer Dr. Joseph Mercola, "means more individual doses available for mass vaccination campaigns. Coincidentally, this is exactly the goal of government and the pharmaceutical companies who stand to make millions from their vaccine."German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients

Kurt Nimmo
October 18, 2009

Spiegel Online is reporting that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and government ministers will receive a special, additive-free H1N1 vaccine. “The Vakzin [vaccine] does not contain disputed additives — contrary to the vaccine for the remainder of the population,” reports the newspaper.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, is shown here hobnobbing with fellow minions of the elite, Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy.
flu pandemic German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients
flu pandemic German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredientsflu pandemic German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients

Here is an English translation of the article.

“Critics argue that Adjuvantien [adjuvants in the vaccine] could lead to increased inoculation reactions such as headache or fever.” The German government elite and the armed forces will receive Celvapan, an adjuvant-free vaccine manufactured by Baxter. The German public will receive a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline with adjuvants.

Employees of the Paul Ehrlich Institute will also get the adjuvant-free vaccine. Johannes Löwer, president of the institute, said in August that the vaccine causes worse side effects than the virus. Löwer’s comment came after German lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg said the vaccine increases the risk of cancer. The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals.

Spiegel reports that there is an “open rebellion” by general medical professionals and child physicians in Germany over use of the toxic vaccine. Dieter Ludwig, chairman of the drug commission of the German medical profession, told Spiegel that health authorities have colluded with pharmaceutical companies.

On July 13, the World Health Organization ordered the inclusion of the deadly adjuvants in the H1N1 vaccine. WHO’s vaccine advisory panel is stacked executives from Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi. Baxter’s own scientists have stated in the New England Journal of Medicine that adjuvants do not improve antibody response.

As Dr. Russell Baylock has warned, the adjuvant squalene is linked to the Gulf War Syndrome. Soldiers who took the anthrax vaccine from 1990 to 1991 had an increased risk of 200 percent in developing the deadly disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease. The soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating and life-shortening diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart’s inner lining), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (a type of kidney disease), according to Baylock.

(Article continues below)

German Chancellor, Ministers Get Special Vaccine Without Soft Kill Ingredients 260909banner

“Because squalene, the main ingredient in MF-59, can induce hyperimmune responses and induce autoimmunity, a real danger exists for prolonged activation of the brain’s immune cells, the microglia. This type of prolonged activation has been strongly associated with such diseases as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS and possibly vaccine-related encephalitis. It has been shown that activation of the systemic immune system, as occurs with vaccination, rapidly activates the brain’s microglia at the same time, and this brain inflammation can persist for long periods,” notes Baylock.

The fact minions of the ruling elite in Germany will get a special vaccine without adjuvants is simply more evidence that squalene is a soft kill weapon designed to injure and slow kill the general population, considered by our eugenicist rulers as little more than useless eaters.

In the United States, a large number of people are refusing to take the deadly vaccine. In response, the government has launched a massive propaganda campaign.

If this propaganda effort fails, the government may eventually impose mandatory vaccinations on the public under the ruse of a public emergency.


The CDC says H1N1 vaccine in the U.S. will not contain squalene, however some doses of the H1N1 vaccine will contain thimerosal, a known culprit in causing autism and neurological deficits.

On September 15, Physorg reported that the H1N1 vaccine will contain thimerosal. The mercury-based preservative “will be found in most vials of the H1N1 vaccine.”

4,500 families are suing the government because they believe vaccines caused their child’s autism.

“Studies indicate that mercury tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals after they are injected with vaccines. Mercury poisoning has been linked to cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and many other nervous system conditions,” writes Dawn Prate for Natural News. Since the 1990s, there has been a tenfold or 1000-percent increase in autism, according to research cited by Prate.

Are vaccines a eugenics weapon or are scientists and the vaccine manufacturers just clueless? You decide.

Doctor says H1N1 vaccine is Dangerous

Alex Jones lays out the eugenics campaign of the global elite in his landmark documentary, Endgame. Watch the entire film in HD below. Order the DVD at the Infowars Store, copy it, and pass it out to your family, friends, and neighbors.

Prison Members Will BeThe FIRST To See FallOf The Republic On October 21st- Don't Miss Out! GetYour Subscription Today!

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Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons and their Terrorist Use:Immediate Strategic Aspects of the Asymmetric War on the U.S.By Dr. Lt. Col Tom Bearden (Retired)© T. E. BeardenOct. 13, 2004Drafted Sept. 11, 2004 on the Third Anniversary of 9/11/01So in early 1990, the weather engineering operations over North Americawere assumed from the FSB/KGB by the Yakuza/Aum Shinrikyo teams, andoperations continued with the Yakuza’s leased giant scalar interferometers.The weather engineering against the United States continues today under therogue Japanese teams on site in Russia, with direct FSB/KGB supervision.Cold War Development of Scalar InterferometryPrior to 1990, our weather over North America was being steadily engineered bythe KGB æ particularly beginning on July 4, 1976 æ using giant strategic scalarinterferometers on site in Russia {i,ii,iii,iv}. From the beginning of thedevelopment program started shortly after WW II, the KGB personally controlledthe development of startling new Russian weapons under the Soviet energeticsprogram {v,vi,vii}. That program was for research and eventual development ofhighly advanced new superweapons more powerful than the atomic bomb.The new superweapons were developed, produced, manned, and operated by theKGB itself, and were never placed in the hands of the regular Russian armedforces. Speaking to the Presidium in 1960, Khrushchev referred to the forthcomingscalar interferometer weapons with the following statement:"We have a new weapon æ just within the portfolio of our scientists, so to speak æso powerful that, if unrestrainedly used, it could wipe out all life on earth."The large Soviet strategic scalar interferometers were deployed and becameoperational in April 1963 æ a bit too late for Khrushchev to use and counter theU.S. confrontation in the Cuban Missile Crisis of latter 1962. However, the firstoperational weapon was used to destroy the U.S.S. Thresher nuclear submarineunderwater and on maneuvers off the East Coast of the United States, in April1963. Thereby Khrushchev demonstrated the power of his new weapons over oneof the major three elements of the strategic military nuclear firepower...scalar wars.pdf, 90 KB Scalar wars.doc, 105 KB S
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#685 Moscow Mayor Promises a Winter Without Snow/ Weather WarsCovert weather wars seem increasingly possible as the Mayor of Moscow promises that there will be no snow in Moscow as chemicals will be seeded into the clouds before they reach Moscow causing them to dump their snow and dissipate leaving sunny snow less days in the city.Peter Rosenholm Mayor Promises a Winter Without SnowBy SIMON SHUSTER / MOSCOW Simon Shuster / Moscow – Sat Oct 17, 9:15 am ETPigs still can't fly, but this winter, the mayor of Moscow promises to keep it from snowing. For just a few million dollars, the mayor's office will hire the Russian Air Force to spray a fine chemical mist over the clouds before they reach the capital, forcing them to dump their snow outside the city. Authorities say this will be a boon for Moscow, which is typically covered with a blanket of snow from November to March. Road crews won't need to constantly clear the streets, and traffic - and quality of life - will undoubtedly improve.The idea came from Mayor Yury Luzhkov, who is no stranger to playing God. In 2002, he spearheaded a project to reverse the flow of the vast River Ob through Siberia to help irrigate the country's parched Central Asian neighbors. Although that idea hasn't exactly turned out as planned - scientists have said it's not feasible - this time, Luzhkov says, there's no way he can fail.Controlling the weather in Moscow is nothing new, he says. Ahead of the two main holidays celebrated in the city each year - Victory Day in May and City Day in September - the often cash-strapped air force is paid to make sure that it doesn't, well, rain on the parades. With a city budget of $40 billion a year (larger than New York City's budget), Moscow can easily afford the $2-3 million price tag to keep the skies blue as spectators watch the tanks and rocket launchers roll along Red Square. Now there's a new challenge for the air force: Moscow's notorious blizzards."You know how every year on City Day and Victory Day we create the weather?" Luzhkov asked a group of farmers outside Moscow in September, according to Russian media reports. "Well, we should do the same with the snow! Then outside Moscow there will be more moisture, a bigger harvest, while for us it won't snow as much. It will make financial sense."The plan was unsurprisingly rubber-stamped this week by the Moscow City Council, which is dominated by Luzhkov's supporters. Then the city's Department of Housing and Public Works described how it would work. The air force will use cement powder, dry ice or silver iodide to spray the clouds from Nov. 15 to March 15 - and only to prevent "very big and serious snow" from falling on the city, said Andrei Tsybin, the head of the department. This could mean that a few flakes will manage to slip through the cracks. Tsybin estimated that the total cost of keeping the storms at bay would be $6 million this winter, roughly half the amount Moscow normally spends to clear the streets of snow.So far the main objection to the plan has come from Moscow's suburbs, which will likely be inundated with snow if the plan goes forward. Alla Kachan, the Moscow region's ecology minister, said the proposal still needs to be assessed by environmental experts and discussed with the people living in the area before Luzhkov can enact it. "The citizens of the region have some concerns. We have received lots of messages," she told the RIA news agency. (Read TIME's 1991 article "The End of the U.S.S.R.")With only a few weeks left before winter comes, environmentalists will have to work fast to keep Luzhkov from implementing his zaniest plan to date - and to stop the first snowflakes from wafting down to the city streets. 15, 2007Unusually warm temperatures around the globe this winter have hit Russia. It's hard to believe for January, but there's no snow in Moscow, where residents are complaining about balmy temperatures — even after last year's record freeze all but shut down the city.Gregory Feifer, NPRMuscovites stroll in snow-less Red Square, where the weather is hovering at an unheard-of 50 degree this month. Channel Documentary Validates Chemtrails and Weather Warfare Airs July25 4pm
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Worldwide protest on 14 Oct 2009 (Some protest locations are possible on 12 - 17 Oct) Dear all, Here is the list of worldwide protest locations of banning Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuses and tortures Worldwide protest location: China (No street protest. Only Internet Mass emails and websites promotion) Contact Person: Soleilmavis Email: Website: Facebook: USA Worldwide Protest Location: Washington D.C. Department Of Justice, White House, Local Transportation: Metro stop - McPherson Square, Farragut North. Housing: Local volunteers will put up out-of-towners. Date: 12-17 Oct 2009 10am-5pm Contact Person: Marc Burnell Email: (burnellmarc(a) Cassandra Lewis (gardenlove1988(a) Tel: 202-528-2752, 410-532-6223 (lynnmweed(a) Notes: Protesters must keep moving if holding a signs or banners, cannot have any boxes on sidewalk. Should dress appropriately. Everything must be 3 feet from fence, always. Will have soe sodas on the 14th and will be leaving early on other days. Bring a copy of the press release to read to the media if asked questions. Marc Burnell will participate definitely on the 14th all day. May leave early on the other days. Worldwide Protest Location: San Francisco, California 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (the "Victory Garden:" between Polk, Grove, McAllister and Larkin Streets, across the street from F City Hall) Directions: MUNI bus line: 49 Van Ness, or Civic Center BART Station, then walk up one block on Grove to City Hall Time: 11 am to 2 pm Date: 14 Oct 2009 Contact Person: Christine Harris Email:,, (christinelynnharris(a), christinelynnharris(a), cococobella(a) Tel: 415-235-6466 c Bruno Marchesani (bruno_marchesani(a) (650) 776-1814 cell There is a park across the street, directly in the center of City Hall, this is where the protest will be held. Respectfully and gracefully so we can gain respect. We are protesting with a large group downtown, as Obama is going to be here for a fundraiser, at 5:00 P.M. at the Westin St. Francis, Powell and Geary Streets, San Francisco, CA We will get some media attention. Our own Cathy Meadows in Merced has produced a video for the protest viewable at Worldwide Protest Location: Los Angeles, California Location: On the corner of Westwood Blvd &Leconte, ACLU campus. Date: 14 Oct 2009 8am Contact Person: Keith Email: (mgb.young(a) Contact Person: Wanda D Email:, lloydjameson(a), wanda(a) Worldwide protest Location: Philadelphia: pamphleteering - Location: Southwest corner of 15th and Market Streets Date: 14 Oct 2009 4pm New location: "This way, if it rains we can go below ground where there are a lot of shops and plenty of people. And if it is sunny we can give out flyers right there a there at the Clothespin. I will be at the top of the el giving out flyers. If other T.Is want to help T, she will pass out bright orange plastic vests with the logo "ww.mindjustice. org" on the back for volunteers to wear. Contact: T. Josephine - Email: (xposperps(a) Worldwide Protest Location: Cincinnati PLACE: MAIN LIBRARY DOWNTOWN, 800 VINE ST. Date: 14 Oct 2009 10:30 AM Contact Person: Derrick Robinson (derrickrobinson(a) Tel: 513-344-4113 Worldwide Protest Location: New York (No protest, could not get City Permit on time) new york will be sending letters and press releases to legislators, NY media and organizations. However, Denise is giving rides to NYers who want to go down to the Wash, DC protest. Her phone number is 917-273-2200. Canada Worldwide Protest Location: Victoria, British Columbia in front of Chapters, 1212 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC Canada. Date: 14 Oct 2009 2:30 pm Contact Person: Deborah A. Newhook (dbnewhook(a) Tel: 250-591-5888 Worldwide Protest Location: Toronto, ON Canada. Legislative Assembly grounds, in front of Legislative Assembly, if no city permit, we will protest not far from it (on any street). Date: 14 Oct 2009. 10am to 3pm Contact person: Galina Kurdina Email: (helenkurdin(a) UK Worldwide Protest Location: United Kingdom Trafalgar Square, London Date: 14 Oct 2009 Contact Person: Winston Smith Email: (winston_smith_will_win(a) INDIA 12-17 Oct 1009 No street protest. Only Internet emails Contact: Vijay Karthic Email: (vijayk_dsp(a) Several Press Release for Discussion (1) Press release (A previous Press Release given by mcmailteam) Thousands of people are asking for an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment. In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being under attack. This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a distance,beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens. The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly,they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged at local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored. It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real. The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation. Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of activists. In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post",written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance. Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. And Starting a collective campaign against abuses and tortures of the following:- DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS; MIND CONTROL WEAPONS; BODY AND BRAIN MANIPULATION WEAPONS; PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS; SPACE WEAPONS; NON-LETHAL WEAPONS; COINTELPRO; AND any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations. Online petition: (2) Press release (Given by Judy T., mfa (visual artist/unemployed teacher), Please discuss)(envisionarfarf(a) Thousands of people are demanding international investigations into incidious human rights violations, covertly being waged against innocent humans worldwide. In recent years the numbers of targeted individuals of these crimes has grown to such an extent that people the world over are now able to speak out against the torture/attacks they have been enduring. These attacks are committed with the use of technology that functions invisably to the naked eye, having the capability to function from vast distances, invade through structures/materials, and effect harm on innocent human beings. People are suffering severely: their health, and quality of life under constant attack. People are dying, a slow torturous death. Along with technologically oriented attacks, the stalking, defamation of character, and persistant abusive treatment by government employees, retailers, employers or potential employers, and others has to be stopped. Victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly,they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. For the most part victims do not get answers due to the lack of knowledge (or professed lack of knowledge) concerning the technology, on the part of the organizations or related professionals victims approach for assistance. Victims are bounced around from one agency to another, or from one lawyer to another; leaving the crimes against innocent humans to continue. Complaints lodged at local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored. The enormous international scale of these crimes being reported, and their serious nature, necessitates immediate international investigation into these atrocities against innocent humans. The international scope of humans under attack has spawned a world-wide movement coordinated via the internet to address these crimes being waged against them, as well as to inform others who are under attack, and people in general. In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post",written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance. Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. Victims are demanding that these crimes be made public, and that an international investigation commence immediately. (3) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Given by Derrick Robinson) Thousands of people are seeking an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are secretly taking place worldwide. To raise awareness of these crimes, the privacy rights organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) in the United States, the Anti-Fascist Resistance Movement in Canada along with victims worldwide are holding collective protests during the week of October 12 - 17 in several locations throughout the globe: Toronto and Nanaimo, Canada, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC in the United States, London England and China. Covert harassment groups use classified technology to render electronic assaults remotely and often further harass their victims with organized stalking. In recent years the number of those crimes against humanity rose significantly so that now we can openly speak about a civilian population that is under attack from rogue elements of government and business, as well as private citizens that harass, threaten, and sometimes torture their victims. The persons targeted continually report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. However, there has mostly been no response because of a general lack of knowledge about the technologies that can access and harass the human mind and body from a distance. Complaints lodged at local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored. And psychiatrists at mental institutions may sometimes diagnose these patients as delusional. In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, which detailed the plight of directed energy weapons and organized stalking victims. With the upcoming event, groups of targeted individuals are starting a collective global campaign against remote electronic assault and mind control technologies in hopes that enough people will awaken to the dangers that are facing humanity to bring these criminal abuses to an immediate halt. (4) For Immediate Release Press Release October 14, 2009 ?Global Day of Protest The International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse (IAACEA) is a worldwide campaign for the right of people to be free from covert community based harassment and electronic abuse. This abuse has caused serious and widespread violations of basic human rights. Such unlawful acts of covert harassment have been going on for decades, and are now commonplace throughout the world.. Our global aim is to break the silence around the issue of covert abuse and reclaim our basic rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thousands of documents exist regarding the usage of this shameful, criminal technology: military patents, government reports, declassified documents, scientific journal and mainstream magazine articles, information obtained through FOIA requests, books written by former military personnel, etc. The amount of information is overwhelming, but it is mostly kept hidden from the mainstream media. For more information, please visit: Victoria BC Canada, Wednesday, October 14, 2009: the IAACEA is staging a worldwide protest against the use of electronic technologies that assault and harass members of the unwitting public. This coalition unites concerned professionals and victim groups from all over the world. Protest will begin at 2:30pm, 1212 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC. Simultaneous protests are taking place in the following global locations: USA Los Angeles; San Francisco; New York; Washington, DC; Philadelphia; Cincinnati Canada Victoria, British Columbia Toronto UK London China Email protest only Through these protests and international solidarity, our goals are: *To Educate the public about the erosion of our basic human rights. *To Lobby the government to create laws to protect people from covert electronic abuse. *To Provide community support for those people and their families who are affected by covert electronic abuse. *To Challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law. *To Collaborate with international organizations: to obtain justice for survivors of torture; to hold accountable the governments and individuals who perpetrate torture; to develop the means of ensuring compliance with international standards and securing remedies for victims.
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19 Sep 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends

