The weoponized Bovine Parosites Mutated with the Vinsa virus starting with the Yupie flu in the 1980s. Dr.Death took Juidth Currin life because she had Fibromyalgia syndrome and Chronic Fituge Immune Disfuntional Syndrome that the USA Downgraded and Belittled the diseases that they created. She was a targeted individual and being attacked with Microwave warfare like I was in the 1980s. She had two small children and her husband was a Phycairtist. I guess we know how she became a targeted individual. She was a Nurse and somebody put her on the Kill Program via Slow kill and Silent kill Weapons of mass destruction. Familys was put on this list to be completely destroyed and divided and made sick to torcherd the entire family's over 40 year's now and still going on today. I got their Biological Warfare diseases In 1974 44 year's ago i became a target for Elimination. I am the only survivor in my home today and live in a Faraday cage like a Animal and spend two hundred dollars a month on supplements just to Survive the Holocaust. Thanks and God Bless.
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Knowledge and then you get Understanding and only then you get Wisdom and Courage to change these things.