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Entry from my blog titled: The cold war

I'm making these observations today after the report of the man who killed people inside of a workout gym, and the fact that he kept a blog mentioning his feelings and his intent.There are a couple of different things going on the world and the minds of the media and the radio industry. First of all, they fear me, that I will strike out in person against them in some violent act, and so, they use examples like this blog to prove or back up their thinking, so they stay in this mode of watching me out fear. Secondly, they use false stereotyping as basis for their claims, such as, she's schizophrenic so naturally she's dangerous, and can at any moment fall into fits of madness, after losing so much in her life, naturally she will want to die, and they have been keeping track of everything I have said out loud, which hasn't been good. Thirdly, they want to keep thinking this way as a means of controlling me subconsciously, wanting me to just accept my targeting and be placid, even after years of torture and indirect comments and stranglehold from them, they always want, and think they deserve,the upper hand, and definitely, definitely never admit guilt.Fourth, they know that people like us, targets, have every reason to be angry and so, they can not let us have our freedom, because we may still act out from all of our pain and suffering, we may seek revenge somewhere down the road, even if we are free again.I thought I had a free space here to say what I want, but that is a joke, and the joke is on me, because I will never, ever be free living like this. I want to resume writing, and will, soon, but I may have to watch what I say.
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From Lt. Col Tom Beardon Ret- How to build a sensative Scalar Wave Detector!!!from STAR WARS NOW!The Bohm-Aharonov Effect, Scalar Interferometry, and Soviet Weaponizationby Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (retd.), 1984CopyrightA Sensitive Scalar Wave DetectorVery briefly we present a method of making a very sensitive scalar wave detector so that direct measurement and quantization can be established.First, we regard one oscillation (one wavelength) of the scalar potential wave as a longitudinal photon. Note that this photon contains a substructure, which may be deliberately determined (when artificially made) or randomized (when naturally made in the idealized case).For convenience we represent normal linearized vacuum (spacetime) as a horizontal or longitudinal vector (Figure 4), implying the direction of motion of the wave in the laboratory frame. By horizontal position in our diagram, we imply a linear, uncurved spacetime and a non-rotated frame. We represent the longitudinal scalar wave as a horizontal vector, and the usual Hertzian wave as a vertical or "transverse" vector. We visualize a normal detector as detecting only a vertical or "transverse" vector, as we have illustrated in Figure 4.As can be seen, in a linear, unrotated or uncurved spacetime a pure scalar wave has no vertical component projected upon the laboratory frame vector, so it is not detectable by normal detectors.To detect the scalar wave, of course we could bend it so that it has a projected vertical component in the laboratory frame (Figure 5). However, this would be an impure wave, not a pure scalar wave, and that is not what we wish.A better way is to bend or curve spacetime itself in a small region, so that a longitudinal wave that passes through that region now possesses a vertical component with respect to that region (Figure 6). Thus a normal detector there will detect that vertical component. We conduct the detection current out of the "bent spacetime" region to an outside (normal) detector, and we then have a scalar wave detector.To illustrate, we show conceptually how this has been successfully done. Figure 7 shows the concept. First, we utilize a magnetic pole to provide the infolded energy (potential) to bend or curve spacetime. To reach good sensitivity, we need a pole strength connected with a magnetic field strength of 40,000 Gauss or higher. We utilize a small superconducting magnet, which can reach field strengths of from 40,000 to 80,000 Gauss.Slide 33 - FER DE LANCEThen to prevent detection of superfluous "normal" radiation, we shield the entire magnet in a grounded Faraday cage, as shown in the figure. Hertzian waves will be grounded in this shield, while scalar waves will readily penetrate it undiminished. In other words, the Faraday cage serves as a "stripper," to strip away the ordinary waves, leaving only the scalar waves to penetrate inside. An ordinary wire lies at the top of the magnetic pole, in proximity to it. The wire runs out of the Faraday cage through an insulated port to a resonant tuning circuit, which is sharply tunable over the range of frequencies we are interested in. A preamp amplifies the output of the tuner, and in turn feeds the input of an oscilloscope or other detector.With this detector we can select the frequency desired, and detect any passing scalar waves of that frequency. By other variations of amps and preamps, regenerative circuits, etc. we can obtain all the sensitivity desired, and utilize ordinary detection equipment already well-known and highly developed.Additional Information about detecting Scalar Waves
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Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, July/August 2004,pages 54-55

The Mideast in the Midwest

A Midwest Jewish Activist Helps Fight Zionist Mind Control in America

By Betsy Mayfield

Henry Herskovitz at the April 23 demonstration in front of the Peoria, IL corporateheadquarters of Caterpillar, Inc. to protest Israel’suse of its bulldozers to demolish Palestinian homes. In March2003 an IDF-driven Caterpillar crushed to death Americanpeace activist Rachel Corrie (staff photo B. Mayfield).

[PALESTINIANS] are not a rabble but a nation, perhaps somewhat tattered, but still living. A living people makes such enormousconcession on such fateful questions [as colonialization] whenthere is no hope left. Only when not a single breach is visiblein the iron wall, only then do extreme groups lose their swayand influence transfers to moderate groups. Only then would thesemoderate groups come to us with proposals for mutual concessionson such fateful questions like guarantees against expulsion,or equality and national autonomy.…the only path to such an agreementis the iron wall, that is to say the strengthening in Palestineof a government without any kind of Arab influence, that is tosay one against which the Arabs will fight. In other words, forus the only path to an agreement in the future is an absoluterefusal of any attempts at an agreement now.

—Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1923

Driving from Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Ames, Iowa, in mid-January is not a trip one embarks upon without good cause. But Henry Herskovitzbelieves his cause is good. He knows that in America’s Midwesta public relations war is being waged to secure unquestioning supportfor Israel. The Jewish Michigander wants to reach the hearts andminds of Midwesterners. He seeks not to control minds, but ratherurges people—especially those raised to value Zionism above allelse—to become aware and to think for themselves. Herskovitz wantsJews and non-Jews to think about Israeli occupation; the falsesuggestion that all Palestinians are antidemocratic radicals; andthe tactics used to silence those who dare speak out in recognitionof the political, economic and social imbalance that Israel hasover the Christian and Muslim Arabs.

An American Jewish objector to Israel’s colonial and violent occupation of Palestine, Herskovitz made the trek to Ames, Iowa,with filmmaker Thom Saffold, to see if any members of the AmesJewish community would talk to him about American Jewish supportof the Israel-First policy. He came in response to a request byorganizers (including the author) of “Palestine Unabridged,” athree-month film series held at the Ames Public Library from Sept.11 to Dec. 11, 2003. The series offered alternative views on theIsrael-Palestine conflict.

Here in Iowa, Revisionist Zionists—the ideological descendants of Vladimir Jabotinsky—are determined “to make someone pay” forthe film series’ success. Some 30 to 50 Jewish and Christian Zionistsstill are stunned that the familiar accusation of “anti-Semitic” failedto shut down the film series, nor did slander, isolation or dirtytricks against series organizers have the desired effect. Of apopulation of 50,000, this small group of Revisionist Zionist sympathizers,aided by the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines, tried toget two of our librarians fired, remove a leader of the Ames InterfaithCouncil, and dismiss a young Chicano activist who dared place a “PalestineUnabridged” poster in the window of his not-for-profit communityoffice. Explained one Zionist, “We cannot allow American institutionsto become a platform for anti-Israel thinking.”

But the Ames Public Library, the City of Ames and the organizations sponsoring “Palestine Unabridged” refused to be deterred by thefrequently employed tactic of interrupting and changing the subjectfrom Palestine to Israel. Initially, the Zionist opponents of freespeech and thought resorted to calling in a local fire marshalto turn on lights in the middle of the film “Rana’s Wedding” tosee if the library had allowed more people in the auditorium thanfire codes permit. The opening night ruse did not succeed, andthe show went on—for 11 more weeks. One hundred or more peopleattended each film and 30 to 60 participants discussed the issuesat a local coffee house on alternate weeks.

Have Cause, Will Travel

Henry Herskovitz has not always waved the flag for the Palestinian cause. An engineer focused on his successful career,Herskovitz spent little energy investigating what was going onin Palestine. Then, he retired. “I decided I had to go and seefirsthand what the conflict was all about,” he explained. “Of course,I had read about it over the years, but I really didn’t have agood grasp of the situation. I spent all my adult life using engineeringskillsto fix things, but I knew that I had to have experience to developreal insight into a mechanical problem and, certainly, into thisseemingly untenable human problem. Israel always seemed like agood idea to me, but I had questions.”

After a 2002 visit to Israel/Palestine, Herskovitz returned to Ann Arbor a changed man.His questions had been answered by firsthandexperience. Active in the Ann Arbor peacecommunity, Herskovitzassumed he would have no trouble telling his friends and fellowJewish community members about his trip and the disturbing realizationsstill reverberating in his head. He prepared a Power Point presentationabout the Israeli checkpoints, home demolitions, needless killingsand the attitude which he saw as destroying not only the Palestinians,but the Israelis, as well. Expectantly, Herskovitz called on thelocal rabbi to arrange a date for a showing. The answer was a shock. “No,” hewas told by Temple Beth Emeth (Reformed), Beth Israel Congregation(Conservative), Chabad House (Orthodox), and the Jewish CommunityCenter.

Herskovitz put himself on the line. He knocked on doors until all were slammed shut once and for all. Protest, he decided,was the only option. He formed a small group called Jewish Witnessesfor Peace and friends—with a small “f” for “friends” because hewants to make it clear that his concerns are Jewish issues. Heprinted up signs that read, “THIS IS NOT MY JUDAISM,” under a pictureof the Huwarra checkpoint; “STOP U.S. AID TO ISRAEL”; and “ANNARBOR JEWS SAY ‘END THE ISRAELI OCCUPATION.’”

On Sept. 13, 2003, as we in Ames were just beginning our film series, Herskovitz and a dozen others began weekly peaceful vigilsoutside Ann Arbor synagogues on Saturdays. They could not failto be seen by those coming and going to prayers and study.

After more than six months of weekly protest, Herskovitz says the best he can get from his “old” friends are comments such as,“Idon’t want to have a discussion with you, but I want to tell youjust one thing...”

Explains Herskovitz, “This one-way ‘conversation’ expressed how unhappy our vigils made [the woman]. As she walked away, we explainedthat it is not our intent to make anyone unhappy. However, herquestion begs inspection. If she had hung around, we would haveasked: ‘What is contained in our message that you find painful?And why is that message painful to you?’”

When Herskovitz came to Ames this past January 2004, only one Jewish friend of the author’s, a moderate Zionist, would speakwith him. Herskovitz gave him his card and said, “If you can get10 Jewish or Zionist folks from Ames to talk to me, I’ll driveback anytime.” That has yet to happen.

We Dared to Speak Out

Having produced a successful film series despite continuing efforts to silence us, Ames festival organizers are still payinga price for our determination. Economic threats, social isolationand hate-based rhetoric continue as our Zionist opposition is determinedto let the rest of the community know the turmoil they will createfor anyone who speaks out against the Israeli occupation. RevisionistZionists continue to insist on an official, public apology.

One series objector who now works for our local paper never fails to flaunt her disdain for “Palestine Unabridged” when she visitsthe Ames Public Library and talks to library staff. As she andothers told us on the last night of our program, “What you didwas a mistake.”

Other partisans of Israel have spent the last four months harassing the library board, demanding a public apology and “unofficial” censorshipthrough policy changes designed to deny the public access to programscritical of Israel. As Joel Beinin wrote in “Thought Control forMiddle East Studies,” his March 31 Common Dreams critiqueof the Zionist tweaking of Title VI of the U.S. Higher EducationAct, the idea is “to study, monitor, apprise, and evaluate” suspectprograms at American universities. According to Beinin, Washingtonneocons want “to assert political control over teaching, research,and public programs” so that Americans will remain oblivious toanything unfavorable to Israel or America’s support of Israelipolicy.

In Ames, Iowa, we are discovering that this kind of mind control is occurring outside the academy, as well.

Henry Herskovitz in Ann Arbor and our small group here in Ames have put ourselves on the line in an effort to make people awareofthe evils of colonization in Palestine and the use of the “anti-Semite” labelto stifle debate. As of mid-April, Herskovitz reported, the executivedirector of the Jewish Federation of Washtenaw County solicitedletters from socially prominent Ann Arbor community members. Thirteenpeople have responded, writing anti-Herskovitz letters to the localAnn Arbor news. Letters in support of “vigillers” are increasing,however.

Henry Herskovitz knows that peace starts with just one voice, and he is as encouraged as we are. Jewish Witnesses for Peace andfriends, the “Palestine Unabridged” series, and the actions ofInformation Age groups everywhere are signs of a growing grassrootsmomentum. The work for peace has just begun.

Betsy Mayfield is a writer and activist based in Ames, Iowa.


Henry Herskovitz In His Own Words

Jewish Americans Can Help End Conflict (letter to the Feb. 25, 2004 Ann Arbor News):

Our group, formed last year, is called “Jewish Witnesses for Peace and friends.” We hold silent vigils in front ofBeth Israel Congregation primarily to raise awareness ofthe effects of Israel’s 36-year-old illegal occupation ofPalestinian land. Our venue is the synagogue, because theaudience we wish to address is mainstream American Jews,very much like ourselves.

Many of the Jewish people who attend synagogue are those who financially and politically support Israel. Our goalis to end this funding of Israel’s occupation, financed byindividual contributions, and by our tax dollars and loanguarantees. Ending the occupation is the most logical andnecessary way to bring a just and lasting peace to the region.The estimated amount of money donated through these sourcestotals $15 million every day (Source: Washington Reporton Middle East Affairs).

Our vigil accomplishes much more, however. To non-Jews, who might be critical of Israeli policies but too concernedto speak lest they be labeled “anti-Semites,” we offer themthe observance that Jewish Americans come forth and criticizethe Israeli government.

The Jewish community can play a vital and significant role in reducing the continuing slaughter of innocents in Israeland Palestine, both Jewish and Palestinian. Many in our grouphave been to Palestine and have witnessed firsthand the horrorsof occupation.

Henry Herskovitz, Ann Arbor

On AIPAC’s Chicago Conference, “The Israel Summit—Tools for Action”

Perhaps most shocking to this observer was the nationalist tone set by this conference. A large room with hundreds ofdining tables housed 1,600 attendees (650 students). At thefront, on stage, stood the speakers’ table flooded in brightlight. Flanking the speakers were four national flags: twoIsraeli (large and small) on the speaker’s left, and like-sizedUnited States flags, on his/her right.

The show of power of this lobby was not limited just to physical surroundings. Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin and nineIllinois congressional representatives each spoke about theircommitment to Israel, and to the goal of AIPAC—“Stengtheningthe U.S.-Israel relationship.” Jesse Jackson, Jr. spoke ofhis AIPAC-sponsored trip to Israel, and thanked the organizationalong with local rabbis (esp. Rabbi David Saperstein) forthe privilege of traveling there. He declared “most moving” washis trip to Yad Vashem, Jerusalem’s Holocaust Memorial, andsubsequent “need” for the Jewish State. Congresswoman JanSchakowsky explained how helpful AIPAC is to citizens runningfor Congress: they will help the politician-to-be draft his/herIsrael solidarity statement.

And wealth: Many of the 650 students in attendance were flown in at the expense of just three local businessmen.The ability to raise funds for Israel is just one of AIPAC’smany strengths. As peace activists dedicated to Palestinianself-determination, we have our work cut out for ourselves.

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by John St Clair Akwei
From an article in NexusMagazine April/May 96

fromMindControlForums Website

A lawsuitfiled against the U.S. National Security Agency revealsa frightening array of technologies and programsdesigned to keep tabs on individuals.

John StClair Akwei
National Security Agency
Ft George G. Meade, MD, USA
(Civil Action 92-0449)

Thefollowing document comprises evidence for a lawsuitfiled at the U.S. Courthouse in Washington, DC, by JohnSt Clair Akwei against the National Security Agency, FtGeorge G. Meade, Maryland (Civil Action 92-0449),constitutes his knowledge of the NSA's structure,national security activities proprietary technologiesand covert operations to monitor individual citizens Ed.


  • Communications Intelligence (COMINT)
    Blanket coverage of all electronic communications in the US andthe world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft Meade,Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world sincethe early 1960s. NSA technology is developed and implemented insecret from private corporations, academia and the generalpublic.

  • Signals Intelligence (SICINT)
    The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into aprogram of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelesslytapping into computers and track persons with the electricalcurrents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on factthat everything in the environment with an electric current init has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. TheNSA/DoD [Department of Defense] developed proprietary advanceddigital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whethermanmade or organic, that have electrical activity.

  • Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)
    The NSA has records on all US citizens. The NSA gathersinformation on US citizen who might be of interest to any of theover 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized byexecutive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanentnational security anti-terrorist surveillance network in place.This surveillance network is completely disguised and hiddenfrom the public.

    Tracking individuals in the US is easily and cost-effectivelyimplemented with NSA's electronic surveillance network. Thisnetwork (DOMINT) covers the entire US, involves tens ofthousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of personssimultaneously . Cost-effective implementation of operations isassured by NSA computer technology designed to minimizeoperations costs. NSA personnel serve in quasi-public positionsin their communities and run cover businesses and legitimatebusinesses that can inform the intelligence community of personsthey would want to track. NSA personnel in the community usuallyhave cover identities such as social workers, lawyers andbusiness owners.

  • Individual Citizens OccasionallyTargeted for Surveillance by Independently Operating NSAPersonnel
    NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands ofindividuals in the US by using the NSA's domestic intelligencenetwork and cover businesses. The operations independently runby them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-termcontrol and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizensby NSA operatives is likely to happen.

    NSA DOMINT has theability to assassinate US citizens covertly or run covertpsychological control operations to cause subjects to bediagnosed with ill mental health.


The above symptomshighlight a fraction of the vast array of
Neuro-Electromagnetic Frequency Assaults perpetuated by the Policeand
Military Intelligence Agencies toward
Remote Mind Control Experiments, Behavioral Manipulation andMurder.


As of the early 1960s, the most advanced computers in the world wereat the NSA, Ft Meade. Research breakthroughs with these computerswere kept for the NSA. At the present time the NSA hasnanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computertechnology. The NSA obtains blanket coverage of information in theUS by using advanced computers that use artificial intelligence toscreen all communications, regardless of medium, for key words thatshould be brought to the attention of NSA agents/cryptologists.

These computers monitor allcommunications at the transmitting and receiving ends. This blanketcoverage of the US is a result of the NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)mission. The NSA's electronic surveillance network is based on acellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF(electromagnetic frequency)spectrum.

This equipment was developed, implemented and kept secretin the same manner as other electronic warfare programs.

  • Signals Intelligence RemoteComputer Tampering
    The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in theUS. This is an integral part of the Domestic Intelligencenetwork. The NSA's EMF equipment can tune in RF (remotefrequency) emissions frompersonal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissionsfrom monitors and power sup- plies).

    The RF emission from PCcircuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RFwaves from the NSA's equipment can resonate PC circuits andchange data in the PCs. Thus the NSA can gain wirelessmodem-style entry into any computer in the country forsurveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare.

  • Detecting EMF Fields in Humansfor Surveillance
    A subject's bioelectric field can be remotely detected, sosubjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMFequipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials(from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person's brain-statesand thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from adistance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in thecountry on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and theNSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24hours a day.

    The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the US.



NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation forRemoteNeural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF BrainStimulation has been in development since theMKULTRA program of theearly 1950s, which included neurological research into radiation(non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development.

Theresulting secret technology is categorized at the National SecurityArchives as "Radiation Intelligence", defined as,

"information from unintentionallyemanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not includingradioactivity or nuclear detonation".

Signals Intelligence implemented andkept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronicwarfare programs of the US Government. The NSA monitors availableinformation about this technology and withholds scientific researchfrom the public. There are also international intelligenceagreements to keep this technology secret.

The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyze electricalactivity in humans from a distance. NSA computer generated brainmapping can continuously monitor all of the electrical activity inthe brain continuously. The NSA records and decode individual brainmaps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national securitypurposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by themilitary for brain-to-computer link (in military fighter aircraft,for example).

For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in thespeech center of the brain can be translated into the subject'sverbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain'sauditory cortex, thus allowing audio communications direct to thebrain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this covertly todebilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinationscharacteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.

Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring canmap out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject'sbrain and show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor.NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing.Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to thevisual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves.

NSA operativescan use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillancesubject's brain while they are in REM sleep for brain-programmingpurposes.

  • Capabilities of NSA OperativesUsing RNM
    There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the US sincethe 1940s. The NSA, Ft Meade has in place a vast two-waywireless RNM system which is used to track subjects andnon-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brains.This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNMis the ultimate method of surveillance and domesticintelligence. Speech, 3D sound and subliminal audio can be sentto the auditory cortex of the subject's brain (bypassing theears), and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM canalter a subject's perceptions, moods and motor control.

    Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimatecommunications system for the intelligence community. RNM allowsfor a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.


The above is a simpleflowchart of Nuero-Electromagnetic Frequency Assaults

showing methods thatcan be perpetuated by the Police and Military Intelligence Agencies

toward Remote MindControl Experiments, Behavioural Manipulation and Murder.


NSA SIGINT can remotely detect, identifyand monitor a person's bioelectric fields.

The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability tomonitor remotely and non-invasively information in the human brainby digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain.

Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical patternthat has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out aconstant 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Containedin the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes andpatterns called "evoked potentials". Every thought, reaction, motorcommand, auditory event and visual image in the brain has acorresponding "evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials". TheEMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the currentthoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain.

NSA SIGINT uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as acommunications system to transmit information (as well as nervoussystem messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to thebrains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level).

EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsedelectromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in thebrain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain's neuralcircuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person'sbrain-states and affect motor control.

Two-way electronic Brain Link is done by remotely monitoring neuralaudio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditorycortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to thevisual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes). The imagesappear as floating 2D screens in the brain.

Two-way electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communicationssystem for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote neural monitoring (RNM,remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) hasbecome the ultimate surveillance system.

It is used by a limitednumber of agents in the US Intelligence Community.


The above is a simpleflowchart of Nuero-Electromagnetic Frequency Assaults

showing methods thatcan be perpetuated by the Police and Military Intelligence Agenciestoward
Remote Mind Control Experiments, Behavioural Manipulation andMurder.


RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brainarea. That frequency is then modulated in order to imposeinformation in that specific brain area. The frequency to which thevarious brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSASignals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. (SeeTable 1 below)

This modulated information can be putinto the brain at varying intensities from subliminal toperceptible. Each person's brain has a unique set of bioelectricresonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to aperson's brain at the frequency of another person's auditory cortexwould result in that audio information not being perceived.

The Plaintiff learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact withthe Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft Meade.

They used RNM 3D sound direct to the brain to harass the Plaintifffrom October 1990 to May 1991.

As of 5/91 they have had two-way RNM communications with thePlaintiff and have used RNM to attempt to incapacitate the Plaintiffand hinder the Plaintiff from going to the authorities about theiractivities against the Plaintiff in the last 12 years. The Kinnecomegroup has about 100 persons working 24 hours a day at Ft Meade. Theyhave also brain-tapped persons the Plaintiff is in contact with tokeep the Plaintiff isolated.

This is the first time ever that aprivate citizen has been harassed with RNM and has been able tobring a lawsuit against NSA personnel misusing this intelligenceoperations method.


click above image


Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location, insideany building, continuously, anywhere in the country.

A system forinexpensive implementation of these operations allows for thousandsof persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA.

  • Remote RNM Devices
    NSA's RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs)of the human brain for tracking individuals, and can sendmessages through the nervous systems to affect theirperformance. RNM can electronically identify individuals andtrack them anywhere in the US. This equipment is on a networkand is used for domestic intelligence operations, governmentsecurity and military base security, and in case of bioelectricwarfare.

  • Spotters and Walk-Bys inMetropolitan Areas
    Tens of thousands of persons in each area working as spottersand neighbourhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly)following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA personnel.

    Agents working out of offices can be in constant communicationwith spotters who are keeping track of the NSA's thousands ofsubjects in public. NSA agents in remote offices can instantlyidentify (using~ RNM) any individual spotted in public who is incontact with surveillance subject.

  • Chemicals and Drugs intoResidential Buildings with Hidden NSA Installed and MaintainedPlastic Plumbing lines.
    The NSA has kits for running lines into residential tap waterand air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs (such assleeping gas or brainwashing-aiding drugs). This is an outgrowthof CIA pharmapsychology (psychopharmacology).

  • Brief Overview of Proprietary USIntelligence/Anti-Terrorist Equipment Mentioned
    Fixed network of special EMF equipment that can read EEGs inhuman brains and identify/track individuals by using digitalcomputers. ESB (Electrical Stimulation to the Brain) via EMFsignal from the NSA Signals Intelligence is used to controlsubjects.

    EMF equipment that gathers information from PC circuit boards bydeciphering RF emissions, thereby gaining wireless modem-styleentry into any personal computer in the country. All equipmenthidden, all technology secret, all scientific researchunreported (as in electronic warfare research). Not known to thepublic at all, yet complete and thorough implementation of thismethod of domestic intelligence has been in place since theearly 1980s.

Editor's Note:

I tried ringing MrAkwei to find out what was the out-come, if any, of his court case.He firmly but kindly told me that he could not speak about anythingto do with the case over the phone and hung up. A subsequentconversation of similar length resulted in the information that hedid not wish his address or phone number published with thisarticle.

So, if we hear of any developments, we'll let you know.

Its totallyobvious from the above article that the US NationalSecurity Agency is none other than a covertly runterrorist organization.

Their highly sophisticated technology that is used tomonitor and manipulate the minds of millions of innocentpeople daily, is a blatant expression of the dominatingand authoritarian mentality that exists behind thefacade of our so called democratic society.

George Orwell's "THOUGHT POLICE" is an absolutereality in today's world.

Whether we realize it or not, every individual withinour society is negatively effected by this dictatorshipattitude.

It has to change - It will change - It starts with you!

George Farquhar
Project Freedom

An example of EMF Brain Stimulation

Table 1

Brain Area
BioelectricResonance Frequency
Information Induced Through Modulation
Motor Control Cortex
10 Hz
Motor Impulse co-ordination
Auditory Cortex
15 Hz
Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex
25 Hz
Images in the brain bypassing the eyes
9 Hz
Phantom touch sense
Thought Center
20 Hz
Imposed subconscious thoughts


These publications have only been discovered sinceDecember 1991, after Plaintiff had already notifiedauthorities (Dept of Justice, etc.) of Public Corruption by named NSA employees.

When no action was taken against the NSAemployees, I researched the Intelligence Community electronicsurveillance technology involved and discovered the followingpublications.

  • The Body Electric: Electromagnetismand the Foundation of Life, by Robert Becker, M.D. Monitoringneuroelectric information in the brain ESB. (p. 265,313,318)

  • Cross currents, by Robert Becker.Simulating auditory hallucinations. Remote computer tamperingusing RF emissions from the logic board. (p.70,78,105,174,210,216,220,242,299,303)

  • Currents of Death, by Paul Brodeur.Driving brain electrical activity with external EM;magnetophosphenes; Delgado. (p. 27,93)

  • The Zapping of America, by PaulBrodeur. DoD EM ESB research; simulating auditoryhallucinations.

  • Of Mice, Men and Molecules, by JohnH. Heller 1963 Bioelectricity; probing the brain with EM waves.(p, 110)

  • The Three-Pound Universe, by JudithHooper. CIA EEG research; EEGs for surveillance. (p.29,132,137)

  • In the Palaces of Memory, by GeorgeJohnson. EM emissions from the brain; the brain as an openelectromagnetic circuit.

  • The Puzzle Palace, by James Bamford.Signals Intelligence; most advanced computers in the early'sixties.

  • The US Intelligence Community.Glossary terms at National Security Archives; RadiationIntelligence (information from unintentionally emanatedelectromagnetic energy, excluding radioactive sources).

  • The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate",by John Marks. Electrical or radio stimulation to the brain; CIAR&D in bioelectrics. (p.227)

  • Secret Agenda, by Jim Hougan.National security cult groups.

  • Crimes of the IntelligenceCommunity, by Morton Halperin. Surreptitious entries;intelligence agents running operations against governmentworkers.

  • War in the Age of IntelligentMachines, NSA computer supremacy, complete control ofinformation.

  • Alternate Computers, by Time-LifeBooks. Molecule computers.

  • The Mind, by Richard Restak, M.D.EEG Systems inc.; decoding brain EM emanations, trackingthoughts on a computer. (p. 258)

  • MedTech, by Lawrence Galton.Triggering events in the brain, direct to auditory cortexsignals.

  • Cyborg, by D.S. Halacy, Jr, 1965.Brain-to-computer link research contracts given out by the USgovernment.

  • Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims ofMind Control, by Harvey M. Weinstein M.D. Dr. Cameron; psychicdriving; ultraconceptual communications.

  • Journey Into Madness: The True Storyof Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, by Gordon Thomas,Intelligence R&D; Delgado; psychic driving with radio telemetry.(p. 127,276,116,168,169)

  • Mind Manipulators, by Alan Scheflinand Edward M. Opton. MKULTRA brain research forinformation-gathering.

  • The Brain Changers, by Maya Pines.Listening to brain EM emissions. (p.19)

  • Modern Bioelectricity. Inducingaudio in the brain with EM waves; DoD cover-up; EM wave ESB;remote EEGs

  • Magnetic Stimulation in ClinicalNeurophysiology, by Sudhansu Chokroverty. Magnetophosphenes;images direct to the visual cortex.

  • The Mind of Man, by Nigel Calder. USintelligence brain research.

  • Neuroelectric Society Conference,1971. Audio direct to the brain with EM waves; 2-way remoteEEGs.

  • Brain Control, by Elliot S.Valenstein. ESB., control of individuals.

  • Towards Century 21, by C.S. Wallia.Brain Stimulation for direct-to-brain communications (p21)

  • Mind Wars, by Ron McRae (associateof Jack Anderson). Research into brain-to-brain electroniccommunications., remote neural EM detection (PP. 62 106, 136).

  • Mind Tools, by Rudy Rucker. Braintapping; communications with varying biomagnetic fields (p82).

  • US News and World report, January2nd 1984. EM wave brain stimulation; intelligence communityhi-tech (p38).

  • Ear Magazine. Article on extremelylow frequencies radio emissions in the natural environment;radio emissions from the human body.

  • City Paper, Washington DC January17, 1992. Article FCC and NSA "complete radio spectrum"listening posts.

  • Frontiers in Science, by EdwardHutchings Jr 1958 (p48).

  • Beyond Bio Feedback, by Elmer andAlyce Green, 1977 (p118)

  • The Body Quantum, by Fred Alan Wolf

  • Cloning; A Biologist Reports, byRobert Gillmore McKinnell. Ethical review of cloning humans.

  • Hoovers' FBI, by Former agentWilliam Turner. Routines of electronic surveillance work.(p280).

  • July 20th 2019, by Arthur C. ClarkeLIDA; Neurophonics; Brain-computer link.

  • MegaBrain, by Michael Hutchison.Brain stimulation with EM waves; CIA research and informationcontrol. (pp.107,108,117,120,123).

  • The Cult of Information, by TheodoreRosnak, 1986. NSA Directive #145; personal files in computers;computer automated telephone tapping.

  • The Body Shop, 1986 implantation ofan electrode array on the visual cortex for video direct to thebrain; other 1960's research into electronically triggeringPhosphenes in the brain, thus bypassing the eyes.

  • Evoked Potentials, by David Regan.Decoding neuroelectric information in the brain.