19 Sep 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Science Channel Popular Science's Future of "Security" Hello All: Science Channel Popular Science's Future of "Security" What I saw on the commercial was the technology showing "see-thru-walls" and also beaming of sound at an individual -- surprisingly, techniques that affect targeted individuals. However, this is the actual write-up from the cable guide: "Ground breaking security technology includes autonomous rolling robots, security cameras that recognize faces and methods of sensing guilt." Air Dates and Times: 8/31 -- 9pm 9/1 -- 12:00am and 4pm 9/2 -- 4am I think this is the first showing of this. Please pass this info on to any who may be interested. Thanks. Cassandra 410-532-6223 (2) Send a letter of support to your Congressperson concerning the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009(H.R. 984) Hi, I think this is an action we can support and work towards which will help towards our long-term goals. You just need to get the name and email address of your local Congressperson which can usually be found in the telephone book, internet, or 411, or 311 in New York. Representative Jerry Nadler is in New York, Bronx 212-367-7350. Representative Elliot Engle is in Rockland County, Westchester County 845-735-1000 Congressman William Delahunt D-MA is 508-771-0666 Toll-Free: 800-870-2626 Take action to restore justice by sending the message below to your members of Congress. Please feel free to add your own words below. Re: Send a letter of support to your Congressperson concerning the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009 (House Resolution 984) Re: Ongoing Severe Violations of U.S. Constitutional, and Human Rights, under the ‘cover’ of U.S. Secrecy, on Innocent Citizens, at home [in the U.S.] [Spanning from peacetimes, through wartimes, and continuing in 2009] Re: Victims on Ongoing Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Research/Experimentation, Testing, and Evaluation, of [typically satellites-based or other] electromagnetic signals monitoring and/or assault of the human body and/or brain,typically day and night, typically for years, and numerous cases for years and years. Support the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009. Support of H.R. 1026 to reopen investigation of COINTELPRO. This is an auto-generated system message. Thank you. Seoul South Korea (3) New survey You can fill it in or just read it (it's only a draft version at the moment) Darrim Daoud Peace, Freedom & Justice (4) Social Cognitive Research Lab at UCLA , has some a lot of really interesting articles to read like the one called "Probing the Social Brain" at (5) potenially march and protest with this group!!!!! With our own signs!! ** Mass Antiwar Rally and March! ** When: October 17, 2009 11:00 AM Where: UN Plaza Market and 7th San Francisco, CA 94101 (6) Global protest conference call These calls are dedicated to the goal of United groups of targets globally. We will continue to discuss the progress made in gaining unity as well as the upcoming protest that is planned for October 14. Collectively as a group, we may not be prepared with all the pamphlets and education material but there are a few groups of TIs who wish to push forward without delay to have our first of many peaceful protests/demonstrations. Start Time (EDT): 09/23/09 07:00 PM EDT Duration (minutes): 120 Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 54307 or link and listen via your computer Debbie Newhook (7) send your TORTURE CASES to THE EUROPEAN OMBUDSMAN - , use reference COMPLAINT: 1568/2006/(AVM)OV MR NIKIFOROS DIAMANDOUROS THE EUROPEAN OMBUDSMAN COMPLAINT: 1568/2006/(AVM)OV (8) Online supporting
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22 Sep 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends

