The news about certain modifications of the new DSM due shortly to come out in print, contains a topic that entails some fundamental problems, first and foremost of a legal nature:
- the suppression of the 'unavoidable' diagnosis of schizofrenia for people that declare 'hearing voices' may exclude these people from receiving professional psychological help,
- while on the other hand, changing hearing voices into a more or less 'normal' phenomenon, being 'subjective' in nature, can easily lead to the dismissal of any legal complaint and hence investigation into the possibility that these voices are technologically induced from outside or by way of implanted devices containing microchip sound-transmitters.
Those are problems that will have enormous consequences in the future as to their legal implications, and regarding the public awareness and knowledge about developments -or the prevention thereof- of things as well as regarding these developments themselves, that may deeply affect many facets of life in society and of economic life for not just the 'victims' and the 'perpetrators': because it will affect also the development of the technology involved, of its use and hence its 'industrial production', and the way huge amounts of capital will be invested and flow in one way or another, and it will affect medical and 'therapeutical' science- science that is that really 'cares'- as wel as the technological medical pseudo-science that 'plays' by way of 'experiments', etc...
All this is enough to make one sick, and more than just in a metaphorical sense.
Revolution in science: hearing voices is not an illness.
People who are hearing voices aren't forcibly insane. The new edition of the DSM, DSM V, is clear about that: auditory hallucinations are perfectly normal phenomena in humans. The dean of clinical psychology in Italy, professor at the university of Padova and author of numerous texts on this subject, Alessandro Salvini, comments in the magazine 'Affari': “Psychiatry has always stigmatized these phonomena, declaring them symptoms of psychosis. But from now on, thanks to the new DSM, this will no longer be true: auditory hallucinations, the so called 'voices', exist in a section of the normal population ranging from 8 to 15%.”
A call to update mental health diagnosing: The DSM unreality
DSM-5 Draft Criteria Open for Final Public Comment
May 2nd through June 15th, 2012
Please write you comment to DSM5 here:
Here is a petition to DSM5, mind control victims can leave your message to urge them not misdiagnose mind control victims with mental illness
I wish to comment, but my internet connection can not work properly, if anyone who can help, please post my comment to the DSM5 site. (you need to register to post your comment)
Here is my comment:
Dear Sirs/Madams,
Many normal people have been suffering the abuses and tortures of new high-technologies weapons—voices were transmitted directly into the skull of person from distance by voice to skull technologies.
Victims always were misdiagnosed with Psychotic Disorder by doctors; and government covered such horrible crime. If victims were misdiagnosed, the public would not believe their stories and would not help them too.
I urge GSM look into this serious matters and not misdiagnosing victims.
V2K (voice to skull), in 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: Nonleghal weapon which includes
(1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and
(2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.
Meanwhile, victims who suffered the abuses and tortures of voice to skull technologies also have been suffering the abuses and tortures of mind control technologies.
Mind control technologies are weapons which use drugs, electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.
I had collected many reported articles which introduced 'mind control technologies'. The listing of these articles would not mislead readers; it was a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies were.
Stories about Soleilmavis Liu
The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:
I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong
( )
Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures
Thank you and Best Regards!
And here I thought that the DSM 5 was totally all inclusive?
While Feds Fight Over Legitimacy of ‘Mental Disorders’—Millions of Kids Are Still Being Drugged
By Kelly Patricia O’Meara May 21, 2013
The American Psychiatric Association’s billing bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), finally has been outed for the fraud it is. The National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH, has declared that, “the weakness of the manual is its lack of validity.” That’s the good news.
The bad news is that while the nation’s premier mental health agency has finally admitted the uselessness of psychiatry’s manual, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, is still using the DSM criteria to lend credence to mental illnesses that are not based in science.
Worse still, no one appears to be questioning the implications of this diagnostic fraud on the millions of children who have been, and will continue to be, diagnosed with bogus mental illnesses, like ADHD, and then “treated” with “phunny pharma” stimulants (kiddie cocaine) and other a sundry prescription mind-altering drugs.
