Laws Against Criminal Uses of Electromagnetic Energy Weapons
Here are some laws all over the world which compiled by Suzanne LeBoeuf and Soleilmavis Surveillance Laws in USA European Parliament A4-0005/1999 Paragraph 27 calls for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable “any form” of the "manipulation of human beings". which victims can complaint their suffering1. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Human Rights Complaints Human Rights Committee Committee against Torture
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Model Complaint Form
Postal address
Petitions Team, Office of the United Nations, High Commissioner for
Human Rights
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Fax: +41 22 917 9022 For urgent
matters (tb_petitions(a)
2. European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe
67075 Strasbourg-Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 20 18
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 30 Curia
To: The Registry
Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
L-2925 Luxembourg
Tel.: (352) 4303-1
Fax: (352) 43 37 66
http://curia.europa.eu4. Oversight Committee on Government Reform(USA)
1-202-225-5051 - Dave Turk - Democratic Oversight Committee
1-202-225-4784 - fax (oversight(a) - Republican
Oversight Committee
1-202-225-5074 - Phone
Use this fax number and e-mail address to send your story to this committee. It is tasked with investigating instances within the government of fraud, waste, and abuse. More specifically, we are in contact with the Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs. Please send them a letter explaining your situation and also requesting a hearing and/or an investigation.
5. International Criminal Court(The Netherlands)
Attn: Head of information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
PO Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
Send stories of your torture and harassment!!!!!!
6. National Center for Victims of Crime (USA)
2000 M Street NW, Suite 480, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 467-8700 Fax: (202) 467-8701
The center is updating their stalking laws to include Technology to all of the States. Please provide them the weapons and technology , so that these can be included.
Vulnerable people who have sought help from psychiatrists and psychologists have been falsely diagnosed and forced to undergo unwanted and often harmful psychiatric methods.CCHR is investigating these and other psychiatric abuses. We can assist you with your evidence and reports of criminal psychiatric practice.
All information will be held in strict confidence. psychiatric Abuse Hot Line (314) 729-2854
Address: P.O. Box 300256, St. Louis, MO 63130-9256
Office (314) 727-8307
Please file the following online form:
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Here is the letter:
We are truly sorry for your situation and past and present.
Our organization is not equipped to study such cases, but you may want to try to contact a human rights legal aid organization, such as the ACLU or your local Legal Services group.
Executive Assistant for PHR
Executive Assistant/Internship Coordinator
Physicians for Human Rights
2 Arrow Street, Suite 301
Cambridge, MA 02138
20 years of advancing health, dignity and justice
Note from Soleilmavis: From the letter, we know that Physicians fully understand the suffering of victims, They understand that victims are suffering from Mind Control and Directed Energy weapons torture and harassment; They understand that victims are not Psychiatric patients. Only because they are not equipped, that is why they can not study such cases.
I, Soleilmavis also has received a letter from them:
We have received your e-mail regarding your ordeal and are sorry for all the pain and suffering you have been experiencing.
Our organization is unable to assist in these matters, as we do not have the expertise to help; we have referred people to an organization that is made up of others who have experienced such trials, and I don’t know if they can assist you, possibly as a support group, if nothing else.
Here is the contact information of this group:
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022 Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Voicemail: 866-310-3117 FAX: 866-433-4170
Contact: Derrick Robinson, President
Sheila Epstein, Vice-President
Juanita Purdy, Secretary
We wish you the best and again are sorry for your ordeal.
Kathleen Carspecken
Executive Assistant/Internship Coordinator
Physicians for Human Rights
2 Arrow Street, Suite 301 Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel. (617) 301-4223 Fax. (617) 301-4205
20 years of advancing health, dignity and justice
Note from Soleilmavis: Derrick Robinson(USA) is a member of our MC mailteam (, Other members are: John Finch(Australia), Mostafa Hosny (Canada), Soleilmavis (China), Monika Stoces (Belgium).