22 Sep 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) An Conference Invitation from The EMR Policy Institute Advancing Sound Electromagnatic Radiation (EMR) Public Policy P.O.Box 117 Marshfield VT 05658 Email: info@ Tel: 802-426-3035 Fax: 802-426-3035 Please join us for an important conference on Sunday, November 8, 2009 at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Electromagnetic Radiation Impacts on Human Health Agenda: (1) Samuel Milham MD, MPH - "Electrification's Tragic Legacy" Chronic Disease Epidemiologist, Washington State Department of Health, 1968-1988 Clinical Associate Professor, University of Washington School of Public Health, 1968 to present Dr. Milham hypothesizes that the 20th century epidemic of the so-called diseases of civilization including cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, and suicide was caused by electrification not by lifestyle. The explosive recent increase in radiofrequency radiation, and high frequency voltage transients sources, especially in urban areas from cell phones and towers, terrestrial antennas, wi-fi and wi-max systems, broadband internet over power lines, and personal electronic equipment, suggests that like the 20th century EMR epidemic, we may already have a 21st century epidemic of morbidity and mortality underway caused by electromagnetic radiation. The good news is that many of these diseases may be preventable by environmental manipulation, if society so chooses. Dr. Milham was the 1997 recipient of the Ramazzini Award for his outstanding contribution to the epidemiology of occupational disease, with particular reference to carcinogenic risk from electromagnetic fields. (2) Frank Barnes PhD - "Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields" Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder A new National Research Council report of the National Academies of Science, chaired by Professor Barnes, calls for a stronger research effort on the potential health effects of exposure to radio frequency energy tied to the global explosion in wireless technology like cell phones, laptops and hand-held pdf's, WiFi, etc. (3) Magda Havas PhD - "Evidence of Health Harm from Electromagnetic Radiation" Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University in Ontario, Canada Professor Havas's research on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation is directed towards school environments and towards subjects with a diagnosis of diabetes and multiple sclerosis. She is the author of numerous published studies and papers on health effects of electromagnetic radiation. (4) Garl Olhoeft PhD - "Electromagnetic Interference and Medical Implants" Professor of Geophysics at Colorado School of Mines specializing in Electrical Engineering, Physics and Solid State Physics. Electromagnetic energy can play havoc with cutting edge medical implants. Translating the complex science and drawing upon personal experience of such interference with his own implant, Dr. Olhoeft's information poses important public policy questions on protecting the disabled from interference. (5) Jerry L. Phillips PhD - "Electromagnetic Fields and DNA Damage" Professor Phillips is a Science Educator and Project Director at the Biological Science Curriculum Study at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO. Professor Phillips is a past professor and researcher in cell biology and molecular biochemistry, and author of numerous studies on the biological effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation. (6) Cindy Sage, MA - "The BioInitiative Report and a Biologically-Based Exposure Standard" The Report was written by an international team of scientists. Ms. Sage will overview The Report and actions being taken around the world to protect the public and the clear need for biologically-based standards. The US has yet to undertake parallel action. Ms. Sage is an EMR Environmental Consultant and author of numerous articles and books on electromagnetic fields, health effects and public policy. She will discuss "next steps" in developing biologically-based electromagnetic human exposure standards that are protective of public health and that are developed through traditional public health approaches. Time: Sunday November 8, 2009 from 9 AM to 4 PM. Venue: Green Graduate and Professional Center Colorado Petroleum Room 924 16th Street Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401 Lodging: A block of rooms is available for reservations at the lovely Table Mountain Inn at a discounted rate if reserved by October 4th. The Inn is a short walk from the Colorado School of Mines. You can reserve for Friday, November 6, 2009 and/or Saturday, November 7, 2009. Regular King rooms are $115 and the big King rooms are $130. Guests can extend at the discounted rate by requesting the extension in advance. Please call the Table Mountain Inn at 303-216-8010, request a room in this reserved block (School of Mines Conference) and provide payment directly to the Table Mountain Inn. Registration: Registration is free thanks to the sponsorship of The EMR Policy Institute Advance registration is required as seating is limited. Janet Newton will email back to you a confirmed registration when you e-mail the following information to: . Subject: attend Mines Conference Name................................................................ Organization/Profession............................................. Address.............................................................. Phone................................................................ Fax................................................................. Email................................................................ Website............................................................. (2) "Christine Lynn Harris" < > calls for MASS Petition European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe 67075 Strasbourg-Cedex France Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 20 18 Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 30 France Embassy Here are the emails for the France Embassy in Washington DC. (I think we can focus on this embassy now) ; ; Other Contacts information: (4) Mass Petition to UK Embassies Please send your case summary to UK Embassies , , , , , , , , : , , , , , , , , , , , , , (5)Good News from Bob Levin ( ) Saturday, August 22, 2009 Re: Notice of Federal Investigation On August 20, 2009 the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General notified me that the have remanded my complaint to the FBI’s Inspection Division; the United States Marshals Service Office of Internal Affairs; and to the Office of the Inspector General for the Social Security Administration. I am drafting a response that includes my intention to not allow this matter to become segmented and to reopen a 3rd COINTELPRO investigation with the appointment of a special independent counsel who has been afforded subpoena powers for obtaining the classified document that the majority of you will never be able to obtain otherwise. Within my response I will breakdown the TI Community into percentages while explaining the reasons behind the Anti-TI Activists’ success in suppressing this holocaust from exposure to the public. I am recommending that the USDOJ install a group one investigation with forensic accountants to examine the financial assets harvested by persons of interest. Previously the Special Whitehouse Assistant to the President mailed me a personal letter requesting additional information. To the TI Community, I have never and will never ask any of you for one copper penny. My association with you is now only two years old within the ten years of my becoming a targeted individual. The sincerity of my Pro-TI Activism is recognized by some and has seen attempts at its subversion by others. Life as those individuals know it will soon be over. Bob Levin (6) Mass Petition to NATO Anyone who can help to find all the details contacts of the followings? North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- NATO Email: The current NATO Secretary General is Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The current NATO Deputy Secretary General is Amb. Claudio Bisogniero. The NATO Spokesman is James Appathurai NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia is Robert F. Simmons Principal officials NATO Permanent Representatives We can start our Mass Petition to above-mentioned officers, later we also can continue our Mass Petition to the following offices. NATO Heads of Government NATO Heads of State NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs NATO Ministers of Defence Others (7)A leter from Lynn Weed "Draft for Our Coalition" discussion of human subject testing, as a crime needing to be addressed: It seems that nonconsensual human subject testing is the violation of international law that draws the attention of international groups concerned with human rights, international peace, freedom from abuse and other similar issues. As victim/survivors of this, it would seem to be a tie that binds us -- the nonconsensual testing. Americans, Canadians, the French, etc. -- shudder at the Nazi atrocities in Germany, an international reaction, to say the least. If NATO is involved in the perpetration, which they may be, they are violating international law, specifically on this issue. It is an important aspect. It may why they are targeting us. We should try to explain why we believe these very unusual occurrences are happening. Nonconsensual testing of the military intelligence community certainly makes sense of some of this. (We also believe that third party contractors are involved in the apartments, buildings, etc.) To not include unauthorized human subject testing, leaves out a serious professional and potential "community problem" aspect of this. ________________________________________ "Our Ethical Violations Defined" by Lynn Weed In a sustainable and civilized world, insistance on the ethical use of electromagnetic (EM) energy and devices, by governments and individuals is vital. We define EM energy as the frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum, microwaves, infrared frequencies, radio waves, extremely low frequency (elf) and others. All EM energies are radiation. EM energy power exists in many aspects of our lives. Currently, for instance, it makes it possible for two people to speak to each other, wirelessly, when one is thousands of miles away, through the use of a cellular telephone (microwave powered). It powers microwave ovens and our laptops. Medically, MRI's, CAT scans and x-rays are the result of EM frequencies directed at and penetrating the human body. In the history of EM development, unfortunately, ethical and human rights violations have occurred in Europe and America. The Nuremberg trials in Germany exposed the shocking German medical experiments. An ethnic group, those with Jewish heritages, was marginalized, tortured and experimented on. Early EM testing on concentration camp victims took place. After World War II, it was revealed the U.S. had created its own nonconsensual experimentation, the MKUltra experiments on American children. Some of the defined goals of this experimentation on unwitting subjects were: a. To research techniques to impose control over the will of an individual, including neuron surgery, electric shock and, drugs and hypnosis; b. To design and test septal electrodes that would enable defendants directly to control human behavior; 1. The CIA formally launched Sub-Project 119 in 1960, the purpose of which was to research, study, and interpret “bioelectric signals from the human organism, and activation of human behavior by remote means.” (Memorandum for the Record re MKLUTRA Subproject 119 from Technical Serves. Div., Research Branch, CIA (Aug. 17, 1960).) This Sub-Project involved the installation of “permanent septal electrodes . . . to determine the locus in which stimulations will produce specific reactions,” first in animals and later in humans. (Proposal Materials re MKULTRA Subproject 106, CIA (Jan. 1961) at 106-1.) The Army’s own report of the health effects of LSD experiments concluded in 1980 that: “Early experimental studies by Monroe and Heath and associates using electrodes implanted deeply in the brains of human subjects demonstrated the occurrence of spiking (epileptiform) activity in portions of the limbic system (hippocampus, amygadala [sic] and septal area) in response to LSD administration.” The United States has clearly had involvement in nonconsensual EM testing. Canada, also participated in this nonconsensual EM experimentation. The CIA was found guilty of unethical and negligent experimentation in the Orlikow vs U.S.A. case in 1986. (The actual experiments ocurred in Canada at McGill University.) We have reports from members in England, France and other European countries that similar testing of updated EM devices/weaponry is occuring. Nonconsensual testing of EM devices violates the Nuremberg Code, established at the end of World War II and international law. The transmission of EM energy from one point to another is silent and unseen. Using miniaturized portable EM transmitting devices, it is possible to test and harass a human subject in one apartment from another, in one room from another, in one building from another. Even though itis illegal, it is very hard to prove that a transmission of microwaves or EM signals is occurring. Some EM devices can cause human muscles to spasm, and vibrate, and it can cause nerve pain. High levels of microwave transmitted to the head can cause a ringing or buzzing sound to occur. These are some of the effects members report, after being exposed to this silent and unseen experimentation. Long term exposures, to these devices can cause migraine headaches, kidney problems, changes at the cellular level and other medical problems. Military intelligence development of these devices as weapons, has produced the tazer, acoustic heterodyne, active denial system and other EM based weaponry. Members in our group have experienced nonconsensual testing of these EM devices. It seems to be a "black budget" operation. (Meaning it appears to occur outside of or "above" the law). Group members have felt the transmission of EM continually, for several years. Members now, are experiencing similar medical pathologies, which can be attributable to overexposure to EM. Efforts to discover the source of this EM harassment were either very difficult or led members to the intelligence/military community in our individual countries. Further discovery and ending these exposures was stymied at this level. These weapons and devices continue in their development. Our Blackberries combine the capabilities of computer databases and cellular telephones. The U.S military spoke of "shock and awe" in its Iraqi military action. They refer to a device called the "Voice of God" to frighten Iraqi ground troops. This is a microwave audio (form of EM) transmission device. Reports of nonconsensual testing continue to grow. We come together from our individual nation states to complain and expose these illegal acts. This experimentation/harassment is invasive, painful and unpleasant. The involvement of the intelligence/military in a covert capacity, includes harassment and attempts to discredit the complaining or whistle blowing parties. Hitler accomplished his unethical experimentation by creating the camps, and the forced wearing of yellow arm bands. He generated propaganda concerning the "otherness" of the Jewish people. Victims of these latter day, unauthorized tests report similar, 21st Century, methods of discreditation. The nonconsensual testing is wrong. It is morally wrong. It is also a violation of international law. Our mission is to get this form of harassment/nonconsensual experimentation stopped. We seek effective action towards that goal. Comprehensive and competent press exposure of these unethical acts will aid us in our work. We want victims of these abuses to be made as "whole" as possible and have access to medical and psychological assistance. We are working to get this stopped. We ask that you support our goals and concentrated efforts to stop these violations of the human being.. If the development of these devices does not proceed along ethical lines, and in accord with international law (developed upon exposure of outrageous abuses), human rights, as we now understand and enjoy them, are severely jeopardized. We need to ask what kind of a world are we making and what are we leaving for our children? The very sustainability of civilization itself, is threatened by continued unauthorized human subject testing and EM weapon development in this manner. We ask that you speak with us and read the literature we provide and take our complaints and concerns very seriously. Thank you for your kind attention to our concerns. (8) The NRC's major focus for the next two decades is the Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies. This is an important publication Send to us by Timothy White M
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#682 Psychiatric Political hit from Drugs and a Forced SuicideThe forced suicide of Mike Heston(below)This and far more was done to me. It isn't an accident it is forced psychiatry, forced suicide and it is being done by authorities. They aren't doing this to the real criminally insane they are using it to execute people who question authorities and who file complaints against police or authorities as I did.It started with attacks by proxy and attempts at false arrest. When these failed it lead to involuntary commitment after what appears to have been an attack by MEDUSA using it's attack mode that was blastingly loud and sounded exactly like the attack mode of LRAD the sound weapon used on protesters at the Pittsburgh g20 protest. we are being attacked for exercising of freedom of speech and there are far worst weapons like MEDUSA that are through wall can can last for months or even years.The forced suicide then took the shape of a silent MEDUSA attack to cause the extreme anxiety and pain perhaps like the victim below felt but with a psychological attack by V2K pretending that my 9 year old daughter was being attacked while she called for me to help. During this I was being told to jump out the window and hang myself. I survived this attack and with a call to my daughter in the morning in which she answered exposed the attempt at forced suicide. This is the modern way people opposing crimes by authorities are now executed. There is no more horrible way to die but it is done out of cruelty with the desire to be covert while the suicide provides plausible deniability to authorities.After escaping psychiatric attack and attempt at forced suicide. I was then contacted by East Bay Mental health group. Doctor Mindy Rosenbloom drugged me to over twice the dose of Seroquel and other drugs saying they were for anxiety, until my feet turned black and I almost died. I was so traumatized by the involuntary commitment that I was in shock and PTSD. I was never given a blood test to document the damages to my organs and how I was developing sugar diabetes. This may be the case with the forced suicide written of below from MindPeace. This doctor was also on my governors board of health.Take note of how the suicide rates have increased. A young man in my town of East Providence RI was also falsely arrested by police and accused of attacking an officer Eric Lewis. His family were suing my town and police because this young man and his mother were hit in a police chase by police. His mother was killed and he was in a comma for two weeks suffering brain damage.I spoke at a council meeting telling of an attack by a group of people in a park and how this officer wrote a false police report in my name to cover the crime orchestrated by law enforcement. The members were silent. I found out months later that as I spoke this officer had already been convicted of filing a false report against the young man who's mother was killed by the police chase. Three days after I spoke this officer won an appeal financed by the police union.All attempts to expose these crimes have been thwarted by police,the FBI, my attorney general and every other agency I could contact. This is a political hit by authorities abusing the laws that exist. I now see that the Attorney General had this person committed and that is well possible in my case and why I could not get him to respond. My attorney general is also close friends with my congressman Patrick Kennedy.If I am to die for committing no crime then let me show the situation that we all are in, the real government we have. This is for Mike Heston, my people and God that I give testimony of these crimes and the corruption in our government that exists. May this help Mike Heston rest in peace.  Peter Rosenholm  Document ActionsUSA federal prisoner commits suicide after forced psychiatric drugsby David W. Oaks ― last modified 2008-03-13 13:07Mike Heston was a member of MindFreedom who wrote many times to the MFI office saying he is a prisoner who is experiencing involuntary psychiatric drug injections in the Federal Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota, USA. MindFreedom issued a human rights alert on his behalf. Mr. Heston's family has informed MindFreedom's office that he has committed suicide. Both the family and MindFreedom call for an investigation. Update: A Rochester newspaper published a news story on this topic.How many prisoners feel tortured by forced psychiatric drug injections in USA federal mental health facilities?16 February 2008 Update:The main newspaper in Rochester, Minnesota has published an article about MindFreedom's call for an investigation of the death of MFI member Michael Heston, to read the article click here.    8 February 2008 Update:Michael Heston sent many neatly printed letters in 2007 to the MindFreedom office about how he felt tortured by forced psychiatric drug injections in a federal mental health facility in Rochester, Minnesota. On International Human Rights, 10 December 2007, MindFreedom International issued an alert via web and e-mail alert system. You may read a copy of the original alert at the very bottom of this update. Mr. Heston committed suicide in January 2008. MindFreedom joins the Heston family in demanding an investigation of his death, and of the use of forced psychiatric drug injections in USA federal facilities.   ACTION YOU CAN TAKE:Please use these convenient web contact pages to send a civil message to the two USA Senators for Minnesota requesting an investigation of the death of Michael Heston, and of forced psychiatric drug injections in federal facilities.Senator Norm Coleman contact page: Senator Amy Klobuchar contact page:   Chronology based on reports from family and prison authorities:11 December 1993: The Federal Bureau of Prisons has confirmed with MindFreedom that Michael Heston was committed on that date for sending a threatening letter. He remained committed until his death.10 December 2007: After receiving letters from Mr. Heston about his forced psychiatric drug injections, MindFreedom International issued a human rights alert via web and e-mail alert system. Members contacted elected officials.21 January 2008: That Monday night he phoned his family about four or five times pleading for help. He said he was scheduled for another forced psychiatric drug injection the next day.22 January 2008: At 1:30 am early Tuesday morning, Mr. Heston attempts suicide by hanging himself and is apparently incapacitated. He is moved to Mayo Clinic for care. The family flies in.24 January 2008: The family arrives and agrees to remove life support. Michael Heston dies at 1:17 pm.4 February 2008: Searching the web for Michael Heston's name, the family discovers MindFreedom had issued a human rights alert in 2007, and contacts MindFreedom. The family and MindFreedom both call for an investigation.6 February 2008: After contacting the institution, MindFreedom receives an e-mail from Dennis Bitz of the federal Bureau of Prisons saying "the incident will be investigated." (A copy of the letter is later in this update.)16 February 2008: Rochester's main newspaper publishes a news story about MindFreedom's call for an investigation of the death of their member Michael Preston, to read the article click here.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~Here are some excerpts from letters Mike Heston wrote to the MindFreedom office for several months. They are among his final written words that MindFreedom received in the days and weeks before he committed suicide:~~~~~~~~~~~~   Written statements from Michael Heston to MindFreedom: Please help me. Medicine is destroying me. They've been sticking me with a needle since April. They won't let me off medicine. I do not want it . It is making me very nervous and sick.They won't let me go home. The doctors all say terrible things about me. My hips are getting sore from where that big harpoon of a needle landed with 50m. of that horrible substance goes in.... I do not want these chemicals in my blood. If I have to say it a million times until it ends, I am being tortured! I do not use drugs, thank you. Especially psychotropics which are like poison to me. It's bad enough I'm committed. Why must I be tormented on drugs? What on earth am I going to do? They've been sticking me in the ass since I got here in April. There is no end to it in sight. M ass is getting awfully sore. Do you know how humiliating it is to have to bend over to take a needle full of poison. It is my blood. I do not want their medicine. Help me somebody.There is a soul inside of me that yearns to be free of medicine. My hips are sore already. The needle is crippling me. Somebody help me. I'm scared. I'm scared of the needle. It's a big harpoon. It has me terrorized because I feel so sick after. I can only exist in my natural state of being. I am tired of being a slave to doctor. Life is no fun when being tortured and terrorized. Please help me. They have no right to shoot me. I want my spirit back. That's all I want is my spirit back. The drugs make me nervous and paranoid. I'm fidgety and antsy from the medicine. God made me a certain way and that's how I want to stay. I'm being shot down like a dog. There is something wrong with the very soul inside of me because of the shot. I don't get any relief, just another shot every two weeks. My soul is so impeded from it, I am enveloped in gloom and misery all the time. My situation is hopeless. I beg you to call Dr. Hart for me. Have her end this torture. I wallow in despair. I cry out in anguish that I'm being tortured and no one offers to help. Torture of the spirit within should be outlawed....I've been crying my eyes out all day. I'm in solitary being forced injected. The medicine makes my spirit sick and tortures the very soul within me. I'm tormented, in mental agony nearly all the time....I can't believe I am being tortured and no one is doing anything about it. Please, in the name of all decency, you've got to help me. O help me - torture - torture. Please stop drugging me. Please. Explain to doctor Hart who you represent and why human rights are important. Naturally she's going to say the old 'he needs it.' I need to be tortured. C'mon give me a break. I beg you. I can't take it. I'm cracking up, please help me. They're raping me Tuesday. My spirit is already very sick. I need relief. Stop the torture. I'm terrified of that needle. I'm being terrorized and tortured.Please help me. I beg you. I'm hurting....I'm sure you've heard it all before, but I am being tortured. Force injected in solitary. Medicine makes my spirit sick and torments the very soul within me. As well my legs shake and my feet are all antsy. This bodily torture is intolerable. The rape, and not having determination about what goes into my very blood is having extreme psychological effect of me. The forced Risperdol injections are causing my body to deteriorate and I am in mental agony nearly all the time....The forced injection that Dr. Hart subjects me to causes me intra-muscular nerve disorder. I am being tortured from this shot and she says I need it. Every two weeks they stick me in the hips with a big harpoon of vile toxic poison. Jan 8, Jan 22, Feb 5, Feb 19, MArch 4, March 18, April 1, April 15, April 29, May 13, May 27, June 10, June 24, July 7, July 21, Aug 4, Aug 18, et cetera. Painful chemical injections are cruel and unusual punishment. I am not even mentally ill. All I see is torture and more torture and myself as a pin cushion. Please God end this horrible nightmare. I'm terrified of that needle. I'm being tortured and terrorized. I am crying torture, my body shakes. My eyeballs roll up in my head. My jaws lock. Please somebody help me. Dr. Hart is the one woman who holds absolute power and authority. All I ask out of life is to be in my natural frame of mind. They could commit me 100 years still all I want is to not have those chemicals in myblood playing havoc on my system. - end -  ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exchange of letters between MindFreedom and federal officials following report of Michael Heston's death: From: dbitz@bop.govDate: February 6, 2008 6:32:06 AM PSTSubject: Re: request for emergency investigationTo: oaks@mindfreedom.orgMr. Oaks,Thank you for sending your message, which was referred to me for a reply. The incident will be investigated. Mr. Heston was initially confined in the federal prison system after he was convicted of mailing a threatening communication in which he threatening to kill a woman by shredding her body through machinery. He was sentenced to a 18 month term of imprisonment for that crime.Prior to the expiration of the above term of imprisonment, he was committed as a mentally ill and dangerous individual under federal statute 18 U.S.C. Section 4246. That statute allows the Attorney General to indefinitely confine an individual who suffers from a mental disease and defect and his release would pose a substantial risk of danger to others. Mr. Heston was committed on December 11, 1993, and he remained committed under the above statute until his death.Sincerely,Dennis Bitz2/6/08~~~~~~~~David Oaks 2/5/2008 1:14 PM >>>urgentPlease direct this to the attention of the director of FederalMedical Center in Rochester, Minnesota.We request an immediate investigation of the death of your prisonerMICHAEL HESTON, and the use of involuntary psychiatric druginjections in your facilities. These injections can be extremelytraumatizing, overwhelming and harmful. We understand your facility-- through a DR. HART -- routinely used this on Mr. Heston, and wehave several of his complaints at our human rights office.While you may claim confidentiality about Mr. Heston, you certainlycan speak publicly about important policy issues such as yourfacilities use of routine involuntary psychiatric drug injections ofneuroleptics (also known as antipsychotics).We request an immediate response.BELOW are urgent communications we have sent to both USA Senators andthe Governor of Minnesota.David W. Oaks, Director, MindFreedom International~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dear Senator,We just received information from his family that MICHAEL HESTONcommitted suicide. He was a prisoner in a federal facility -- FederalMedical Center in Rochester, Minnesota. His doctor was Dr. Hart.Our human rights organization received multiple, crystal clearletters from Mr. Heston for the past few months about how he felttortured by extremely powerful injections of the controversial"neuroleptic" psychiatric drugs (also known as antipsychotics).We do know that involuntary injections of these drugs can haveoverwhelming physical and mental effects, that can indeed beoverwhelmingly traumatizing.We request an emergency investigation into the claims by Mr. Hestonthat these forced psychiatric drug injections were torture, and whatrole they may have played in his suicide.We also request an investigation of the use of forced psychiatricneuroleptic (antipsychotic) injections of individuals in the federalcorrectional system.Sincerely,David W. Oaks, Executive DirectorMindFreedom International~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDITION ACTION YOU MAY TAKE:You may also directly contact the federal facility where Mr. Heston committed suicide with a civil message via e-mail, their contact info is here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~   10 December 2007 Original [Modified] Alert:  Here are some excerpts from letters from Mike Heston to the MindFreedom office:~~~~~~~~"Dr. Hart won't let me out of the hole unless I take pills... it only makes me sicker and even more nervous. My nerves are shot as I have claustrophobia and need I tell you how I feel right now: my heart is racing.""I live in mortal fear, the needle has me terrified, they just keep sticking me every two weeks and I feel like death.""Please someone end this torture. I am tormented, I am being tortured and terrorized (dreaded fear of that needle). Please let me out of here. Someone help me, end this injection.""I have to have say over what goes into my body or life itself is a big sham. Help me. Forced psychiatry has destroyed me."Mike continues to hold on:"You'd think after so many years of these horrible treatments it would do me under for good but the heart keeps on ticking."~~~~~~~~~~The end
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#684 psychologists exemption from mass delusion based on faithI read a psychological analysis of religion once and how it fell under the heading of mass delusion but was exempted from being an illness as being a faith. All other beliefs are expected to be verified by proof and evidence to support an individuals claims. This also means the saying "if no one heard a tree fall in the woods did it", is in favor with authorities? Covert operations seem to be breaking the laws especially when TIs are attacked. Law enforcement now deems it OK to commit any act so long as it can't be proven and they further support these acts by controlling what crimes are reported, what is investigated and what is recorded. Kind or like history is recorded by the victor.That is the really of what they think. Bush was asked in an interview about what he thought of his legacy as the 43 president with the unjust war in Iraq and economic collapse. He actually smirked and said he will let those who record history decide what his legacy will be like some kind of inside joke. Obviously ignoring the mess he is responsible for and counting on historical record keeping to see him in a better light.Imagine the trouble they would be in if they hauled the pope off to a mental hospital and zombified him with psychotics calling him delusional. Yet that is exactly what communism did by outlawing religion. They vilified any threat to the governments authority. The government was the highest authority and woe to anyone or any group that opposed it's view. Stalin even had a constant list of subjects to be executed numbering in the many millions. Kind of like TIs today and he took full use of the mental health facilities to attack, discredit and imprison dissenters. At least religion sets as it's goal as the betterment of man and attempts to set a high standard on how man should treat other men. It's not a bad thing for people to humble themselves under a higher power and to strive for the best qualities in men rather than the covert subversion of targeted individuals or groups they oppose. That might be where the right to face your accuser comes in.This is what is happening in the US, it's a covert drive for domestic and world domination. "For the People By the People", is now a threat as is the constitution to authorities. This government is making itself the ultimate authority ignoring what the people want. The politicians once elected do whatever they seem fit for their own interests. The corrupt are beginning to edge out those with sincere intentions to represent the people for our greater good.It's called a, "Totalitarian Democracy", when elected officials do not act in the interest of the people who voted them in.Peter Rosenholm
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#678b Passive and Active Milimeter wave Surveillance AugmentedI'd like to tell you another deduction if you haven't already heard it from me. I was attacked with what I believe was the high powered MEDUSA weapon to put me in the hospital and start the involuntary commitment with being drugged for over twenty four hours unconscious while they tried to hide this fact and hide this day from their records. What happened to me in that missing day would only be speculation, but the point is is that this weapon was a high powered microwave directed energy weapon and had the same blastingly loud attack mode as LRAD but microwave and only I could hear it. Both were developed by the Navy so it makes sense that they could have the same sounding attack mode.Here is what I think is important, the MEDUSA weapon is clearly a weapon but other components to this surveillance method or system of lie detecting and psychological torture and forced suicides may not be.For one LRAD is designated as a hailing devise but as the G20 demonstration showed the attack with this weapon on the protesters by this device using it's attack mode was clearly a weapon that sent people scattering. This is in violation of our right to peacefully protest. The only group that wasn't attacked at the protest filed for a permit to protest. That leaves them vulnerable to be put under surveillance and targeted later. On whale wars the TV show, the captain or a crew member said of LRAD on an episode that LRAD was more than a loud deterrent devise that it could leave you wriggling on the floor incapacitated. Further speculation would be that LRAD has Microwave capabilities that aren't disclosed and it is being purchased by police with federal monies, but this is only speculation right now.Only weeks earlier LRAD was parked out side a town hall meeting in San Diego California where the top police officer was said to have been involved in the Ruby Ridge incident. It was also said he came from federal law enforcement and was involved in the cover-up of Ruby Ridge. Of further note is the American Technologies corporation is based in San Diego.I read a Justice department writing on non-lethal weapons from 1992 I think and the message of this writing was that these weapons are a liability tool for law enforcement. At the end they directly reference Ruby Ridge, Rodney King and the Waco incidents stating that no law enforcement officer was ever convicted of any charges in those incidents.Another report On TV claimed that although police officers are in some large number like 40 thousand accidents a year not one ever claimed the police officer was at fault. Yet even another study of law enforcement by the CIA that was on CNN claimed the biggest problem with law enforcement was that they falsely arrest and imprison some large number of people per year. There is a clear bias by law enforcement and innocent people are paying the price.The problem with covert directed energy weapons if they are to be incorporated into law enforcement for use against citizens would be the the character of the people using them along with over-site so as that they would not be used to harm, torture and kill. What doesn't kill and yet immobilizes the target is surely capable of torture by inflicting pain for long periods of time. We have seen the Bush/Cheney teams push to make torture legal already, this has been a goal of our government for some time apparently.Officials are looking into threatening a suspected terrorists family with harm in his interrogation and they have done the same to me via V2K. In another admission a suspected terrorist is threatened with a drill. I was threatened with mark executions with guns by law enforcement via V2K. The harm they did to my business, employment, my marriage and my children was real if not covert in nature.So the weapons system used to torture has the basic components of V2K for interrogation an psychological attacks, and passive or active millimeter wave surveillance for surveillance and to monitor the effects of the questioning,torture and psychological attacks. This is speculation as V2K has not been officially admitted to and has now been taken off of the Army's list of Acronyms, but I'm sure TIs have copies of this. Here is what I think. I think, V2K has been classified as a hailing devise like LRAD has. This would mean that it has bypassed all weapons laws and weapons treaties just like LRAD did. this would also allow it to be taken and used around the world. This has been the experience of TIs attempting to move out of the US for relief. The other main component, passive or active millimeter wave surveillance also seems harmless enough when used for surveillance and to save trapped people in collapsed buildings. Together they are two components of the most advanced covert weapon system going and possibly not considered a weapon at all. If fact they are promoted as devises that save lives when the truth is they are killing people in forced suicides like the attempt on my life.The weapons system can be augmented with of non-lethal weapons as well like the voice cloning that makes targets think family, friends, neighbors or coworkers are responsible for there V2K attacks. This may explain the mass killing or people going postal. This would even be used to promote and accelerate the procurement of these weapons by law enforcement. These types of attacks also help promote the false diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia that TIs are accused of and who honest mental heath officials could honestly mistake for the real illness opening the door to being subdued, medically castrated, silenced or killed by harmful psychotics medicines. I think voice cloning was used to augment my attacks as well.Another weapon to augment my attacks I believe was MEDUSA in silent mode. This attack combined with the rest of the weapons is almost unbearable and makes surviving the assault even more difficult if not impossible. This is just my take on the legality and use of directed energy weapons, by this time most targets have already been softened up by ,"Street theater", stalking and attacks against employment and family bonds. It is also possible for a target to be involuntarily committed by law enforcement who act as the mental health representatives for mental health officials in most towns. being wheeled in strapped to a gurney is also meant to push the target over the edge of sanity and is just one more aspect of there targeting and torture. Since these weapons are microwave and through wall the attacks can still continue. There is no place of refuge from this type of attack.Peter Rosenholm
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#679a Passive and Active Milimeter wave SurveillancePassive and active milimeter wave surveillance in the microwave range and on the edge of infrared definitely goes through walls. The best information that I read on it was a Canadian writing on how law enforcement in the US is using it for surveillance. The TV character, "Monk" played an FBI agent of Arab decent in a movie and they showed the FBI using it from a van to see through walls into a building. His line was something like, "I love microwave", referring to the surveillance devise.Another demonstration was during the Iraqi war where they showed how they could find out if people were alive and trapped in buildings that had collapsed from explosions and how they could monitor the trapped persons breathing and heart rates and determine how much stress they were under in their trapped location.This is used on us to surveillance us and measure the effects of harassment and torture. I believe it is also used when questioning us in our sleep as a sort of lie detector and during dream manipulation. This is one reason that V2K is kept secret under, "National security". V2K in combination with passive and active millimeter wave surveillance is part of a weapons system as a lie detector and to enhance torture. Together this becomes obvious.Peter Rosenholm
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Evidence of Mind Control as well as those using it on the USA- It is possilbe also to reverse this mind control and the DoD has the machine. Hospitals and Clinics need to equip themselves with heal the USA and world ASAP. Europe has had this torture 10 years longer than the USA and so all of Europe as well as Asia, India, and the entire world needs to be freed.I Ronald Angell as well as my entire family received the Swine Flu Vaccine in 1976 at William BeaumontHospital in Royal Oak Michigan. We have been tortured by what is described below. I fell very ill in the summer of 1977 when I was 11 building underground earthen forts behind my house to resemble the Sod house they first lived in on "Little house on the Prairie" It was combined with the vaccine I took as well as the Chemtrail sprays above. My first realization of Chemtrail sprays from planes was in 1972 when myself and 3 childhood friends- Suzy W, Andrea W, and Jeff B played "What animal do you see in the clouds". I saw chemtrails and asked my dad what those were. He told me they were for seeding clouds so it would make it rain. Now I know what they really are http://www.exoticwarfare.org

