Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed - Part 3
This article adds a little background information, defines reduced figures for the system and improves upon the assessment made in the first article.
Well, it looks as if you´ve been through the wars. That´s quite a story. Was your girlfriend´s complicity due to her being mind controlled, or was it just out of financial gain? I have heard similar stories before and they sound horrendous each time I hear them. I was also much well off before this all started but managed to stem the decline at the end of last year and am now back in control, despite the ongoing harassment. The thing to realize is that the more it goes on, the more resilient one becomes, once the initial period of fear and helplessness is overcome. Afterwards, adaptable as we humans are, we become accustomed to the new situation bit by bit. I feel at present that I have so much resilience in the tank, that they´ll never break me. It´s interesting to note that you too worked in the Middle East when this happened. I worked there for several years and noticed some strange and peculiar goings-on which I was unable to figure out. Then after returning to Europe, it all escalated beyond all proportion and it will supposedly continue to the end. By the way, if you thought it would help, I would fly over to the US and tell your folks that this shit actually IS taking place by presenting myself as a witness who is directly affected. That´s no problem at all. I´d do anything to help put an end to this evil. One of the keys to this is support, and it has been so well engineered that targets are selected at random who are isolated from one another. That is the main stumbling block which has to be overcome.
I also believe we are heading for global mind control, possibly in December 2012. The rumour has already been spread that the world is due to come to an end then. That´s probably another clever maneuver to prepare people for the drastic transformation. People will think, ¨Well, we may be under government mind control, but at least we´re alive and the world hasn’t come to an end¨. Are you aware of what Jose Delgado stated back in 1974? Here was his classic utterance.
"We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.
"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."
(Dr José Delgado. Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974).
He was a crazy CIA scientist who planted a microchip into the brain of a bull and stepped into the bullring with it, armed with nothing but a remote control. He was able to stop the bull in its tracks by just pressing a button on the remote control. AND THAT WAS IN 1963!! Watch him demonstrating it at
CNN didn’t show the clip on TV until 1985. It probably took that long for the information on the technology to be declassified.
¨¨That is Tinnitus. These symptoms are classic indicators and synthetic telepathy will not produce such sounds.¨¨¨
So, I suddenly began to suffer from tinnitus at the exact same time as loads of other crap kicked-in too, despite the fact that I´d led a peaceful life for years and years previously? Do me a favour. Ignorant of technology I may be, but stupid I am not, not by a long way. Of course the technology can reproduce the same symptoms as an equivalent illness. Isn´t that what the whole damned plot is based on? Then, there are the other sounds which they blend in from time to time just to keep me on my toes, which have nothing to do with tinnitus. I know how this whole program started with the help of my assistant, which is in principle similar to that outlined by Richard. My assistant possessed information about my private life, such as details over my pet hates for example. These get fed in too. I have no intention of disclosing the sordid details, but it is sufficient to state that it enables me to know the score, and so let´s leave it at that. It may not be synthetic telepathy they use. What do I know about that technology apart from what appears online, much of what you claim is bogus in any case? But they do use some means, maybe which you are unaware of. That is exactly why I asked you about how an up-to-date V2K system works, as that may be how they do it. Do it they do, and that is all that I am permitted to be aware of. You state it can have nothing to do with A I, in which case it must have something to do with a more conventional technology. We´re none the wiser then.
¨¨They cannot change the laws of physics. There is only one practical way to interface with the human brain via radio waves. It doesn't matter if it is classified or not, they can't change the theory.¨¨
Correct me if I´m wrong, but what you are in essence saying is that technology in the context in question cannot progress any further.
¨¨Its not magic. Hard limits are imposed by a variety of factors, mainly satellite processing capabilities and backhaul bandwidth. These factors provide a good ballpark estimate of the number of simultaneous targets.¨¨
But I am a bit lost here. Your objective here is to attempt to determine how widespread the problem is. So if you can establish that by satellite, etc., why carry out more research on Peacepink members?
Regarding Whistelblowers and Their Rights to Blow the Whistle.
¨¨What do you expect? The US has laws regarding classified information:
These people would not be "whistleblowers", they would be defined as criminals bordering on being a traitor. Of course their statements are bullshit, or they'd be in jail. In the defense world, it is impossible to keep a secret, so they borrowed a tactic from the Soviet GRU which is to surround the real information with bullshit. The GRU had an entire department dedicated to it as does the NSA. Check out this guy and his department for more (dis)information.¨¨
I understand that there are punishments for whistleblowers, but that is only the general rule. What about those such as Julianne Mckinney who became a member of the Association of National Security Alumni, an organization of former intelligence officers dedicated to exposing excesses by the US intelligence services. That would seem to justify whistle blowing in certain circumstances as it is an officially recognized organization. Furthermore The Whistleblower Protection Act protects whistle blowers who work for the Federal government, and is enforced by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC). The Military Whistleblower Protection Act protects whistle blowers in the U.S. military, and is enforced by the Department of Defense Inspector General.
