一份非记名大脑控制武器受害者调查问卷 (该问卷截至2009年12月)
制作Soleilmavis(英文和中文), 翻译: 周先生(德语),Mokureni(日语)Monika Stoces (荷兰语), RudyAndria先生(法语), Jc christian (丹麦语)。仍然在寻求帮助翻译成其他语言。您可以选择如下任何一个连接, 采用您喜欢的语言回答这份调查。也请您转发给更多的受害者。
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受害者可能出现的症状 --大脑控制(心理控制,精神控制,精神电子武器,神经武器,人体操纵技术)/定向能武器
(1)冷热交替;(2)恶心;(3)大量出汗;(4)睡眠诱导;(5)睡眠剥夺;(6)极度疲劳;(6) 视力模糊;(7)体内器官的疼痛感觉;(8)后背骨头, 胳膊, 腿, 肌肉的疼痛感觉;(9) 麻木和刺痛感,感觉错乱, 失去知觉;(10)肌肉抽搐/痉挛/紧张;(11)突然头痛;(12)心率不齐;(13)虚假心脏病发作;(14)牙痛;(15)腹泻;(16)急性炎症/自身免疫反应;(17)免疫系统紊乱,象纤维肌痛;(18)被控制排尿和排便;(19)皮肤问题和皮肤瘙痒;(20)头发和指甲的生长发生变化;(21)各种妇科问题(白带,月经不调等),严重的能够导致子宫切除;(22)癌症;(23)发烧;(24)流感类似症状/打喷嚏;(25)头晕或失去平衡;(26)突然失去意识;(27)良性或恶性肿瘤;(28)电流贯穿身体的感觉;(29)被诱导的思想,心电感应沟通,大脑中被诱导的信息;(30)听到"声音" (声音直接传入大脑);(31)看到“全息图像”;(32)梦被操纵;(33)人工的情绪 (诱导恐惧, 愤怒, 羞耻, 快乐, 仇恨, 悲伤) ;(34)突然意想不到的“性刺激" ;(35)生殖器官被操纵;(36)诱导嗅觉;(37)突然极端的心情改变(抑郁-快乐) ;(38)对人或者事物诱导"愉悦-反感"的反应;(39)强破您说话(被强迫演讲) ;(40)在某些情况下, 全面的行为控制;(41)操纵记忆(忘掉/记住/浮现记忆) ;(42)远距离操纵眼球的移动;(43)远距离操纵身体的移动 /运动肌肉控制;(44) 清醒时,虚拟的现实体验
非自愿的人体实验,也经历过:在家中,办公室经常会出现衣物或其他物品的突然失踪,又突然出现。文件,计算机文件被破坏,修改或偷窃。心理研究是主要动机。被害人在路灯下行走,又突然走到路中央,被报道过。 在做一些细致或大量的工作时,强迫胳膊推动,造成伤害或泼洒。15重复的手表新电池没有电的案例。 典型的在几周或几个月内非常精确的同一时间,无法入睡的特征。
第一起联合国列为成功的人类声音直接传送到头颅,声音直入活人颅骨由Dr. Joseph C. Sharp演示,里德陆军研究所的沃尔特在1974 年,通过使用阴沉的不发声的声音或无线电扰频把催眠士的声音传入。在海湾战争中使用过,可能在一个目标没有意识的情况下,催眠该目标,却不会留下任何可供查找的证据。
受害者的被人为制造的"误听"和"误视" 以及"口误"与精神病的"幻听" "幻视" "妄想"的本质区别
(1) 人为制造的"误听"
这一点, 大部分受害者有这样的体验, 听到周围的邻居, 路过的陌生人在讨论受害者, 而且他们的声音有时听起来就像是来自"邻居"或者是旁边的一个陌生人. 这就是人为制造的"误听". 您听到的声音并不是不存在的, 这些声音是使用大脑控制武器将电磁波信号直接传输到您的大脑, 因此在您的"大脑"中听到了声音, 他们的电磁波信号刺激了您的大脑神经元细胞, 让您的大脑神经元细胞作出了错误的判断, 认为这种"声音"来自邻居或者旁边的一个陌生人.