Mind Control and EM Wave
Polarization Transductions, Part 1

©Copyright 1999 by T.E. Bearden, USA (HERO to the USA and World)

energy domain. This is a dramatic extension to nonlinear phase conjugate optics theory.5
General relativity tells us that each specific detail of the mass and energy structure of each cell and all its partsdown to the finest detailsis accompanied by a precise set of spacetime curvatures. By reintroducing the sameenergy as the disease delta TW waves, the affected cells add the phaseconjugates, converting the inserted TW signals into longitudinal EM wavesignals. The longitudinally-pumped cells again phase conjugate, converting theselongitudinal EM waves to time-polarized EM waves, and "charging" thecells and all their parts in the time domain.
Suddenly, at that point the resident spacetime curvature engineratherthan TW or LW EM waves-serves as the "input signal" to thecell-and-its-parts as pumped phase conjugate mirrors (PCMs), pumped in the timedomain. An extension to the distortion correction theorem of nonlinear opticsresults. An exact, amplified antiengine for the diseased cellsi.e.,a phase conjugate replica of the resident spacetime curvature engine—isformed. This amplified antiengineoverpowers the resident disease engine, powerfully time-reversing the cells andtheir components back to a previous healthy state. The time-reversal actuallyoccurs over a period of time after the "time excitation charge-up"ceases, say over the next week or two. Usually two to three quick irradiationsare required, one week apart, to give a time-reversing period of three to fourweeks.
Even though appreciable forces are operating internally upon the cells andall their parts, there is no net translation

force upon the cells or any part. E.g., as Pepper6 states,
On a more fundamental level, the ideal lossless PCM reverses all the quantum numbers of the incident photon (i. e., linear momentum, angular momentum, etc. ). It can be shown that the PCM therefore experiences no linear or angular momentum transfer from the incidentphotons; hence, the PCM is free from photon radiation pressure andtorques."
Note that, in ordinary EM theory, it is precisely translation forces that areengendered upon charged mass by EM fields. This process is quite different. Inbiological terms, this process dedifferentiates (in physics: time-reverses) thediseased cells and all their componentsincludingthe genes—back to an earlier healthy state.
By taking a diseased body and feeding back into it an exact amplified replicaof its emitted TW spectrum, one can force the body to "time-excitationcharge" all cells and their components immediately, with high efficiency.The human body and every cell and every part of every cell does the necessary"calculation" for the exact antiengine for each part. Since time isextremely condensed spatial EM energy (by a factor of almost 1017), astartling contraction occurs in the radiation time required to time-charge thecells and their components and charged particles. This is a method for instantinitiation of time-charging, hence it is extremely rapid. What took Prioreseveral hours of LW irradiation to accomplish in the body,7 can nowbe done in seconds with this "thwarting" and spectrum transductionmethod. In fact, it is an intense stress on the body, and—say—shouldonly


Figure 13. Portable first-method treatment unit proposed to the Department of
Defense. For treating and curing mass casualties from terrorist BW
attacks on U.S. population centers.


Special Note

This article refers to experimental research techniques which can be detrimental or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled, qualified experimental scientists proceeding under proper laboratory safety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly forinformation to properly qualified and authorized scientists incertified laboratories. We do not propose or condone any use ofthese procedures for nonapproved practice of medicine without alicense. Neither the publisher nor the author are responsiblefor accidents or outcomes in the use of these experimental pro­ceduresand techniques. Any researcher who performs these proceduresand experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and issolely responsible for insuring safety, qualifications, andlegality of the acts and their results. We neither suggest norcondone unauthorized experimentation on human subjects. Suchis a criminal violation of the constitutional rights of thesubject under Federal and State laws, and is both illegal andimmoral.


For some time we have been repeatedly queried about the technical mechanisms and unusual electrodynamics of advanced mind control research, both in the West and abroad. Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we present a high-level over­view of the novel electromagnetic nature of mind operations, mind and bodycoupling, and intentthe induction of physical 3-space EM energy changesinto the brain and nervous system, and into every cell of the body, fromthe mind's time-like coherent operations. We summarize thetime-polarized electrodynamics used to engineer and affect mindoperations and the mind-body coupling loop. Transduction mechanismswhereby differing EM wave polarizations can be transformedone-into-the-other are presented. We give two specific examples oflethal foreign military tests in 1997 of advanced mind control weaponsagainst two military pilots over the central U.S. Some dangers andpotential benefits of the emerging mind control technology are pointedout


Figure 1. Mechanism that generates a mass's flow through time.


Introduction and Background

In quantum field theory, there are four polarizations of photons.1 Using 4-space and the z-direction as the direction of propagation, we have x- and y- polarizations where the 3-spatial energy of the photon is oscillating laterally, in the x- or y- direction. These are transverse polarized photons, as is any combination of the two. The third polarization isalong the z-direction, which is a longitudinal polarization. In otherwords, the 3-spatial energy of the longitudinal photon cannot oscillatein the x- or y- direction, and so it is oscillating to-and-fro alongthe line of motion, z-. The fourth polarization occurs when the energyis frozen in all three spatial dimensions x-, y-, and z- and it cannotoscillate in any of those directions. In that case, the photonoscillates its energy in the t- direction, providing the t-polarizedphoton. We will later discuss how time is actually highly condensedenergy.
In Minkowski 4-space, body operations are space-like, and are so treated in conventional materialistic physics.Mind and mind-operations are time-like, not space-like, even though they are totally electromagnetic innature.2
As is well-known, all observation in physics is considered 3-spatial..3Mass is a 3-spatial concept, and we detect changes to mass (as, e.g.,in the shift of electrons in the circuits of electrical instruments).So one may model the common physical observation mechanism as a time-differentiating process which a priori discards time-change and retains 3-spatial energychange.4 That is, Minkowski reality is modeled in the fundamental unitsof L3t. Physical observation (via the transverse photon interaction) is the processgiven by applying the operator
/∂t to L3t, yielding an L3output. Hence mind and mind operations are excluded by the usualphysics instruments and observation, which simply exclude the timedomain in their outputs and do not "measure" it.

