God poured a Blessing out for me in 1977 after trying to Blow the Whistle on Biological Warfare via Germ warfare. After doctors and Specialist and hospitals and Phycairtist turned a blind eye to the Truth. Laying on my Sofa with Gun in hand. The room filled up with a very loud deep voice and God said Don't Worry Son You Will Be Alright. And I am alright today just been torcherd and Destroyed and my family killed over a 40 year period. But God lead me to part of God's green earth two and a half acre with a five acres lake. They Destroyed my lake and home and killed my animals and tree's and my house has Chemical poisoning all in the kitchen and bathroom where they found my wife body. Even though my home is a Toxic Wast Dump and i am the only survivor today I could never leave my home no matter what they do. Very true story of the Crimes against humanity and Genocide. Thanks and God Bless.
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