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Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key PatentsDiseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents

August 5, 2009 by mike
Filed under Government

August 5, 2009

Natural News

by: Mike Adams

To most people, vaccines sound medically harmless. “They’re good for you!” say the doctors and drug companies, but they never really talk about what’s in those vaccines. There’s a good reason for that: If people knew what was really in those vaccines, they would never allow themselves to be injected with them.

Aside from the dangerous ingredients many people already know about (like squalene or thimerosal), one of the key ingredients used in flu vaccines (including the vaccines being prepared for the swine flu pandemic) is the diseased flesh of African Green Monkeys. This is revealed in U.S. patent No. 5911998 - Method of producing a virus vaccine from an African green monkey kidney cell line.

As this patent readily explains, ingredients used in the vaccine are derived from the kidneys of African Green Monkeys who are first infected with the virus, then allowed to fester the disease, and then are killed so that their diseased organs can be used make vaccine ingredients. This is done in a cruel, inhumane “flesh factory” environment where the monkeys are subjected to a process that includes “incubating said inoculated cell line to permit proliferation of said virus.” Then: “harvesting the virus resulting from step (c); and… (ii) preparing a vaccine from the harvested virus.”

Aside from the outrageous cruelty taking place with all this (”incubating” the virus in the kidneys of living monkeys, for example), there’s another disturbing fact that has surfaced in all this: The patent for this process is held not just by the National Institutes of Health, but by another private corporation known as DynCorp.

This, of course, brings up the obvious question: Who is Dyncorp? And why do they hold a patent on live attenuated vaccine production using African Green Monkeys?

DynCorp, it turns out, is a one of the top private military contractors working for the U.S. government. In addition to allegedly trafficking in under-age sex slaves in Bosnia and poisoning rural farmers in Ecuador with its aerial spraying of Colombian coca crops , Dyncorp just happens to be paid big dollars by the U.S. government to patrol the U.S. / Mexico border, near where the H1N1 first swine flu virus was originally detected.

DynCorp also happens to be in a position to receive tremendous financial rewards from its patents covering attenuated live viral vaccine harvesting methods, as described in four key patents jointly held by DynCorp and the National Institutes of Health:

(6025182) Method for producing a virus from an African green monkey kidney cell line

(6117667) Method for producing an adapted virus population from an African green monkey kidney cell line

(5911998) Method of producing a virus vaccine from an African green monkey kidney cell line

(5646033) African green monkey kidney cell lines useful for maintaining viruses and for preparation of viral vaccines

One of the key inventors in these patents now held by DynCorp was Dr. Robert H. Purcell. Who is Dr. Robert Purcell? He’s one of the co-chiefs of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases operating under the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. government.

That office, located at 50 South Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, is less than 15 miles away from the headquarters of DynCorp.

It’s not too many more miles to Washington D.C., where U.S. government health authorities awarded over $1 billion in swine flu vaccine contracts to pharmaceutical companies. Can you guess which company received one of the largest vaccine manufacturing contracts? Baxter Pharmaceuticals, the very same company using ingredients derived from African Green Monkeys in precisely the way described in the patents held jointly by DynCorp and the NIH. Remember, Baxter is the company that was caught inserting live viruses into vaccine materials distributed to 18 different countries.

Are you following all this?

So far, we have the U.S. government awarding swine flu vaccine manufacturing contracts to a major U.S. vaccine manufacturer (Baxter) that uses vaccine ingredients from African Green Monkeys (sick!), derived from a process covered in a patent invented by U.S. government NIH researchers (Dr. Purcell and others) and now held jointly by the NIH and a private military contractor named DynCorp — the very same company that’s paid to monitor the U.S. / Mexico border where H1N1 swine flu first appeared.

And just today, there’s yet another development in all this: A Tamiflu-resistant strain of swine flu has just been discovered. Care to guess where? On the U.S.-Mexico border.

Once you understand all this, some obvious questions come to mind: Could H1N1 swine flu have been intentionally created and released into the wild (in Mexico) in order to create a windfall of vaccine profits that would financially benefit both the drug companies and the vaccine production patent holders? Because it certainly appears that a grand conspiracy between the NIH, the vaccine makers and private military contractors could have pulled this off.

But wait: Would a private military contractor really resort to such tactics just to make money?

Decide for yourself. Dyncorp has already been accused of crimes against humanity and genocide .

Click here for the full story from Natural News

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--- On Fri, 8/7/09, Ron Angell wrote:STATE SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009From: Ron AngellSubject: STATE SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009To: constitutionalsdemocrcacy@democracy.orgDate: Friday, August 7, 2009, 2:10 PMSTATE SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009=======================================================================HEARINGBEFORE THESUBCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION,CIVIL RIGHTS, AND CIVIL LIBERTIESOF THECOMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARYHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESSFIRST SESSIONONH.R. 984__________JUNE 4, 2009__________SerialNo. 111-14__________Printed for the use of the Committee on the JudiciaryAvailable via the World Wide Web: SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009-VIP Download PDF and LOOK AT PGS 88-100 !!ABC News 1979 Special: Mission Mind Control (29 mins)- Coffee and water poison in USA also chemtrail sprays and tainted food, over the counter drugs, prescription drugs.ABC News 1979 Special: Mission Mind Control (29 mins)
U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE50-070 PDF WASHINGTON : 2009For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government PrintingOffice Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800;DC area (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail: Stop SSOP,Washington, DC 20402-0001COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARYJOHN CONYERS, Jr., Michigan, ChairmanHOWARD L. BERMAN, California LAMAR SMITH, TexasRICK BOUCHER, Virginia F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, Jr.,JERROLD NADLER, New YorkWisconsinROBERT C. ``BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia HOWARD COBLE, North CarolinaMELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina ELTON GALLEGLY, CaliforniaZOE LOFGREN, California BOB GOODLATTE, VirginiaSHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas DANIEL E. LUNGREN, CaliforniaMAXINE WATERS, California DARRELL E. ISSA, CaliforniaWILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts J. RANDY FORBES, VirginiaROBERT WEXLER, Florida STEVE KING, IowaSTEVE COHEN, Tennessee TRENT FRANKS, ArizonaHENRY C. ``HANK'' JOHNSON, Jr., LOUIE GOHMERT, TexasGeorgia JIM JORDAN, OhioPEDRO PIERLUISI, Puerto Rico TED POE, TexasMIKE QUIGLEY, Illinois JASON CHAFFETZ, UtahLUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Illinois TOM ROONEY, FloridaBRAD SHERMAN, California GREGG HARPER, MississippiTAMMY BALDWIN, WisconsinCHARLES A. GONZALEZ, TexasANTHONYD. WEINER, New YorkADAM B. SCHIFF, CaliforniaLINDA T. SANCHEZ, CaliforniaDEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, FloridaDANIEL MAFFEI, New YorkPerry Apelbaum, Majority Staff Director and Chief CounselSean McLaughlin, Minority Chief of Staff and General Counsel------Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil LibertiesJERROLD NADLER, New York, ChairmanMELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, Jr.,ROBERT C. ``BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia WisconsinWILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts TOM ROONEY, FloridaHENRY C. ``HANK'' JOHNSON, Jr., STEVE KING, IowaGeorgia TRENT FRANKS, ArizonaTAMMY BALDWIN, Wisconsin LOUIE GOHMERT, TexasJOHN CONYERS, Jr., Michigan JIM JORDAN, OhioSTEVE COHEN, TennesseeBRADSHERMAN,CaliforniaSHEILA JACKSON LEE, TexasDavid Lachmann, Chief of StaffPaul B. Taylor, Minority CounselC O N T E N T S----------JUNE 4, 2009PageTHE BILLH.R. 984, the ``State Secret Protection Act of 2009.............. 4OPENING STATEMENTSThe Honorable Jerrold Nadler, a Representative in Congress fromthe State of New York, and Chairman, Subcommittee on theConstitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties................ 1The Honorable F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., a Representative inCongress from the State of Wisconsin,and RankingMember,Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and CivilLiberties...................................................... 17The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., a Representative in Congressfrom the State of Michigan, Chairman, Committee on theJudiciary, and Member, Subcommittee on the Constitution, CivilRights, and Civil Liberties.................................... 18WITNESSESThe Honorable Patricia M. Wald, retired Chief Judge, U.S. CourtoF Appeals for the District of ColumbiaOral Testimony................................................. 21Prepared Statement............................................. 24The Honorable Asa Hutchinson, Senior Partner, Hutchinson LawGroupOral Testimony................................................. 29PreparedStatement............................................. 31Mr.Andrew Grossman, Senior Legal Policy Analyst, The HeritageFoundationOral Testimony................................................. 55Prepared Statement............................................. 57Mr. Ben Wizner, National Security Project Staff Attorney,American Civil Liberties UnionOral Testimony................................................. 83Prepared Statement............................................. 85APPENDIXMaterial Submitted for the Hearing Record........................ 111STATE SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009----------THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 2009House of Representatives,Subcommittee on theConstitution,Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties,Committee on the Judiciary,Washington, DC.The Subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:09 p.m., inroom 2141, Rayburn House Office Building, the Honorable JerroldNadler (Chairman of the Subcommittee) presiding.Present: Representatives Nadler, Conyers, Delahunt,Johnson, Sensenbrenner, Franks, and King.Staff Present: Heather Sawyer, Majority Counsel; and PaulTaylor, Minority Counsel.Mr. Nadler. This hearing of the Subcommittee on theConstitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties will come toorder.Today's hearing will examine the state secrets privilege.The Chair recognizes himself for 5 minutes for an openingstatement.Today, the Subcommittee examines legislation that I haveintroduced, alongwith the distinguished Chairman of the fullCommittee, with Representative TomPetri, and with severalother Members of the Committee, that would codify uniformstandards for dealing with claims of the state secretsprivilege by the government in civil litigation.In the last Congress, we had an oversight hearing on thestate secrets privilege and a hearing on this legislation. Thebill was reported favorably to the full Committee.Our experience has demonstrated the destructive impact thatsweeping claims of privilege and secrecy can have on ourNation. In order for the rule of law to have any meaning,individual liberties and rights must be enforceable in ourcourts. Separation-of-powers concerns are at their highest withregard to secret executive branch conduct, and the governmentsimply cannot be allowed to hide behind unexamined claims ofsecrecy and become the final arbiter ofits own conduct.Yet, claims of secrecy have been used to conceal mattersfrom Congress even though Members have the security clearancenecessary to be briefed in an appropriately secure setting.That has been the case with respect to the use of torture, withthe use of illegal spying on Americans, and other matters oftremendous national importance.And let me add here that this issue is perhaps the mostimportant issue, in my judgment, this Committee will face,because this Committee is charged with enforcing civil rightsand civil liberties under our Constitution. And there is anancient maxim of law that says there is no right without aremedy. And if the government violates your rights, if itkidnaps you, it tortures you, it deliberately burns down yourhouse, it wiretaps you without a warrant, whatever, how do youenforce your right against the government?Well, theAdministration could criminally prosecute its ownmembers who have done so; that isunlikely. Congress couldexercise oversight; that is hit or miss. Or the victim can suein tort, he can sue the government for illegal wiretapping, forkidnapping, for intentional infliction of mental distress, forassault, whatever.But if the government can eliminate that lawsuit on thepleadings simply by coming into court and using the magicincantation of the words ``state secrets,'' and say, ``Thiscase should be dismissed because we say, in our unexaminedassertion, that trying the case would necessitate therevelation of state secrets, case dismissed,'' then there is norecourse to the courts and there is no enforcement of rights.And rights without a remedy are illusory and we have no rights.Therefore, we must put some limits on this use of the statesecret doctrine.The same pattern ofresorting to extravagant state secretsclaims has been evident in the courts. While theBushadministration did not invent the use of the state secretsprivilege to conceal wrongdoing, it certainly perfected theart. The state secrets privilege has been abused by priorAdministrations to protect officials who have behaved illegallyor improperly or simply in an embarrassing manner, rather thanto protect the safety and security of the Nation.The landmark case in the field, U.S. v. Reynolds, is aperfect case in point. The widows of three civilian engineerssued the government for negligence stemming from a fatal aircrash. The government refused to produce the accident report,even refusing to provide it to the court to review, claiming itwould reveal sensitive state secrets that would endangernational security. The Supreme Court concurred without everlooking behind the government'sunsupported assertion thatnational security was involved.Half a century later, thereport was found, nowdeclassified, online by the daughter of one of the engineers,and it clearly revealed no state secrets. It clearly could havebeen made available in a form that would have enabled thosefamilies to vindicate their rights in court. It did, however,reveal that the crash was caused by government negligence,which I suspect was the real reason for the invocation, or theinvention in that case, of the state secrets doctrine.Protecting the government from embarrassment and civilliability, not protecting national security, was the realreason for withholding the accident report. Yet these familieswere denied justice because the Supreme Court never lookedbehind the government's false claim to determine whether it wasvalid.Similarly, in the Pentagon Papers case,then-SolicitorGeneral Erwin Griswold warned the Supreme Court thatpublication of the information wouldpose a grave and immediatedanger to national security. Eighteen years later, heacknowledged that he had never seen, quote, ``any trace of athreat to the national security,'' unquote, from thepublication of the information and further admitted that,quote, ``The principle concern is not with national securitybut rather with government embarrassment of one sort oranother,'' close quote.It is important to protect national security, and sometimesour courts have to balance the need for individual justice withnational security considerations. Congress has in the pastbalanced these important, albeit sometimes competing, demands.In the criminal context, we enacted the Classified InformationsProcedure Act. In FISA, we set up procedures for the courts toexamine sensitivematerials. Through the Freedom of InformationAct, we sought to limit any withholding of information from thepublic whom the government is supposed to serve.We can and should do the same in civil cases. Our system ofgovernment and our legal system have never relied on takingassurances at face value. The courts and the Congress have aduty to look behind what this Administration or anyAdministration says to determine whether or not thoseassurances are well-founded.Presidents and other government officials have been knownnot to tell the truth on occasion, especially when it is intheir interest to conceal something. The founders of thisNation knew that there needed to be checks in each branch ofthe government to prevent such abuses from taking the place.Or, in the words of the Ninth Circuit in the recent Jeppesendecision, ``The executive cannot be its own judge.'' To allowthat--and these are now my words--to allow that is to abandonall the protections against tyranny that ourFounding Fathersestablished.Courts have a duty to protect national security secrets,but they also have a duty to make an independent judgment as towhether state secrets claims have any merit. When thegovernment itself is a party, the court cannot allow it tobecome the final arbiter of its own case. The purpose of thislegislation is to ensure that the correct balance is struck.I would just add that I am extremely disappointed that theDepartment of Justice has declined to provide a witness todiscuss this very important issue at this hearing. I have metwith the Attorney General, and I understand that a review ofthis policy is currently under way. Nonetheless, the Departmentcontinues to go into court while this review is under way andtake positions that areremarkably similar to positions takenby the last Administration.While I greatly appreciate the Attorney General'swillingness to work with us, I believe that it should bepossible to send someone to provide us with theAdministration's views and to answer our questions to theextent that they are able. I hope this is not a sign of thingsto come.I look forward to the testimony of our witnesses.I would now recognize the distinguished Ranking minorityMember, the gentleman from Wisconsin, Mr. Sensenbrenner, forhis opening statement.[The bill, H.R. 984, follows:][GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT]Mr. Sensenbrenner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.The state secrets privilege is a longstanding legaldoctrine the Supreme Court most recently described in a casecalled U.S. v. Reynolds. In that case, the court made it clearthat if the court,after giving appropriate deference to theexecutive branch, determines that public disclosure ofinformation would harmnational security, the court is obligedto either dismiss the case or limit the public disclosure ofnational security information as necessary.Under this doctrine, people with legitimate claims are notdenied access to court review. Rather, the doctrine allowsjudges to personally review any sensitive information. Whilethis doctrine may occasionally disadvantage someone suing incourt, it is vital to protecting the safety of all Americans.The roots of the state secrets privilege extend all the wayback to Chief Justice Marshall, the author of Marbury v.Madison, who held that the government need not provide anyinformation that would endanger public safety.In the modern era, Congress debated the issue of the statesecrets privilege under Federal law in the1970's butultimately chose to maintain the status quo, including elementsof the privilege put in place by the Supreme Courtin itsReynolds decision. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals recentlyemployed the doctrine in affirming the dismissal of the case,including that the state secrets privilege has a firmfoundation in the Constitution.Not surprisingly, the privilege has played a significantrole in the Justice Department's response to civil litigationarising out of our counterterrorism efforts following 9/11.The state secrets doctrine remains strongly supported bytoday's Supreme Court. Even in its Boumediene decision grantinghabeas litigation rights to terrorists, Justice Kennedy, in hismajority opinion, acknowledged the government's legitimateinterest in protecting sources and methods of intelligencegathering and stated, ``We expect the district court will useitsdiscretion to accommodate this interest to the greatestextent possible,'' while citing the Reynolds state secrets caseImentioned earlier in doing so.I oppose any efforts, including this bill, that invite thecourts to deviate from the sound procedures they currentlyfollow to protect vital national security information. H.R. 984would preclude judges from giving weight to the executivebranch's assessment of national security. And it wouldauthorize courts not to use ex parte proceedings in conductinga review of privileged claims. And it would prevent courts frombeing able to dismiss a case when the government cannot defenditself without using privileged information.The Obama administration is clearly not enamored with theapproach of this legislation and has adhered in court to thedoctrine as asserted by the previous Administration in at leastthree cases already. Accordingto The Washington Post editorialpage, the Obama administration's position on state secretsmakes it hard to distinguish fromits predecessor. AnthonyRomero, the executive director of the ACLU, has written thatthe new Administration has embraced policies held over from theBush era, including the use of the state secrets claim.Last Congress, legislation essentially the same as H.R. 984was cosponsored in the Senate by Senators Joe Biden and HillaryClinton, who are now President Obama's Vice President andSecretary of State. But this year, President Obama, VicePresident Biden, and Secretary of State Clinton have gonesilent on the bill. When asked about it recently, the VicePresident's communications director said, quote, ``No commenton this one here.'' News 1979 Special: Mission Mind Control (29 mins)- Coffee and water poison in USA also chemtrail sprays and tainted food, over the counter drugs, prescription drugs.ABC News 1979 Special: Mission Mind Control (29 mins)
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The layman's truth in a nutshell

An email that was sent to me that I want to shareBegin forwarded message:> From: kim stirling> Date: 18 April 2009 19:59:34 BST> Subject: The layman's truth in a nutshell>> The layman's truth in a nutshell (or the bigger picture) by Joe> Stirling>> The NWO (New World Order) is very real and a serious threat to your> future. Don't take my word for it, do your own research via the best> websites recommended here. All of these humanitarian, academic,> professional people have done the research for you. I wrote an article> more than two years ago called "Freemasonry is a criminal> organisation" it was published all over the Internet. Guess what? not> one person has disputed this or even defended Freemasonry. I will> continue to help and educate you.>> Top of the pyramid is the Zionist Mafia (aka The Illuminati). The> English dictionary says "Zionism: movement to found and support a> Jewish homeland in Israel" Do not take this out of context as there> are lots of good Jewish people who are totally against the Zionist> plans, checkout The NWO is> something the Satanic Zionist Mafia have been planning for centuries.> They control almost everything and they do this through The> Bilderberg, (secret meetings by corrupt leaders), the CFR (Council on> Foreign Relations), The Trilateral Commission, Royal Families (see 13> Satanic Bloodlines) and all the way down to dodgy shadow governments,> CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, Military, NHS, Police, Local Councils, their> Media, etc. They use extremely evil tactics to destroy anything good> or anything thats a threat to their evil plans. They use their MCDs> (Mind Controlled Drones), and DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons). They> also use low level ignorant foot soldiers within all Religions, Secret> Societies, Gangs, Debating Groups, etc. Incidentally, only affiliated> members (+ a few ignorants) get gongs from the Queen of Crooks. (fact)>> Here is some of the the main tactics that they use on unsuspecting> victims and their own members. They use the members of all secret> societies and religious cults (and ordinary religions) to carry out> collective Gang-Stalking (where they psychologically terrorise their> chosen victims), Mobbing (where a mob of them get very close to their> chosen victim in shops and car parks, etc) Gas-lighting (where they> sow seeds-lies into people's heads), Brighting (where they blind their> victims with their car headlights on full beam, even on sunny days),> Stasi tactics (the East German evil in the community during the second> World War), Mind Control via MK-Ultra> and Monarch Programing at> This site also covers all of the topics> listed above. These tactics are all done stealthily and most people> don't know or see these invisible terrorists within every community.> See Les Dove's brilliant article called "The Torture Report" at>>> Security..... every law abiding person should become an independent> policeman, journalist, investigator or whistle-blower. Get yourself a> small hand held "FLIP" video-cam (its about the size of a mobile> phone) its really simple (and fast to start) and will record for about> one hour (costs £60-£70) Also get yourself a Digital Voice Recorder> approx. £30-£50. You should watch and document the activities of> people you suspect of being a member of these criminal networks. You> can even set them up as they would do to you. A Freemason (and all> other secret societies and religious cult members) is a person who> knowingly destroys innocent (law abiding) people's lives for self> gain. Every MCD is an active terrorist and will follow orders as soon> as instructed. Their minds have been hijacked and they are controlled> by fear. Their Masonic handlers can flick their psychological switches> anytime. MCDs have to develop multi personalities to try to help> themselves cope. They will be ex-communicated by their pretend> brothers and sisters and their lives destroyed if they don't perform.> There are some really deranged MCDs who realise that they are above> the law, they are the most dangerous. One of their initiation rules> is to become a prolific liar for the brotherhood. (fact)>> Checkout this about mind control and unanswered questions about the> inside job of 911,> sourced> from Also search for Alex Jones's "The Obama Deception"> buy it or get it on YouTube (best quality)> or read this mind blowing> article "A Conspiracy Too Monstrous To Conceive" at> Do your research on "Masonic> Theatre" (911 was classic MT), the NWO's G20 summit was their stage> and coincidentally they own the media. Did you fall for it? Were you> impressed? We have all been duped again, big time.>> Fact. Masonic charity only helps Masonic charity. Most lower> Freemasons are not aware of the evil inner core of Freemasonry.>> Here are some of the other good Scottish guys/groups exposing the> truth for you at or or> and my own website with all of the> other good guys (world-wide) at>> More facts for you.... If you mug someone, you go to jail. If a Banker> mugs you, he gets rewarded?> The Government makes us feel guilty about our carbon footprint while> they agree to build new runways?> Masonic controlled CCTV only works when it's in their favour,> otherwise the CCTV wasn't working that day.> Corruption and closed doors or transparency and true democracy? it's> your choice. Fight for your FR33DOM, now, today.>> I have tried to keep this brief as there is much more to add. Get> focused, I/we are trying to help us all to "STOP THIS MADNESS" by> these devil worshipping ZIONIST NUTTERS ! It just doesn't have to be> like this. Don't be foolish as hatred, revenge or riots are not the> answer. If you don't trust your lawyer, judge, doctor, police,> politician, etc. Get them to sign a DOT (declaration of truth) that> they are not a member of any secret society, society with secrets,> religious cults, etc. Please forward this information to everyone you> care about. Do your own research and blog, website, flyers, truth> groups, expose them. We all must do our bit or they win.>> The immediate answer....... Give us a public register of all> Freemasons. This will comprehensively prove if it's a good or criminal> organisation. It will also reveal who are the NWO/ Illuminati's> foot-soldiers. Get rid of the secret societies, it's ridiculous that> we continue to ignore them. Their very sophisticated networks control> all organised crime and illegal drugs. If someone you know says its> just conspiracy or made up nonsense, then they are obviously part of> the problem. Here are some quotes from>> "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise,> we don't believe in it at all." -- Noam Chomsky>> "Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other> means than the withdrawal of money from circulation." - Protocols of> Zion>> "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will> do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry> about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control> America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel> Sharon, October 3, 2001>>--~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~LEGAL JUDICIAL POLITICAL REFORMERShttp://www.ljpr.infoMasonic judges OUT Juries IN
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the government will not help us,this was planed by them,doctors are under a gag law,thedoctors who have gone aginst them come up missing or dead.a paramedite told me he could do it with a dremal(small grinder )and lactos.?If I spelled it right,we need to come up with a doctor or nurse who is on our side,if some one will remove it I will go first,I talked to a nuroligist who allso told me an amteur could do it but a doctor should,I want it out.
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Google "Blue List of Death" President Ronald Reagan was on this list.. carrying out the destruction of the "Red List of Death" and then he himself being tortured and murdered via Electronic Dissolution of MemoryFrom Dr. Robert Duncan-Project Soul Catcher-An Introduction to Information Warfare Theory, Technologies, and Practice.From: R. Duncan
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:14 PM
Subject: shielding

Sorry for the multiple post.