(2) 人为制造的"误视"
这一点, 只有少部分受害者体验过, 他们曾经投诉, 半夜醒来, 无法动弹, 但是看到房间里有人. 因为事先门窗都关得好好的, 时候检查门窗也都关得好好的, 因此他们怀疑什么特异功能之类. 其实原理跟"误听" 一样的, 就是他们的电磁波信号刺激大脑的神经元细胞, 视觉神经元细胞接受了错误的刺激, 因此大脑作出了错误的判断, 产生了" 看到了其实不存在的东西". 这就是"误视."
(3) 人为制造的"口误"
很多受害者也经历过"口误"这样的经历, 就是嘴巴会不由自主说出一些话来. 原理跟上面一样.
这样的"误听" "误视" "口误" 如果不仔细区别, 往往会被普通的精神病医生诊断为精神病中的"幻听" "幻视" "妄想" 等症状. 所以我在2007年就劝过很多受害者, 不要去跟精神病医生解释这样的感觉, 因为医生不懂得大脑控制武器, 因此不理解电磁波对大脑神经元细胞的刺激也会人为制造"误听" "误视" 和"口误".
受害者们必须明白,他们的确听到了“声音”。但是,受害者听到的这种声音,不是我们人耳听力范围内20-20000Hz频率范围内的声波, 而是他们发射的电磁波(或其他微波)刺激我们大脑中的听觉神经细胞,让我们的大脑感受到了他们的信号,我们大脑“听到”了他们的“声音”。
(1) 疑惑之一:恐怖暴力分子是如何把声音和图象传入受害者的大脑。微波已能够将这种技术变成现实。请注意,美国2002年专利技术V2K(voice to skull):微波将声音传入大脑。https://peacepink.ning.com/forum/topics/introduce-v2k-voice-to-skull
(2) 疑惑之二:受害者在恐怖暴力分子的声音中听到了朋友或邻居的“声音”。声音合成技术已发展到了以假乱真的地步。再用微波将合成声音直接传送到人的大脑即可。
(3) 疑惑之三:受害者在睡觉时,会被强迫性地“做很多梦”。电影的发展已让我们看到了高超的图像合成技术,再用微波将合成图像直接传送到人的大脑即可。
(4) 疑惑之四:恐怖暴力分子的微波武器为何能够锁定某个目标。象海豚之类的回声技术可以很容易地做到这一点。
(5) 疑惑之五:很多受害者在描述自己的受害经历时,往往会提到跟同事,朋友或其他任何人闹过一点儿小矛盾,或是自己做错了一点儿小事情, 然后他们认为周围的那些有矛盾的人或政府某个部门因为您的一点儿小过失才来使用如此先进的科技来虐待您. 如果您认为虐待您的人中有那些您跟他们闹过小矛盾的人,那只是这些恐怖暴力分子故意制造的假象. 这些恐怖暴力分子只是一些拥有先进武器的法西斯暴徒. 他们的目的只是要让受害者无法认清他们的本质.
(6) 疑惑之六:为何受害者无论在地底下,在水中,在飞机上或任何地方都无法逃脱攻击。请大家想想目前先进的电磁波技术可以进行地质勘探,探测到地底下的各种矿物。他们的电磁波比民用的地质勘探要先进100倍,可以能够探测到某个个体。甚至能够探测到人的脑电波。当他们发射的电磁波频率与人的脑电波频率一致,会引起共振,会影响到人的行为。
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, Maastricht University, Academic Hospital Maastricht, The Netherlands.
The form and the content of chronic auditory hallucinations were compared in three cohorts, namely patients with schizophrenia, patients with a dissociative disorder, and nonpatient voice-hearers. The form of the hallucinatory experiences was not significantly different between the three groups. The subjects in the nonpatient group, unlike those in the patient groups, perceived their voices as predominantly positive: they were not alarmed or upset by their voices and felt in control of the experience. In most patients, the onset of auditory hallucinations was preceded by either a traumatic event or an event that activated the memory of earlier trauma. The significance of this study is that it presents evidence that the form of the hallucinations experienced by both patient and nonpatient groups is similar, irrespective of diagnosis. Differences between groups were predominantly related to the content, emotional quality, and locus of control of the voices. In this study the disability incurred by hearing voices is associated with (the reactivation of) previous trauma and abuse.
Note from Soleilmavis: The nonpatient voice-hearers are possibly harassing by “V2K” (Voice to skull), even they have not suffered other symptoms from Mind control and Directed Energy weapons torturing and harassment, But they are possibly surveillance with mind reading technologies. And they don’t know they are under mind control and electromagnetic weapons torturing and harassing yet.
