
A previous blog of mine reminded you of a commandment from GOD, in Revelation, 13 v18, that was:

Here is wisdom, let he who is with knowledge calculate or count the number of the beast, for it is the name of a man, and his name is six hundred, three score, and six ......

First of all you need a King James Bib!s as ear!y a copy that you can get, the reason is that this Bible is a faithful translation from the original Hebrew texts, Old Testament & Greek Texts which the New testament was written in.  These will also be useful for other analytical endeavours with these Holy Texts.  You will also need a early English Dictionary as words and meanings change over the years.

The next thing is via observation, you will notice that in every Bible that numbers are words not figures this pertains to the Hebrew & Greek Bibles, this is because at the time of writing numbers were not invented,these were invented in India approximately 400AD.  As revelation is in the New Testament you must therefore refer to Greek Bible New Testament in Greek, The accepted explanation for 666 is The Antichrist so you are looking in the Greek New Testament for a word that adds up to 666, the Greek alphabet can be attributed to numbers,and erroneously considered to be one man.  You must therefore consider the word Anti - Christ these days Anti means opposite eg: good & evil, but it never used to mean this ..... when you find the word and there is only one which I shall spell out for you, 

Pi Alpha Rho Alpha Delta Omicron Sigma Iota Upsilon Sigma, (paradosius) that's the name of the beast.  What does this mean?  Tradition or Instead of, that is it.

Consider this answer as there is more than one who may be considered instead of and even amongst those in positions of influence within the Church.  They are everywhere.  Tradition can overide the commandments as well, consider the reason why the bag of silver was paid and the trials Christ had shortly before His crucifiction.

Best wishes stay safe 


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