Look up the materials that the stealth bomber uses to deflect and absorb RADAR energy. Has anyone tried combinations of Teflon, cellophane, etc? High di-electric constant material should help reduce some of the effects usingpassive shielding techniques. Since the military’s system uses adaptivebeamforming technologies, passive shielding will have its limitations. It willadapt to find the maximum entry overtime. More sophisticated methods of activejamming with alterations in the magnetic flux and the expected spectralabsorption lines for the ions of interest would be far more effective.

My book is getting close to completion. Would anyone care to proof read it before it goes to the editor and publisher?


An Introduction to Information Warfare Theory, Technologies, and Practice.

Engineering Intelligence and Designing Gods

Book Contents

Preface.......................................................................................................................................... 13

Introduction by Noam Chomsky and Ray Kurzweil................................................................... 14

Chapter 1 Enemy of theState...............................................................................................14

Chapter 2 Advanced Sensors and Systems forBio-Communications................................. 15

RADAR..................................................................................................................................... 16

Doppler RADAR.................................................................................................................................................................. 17

Signal to Noise Ratio, Gain, and Sensitivity at a Distance Parameters.................................................................. 23

Full Spectrum Radar and Multiresolution Wavelets................................................................................................. 24

Adaptive filtering........................................................................................................................................................... 26

Phased Locked Loops................................................................................................................................................... 27

Phased Arrays and Multi-dynamic RADAR.............................................................................................................. 28

Heterodyning High Frequencies into Low Frequency Sidebands......................................................................... 29

Reflection, Absorption, and Scatter............................................................................................................................ 30

Passive and Active Sensing......................................................................................................................................... 30

Adaptive Beam Forming and Electronic Scanning.................................................................................................... 31

Holography and Interferometry.................................................................................................................................. 32

Electronic Warfare and Radio Frequency Interference........................................................... 34

Directed Energy Weapons........................................................................................................ 34

Communication Warfare........................................................................................................... 36

NSA Encoding and Decoding Techniques..................................................................................................................... 36

Imaging...................................................................................................................................... 40

Spectrograms........................................................................................................................................................................ 41

Magnetic Nuclear Resonance............................................................................................................................................ 41

Electron Spin Resonance.................................................................................................................................................... 41

Scintillation of Organic Molecules Using Free Radicals and Spin Probes................................................................. 41

Viewable Scintillation of Ion Density............................................................................................................................... 42

Ion and Electron Cyclotron Resonance........................................................................................................................... 42

Using Doppler to Scan Ion Current Density with Frequency Spread......................................................................... 42

Filtering, Identification of Signatures, and Tracking Algorithms............................................ 43

Chapter 3 Modes of NeuronInfluence.................................................................................44

Directed Energy........................................................................................................................ 44

Energy Wave Shaping........................................................................................................................................................ 46

Thermal Elastic Expansion.................................................................................................................................................. 47

Thermal Catalytic Reaction Speeds.................................................................................................................................. 48

Heating...................................................................................................................................... 48

Stored Waveform Inverse Fourier Transform (SWIFT).......................................................... 48

The Diode Effect....................................................................................................................... 49

Neurotransmitter Release........................................................................................................ 49

Electron Cyclotron Current Driving......................................................................................... 51

Ion Cyclotron Resonance, Ion Heating.................................................................................... 51

Magnetic Induction................................................................................................................... 52

Quasi-Static High Voltage Electric Fields................................................................................ 52

Ultrasonic energy...................................................................................................................... 53

Colloidal Vibration Potential.............................................................................................................................................. 53

Kinetic Elastic Expansion................................................................................................................................................... 53

Direct under skull electrical probes......................................................................................... 53

Genetic Engineering and TSS Chemical Division Research for the “psi” Gene.................... 53

Chapter 4 Wet and Dry NeuralNetworks............................................................................54

Information Theory................................................................................................................... 54

Data → Information → Knowledge → Wisdom → Enlightenment............................................................................. 54

Memetics and the Mating of Minds......................................................................................... 55

Super Intelligence..................................................................................................................... 55

The Global Brain Project.......................................................................................................... 55

Hive Minds and Swarm Theory of Information........................................................................ 55

Integrated Intelligent Systems................................................................................................. 55

Centralized and Distributed Intelligence................................................................................. 56

The Global Brain Project..................................................................................................................................................... 56

Cybernetic Hive Minds....................................................................................................................................................... 56

Human Networks................................................................................................................................................................. 56

Super-Intelligence................................................................................................................................................................ 57

Cognitive Entities, Networks, and Society of Minds................................................................................................ 57

Harvesting Human Minds and Other Wet Nets........................................................................................................ 58

Think Tanks (Brainstorming)........................................................................................................................................ 58

Organizational Behaviors.............................................................................................................................................. 60

Network Structures........................................................................................................................................................ 60

Hierarchies and Classism.................................................................................................................................................... 60

Structure, Importance, Relevance, and Meaning............................................................................................................ 61

Defining Human Cognition and the Sense of Self..................................................................... 61

Computational Equivalence and the Conscious Universe....................................................... 62

Chapter 5 NeuralProgramming...........................................................................................63

AutoCorrelograms.................................................................................................................... 64

Mapping.................................................................................................................................... 64

Self-organizing unsupervised learning / reinforcement learning / neurodynamic programming............................. 65

Classification and Brain Printing Identification.............................................................................................................. 65

Port Scanning.................................................................................................................................................................. 66

Brute force hacking........................................................................................................................................................ 67

Compression................................................................................................................................................................... 67

Cataloguing............................................................................................................................... 69

Personality Segmentation................................................................................................................................................... 69

Loyalty Affinities and Belief System Classification.................................................................................................. 69

Personality Simulations................................................................................................................................................. 69

Creating Cogs in the Machine...................................................................................................................................... 69

Data-mining Anomalies...................................................................................................................................................... 70

Counter Terrorism.......................................................................................................................................................... 70

Counter Intelligence....................................................................................................................................................... 70

Censorship and Information Flow Controls............................................................................................................... 70

Cognitive Configurations.......................................................................................................... 71

Virtual Neurons......................................................................................................................... 71

Transformations between Machine and Human Knowledge Storage...................................... 72

Integrating the Internet with Wet and Dry Neural Networks.................................................. 72

Adding Non-biological Sensors to Human Perception............................................................. 72

Chapter 6 Applications..........................................................................................................73

Self Directed Evolution............................................................................................................. 73

Autonomous Modification, “Free Will”, Deterministic Reprogramming, and ‘Bit Twiddling’................................ 73

Diagnostics and Monitoring...................................................................................................... 74

Efficient Communications......................................................................................................... 75

Universal Translators.......................................................................................................................................................... 75

Telepathy and Psychophony............................................................................................................................................ 75

Distributed Knowledge Management...................................................................................... 75

Self Organizing Adaptable Reconfiguration and Swarm Theory................................................................................. 75

Dream Harvesting – Utilizing Down Cycles.................................................................................................................... 76

Beaming and ‘Transporter’ Technology.......................................................................................................................... 76

Enhanced Human Performance................................................................................................ 77

Over-clocking the common fundamental Human Algorithms....................................................................................... 77

Forced Sleep and Adrenaline Boosts............................................................................................................................... 77

Memory Enhancement........................................................................................................................................................ 77

Intelligence and knowledge enhancements..................................................................................................................... 78

Extra Senses and Psi-borgs(Cybernetic biological computer entities)........................................................................ 80

Mood Management............................................................................................................................................................. 81

Enhancing Biological Sensors........................................................................................................................................... 81

Silicon Immortality............................................................................................................................................................... 81

Virtual Heaven and Hell................................................................................................................................................. 81

Crime and Punishment.............................................................................................................. 82

Automating Justice and Preventing Crimes.................................................................................................................... 82

Correctional Alternatives................................................................................................................................................... 83

“Behavioral Training”, Brainwashing, psychic driving and programming............................................................ 83

Secret Prisons................................................................................................................................................................. 83

Big Brother, Aliens, and the Voice of God................................................................................................................. 85

Cultural Engineering and Cultural Normalization.................................................................... 85

Accelerated Education........................................................................................................................................................ 87

Directed Evolution............................................................................................................................................................... 88

Productivity of Society....................................................................................................................................................... 89

Entertainment Applications...................................................................................................... 89

Ego trip.................................................................................................................................................................................. 89

Memory implants................................................................................................................................................................. 90

Virtual vacations.................................................................................................................................................................. 90

Shared interactive movie and music creation.................................................................................................................. 90

Virtual sex.............................................................................................................................................................................. 90

Electromagnetic Psychoactive Drugs and Altered Conscious States......................................................................... 91

War Gaming.......................................................................................................................................................................... 91

Sensing of desires and fulfilling them.............................................................................................................................. 92

Medical Applications................................................................................................................ 92

A New Medical Instrument that Spin Tags and Monitors Free Radicals................................................................... 92

Accelerated Healing............................................................................................................................................................ 92

Anit-Depression medication, Cure for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome................................................................... 92

Cure for Loneliness and Broken Hearts........................................................................................................................... 92

Behavioral Modification to Quit Smoking, Lose Weight, Exercise Motivation......................................................... 93

Analgesics and Sensitization............................................................................................................................................. 93

Monitoring of seizures, heart activity.............................................................................................................................. 93

Diagnostics through Pain Sharing.................................................................................................................................... 93

Empathy Creation................................................................................................................................................................ 93

Universal Translator...................................................................................................................................................... 94

Replace Ritalin and many psychoactive pharmaceuticals............................................................................................. 95

Drug Rehabilitation............................................................................................................................................................. 95

Sobriety signal..................................................................................................................................................................... 95

Replace dying brain cells with virtual ones..................................................................................................................... 95

Cures for Blindness and Deafness.................................................................................................................................... 95

Muscular sclerosis (MS), Seizures, Bi-polar, Schizophrenia Cures............................................................................. 96

Bionics and spinal injuries................................................................................................................................................. 96

Biological Cloning and Mental Cloning........................................................................................................................... 97

Immortality............................................................................................................................................................................ 97

Military applications.................................................................................................................. 97

Spying/ESPionage/Remote Viewing................................................................................................................................. 97

Control of enemy................................................................................................................................................................. 98

Control of politics................................................................................................................................................................ 98

Control of civilians opinions.............................................................................................................................................. 99

Remote control soldiers...................................................................................................................................................... 99

Reading of vitals................................................................................................................................................................ 100

Enhanced human performance........................................................................................................................................ 100

Faster reaction times......................................................................................................................................................... 100

Psi-borg extra senses........................................................................................................................................................ 100

EEG control of robotic machines..................................................................................................................................... 101

Current Uses........................................................................................................................... 101

Silencing Dissenters and Government Whistle Blowers............................................................................................. 101

Brain print assassinations........................................................................................................................................... 101

Remote Lobotomies and Remotely Induced Schizophrenia.................................................................................. 102

Finding the outlying thinkers..................................................................................................................................... 105

Controlling Mass Media................................................................................................................................................... 105

Controlling Religions........................................................................................................................................................ 105

Acquiring Black Mail on Politicians............................................................................................................................... 105

Assassinating with plausible denial targets in the US and abroad........................................................................... 105

Controlling World Politics................................................................................................................................................ 106

Controlling Financial Markets......................................................................................................................................... 106

Collapsing Economies like the Former Soviet Union or the United States.......................................................... 106

Cheating at Gambling Games...................................................................................................................................... 106

Brain bugs - Spying, Espionage, and Sabotage............................................................................................................ 106

Human Robots and Psi-Borg Slaves............................................................................................................................... 106

Creating Alter Personalities – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.......................................................................................... 106

Passing/failing Polygraphs and Brain Printing fMRI Truth Detectors................................................................ 107

Stress Conditioning..................................................................................................................................................... 107

Remote Interrogations – No-Touch Torture and Mind Probing................................................................................ 108

Dream Programming and Memory Probing.................................................................................................................... 109

Evolving Mind Virus Weapon Effectiveness................................................................................................................ 109

Directed Evolution............................................................................................................................................................. 110

Eugenics, Genocide, and the Silent Holocaust........................................................................................................ 110

Menticide and Silent Warfare..................................................................................................................................... 111

Intelligent Design......................................................................................................................................................... 111

Human animals and machines with souls................................................................................................................. 112

Chapter 7 Hacking Computer and BiologicalSystems..................................................... 113

History of Mind Hacking........................................................................................................ 113

Mind Hacking and The Enemy Within................................................................................... 114

Cognitive and Perception Warfare......................................................................................... 115

Cognitive Modeling and Reverse Engineering the Brain..................................................... 115

Mind Viruses........................................................................................................................... 120

Genetic Algorithms and Directed Evolution.................................................................................................................. 121

Human Experimentation, Brain Knapping, and Food for Thought....................................................................... 121

Malicious Payloads........................................................................................................................................................... 122

Replacing Personalities............................................................................................................................................... 123

Protected Memory, Partitioning, and Cognitive Containment......................................................... 123

Infinite Looping................................................................................................................................................................. 124

Demons............................................................................................................................................................................... 124

Crashing the Operating System Through Error Amplification.............................................. 124

Zombification and Remote Control Attacks........................................................................... 125

Scalable Enslavement and Zombification Strategies.................................................................................................... 126

Spiders................................................................................................................................................................................. 126

Bots...................................................................................................................................................................................... 127

Intelligent Agents.............................................................................................................................................................. 127

Brute Force Hacking – Master/Slave Roles.......................................................................... 127

Queuing Executables - Subliminal and Hypnosis................................................................... 128

Logic and Memory Buffer Overflow....................................................................................... 128

Denial of Service Attacks....................................................................................................... 129

Trojan Horses......................................................................................................................... 130

Triggers and Triggered Payloads...................................................................................................................................................... 131

Personality Overlays.................................................................................................................................................... 131

Psycho-bombs.............................................................................................................................................................. 132

Programmed Assassins............................................................................................................................................... 132

Terrorists....................................................................................................................................................................... 134

Pleasure/Pain principles.......................................................................................................... 134

Spoofing................................................................................................................................... 136

Social Engineering, Identity Theft, and Doppelgangers............................................................................................. 137

Authority, Privilege, Access, and Role Level Hacking................................................................................................ 138

White Noise Generators, Jammers, and scramblers............................................................. 138

Phreaking and mobile phone cloning...................................................................................... 139

Phishing and Brain Scanning – Finding hosts......................................................................... 139

Co-Processor Usurpation....................................................................................................... 139

Inserting Secret Hooks in Device Drivers............................................................................ 140

Worms , Memetic Viruses, and Psychotronic Viruses........................................................... 140

Ghosting the Sensor Systems................................................................................................. 140

Cloaking and Stealth Technologies........................................................................................ 140

Hacking the Variables of Belief Systems............................................................................... 141

Dictionary Attack.............................................................................................................................................................. 141

Purging and Altering Memory......................................................................................................................................... 141

Electronic Dissolution of Memory --- E.D.O.M....................................................................................................... 142

Thought filtering and suppression................................................................................................................................. 142

Hacking Decision Trees.................................................................................................................................................... 144

Psychographic Mapping............................................................................................................................................. 144

Game Theory................................................................................................................................................................. 144

John Nash Equilibriums............................................................................................................................................... 145

Reflashing the BIOS, Infecting Boot Sectors, Substitution of Operating System Files........ 146

Hacking Input Output Ports – The 5 Senses and Motor Cortex.......................................... 148

Spyware................................................................................................................................... 152

Stealing Passwords.................................................................................................................. 154

Key Stroke Loggers........................................................................................................................................................... 154

Soul Catchers and Recording the Entire Life of Every Human.............................................................................. 154

Memory Probing..................................................................................................................... 156

Bi-directional Associative Memory (BAM) Probing................................................................................................... 156

Self Destruct Algorithms........................................................................................................ 157

Suicide bombers / Psycho-bombs................................................................................................................................... 157

Suicide through torture and depression signals........................................................................................................... 158

Amplification of destructive behaviors and addiction pathways.............................................................................. 158

Shutting down and Stressing the Subsystems........................................................................ 158

Heart Failure, blood clots, and Strokes.......................................................................................................................... 159

Secondary and tertiary diseases caused by prolonged stress.............................................................................. 159

Spooking to death............................................................................................................................................................. 160

Context Switching................................................................................................................... 162

Emotional Control.............................................................................................................................................................. 162

Handles, Handlers, and Proxies............................................................................................. 162

Invoking Defensive Algorithms then Redirecting a Counter Attack.................................... 162

Terrorists and Proxy Agent Provocateurs..................................................................................................................... 162

Psycho-Bombs................................................................................................................................................................... 162

Trip Wires and Detection Algorithms.................................................................................... 162

Van Eck Hacking and TEMPEST standards.......................................................................... 163

Network Analyzers and Packet Sniffers................................................................................. 164

Echelon for the mind......................................................................................................................................................... 164

Wireless hacking – electronic warfare, signal and communication intelligence.................... 164

AntiVirus Software.................................................................................................................. 165

Encryption and Protocols........................................................................................................ 165

Firewalls.................................................................................................................................. 165

Thought Stream Filtering.................................................................................................................................................. 167

Trace route and multi levels of indirection............................................................................ 168

Disrupting Human Networks.................................................................................................. 168

Plants and Agent Provocateurs...................................................................................................................................... 169

Hacking the Hackers.............................................................................................................. 170

Scarecrow Effect and Decoys.......................................................................................................................................... 170

Usurping the Eye Tracking Virtual Interface Controls and Audio Commands........................................................ 171

Chapter 8 Resistance is Futile - Counter ResistanceTechniques.................................... 173

Alice in Wonderland................................................................................................................ 174

Wizard of Oz – ‘The Kubark Manual’.................................................................................... 175

Angels and Demons Script............................................................................................... 175

Sleeping Beauty – The Script for sleeper agents and disposable CIA assets....................... 181

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs................................................................................................................................ 182

The A, B, C’s of Enhanced Interrogation and Torture.......................................................... 182

False Confessions for Staged Courts and Media Events............................................................................................ 190

Brainwashing...................................................................................................................................................................... 191

Neural Linguistic Programming and Psychic Driving.................................................................................................. 192

Plausible Deniability................................................................................................................ 192

GasLighting........................................................................................................................................................................ 193

Framing (Setting up a target to be disposed of)........................................................................................................... 193

Scripts and Dirty Tricks.................................................................................................................................................... 194

The Art of War and the Art of Deception..................................................................................................................... 196

Tricks, Illusions, and the Psychology of Magic........................................................................................................... 197

Chapter 9 Designing Gods - Active DoD, NSA, and CIASystems................................... 198

Global Communication Warfare – code name “Gabriel................................................. 199

Biometric Recognition And Identification Network – B.R.A.I.N................................................... 200

Remote Hypnotic Intra-cerebralControl ---- R.H.I.C.................................................................. 202

Mentally Integrated Neuron Duplicator ---- M.I.N.D.................................................................... 202

Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity ---- A.L.I.C.E.......................................................... 203

The Ghost in the Machine and Demons of Destruction.............................................................................................. 206

Thought And Memory Interface ---- T.A.M.I.............................................................................. 207

Common Human Routines Inference Software TechnologyC.H.R.I.S.T................................... 208

Silent Assassination Through Adapting Networks ---- S.A.T.A.N.................................................. 208

Death Doctors and Angels of Death.............................................................................................................................. 209

Voodoo Doll: No-touch torture subprograms............................................................................................................... 210

Mind Games - Psychic Warfare Training................................................................................ 223

Project “Noah’s Ark”......................................................................................................... 229

Chapter 10 The Politics and Ethics of Controlling HumanBeings................................... 230

Legal Issues............................................................................................................................ 232

The Costs and Benefits.................................................................................................................................................... 233

Appendix of Formulas and Calculations.................................................................................. 234

Other Methods of Spying and Sabotage.................................................................................... 235

Index........................................................................................................................................... 237

CD packet containing viral code, port scanners, Back Orifice, and many other hacking utilities and codesamples........................................................................................................................................247

Chapter 11 About theauthor................................................................................................248

Chapter 12 Review Quotes:...................................................................................................249