For this reason, physicists have erroneously considered mind to be "metaphysical" and nonreal. Indeed, most physicists to one extent or the other are materialists, and consider the "mind" to be nothing but the operations ongoing in a "meat computer." Nonetheless, in the time-domain the time is absolutely real, and it is completelyelectrodynamic in nature. There is no metaphysics involved, and thetemporal domainalong with mind and mindoperationsissimply an erroneously neglected area of physics. In present physics,the notion of mind is comfortably disposed of by imposing the use ofthe "observer" concept, with out ever specifying that the observer hasa consciousness and a mind. Indeed, "observation" is only about whatthat "observer" perceives. Obviously, one has a dramatically crippledphysics if one eliminates that nonobservable called "time." Similarly,one also has a dramatically crippled physics when one eliminates themechanisms and physics ongoing in those time-like and dynamic "things"such as mind, that occupy time and function in it.
From this viewpoint, Western physics adheres to its 3-spatialmeasurement foundation only by ignoring the transduction oftime-polarized EM changes into detectable longitudinal and transverseEM wave changes. In this aspect, present Western physics is severelyself-crippled.
Time is totally electromagnetic and energetic in nature. The flowof time is not a separate external river on which a mass floats alonglike a boat drifting down the current of a great flowing river.Instead, the flow of time is generated directly on every mass by itstotal set of photon interactions, both virtual and ob servable. Wehave previously presented the exact mechanism for the flow of time. [Figure 1]


Figure 2. Transduction of EM wave type by successive phase conjugate pairing.


Further, a photon is comprised of angular momentum, therefore of (energy)x(time). It transports both energy and time, not just energy alone. When absorbed by a mass, not only does it "energy-excitation" charge the mass, but also it "time-excitation" charges it, converting the former "mass" to "mass time". Rigorously it is masstimethat emits a photon, not mass. So a mass moves through timein little spurts, by the continual macroscopic addition and subtraction oflittle Dt components. Further, in being driven through time, mass iscontinually altered to masstime (a quite different critter from mass), tomass, to masstime, to mass, etc.
In any masstime state, a myriad of tiny virtual photoninteractions made of very tiny (DE)(Dt)'s interact with that same massduring that particular larger Dt of the masstime state (m+Dm)(Dt).Hence mass in its alternate masstime state has that state internallystructured by its surrounding environment's interactions with it.The masstime state is internally structured energetically in its (DE)component, and also internally structured temporally in its (Dt)component.
A standard charged fundamental particle such as anelectron, e.g., is not necessarily identical with another, when theinternal structuring of its masstime state is considered. Further,by two papers by Whittaker,5time
interferometry of masstime stateswith either energy reactions or temporal reactions can yield observableeffects and changes due to these neglected "hidden variables" inthe electron's masstime alternative states. To engineer the mind andits operations directly, one must perform electrodynamic engineering inthe domain, not in the 3-space EM energy density domain.The direct engineering of time-like mind and mind operationsinall levels and all aspectsrequiresthe use of time-polarized photons

and time-polarized EM waves. This is the rarest form of electrodynamics, almost untouched by Western physicists.
One can either painfully produce such time-polarized photons and EM waves and directly irradiate a target mass with specific assemblies of them, or one can force the mass itself to iteratively transduce ordinary transverse EM waves first into longitudinally-polarizedEM waves and then into time-polarized EM waves. Both will bediscussed briefly.
In the West, it appears that the present author'sdiscovery of mechanisms for producing time-polarized (scalar) EM waves[see Figure 2] and for transducing between wave polarizations hasno precedent. [See Figure 3]. While scalar (time-polarized)photons are known in the literature,1 the creation and use oftime-polarized EM waves does not seem to appear in the Western physicsliterature.6
Wave transduction or polarizationtransductions are terms used by the author for the process oftransforming an EM wave's particular polarization into anotherpolarization type. Such transduction to other than transversepolarization forms is little known in the West. It appearsessentially haphazardly in some experiments, usually without anyrecognition by the experimenters themselves. Significanttransduction in experiments will also produce "strange" andunexplained anomalies in the instruments being used for experimentalmeasurements.7
So most probably Western mind control researchers havenot recognized the methodology and mechanisms8 for transducingone type of EM wave polarization directly into another.9They continue to seek the "mind" in 3-space and hence in thebrain, rather than in the time domain. On the other hand, it appears


Figure 3. Interference processes for transducing higher EM wave polarizations
into lower polarization states.


that the Russian KGB energetics10 weapons scientists—particularly those in psychoenergetics11have known and used methods of transducing one wave polarization into another, for at least two decades. It follows that those same scientists have very probably developed mind engineering and mind control via novel time-polarized EM wave means and a dramatically extended electrodynamics of the time-like mind operations.
In the present paper we briefly develop the wave transductions andthe basis for mind engineering, including the specialized use ofordinary transverse wave (TW) EM spectra to force internal EM wavetransductions and time-domain operations inside irradiated bodies,cells, and tissues. Through the mind-body coupling mechanism, thesetransductions of transverse EM waves can operate upon the mind and itsdeepest operations as well as upon the body, every cell, and every partof every cell.

Russian Mind Control Uses
Higher EM Wave Polarizations

It is apparent that the KGB psychoenergetics weapons scientists know and use the full extended EM wave polarization range. As a postulation, one would expect our own weapons scientists to know and utilize the orthodox transverse wave (TW) EM for similar research and experimentation.However, in the West scientists are just beginning to realizethe importance of a very general (and weaker) type of longitudinal EMwave (LW) polarization, as evidenced by the appearance of dozens ofpapers on "undistorted progressive waves" (UPWs, which are essentiallyimperfect LW s with TW residues remaining). The Los Alamos NationalLaboratory web site has a number of such papers—particularly byRodrigues12 and Lu—available for free downloading. UPWs

have very interesting characteristics. If they were perfect longitudinal EM waves, they would have infinite energy and infinite speed. Since only imperfect UPWs can be physically made, their speed can vary from slower than the speed of light to faster than the speed of light. Their energy can also vary over a great range.
Another characteristic of UPWs that are reasonably goodlongitudinal EM waves, is that they pass readily through a large depthof water and mass, including through the ocean and the earth with onlysmall interactions and losses. Yet by interfering two such beams of"high quality" UPWs at a great distance, then in the interference zoneordinary EM energy will rise directly out of local spacetime potential,as essentially shown by Whittaker13 nearly a century ago.Russian weapon research facilities have weaponized these effects14for nearly 50 years, under rigid KGB control and operation.Nonetheless, even if using only ordinary TW waves, Western mind controlresearchers may get some fairly good results, brute-force-like, byusing gross correlates between just the input irradiating TWs and theexhibited behavioral responses of the individual. The net input-outputcorrelations can be determined, even though not taking into account theactual wave polarization transduction mechanisms ongoing inside theirradiated dielectric (or brain, or mind, etc.). However, Westernresearchers appear to have no knowledge of the exact mechanisms bymeans of which coherent time-like mind operations of a biologicalorganism couple to the organism's 3-spatial body to provide the mentalcontrol loop. They also appear unaware of how the coherent 3-spatialbehavior responses of the body couple back to the time-like mind toprovide it with a sensory feedback of the body's responses.


Figure 4. A spacetime curvature engine has myriads of small ST curvature
components which act upon mass at all levels.


General Relativity Aspects

Both these coupling mechanisms can be taken directly from general relativity, if one puts one's mind to it. However, unless the wave polarization transformations are known, it is difficult or impossible to apply the ordinary GR directly, since relativists usually concentrate upon spacetime curvature by altering 3-space energy density rather than by alteringtime-polarized "time-energy" density.
In applied general relativity, spacetime itself is an activemedium. One speaks of a change in spacetime as a "spacetimecurvature". Any curvature of spacetime in a local region directlyperforms continuous work upon any mass embedded in that region. Viceversa, any mass (or other concentration of energy) in a local spacetimecontinuously acts upon that spacetime to "curve" it.
So if one wishes to perform actions upon mass in a distantregion, one may generate local curvatures of spacetime in that region,and these curvature "engines" will directly act upon the mass at alllevels.[Figure 4] This is very different from energy propagationthrough space from one point to another. Now the "ordinary EM energyand actions" arise from every spatiotemporal point within the mass, atevery level, and move upwards (from inside to outside). So we speak ofspecific forms of "templates" of nested spacetime curvatures formed andutilized to engineer mass "from inside out" as spacetime curvature engines or vacuum engines.
Use of vacuum (spacetime curvature) engineering15is a far more powerful form of engineering than is provided by energypropagation through space. As an example, it is easy to alter thequarks in a nucleon, using spacetime curvature engines andtime-charging decay. Indeed, we have developed the mechanisms for coldfusion and the electronuclear interaction (formation of new nuclides)at feeble energy. An Invention Disclosure16 on this work

has been filed with the U.S. Patent Office, and formal patent applications are in preparation. Some information on these mechanisms and principles has been released17.

Time as Dense EM Energy
and a Strong Spacetime Curvature Agent

The advantage of using the time-polarized "time-energy" for spacetime curvature is that time is ordinary energy compressed by a factor of at least c2which, in the MKS system of units, is some 9¥1016. Thus use of time-polarized EM photons and waves as ST curvature agents gives an amplification of 9¥101640 over the use of transverse-polarized EM waves for that purpose. Inturn, the use of the strong EM force in ordinary TW waves as an agentof ST curvature is already a nominal 10 times as strong as is the weak G force used as the agent of ST curvature.

The bottom line is this: For spacetime curvature effects, the use of the t-polarized domain provides amplification of some 9¥1056 greater than the weak G-force ST curvature agent usually considered in general relativity18.

Western Science Remains Largely Materialistic

Ironically, most Western scientists are materialists and consider "mind" as a mystical and nonscientific concept. They tend to consider mind operations and functions either to be simply "meat computer" operations and functions, or at best to be very weak ordinary transverse-wave EM operations and functions in the brain and nervous system.8 This serious self-limitation exists because in the body we measure onlyweak TW EM operations and functions correlated to biological behavior andbrain operations. We simply do not know how to measure "mindoperations" directly.


Figure 5. Mind-to body coupling and body-to-mind coupling.


With no mind measurements possible and no instruments, it is understandable that Western science considers only the physical side of the mind-matter interface.
Presently our scientists do not measure the longitudinally-polarized EM wave operations and functions in the body and around it in nature. Few of them are aware that a maelstrom ofsuch LW functions exist in the body and in all of nature in general.Presently only highly theoretical quantum field theorists seem to evenbe aware of the existence of scalar (t-polarized) photons, and even theyare unaware of t-polarized EM waves. Certainly our scientists donot measure t-polarized EM waves in and around the body and in nature,nor do they make them in the laboratory. Apparently they have notstudied such waves and their interactions with matterlivingand inertat all.
But it's even worse. In ignoring the timecomponent transported by photons and EM waves, science has alsoerroneously omitted half of the excitation charging and excitation decayprocesses whenever a mass interacts with photons and EM waves.More on that later.

Brute Forcing Time
Functions versus Fine Control Methods

Ironically, Western mind control researchers using transverse EM waves for mind control research, are using a brute force method of evoking and using vacuum engines ( spacetime curvature engines) and a special form of general relativity, although they do not appear to realize it.
While KGB scientists also use TW EM "bruteforce" TW waves when necessary, they do "imprint" or"activate" those waves with the desired internal LW andtime-polarized EM wave and photon structures required to directlyperform the mind engineering desired.

They also do not hesitate to use LWs and t-polarized waves overtly. So in blunt terms, Western compared to Russian mind control research is probably like comparing an automobile body shop with a fine surgical ward. Having long ago worked out all those "exact correlates" to the internal "information content of the field" is where the KGB scientistsare at least 20 years ahead of the West.
The reason one can get mind and behavior results withthe TW electromagnetics, while bypassing the real mechanism which usest-polarized waves and photons, is due to (1) the very peculiar nature ofthe EM emission from a dielectric, and (2) what can be done byre-radiating that dielectric with its emitted spectrum, deliberately andvery carefully altered in selected parts. We will return to thatimportant feature later.

Polarization and Observability

As we stated, there are four photon polarizations and therefore there must be correspondingly four EM wave polarizations1 The first three polarizations are the x-, y-, and z- spatial polarizations. The x- and y- polarizations are transverse polarizations and the z-polarization is a longitudinal polarization along the direction of propagation (alongthe z-axis, by standard notation). Simply put, we may visualizethe transverse polarizations as rather like the wiggling of a fish'stail from side to side as the fish moves forward, or a whale's flukes upand down as the whale moves forward, or some combination thereof.We may visualize the longitudinal polarization as a sort of"repetitive accordion effect" along the line of motion of thewave. Usually the z- polarization is neglected in EM wave theory,although in recent years physicists have "rediscovered"longitudinal EM waves and are now intensely researching the use andcharacteristics of such waves.12


Figure 6. The three divisions of Soviet energetics and their characteristics.


Unfortunately, in quantum field theory there has been a tendency to regard the t-polarized or "scalar" photonwhere the local rate of time is oscillatedas unobservable. Oscillation of the local rate of time produces powerful oscillations of local space-time curvatures, due to the extreme energy density of time. Individually, the t-polarized photon tends to be unobservable. However, a coherent sequential group of such t-polarized photons, each individuallyin the virtual state with respect to the external observer, may simply integratein its interaction with mass over a short time period into observable changebecause of the coherent integration of virtual spacetime curvatures into a larger, observable spacetime curvature.

Rotations and Projections in 4-Space

Relativistically, any velocity change in 4-space is a rotation. Any such rotation in the time-domain also creates a tiny projection component into 3-space. Any such rotation in the 3-spatial domain also creates a tiny projection component into the time domain.
Hence a sufficient series of coherent time-domain (mental) changesproduces a coherent series of virtual changes in 3-space (the body),thereby coherently integrating into an observable energy change in thebody. A sufficient series of coherent 3-spatial energy changesproduces a coherent series of virtual changes in the time domain whichcoherent integrate into an observable time-domain change.

Solution to the Age-Old Philosophical Problem of Intent

This is in fact the solution to the age-old problem of intent, or how the nonmaterial (i.e., non-3-spatial and non-observable) mind inducesa 3-spatial, observable energy change upon the 3-spatial body. It isalso the

solution to the problem of awareness; i.e., how the mind is aware of itself19 and of the responses of the body. Together the two form a closed loop coupling of the mind and body. The time delay in the loop together with memory recall for comparison, creates the sense of "persistence"of self in time. This also creates the sense of being a "separate,closed being" (i.e., of separate persistence in timeinthe living entity). The sense of "separation of self from an externalworld" is created by comparing those body-to-mind sensory feedbackswhich are not correlated to the mind's previous feed-forward intent.

Time As Energy and Why It Is Very Dense Energy

In addition to the three spatial polarizations of photons and EM waves, there is a very, very useful t-polarization along the time axis. In this polarization, the 3-spatial energy is not oscillating at all. Instead, the time or time-energy is oscillating. Time can be taken tobe energy compressed by at least c2, so it has at least the same energy density as mass.In other words, one second is 9x1016joules of time-energy (energy compressed into time). The t-polarizedphoton or EM wave is called the scalar photon or scalar EM wave,respectively.
To demonstrate why time can be regarded as energy, we need onlypoint out that the choice of fundamental units in any physics model istotally arbitrary. We usually choose these units to ease themathematical manipulation, ease our understanding, and simplify theability to visualize or "grasp" the physics. However, if one wishes,one can build all of physics from a single fundamental unit
e.g.,energy. In that case, one readily sees that time is a function ofenergy and only energy. Hence it is perfectly proper to regard time asenergy, and to seek out what form the function takes in our normalsystem of units (say, the MKS system).


Figure 7. In the 1960s, Lisitsyn revealed Russian scientists had deciphered
the human brain code.