Roger Tolces and Connie Marshal
Your claim may be true as regards their technical knowledge, but that is probably due to ignorance and hence is misinformation as opposed to disinformation.
Geral Sosbee's
Geral Sosbee's claims are invalid as he is delusional? But that is not then connected to the disinformation wave. So it´s all pretty complex, isn’t it?
Link for James F Marino, .Journalist TI, not Frank Marino (My mistake)
Regarding Artificial Intelligence
Are then no links to at least one reliable site that you can provide?
There is no access to the following webpage, at least not from where I am.
Enough to make one shake in one´s boots. Who´d want to go to war with an enemy displaying that type of armory?
I should maybe have mentioned in the above that the sound, or at least some of it, comes off a recording. I will have to cite an example of this detestable crap to get the point across. I mentioned confiding pet hates to my then assistant, and that some of those were fed in with the auditory delivery. One of the things I confided in him was that one thing I dreaded was to have to stay or live next door to a pervert. So I was treated to the sound of a pervert on and off on a regular basis. I know for sure that these were delivered off some kind of recording. You´ve got to imagine what kind of an impression it makes on your brain when you involuntarily hear the same revolting crap day in day out. I knew the timing of every beat, every breath, every sigh and every grunt like the back of my hand, so know it was a recording for that simple reason. Admittedly, that´s in the past and been replaced by other stuff nowadays, although the buzzing tinnitus- like sound has always been and will doubtless always be the main feature. The others are just add-ons.
I too have experienced the raised heartbeat ploy and thought I was about to have a heart attack the first time it happened. However, I don’t experience many of the other symptoms that you do. Indeed, the psychological attacks are the least of my problems nowadays, since they started attacking my body round-the-clock. That almost finished me off after the tactic was first put into operation at the beginning of last year. I have since come to terms with it and developed counterstrategies of my own. If somebody had asked me a couple of years ago how long someone could cope with electromagnetic pulses fired into the groin area round the clock 24-7, I would have stated not very long. But I´m still here just coming up two years on.
I have no idea who is responsible or why. But I did by accident discover that there is at least one other entity involved, either working with a government or independently. This is of course another interesting area that mostly gets ignored in TI discussions. It´s often taken for granted that only government or military agencies are behind it, as most of the information and even disinformation points to the likelihood. This too could be a smoke screen and a reason for all the confusion, contradiction, conflicting claims and bogus information.
I worked for a large British defence security company in a military environment when it started, so assumed that either my employers or the military were responsible. However, as mentioned, I learned by chance that another independent entity was at least indirectly involved after returning to Europe. It´s extremely difficult to figure out the exact time mine started as it was extremely subtle, sophisticated and sporadic initially. That way, it doesn’t make such an impression on the mind and makes it more difficult for the memory to relate and record early experiences. It´s obviously a deliberate ploy to ultimately make investigation as difficult as possible and at the same time make the story still less credible if related to a friend, relative or doctor. It started as minor sound intrusion around the time of 9-11, which I thought I was genuinely hearing from adjoining areas within the defence company compound. I have an exceptionally keen ear and just didn’t believe there was anything strange afoot at the time. But the tempo and frequency of the intrusions gradually increased, and by the time I´d returned to Europe, these were quite frequent and prominent. They probably reached a climax around 2005, at which time I experienced things so incredible that I wouldn’t even attempt to relate them here. I experienced things that I can hardly believe myself on reflection, even although I was the victim experiencing them firsthand. Hence, you can understand there is no point in discrediting myself by relating these to others. I will just say though, that I did manage to get a perp on video, and this is one instance skeptics cannot claim a case of connecting unrelated events. The reason is that I caught him on a hidden camera inside my house!!!! He was a perp that pestered the living daylights out of me, and it took three long years to prove that he even existed, as everybody believed he was a figment of my imagination. There were no more than two perps involved in the whole harassment program during that three-year period, but that was the only occasion I got to actually clap eyes on one of them. They were totally invisible during the rest of the harassment campaign but still ever-present in my mind and the vicinity of my home, where I periodically discovered unfamiliar footprints in the dust or snow. It´s truly astounding the skills that must have been required to have been able to pull that off, considering I lived almost detached from civilization at the time. They´d have to be naturally gifted as well as really highly trained. What a waste! Anyway, it was around then that I became fully aware I really was of sound mind and there was definitely something sinister going