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7 August 2009 "Mailteam works"--victims work trends Proverbs Warning Against Enticement 1-8 Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching. 1-9 They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. 1-10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. 1-11 If they say, "Come along with us; let's lie in wait for someone's blood, let's waylay some harmless soul; 1-12 let's swallow them alive, like the grave, and whole, like those who go down to the pit; (Secret Mind Control weapons abuses and tortures are to : wait for victims blood, waylay their harmless soul; swallow victims alive, like the grave, and whole, like those who go down to the pit.) 1-13 we will get all sorts of valuable things and fill our houses with plunder; 1-14 throw in your lot with us, and we will share a common purse"-- 1-15 my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths; (God asks everyone, do not support mind control weapons abuses and tortures) 1-16 for their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed blood. 1-17 How useless to spread a net in full view of all the birds! 1-18 These men lie in wait for their own blood; they waylay only themselves! 1-19 Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the lives of those who get it. Warning Against Rejecting Wisdom 1-20 Wisdom calls aloud in the street,she raises her voice in the public squares; 1-21 at the head of the noisy streets she cries out,in the gateways of the vity she makes her speech; (would you not believe that Wisdom had already called out to stop mind control weapons abuses and tortures? and victims have been following her call, and urged government to investigate such crime immediately?) 1-22 How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools tate knowledge? 1-23 If you had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you. 1-24 But since you rejected me when I called and no one gave heed when I stretched out my hand, 1-25 Since you ignored all my advoice and would not accept my rebuke, (please don't reject to help victims and don't ignore victims complaint) 1-26 I in turn will laugh at your disater; I will mock when calamity overtakes you-- 1-27 When calamity overtakes you like a storm,when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind,when distress and trouble overwhelm you. 1-28"Then they will call to me but I will not answer;they will look for me but will not find me. 1-29 Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord, 1-30 Since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke, 1-31 they will eat the fruit of their ways.and be filled with the fruit of their schemes. 1-32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them.and the complacency of fools will destroy them; (Please don't be so waywardness in supporting mind control weapons abuses and tortures, please don't be complacency to covert mind control weapons abuses and tortures) 1-33 but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm. (1) Online supporting Online Petition: Ban Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture My Cause: Ban Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture My Group: Peacepink (Ban mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture) My Page: Peacepink (Ban mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture) (2) FAX TO REPRESENTATIVE JAN SCHAKOWSKY ALL VICTIMS ARE REQUESTED TO SEND THIS LETTER BY FAX TO REPRESENTATIVE JAN SCHAKOWSKY - CHAIRWOMAN OF THE US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS ( COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE) Fax: 202-226-6890 Dear Ms Schakowsky: Thank you for your efforts to initiate hearings on Capitol Hill to expose publicly-funded wrongdoing that is able to be concealed by the abuse of official secrecy, for example any wrongdoing perpetrated by employees of the any of the intelligence agencies, in what they imagine or claim is the national interest. I hope that the terms of reference of any hearings that you are successful in initiating will be broad enough to encompass what are nowadays widely called "Organised Stalking", and "Electronic Harassment" or "Electromagnetic Harassment". I trust that you find the term "Organised Stalking" (OS) self-explanatory. It describes aptly a substantial subset of the unlawful activities of FBI staff-members, conducted under the codename COINTELPRO during the days of Edgar J Hoover. Official statistics show that about 8% of those who complain nowadays of stalking offences, complain of multiple stalkers working as organised teams, not just single stalkers working alone. "Electromagnetic Harassment" (EH) refers to the harming of persons from a distance with anti-personnel, electromagnetic directed energy weapons. Please confirm that you will use your best endeavours to ensure that terms of reference for any hearings are not drawn so narrowly as to prevent the hearings from taking evidence from victims of these particular two types of wrongdoing. There are a great many citizens available who would like their day in court, where they would testify to being abused themselves, with either OS or EH, and in many cases both techniques in tandem. There are compelling reasons for suspecting that such wrongdoing is being financed in part by public funding of perpetrators who enjoy the protection of official secrecy. YOUR FULL NAME ADDRESS TEL CITIZENSHIP PASSPORT NO. The Above Letter Was Drafted By John Allman, (3) Please send your TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES to Judge Claude Bridel - "Justice de Paix du District de Nyon" (Switzerland) – in support of Katherine Friedli Judge Claude Bridel - , Katherine Friedli (European Torture Case #52) Here is the link to our over 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES FOR YOU TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE - OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES (4) Derrick Robinson INTERVIEW WITH DR. KIMBERLI Recently, Derrick Robinson did an interview with Kimberli Ridgway, D.N.H. who has a Talkshoe program called "Peace Meditations" that I thought you all would like to hear. I guess I did ok, although the audio on my end needed to be louder. (5) Intelligence Committee Launches Full CIA Investigation Schakowsky Subcommittee Tapped to Investigate CIA Program & Congressional Notification WASHINGTON, DC (July 17, 2009) – Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, Chairwoman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Investigations & Oversight, issued the following statement to announce a full investigation into certain CIA programs and the Congressional notification process. “The House Intelligence Committee will move forward with a full investigation that will explore certain CIA programs and the core issue of how the committee is kept informed. My subcommittee will take the lead on significant portions of the investigation; we will explore instances where the Congress was not informed in a timely way and situations in which laws may have been broken. “This investigation will seek to review the process for notifying Congress and the Committee’s role to oversee the intelligence community. It is very important for us to set the record straight going forward that the Congress wants to be, and needs to be, able to conduct its oversight function. “We want to look very closely at every aspect of the notification process and various programs. If it is determined by this investigation that the Vice President of the United States ordered Congress not to be told there is reason to believe that is a significant violation of the National Security Act, we’ll follow that thread where it takes us and determine if there’s reason to refer to the issue to the Justice Department or clarify the laws regarding notification. “Currently, we’re collecting necessary documents from the appropriate agencies to proceed with our investigation. In the near future I hope to develop a timetable and soon after we’re going to begin our investigation with hearings.” Telephone Chicago - (773) 506-7100 M-Th 8:30-5:30 CST Fri. 8:30-5:00 CST Evanston - (847) 328-3409 M-Th 8:30-5:30 CST Fri. 8:30-5:00 CST Washington - (202) 225-2111 M-F 9-6 EST Fax Chicago - (773) 506-9202 Evanston - (847) 328-3425 Washington DC - (202) 226-6890 Postal Mail In Chicago 5533 Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640 In Evanston 820 Davis Street, Suite 105, Evanston, IL 60201 In Washington, D.C. 2367 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Email: (6) More Human Rights organization we should contact John Humphrey Centre For Peace And Human Rights (7) PERSONAL SECURITY TEAM AND CRISIS INTERVENTION COMMITTEE--From USA Derrick Robinson Lately, due to some situations that have arisen in our community, some have expressed interest in starting a personal security - as in bodyguard - team. we are also interested in seriously developing a Crisis Intervention Team. (Hopefully, this time we can make a go of it!). Those interested in participating in one or both of these activities, please contact: Derrick Robinson Email: Phone: 513-337-9632 Eric Griffin Email: Phone: 702-372-9052 Marc Burnell Email: Phone: 202-528-2752 (8) TI ACTIVISM TALKSHOE PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY, AUG. 2 Featured for Aug 2/09 talkshoe will be target and Canadian author Victoria Jones (Vicky). The title of her book is "Useless eaters: puppets of the New World Order". When Vicky's son committed suicide in 1998, she needed to find out what had been slowly destroying their lives for so long. She spent the next 10 years trying to find the answers to what she knew to be true, but could never prove. This book is a result of her search. This book touches on many topics that affect everyone with the focus on the Illuminati and the NWO. Contained in her book are excerpts from TI emails in our community plus TI testimonial letters about this crime and how it has affected them. Phone Number: (724) 444-7444 Call ID: 54307 Time: 7PM Eastern, 4PM Pacific time or for those who wish to listen on their computer (9) TI KATHERINE MOORE SPEAKS OUT IN WASHINGTON, DC The following is a speech given by Florida TI Katherine Moore, former vice-mayor of Wilmington, NC at the recent TK & JP Music Fest for Families, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., July 19, 2009. Go Katherine! (10) ELIZABETH ADAMS' JULY 25, 2009 TAPING - BY WANDA DABLIN I flew into San Francisco at 9:00 am and was picked up by Christine Harris (TI – 1yr), what a brilliant woman and of course she had a heart of gold like every other TI I have had the honor of meeting. There was 6 other TI’s present besides Elizabeth Adams and myself; Bruno, Cathy, Christine, Star, Richard and Dee. We got a late start but I was able to participate in one full taping of the show. We discussed what type of harassment is most devastating to each one of us at this time. I spoke about police harassment and sleep deprivation. I also had a chance to say a few words about the great group of TI’s that meet in the Los Angeles area once a month for support and activism. Before I had to leave, Elizabeth announced she was going to schedule a couple more tapings in September. I promised to attend and bring many more TI’s with me. One thing all TI’s can be thankful for during this nightmare is the fact that we all have met some wonderful, wonderful, people! (10) ELIZABETH ADAMS' TV TAPING SUMMARY BY BRUNO On Saturday, July 25, 2009, at 12:00pm at Berkeley Community Media in Berkeley, California, there was a special taping of Elizabeth Adams' TV show "America Needs to Know" in the large studio. 8 TIs were present: Elizabeth, Wanda Dablin from LA who has formed an LA TI group, Cathy Meadows, M.A., Clinical Psychology, who has discussed OS/EH on several TruthBrigade Radio shows, Dee Hardin, Christine Lynn Harris, a couple of other TIs, one of them new to our meetings, and myself. One of us has been targeted for 37 years! Elizabeth brought pizza for us to eat while the studio was being set up and during the breaks. Richard in Marin who couldn't be there because he was working called in to wish us all well. One of us was very late in arriving due to very unusual traffic delays. One of us expressed that the one thing she won't let the perps take away from her is her body -- "this body is mine!" It was expressed that some perps are mind controlled, and that some people who appear to be perps are strongly mind controlled TIs. The best thing is to not react to the things perps do to antagonize us so they don't learn how to push our buttons to get us to act aggressively. Many feel police are participants in their harassment -- the point was made that not all police are involved -- in some cases police are targeted as well, and all cross-sections of society participate, being recruited by a variety of means. Workplace mobbings, poisonings, and a consensus mainstream media is controlled, were discussed. V2K/induced sounds were discussed -- one of us was successful in capturing such sounds on a recorder. The point was made that some very advanced technology is involved, as well as decoying, making it difficult for us to determine exactly what is going on and where it's coming from. The point was made that the harassment is coordinated in such a way that when the victim accurately describes what they are experiencing, it makes them appear mentally ill in order to discredit them -- a form of gaslighting. It was expressed that EH is hate gone high-tech -- to end the harassment we as a society need to end the hate. Wanda said that their LA group recently had an event where their members distributed over 1000 OS/EH flyers -- she said it made them feel really great! After the taping we hung around for a while and viewed a brief segment of what had been taped that day. The total time spent together at the studio was about 6 hours. Some of us had to leave early, after the first taping. Most of the remainder of us were still full from the pizza and so didn't go to a nearby restaurant as originally planned, and so we departed. For reference Elizabeth is producing a television show entitled "America Needs to Know" being broadcast as one hour episodes on Berkeley community television beginning in July. She is scheduling ongoing taping sessions for TIs to tell their stories. Dress professionally. We don't have to worry if we make a mistake because these are not live but just tapings and Elizabeth will edit them down into one-hour episodes, editing out any mistakes or non-credible sounding stuff. Still we should focus on sounding credible throughout so Elizabeth has as much material to work with as possible. Since we don't have any experts on this technology we're just going to discuss our personal experiences as victims. We'll appear on her show and discuss our targeting much as we do at the support meetings, on the conference calls, etc. You can choose whether or not you want to be on camera. Those who want to go public will be seated in front of the camera and those who wish to remain anonymous will be seated behind the camera so only their voices will be heard. We want to get as many different TIs as possible so we don't have to re-use TIs in subsequent tapings. More information about Elizabeth's television show is appended below. To participate in her ongoing tapings please contact Elizabeth directly at the contact info below. Or if you just want to be in the audience for moral support or to just observe you're welcome to attend. This is our chance to let the world know about our targeting and gain experience discussing this stuff! Bruno Marchesani ***************************************************************** ATTN: TI'S NEAR & FAR ... SCHEDULED: "IN STUDIO TAPINGS" BERKELEY COMMUNITY MEDIA HAS 2 PRODUCTION STUDIOS ON LOCATION 1) LARGE STUDIO HOLDS AN AUDIENCE OF APPX 100 2) EXPRESS STUDIO - NO AUDIENCE - SMALL ... ALL TI'S ARE WELCOMED TO BE ON THE PANEL! YOUR FACE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SEEN YOU CAN SPEAK BY MICROPHONE FROM THE AUDIENCE! --------------------------- TO MAIL ME PERSONAL STUFF ELIZABETH ADAMS c/o STORAGE MART 2743 SAN PABLO AVE OAKLAND, CA 94612 PLEASE NOTE: EVEN THOUGH I'M MOVING MY FURNITURE OUT I WILL STILL USE STORAGE MART'S POSTAL SERVICE MAIL BOXES TO RECEIVE MY PERSONAL MAIL FOR AT LEAST ONE MORE MONTH OTHERWISE TI'S TAKE CARE . . . SO TO SEE YOU HERE . . . AND MAY GOD BLESS US ALL "SPECIAL THANKS" TO LOCAL TI'S HERE IN THE SAN FRANCISCO/SAN JOSE BAY AREA FOR SUPPORTING WITH YOUR EFFORTS ON THE PANEL OF AMERICA NEEDS TO KNOW FOR ALL TI'S NATIONWIDE & INTERNATIONALLY! THANK YOU ALL BEST REGARDS TO ALL ELIZABETH ADAMS America Needs To Know Help TV 510-776-8838
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(11)a neuroscientist talks about her work using electromagnetics to change moral thinking and the Pentagon's interest in it. Rebecca Saxe at TEDGlobal 2009: Running notes from Session 5 Rebecca Saxe talked about "the problem of other minds." One of the most complicated things the mind does is try to comprehend what other people are thinking. But the problem she researches is not what you might think -- not "why is it so hard to know other minds?" but: How is it so easy to know other minds? One snapshot of a stranger diving into the ocean or holding a baby allows you to guess what other people are thinking or feeling -- joy, or thrill. The brain, the machine we use to think, is made of the same pieces as other animals' brains are made of, and even sea slugs have them. But how is it that the particular network of pieces we humans in particular have allows us to think about other peoples' thoughts so easily? We have a special reasoning module called the right tempero-parietal junction that is what we use to think about other peoples' thoughts. How do we learn to predict actions? It takes time for human children to learn this ability. 5-year-olds can understand that other people have false beliefs. 3-year-olds don't understand this. The same goes for the ability to make moral judgment based on what is (or is not) known about peoples' intentions. But even in adulthood, people differ on this ability. Saxe tries to explain how these differences come about with fascinating experiments. Adults are given a version of the experiment given to the kids, involving a jar of sugar that is labeled "poison." People disagree about how much blame people should get when they do something intentionally wrong -- givng a co-worker sugar, but believing that the sugar is poison -- and doing something by accident -- giving people poison that they think is sugar -- that is wrong. Saxe wanted to know if we can change this function, and it turns out that we can. We can do so using a magnetic pulse to disorganize the function of the neurons in the region responsible for this type of thinking. The magnetic pulse, which is powerful enough to shoot a quarter into the air, causes an involuntary twitch in the hand when applied through the skull. When this pulse is applied to people who are making a moral judgment, people come to believe that accidents are less OK, and actions done with actual intent to harm is more OK. In a brief Q&A, Chris Anderson asked about the dangers of such technology. Is Saxe talking to the Pentagon about this technology? Saxe said, "They're calling, but I'm not talking to them." It's not any danger (yet), because there's no way for this technology to work without the person knowing that the brain interference is happening. Will this research make any impacts on education? Saxe says that is the hope. By exploring this field, we'll understand how human brains do distinctly human things. (12) Holt Calls for Next Church Committee on CIA Congressman Calls for Broad Inquiry Into Intelligence Agency By Spencer Ackerman 7/27/09 6:00 AM Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.) ( After years of examining CIA operations of dubious legality, an important member of the House intelligence committee is exploring an option that many in the intelligence community view with apprehension: a comprehensive investigation of all intelligence-community operations over years and perhaps even decades. The model is the famous Church and Pike committees of the 1970s, which exposed widespread CIA lawlessness; created the modern legal and congressional oversight structures for intelligence; and cleaved the history of the CIA into before- and after- periods. Illustration by: Matt Mahurin Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), a progressive who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and chairs a special oversight panel that helps write the intelligence budget, has been increasingly comfortable talking about a new “Church committee.” He floated the idea in an interview with TWI on July 14, again to the Newark Star-Ledger the next day, and even attempted to discuss the Church committee’s precedents for congressional oversight with Lou Dobbs on CNN on July 20. “I’d like to see something on the scope of the Church committee,” Holt told TWI in a Friday phone interview. The congressman said that it had been a “few decades” since Congress took a comprehensive inquiry into the intelligence community’s impact on “the relationship between the individual and her or his government, as well as the role that the U.S. plays in other countries around the world, outside of declared military activities.” Holt said he did not have a concrete proposal prepared for the creation of such an investigation, and was at the stage of seeing what colleagues and members of the intelligence community made of such a move. “There’s agreement with the idea,” he said. “An awful lot of people have not really thought about how many unanswered questions there are or unresolved issues there are out there about how we do intelligence in the United States.” He declined to name any members of congress with whom he has discussed such an investigation, but said they were members of the House intelligence committee and the oversight panel he chairs. “Are we close to commissioning a study in the way I’m conceiving it? No, not yet,” he said. A House Republican aide, who requested anonymity, was unaware of Holt’s early feelers, raising questions about whether Holt’s envisioned inquiry would have Republican support. And a spokesman for Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas), the House intelligence committee chairman, did not return a request for comment. Many in the intelligence world and on the right view the committee investigations led by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) and Rep. Otis Pike (D-N.Y.) as representing an apex of progressive congressional attempts to geld the intelligence community. Empaneled in response to a New York Times article by Seymour Hersh in 1974 reporting widespread surveillance of U.S. citizens, the investigations unearthed other abuses, such as repeated CIA assassination attempts on foreign heads of state. It resulted in the passage of laws like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to prevent warrantless domestic surveillance and the creation of standing committees in Congress to oversee intelligence activities. Some conservatives view the investigations as an example of congressional overreach. “I think they undermined our capabilities in some respects,” former Vice President Dick Cheney told his biographer, Stephen F. Hayes. Holt said that he is “not talking about upsetting the applecart, I’m talking about analyzing the full applecart” of intelligence activities. He rejects the idea that such a comprehensive investigation necessarily entails eroding U.S. intelligence capabilities. “Is giving your kid a test in school an inhibition on his free learning?” Hold said. “Sure, there are some people who are happy to let intelligence agencies go about their business unexamined. But I think most people when they think about it will say that you will get better intelligence if the intelligence agencies don’t operate in an unexamined fashion.” But over the past several years, the intelligence committees and official commissions have peered into intelligence matters repeatedly. In 2002 and 2003, an unprecedented joint House-Senate intelligence committee investigation looked into intelligence work on al-Qaeda before the Sept. 11 attacks, work that the 9/11 Commission took as a point of departure. A panel created by the Bush administration examined intelligence work on weapons of mass destruction. The Senate intelligence committee, from 2004 to 2007, undertook a multi-tiered look at intelligence failures preceding the invasion of Iraq. At the moment, the Senate intelligence committee is conducting a study into the CIA’s interrogation and detention practices after 9/11, and the House intelligence committee on which Holt serves is examining recent revelations of a shuttered CIA program believed to be tied to strengthening assassinations capabilities. Holt said that such inquiries still left a host of unexamined activities. “There’s a lot to look at, [and] not just who told what to whom, or the treatment of detainees or [renditions], or interrogation, or domestic surveillance or national security letters or on and on and on,” he said. “Church looked at everything since the OSS,” referring to the Office of Strategic Services, the World War II-era predecessor of the CIA. “The recommendations of the Church committee, in large part, have been eroded, ignored or violated since then. The world situation has evolved, and the technologies, methodology and organizations of the intelligence community have evolved, [and] also the look back then, in a sense, has been forgotten by some.” Representatives from the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not return messages seeking comment. Steven Aftergood, an intelligence policy analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, said that in some respects it was surprising that no one had proposed a Church committee-like investigation. “It’s the shoe that has not dropped yet,” Aftergood said. “The Church committee was established following a series of revelations of disturbing intelligence community activities. To a remarkable extent the series of events precipitating the Church committee has been replicated in recent months and years. The famous December 1974 Seymour Hersh front-page story in The New York Times talking about domestic surveillance [presaged] the December 2005 [James Risen and Eric Lichtblau] story in The New York Times about domestic surveillance.” Aftergood said that a new Church committee was “overdue,” and disputed the characterization of the 1970s congressional investigations as weakening U.S. intelligence. “While to some people in the intelligence business the name of Frank Church is a dirty word, it’s also true that the structures that emerged from the Church committee benefited intelligence by introducing stability and predictability into intelligence policy,” Aftergood said. “The idea that this was a disaster or an assault on intelligence is shortsighted to the point of misunderstanding. The Church committee yielded the framework that the U.S. intelligence community needed to grow and to regain at least in some measure the confidence of the public and the rest of the government.” Along those lines, Holt said that he’s heard representatives of the intelligence community say, in “breathtaking honesty and self-awareness,” that a thorough investigation might enable them to better do their jobs. “In a representative democracy, there is a very important role for the legislative branch to help the CIA and the intelligence community determine and understand their proper role and give them the tools and the latitude to carry out” lawful intelligence activities. URL (13 ) URBAN DICTIONARY Recently, a TI referred me to this site, the Urban Dictionary that has definitions for "Organized Stalking" and "Gangstalking". I just thought you all would like to see this. I didn't find a listing for the electronic harassment/torture that we are familiar with. 1. Organized Stalking A system of organized psychological terror tactics used against a person who has become an enemy of an individual or a government. Subtle but effective techniques of stalking by multiple individuals and psychological intimidation and manipulation are used to slowly but surely drive the target to make complaints to authorities who will see the complaints as bogus because of the methods used against the target. As a result, the target gets labelled as mentally ill. There are as many stalking tactics as there are targets as the multistalkers will tailor the stalking to the individuals habits and individual personality. Some common examples or organized stalking are: following the target on foot, by car and public transportation, crowding the target's space in a public place, murmuring insults under the breath so only the target can hear, sitting in the car outside the target's residence, starting "fights" in public with the target, doing "skits" on the street which involves information only the target should know but has been found out via surveillance of the target, stealing and vandalism of the target's possesions. 2. Organized Stalking “Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.” -Mark M. Rich Organized stalking is a crime against humanity. This is the first of several definitions of "Gang Stalking" listed at that site. 1. Gang Stalking 1. What is gang stalking? Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form. Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc. It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators." primary targets are woman, minorities, dissidents, whistle blowers, etc To get some revenge we had Joe stalked, mobbed and harassed 24/7, the gang stalking never stopped. We had him followed, cut off, we bugged his house, made that guy think he was going loco, crazy. We really messed with him till he was broken. (14) MISSOURI LEGISLATURE PASSES LAW RE: INVOLUNTARY MICROCHIPPING FIRST REGULAR SESSION HOUSE BILL NO. 550 95TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY INTRODUCED BY REPRESENTATIVES GUEST (Sponsor), RUESTMAN, McGHEE, PACE, SCHAAF AND SANDER (Co-sponsors) . 1069L.01I D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk To amend chapter 537, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to actions for damages for coerced subcutaneous implantation of an identification device. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows: Section A. Chapter 537, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 537.043, to read as follows: 537.043. 1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean: (1) "Identification device", any item, application, or product that is passively or actively capable of transmitting personal information, including but not limited to, devices using radio frequency technology or any electronic device used to track, harass, or download information without permission; (2) "Person", an individual, business association, partnership, limited partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, estate, cooperative association, or other entity; (3) "Personal information" , includes any of the following data elements to the extent they are used alone or in conjunction with any other information used to identify an individual: (a) E-mail, internet protocol, or web site address; (b) Date of birth; (c) Driver's license number or Missouri identification card number; (d) Any unique personal identifier number contained or encoded on a driver's license or identification card issued; (e) Bank, credit card, or other financial institution account number; (f) Any unique personal identifier contained or encoded on a health insurance, health benefit, or benefit card or record issued in conjunction with any government-supporte d aid program; (g) Religion; (h) Ethnicity or nationality; (i) Photograph; (j) Fingerprint or other biometric identifier; (k) Social Security number; (l) Any other unique personal identifier; (4) "Require, coerce, or compel", includes physical violence, threat, intimidation, retaliation, the conditioning of any private or public benefit or care on consent to implantation, including employment, promotion, or other employment benefit, or by any means that causes a reasonable person of ordinary susceptibilities to acquiesce to implantation when he or she otherwise would not, but does not include legitimate medical uses for which the patient or his or her guardian or parent has consented; (5) "Subcutaneous" , existing, performed, or introduced under or on the skin. 2. A person shall not require, coerce, or compel any other individual to undergo the subcutaneous implanting of an identification device. 3. Any person who violates the provisions of subsection 2 of this section may be assessed an initial civil penalty of no more than ten thousand dollars and no more than one thousand dollars for each day the violation continues until the deficiency is corrected. That civil penalty may be assessed and recovered in a civil action brought in any court of competent jurisdiction. The court may also grant a prevailing plaintiff reasonable attorney's fees and litigation costs, including but not limited to, expert witness fees and expenses as part of the costs. 4. A person who is implanted with a subcutaneous identification device in violation of the provisions of subsection 2 of this section may bring a civil action for actual damages, compensatory damages, punitive damages, injunctive relief, any combination of those, or any other appropriate relief. 5. Additionally, punitive damages may also be awarded upon proof of the defendant's malice, oppression, fraud, or duress in requiring, coercing, or compelling the plaintiff to undergo the subcutaneous implanting of an identification device. 6. An action brought under this section shall be commenced within three years of the date upon which the identification device was implanted. 7. If the victim was an incompetent, a dependent adult, or minor when the implantation occurred, actions brought under this section shall be commenced within three years after the date the plaintiff, or his or her guardian or parent, discovered or reasonably should have discovered the implant, or within eight years after the plaintiff attains the age of majority, whichever date occurs later. 8. The statute of limitations shall not run against an incompetent, a dependent adult, or minor plaintiff simply because a guardian ad litem has been appointed. A guardian ad litem's failure to bring a plaintiff's action within the applicable limitation period will not prejudice the plaintiff's right to do so. 9. A defendant is estopped from asserting a defense of the statute of limitations when the expiration of the statute is due to conduct by the defendant inducing the plaintiff to delay the filing of the action, or due to threats made by the defendant causing duress upon the plaintiff. 10. For purposes of implantation only, any interested person may file a petition for an order or judgment declaring an incompetent or minor free from the control of a parent or guardian who is requiring or preventing implantation of an identification device. The court shall consider that petition in light of applicable law with respect to the best interests of the incompetent or minor. 11. Any restitution paid by the defendant to the victim shall be credited against any judgment, award, or settlement obtained under this section. 12. The provisions of this section shall be liberally construed so as to protect privacy and bodily integrity. 13. Actions brought under this section are independent of any other actions, remedies, or procedures that may be available to an aggrieved party under any other law. 14. The provisions of this section shall not in any way modify existing statutory or case law regarding the rights of parents or guardians, the rights of children or minors, or the rights of dependent adults. (15) A suggestion letter from Bob Levin on how to explain explain DEW and COINTELPRO to your doctor Dear Dr. A Maria has a number of problems for which she needs treatment, but when she sees you, she is not given time to discuss them. You examine her and then leave before she can discuss her medical problems with you. I have thus called your office to explain her needs to your assistants, but they say that she must discuss them with you. Since she is not given time to discuss her needs with you during an office visit, she is getting no medical treatment for some of her urgent needs. I will thus list and attempt to explain her medical needs here. Please take time to discuss them with her and arrange for necessary treatment. 1. Mammogram Maria has a lump in her breast, which you detected on examination at her last visit. You ordered a mammogram, but she was unable to get a routine mammogram because she had a previous mammogram in March. She needs an order for a diagnostic mammogram. When I requested this from your assistant, I was told that you did not find a lump and thus could not order a diagnostic mammogram. Maria can feel a lump. She thus should have an order for a diagnostic mammogram. Maria is at extreme risk of cancer as the result of long term, continuous exposure to electromagnetic energy produced by attacks from directed energy weapons in long term experiments being conducted on her without her consent. 2. Gastroenterologist referral In my letter to you of June 1, I explained that since her abdominal surgery, Maria has remained very ill. She can eat very little. She has lost a great deal of weight. She has symptoms of very serious gastrointestinal problems, but she has been unable to get any diagnosis and appropriate treatment. She is gravely concerned about her present condition. She needs a referral to a gastroenterologist. Meanwhile, she needs anti-spasmodic medication. 3. Medical reports We have been trying for months to get the medical report of surgery in April by Dr. B. Your assistant said that you had not received this report from Dr. B after his office said that they had sent it to you twice. After they sent it the third time, you assistant told me twice that she would mail a copy to Maria, but we have not received it. She would like to get a copy of this report when she is at your office today. Maria requested that each of her previous doctors forward her medical records to you. She sent them the signed form provided by ABC HMO for transfer of medical records, but you told her that you have received no medical records. What else can we do to get records if the offices do not respond to written requests and to phone calls? Maria particularly wants to see the reports of two surgeries by Dr. B; the report of the last mammogram; and blood tests showing that she is anemic. 4. Pain caused by electromagnetic attacks Maria and I are both under continuous attack by electromagnetic directed energy weapons (DEW). We have no way of stopping these attacks since we have no way of proving who is responsible for them. We are in touch with hundreds of other people who share this same experience. The electromagnetic attacks greatly aggravate Maria’s arthritis condition. Her knees are badly swollen. She is almost unable to use her hands at times. She suffers extreme pain from the combination of arthritis and electromagnetic attacks. Dr. C prescribed Tylenol with codeine #4, two per day. Vicodin is also effective. You have prescribed a milder medication, 40 per month. Your prescription is not at all adequate to control Maria's pain. She needs stronger pain medication, not just for normal arthritis pain but for the torture of constant electromagnetic attacks. If you want additional information and explanation about these attacks and why the victims have no remedy to stop them, I will be more than happy to provide it if you will agree to take the time to read it. I can prove to you that what is happening to us now is consistent with past government agency programs of painful and sometimes deadly experiments on involuntary human subjects. These have been carried out secretly by government agencies since the 1940's. This is thoroughly proven, documented fact. It is not open to question or doubt. Although this proven truth is available to the general public, it seems to be unknown to the medical profession. The history of US government crimes is not taught in medical schools. Uninformed physicians thus assume that people are delusional if they believe they are being harmed by federal agencies. These physicians are unaware of the overwhelming, unquestionable evidence that US government agencies have in fact been engaged for many decades in harmful experiments on involuntary subjects and in secret wars of harassment and crime against innocent citizens. The covert wars are known as “COINTELPRO operations.” COINTELPRO operations consist of constant harassment and crimes for which no protection is available from police. Local police are fully aware of these federal government programs, but they refuse to interfere with them. The present programs combine DEW attacks with COINTELPRO operations. I can provide detailed descriptions and explanations of COINTELPRO operations if you will take time to read them, but I am keeping this as short as possible so that you will at least know the medical conditions for which your patient needs treatment. The truth about the past experiments and the COINTELPRO wars has been proven to the public only after it is too late to prevent the drastic harm that has been done to the victims. The truth about government agency responsibility for the present experiments on Maria and me and on hundreds of others will be proven at sometime in the future, maybe in 20 years, but as of now, we have no way to stop the DEW attacks and the accompanying COINTELPRO operations. The only thing that can be done for now is to provide medication to relieve as much of the pain as possible. 5. Tranquilizer. anti-depressant, and sleeping medication COINTELPRO operations are designed to produce extreme tension and depression in a targeted person, who must continue to suffer the emotional and psychological consequences of these operations year after year with no possible remedy available. After decades of extreme psychological and physical abuse, Maria is at the breaking point. She needs tranquilizers, anti-depressants and sleeping medication. You have prescribed a medication, which your assistant said could be used as both a tranquilizer and sleeping medication. It makes Maria too sleepy to use it during the day to control stress. She needs something like Valium to deal with stress without making her sleepy. She needs a separate sleeping medication to try to get her through the night. She asked for tranquilizers to help her deal with daily stress, but she needs more than tranquilizers to help her cope with a life of continuous torture. She should also be given an anti-depressant. Physicians, who don't believe the proven truth about these government agency crimes, suggest psychiatric treatment, assuming the problems are only imaginary, but they won't take the time to look at evidence offered by a patient to prove that what is happening today perfectly matches the proven truth of past government agency crimes. They simply close their mind to provable truth and let their patients suffer the consequences of their ignorance on this subject and their choice to close their minds to the past proven truth. I hope that your mind is open to proof of truth. If you want proof of the reality of the same government horrors that Maria and I now experience, I have 50,000 pages of documentation from reliable sources such as US Senate Committee investigations, which have proved the truth and reality of government agency COINTELPRO operations and about decades of severely harmful government agency experiments on involuntary subjects. Examples of the latter are the Atomic Energy Commission’s radiation experiments and the CIA's mind control experiments. I would be happy to provide you with as much evidence as you are willing to review. Alternately, since this information is available to the public, you can easily find proof of the truth for yourself by doing Google searches, which will produce the following information: “COINTELPRO” 227,000 references “Atomic Energy Commission radiation experiments" 108,000 reference "CIA mind control experiments" 109,000,000 references At the time the CIA and AEC experiments were being conducted, the involuntary subjects of the experiments had no way to prove the truth. Decades later, the truth was fully proven, but it was too late to benefit the involuntary subjects, who had suffered or died with no remedies available to them during the time that the experiments were being conducted. Decades from now, when the truth about the DEW experiments of today is thoroughly proven, it will then be too late to matter to Maria and me and to the hundreds of other present involuntary subjects of these experiments. What we can prove to you today is that US government agencies have, for decades past, been doing the same things that are now being done to us and to the hundreds of other present involuntary subjects of DEW experiments. So I am saying that before you assume that Maria’s problems are unreal and suggest psychiatric treatment, it is your responsibility to look at the evidence proving the truth and the reality of similar past government experiments on involuntary subjects like us and the reality of government COINTELPRO wars such as we now experience.. It should not be difficult to believe that US government agencies are continuing to do today the same things that they have been proven responsible for doing throughout past decades. Thank you for your attention to these matters of extreme concern to Maria and to me. If you would be interested in further information on the above subjects, please let me know. Sincerely yours, Bob S (16) Your Brain Will Eventually Be Used Against You Published on 07-19-2009 Source: IO9 Although every lie detector ever built has proved unreliable, scientists continue to search for that magic machine that will reveal dishonesty. Now two Harvard neuroscientists have hit on a "pre-crime" technique that reveals intent to lie before it happens. While some people already think that brain-imaging lie detectors are a scam, others remain convinced that they're the wave of the future. A recent study by Joshua Greene and Joseph Paxton at Harvard University shows that the skeptics might be right. Paxton and Greene bet their subjects money based on guessing a coin flip. While those who had to record their responses in advance had average success, those who didn't have to tell their guess until after they knew the result had a high success rate, indicating they were lying. More interestingly, those people who were even interested in lying showed brain activity when just offered the opportunity to cheat, while those who were more honest showed no difference in their brain activity regardless of the opportunity to cheat. Over time, Greene and Paxton were able to predict whether certain volunteers would lie at all. They expect that their machine could be developed not just to determine whether someone was lying or had lied, but if they were interested in doing so or would in the future. You always knew your brain would eventually betray you. The question is, how useful is this information really? Doesn't everyone want to lie sometimes, including people who are honest? Truthfulness Requires No Act of Will for Honest People [via Harvard] (17) The story of the International Criminal Court and Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo.
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14 Aug 2009 "mailteam works"--victims work trends (1) USA patent number: 6587729 Please find attached above an American patent for a weapon designed to torment persons with voices in their heads which they are unable to shut off. It should be needless to point out to you that voices are the principal symptom of schizophrenia, and terrified persons who go the authorities are very easy to label 'paranoid schizophrenics' because of their complaints. (2) Help USA victim RAMONA LOPEZ Hello Fellow TI's, Another fellow TI named Ramona Lopez needs some encouragement and 1or 2 roommates. I have spoken to her and with her consent am passing her phone number along to all of you. Ramona has told me that she is anemic (iron deficency) and has thyroid (iodine deficency). These deficencies cause a host of other problems in the body and mind including memory loss, insomnia,depression and fatigue. When calling please encourage Ramona to hydrate and nourish herself and to take her iron and thyroid medication. She does not have any fellow TI's in the same city that she lives in so she needs all the ecouragement she can get. Ramona does not have long distance on her phone right now only a calling card with a short amount of time left on it. I am planning to go visit her this month to have lunch. Ramona is a very nice lady who needs a friend. Her number is 805-553-9354. Thank You, Erica Gilmore Hi Bob, I'm still a prisoner in this complex. It seems unbeleivable that this can occur in plain sight. I was abused sexually a few days ago. I don't look the same my face and body have been changed or altered. I'm being tortured as I write this e-mail. I'm not able to get too far without the torture. I have inercom in my apartment. I hear and listen to perps talk all day and night; its a nightmare. I'm actually, a prisoner and a slave for sex. These man are filthy and evil I fear for my family and grandchildren. I get tortured horribly everyday and night now. I feel as if I am dying now. I no longer have a car; these perps made sure my car got impounded by Thousand Oaks Police Dept and I didn't have the money to pay for the fees of $1600.00; the car was no loner worth $1600.00. You know how they operate. Being without transportation make me more vulnerable to their abuse; I'm like a sitting duck. I simply cannot believe the degree of evil I find myself in. They often contaminate my food with cinicals and toxins. They now steal my money, therefore, leaving me without groceries. If anyone attempt to visit me; they can't get in the gate; my phone calls are intercepted and i don't get incoming calls. I don't know what to do Bob except ask you to keep my information active to other TI's. I now have come to the realization that I have been abused under hypnosis and perhaps under an unaltered mind. people have stolen my youth and now I fear for my daughters. If I have been abused in this way by these gang of perverts, I can only imagine what they are capable of doing to a young beautiful young women. I'm burning badly now; these people are now trying to kill me with the directed energy weapons. I'm at their mercy now all I can do is rely on other to get my story out to the public. These perps are all about programing and sexual abuse. Please give my phone number to TIs 805-553-9354. I feel very isolated my only communication is with the perpts now. I despise these people and their tactics with all my essences. God bless, Ramona Lopez I have spoken with Ramona by telephone on several occasions and found her to be a completely lucid and intelligent Human Rights & Environmental activist who was doing her best to help the people in her local community and the larger International Community on these issues. Her reports of NAZI-type attacks on herself & her family are consistent with the millions of other reports by Human Rights, Animal Rights, Peace, Environmental, Organic Foods, Clean Energy, Disarmament & Indigenous Peoples Rights, & other Anti-Corporate-Crime Activists about the SILENT HOLOCAUST (Domestic & International Corporate-Criminal Warfare against Civilian Populations) which has escalated heavily during the past deacade. Lynn Surgalla (3) MASS PETITION write to:- The International Criminal Court:-,,, Ms Navanethem Pillay - the United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, President Obama:- The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA TEL Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414, FAX: 202-456-2461,,,,,,, ,,, Vice-President Biden:- The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA TEL Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414, FAX: 202-456-2461,,, , Secretary Of State Clinton:-,,,,,,,,,, The Council Of Europe, Secretary-General Terry Davis:-, , ,,, EU Vice-President For Justice, Freedom, Security, Mr Franco Frattini:-, Organisation Of Security And Cooperation In Europe:-,,, Ec President Jose Manuel Barroso:-,, Mr Javier Solana, High Representative For The Common Foreign And Security Policy, Secretary-General Of The Council Of The European Union:-, Council Of The European Union:-, The Council On Foreign Relations:- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Department Of Defense:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;; The Attorney General Of The USA:- U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001 TEL Switchboard: - 202-514-2000, TEL Office of the Attorney General: - 202-353-1555,, The Secretary Of The Department Of Homeland Security:- U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C. 20528, USA TEL Operator: 202-282-8000, TEL Comment: 202-282-8495 , FAX: 202-401-4708,,, The ACLU:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, (4) President's Surveillance Program (PSP) 10 July 2009 Preface (U) Title III of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments Act of 2008 required the Inspectors General (IGs) of the elements of the Intelligence Community that participated in the President's Surveillance Program (PSP) to conduct a comprehensive review of the program. The IGs of the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence participated in the review required under the Act. The Act required the IGs to submit a comprehensive report on the review to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the House Committee on the Judiciary. (U) In response to Title III requirements, we have prepared this unclassified report on the PSP, which summarizes the collective results of our reviews. Because many aspects of the PSP remain classified, and in order to provide the Congressional committees the complete results of our reviews, we also prepared, and have bound separately, a classified report on the PSP. The individual reports detailing the results of each IG's review are annexes to the classified report . Glenn A. Fine Inspector General Department of Justice S. Heddell Acting Inspector General Department of defense Patricia A. Lewis Acting Inspector General Intelligence Agency National Security Agency George Ellard Inspector General National Security Agency Roslyn A. Mazer Inspector General Office of the Director of National Intelligence More details : (5) NYC Meeting at Main Library Day: Wednesday, August 12 Time: Gathering between 6:30- 7:00pm. Meeting from 7:00pm - until, depending on attendance and issues. Location: Front steps of the New York City Public Library, 5th Ave. between 40th and 41st Streets. We will continue monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of every the Month until further notice. Contacts: Timothy R. White: 718-601-2073 Denise S Pompl: 917-273-2200 (6) People who are completely paralyzed due to illness or trauma are getting help communicating with a new technology that connects their brains to a computer. Scott Pelley reports.;housing Other videos you may interest The New Phoenix Program 1,2, & 3 (1st 15 min are the same) To see other videos Marshall Gregory Thomas please go to
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A California history professor, Kathryn Olmstead, has discovered documents at the Gerald Ford library which were written by Cheney and Rumsfeld. show how far the White House went to conceal information about Olson's death — and his role in preparing anthrax and other biological weapons. ...Cheney and Rumsfeld were given the task of covering up the details of Frank Olson's death. At the time, Rumsfeld was White House Chief of Staff to President Gerald Ford. Dick Cheney was a senior White House assistant.The documents uncovered by Professor Olmstead include one that states "Dr Olson's job was so sensitive that it is highly unlikely that we would submit relevant evidence".In another memo, Cheney acknowledges that "the Olson lawyers will seek to explore all the circumstances of Dr Olson's employment, as well as those concerning his death. In any trial, it may become apparent that we are concealing evidence for national security reasons and any settlement or judgement reached thereafter could be perceived as money paid to cover up the activities of the CIA".Frank Olson's family received US$750,000 to settle their claims against the US government.The Frank Olson Murder