In that system, it appears that any change in time Δt can be taken as always a function of a corresponding change in energy ΔE, where Δt ≤ (ΔE) ÷ c2 [1] from which it follows that ΔE (Δt)x c2 [2] For convenience, we take the special case where Δt = (ΔE) ÷ c2 [3] ΔE = (Δt)x c2 [4].

Observation as Used in Physics Is Spatial

We note that all mind operations are time-like, i.e., they are comprised as scalar EM photon functions and scalar EM wave functions. Thus the mind is a very special kind of electromagnetic system, existing in the time domain, and thus "lost" by the stripping away of time in the ordinary observation process. Physical observation isessentially a time-differentiating mechanism applied to a 4-spatialchange, or in terms of MKS fundamental units L and t, observation θ is θ = /t(L3t) =L3 [5].
Thus, as is well-known in quantum mechanics, physical observationis 3-spatial, and time is not a physical observable, even in theory.Since mind is time-like, it follows that mind is not a physicalobservable either, since discarding the time dimension also discardsthe mind. In short, one may also take physical operation as themechanism that separates mind and body. To observe is to separate. Wepoint out, however, that merely "separating and discarding" the timedomain (as in physical observation of a single change) does noteliminate it, nor does it eliminate the single time-like mind changethat may be involved in an intentional volition. The time domaincertainly remains, even though only the 3-spatial intersection of the4-spatial Minkowski change is given by physical observation. So we maysay that the time-change remains in the virtual state, with respect to attemptedphysical observation of a single Minkowski 4-space change.

Rotation, Coherent Integration, and Intent

Previously we pointed out that any change in a 4-space entity may be regarded as a rotation away from the "trajectory" of the entity. Hence each and every t-polarized change creates a very small projection into 3-space by its rotation slightly away from the time axis. All mind changes in the time-domain actually produce virtual 3-spatialprojections in 3-space (in the physical domain). We define "intent" asthe continued production of successively coherent mental changes,producing coherent virtual changes in the 3-space body system, withcoherent integration of those 3-space virtual changes into observable3-space energy inputs into the 3-space body system. Successivelycoherent mind-changes will produce successively coherent 3-spacevirtual changes. In short, coherent mind-changes will produce coherentintegration of those 3-space virtual projections into an observable3-space change. This is the creation of an ordinary 3-spatial energychange induced upon the 3-space body. In short, this is the mechanismwhereby time-like mental intent is able to produce a series of coherentobservable quantum changes in the physical body (as in the brain andnervous system).

The Body as a Servomechanism

From the standpoint of control theory, we may consider the body system to be a complex servomechanism system comprised of many subordinate servo systems with feedback and feedforward looping.
Given the input from intent, ordinary servo theory will take it from there. Once a servo has an input, servomechanism theorydescribes the response of the

mechanism and the resulting "outputs". So a series of coherently integrated "mental intent" changes introduced into the human body's overall servo-mechanism provides the continuing input. From there, ordinary physics will generate the resulting actions induced in the body by that servomechanism and its amplifying mechanisms.

Two Coupling Mechanisms Make a Closed Loop

This is the "mind-to-body" coupling mechanism. [See Figure 5] It is the mechanism whereby the mind is coupled to the body, and whereby mental intent is able to induce a series of physical inputs into the body servomechanism.
So the body's servomechanism then generates the responses of thebody (including everything from chemistry to electrical changes tomuscular movements, etc.). These responses are changes in 3-space.
The conscious mind is a serial processor, though extremely rapid. It produces the series of coherent intent inputs for volitional behavior.
The unconscious mind is a massively parallel processor.20It continually produces the vast series of coherent "unconscious intentinputs" for control of all the deeper processes in the body, beyondusual conscious awareness.
However, as the body moves or changes in 3-space, each resultingquantum change in body 3-space is also a slight rotation out of 3-spaceand toward the time axis. Hence it induces
in the "virtual state" in the time domainaprecisely correlated projection. The body's responses are in generalcoherent, so a coherent series of virtual state changes in thetime-domain (in the mind realm) are created successively. In short,again we have coherent integration, this time in the mind or timedomain. This produces "observable" changes in the time-mind domain,which are coherent with the body's 3-spatial changes actuallyperformed. Thus the mind receives feedback directly from the physicalmovements and changes of the body. This is the manner in which thebody is coupled back to the mind.21
By comparing the "intent" behavioral move that was "fed forward"into the body, with the return "response" move analog that was "fedback" from the body to the mind, the mind is able to determine errorsand differences, and originate additional correctional commands.
Thus the entire mind-body loop is a closed-circuit system offeedforward and feedback, together with corrections. It also hasmultiple levels of such, infolded in the larger volitional levels. Seeagain Figure 4.
This solves the age-old problem of the mechanisms for the mind-bodycoupling, intent, volition, conscious and unconscious functioning,sense of the external world, sense of the internal world, sense of"being in" the external world, etc.22

All This Is Included in Russian Psychoenergetics

This is the highly summarized basis for psychoenergetics, the KGB's division of energetics that deals with the mind and body coupling and functions, and direct engineering of (1) the mind-body coupling and (2) the mind operations directly. [See Figure 6] The KGB intent, of course, has always been to exploit this science for the degradation, killing, and control of human beings, including all humanity.
The Russians know full well that, if you produce and utilize scalar EM photons and t-polarized EM waves, you can directlyaffect and engineer mind and mind operations at any and all levels.Western researchers, who know nothing of how to make


time-polarized photons and time-polarized EM waves, do not yet know that. Consequently the Russians have developed a highly secret science of directly engineering the mind and its operations, including thought, images, perceptions, feelings, emotions, memory, and mind processing. Indeed, Lisitsyn23 wrote quite specifically of this capability in the 1960s. [See Figure 7]
Western clandestine mind control researchers are apparently stillslowly and painfully fitting TW EM irradiation correlates to induced orresulting mental and physical behavior responses. They seem unaware ofthe actual wave transductions occurring inside the body and mind, butare unwittingly inducing those transductions in hidden fashion anywayand in "brute-force input-response fitting" models.
These "fitted brute-force models" certainly can be very powerful,and certainly can produce the exact results shown in the experimentalverifications of the fittings. However, they do not of themselvesallow sophisticated design
for exampleofthe necessary time-polarized wave assemblies for engineering the entirehuman collective unconscious simultaneously, or for engineering theentire collective unconscious of all species on Earth (i.e., Gaia'scollective unconscious), or even for precisely engineering the memoryand knowledge base of an individual.
This fine research article will be continued in Part II withRussian Methodology, Waves and Wave Transduction, The Cellular ControlSystem, and other matters of interest.


President and Chief Executive Officer, CTEC, Inc. Lieutenant Colonel US. Army (Retired). MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. BS mathematics, Northeast Louisiana University. Graduate of Command & General Staff College, US. Army. Graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officers Course, U. S. Army (equivalent to MS in Aerospace Engineering). Numerous electronic warfareand counter-countermeasures courses.
Tom is the leading advocate of scalar potential electromagnetics and theFogal charge-blocking semiconductor: He is involved in alternate energy devicesand scalar electromagnetic system prototypes. He has defined charge q as acoupled system of two components, advanced a mechanism for a vacuum engine,whereby the vacuums virtual particle flux is organized and used to energeticallyshape and manipulate matter and energy, and advanced a mechanism for a Bohm-typequantum potential, which theoretically allows the engineering of action at adistance in physical systems.
He is president of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists(ADAS), a life member of the Alabama Academy of Science, Emeritus member of theAmerican Association of Physics Teachers, and has served on the Board ofDirectors of severaltom.jpg associations and corporations. Tom is a guitarist, aretired aikidoist (Sandan, Yoseikan style), is happily married and has two sonsand two daughters. He and his wife Doris live in Huntsville, Alabama where Tomis retired from aerospace, continues private research, and serves as aconsultant to industry on Scalar electromagnetics processes.


1. E.g., see Lewis H Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 1996, p. 147+. For an even deeper discussion of photon polarization, see F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory, Wiley, 1984, under the heading "Covariant Quantization of the Photon Propagator" in Chapter 5. Mandl and Shaw argue that the longitudinaland scalar polarizations are not directly observable, but only incombination, where they manifest as the "instantaneous" Coulomb (i.e.electrostatic) potential.
2. Nature is unified and not separated into the"separate" disciplines our science has prescribed. Thus the mind isalso totally electrogravitational. The mind works not just with EM
forms in an inert space, but also with spacetime curvatures in a

spacetime that is highly active. The mind is rooted in the time-domain and projects from that domain into 3-space. The body is rooted in the 3-space domain and projects into the time-domain. To "change" or "function" in one domain is automatically to function in the other. EM and gravitational phenomena are still modeled separately by humanscientists, but not by nature.
3. In quantum mechanics, time is not an observable, but merely a parameter.
4. It is convenient to consider mass as a 3-spatial form of condensed energy.
5. E. T. Whittaker, "On the Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics, " Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 57,1903, p. 333-355;"On an Expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons byMeans of Two Scalar Potential Functions, "Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.,Series 2, Vol. I, 1904, p. 367-372.
6. A NERACdocument search yielded some 16 good references on t-polarized photons,but not a single reference on t-polarized EM waves.
7.E.g., such previously inexplicable instrument anomalies haveaccompanied some excellent and rigorous electrolyte experiments at U.S. Navy research facilities at China Lake. For a description, seeMelvin H Miles and Benjamin F. Bush, "Radiation measurements at ChinaLake: Real or Artifacts?", Proc. ICCF - 7 (International Conference onCold Fusion7, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.1998, p. 101. For a brief explanation of the anomalies, see T. E.Bearden, "EM Corrections Enabling a Practical Unified Field Theory withEmphasis on Time-Charging Interactions of Longitudinal EM Waves, " Explore!, 8(6),1998, p. 7-16; "Toward a Practical Unified Field Theory and a Deep Experimental Example," Proc. INE Symposium, Univ. Utah, Aug.14-15, 1998.
8. Many U. S. researchers and journalistsand even many scientistshavewrestled with the problems of mind, intent, and mind-body coupling.Enumeration of those efforts would itself require an entire book. Foran introduction into that domain, the reader is referred to the verydetermined exposé by Cheryl Welshin her very timely book, The 1950's Discovery of the Code of the Brain,May 1988, published on the Internet. Simply employ any Net searchengine and search on the name Cheryl Welsh. A connection to the siteand to Welsh's book will immediately be found Welsh's importantcompendium is highly recommended, giving the reader a "birds eye view",so to speak, of how Western scientists think and proceed regarding thesubject of mind control by electromagnetic means. Unfortunately alljournalists so far researching the area have not been aware thatWestern electrodynamics itself is seriously flawed, and that the greatRussian advances in mind engineering and mind control are a result oftheir secret but complete revision and correction of Westernelectrodynamics to provide the basis for energetics. Until Westernscientists revise their own decrepit old electrodynamics fouling thetextbooks, they will never catch up to the Russian mind controldevelopments springing from intense development programs that did thatrevision in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
9. An Invention Disclosureon these processes and enhancement embodiments has been filed with theU. S. Patent Office. Formal patent applications are also inpreparation.
10. Energetics is a unifiedscience of an extended electrodynamics possessing a hidden infoldedgeneral relativity inside the potentials, fields, and waves. Itdeliberately employs higher polarizations (longitudinal and tempic) ofphotons and EM waves to engineer action at a distance, use of specificpatterns of spacetime curvature created at a distance, and directengineering of either inert or living bodies. It also encompasses thedirect engineering of time-like mind and mind functions. It is dividedinto three divisions, depending upon the nature of the target.Targeted against inert materials, structures, fields, and waves it iscalled "energetics. "Against living bodies, their fields, andbiochemistry, it is called "bioenergetics." Against the mind and mindfunctions, it is called "psychoenergetics".
11. Psychoenergetics is thatbranch of energetics used to directly affect and engineer the mind,memory, perception, thought, emotion, sensation, personality, and othermind functions of a living biological organism. It is usable against asingle personal conscious (serial processor) mind and a single personalunconscious (massively parallel) processor mind In theory it is alsousable against lungs collective unconscious mind and its functions, aswell as the deeper unconscious for all species on Earth (i.e., againstGaia). We are speaking of physics, not metaphysics.

Read more…
I Ronald Angell as well as my entire family received the Swine Flu Vaccine in 1976 at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak Michigan. We have been tortured by what is described below. I fell very ill in the summer of 1977 when I was 11 building underground earthen forts behind my house to resemble the Sod house they first lived in on "Little house on the Prairie" It was combined with the vaccine I took as well as the Chemtrail sprays above. My first realization of Chemtrail sprays from planes was in 1972 when myself and 3 childhood friends- Suzy W, Andrea W, and Jeff B played "What animal do you see in the clouds". I saw chemtrails and asked my dad what those were. He told me they were for seeding clouds so it would make it rain. Now I know what they really are http://www.exoticwarfare.org

Mind Control and EM Wave
Polarization Transductions, Part 1

©Copyright 1999 by T.E. Bearden, USA (HERO to the USA and World)

energy domain. This is a dramatic extension to nonlinear phase conjugate optics theory.5
General relativity tells us that each specific detail of the mass and energy structure of each cell and all its partsdown to the finest detailsisaccompanied by a precise set of spacetime curvatures. By reintroducing the sameenergy as the disease delta TW waves, the affected cells add the phaseconjugates, converting the inserted TW signals into longitudinal EM wavesignals. The longitudinally-pumped cells again phase conjugate, converting theselongitudinal EM waves to time-polarized EM waves, and "charging" thecells and all their parts in the time domain.
Suddenly, at that point the resident spacetime curvature engineratherthan TW or LW EM waves-serves as the "input signal" to thecell-and-its-parts as pumped phase conjugate mirrors (PCMs), pumped in the timedomain. An extension to the distortion correction theorem of nonlinear opticsresults. An exact, amplified antiengine for the diseased cellsi.e.,a phase conjugate replica of the resident spacetime curvature engine—isformed. This amplified antiengineoverpowers the resident disease engine, powerfully time-reversing the cells andtheir components back to a previous healthy state. The time-reversal actuallyoccurs over a period of time after the "time excitation charge-up"ceases, say over the next week or two. Usually two to three quick irradiationsare required, one week apart, to give a time-reversing period of three to fourweeks.
Even though appreciable forces are operating internally upon the cells andall their parts, there is no net translation

force upon the cells or any part. E.g., as Pepper6 states,
On a more fundamental level, the ideal lossless PCM reverses all the quantum numbers of the incident photon (i. e., linear momentum, angular momentum, etc. ). It can be shown that the PCMtherefore experiences no linear or angular momentum transfer from the incidentphotons; hence, the PCM is free from photon radiation pressure andtorques."
Note that, in ordinary EM theory, it is precisely translation forces that areengendered upon charged mass by EM fields. This process is quite different. Inbiological terms, this process dedifferentiates (in physics: time-reverses) thediseased cells and all their componentsincludingthe genes—back to an earlier healthy state.
By taking a diseased body and feeding back into it an exact amplified replicaof its emitted TW spectrum, one can force the body to "time-excitationcharge" all cells and their components immediately, with high efficiency.The human body and every cell and every part of every cell does the necessary"calculation" for the exact antiengine for each part. Since time isextremely condensed spatial EM energy (by a factor of almost 1017), astartling contraction occurs in the radiation time required to time-charge thecells and their components and charged particles. This is a method for instantinitiation of time-charging, hence it is extremely rapid. What took Prioreseveral hours of LW irradiation to accomplish in the body,7 can nowbe done in seconds with this "thwarting" and spectrum transductionmethod. In fact, it is an intense stress on the body, and—say—shouldonly


Figure 13. Portable first-method treatment unit proposed to the Department of
Defense. For treating and curing mass casualties from terrorist BW
attacks on U.S. population centers.


