I cast say this happens all round the world, but be aware it may follow a very similar pattern, especially in countries that do not have a communist government?
1. You are going about your usual business and someone may ask you to do something that is diametrically opposed to everything that you thus far consider right and just. You now have a choice, either do it, or don't do it, either way you are, 'damned if you do and damned if you don't.' If you do you are put on the treadmill and must for all time commit to that service as may be dictated to you by those in authority, the consequences of which are too frightening to contemplate if you don't. NB, I have heard someone say, I've got children." If you don't do as they ask you are condemned to Mental Hospitals, being beamed with voices in your head and pains anywhere and everywhere. Who's behind this? In most cases it's a politician. NB A lot agree with this, some will not but it's too late.
2. That politician unbeknown to you has got a hold of someone in your household, a relative, that relative will organise a vote of ten people or so that know you, or do business with you in one form or another, these will also be part of the same faction, Organised Gang-stalkers, almost invariably they will vote in favour of your demise.
3. Your relative(s) will then enter into a act and state that you are acting bizarre and you are not the person you was, and if you try to explain what your going through or even the technology, you are delusional and or paranoid, you are therefore in need of help from a psychiatrist who will medicate you and probably have you incarcerated in a Mental Facility for an indeterminate time until they consider it right to release you back into the community under certain restrictions, which you must adhere to or you will have to go back.
4. You are now considered by siciety as vulnerable, and in certain situations you may have your freedom outside the Mental Facility, restricted by a relative looking after your bank account, restricting your friends and or contacts, they will for all intents and purposes become your Guardian, legally appointed. They will be monitoring your every move.
5. If it was not quite like the above, that you saw or heard something that you where not supposed to witness then you may as soon as they can make you a TI via a vote as detailed above.
It does not matter how the cookie crumbles it always ends up as a close relative doing the dirty work to you.
From what I gather and suppose, especially what I have gleaned lately you have to be, Black & White, that is both Good & Bad.
I'm not sure how long I've got as they are going for two things, Cardiomyopathy, Simulated Heart Attack has failed, I also know I'm being beamed and they are going for Simulated Covid 19?