This is no small consideration when one understands that the Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, and the World Health Organization (WHO), more than a decade ago, listed Ritalin and Concerta (Methylphenidate) and Adderall (Amphetamine) along with morphine, heroin, opium and cocaine as Schedule II drugs – which “have the highest abuse potential and dependence profile of all drugs that have medical utility.”
The U.S. DEA classifies ADHD drugs in the same highly addictive category of drugs as cocaine, morphine and opium
Even the author of the DSM-IV, Dr. Allen Frances, has been spearheading a full-frontal attack on the newest version of the DSM, specifically targeting the changes to the alleged ADHD mental illness, stating, “we’re already over diagnosing ADHD. Almost 20 percent of teen boys get the diagnosis of ADHD, and about 10 percent of boys are on stimulant drugs. We don’t need to make it easier to diagnose ADHD.” Frances further explained, “If we decided as a society that the use of stimulants is good, it shouldn’t be done through a fake medical diagnosis.”
One might presume that with Dr. Frances’ stinging admissions, along with NIMH’s public statement that the DSM “lacks validity”—that it lacks science—that some lawmaking body, in an effort to protect children from fraudulent mental health care, would step up to the plate and initiate an inquiry into psychiatry’s bogus diagnosing.
Not only has this not happened but, rather, quite the opposite has occurred. In what can only be deduced as a pathetic attempt to rescue the APA from becoming an utter joke within the medical community, the CDC released a “first-ever” study about the growing epidemic of childhood mental disorders, which (you guessed it) is based on data of people diagnosed with mental disorders derived from the fraudulent DSM.
Perhaps more interesting is that the CDC does not list a single psychiatric diagnosis under its lists of diseases. ADHD, which the CDC reports in the recently released study “was the most prevalent current diagnosis among children aged 3-17 years,” is described on the CDC website as “one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood.” The CDC continues in its description of ADHD saying, “Scientists are studying the causes…” and “there is no test to diagnose ADHD.”
There is no medical test for ADHD because the disorder was not discovered in a laboratory, it was invented by a committee as a list of behaviors and repacked as “disease.”
Yep, that’s right. Like every other psychiatric diagnosis, there is no test for ADHD and nobody knows the cause of the alleged childhood mental illness. Still, the CDC explains the study is “an important step to better understand children’s mental disorders, identify gaps in data, and develop public health strategies to protect and promote children’s mental health….”
With all due respect to the CDC, what is important to understand about the study is that the data used to come to its conclusions, that “1 in 5 children in the U.S. suffers from a mental disorder,” is not based in science. Those who participated in the study received diagnoses subjectively pulled from a psychiatric diagnosing manual that has been summarily dismissed by NIMH, the nation’s leading mental health agency, and its equivalent in Europe, the British Psychological Society.
Furthermore, one only need review the “CDC Pledge” and its “Core Values” to fully grasp the blatant psychiatric fraud the CDC appears to be promoting. According to the agency’s website, the CDC pledges “to base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data, openly and objectively derived.” And, under its “Core Values” page, the CDC states “we ensure that our research and our services are based on sound science…”
“Highest quality scientific data?” “Research and services based on sound science?” What part of subjective diagnosing is scientific? According to NIMH, the nation’s leading mental health research body, psychiatry’s book of mental disorders “lacks validity” and it will no longer be using the manual.
One can only wonder at the disconnect between federal agencies, which, in itself, screams for an investigation. One also might begin to question what “science” is being used when the agency actually is researching real diseases?
The CDC, for all its good intentions—” to develop public health strategies to protect and promote children’s mental health”—is not living up to its own stated standards, leaving the nation’s children at continued risk of being labeled with fraudulent psychiatric diagnoses and drugged with extremely dangerous mind-altering drugs.
Kelly Patricia O’Meara is an award winning, former investigative reporter for the Washington Times, Insight Magazine, penning dozens of articles exposing the fraud of psychiatric diagnosis and the dangers of the psychiatric drugs – including her ground-breaking 1999 cover story, Guns & Doses, exposing the link between psychiatric drugs and acts of senseless violence. She is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills t... Prior to working as an investigative journalist, O’Meara spent sixteen years on Capitol Hill as a congressional staffer to four Members of Congress. She holds a B.S. in Political Science from the University of Maryland.