Special Note

This article refers to experimental research techniques which can be detrimental or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled, qualified experimental scientists proceeding under proper laboratorysafety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly forinformation to properly qualified and authorized scientists incertified laboratories. We do not propose or condone any use ofthese procedures for nonapproved practice of medicine without alicense. Neither the publisher nor the author are responsiblefor accidents or outcomes in the use of these experimental pro­ceduresand techniques. Any researcher who performs these proceduresand experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and issolely responsible for insuring safety, qualifications, andlegality of the acts and their results. We neither suggest norcondone unauthorized experimentation on human subjects. Suchis a criminal violation of the constitutional rights of thesubject under Federal and State laws, and is both illegal andimmoral.


For some time we have been repeatedly queried about the technical mechanisms and unusual electrodynamics of advanced mind control research, both in the West and abroad. Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we present a high-level over­view ofthe novel electromagnetic nature of mind operations, mind and bodycoupling, and intentthe induction of physical 3-space EM energy changesinto the brain and nervous system, and into every cell of the body, fromthe mind's time-like coherent operations. We summarize thetime-polarized electrodynamics used to engineer and affect mindoperations and the mind-body coupling loop. Transduction mechanismswhereby differing EM wave polarizations can be transformedone-into-the-other are presented. We give two specific examples oflethal foreign military tests in 1997 of advanced mind control weaponsagainst two military pilots over the central U.S. Some dangers andpotential benefits of the emerging mind control technology are pointedout


Figure 1. Mechanism that generates a mass's flow through time.


Introduction and Background

In quantum field theory, there are four polarizations of photons.1 Using 4-space and the z-direction as the direction of propagation, we have x- and y- polarizations where the 3-spatial energy of the photon is oscillating laterally, in the x- or y- direction. These are transverse polarizedphotons, as is any combination of the two. The third polarization isalong the z-direction, which is a longitudinal polarization. In otherwords, the 3-spatial energy of the longitudinal photon cannot oscillatein the x- or y- direction, and so it is oscillating to-and-fro alongthe line of motion, z-. The fourth polarization occurs when the energyis frozen in all three spatial dimensions x-, y-, and z- and it cannotoscillate in any of those directions. In that case, the photonoscillates its energy in the t- direction, providing the t-polarizedphoton. We will later discuss how time is actually highly condensedenergy.
In Minkowski 4-space, body operations are space-like, and are so treated in conventional materialistic physics.Mind and mind-operations are time-like, not space-like, even though they are totally electromagnetic innature.2
As is well-known, all observation in physics is considered 3-spatial..3Mass is a 3-spatial concept, and we detect changes to mass (as, e.g.,in the shift of electrons in the circuits of electrical instruments).So one may model the common physical observation mechanism as a time-differentiating process which a priori discards time-change and retains 3-spatial energychange.4 That is, Minkowski reality is modeled in the fundamental unitsof L3t. Physical observation (via the transverse photon interaction) is the processgiven by applying the operator
/∂t to L3t, yielding an L3output. Hence mind and mind operations are excluded by the usualphysics instruments and observation, which simply exclude the timedomain in their outputs and do not "measure" it.

For this reason, physicists have erroneously considered mind to be "metaphysical" and nonreal. Indeed, most physicists to one extent or the other are materialists, and consider the "mind" to be nothing but the operations ongoing in a "meat computer." Nonetheless, in thetime-domain the time is absolutely real, and it is completelyelectrodynamic in nature. There is no metaphysics involved, and thetemporal domainalong with mind and mindoperationsissimply an erroneously neglected area of physics. In present physics,the notion of mind is comfortably disposed of by imposing the use ofthe "observer" concept, with out ever specifying that the observer hasa consciousness and a mind. Indeed, "observation" is only about whatthat "observer" perceives. Obviously, one has a dramatically crippledphysics if one eliminates that nonobservable called "time." Similarly,one also has a dramatically crippled physics when one eliminates themechanisms and physics ongoing in those time-like and dynamic "things"such as mind, that occupy time and function in it.
From this viewpoint, Western physics adheres to its 3-spatialmeasurement foundation only by ignoring the transduction oftime-polarized EM changes into detectable longitudinal and transverseEM wave changes. In this aspect, present Western physics is severelyself-crippled.
Time is totally electromagnetic and energetic in nature. The flowof time is not a separate external river on which a mass floats alonglike a boat drifting down the current of a great flowing river.Instead, the flow of time is generated directly on every mass by itstotal set of photon interactions, both virtual and ob servable. Wehave previously presented the exact mechanism for the flow of time. [Figure 1]


Figure 2. Transduction of EM wave type by successive phase conjugate pairing.


Further, a photon is comprised of angular momentum, therefore of (energy)x(time). It transports both energy and time, not just energy alone. When absorbed by a mass, not only does it "energy-excitation" charge the mass, but also it "time-excitation" charges it, converting the former"mass" to "mass time". Rigorously it is masstimethat emits a photon, not mass. So a mass moves through timein little spurts, by the continual macroscopic addition and subtraction oflittle Dt components. Further, in being driven through time, mass iscontinually altered to masstime (a quite different critter from mass), tomass, to masstime, to mass, etc.
In any masstime state, a myriad of tiny virtual photoninteractions made of very tiny (DE)(Dt)'s interact with that same massduring that particular larger Dt of the masstime state (m+Dm)(Dt).Hence mass in its alternate masstime state has that state internallystructured by its surrounding environment's interactions with it.The masstime state is internally structured energetically in its (DE)component, and also internally structured temporally in its (Dt)component.
A standard charged fundamental particle such as anelectron, e.g., is not necessarily identical with another, when theinternal structuring of its masstime state is considered. Further,by two papers by Whittaker,5time
interferometry of masstime stateswith either energy reactions or temporal reactions can yield observableeffects and changes due to these neglected "hidden variables" inthe electron's masstime alternative states. To engineer the mind andits operations directly, one must perform electrodynamic engineering inthe domain, not in the 3-space EM energy density domain.The direct engineering of time-like mind and mind operationsinall levels and all aspectsrequiresthe use of time-polarized photons

and time-polarized EM waves. This is the rarest form of electrodynamics, almost untouched by Western physicists.
One can either painfully produce such time-polarized photons and EM waves and directly irradiate a target mass with specific assemblies of them, or one can force the mass itself to iterativelytransduce ordinary transverse EM waves first into longitudinally-polarizedEM waves and then into time-polarized EM waves. Both will bediscussed briefly.
In the West, it appears that the present author'sdiscovery of mechanisms for producing time-polarized (scalar) EM waves[see Figure 2] and for transducing between wave polarizations hasno precedent. [See Figure 3]. While scalar (time-polarized)photons are known in the literature,1 the creation and use oftime-polarized EM waves does not seem to appear in the Western physicsliterature.6
Wave transduction or polarizationtransductions are terms used by the author for the process oftransforming an EM wave's particular polarization into anotherpolarization type. Such transduction to other than transversepolarization forms is little known in the West. It appearsessentially haphazardly in some experiments, usually without anyrecognition by the experimenters themselves. Significanttransduction in experiments will also produce "strange" andunexplained anomalies in the instruments being used for experimentalmeasurements.7
So most probably Western mind control researchers havenot recognized the methodology and mechanisms8 for transducingone type of EM wave polarization directly into another.9They continue to seek the "mind" in 3-space and hence in thebrain, rather than in the time domain. On the other hand, it appears


Figure 3. Interference processes for transducing higher EM wave polarizations
into lower polarization states.


that the Russian KGB energetics10 weapons scientists—particularly those in psychoenergetics11have known and used methods of transducing one wave polarization into another, for at least two decades. It follows that those same scientists have very probably developed mind engineering and mindcontrol via novel time-polarized EM wave means and a dramatically extended electrodynamics of the time-like mind operations.
In the present paper we briefly develop the wave transductions andthe basis for mind engineering, including the specialized use ofordinary transverse wave (TW) EM spectra to force internal EM wavetransductions and time-domain operations inside irradiated bodies,cells, and tissues. Through the mind-body coupling mechanism, thesetransductions of transverse EM waves can operate upon the mind and itsdeepest operations as well as upon the body, every cell, and every partof every cell.

Russian Mind Control Uses
Higher EM Wave Polarizations

It is apparent that the KGB psychoenergetics weapons scientists know and use the full extended EM wave polarization range. As a postulation, one would expect our own weapons scientists to know and utilize the orthodox transverse wave (TW) EM for similar research and experimentation.However, in the West scientists are just beginning to realizethe importance of a very general (and weaker) type of longitudinal EMwave (LW) polarization, as evidenced by the appearance of dozens ofpapers on "undistorted progressive waves" (UPWs, which are essentiallyimperfect LW s with TW residues remaining). The Los Alamos NationalLaboratory web site has a number of such papers—particularly byRodrigues12 and Lu—available for free downloading. UPWs

have very interesting characteristics. If they were perfect longitudinal EM waves, they would have infinite energy and infinite speed. Since only imperfect UPWs can be physically made, their speed can vary from slower than the speed of light to faster than the speed of light. Theirenergy can also vary over a great range.
Another characteristic of UPWs that are reasonably goodlongitudinal EM waves, is that they pass readily through a large depthof water and mass, including through the ocean and the earth with onlysmall interactions and losses. Yet by interfering two such beams of"high quality" UPWs at a great distance, then in the interference zoneordinary EM energy will rise directly out of local spacetime potential,as essentially shown by Whittaker13 nearly a century ago.Russian weapon research facilities have weaponized these effects14for nearly 50 years, under rigid KGB control and operation.Nonetheless, even if using only ordinary TW waves, Western mind controlresearchers may get some fairly good results, brute-force-like, byusing gross correlates between just the input irradiating TWs and theexhibited behavioral responses of the individual. The net input-outputcorrelations can be determined, even though not taking into account theactual wave polarization transduction mechanisms ongoing inside theirradiated dielectric (or brain, or mind, etc.). However, Westernresearchers appear to have no knowledge of the exact mechanisms bymeans of which coherent time-like mind operations of a biologicalorganism couple to the organism's 3-spatial body to provide the mentalcontrol loop. They also appear unaware of how the coherent 3-spatialbehavior responses of the body couple back to the time-like mind toprovide it with a sensory feedback of the body's responses.


Figure 4. A spacetime curvature engine has myriads of small ST curvature
components which act upon mass at all levels.


General Relativity Aspects

Both these coupling mechanisms can be taken directly from general relativity, if one puts one's mind to it. However, unless the wave polarization transformations are known, it is difficult or impossible to apply the ordinary GR directly, since relativists usually concentrate upon spacetimecurvature by altering 3-space energy density rather than by alteringtime-polarized "time-energy" density.
In applied general relativity, spacetime itself is an activemedium. One speaks of a change in spacetime as a "spacetimecurvature". Any curvature of spacetime in a local region directlyperforms continuous work upon any mass embedded in that region. Viceversa, any mass (or other concentration of energy) in a local spacetimecontinuously acts upon that spacetime to "curve" it.
So if one wishes to perform actions upon mass in a distantregion, one may generate local curvatures of spacetime in that region,and these curvature "engines" will directly act upon the mass at alllevels.[Figure 4] This is very different from energy propagationthrough space from one point to another. Now the "ordinary EM energyand actions" arise from every spatiotemporal point within the mass, atevery level, and move upwards (from inside to outside). So we speak ofspecific forms of "templates" of nested spacetime curvatures formed andutilized to engineer mass "from inside out" as spacetime curvature engines or vacuum engines.
Use of vacuum (spacetime curvature) engineering15is a far more powerful form of engineering than is provided by energypropagation through space. As an example, it is easy to alter thequarks in a nucleon, using spacetime curvature engines andtime-charging decay. Indeed, we have developed the mechanisms for coldfusion and the electronuclear interaction (formation of new nuclides)at feeble energy. An Invention Disclosure16 on this work

has been filed with the U.S. Patent Office, and formal patent applications are in preparation. Some information on these mechanisms and principles has been released17.

Time as Dense EM Energy
and a Strong Spacetime Curvature Agent

The advantage of using the time-polarized "time-energy" for spacetime curvature is that time is ordinary energy compressed by a factor of at least c2which, in the MKS system of units, is some 9¥1016. Thus use of time-polarized EM photons and waves as ST curvature agents gives an amplification of 9¥101640over the use of transverse-polarized EM waves for that purpose. Inturn, the use of the strong EM force in ordinary TW waves as an agentof ST curvature is already a nominal 10 times as strong as is the weak G force used as the agent of ST curvature.

The bottom line is this: For spacetime curvature effects, the use of the t-polarized domain provides amplification of some 9¥1056 greater than the weak G-force ST curvature agent usually considered in general relativity18.

Western Science Remains Largely Materialistic

Ironically, most Western scientists are materialists and consider "mind" as a mystical and nonscientific concept. They tend to consider mind operations and functions either to be simply "meat computer" operations and functions, or at best to be very weak ordinary transverse-wave EM operations and functions in the brain and nervous system.8This serious self-limitation exists because in the body we measure onlyweak TW EM operations and functions correlated to biological behavior andbrain operations. We simply do not know how to measure "mindoperations" directly.


Figure 5. Mind-to body coupling and body-to-mind coupling.


With no mind measurements possible and no instruments, it is understandable that Western science considers only the physical side of the mind-matter interface.
Presently our scientists do not measure the longitudinally-polarized EM wave operations and functions in the bodyand around it in nature. Few of them are aware that a maelstrom ofsuch LW functions exist in the body and in all of nature in general.Presently only highly theoretical quantum field theorists seem to evenbe aware of the existence of scalar (t-polarized) photons, and even theyare unaware of t-polarized EM waves. Certainly our scientists donot measure t-polarized EM waves in and around the body and in nature,nor do they make them in the laboratory. Apparently they have notstudied such waves and their interactions with matterlivingand inertat all.
But it's even worse. In ignoring the timecomponent transported by photons and EM waves, science has alsoerroneously omitted half of the excitation charging and excitation decayprocesses whenever a mass interacts with photons and EM waves.More on that later.

Brute Forcing Time
Functions versus Fine Control Methods

Ironically, Western mind control researchers using transverse EM waves for mind control research, are using a brute force method of evoking and using vacuum engines ( spacetime curvature engines) and a special form of general relativity, although they do not appear to realize it.
While KGB scientists also use TW EM "bruteforce" TW waves when necessary, they do "imprint" or"activate" those waves with the desired internal LW andtime-polarized EM wave and photon structures required to directlyperform the mind engineering desired.

They also do not hesitate to use LWs and t-polarized waves overtly. So in blunt terms, Western compared to Russian mind control research is probably like comparing an automobile body shop with a fine surgical ward. Having long ago worked out all those "exact correlates" to the internal"information content of the field" is where the KGB scientistsare at least 20 years ahead of the West.
The reason one can get mind and behavior results withthe TW electromagnetics, while bypassing the real mechanism which usest-polarized waves and photons, is due to (1) the very peculiar nature ofthe EM emission from a dielectric, and (2) what can be done byre-radiating that dielectric with its emitted spectrum, deliberately andvery carefully altered in selected parts. We will return to thatimportant feature later.