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Swiss Air Flight 111 en route to the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland was Directed Energy destroyed- 10 Bioweapons experts from the USA were on board and the lead AIDS Researcher- all died that day in 1998 were 11 Top US Bioweapons experts on Swiss Air Flight 111. Evidence shows it was directed Energy Destroyed- killing over 200 innocent people. This plane was en route to the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland that day in 1998. Swiss Air Flight 111 was destroyed over Peggy's Cove Nova Scotia Canada. George H Bush was the secret government under the Clinton Administration that planned this along with Karl Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz, William J Rigby, and James BakerSwissAirFlight111DestroyedByDirectedEnergyCarried_elevenTopScientists-0001.pdf, 2.5 MB
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Subject: Effects of GHz radiation on the human nervous system: To be used as evidence in International criminal court justices -Paper presented by Harlan E. Girard, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coherent and Emergent Phenomena in Biomolecular Systems, The University of Arizona, January 15-1991AbstractThe United States has developed communications equipment which can make the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. It can relieve the terminally ill of all pain, without the use of any drugs. A man might retain the use of all his faculties up until the day of his death.This communications equipment depends on a new way of looking at the human brain and neuromuscular system, and gigahertz radiation pulsed at ultra-low frequencies.Some of this equipment is now operational within the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It will never be used to make the blind see and the deaf hear and the lame walk because its use is central to the domestic political agenda and foreign policy of James A. Baker and George Herbert Walker Bush.Domestically, the new communications equipment is being used to torture and murder persons who match profiles imagined to be able to screen a given population for terrorists, to torture and murder citizens who belong to organizations which promote peace and development in Central America, to torture and murder citizens who belong to organizations opposed to the deployment and use of nuclear weapons, and to create a race of slaves called Automatons or what is popularly called the Manchurian Candidate.Overseas, experimentation is taking place on hostages held by the United States in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Finland and France. In addition, there has been a long series of bizarre suicides among British computer scientists, all of whom had some connection to the United States Navy.Considenng how recklessly, wantonly and indiscriminately America's new weapons have been used, physicians attending the dead and dying should consider the patients known political views and associations before making a diagnosis or conducting an autopsy.INTRODUCTIONIn 1988 the Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the United States published a special report titled. Criminal Justice: New Technologies and the Constitution. The report surveys the new technologies used in the investigation, apprehension, and confinement of criminals and addresses that delicate balance to be maintained between the national interest and individual rights.As welcome as this report is to those of us who are interested in a government of law rather than of men, it manages to omit any discussion of the use of directed energy weapons from the section on less than lethal weapons. For instance, a weapon has been developed to paralyze a person at a distance, through a brick wall, if necessary. This weapon was developed during 1983-4 for use in situations where hostages are being held. A variation of this weapon has been purchased by the Marine Corps, for confusing and disorienting the enemy.American weapons research has centered on pulsed radiation in the gigahertz frequency band for a very interesting reason. In 1972, the Department of the Army researched Soviet and other foreign literature sources and discovered over 500 studies devoted to the biological effects of SHF - super-high frequency electromagnetic oscillations. (1)SHF may have potential use as a technique for altering human behavior. ...Lethal and non-lethal aspects have been shown to exist. In certain non-lethal exposures, definite behavioral changes have occurred. There also appears to be a change in mammals, when exposed to SHF, in sensitivity to sound, light, and olfactory stimuli.The significance of this intelligence document in terms of the medical experiments commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency since 1976 is that emphasis in this report is placed on influencing individuals as opposed to groups.Secondly, this report is a trend study and therefore contains statements predicting Soviet knowledge and capabilities for influencing human behavior up to fifteen years ahead, or 1987. It foreshadows the enormous effort put into behavior control experiments employing the use of lasers and microwave beam weapons on involuntary human subjects during the Reagan-Bush regime.Thirdly, despite the report's title. Controlled Offensive Behavior - USSR. it opens with a chapter describing the use of torture on Catholic prisoners in British jails in Northern Ireland. The inclusion of this chapter at all, and its position at the front of the report. clearly is intended to suggest that it is permissible for the United States to torture its own citizens because these methods are being used by our very civilized cousins in Britain, and not only barbarians in the Soviet Union.Fourthly, the report states that, The purpose of mind altering techniques is to create one or more of several different possible states in the conscious or unconscious area of the brain. The ultimate goal of controlled offensive behavior might well be the total submission of one's will to some outside force.After discussing some of the possible states short of complete submission which may be the goal of Soviet research in behavior control, the author states, Since the desired end product of this type of research is some change in the human mind, only the non-lethal aspects are discussed in this report. It should be remembered, however, that some techniques have lethal thresholds.In the current round of American behavior control experiments, no allowance is made for lethal thresholds. The use of involuntary human subjects provided by the Central Intelligence Agency precludes the necessity for researchers to consider lethal thresholds and legal consequences.A curious situation has emerged in which torturers and murderers attend our meetings, address us on the failings of our own research, and misdirect us with papers on the benign effects of incubating eggs in 60-herz magnetic fields, in order to buy time for their own well paid and frequently lethal experiments on involuntary human subjects.Another document which will be of interest to those wishing baclground information concemmg the technology of political control is The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control by John Marks. It was published in 1977 but has recently 1,1988) been reprinted by Dell Publishing, with an introduction by Thomas Powers.Of special interest are the.chapters concerning experiments with electrodes in the brain, which were the true forerunner of current experimentation involving invading the human brain and nervous system with gigahertz frequency masers and microwave beam weapons.Of particular interest in the light of current developments are two paragraphs in the very last chapter which concern a Boston-based CIA front organization, the Scientific Engineering Institute, which still exists, not so incidentally. The SEI was initially established to do research on radar! In the 1960's the SEI added a wing devoted to life sciences, and hired a group of behavioral and medical scientists.Marks reports, One veteran recalls a colleague joking, If you could find the natural radio frequency of a person's sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast. Turning serious, the veteran states the technique was plausible. and he notes that many of The crazy ideas bandied about at lunch developed into concrete projects. Just how concrete that proposal to find the natural radio frequency of the human anal (and penile) sphincter became, Marks had no way of knowing at the lime he wrote his book.Lastly, I would like to cite another Defense Intelligence Agency report also prepared by the US Army. It is titled. Biological Effects of Elertromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries It was published by the Defense Intelligence Agency in March, 1976.The importance of this report rests not on its content, much of which seems to remains classified, but in its acknowledgement of a shift in focus, in less than four years from a wide range of behavior control interests to just one, electromagnetic radiation.The date of this report is also significant: it was published when George Herbert Walker Bush became Director of Central Intelligence. Experiments on involuntary human subjects were rapidly authorized by the new Director, but to take place outside of the United States because of the wrath of Congress at that time.An experiment was begun in Edmomon. Alberta. Canada, under the aegis of an American oil company with which the DCI was on friendly terms. It consisted initially of blasting a man s brain with the microwave analog of sound waves for 2-3 hours a day. This has the effect of producing auditory hallucinations.For an explanation of how audible voices are broadcast directly into the brain, see _Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications_, James C. Lin, Ph.D., Thomas Springfield, ll, 1978. For audible volces and their uses in intelligence operations also see _The Body Electric; Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life_, Robert D. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden, Morrow, N.Y., 1985, particularly pages 317 et seq.TECHNOLOGY & METHODSA further discussion of events leading up the present series of mind control experiments will have to await another occasion, in favor of a discussion of the technology ef which the United States is now possessed.As I have already indicated, one of the principal features of the weapon system is its ability to produce auditory effects, or hallucinations. Using these effects to broadcast defeat into the minds of the enemy was a particular dream of Lt. Gen. Leonard Perroots, U.SA.F. He hired droves of consultants to tell him how to use a microwave beam to implant ideas in the mind of the enemy, and to be perfectly fair, to urge on his own troops to superhuman deeds of valor.One consultant I have spoken with advised Perroots that it is no more possible to implant ideas in the brain with microwaves than it is possible to implant ideas in a computer with microwaves. He pointed out the impossibility of knowing where any particular bit of informaiion is stored.The effect this had on Perroots was really quite predictable, considering the hubris of the man, and his access to unlimited amounts of money through the bloated, American defense budget. He kept on hiring consultants until he found one who promised him results, knowing thai he, Perroots, would be long retired before anyone could safely say his fair- haired boy was a charlatan.The smug complacency of the former consultant I spoke with was equally predictable. When I confronted him with the fact that medical atrocities are being committed on innocent human beings, he refused to discuss the subject with me until I could describe the process to him. Subsequently, I stumbled across Lin's book on microwave auditory effects.I called the former consultant back again, and again implored him to step forward and be counted. This time, confronted with the process being used, he told me that I had to expiain to him the mechanism by which microwaves produce auditory effects! Changing tack, I told him that the mechanism is irrelevant; the process is being used on slave labor in efforts to create the Manchurian Candidate.His reaction was just as predictable as Perroots', given the isolation and arrogance of academia. He assured me that such experiments couldn't be going on because HE had Forestalled that happening. HE had told Lt. Gen. Perroots that it couldn't be done, so Perroots had gone out to fly a kite and forgotten about it.Actually, that is what should have happened Instead, Perroots turned to a man who promised him results. This man remembered the microwave analog audiograms used by Dr. Joseph Sharp to beam auditory hallucinations into his own head at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in 1973. He promised Perroots that he would talk a human being to death if he was furnished with the equipment Sharp had used at Walter Reed, a slave, and personal security.This was the origin of the medical atrocities which begin in Edmonton, Alberta in 1976, under the protection of the Central Intelligence Agency, and continue to this day.By the fall of 1983, experiments had produced some communications equipment which far exceeded the simple dream of broadcasting defeat into the minds of the enemy. It is not only capable of producing auditory hallucinations, but visual hallucinations as well. The visual hallucinations have been described to me by a German artist, on whom this equipment is being used involuntarily, as having the quality of 35mm color slides.Besides these sensory hallucinations, the same equipment can be used to block all sensation. It is being used to distort and even completely block all senses. With it the ultimate in sensory deprivation experiments can be performed. There's no peaking under the electromagnetic blindfold this equipment creates.I should mention in this context, that the Central Intelligence Agency now has at its disposal the most evil, the most cunning torture devised by any government in all of human history. It is truly satanic in its moral and ethical implications. It is a torture which is commensurate with the degeneracy of a nation which is prepared and well on its way to polluting all life on earth into extinction.The torture I am writing of I can only descibe as thought deprivation. It is used in conjunction with sensory deprivation but it is in fact sensory deprivation times 10^(10).We are all famiiliar with the sensation of being exposed to very loud noises. They are irritating, and we try to remove ourselves from them. We might say, It's so noisy in here, I can't hear myself think.Human beings perceive thought as audible sound. It is something which we hear. We listen to ourselves think. This quality of listening to ourselves think, of hearing our own thoughts, can be extinguished by this device, so that it is _not_ possible to hear oneself think.I have no idea how this effect is produced. It may be accomplished by playing a signal into the auditory nerve at such a high power that it does in fact drown out the sound of all thought, but I do not believe that is how it is being done. I do not know enough about the physiology of the brain to explain how it might be done, but the Central Intelligence Agency can do it with the mind control technology at its disposal.That is the bad news. The good news is that one continues to think even if one cannot hear oneself think. Do not panic. There is nothing to fear.On the other hand, our thought process is what distinguishes man from other forms of life. Cogito ergo sum. But cogito is no longer necessarily possible. Where does this leave sum?Furthermore, this communications equipment is able to produce pain, enormous amounts of pain. Pain is only another nerve signal, and pain is applied in great quantities in the torture regimen.Sometimes the pain is specific and describable, more often it is general and indescnbable. It is very much like being immersed in water, only it isn't water it is pain The pain surges and laps at one. like water.I have also described this pain as being very much like having an electric current passing through one's body. It is like having one's finger held in an electric socket and being unable to turn the current off. Except, this torture is used for years on end.A skeptic might well ask why? If the United States has such equipment, why is it being used to torture innocents and not Saddam Hussein?. The answer is the cowardice factor.It is quite one thing to torture innocents for a few hours a day, a few days a week, and then retire to a nearby hotel to soak your liver in beer served from frosty mugs. It is quite another to spend your afternoons and evenings in Baghdad, confined to a room commensurate with your cover story, because you don't speak Arabic, wondering how soon you will be betrayed.This is the cowardice factor. What good is it to earn big bucks if your life is put at risk? Paitriotism? Forget about it. Torturing a man through a cinder block wall is the ultimate act of cowardice. The mere invention is a reflection of the complete moral and phy.sial corruption of American society.But America is also an intellectually corrupt country. Once the Central Intelligence Agency had discovered the Fountain of Death, it didn't know how to use it. The best idea they could come up with was to resurrect the protocols of the infamous Dr. Ewen Cameron, subsiitftung the new technology for the low tech equipment he had employed.Readers who are interested in the protocols of the deranged Dr. Cameron may consult John Marks' book, cited earlier. There have recently been several books published on the subject of Cameron, as well. This new interest resulted from survivors of his medical atrocities suing the CIA for compensation.Among the books recently published, I would recommend Journey Into Madness by Clordon Thomas. The American edition came out in May, 1990.A skeptic might also ask how it is possible to apply the Cameron brainwashing technique, called depatterning, to an American citizen in the privacy of his own home. This is in fact the $64 dollar question, with no obvious answer to rational men and women.Firstly, every effort is made to incarcerate the victim in a friendly hospital where his or her mind can be crushed at the leisure of the CIA- Failmg this it is usually possible to at least get a false diagnosis from a corrupt physician that the victim has a potential psychiatric problem which may require institutionalization at some future date.The effor to incarcerate the victim requires the cooperation of someone in the victim's family or work environment. The Central Intelligence Agency uses the term authority figure to describe this player, because he or she is an authority on the victim, and will step forward at the appropriate moment and demand that the victim be incarcerated or agree with the physician that the victim should be incarnated.Failing the presence of an authority, the victim may simply be kidnapped and placed in confinement, or the CIA may use unlawfu1 restraint to hold the victim in confinement temporarily. It's not a pretty picture.If all attempts at incarceration fail. or when the victim must be released, then the victim is tortured m the pnvacy of his own home- This is possible because the effects are produced by electromagnetic radiation, which passes freely through seemingly solid wallsThe brainwashing begins by picking victims who are isolated in the first place, preferrably living alone, by soliciting the cooperation of the victims friends and acquaintances. In other societies these people wouldn't be called friends, they would be called informers.The Central Intelligence Agency then attempts to isolate the individual from people whom they plan to corrupt -- the victlm's support network. This is done by making the victim difficult to be with. At the same tune, every effort is made to make the vktim suspicious of his friends and colleagues so he will avoid them of his own, free will.To augment this process, members of the victims support network may simply be purchased to spread rumors concerning the victim, with the intention of further isolating him or her. This aspect of the process may be and is, carried to the extreme of simply murdering members of the victims support network.The process of discrediting the victim, isolating the victim, is a continuous one, and isolating the victim from members of the opposite sex, particularly potential sex partners, is a central feature of this process.This is the background. The foreground is the adaptation of the Cameron depatterning technique. The central feature of this is to use microwave auditory effects in place of the tapeplayer and headset which Cameron used in a part of the process called psychic driving.The microwave auditory effects are used to humiliate and ridicule the victim, and to express the torturers contempt for the victim, which is also expressed through the application of copious amounts of pain.Contempt is also expressed by breaking and entering the victims home and burglarizing it on a daily basis. The victim is allowed no privacy whatsoever His every action is commented on disparagingly. This is accomplished by bugging the victim's home with an array of devices, including video and sound sensors.The quality of the bugging equipment available to the CIA today is beyond the imagination of the average man. These sensors have been miniaturized to the point where no visual inspection will every discover them. And they are sensitive beyond belief The bugging devices themselves could be the subject of a separate paper.CONCLUSIONThe Manchurian Candidate 1990 is quite a different fellow than his 1956 counterpart. He is no longer an hypnoticaly preprogrammed assaassin; his behavior is programmed and fed into a computer, which biomechanically drives him to his predetermined and destructive destiny, just like the cruise missiles manufactured by General Electric AerospaceWhen I pick up a copy of Blomedica1 Engineering, I am struck by the fact that all of the research in it is unnecessary, duplicates research accomplished five to 15 years ago by the Central Intelligence Agency. The difference between our research and theirs is that scientists employed by the CIA work on involuntary human subjects, slaves if you will, furnished to them by their employer. They do not have to be concerned with lethal thresholds.The process which the microwave weapon employs is described in a paper titled, The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict, by Cap. Paul E. Tyler, Medical Command, United States Navy. His paper, presented at least a year after the murder which leaves no traces had already been perfected, sets forth the coneptual basis from which the development of the microwave beam weaponry began. It is worth reading.Captain Tyler's paper was presented at a workshop conducted by Air University Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education in March, 1984. His paper is included in a collection titled, Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, edited by Lt. Col. David J. Dean, United States Air Force, and published by Air University Press, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama in June, 1986. The book is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.If there are skeptics among you, and I hope that there are, the benign results of the Central Intelligence Agency's research can be seen on television nearly every night. Take a film clip of George Herbert Walker Bush at the end of the Malta summit with President Gorbachev and compare it with a film clip of George Bush campaigning for the Republican nomination in 1988. The pitch of his voice has been significantly lowered, he speaks in complete sentences and no longer in sentence fragments, and his gestures are appropriate to the oratorical point he is making rather than empty and fluttery gesticulations.I have no problem with the CIA's enhancing George Bush's public image. After all, he is former Director of Central Intelligence, and authorized experiments on involuntary human subjects with maser and microwave beam weapons in February, 1976.I have more trouble with the use of this equipment to neutralize Michael Dukakis' campaign for President in 1988, by making his public image wooden and plodding.I have even more trouble with the use of this equipment to bring Kitty Dukakis to the brink of suicide, in order to enhance the prospects of George Bush's choice of politicalopponent in 1992 Jesse Jackson. Now that the Supreme Court has been neutralized as an instrument for social justice, neutralizing the Congress has become the Central Intelligence Agencys principal objective. A Jackson nomination is most likely to divide and crush the Democratic Party.Think about what I have written. Perhaps it will help to explain classified work which is going on in a laboratory near you. Perhaps it will even help to explain work which you have been asked to do.What do you know about research aimed at the computer control of human beings through masers aimed at acupuncture points, or muscle groups?What do you know about the torture and rape and murder of persons of both sexes using masers and microwave beam weapons designed to be used in combat training and simulation systems?What do you know about a magnetic beam weapon, meant to temporarily disable any device employing an electric motor, or transistors, without permanently damaging it?What do you know about the development of a tactile intelligence exploitation system designed to maintain control of political activists as they travel, anywhere in the world?If you have such information, have a few words with me before the end of the of Workshop, or speak out on this subject in a forum of your own choosing. The more who speak out, the less likely it is that any one of us will be victimized for what we say.In any case, only the illusion of Constitutional government remains in the United States. Do not be afraid. The worst is yet to come.REFERENCES1. This 54 page report went out of print in March, 1990. It is available at libraries which have been designated Government Document Depositories.2. For a discussion of a similar weapon, see An X-Band Microwave Life-Detection System in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol 33, No. 7; July, 1986.3. This information was leaked by a British scientist to a British investigator, and appears in City limits, London, Aug 9 - Aug 16, 1990. This weapon is described as a microwave pulse radar, and is believed to work by rapidly heating the brain.4. Super-high frequency radiation is a term applied to wave lengths between a decimeter and centimeter long. It corresponds roughly with a frequency range of 1-100 gigahertz.5. Controlled Offensive Behavior - USSR, by Captain John D. LaMothe, Medical Intelligence Office. Department of the Army. This intelligence document was published by the Defense Intelligence Agency in July, 1972.About the AuthorHarlan E. Girard was born in Cleveland, OH in 1936. He studied for the B. Chem. E. degree at Cornell University, and received the B.A. degree in economics from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, from which he graduated in 1957.Since 1988, Mr. Girard has been pursuing independent research into the harmful effects ot radiation on biological systems. He is a member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.In 1989, the Federal Bureau of Investigation refused Mr. Girard access to his own file on the grounds that it is 93exempt from mandatory release on the basis of 5 U.S.C. a7522 (b) (1)94. This section of the United States Code is applicable to documents 93 to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy.Mr. Girard is flattered to have been made a peer of J. Robert Oppenheimer et al., despite the fact that he has never applied for a security clearance from the Department of Defense or held a job which required one. On the other hand, since 1983, he has been an involuntary human subject in medical experiments commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency, which has of course made him privy to a great deal of highly classified and extremely sensitive information.To:,'FEED - Union of Concerned Scientists' ,katherine friedli ,Kathernine Friendi ,Karoline Astrid , Astrid ,moss david posner ,,,,,"ACLU Anthony D. Romero" ,ACLU-NJ ,,,Lynn SurgallaCc: International Red Cross
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TAKE ACTION ON Tell the Senate: Ask tough questions of General GrationThe Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Thursday could determine the fate of the US plan for peace in Sudan—which could ultimately determine the fate of millions. TAKE ACTION ON Pledge to fight Pentagon waste TAKE ACTION ON Food Safety Bill Quietly Scheduled for a Vote on House Floor Call Your Representative Now! 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TAKE ACTION ON Congress should investigate whether Israel committed human rights abuses against civilians in Gaza in its December-January offensive. Human rights organizations have documented as much. Now it’s time for Congress to investigate. We do not want to send another blank check. TAKE ACTION ON Protect our Oceans, Coastal Communities and Consumers Ask Dr. Lubchenco to reject a reckless plan to allow ocean fish farming in U.S. waters. 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July 27, 2009In this MegaVote for Mississippi's 3rd Congressional District:Recent Congressional Votes* Senate: Thune Amendment; Reciprocity for the Carrying of Certain Concealed Firearms* Senate: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010* House: Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2009* House: Department of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010* House: Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Act, 2010Upcoming Congressional Bills* Senate: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010* House: Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010* House: Corporate and Financial Institution Compensation Fairness Act of 2009Recent Senate VotesThune Amendment; Reciprocity for the Carrying of Certain Concealed Firearms - Vote Rejected (58-39, 3 Not Voting)The Senate could not reach the necessary sixty votes to include this gun provision in the National Defense Authorization Act. The amendment would have allowed citizens who have concealed carry permits from their states to carry concealed firearms in another state that grants concealed carry permits.Sen. Thad Cochran voted YES......send e-mail or see bioSen. Roger Wicker voted YES......send e-mail or see bioNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 - Vote Passed (87-7, 6 Not Voting)The Senate passed this bill that sets funding levels for the military and authorizes Department of Defense programs, which includes reduced funding for the F-22 fighter jet.Sen. Thad Cochran voted YES......send e-mail or see bioSen. Roger Wicker voted YES......send e-mail or see bioRecent House VotesStatutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2009 - Vote Passed (265-166, 3 Not Voting)On Wednesday, the House voted to reinstitute and update the Pay-As-You-Go requirement of budget neutrality on new tax and mandatory spending legislation.Rep. Gregg Harper voted NO......send e-mail or see bioDepartment of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 - Vote Passed (256-168, 9 Not Voting)The House passed this $123.1 billion bill funding transportation and housing programs for the next fiscal year.Rep. Gregg Harper voted NO......send e-mail or see bioLabor-HHS-Education Appropriations Act, 2010 - Vote Passed (264-153, 16 Not Voting)The House approved this $160.7 billion bill funding the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and other related agencies and programs.Rep. Gregg Harper voted NO......send e-mail or see bioUpcoming VotesEnergy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 - H.R.3183The Senate is scheduled to begin work on this bill funding the Department of Energy, Army Corps of Engineers and related agencies and programs.Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010 - H.R.3326The House is scheduled to vote on this bill funding the Department of Defense.Corporate and Financial Institution Compensation Fairness Act of 2009 - H.R.3269The House is scheduled to work on this bill that intends to provide shareholders with an advisory vote on executive compensation and to prevent certain incentives in the compensation practices of financial institutions.
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Getting to Zero Update28 July 2009 note, BASIC and Crisis Action have a bi-weekly update devoted solely to diplomatic developments related to Iran's nuclear program, which may be found at the following web address: editions of BASIC's GTZ Update are available here.To subscribe or unsubscribe from this update, please visit the following page: THIS ISSUE:* BASIC and Getting to Zero (GTZ)* Commitments to Disarmament and Arms Control* Country Reportso United Stateso United Kingdomo Irano North Koreao Russiao Indiao Pakistan* Missile Defense* Additional PublicationsBASIC and Getting to Zero (GTZ)BASIC is delighted to announce the appointment of its new Program Director in Washington, Anne Penketh. She has a distinguished career as an international journalist, and was most recently Diplomatic Editor of The Independent (London). Anne began her reporting on nuclear weapons issues at the Geneva and Reykjavik Summits in 1985-6 between Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev. In recent years she has continued to work on disarmament and non-proliferation issues, including covering diplomatic maneuvers at the United Nations over Iran's nuclear program. Anne will start in August. For more information, please see BASIC's Media Advisory.Nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament were on the agenda of both the G8 Summit meeting in L'Aquila, Italy and the U.S.-Russia Summit in Moscow. Two weeks later, U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown released his Road to 2010 report on nuclear energy and weapons, which was quickly followed by private briefings indicating that the design contract for the Trident nuclear weapons submarine system would be delayed until after the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in May 2010. See these BASIC publications and Update sections below for more information.* The UK Government's Road to 2010 —much to welcome— but still looking underdeveloped in key areasPaul Ingram, BASIC Media Advisory, July 16, 2009* The START follow-on negotiations: Russians focus on delivery vehiclesJonathan McLaughlin, BASIC Getting to Zero Papers, No. 14, July 1, 2009* The Shadow NATO Summit: Options for NATO - pressing the reset button on the strategic conceptJoint report by BASIC, ISIS-Europe, Bertelsmann Stiftung and NATO Watch, on inaugural Shadow NATO Summit of 31 March - 1 April 2009, posted 23 July 2009. the GTZ Blog.Commitments to Disarmament and Arms ControlObama and Medvedev sign agreement on the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) follow-onAfter months of preparations, U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Moscow on July 6 for a two-day summit with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. The "reset" summit included both leaders signing a Joint Understanding for the START Follow-on Treaty, which commits the two nations to an agreement that will reduce the number of strategic nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles to a range of 1,500-1,675, and 500-1,100 respectively. Negotiating delegations are led by Rose Gottemoeller, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, and Anatoly Antonov, Russia's Chief of Security and Disarmament Issues. The 1991 START agreement, which expires on December 5, allows for a total of 6,000 warheads on 1,600 strategic delivery vehicles, and the 2002 Moscow Treaty - Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT) - set limits between 1,700-2,200 operationally deployed strategic warheads by 2012, but without verification. U.S. and Russian negotiators met again on July 22 and 23. Reports from Geneva were positive, but had few details.G-8 Summit in L'AquilaLeaders at the Group of Eight (G8) Summit in L'Aquila, Italy (8-10 July) issued a statement on non-proliferation which declared, "We are all committed to seeking a safer world for all and to creating the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons, in accordance with the goals of the NPT." The leaders supported U.S. President Obama's desire to seek ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), and called for bringing the treaty into force. The statement urged Iran to engage diplomatically with the international community, and sharply criticized the May nuclear test in North Korea. At the G8 Summit, U.S. President Obama presented his plan to host a Global Nuclear Security Summit on March 9 and 10, 2010, which would provide a platform for multilateral discussion on such issues as cooperatively combating international nuclear smuggling and nuclear terrorism.IAEA selects new chiefOn July 2, Yukiya Amano was selected by the IAEA Board of Governors to be the next Secretary-General. He replaces Mohamed ElBaradei, whose term will end in November 2009. Amano has been the favored pick of the United States and Europe, and will be the first East Asian to serve as Director General of the IAEA. The alternative candidate, South Africa's Abdul Samad Minty, was supported by the representatives of countries of the developing world who perceive tighter non-proliferation rules as undue limitations to their development of peaceful nuclear energy whilst nuclear weapon states avoid their own responsibilities to disarm. After the election, Amano asked for the "solidarity of all the member states," and assured developing countries that the IAEA is not just a "nuclear watchdog."Further Reading* Test Ban Monitoring: No Place to Hide (Summary - full article requires subscription)Daniel Cleary, Science, Vol. 325, no. 5939, pp. 382-385, July 24, 2009* Talking About Nuclear Weapons Policy: Lessons from Recent Public Opinion and Messaging ResearchU.S. in the World (USITW) presentation, summary and link to report available on the website of the Connect U.S. Fund, July 2009* Rebutting the standard arguments against disarmamentGeorge Perkovich and James M. Acton, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July 15, 2009* A Flash of MemoryIssey Miyake, The New York Times, July 13, 2009* Plumage—But at a PriceCharles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, July 9, 2009* START Follow-On: What SORT of Agreement?Hans M. Kristensen, FAS Strategic Security Blog, July 8, 2009* Addressing the Nuclear Threat: Fulfilling the Promise of Prague at the L'Aquila SummitWhite House, Office of the Press Secretary July 8, 2009* L'Aquila Statement on Non-ProliferationG-8 Summit July 8, 2009,0.pdf* Joint Understanding, Obama-Medvedev SummitWhite House, Office of the Press Secretary July 8, 2009* Nuclear powers come in from the coldRebecca Johnson, Comment is Free, The Guardian, July 7, 2009* US and Russia agree nuclear disarmament road mapLuke Harding and Julian Borger, The Guardian, July 6, 2009* A Chance for a Nuclear-Free WorldJames F. Collins and Jack Matlock, Foreign Policy, July 6, 2009* Serbia, IAEA sign additional protocol on non-proliferation of nuclear weaponsChina View, July 4, 2009* Global Zero Action PlanJune 29, 2009 ReportsUnited StatesObama's commitment to nuclear disarmamentU.S. President Barack Obama continues to show a serious commitment to nuclear disarmament, and has repeatedly focused on issues of arms control in his communications. Analysts have gone so far as to suggest that arms control is a fundamental part of his Presidential strategy, and that it is part of an emerging "Obama Doctrine." The New York Times ran a major story on Obama's activism as a senior at Columbia University in 1983 on issues of nuclear disarmament, and argued that Obama has long been committed to a world without nuclear weapons.Clinton says she considers disarmament a priorityAt a presentation at the Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "We want to reverse the spread of nuclear weapons, prevent their use, and build a world free of their threat." Clinton reiterated that the United States stands ready to engage diplomatically with Iran, although she said that opportunity will not last forever, and also affirmed that the United States was pursuing "complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula." (See more information below on the latest reports from Iran and North Korea.)Further Reading* Influential Republicans Could Throw Weight Behind CTBTGlobal Security Newswire, July 27, 2009* Senate warns against concessions on nuclear treatyJim Abrams, The Associated Press, via Seattle Times, July 27, 2009* A Guide to the Challenges Facing President Obama's Nuclear Abolition AgendaBurgess Laird, Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs, July 21, 2009* The Donald ReportBlog entry provides link to large report:Investigation into the Shipment of Sensitive Missile Components to Taiwan(report posted on the site of the New America Foundation)Jeffrey Lewis, Arms Control, July 21, 2009* Obama Puts Arms Control at the Core of New StrategyPeter Spiegel, The Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2009* It is Important to Get Nuclear Weapons Policy RightLawrence Eagleburger, The Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2009* Obama's Weapons Policy is SensibleWilliam D. Hartung, The Wall Street Journal, July 14, 2009* Russian nuclear agreement a good startSenator Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Chronicle, July 10, 2009* An Obama Doctrine Emerges in MoscowJoe Cirincione, Huffington Post, July 8, 2009* Obama's Big Missile TestPhilip Taubman, The New York Times, July 8, 2009* Arms Control AmnesiaKeith B. Payne, The Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2009* Defending U.S. Leadership on DisarmamentJames Acton, Pierre Goldschmidt, George Perkovich, Proliferation Analysis,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, July 7, 2009* Russia Presents Test for ObamaMichael A. Fletcher and Philip P. Pan, The Washington Post, July 5, 2009* Obama's Youth Shaped His Nuclear-Free VisionWilliam J. Broad and David E. Sanger, The New York Times, July 4, 2009* U.S. nuclear warheads, 1945-2009Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July/August, 2009* Our Decaying Nuclear DeterrentJon Kyl and Richard Perle, The Wall Street Journal, June 30, 2009* Funding for U.S. Efforts to Improve Controls Over Nuclear Weapons, Materials, and Expertise Overseas: A 2009 UpdateAndrew Newman and Matthew Bunn, Report, Managing the Atom Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, June 2009 KingdomRoad to 2010The Cabinet Office released the cross-department report, The Road to 2010: Addressing the nuclear question in the 21st century, with proposals to smooth the route to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in May of 2010, highlighting in particular the importance of civil nuclear power programs. The report announced the creation of a ?20 million Nuclear Centre of Excellence in the United Kingdom that would develop proliferation-resistant nuclear technologies, a meeting of major donors to discuss the future funding and capabilities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and recommitment to hosting a Nuclear Weapons States conference in September. For more information, also see BASIC's analysis of the Road to 2010 report.Government officials signal Trident delayLater on the same day, British officials indicated explicitly the government's intention to delay signing off on design contracts for the Trident nuclear system replacement until after the NPT Review Conference in May 2010 —a signal of the importance the U.K. government attaches to its success. This "initial gate" phase was scheduled to happen this fall. The following morning a government spokesperson said that the timetable for the project remains unchanged. Analysts speculated this was possible as the timetable had always included significant flexibility within it. The move to delay may have reflected concerns about tight defense budgets and the looming General Election.Poll shows public support waning for TridentJust before the release of the Road to 2010 report and news about a delay for Trident replacement, The Guardian published the results of its poll with ICM that showed 54% of U.K. voters were against renewing the U.K. system, and 42% were in favour. The results are in contrast to findings from two years ago that had 39% opposing and 51% in favour.Further Reading* Sense on TridentFinancial Times, July 19, 2009* Gordon Brown delays Trident workThe Telegraph, July 17, 2009* Trident poll: Disarming opinionsEditorial, Comment is Free, The Guardian, July 14, 2009* Voters want Britain to scrap all nuclear weapons, ICM poll showsJulian Glover, The Guardian, July 13, 2009* U.K. Willing to Reduce Nuclear Arsenal, Brown SaysGlobal Security Newswire, July 10, 2009* Talks could lead to cut in UK's nuclear stockpile, says Gordon BrownPatrick Wintour, Larry Elliot and Julian Borger, The Guardian, July 9, 2009* The Road to 2010: Addressing the nuclear question in the twenty first centuryPresented to Parliament by the Prime Minister, Cabinet Office, July, 2009* Shared Responsibilities: A national security strategy for the UK (Executive Summary available)Ippr Commission on National Security in the 21st Century, June 30, 2009* Experts urge government to reassess Trident decisionDeborah Summers, The Guardian, June 30, 2009 over future of P5+1 talks with IranThe continued post-election crisis in Iran has thrown the future of multilateral negotiations on Iran's nuclear program into doubt. The United States and the European Union have pledged to continue to pursue diplomatic engagement on the issue of Iran's nuclear program. Leaders at the G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy issued a joint statement reiterating their commitment to a diplomatic solution with Iran and strongly encouraging Tehran to comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions and to cooperate with the IAEA. In an apparent reaction to the G8 focus on Iran, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki had announced on July 13 that Tehran was preparing a political package to present to the west.On July 16, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Gholam Reza Aghazedeh, resigned. Although the reasons for the resignation are not entirely clear, Aghazedeh had been a long-time supporter of opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi and former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appointed Ali Akbar Salehi, former Iranian envoy to the IAEA, to be the new head of Iran's nuclear energy agency. In Salehi's first public announcement, he declared that the West needs to close the case on Iran's nuclear activity.Clinton's remarks on Iran spark Israeli concernSpeaking in Phuket, Thailand on July 22, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that if Iran pursues a nuclear weapons program, then the United States may extend a "defense umbrella" over allies in the Middle East, and said that "... it's unlikely that Iran will be any stronger or safer, because they won't be able to intimidate and dominate, as they apparently believe they can, once they have a nuclear weapon." Dan Meridor, Israel's minister of intelligence and atomic energy, reacted negatively to the comments, which he saw as suggesting that the United States has already accepted a nuclear-armed Iran. Clinton subsequently sought to dispel this notion, saying that she was simply reminding Iran that pursuing nuclear weapons would lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. On July 26, Clinton warned Iranian leaders that any search for a nuclear weapon capability would be futile and that Obama's administration would not allow Iran to produce its own nuclear fuel, even under safeguards. On a visit to Tel Aviv a day later, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates again reassured Israel that the United States was not about to compromise with Iran.Further Reading* U.S. Juggles Two Iran TimetablesGerald F. Seib, The Wall Street Journal, July 21, 2009* Iran's crisis has nuclear falloutMeir Javedanfar, The Guardian: Comment is Free, July 19, 2009* Mixed Feelings: The Arabs' View of IranThe Economist, July 16, 2009* 10 WeeksEditorial, The New York Times, July 10, 2009* How Iran Could Save the Middle EastJeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic, July/August 2009* What if Iran Got the Bomb?Robert Farley, Foreign Policy, July 7, 2009 KoreaNorth Korea launches more missiles, refuses resumption of talksIn defiance of U.N. sanctions, North Korea conducted more missile tests in early July. In response to these recent actions and the May 25th nuclear test, the U.N. Security Council expanded its sanctions against the country. New targets of sanctions include North Korea's General Bureau of Atomic Energy, trading companies, and individuals involved in the nuclear program, associated businesses and also weapons-related materials.During her visit to Thailand for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum on July 22, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for a revival of the Six-Party Talks and urged ASEAN members to enforce the U.N. sanctions imposed against North Korea. Clinton said that the United States would be willing to offer North Korea a "comprehensive package" should it choose to denuclearize. She also mentioned concerns over the possibility that North Korea might be sharing nuclear technology with Myanmar (Burma). According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations, Sin Son Ho, said that Pyongyang would be willing to engage in direct dialogue with Washington, but rejected the possibility of agreeing to any package deals that would involve the resumption of North Korea's participation in the Six-Party Talks.Further Reading* North Korean Missiles Defy U.N. ResolutionEvan Ramstad, The Wall Street Journal, July 6, 2009* Ending North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions: The Need for Stronger Chinese ActionHui Zhang, Arms Control Today, July/August, 2009* Don't Play Nuclear Chicken with a Desperate PariahHui Zhang, Foreign Policy, June 2009 missile tests fail againWhile the world was paying close attention to the Obama-Medvedev summit and the resulting commitments to a START follow-on treaty, Russia's Navy conducted successful tests of two submarine-launched Sineva-type ballistic missiles and another failed test of the new, nuclear-capable submarine-launched Bulava missile, which led to the resignation of the missile's design team leader. The Bulava missile is an upgraded design of the land-based Topol M, and is designed to both survive a nuclear attack and penetrate anti-missile defense systems. Despite 6 out of 11 launches of the Bulava ending in failure, Vice Admiral Oleg Burtsev of the Russian Navy stated, "We are committed to this missile flying." Since its commissioning in 1998, a great deal of domestic political capital has been invested in the Bulava, promoted by Mr. Putin as the new core of Russia's modernized nuclear forces.The first Borey-class strategic nuclear submarine Yury Dolgoruky, designed to carry 16 Bulavas, completed its initial sea trials with more later in the year. Two more Borey class nuclear submarines, the Alexander Nevsky and the Vladimir Monomakh, are still under construction. Russia plans to have eight by 2015.Further Reading* Russian Weapon Is in Need of RescueMichael Schwirtz, The New York Times, July 15, 2009* Analysis: US, Russia have different views on nukesRobert Burns, Associated Press, July 6, 2009* After the Reset: A Strategy and New Agenda for U.S. Russia PolicySamuel Charap, Laura Conley, Peter Juul, Andrew Light, Julian L. Wong,Center for American Progress, July 2, 2009 nuclear dealDuring her mid-July visit to India, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced key agreements that will broaden cooperation between the two countries under the bilateral nuclear deal. Officials agreed on two sites for U.S. nuclear reactors. India will also purchase advanced U.S. conventional weapon systems, including fighter jets, raising concerns over the impact on the strategic balance with Pakistan.On July 26, India ran a sea trial of its first domestically-produced nuclear-powered submarine, capable of launching nuclear ballistic missiles. The submarine is due for at least two years of testing before becoming operational. India would become the sixth country, after the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China, to make nuclear-powered submarines.Further Reading* Obama jeopardizing nuclear deal with IndiaHarsh V. Pant, special to The Japan Times (editorial), July 25, 2009* Toward a Nuclear Freeze in South AsiaDaryl G. Kimball, Arms Control Today, July/August, 2009 visit to Pakistan raises expectations for nuclear cooperationThe recent July visit of French Minister for Foreign Trade, Anne Marie Idrac, had raised expectations that France was going to strike a large civilian nuclear energy deal with Pakistan. Back in May, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmoud Qureshi, had said that France was going to agree to an arrangement like the one struck between India and the United States. However, Idrac said on July 23 during a press conference in Islamabad that France would not establish a new nuclear reactor in the country and that any aid related to nuclear energy would be for securing and enhancing the safety of Pakistan's existing nuclear sites. France did agree to provide other types of assistance, including high technology military gear and weapons, such as combat helicopters.Further Reading* The deal that wasn'tDAWN Editorial, July 25, 2009* Nuclear Security in Pakistan: Reducing the Risks of Nuclear TerrorismRolf Mowatt-Larssen, Arms Control Today, July/August, 2009* Nuclear Security in Pakistan: Separating Myth From RealityFeroz Hassan Khan, Arms Control Today, July/August, 2009 DefenseU.S. missile defense in Eastern European sites were seen to be a principal sticking point in START follow-on negotiations prior to the Obama-Medvedev summit on July 6. At the summit press conference, Obama stated, "I believe that it is entirely legitimate for our discussions to talk not only about offensive weapon systems but also defensive weapon systems." The United States plans to finish its review of European missile defense by the end of the summer. Obama and Medvedev agreed on a special Joint Statement on "Missile Defense Issues," which iterated their commitment to seek out ways of cooperation on dealing with ballistic missile proliferation. The statement also noted that experts are again discussing the establishment of the Joint Data Exchange Center (JDEC), a project which has languished since the initial Russian-American memorandum of 2000 on the Center's establishment.After the Obama-Medvedev summit, 22 intellectuals and former leaders of Central and Eastern Europe published an "open letter" to President Obama in the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza. The authors of the July 15th letter, who include Lech Walesa and Vaclav Havel, believe there remains a real threat from Russia. They assert that the project has become "a symbol of America's credibility and commitment to the region." The letter urges President Obama and NATO not to make decisions based on "unfounded Russian opposition."Further Reading* Bargaining Chip or Gas Mask: Prospects for Missile DefenseJohn Isaacs and Travis Sharp, Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs, July 21, 2009* An Open Letter to the Obama Administration from Central and Eastern EuropeValdas Adamkus, Martin Butora, Emil Constantinescu, Pavol Demes, Lubos Dobrovsky, Matyas Eorsi, Istvan Gyarmati, Vaclav Havel, Rastislav Kacer, Sandra Kalniete, Karel Schwarzenberh, Michal Kovac, Ivan Krastev, Alexander Kwasniewski, Mart Laar, Kadri Liik, Janos Martonyi, Janusz Onyszkiewicz, Adam Rotfeld, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Alexandr Vondra, Lech Walesa, Gazeta Wunprcza, July 15, 2009,82049,6825987,An_Open_Letter_to_the_Obama_Administration_from_Central.html* Offense-Defense NonsensePeter Scoblic, The New Republic, July 12, 2009* Joint Statement by Dmitry A. Medvedev, President of the Russian Federation, and Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, on Missile Defense IssuesWhite House Press Office, July 6, 2009* Joint Statement on Missile Defense IssuesJoshua Pollack, Arms Control, July 6, 2009 Publications* Taking control of nuclearMohamed ElBaradei, The New York Times, July 19, 2009* How to dismantle a nuclear bombBBC News, July 16, 2009* The long, hard road to nuclear safetyBryan Bender, The Boston Globe, July 5, 2009* Four Emerging Issues in Arms Control, Disarmament, and Nonproliferation:Opportunities for German LeadershipDennis M. Gormley, Patricia M. Lewis, Miles A. Pomper, Lawrence Scheinman, Stephen Schwartz, Nikolai Sokov, Leonard S. Spector, report Prepared for the Policy Planning Staff, Foreign Office, Federal Republic of Germany, The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, July 2009 forward this email to individuals and organizations offering them the opportunity to subscribe to BASIC's Getting to Zero Update. This will help to keep them informed about the latest developments and analysis.To subscribe or unsubscribe from this update, please visit the following page: Thank you.BASIC's work is made possible by the generous support of our donors: the Ploughshares Fund, the Ford Foundation, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, Polden Puckham Charitable Foundation, Rockefeller Family & Associates, and individual contributors to BASIC. We are grateful to all of them for their support.
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#616 Creepy crawly perp tactics

