Please leave your advices by "reply to this discussion"
Message from Lim C
"Peacepink acknowledge the fact of possible I'll intent information sharing here due to it's objective & open policy of helping victims of MC experimentation openly on the Internet with free information flow. Secondly, due to high tech and highly secretive nature of MC experiments, efforts are in place where managers would try their level best to screen all postings on site without sacrificing it's objective in mustering valuable info."
Message from Annie Svensson
Now I will write something that probable will upset some of you. But, this community is important in making progress for recognizion and belief in both media and among people that are not victims.
I send posts to newspaper and so on, and then advise them to go in to this community and have a look for them self, that so many worlwide are victims of this horror. Still, there are a lot of posts here that do not have anything to do at all with mind control and electronic harassments.
If we are gonna be heard and taken seriously, it is important to only put in posts that are serious and are not rubbish. Otherwise we will be suspected to be really "crazy" and that is the least thing we need right now.
So pls everebody, if you have something one your mind-and I know for sure,the perps can play with us, so that you don´t know what´s reality and what´s imagination in the end-send messages to eachother instead, do not post it as a blogpost or a discussion. Otherwise we can not advise people, relatives, media etc. to go in here and read. So that they believe this is really happening in this world 2010 to people that are NOT mentally ill and NOT crazy, just had the very bad luck to be a victim of this science cruelty that is going on worldwide.
I hope I don´t upset someone too much by this post, but this is important to remember
Our website is getting popular. Would you like to find out: "How popular is"? (Just for fun)
I'd like to recommend a more professional colour scheme and header/logo, as Annie Svensson (is she still here?) mentioned we need to be heard and taken seriously, whch means a less "cartoon-y" logo, and lettering, at least in my humble opinion. I'd also like to note with thanks the creators of the website for all their hard work to bring this site to life.
On another note, can we add a "flag" button in order to flag spammers/obnoxious individuals to have them removed from the website? Thank you.
I hope we can make a better world together and help support one anotther, we, the real victims on here, need to help support one another.
SMH, you are something else Douglas. Look up the meaning of the word 'spamming' because I think that you are a bit confused. I didn't send the Bitcoin comment to multiple users , I just sent the comment to YOU sir. That isn't spamming. How was I obnoxious to you? I may have used the F word and if that is what is bothering you then you need to grow a thicker skin! And "REAL VICTIMS" on here need to help one another? Well you are alienating me so I take it that you think that I am not a REAL VICTIM?
Could someone please block Stephen O'Neill? I'm not here for a long time, but I'm already noticing that he keeps rehashing the same text wherever Douglas posts something.
What are you on about Jan?And who do you think you are? My only real problem with Douglas is he accused be of being a scammer as I had advised T.I's to buy BITCOIN. But as far as I am concerned we had made things right and I at least said we sould start afresh. Could someone please block Stephen O'Neill? Who do you think you are? All a target has are other targets and alienating someone in the community isn't cool.
Ok, i apologize if I was too rash. I do not want to alienate anyone in the community, we shouldn't be at war with each other. But then I will hold you to the same standard you proposed.
I think, you reply with the above comment everywhere where Douglas writes something. and the tone sounds insulting (at least to me). And it's completely off-topic (this thread is about the professional look and feel of peacepink, no?). Do you understand why it looked like spam to me?
by the way: do you have any ideas about improving this website?
cheers, Jan
Any time I commented on Douglas's comments was when he was talking about me, regardless of if it was off topic or not. We (Douglas and I) got off on the wrong foot from the start as he had accused me of being a scammer and because of that I had said he was a sex tourist because he was situated in Thailand, but then he told me that he was studying there and that was the reason for him being there. And I told him that I was sorry for passing judgement on him on that occasion . And all of this happened three or so months ago Jan so why are you bringing it all back to life again? I told Douglas that we should give each other a chance and start afresh (to which he didn't reply by the way). As far as I am concerned Doublas and I are ok now, he hasn't talked about me in three or so months so I haven't had to defend myself. And I must say that Douglas is old enough and big enough to talk for himself Jan and if he wants to talk to me about any issue then he knows where to find me. I.E we don't need you getting involved.
And how can we better this website? Well if it ain't broken then don't fix it is what I say, it is just fine the way it is. There are no moderators sticking their nose where it doesn't belong and that is just great!
I agree with you Stephen. Peacepink is a non-profit community based website and advocacy group for those people who are targeted/victims of electronic abuse/harassment or being subjected to torture by any form of DEW or negative technologies inhumanely, or violation of human rights by predators/principalities and powers and their counterparts that make them, and for commercial purposes. Sadly, it has now become a marketing and advertising website bombarded and being used by spammers/media, scammers, hackers, and perps beyond control. Legally, Peacepink is not a business/commercial website and does not sell or offer products, goods, or services. Peacepink does not solicit customers, consumers, or viewers, or make profit at all, nor receives payment from members or viewers in exchange for goods or services. Peacepink has no legal and moral obligations to please consumers/customers or viewers accessing this site, and/or to sell, tender, or offer commercial goods or services. It is a violation of the Terms of Service and policy of Peacepink, and the relevant laws. Most of the non-victims or non-TIs postings here are intentionally contradicting the objectives of the real TIs/victims of Peacepink here and violating the Terms of Service of this site by posting commercial/gaming/entertainment ads, goods and services. Postings that are not related or relevant to the mission, objective, or nature of Peacepink should be deleted and blocked as it is contrary to the policy of Peacepink and terms of service, and violating the laws. Thus, it is damaging to the work and objectives of the real TIs/victims to stop or eradicate DEW abuse and mind control technology harassment, and crimes against humanity. Legally and morally, these non-TIs/victims are intentionally trying to make Peacepink a business site for the purpose of making profit by posting contrary to the terms of service of this site that are violating the mission and policies of Peacepink as a non-profit community based group. This is in contravention of the law.
I completely agree with Douglas on the professional design of the site. If we want to be taken seriously, look and feel goes a long way. I am a software developer, I can help! Please contact me.
I am TI since 2018 in Germany, I want this to get public.
Hi Jan,
Thank you for your efforts.
I've some ideas I'd like to share with you for the project :
Outer Circle to represent a "shield"/area of protection.
Title and slogan:
Global Anti-Torture campaign"
Globe, showing international cause:,, etc.
People coming together to form circle representing all of us uniting and working together around globe:
Word wrap around sides:
Off center structure:
-Avoid government/religious symbols such as a dove, cross, Roman/Government laurel wreaths of victory(, etc.
-Use CC0 to avoid I.P. rights conflict
-Try to make a more unisex feel to the group.
I'm able to do this myself, but if your a professional perhaps your better suited for the undertaking!
I look forward to getting this upgrade complete, the TI community deserves it.
Let me know your thoughts.
Best regards,
LINE: atisd
Hi Douglas,
those are great suggestions. Currently I'm visiting with my family, but I'll be back on track in one week. Then I'll propose something myself.
Cheers, Jan