Facts about your predicament.

All TIs have to take note of the fact that: 1. There is no 'government conspiracy' behind your predicament. 2. It is very very cheap to perform what needs to be performed, if you have access to a medical professional, even a nurse who wants to 'teach' you a lesson can fill in this role. 3. There is nothing but an intent to 'teach' you a lesson, you should know the intent by now. You may have made someone unhappy or that person has garnered some sympathy from a couple of 'experts' who are out there to sell their 'expertise' for social recognition or opportunities. 4. No one, absolutely, no one can 'scan' your brain or thoughts. This is merely made to make you believe in the omni-science of the one-two team of 'smartees', a number who cannot even pass an high school science paper. The network is merely a PAN - that said, once applied could be performed by a complete idiot. Like a computer, while made by engineers, can be used by a 5 -year old. And this isn't some engineering marvel, with the right equipment you can record your own neuro signals at home, at just 5 thousand and an Open Source BCI... that's all. 5. It is, most of the time, used by a member of the family. The intimidation outside makes you stay at home, so the entire process is much easier. In fact, all the people outside do is walk past you, move their arms or whatever, that's it. Rest of the work is done by the little bodysuit you are wearing. It may seem otherwise, but the more you go outside, despite the idiocy, the more work you give these one-two people. Work them more, make the work it for you! 6. Most of the signals are recorded or pre-recorded. Especially outside. If you think it's live, it's not. Because minor scenarios are pre-recorded and planned a couple of times to convince you. In fact, this is utter nonsense. It's you who make the whole thing work. Your signals, your brain and your body. If you fail to believe anything, that's the end. It's over. 7. Everytime you look at an object, that's a neuron charge, you hear something, that's a charge. So a set of pre-recorded signals are merely saved on a laptop for a combination or single output signal later. No one has to 'record' the signal from *you*. It may be recorded from someone else, and played back unto you. It's assymetrical - they don't need your input, because it's impossible to 'record' your signals due to the size of the device/implant. To truly 'record' brain scans, you need an MRI - which has radiation that can *kill*. 8. It's a very simple affair. Usually, legal in nature. They are out to confuse you and distract you for 3-years, which is a legally binding period within which you cannot produce or use an evidence. 3- years is the time a court accepts legal evidence, after which it's obsolete. That said, it is a one-time 'lesson' for you, then followed by 'fun and games' and then later, a boring little repetitive workload until that time, it's ceased, which legally indemnifies such people. 9. It's so stupid that the same bullshit is applied all around the world. No changes in traits no nothing, everything, right down to the psychiatric thing is so much of a cycle. Are such cycles even capable of 'conspiracies'? Nonsense, most of such people couldn't sit right on their toilet seat. 10. Be smart, it's nothing but a sleep-inducer. You are just too conditioned. Once you have completely understood this little and minor affair, it just won't make any sense - because it's a fairytale, and it doesn't exist. So be smart, ignore everything and live your life. Once you ignore all of this, they haven't achieved the primary goal - disruption. NO ONE CAN HELP YOU BUT YOURSELF. DON'T SEEK HELP, HELP YOURSELF. YOU'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET HELP, BUT IT WILL NEVER COME. BE INDEPENDENT ADULTS, CONTROL YOUR MINDS AND SEE IT DISAPPEAR.

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  • V2K prove that "voices" can directed transmit to your brain by microwaves.
    Remote mind reading technologies are also de exist.
    If you never saw such technologies, that does not mean such technologies do not exist.
  • “Let the truth be known”


    (NSA satellite/computer monitoring of all telecommunications worldwide)

    ACTUAL CRIMINAL USE : To intercept conversations, emails etc. To steal ideas and harass targets (writers, whistleblowers etc)

    POTENTIAL GOOD USE : To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals

    (Allowing 24/7 surveillance of anyone, even in their homes)

    To gather blackmail-friendly material; to oppress targets and other citizens; to feed results to media/political criminals

    POTENTIAL GOOD USE : To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals

    INTERACTIVE TRANSECTOR DEVICE (Sat-based – Pat US #4893815 16-1-90 L. Rowan)

    ACTUAL CRIMINAL USE : To spy on political targets etc by finding, locking onto and tracking those victims so as to terrorise/torture them

    POTENTIAL GOOD USE : To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals

    (Sat-based – Pat US #5123899, 23/6/92 J. Gall + Pat US #5289438, 22/2/94 J. Gall)

    ACTUAL CRIMINAL USE :To alter targets moods by stimulating the brain to exhibit certain rhythms (angry, sad, sleepy etc); EEG cloning/feedback