#616 Creepy crawly perp tacticsIf you ever look up police of FBI surveillance they can work in huge teams and appear like normal people. I've read where they can have 50 or 60 people involved. I'll give you one example. Police got the brother of two x-police officers to move into my second floor apartment. Where ever I went in my apartment he went above me. It was unnerving and meant as harassment. It also showed he knew where I was at all times.I soon learned that he had other people up there with him. I had a chair hanging from the ceiling. The layout of the kitchen, dining and living room had no walls it was open so I could tell people were walking around up there even when he had left the house. The area was 26 ft by24 ft almost so I was hanging from the surface of a large drum. when I would fall asleep at night I would be woken by many people coming and going with supplies. He went on with the pretense that he was living alone, the f--n prick. This guy practically grew up at my uncles house two blocks away from where I grew up and where I had built my house.When I first noticed I thought someone had broken in. I called the police and about 20 cops showed up with guns drawn on my house. They were way over playing it to embarrass me so I would shut up about it. They let me see in the apartment and said see know one is here. But hey wouldn't let me see in the back bedroom. They were hiding them and then made me leave. About three cops were up there for another 5 minutes talking with the people up there. It is surveillance in your face.charlie Manson and his "family" used to break into homes and just crawl around getting a cheap thrill. I some how think they get off on the fact that they are deceiving us so much with coordinated groups working in tandum.We hear V2K as torment but for law enforcement they can use it to silently coordinate a surveillance. Someone could be on the other side of the wall telling all of the operatives what to do via V2K. At the same time they can be recording your heart and breathing rates to see if it is having an effect on you. they know where you are going as you make plans and they are already there when you get there. People tend to do what authorities ask of them we are taught to do this. The Jews walked right to the concentration camps and into the ovens. We have a hard time seeing a covert attack for what it is until it is to late.Creepy bastards, they have no clue how much I really know about what they were doing. This brother of two cops also had dogs rip open his trash and he had drug paraphernalia. So law enforcement is screwing with us while breaking all the laws they want. with these surveillance operations they are digging up dirt on people to hold over their heads and control them. Thank that creepy bastard Hoover who ran the FBI. We are a surveillance society.This tenant was so surprised at how much I knew that he and police wrote up a complaint that he thought I had tapped his phone line. When I evicted him the hallway outside the court room was full of police congratulating him. Sick world.Then they started up later across the street and it started all over again. the problem as my father says it is," your problem is you are to good". He has said this twice now after a few drinks. Maybe it would have been better if they caught us doing something they could have held over our heads.Peter Rosenholm
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Article 25 states that "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family".take action for health TAKE ACTION ON Tell top shoe brands to protect the Amazon and the climate TAKE ACTION ON Protect Hawaiian Sea Turtles TAKE ACTION ON I support President Obama's three principles for real health care reform, and I call on Congress to enact a plan upholding them in 2009 TAKE ACTION ON Talk to the Author -- Howard Dean'sPrescription for Real Healthcare Reform TAKE ACTION ON LIVE Town Hall Meeting with President Barack Obama, AARP,and Divided We Fail supporters! TAKE ACTION ON LIVE Town Hall Meeting with President Barack Obama and AARP TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Via Campesina coordinator arrested in Honduras TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Support Health Care Reform in the House TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell House Admin. Committee Members to Co-sponsor Fair Elections TAKE ACTION ON Stop the Gulf's Dangerous Open-Ocean Aquaculture Plan Now! TAKE ACTION ON Ask Interior Secretary Salazar to advance a bold new vision for preserving America's wilderness heritage. TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: We Support Majority Signup → TAKE ACTION ON No summer vacation without health reform! TAKE ACTION ON Tell President Obama to help end whale and dolphin killings in Japan (and go see a movie!) TAKE ACTION ON Your Members of Congress need to know that we can't wait for health care reform that meets the needs of women and their families. Share your personal story in your letter to your Members of Congress. TAKE ACTION ON It's Time to Vote: Choose Your Science Idol! TAKE ACTION ON Oppose House Amendment to Defund NIH Grants TAKE ACTION ON Go behind the scenes of ACS CAN's work in Washington TAKE ACTION ON Don't let the Defense Department Authorization bill become a vehicle for undermining civil liberties. TAKE ACTION ON Clean Energy Now TAKE ACTION ON Don't Let Google Close the Book on Reader Privacy TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON China: Release Dhondup Wangchen!Thank you METRIC for taking action to help secure the release of Tibetan filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen.Sending your message to:Name Delivery Method StatusChina's Ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Yesui Fax Sent to 212-634-7625Minister of Justice, Wu Aiying Email SentTell-A-FriendTell-a-Friend this Advocacy Campaign to friends, family, and colleagues using Tell-A-Friend!Other Advocacy Campaigns you can participate in:* China: Free Dhondup Wangchen and Golog Jigme!* China: Release Paljor Norbu Now!* China: Release Runggye Adak Now!* China: Stop the Crackdown on Uyghurs* China: Stop the Executions!* HDI/Continental Minerals: Stop Mining Tibet!* HDI/Continental: Stop Mining Tibet!* Speak out Against China's Religious Order No. 5 TAKE ACTION ON Urge Congress to Increase U.S. Pressure on Coup Regime in Honduras TAKE ACTION ON Call Now to Stop the Prison Lobbies TAKE ACTION ON Help End Funding for Failed “Abstinence-Only” Programs TAKE ACTION ON Congress Needs to Hear From You about Health Care Reform TAKE ACTION ON Sign the petition: we must pass health care reform before the House takes a vacation TAKE ACTION ONURGENT: ANTI-CHOICE FORCES ARE HIJACKING HEALTH CARE REFORM TAKE ACTION ON Tell your senators we need to maintain protections against global warming pollution, not eliminate them. TAKE ACTION ON Spur environmentally-safe solar energy in the U.S. TAKE ACTION ON NEPAL: Police torture two men in front of a crowd and threaten human rights defenders in Morang more appeals:> NEPAL: Police torture two men in front of a crowd and threaten human rights defenders in Morang> INDIA: Social boycott and mob violence waged against Dalits in Becharpura> PAKISTAN: Police officers participate in the rape and murder of a woman and no investigation is carried out> UPDATE (Sri Lanka): A police officer on trial for the murder of Gerald Perera remains in service at Gampaha Police Station> INDIA: Police in Gujarat support the beating and social exclusion of three Dalit families> INDIA: Three children died of malnutrition for past two months and four children are currently suffering from malnutrition in Dahbiya village of Madhya Pradesh where children had died of malnutrition in 2008> PHILIPPINES: Soldiers torture a man with electric shocks to his sex organ to force a confession> INDIA: Murder of Kenedy and Samarjit in Manipur must be investigated> PAKISTAN/KASHMIR: Two women are abducted and three others are arrested as a result of a love marriage> SRI LANKA: Police officers torture and frame a young man who has been in remand prison for a yearmo TAKE ACTION ON Stop F-22 Funding
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#613 Justice Dept 1 In 100 Americans Are Being Stalked Jan 14, 2009 7:34 am US/EasternShock Survey: 1 In 100 Americans Are Being StalkedJustice Dept. Report: 3.4 Million Residents Make Claim; 11 Percent Say It's Gone On For 5 Or More Years Jan 14, 2009 7:34 am US/EasternShock Survey: 1 In 100 Americans Are Being StalkedJustice Dept. Report: 3.4 Million Residents Make Claim; 11 Percent Say It's Gone On For 5 Or More Years ...........More than one-third of the victims reported being followed or spied upon; some said they were tracked by electronic monitoring, listening devices or video cameras.......................But it's a toolkit that police and prosecutors can use, too, and some say that electronic record have been crucial to their successful prosecutions................
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DNA DATABASES are torture/Murder- NO TO CHILDREN DNA DATABASES and DNA organ matching.. TORTURE/MURDER/TREASONWilliam J Rigby hated University of Michigan. He also told me on numerous occasions liberals should be tortued, killed, murdered. Daniel J Rigby said that liberals should be organ harvested back in 1996. Daniel J Rigby said he could smoke and drink and that he would be getting a new pair of lungs and a new liver and heart. Daniel J Rigby also runs Humana Health of Illinois, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois- out of Naperville Illinois.The nurse on the streets of Ann Arbor Michigan in the Summer of 2007 told me the screams of the children were unbelievable. There may have been some form of sulfuric acid placed in the water supply.. burning childrens eyse and skin... to cause massive massive crimes against humanity. Or the children and parents were directed energy victimized. Dr. Gunn is a mind control scientist at the University of Michigan- Ann Abrbor.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Ron Angell <>
To:;;;;;; ACLU Anthony D. Romero <>; ACLU-NJ <>;; Karoline Astrid <>; Astrid <>;; katherine friedli <>; Kathernine Friendi <>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 1:19:22 PM
Subject: Fw: [v911t] Traffic in Human organs: RE: Following the N.J. corruption money trail: Money laundering splintered into political probe