olsen2.jpgFrank Olson was an American citizen, born in 1910 and murdered in New York City in 1953 by the CIA. Here's an outline of the case:

Fort Detrick is the U.S. Army's biowarfare facility, founded in 1943. Frank Olson was one of the first scientists to work there. From the final years of World War II through the Korean War and up to the present time scientists at Fort Detrick developed biological weapons including anthrax.

Following the end of World War II the U.S. conducted "Operation Paperclip", which scoured Germany for Nazi scientists who could be useful. It found some who had conducted experiments on prisoners in Dachau and other Nazi concentration camps, including one Kurt Blome. He was among the defendants in the Nuremberg War Trials, and would have been convicted and hanged but for American intervention. In return for agreeing to provide information to the Americans about his experiments in Dachau, and advice in the development of their own germ warfare program, an acquittal was arranged, and he escaped the gallows.

Frank Olson and Kurt Blome (who had become a protegé of the Americans) later met at Camp King in Germany in the early 1950s when Olson made several visits there to participate in "Operation Artichoke", in which the U.S. Army and the CIA experimented with the use of drugs (including LSD) in interrogation. Olson was present during brutal interrogations by the Americans of Soviet prisoners and suspected double agents, some of whom died under torture. Olson was deeply disturbed by what he had seen.

In the summer of 1953 Olson travelled again to Europe. In Berlin in August he witnessed several brutal interrogations involving torture and the use of drugs. On his return to the U.S. he confided to a friend and colleague at Fort Detrick, Norman Cournoyer, that he was disgusted with what the CIA was doing and was determined to leave.

In November 1953 Olson attended a meeting of a group of CIA agents at a country retreat where they discussed their work. Olson was suspected by the CIA of being a security risk. He was given a drink laced with LSD and when well under the influence of the drug he was subjected to interrogation using Artichoke techniques, probably a very unpleasant experience.

A week later Olson was staying in Room 1018A at the Hotel Statler in New York City under the supervision of a CIA doctor, Richard Lashbrook. The manager of the hotel, Armond Pastore, heard a thump outside and went out to find Olson dying on the pavement, having fallen from the 13th floor. The manager later found that a phone call had been made from Room 1018A to a number in Long Island and the caller had said only, "Olson's gone."

The CIA maintained that Olson had leapt through the closed window to his death. However, an autopsy conducted forty years later on the exhumed corpse revealed an injury to the skull most likely caused by a blow to the head and no evidence of any cuts to the body from broken glass. It seems that Olson, exactly as recommended in a CIA assassination manual, was struck on the head (possibly while drugged) and thrown from the window to his death thirteen floors below.

Olson was working at Fort Detrick during the Korean War and some have speculated that the U.S. developed germ weapons which it used against Korean and Chinese soldiers and civilians. If so then Olson would probably have known about this. The CIA believed that there was the risk that Olson would reveal what he knew about the activities of the CIA during the Korean war and about its brutal experiments in interrogation techniques, so he was murdered.

The fact that Frank Olson had died shortly after being given LSD in a CIA experiment came out in 1975 as a consequence of President Ford's Rockefeller Commission investigation into the CIA's domestic activities. Further investigation was called for, but in a White House memo advisers to President Ford stated that this would risk revealing state secrets (probably meaning, in part, the use by the U.S. of germ warfare in Korea); further investigation was suppressed and the whole matter covered up. The names of those White House advisers were Dick Cheney, current U.S. Vice-President, and Donald Rumsfeld, current Secretary of Defense. They have never been questioned as to what they knew about Olson's death.
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A California history professor, Kathryn Olmstead, has discovered documents at the Gerald Ford library which were written by Cheney and Rumsfeld. show how far the White House went to conceal information about Olson's death — and his role in preparing anthrax and other biological weapons. ...Cheney and Rumsfeld were given the task of covering up the details of Frank Olson's death. At the time, Rumsfeld was White House Chief of Staff to President Gerald Ford. Dick Cheney was a senior White House assistant.The documents uncovered by Professor Olmstead include one that states "Dr Olson's job was so sensitive that it is highly unlikely that we would submit relevant evidence".In another memo, Cheney acknowledges that "the Olson lawyers will seek to explore all the circumstances of Dr Olson's employment, as well as those concerning his death. In any trial, it may become apparent that we are concealing evidence for national security reasons and any settlement or judgement reached thereafter could be perceived as money paid to cover up the activities of the CIA".Frank Olson's family received US$750,000 to settle their claims against the US government.The Frank Olson Murder

olsen2.jpgFrank Olson was an American citizen, born in 1910 and murdered in New York City in 1953 by the CIA. Here's an outline of the case:

Fort Detrick is the U.S. Army's biowarfare facility, founded in 1943. Frank Olson was one of the first scientists to work there. From the final years of World War II through the Korean War and up to the present time scientists at Fort Detrick developed biological weapons including anthrax.