Polarization and Observability

As we stated, there are four photon polarizations and therefore there must be correspondingly four EM wave polarizations1 The first three polarizations are the x-, y-, and z- spatial polarizations. The x- and y- polarizations are transverse polarizations and the z-polarizationis a longitudinal polarization along the direction of propagation (alongthe z-axis, by standard notation). Simply put, we may visualizethe transverse polarizations as rather like the wiggling of a fish'stail from side to side as the fish moves forward, or a whale's flukes upand down as the whale moves forward, or some combination thereof.We may visualize the longitudinal polarization as a sort of"repetitive accordion effect" along the line of motion of thewave. Usually the z- polarization is neglected in EM wave theory,although in recent years physicists have "rediscovered"longitudinal EM waves and are now intensely researching the use andcharacteristics of such waves.12


Figure 6. The three divisions of Soviet energetics and their characteristics.


Unfortunately, in quantum field theory there has been a tendency to regard the t-polarized or "scalar" photonwhere the local rate of time is oscillatedas unobservable. Oscillation of the local rate of time produces powerful oscillations of local space-time curvatures, due to the extreme energy density of time. Individually, the t-polarized photon tends to be unobservable. However, acoherent sequential group of such t-polarized photons, each individuallyin the virtual state with respect to the external observer, may simply integratein its interaction with mass over a short time period into observable changebecause of the coherent integration of virtual spacetime curvatures into a larger, observable spacetime curvature.

Rotations and Projections in 4-Space

Relativistically, any velocity change in 4-space is a rotation. Any such rotation in the time-domain also creates a tiny projection component into 3-space. Any such rotation in the 3-spatial domain also creates a tiny projection component into the time domain.
Hence a sufficient series of coherent time-domain (mental) changesproduces a coherent series of virtual changes in 3-space (the body),thereby coherently integrating into an observable energy change in thebody. A sufficient series of coherent 3-spatial energy changesproduces a coherent series of virtual changes in the time domain whichcoherent integrate into an observable time-domain change.

Solution to the Age-Old Philosophical Problem of Intent

This is in fact the solution to the age-old problem of intent, orhow the nonmaterial (i.e., non-3-spatial and non-observable) mind inducesa 3-spatial, observable energy change upon the 3-spatial body. It isalso the

solution to the problem of awareness; i.e., how the mind is aware of itself19 and of the responses of the body. Together the two form a closed loop coupling of the mind and body. The time delay in the loop togetherwith memory recall for comparison, creates the sense of "persistence"of self in time. This also creates the sense of being a "separate,closed being" (i.e., of separate persistence in timeinthe living entity). The sense of "separation of self from an externalworld" is created by comparing those body-to-mind sensory feedbackswhich are not correlated to the mind's previous feed-forward intent.

Time As Energy and Why It Is Very Dense Energy

In addition to the three spatial polarizations of photons and EM waves, there is a very, very useful t-polarization along the time axis. In this polarization, the 3-spatial energy is not oscillating at all.Instead, the time or time-energy is oscillating. Time can be taken tobe energy compressed by at least c2, so it has at least the same energy density as mass.In other words, one second is 9x1016joules of time-energy (energy compressed into time). The t-polarizedphoton or EM wave is called the scalar photon or scalar EM wave,respectively.
To demonstrate why time can be regarded as energy, we need onlypoint out that the choice of fundamental units in any physics model istotally arbitrary. We usually choose these units to ease themathematical manipulation, ease our understanding, and simplify theability to visualize or "grasp" the physics. However, if one wishes,one can build all of physics from a single fundamental unit
e.g.,energy. In that case, one readily sees that time is a function ofenergy and only energy. Hence it is perfectly proper to regard time asenergy, and to seek out what form the function takes in our normalsystem of units (say, the MKS system).


Figure 7. In the 1960s, Lisitsyn revealed Russian scientists had deciphered
the human brain code.


In that system, it appears that any change in time Δt can be taken as always a function of a corresponding change in energy ΔE, where Δt ≤ (ΔE) ÷ c2 [1] from which it follows that ΔE (Δt)x c2 [2] For convenience, we take the special case where Δt = (ΔE) ÷ c2 [3] ΔE = (Δt)x c2 [4].

Observation as Used in Physics Is Spatial

We note that all mind operations are time-like, i.e., they are comprised as scalar EM photon functions and scalar EM wave functions. Thus the mind is a very special kind of electromagnetic system, existing in the time domain, and thus "lost" by the stripping away oftime in the ordinary observation process. Physical observation isessentially a time-differentiating mechanism applied to a 4-spatialchange, or in terms of MKS fundamental units L and t, observation θ is θ = /t(L3t) =L3 [5].
Thus, as is well-known in quantum mechanics, physical observationis 3-spatial, and time is not a physical observable, even in theory.Since mind is time-like, it follows that mind is not a physicalobservable either, since discarding the time dimension also discardsthe mind. In short, one may also take physical operation as themechanism that separates mind and body. To observe is to separate. Wepoint out, however, that merely "separating and discarding" the timedomain (as in physical observation of a single change) does noteliminate it, nor does it eliminate the single time-like mind changethat may be involved in an intentional volition. The time domaincertainly remains, even though only the 3-spatial intersection of the4-spatial Minkowski change is given by physical observation. So we maysay that the time-change remains in the virtual state, with respect to attemptedphysical observation of a single Minkowski 4-space change.

Rotation, Coherent Integration, and Intent

Previously we pointed out that any change in a 4-space entity may be regarded as a rotation away from the "trajectory" of the entity. Hence each and every t-polarized change creates a very small projection into 3-space by its rotation slightly away from the time axis. All mindchanges in the time-domain actually produce virtual 3-spatialprojections in 3-space (in the physical domain). We define "intent" asthe continued production of successively coherent mental changes,producing coherent virtual changes in the 3-space body system, withcoherent integration of those 3-space virtual changes into observable3-space energy inputs into the 3-space body system. Successivelycoherent mind-changes will produce successively coherent 3-spacevirtual changes. In short, coherent mind-changes will produce coherentintegration of those 3-space virtual projections into an observable3-space change. This is the creation of an ordinary 3-spatial energychange induced upon the 3-space body. In short, this is the mechanismwhereby time-like mental intent is able to produce a series of coherentobservable quantum changes in the physical body (as in the brain andnervous system).

The Body as a Servomechanism

From the standpoint of control theory, we may consider the body system to be a complex servomechanism system comprised of many subordinate servo systems with feedback and feedforward looping.
Given the input from intent, ordinary servo theory will takeit from there. Once a servo has an input, servomechanism theorydescribes the response of the

mechanism and the resulting "outputs". So a series of coherently integrated "mental intent" changes introduced into the human body's overall servo-mechanism provides the continuing input. From there, ordinary physics will generate the resulting actions induced in the body by thatservomechanism and its amplifying mechanisms.

Two Coupling Mechanisms Make a Closed Loop

This is the "mind-to-body" coupling mechanism. [See Figure 5] It is the mechanism whereby the mind is coupled to the body, and whereby mental intent is able to induce a series of physical inputs into the body servomechanism.
So the body's servomechanism then generates the responses of thebody (including everything from chemistry to electrical changes tomuscular movements, etc.). These responses are changes in 3-space.
The conscious mind is a serial processor, though extremely rapid. It produces the series of coherent intent inputs for volitional behavior.
The unconscious mind is a massively parallel processor.20It continually produces the vast series of coherent "unconscious intentinputs" for control of all the deeper processes in the body, beyondusual conscious awareness.
However, as the body moves or changes in 3-space, each resultingquantum change in body 3-space is also a slight rotation out of 3-spaceand toward the time axis. Hence it induces
in the "virtual state" in the time domainaprecisely correlated projection. The body's responses are in generalcoherent, so a coherent series of virtual state changes in thetime-domain (in the mind realm) are created successively. In short,again we have coherent integration, this time in the mind or timedomain. This produces "observable" changes in the time-mind domain,which are coherent with the body's 3-spatial changes actuallyperformed. Thus the mind receives feedback directly from the physicalmovements and changes of the body. This is the manner in which thebody is coupled back to the mind.21
By comparing the "intent" behavioral move that was "fed forward"into the body, with the return "response" move analog that was "fedback" from the body to the mind, the mind is able to determine errorsand differences, and originate additional correctional commands.
Thus the entire mind-body loop is a closed-circuit system offeedforward and feedback, together with corrections. It also hasmultiple levels of such, infolded in the larger volitional levels. Seeagain Figure 4.
This solves the age-old problem of the mechanisms for the mind-bodycoupling, intent, volition, conscious and unconscious functioning,sense of the external world, sense of the internal world, sense of"being in" the external world, etc.22

All This Is Included in Russian Psychoenergetics

This is the highly summarized basis for psychoenergetics, the KGB's division of energetics that deals with the mind and body coupling and functions, and direct engineering of (1) the mind-body coupling and (2) the mind operations directly. [See Figure 6] The KGB intent, of course, has always been toexploit this science for the degradation, killing, and control of human beings, including all humanity.
The Russians know full well that, if you produce and utilize scalar EM photons and t-polarized EM waves, you can directlyaffect and engineer mind and mind operations at any and all levels.Western researchers, who know nothing of how to make


time-polarized photons and time-polarized EM waves, do not yet know that. Consequently the Russians have developed a highly secret science of directly engineering the mind and its operations, including thought, images, perceptions, feelings, emotions, memory, and mind processing. Indeed, Lisitsyn23 wrote quite specifically of this capability in the 1960s. [SeeFigure 7]
Western clandestine mind control researchers are apparently stillslowly and painfully fitting TW EM irradiation correlates to induced orresulting mental and physical behavior responses. They seem unaware ofthe actual wave transductions occurring inside the body and mind, butare unwittingly inducing those transductions in hidden fashion anywayand in "brute-force input-response fitting" models.
These "fitted brute-force models" certainly can be very powerful,and certainly can produce the exact results shown in the experimentalverifications of the fittings. However, they do not of themselvesallow sophisticated design
for exampleofthe necessary time-polarized wave assemblies for engineering the entirehuman collective unconscious simultaneously, or for engineering theentire collective unconscious of all species on Earth (i.e., Gaia'scollective unconscious), or even for precisely engineering the memoryand knowledge base of an individual.
This fine research article will be continued in Part II withRussian Methodology, Waves and Wave Transduction, The Cellular ControlSystem, and other matters of interest.


President and Chief Executive Officer, CTEC, Inc. Lieutenant Colonel US. Army (Retired). MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. BS mathematics, Northeast Louisiana University. Graduate of Command & General Staff College, US. Army. Graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officers Course, U. S.Army (equivalent to MS in Aerospace Engineering). Numerous electronic warfareand counter-countermeasures courses.
Tom is the leading advocate of scalar potential electromagnetics and theFogal charge-blocking semiconductor: He is involved in alternate energy devicesand scalar electromagnetic system prototypes. He has defined charge q as acoupled system of two components, advanced a mechanism for a vacuum engine,whereby the vacuums virtual particle flux is organized and used to energeticallyshape and manipulate matter and energy, and advanced a mechanism for a Bohm-typequantum potential, which theoretically allows the engineering of action at adistance in physical systems.
He is president of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists(ADAS), a life member of the Alabama Academy of Science, Emeritus member of theAmerican Association of Physics Teachers, and has served on the Board ofDirectors of severaltom.jpg associations and corporations. Tom is a guitarist, aretired aikidoist (Sandan, Yoseikan style), is happily married and has two sonsand two daughters. He and his wife Doris live in Huntsville, Alabama where Tomis retired from aerospace, continues private research, and serves as aconsultant to industry on Scalar electromagnetics processes.


1. E.g., see Lewis H Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 1996, p. 147+. For an even deeper discussion of photon polarization, see F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory, Wiley, 1984, under the heading "Covariant Quantization of the PhotonPropagator" in Chapter 5. Mandl and Shaw argue that the longitudinaland scalar polarizations are not directly observable, but only incombination, where they manifest as the "instantaneous" Coulomb (i.e.electrostatic) potential.
2. Nature is unified and not separated into the"separate" disciplines our science has prescribed. Thus the mind isalso totally electrogravitational. The mind works not just with EM
forms in an inert space, but also with spacetime curvatures in a

spacetime that is highly active. The mind is rooted in the time-domain and projects from that domain into 3-space. The body is rooted in the 3-space domain and projects into the time-domain. To "change" or "function" in one domain is automatically to function in the other. EMand gravitational phenomena are still modeled separately by humanscientists, but not by nature.
3. In quantum mechanics, time is not an observable, but merely a parameter.
4. It is convenient to consider mass as a 3-spatial form of condensed energy.
5. E. T. Whittaker, "On the Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics, " Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 57,1903, p. 333-355;"On an Expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons byMeans of Two Scalar Potential Functions, "Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.,Series 2, Vol. I, 1904, p. 367-372.
6. A NERACdocument search yielded some 16 good references on t-polarized photons,but not a single reference on t-polarized EM waves.
7.E.g., such previously inexplicable instrument anomalies haveaccompanied some excellent and rigorous electrolyte experiments at U.S. Navy research facilities at China Lake. For a description, seeMelvin H Miles and Benjamin F. Bush, "Radiation measurements at ChinaLake: Real or Artifacts?", Proc. ICCF - 7 (International Conference onCold Fusion7, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.1998, p. 101. For a brief explanation of the anomalies, see T. E.Bearden, "EM Corrections Enabling a Practical Unified Field Theory withEmphasis on Time-Charging Interactions of Longitudinal EM Waves, " Explore!, 8(6),1998, p. 7-16; "Toward a Practical Unified Field Theory and a Deep Experimental Example," Proc. INE Symposium, Univ. Utah, Aug.14-15, 1998.
8. Many U. S. researchers and journalistsand even many scientistshavewrestled with the problems of mind, intent, and mind-body coupling.Enumeration of those efforts would itself require an entire book. Foran introduction into that domain, the reader is referred to the verydetermined exposé by Cheryl Welshin her very timely book, The 1950's Discovery of the Code of the Brain,May 1988, published on the Internet. Simply employ any Net searchengine and search on the name Cheryl Welsh. A connection to the siteand to Welsh's book will immediately be found Welsh's importantcompendium is highly recommended, giving the reader a "birds eye view",so to speak, of how Western scientists think and proceed regarding thesubject of mind control by electromagnetic means. Unfortunately alljournalists so far researching the area have not been aware thatWestern electrodynamics itself is seriously flawed, and that the greatRussian advances in mind engineering and mind control are a result oftheir secret but complete revision and correction of Westernelectrodynamics to provide the basis for energetics. Until Westernscientists revise their own decrepit old electrodynamics fouling thetextbooks, they will never catch up to the Russian mind controldevelopments springing from intense development programs that did thatrevision in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
9. An Invention Disclosureon these processes and enhancement embodiments has been filed with theU. S. Patent Office. Formal patent applications are also inpreparation.
10. Energetics is a unifiedscience of an extended electrodynamics possessing a hidden infoldedgeneral relativity inside the potentials, fields, and waves. Itdeliberately employs higher polarizations (longitudinal and tempic) ofphotons and EM waves to engineer action at a distance, use of specificpatterns of spacetime curvature created at a distance, and directengineering of either inert or living bodies. It also encompasses thedirect engineering of time-like mind and mind functions. It is dividedinto three divisions, depending upon the nature of the target.Targeted against inert materials, structures, fields, and waves it iscalled "energetics. "Against living bodies, their fields, andbiochemistry, it is called "bioenergetics." Against the mind and mindfunctions, it is called "psychoenergetics".
11. Psychoenergetics is thatbranch of energetics used to directly affect and engineer the mind,memory, perception, thought, emotion, sensation, personality, and othermind functions of a living biological organism. It is usable against asingle personal conscious (serial processor) mind and a single personalunconscious (massively parallel) processor mind In theory it is alsousable against lungs collective unconscious mind and its functions, aswell as the deeper unconscious for all species on Earth (i.e., againstGaia). We are speaking of physics, not metaphysics.

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