Organ Harvesting took place also In Burlington Vermont . This was told to me by the Red Cross in Downtown Burlington November 17th 2006. Also organ harvesting in Detroit Michigan Suburbs, Ann Arbor Michigan, San Fran CA, Stockton California, Chicago Illionis after Oct 17th 2006. Evidence also indicates massive human trafficing done out of lee county Florida. Testimonials of torture abound here in Florida. One witness born in Germany goes by the name Rene Texas. She said she was abused most of her life inside the USA in Kentucky as well as Lee County Florida. Ashland Chemical Company in Kentucky... mind control agents. Velsicol Chemical Company in rosemont Illinois- Superfund toxic site in Marshall Illinois- toxic agents made in Marshall Illinois since WWI - Hexa Chloro Cyclo Pentadiene- Supplied Luv Canel in NY.. Velsicol. Pheonix Chemical company in Wisconsin- William J Rigby ran Pheonix Chemical as well as Allied Chemical Company Candad, Allied Chemical Company USA- and later Vigoro Corporation- 225 N michigan Ave... William J Rigby, Joe Sullivan, Jay Proops. Agribusiness.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Lynn Surgalla <>
To: Ron Angell <>; Dannie Moore <>; Dannie Moore <>;; David Brinsko <>; Bob Levin <>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 12:43:05 PM
Subject: FW: [v911t] Traffic in Human organs: RE: Following the N.J. corruption money trail: Money laundering splintered into political probe [] On Behalf Of Lynn Surgalla
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 12:38 PM
To: 'Rachel'; 'EJ'; 'Rod'
Cc: 'ASKDOJ';;;; 'ACLU Anthony D. Romero'; 'International Action Center';; 'Mohawk Nation News';; 'FrancisBoyle';;;;;
Subject: [v911t] Traffic in Human organs: RE: Following the N.J.corruption money trail: Money laundering splintered into political probe