慢性幻听形式和内容,在三种人群中作了比较,分别是精神分裂症患者, 分离性障碍患者,和非患者听到声音者。这三种人群的幻听体验的表现明显不同:非患者受试者与患者明显不同,对他们的声音正面为主,他们并不会惊慌和沮丧,并且被声音控制。而大多数的患者,在幻听发病之前,往往会发作创伤性事件,或有关事件能够引起对以前创伤性事件的回忆。本研究的重要性在于它给出了证据,患者和非患者所体验的患听形式很相似。两种人群的差别在于,心态是否正面,情感素质,声音控制的场所。在这项研究,听到声音引起的障碍,是跟以前的创伤和凌辱有关。
Interpretations of voices in patients with hallucinations and non-patient controls: a comparison and predictors of distress in patients.
Psychology Services, Mental Health Services of Salford, Bury New Road, Manchester M25 3BL, UK.
Salford心理咨询服务,心理健康服务,英国,曼彻斯特,Bury New路,M25 3BL
BACKGROUND: This study tested the hypotheses that interpretations of voices will be associated with distress linked to auditory hallucinations, and that patients experiencing hallucinations will exhibit higher levels of negative interpretations in comparison with non-patients. METHOD: The Interpretation of Voices Inventory (British Journal of Clinical Psychology 41 (2002) 259) was administered to patients who met DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia spectrum disorders with auditory hallucinations and non-patients. Patients were also assessed using a semi-structured interview to assess clinical dimensions of their voices. RESULTS: The results showed that people with psychosis who experience auditory hallucinations did exhibit higher levels of positive and negative interpretations of voices, in comparison to non-patients. Correlational analyses revealed that interpretations of voices were significantly associated with emotional, physical and cognitive characteristics of voices. Regression analyses demonstrated that physical characteristics of voices and metaphysical beliefs were significant predictors of emotional characteristics of voices. CONCLUSIONS: The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.
研究方法:诠释声音库存(英国临床心理学杂志41 ( 2002 ) 259 )提供符合有幻听的精神分裂类疾病美国DSM-IV 诊断标准的精神病患者和非精神病患者。患者还采用半结构化面试评估,从临床层面评估他们听到的声音。
Selective speech perception alterations in schizophrenic patients reporting hallucinated "voices".
Department of Psychiatry, Yale UniversitySchool of Medicine, New Haven, Conn., USA.
美国耶鲁大学医学院精神病学系,New Haven, Conn
OBJECTIVE: The authors tested a model of hallucinated "voices" based on a neural network computer simulation of disordered speech perception. METHOD: Twenty-four patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders who reported hallucinated voices were compared with 21 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders who did not report voices and 26 normal subjects. Narrative speech perception was assessed through use of a masked speech tracking task with three levels of superimposed phonetic noise. A sentence repetition task was used to assess grammar-dependent verbal working memory, and an auditory continuous performance task was used to assess nonlanguage attention. RESULTS: Masked speech tracking task and sentence repetition performance by hallucinating patients was impaired relative to both nonhallucinating patients and normal subjects. Although both hallucinating and nonhallucinating patients demonstrated auditory attention impairments when compared to normal subjects, the two patient groups did not differ with respect to these variables. CONCLUSIONS: Results support the hypothesis that hallucinated voices in schizophrenia arise from disrupted speech perception and verbal working memory systems rather than from nonlanguage cognitive or attentional deficits.
Note from Soleilmavis: “Selective speech perception alterations”, for an example, Auditory hallucinations, you ears have problem and can hear some “voices” which are not exist.
“Voices” that victims heard are different with the patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, <Auditory hallucinations: a comparison between patients and nonpatients> has given us the difference between the patients and the normal.
“Voices” that victims heard Strictly speaking, can not be called a “Auditory hallucinations". These “Voices” are electromagnetic frequency stimulating our brain neurons; our brain neurons hear the “voices”. We all know USA “V2K” technology. In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: Nonleghal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports. http://call.army.mil/products/thesaur/00016275.htm
目的:作者基于神经网络计算机仿真无序言语知觉测试幻觉的 "声音"模型.