Following the end of World War II the U.S. conducted "Operation Paperclip", which scoured Germany for Nazi scientists who could be useful. It found some who had conducted experiments on prisoners in Dachau and other Nazi concentration camps, including one Kurt Blome. He was among the defendants in the Nuremberg War Trials, and would have been convicted and hanged but for American intervention. In return for agreeing to provide information to the Americans about his experiments in Dachau, and advice in the development of their own germ warfare program, an acquittal was arranged, and he escaped the gallows.

Frank Olson and Kurt Blome (who had become a protegé of the Americans) later met at Camp King in Germany in the early 1950s when Olson made several visits there to participate in "Operation Artichoke", in which the U.S. Army and the CIA experimented with the use of drugs (including LSD) in interrogation. Olson was present during brutal interrogations by the Americans of Soviet prisoners and suspected double agents, some of whom died under torture. Olson was deeply disturbed by what he had seen.

In the summer of 1953 Olson travelled again to Europe. In Berlin in August he witnessed several brutal interrogations involving torture and the use of drugs. On his return to the U.S. he confided to a friend and colleague at Fort Detrick, Norman Cournoyer, that he was disgusted with what the CIA was doing and was determined to leave.

In November 1953 Olson attended a meeting of a group of CIA agents at a country retreat where they discussed their work. Olson was suspected by the CIA of being a security risk. He was given a drink laced with LSD and when well under the influence of the drug he was subjected to interrogation using Artichoke techniques, probably a very unpleasant experience.

A week later Olson was staying in Room 1018A at the Hotel Statler in New York City under the supervision of a CIA doctor, Richard Lashbrook. The manager of the hotel, Armond Pastore, heard a thump outside and went out to find Olson dying on the pavement, having fallen from the 13th floor. The manager later found that a phone call had been made from Room 1018A to a number in Long Island and the caller had said only, "Olson's gone."

The CIA maintained that Olson had leapt through the closed window to his death. However, an autopsy conducted forty years later on the exhumed corpse revealed an injury to the skull most likely caused by a blow to the head and no evidence of any cuts to the body from broken glass. It seems that Olson, exactly as recommended in a CIA assassination manual, was struck on the head (possibly while drugged) and thrown from the window to his death thirteen floors below.

Olson was working at Fort Detrick during the Korean War and some have speculated that the U.S. developed germ weapons which it used against Korean and Chinese soldiers and civilians. If so then Olson would probably have known about this. The CIA believed that there was the risk that Olson would reveal what he knew about the activities of the CIA during the Korean war and about its brutal experiments in interrogation techniques, so he was murdered.

The fact that Frank Olson had died shortly after being given LSD in a CIA experiment came out in 1975 as a consequence of President Ford's Rockefeller Commission investigation into the CIA's domestic activities. Further investigation was called for, but in a White House memo advisers to President Ford stated that this would risk revealing state secrets (probably meaning, in part, the use by the U.S. of germ warfare in Korea); further investigation was suppressed and the whole matter covered up. The names of those White House advisers were Dick Cheney, current U.S. Vice-President, and Donald Rumsfeld, current Secretary of Defense. They have never been questioned as to what they knew about Olson's death.

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I assisted in typing and editing the VAMTEC LLC powerpoitnt presentation for William J Rigby- I was told it was for fertilizer and increase yield of produce. Instead it contaminates the food supply.Please forgive me world- I was told it was for FERTILIZER. William J Rigby threatened my fathers life and then he killed him through the US health system.Vamtech LLC developed the Mycorrhizal fungi growth. June18VAM.ppt, 8.4 MB PlantHealthCare lettr to Rutherford.doc, 34 KB board_of_directors.docWhat lies at the root of Morgellon's is a type of fungus. More specifically a fungus related to Mycorrhizal fungiWhat lies at the root of Morgellon's is a type of fungus. More specifically a fungus related to Mycorrhizal fungi( Mycorrhizal fungi are symbiotic partners with 80% of plant species. In a nutshell, the fungi attach atthe roots and facilitate nutrient absorbtion (sp?) in exchange for carbohydrates (e.g. glucose and sucrose). This partnership benefits both partieswithout any significant negative effects (I'm sure with a few exceptions).

I'm positing that Morgellon's is a fast mutating, Mycorrhial type fungi attempting to form a symbiotic relationship with humans. The key to thisprocess is to exist within the human body without causing harm and without alerting the immune system. No small feat. Ultimately the fungal systemwill exist as sort of a second nervous system. What is termed Morgellon's is primarily the erradication of fungal cells that for one reason oranother aren't working - i.e. damaging the person's body or activating the immune system. If a given sore is open and active (i.e. infected), ifsubmerged in isopropyl alcohol, the alcohol will draw the offending fungi from the sore - a black sinewy substance/strands. As I will explain later,this is not the only function of the sores.

There are other pointers... One of the many primary symptoms is a periodic, intense craving for sweets. This would align with providing thecarbohydrates the fungi needs (and receives from the relationship) for sustenance.

Mycorrhial fungi often will attract and kill springtails as a source of nitrogen - for itself and the plant. I believe it is this type of mechanismthat is occurring and attracting other organisms resulting in the confusing cross-infection appearance of Morgellon's. This is one of theadditional functions of the sores (i.e. the attraction of specific other organisms as nutrient sources). This process is a small portion of thevitamin/mineral absorption assistance the fungi will provide.

Also occurring at the sores is the alteration of RNA and subsequent DNA as a corrective response to the offending cells being eradicated from thesystem. I am not knowledgeable with regards to genetics and such or how such a mechanism might work. So I'm gonna skip faking it. However, thereare specific details regarding the sores' process that support them being a part of fungal development and production. (concentration is at apremium...)

Additional connections and evidence: basically the dysfunctional symptoms of Morgellon's (e.g. brain fog, various digestive, etc...) are the resultof improper fungal cells being introduced into that area of the body (brain, intestines, etc. respectively) and then corrected.

So the fungi are getting a stable existence out of the symbiosis, what are the people getting? Once the process is complete (up to 10 years) theperson will have enhanced water, vitamin, and mineral absorption, heightened intelligence, expanded perception (mild cross-dimensional and telepathiccommunicative abilities), strengthened immune response, extended life-expectancy, likely among others.

Brain is tired. Well, what do you think?

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reply posted on 8-8-2008 @ 01:23 PM by prevenge

very interesting.

see the 2012 link in my signature for some extra goodies.


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reply posted on 8-8-2008 @ 03:14 PM by Kruel

Very interesting indeed. I'll be keeping tabs on this possibility. It seems more likely an explanation for morgellon's than a nanotech infection.

If this is the case, then I hope a harmonious symbiotic relationship can be found between fungi and human biology. It may be quite an "upgrade",just as long as I don't have to deal with mushrooms sprouting from my skin!

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reply posted on 8-8-2008 @ 06:55 PM by verbal kint

reply to post by Kruel

your comment about mushrooms sprouting from your skin reminded me of this:

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please relate our social network called loversvillage,place with many people on the world where u can use international language to relate 0r chat each other. u can type in the address bar as i will hope to be lucky for gmail account is zawtheinhtut@gmail.commy yahoo account is
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--- On Fri, 8/7/09, Ron Angell wrote:STATE SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009From: Ron AngellSubject: STATE SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009To: constitutionalsdemocrcacy@democracy.orgDate: Friday, August 7, 2009, 2:10 PMSTATE SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009=======================================================================HEARINGBEFORE THESUBCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION,CIVIL RIGHTS, AND CIVIL LIBERTIESOF THECOMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARYHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESSFIRST SESSIONONH.R. 984__________JUNE 4, 2009__________SerialNo. 111-14__________Printed for the use of the Committee on the JudiciaryAvailable via the World Wide Web: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE50-070 PDF WASHINGTON : 2009For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government PrintingOffice Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800;DC area (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail: Stop SSOP,Washington, DC 20402-0001COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARYJOHN CONYERS, Jr., Michigan, ChairmanHOWARD L. BERMAN, California LAMAR SMITH, TexasRICK BOUCHER, Virginia F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, Jr.,JERROLD NADLER, New YorkWisconsinROBERT C. ``BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia HOWARD COBLE, North CarolinaMELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina ELTON GALLEGLY, CaliforniaZOE LOFGREN, California BOB GOODLATTE, VirginiaSHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas DANIEL E. LUNGREN, CaliforniaMAXINE WATERS, California DARRELL E. ISSA, CaliforniaWILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts J. RANDY FORBES, VirginiaROBERT WEXLER, Florida STEVE KING, IowaSTEVE COHEN, Tennessee TRENT FRANKS, ArizonaHENRY C. ``HANK'' JOHNSON, Jr., LOUIE GOHMERT, TexasGeorgia JIM JORDAN, OhioPEDRO PIERLUISI, Puerto Rico TED POE, TexasMIKE QUIGLEY, Illinois JASON CHAFFETZ, UtahLUIS V. GUTIERREZ, Illinois TOM ROONEY, FloridaBRAD SHERMAN, California GREGG HARPER, MississippiTAMMY BALDWIN, WisconsinCHARLES A. GONZALEZ, TexasANTHONYD. WEINER, New YorkADAM B. SCHIFF, CaliforniaLINDA T. SANCHEZ, CaliforniaDEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, FloridaDANIEL MAFFEI, New YorkPerry Apelbaum, Majority Staff Director and Chief CounselSean McLaughlin, Minority Chief of Staff and General Counsel------Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil LibertiesJERROLD NADLER, New York, ChairmanMELVIN L. WATT, North Carolina F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, Jr.,ROBERT C. ``BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia WisconsinWILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts TOM ROONEY, FloridaHENRY C. ``HANK'' JOHNSON, Jr., STEVE KING, IowaGeorgia TRENT FRANKS, ArizonaTAMMY BALDWIN, Wisconsin LOUIE GOHMERT, TexasJOHN CONYERS, Jr., Michigan JIM JORDAN, OhioSTEVE COHEN, TennesseeBRADSHERMAN,CaliforniaSHEILA JACKSON LEE, TexasDavid Lachmann, Chief of StaffPaul B. Taylor, Minority CounselC O N T E N T S----------JUNE 4, 2009PageTHE BILLH.R. 984, the ``State Secret Protection Act of 2009.............. 4OPENING STATEMENTSThe Honorable Jerrold Nadler, a Representative in Congress fromthe State of New York, and Chairman, Subcommittee on theConstitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties................ 1The Honorable F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., a Representative inCongress from the State of Wisconsin,and RankingMember,Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and CivilLiberties...................................................... 17The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., a Representative in Congressfrom the State of Michigan, Chairman, Committee on theJudiciary, and Member, Subcommittee on the Constitution, CivilRights, and Civil Liberties.................................... 18WITNESSESThe Honorable Patricia M. Wald, retired Chief Judge, U.S. CourtoF Appeals for the District of ColumbiaOral Testimony................................................. 21Prepared Statement............................................. 24The Honorable Asa Hutchinson, Senior Partner, Hutchinson LawGroupOral Testimony................................................. 29PreparedStatement............................................. 31Mr.Andrew Grossman, Senior Legal Policy Analyst, The HeritageFoundationOral Testimony................................................. 55Prepared Statement............................................. 57Mr. Ben Wizner, National Security Project Staff Attorney,American Civil Liberties UnionOral Testimony................................................. 83Prepared Statement............................................. 85APPENDIXMaterial Submitted for the Hearing Record........................ 111STATE SECRET PROTECTION ACT OF 2009----------THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 2009House of Representatives,Subcommittee on theConstitution,Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties,Committee on the Judiciary,Washington, DC.The Subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:09 p.m., inroom 2141, Rayburn House Office Building, the Honorable JerroldNadler (Chairman of the Subcommittee) presiding.Present: Representatives Nadler, Conyers, Delahunt,Johnson, Sensenbrenner, Franks, and King.Staff Present: Heather Sawyer, Majority Counsel; and PaulTaylor, Minority Counsel.Mr. Nadler. This hearing of the Subcommittee on theConstitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties will come toorder.Today's hearing will examine the state secrets privilege.The Chair recognizes himself for 5 minutes for an openingstatement.Today, the Subcommittee examines legislation that I haveintroduced, alongwith the distinguished Chairman of the fullCommittee, with Representative TomPetri, and with severalother Members of the Committee, that would codify uniformstandards for dealing with claims of the state secretsprivilege by the government in civil litigation.In the last Congress, we had an oversight hearing on thestate secrets privilege and a hearing on this legislation. Thebill was reported favorably to the full Committee.Our experience has demonstrated the destructive impact thatsweeping claims of privilege and secrecy can have on ourNation. In order for the rule of law to have any meaning,individual liberties and rights must be enforceable in ourcourts. Separation-of-powers concerns are at their highest withregard to secret executive branch conduct, and the governmentsimply cannot be allowed to hide behind unexamined claims ofsecrecy and become the final arbiter ofits own conduct.Yet, claims of secrecy have been used to conceal mattersfrom Congress even though Members have the security clearancenecessary to be briefed in an appropriately secure setting.That has been the case with respect to the use of torture, withthe use of illegal spying on Americans, and other matters oftremendous national importance.And let me add here that this issue is perhaps the mostimportant issue, in my judgment, this Committee will face,because this Committee is charged with enforcing civil rightsand civil liberties under our Constitution. And there is anancient maxim of law that says there is no right without aremedy. And if the government violates your rights, if itkidnaps you, it tortures you, it deliberately burns down yourhouse, it wiretaps you without a warrant, whatever, how do youenforce your right against the government?Well, theAdministration could criminally prosecute its ownmembers who have done so; that isunlikely. Congress couldexercise oversight; that is hit or miss. Or the victim can suein tort, he can sue the government for illegal wiretapping, forkidnapping, for intentional infliction of mental distress, forassault, whatever.But if the government can eliminate that lawsuit on thepleadings simply by coming into court and using the magicincantation of the words ``state secrets,'' and say, ``Thiscase should be dismissed because we say, in our unexaminedassertion, that trying the case would necessitate therevelation of state secrets, case dismissed,'' then there is norecourse to the courts and there is no enforcement of rights.And rights without a remedy are illusory and we have no rights.Therefore, we must put some limits on this use of the statesecret doctrine.The same pattern ofresorting to extravagant state secretsclaims has been evident in the courts. While theBushadministration did not invent the use of the state secretsprivilege to conceal wrongdoing, it certainly perfected theart. The state secrets privilege has been abused by priorAdministrations to protect officials who have behaved illegallyor improperly or simply in an embarrassing manner, rather thanto protect the safety and security of the Nation.The landmark case in the field, U.S. v. Reynolds, is aperfect case in point. The widows of three civilian engineerssued the government for negligence stemming from a fatal aircrash. The government refused to produce the accident report,even refusing to provide it to the court to review, claiming itwould reveal sensitive state secrets that would endangernational security. The Supreme Court concurred without everlooking behind the government'sunsupported assertion thatnational security was involved.Half a century later, thereport was found, nowdeclassified, online by the daughter of one of the engineers,and it clearly revealed no state secrets. It clearly could havebeen made available in a form that would have enabled thosefamilies to vindicate their rights in court. It did, however,reveal that the crash was caused by government negligence,which I suspect was the real reason for the invocation, or theinvention in that case, of the state secrets doctrine.Protecting the government from embarrassment and civilliability, not protecting national security, was the realreason for withholding the accident report. Yet these familieswere denied justice because the Supreme Court never lookedbehind the government's false claim to determine whether it wasvalid.Similarly, in the Pentagon Papers case,then-SolicitorGeneral Erwin Griswold warned the Supreme Court thatpublication of the information wouldpose a grave and immediatedanger to national security. Eighteen years later, heacknowledged that he had never seen, quote, ``any trace of athreat to the national security,'' unquote, from thepublication of the information and further admitted that,quote, ``The principle concern is not with national securitybut rather with government embarrassment of one sort oranother,'' close quote.It is important to protect national security, and sometimesour courts have to balance the need for individual justice withnational security considerations. Congress has in the pastbalanced these important, albeit sometimes competing, demands.In the criminal context, we enacted the Classified InformationsProcedure Act. In FISA, we set up procedures for the courts toexamine sensitivematerials. Through the Freedom of InformationAct, we sought to limit any withholding of information from thepublic whom the government is supposed to serve.We can and should do the same in civil cases. Our system ofgovernment and our legal system have never relied on takingassurances at face value. The courts and the Congress have aduty to look behind what this Administration or anyAdministration says to determine whether or not thoseassurances are well-founded.Presidents and other government officials have been knownnot to tell the truth on occasion, especially when it is intheir interest to conceal something. The founders of thisNation knew that there needed to be checks in each branch ofthe government to prevent such abuses from taking the place.Or, in the words of the Ninth Circuit in the recent Jeppesendecision, ``The executive cannot be its own judge.'' To allowthat--and these are now my words--to allow that is to abandonall the protections against tyranny that ourFounding Fathersestablished.Courts have a duty to protect national security secrets,but they also have a duty to make an independent judgment as towhether state secrets claims have any merit. When thegovernment itself is a party, the court cannot allow it tobecome the final arbiter of its own case. The purpose of thislegislation is to ensure that the correct balance is struck.I would just add that I am extremely disappointed that theDepartment of Justice has declined to provide a witness todiscuss this very important issue at this hearing. I have metwith the Attorney General, and I understand that a review ofthis policy is currently under way. Nonetheless, the Departmentcontinues to go into court while this review is under way andtake positions that areremarkably similar to positions takenby the last Administration.While I greatly appreciate the Attorney General'swillingness to work with us, I believe that it should bepossible to send someone to provide us with theAdministration's views and to answer our questions to theextent that they are able. I hope this is not a sign of thingsto come.I look forward to the testimony of our witnesses.I would now recognize the distinguished Ranking minorityMember, the gentleman from Wisconsin, Mr. Sensenbrenner, forhis opening statement.[The bill, H.R. 984, follows:][GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT]Mr. Sensenbrenner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.The state secrets privilege is a longstanding legaldoctrine the Supreme Court most recently described in a casecalled U.S. v. Reynolds. In that case, the court made it clearthat if the court,after giving appropriate deference to theexecutive branch, determines that public disclosure ofinformation would harmnational security, the court is obligedto either dismiss the case or limit the public disclosure ofnational security information as necessary.Under this doctrine, people with legitimate claims are notdenied access to court review. Rather, the doctrine allowsjudges to personally review any sensitive information. Whilethis doctrine may occasionally disadvantage someone suing incourt, it is vital to protecting the safety of all Americans.The roots of the state secrets privilege extend all the wayback to Chief Justice Marshall, the author of Marbury v.Madison, who held that the government need not provide anyinformation that would endanger public safety.In the modern era, Congress debated the issue of the statesecrets privilege under Federal law in the1970's butultimately chose to maintain the status quo, including elementsof the privilege put in place by the Supreme Courtin itsReynolds decision. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals recentlyemployed the doctrine in affirming the dismissal of the case,including that the state secrets privilege has a firmfoundation in the Constitution.Not surprisingly, the privilege has played a significantrole in the Justice Department's response to civil litigationarising out of our counterterrorism efforts following 9/11.The state secrets doctrine remains strongly supported bytoday's Supreme Court. Even in its Boumediene decision grantinghabeas litigation rights to terrorists, Justice Kennedy, in hismajority opinion, acknowledged the government's legitimateinterest in protecting sources and methods of intelligencegathering and stated, ``We expect the district court will useitsdiscretion to accommodate this interest to the greatestextent possible,'' while citing the Reynolds state secrets caseImentioned earlier in doing so.I oppose any efforts, including this bill, that invite thecourts to deviate from the sound procedures they currentlyfollow to protect vital national security information. H.R. 984would preclude judges from giving weight to the executivebranch's assessment of national security. And it wouldauthorize courts not to use ex parte proceedings in conductinga review of privileged claims. And it would prevent courts frombeing able to dismiss a case when the government cannot defenditself without using privileged information.The Obama administration is clearly not enamored with theapproach of this legislation and has adhered in court to thedoctrine as asserted by the previous Administration in at leastthree cases already. Accordingto The Washington Post editorialpage, the Obama administration's position on state secretsmakes it hard to distinguish fromits predecessor. AnthonyRomero, the executive director of the ACLU, has written thatthe new Administration has embraced policies held over from theBush era, including the use of the state secrets claim.Last Congress, legislation essentially the same as H.R. 984was cosponsored in the Senate by Senators Joe Biden and HillaryClinton, who are now President Obama's Vice President andSecretary of State. But this year, President Obama, VicePresident Biden, and Secretary of State Clinton have gonesilent on the bill. When asked about it recently, the VicePresident's communications director said, quote, ``No commenton this one here.''
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--- On Fri, 8/7/09, Ron Angell wrote:From: Ron AngellSubject: 6/12/09 Fw: MNN Are Mohawks going to be invaded-A squad of 150 to 200 cruisers and SUVs came in and practically massacred our people. There was blood everywhere,To: "'FEED - Union of Concerned Scientists'" ,, "katherine friedli" , "Kathernine Friendi" , "Astrid" , "Karoline Astrid" ,,,, panama@un.intDate: Friday, August 7, 2009, 11:01 AMThis morning at 6:45 am the OPP came to the Skyway Bridge which the Mohawks of Tyendinaga had never closed down. They slowed down traffic giving out information to support the Mohawks of Akwesasne. The OPP and the band council Mohawk Police shut it down and kept the public off the bridge. A squad of 150 to 200 cruisers and SUVs came in and practically massacred our people. There was blood everywhere, which was quickly mopped by the OPP, using fire hoses to immediately wash down any evidence. 14 were hurt.--- On Fri, 6/12/09, Mohawk Nation News wrote:From: Mohawk Nation NewsSubject: MNN Are Mohawks going to be invaded???To: ronangellwork@yahoo.comDate: Friday, June 12, 2009, 7:02 PMARE AKWESASNE MOHAWKS BEING SET UP FOR AN INVASION? OPP attack Tyendinaga supportersMNN. June 15, 2009. It was one year since two grandmothers were brutally attacked by CBSA border agents at Akwesasne. One was almost killed by a trauma induced heart attack. We are trying to anticipate the strategy of the colonists.These corporatist forces recently attacked our brothers in the Amazon rainforest. Helicopters flew overhead and shot and bombed them, massacring over a hundred unarmed untouched natives who still live in the rainforest, cut off from modern life, as their ancestors always did. With only spears for weapons they weren’t a threat. Their bodies were taken away and the blood was quickly cleaned up.Here, the plan is to create situations where Mohawks are falsely seen as unruly or as terrorists. Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants to declare he has no choice but take control of our “reserves”, put us under third party management, expropriate our communities and hand them over to his corporate backers. He wants to hand over multi billion dollars of real estate to them.Akwesasne would be turned over to outsiders for resorts, casinos, condos and creating a playground for the elite. Cornwall Island would become part of a NAFTA super highway complex. We would be removed. An American would be able to come into Canada without having to pass through a border checkpoint. Kahnawake would become part of Montreal. Six Nations would become part of surrounding municipalities. Harper has to do this before he gets kicked out of office.This morning at 6:45 am the OPP came to the Skyway Bridge which the Mohawks of Tyendinaga had never closed down. They slowed down traffic giving out information to support the Mohawks of Akwesasne. The OPP and the band council Mohawk Police shut it down and kept the public off the bridge. A squad of 150 to 200 cruisers and SUVs came in and practically massacred our people. There was blood everywhere, which was quickly mopped by the OPP, using fire hoses to immediately wash down any evidence. 14 were hurt.The Shiprider Agreement was signed by Canada and US on May 26, 2009 to escalate the North American Union and martial law. All law enforcement, intelligence, military and border patrol come under the Pentagon. RCMP and armed US Coast Guards can enter each others waterway, in particular, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, which is Haudenosaunee Territory. Obviously, Harper without Parliamentary approval has relinquished sovereignty over the colony of Canada. These executive decisions never went through Parliament or Congress because they say it’s to pursue terrorists and criminals.NORAD [North American Air Defense] covers air space. Shiprider covers the naval aspect. Land integration is not yet signed.The combined forces could come in to attack the Mohawks, with the excuse that they are pursuing terrorists. The Nazi in WW II used this same tactic. German soldiers dressed as Polish soldiers blew up railroads in Germany. This justified the Germans attacking Poland. US fascists are doing the same thing.On June 1, 2009, the Canadian border guards were supposed to start carrying guns. They knew well in advance that the Mohawks would resist. US and Canada blocked the bridges onto the Cornwall Island portion of Akwesasne. We have no choice but to travel by our boats to take our kids to school, go to work and do normal family activities. It’s only a matter of time before the coast guard will start arresting and taking us to holding facilities nearby. No trial. No habeas corpus. No legal rights just like Guantano. It’s martial law because the military is involved.What threat will the US and Canada make as an excuse to launch this invasion? The US military choppers have been flying over the MNN office and followed a Mohawk woman to Cornwall courthouse yesterday.NorthCom coordinates this under US Homeland Security at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. The US took illegal jurisdiction of Great Turtle Island to launch military domination of the world. Canada is central because of resources like ore, oil, uranium, raw materials and water.Canada has accepted US immigration, anti-terrorist laws, police state, racist policies, ethnic profiling and arbitrary arrests of anti-war activists.Canada’s Public Safety is part of US Homeland Security. All civilian police, judicial and intelligence structures, militarization of government bodies and agencies are integrated under the Pentagon. US military bases can be built in Canada.Big Brother Data Bank is operated by Homeland Security, FBI and CIA. They have security, confidential information, tax and medical records, credit card, banking, educational, employment data, travel, internet, email, phone and fax info.Code Red Alerts from a Canadian municipality could bring in US troops or special forces. The flu panemic has raised the alert level, although there appears to be few victims. CBC stated the natives in the north who don’t travel are dying of this pandemic. Law enforcement and military are being set up to intervene.Canadian companies support the US initiative. They want lucrative multi million dollar contracts for war reconstruction. Most Canadian weapons producers are affiliates of US defense conglomerates. Big contracts are expected by General Dynamics, Bell Helicoptor Textron, General Motors Defense, CAE, Bombardier, SNC Lavalin Group and others.The goal of war economies such as Canada, US and Mexico is complete integration in trade, finance and investment, under the control of US corporatist war lords.Harper desperately needs to push us out of the way while he has power. He wants his multinational supporters to rape our land. The Jay Treaty 1794 cannot be rescinded unless there is a terrorist threat. They created a myth. For some reason a small group of women, children and grandmothers are the emergency! The CBSA border guards are so scared they even interrogated an 18-month baby as a terrorist threat!Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, Go to MNN “BORDER” category for more stories;Contact Rotiskenrakete 514-269-1400. N. Benedict 613-551-5421 613-938-8145, go to Chief Wesley Benedict 613-551-2573; Larry King 613-551-1930; Chief Joe Lazore 613-551-5292. Tyendinaga: 613-848-6968, 613-813-1017, 613-391-5132Supporters may send comments to: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace, London, SQ1A UK; President Barack Obama, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461; The Governor General of Canada, M. Michaelle Jean, 1 Rideau Drive, Ottawa; Alain Jolicoeur, President, CBSA, Ottawa, ON K1A 0L8, 613-952-3200, 613-957-0612; General inquiries; Lance Markell, District Director, Northern Office – Customs, St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa Ont. K1G 4K3, CBSA 613-930-3234, 613-991-1214, General inquiries; Secretary Janet Napolitano, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528, Operator Number: 202-282-8000, Comment Line: 202-282-8495, Jayson P. Ahern, A/Commissioner, U.S. Customs, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20229 Chief Counsel (202) 344-2990; Marco A. Lopez, Jr., Chief of Staff, U.S. Customs, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20229; Prime Minister Stephen Harper; House of Commons, Ottawa,; Hon. Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety, House of Commons, Ottawa; Hon. Robert Douglas Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, 284 Wellington St., Ottawa, ON K1A 0H8; Attorney General of Ontario, 720 Bay St., 4th Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 2K1; Hon. Yvon Marcoux, Minister of Justice and A.G.O., Louis-Phillipe-Pigeon Bldg., 1200 Rue d l'Eglise, 9th Floor, St. Foy G1V 4M1; Hon. Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs, 10 Wellington St., Hull, Que. K1A 0H4; Premier Dalton McGuinty, Province of Ontario, Queens Park, Toronto ON; Premier Charest, Province of Quebec, Legislature, Quebec City; British High Commission, 80 Elgin St., Ottawa, ON K1P 5K7; Canadian Human Rights Commission, 344 Slater St., 8th Floor Ottawa, ON K1A 1E1; United Nations, 405 E 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017; The Hague, Anna Paulownastraat, 103, 251 BBC, The Netherlands; Coalition for the International Criminal Court, c/o WFM, 708 3rd Ave., 24th Floor, New York, NY 10017Supporters of Mohawks: MPs Jean Crowder, Indian Affairs critic ; Anita Neville ; Marc Lemay ; Sen. Nancy Green; Sen. Gerry St. Germain;