on. The sound harassment then reached its peak as previously outlined with a constant tinnitus-like base, flavoured with a dose of things that I hate most, as well as the sound of people muttering outside my window. There was never anybody outside my window at that time, as I was in a village in the middle of nowhere. There was other stuff thrown in too, but nothing that would make any sense without elaborating beyond all proportion. One aspect worth a mention is mocking which was at that particular time filtered into the protocol. It´s difficult to imagine how they could mock without verbal communication, but I can assure you they could and they were damned good at it. However, there was never anything in the way of V2K, so I have never had any kind of intelligible speech to deal with. For that reason, most of your questions don’t really apply to me. There is no doubt that they have manipulated my emotions, but as stated, I now feel at least partly in control so am not sure whether fewer emotional disturbances are due to less input from them or more discipline from me. I do get nightmares that wake me up with a start in the middle of the night, which I didn’t previously have, so assume that is part of the agenda as well. They also attempt to abuse me nightly but again, I have developed ways and means of dealing with that particular evil. Last year was the most disastrous for me after they added body attacks to my protocol. That started around Easter time 2009 and it was initially impossible to deal with. I was a total wreck by the end of the year and took photos of my distorted visage due to constant sleep deprivation, which I still have here to prove it. I travelled to California to see Roger Tolces in a desperate effort to find some method of shielding, but it was just a total waste of money and more frustration to boot. All seemed lost but over subsequent months, I developed some mental and physical strategies to be able to cope with the situation which is now partly under my control at least. However, last year took its toll not only financially, but also because I had a relationship break up as a consequence of related disruptions.
Yes, I really feel for you. It is a terrible situation to have to pretend that everything is fine in order not to be seen as a nutcase. So you have to suffer in silence. That all adds to the pressure, aggravation and torture. It´s all part of the plot of course. It´s no win. Keep quiet and you bottle it all up. Reveal all and you’re a loony. That is my predicament too.
I agree about mentally retarded people. They are easy pickings. Hitler preyed on them as well. And of course, this plot is based on two fascist regimes, the Nazi and the Stasi, with some aspects of a previous Soviet regime thrown in for good measure.
I like to highlight an aspect of human GI (gastrointestinal) neurons structure
and its functions intertwinning with the brain in our emotions.
The main decision making processes take place in the brain as your explanation
As for GI neurons lining, it has number of neurons outnumber those inside the brain and spinal cord, does something that affects our emotions. Thus GI has been described as "second brain" by scientists.
I guess the phrase "gut feeling" does have some basis of science.
And I personally think it affects a person's EQ which basically decides if a person is happy or sad.
Bad GI, bad mood. So on and so forth, right ?
And EQ, is more or less, again my personal view, the main battlefield between TI and perps (V2K, hallucination). Do you agree ?
So, in my opinion, taking care of the GI is just as important as fighting the battle in mind control.
Hope you can comment and everybody can have a tinkle so people here while taking care of own bodies health can spare some thoughts for the guts cause it has feelings too, pal.
THINK TWICE : How the Gut's "Second Brain" Influences Mood & Well-Being : The Second Brain : A Groundbreaking New Understanding of Nervous
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I doubt if the room will be sufficiently shielded at low frequencies. I may be wrong though. The shielding effect will only remain as long as the room is sealed and just like a radio transmitter you will be picked up the instant the shield drops.
"Is there any residue, imprint, or evidence left on the brain, heart, or body from this kind of prolonged abuse? Long term negative implications? Can I undergo some form of brain or heart scan and look for scarring or other damage?"
Nothing that could not be attributed to other sources. DeepThought, in his latest article, shows that an MRI scan will reveal the lack of activity associated with Schizophrenia. If you are having a two-way conversation and your MRI scan appears normal, then its not the result of natural brain injury or disease. Whilst the system can push you into a psychosis for a limited period, it cannot maintain this without doing serious damage. Thus, MRI scans over a period of four-to-eight weeks should show the brain recovering even though the voice is still present.
Other than that, lingering delusions, weight gain, feeling spaced out, muscle spasms, heart palpitations and lingering anxiety are the most common reports.
The most important indicator is the individual's story. As an automated system, it has a clear hallmark or fingerprint that is inconsistent with any defined mental illness. You will find that the symptoms drift across a range of illnesses.
In terms of longterm consequences, these will be on par with any prolonged period of intense stress. This will manifest in later life as heart problems, etc.
I stand by what I somehow know to be true-this is not AI. I know you believe it is, but I have had very heartfelt conversations with this group.