方法: 24位报告有幻听的患有精神分裂类疾病的患者,与21位没有幻听报告的患有精神分裂类疾病的患者,及26位正常人比较。叙事言语知觉的评估是通过使用一个蒙面讲话跟踪有叠加语音噪声的三个层次的任务,一个句子重复任务是用来评估依赖语法的言语工作记忆,听觉连续执行任务是用来评估非语言注意力。
Soleilmavis 注:这里的“选择性知觉改建”用老百姓的话讲,就是“有选择的感觉器官失误,比如幻听,耳朵这个感觉器官失误,会听到很多不存在的声音”。
受害者听到的“声音”与精神病患者听到的声音完全不同。精神病患者听到的声音完全不存在。Auditory hallucinations: a comparison between patients and nonpatients 幻听:比较精神病患者患者和非精神病患者患者,一文,已论证了正常人和精神病患者“幻听”的不同。
根据美国军队教材,V2K (Voice to Skull 声音直入颅骨)的定义和范围是:非致命武器,包括:(1)一种神经电磁感应器,可以通过脉冲调制微波辐射用微波将声音传入人和动物的颅骨;(2)一种不发声的声音装置,可以把声音传送入人的颅骨内。注意:这种可调制声音可以是语音或音频信号。其中v2k应用之一是用作电子稻草人在机场附近吓唬鸟。
Centre for Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Parkville Vic 3052, Australia. t.shea@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
澳大利亚墨尔本大学神经科学中心,Parkville Vic 3052
Deficits in emotional prosodic processing, the expression of emotions in voice, have been widely reported in patients with schizophrenia, not only in comprehending emotional prosody but also expressing it. Given that prosodic cues are important in memory for voice and speaker identity, Cutting has proposed that prosodic deficits may contribute to the misattribution that appears to occur in auditory hallucinations in psychosis. The present study compared hallucinating patients with schizophrenia, non-hallucinating patients and normal controls on an emotional prosodic processing task. It was hypothesised that hallucinators would demonstrate greater deficits in emotional prosodic processing than non-hallucinators and normal controls. Participants were 67 patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (hallucinating=38, non-hallucinating=29) and 31 normal controls. The prosodic processing task used in this study comprised a series of semantically neutral sentences expressed in happy, sad and neutral voices which were rated on a 7-point Likert scale from sad (-3) through neutral (0) to happy (+3). Significant deficits in the prosodic processing tasks were found in hallucinating patients compared to non-hallucinating patients and normal controls. No significant differences were observed between non-hallucinating patients and normal controls. In the present study, patients experiencing auditory hallucinations were not as successful in recognising and using prosodic cues as the non-hallucinating patients. These results are consistent with Cutting's hypothesis, that prosodic dysfunction may mediate the misattribution of auditory hallucinations.
Note from Soleilmavis: Currently, Many doctors misdiagnose victims who hear “voices” or suffer other symptoms from Mind control and Directed Energy weapons torturing and harassment, these symptoms include: forced crying; forced tearing; forced laughing; hands shivering without control. They think victims are patients with schizophrenia, it is definitely wrong.
“Emotional prosodic processing” explained by another sentence which everyone can understand, is “could understand the right emotional coloring from an event or from a speaker”.
For an example: when hearing a joke, victims will 100% think it is a joke. Even sometimes, while they are attacking by Mind Control Electromagnetic waves, they can not control their tears (when the Mind Control Electromagnetic waves attack their brain neurons which are special to control the movement of tear gland; the brain neurons give a wrong order to nerve system of tear gland. Even victims know it is a funny joke, but tear gland are forced to move and burst into tears.) But they can understand the emotion coloring in the joke, if you ask them, they will tell you it is a funny joke, even they are forced to burst into tears.
You can’t tell that they are Deficits in emotional prosodic processing, just because they are bursting tears; you should ask them whether they can understand it is a funny joke
假定幻听型患者比非幻听型患者和正常人会表现出更大的情感韵律加工缺乏。参与者共67名被诊断为精神分裂症或精神分裂情感障碍的患者(幻听者38人,非幻听者29人)和31名正常人。在这项研究中使用的韵律加工测试,包含了一系列的语义中性的句子,用高兴,悲伤和中性的声音来表达。在7点李克特量表中评为了从悲伤( -3 ),到中立( 0 ),到高兴 ( +3 )。
Soleilmavis 注:目前很多医生根据受害者听到“声音”或因为大脑神经原细胞被大脑控制武器的攻击时,会产生一些短暂的症状,如:突然失去控制哭泣,或忍不住流泪,或被强迫发笑,或手不由自主地颤抖,无法控制等等症状,而把受害者诊断为精神病。这种诊断完全错误。