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Now along with SALT II there needs to be mind weapons discussions at the United Nations as well as other International human rights organizations. has the SALT II Treaty not been implemented as agreed upon in 1974 by treaty between the USSR and the USA? President Carter Worked So hard for Salt II treaty. Was it the Defense Companies that used the mind weapons to stop the agreed upon treaty by Russia and the USA? BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS ON THE LIMITATION OF STRATEGIC OFFENSIVE ARMSIn accordance with Article VII of the Interim Agreement, in which the sides committed themselves to continue active negotiations on strategic offensive arms, the SALT II negotiations began in November 1972. The primary goal of SALT II was to replace the Interim Agreement with a long-term comprehensive Treaty providing broad limits on strategic offensive weapons systems. The principal U.S. objectives as the SALT II negotiations began were to provide for equal numbers of strategic nuclear delivery vehicles for the sides, to begin the process of reduction of these delivery vehicles, and to impose restraints on qualitative developments which could threaten future stability.Early discussion between the sides focused on the weapon systems to be included, factors involved in providing for equality in numbers of strategic nuclear delivery vehicles, taking into account the important differences between the forces of the two sides, bans on new systems, qualitative limits, and a Soviet proposal to include U.S. forward-based systems. The positions of the sides differed widely on many of these issues.A major breakthrough occurred at the Vladivostok meeting in November 1974, between President Ford and General Secretary Brezhnev. At this meeting, the sides agreed to a basic framework for the SALT II agreement. Basic elements of the Aide-Memoire, which recorded this agreement, included:-- 2,400 equal aggregate limit on strategic nuclear delivery vehicles (ICBMs, SLBMs, and heavy bombers) of the sides;-- 1,320 equal aggregate limit on MIRV systems;-- ban on construction of new land-based ICBM launchers;-- limits on deployment of new types of strategic offensive arms; and-- important elements of the Interim Agreement (e.g., relating to verification) would be incorporated in the new agreement.In addition, the Aide-Memoire stated that the duration of the new agreement would be through 1985.In early 1975, the delegations in Geneva resumed negotiations, working toward an agreement based on this general framework. It was during this time that a Joint Draft Text was first prepared and many limitations were agreed. During the negotiations, however, it became clear that there was fundamental disagreement between the two sides on two major issues: how cruise missiles were to be addressed, and whether the new Soviet bomber known to the United States as Backfire would be considered a heavy bomber and therefore counted in the 2,400 aggregate. While there was disagreement on other issues such as MIRV verification provisions, restrictions on new systems, and missile throw-weight ceilings, progress was made in these areas. However, the issues of cruise missiles and Backfire remained unresolved.When the new Administration took office in 1977, renewed emphasis was placed on the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. A comprehensive interagency review of SALT was undertaken. Building on the work of the previous Administra-tion, particularly the Vladivostok accord and the subsequent agreement on many issues in Geneva, the United States made a comprehen-sive proposal which was presented to the Soviets by Secretary of State Vance in March 1977. This proposal would have added significant reductions and qualitative constraints to the ceilings which were agreed to at Vladivostok. At the same time, the United States also presented an alternative proposal for a SALT II agreement similar to the framework agreed to at Vladivostok, with the Backfire and cruise missile issues deferred until SALT III.Both proposals were rejected by the Soviets as inconsistent with their understandings of the Vladivostok accord.In subsequent negotiations, the sides agreed on a general framework for SALT II which accommodated both the Soviet desire to retain the Vladivostok framework for an agreement, and the U.S. desire for more comprehensive limitations in SALT II.The agreement would consist of three parts:-- A Treaty which would be in force through 1985 based on the Vladivostok accord;-- A Protocol of about three-years duration which would cover certain issues such as cruise missile constraints, mobile ICBM limits, and qualitative constraints on ICBMs, while deferring further negotiations on these issues to SALT III;-- A Joint Statement of Principles which would be an agreed set of guidelines for future negotiations.Within this framework, negotiations to resolve the remaining differences continued on several levels. President Carter, Secretary Vance, and Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko met in Washington in September 1977. Further high-level meetings were held in Washington, Moscow, and Geneva during 1978 and 1979. In addition, the SALT delegations of the United States and Soviet Union in Geneva were in session nearly continuously following the 1974 Vladivostok meeting to work out agreed Treaty language on those issues where agreement in principle had been reached at the ministerial level.The completed SALT II agreement was signed by President Carter and General Secretary Brezhnev in Vienna on June 18, 1979. President Carter transmitted it to the Senate on June 22 for its advice and consent to ratification.On January 3, 1980, however, President Carter requested the Senate majority leader to delay consideration of the Treaty on the Senate floor in view of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Although the Treaty remained unratified, each Party was individually bound under the terms of international law to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of the Treaty, until it had made its intentions clear not to become a party to the Treaty.In 1980, President Carter announced the United States would comply with the provisions of the Treaty as long as the Soviet Union reciprocated. Brezhnev made a similar statement regarding Soviet intentions.In May 1982, President Reagan stated he would do nothing to undercut the SALT agreements as long as the Soviet Union showed equal restraint. The Soviet Union again agreed to abide by the unratified Treaty.Subsequently, in 1984 and 1985, President Reagan declared that the Soviet Union had violated its political commitment to observe the SALT II Treaty. President Reagan decided, however, that an interim framework of mutual restraint remained in the U.S. interest and, in June 1985, declared that the United States would continue to refrain from undercutting existing strategic arms agreements to the extent that the Soviet Union exercised comparable restraint and provided that the Soviet Union actively pursued arms reductions agreements in the Nuclear and Space Talks in Geneva.On May 26, 1986, President Reagan stated that he had reviewed again the status of U.S. interim restraint policy and that, as he had documented in three detailed reports to the Congress, the Soviet Union had not complied with its political commitment to observe the SALT agreements, including the SALT II Treaty, nor had the Soviet Union indicated its readiness to join in a framework of truly mutual restraint. He declared that, "Given this situation, ... in the future, the United States must base decisions regarding its strategic force structure on the nature and magnitude of the threat posed by Soviet strategic forces and not on standards contained in the SALT structure...." In his statement, President Reagan said that he did not anticipate any appreciable numerical growth in U.S. strategic offensive forces and that, assuming no significant change in the threat, the United States would not deploy more strategic nuclear delivery vehicles or strategic ballistic missile warheads than the Soviets. The United States would, in sum, "...continue to exercise the utmost restraint, while protecting strategic deterrence, in order to help foster the necessary atmosphere for significant reductions in the strategic arsenals of both sides." He again called upon the Soviet Union to join the United States " establishing an interim framework of truly mutual restraint."The SALT II Treaty would have provided for:-- an equal aggregate limit on the number of strategic nuclear delivery vehicles -- ICBM and SLBM launchers, heavy bombers, and air-to-surface ballistic missiles (ASBMs). Initially, this ceiling would have been 2,400 as agreed at Vladivostok. The ceiling would have been lowered to 2,250 at the end of 1981;-- an equal aggregate limit of 1,320 on the total number of launchers of MIRVed ballistic missiles and heavy bombers with long-range cruise missiles;-- an equal aggregate limit of 1,200 on the total number of launchers of MIRVed ballistic missiles; and-- an equal aggregate limit of 820 on launchers of MIRVed ICBMs.In addition to these numerical limits, the agreement would have included:-- a ban on construction of additional fixed ICBM launchers, and on increases in the number of fixed heavy ICBM launchers;-- a ban on heavy mobile ICBM launchers, and on launchers of heavy submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and air-to-surface ballistic missiles (ASBMs);-- a ban on flight-testing or deployment of new types of ICBMs, with an exception of one new type of light ICBM for each side;-- a ban on increasing the numbers of warheads on existing types of ICBMs, and a limit of 10 warheads on the one new type of ICBM permitted to each Party, a limit of 14 warheads on SLBMs, and 10 warheads on ASBMs. The number of long-range cruise missiles per heavy bomber would have been limited to an average of 28; and the number of long-range cruise missiles per heavy bomber of existing types would have been limited to 20;-- ceilings on the launch-weight and throw-weight of strategic ballistic missiles and a ban on the conversion of light ICBM launchers to launchers of heavy ICBMs;-- a ban on the Soviet SS-16 ICBM;-- a ban on rapid reload ICBM systems;-- a ban on certain new types of strategic offensive systems which were technologically feasible, but which had not yet been deployed. Such systems included long-range ballistic missiles on surface ships, and ballistic and cruise missile launchers on the seabeds;-- advance notification of certain ICBM test launches; and-- an agreed data base for systems included in various SALT-limited categories.The Treaty also included detailed definitions of limited systems, provisions to enhance verification, a ban on circumvention of the provisions of the agreement, and a provision outlining the duties of the SCC in connection with the SALT II Treaty. The duration of the Treaty was to have been through 1985.Verification of the SALT II Treaty would have been by national technical means (NTM) of verification, including photo-reconnaissance satellites. The sides had agreed not to interfere with each others national technical means of verification, and not to use deliberate concealment measures which would have impeded verification by NTM of compliance with the provisions of the agreement. Because specific characteristics of some SALT-limited systems become apparent during the testing phase, monitoring of testing programs was an important aspect of SALT verification. Such monitoring might have involved collection of electronic signals known as telemetry which are used during tests to transmit information about systems while they are being tested. Therefore, the sides had agreed not to engage in deliberate denial of telemetric information such as through the use of telemetry encryption whenever such denial would have impeded verification of compliance with the provisions of the Treaty.In addition to these provisions of the Treaty which directly addressed the question of verification, counting and distinguishability rules, as well as some constraints on specific systems, were incorporated into the agreement specifically for verification purposes.To facilitate verification of the MIRV limits, the sides agreed that once a missile had been tested with MIRVs, then all missiles of that type were to be considered to have been equipped with MIRVs, even if that missile type had also been tested with a non-MIRV payload. Additionally, the sides agreed that once a launcher contained or launched a MIRVed missile, then all launchers of that type would be considered to be launchers of MIRVed missiles and included in the 1,320 limit. Similar counting rules were adopted for cruise missiles and for heavy bombers.A constraint included for verification purposes was a ban on production, testing, and deployment of the Soviet SS-16 ICBM. The missile appeared to share a number of components with the Soviet SS-20, an intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM). As the Parties had agreed that land-based launchers of ballistic missiles which are not ICBMs should not be converted into launchers of ICBMs, the United States sought this ban on the SS-16 in order to prevent verification problems which might have arisen if the SS-16 program had gone forward, since in that case distinguishing between SS-16 and SS-20 deployments would have been very difficult.Pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding, the sides exchanged data on the numbers of weapons in SALT-limited categories, and agreed to maintain this agreed data base through regular updates at each session of the Standing Consultative Commission. Although the United States did not require (and did not rely upon) this data for verification purposes, maintenance of the agreed data base would have insured that both parties applied the provisions of the Treaty in a consistent manner.The protocol to the Treaty was to have remained in force until December 31, 1981. In the protocol the sides agreed to ban deployment of mobile ICBM launchers and flight-testing of ICBMs from such launchers. Development of such systems short of flight-testing would have been permitted. (After the protocol period, the Treaty specifically permitted the deployment of mobile ICBM launchers.)Additionally, the protocol banned deployment, but not testing, of cruise missiles capable of ranges in excess of 600 kilometers on ground- and sea-based launchers. (The protocol would not have limited deployment of such systems after its expiration in 1981.)Finally, the protocol included a ban on flight testing and deployment of ASBMs.The Joint Statement of Principles, the third element of the SALT II agreement, would have established a basic framework for the next stage of SALT negotiations, SALT III. The sides agreed on the following general goals to be achieved in the next round of talks:-- significant and substantial reductions in the number of strategic offensive arms; -- further qualitative limitations on strategic offensive arms; and -- resolution of the issues included in the protocol.The sides would also have considered other steps to enhance strategic stability, and either side could have brought up any other topic relevant to the limitation of strategic arms.The Joint Statement of Principles also established the principle that cooperative measures might be used to ensure adequate verification of a SALT III agreement, raising the possibility of thus going beyond reliance on national technical means of verification alone.
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Added 2 hours ago--- On Wed, 8/5/09, Ron Angell wrote:From: Ron AngellSubject: Fw: TO WORLD RELIGIOUS LEADERS - over 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE AND ABUSE CASESTo: "'FEED - Union of Concerned Scientists'" ,,,, "katherine friedli" , "Kathernine Friendi" , "ACLU Anthony D. Romero" , "ACLU-NJ" ,,, "John Allman" , "o ob" , "o ob" ,,,,, "Astrid" , "Karoline Astrid"Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 8:45 PM----- Forwarded Message ----From: mick harrisonTo:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; jelena.vukasinovic@icc-cpi.intSent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 9:09:55 PMSubject: TO WORLD RELIGIOUS LEADERS - over 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES6 August 2009TO WORLD RELIGIOUS LEADERSHere is the link to our over 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES FOR YOU TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE - OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESSome of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations – see OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESThere are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – citizens, combatants and leaders (‘suicide bombers’, coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally).YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE “A SELECTED WITNESS” to these are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN/STALINIST secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Religious Organisations, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal "scientific and medical" testing and experimentation as MKULTRA and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.We are still collecting CASE SUMMARIES from TARGETED INDIVIDUALS all over the world, and we have also advised them to send them to you – “THE SELECTED WITNESSES” - TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE so that :-A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.Later these records should become an information source - such as the INTERNATIONAL TRACING OFFICE set up to record the fates and whereabouts of Jews (and others?) after WW11. The information collected can then be used by the appropriate people for LEGAL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, HISTORICAL etc. records.As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these people and AUTHORITIES AND ORGANISATIONS the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range, quality and diversity of human thoughts, imaginations, senses, sensibilities, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent destruction of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.NOT TO MENTION THE NUTCASES PURSUING SUCH FRANKENSTEIN-SCIENCES AS THE TRANSGENIC, AND THE “BLENDING” OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL– EVEN AS RECORD BIODIVERSITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY DESTRUCTION IS DONE.It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers.We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill US.Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities.PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!!PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:-Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rightsJohn FinchMAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627EMAIL: , MCmailteam@gmail.comTARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONSOur (very, very partial) LIST OF VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:-the link to our OVER 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESTHE AMERICAS1. 13 VICTIMS FROM USA2. 3V3NG3LA3. ELIZABETH ADAMS4. AKU5. al236. NEAL ALCHALABI (NEAL CHAMBERS)7. ALETA8. GARY ALGAR9. CARLOS AMADOR10. TIM ANDERSON11. ANGELA12. ANGELICA13. RON ANGELL14. JUSTIN ANGIERS15. ANN16. ARIZONA - 6 VIGILANTE/ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT VICTIMS17. ANNYCE ARNTZEN18. RANDY ARRASMITH19. SUE ANNE ARRIGO MD FORMER SPECIAL OPERATIONS ADVISOR TO DIRECTORS OF CIA, FORMER INTELLIGENCE ADVISOR TO THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF IN 2003-2004, ASSIGNED A RANK OF A 2-STAR GENERAL.20. ARTHUR21. AARON AVALOS22. AZMAT (AKA NICK)23. DEVORAH BAKER24. LINDSAY G. BALDWIN25. VERNON WAYNE BALL26. KHMER BARANG27. BRENDA BARAQUIL28. A B29. KAY BARNES30. ERIC BARTLETT31. ERIC BAZAN32. DAVID ALAN BEACH33. MATT BEAL34. PAUL BEGGS35. SHERRY BELL36. MARILYN BERRY37. STACEY BERRY38. KATA BILLUPS39. BIOLOGICAL-ELECTRONIC EPIDEMY40. BARBARA BLACKBURN41. KAYLON BLACKBURN42. JOHN BRASWELL43. ALMA BRECKENRIDGE44. DAVID BRINSKO45. LAURIE BRODIE46. EMILIO BRUGUEROS47. BETH BUCHANAN48. MARC BURNELL49. KEVIN BURNOR50. ROBERT BUTLER51. ROBERT O. BUTNER52. CADEWCH53. CARLO CALANDRA54. KELLY CASLAR55. MILAGROS CEDANO56. RICHARD CENTENO57. DIANA MARIE CHAPMAN58. CHRIS – FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA59. LEE LYNN CHRISTIANSON60. CHRISTINA61. ROMY COCHRAN62. GREGORY COUSINS63. ACKSON COYET64. LESLIE L. CRAWFORD65. MARY CROCKETT66. MARY CROOK67. OPHNELL CUMBERBATCH68. VALERIE CUTLER69. D70. N D71. WANDA AND SARA DABLIN72. DAVID73. DEEPNDARK74. D DEERWOMAN75. ANDY DE LORENZO76. Raúl Luis DEL VALLE77. ROBERT ALAN DESROSIERS78. BETH DONAHUE79. ALLAN CARLOS DOS SANTOS80. DR PHIL81. GERRY DUFFETT82. DR ROBERT DUNCAN83. DONALD DUNLAP84. BOB G DUNLAP85. CINDY DYER86. DICK EASTMAN87. HELEN EDWARD88. TARGET ELEPHANT89. SAM EVANS90. DOUGLAS EVERMAN91. RAISA EYDELMAN92. MARY FAIR93. PAM FARNSWORTH94. SCOTT FITZGERALD95. DONALD FOSTER96. KEVIN FOWLER97. KATHLEENE SUSAN FRANCIS98. GEORGE FRANK & FAMILY99. DON FRIEDMAN100. FUTUREBUISNESS101. BILL GALLAGHER102. LYN GALLAGHER103. HERBERT GARTNER104. DARREN GELBARD105. GENA aka FREEDOM106. EDGAR G GILLHAM107. PAUL GOLDING-CLARK108. DAVIDA GOLDMAN109. FLORA GOLTSMAN110. RAFAEL GONZALEZ111. ERIC R GOODMAN112. MARY GOODWIN113. AARON GOODWIN114. GORDON115. JAMES HENRY GRAF116. ERIC GRIFFIN117. SHERI GRUTZ118. ERIC H119. MARGARET HABIB120. MIKAL HALEY121. DEB HALL AND SON122. DR JOHN HALL123. JIMMY HALLER124. JENNIFER HANNA125. JONATHAN C HANSEN126. MOLLY R. HARDIN & DEE HARDIN127. CHRISTINE LYNN HARRIS128. NAOMI HARRIS129. RONALD HAUCKE130. LEE HAWTHORNE131. KATHLEEN T. HECKMAN132. RAFAEL HERNANDEZ JR133. DORIS HICKS134. CHRIS HOLDEN135. DR. LYNNIE MARIE HOLM, M.A., Ph.D.136. SUSAN HONAKER & FAMILY137. ANGELA HOOD138. MOSTAFA HOSNY139. ROSARIO HOUSEHOLDER (MARA)140. MICHELLE HOWARD141. BRIDGET S. HOWE142. JULIE HOWELL143. HUGGLES144. JOHN HUGHES145. MARLENA HUGHES146. MARK IANNICELLI aka. Muhammad Iannicelli, aka MuhammadLi,147. INTERIQ148. “IQPRISONER”149. JACK150. PHILLIP JACKSON151. RICHARD DEAN JACOB152. JALBY153. JANIS154. JEANNIE155. JENNIFER156. JIM157. JILLYJOHNSON158. MARY JOHNSON159. JON160. GEORGE JONES161. MARK JONES162. STEVEN JONES163. VICTORIA JONES164. T. JOSEPHINE165. JUNE166. KEVIN JUNIOR167. KATHI168. THE KATS FAMILY169. JOE KEEGAN170. KEITH171. ARLENE KEITH172. TANYA KELLER173. KEVIN174. SHAFIQ KHAN175. KIM176. KIMBERLI177. PATRICIA A. KINSELLA178. NICHOLAS KIRKLAND179. THOMAS J. KLUEGEL180. LINDA KMIOTEK181. TREVOR KOKOTYLO182. KOMMY183. VICTORIA KUPHALL184. GALINA KURDINA185. JOHN GREGORY LAMBROS186. GARY N LANDRY187. EDGAR R. LAVERDE188. DONALD LEE aka the Shadowillowist, Geshe Roache Lee189. MARCIA LEE190. NADINE LEE191. JANET LEIH192. CASSANDRA LEWIS193. JENNIFER LICHY194. JOHN M LITO195. VICTOR LIVINGSTON196. STEPHEN LONG197. RAMONA LOPEZ198. RENE LOSADA199. ROGER R. LOWE200. C C M & FAMILY201. BARRY MADISON202. WAYNE MADSEN203. CHRISTINE MAGIOTTO204. SANDRA L MAIZLAND205. CECILIA MALLON206. WAYNE MANZO207. BRUNO MARCHESANI208. STEFANO MARESCOTTI209. JAMES F. MARINO210. JON MASON211. MICHAEL A MATLOFF212. A J MCKAY213. FRED McKENNA214. DARREN C MCMAHON215. BRIAN MCNATT216. JOHN MECCA & DEBBIE LAMB217. MICHELLE MELLEMA218. MEMORIALS OF 7 MIND CONTROL AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON VICTIMS219. LYNN MENDES220. JESUS MENDOZA221. BARRY MICHAEL222. NANCY MILLER223. MELODY MINEO224. FERNANDO ARAKAKI MIRANDA225. CINDY MITCHUM226. ABSHIR MOHAMED227. AMIR MOHAMADI228. M. ALEX MOLARO229. RICHARD MONGEON230. KATRIANA MONTEITH (SOLARIS BLUE RAVEN)231. DAN MONTGOMERY232. DANIEL L. MOORE233. KATHERINE MOORE234. DANIEL MORGAN AND FAMILY – LORNA, NICOLE, PATRICIA, CHRISTOPHER, DYLAN, AVERY235. ANGELA MORGAN236. CAROLYN MORIYAMA237. JANICE MORTON238. CINTHIA MARIANA MOSCOSO239. VICTOR N. MOTURI240. MASSIE MUNRO241. CHUCK MURPHY242. DENISE MYLES AND BROTHER243. T N244. KAMRAN NAQVI245. GLORIA NAYLOR246. BRYAN NAZAM247. CONNIE NEAL248. KERRI NEAL249. NEBRASKA - 6 YR TARGETED INDIVIDUAL250. DEBBIE N., FAMILY & FRIENDS251. N N252. RICHARD NOEN253. MAUREEN NORMAN254. TIMOTHY A. NORMAN255. L O256. CAROLYN PALIT257. TERRY PARKER JR. /AKA ROBERTSON258. PAMELA PARKER259. DELLY PELC260. ROBERTO PEREIRA261. WELLINGTON ANTONIO DONINELLI PEREIRA262. RICHARD PERLMAN263. CHRISTOPHER PHILLIP264. ARIEL FELICE PHILLIPS265. MARCIA PINHEIRO266. DENISE S. POMPL267. POW268. SKIZIT POWER269. TOM PRACINOS270. BYRON PRIOR & FAMILY271. ANDREA PSORAS272. MARY R273. NORMAN R RABIN274. ELLEN RACIOPPI-DAY275. KELLY RASMUSSEN276. DEAN RAY277. KELLY RAY278. REFLECT279. CHARLES REHN JNR IV280. RHONDA281. TIM RIFAT282. ROBERT283. ROBERT – 2284. CARLOS RODRIGUES285. HELEN ROEDRIG286. R. S. ROGERS287. MR AND MRS GARRY ROMANIK288. PAUL ROSE289. VICTORIA ROSE290. PETER ROSENHOLM291. JUSTICE RUIZ292. D S293. PIERRE SAMSON294. MELISSA SANDERSON295. LUCIA SANTOS & FAMILY296. JILL SAWYER297. SARAH SCHAEFFER298. STEFAN A. SCHOELLMANN299. DELISA SCHOOLER300. DOROTHY SCHULTZ301. BEVERLY A. SCHWEITZER302. BOB SDEWTELL303. SHELLY304. RYAN SHIELDS305. BBOY SKATE306. SLATEBREAKERS307. DAVID SMITH308. STEPHEN SMITH309. MIRIAM SNYDER310. DR CARLOS SOSA M.D.311. GERAL SOSBEE312. CARL SPERR313. ARCHIE STAFFORD314. STEPHEN315. STEPHEN316. MARIE STEVENS317. PAT STEWART318. CHRIS STUDIO & GIRLFRIEND319. KRISSI STULL320. ANNE SUCHARSKI321. ANDRZEJ SUDA322. SUE323. LYNN SURGALLA324. SUSPICIOUS DEATHS OF WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS WHO INVESTIGATED MINDCONTROL CRIMES/ MUERTES SOSPECHOSAS DE PERIODISTAS SOBRE CONTROL MENTAL325. ROBERT SWEGAN326. DOROTHY SZCZEPKOWSKI327. B T328. ADAM TAMBLE329. GRIMS TAROEEL330. LOLITA TAYLOR331. TERESA TAYLOR332. TEKMASTER333. MICHAEL TERRY334. MARSHALL THOMAS335. BETH TIOXIN336. TONY337. CHRISTOPHER LAMONT TRICE338. JOSHUA TRITT339. LYN TROXEL340. ANNA TSENTSIPER341. TORRANCE TURNER342. SAMEER USHER343. URI AKA DOCTOR NO.344. DON VALENTINE345. CHAD VANDERGRIFF346. DR CASSANDRA VAN NOSTRAND347. THÉRÈSE VERSAILLES348. RENA VETTLESON349. JAMES M. VIERLING JR.350. BAY RIDGE VIETNAM351. J L VITT352. MARY VIVIAN, MARLENE VIVIAN AND FLORENCE VIVIAN353. VON KIDD354. PETER K.VOSOUGH355. JAMES WALBERT & FAMILY356. TIMOTHY WAITE357. ROBERT WALKER358. FELICIA WARD359. MARK WATERHOUSE360. STEW WEBB361. LUCIAN WEBER362. DR ALFRED WEBRE363. MICHAEL WEGRZYN364. CLARE WEHRLE365. DOMINIE WELCH366. JOHN WELLS367. TERRY WENTZELL368. ELEANOR WHITE369. TIMOTHY WHITE370. GLENDA WHITEMAN371. ANN WILLIAMS372. STEVE WILSON373. ROBERT WOOD374. BRIAN WRONGE375. KAIS YACOUB376. GEORGE ZACHYSTAL377. IDA ZAMANSKAYA378. ANANDA ZAREN379. CHRIS ZUCKEREUROPE1. SHOMAN D. ADEH2. GABRIELE ALTENDORF3. HERBERT ALTENDORF4. JÜRGEN ALTENDORF5. BRIGITTE ALTHOF6. BABAK AMIREBRAHIMI7. VIVIANE, BEN AND RACHAEL ANAMUAH8. ANATOLIJ9. RUDY ANDRIA10. ANN11. DENNIS ARNOLD & YASMIN JEREMY12. NAMAN ASGHAR & FAMILY13. AZA14. MOJMIR BABACEK15. WALTRAUB BABL16. STEPHEN BAKER17. REZA BAYAT18. JENNIFER BERKEMEIER19. DENIZ BESIM20. JEAN-PAUL BOLEA21. BRIAN22. STEVEN CALVEY & PETER W MARTIN23. ALFREDO NIETO CENTENO24. ALJOSA CERNE25. “CHICKEN”26. MICHAEL CHMELIK27. JØRGEN CHRISTIANSEN28. CARL CLARK29. JOHN CLIFTOZ30. ANDREW COLE31. JEAN-NOEL CORDOLIANI32. DAVID COULSON33. KARLHEINZ CROISSANT34. STAN CUMANS35. DANIELA36. DARRIM & FAMILY37. MARIA PAULA ONOFRE DAS NEVES38. PETRIT DEMO39. BEN DEMPSEY40. NANS DESMICHELS41. KATHERINE DE SOUZA42. R. DIECKMANN43. FEJERVARY DOMINIK44. OVIDIU DONCIU45. PAOLO DORIGO46. DR LES DOVE47. LINDA DREW48. CAROL DUKE49. MARTIN EMMEN50. ESTEBAN51. DEVON FOWLER52. KATHERINE FRIEDLI53. AB FRIS54. ASTRID FUCHS55. SIGRUN GEBHARDT56. PRICOPI GELU57. ANI GEWALT58. RUTH GILL59. RAY GOEBEL60. OXANA GRUNWALD & FAMILY61. GUMIND62. GYBFEFE63. SIMON HAYES64. JOHAN HELLER65. PETER HELWIG66. STEIN E HENRIKSEN67. REGINALD HODGES68. TON HOOGEBOOM AND GERARD HOOGEBOOM69. AREND TER HORST70. HUGGLES71. MERV HUGHES72. CLIFF HUYLEBROECK73. JOANNA IATRIDOU74. INA75. LINDA JANE INCE76. MICHAEL IRVING77. ITALY - OVER 60 VICTIMS78. JULIAN JACKSON79. DOSSIER JOSEPHINE80. DANIELA K81. MAURICE KELLETT82. DEREK KINMOND83. BRIGITTE KLAUS84. J.KLAWATSCH85. MATTHIAS KLEIN86. JAN KREWINKEL87. IRMGARD KRONSBEIN-BELLCHAMBERS & FAMILY88. PETER KUTZA89. AUDRIUS KVILIUNAS90. SERGE LABRÈZE91. GAGIU IULIAN LAURENTIU92. PERNES LAURENTIU93. HENRY LICHTERFELDT94. LINDA95. FALLON LIPSCOMB96. BARTLOMIEJ LISTWAN97. FILIPPO LOMBARDO98. TATJANA LOTZ99. WALDEMAR LOTZ100. FERNANDO SANTAMARIA LOZANO101. FRANCES ANN LUFF102. A M103. MARIUS M104. WALTER MADLIGER105. JARKKO MAKKONEN106. MARA107. LUKE MARSH108. RAMON MARTINEZ109. CHRISTINE MARX110. BRIGITTE MATTE111. MATTERWAVE112. BERND MEERKAMP113. CATHERINE MILLS & FAMILY114. DARIUS MOCKUS115. VICTOR MONCHAMP116. THIERRY MOUTON117. JEAN MULLAN118. C N119. SARUNAS NEKRASIUS120. MAUREEN NORMAN121. IMELDA O' CONNOR122. DEBBIE PARTRIDGE123. LIDIA POPOVA124. NADIE PRIEUR125. DRAGINJA NATASHA PUSICH126. CAROL RAE127. WILLIAM RAE128. RANDOLPH129. REDMANN130. RICK131. KAREN RODDY132. RONALD133. FABRIZIO ROVEDI134. KLAUS RUDOLF135. JACQUELINE SALII136. RUUT SALO137. PAUL SAUNDERSON138. PAOLA SBRONZERI139. ROBERTO SCARUFFI140. SWETLANA SCHUNIN AND FAMILY – DIMITRI, SERGEY, DMITRI141. ANGELINA SCHWEYEN142. SIMON143. SIRBILLGATESJNR144. RICHARD SLUITER145. CAROL SMITH146. JAVIER RUIZ SOBRINO147. MONIKA SOKAL148. WALDTRAUT SRERNITZKE149. KIM STIRLING & FAMILY150. MONIKA STOCES151. REGINA STOLL152. SUSPICIOUS DEATHS OF WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS WHO INVESTIGATED MINDCONTROL CRIMES/ MUERTES SOSPECHOSAS DE PERIODISTAS SOBRE CONTROL MENTAL153. ROBERT SWEGAN154. TI29187155. MO TAHANI156. FRANCIS TAILOKA157. NATALIE TEULON158. TARA TILLY (THOMAS RITA)159. HELMUT TONDL160. SAHAR TORKY161. INGRID TREMEL162. UK163. UN JEUNE INGENIEUR164. EMILIA MARIA VAZ-MARCH165. JEAN VERSTRAETEN166. JACQUES VUILLOD167. TRACIE WALKER168. WATERFALL169. RANDOLF WEINAND170. SABINA WOHLWEND171. MAIRE WOLF172. CHRISTINA WYATT173. ZENBEL174. OVER 60 VICTIMS FROM ITALYCHINA & ASIA-PACIFIC1. AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE WHOLE WORLD BY OVER 50 CHINESE VICTIMS2. JOHN AIDMANN3. ah2006-cwy 天涯无处寻4. ALEX5. ahzsp26126. BAIBING (aka 2010lf)7. PAUL BAIRD8. 