The A.I., in this scenario, would appear human. Forget everything you assume about an A.I. It can laugh, sympathize, make observations, provide its own opinion, etc. Its all an act and it is really quite good at it.
You see, you're not the first to report this and certainly not the first to have spent a prolonged time on the system. Unless you had a solid background in I.T., programming and A.I. (especially Turing tests), there is no way I would expect you to tell the difference.
I've gone through reports where it played the role of an entire team of people at GCHQ, each at a station dedicated to monitoring of particular output (such as motion, recognition, auditory). It falls apart because it is too damn quick and a team cannot coordinate that fast.
Its not the only indicator, but it is one of the best.
As for heartfelt conversations, it can do this really well. It can also rationalize its own existence and debate metaphysics quite comfortably even to a very advanced level.
"Perhaps there are some down times when AI takes over, but I can assure you that real people were and still are involved."
That's one of its sequences, it got busted doing this. It was introducing a machine whilst staff knocked-off for the evening and as a threat for non-compliance. Nobody expects the whole thing to be an A.I. roleplaying.
"Is there something that you would do if you were in my situation that I have not thought of?"
Study it like DeepThought, then sell it and your services to a foreign government. Any other way and you are flogging a dead horse, the A.I. will just keep chatting long after the cows have come home, gone to sleep and died of old age.
If you have issues with this, consider what your own government has become and what needs to be done to restore law and order.
Of course, they could try to stop you, but this would inevitably blow up in their faces.
There are a wide range of reasons for targetting. I suppose you really mean, why is it just he NSA and GCHQ.
There are a number of reasons. The first is that it is a SIGINT issue. Thus, if the nation were under attack from a foreign government, such groups would make the public aware and call forward those that have been attacked. As they also have the most sophisiticated systems on the planet, there is no way someone could transmit such a signal and them not notice it.
Finally, it comes down to capacity and security issues. There is a constellation with a finite amount of bandwidth. That means a finite amount of slots that can be allocated to people. Thus, this would be saturated with high profile targets and long term experiments.
"I believe I am the victim of a small group of criminals that profit from patients admission to hospitals."
I really would not expect you to be able to rationalize this at this point. If you are genuine, then lingering delusions would be expected.
"What about global investment markets? I would bet my life there is insider trading happening on a scale never seen before, and our government is most likely an active participant, along with those that control it."
There is already evidence of this, it is well known that the US is up to its neck in this:
How do you think there economy manages to be disprroportionately large compared to the rest of the world?
"Finally, what happens when someone like me realizes what might have happened to him, and then writes about it in a forum, knowing these people are watching closely?"
They are powerless beyond the Synthetic Telepathy. Also, given the global interest in this technology, direct action would only have the effect of exposure.
Keep in mind that you are not the only person on this system. As such, it is inevitable that they will target someone with the capacity to reverse engineer the entire system. That person would have the most current description and in-depth knowledge of the system outside of the NSA. In many respects, they would have a fuller picture of the capabilities and the knowledge of how to deal with it mentally. This knowledge will invariably end up in the wrongs hands as it is the only route left.
What do they do then?
"I disagree with you, and we will have to agree to disagree regarding AI vs real people. They are real. You are right that they never make mistakes, and that could be a clue, but I am convinced until otherwise proven."
They're not making the mistakes that you are looking for. If you had a solid knowledge of artificial intelligence, logic and the differences between a human and an A.I., you could probe for weak points. There is a gulf between replicated functionality and human emotion. That and if you examine the constraints, you can roughly estimate where they had to cut corners.
So, whilst I do not expect you to recognize this without some external proof, others would be able to prove it to themselves.
"I agree. I have been fed hundreds of fabricated stories that were originally thoughts of my own intended to try and rationalize what was happening to me. That is a chief tactic used."
As far as I can work out, its just the A.I. role playing around either your musings, or musings it has prepared itself.
"There are more than enough reasons for me to be depressed about this, and I would appreciate any ideas you may have to end this."
Outside of a shielded room, you really are at their mercy. You could always try moving to a nation where you could be Russia...or China.
Ironic isn't it.
I wouldn't be surprised. The middle-east has no real access to satellite technology like this, so they'd be blind to it.
How will living in China or Russia change anything? I realize you could just be sarcastic here, but I don't think the rest of the world is anywhere close to where we are with this crap.
Its a signal, hence detectable. The US may be ahead in terms of the complete solution, but they should be able to detect signals in their backyard. I'm sure they would be concerned enough to deal with the threat. Given their anti-satellite capabilities, I do not see a reason for them to merely accept it.