THAT is what we ALL want to know!!!!!!!!!

From: Rachel []
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 12:00 PM
To: EJ; Rod
Subject: Fw: Following the N.J. corruption money trail: Money launderingsplintered into political probe

How much of the 160k went to the person unwillingly donating the kidney, that is if they are still alive. Have they found the body that goes to the kidney?


----- Original Message -----

From: pcastora

To: Dottie

Sent:Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:50 PM

Subject:Following the N.J. corruption money trail: Money laundering splintered into political probe

Following the N.J. corruption money trail: Money laundering splintered into political probe

by The Star-Ledger Continuous News Desk

Thursday July 23, 2009, 5:21 PM

download?mid=1%5f993996%5fALrFtEQAAMtjSm3idA4Km0%2beXII&pid=2.2&fid=Sent&inline=1&stationery=1Levi Izhak Rosenbaum, who is accused of attempting to broker a $160,000 deal for a kidney donation, is taken into the back of the federal courthouse in Newark on corruption charges.

NEWARK -- What began as a federal investigation into money laundering by Syrian Jewish community leaders in New Jersey and New York two years ago spawned into a broad web of political corruption that enveloped two N.J. assemblymen and three mayors.

At the heart of the probe was the money. The politicians are accused of taking bribes. And five rabbis are accused of laundering it through their non-profit religious institutions, while keeping a cut for themselves. One Brooklyn man, who was among the 44 charged today, was even accused of trying to broker a $160,000 deal for a kidney transplant.

Full Star-Ledger coverage of the New Jersey corruption arrests

In the last two years alone, a confidential witness --identified by sources close to the investigation as millionaire real estate developer Solomon Dwek -- laundered $3 million through the rabbis, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office, which declined to name the witness.

"He openly discussed with targets that he was in bankruptcy and was attempting to conceal cash and assets, and told them he wanted to launder criminal proceeds in increments ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to $150,000 or more at a time, often at the rate of several transactions per week," the U.S. Attorney's Office said in a statement announcing thecharges.

In addition to the 44 arrests, federal authorities today seized 28 bank accounts in the names of those charged with laundering money.

The key players, according to federal authorities, include Eliahu Ben Haim, of Long Branch, the rabbi for Congregation Ohel Yaacob in Deal. He is accused of taking payments as large as $160,000 made payable to his charitable, tax-exempt organization and laundering it for a 10 percent fee, authorities said.

Saul Kassin, a prominent rabbi in Brooklyn, and Edmund Nahum, the leader of a synagogue in Deal, orchestrated similar money laundering rings, according to the federal complaints. Brooklyn rabbis Mordchai Fish and his brother Lavel Schwartz were also charged with laundering money.

The money was laundered, in part, through cash houses in Brooklyn, as well as an Israeli named Levi Deutsch, who traveled frequently between New York and Israel. According to the complaint, he told the cooperating witness that his source of cash was the diamond business, and a Swiss banker.

The connection to New Jersey politics, however, came long after the initial investigation began. In June 2007, the expanding money laundering probe led the cooperating witness to be introduced to Jersey City building inspector John Guarini, who is charged with taking $40,000 in bribes from the witness, according to the federal charges.

That launched a wave of meetings where the cooperating witness bribed other officials with envelopes stuffed with cash during dinners in restaurants from Atlantic City to Staten Island, according to the complaints.

The bribes, according to federal authorities, to the key politicians included:

-- Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano $25,000
-- Assemblyman L. Harvey Smith (D-Hudson) $15,000
-- Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini $20,000 (in campaign contributions)
-- Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell $10,000
-- Ridgefield Mayor Anthony Suarez $10,000
-- Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt (R-Ocean) $10,000

Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano III, Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell led in handcuffs into FBI building

COMMENTS (54)Post a comment

Posted by newrkpeeches on 07/23/09 at 5:27PM

Not a good day for the NJ Democrats. BWAAHAAAHAAHAA

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Posted by jrseegrl17 on 07/23/09 at 5:31PM

I can't believe this. Years of reading the comments and I was brainwashed into believing Newark was the problem, and that without its inner cities NJ would be a utopia of morals and law abiding citizens.
Now, I come to find out there is crime and criminals in the suburbs! Among white people! And the wealthy! I am just shocked. SHOCKED.

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Posted by newrkpeeches on 07/23/09 at 5:35PM

There's a lot of others who arn't going to sleep well tonight knowing they may get that 5 am wake up call from the feds tomorrow morning.

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Posted by mrrealist on 07/23/09 at 5:36PM

This has probably been going on for many many years, yet it took the canary Solomon Dwek to bring it to the attention of the FBI.
Why wasnt this investigated sooner? too many powerful people behind it? nobody wanted to take on the Jewish Communities in Deal & Brooklyn and Israel for that matter?

The joke is on all hard working new jersey residents.

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Posted by mdag on 07/23/09 at 5:37PM

Corzine - you are toast come November. This seals your fate.

newarkpeaches, I concur: BWAAHAAAHAAA!

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Posted by noncompliant on 07/23/09 at 5:37PM

It sounds like the democratic party went on a bus ride today!

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Posted by noncompliant on 07/23/09 at 5:38PM

It sounds like the democratic party went on a bus ride today!

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Posted by EatPrunes on 07/23/09 at 5:40PM

Corzine's looks like BURNT TOAST now.

Great news for Christie campaign.

Democrats much more likely to do a SWITCHEROO now --- Corzine drops out of the race, and is replaced by some other Dem (just like happened with Bob Torricelli).

The question is: WHO will replace candidate Corzine ???

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Posted by mdag on 07/23/09 at 5:47PM

Well, we see that in NJ, whites, blacks, Latinos, Christians and Jews CAN cooperate in comething after all.

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Posted by DeceiverBO on 07/23/09 at 5:50PM

welcome to the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. this is what Democrats do, while the media worries about Palin's wardrobe.

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Posted by DeceiverBO on 07/23/09 at 5:52PM

you can bet the ranch that all these scumbags are Obama supporters.

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Posted by slimey11 on 07/23/09 at 5:53PM

"There's No Business Like Shmutsik Business"
The FBI has made a handcuff shnitke out of you.

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Posted by njhobo on 07/23/09 at 5:56PM

Way, way past time to CLEAN HOUSE!

It's funny how we've known this, but just let it keep rolling along.

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Posted by LBICAT on 07/23/09 at 6:00PM

Corruption is a given in NJ politics. A system of pay to play, favor banks and appointing friends/relatives to no show jobs with long term state funded benefits. The level of distrust of politicians is greater than I've ever seen, and I'm no youngster. The head of the FBI white collar crime unit calls us "the worst" state for corruption. Great! We're #1!!! We're #1!!!

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Posted by yorick328 on 07/23/09 at 6:04PM

Wait...only $130,000 in bribes to all those pols?? That would hardly pay for one of those flashy cars parked in their Deal driveways. Must only be the wholesale price. As to the Cooperating Witness, what about his crimes and those of all the developers who have run rampant through Hudson County. Let's see the probe widen to take in the crooked builders, bankers, and NJ agencies thatlooked the other way or were just too incompetent to stop this rampant rapingof our real estate and tax dollars.

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Posted by mickeg on 07/23/09 at 6:08PM

Where's Milgram during all of this? 1000 attorneys at her disposal and all she can do is harrass Ticketmaster and Juicy campus? Well I feel safer now. Can't wait until the Dem Fed prosecutor takes over the helm. Will it then be business as usual?

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Posted by Jery57 on 07/23/09 at 6:08PM

mrrealis, those scam bags rabbis are actually Syrian descends. What it has to to with Israel.
I would send them all with all in Guantanamo and, BTW I'm Jewish.

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Posted by dpdjr on 07/23/09 at 6:10PM

tomorrow will be corzine/codey/lautenberg/buono/menendez/booker/etc.

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Posted by jerzibred on 07/23/09 at 6:12PM

Everything we read here, even the posts, are 'old hat'. So, until we get off our a**es and vote absolutely every slimeball out of Trenton (and county...and muni) there's no sense saying any more!
It's not a new thought...actions speak louder than words. GET READY FOR ELECTION DAY!

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Posted by baligirl on 07/23/09 at 6:12PM

"The connection to New Jersey politics, however, came long after the initial investigation began."

In other words no one in NJ was doing a thing about the corruption. Christie and Milgram did absolutely nothing. I am tired of people portraying this as great for Christie. The truth is he was willing to let things continue because he just intended to put his people in bribe taking positions. Both Christie and Milgram continuously ignored complaints in NJ. Neither deserves credit for thework done by the Feds.

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Posted by breaker on 07/23/09 at 6:17PM

I am more then happy that DEMOCRAPS GOT BUSTED!!!!! All of these crooks should start to look at Ferriero as the culprit who told!!!!!

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Posted by LizzC on 07/23/09 at 6:21PM


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Posted by NOTANYJOE on 07/23/09 at 6:24PM

Since Peter Cammarano was sworn in, I became a curious reader of the bloggers' postings on this website by all parties. Rarely was there an exchange about this recent Mayoral election that lacked provocative and instigating commentary that often veered away from the original subject matter and context of the posted article. The central themes of the post exchanges seemed toalways lead back to adversarial and confrontational viewpoints rooted in 'us'versus 'them'. (Note these references are intentionally vague so that you maychoose to consider yourself a member of either group). What I always foundfascinating was how some of the viewpoints expressed were based in such adiscernable sense of entitlement. While it is obvious to see how those whoopposed the Cammarano contingency have these recent events to demonstrate thevalidity of their prior criticisms, what is most fascinating is the deafeningsilence from those who were the most ardent advocates of not only Cammarano butthe historical operation of govenrment that he apparently represented.
What now can be said of the man, the officials, the way that things have beenfor so long?
Could a new beginning actually be happening?
Time will tell and I believe there are many individuals who are questioning themselvesand their actions and whether or not they have reason to be concerned for theirown expectations of priviledge.

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Posted by mickeg on 07/23/09 at 6:27PM

baligirl Have you even read the newspaper articles? The investigation has been in place for ten years. Christie at least has a record of 134-0 in idicting and jailing corrupt officials. He has just recently left the office as the Fed prosecutor. That connection to NJ politics came during Christies tenure. It is evident where your sympathy lies but going after campus gossipsites and mislabled footpads and Ticketmaster (which sort of petered out onceit was discovered that Corzines friends from the NJSEA may have receivedfavorable treatment) is not exactly where the 'meat' lies. Where has Milgrambeen on Encap or Xanadu or gang activity in the prisons? When will Neil Cohenactually be processed? Maybe he's ready to give up the rest of the legislature.What about pushing Codey on the Christmas tree slush fund.
You're entitled to your opinions but your way off base on this one and led byyour political ideology

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Posted by nocorzine09 on 07/23/09 at 6:34PM

Here's Corzine's response after a member of his cabinet, Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Joe Doria, resigned:

"My administration will not tolerate, nor has it tolerated, the kind of public corruption
unveiled today," said Corzine, who called the charges against 44 people announced today "outrageous."

Corzine is essentially saying, "now that other people have found out about the corruption in my administration, I'm outraged!"

Hmmmm.....what about $100+ million of "special municipal aid" that was doled out through Doria and the DCA to a bunch of these towns, without any explanation of how they were chosen to receive this "aid."

Does this maybe have anything to do with the so-called MAC accounts, essentially legislator controlled slush funds, that the Corzine Administration setup with Codey, Bryant, et al.?

Corzine can save his fake outrage. At the worst, he has tolerated corruption withing his administration. At best, he has blocked ethics reform that would have prevented some of this,

Kick this bum out!

