This sucks! My cousin(perp) Joni Barrett Martin 3614 Gertrude ST Bellevue NE 68005. I know this is probably wrong, but what else can I do? The BITCH is using my nasal Implant with the transmitter located at her home to Beat the Hell out of me. 1 solid week of SERIOUS BURNS inside chest. It was like Fire. Then she of course she PLAYED with my swallowing(lucky i didn't choke trying to drink water. Threats of Extortion for Money. Tells me when to take a bath and if i don't she HURTS me and prevents me from doing it later. All week long this time. The little girl(Joni) has BEAT the Living Hell out of me today. I simply couldn't take it. She's using Hard Drugs and Marijuana daily which prevents her from knowing Right From Wrong. She is so ANGRY that i call her names in my head when she Beats or Burns me IN MY THOUGHTS. She has 2 kids she exposes this to. And the DRUGS in Front of them. Also she is Alcoholic which makes her ABUSE the equip and me.
Who in the Hell can i give this info to that could somehow STOP at least the serious ABUSE and come back to NORMAL? Government? Police? Drug Enforcement Administration? Secret service? THE OPERATION is 1.114 Ghz to my implant. She has also told me about a CLONING operation that she will put me in. If this is TRUE, I DO NOT TELL ANYTHING TO ANYBODY_It is none of my business. She is BURNING me with Microwave Radiation. Ah, 2 kids names are Calen Joseph Martin maybe 16 yrs and Jonah Martin 11 years old. I turned her into Child Protection Services for the DRUGS and Beating up the children with her Drug and Alcohol Problem. Oh, supposedly the NSA picks up keywords after 3 times said. I want NSA to get what she is doing to me. It is so out of line. COCAINE COCAINE COCAINE Please STOP HER! ISALM ISALM ISALM If she knows of this CLONING THING she needs to have equip and CHILDREN taken from her. She is a RISK to NATIONAL SECURITY. probably involved with whatever this ISALM THING on Television.