    POTENTIAL GOOD USE :To help the emotionally distressed

    BRAIN WAVE ANALYSERS (Remote neural monitoring & electronic brain linking, via sat – Pat US #6011991, 1/4/00 A. Mardirossian)

    ACTUAL CRIMINAL USE :To read the minds of targets; to rob, rape, terrorise and oppress completely yet covertly. Experiments in mind control, AI & cloning are also carried out

    POTENTIAL GOOD USE : To help interrogate criminals

    (Sat-based – Pat US #3393279 16/7/68 P. Flanagan + Pat US #3647970 7/3/72 P. Flanagan)

    ACTUAL CRIMINAL USE :To make the target hear voices via the laser/MW/R.wave direction of sound that’s been converted to electrical impulse to go straight to the targets brain

    POTENTIAL GOOD USE : To communicate with the deaf, stroke victims etc

    NOTE: Alone, or in conjunction with subliminal and visual technologies, as well as role playing etc, these technologies can be used for trickery including apparent schizophrenic episodes, paranormal or “alien” encounters and much more.


    • These technologies are not freely available to honest law enforcers, only to spies and other criminals; their “associates”.
    • These “associates” include military madmen, political puppets, News Nazis and other organised crime figures (e.g. almost the entire entertainment industry is a protected organised crime operation).
    • The apparent respectability of many public figures is only an illusion, like the false impression that world events are random. Images and scenarios are manufactured to deceive the public and serve the corrupt masters of the agencies.
    • The agencies stock in trade includes lies, rumours and terror. Spook (ghost) writers are planted and recruited in politics, the media etc. Most public figures will say, do, read, sing etc whatever they’re told/paid to. They don’t care about the source (often surveillance) or targets (innocent victims).


    • Anyone challenging powerful criminals ideologically, politically etc is targeted.
    • These criminals run lucrative, protected operations; the drug trade, arms trade, systematic theft of intellectual property, human experimentation, terrorism etc.
    • You cannot criticize warmongers, drug barons or other oppressors without repercussions.


    • “National Security” and official secrets legislation protect the perpetrators.
    • Media complicity keeps the information out of the public domain e.g. one IBM Blue gene computer can process more information than six times the worlds total population (227 trillion calculations per second).
    • Others who know all of this are silenced; through satellite oppression or worse.
    • The criminals responsible delude themselves by equating their best interests with those of society in general. They thereby justify (to themselves) the mistreatment of free thinkers who question their crimes using the technologies listed over the page. All of those involved belong in prison.

    • The European Parliament passed a resolution calling for a worldwide convention to effectively ban all weapons for human manipulation (resolution on the environment, security and foreign policy A4-0005/99 January 28th 1999).
    • The UN Institute for Disarmament Research recognised non lethal/mind control weapons and listed them as weapons of mass destruction, recommending they be banned. This information was circulated to the worldwide media, politicians etc but was ignored.

    COMMENTARY by Paul Baird Website: www.surveillanceissues.com

    "This is frightening stuff but it’s not going to go away if we hide from it anymore than the Nazi threat would have. In fact many of the victims of these technologies are referring to the use of these inhuman methods as “The silent holocaust”; today, a covert culling/silencing of citizens who offend/oppose powerful criminals. The guilty are syndicate criminals and spies working for the CIA, DIA, MI6, MOSSAD etc.

    As further testament to man’s inhumanity to man certain illegal, involuntary human experiments are also being conducted using these technologies. Studies in how to remotely silence or manipulate people/events are, in fact, at the heart of all of this. Originally the targets chosen were institutionalised/defenceless people in jails, asylums and nursing homes. However, today political, ideological and business opponents across the wider worldwide community have been included in far-reaching programs designed to research social/mind influencing methodologies and silence opponents of organised crime. Many good people have been destroyed or killed by those responsible.
    The relevant programs have been called “satellite detention/torture programs”, “electronic POW camps”, “mental slavery” and worse by those campaigning against them.

    To fully comprehend the scale of these worldwide programs you’ll need to understand that computers with the ability to process well over 300 trillion calculations per second EACH are being used. As our human minds can only manage about 5000 calculations per second, each of these computers can process more information than ten times the world’s population so they can easily keep tabs on all of us… but we’re not the ones with something to hide.

    Now all of this is, of course, unacceptable and totally indefensible. If it wasn’t it would be done openly and not in secret. Those involved clearly belong in prison along with those that cover for them. However, pending that, something is being done, albeit in a theoretical and non publicised fashion… It will also help if you understand what has happened (so far) to combat the evil practices in question.