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Posted by jersey10006 on 07/23/09 at 6:35PM


How many Republicans? I've only heard of 1. That's 1 out of 44. You Democrats are incredibly corrupt, dirty and stupid. Keep drinking that kool-aid fool and don't Column A!

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Posted by amsterdamfat on 07/23/09 at 6:37PM


It is funny how it took a federal investigation to find this stuff out. Where are all the people in NJ that are responsible for finding this stuff? They keep looking under the wrong rock?

I agree with one of the above posts....get out and vote all the slimeballs out....Codey first! He can be proud of the mess he leaves NJ with.

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Posted by meoffer on 07/23/09 at 6:42PM

Political corruption in Hudson County? I for one an shocked.

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Posted by FreeAllFolks on 07/23/09 at 6:57PM

Wow. people getting arrested for being jewish and donting money? Seems like everything is illegal these days.
How about letting those go who did 'Absolutely Nuffin"?

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Posted by nocorzine09 on 07/23/09 at 6:58PM

madjersyan "For those Obama bashers it was a decnt mix of dems and gop."

Actually, no it wasn't. Of the 20 elected officials who were arrested, 19 were Democrats, and just one was Republican.

To be sure, both elected Democrats and Republicans alike can be corrupted. In this case, however, it's almost 100% Democrats.

There's a reason that the FBI raided the home and Trenton office of Corzine's DCA Commissioner today. Billions of dollars of Obama's stimulus money has flowed throught he DCA. Hundreds of millions of Corzine's "special municipal aid" have flowed through the DCA.

The DCA is a department in Corzine's executive branch that he directly controls. This corruption directly touches Jon Corzine.

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Posted by greekgoodies on 07/23/09 at 7:01PM

To bad Corzine was not on that bus.....and he should be!!

Let me reiterate.....he's more crooked than all those who were arrested.

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Posted by d4775 on 07/23/09 at 7:14PM

Onr thing is for certain. There are too many governments in New Jersey. The more people that have access to elected office, the more people that will steal. I thought that Corzine had a good chance at reelection. Not now. Also, Christies choice for the LT GOV position is outstanding. In listening to her, she's a keeper.

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Posted by adex on 07/23/09 at 7:21PM

Shyster fest.

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Posted by bbdh2004 on 07/23/09 at 7:26PM

Who is running Hudson county now? I guess these pols can run it from the clink?

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Posted by westernmassf on 07/23/09 at 7:29PM


Here here - well said. Bank Hapoalim and Bank Leumi Isreal have been busted numerous times for abetting money laundering internationally through the Holy Land.

These rabbis think they are above the law.

It was these same type of deluded Jewish whacko fundamentalists who instigated the assassination of Yitzchak Rabin in the name of G-d.

G-d protect us from these "true believers."

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Posted by mcmid on 07/23/09 at 7:29PM


Urban areas are weel represented in this too, unless you don't consider Hudson County to be urban.

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Posted by mcmid on 07/23/09 at 7:30PM


Still Menendez, like always.

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Posted by PleezGetHelp on 07/23/09 at 7:30PM

This is sooooo Chritie-

only go after the little fish- ignore all the big ones-

then make yourself look like the crusader

we see through you

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Posted by bullett on 07/23/09 at 7:37PM

New Jersey & Hudson County politics at its best! They make the late Mayor Hague look like (while he was not one) and amatuer.

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Posted by njdep on 07/23/09 at 7:41PM

This is just the tip of the iceburg, every little town, has been infiltrated and run by the same money making games. Until the laws of this State tighten up and honest Government demands transparency we will not see a change, this is how Government is run. The elected officals are in bed with Unions and Developers, appoint their people into office to make sure everything goes theirway, the public be damed. They have the deciding vote on any issue, you don'tlike it you have to spend a furtune and litigat them, they know you can'tafford their endless public funds to fight their case.
Nov. just vote them all out!

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Posted by joeworker on 07/23/09 at 8:04PM

Looks like to Feds finally took a page from the Frank Pentangeli book on how to deal with Hyman Roth and his messenger boys. "Lets hit em all while we got the muscle" The Feds need to go old school once in a while and just grab everybody to keep these mutts in check

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Posted by barrelboy08 on 07/23/09 at 8:17PM

Obama and VP Horseteeth must be kicking themselves for pitching the NJ Democratic Party. Too bad the sheet didn't hit the fan while they were here. To those Democrat apologists; Most caught up in this sweep are part of your wonderful party. Same goes for the 131 convicted pol's to date. Face the facts don't make them up.

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Posted by jerseychange on 07/23/09 at 8:19PM

Makes you wonder what back door deals were made for the Rowan University and Cooper Hospital merger. More last minute deals, more spending, more tax dollars, and yes, more democrats even in South Jersey.

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Posted by jerseycty12 on 07/23/09 at 8:20PM

Totally disgusted. That's all I got to say.

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Posted by dogtales on 07/23/09 at 8:28PM

I just love this part from another article about Jersey City:

Gerald McCann, the former mayor who himself was convicted on federal corruption charges in 1992, said he expects the case to snowball as those arrested seek to lessen the charges against them.

"One guy is going to rat out another guy who is going to rat out another guy," McCann said. "If they arrested 40 today, there will be 140 before the year is over."

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Posted by d070033 on 07/23/09 at 8:39PM

Tough week for the Democrats. First the debacle that is healthcare reform is starting to take form as the 2nd major boondoggle of the year (that nonsense pork-ulus package was the first), then Obama looks like a blithering idiot on TV last night then this. Wonder when Obama is going to coming back to this state and preach to us again.

Still saying Christie won't be much better than Corzine, but he will be better.

Barack Obama = Jimmy Carter
Clueless, Unprepared, Unqualified.

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Posted by deeavondra on 07/23/09 at 8:45PM

How fitting that this happened on the eve of Wayne Bryant's sentencing date :}

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Posted by njnapster on 07/23/09 at 8:52PM

news flash...republicans were also rounded taking even more money...and they say they will lower are taxes....YEAH OK, start be sending someon to my home to re-evaluate it and lower my taxes accordingly....the next governor will be catering to the rich...and whom may that be????.

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Posted by lvansyckel on 07/23/09 at 8:53PM

Cooper Hospital reminds me of Assemblyman Herb Conoway and Senator Vitale, Big Pharma Recipients,.. tens of thousands of dollars. The Feds should look into the massive prescription drugging of the 39,000 children in NJ's Foster Care Medicaid Program. NJ taxpayers payed more than 76 million dollars for adult antipsychotis given to infants and toddlers as young as six months ofage. These Antipsychotics are not FDA approved for this age group, it isclearly medicaid fraud, and Ann Milgram has ignored our most vulnerablechildren as they are drugged into oblivian, where is the justice?

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Posted by hecojoe on 07/23/09 at 9:01PM

To notannyjoe

Joey: the run on sentences.... Jeez

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Posted by itsoverjonny on 07/23/09 at 9:06PM

Christie is a shark. How incredible that a week after the long-legged Mack Daddy was in New Jersey this legislative blow-up occurs.

It could have only been better if it happened when Obamalammadingdong was in town.

Expect more arrests until Papa Smurf is on his knees.

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Posted by yankeemannj on 07/23/09 at 9:19PM

I think they need to take a look at the NJ Dept of Labor and the way training and etc is handed out, who is getting it, and who is getting turned down, as well as the people in the employment unemployment offices that are supposed to help people get jobs. What exactly do they do everyday???
The whole system needs to be looked at. The roads are a mess. where is the taxmoney going???

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Posted by hawk9 on 07/23/09 at 9:26PM

Hay NJO and FBI and NJ Gov.

This guy knows sone thing about corruption "madjerseyan"!

More bad guys are going down!

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Posted by nycisgreat on 07/23/09 at 9:36PM

Wow, snow flakes are dropping like flies. LMAO. Let em rot. I could be wrong they are probably innocent because they are white. LMAO


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#609 Why the Medical Communitee is ParticipatingI understand that doctors are cooperating and know a lot more than we think. I think they are lied to, mislead and did read something about laws on the war on terrorism or the, "Patriot Act". where doctors must conform with new laws and guide lines. they now cannot look at a patient as, "do no harm anymore", as the oath they have taken.what I read sated if they did not comply with these new laws that their license to practice medicine and their property can be seized. in essence they can be totally destroyed. I have been tortured and totally destroyed for attempting the go to a hospital to gain medical evidence. medical records were altered and like you the correct testing was denied or ignored. I would consider the medical community as also being under attack.One doctor confided in me that the prices he could charge were ridiculously low and regulated. He further said that the board of who ever that runs and over sees the operation of the hospital were politically appointed and weren't even doctors. He implied that they were organized crime much like the governor who was trying to sell president Obama's Senate seat had his wife sceaming in the back ground as they were negotiating for a politically appointed job for her. I don't believe she has any qualification other than her father was in politics and had taught her the political game. These jobs come with a huge pay, benefits and retirement. these people also owe there allegiance to the people who put them in power like who to hire, fire and what companies to purchase supplies from at twice the going price.This is happening to all supposedly non profit organizations, hospitals, Universities, Mental hospitals, commissions that determine the going price for utilities like, telephone, electric gas, cable all are monopolies and regulated.It reminds me of the communist party members in Russia and China. Like Russia in the end the communist party had all the good jobs, lived in the modern cities, where the best doctors were and lived in the best apartment and had summer homes. the store shelves were stocked while other took there pay to stores outside of the city where the shelves were empty. Welcome to the new elite and communist party members that are taking control of every aspect of our society. Passing more laws all the time that appear to be helpful but are meant to take further control.Luckily when I was rushed to the hospital with what seemed like a heart attack that was probably induced by directed energy weapons two women came into my room to tell me I was being drugged to death. Doctors never said a word. Why when they obviously new I was on far above the maximum dose of multiple medicines to cause harm. I think because they are under a similar control as we are.No wonder I had to sign a document stating that I couldn't join the CIA when I took a course in the philosophy of communism. not because I would become a communist but because I would see the sign of it's implementation in the US.Peter Rosenholm
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It seems as though the peace truth justice people are being tortured to a very high degree inside USA to the point of an American Genocide for those that speak truth. Most targeted groups are the Religious society of Friends (Universalist Quakers and Christian Quakers), Domincan Catholics, Methodists, Church of England, Lutherans as well as Jewish Voices for Peace in San Fran..

Allegations of new anti-Semitism have been particularly vociferous from the Koret and Taube foundations, longtime backers of the festival. The foundations criticized Jewish Voice for Peace and the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization widely considered tobe on the vanguard of Christian pacificism. The festival had asked thetwo groups to promote "Rachel" within their constituencies. The twoJewish foundations issued a joint statement labeling the Quaker andJewish peace organizations as "two virulently anti-Israel,anti-Semitic" groups associated with "groups that aid and abet terroragainst the Jewish state."

Tad Taube serves as president of the Koret Foundation and chairman of TaubePhilanthropies. He is chairman and founder of the Woodmont Companies, adiversified real estate investment and management organization. He waschairman and CEO of Koracorp Industries (successor to Koret ofCalifornia) from 1973 until its merger with Levi Strauss in 1979. Hehas served as trustee of the University of Notre Dame

Susan Koret, Board Chair

Susan KoretSusan Koret is lifetime chair of the board of the Koret Foundation. Born in Seoul, South Korea, she immigrated to the United States where, in 1979, she married Joseph Koret and converted to Judaism. Since the death of her husband in 1982, she has sustained and enhanced his philanthropiclegacy through devoted commitment to the Foundation. She is an active investor and also serveson the boards of the American Friends of the Hebrew University, theFromm Institute for Lifelong Learning at the University of San Francisco,and the Korean Center of San Francisco. She is an active supporterof San Francisco's cultural community and minority ethnic communities,involving herself in programs ranging from the arts to youth education.

Tad Taube, President

Tad TaubeTad Taube serves as president of the Koret Foundation and chairman of Taube Philanthropies. He is chairman and founder of the Woodmont Companies, a diversified real estate investment and management organization. He waschairman and CEO of Koracorp Industries (successor to Koret ofCalifornia) from 1973 until its merger with Levi Strauss in 1979. Hehas served as trustee of the University of Notre Dame de Namur, theUniversity of San Francisco, and as governor of The Hebrew Universityin Jerusalem.

At his alma mater, Stanford University, Mr. Taube is founder and advisory board chair of the Taube Center for Jewish Studies, established in 1986. He is a member of the Board of Overseers of the Hoover Institution and serves on its ExecutiveCommittee, and was founder and past chairman of the advisory board ofthe Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR). Inaddition, Mr. Taube is past chair of the Stanford Athletic Board. Hisinvolvement in Stanford Athletics includes his family’s principal giftto Stanford’s Taube Family Tennis Stadium and his significant supportof Stanford’s new football stadium, built in 2006.

Mr. Taube was a founder of the United States Football League (USFL) in 1982 and was principal owner of the Oakland Invaders football franchise. A member of the Lincoln Club, the Commonwealth Club andnumerous other civic organizations, he has received a number ofprestigious service awards and recognitions, including the Alexis deTocqueville Society Award presented by United Way in 1998, the ScopusAward from the Hebrew University in 1985, and an honorary doctoratedegree from Pacific Graduate School of Psychology in 1995.

In 2004, the President of the Republic of Poland awarded Tad Taube Poland’s highest civilian medal — The Commander’s Cross — and three years later, in 2007, the Republic of Poland named Mr. Taube HonoraryConsul for the San Francisco peninsula region.

Also in 2007, Mr. Taube received the Corporate Citizenship Award from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The Forward newspaper recognized him as one of its Forward Fifty most influential Jews in America.

Mr. Taube holds BS and MS degrees from Stanford University and served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force. He is married to Dianne Panos Taube and he has six children ranging in age from 5 to 50.

Richard Atkinson

Richard AtkinsonRetired as the president of the University of California in 2003, Richard Atkinson has also served as chancellor of the University of California, San Diego. Appointed director of the National Science Foundation by President Jimmy Carter, Dr. Atkinson’s nationaland international science policies included negotiating the first memorandumof understanding in history between the People's Republic of Chinaand the United States. He was a long-standingfaculty member at Stanford University, serving as a professor of psychologyand holding appointmentsin the School of Engineering, the School of Education, the AppliedMathematics and Statistics Laboratories, and the Institute for MathematicalStudies in the Social Sciences.

Dr. Atkinson's research dealt with problems of memory and cognition. His theory of human memory has helped clarify the relationship between brain structures and psychological phenomena, explaining the effects of drugs on memory and formulation of techniques to optimize learning.He developed one of the first computer-controlled systems for instruction — aprototype for the commercial development of computer-assisted instruction,which focused primarily on reading for young school children. A co-founderof the Computer Curriculum Corporation, his scientific contributionsresulted in his election to the National Academy of Sciences, the Instituteof Medicine, the National Academy of Education, and the American PhilosophicalSociety. Past president of the American Association for the Advancementof Science, he is former chair of the Association of American Universities.A mountain in Antarctica has been named in his honor.

Michael J. Boskin

Michael J. BoskinMichael J. Boskin is Tully M. Friedman Professor of Economics and senior fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He isalso research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. An advisorto governments and global businesses , Dr. Boskin serves on severalcorporate and philanthropic boards of directors. He served as chairmanof the President’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) from 1989to 1993. The independent Council for Excellence in Government ratedDr. Boskin’s CEA one of the five most respected agencies (outof 100) in the federal government. He chaired the highly influentialblue-ribbon Consumer Price Index Commission, whose report hastransformed the way government statistical agencies around the worldmeasure inflation, GDP, and productivity.

Dr. Boskin received his B.A. with highest honors in economics and the Chancellor’s Award as outstanding undergraduate in 1967 from the University of California , Berkeley, where he also received his M.A. in 1968 and his Ph.D. in 1971. In addition to Stanford and theUniversity of California, he has taught at Harvard and Yale. The authorof more than 100 books and articles, he is internationally recognizedfor his research on world economic growth, tax and budget theory andpolicy ; U.S. saving and consumption patterns ; and the implicationsof changing technology and demography on capital, labor, and productmarkets.

Dr. Boskin has received numerous professional awards and citations, including Stanford’s Distinguished Teaching Award in 1988, the National Association for Business Economists’ Abramson Award for outstanding research and its Distinguished Fellow Award, the Medalof the President of the Italian Republic in 1991 for his contributionsto global economic understanding, and the 1998 Adam Smith Prize foroutstanding contributions to economics.