MC mailteam has been recognized by many(domestic and international) organizations as a victims activists group who are trying best to help victims.( I did not introduce myself to them, so they referred me to Derrick Robinson).
Intrudution of Physicians for Human Rights
Physicians for Human Rights was founded in 1981, It mobilizes health professionals to advance health, dignity, and justice and promotes the right to health for all. Harnessing the specialized skills, rigor, and passion of doctors, nurses, public health specialists, and scientists, PHR investigates human rights abuses and works to stop them.
Our research takes us to conflict zones, to AIDS-ravaged Africa, to US prisons and juvenile detention centers―and our advocacy brings us to the offices of national and international policymakers. The courts,
decision makers and the media have come to rely on our credibility and expertise. Motivated by moral urgency, based on science, and anchored in international human rights standards, PHR’s advocacy advances
global health and protects human rights.
More news from PHR!9B6CD1D7F6F8F411!2259.entry
Kommy calls a petition to PHR, victims can send your petitions also to other Health Organizations. Please find contact from following link:!9B6CD1D7F6F8F411!1910.entry
Victim Kommy just received a letter from Physicians for Human Rights
Here is the letter:
We are truly sorry for your situation and past and present.
Our organization is not equipped to study such cases, but you may want to try to contact a human rights legal aid organization, such as the ACLU or your local Legal Services group.
Executive Assistant for PHR
Executive Assistant/Internship Coordinator
Physicians for Human Rights
2 Arrow Street, Suite 301
Cambridge, MA 02138
20 years of advancing health, dignity and justice
Note from Soleilmavis: From the letter, we know that Physicians fully understand the suffering of victims, They understand that victims are suffering from Mind Control and Directed Energy weapons torture and harassment; They understand that victims are not Psychiatric patients. Only because they are not equipped, that is why they can not study such cases.
I, Soleilmavis also has received a letter from them:
We have received your e-mail regarding your ordeal and are sorry for all the pain and suffering you have been experiencing.
Our organization is unable to assist in these matters, as we do not have the expertise to help; we have referred people to an organization that is made up of others who have experienced such trials, and I don’t know if they can assist you, possibly as a support group, if nothing else.
Here is the contact information of this group:
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022 Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Voicemail: 866-310-3117 FAX: 866-433-4170
Contact: Derrick Robinson, President
Sheila Epstein, Vice-President
Juanita Purdy, Secretary
We wish you the best and again are sorry for your ordeal.
Kathleen Carspecken
Executive Assistant/Internship Coordinator
Physicians for Human Rights
2 Arrow Street, Suite 301 Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel. (617) 301-4223 Fax. (617) 301-4205
20 years of advancing health, dignity and justice
Note from Soleilmavis: Derrick Robinson(USA) is a member of our MC mailteam (, Other members are: John Finch(Australia), Mostafa Hosny (Canada), Soleilmavis (China), Monika Stoces (Belgium).
MC mailteam has been recognized by many(domestic and international) organizations as a victims activists group who are trying best to help victims.( I did not introduce myself to them, so they referred me to Derrick Robinson).
Intrudution of Physicians for Human Rights
Physicians for Human Rights was founded in 1981, It mobilizes health professionals to advance health, dignity, and justice and promotes the right to health for all. Harnessing the specialized skills, rigor, and passion of doctors, nurses, public health specialists, and scientists, PHR investigates human rights abuses and works to stop them.
Our research takes us to conflict zones, to AIDS-ravaged Africa, to US prisons and juvenile detention centers―and our advocacy brings us to the offices of national and international policymakers. The courts,
decision makers and the media have come to rely on our credibility and expertise. Motivated by moral urgency, based on science, and anchored in international human rights standards, PHR’s advocacy advances
global health and protects human rights.
More news from PHR!9B6CD1D7F6F8F411!2259.entry
Kommy calls a petition to PHR, victims can send your petitions also to other Health Organizations. Please find contact from following link:!9B6CD1D7F6F8F411!1910.entry
Related articles: a letter from PHR!9B6CD1D7F6F8F411!2275.entry