    Many human rights campaigners from around the world have spent years working on countless books, videos, websites, rallies and symposiums which highlight these matters. These include efforts by prominent persons like Dr Nick Begich, Dr Rauni Kilde (ex chief medical officer for Finland) and well known author Gloria Naylor. To date, all of it has been ignored by the criminally owned/controlled media. However, most importantly, there has been open condemnation of these methods by major political entities and I ask you to focus on these…
    1. The United Nations – UNIDIR (The UN Institute for Disarmament Research) officially recognised a range of weapons (both lethal and non-lethal), including the ones previously listed, and recommended that they ALL be banned as weapons of potential mass destruction. Naturally, the press releases and media guides that they issued on this matter were totally ignored by the mainstream media. This media treachery is the reason the public is unaware of the dangers.
    2. The European Parliament – They passed The Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy A4 – 0005/99, Jan 28th 1999. This resolution also called for a worldwide ban on ALL weapons for human manipulation to be achieved through an international convention. Again… no reaction from the complicit media mafia.
    3. US Federal politician Dennis Kucinich – He introduced a bill to ban all weapons in space. It was called “The Space Preservation Act of 2001” (HR 2977). The terms “psychotronic weapons”, “mood management” and “mind control” were ordered to be removed before the (unsuccessful) bill was reintroduced as HR 3616. His efforts mirrored similar attempts made some years earlier by ex astronaut, Sen. John Glenn.
    4. US Federal politician Jim Guest – recently wrote to all members of the US legislature asking for help for the countless victims of electronic harassment/torture (agency black operations being secreted from congressional scrutiny thus allowing corrupt officers to frame/torture innocents). To date, nothing concrete has come of this approach.

    All of these attempts were admirable but have not achieved the desired result due to a lack of integrity/resolve from other political bodies and the media. In Australia AFP complaints files are still being marked “politically sensitive”, even by sympathetic/knowledgeable Federal police. That’s clearly inadequate. I’m now approaching local community leaders looking for humanitarians who are prepared to do the right thing on this issue. Economic, military and political rationalizations are not morally/spiritually acceptable excuses for inaction on this matter. Hopefully clergymen will realise more than most that we are ultimately to be held accountable for both our actions and inaction AND that we’re to serve God not Mammon. Most hierarchies, agencies, businesses etc are corruptible. Their lies must not be accepted on important matters like these.

    Firstly, because I am well aware that many clergymen are already knowledgeable with regard to these matters (and those that are not can quickly verify the truth) I’ll attempt to motivate you with the following anecdote… Many years ago, as I began my research, I met with the senior American “security officer” outside the U.S. Embassy in Canberra. Looking to the sky then panning his arm across the skyline he boldly told me he knew everything that happened in every office in Canberra and then some. When I called MP’s to relay this terrible information at least one aide in each Ministers office later confirmed that this was all common knowledge. Obviously such a situation would be totally unacceptable to most Australian voters (if they knew) as this is not just done to protect US interests but to promote/enforce them. This may be an inconvenient, discomforting truth but we mustn’t bury our heads in the sand or pretend that might is right. I might add that senior Federal and State police, including one time NSW Police Commissioner, Bev Lawson, also confirmed that they too were monitored by satellite; i.e. instead of policing this sort of thing and other major crimes like the drug trade senior police are victims of it themselves. This too is totally unacceptable. It allows the complete protection of connected criminals. Bogus national security legislation, lies and rumours are being used to not only cover the silencing of the critics of powerful criminals (such as whistleblowers, anti crime/war campaigners, environmentalists and writers) but to prevent State or Federal police from intervening. Like the “false flag” spy operations that fuel modern day terrorism it’s all about Godless money worship.
    So, rather than abandoning future generations to the bleak prospect of satellite tyranny I ask that you now allow your conscience to guide you and look into these matters, preferably with a small group of like-minded colleagues but, if necessary, alone. My website www.surveillanceissues.com is a good summary for those unfamiliar with the problem
    When recognition is given to the fact that these issues affect all others and once personal fears and ambitions are put aside for the benefit of the common good then something real and positive can be done about this situation. All I can do is try to motivate you. Specifically, I seek a personal reply to this letter and approaches to church, human rights and political bodies on these matters. It would also help if I had someone on file who was prepared to act as a spiritual counselor to local victims.

    N.B I ask you to ignore man-made pressure to acquiesce and hope that you will (instead) respond as Jesus would. He didn’t pick and choose his fights based on politics, monetary reward etc. He fearlessly spoke the truth and we’re expected to follow his lead… even if it means carrying a cross. True believers, who realise that as eternal beings we should fear God not man, will help in whatever way they can.
    I thank you for your courage and compassion."
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