William K. Coblentz

William K. CoblentzWilliam K. Coblentz is a senior partner with the law firm of Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass, LLP. A former chair of the Board of Regents of the University of California, he presently serves on the boards of the McClatchy Company, NAACP Legal Defense and EducationalFund, Children Now, University of California Press, and the Universityof California , San Francisco Medical Center Foundation. He isa member of the Council on Foreign Relations, San Francisco ; the AmericanBar Association ; the Association of the Bar of the City of New York; theAmerican Law Institute; and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Mr. Coblentz was formerly a member of the board of directors of the Pacific Telesis Group, the San Francisco Airports Commission, Vidal Sassoon, Inc., and Mervyns ; he was a visiting fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford University, and an adjunct professor at the HaasSchool of Business,University of California, Berkeley.

Anita Friedman

Jewish Family & Children’s Services of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin & Sonoma Counties, Executive Director

Anita FriedmanDr. Anita Friedman has served for nearly 30 years as executive director of Jewish Family and Children’s Services of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties, one of the largest family serviceinstitutions in the United States, with 13 Bay Area offices in fivecounties serving more than 58,000 children, adults and seniors eachyear. She is a frequent lecturer and writer on issues of Jewishcommunal service, mental health and innovative business models for theprovision of human services.

In addition to serving on the Koret Foundation Advisory Board, and on the board of the American Friends of Koret Israel Economic Development Funds, Dr. Friedman serves on various local, state, national and international boards andcommissions. Among them are the Human Services Commission for the Cityand County of San Francisco and the International Board of Trustees forthe World Council of Jewish Communal Service. She has consulted withthe State of Israel’s Ministry of Social Affairs on best practices inserving children and families, and her breakthrough work to acclimateSoviet Jews to American life has won her accolades from dignitaries theworld over.

A licensed clinical social worker specializing in mental health services for families and couples, Dr. Friedman has received high praise and numerous awards, including the State of California Family Service Council Leadership Award, theInternational Louis Kraft Award for Jewish communal service; the MyrtleWreath Award, Hadassah’s highest honor; the Jewish CommunityFederation's Professional of the Year Award; and the Koret Prize forleadership in community service. She is a graduate of the prestigiousWexner Heritage Foundation fellowship.

Dr. Friedman completed undergraduate studies at the University of California at Berkeley, and her doctoral degree in organizational psychology at the University of San Francisco. The daughter of Holocaust survivors, sheand her husband live in San Francisco and have three sons.

Robert Friend

Robert FriendRobert Friend is president of Howard Properties of San Francisco, a privately held real estate investment company. A graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, he serves as president of the Friend Family Foundation, chairman of UCSF’s Diabetes Advisory Committee,and chairman of Summer Search San Francisco, a program that challengeslow-income high school students to develop character and leadershipby providing year-round mentoring, life-changing summer experiences,college advising, and a lasting support network.

In addition, Mr. Friend is a member of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee at UCSF and serves on the boards of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life & Culture, the Bernard Osher Foundation, and several other supporting foundationsof San Francisco’s Jewish Community Endowment Fund.

Richard L. Greene

Richard L. GreeneRichard L. Greene is a specialist in tax law and a founding partner of the law firm Greene, Radovsky, Maloney, Share & Hennigh. He is a frequent lecturer in the tax field and a recipient of the V. Judson Klein Awardfor outstanding contributions to the field of taxation. He has servedas co-chairman of the executive committee of the State Bar of CaliforniaTaxation Section, past president of the San Francisco Barristers Club’sTax Section, and president of the San Francisco Tax Litigation Club.Mr. Greene has also served as adjunct professor at Boalt Hall Schoolof Law, conducted seminars at StanfordUniversity and Hastings Collegeof the Law, and taught courses at the University of San Francisco LawSchool. He is the president of the board of trustees of the San FranciscoMuseum of Modern Art.

Mr. Greene is a trustee of the Berkeley Foundation ; a member of the advisory boards of the Bancroft Library and the Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy ; and a director of the Fromm Institute for Lifelong Learning. He also serves as a director of otherprivate charitable foundations.

Stanley Herzstein

Stanely HerzsteinStanley Herzstein is former president of the men’s division of Koracorp, a subsidiary of Koret of California, where he worked with Joseph Koret for 30 years. He has served on the boards of the Jewish Home, San Francisco; the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula,Marin and Sonoma Counties; Pacific Bank; San Francisco State UniversityCollege of Business; American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center;Market Street Development Association; International Society of GeneralSemantics (now the Institute of General Semantics); and the San FranciscoCity Task Force on Aging. He is past president of the San FranciscoCommission on Aging and a past president of the Institute on Aging.

Abraham D. Sofaer

Abraham D. SofaerAbraham D. Sofaer is the George P. Shultz Distinguished Scholar and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. He previously served as a federal district judge in New York and as legal adviser to the U. S.Department of State. Prior to that time he was a professor oflaw at Columbia University, where he focused on separation of powersissues in the American system of government, including the power overwar. He has also served as assistant U.S. attorney in the SouthernDistrict of New York and was a clerk to Judge J. Skelly Wright on theU.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., and to the Honorable WilliamJ. Brennan Jr., associate justice of the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates. Currently, he concentrates on issues related to terrorism,international law, diplomacy, and national security.

He has written many articles on terrorism, the Middle East peace process, and the use of force in international affairs. When he was a professor at Columbia University, he wrote a book about the constitutional powers of Congress and the President to control or affect the use offorce. As an administrative judge in New York state, he presided overthe first major environmental action involving PCBs. After leavingthe Department of State, he practiced law at Hughes, Hubbard and Reedin Washington, D.C. As U.S. district judge for the Southern Districtof New York, he handled several high-profile cases, including the libelaction against Time magazine by then Israeli general and laterprime minister, Ariel Sharon. He was awarded an honorary doctoratefrom Yeshiva University. He is president of the American Friends ofthe Koret Israel Economic Development Funds and is a founding trusteeand chairman of the board of the Jazz Museum in Harlem. He serveson other corporate and charitable boards.

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From: Lynn Surgalla <>
To: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '';;;;; ''; '';;; '';;; ''; '';;; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '';;;; ''; ''; '';; ''; '';;; ''; ''; '';;;;; ''; ''; ''; ''; '';;; ''; ''; '';;;; ''; ''; '';;; ''; ''; ''; '';;;;; Feng.Hsu@NASA.GOV; '';; '';;;;; ''; '';;;;;;; ''; '';; '';; ''; ''; '';; '';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 11:37:46 AM
Subject: FW: ECOCIDE/GENOCIDE IN IRAQ WITH RADIOACTIVE WARFARE (DELETED URANIUM RADIATION WEAPONS) RE: [v911t] Oregon Soldiers Sue KBR for Exposure to Cancer-causing Chemical in Iraq

From: Lynn Surgalla []
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 11:37 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: ECOCIDE/GENOCIDE IN IRAQ WITH RADIOACTIVE WARFARE (DELETEDURANIUM RADIATION WEAPONS) RE: [v911t] Oregon Soldiers Sue KBR for Exposure toCancer-causing Chemical in Iraq

MORET: Yes, and that’s exactly what it is. We’ve conducted four nuclear wars since 1991. Yeah, these are nuclear wars. DU is a nuclear weapon.

ICONOCLAST: From the point of view of a scientist, what needs to happen to correct this?

MORET: Well, we need to stop the use of it. We’ve built an international movement to stop the use, the manufacture, the storage, the sales, and the deployment ofdepleted uranium weapons.

ICONOCLAST: Are the munitions we sell to other countries contained with depleted uranium?

MORET: We have. In 1968 the first depleted uranium weapons systems that we found a patent for suddenly appeared in the U.S. patent office.

It was for the Navy.

It was sort of a Gatling gun style weapon system that you mounted on ships.

It rapidly fires like 2,500 bullets a minute.

It’s over 3,000 now.

They’ve improved the design.

Then in 1973, we gave depleted uranium weapons systems to the Israelis and supervised their use. They used them in the Arab-Israeli war and completely wiped out the Arabs in five days. Then the show was on theroad. That was the first actual battlefield demonstration of this newweapon system.

Hughes Aircraft developed the full-length system which is for the Navy. That’s the Gatling gun system. They still use it. That was produced in 1974 and tested. Within six months the U.S. government had sold the DUweapons system to 12 entities which included many branches of the U.S.military and other counties.

We’ve sold DU weapons systems to about — we don’t know exactly for sure — it’s been about 12 or 17 countries.

The good news is that normally such a weapons system that effective would have been sold to 80, 100, or 120 countries by now.

But because of the radiological, biological, and environmental hazard, countries were not only afraid to buy it, the ones who did buy it are afraid to use it.

An Iraqi child born deformed due to depeted uranium. <br / Photo:" border="0" height="140" width="186"">


Only countries that have used DU as weapon are Britain, the U.S., and Israel

The only countries we know that have used DU are Britain, the U.S., and Israel.

The United Nations in 1996 passed a resolution that depleted uranium weapons are weapons of mass destruction, and they are illegal under all international laws and treaties.

In 2001, the European Parliament passed a resolution on DU.

What happened is that the NATO forces went into Yugoslavia in 1998 and ’99 and flew 39,000 bombing runs and completely bombed Yugoslavia into radioactive rubble.

Germany and the U.S. made the most money on the destruction of Yugoslavia, and they made sure that countries that didn’t know about the DU, that the peacekeepers from those countries like from Italy and Portugal, were sent to the mostcontaminated regions in Yugoslavia.

From: Lynn Surgalla []
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 9:31 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: ECOCIDE/GENOCIDE IN IRAQ WITH RADIOACTIVE WARFARE (DELETEDURANIUM RADIATION WEAPONS) RE: [v911t] Oregon Soldiers Sue KBR for Exposure toCancer-causing Chemical in Iraq [] On Behalf Of Lynn Surgalla
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:49 AM
To: ''; '';''; ''; '';''; ''; ''; '';'';;;;;''; '';;; '';;; '';'';;; ''; '';''; '';''; '';''; '';;;; '';''; '';; ''; '';;; '';''; '';;;;;''; ''; '';''; '';;; '';''; '';;;; '';''; '';;; ''; '';''; '';;;;; Feng.Hsu@NASA.GOV;'';; '';;;;;''; '';;;;;;;''; '';;'';; '';''; '';;'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: FW: ECOCIDE/GENOCIDE IN IRAQ WITH RADIOACTIVE WARFARE (DELETEDURANIUM RADIATION WEAPONS) RE: [v911t] Oregon Soldiers Sue KBR for Exposure toCancer-causing Chemical in Iraq

From: Lynn Surgalla []
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:23 AM
To: ''
Cc: ''
Subject: ECOCIDE/GENOCIDE IN IRAQ WITH RADIOACTIVE WARFARE (DELETEDURANIUM RADIATION WEAPONS) RE: [v911t] Oregon Soldiers Sue KBR for Exposure toCancer-causing Chemical in Iraq


1. Iraqi cancers, birth defects blamed on U.S. depleted uranium

Iraqi cancers, birth defects blamed on U.S. depleted uranium. By LARRY JOHNSON ... the surge in birth defects in southern Iraq that he blames on depleteduranium. ... - Cached

2. Iraqi Cancers, Birth Defects Blamed on U.S. Depleted Uranium

Iraqi Cancers, Birth Defects Blamed on U.S. Depleted Uranium. by Larry Johnson ... responsible for a significant increase in cancer and birth defectsin the region. ... - Cached

3. Depleted Uranium - Far Worse Than 9/11

In terms of both cancer and birth defects due to DU, only a small fraction of ... that ended up causing hundreds of thousands of cancer cases and birth defects... - 78k - Cached

4. Photos Iraq babies born deformed depleted uranium — US Veterans ...

... controversial — blamed as one of the possible causes of cancer and birth defects. ... Study suggests cancer risk from depleted uranium ... - 505k - Cached

5. Islam Online- News Section

... toxic wasteland, the number of birth defects and cancer-ridden Iraqis is on the ... UN Mulls Depleted Uranium Probes In Bosnia, Yugoslavia, Iraq ... - Cached

6. Depleted Uranium Munitions Birth Defect Cancer Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one have developed a serious side effect or ailments as a result of being exposed to Depleted uranium munitions, please fill out the form at the ... - Cached

7. Iraq Links Cancers to Uranium Weapons

Depleted uranium is the low-level radioactive waste left over from manufacturing ... reports of increases in cancer, birth defects and leukemia, saying their pre ... - 90k - Cached

8. Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

o History|

o Military...|

o Civilian...|

o Health...

... birth defect claims from a February 1991 Gulf War combat ... "Iraqi cancers, birth defects blamed on U.S. depleted uranium.". Seattle Post-Intelligencer. ... - 249k - Cached

9. Iraqi Cancers, Birth Defects Blamed on U.S. Depleted Uranium

Iraqi Cancers, Birth Defects Blamed on U.S. Depleted Uranium. By Larry Johnson ... responsible for a significant increase in cancer and birth defectsin the region. ... - Cached

10. Talk:Depleted uranium/health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

... found no link between depleted uranium and cancer, and sometimes found no link ... is no direct proof that uranium causes birth defects in humans, but it induces ... - Cached


· Depleted Uranium Birth Defects

Depleted uranium birth defects. Consult Your Child Health Experts. [] On Behalf Of Kathy Roberts
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:46 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: [v911t] Oregon Soldiers Sue KBR for Exposure to Cancer-causingChemical in Iraq

Oregon soldiers sue KBR for exposure tocancer-causing chemical in Iraq

by Julie Sullivan, The Oregonian

Monday June 08, 2009, 7:13 PM

Five current and former Oregon Army National Guard soldiers filed suit Monday against a war contractor that they say knowingly exposed them to a cancer-causing chemical in Iraq.

The suit alleges that managers from Kellogg, Brown & Root, or KBR, of Houston knew before the Oregon Guard arrived at the Qarmat Ali water treatment plant in May 2003 that the site was contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a highly toxic and long-identified carcinogen.

The plaintiffs allege the company either failed to do the required testing a month before the Guard arrived or destroyed the records to conceal the contamination. KBR also discounted soldiers' and civilians' bloody noses and other symptoms of exposure as sand allergies.

The Oregon Guard had been assigned to protect civilian employees working at the treatment plant, a key component of Iraqi oil production.

In a written statement Monday, KBR director of communications Heather L. Browne said the company appropriately notified the Army Corps of Engineers, which oversaw the contractor's work.

"KBR has provided the results of environmental testing and assessments to the U.S. Military and will continue to fully cooperate with the government on this issue," she wrote. "KBR did not knowingly harm troops."

According to the suit filed in U.S. District Court in Portland, KBR's health safety manager in southern Iraq knew in May 2003 the plant was contaminated with sodium dichromate, a corrosion fighter that is almost pure hexavalent chromium. (The military believes Saddam loyalists opened and scattered bags ofit as they fled the plant.) Plaintiffs allege that KBR managers repeatedly toldU.S. and British soldiers there was no danger, even after blood tests oncivilian workers later confirmed elevated chromium levels.

The suit says the five plaintiffs developed symptoms of hexavalent chromium poisoning and continue to suffer breathing problems, stomach and esophageal ulcers and headaches, and face a greater risk of cancer and impact on their offspring. The Oregon troops served with the 1st Battalion, 162ndInfantry Division that rotated through duties guarding civilians at Qarmat Alifrom April to June 2003.

Four of the plaintiffs -- Larry Roberta, of Aumsville, Scott Ashby of Lake Oswego. Rocky Bixby of Hillsboro and Matthew Hadley of Aloha -- completed their Guard obligation and are civilians. Capt. Charles Ellis of Junction City remains with the Guard and is deploying to Iraq with the 41st Infantry Brigade in July.

Last month, Roberta and Ashby testified before the Oregon Legislature, which is considering a bill to set up a small fund to help exposed soldiers who develop cancer.

Attorneys for the soldiers, David Sugerman of Portland and Michael Doyle of Houston, said they expect several West Virginia National Guard members who served at the Iraqi water plant to file a similar suit. Last year, 16 Indiana National Guard members who replaced the Oregon troops at Qarmat Ali and10 civilian contractors who worked at the facility also sued KBR. Under federalrules, civilians working on military bases are limited in their ability to sueemployers, and that case has been in a confidential arbitration.

Since news coverage by The Oregonian in January, more than two dozen Oregon veterans have asked to be placed on a registry and more than a dozen have reported health issues to the National Guard or VA, mostly breathing problems.

The Oregon Army National Guard is still asking soldiers who may have served with the 1-162 to contact the Guard at 503-584-2285 or the Portland Veterans Administration at 800-949-1004, ext. 52852, for more information on registering their exposure.


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