白云 BAIYUN0249. MR SHIJIE CAO10. CHAH00111. SHINE CHANG12. QIJIA CHENG13. CHINA – 62 VICTIMS14. DANIEL COLGAN15. CONNIE16. STEVE CROFT17. RAJ D18. HAI DANG19. DAVIS20. MARGARET DOWN21. DRAGANOVIC22. DEBORAH DUPRE23. JOHN FINCH & FAMILY & NEIGHBOURS24. FRANKY25. JAMES YUE GEE26. JOSEPH GIBSON27. MIYOKO GOTO28. TAKAHIRO GOTO29. LISA H30. KYUNG-GUK HA31. JOHN HANDLEY32. HARUKA33. hongzx34. ZHANG HUIMIN35. imary66061036. 来自 jiaodian902的自动回复37. JUNG, IL SUN38. jinyi69100139. THOMAS KOH40. TERUYUKI KURAHASHI41. GEORGE KWONG42. laofa9943. LEE44. JUDITH LESUE45. LI GUAN-PING46. WEI LI47. lijing689848. lilylinxin49. MIKEY LIU50. XIN LIU51. LUCIA52. SUZY M53. MR WENLONG MA ((IVAN)54. MABEL55. BETH MACLEAN56. LIZ MCCLELLAN57. DAVID LUKE MENDHAM58. MOKUREN59. PHIL MOON60. OSHANA161. KHANH DAC PHAM62. MOREEN PHILLIPS63. Pp64. pys62465. XIN ZHONG QING66. HAROLD B QUIBAN67. RAYMOND68. ANDREW ROBINSON69. MISS RUQUAN-GUO70. GARY D SIMMONS71. XIN WANG SHEN鏉ヨ嚜鐨勮嚜鍔ㄥ洖澶72. SOLEILMAVIS73. ELIZABETH ANNE SUTHERTON74. 鐜嬬嚂 tclwyy75. 3crobot76. 3V3NG3LA77. TONY TU78. WORARAT TUMMALUCKSAMEE79. LIZA VELUZ80. WWW2006BAILIU81. MISS XIAN-SUN (RINOA)82. SHENGLIN YI83. YINGLI84. “KELLY” TANG ZHAO85. 523062953@qq.comINDIA, THE MIDDLE-EAST & AFRICA1. F. A.2. NADA ABBAS3. ANNE4. DEB CHAKRABORTY5. RAJ D6. AHMAD FANI7. ABDURAHMAN HUSSIEN MOHAMED ISLAAM8. DEEPTHI JOHN9. RAHUL S JOSHI10. SIMRAN SINGH JUNEJA11. SHAFIQ KHAN12. SHIJU KRISHNA13. SURESH S. KUMAR14. TERUYUKI KURAHASHI15. MAHESHKUMAR16. PATRICIA MILLER17. OM_NAMASHIVA18. OTILLIA19. PARIKSHIT PATHAK20. DR FEISAL SALIMRUSSIA, UKRAINE & BELARUS1. AGAFFONOV Pavel2. ALBERT (девятин сергей)3. ALEKSEYEV Igor Georgievich4. ALEVTINA Pawlowna Gudzenko5. BASHKOVSKIY Vladimir6. BELARUS – OVER 14 CASES7. BOLOTSKIY Sergey8. BORODIENKO Vladimir9. NATALIA BYCHKOVA10. DANILOV Victor Yegorovich11. DOMOJIROVA Tatyana Kondratyevna & Family12. DRUZHININA Irina Vladimirovna & Family13. EREMIN Andrey14. ERMAKOV Vladimir Petrovich15. EVGENIA FILIPPOVA16. FROLOV Sergey Timofejevich & Family17. GALANIN Vitaly Ivanovich18. JUNOSHEVA Valentine19. KANDYBIN Edward Nikolayevich20. KATSERIKOVA Galina Ivanovna & Family21. KOCHETOVA Natalia Ivanovna22. KONDRATOVA Svetlana Vasilyevna & Family23. KOPYLOVA Liliy24. KOSTROVA Liy25. KOZLOV Valentin Alekseyevich & Family26. LEVINA Anna Petrovna27. PAVLOVSKY Grigoriy Fedorovich28. PETUKHOV Vitaly29. PETUKHOVA Alla Yakovlevna & Family30. PRODIUS Gennady31. PROHANOV Jury32. PROHANOVA Margarita33. REDKINA Swetlana34. ROMANENKO Galina35. ROZANCHUK Margarita Ivanovna & Family36. RYBIN Pyotr Lukich , RYBINA Alexandra Filippovna & Family37. SAMSONOV Nick38. SEREBRYAKOVA Ljubov39. SOSHINA NÁdÅjidÁ40. DMITRY SUCHKOV41. TORIN Sergei42. TRETIAKOVA Tamara Vitalievna, son Mikhail & Family43. VLADIMIR44. VORONTSOV Vladimir Borisovich45. VORONTSOVA Swetlana46. ZYBINA Nadejida PyotrovnaWE ARE BEING COOPTED AND FORCED AND TRICKED INTO AN ORWELLIAN FUNCTIONALIST TOTALITARIANISM – EVERYWHERE ON EARTH! - as almost all public discourses including ‘scientific’, ‘academic’ and ‘arts and culture’, and as much as 80% of ‘international news’, ‘events’ and ‘history’, have been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, pseudo-sciences and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.Regarding these NWO Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, Secret Weapons, Destruction of Democratic Institutions and Standards, Total Degradation of Media and Public Discourses, Total Degradation and Disenfranchisement of Civil Society and Institutions there is a complete ORWELLIAN/STALINIST PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INQUIRY BLACKOUT.It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range, quality and diversity of human thoughts, imaginations, senses, sensibilities, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent “Fahrenheit 451-ing” of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS - THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE, ACCOUNTABILITY, REVIEW AND REGULATION.NOT TO MENTION THE NUTCASES PURSUING SUCH FRANKENSTEIN-SCIENCES AS THE TRANSGENIC, AND THE “BLENDING” OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL– EVEN AS RECORD BIODIVERSITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY DESTRUCTION IS DONE.PLEASE WITNESS AND RECORD AND OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE CRIMES, AND ASSIST US URGENTLY!!
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From: Fred NietzTo:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; webmail@clinton-iq.senate.govCc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; webmaster@cfr.orgSent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 9:15:39 PMSubject: TO THE LEADERS OF THE USA - over 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES6 August 2009TO THE LEADERS OF THE USAHere is the link to our over 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES FOR YOU TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE - OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESSome of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations – see OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESThere are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – citizens, combatants and leaders (‘suicide bombers’, coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally).YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE “A SELECTED WITNESS” to these are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN/STALINIST secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Religious Organisations, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal "scientific and medical" testing and experimentation as MKULTRA and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.We are still collecting CASE SUMMARIES from TARGETED INDIVIDUALS all over the world, and we have also advised them to send them to you – “THE SELECTED WITNESSES” - TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE so that :-A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.Later these records should become an information source - such as the INTERNATIONAL TRACING OFFICE set up to record the fates and whereabouts of Jews (and others?) after WW11. The information collected can then be used by the appropriate people for LEGAL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, HISTORICAL etc. records.As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these people and AUTHORITIES AND ORGANISATIONS the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range, quality and diversity of human thoughts, imaginations, senses, sensibilities, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent destruction of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.NOT TO MENTION THE NUTCASES PURSUING SUCH FRANKENSTEIN-SCIENCES AS THE TRANSGENIC, AND THE “BLENDING” OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL– EVEN AS RECORD BIODIVERSITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY DESTRUCTION IS DONE.It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers.We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill US.Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities.PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!!PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:-Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rightsJohn FinchMAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627EMAIL: , MCmailteam@gmail.comTARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONSOur (very, very partial) LIST OF VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:-the link to our OVER 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESTHE AMERICAS1. 13 VICTIMS FROM USA2. 3V3NG3LA3. ELIZABETH ADAMS4. AKU5. al236. NEAL ALCHALABI (NEAL CHAMBERS)7. ALETA8. GARY ALGAR9. CARLOS AMADOR10. TIM ANDERSON11. ANGELA12. ANGELICA13. RON ANGELL14. JUSTIN ANGIERS15. ANN16. ARIZONA - 6 VIGILANTE/ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT VICTIMS17. ANNYCE ARNTZEN18. RANDY ARRASMITH19. SUE ANNE ARRIGO MD FORMER SPECIAL OPERATIONS ADVISOR TO DIRECTORS OF CIA, FORMER INTELLIGENCE ADVISOR TO THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF IN 2003-2004, ASSIGNED A RANK OF A 2-STAR GENERAL.20. ARTHUR21. AARON AVALOS22. AZMAT (AKA NICK)23. DEVORAH BAKER24. LINDSAY G. BALDWIN25. VERNON WAYNE BALL26. KHMER BARANG27. BRENDA BARAQUIL28. A B29. KAY BARNES30. ERIC BARTLETT31. ERIC BAZAN32. DAVID ALAN BEACH33. MATT BEAL34. PAUL BEGGS35. SHERRY BELL36. MARILYN BERRY37. STACEY BERRY38. KATA BILLUPS39. BIOLOGICAL-ELECTRONIC EPIDEMY40. BARBARA BLACKBURN41. KAYLON BLACKBURN42. JOHN BRASWELL43. ALMA BRECKENRIDGE44. DAVID BRINSKO45. LAURIE BRODIE46. EMILIO BRUGUEROS47. BETH BUCHANAN48. MARC BURNELL49. KEVIN BURNOR50. ROBERT BUTLER51. ROBERT O. BUTNER52. CADEWCH53. CARLO CALANDRA54. KELLY CASLAR55. MILAGROS CEDANO56. RICHARD CENTENO57. DIANA MARIE CHAPMAN58. CHRIS – FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA59. LEE LYNN CHRISTIANSON60. CHRISTINA61. ROMY COCHRAN62. GREGORY COUSINS63. ACKSON COYET64. LESLIE L. CRAWFORD65. MARY CROCKETT66. MARY CROOK67. OPHNELL CUMBERBATCH68. VALERIE CUTLER69. D70. N D71. WANDA AND SARA DABLIN72. DAVID73. DEEPNDARK74. D DEERWOMAN75. ANDY DE LORENZO76. Raúl Luis DEL VALLE77. ROBERT ALAN DESROSIERS78. BETH DONAHUE79. ALLAN CARLOS DOS SANTOS80. DR PHIL81. GERRY DUFFETT82. DR ROBERT DUNCAN83. DONALD DUNLAP84. BOB G DUNLAP85. CINDY DYER86. DICK EASTMAN87. HELEN EDWARD88. TARGET ELEPHANT89. SAM EVANS90. DOUGLAS EVERMAN91. RAISA EYDELMAN92. MARY FAIR93. PAM FARNSWORTH94. SCOTT FITZGERALD95. DONALD FOSTER96. KEVIN FOWLER97. KATHLEENE SUSAN FRANCIS98. GEORGE FRANK & FAMILY99. DON FRIEDMAN100. FUTUREBUISNESS101. BILL GALLAGHER102. LYN GALLAGHER103. HERBERT GARTNER104. DARREN GELBARD105. GENA aka FREEDOM106. EDGAR G GILLHAM107. PAUL GOLDING-CLARK108. DAVIDA GOLDMAN109. FLORA GOLTSMAN110. RAFAEL GONZALEZ111. ERIC R GOODMAN112. MARY GOODWIN113. AARON GOODWIN114. GORDON115. JAMES HENRY GRAF116. ERIC GRIFFIN117. SHERI GRUTZ118. ERIC H119. MARGARET HABIB120. MIKAL HALEY121. DEB HALL AND SON122. DR JOHN HALL123. JIMMY HALLER124. JENNIFER HANNA125. JONATHAN C HANSEN126. MOLLY R. HARDIN & DEE HARDIN127. CHRISTINE LYNN HARRIS128. NAOMI HARRIS129. RONALD HAUCKE130. LEE HAWTHORNE131. KATHLEEN T. HECKMAN132. RAFAEL HERNANDEZ JR133. DORIS HICKS134. CHRIS HOLDEN135. DR. LYNNIE MARIE HOLM, M.A., Ph.D.136. SUSAN HONAKER & FAMILY137. ANGELA HOOD138. MOSTAFA HOSNY139. ROSARIO HOUSEHOLDER (MARA)140. MICHELLE HOWARD141. BRIDGET S. HOWE142. JULIE HOWELL143. HUGGLES144. JOHN HUGHES145. MARLENA HUGHES146. MARK IANNICELLI aka. Muhammad Iannicelli, aka MuhammadLi,147. INTERIQ148. “IQPRISONER”149. JACK150. PHILLIP JACKSON151. RICHARD DEAN JACOB152. JALBY153. JANIS154. JEANNIE155. JENNIFER156. JIM157. JILLYJOHNSON158. MARY JOHNSON159. JON160. GEORGE JONES161. MARK JONES162. STEVEN JONES163. VICTORIA JONES164. T. JOSEPHINE165. JUNE166. KEVIN JUNIOR167. KATHI168. THE KATS FAMILY169. JOE KEEGAN170. KEITH171. ARLENE KEITH172. TANYA KELLER173. KEVIN174. SHAFIQ KHAN175. KIM176. KIMBERLI177. PATRICIA A. KINSELLA178. NICHOLAS KIRKLAND179. THOMAS J. KLUEGEL180. LINDA KMIOTEK181. TREVOR KOKOTYLO182. KOMMY183. VICTORIA KUPHALL184. GALINA KURDINA185. JOHN GREGORY LAMBROS186. GARY N LANDRY187. EDGAR R. LAVERDE188. DONALD LEE aka the Shadowillowist, Geshe Roache Lee189. MARCIA LEE190. NADINE LEE191. JANET LEIH192. CASSANDRA LEWIS193. JENNIFER LICHY194. JOHN M LITO195. VICTOR LIVINGSTON196. STEPHEN LONG197. RAMONA LOPEZ198. RENE LOSADA199. ROGER R. LOWE200. C C M & FAMILY201. BARRY MADISON202. WAYNE MADSEN203. CHRISTINE MAGIOTTO204. SANDRA L MAIZLAND205. CECILIA MALLON206. WAYNE MANZO207. BRUNO MARCHESANI208. STEFANO MARESCOTTI209. JAMES F. MARINO210. JON MASON211. MICHAEL A MATLOFF212. A J MCKAY213. FRED McKENNA214. DARREN C MCMAHON215. BRIAN MCNATT216. JOHN MECCA & DEBBIE LAMB217. MICHELLE MELLEMA218. MEMORIALS OF 7 MIND CONTROL AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON VICTIMS219. LYNN MENDES220. JESUS MENDOZA221. BARRY MICHAEL222. NANCY MILLER223. MELODY MINEO224. FERNANDO ARAKAKI MIRANDA225. CINDY MITCHUM226. ABSHIR MOHAMED227. AMIR MOHAMADI228. M. ALEX MOLARO229. RICHARD MONGEON230. KATRIANA MONTEITH (SOLARIS BLUE RAVEN)231. DAN MONTGOMERY232. DANIEL L. MOORE233. KATHERINE MOORE234. DANIEL MORGAN AND FAMILY – LORNA, NICOLE, PATRICIA, CHRISTOPHER, DYLAN, AVERY235. ANGELA MORGAN236. CAROLYN MORIYAMA237. JANICE MORTON238. CINTHIA MARIANA MOSCOSO239. VICTOR N. MOTURI240. MASSIE MUNRO241. CHUCK MURPHY242. DENISE MYLES AND BROTHER243. T N244. KAMRAN NAQVI245. GLORIA NAYLOR246. BRYAN NAZAM247. CONNIE NEAL248. KERRI NEAL249. NEBRASKA - 6 YR TARGETED INDIVIDUAL250. DEBBIE N., FAMILY & FRIENDS251. N N252. RICHARD NOEN253. MAUREEN NORMAN254. TIMOTHY A. NORMAN255. L O256. CAROLYN PALIT257. TERRY PARKER JR. /AKA ROBERTSON258. PAMELA PARKER259. DELLY PELC260. ROBERTO PEREIRA261. WELLINGTON ANTONIO DONINELLI PEREIRA262. RICHARD PERLMAN263. CHRISTOPHER PHILLIP264. ARIEL FELICE PHILLIPS265. MARCIA PINHEIRO266. DENISE S. POMPL267. POW268. SKIZIT POWER269. TOM PRACINOS270. BYRON PRIOR & FAMILY271. ANDREA PSORAS272. MARY R273. NORMAN R RABIN274. ELLEN RACIOPPI-DAY275. KELLY RASMUSSEN276. DEAN RAY277. KELLY RAY278. REFLECT279. CHARLES REHN JNR IV280. RHONDA281. TIM RIFAT282. ROBERT283. ROBERT – 2284. CARLOS RODRIGUES285. HELEN ROEDRIG286. R. S. ROGERS287. MR AND MRS GARRY ROMANIK288. PAUL ROSE289. VICTORIA ROSE290. PETER ROSENHOLM291. JUSTICE RUIZ292. D S293. PIERRE SAMSON294. MELISSA SANDERSON295. LUCIA SANTOS & FAMILY296. JILL SAWYER297. SARAH SCHAEFFER298. STEFAN A. SCHOELLMANN299. DELISA SCHOOLER300. DOROTHY SCHULTZ301. BEVERLY A. SCHWEITZER302. BOB SDEWTELL303. SHELLY304. RYAN SHIELDS305. BBOY SKATE306. SLATEBREAKERS307. DAVID SMITH308. STEPHEN SMITH309. MIRIAM SNYDER310. DR CARLOS SOSA M.D.311. GERAL SOSBEE312. CARL SPERR313. ARCHIE STAFFORD314. STEPHEN315. STEPHEN316. MARIE STEVENS317. PAT STEWART318. CHRIS STUDIO & GIRLFRIEND319. KRISSI STULL320. ANNE SUCHARSKI321. ANDRZEJ SUDA322. SUE323. LYNN SURGALLA324. SUSPICIOUS DEATHS OF WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS WHO INVESTIGATED MINDCONTROL CRIMES/ MUERTES SOSPECHOSAS DE PERIODISTAS SOBRE CONTROL MENTAL325. ROBERT SWEGAN326. DOROTHY SZCZEPKOWSKI327. B T328. ADAM TAMBLE329. GRIMS TAROEEL330. LOLITA TAYLOR331. TERESA TAYLOR332. TEKMASTER333. MICHAEL TERRY334. MARSHALL THOMAS335. BETH TIOXIN336. TONY337. CHRISTOPHER LAMONT TRICE338. JOSHUA TRITT339. LYN TROXEL340. ANNA TSENTSIPER341. TORRANCE TURNER342. SAMEER USHER343. URI AKA DOCTOR NO.344. DON VALENTINE345. CHAD VANDERGRIFF346. DR CASSANDRA VAN NOSTRAND347. THÉRÈSE VERSAILLES348. RENA VETTLESON349. JAMES M. VIERLING JR.350. BAY RIDGE VIETNAM351. J L VITT352. MARY VIVIAN, MARLENE VIVIAN AND FLORENCE VIVIAN353. VON KIDD354. PETER K.VOSOUGH355. JAMES WALBERT & FAMILY356. TIMOTHY WAITE357. ROBERT WALKER358. FELICIA WARD359. MARK WATERHOUSE360. STEW WEBB361. LUCIAN WEBER362. DR ALFRED WEBRE363. MICHAEL WEGRZYN364. CLARE WEHRLE365. DOMINIE WELCH366. JOHN WELLS367. TERRY WENTZELL368. ELEANOR WHITE369. TIMOTHY WHITE370. GLENDA WHITEMAN371. ANN WILLIAMS372. STEVE WILSON373. ROBERT WOOD374. BRIAN WRONGE375. KAIS YACOUB376. GEORGE ZACHYSTAL377. IDA ZAMANSKAYA378. ANANDA ZAREN379. CHRIS ZUCKEREUROPE1. SHOMAN D. ADEH2. GABRIELE ALTENDORF3. HERBERT ALTENDORF4. JÜRGEN ALTENDORF5. BRIGITTE ALTHOF6. BABAK AMIREBRAHIMI7. VIVIANE, BEN AND RACHAEL ANAMUAH8. ANATOLIJ9. RUDY ANDRIA10. ANN11. DENNIS ARNOLD & YASMIN JEREMY12. NAMAN ASGHAR & FAMILY13. AZA14. MOJMIR BABACEK15. WALTRAUB BABL16. STEPHEN BAKER17. REZA BAYAT18. JENNIFER BERKEMEIER19. DENIZ BESIM20. JEAN-PAUL BOLEA21. BRIAN22. STEVEN CALVEY & PETER W MARTIN23. ALFREDO NIETO CENTENO24. ALJOSA CERNE25. “CHICKEN”26. MICHAEL CHMELIK27. JØRGEN CHRISTIANSEN28. CARL CLARK29. JOHN CLIFTOZ30. ANDREW COLE31. JEAN-NOEL CORDOLIANI32. DAVID COULSON33. KARLHEINZ CROISSANT34. STAN CUMANS35. DANIELA36. DARRIM & FAMILY37. MARIA PAULA ONOFRE DAS NEVES38. PETRIT DEMO39. BEN DEMPSEY40. NANS DESMICHELS41. KATHERINE DE SOUZA42. R. DIECKMANN43. FEJERVARY DOMINIK44. OVIDIU DONCIU45. PAOLO DORIGO46. DR LES DOVE47. LINDA DREW48. CAROL DUKE49. MARTIN EMMEN50. ESTEBAN51. DEVON FOWLER52. KATHERINE FRIEDLI53. AB FRIS54. ASTRID FUCHS55. SIGRUN GEBHARDT56. PRICOPI GELU57. ANI GEWALT58. RUTH GILL59. RAY GOEBEL60. OXANA GRUNWALD & FAMILY61. GUMIND62. GYBFEFE63. SIMON HAYES64. JOHAN HELLER65. PETER HELWIG66. STEIN E HENRIKSEN67. REGINALD HODGES68. TON HOOGEBOOM AND GERARD HOOGEBOOM69. AREND TER HORST70. HUGGLES71. MERV HUGHES72. CLIFF HUYLEBROECK73. JOANNA IATRIDOU74. INA75. LINDA JANE INCE76. MICHAEL IRVING77. ITALY - OVER 60 VICTIMS78. JULIAN JACKSON79. DOSSIER JOSEPHINE80. DANIELA K81. MAURICE KELLETT82. DEREK KINMOND83. BRIGITTE KLAUS84. J.KLAWATSCH85. MATTHIAS KLEIN86. JAN KREWINKEL87. IRMGARD KRONSBEIN-BELLCHAMBERS & FAMILY88. PETER KUTZA89. AUDRIUS KVILIUNAS90. SERGE LABRÈZE91. GAGIU IULIAN LAURENTIU92. PERNES LAURENTIU93. HENRY LICHTERFELDT94. LINDA95. FALLON LIPSCOMB96. BARTLOMIEJ LISTWAN97. FILIPPO LOMBARDO98. TATJANA LOTZ99. WALDEMAR LOTZ100. FERNANDO SANTAMARIA LOZANO101. FRANCES ANN LUFF102. A M103. MARIUS M104. WALTER MADLIGER105. JARKKO MAKKONEN106. MARA107. LUKE MARSH108. RAMON MARTINEZ109. CHRISTINE MARX110. BRIGITTE MATTE111. MATTERWAVE112. BERND MEERKAMP113. CATHERINE MILLS & FAMILY114. DARIUS MOCKUS115. VICTOR MONCHAMP116. THIERRY MOUTON117. JEAN MULLAN118. C N119. SARUNAS NEKRASIUS120. MAUREEN NORMAN121. IMELDA O' CONNOR122. DEBBIE PARTRIDGE123. LIDIA POPOVA124. NADIE PRIEUR125. DRAGINJA NATASHA PUSICH126. CAROL RAE127. WILLIAM RAE128. RANDOLPH129. REDMANN130. RICK131. KAREN RODDY132. RONALD133. FABRIZIO ROVEDI134. KLAUS RUDOLF135. JACQUELINE SALII136. RUUT SALO137. PAUL SAUNDERSON138. PAOLA SBRONZERI139. ROBERTO SCARUFFI140. SWETLANA SCHUNIN AND FAMILY – DIMITRI, SERGEY, DMITRI141. ANGELINA SCHWEYEN142. SIMON143. SIRBILLGATESJNR144. RICHARD SLUITER145. CAROL SMITH146. JAVIER RUIZ SOBRINO147. MONIKA SOKAL148. WALDTRAUT SRERNITZKE149. KIM STIRLING & FAMILY150. MONIKA STOCES151. REGINA STOLL152. SUSPICIOUS DEATHS OF WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS WHO INVESTIGATED MINDCONTROL CRIMES/ MUERTES SOSPECHOSAS DE PERIODISTAS SOBRE CONTROL MENTAL153. ROBERT SWEGAN154. TI29187155. MO TAHANI156. FRANCIS TAILOKA157. NATALIE TEULON158. TARA TILLY (THOMAS RITA)159. HELMUT TONDL160. SAHAR TORKY161. INGRID TREMEL162. UK163. UN JEUNE INGENIEUR164. EMILIA MARIA VAZ-MARCH165. JEAN VERSTRAETEN166. JACQUES VUILLOD167. TRACIE WALKER168. WATERFALL169. RANDOLF WEINAND170. SABINA WOHLWEND171. MAIRE WOLF172. CHRISTINA WYATT173. ZENBEL174. OVER 60 VICTIMS FROM ITALYCHINA & ASIA-PACIFIC1. AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE WHOLE WORLD BY OVER 50 CHINESE VICTIMS2. JOHN AIDMANN3. ah2006-cwy 天涯无处寻4. ALEX5. ahzsp26126. BAIBING (aka 2010lf)7. PAUL BAIRD8. 白云 BAIYUN0249. MR SHIJIE CAO10. CHAH00111. SHINE CHANG12. QIJIA CHENG13. CHINA – 62 VICTIMS14. DANIEL COLGAN15. CONNIE16. STEVE CROFT17. RAJ D18. HAI DANG19. DAVIS20. MARGARET DOWN21. DRAGANOVIC22. DEBORAH DUPRE23. JOHN FINCH & FAMILY & NEIGHBOURS24. FRANKY25. JAMES YUE GEE26. JOSEPH GIBSON27. MIYOKO GOTO28. TAKAHIRO GOTO29. LISA H30. KYUNG-GUK HA31. JOHN HANDLEY32. HARUKA33. hongzx34. ZHANG HUIMIN35. imary66061036. 来自 jiaodian902的自动回复37. JUNG, IL SUN38. jinyi69100139. THOMAS KOH40. TERUYUKI KURAHASHI41. GEORGE KWONG42. laofa9943. LEE44. JUDITH LESUE45. LI GUAN-PING46. WEI LI47. lijing689848. lilylinxin49. MIKEY LIU50. XIN LIU51. LUCIA52. SUZY M53. MR WENLONG MA ((IVAN)54. MABEL55. BETH MACLEAN56. LIZ MCCLELLAN57. DAVID LUKE MENDHAM58. MOKUREN59. PHIL MOON60. OSHANA161. KHANH DAC PHAM62. MOREEN PHILLIPS63. Pp64. pys62465. XIN ZHONG QING66. HAROLD B QUIBAN67. RAYMOND68. ANDREW ROBINSON69. MISS RUQUAN-GUO70. GARY D SIMMONS71. XIN WANG SHEN鏉ヨ嚜鐨勮嚜鍔ㄥ洖澶72. SOLEILMAVIS73. ELIZABETH ANNE SUTHERTON74. 鐜嬬嚂 tclwyy75. 3crobot76. 3V3NG3LA77. TONY TU78. WORARAT TUMMALUCKSAMEE79. LIZA VELUZ80. WWW2006BAILIU81. MISS XIAN-SUN (RINOA)82. SHENGLIN YI83. YINGLI84. “KELLY” TANG ZHAO85. 523062953@qq.comINDIA, THE MIDDLE-EAST & AFRICA1. F. A.2. NADA ABBAS3. ANNE4. DEB CHAKRABORTY5. RAJ D6. AHMAD FANI7. ABDURAHMAN HUSSIEN MOHAMED ISLAAM8. DEEPTHI JOHN9. RAHUL S JOSHI10. SIMRAN SINGH JUNEJA11. SHAFIQ KHAN12. SHIJU KRISHNA13. SURESH S. KUMAR14. TERUYUKI KURAHASHI15. MAHESHKUMAR16. PATRICIA MILLER17. OM_NAMASHIVA18. OTILLIA19. PARIKSHIT PATHAK20. DR FEISAL SALIMRUSSIA, UKRAINE & BELARUS1. AGAFFONOV Pavel2. ALBERT (девятин сергей)3. ALEKSEYEV Igor Georgievich4. ALEVTINA Pawlowna Gudzenko5. BASHKOVSKIY Vladimir6. BELARUS – OVER 14 CASES7. BOLOTSKIY Sergey8. BORODIENKO Vladimir9. NATALIA BYCHKOVA10. DANILOV Victor Yegorovich11. DOMOJIROVA Tatyana Kondratyevna & Family12. DRUZHININA Irina Vladimirovna & Family13. EREMIN Andrey14. ERMAKOV Vladimir Petrovich15. EVGENIA FILIPPOVA16. FROLOV Sergey Timofejevich & Family17. GALANIN Vitaly Ivanovich18. JUNOSHEVA Valentine19. KANDYBIN Edward Nikolayevich20. KATSERIKOVA Galina Ivanovna & Family21. KOCHETOVA Natalia Ivanovna22. KONDRATOVA Svetlana Vasilyevna & Family23. KOPYLOVA Liliy24. KOSTROVA Liy25. KOZLOV Valentin Alekseyevich & Family26. LEVINA Anna Petrovna27. PAVLOVSKY Grigoriy Fedorovich28. PETUKHOV Vitaly29. PETUKHOVA Alla Yakovlevna & Family30. PRODIUS Gennady31. PROHANOV Jury32. PROHANOVA Margarita33. REDKINA Swetlana34. ROMANENKO Galina35. ROZANCHUK Margarita Ivanovna & Family36. RYBIN Pyotr Lukich , RYBINA Alexandra Filippovna & Family37. SAMSONOV Nick38. SEREBRYAKOVA Ljubov39. SOSHINA NÁdÅjidÁ40. DMITRY SUCHKOV41. TORIN Sergei42. TRETIAKOVA Tamara Vitalievna, son Mikhail & Family43. VLADIMIR44. VORONTSOV Vladimir Borisovich45. VORONTSOVA Swetlana46. ZYBINA Nadejida PyotrovnaWE ARE BEING COOPTED AND FORCED AND TRICKED INTO AN ORWELLIAN FUNCTIONALIST TOTALITARIANISM – EVERYWHERE ON EARTH! - as almost all public discourses including ‘scientific’, ‘academic’ and ‘arts and culture’, and as much as 80% of ‘international news’, ‘events’ and ‘history’, have been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, pseudo-sciences and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.Regarding these NWO Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, Secret Weapons, Destruction of Democratic Institutions and Standards, Total Degradation of Media and Public Discourses, Total Degradation and Disenfranchisement of Civil Society and Institutions there is a complete ORWELLIAN/STALINIST PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INQUIRY BLACKOUT.It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range, quality and diversity of human thoughts, imaginations, senses, sensibilities, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent “Fahrenheit 451-ing” of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS - THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE, ACCOUNTABILITY, REVIEW AND REGULATION.NOT TO MENTION THE NUTCASES PURSUING SUCH FRANKENSTEIN-SCIENCES AS THE TRANSGENIC, AND THE “BLENDING” OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL– EVEN AS RECORD BIODIVERSITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY DESTRUCTION IS DONE.PLEASE WITNESS AND RECORD AND OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE CRIMES, AND ASSIST US URGENTLY!!
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